Home / Reports / Dec 3, 2021

Friday, December 3, 2021

400 commits had been pushed across 39 repos by 84 authors. There were 992,836 additions and 208,059 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:05:55 [f26cf5ec] imp: add treefmt.toml config for treefmt (plutus-ops)
00:10:49 [e11e01e4] imp: add pre-commit-hook with treefmt (bitte-cli)
00:18:18 [53f45583] Finished fastSlow tests, added rewrite to SetAlgebra for SplitMap (cardano-ledger)
00:21:12 [20ad79ff] imp: add pre-commit-hook with treefmt (bitte-cli)
00:21:25 [28cc94b6] imp: cli now implements pre-commit hook (bitte)
00:27:55 [32e10a56] [chore] Moved catalyst button to dashboard (yoroi-mobile)
00:45:05 [2e19410e] WIP got ouroboros-consensus-cardano-tests:test compiling (ouroboros-network)
00:46:11 [9a2c6111] fix: deploy-rs fast-connection inversion (bitte-cli)
00:47:29 [2575dff5] Fixing wrong format of bullet points (cardano-documentation)
00:50:08 [107944a4] fix: deploy-rs correct inverted fast-connection logic (bitte)
00:59:22 [39defeb7] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:16:05 [d231ee71] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:24:35 [b8a9761c] cip-caseygibson-dynamicsaturation.md (CIPs)
01:33:08 [29978253] Trump Bulwark registration (cardano-token-registry)
01:36:17 [1b5e48f4] Delete 0ac1007d311e2fe4abb46e6bf5c51e2d385be5f4f73546990a58ca935472756d7042756c7761726b.json (cardano-token-registry)
01:41:40 [a3d5c747] Trump Rocky registration (cardano-token-registry)
01:48:10 [2e219d9a] [chore] Scrolling entire view (yoroi-mobile)
02:03:34 [d4f92d09] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:56:57 [e9983a75] migrate catalyst to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
03:18:47 [eb89c9df] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:24:15 [cb53ca78] Fix shell.nix and dev environment (voting-tools)
03:24:30 [af2fcf57] Get voting-tools library building (voting-tools)
03:30:19 [7e4d9c00] Remove existing warnings from voting-tools library (voting-tools)
03:33:16 [744df0a3] Enable more strict warnings for voting-tools library (voting-tools)
03:53:21 [10c98090] Pinning nixpkgs with fetchTarball (cardano-documentation)
04:02:05 [2f962bf6] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:11:54 [244a4d87] Add patch for ghc-lib-parser (haskell.nix)
04:23:58 [4b1d580d] More ghc subs for ghcjs (plutus)
04:24:17 [53b3a7c4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:26:03 [129f0c21] Update contrib (plutus)
04:26:35 [b071901e] Enable plutus-tx-plugin tests on ghcjs (plutus)
04:27:48 [f05c098b] Update cabal.project (plutus)
04:29:18 [d5674bc3] nix flake lock --update-input haskell-nix (plutus)
04:32:03 [b92b7889] Fix plugin code for ghcjs (plutus)
04:33:19 [671e37ae] Pin index-state for hls (plutus)
04:38:58 [28e18781] Update nix files for ghcjs (plutus)
04:39:26 [55fe3aaf] Update materialization (plutus)
05:16:40 [34e6238a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:58:20 [b296bc98] Initial Testing template (guild-operators)
06:22:01 [a646c57b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:38:28 [6a29abc1] Update pab-config.yml to work with latest wallet config (plutus-apps)
06:41:21 [4c135bd1] Initial Testing template (guild-operators)
06:42:14 [5ccb94b3] Merge branch 'alpha' into testing_initial_baseline (guild-operators)
06:44:51 [f917ff45] Merge branch 'alpha' into testing_initial_baseline (guild-operators)
07:06:18 [b3a1f7c1] Merge pull request #2766 from input-output-hk/feature/ddw-683-stake-pool-slider-improvement (daedalus)
07:17:37 [7b9dc620] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:31:26 [2e3a149a] Add 'buildTxBody', 'plutusScript' and 'mkScriptAddress' utilities to Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (hydra-poc)
07:31:46 [cd7bf06d] Add 'mkTxOutDatum' utility function (hydra-poc)
07:35:00 [bbac7412] Change initTx to creata a TxBody (hydra-poc)
07:35:44 [3d9413bf] Change 'observeInitTx' to take a TxBody (hydra-poc)
