Home / Reports / Nov 29, 2021

Monday, November 29, 2021

471 commits had been pushed across 43 repos by 85 authors. There were 97,178 additions and 77,959 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:13:24 [7718453d] add tx/boxes to readme (yoroi-ergo-backend)
00:16:33 [26f5a2cf] Reorder pattern matching (plutus)
00:39:17 [d277115f] Added Manual software pre-requirement for chrony (guild-operators)
00:57:39 [2d7e2914] [chore] Added transaction mock (yoroi-mobile)
00:58:56 [a842ca98] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:00:04 [ba9daaaf] [chore] Direction icon now receive the transaction (yoroi-mobile)
01:01:30 [3f730397] [Builtins] Inline 'MonadError' in 'makeKnown' (plutus)
01:13:45 [eeb3deec] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:25:31 [727985f2] Use less vertical space. (cardano-wallet)
02:02:58 [48341078] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:14:42 [ad682322] remove unused file (yoroi-mobile)
02:36:27 [bd4199b9] migrate ReceiveScreen to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
02:39:14 [08bb0eec] migrate ReceiveScreen to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
02:39:14 [91701884] remove unused file (yoroi-mobile)
02:49:56 [f3342429] [Builtins] Inline 'MonadError' in 'readKnown' (plutus)
02:54:15 [a472f5cf] Split `applyTx` into two separate functions. (cardano-wallet)
02:54:18 [2f6e0a5d] Restrict scope of `mkTxMeta`. (cardano-wallet)
02:57:47 [ed2f7a80] use numbers instead of raw bytes in plugin (chain-wallet-libs)
03:00:33 [5b5a3d36] Explicitly pass slot number and block height to `applyOurTxToUTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
03:04:19 [4454590a] Move function `applyOurTxToUTxO` to top-level. (cardano-wallet)
03:04:21 [e9eb8e3d] Rename `prefilterBlock` to `applyBlockToUTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
03:04:22 [3580a33a] Use less vertical space. (cardano-wallet)
03:07:25 [e005ebbc] migrate Addresses to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
03:19:01 [7ee67310] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:32:46 [15c3be83] migrate AddressVerify to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
03:42:21 [e6fd381b] untested ios implementation (chain-wallet-libs)
03:42:45 [690f235b] regen c header (chain-wallet-libs)
03:48:58 [2f802c3f] update CHANGELOG.md (chain-wallet-libs)
03:53:07 [a910fb87] [Builtins] Inline 'MonadError' in 'readKnown' (plutus)
03:54:52 [2df1fccc] workspace: add explorer crate (jormungandr)
03:54:52 [35fc7c4a] jormungandr: remove explorer module (jormungandr)
03:54:52 [508d1533] jormungandr: remove explorer (jormungandr)
03:54:53 [c2d881ba] jormungandr: remove explorer from the node settings (jormungandr)
03:54:53 [04074b66] jormungandr-lib: remove explorer import (jormungandr)
03:54:53 [2a5a3d11] jormungandr: remove unused rest explorer module (jormungandr)
03:54:53 [adcf0805] jormungandr: remove async-graphql dep from jormungandr (jormungandr)
04:01:11 [9d75b4e7] Add `prop_applyTxToUTxO_applyOurTxToUTxO_AllOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
04:02:17 [af03f711] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:11:10 [2a7c35cd] objective-c map number to NSNumber (chain-wallet-libs)
04:16:55 [356952ac] clippy: remove useless into (chain-wallet-libs)
04:24:23 [4911d56f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:35:56 [20dce22c] tests: remove explorer (jormungandr)
04:36:06 [0e595fac] tests: regen explorer schema without treasury for now (jormungandr)
04:36:06 [ca872d4f] tests: add explorer env var (jormungandr)
04:36:06 [a00eb242] tests: fix explorer sanity test (jormungandr)
04:36:07 [a88024c7] tests: remove explorer where necessary (jormungandr)
04:36:07 [4ad97d1d] enable tests again (jormungandr)
04:36:07 [9113d8fe] tests: fix wrong explorer path (jormungandr)
04:36:07 [852f6a83] jormungandr:fix compilation with prometheus feature (jormungandr)
04:36:08 [7bd9c0da] add place-holders for UpdateProposal certificates (jormungandr)
04:36:08 [0f430d08] port Transaction total_count fix (jormungandr)
04:36:08 [300876ee] remove whitespace from autgenerated graphql schema (jormungandr)
04:36:09 [0c40b007] add(port) ConfigParams to GraphQL (jormungandr)
04:36:09 [a855669c] remove enum name from variants (jormungandr)
04:36:09 [5612880a] automatic lints (jormungandr)
04:36:10 [0c66b025] remove vestigial commented code (jormungandr)
04:37:56 [89f0a433] update Cargo.lock (jormungandr)
05:16:44 [e333ca1f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:22:00 [2bf37171] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:36:53 [36df1dfc] Adjust type of `TokenQuantity.pred` so that it is a total function. (cardano-wallet)
