Home / Reports / Nov 30, 2021

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

471 commits had been pushed across 43 repos by 89 authors. There were 113,219 additions and 68,568 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:13:19 [e7554fdc] Increase test timeout (cardano-launcher)
00:14:17 [e520d572] bench: remove stake delegator keys for lighter geneses (cardano-ops)
00:23:21 [86e33921] TOSQUASH split out TickedTableStuff (ouroboros-network)
00:41:37 [ffb38e53] Merge branch 'develop' into wallet-init-typescript (yoroi-mobile)
00:42:45 [abe3309d] Merge pull request #1805 from Emurgo/receive-screen-typescript (yoroi-mobile)
00:50:27 [4b106608] bench: update analysis run fixup to the new AWS log results layout (cardano-node)
00:50:53 [feec040e] [chore] Migrating TxHistory to ts (yoroi-mobile)
00:58:40 [28614631] [merge] Develop (yoroi-mobile)
01:10:04 [3b1bc510] [chore] CR stories (yoroi-mobile)
01:12:14 [037c0fbe] [chore] Removed comments (yoroi-mobile)
01:15:25 [541d83fb] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:45:16 [03d404e0] migrate to useStrings, change export (yoroi-mobile)
01:45:16 [282acb84] migrate wallet init navigator to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
01:45:44 [a73456b0] migrate wallteinit to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
01:45:47 [3e2b60ef] cleanup strings (yoroi-mobile)
01:45:47 [49283d9a] cleanups, change export (yoroi-mobile)
01:45:47 [9b315245] migrate to useStrings (yoroi-mobile)
02:00:59 [b0332138] migrate WalletNameForm to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
02:01:46 [73a2454a] Remove stale cntools.config comment, archive rotatePoolKeys (guild-operators)
02:09:12 [23c0311a] cleanups, change export (yoroi-mobile)
02:11:11 [cee0f706] [fix] Types (yoroi-mobile)
02:11:35 [081fa7ff] Merge branch 'alpha' into rpc-improvements (guild-operators)
02:31:08 [4d0ea078] Merge pull request #1806 from Emurgo/wallet-init-typescript (yoroi-mobile)
02:36:48 [f2a41aaf] Stake Pool Alliances updated (essential-cardano)
02:40:35 [47d7fa77] NFT Platforms and Projects updated (essential-cardano)
02:46:18 [62586dfe] Merge branch 'develop' into pending-tx (yoroi-mobile)
03:10:11 [4cefc274] cleanups, change export (yoroi-mobile)
03:10:11 [8034f7ed] migrate FreshInit to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
03:22:42 [365e7a66] Merge pull request #145 from input-output-hk/refactor/type-safety (cardano-js-sdk)
03:26:58 [e35992dc] deploy: 365e7a66c786722ac5a067a8bdad759f97326ce6 (cardano-js-sdk)
03:50:08 [ddd14bab] Update MultiAsset comments (cardano-serialization-lib)
04:02:27 [68a22457] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:09:50 [f05aff6f] Revert "Revert "[Builtins] Inline 'MonadError' in 'readKnown'"" (plutus)
05:14:02 [add404d4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:35:02 [ca35ce1a] Initial Testing template (guild-operators)
06:17:46 [14b319d0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:30:58 [ad8a817d] Revert firefox disabling, add upgrade-insecure-requests CSP directive (adalite)
06:34:06 [c8c36625] Initial Testing template (guild-operators)
06:47:16 [0098ad81] Revert firefox disabling, add upgrade-insecure-requests CSP directive (adalite)
07:14:33 [a560e75a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:15:02 [84307e4c] Adjust `isOurTx` to account for script validation failure. (cardano-wallet)
07:16:12 [beda7c7d] Grafana Dashboard Tutorial (#422) (developer-portal)
07:17:29 [0df9501b] Improve reporting for `prop_applyTxToUTxO_applyOurTxToUTxO_AllOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
07:18:23 [8dda2b40] Updated cardano node instalation with 8.10.7 ghc (#424) (developer-portal)
07:20:16 [f2bc5489] Use multi-way if statement to clarify `applyOurTxToUTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
07:27:13 [2cdd8c60] Add weekly report (#425) (developer-portal)
07:28:33 [8d86c74d] add scripts size analyzer (plutus-use-cases)
07:31:06 [01485230] Merge branch 'master' into metadata-oracle (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
07:31:51 [2c3d5257] Adjust `ourWithdrawalSumFromTx` to account for script validation failure. (cardano-wallet)
07:35:43 [62feea3b] Fix `applyBlockToUTxO` to only return result when appropriate. (cardano-wallet)
07:42:12 [a74faabc] Merge #3199 (cardano-node)
07:54:54 [45084a81] Bump cardano-node's version to 1.31.0 in continuous integration workflow. (cardano-ogmios)
07:56:43 [a66bd07f] deploy: 45084a81231a70e94a76933df3a8996b0527a0ea (cardano-ogmios)
07:58:28 [ccd4cbd3] Merge pull request #2763 from input-output-hk/update-master-with-release-4.5.2-without-rts-flags (daedalus)
07:59:25 [3f46b205] Helper methods (cardano-wallet)
07:59:42 [91bcf96c] Merge pull request #2762 from input-output-hk/update-develop-with-release-4.5.2-with-rts-flags (daedalus)
08:09:57 [ae40458b] Fort Rune (cardano-token-registry)
