Home / Reports / Sep 15, 2021

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

681 commits had been pushed across 43 repos by 107 authors. There were 318,460 additions and 252,266 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:20:12 [8a1cc863] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:31:26 [ee6efe09] Fixup nomad consul default token injection for connect (bitte)
00:32:46 [9769cb63] WIP WIP WIP (cardano-node)
00:34:50 [5e5d191e] Update sigma-rust to 0.14.0-alpha-a3940fc (yoroi-frontend)
00:40:58 [7fb1a382] bug fix (yoroi-frontend)
01:14:35 [a8f5d7be] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:14:55 [7dcc7f0b] Update showcases.js (developer-portal)
01:32:15 [4a64e056] Merge #2821 (cardano-node)
01:37:48 [aa01f5b4] migrate Delegation to useIntl (yoroi-mobile)
01:42:43 [8eabc77b] feat(core): add `currentWalletProtocolParameters` method to `CardanoProvider` (cardano-js-sdk)
01:59:57 [a2231b92] Block_txs RPC, block_info RPC optimisation (#1088) (guild-operators)
02:24:17 [83ea4866] Merge pull request #82 from input-output-hk/feature/cip30-messaging (cardano-js-sdk)
02:24:35 [a277f2db] migrate to useIntl FirstRun (yoroi-mobile)
02:26:45 [ccb55bba] deploy: 83ea48665b826682137a4af24c5b26ce86f2fb55 (cardano-js-sdk)
02:31:35 [51987455] Merge #3189 (cardano-node)
02:37:45 [8aec5e41] Merge branch 'develop' into upgrade-react-intl (yoroi-mobile)
02:45:31 [6cbac3b7] Add `assetsToMint` and `assetsToBurn` to `SelectionResult`. (cardano-wallet)
03:17:57 [6deda389] migrate to useIntl Ledger (yoroi-mobile)
03:19:20 [378dbc3e] migrate to useIntl Login (yoroi-mobile)
03:21:49 [a835b8fd] migrate to useIntl Receive (yoroi-mobile)
03:25:38 [a620536d] migrate to useIntl Send (yoroi-mobile)
03:30:36 [4b29182a] Merge branch 'develop' into upgrade-react-native-keychain (yoroi-mobile)
03:31:29 [a4d39097] migrate to useIntl Settings (yoroi-mobile)
03:34:02 [a23aa37d] Merge branch 'develop' into increase-storage-limit (yoroi-mobile)
03:36:02 [fcf256da] Merge branch 'develop' into better-types (yoroi-mobile)
03:39:13 [0b03f909] migrate to useIntl Transfer/TxHistory (yoroi-mobile)
03:39:23 [465cc05a] Reduce non-determinism (mill-derivation)
03:43:39 [089659be] Introduce functions `selectionDelta{AllAssets,Coin}`. (cardano-wallet)
03:48:00 [3937a522] Use `selectionDeltaCoin` to re-implement `selectionDelta`. (cardano-wallet)
03:52:00 [f09c0549] Merge pull request #1617 from Emurgo/upgrade-react-intl (yoroi-mobile)
03:54:22 [19c6619e] migrate to hooks UiKit/WalletInit (yoroi-mobile)
04:01:59 [b62026b7] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:02:01 [f5f99f40] update client (plutus-use-cases)
04:03:19 [e08682ba] make fmt (plutus-use-cases)
04:08:26 [75b3c64a] migrate to useIntl, useNavigation (yoroi-mobile)
04:12:20 [339ff4b2] Update depdencies to frontend vuex, fraction.js (plutus-use-cases)
04:12:33 [f0837df3] Revert "upgrade react intl" (yoroi-mobile)
04:13:41 [6cac4297] Update oracle page and oracle card (plutus-use-cases)
04:13:54 [36c47081] Merge pull request #1618 from Emurgo/revert-1617-upgrade-react-intl (yoroi-mobile)
04:13:56 [9e60f2d7] Add oracle contract instance id (plutus-use-cases)
04:14:27 [540b08d5] Add new getters for state and rates (plutus-use-cases)
04:14:48 [dfad6d38] Add dashboard for stable contract (plutus-use-cases)
04:15:17 [14735b2d] Update wallet select ui for oracle and non oracle page (plutus-use-cases)
04:15:35 [077bac02] Add contract owner page to configure contract (plutus-use-cases)
04:15:57 [cc5b137c] Add own user balance card in ui (plutus-use-cases)
04:16:18 [0db2ca90] Update fee calculation in mint redeem page (plutus-use-cases)
04:18:22 [d2e9751a] Remove runtime jar (mill-derivation)
04:24:22 [9bc54e48] Update plutus dependencies to cc7bc06 (plutus-use-cases)
04:25:29 [2f97aa19] Add update bank fee and update of contract status (plutus-use-cases)
04:26:01 [81a1d9c3] update to builtin data and contract using promises (plutus-use-cases)
04:26:22 [f5dbcbf7] Update simulation handlers using HasDefinition (plutus-use-cases)
04:28:02 [92eb2a24] Update tests for using Schema instead of blockchain actions (plutus-use-cases)
04:32:07 [95583d6a] stats: hydra 93b88e595abf05b9d770645e30393dd8ab0f0f35 (cardano-wallet)
04:32:08 [45e8f912] badge: hydra 93b88e595abf05b9d770645e30393dd8ab0f0f35 (cardano-wallet)
04:33:41 [ae8563a6] Merge branch 'develop' into upgrade-react-native-keychain (yoroi-mobile)
04:34:02 [79a9d698] Merge pull request #1614 from Emurgo/upgrade-react-native-keychain (yoroi-mobile)
04:34:16 [d382901d] Use `selectionDeltaAllAssets` to simplify `BalanceSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
04:34:16 [9adbc5d7] Add `Buildable` instance for `SelectionDelta`. (cardano-wallet)
04:35:57 [e9885d9b] Merge branch 'develop' into better-types (yoroi-mobile)
04:36:14 [302123cf] Merge pull request #1610 from Emurgo/better-types (yoroi-mobile)
04:39:12 [b6af05b8] Merge branch 'develop' into revamp-wallet-screen (yoroi-mobile)
04:45:17 [de6129ae] fixup! Change SealedTx to have dual representations (cardano-wallet)
04:54:31 [9938564c] Add Hackage.nix pin (cardano-wallet)
04:54:31 [c16862b1] nix: Regenerate materialized cabal projects (cardano-wallet)
04:54:31 [1adac256] .gitignore: Make it more specific (cardano-wallet)
04:54:31 [542d6bd6] nix: Take GHC version and index-state from cabal.project (cardano-wallet)
04:54:31 [97dcbcb7] Bump Haskell.nix to latest master (cardano-wallet)
04:54:31 [081f8671] Update Hackage index-state to 2021-09-01 (cardano-wallet)
04:54:31 [dd35cc03] Bump iohk-nix to latest master (cardano-wallet)
04:54:31 [cd441c8b] nix: Fix comment around hackage.nix/stackage.nix overrides (cardano-wallet)
04:54:32 [c19ac07b] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
04:54:32 [13906823] Buildkite: Run weeder as early as possible, after build, before test (cardano-wallet)
04:54:32 [26ed2530] temp commit: Add fluff (cardano-wallet)
04:54:32 [1137193d] nix-shell: Bump Weeder from 2.1.3 to 2.2.0 (cardano-wallet)
04:54:34 [0894378e] Update to LTS Haskell 18.9 / GHC 8.10.7 (cardano-wallet)
05:08:57 [af741c07] feat(core): add `currentWalletProtocolParameters` method to `CardanoProvider` (cardano-js-sdk)
05:19:21 [bbb38568] Merge pull request #89 from input-output-hk/feature/current-protocol-parameters (cardano-js-sdk)
05:20:51 [c41aa06c] Remove profile json and actually remove inputsHash (mill-derivation)
05:21:33 [48c4bd55] deploy: bbb38568cecd2c7577757b8e05f52e6d3c959b66 (cardano-js-sdk)
05:45:23 [75ec7020] Add a counter block propagation delay (cardano-node)
05:46:03 [24e21789] Calculate the CDF for 1s, 2s and 5s for block delay (cardano-node)
06:00:39 [ebfdb25f] change favicon (plutus-use-cases)