06:56:15 [dddda3a6] Add function `predZero`, and use this to simplify tests. (cardano-wallet)
06:56:15 [f02c3f75] Add properties for `TokenQuantity.predZero`. (cardano-wallet)
06:58:41 [d470922a] Add function `predZero`, and use this to simplify tests. (cardano-wallet)
06:59:00 [defedfd0] Add properties for `TokenQuantity.predZero`. (cardano-wallet)
07:18:02 [da45f7df] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:30:35 [da50c5d3] Initial Testing template (guild-operators)
07:31:34 [2064efac] parallelize txs/io queries (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
07:48:37 [40966570] Update essential-cardano-list.md (essential-cardano)
07:49:06 [4d4b8e81] Add BitBox02 hw wallet support (adalite)
07:49:12 [759967d8] Refactor: move hw wallet type handling into helper functions (adalite)
08:06:16 [6797233c] Add No dapp image (yoroi-frontend)
08:06:27 [51bc9f3b] Update docs/basics.md (guild-operators)
08:22:06 [45dcd749] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:24:19 [f52c8392] Simplify type of `isOurAddress`. (cardano-wallet)
08:29:25 [d57f80cf] Add default dapp icon (yoroi-frontend)
08:33:35 [87ab3c81] Add hover effect on the delete icon (yoroi-frontend)
08:34:58 [1837ae53] Remove powerd by ergo badge (yoroi-frontend)
08:38:20 [734a49d0] Pull out TxConstraints into its own library. (#138) (plutus-apps)
08:38:38 [2b70b2b2] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 734a49d0754192e0fbb7308c89ad9451667c66d6 (plutus-ops)
08:39:27 [147ff57a] Fix source-repository locations (plutus-apps)
08:39:41 [5d598a17] eslint (yoroi-frontend)
08:43:07 [69681d5b] fix build (chain-libs)
08:49:02 [b6de84d8] Added test that fee-estimation fails when mint scripts are not provided (cardano-serialization-lib)
08:54:46 [7f4cfbd3] Use flat_map instead of map+flatten (vit-servicing-station)
08:56:29 [28d8344d] Corrections/addendum to prev suggestion (guild-operators)
08:58:12 [997df696] Added Manual software pre-requirement for chrony (#1204) (guild-operators)
08:58:37 [6ca973e3] SCP-3018: Marlowe contract generation from cash flows (marlowe-cardano)
09:12:56 [b8cdf67e] fix build (chain-libs)
09:13:55 [db3f7b90] Add function `isOurTx`. (cardano-wallet)
09:14:15 [d987b7c2] Use `isOurTx` to strengthen `prop_applyTxToUTxO_applyOurTxToUTxO_AllOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
09:18:38 [062643bb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:22:42 [b978cd91] Add function `isOurTx`. (cardano-wallet)
09:22:42 [91bb49f0] Use `isOurTx` to strengthen `prop_applyTxToUTxO_applyOurTxToUTxO_AllOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
09:24:07 [02b00935] Updated comment to link to issue (ouroboros-network)
09:24:10 [db9f9ad8] adding new unit tests (cicero)
09:25:01 [3a8be3b7] [DDW-773] Install correct plugins for ts-migrate (daedalus)
09:26:04 [fed530a2] Bump assert_fs from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 (#3637) (jormungandr)
09:27:55 [561a2326] fix client-side promotoin (jormungandr)
09:27:55 [eb0ff72f] impl Display for NodeID + From<SigningKey> for SecretKey (jormungandr)
09:27:55 [e554e86c] Use NodeId as idenfitifier of peers (jormungandr)
09:27:55 [08e5af7e] unify node ids (jormungandr)
09:28:24 [68887024] Bump tar from 0.4.36 to 0.4.37 (jormungandr)
09:29:04 [daa50acd] Bump gtmpl from 0.6.0 to 0.7.1 (jormungandr)
09:29:28 [f678e7da] Merge pull request #150 from Zeegomo/add-option-to-specify-vote-skey (vit-testing)
09:30:54 [acfc2a47] Add request test (vit-servicing-station)
09:42:53 [71bc3c2c] update cors uppercase (vit-testing)
09:46:02 [bdcff02a] add ghc event log traces to plutus script eval (cardano-ledger)
09:50:24 [59d72dc7] add Serialize trait for MintToken (chain-libs)
09:51:04 [7877fb24] bump tokio to 1.14.0 and resolve data race issue (#3710) (jormungandr)
09:54:43 [5353da9e] add Serialize trait for MintToken (chain-libs)
10:00:05 [a6eafdad] README improvements (blockfrost-arduino)
10:00:52 [961ba410] properly calculated amount and total values (yoroi-frontend)
10:00:58 [006f9aac] use form for state (yoroi-frontend)
10:00:58 [2146be76] remove unused property (yoroi-frontend)
10:01:13 [baf139a1] fix tests (jormungandr)
10:03:29 [0552d4a0] Add CI Workflow (blockfrost-arduino)
10:04:36 [886a9508] fix clippy (chain-libs)
10:06:58 [fcd54379] remove macro (jormungandr)
10:06:58 [582dcc85] adjust in-progress handshake limits (jormungandr)
10:06:58 [bdc95012] rework handshake procedure (jormungandr)
10:08:01 [c7c68e09] cardano-tracer: fix multi demo. (cardano-node)
10:09:07 [1870ea3f] remove commented code (yoroi-frontend)