07:35:45 [41bc7edb] Give Direct.Wallet.sign a new type signature (hydra-poc)
07:35:46 [c5c5bebc] Refactor signWith to take a TxBody and only signing key (hydra-poc)
07:36:41 [fbafc22f] Add property tests to assert initTx size and cost (hydra-poc)
07:37:31 [aad2d0e1] Change initTx and abortTx signatures to take TxBodyContent (hydra-poc)
07:37:34 [0c68c75a] Plumbing in Direct.Chain and disable non-yet-refactored tx constructors (hydra-poc)
08:13:27 [26cc9b17] fix(wallet): align emip3 implementation with cardano-wallet rust module (cardano-js-sdk)
08:22:08 [4247fc71] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:25:09 [821d0e31] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/ddw-824-fix-app-update-on-specific-platform (daedalus)
08:27:52 [1cdacb02] up new nomad_event tests (cicero)
08:28:59 [7daa7079] update (chain-libs)
08:35:53 [5477f02c] Merge branch 'main' of github.com:input-output-hk/cicero into feature-application-ut (cicero)
08:36:14 [9ce51de1] update (chain-libs)
08:36:29 [0bb0d634] [CIC-52] Tests with mocked services (#27) (cicero)
08:48:43 [3e1bb1aa] Make ETE failing by having bob committing (hydra-poc)
08:54:30 [0ef2aad7] SCP-3124: Model functions for ACTUS contract type SWPPV (marlowe-cardano)
08:58:21 [3f5d952f] feat(wallet): align root key encyption with yoroi implementation (cardano-js-sdk)
08:58:28 [f2f99cbe] CatKinson (cardano-token-registry)
08:59:04 [569fa3b9] cardan-node: doc generation finalized (cardano-node)
09:05:25 [dcdb672b] Change issue templates to forms (#163) (plutus-apps)
09:05:42 [6b4c0097] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to dcdb672bd8a41d629302ba28d0815d709876b1d2 (plutus-ops)
09:06:49 [d56a970f] update (chain-libs)
09:11:30 [87feb8e5] Merge pull request #2759 from input-output-hk/fix/ddw-824-fix-app-update-on-specific-platform (daedalus)
09:12:40 [7e1c94a9] update (chain-libs)
09:15:09 [15bd37cb] update (chain-libs)
09:18:24 [9a367845] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:23:49 [943ff05c] WIP fix more strict warnings (voting-tools)
09:24:25 [53570c1a] Test observe commit returns commit output (hydra-poc)
09:29:03 [39c29a5b] update (chain-libs)
09:30:01 [d456ab2f] Update index state (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:33:54 [29dd199b] Fix mustSatisfyAnyOf logic (fix #101). (plutus-apps)
09:33:58 [447569ed] update (chain-libs)
09:35:18 [3c6f7dff] Plumbing around new observeCommitTx signature (hydra-poc)
09:41:21 [36d1e04c] Update index state (cardano-ledger)
09:49:12 [6f62f56d] adding notes for meeting 34 (CIPs)
09:50:38 [67fb3222] adding notes for meeting 34 (#164) (CIPs)
09:51:35 [0c0c6935] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/DDW-821-update-packages-with-vulnerabilities (daedalus)
09:51:36 [4ef8493d] Track commits in OnChainHeadState (hydra-poc)
09:51:49 [cedb3f36] Update index state (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:53:01 [0ed151a8] reduce log spam (cicero)
09:55:35 [3a622cc9] fix wrong logger being used (cicero)
09:59:37 [9f7330bf] Return commit "triple" from observeCommitTx (hydra-poc)
10:00:34 [539819a3] adjust peer_connected counter (jormungandr)
10:00:48 [789c2c79] add command to retrieve initials from snapshot (vit-testing)
10:02:14 [475dc1d0] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/ddw-811-checkmark (daedalus)
10:04:16 [978bae7c] replace NULL returns with throws for scan-build (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
10:10:10 [8859b10d] make gocritic happy (cicero)
10:10:35 [5732d8e1] minor code style details (cicero)
10:12:56 [2b3e3b89] fix workflow_test (cicero)
10:16:39 [ca03b9ab] fix tests (jormungandr)
10:20:06 [2d3ed953] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-738-implement-discreet-mode (daedalus)
10:20:06 [aed07f1d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:30:18 [a750e36e] added active voters stats (vit-testing)
10:31:09 [48d110e1] point docker to main branch (vit-testing)