06:00:51 [a66659b1] Implement block size gauge (cardano-node)
06:01:27 [89936c2d] Bitcoin Aqua (cardano-token-registry)
06:07:11 [29595385] Use `selectionDeltaAllAssets` to simplify `BalanceSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
06:07:12 [efac20e4] Deprecate function `selectionDelta`. (cardano-wallet)
06:09:04 [a2edacd4] Use function `selectionHasValidSurplus` to simplify post-condition. (cardano-wallet)
06:14:18 [0d37b6f7] Add TODOs relating to ADP-346 (support minting and burning). (cardano-wallet)
06:17:27 [7f64279b] Update commentary on SerialisedTxParts (cardano-wallet)
06:21:07 [75356a1c] Add CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH environment variable (guild-operators)
06:34:22 [7b40a851] Merge #2897 (cardano-wallet)
06:46:35 [b366ee2d] Update running-cardano.md (developer-portal)
06:52:19 [1a5acd9f] Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.4 (#285) (developer-portal)
06:59:20 [6e814877] refactor(cip2): convert RandomSelect errors to ts-custom-error (cardano-js-sdk)
07:02:49 [07979f3e] Merge #2881 (cardano-wallet)
07:04:07 [f0885de1] Merge pull request #374 from cardanokombat/master (cardano-token-registry)
07:05:09 [9e365d7d] add autocomplete component (yoroi-frontend)
07:05:29 [48bd4d50] add name prop for themes (yoroi-frontend)
07:07:08 [95b26edd] Merge pull request #376 from GhoneyCredit/master (cardano-token-registry)
07:07:09 [2267f63b] Document generation of more graphs from benchmark runs (hydra-poc)
07:08:36 [6aa1233f] Merge pull request #378 from cardano-tools-nft/37354d93-84a7-41be-bd6a-1d708595edac (cardano-token-registry)
07:13:21 [82e27648] Fixes Cardano Explorer and Pull Request Template links (#272) (developer-portal)
07:16:15 [0eb9b38b] Merge pull request #2455 from input-output-hk/lehins/hlint-shelley-ma (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:16:56 [2f892d99] make transaction status return an either (plutus)
07:16:56 [78c1a4dd] make sync functions return errors (plutus)
07:16:56 [5078d12d] tidyup based on pr (plutus)
07:16:56 [87a75ad2] fix tests (plutus)
07:18:02 [f3c58130] add nft border (plutus-use-cases)
07:18:05 [ac9c779a] fix test (blockfrost-scala)
07:21:11 [ea8c21a0] set default version to 1.30.0 in docker-compose.yml (cardano-node)
07:23:18 [ae697d29] Merge #3203 (cardano-node)
07:23:35 [7cd5de79] test(cip2): test change of asset not included in requested outputs (cardano-js-sdk)
07:25:06 [13fc6ead] Formatting change to vitup output for easier matching of fund parameters (vit-testing)
07:30:34 [fcde8560] Modify generic API tests to handle OctetStream ReqBodys (cardano-wallet)
07:32:34 [a6dac653] deploy: 2267f63b1e430f51a40d02dba459863fb2de695c (hydra-poc)
07:45:02 [dab86460] Adding alonzo genesis files (#291) (developer-portal)
07:45:18 [30ba4ff2] deploy: d1c20305f661b467a3bb6ebb4a3c2b21a54b2ef5 (hydra-poc)
07:49:45 [8f7ab7f9] CNTools 8.6.5 - Minimum utxo output calculation post Alonzo (guild-operators)
07:51:44 [1ef164d3] Add fetch single page test (blockfrost-ruby)
07:51:54 [ae16ff32] refactor(cip2): improve result type to correspond to spec (cardano-js-sdk)
07:52:38 [067838de] CNTools 8.6.5 - Minimum utxo output calculation post Alonzo (#1092) (guild-operators)
07:57:17 [ab4a3217] Faster packing of integers into byte-strings (plutus)
07:58:40 [250ac81b] Merge #2897 (cardano-wallet)
07:58:53 [6bbead86] docs: Merge #2881 (cardano-wallet)
07:59:57 [e6ce67f3] stats: hydra 07979f3e0252812b30a43dc31686cb6d4277d8b0 (cardano-wallet)
07:59:58 [cbbc3c12] badge: hydra 07979f3e0252812b30a43dc31686cb6d4277d8b0 (cardano-wallet)
08:00:09 [6aea8c3f] bitte: Pull ports from env. (plutus)
08:08:44 [005eb8d5] Fix: transform_keys in format_response (blockfrost-ruby)
08:09:54 [3d0f18b1] custom chips for themes (yoroi-frontend)
08:13:55 [f20c6bd9] Disable the beta step to reduce the number of type inlinings. (plutus)
08:13:55 [6101e31c] Add INLINE (plutus)
08:15:33 [ed48e724] Prepare for multiple namespaces (plutus-ops)
08:16:40 [310079cb] scp-2745 - syntax (plutus)
08:18:24 [edd4eb77] Add learning resources and NFTs (djed)
08:19:18 [8b086c84] Update README.md (djed)
08:19:52 [955917b9] Version bump (guild-operators)
08:20:18 [5b7c7d94] Update README.md (djed)
08:21:24 [bf65d5dd] Update README.md (djed)
08:23:05 [b191e8d9] Update README.md (djed)
08:23:35 [ba47f25b] Update README.md (djed)
08:24:16 [d4080184] Update README.md (djed)
08:25:39 [7ef84ab2] YAML auto-format (chain-libs)
08:25:39 [079d49ee] CircleCI: fix update of registry index hash (chain-libs)
08:25:39 [58f8f3c7] CircleCI: Bump rust version to 1.54.0 (chain-libs)
08:26:47 [90c14aa4] Merge pull request #639 from input-output-hk/no-boxes-in-arc-please (chain-libs)
08:27:54 [2f1ef849] add InputLabel styles (yoroi-frontend)
08:28:04 [bfb21262] Version bump (#1093) (guild-operators)
08:28:58 [6113eb5e] Update README.md (djed)
08:30:47 [e9051db2] Override a clippy lint on Digest::digest (chain-libs)
08:32:11 [b5f129fb] Allowed remote identity transitions (ouroboros-network)
08:32:21 [10b2f8fb] Merge pull request #637 from input-output-hk/fix-circleci (chain-libs)
08:32:32 [a1c067e4] remove mogus mock currency (plutus-use-cases)
08:36:06 [7652f1ff] Fix playgrounds for namespaced web-ghc (plutus-ops)
08:36:36 [57307384] switching CIP-0020 to 'Active' (#119) (CIPs)
08:37:13 [2588cb1b] Merge branch 'multi-ns' (plutus-ops)
08:38:20 [8f0ab283] proptest: migrate to proptest and expose proptest APIs (chain-libs)
08:41:36 [73b3b475] Bump haskellNix/nixpkgs for flake fixes. bump index-state. (cardano-node)
08:44:05 [76099d4f] CI: Use actions-rs/install to install cbindgen (chain-wallet-libs)
08:44:21 [b7733bbf] Add request tests (blockfrost-ruby)
08:45:00 [d7f80c7b] Clarify Node (mantis)
08:45:00 [00cd73b7] Move trait NodesKeyValueStorage to db.storage package (mantis)
08:45:00 [3dcca128] Format (mantis)
08:45:00 [def819be] Remove unused dependency to WorldStateProxy in Blockchain (mantis)
08:45:00 [70ff9d60] Clean and comment InMemoryWorldStateProxy (mantis)
08:45:00 [a241c9df] Comment MptStorage and NodeStorage (mantis)
08:45:00 [b206920b] Clean and comment MerklePatriciaTrie and MptTraversals (mantis)
08:45:00 [477ffa4c] Typos in vm package (mantis)
08:45:28 [c017c151] Merge PR #272, #285, and #291 into main (#296) (developer-portal)
08:48:48 [352f6eb4] Merge pull request #3590 from input-output-hk/drop-unused-code (jormungandr)
08:51:46 [a9a8c25b] DB.MVar: Make it slightly less eager in evaluation (cardano-wallet)
08:51:46 [961e7a82] Api.Spec: Update golden JSON files (cardano-wallet)
08:51:46 [b02c45fb] Revert PR #2874 (cardano-wallet)
08:51:46 [f36effb6] Change SealedTx to have dual representations (cardano-wallet)