10:11:23 [291cc001] added py310 in response to #11 (blockfrost-python)
10:12:30 [5d12cab7] Update grafana-dashboard-tutorial.md (developer-portal)
10:14:26 [975ed970] Bump tar from 0.4.36 to 0.4.37 (jormungandr)
10:17:59 [92f12da9] add "key" property and format code (yoroi-frontend)
10:19:07 [ec523a78] fix: change stakepool metadata extVkey field type to bech32 string (cardano-js-sdk)
10:19:35 [708ae510] update Cargo.lock (vit-testing)
10:20:03 [d84417ab] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:22:16 [6707330a] use <div> instead <p> to avoid warning (yoroi-frontend)
10:23:50 [1c383aee] Merge pull request #12 from fkoh111/11.add-py130-to-gh-actions (blockfrost-python)
10:27:04 [69e1f8e5] chore: rm some obsolete TODO comments (cardano-js-sdk)
10:28:15 [3ca5a8bd] format code (yoroi-frontend)
10:34:53 [5ea0a11d] more unit tests (cicero)
10:41:26 [eb1a6468] Fix Genesis validation for empty stakes (cardano-db-sync)
10:44:07 [ab564c4a] Fix comment (plutus)
10:50:13 [a8c3e33b] Fix stylish (cardano-db-sync)
10:50:18 [08154a40] Merge pull request #2554 from input-output-hk/zachc/script-tracing (cardano-ledger)
10:50:36 [e2772fb9] server-test: fix prop_connection_manager_counters property (ouroboros-network)
10:50:36 [ace38ed5] connection-manager: rename record fields on ConnectionManagerCounter (ouroboros-network)
10:50:37 [56e7d177] connection-manager: trace the number of full duplex connections (ouroboros-network)
10:50:37 [ff60325c] connection-manager: qualified import of ControlChannel (ouroboros-network)
10:50:37 [0bb0ee8e] connection-manager: let the cm pass handles to the inbound governor. (ouroboros-network)
10:51:48 [ce90e651] Add "64-BLOCKS" NFT & "6M-BLOCKS" Misc. (essential-cardano)
10:54:14 [8a2c5f0c] Add some tests for strict let-bindings and case patterns (plutus)
10:56:05 [a26f43ba] Add SMASH FAQ (cardano-node-tests)
10:56:38 [c3830f47] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/sign-tx (yoroi-frontend)
10:59:42 [ff158657] Fix another bug in profiling (#4245) (plutus)
11:03:02 [58ba0cf6] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 08154a40314df7ed20af4ac80900a279349e2d48 (cardano-ledger)
11:04:09 [96c61d91] Fix Genesis validation for empty stakes (cardano-db-sync)
11:05:40 [cbabb1da] Add some tests for strict let-bindings and case patterns (#4242) (plutus)
11:15:10 [3015188c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:15:42 [4dd0e073] [DDW-773] Add extra steps to help translation types (daedalus)
11:22:56 [d493d232] [DDW-773] Fix typo in delegation step (daedalus)
11:25:14 [d235cd9a] README: fix platformio link (blockfrost-arduino)
11:25:17 [860574d9] Add missing docs for listPools (blockfrost-arduino)
11:33:06 [da81491a] [DDW-732] - Update storybook (daedalus)
11:36:43 [c3387383] Used Script of Script for BearerInfo Attenuation (ouroboros-network)
11:36:43 [b93a4acb] Changed attenuation to adequate newtypes (ouroboros-network)
11:40:34 [6a8f3118] Add SMASH FAQ (cardano-node-tests)
11:48:51 [66738aaf] Fix build (plutus-apps)
11:49:51 [1e6375a6] [DDW-732] Remove depedencies from yarnlock (daedalus)
11:52:21 [276334a4] Fixed fee-estimation to add vkey witnesses for each minting policy and updated a test for it (cardano-serialization-lib)
11:54:15 [3f19021f] fix filenames for linux (vit-testing)
11:54:16 [007b6cc4] [DDW-787] Discreet mode - Implement the Settings option (#2740) (daedalus)
11:57:33 [a01f4c84] lint (yoroi-frontend)
11:58:20 [7a048e4a] bench: kill the legacy 'distrib' topology with fire (cardano-ops)
11:58:55 [1492f050] Add SMASH FAQ (cardano-node-tests)
11:59:02 [5e39a6d7] [DDW-773] Update eslintrc (daedalus)
11:59:51 [7d361f63] full auto mode plutus smoke test (cardano-ops)
12:02:41 [48c7e348] lint (yoroi-frontend)
12:03:08 [8be8a949] add space (yoroi-frontend)
12:05:01 [4fbf66ff] SCP-3018: Formatting (marlowe-cardano)
12:05:04 [bad50152] [DDW-732] Remove depedencies from yarnlock (daedalus)
12:07:33 [498478f3] Add Doxyfile (blockfrost-arduino)
12:09:12 [8cbfc69c] add Arbitrary for ApiDecodedTrasnaction (cardano-wallet)
12:13:33 [1931a18d] bug fix (yoroi-frontend)
12:20:47 [bb28586a] Merge branch 'master' into feature/tip-status-endpoint (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:24:20 [51df5894] Replace Text with LedgerStateError structured errors (cardano-node)
12:29:24 [eb7ce6fa] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:30:58 [ae6ed6aa] Flakify nix build. (cardano-wallet)
12:30:59 [399d36b6] direnv: use flake (cardano-wallet)
12:31:00 [016abb01] Add nixos service and scripts (cardano-wallet)
12:32:09 [5cfa61f1] [DDW-732] Remove depedencies from yarnlock (daedalus)
12:40:45 [7b44ca70] Merge #3391 (cardano-node)