10:35:13 [2d7b0d08] upd (plutus-apps)
10:49:50 [ebdac0fb] Merge pull request #2751 from input-output-hk/fix/ddw-811-checkmark (daedalus)
10:53:42 [ce3f1e31] Explain base16 encoding of token names (#428) (developer-portal)
10:56:08 [cd1472ea] improve doc comment (cicero)
10:57:46 [357591e1] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-738-implement-discreet-mode (daedalus)
11:00:19 [d597847f] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-745-arm-support (daedalus)
11:00:33 [360b6e4b] fix makefile merge error (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:07:43 [92c4062a] feat: testnet option for getAccount (blockfrost-js)
11:09:22 [0c0dce52] add collaterals (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [7f94d963] implement alonzo policies and fix various issues (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [d21b8357] rebase induced changes (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [1dce375f] introduce network id transaction body element (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [979319f8] reshuffle checks (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [af0e0c7d] add output optional script data hash handling (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [8865a77a] reformat stake credential handling in preparation for key hash (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [ae12f79a] restructure Init UI machine and expand it (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [07308423] fix required signer hash length (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [d951e560] fix cbor for key hash in stake credentials (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [85aba844] extend datum hash policies (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [24a09baa] add required signers (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [12626406] introducing new signing mode PLUTUS (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [d3d5afe9] [SQUASH] security policy updates (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [e133073d] implement key hash in stake credential (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [49c310d4] reword TODOs for the future generations (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [1f76d88f] replace NULL returns with throws for scan-build (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [5631c20f] include script data hash in transactions (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [74264e31] refactor tx init policy (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [729b5a91] formatting, restructuring (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:09:22 [38119fa2] make it explicity to SHOW address params with datum hash (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:10:17 [4f54428a] Merge branch 'MetaLamp/nft-marketplace/development' into Metalamp/nft-marketplace/testnet (plutus-use-cases)
11:15:14 [112908a4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:17:52 [d2546915] update serde of TokenName, add serde tests (jormungandr)
11:19:48 [4eb626f8] remove whitespaces (jormungandr)
11:29:30 [56f18a45] Adding Staking Rewards Calculator to the Showcases (#432) (developer-portal)
11:30:17 [9abed077] Patched GHCJS 8.10 (haskell.nix)
11:32:41 [1a82fce1] Merge pull request #2723 from input-output-hk/feature/ddw-738-implement-discreet-mode (daedalus)
11:39:41 [28836109] Add value of committed UTXO to commit tx (hydra-poc)
11:40:00 [a6b461d5] refactor(wallet): rename KeyManager->KeyAgent (cardano-js-sdk)
11:40:18 [9df10161] Unlocked revamp button for dev and test (not nightly) (yoroi-frontend)
11:43:18 [6ccc0e33] Add Speculos transport (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