08:51:46 [81fc3fb3] Make signTx stub more stubby (cardano-wallet)
08:51:46 [931d3a38] Add Test.Utils.Pretty.(====) (cardano-wallet)
08:51:46 [5caeb4a7] swagger: Add withdrawal to sign transaction request (cardano-wallet)
08:51:46 [5a3b01ab] Add signTransaction to integration tests client (cardano-wallet)
08:51:46 [4670f6fa] Fix Api.TypesSpec (cardano-wallet)
08:51:46 [829434c8] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
08:52:43 [af6a0fa7] sync: Map ProtVer 6 0 to Alonzo (cardano-db-sync)
08:55:45 [18141872] Refactor: run rubocop and remove useless (blockfrost-ruby)
08:57:08 [1f258993] Merge pull request #3909 from input-output-hk/scp-2735-better-rollback-handling (plutus)
08:57:59 [c32e2517] SCP-2668: Delete unused fields (plutus)
08:58:36 [347392f5] fix compiler warnings (plutus)
09:00:36 [7f171234] swagger: Add balanceTx (cardano-wallet)
09:00:37 [531d197e] Implement balanceTransaction (cardano-wallet)
09:02:49 [6d74db2e] Draft a new chain component which will talk "directly" to cardano-nodes (hydra-poc)
09:03:30 [7e33921f] autodeploy: Update env-specific revision file (plutus)
09:04:06 [68b3fc90] production: Bump plutus to 7e33921f3d14f220f651ac0af66fb54361bf9092 (plutus-ops)
09:04:50 [8056a15f] test: scripts (blockfrost-js)
09:05:30 [271e354d] update nft use case to later version (plutus-use-cases)
09:08:57 [d6bb0f9b] Refactor: remove useless (blockfrost-ruby)
09:09:18 [707e499b] fix one spec, remove another (retry logic doesn't trigger the same way with more robust pivot block selection process) (mantis)
09:09:28 [76419da3] Test function `selectionHasValidSurplus`. (cardano-wallet)
09:10:55 [df8d949a] Merge #2897 (cardano-wallet)
09:13:18 [0564509b] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into fix/ddw-561-fix-usb-crash (daedalus)
09:18:14 [b42d55cf] Mapping file for GIL (cardano-token-registry)
09:18:40 [56fcdc13] Merge pull request #11 from blockfrost/develop (blockfrost-ruby)
09:20:21 [8e90aa81] Dummy implementation of the direct chain component. (hydra-poc)
09:26:51 [6985ad24] Merge branch 'awkure/quickcheck-action-bug' of github.com:mlabs-haskell/plutus into fix-quickcheck-actions (plutus)
09:27:00 [bba5373d] Handle tip updates in ad-hoc component (jormungandr)
09:27:00 [3ea10d4a] Fix explorer blocks mismatch (jormungandr)
09:27:10 [5ed65fb4] remove unused blockchain tip in explorer (jormungandr)
09:28:35 [9e01eaf9] db-sync: Handle roll back of PoolMetadataRef before result inserted (cardano-db-sync)
09:28:49 [83771a4b] refactor(cip2): remove minUtxoValue and add coinsPerUtxoWord protocol param (cardano-js-sdk)
09:29:09 [bdc90a79] CAD-3018 DB sync Best Practices update (cardano-documentation)
09:29:53 [492b19d5] better tasks, reporting, and nomad event handling (bitte-ci)
09:30:48 [db64bc56] Version 11.0.1 (cardano-db-sync)
09:31:14 [d2b763fa] Introduce Channel factory to connect component to node (hydra-poc)
09:31:26 [fe46adeb] imhamt: migrate to proptest from quickcheck (chain-libs)
09:32:30 [51af96e5] Added job for integration test (blockfrost-java)
09:32:56 [53455d9b] test: more coverage (blockfrost-js)
09:35:21 [449e3971] Test coverage (#127) (blockfrost-js)
09:36:35 [8b64c68f] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
09:36:35 [16e6fdb0] Api.TypesSpec: Add golden JSON files (cardano-wallet)
09:36:35 [5baaf627] Add example plutus transactions (cardano-wallet)
09:36:54 [9157addb] Removing the random constraint for building wallet (developer-portal)
09:37:24 [5b193570] Fake Channel creation (hydra-poc)
09:37:49 [c7fb8000] Create a separate workflow for integration tests (blockfrost-java)
09:37:50 [21153e8c] reFocus Africa Investors Network RAIN token (cardano-token-registry)
09:39:04 [5cf0feef] Update README.md (blockfrost-java)
09:40:08 [f24ba059] Integration test badge (blockfrost-java)
09:40:23 [b6bbf3a4] Merge pull request #824 from input-output-hk/erikd/protocol-version-6 (cardano-db-sync)
09:41:48 [67698611] Merge branch 'master' into NeilBurgess42/cad-3018-db-sync-best-practices (cardano-documentation)
09:42:49 [85abcfdd] test(cip2): add a few edge case tests (cardano-js-sdk)
09:42:56 [8909dc92] deploy: 8e90aa81dde5e8c54ee365bd138c657ab715322c (hydra-poc)
09:45:13 [48b04625] we no longer have to care about max slots (plutus)
09:52:14 [798b034a] Version 11.0.1 (cardano-db-sync)
09:53:34 [430db56f] Merge #2897 (cardano-wallet)
09:53:37 [7d72789e] chore(cip2): rm trash file (cardano-js-sdk)
09:56:03 [f907c6a0] Use TipUpdater in the bootstrap process (jormungandr)
10:00:40 [1bf87f87] Version bump 4.7.110 and fixed total wallet balance display (yoroi-frontend)
10:02:44 [fcd6496c] Add DEX example by BinarApps (plutus-use-cases)
10:04:11 [501892ea] fix compilation errors in marlowe tests (plutus)
10:06:18 [5e329e9d] add ticket number in todo (mantis)
10:08:54 [530ac97f] Test function `selectionHasValidSurplus`. (cardano-wallet)
10:10:57 [74f08c1a] Version 11.0.2 (cardano-db-sync)
10:11:52 [0c9ea332] Merge #2897 (cardano-wallet)
10:15:13 [a67c34ca] Add discardWallets to drop wallets from the emulator state (plutus)
10:16:37 [d150f370] move magneto comment up in fee schedule (mantis)
10:18:02 [13a16a5a] docs: Fix typo in TxMetadaJSON (cardano-db-sync)
10:18:02 [68f1405a] db-sync: Handle roll back of PoolMetadataRef before result inserted (cardano-db-sync)
10:18:58 [b699cba2] Version 11.0.2 (cardano-db-sync)
10:19:34 [263a7cf7] Add NoLockedFundsProof (plutus)
10:20:10 [d58121dc] formatAll (mantis)
10:20:46 [51e880f6] NoLockedFundsProofs for some example contracts (plutus)
10:20:57 [908b8a30] Merge pull request #640 from input-output-hk/we-love-digests-so-we-call-digest-to-construct-digest (chain-libs)
10:22:04 [6a5b92d9] update images (utxo-alliance-site)
10:28:35 [49d029c7] remove logs filter (jormungandr)
10:31:38 [1e8aadb6] swagger additions - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
10:32:07 [40f8f790] <TODO:RWRD2109> (yoroi-frontend)
10:33:34 [8e4146e5] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/production' into release/4.7.200 (yoroi-frontend)
10:38:58 [e911d54a] Handle tip updates in ad-hoc component (jormungandr)
10:38:58 [0b380ef3] Fix explorer blocks mismatch (jormungandr)
10:38:58 [72720f66] remove unused blockchain tip in explorer (jormungandr)
10:38:58 [5a0fe418] Use TipUpdater in the bootstrap process (jormungandr)
10:39:53 [d8be2473] Provide a remote address for UNIX snockets (ouroboros-network)
10:42:30 [e3893e13] use mkUTxOSafe for debugging (cardano-node)
10:47:07 [81f630dc] Added FabulArt logo in showcase directory (developer-portal)
10:49:34 [85bb150f] Added FabulArt project in projects showcase (developer-portal)
10:50:12 [1c5f3fe2] Explicit stateDir in snapshot scripts to avoid depending or working dir. (cardano-db-sync)
