Home / Reports / Oct 15, 2021

Friday, October 15, 2021

486 commits had been pushed across 44 repos by 77 authors. There were 497,530 additions and 79,094 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:02:21 [e4ef65eb] Revert default filesystem mounts to 21.05 compatible mountpoints (bitte)
00:03:10 [17c03fde] Add smash migration (cardano-db-sync)
00:06:36 [3b1bbbda] Avoid concatentation of previous grub device (bitte)
00:14:12 [7c1dd2b0] Fix warnings (cardano-db-sync)
00:19:43 [3d41035e] Merge branch 'develop' into password-error-message (yoroi-mobile)
00:21:11 [05047da2] Merge pull request #84 from input-output-hk/restore-zfs-master (bitte)
00:52:21 [cb1f114d] Fix warnings (cardano-db-sync)
00:52:21 [ede52e18] Add smash flag to run the server (cardano-db-sync)
01:03:01 [b4c94ab8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:13:42 [7f8bec4d] migrate files to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
01:16:35 [e6a0d20e] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:47:01 [d08876cd] add new marketplace types to typescript generator (plutus-use-cases)
01:47:01 [96cfb69d] fix: changed Dockerfile gosu gpg keyserver as it was randomly failing (cardano-rosetta)
01:48:55 [c167f8fd] make fmt (plutus-use-cases)
01:49:52 [6ce64fcc] Merge pull request #90 from input-output-hk/Metalamp/nft-marketplace/update-plutus (plutus-use-cases)
01:50:28 [f9c3d193] Merge branch 'MetaLamp/nft-marketplace/development' into Metalamp/nft-marketplace/refactor-auction (plutus-use-cases)
02:00:39 [e87c3cdc] fix generate-typescript types (plutus-use-cases)
02:11:54 [4f5e2b9e] fix: changed Dockerfile gosu gpg keyserver as it was randomly failing (cardano-rosetta)
02:11:54 [c3e90a10] chore: bump version, update changelog (cardano-rosetta)
02:29:45 [b7890566] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:43:19 [76e31370] Merge branch 'develop' into migrate-files-typescript (yoroi-mobile)
02:46:54 [8ba01414] Merge pull request #1686 from Emurgo/migrate-files-typescript (yoroi-mobile)
02:47:02 [ed6e8078] Merge branch 'develop' into password-error-message (yoroi-mobile)
02:51:33 [ed3f462a] chore/removing-circle-ci (yoroi-mobile)
02:56:23 [38c9a037] chore/ci (yoroi-mobile)
02:56:40 [95d8eb16] Merge branch 'develop' into removing-circle-ci (yoroi-mobile)
02:57:00 [d36ae267] Merge pull request #1687 from Emurgo/removing-circle-ci (yoroi-mobile)
02:57:09 [e998a05a] Merge branch 'develop' into password-error-message (yoroi-mobile)
02:58:06 [2f173854] Merge pull request #1685 from Emurgo/password-error-message (yoroi-mobile)
03:04:52 [f0efd64e] migrate files to typescript (yoroi-mobile)
03:08:37 [0c2c61ad] LotLink refactoring (plutus-use-cases)
03:18:26 [071ac60f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:01:52 [4641efb1] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:23:08 [5c38f870] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:03:47 [df8c29b4] some tests for single accounting (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
05:11:28 [183b695d] Merge pull request #2395 from Emurgo/paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-1 (yoroi-frontend)
05:15:37 [4a0d2a88] Merge branch 'develop' into paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-2 (yoroi-frontend)
05:15:43 [f8111385] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:18:15 [515bc3d2] [SRE-202] Add stylish and nixpkgs-fmt derivations (ouroboros-network)
05:29:41 [08318ce6] Merge pull request #2396 from Emurgo/paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-2 (yoroi-frontend)
05:30:11 [c49b1418] Merge branch 'develop' into paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-3 (yoroi-frontend)
05:41:32 [65b990f7] PutLotRedeemer and RemoveLotRedeemer refactoring (plutus-use-cases)
05:42:08 [b6aca3d0] make fmt (plutus-use-cases)
05:43:43 [474b6be3] [SRE-202] Add stylish and nixpkgs-fmt derivations (ouroboros-network)
05:46:01 [e605c30d] fix review fix (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
05:53:06 [078ef4a4] Merge pull request #2403 from Emurgo/paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-3 (yoroi-frontend)
05:53:22 [a5f6969a] Add admin user option (cardano-db-sync)
05:53:27 [c18ac806] Merge branch 'develop' into paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-4 (yoroi-frontend)
06:09:34 [e06fca39] Merge pull request #2405 from Emurgo/paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-4 (yoroi-frontend)
06:20:58 [24d92236] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:29:02 [9f1611fb] Remove admin_user table (cardano-db-sync)
06:29:02 [ee25194f] Fix DataLayer (cardano-db-sync)
06:29:02 [0754f588] Add smash flag to run the server (cardano-db-sync)