11:48:42 [7d28dd7d] fix makefile merge error (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:49:10 [5f2c359a] Merge pull request #136 from vacuumlabs/restore-makefile (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [b493ca5b] reformat stake credential handling in preparation for key hash (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [487be17d] extend datum hash policies (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [d3e640b1] implement key hash in stake credential (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [1baf682a] fix cbor for key hash in stake credentials (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [e245f09e] add required signers (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [5d005ef2] implement alonzo policies and fix various issues (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [56d5694c] introducing new signing mode PLUTUS (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [d385d257] include script data hash in transactions (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [c089bce3] refactor tx init policy (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [37595e90] replace NULL returns with throws for scan-build (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [173763de] make it explicity to SHOW address params with datum hash (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [7b5910d0] restructure Init UI machine and expand it (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [aa737135] reshuffle checks (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [9db0aeed] add output optional script data hash handling (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [38ed9f05] add collaterals (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [1ae67648] rebase induced changes (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [e0fadaaf] reword TODOs for the future generations (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [8d28c038] [SQUASH] security policy updates (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [337be78a] formatting, restructuring (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [9f9999d0] fix required signer hash length (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:50:04 [455e2a31] introduce network id transaction body element (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:53:52 [c6f1bcf5] refactor(wallet): rename authenticate->getPassword (cardano-js-sdk)
11:53:54 [6e294047] Fix concise boxes returning type to null (yoroi-ergo-backend)
12:00:43 [364c844c] refactor(wallet): rename keyManager->keyAgent (cardano-js-sdk)
12:07:25 [3bdc8a8a] Update weekly report, week ending December 3rd (developer-portal)
12:07:37 [c825397d] format (cicero)
12:08:52 [4f34c9f1] Fix missing datums for toCardanoTxBody (plutus-apps)
12:09:58 [9583a878] format (cicero)
12:11:39 [62c6dd99] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-596-webpack-5-upgrade (daedalus)
12:14:16 [1ac9b3a9] chore: update modules (blockfrost-js)
12:23:22 [c258723e] merge master (chain-libs)
12:26:32 [e5669615] fix: lock (blockfrost-js)
12:29:10 [f95a74eb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:29:32 [82f863ef] [DDW-796] Refactor and voting phases (daedalus)
12:29:45 [01bd77f4] [DDW-796] Remove closed voting logic (daedalus)
12:29:45 [beeadeb8] [DDW-796] Exclude js/ts files from nix-build glob (daedalus)
12:29:45 [bf708f9b] [DDW-796] Fund phase logic (daedalus)
12:29:46 [83a22dd3] [DDW-796] Fix lint issues (daedalus)
12:29:46 [cfbbbd71] [DDW-796] Fund phase components (daedalus)
12:33:30 [c2b9e46b] Enabled fast-weak for reflex (haskell.nix)
12:35:45 [cbb19860] fix clippy (chain-libs)
12:36:25 [3a24c14b] fixup: stylish-haskell (cardano-wallet)
12:38:19 [ff249896] chore: remove some deps, yarn pnp (blockfrost-js)
12:38:41 [925e94fc] connection-manager-test: removed prop_connectionManagerSimulation (ouroboros-network)
12:38:41 [109e818f] connection-manager: cancel threads using throwTo (ouroboros-network)
12:38:41 [58528ff3] connection-manager: added transition tracer (ouroboros-network)
12:38:42 [c484628c] server-test: comment why 'splitConns' is correct (ouroboros-network)