12:41:27 [08d3255a] SCP-3018: DateOps is not needed anymore (marlowe-cardano)
12:41:32 [21e209db] Update delete dapp filter (yoroi-frontend)
12:44:12 [0e814fd2] Add SMASH FAQ (cardano-node-tests)
12:46:39 [6a4c5ce1] Parallelize queries (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:47:52 [c3c160dc] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/tip-status-endpoint' into feature/tip-status-endpoint (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:48:25 [73e576d1] SCP-3018: Adjusted YearFractionOps (marlowe-cardano)
12:51:09 [e3eef76e] Add reimplementation of flat encoding for Integer (cardano-wallet)
12:52:11 [944f7417] update with the latest chain-libs (jormungandr)
12:52:43 [3f3c2f08] [DDW-732] Downgrade storybook to 6.1.18 (daedalus)
12:53:14 [56f22942] Initial Testing template (guild-operators)
12:55:21 [6e1a95c0] Fix compatibility with ghc-9.2: fix #245 (cardano-base)
13:00:05 [32c7b43c] ContractModel coverage checking (plutus-apps)
13:01:54 [fea8f54a] Export an unsafe constructor for Validated (cardano-ledger)
13:01:55 [b26ca154] SCP-3018: removed comment (marlowe-cardano)
13:13:49 [0ee61dca] Merge pull request #148 from input-output-hk/update_proposals (vit-testing)
13:14:44 [854e9cb7] refactor: convert tx signature key type to hex (cardano-js-sdk)
13:15:37 [c737bca7] Fix build (plutus-apps)
13:18:55 [e01074ff] go mod tidy (cicero)
13:21:36 [2ae379c7] Start implementing fanout, from tests of course. (hydra-poc)
13:22:19 [3574c48c] bump cargo hash (jormungandr)
13:23:25 [b3ab2a9d] fix test features (jormungandr)
13:24:05 [a1a1a82a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:26:38 [2a43c7e7] [DDW-732] Downgrade storybook to 6.1.18 (daedalus)
13:30:18 [73513071] Update eras/shelley/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Shelley/RewardUpdate.hs (cardano-ledger)
13:30:29 [d8f32da6] Update eras/shelley/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Shelley/RewardUpdate.hs (cardano-ledger)
13:30:31 [c4570793] Fix source-repository locations (#152) (plutus-apps)
13:30:41 [b6dfba0b] Update eras/shelley/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Shelley/TxBody.hs (cardano-ledger)
13:30:54 [2b77f168] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to c4570793b1251e1a8e79e33a5a40f3e2776c5691 (plutus-ops)
13:32:00 [d80dfcc1] [DDW-732] Update netfliy (daedalus)
13:33:04 [59930e30] No idea if this is sensible but the QuickCheck models work so that's fine (plutus-apps)
13:33:20 [5a1223fd] Make test compile and observe it fails (hydra-poc)
13:36:16 [eaaf57ae] fix linux build (daedalus)
13:36:19 [d4200ef7] refactor: change PoolParameters.vrf type to VrkVkHex (cardano-js-sdk)
13:39:19 [c1f92180] Update open api docs (vit-servicing-station)
13:43:31 [c18a90cc] [DDW-732] Remove deps (daedalus)
13:43:35 [9fc67eeb] Add utxo to Fanout (hydra-poc)
13:47:01 [b391608c] Add news section about BitBox02 support (adalite)
13:47:38 [42b9ea25] 6.9.0 (adalite)
13:49:10 [95652146] fix clippy (chain-libs)
13:49:51 [5d9bbefc] Fix Fragments deserialization (jormungandr)
13:51:00 [7a1ea804] Add SMASH FAQ (cardano-node-tests)
13:51:04 [3c858cd3] [DDW-732] Remove deps (daedalus)
13:52:35 [d8b8bf48] feat(pools): add new endpoint (openapi)
13:54:14 [914fab82] refactor(core): change type of requiredExtraSignatures to Ed25519KeyHash (cardano-js-sdk)
13:58:18 [fc7550c5] Use same utxo a committed to close and fanout. (hydra-poc)
14:01:33 [63740dc4] Merge branch 'master' into feature/txs-get-endpoint (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:05:31 [b4a0af56] Add reimplementation of flat encoding for Integer (cardano-wallet)
14:06:25 [9f2b745b] Fix stylish (cardano-db-sync)
14:06:25 [9611fa73] Fix .git files (cardano-db-sync)
14:10:43 [c34a1758] Add unsafeWithForeignPtr export (cardano-base)
14:11:28 [ac6eb455] Fix type applications (cardano-base)
14:12:41 [77121e18] connection-manager: let the connection manager pass handles to the inbound governor. (ouroboros-network)
14:13:58 [f448ccdd] connection-manager: qualified import of ControlChannel (ouroboros-network)
14:15:11 [96bea9e3] renamed package, added server script and read-me file (marlowe-dependency-docs)
14:17:05 [cf30aa11] [wip] Try to refactor waitForUtxo function (hydra-poc)
14:17:06 [43c1896b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:21:27 [7422095b] Merge pull request #2566 from input-output-hk/kderme/unsafe-export (cardano-ledger)
14:22:10 [4aa88672] Initial version of CIP-31 (CIPs)
14:26:03 [ab27d7fc] [DDW-732] Upgrade back to 6.3.12 (daedalus)
14:29:05 [08aafcf6] Initial version of CIP-32 (CIPs)