08:18:20 [9d4de9e2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:29:44 [43abe68f] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
08:34:33 [d864ca1a] update with the latest chain-libs (jormungandr)
08:42:43 [f28c5653] Fix Fragments deserialization (jormungandr)
08:45:40 [a0aa73a0] [DDW-773] standalone node script for migration @ts-ignore annotations (daedalus)
08:57:46 [91bbbb81] Flowgen update. Warnings fixed. Version bump to beta7 (cardano-serialization-lib)
09:09:21 [c67c8dfb] add cors for post (vit-testing)
09:11:17 [2713bf82] credential_txs fix using distinct (guild-operators)
09:14:27 [a92165b4] io-classes: use injective type families (ouroboros-network)
09:15:25 [8a2634d3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:16:28 [7204fb1e] Add 'describeCardanoTx' for debugging (hydra-poc)
09:17:42 [f68c9f99] io-sim: updated (ouroboros-network)
09:17:57 [595aaea6] Updated network-mux, ouroboros-network-framework and ouroboros-network (ouroboros-network)
09:18:30 [2c26294f] Updated ouroboros-consensus and ouroboros-consensus-test (ouroboros-network)
09:23:06 [5aa62d76] Merge branch 'master' into feature/add-tx-io-endpoint (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
09:28:34 [d410f3dc] refactor tx init policy (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
09:28:34 [750c6507] reword TODOs for the future generations (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
09:28:34 [cb3719f8] formatting, restructuring (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
09:30:32 [d638c3f4] adding more test in the workflow (cicero)
09:31:22 [cee65503] Merge branch 'main' of github.com:input-output-hk/cicero into feature-application-ut (cicero)
09:31:50 [477d3c81] Currency contract (cardano-wallet)
09:32:41 [397f32f7] Update fixture wallets (cardano-wallet)
09:34:46 [eb615699] Port to Database.Esqueleto.Experimental (cardano-db-sync)
09:36:10 [59c8fba2] feat(wallet): add emip3 encryption util (cardano-js-sdk)
09:37:34 [9fa62c7e] tx-generator: fix some bugs (cardano-node)
09:39:23 [35e47f07] cardano-tracer: thread-safe access for log. (cardano-node)
09:39:40 [d6599907] Add currencyValueOf (plutus)
09:40:18 [54119c80] Merge #3398 (cardano-node)
09:42:09 [c6ec06fc] Merge branch 'develop' into rts-flags (daedalus)
09:45:09 [acbd2175] Add shrinker for UTXO (hydra-poc)
09:46:48 [19fb2984] Address FIXME regarding 'maxTxSize' (hydra-poc)
09:49:57 [9b7de9c2] Simplify definition of `ourWithdrawals`. (cardano-wallet)
09:51:15 [43e355be] Rename `ourWithdrawals` to `ourWithdrawalSum`. (cardano-wallet)
09:51:52 [5a1865f9] Make `ourWithdrawal` a top-level function. (cardano-wallet)
09:53:37 [1a57436a] Make `ourDelegation` a top-level function. (cardano-wallet)
09:53:52 [34d55243] Extract out function `ourWithdrawalSumFromTx`. (cardano-wallet)
09:54:24 [e61252aa] Split `applyTx` into two separate functions for testability. (cardano-wallet)
09:54:58 [c758fb90] Restrict scope of `mkTxMeta`. (cardano-wallet)
09:56:17 [56debeac] Explicitly pass slot number and block height to `applyOurTxToUTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
09:56:57 [3812618e] Make `applyOurTxToUTxO` into a top-level function. (cardano-wallet)
09:57:28 [dc2ffdcc] Rename `prefilterBlock` to `applyBlockToUTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
09:59:19 [1e33c3ed] Use less vertical space within function `applyOurTxToUTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
10:00:55 [1104081c] Accept ADR-10 and update doc diagrams (hydra-poc)
10:08:08 [a5556a2c] Accept ADR-10 and update doc diagrams (hydra-poc)
10:09:20 [edb39ccb] Simplify type of `isOurAddress` to use `State` rather than `StateT`. (cardano-wallet)
10:09:20 [09d571a3] Use multi-way if statement to clarify `applyOurTxToUTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
10:09:21 [0ff39819] Use `isOurTx` to strengthen `prop_applyTxToUTxO_applyOurTxToUTxO_AllOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
10:09:21 [8c6c477f] Add property test `prop_applyTxToUTxO_applyOurTxToUTxO_AllOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
10:09:21 [7e189ab5] Add function `isOurTx` to identify transactions relevant to the wallet. (cardano-wallet)
10:09:22 [d26294ff] Adjust `isOurTx` to account for script validation failure. (cardano-wallet)
10:09:22 [add4a945] Improve reporting for `prop_applyTxToUTxO_applyOurTxToUTxO_AllOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
10:09:22 [e1b8c2f8] Adjust `ourWithdrawalSumFromTx` to account for script validation failure. (cardano-wallet)
10:09:23 [e3381d2a] Fix `applyBlockToUTxO` to only return a result when appropriate. (cardano-wallet)
10:12:22 [8eb73c44] [DDW-779] Merges-in latest develop branch and fix yarn.lock conflict (daedalus)
10:16:40 [bd42e845] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:16:46 [2031fb7e] deploy: 866d8081da4d01cc5f3224b2fc223216da144359 (hydra-poc)