12:38:42 [ac617dcb] connection-manager: change how masking of the cleanup function is done. (ouroboros-network)
12:38:42 [f58febf6] connection-manager: enforce WaitTime timeout (ouroboros-network)
12:43:35 [f34e90ea] fix: dep (blockfrost-js)
12:43:52 [fa8e1b1e] Provide helper to convert from Ledger TxOut to Api TxOut (hydra-poc)
12:44:38 [6392dcc0] Check collectCom tx consumes the commmit and not committed outputs (hydra-poc)
12:50:24 [8edf92df] remove script analyzer (plutus-use-cases)
12:52:26 [155e0a8d] DRY cicero workflow (cicero)
12:53:21 [c988f71d] fix nix build (cicero)
12:53:42 [8ced0c81] Merge pull request #152 from input-output-hk/stats_from_snapshot (vit-testing)
12:53:51 [b7b994eb] Merge pull request #149 from input-output-hk/cors_fix (vit-testing)
12:58:18 [1b65da6c] Merge pull request #158 from blockfrost/getAccountTestnet (blockfrost-js)
13:02:51 [04a7096c] [DDW-796] Fix flow issues (daedalus)
13:20:51 [2126c2ff] fix: params (blockfrost-js)
13:21:06 [45cc7516] ADATAR.io to essential list (essential-cardano)
13:22:09 [e75c9821] chore: changelog (blockfrost-js)
13:23:39 [66937b62] fix: tests (blockfrost-js)
13:23:40 [9eaae9a6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:28:26 [59c6ff52] Add tests and bench to hie. Improve naming of internal funcitons. Apply hlint to tests. Add fold benhcmark (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:33:44 [3cb6b0e5] tx-generator: add missing DSUM instances (cardano-node)
13:35:49 [bb338523] Introduce `Slot` type to distinguish genesis from (SlotNo 0) (cardano-wallet)
13:38:34 [5a5ea824] added the results for 1.32.0-rc2 (cardano-node-tests)
13:45:00 [8986283b] bump webpack-cli (daedalus)
13:47:03 [6d0c3fea] make fmt (plutus-use-cases)
13:48:33 [9207608f] Merge pull request #124 from input-output-hk/Metalamp/nft-marketplace/testnet (plutus-use-cases)
13:55:41 [cc375289] sovled merge issues (daedalus)
13:57:27 [7b894a89] [DDW-796] Change interval back to original (daedalus)
13:59:10 [caac0e63] Change signature of coverFee (hydra-poc)
14:00:55 [f65b14b7] Made it compile and tests fail before continuing (hydra-poc)
14:04:01 [deae7cbb] [DDW-596] Updated starting steps (daedalus)
14:13:16 [0008b7f4] Add some inline pragmas (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:14:59 [fc1c0e9f] refactor(wallet): tweak KeyAgent types, improve test coverage (cardano-js-sdk)
14:15:27 [9576a05b] fix: params (blockfrost-js)
14:15:27 [78aa2be7] chore: changelog (blockfrost-js)
14:15:27 [5b2c46e8] fix: tests (blockfrost-js)
14:17:03 [fed0e0b3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:21:03 [950b83f3] fix errata 17.2 in protocol version 7 (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:21:04 [92ac2197] decrease default bootstrap timeout. (jormungandr)
14:30:53 [2a0d3e14] add notes to 'Nix on macOS' section about restarting nix daemon after updating nix.conf file (marlowe-cardano)
14:32:06 [f3df7619] update Codec, add new get_slice function (chain-libs)
14:32:22 [eff34e37] remove unnecessary error in PrevHash ToCBOR (cardano-ledger)
14:36:13 [e7ac999e] Update index state (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:40:09 [0713db16] Default era is Alonzo (cardano-node-tests)
14:44:05 [0d13dd84] Fix skips when both cluster and transaction era are specified (cardano-node-tests)
14:45:10 [debe1c3c] Revert "[DDW-821] Downgrade electron-rebuild" (daedalus)
14:46:12 [70b66fcb] docs/utxo-hd.md: TOSQUASH address Damian's comments (ouroboros-network)
14:49:04 [ae5bbc77] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-854-improve-startup-and-shutdown-messages (daedalus)
14:54:14 [e4cf96de] [SCP-3140] add notes to 'Nix on macOS' section about restarting nix daemon after updating nix.conf file (marlowe-cardano)
14:55:36 [0def4f6d] Merge pull request #810 from mkoura/fix_skips (cardano-node-tests)
14:55:51 [c71b2b5c] Merge pull request #184 from uac-nhan-nguyen/patch-1 (essential-cardano)