14:32:28 [81311ae0] Fixup for hydra metrics export with new hydra version (ci-ops)
14:32:42 [73c72287] Finish implementation of 'waitForUtxo' and use it in both end-to-end and direct chain specs. (hydra-poc)
14:34:13 [3b484e80] Fix type applications (cardano-base)
14:34:13 [22171f4b] Add unsafeWithForeignPtr export (cardano-base)
14:34:36 [2a7c7665] Add fallback value for Trezor crypto provider feature checks (adalite)
14:35:45 [68926470] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 7422095b1c5e8277a993f5f55d5d4e33c30255d1 (cardano-ledger)
14:37:21 [16d3c516] Make e2e payment from Alice to Bob, with amount big enough for L1 (hydra-poc)
14:42:18 [6c269bed] add ToJSON for ApiDecodedTrasnaction (cardano-wallet)
14:43:11 [14c4f57e] Initial version of CIP-33 (CIPs)
14:44:39 [0b134af9] 6.9.1 (adalite)
14:48:31 [73f09f99] nitpick format (cicero)
14:50:10 [5bc8e135] Limit varnish memory on explorer backends. (cardano-ops)
14:52:51 [093a54b2] Merge pull request #249 from locallycompact/lc/ghc-9.2 (cardano-base)
14:54:32 [639d38fd] Add SMASH FAQ (cardano-node-tests)
14:56:58 [96bfd87c] web: return errors instead of just logging them (cicero)
14:59:13 [f5a50f44] Fix .git files (cardano-db-sync)
14:59:13 [f370698a] Fix stylish (cardano-db-sync)
15:01:29 [ad2c6939] Reorganized SetAlgebra by breaking it into 4 modules. New ones are Control.Iterate.BaseTypes, Control.Iterate.Exp, and Control.Iterate.BiMap (cardano-ledger)
15:03:51 [af914f5e] Bump HLS to 1.5.1 (plutus)
15:06:04 [78061272] [DDW-596] enable build with webpack 5 (daedalus)
15:15:45 [d5cbcec0] Export an unsafe constructor for Validated (cardano-ledger)
15:19:13 [d69c9ae4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:19:24 [e2b40534] Merge pull request #282 from Emurgo/feature/tip-status-endpoint (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
15:20:38 [99085d94] move sClient/initSSL to example (blockfrost-arduino)
15:26:52 [9bdfc2bc] Merge branch 'master' into fix/change-token-supply-api-format (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
15:27:13 [ddfdd67d] Bump HLS to 1.5.1 (#4253) (plutus)
15:29:48 [39e19da8] fx (ouroboros-network)
15:31:56 [56c9006f] AbstractService -> Service (blockfrost-arduino)
15:34:42 [e50565ec] README: fix test command (blockfrost-arduino)
15:35:09 [7c819cf0] ci: run native test (blockfrost-arduino)
15:37:00 [18aa7bdb] Renamed BearerInfoScript to AbsBearerInfoScript (ouroboros-network)
15:38:36 [1ccc5bc7] Fix prop_connection_manager_transition_order failure (ouroboros-network)
15:39:35 [78228d95] Expand snocket tests with various scenarios (ouroboros-network)
15:46:57 [1e15bc4f] Test both unknown and deregistered stake addresses (cardano-node-tests)
15:47:31 [7fe9ec15] ContractModel coverage checking (plutus-apps)
15:47:57 [b7f48970] Revert "[Builtins] Inline 'MonadError' in 'readKnown'" (plutus)
15:49:25 [247f779a] Merge pull request #134 from vacuumlabs/update-makefile (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [61bce6a1] extend datum hash policies (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [709e416b] add collaterals (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [8f0444a7] introduce network id transaction body element (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [0bf3256f] add output optional script data hash handling (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [e4104816] rebase induced changes (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [4ba97a44] restructure Init UI machine and expand it (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [c5ff6928] implement key hash in stake credential (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [fbbfb5de] implement alonzo policies and fix various issues (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [2e6a92bd] fix required signer hash length (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [4a94e063] introducing new signing mode PLUTUS (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [b3b430eb] reshuffle checks (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [ec07a179] reformat stake credential handling in preparation for key hash (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [91c144e1] fix cbor for key hash in stake credentials (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [f409388a] [SQUASH] security policy updates (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [b29c8896] formatting, restructuring (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [d1190de0] include script data hash in transactions (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [9a12ef31] make it explicity to SHOW address params with datum hash (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:50:45 [21bd8a8c] add required signers (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:51:02 [b00f6c8a] reword TODOs for the future generations (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:51:10 [0b932fec] refactor tx init policy (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:53:38 [42b5044b] Add reimplementation of flat encoding for Integer (cardano-wallet)