06:29:02 [85f76da5] Add delist table (cardano-db-sync)
06:29:02 [2f943f2d] Serve delisted end points (cardano-db-sync)
06:29:02 [b79f74e0] Add admin user option (cardano-db-sync)
06:29:02 [718fa1c6] Add smash migration (cardano-db-sync)
06:29:02 [dd7fa50d] Implement smash web api (cardano-db-sync)
06:29:02 [1ea9d1c0] Implement FetchErrors endpoint (cardano-db-sync)
06:29:02 [c206c7c4] Fix warnings (cardano-db-sync)
06:29:02 [206eb941] Improve errors (cardano-db-sync)
06:30:58 [cd3f4464] Increase caching time of token registry, minor refactor (adalite)
06:45:32 [cc6e600a] apply fix for dump_send_correct_fragments and send_all_fragments (jormungandr)
06:45:49 [71f3bccb] Introduce smash server package (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:52 [94d1213f] Draft implement smash server getters (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:53 [8e7a99b7] Remove admin_user table (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:53 [53abe6a4] Add delist table (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:53 [7117bf04] Implement smash web api (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:54 [ac5ee213] Improve errors (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:54 [917065cc] Serve delisted end points (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:55 [30d3153b] Implement FetchErrors endpoint (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:55 [8331fdb3] Fix DataLayer (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:56 [2d64c1dc] Add smash migration (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:56 [40e76b23] Add smash flag to run the server (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:56 [1fa8d863] Fix warnings (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:57 [a848b75f] Add admin user option (cardano-db-sync)
06:49:48 [db43a876] fix string quoting issue (bitte-iogo)
06:55:15 [3ad807d9] port changes from catalyst-fund6 (vit-testing)
06:57:09 [28052151] Merge branch 'develop' into paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-5 (yoroi-frontend)
06:58:56 [5abadccc] Merge pull request #3632 from input-output-hk/catalyst-fund6-fixes-backport (jormungandr)
07:06:56 [4c0ffa7c] Extract utility functions to test prelude (hydra-poc)
07:07:39 [813a841c] Fix stylish Haskell (cardano-db-sync)
07:08:36 [61ef8b9b] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
07:09:44 [b5628d72] mint-burn (cardano-wallet)
07:13:12 [656f21df] [DDW-680] fix lockfile (daedalus)
07:13:28 [c5d83792] Start cardano cluster in Alonzo era (hydra-poc)
07:16:57 [e8980ebf] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:19:54 [c56cebbd] fix some css variables (yoroi-frontend)
07:28:58 [857c0015] fix hardcoded colors (yoroi-frontend)
07:33:38 [115869af] scp-2883 - as suggested in review (plutus)
07:43:28 [3b2bfc94] Use R_X86_64_TLSGD-Fix branch of haskell.nix (plutus)
07:49:41 [9aba7385] plutus-pab ghcjs build (plutus)
07:50:26 [e01b5c53] add .vscode dir into the gitignore (catalyst-toolbox)
07:51:50 [0c152fcd] Add .vscode dir into the gitignore (chain-wallet-libs)
07:54:47 [1b21aabf] Add .vscode dir into the gitignore (chain-libs)
07:55:38 [3063fbd4] Missing materialized files (plutus)
07:59:25 [49562035] add an initial example to test minting NFTs (yoroi-frontend)
08:13:01 [a5659554] scp-2883 - as suggested in review (correction) (plutus)
08:18:31 [535d44b8] Notify when python venv already exists (cardano-node-tests)
08:20:50 [5f5c32d3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:23:33 [076b40f6] Bux Fixes, add todos for pending tests (guild-operators)
08:23:53 [ee92ea59] Merge pull request #743 from mkoura/setup_venv_checks (cardano-node-tests)
08:35:37 [40ca7adb] refresh hash and witness in test added earlier (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
08:36:56 [15692995] Increase caching time of token registry, minor refactor (adalite)
08:44:18 [75ccaf42] Merge pull request #4098 from input-output-hk/scp-2883-actus-derivative-contracts (plutus)
08:44:34 [2ea28f91] staging: Bump plutus to 75ccaf42ac5a452c32d76c8bb4ff49006eb56c7a (plutus-ops)
08:45:59 [d0aa86de] Merge pull request #2518 from input-output-hk/jc/more-tpraos-separation (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:52:42 [254fd52a] Store synced wallets in the localstorage (yoroi-frontend)
09:00:41 [e207979c] add Win Share to bet (plutus-use-cases)
09:02:29 [5e1153f4] Update paths in README (cardano-node-tests)
09:09:57 [6aaf89b1] Merge pull request #744 from mkoura/update_paths_README (cardano-node-tests)
09:17:03 [08bf046b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:25:17 [123a5582] Merge pull request #68 from input-output-hk/update-git-ignore (catalyst-toolbox)