10:50:32 [7915057b] [DDW-561] Fixes array out of bounds exception (daedalus)
10:51:19 [1b3c6051] Version 11.0.2 (cardano-db-sync)
10:52:17 [98529e2b] Expose `config.nix` for flakes to use (haskell.nix)
10:55:02 [9e033589] use mkUTxOSafe for debugging (cardano-node)
10:58:38 [6259821f] Update docs (haskell.nix)
10:59:50 [dd9e04d7] Add a CardanoMainNet doc (blockfrost-ruby)
11:00:14 [19052d83] Expose `config.nix` for flakes to use (#1238) (haskell.nix)
11:00:36 [22bd784f] Update gh-pages for 19052d83 (haskell.nix)
11:02:35 [df085039] Bump cardano-node to 1.30.0-rc3 (cardano-wallet)
11:04:17 [452b3c5d] Merge branch 'master' into security-types (plutus)
11:05:26 [029927db] Add `assetsToMint` and `assetsToBurn` to `SelectionResult`. (cardano-wallet)
11:05:29 [56d7c265] Introduce functions `selectionDelta{AllAssets,Coin}`. (cardano-wallet)
11:05:30 [0699645d] Use `selectionDeltaAllAssets` to simplify `BalanceSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
11:05:30 [7a0005d2] Add `Buildable` instance for `SelectionDelta`. (cardano-wallet)
11:05:30 [f79807f0] Use `selectionDeltaCoin` to re-implement `selectionDelta`. (cardano-wallet)
11:05:31 [4e399f8b] Deprecate function `selectionDelta`. (cardano-wallet)
11:05:31 [88e5bbd4] Add TODOs relating to ADP-346 (support minting and burning). (cardano-wallet)
11:05:31 [48c1a2f9] Use function `selectionHasValidSurplus` to simplify post-condition. (cardano-wallet)
11:05:32 [cd7ea9be] Test function `selectionHasValidSurplus`. (cardano-wallet)
11:05:37 [a0fc7676] swagger additions - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
11:06:10 [bb05335c] Merge #2897 (cardano-wallet)
11:06:30 [78e81596] use makeUTxOSafe (cardano-ops)
11:08:03 [b3eb45b8] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
11:11:15 [e413362e] also update cabal.project (cardano-wallet)
11:15:07 [86bf3f00] Add validator documentation (blockfrost-ruby)
11:22:16 [d913d260] Add docs for configuration module (blockfrost-ruby)
11:30:05 [71754deb] Provide a remote address for UNIX snockets (ouroboros-network)
11:31:15 [9bc64e72] Add Params doc (blockfrost-ruby)
11:31:17 [4b8f75b1] scp-2745 - applicability checks for ACTUS contract tests (plutus)
11:33:13 [30acd124] NoLockedFundsProofs for some example contracts (plutus)
11:35:53 [c7979b50] Updated release action to trigger during tag creation (For testing) (blockfrost-java)
11:36:08 [46903646] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/blockfrost/blockfrost-java (blockfrost-java)
11:40:04 [031f755c] Add get_response doc (blockfrost-ruby)
11:41:39 [5495fe14] test: epochs (blockfrost-js)
11:42:27 [f926d4fe] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/get_addresses (yoroi-frontend)
11:42:28 [0cb5ac06] Signing key Id env added (blockfrost-java)
11:51:02 [80e5fa1b] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/tx (yoroi-frontend)
11:52:36 [cd7cfa8b] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release/4.7.200' into yushi/trezor-connect-update (yoroi-frontend)
11:53:56 [cd33e9d0] print time (jormungandr)
11:59:42 [ef263897] Enable signing for SNAPSHOT jar for testing (blockfrost-java)
12:02:35 [a965ec32] Disable signing for SNAPSHOT (blockfrost-java)
12:05:38 [09b6e16e] test: pools (blockfrost-js)
12:10:11 [73f49ed9] stats: hydra bb05335c4952613fceb1bd7b951de4d9a0345ba3 (cardano-wallet)
12:10:12 [af9fe107] badge: hydra bb05335c4952613fceb1bd7b951de4d9a0345ba3 (cardano-wallet)
12:11:11 [a6d6bb98] update artifacts for catalyst-dryrun (vit-ops)
12:12:08 [ec5c1459] Commit our unfinished business from today (hydra-poc)
12:13:05 [167d2372] Added scripts to generate and plot graph for UTXO size (hydra-poc)
12:13:05 [2c827564] Add generator for constant UTXO set (hydra-poc)
12:13:06 [f2ceb994] Add option to generate large or small transactions (hydra-poc)
12:13:06 [2444f5f8] Document generation of more graphs from benchmark runs (hydra-poc)
12:13:06 [775aebb4] Use constant UTXO generator for benchmark (hydra-poc)
12:14:00 [517f2912] print time (jormungandr)
12:14:46 [32b6d0f7] Test `makeChange` with assets that are minted but not spent or burned. (cardano-wallet)
12:18:00 [67f23cab] Add request public methods docs (blockfrost-ruby)
12:19:18 [215de531] Fix typos in bench help text (hydra-poc)
12:19:49 [ec553f56] update artifacts for catalyst-dryrun (vit-ops)
12:20:46 [ef28ce65] [DDW-561] Fixes array out of bounds exception (daedalus)
12:21:01 [2a5534a1] Add clusterSize to bench name (hydra-poc)
12:21:14 [a8db38f2] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fix/ddw-561-fix-usb-crash' into fix/ddw-561-fix-usb-crash (daedalus)
12:24:58 [911f5590] Add custom endpoints docs (blockfrost-ruby)
12:26:48 [2e16480f] Add link to the ticket (plutus)
12:26:52 [a0d12101] Flow & Lint (yoroi-frontend)
12:32:06 [ac8e7c50] Remove the restriction that all minted assets must be spent or burned. (cardano-wallet)
12:33:41 [802aeae2] Merge #2613 (cardano-node)
12:33:49 [23727d05] fix test (yoroi-frontend)
12:35:07 [c5a0ce35] Add account_endpoints docs (blockfrost-ruby)
12:36:29 [35df6350] add api's endpoint, types and client (cardano-wallet)
12:37:05 [d0e60902] chain-crypto: migrate tests from quickcheck to proptest (chain-libs)
12:38:02 [90488947] [DDW-735] Shelley QA network magic added to cardano-node.types and code cleanup (daedalus)
12:39:53 [fe930a8a] tests: metadata (blockfrost-js)
12:44:02 [ca2ea6d6] Lint (yoroi-frontend)
12:45:40 [279e0f96] Lint (yoroi-frontend)
12:46:47 [2460a370] Re-use options to have less arguments in bench/Main (hydra-poc)
12:48:12 [e71489e7] chain-storage: Remove an unused field (chain-libs)
12:48:47 [3c3a483e] Add addresses_endpoints doc (blockfrost-ruby)
12:50:41 [23c2fdf9] More tests coverage (#128) (blockfrost-js)
12:51:08 [ac521ffb] Disable tx creation while catalyst registration is being submitted (adalite)
12:51:12 [664ae1dd] Optionally disable closing modal if clicked outside (adalite)
12:52:04 [24151795] Added Pruning multinode_Sim test (ouroboros-network)
12:52:06 [93c5df1d] multinode_Sim tests refactor (ouroboros-network)
12:52:06 [034d190e] Trace counters after transitions (ouroboros-network)
12:52:06 [4965c72a] Added multinode_Sim_Pruning_HardLimit test (ouroboros-network)
12:52:06 [b923be27] Counted OutboundIdleState in counters (ouroboros-network)
12:52:06 [e7e957cb] Fixes async exceptions in connectionLoop (ouroboros-network)
12:52:06 [89cb04c0] Refactored Server2 multinode_Sim tests (ouroboros-network)
12:52:06 [094ebafb] Fixes async exception handling in Snocket (ouroboros-network)
12:52:12 [ec898629] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release/4.7.200' into yushi/trezor-connect-update (yoroi-frontend)