15:54:31 [68dbe0d7] Remove misplaced 404 (vit-servicing-station)
15:55:09 [b7336796] Merge pull request #804 from mkoura/test_delegate_deregistered_addr (cardano-node-tests)
15:58:31 [b030c1a4] Refactor names (vit-servicing-station)
16:02:18 [caced5b0] Improve various queries and add new credential_txs (guild-operators)
16:02:52 [ebf7c5c9] update ledger state after successful EVM transactions (chain-libs)
16:04:21 [71fdd273] reorganize imports (jormungandr)
16:06:02 [e23c1fac] Reorganized SetAlgebra by breaking it into 4 modules. New ones are Control.Iterate.BaseTypes, Control.Iterate.Exp, and Control.Iterate.BiMap (cardano-ledger)
16:13:57 [3d021c15] fix chain-evm test (chain-libs)
16:29:09 [3c5322f5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:29:40 [5d17467e] tx-generator: fix some bugs (cardano-node)
16:35:52 [16cab130] WIP integrate Lexer.x into new parser. (plutus)
16:35:58 [a04fb5e4] Move lexer to core for all to import. (plutus)
16:40:27 [a7f2a8f1] fx (ouroboros-network)
16:40:36 [b6ce94b0] Adding hotfix from release 4.5.2 and rts flags (daedalus)
16:47:56 [0e8270ec] Renamed BearerInfoScript to AbsBearerInfoScript (ouroboros-network)
16:47:56 [84117bc5] Used Script of Script for BearerInfo Attenuation (ouroboros-network)
16:47:56 [d913a9b3] Fix prop_connection_manager_transition_order failure (ouroboros-network)
16:49:36 [dadbafff] Flakify nix build. (cardano-wallet)
16:49:37 [d14e530b] direnv: use flake (cardano-wallet)
16:49:38 [43be7dd9] Add nixos service and scripts (cardano-wallet)
16:54:44 [7b49405f] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
16:55:56 [9d9fb159] Add some more haddock (cardano-ledger)
16:57:00 [009c3877] Make property test on fanouttx size pass (hydra-poc)
16:59:16 [9e300319] Renamed BearerInfoScript to AbsBearerInfoScript (ouroboros-network)
16:59:16 [edbfc712] Used Script of Script for BearerInfo Attenuation (ouroboros-network)
16:59:16 [c105c491] Fix prop_connection_manager_transition_order failure (ouroboros-network)
16:59:25 [72bf08fc] cardano-node: Restructuring network tracers (cardano-node)
16:59:49 [89018c49] Remove redundant Alternative constraint. (ouroboros-network)
16:59:49 [47b092c4] Added diffusion multinode sim (ouroboros-network)
17:08:15 [2e671b66] Windows debugging: throw exception when shutdown request is received (cardano-node)
17:10:22 [344f203a] Bump branch so we throw exception (Windows debugging) (cardano-launcher)
17:12:33 [9e7b680f] deploy: 009c387761e4a9ab479a318df9c3cb0558f3eb67 (hydra-poc)
17:13:15 [78ba9a7d] fixed a revertion of PRs: #2563 (cardano-ledger)
17:15:10 [5c04fb49] Sharing during CBOR deserialization: (cardano-ledger)
17:15:40 [170e25ba] Added property tests for the KeyMap data structure. (cardano-ledger)
17:17:10 [6389bb0c] RFC: Cardano.Wallet.Prelude and local package re-org (cardano-wallet)
17:24:04 [595f40da] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:26:51 [6def1565] Adding hotfix from release 4.5.2 without rts flags (daedalus)
17:49:19 [aeb492fb] [DDW-732] Upgrade back to 6.3.12 (daedalus)
17:56:08 [3089a845] Disable Firefox for BitBox02 wallet (adalite)
18:00:18 [d33c2482] Tune the default RTS params (cardano-node)
18:10:20 [cc261160] rvl changes (cardano-launcher)
18:10:50 [72367081] migrate wallet init navigator to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
18:11:13 [a6037b21] Remove ann. (plutus)
18:11:45 [22da8956] Make tx size check for fanout tx pending (hydra-poc)
18:14:43 [84b27adf] migrate to useStrings, change export (yoroi-mobile)
18:17:30 [5f2c51bb] [DDW-732] Upgrade back to 6.3.12 (daedalus)
18:21:30 [ebf54d64] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:21:38 [6b7a03b9] [DDW-738] Notification knob (daedalus)
18:28:33 [645b1576] migrate wallteinit to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
18:33:54 [b696f1ee] [DDW-732] Upgrade back to 6.3.12 (daedalus)
18:42:06 [9023498e] cardano-node: restore the queue-based ordering in standardTracer (cardano-node)
18:45:04 [7a18e069] Merge branch 'alpha' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators into alpha (guild-operators)
18:47:03 [2966c585] Check if IO is uninterruptible on windows for programs compiled with (cardano-node)