10:21:47 [b31d43f1] Write new generator for UTXO, generating ada-only UTXOs. (hydra-poc)
10:23:44 [2f66d889] Add aeson-pretty's 'encodePretty' to hydra-prelude. (hydra-poc)
10:25:50 [e1f4109a] Fix and improve fanout size property (hydra-poc)
10:26:08 [ca909359] Add properties for `TokenQuantity.predZero`. (cardano-wallet)
10:34:17 [628e85b7] [DDW-847] Bump CWB to v2021-11-11 (daedalus)
10:37:00 [de6e40df] Don't ignore annotations on (U)PLC Term/Type equality (plutus)
10:37:20 [70596a6c] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-738-implement-discreet-mode (daedalus)
10:39:18 [d5be19a8] Add nixos service and scripts (cardano-wallet)
10:39:18 [31fdf317] Add a test with a simple tx (cardano-db-sync)
10:50:03 [9974f76b] replace NULL returns with throws for scan-build (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:00:15 [25ee8d84] [DDW-847] CHANGELOG update (daedalus)
11:01:40 [5b902f16] SCP-2973: Switch CEK to NamedDeBruijn, keeping test interface unchanged (plutus)
11:01:58 [8a6e5b76] Fix `applyBlockToUTxO` to only return a result when appropriate. (cardano-wallet)
11:01:58 [0c02fc9b] Adjust `ourWithdrawalSumFromTx` to account for script validation failure. (cardano-wallet)
11:01:58 [32a2f750] Improve reporting for `prop_applyTxToUTxO_applyOurTxToUTxO_AllOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
11:05:40 [9619f652] Merge #3039 (cardano-wallet)
11:07:31 [0a27a6eb] Simplify type of `isOurAddress` to use `State` rather than `StateT`. (cardano-wallet)
11:08:12 [e6edf9d3] Use multi-way if statement to clarify `applyOurTxToUTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
11:08:13 [b7e014cf] Add property test `prop_applyTxToUTxO_applyOurTxToUTxO_AllOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
11:08:13 [6bca4df0] Add function `isOurTx` to identify transactions relevant to the wallet. (cardano-wallet)
11:08:13 [9928bfed] Use `isOurTx` to strengthen `prop_applyTxToUTxO_applyOurTxToUTxO_AllOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
11:08:14 [d79e79b4] Improve reporting for `prop_applyTxToUTxO_applyOurTxToUTxO_AllOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
11:08:14 [85fd91de] Adjust `isOurTx` to account for script validation failure. (cardano-wallet)
11:08:14 [a93cc80a] Adjust `ourWithdrawalSumFromTx` to account for script validation failure. (cardano-wallet)
11:08:15 [ccb4ebd2] Fix `applyBlockToUTxO` to only return a result when appropriate. (cardano-wallet)
11:12:45 [6b30787b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:21:57 [f222ce32] Updating Cargo.lock (vit-servicing-station)
11:23:13 [b4cf542e] network trace instances: use ToJSON or ToObject instances (cardano-node)
11:23:14 [a7a49137] network trace instances: peer selection traces (cardano-node)
11:23:14 [e19503bc] consensus trace instances: trace termination reason (cardano-node)
11:23:14 [508a6ac0] network trace instances: ToJSON instances (cardano-node)
11:23:22 [ca13a6a2] Implement progress tracers for chunk validation (ouroboros-network)
11:40:29 [203e5bda] Merge #3039 (cardano-wallet)
11:46:14 [b200f802] Move TPraos protocol into its own package. (ouroboros-network)
11:47:00 [3a006cf8] enable network tests in ci (jormungandr)
11:54:51 [4dc47bd3] Review comments (CIPs)
11:58:26 [4a342506] Fix Seed compilation errors (cardano-base)
12:06:30 [2c38d476] Removed PlutusTx.Evaluation (plutus)
12:11:27 [6170d05a] Implement renderers for chunk validation tracers (cardano-node)
12:20:02 [78242187] Added diffusion multinode sim (ouroboros-network)
12:21:48 [0887e22c] [DDW-738] Fix font weights (daedalus)
12:24:02 [bcc9b361] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:32:58 [0354dd13] [DDW-732] Upgrade storybook to 6.4.0 (daedalus)
12:39:52 [cd0da399] [DDW-738] Fix button style (daedalus)
12:41:21 [f765ff27] Add `NodeToClientV_11` to cddl (ouroboros-network)
12:41:21 [14d47c61] Bump `latestReleasedNodeVersion` (ouroboros-network)
12:41:21 [2da0d311] Add golden files for CardanoNodeToClientVersion8 (ouroboros-network)
12:41:21 [42629980] Add `GetRewardInfoPools` local state query (ouroboros-network)
12:41:21 [906f153b] Add entry to the Interface Change Log (ouroboros-network)
12:42:21 [9c26fc7f] Merge #3036 (cardano-wallet)
12:42:49 [414b60db] docs: Merge #3039 (cardano-wallet)
12:43:11 [994e37d2] stats: hydra 203e5bda06469499558c947f338cb585b8b918b8 (cardano-wallet)
12:43:13 [42c89ebf] badge: hydra 203e5bda06469499558c947f338cb585b8b918b8 (cardano-wallet)
12:48:16 [bafe41ab] add Serialize implementation for the MintToken (chain-libs)
12:50:48 [a1d36b4a] Fix some warnings (cardano-base)
12:54:18 [bb1e81e7] journal with CPP (cardano-node)
12:55:40 [3ae74592] Introduce a OnDiskLedgerStDb data type and hook it up to the ledger initialization phase (ouroboros-network)
12:55:50 [474afc39] Add mustPayWithDatumToPubKey (fix #146). (plutus-apps)
12:57:12 [38e1b14b] [DDW-738] Fix button style (daedalus)