12:53:12 [8a7a8479] Revert previous revertion to support trezor FW 2.4.2 (streamed signing) (adalite)
12:53:13 [d09b4db5] Bump trezor-connect version (adalite)
12:54:00 [cfb357cf] Add assets_endpoints docs (blockfrost-ruby)
12:57:49 [13eaa683] Update README.md (blockfrost-js)
12:59:53 [b1203675] Add `calculate_min_value` back to make it compatible with 1.29.0 (cardano-clusterlib-py)
13:00:20 [56bcdb37] chain-vote: Remove unused struct fields (chain-libs)
13:00:58 [e639952d] Update README.md (#129) (blockfrost-js)
13:01:23 [3b6778ed] Merge pull request #188 from NeilBurgess42/NeilBurgess42/cad-3018-db-sync-best-practices (cardano-documentation)
13:02:11 [4cfcdf42] Merge pull request #47 from mkoura/revert_calculate_min_value (cardano-clusterlib-py)
13:03:19 [edc3bea8] more prints (jormungandr)
13:05:25 [dea9b656] Annotate tx out datums with a context. The UTxO only records the datum (cardano-node)
13:06:53 [8d714baf] Handle split chain tip queries. (cardano-node)
13:07:47 [9b4390ff] Propagate the newly annotated TxOutDatum (cardano-node)
13:07:48 [cd8cca33] Update tx-generator with TxOut contexts (cardano-node)
13:07:48 [9c0743ee] Propagate tagged tx out datum changes to cardano-cli. We can now build a transactions with actual datums or datum hashes. (cardano-node)
13:08:46 [e0978de1] Merge #3177 (cardano-node)
13:09:36 [d5e65908] Update README.md (blockfrost-js)
13:11:44 [502b59f6] 6.7.0 (adalite)
13:11:44 [fc7529b0] Remove chain_length field from ApplyBlockLedger (chain-libs)
13:11:46 [757d3a1c] Bench: Don't count CSV header (hydra-poc)
13:11:55 [21b6ca68] Bench: Plot and label submitted TPS (hydra-poc)
13:12:27 [b9694e0a] introduce balanceTransaction in Wallet.Api.Server with errors (cardano-wallet)
13:13:43 [92b57e20] Add blocks_endpoints docs (blockfrost-ruby)
13:13:52 [63e0e6cc] update alonzo-genesis.yaml in integration tests with mainnet parameters and adjust tests (cardano-wallet)
13:14:03 [c5daa323] Implement `Store` for `IsRow` using plain SQL queries (cardano-wallet)
13:14:16 [bf425987] Update clusterlib to 0.1.43 (cardano-node-tests)
13:14:36 [33d8ffe5] Handle split chain tip queries. (cardano-node)
13:14:44 [e5929f2a] build(deps): bump chain-impl-mockchain from `8bdcd2c` to `908b8a3` (jormungandr)
13:16:54 [d0fa2b24] Bump trezor-connect to 8.2.0 (adalite)
13:17:20 [241c99c0] 6.7.1 (adalite)
13:18:52 [9e929adf] build(deps): bump symmetric-cipher from `7482052` to `9bded36` (jormungandr)
13:22:06 [76d02155] Added scripts to generate and plot graph for UTXO size (hydra-poc)
13:22:07 [2127abaf] Add generator for constant UTXO set (hydra-poc)
13:22:08 [64054cc8] Use constant UTXO generator for benchmark (hydra-poc)
13:22:09 [c045d610] Add option to generate large or small transactions (hydra-poc)
13:22:11 [daeb85d1] Document generation of more graphs from benchmark runs (hydra-poc)
13:22:12 [7d0a718a] Address review comments (hydra-poc)
13:22:49 [bc8ce462] 1.30.0-rc3 (cardano-node-docker)
13:24:35 [dcf1d5af] Split utility function `adjustAllQuantities`. (cardano-wallet)
13:25:14 [b0f31327] Add clusterSize to bench name (hydra-poc)
13:26:03 [d9a9e9a7] Re-use options to have less arguments in bench/Main (hydra-poc)
13:26:05 [04f16e59] Bench: Don't count CSV header (hydra-poc)
13:26:05 [42a84a44] Bench: Plot and label submitted TPS (hydra-poc)
13:26:54 [8eac504c] Merge pull request #2373 from Emurgo/yushi/trezor-connect-update (yoroi-frontend)
13:28:20 [692da317] Simplify generator for `SelectionCriteria`. (cardano-wallet)
13:28:57 [aae6da2f] Add cli command to generate reviews from proposals (vit-testing)
13:31:32 [c2042e67] make it easier to build all commands at once (bitte-ci)
13:32:02 [113681e2] doc: add doc for search api (cardano-rosetta)
13:32:21 [941f3517] more prints (jormungandr)
13:32:21 [bdc64148] print time (jormungandr)
13:33:25 [0a3fa599] non builtin value cases (subject to some unproven lemmas) (plutus)
13:34:11 [1db47d5d] fix: add chain code and attributes to tx witnesses (cardano-rosetta)
13:34:12 [7efea5f3] fix: fix send tx with byron example (cardano-rosetta)
13:34:12 [7a180d09] doc: add documentation for byron addresses (cardano-rosetta)
13:34:13 [16049981] test: add test for byron case (cardano-rosetta)
13:34:14 [6fecc2e0] revert: revert ttl number in byron example (cardano-rosetta)
13:34:15 [a86c3d3d] refactor: change chain code description in open api (cardano-rosetta)
13:34:16 [40887502] test: add missing chain code test case for byron addresses (cardano-rosetta)
13:34:25 [80bc08ef] Bump cardano-node to 1.30.0-rc3 (cardano-wallet)
13:34:39 [c465b4c7] Try #2898: (cardano-wallet)
13:37:31 [fcab8dd9] Add a test that events are sufficiently lazy. (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:38:31 [94d304fc] add test-address-gen (cardano-node)
13:38:44 [b5d4ed60] Merge pull request #712 from mkoura/update_clusterlib_0.1.43 (cardano-node-tests)
13:39:59 [734efd0a] Update cardano-clusterlib dependency (cardano-node-tests)
13:40:09 [c7c9ef7f] Update clusterlib to 0.1.43 (cardano-node-tests)
13:41:17 [f8068f60] Improvements for parallel execution (cardano-node-tests)
13:43:03 [0d9fd7ed] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
13:45:05 [d52607b7] Add epochs_endpoints docs (blockfrost-ruby)
13:46:15 [586dd641] [DDW-561] New entry in changelog (daedalus)
13:47:04 [f9088c75] Add health enpoints docs (blockfrost-ruby)
13:51:00 [cb258eeb] form fixes (utxo-alliance-site)
13:51:20 [b5eee0b7] Add metadata_endpoints docs (blockfrost-ruby)
13:54:12 [e3390b2b] [PlutuxTx.Ratio]: Use reduce in recip (fix #3897). (plutus)
13:58:49 [7d42ffe7] add test-address-gen (cardano-node)
14:01:36 [d306c9e9] Add INLINE (plutus)
14:01:37 [0087ecb3] Disable the beta step to reduce the number of type inlinings. (plutus)
14:01:37 [22abf752] Add link to the ticket (plutus)
14:06:24 [67f2ebef] update plutus-ir golden files (plutus)
14:09:02 [b4565a28] Version bump 4.7.200 (yoroi-frontend)
14:09:43 [a5bf91b7] Add nutlink_endpoints docs (blockfrost-ruby)
14:13:56 [1f790e3c] (Unrelated) Reuse unitRedeemer (plutus)
14:18:18 [093efe06] Propagate tagged tx out datum changes to cardano-cli. We can now build a transactions with actual datums or datum hashes. (cardano-node)
14:18:20 [728cf2b4] Update tx-generator with TxOut contexts (cardano-node)
14:18:52 [4fa00a05] Fix even (#3930). (plutus)
14:19:08 [c586b7b7] chain-crypto: migrate tests from quickcheck to proptest (chain-libs)
14:20:00 [08c1a92b] Fix a bug relating to reusing a variable name in two binders (plutus)
14:20:00 [3b18ece7] Remove a workaround for a fixed bug (plutus)
14:20:00 [c7a27c99] Make more things run in Quote to avoid shadowing (plutus)