18:47:07 [9d5f82cb] Add merkleization to Plutus semantics (marlowe-cardano)
18:48:35 [ffd15059] Check if removing -threaded fixes windows issue (cardano-launcher)
18:52:21 [13c53f5d] Added property tests for the KeyMap data structure. (#2552) (cardano-ledger)
19:06:12 [bcc8e17f] add FromJSON and regenerate ApiDecodedTransaction (cardano-wallet)
19:07:22 [57972f92] Fixture: currency contract payload template (cardano-wallet)
19:11:20 [a77b80af] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 13c53f5df93c64189952cb698cac6c5909368935 (cardano-ledger)
19:14:44 [aae50435] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:19:38 [927d06b9] scripts: simple transaction example in alonzo era (cardano-node)
19:24:10 [f29d0fe5] Add test for merkleized contract (marlowe-cardano)
19:33:31 [0d33f794] Move miniprotocols client code under Cardano.Wallet.Network (cardano-wallet)
19:33:32 [0b77f3c0] Move Cardano.Wallet.Prelude up into cardano-wallet-core (cardano-wallet)
19:33:33 [7fc3a615] Remove text-class dependency from test-utils (cardano-wallet)
19:33:33 [94233e7c] Remove launcher dependency on text-class (cardano-wallet)
19:33:34 [74be1ab9] Remove redundant showT from Server (cardano-wallet)
19:33:35 [b91a7a45] Move Cardano.Wallet.Startup into cardano-wallet-base (cardano-wallet)
19:33:36 [91918a5c] Add extra things to Cardano.Wallet.Prelude (cardano-wallet)
19:33:37 [9d494041] Make test-utils be standalone (cardano-wallet)
19:33:38 [90ee3947] Compile fixes (cardano-wallet)
19:37:37 [b1195f77] Sync cabal file versions (cardano-wallet)
19:37:39 [78098aab] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
19:37:40 [734871de] Build fixes (cardano-wallet)
19:38:25 [5516258b] SCP-3018: Merged modules (marlowe-cardano)
19:41:17 [b739862b] Update generator to generate Merkleized contracts (marlowe-cardano)
19:50:04 [edcc8319] SCP-3018: Merged modules (marlowe-cardano)
19:57:24 [5f660b03] SCP-3018: Merged modules (marlowe-cardano)
20:01:53 [18c80b1d] SCP-3018: Merged modules (marlowe-cardano)
20:04:32 [26b41287] Merge pull request #2507 from Emurgo/Ahmed/sign-tx (yoroi-frontend)
20:06:18 [fbf0e05b] Bump dns-packet in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
20:06:20 [3018a2dc] Bump url-parse in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
20:06:21 [d87b8063] Bump url-parse in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
20:06:21 [92e1f0bc] Bump ws in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
20:06:24 [e7d32044] Bump ws in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
20:06:30 [735ca912] Bump dns-packet in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
20:06:53 [6f4637f3] Bump @npmcli/git from 2.0.6 to 2.1.0 (yoroi-frontend)
20:07:44 [c2c1d392] Bump semver-regex from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 (yoroi-frontend)
20:09:31 [2d31f34f] Add LiteralConst and ConArgs. (plutus)
20:10:04 [2a833fcc] SCP-3018: Restructured modules (marlowe-cardano)
20:12:37 [0b545461] [DDW-732] Upgrade storybook to 6.4.0 (daedalus)
20:15:22 [2e5922d4] wip: add restore wallet endpoint (marlowe-cardano)
20:15:40 [d5ee07db] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-738-implement-discreet-mode' into chore/ddw-839-automated-tests (daedalus)
20:17:57 [01ba2b5b] Introduce cardano-chain-gen package (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [12e39bd6] Add mock ChainSync chain state (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [e05f0592] Introduce mock ChainSync server (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [2edf8fb1] Add more complicated unit tests (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [2c8620ad] Fix Genesis validation for empty stakes (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [77fdf069] Fixup config (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [9480c022] Add restart dbsync test (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [cfe9ee6e] Support ProtocolInfo with forging credentials (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [db3eeabb] Add Mock chain (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [466e99e1] Add ChainDB (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [244df4fa] Introduce forging and block Interpreter (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [dd733ecf] Fix stylish (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [b6d98471] Create testing Config (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [389e84dd] Add a test with a simple tx (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [e7f92922] Add first Unit test (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [9a79ac50] Add DB validation assertions (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [41887c73] Add rollback tests (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [448de801] Abstract common patterns in tests (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [3c586435] Use Validated constructor from ledger (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [a83f7bad] Test different configurations (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [5600ac6f] Fix .git files (cardano-db-sync)