12:57:13 [56e1ccde] [DDW-738] Pin package version (daedalus)
13:05:33 [48e2055c] add MintToken certificate processing (jormungandr)
13:15:03 [08ef8758] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:15:48 [b33fe2fa] Bump tracing-subscriber from 0.2.20 to 0.3.3 (jormungandr)
13:16:49 [3fc9b124] Update libs/ledger-state/app/Main.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:17:02 [26b4f658] Update libs/small-steps/src/Data/Sharing.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:17:11 [3566e48a] Update libs/small-steps/src/Data/Sharing.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:17:17 [47284b84] Update libs/small-steps/src/Data/Sharing.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:18:42 [6e66f66f] no useless polymorphism. (cardano-node)
13:22:07 [69cafe52] introduce NonWalletCertificate (cardano-wallet)
13:22:07 [f4907150] adjust decodeTx in shelley and other things accordingly (cardano-wallet)
13:22:08 [2e4f3eee] add swagger - part1 (cardano-wallet)
13:22:08 [92ec075f] adjust testing for decodeTx change (cardano-wallet)
13:22:09 [0d7b2db4] add swagger - part2 (cardano-wallet)
13:22:09 [f7b3f189] add swagger - part4 (cardano-wallet)
13:22:09 [c3fda37e] add swagger - part3 (cardano-wallet)
13:22:10 [2a5248ee] fix shelley core unit tests (cardano-wallet)
13:22:10 [90c1c883] add Arbitrary for ApiDecodedTrasnaction (cardano-wallet)
13:22:10 [68aaf6a8] Extend ApiDecodedTransaction and introduce ApiAnyCertificate (cardano-wallet)
13:22:11 [f3461e7f] add FromJSON and regenerate ApiDecodedTransaction (cardano-wallet)
13:22:11 [609cc7e6] add ToJSON for ApiDecodedTrasnaction (cardano-wallet)
13:22:12 [17324df1] deal with pool certificates on server level (cardano-wallet)
13:22:12 [fb7a322c] deal with delegation certificates on server level (cardano-wallet)
13:22:12 [a4fcc05e] deal with other certificates on server level (cardano-wallet)
13:23:22 [97e5c0e2] Add reimplementation of flat encoding for Integer (cardano-wallet)
13:23:22 [49edd822] Use `flat` package to encode transaction output index (cardano-wallet)
13:23:22 [4d421d43] Document that /transactions-balance requires 'assets' (cardano-wallet)
13:23:22 [e6470758] Add integration test for Plutus.Contracts.Currency (cardano-wallet)
13:24:59 [daf5320b] fix clippy (jormungandr)
13:37:13 [2d675d49] Merge #3506 (ouroboros-network)
13:40:53 [7abe8af0] fix(accounts): move address total to accounts (openapi)
13:40:59 [da0cdbfd] Fixing how the min-required ledger version is asserted (yoroi-mobile)
13:44:27 [1e9c1e88] Fix: don't modify clean state on startup (ouroboros-network)
13:44:38 [b8ffb1e0] Don't ignore annotations on (U)PLC Term/Type equality (plutus)
13:47:50 [2c238029] SCP-3125: Don't ignore annotations on (U)PLC Term/Type equality (plutus)
13:58:40 [e02fafbd] P2P / NonP2P cardano-node (cardano-node)
13:58:40 [1d38d8df] topology file: improved parsing error message (cardano-node)
13:58:40 [fe1759b1] p2p topology file for cardano mainnet (cardano-node)
13:58:40 [96a2bc06] Document the p2p topology file (cardano-node)
13:58:40 [43dabd2f] Update p2p topology configuration via the SIGHUP signal (cardano-node)
13:58:40 [8a8cbfec] Removed MonoLocalBinds extension (cardano-node)
13:58:40 [46460772] Improve NetworkTopology generator (cardano-node)
13:58:40 [65d83307] byron-mainnet configuration: added p2p trace options (cardano-node)
13:58:41 [8f1dfa79] Updated cardano-node-chairman (cardano-node)
13:58:41 [fe27bcf3] nixos-service: Add space-cost profiling support (cardano-node)
13:58:41 [cd644f6b] Code cleanup in Tracing.Config (cardano-node)
13:58:41 [c75dd5cb] Updated cardano-testnet package (cardano-node)
13:58:41 [6f22d7db] nixos service: add p2p topology support. (cardano-node)
13:58:41 [44849209] Updated tx-generator (cardano-node)
13:58:41 [4df4ff69] nixos-service: Add space-heap profiling support (cardano-node)
13:58:54 [7d7f5f0b] Insert a blank line so I can open a PR (plutus)
14:00:18 [1c806179] Removed PlutusTx.Evaluation (plutus)
14:00:56 [69a2eead] [DDW-738] Fix name/icon overlapping (daedalus)
14:07:37 [0ff76477] Added StartupTracer (cardano-node)
14:08:21 [062c3631] rvl changes (cardano-launcher)
14:08:47 [5801800d] Merge #3036 (cardano-wallet)
14:10:58 [b8578757] update plutus-use-cases tests (plutus-apps)
14:11:03 [6bb46626] Fix typo (CIPs)
14:16:39 [493f15d6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:16:53 [811fc830] Correcting minor typo (#427) (developer-portal)
14:18:04 [d4cf1639] Merge `enhancement/next-generation-usage-documentation` of pull request #9 into `master` (equivalence-reasoner)
14:21:06 [59ab9dcc] try to mimic jormungandr rejection method (vit-testing)
14:22:11 [fb840a63] Removed PlutusTx.Evaluation (plutus)
14:25:24 [afed095f] Merge pull request #4256 from input-output-hk/bezirg/eq-ann (plutus)
14:27:28 [2b76ea50] net-sim: simulate accept errors (ouroboros-network)