14:20:00 [f41ed1ee] Insert more pedantic checks (plutus)
14:21:31 [b00387c7] Add pool_endpoints docs (blockfrost-ruby)
14:21:49 [51947a56] Merge pull request #190 from input-output-hk/use-actions-rs-install (chain-wallet-libs)
14:22:03 [f559ca6e] Add plutus scripts designed to check that the script context is (cardano-node)
14:22:04 [11ed180b] Expose cardano-api generators (cardano-node)
14:22:04 [779e0c62] Update query tip to return system start time (cardano-node)
14:22:05 [055838e4] Refactor query (cardano-node)
14:22:05 [2f0c02e7] Update plutus scripts and add shell scripts that test the script context (cardano-node)
14:22:05 [d379acb3] release.nix: exclude plutus-example from cross building. (cardano-node)
14:22:06 [0720c277] Undo mods (cardano-node)
14:22:06 [783338d4] TxValidity check (cardano-node)
14:22:06 [e81fb14f] Add description (cardano-node)
14:24:22 [bc963e0a] Merge pull request #2448 from input-output-hk/andre/alonzo-audit (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:27:35 [4267139b] swagger additions - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
14:27:40 [03b9cc7e] swagger additions - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
14:27:40 [7772c489] add api's endpoint, types and client (cardano-wallet)
14:27:40 [56b13d1c] introduce balanceTransaction in Wallet.Api.Server with errors (cardano-wallet)
14:28:09 [6f6c2225] show success message for 10s (utxo-alliance-site)
14:33:05 [bd4b4acf] Add transaction_endpoints docs (blockfrost-ruby)
14:44:22 [818d4f2f] Add ipfs_endpoints docs (blockfrost-ruby)
14:46:54 [7295f5dd] Refactor: run rubocop (blockfrost-ruby)
14:49:11 [f002f2f2] Refactored Server2 multinode_Sim tests (ouroboros-network)
14:55:15 [98d98a40] Fixing Docker build. Fixes #137 (cardano-addresses)
14:56:53 [cf17a27f] Merge pull request #12 from blockfrost/develop (blockfrost-ruby)
14:58:52 [44647a61] Address CR concerns (ouroboros-network)
15:00:33 [1c035188] Create a gadget to generate distinct plutus scripts in tests (plutus)
15:02:16 [9677c900] Fix compilation error and make test pass (hydra-poc)
15:02:42 [02f81cc8] Added scripts to generate and plot graph for UTXO size (hydra-poc)
15:02:43 [b6c0aff8] Add generator for constant UTXO set (hydra-poc)
15:02:45 [4371e03d] Use constant UTXO generator for benchmark (hydra-poc)
15:02:46 [d26268eb] Add option to generate large or small transactions (hydra-poc)
15:02:47 [38c35a02] Document generation of more graphs from benchmark runs (hydra-poc)
15:02:48 [d29fdf48] Address review comments (hydra-poc)
15:04:55 [11cfb8e2] Bump haskellNix/nixpkgs for flake fixes. bump index-state. (cardano-node)
15:04:58 [08cf4153] chain-crypto: migrate tests from quickcheck to proptest (chain-libs)
15:06:52 [83ac5041] add ToJSON/FromJSON instances of added types (cardano-wallet)
15:06:57 [02b79826] Add clusterSize to bench name (hydra-poc)
15:06:58 [44fbbd78] Re-use options to have less arguments in bench/Main (hydra-poc)
15:07:00 [00490bea] Bench: Don't count CSV header (hydra-poc)
15:07:01 [a7374fad] Bench: Plot and label submitted TPS (hydra-poc)
15:11:17 [b3a96945] Extract vitup: first step (vit-testing)
15:11:52 [88359aed] add remaining rewards openapi doc (jormungandr)
15:12:00 [34c8cbe9] Update README.md (#130) (blockfrost-js)
15:13:07 [f827a432] At PV6, translate time for Plutus correctly. (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:17:21 [e9189b16] CIP-0022 | Pool Operator Verification (#102) (CIPs)
15:18:50 [9a2e45d0] CIP-0021 | Restrictions on transactions signed by hardware wallets (#107) (CIPs)
15:19:06 [485ac439] add updateTx in Transaction interface (cardano-wallet)
15:20:49 [ae2b8b20] update Malformed (cardano-wallet)
15:20:50 [0fad3bd7] deploy: 9677c9003b17d9e96c4733e8daf4d56bb8c184e4 (hydra-poc)
15:21:31 [bf3a1a8d] Replace asset image with a new one (yoroi-frontend)
15:25:54 [b15723ab] update TypesSpec and WalletSpec (cardano-wallet)
15:28:53 [52205ce3] add plutus script data (cardano-wallet)
15:31:38 [680bfcc3] A futile attempt to unspaghetti some code (jormungandr)
15:34:09 [be128d2b] add plutus scripts unit compatibility testing (cardano-wallet)
15:36:52 [28704151] Remove meta.json files (mill-derivation)
15:41:09 [aa7bc087] Max known PV is now the Alonzo PV. (ouroboros-network)
15:44:59 [972252fd] [DDW-694] Storybook stories (daedalus)
15:47:32 [f9e4fd48] Fix/byron address support (#423) (cardano-rosetta)
15:52:25 [5f5b8f27] [DDW-694] Storybook stories (daedalus)
15:53:17 [4351530f] DB.MVar: Make it slightly less eager in evaluation (cardano-wallet)
15:53:17 [213acb53] Fix Api.TypesSpec (cardano-wallet)
15:53:17 [4b7bcf82] Revert PR #2874 (cardano-wallet)
15:53:17 [69960625] Add Test.Utils.Pretty.(====) (cardano-wallet)
15:53:17 [a36c2cee] swagger: Add withdrawal to sign transaction request (cardano-wallet)
15:53:17 [1dd16e96] Api.Spec: Update golden JSON files (cardano-wallet)
15:53:17 [1eec8533] Add signTransaction to integration tests client (cardano-wallet)
15:53:18 [bb30149c] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
15:53:34 [d9f39d6d] updating ledger and consensus (cardano-node)
15:55:04 [e34d2c68] Merge pull request #2393 from Emurgo/release/4.7.200 (yoroi-frontend)
15:56:08 [7f1172e3] Change SealedTx to have dual representations (cardano-wallet)
15:56:08 [42df3813] Change SealedTx to have dual representations (cardano-wallet)
15:56:43 [a5fd4b49] Merge pull request #2394 from Emurgo/production (yoroi-frontend)
15:56:43 [40ee9f27] Use permalinks to latests pre-built binaries (developer-portal)
15:58:13 [e1f6bdc9] Merge branch 'develop' into develop (yoroi-frontend)
15:58:32 [1e7bae12] SCP-2758: Encode out-of-range integers as bigints (plutus)
15:58:52 [dbca49f9] Bump @npmcli/git from 2.0.6 to 2.1.0 (yoroi-frontend)
15:58:54 [f32ecc74] Bump dns-packet in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
15:58:57 [89382a80] Bump url-parse in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
15:58:58 [02c11352] Bump ws in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
15:58:58 [481999a4] cache call of getVerificationKey (cardano-node)
15:58:59 [b784f2d9] Bump ws in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
15:59:00 [b4249bc5] Bump url-parse in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
15:59:00 [dd5f4fdb] Bump dns-packet in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