20:17:57 [f8ae462c] Add utilities to create Transactions (cardano-db-sync)
20:18:36 [2ebf9f8a] Add serialisation for named De Bruijn programs (plutus)
20:19:17 [0e4ede63] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:28:27 [aef076ef] allowed-uris: add https://api.github.com/repos/$owner/$repo variant. (ci-ops)
20:28:46 [562c12b2] Remove commented-out code (plutus)
20:30:43 [d0c3c02b] Rename variable (plutus)
20:34:02 [0eca623c] Expand help message (plutus)
20:50:25 [4ab2fda4] refactor: improve name for PoolMdVk, improve opaque string tests (cardano-js-sdk)
20:51:39 [c89e2ea5] Flakify nix build. (cardano-wallet)
20:51:40 [2279b1b3] Add nixos service and scripts (cardano-wallet)
20:51:40 [9f59c44d] direnv: use flake (cardano-wallet)
20:56:12 [db2e56ad] added NewUTxO (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:00:14 [8c52c12a] try nixpkgs-unstable (cardano-wallet)
21:07:41 [763b559f] deploy: 44118d720f2db1fdadc3f85d67b3a3113e74ed74 (cardano-ogmios)
21:07:45 [4a69c67f] Update CHANGELOG regarding TypeScript's changes. (cardano-ogmios)
21:09:22 [d7ba0dd4] resolved conficts merging with propt=erty tests for keymap. (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:09:44 [bce4fd30] deploy: 4a69c67feaa0b15b45c8085106edcbedbaf32059 (cardano-ogmios)
21:16:02 [33e614c7] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:23:16 [2f5db785] Merge pull request #291 from Emurgo/fix/change-token-supply-api-format (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:25:03 [f9e0bc00] Merge #3508 (ouroboros-network)
21:25:36 [f4cd062d] Merge branch 'master' into feature/add-tx-io-endpoint (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:32:37 [ccaecc80] Reorganized SetAlgebra by breaking it into 4 modules. (#2564) (cardano-ledger)
21:34:42 [4baab901] Create 34250edd1e9836f5378702fbf9416b709bc140e04f668cc355208518112233.json (metadata-registry-testnet)
21:41:48 [4adfb76d] Allow route to return the response (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:42:39 [81c624bb] Allow query string parameter to skip validation (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:45:51 [8b449250] --io-manager=native (cardano-node)
21:46:14 [6586dde2] io-manager=native (cardano-launcher)
21:46:59 [29b48c06] Extract NFT card image to dedicated file (yoroi-frontend)
21:49:04 [b6873834] Merge pull request #155 from gitmachtl/patch-1 (metadata-registry-testnet)
21:50:09 [975e57c4] Merge pull request #151 from codybutz/tINDY (metadata-registry-testnet)
21:58:18 [b77fbade] pool_info fix + tx_info2 -> tx_info rename (guild-operators)
21:59:17 [24fac8b2] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for ccaecc8029644fdda9190410680975dccd31b648 (cardano-ledger)
22:07:52 [2be16b73] Wrap blocked call to hGetChar (cardano-node)
22:08:43 [a1d30868] Wrap blocked call to hGetChar (cardano-launcher)
22:12:57 [7b251449] Adding a new datatype to replace UTxO as Data.Map (cardano-ledger)
22:14:16 [83ad70bd] [DDW-839] Discreet mode - automated tests (#2756) (daedalus)
22:18:34 [f33654b2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:27:06 [138e1d05] Wrap call second try (first one didn't work) (cardano-launcher)
22:33:17 [b4829b34] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
22:43:37 [2d00e0ed] Remove stale cntools.config comment, archive rotatePoolKeys (guild-operators)
22:44:42 [0b60c121] Wrap blocked call to hGetChar (cardano-node)
22:45:20 [88aa38e8] Wrap call second try (first one didn't work) (cardano-launcher)
22:47:23 [41367d08] migrate to useStrings (yoroi-mobile)
23:04:11 [0c65c499] Wrap blocked call to hGetChar (cardano-node)
23:05:09 [9f6c7110] SCP-3031 (#4211) (plutus)
23:11:45 [fee0b00c] Try to close handle (cardano-node)
23:12:42 [89c6080a] Try to close handle (cardano-launcher)
23:16:15 [fe28d4c4] cleanups, change export (yoroi-mobile)
23:17:32 [18ccb8ae] Remove stale cntools.config comment, archive rotatePoolKeys (#1206) (guild-operators)
23:18:24 [3eb150ad] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:27:07 [14af56d6] Try to close handle (cardano-node)
23:51:13 [4b1e837e] Add loop (cardano-node)
23:51:46 [429d8584] Add loop (cardano-launcher)