14:27:36 [4537cd28] server-test: do not link threads inside withBidirectionalConnectionManager (ouroboros-network)
14:27:45 [c23f006e] server-test: check that server re-throws exceptions (ouroboros-network)
14:27:54 [ee3e267a] server: fixed a typo (ouroboros-network)
14:28:09 [d1cf9c21] Factor Signal, Script, Utils modules (ouroboros-network)
14:28:19 [16f5db87] Refactored AbsBearerInfo and friends (ouroboros-network)
14:28:48 [9e11fd14] pruning: modify prune policy (ouroboros-network)
14:28:48 [f52870a4] pruning: Ord instance of ConnectionType (ouroboros-network)
14:28:48 [cdcf8169] pruning: move randomPrunePolicy to Ouroboros.Network.Diffusion.Policies (ouroboros-network)
14:29:06 [d9994977] pruning: improved logging (ouroboros-network)
14:29:06 [c008fc76] pruning: fixed typos (ouroboros-network)
14:29:06 [c2b0d1e6] pruning: include current connection in the choice map (ouroboros-network)
14:29:06 [e756f03e] pruning: present only inbound connections to the pruning policy (ouroboros-network)
14:29:07 [4e587d07] pruning: factor out pruning (ouroboros-network)
14:29:07 [6b3785da] pruning: do not prune in Duplex → InboundState transition (ouroboros-network)
14:29:07 [6755d30d] pruning: check that TrPruneConnections traces valid data (ouroboros-network)
14:29:07 [74fc2e90] pruning: improved a comment (ouroboros-network)
14:29:07 [6255f823] pruning: set connection state to TerminatedState (ouroboros-network)
14:29:15 [2c05038a] Use block download when ranking peers (ouroboros-network)
14:29:25 [0f399e33] Added read-only ObservableNetworkState in Snocket (ouroboros-network)
14:29:33 [f4a420a5] Added prop_connection_manager_counters test (ouroboros-network)
14:29:39 [d3c3b3de] Added prop_inbound_governor_counters test (ouroboros-network)
14:29:50 [3c20b537] Refactor better namings (ouroboros-network)
14:30:00 [ecf71326] Renamed event list (ouroboros-network)
14:30:27 [ba341537] connection-manager: let the connection manager pass handles to the inbound governor. (ouroboros-network)
14:30:27 [35ce4306] connection-manager: rename record fields on ConnectionManagerCounter (ouroboros-network)
14:30:27 [18b16991] connection-manager: removed prunable counter (ouroboros-network)
14:30:27 [6f86a284] connection-manager: qualified import of ControlChannel (ouroboros-network)
14:30:27 [bd68bd7e] server-test: fix prop_connection_manager_counters property (ouroboros-network)
14:30:27 [1cbeb689] connection-manager: trace the number of full duplex connections (ouroboros-network)
14:31:45 [8ee742bc] Removed PlutusTx.Evaluation (plutus)
14:32:52 [a03621a4] babbage makefile (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:32:56 [a22571ba] Updated ouroboros-network to use p2p-master-1.31.0 branch (cardano-node)
14:37:41 [a4bb250b] move long tests to non_functional (jormungandr)
14:45:50 [863dc390] Use block download when ranking peers (ouroboros-network)
14:49:46 [29add6fb] Switch from naersk to rustPlatform (vit-servicing-station)
14:50:34 [97eb2644] docs: Merge #3036 (cardano-wallet)
14:50:47 [dcec74cd] stats: hydra 5801800d08c9f2ea3bf26837b705ae940f7a4727 (cardano-wallet)
14:50:48 [2826896c] badge: hydra 5801800d08c9f2ea3bf26837b705ae940f7a4727 (cardano-wallet)
14:52:35 [74396522] fixed shadowing 'intersect' (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:56:01 [a2a03b3d] Updated ouroboros-consensus and ouroboros-consensus-test (ouroboros-network)
14:59:54 [9146d441] Store evaluation with its simulation (plutus-apps)
15:09:14 [0c4af963] Remove release banner (plutus-apps)
15:12:50 [de7281e5] Refactored the function for wallet-checksum into utils. Updated wallet-store to provide the checksum of the selected wallet. Updated the delegation center to query the wallet plate. (yoroi-frontend)
15:13:41 [4881f2b2] Rename Blocks to Slots (plutus-apps)
15:14:52 [40eb0346] Merge #3040 (cardano-wallet)
15:19:12 [cdb48793] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:19:26 [6b72072e] bench: prevent the generator to be started prior node creating the socket (cardano-ops)
15:19:59 [8a956440] Add pablo's test environment (plutus-ops)
15:20:06 [1c52dd9a] Improved LedgerStateError rendering and InvalidRollback constructor (cardano-node)
15:21:11 [08ad94cc] Add Hernan's environment (plutus-ops)
15:22:34 [059a1587] WIP integrate Lexer.x into new parser. (plutus)
15:22:41 [cd613be3] Add LiteralConst and ConArgs. (plutus)
15:22:41 [03d0be16] Move lexer to core for all to import. (plutus)
15:22:41 [f1c8248e] Remove ann. (plutus)
15:23:03 [c3134156] feat(xpub): init (openapi)
15:27:13 [2b39adc5] Fix: don't modify clean state on startup (ouroboros-network)
15:27:52 [c1b90011] Automatic deployment for Hernan's environment (marlowe-cardano)
15:28:02 [b7bf10f8] doc(CHANGELOG): /utils/xpub/addresses (openapi)
15:28:17 [00a2d9ed] hernan: Bump marlowe to c1b90011a4bdc53ca14c9b74a0f6f7c4941078bf (plutus-ops)
15:28:32 [7aee0894] fixed using internal seed for lower bias (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