15:59:17 [79c146b8] export aliased Config type from evm crate (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [cef161be] add tests for serializing Contract into ByteBuilder<_> (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [acae6eed] finish first attempt at 'impl Payload for Contract' (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [3f258b58] stub smartcontract module, add Fragment::SmartContract(_) and FragmentTag::SmartContract (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [e31cae7a] Use the same parameters as 'eth_sendTransaction' for contract deployment (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [550a709c] add another test case for reading contract with ReadBuf (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [bd9a0f96] optional H160 and U256 values that are 0, serialize as None (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [eb4a699f] use feature gate for tests prelude (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [9c7dcc6f] rename fragment & fragment tag to SmartContractDeploy (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [08530ccb] add implementation of Readable::read for Contract (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [cbdbe4c8] Feature gate variant instead of variant fields (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [7417ce03] check that the buffer has been read before returning contract (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [5627e8de] chain-evm makes configuration types public (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [6c1b821c] expose aliased ethereum types needed to deploy a smart contract (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [1c4e75bc] make sure only 0 and 1 values are possible when checking for optional values (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [df9ac603] simpler feature gate usage for EVM variant (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [2940506d] implement Contract::serialize_in method (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [d70b6248] update evm crate to v0.30.1 (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [0f20b895] add test to read EVM contract from ReadBuf (chain-libs)
15:59:17 [c4508813] more tests for reading EVM contracts from byte buffer (chain-libs)
15:59:21 [558cc717] deploy: a7374fad814c7e1a65ab366aa204fe0d17f3ab42 (hydra-poc)
15:59:47 [ecf765da] Bump tar from 4.4.13 to 4.4.19 (yoroi-frontend)
16:00:19 [cee38655] Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (yoroi-frontend)
16:00:32 [e1084449] Testing tx validity range (cardano-node)
16:01:48 [b333cd31] Use constant UTXO generator for benchmark (hydra-poc)
16:01:48 [c2bbe817] Add option to generate large or small transactions (hydra-poc)
16:01:48 [a5d9c7bf] Bench: Plot and label submitted TPS (hydra-poc)
16:01:48 [9938b1de] Add clusterSize to bench name (hydra-poc)
16:01:48 [8c0deae0] Add generator for constant UTXO set (hydra-poc)
16:01:48 [fba5ceb7] Address review comments (hydra-poc)
16:01:48 [e2a53550] Added scripts to generate and plot graph for UTXO size (hydra-poc)
16:01:48 [3b807cf9] Bench: Don't count CSV header (hydra-poc)
16:01:48 [055ffe22] Document generation of more graphs from benchmark runs (hydra-poc)
16:01:48 [98075206] Re-use options to have less arguments in bench/Main (hydra-poc)
16:02:32 [8e348831] Revert "Refactored RewardSnapShot, and added Pulsing to SnapShots." (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:07:56 [bdaf2260] fix: remove duplicated test (cardano-rosetta)
16:07:57 [0fa9e071] updating ledger (cardano-node)
16:08:47 [2bea97e4] Update CIP-0021.md (CIPs)
16:09:03 [08544988] Make mockSealedTx work better (cardano-wallet)
16:09:03 [d3a8271a] Rework calcScriptExecutionCost using SealedTx (cardano-wallet)
16:09:33 [52a59a7d] check getVerificationKey (cardano-node)
16:10:40 [ea1a6eb0] swagger: Add balanceTx (cardano-wallet)
16:10:40 [1af7267d] Api.TypesSpec: Add golden JSON files (cardano-wallet)
16:10:40 [9816d2d0] Add example plutus transactions (cardano-wallet)
16:10:40 [fb9db594] Implement balanceTransaction (cardano-wallet)
16:10:40 [3b145bb6] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
16:10:43 [f2368c54] Update CIP-0021.md (#126) (CIPs)
16:10:45 [231020d8] refactor: hoist KeyManager & errors into core package from prototype (cardano-js-sdk)
16:10:46 [3a812939] chore(in-memory-key-manager): add missing dependency (cardano-js-sdk)
16:10:46 [c9e9f9e7] feat: create in-memory-key-manager package WIP (cardano-js-sdk)
16:10:47 [caec5cb6] chore(cardano-serialization-lib): add missing dependency (cardano-js-sdk)
16:11:35 [16f770cd] refactor: improve and simplify key manager implementation (cardano-js-sdk)
16:11:50 [29feda7f] Add coin filter to search transactions (#428) (cardano-rosetta)
16:12:52 [0dd66e99] wip docs (plutus)
16:16:46 [4f73e492] Buildkite: Use nix-shell --pure for cabal configure step (cardano-wallet)
16:18:55 [90b5eebc] cardano-cli: Add update proposal friendly printing (cardano-node)
16:19:56 [86dae826] refactor: improve and simplify key manager implementation (cardano-js-sdk)
16:20:11 [7e1e7e46] Update plutus-use-cases tests (plutus)
16:22:31 [f9d126ff] Address PR comments. (plutus)
16:24:23 [b8901b6d] nix: add extendedScripts to outputs (cardano-db-sync)
16:25:58 [e81c34a4] Fix even (#3930). (#3933) (plutus)
16:26:09 [acc05c20] bench: pin node to https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-node/pull/3204 (cardano-ops)
16:26:20 [927a39f4] feat: add queries when searching by operation type (cardano-rosetta)
16:26:21 [1b3ef632] feat: add search transactions with type filter (cardano-rosetta)
16:26:22 [171dde13] feat: add filters to search transactions query (cardano-rosetta)
16:26:23 [aadab09e] test: adapt network options test (cardano-rosetta)
16:26:24 [e36287d7] refactor: move order by sentence to type queries (cardano-rosetta)
16:26:25 [624bee5a] Add coin filter to search transactions (#428) (cardano-rosetta)
16:26:26 [8b29d83a] test: resolve test conflicts (cardano-rosetta)
16:31:22 [92dfd9c9] HLint (cardano-wallet)
16:43:14 [54803aa6] Fix a bug relating to reusing a variable name in two binders (plutus)
16:47:16 [539765d2] Rename before typechecking when doing paranoid checks (plutus)
16:48:15 [7f03c769] adding 2021-09-07 CIP meeting notes (#127) (CIPs)
16:58:04 [ab2ce0d9] updates for db-sync version upgrade (vit-ops)
17:10:18 [0bfd9348] Testing tx validity range (cardano-node)
17:13:31 [ddfbea14] revert PulsingStakeDistr (ouroboros-network)
17:14:29 [0d3a67bf] Remove unused member from testing::data::Wallet (chain-libs)
17:15:24 [c49008a0] Change Wallet::alias to by-reference accessor. (chain-libs)
17:15:24 [20cfcfba] Add plutus scripts designed to check that the script context is (cardano-node)
17:16:14 [91e7f4c1] Remove an unused seed from ConfigBuilder (chain-libs)
17:16:27 [1865bfc7] Expose cardano-api generators (cardano-node)
17:16:53 [be6200c7] updating ledger and consensus (cardano-node)
17:21:39 [5de5d3c2] cardano-tracer: fixed and improved tests. (cardano-node)