14:56:46 [54bb34a6] Merge pull request #185 from 2advance/main (essential-cardano)
14:57:05 [751acf2c] RTView new (cardano-node)
14:57:56 [1f36d286] tx-generator: add missing DSUM instances (cardano-node)
14:58:49 [ffda10bf] bench: make jq prefiltering optional, off by default (cardano-node)
14:59:08 [5a1a6686] move Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.API.Protocol to tpraos (cardano-ledger)
14:59:27 [72666089] fix clippy (chain-libs)
15:01:58 [3592cc51] Fix `test_tx_view` (cardano-node-tests)
15:03:56 [0703a57c] bench: make jq prefiltering optional, off by default (cardano-node)
15:04:05 [1c12a92a] SCP-3146 simple end-to-end test of marlowe-cli (marlowe-cardano)
15:05:11 [5c479b20] feat(core): add Bip32PublicKey and Bip32PrivateKey types, export Witness.Signatures type (cardano-js-sdk)
15:07:11 [ccce2e97] Flakify nix build. (cardano-wallet)
15:07:12 [e966bff8] direnv: use flake (cardano-wallet)
15:07:13 [16c08248] Add nixos service and scripts (cardano-wallet)
15:07:15 [0ef088f5] Register owners and reward accounts of pools in Shelley Genesis (ouroboros-network)
15:09:43 [3cd36bc0] Merge pull request #811 from mkoura/fix_test_tx_view (cardano-node-tests)
15:11:34 [1406d426] bench: modernise run layout (cardano-ops)
15:13:17 [61801f9e] Merge pull request #255 from hasonhai/patch-1 (cardano-documentation)
15:14:20 [17606f12] Don't wait for stake distribution (cardano-node-tests)
15:19:31 [056f1f28] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:19:46 [762ed56c] Remove `check_delegation` argument (cardano-node-tests)
15:20:59 [b91211cf] [DDW-854] Adjustments (daedalus)
15:22:20 [b778f9ab] Delete the HOAS evaluator (#4260) (plutus)
15:22:56 [b25e0b56] More predictable delegation (cardano-node-tests)
15:26:16 [d7e78cbc] rename variables (catalyst-toolbox)
15:27:26 [764634d5] tx-generator: add missing DSUM instances (cardano-node)
15:29:39 [5c59ed75] Add progress to UpdateLedgerDbTraceEvent (ouroboros-network)
15:32:17 [2a44eaf1] Added webdriverio configs (yoroi-mobile)
15:35:32 [ac1d506c] refactor(wallet): use new core types, test restoreKeyAgent (cardano-js-sdk)
15:37:12 [e49a841e] Flakify nix build. (cardano-wallet)
15:37:15 [8264465d] direnv: use flake (cardano-wallet)
15:37:27 [d750660a] Add nixos service and scripts (cardano-wallet)
15:38:09 [38ccaba7] Merge #3415 (cardano-node)
15:39:06 [35c19697] Update essential-cardano-list.md (essential-cardano)
15:43:56 [03d3be5f] Merge pull request #812 from mkoura/waiting_for_rewards (cardano-node-tests)
15:45:24 [0be1a1ec] fix: tests (blockfrost-js)
15:47:58 [9edf5dcc] Make `test_expired_kes` work with Alonzo local cluster (cardano-node-tests)
15:49:27 [0a0160d3] server-test: comment why 'splitConns' is correct (ouroboros-network)
15:49:27 [6ec93efb] connection-manager: added transition tracer (ouroboros-network)
15:49:27 [adb3b53e] connection-manager: change how masking of the cleanup function is done. (ouroboros-network)
15:49:27 [942c8f0c] connection-manager-test: removed prop_connectionManagerSimulation (ouroboros-network)
15:49:27 [9bb901ef] connection-manager: cancel threads using throwTo (ouroboros-network)
15:49:27 [0bcc77c2] connection-manager: enforce WaitTime timeout (ouroboros-network)
15:50:33 [4753c867] Added the utils.js file (yoroi-mobile)
15:50:53 [db85149d] new weekly report 03/12 (essential-cardano)
15:51:53 [a607f446] Update Essential_Cardano_weekly_reports.md (essential-cardano)
15:53:30 [c4aab792] Update Essential_Cardano_weekly_reports.md (essential-cardano)
15:53:41 [ab021626] Changed utils.js (yoroi-mobile)
15:54:49 [79f3c77a] Update Essential_Cardano_weekly_reports.md (essential-cardano)
15:55:21 [9576c6ac] Update Essential_Cardano_weekly_reports.md (essential-cardano)
15:55:34 [2f8a9a7e] Simplify code using Parsec (cardano-node)
15:55:34 [4818e0f9] Extend deserialiseFromRawBytesHex to produce error description (cardano-node)
15:55:48 [aee56c8b] Added screen object's files (yoroi-mobile)
15:59:35 [cffd526b] Added a spec's file (yoroi-mobile)