15:34:12 [a9f74dd5] Add Pablo's test environment (plutus-ops)
15:35:17 [6a8f3241] cardano-cli: Add option `--stake-address` to subcommand `stake-address registration-certificate` (cardano-node)
15:36:13 [10f82a82] cardano-tracer: bench for file logs. (cardano-node)
15:38:46 [3b9e5378] Update swagger.yaml (openapi)
15:38:51 [328dba65] Update swagger.yaml (openapi)
15:38:56 [8a5aaaad] Update swagger.yaml (openapi)
15:39:01 [7c6a8ce1] Update swagger.yaml (openapi)
15:39:07 [ee06f2fe] Update swagger.yaml (openapi)
15:40:50 [18d22391] revert pattern synonym change (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:44:49 [c2dd30ce] staging: Bump marlowe to c1b90011a4bdc53ca14c9b74a0f6f7c4941078bf (plutus-ops)
15:48:23 [3bba19a4] update ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
15:50:28 [b947cb89] Merge #3503 (ouroboros-network)
15:51:30 [c832cbe2] [WIP] rework pool reg testing (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
15:53:04 [22bbfb7a] stats: hydra 40eb0346756e49ee0145be4991394a3019e5efcf (cardano-wallet)
15:53:06 [b3085279] badge: hydra 40eb0346756e49ee0145be4991394a3019e5efcf (cardano-wallet)
15:55:43 [4ea79b39] Introduce `SlotPoint` type to distinguish genesis from (SlotNo 0) (cardano-wallet)
15:57:43 [214684c7] SCP-2973: Switch CEK to NamedDeBruijn, keeping test interface unchanged (plutus)
15:57:47 [79b93b54] Removed PlutusTx.Evaluation (plutus)
16:01:55 [d47a9c8e] Fix ad hoc deployment documentation (plutus-ops)
16:03:43 [1cbd1e74] Restrict updating CDF counters after restart. (cardano-node)
16:06:54 [115a4f6f] Merge pull request #173 from thiago-tsnnst/patch-1 (essential-cardano)
16:07:45 [3edf2a86] Merge pull request #174 from MarcelKlammer/patch-2 (essential-cardano)
16:10:21 [ed8b7cc4] Merge pull request #175 from NetWalker108/main (essential-cardano)
16:11:57 [7a7e9c9e] Merge pull request #176 from FiveFootSeventeen/patch-2 (essential-cardano)
16:12:12 [e56683f3] Removing Ogmios (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:12:39 [1641a895] Merge pull request #177 from HachiSecurity/add-hachi (essential-cardano)
16:13:49 [7777fee3] Merge pull request #178 from 2nd-Layer/main (essential-cardano)
16:14:31 [19af3eab] Merge pull request #180 from CryptoPeeps/main (essential-cardano)
16:14:42 [d1bf9c15] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into fix/change-endpoints-to-use-multi-asset-table (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:15:23 [2b079053] Merge pull request #2559 from input-output-hk/andre/babbage (cardano-ledger)
16:15:36 [bc15d9c8] Merge pull request #181 from somereason/patch-1 (essential-cardano)
16:15:52 [3d5afdd0] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fix/change-endpoints-to-use-multi-asset-table' into ruslan/disable-ogmios (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:17:32 [42f8b0f0] Update essential-cardano-list.md (essential-cardano)
16:17:43 [7ec77371] Merge pull request #182 from BlockchainArtWorks/main (essential-cardano)
16:20:13 [27f50a13] Merge pull request #183 from ALDEA-DAO/main (essential-cardano)
16:25:23 [fad75b5e] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ruslan/disable-ogmios' into feature/2.0.0-beta (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:26:09 [b8bfb33f] Add endpoint for NFT image validation (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:26:12 [923f980f] Allow query string parameter to skip validation (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:26:12 [31bab69e] Allow route to return the response (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:28:03 [014daa17] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 2b079053e0d16d3ac004934cc9897c8081d10088 (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:29:26 [48e23131] Fix prop_validateToJSON to correctly wrap generated arbitrary JSON. (hydra-poc)
16:30:02 [57e7ea7d] Fix api.yaml JSON-schema specification. (hydra-poc)
16:30:23 [e30df2c4] Start fixing api-log.yaml... (hydra-poc)
16:30:36 [7321670c] bench: prevent the generator to be started prior node creating the socket (cardano-ops)
16:34:26 [1f3251cd] update cli to latest master (plutus-ops)
16:35:02 [105cc032] Add endpoint for NFT image validation (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:35:02 [3fe14aaa] Allow route to return the response (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:35:02 [072a2da5] Allow query string parameter to skip validation (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:38:00 [e22021e5] Modify query utxo command to print literal newline characters (cardano-node)
16:39:32 [8de0d944] Update example-build-cmd.sh to mint a multi-asset (cardano-node)
16:52:28 [04a0c9ab] output logs to stdout for framework to collect (jormungandr)
16:53:36 [4aef6f10] [DDW-738] Update yarn.lock (daedalus)
16:54:54 [7131e3a9] Bumps consul -> 1.11.0-beta3 (bitte)