17:24:15 [a4df725f] Adding FabulArt project in projects showcase (developer-portal)
17:26:33 [cc355c11] Add EpochInfo to QueryTipLocalState (cardano-node)
17:27:01 [f08387d7] Update plutus scripts and add shell scripts that test the script context (cardano-node)
17:27:02 [8b0b8925] release.nix: exclude plutus-example from cross building. (cardano-node)
17:39:51 [73180119] Propagate the newly annotated TxOutDatum (cardano-node)
17:39:53 [7337cdc4] Propagate tagged tx out datum changes to cardano-cli. We can now build a transactions with actual datums or datum hashes. (cardano-node)
17:39:53 [f2eafbdc] Update tx-generator with TxOut contexts (cardano-node)
17:43:17 [7b71a6fe] meeting notes for 2021-09-07 (CIPs)
17:45:38 [650effc7] adjusting date for README (CIPs)
17:57:24 [98823575] more updates for db-sync version upgrade (vit-ops)
18:03:27 [990492ef] Rework calcScriptExecutionCost using SealedTx (cardano-wallet)
18:03:27 [2081d28b] Make mockSealedTx work better (cardano-wallet)
18:03:42 [241a0f43] bump vitOpsRev (vit-ops)
18:04:24 [34fc7967] Merge #2896 (cardano-wallet)
18:08:06 [0264ce58] [DDW-694] Tokens List Header - init (daedalus)
18:11:40 [a77835d4] updating ledger and consensus (cardano-node)
18:27:41 [3cb87e02] use default version for perf env (vit-ops)
18:27:58 [f2d0d09a] cardano-tracer: fixed and improved tests. (cardano-node)
18:31:31 [e7dac1f9] Create types for resources /, /health and http errors returned (blockfrost-go)
18:32:15 [65f4dac1] bench: pin node to https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-node/pull/3204 (cardano-ops)
18:33:34 [8ae72da2] Add Go modules file (blockfrost-go)
18:34:55 [34935354] Generate (deterministically) and store on-disk test vectors as part of the JSON specs (cardano-ogmios)
18:35:12 [4cc697f5] Upload generated test vectors. (cardano-ogmios)
18:37:33 [1751a7b4] deploy: 4cc697f57698acdf194060ece0736d728bfe438e (cardano-ogmios)
18:38:53 [52bcfe87] Update plutus-use-cases tests (plutus)
18:45:18 [917da1bc] Add counter emitter and golden tests for profiling. (plutus)
18:48:53 [be820bd7] remove redundant imports (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:49:23 [917dc5b4] Update materialized. (plutus)
18:51:45 [08747a8f] updating ledger and consensus (cardano-node)
18:52:12 [c01ceb74] cardano-node: tmp fix for build. (cardano-node)
18:56:37 [06cbbbcf] Asset address list first take (guild-operators)
18:59:08 [c5a7c8f4] Merge #3127 (cardano-node)
19:02:05 [79388625] Merge #2899 (cardano-wallet)
19:13:41 [4c4d9cfb] [DDW-694] Tokens List Header - progress (daedalus)
19:20:58 [b3ad40e2] updating ledger and consensus (cardano-node)
19:31:59 [725da0c3] Create API client (blockfrost-go)
19:32:21 [9e5cec84] Implement resources / and /health (blockfrost-go)
19:43:22 [bcac461e] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into bugfix/rollback-fast-sync (mantis)
19:44:58 [4ba5509c] [DDW-694] Tokens List Header - progress (daedalus)
19:57:44 [05b1b836] Add client.HealthClock() method for resource /health/clock (blockfrost-go)
19:59:54 [00762aea] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/tx (yoroi-frontend)
20:14:17 [d62e4472] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
20:31:47 [3580d97d] Rename `lib` -> `src` (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:34:17 [3aef5878] Bump haskellNix/nixpkgs for flake fixes. bump index-state. (cardano-node)
20:55:49 [eb7574d5] Rename `alonzo/test` -> `alonzo/test-suite` (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:58:15 [4272867b] [DDW-694] Tokens List Header - progress (daedalus)
20:58:41 [4572501e] Rename `shelley-ma/shelley-ma-test` -> `shelley-ma/test-suite` (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:09:25 [be6221cc] Define Args for ShelleyBlock StandardAlonzo (ouroboros-network)
21:10:14 [e4c9a13c] Update to sshd 8.7p1 to resolve coredumps (bitte)
21:17:59 [df35b971] Fix tests with uniques in (plutus)
21:19:43 [14f06e13] Do NOT merge (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:23:55 [a235eff9] Update to sshd 8.7p1 to resolve coredumps (bitte)
21:26:27 [b64f609c] Move `plutus-preprocessor` -> `libraries/plutus-preprocessor` (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:26:43 [f6853e2e] Reduce the number of type inlinings (#3915) (plutus)
21:31:54 [fb4e4eb5] Remove `cardano-prelude` from `cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-test` dependencies (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:35:51 [0e184a7b] Do NOT merge (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:38:50 [c42eeb5e] Move `semantics/executable-spec` -> `libraries/small-steps`, `semantics/small-step-test` -> `libraries/small-step-test` (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:41:26 [6e027762] Move `example-shelley` -> `libraries/cardano-ledger-example-shelley` (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:41:31 [2c5bda20] Fix a shadowing bug in generating recursive types. (#3934) (plutus)
21:56:42 [d6cdfa31] migrate to useIntl Ledger (yoroi-mobile)
21:56:42 [c2e74a32] migrate to useIntl Login (yoroi-mobile)
21:56:42 [5c7cf39e] migrate to useIntl Send (yoroi-mobile)
21:56:42 [208e0c05] migrate to useIntl Receive (yoroi-mobile)
21:56:42 [4d762931] migrate to useIntl Transfer/TxHistory (yoroi-mobile)
21:56:42 [ca0c1538] migrate to useIntl Settings (yoroi-mobile)
21:56:42 [70af7ca5] migrate to hooks UiKit/WalletInit (yoroi-mobile)
21:56:42 [9c8c5099] migrate to useIntl, useNavigation (yoroi-mobile)
22:08:45 [db8c2118] Move `shelley/chain-and-ledger/executable-spec` -> `shelley/impl` and `shelley/chain-and-ledger/shelley-spec-ledger-test` -> shelley/test-suite` (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:32:32 [795ca6cc] Fixing db-sync and cardano-node jobs start commands (vit-ops)
22:34:23 [30795475] bump vitOpsRev (vit-ops)
22:45:34 [5ddd38a6] Add golden files for QueryVersion2 (ouroboros-network)
22:55:53 [bcb12c11] Move `shelley/chain-and-ledger/dependencies/non-integer` -> `libraries/shelley-spec-non-integral`. (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:58:27 [f4a3c964] [chore] Added UI_V2 to build while revamp work (yoroi-mobile)
22:58:53 [e09f8941] New node to client version (ouroboros-network)
23:08:19 [d0ab7533] Move top level libs to `libraries`: (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:32:53 [fdfb24ad] add logic to change mui themes (yoroi-frontend)
23:43:10 [aa795f44] New GetChainBlockNo and GetChainPoint queries (ouroboros-network)
23:55:55 [94e1dd18] refactor: split all method and types on an specific type (blockfrost-go)
23:56:33 [e6e5ec50] feat: add method get info by account address (blockfrost-go)