15:59:46 [7aaae3ab] test me (cardano-node)
15:59:55 [2dca7843] connection-manager: demotedToColdRemote (ouroboros-network)
16:00:46 [9ccdd03c] Fix wrong comment (hydra-poc)
16:00:58 [5b5a276a] WIP integrate Lexer.x into new parser. (plutus)
16:01:04 [5e4734b1] Move lexer to core for all to import. (plutus)
16:01:04 [2bb1297a] Add LiteralConst and ConArgs. (plutus)
16:01:04 [5ba02a9b] Remove ann. (plutus)
16:01:05 [ca3d6c01] WIP added kw parser. Found that more overhaul needed. (plutus)
16:01:05 [eba0fd7a] Re-organzie dirs/files. (plutus)
16:01:05 [042740b9] Remove Special (duplication with what's in ParserCommon. (plutus)
16:01:06 [8c614780] Remove unused allKeywords. (plutus)
16:01:22 [abb48d8a] Consume Commit UTXO in CollectCom (hydra-poc)
16:04:20 [0aa58aa4] add ConfigParam::EvmParams variant to match clauses (jormungandr)
16:27:32 [9b8c8c92] Merge pull request #2571 from input-output-hk/jc/remove-error-in-proxy-use (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:28:33 [1773b7ae] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:28:48 [ab1c7712] add test workflow for all runners (cicero)
16:29:34 [e35c9b87] nixfmt (cicero)
16:31:46 [2c179dea] relocate ping_pong workflow (cicero)
16:39:07 [6a7c72d9] Merge pull request #813 from mkoura/fix_test_expired_kes (cardano-node-tests)
16:39:51 [f09c5437] Merge pull request #159 from blockfrost/fix-params3 (blockfrost-js)
16:49:28 [4e5e2b75] remove redundant toScriptData (plutus-apps)
16:58:37 [007f1095] Fixup internet explorer dump service errors (cardano-ops)
17:01:33 [b06370e2] bench: make jq prefiltering optional, off by default (cardano-node)
17:04:36 [d65e030b] Fix regression. Better name for deleteInternal function (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:08:32 [45b2b048] Use MonadReader to pass the clientEnv (marlowe-cardano)
17:16:44 [45c7c601] chore: reexport deriveAddress, getFingerprint for public use (blockfrost-js)
17:19:38 [c554a4f0] fix: pre-commit, add dep editorconfig-checker (bitte-cli)
17:21:12 [a112fc22] WIP add ParserTerm, replacing Keyword. (plutus)
17:24:08 [6d91c8aa] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:26:19 [6be208ed] upd: cli - fix pre-commit missing dep (editorconfig-checker) (bitte)
17:27:42 [d3f2a6e3] Fix build. Ormolize (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:28:27 [ccba556b] Merge pull request #161 from blockfrost/feat/reexport-helpers (blockfrost-js)
17:35:05 [fcbe51ae] Remove unused imports (marlowe-cardano)
17:35:33 [05979f4a] fix(tests): make retry test less flaky (blockfrost-js)
17:37:02 [b3171364] bench: modernise run layout (cardano-ops)
17:38:04 [2c41b914] imp: use bitte-cli with patched nix for post-build-hook on daemon nix (bitte)
17:38:05 [0786713b] imp: streamline .enrc (bitte)
17:38:06 [8c317377] imp: cli now implements pre-commit hook (bitte)
17:38:07 [845d6d4d] fix: deploy-rs correct inverted fast-connection logic (bitte)
17:38:08 [ddbd2f67] upd: cli - fix pre-commit missing dep (editorconfig-checker) (bitte)
17:39:33 [f4dcebcd] Merge pull request #162 from blockfrost/fix/flaky-retry (blockfrost-js)
18:08:22 [32b569c4] Change `BlockHeader` to use Maybe for parent hash (cardano-wallet)
18:08:39 [675fa739] Reorganize modules in Cardano.Wallet.DB.* (cardano-wallet)
18:21:27 [d6231a38] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:29:06 [e4f61115] Adding a new datatype to replace UTxO as Data.Map (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:29:16 [cfc4e96b] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-633-implement-earned-rewards-history (daedalus)
18:34:51 [33bb033e] Remove references to nixpkgs-20.09. (haskell.nix)
18:46:29 [5558db0c] Shibada (cardano-token-registry)
18:51:54 [a84a1188] fix: retrieve metrics in the bg instead of on each request (blockfrost-websocket-link)
18:53:05 [654be5f3] Ensure the addr is line split from the first ip resolution (cardano-ops)
18:53:50 [7be95977] [DDW-854] Update copy (daedalus)