17:12:30 [ed93017a] bench: prevent the generator to be started prior node creating the socket (cardano-ops)
17:12:42 [f58577b8] Removed PlutusTx.Evaluation (plutus)
17:15:22 [de542b9e] Accept ADR-10 and update doc diagrams (hydra-poc)
17:23:29 [e506651f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:26:13 [97ddece3] [DDW-738] Review changes (daedalus)
17:26:47 [f0d3a4ce] Merge branch 'alpha' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators into docker-testing (guild-operators)
17:36:00 [df76c279] [DDW-738] Fix yarn.lock (daedalus)
17:39:05 [2d6838b2] [DDW-738] Review changes (daedalus)
17:48:57 [a0716f29] migrate wallet description, form to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
17:51:01 [f9cceb22] Force user-defined db credentials (guild-operators)
17:51:20 [259597c3] add .env to gitignore (guild-operators)
17:53:34 [8ab1451f] Automatic deployment for Pablo's environment (marlowe-cardano)
17:53:53 [15e09d8f] staging: Bump marlowe to 8ab1451f22d0667fcf1ca3dcb189425e2bb21865 (plutus-ops)
18:02:24 [5bad2ca8] scripts: simple transaction example in alonzo era (cardano-node)
18:14:45 [b2ec9928] add Serialize implementation for the MintToken (#697) (chain-libs)
18:17:20 [1ee531db] migrate import readonly wallet to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
18:21:30 [bd30b014] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:23:05 [a9cceb20] [DDW-738] Review changes - use lang selector (daedalus)
18:33:10 [dc992c4f] cardano-topology: skip BFT if --with-bft-node-0 not specified (cardano-node)
18:33:10 [dce170f1] workbench: presets, scenarios, proxy & massive cleanups (cardano-node)
18:33:10 [f0525f8e] workbench: rework profile->genesis derivation (cardano-node)
18:33:10 [75d14295] workbench: generalise topology generation somewhat (cardano-node)
18:33:10 [42256b6c] workbench: update profiles (cardano-node)
18:33:11 [84f83705] bench: update analysis run fixup to the new AWS log results layout (cardano-node)
18:33:11 [57db1589] locli: factor chain filtering (cardano-node)
18:33:11 [78348ff5] workbench: integrate parametrised chain filtering (cardano-node)
18:33:11 [78bfdb77] shell: drop withR / rstudio (cardano-node)
18:33:11 [2aa61cb1] workbench: provide as an attribute from default.nix (cardano-node)
18:38:40 [bed6794d] migrate restore wallet to typescipt (yoroi-mobile)
18:45:53 [d993d535] bump cli and fix some follows (bitte)
18:48:09 [b6f9b269] daemon nice level no longer exists (bitte)
18:52:34 [edb47f01] change to the master chain-libs (jormungandr)
18:55:52 [f55b6479] Updated ouroboros-network dependency (cardano-node)
18:55:56 [3d19b3ce] orphaned network instances: move things around (cardano-node)
19:03:21 [69d7ab58] migrate create wallet to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
19:06:24 [d66acbd3] Updated ouroboros-network dependency (cardano-node)
19:06:24 [e5b6adc8] orphaned network instances: move things around (cardano-node)
19:12:56 [7a544e1a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:16:32 [84da48d7] migrate mnemonic show to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
19:27:26 [e787e33e] add catch_all OPTIONS filter with proper headers (vit-testing)
19:37:53 [bfd8ca35] Separate node shutdown and node shutdown at a particular slot concerns (cardano-node)
19:39:23 [dfb2afcb] Additional logging to help debug windows problems (cardano-node)
19:39:24 [1b1c6a73] Wrap blocked call to hGetChar (cardano-node)
19:39:24 [19f88ccf] Windows debugging: throw exception when shutdown request is received (cardano-node)
19:39:25 [3fba1018] Add loop (cardano-node)
19:39:25 [63aec99e] Try to close handle (cardano-node)
19:40:08 [04a5c0fc] Rebase on master (cardano-launcher)
19:40:11 [1fc3c401] migrate mnenomic backup to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
19:50:41 [6289caa2] Add preconditions to balanceTransaction (cardano-wallet)
19:50:41 [ebcbc7c8] Add Shelley.Compatibility.fromCardanoTxOut (cardano-wallet)
19:50:41 [21174e97] [?] Add inputUTxO to Shelley.Transaction (cardano-wallet)
19:50:41 [253ffeaa] [?] cardano-wallet.cabal tweaks (cardano-wallet)
19:50:41 [2d51f3ce] Workaround pointless conversion in updateSealedTx (cardano-wallet)
20:00:09 [478548f9] Improve Cardano.Api generators (cardano-wallet)
20:00:09 [698d067b] fmt fixup wallet (cardano-wallet)
20:08:31 [5acef2cb] a -> p (plutus)
20:08:36 [6c5ca57f] Use backend to get NFT image (yoroi-frontend)
20:10:50 [27040156] Merge branch 'alpha' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators into alpha (guild-operators)
20:10:57 [5c81f822] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators (guild-operators)
20:14:10 [fec69d09] a -> ann (plutus)
20:14:21 [8abd7a10] Add prop_balanceTransactionBalanced (cardano-wallet)
20:14:21 [2b372427] Further tweaks to Cardano.Api.Gen (cardano-wallet)
20:16:10 [9ee89ad6] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