19:01:40 [197c8c95] add feature gate for evm params (jormungandr)
19:05:54 [391513d5] temporary Cargo.lock (jormungandr)
19:06:05 [09781ebd] connection-manager-test: removed prop_connectionManagerSimulation (ouroboros-network)
19:06:05 [9ef852d0] connection-manager: added transition tracer (ouroboros-network)
19:06:05 [2bc8a97e] connection-manager: enforce WaitTime timeout (ouroboros-network)
19:06:05 [d92cfe38] connection-manager: demotedToColdRemote (ouroboros-network)
19:06:05 [bfcb7ae8] server-test: comment why 'splitConns' is correct (ouroboros-network)
19:06:05 [2703d720] connection-manager: cancel threads using throwTo (ouroboros-network)
19:06:05 [ab57dbc7] connection-manager: change how masking of the cleanup function is done. (ouroboros-network)
19:11:40 [68c8bbad] [DDW-796] Style fix (daedalus)
19:12:11 [5cfd883e] [DDW-796] Add observer (daedalus)
19:12:30 [37c5353f] [DDW-796] Remove unused (daedalus)
19:14:38 [6d2a304a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:14:40 [ed5a4eb9] hlint fixups (cardano-wallet)
19:18:08 [ad76db36] [DDW-796] Lazy validation (daedalus)
19:19:11 [7cc17a17] WIP changing to embedding terms. (plutus)
19:26:28 [647339ce] Try #2996: (cardano-wallet)
19:49:32 [f1b0d3ce] fix: root ca cert trust anchor (bitte)
19:52:13 [429574f8] removed cardano-protocol-tpraos dependency (cardano-ledger)
19:52:20 [34422b29] fix: root ca cert trust anchor (bitte)
19:58:56 [8758cf34] [DDW-858] Fix eslint warnings (daedalus)
20:01:05 [5a0775b9] parameterize buildkite container to include queue option (ci-ops)
20:02:15 [494c5199] SCP-2819 tested `continuingHistoryAt` on testnet (marlowe-cardano)
20:12:44 [a4c68dad] fix: lower num of requests for empty accounts (blockfrost-websocket-link)
20:19:16 [3f492056] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:23:04 [f86aa2c7] next RTView steps. (cardano-node)
20:23:39 [0b76f401] Add WBE to the configuration (marlowe-cardano)
20:37:49 [3992e435] Improve error handling (marlowe-cardano)
20:43:29 [a1e50d90] update ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
20:57:41 [82953c78] Revert "farnisch" (cardano-token-registry)
21:01:46 [48f0f68b] Added connection manager transition tracer (cardano-node)
21:02:02 [94d9b22d] Revert "Revert "farnisch"" (cardano-token-registry)
21:08:01 [09cd3914] Fix cleanup after marked tests are finished (cardano-node-tests)
21:10:28 [e6c7a7a1] Fix formatting (marlowe-cardano)
21:13:01 [0bc6c271] Merge pull request #814 from mkoura/fix_mark_cleanup (cardano-node-tests)
21:15:36 [25ec2c10] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:39:55 [23241677] update demo scripts (plutus-use-cases)
21:53:57 [8acfabfb] Update README.md (daedalus)
21:55:35 [452058db] Fix documentation (marlowe-cardano)
21:56:41 [e6b61cce] fix post-build-hook (plutus-ops)
22:03:31 [77f2d077] add chuncked by address tx syncing (yoroi-frontend)
22:17:56 [6f5b05c3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:30:05 [cb1f4361] Fix typo (developer-portal)
22:38:40 [6647c6d1] Minor enhancements to rewards checks in db-sync (cardano-node-tests)
22:44:01 [22f48bb1] Merge pull request #815 from mkoura/dbsync_reward_enhancements (cardano-node-tests)
23:18:01 [bf7b1df9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:18:25 [f727d48b] fix: pre-commit, add dep editorconfig-checker (bitte-cli)
23:19:00 [ffc77d65] fix: deploy-rs fast-connection inversion (bitte-cli)
23:20:14 [bed78a90] fix: deploy-rs correct inverted fast-connection logic (bitte)
23:20:14 [c2a1626a] fix: root ca cert trust anchor (bitte)
23:44:30 [d2edf653] Ignore "could not serialize access" db-sync error (cardano-node-tests)
23:50:50 [2d66433c] Merge pull request #816 from mkoura/dbsync_errors_log (cardano-node-tests)
23:54:42 [7e5536ec] imp: cli now implements pre-commit hook (bitte)
23:54:42 [97fbf82a] fix: deploy-rs correct inverted fast-connection logic (bitte)
23:54:43 [09cf8d78] fix: root ca cert trust anchor (bitte)