20:19:12 [a2af5fdd] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:21:03 [7d7588fb] SCP-2990 implemented `txHistoryAt` via chain-index, not db-sync (marlowe-cardano)
20:26:52 [08e207e3] Apply new topology systax change in nixos service + new p2p defaults (cardano-node)
20:30:20 [7db4586b] SCP-3081 implemented `txHistoryAt` via chain-index, not db-sync (marlowe-cardano)
20:37:48 [ff812cef] Test new entrypoint for cnode (guild-operators)
20:42:51 [d2981ca3] UI output correction for pool retirement (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
20:44:40 [33771850] Update signTx.c (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
20:49:38 [54b6d7e0] introduce NonWalletCertificate (cardano-wallet)
20:49:43 [156efb7d] adjust decodeTx in shelley and other things accordingly (cardano-wallet)
20:49:44 [719da565] add swagger - part2 (cardano-wallet)
20:49:44 [84a929a3] adjust testing for decodeTx change (cardano-wallet)
20:49:44 [e0cf229a] add swagger - part1 (cardano-wallet)
20:49:45 [1c48803b] add swagger - part4 (cardano-wallet)
20:49:45 [f327b821] add swagger - part3 (cardano-wallet)
20:49:46 [12cc403c] Extend ApiDecodedTransaction and introduce ApiAnyCertificate (cardano-wallet)
20:49:46 [6b674c79] fix shelley core unit tests (cardano-wallet)
20:49:46 [276dfcf9] add Arbitrary for ApiDecodedTrasnaction (cardano-wallet)
20:49:47 [d2b95601] add FromJSON and regenerate ApiDecodedTransaction (cardano-wallet)
20:49:47 [5f4c1cb2] add ToJSON for ApiDecodedTrasnaction (cardano-wallet)
20:49:48 [826df8b2] deal with other certificates on server level (cardano-wallet)
20:49:48 [8c649a5d] deal with delegation certificates on server level (cardano-wallet)
20:49:48 [e55dfd10] deal with pool certificates on server level (cardano-wallet)
20:50:13 [89a7b1f6] Fix ouroboros-network sha256 (cardano-node)
20:50:48 [150bdd9a] add integration test pool joining (cardano-wallet)
20:50:52 [59c2a5ab] add test for quit pool plus some cleanup (cardano-wallet)
20:52:33 [682ef179] fixed duplicated code a bity (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
20:53:31 [4785afb8] fixed incorrect list reference (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
20:53:42 [74f87001] 0B79D548-A2AE-439A-852C-95FF8F918BB8 (cardano-token-registry)
20:55:53 [0810c22c] Fix flat output in uplc for deBruijn-indexed ASTs (#4240) (plutus)
20:56:35 [17486e6a] Use `multi_asset` table (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:02:52 [49d15f54] Merge branch 'feature/utxo-v2-endpoint' into feature/utxo-diff-since-point-endpoint (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:05:08 [572db6ba] Use `multi_asset` table (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:05:59 [61d9a3f3] Fix haddock for ScriptDataSupportedInEra (cardano-node)
21:12:37 [85bc483f] added stabilising sort for biased pools after search (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
21:16:59 [6f19d146] Started SplitMap tests (cardano-ledger)
21:17:46 [2d31f78c] Update entrypoint.sh (guild-operators)
21:22:25 [277bf3a3] Merge pull request #178 from Emurgo/ruslan/lower-bias-fix (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
21:46:35 [e63636c8] Support multiple eras (cardano-db-sync)
21:52:27 [78a9dadb] Add INDY token (cardano-token-registry)
21:57:52 [53451706] Remove old Indy token (cardano-token-registry)
21:59:44 [425b02bf] pool_info active stake fix (guild-operators)
22:14:39 [6f99b5ea] Remove old Indy token (cardano-token-registry)
22:18:03 [d71eec6d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:33:03 [02eb0596] Add test for rewards (cardano-db-sync)
22:39:51 [a322c64e] Align env to use dirname $0, and remove cntools.config references in docker entrypoint: Overrides #1207 (guild-operators)
22:48:18 [afd78645] Align env to use dirname $0, and remove cntools.config references in docker entrypoint: Overrides #1207 (guild-operators)
23:10:06 [06b8c430] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into ruslan/serlib-10 (yoroi-frontend)
23:10:29 [b5844e1e] use 'concise' query param (yoroi-ergo-backend)
23:12:56 [b67a46d1] Align env to use dirname $0, and remove cntools.config references in docker entrypoint: Overrides #1207 (#1208) (guild-operators)
23:15:54 [e504ad1b] rename 'omitBoxes' param to 'concise' (yoroi-ergo-backend)
23:21:14 [e162f39b] fix flow types (yoroi-ergo-backend)
23:22:45 [bfe245c6] Port to Database.Esqueleto.Experimental (cardano-db-sync)
23:26:06 [ab2f737a] Replace "all id" with "and" (marlowe-cardano)
23:27:10 [acedda4b] Merge branch 'develop' into add-staking-page-revamp (yoroi-frontend)
23:30:38 [c8a76b6c] Fix utxoSumForAddresses tests (yoroi-ergo-backend)
23:35:49 [c628ac08] Merge `master` into `enhancement/next-generation-implementation` (equivalence-reasoner)
23:39:50 [cb48b207] Add changelog entry (equivalence-reasoner)
23:56:19 [47ec283b] Update to serlib beta7 (yoroi-frontend)