09:27:49 [053de287] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/jest-unit-tests (daedalus)
09:29:35 [5d8966f6] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-633-implement-earned-rewards-history (daedalus)
09:29:40 [01fc3b1f] Merge #3374 (ouroboros-network)
09:34:11 [f234ce9b] Check one payment from initial fund in cluster (hydra-poc)
09:35:44 [16464a71] Fix PlutusIR.Transform.Substitute (plutus)
09:39:58 [502b145a] io-sim: added pretty printers (ouroboros-network)
09:44:16 [31d0793e] io-sim: log EventMask (ouroboros-network)
09:46:59 [10738270] io-sim: fixed a typo (ouroboros-network)
09:46:59 [bdcea7f5] io-sim: label Async's TVar (ouroboros-network)
09:48:38 [45c7a849] Reduce slot length for faster local-cluster test (hydra-poc)
09:56:27 [d426fd8b] deploy: f234ce9bc770c05f82c2980f050686066be1c6a3 (hydra-poc)
10:03:05 [56ae3cd8] Mark existing wallets as synced (yoroi-frontend)
10:03:21 [8be9b9ef] wip (plutus)
10:03:47 [60334187] removed duplicate proof (plutus)
10:04:18 [11199eb7] Update docs/links/cabal.project for 1.30.1 (Alonzo-testnet)
10:05:00 [09d5bc7b] Purge envelope types from our code (plutus)
10:07:40 [8fbdc125] Merge pull request #45 from blockfrost/test_txs (blockfrost-go)
10:19:11 [1d907973] [WIP] (cicero)
10:19:29 [c2f22de0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:23:50 [2758594d] fix: change build target modules to esm (BREAKING) (cardano-js-sdk)
10:24:54 [ef720ab5] Added simple test (catalyst-toolbox)
10:26:00 [352f39a5] Add all targets flag for tests (catalyst-toolbox)
10:28:53 [2f714a38] WIP: add block itself to DoneAddingBlock so Karl can project whatever he wants from it (ouroboros-network)
10:34:31 [d46e2078] Block with invalid signature (jormungandr)
10:37:23 [85561acf] update nft version (plutus-use-cases)
10:42:19 [5e6bcfeb] change Game score API method + change Game status update (plutus-use-cases)
10:45:46 [8be81bbc] WIP: Block adoption metrics (cardano-node)
10:58:54 [ee2cf89c] add utils mod (jormungandr)
10:58:54 [50d90065] Got one! (jormungandr)
10:58:54 [fc31e2b9] Non-existent leader (jormungandr)
10:58:54 [d807e6c1] Add stub for AdversaryNode (jormungandr)
10:58:54 [8356a232] Improve mock gRPC server capabilities (jormungandr)
10:58:54 [673f6a99] Invalid transaction (jormungandr)
11:01:48 [281bc26b] Invalid leader (jormungandr)
11:01:51 [fb39153b] Block with invalid signature (jormungandr)
11:02:58 [142d0be3] Add a counter block propagation delay (cardano-node)
11:02:58 [27b95855] Calculate the CDF for 1s, 3s and 5s for block delay (cardano-node)
11:02:59 [ea8a8f1d] Implement block size gauge (cardano-node)
11:14:19 [46f789bd] [DDW-691] Get Window process.argv to handle parameters (daedalus)
11:14:32 [b488fadd] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:18:19 [be71826f] Add instruction on how to start cluster, run and debug tests and access database (cardano-node-tests)
11:20:20 [10059b2f] fix typos and refactor somewhat (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:25:41 [32a921b7] Add instruction on how to start cluster, run and debug tests and access database (cardano-node-tests)
11:31:53 [0b6e557b] Purge envelope types from our code (plutus)
11:36:44 [b19c8950] Fix minting policy in tutorial and for state machine thread tokens (plutus)
11:37:44 [7081ead5] resolve merge conflict (plutus-use-cases)
11:39:03 [e5a5beb8] More benchmarks (plutus)
11:43:05 [44ed9b17] Added missing file (plutus)
11:57:23 [e4a8aca2] SCP-2916: Add a doc about profiling scripts (plutus)
11:59:56 [3f7d60bb] Add instruction on how to start cluster, run and debug tests and access database (cardano-node-tests)
12:02:58 [2241d691] Cleanup (jormungandr)
12:05:30 [00eb2230] Add instruction on how to start cluster, run and debug tests and access database (cardano-node-tests)
12:14:12 [65aec320] Use different and fitted values for test (catalyst-toolbox)
12:17:22 [577680e2] ci: fix util-dev package version and versionrc config (cardano-js-sdk)
12:18:10 [590d9727] [DDW-680] Correct punctuation and error handling in hardware wallet setup connection failure (daedalus)
12:23:01 [b245c171] Doc the tests (jormungandr)
12:28:17 [61e55aa8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:31:15 [af4bc4cc] [DDW-680] Remove assetContent value check to be addressed when standardising copy acions (daedalus)
12:32:40 [1961879c] Merge branch 'staging' into test_ipfs (blockfrost-go)
12:34:48 [cc6d87ec] [DDW-691] Remove additional logger (daedalus)
12:37:50 [486e24a7] Introduce smash server package (cardano-db-sync)
12:37:55 [558bf546] Draft implement smash server getters (cardano-db-sync)
12:37:56 [1bd4e516] Remove admin_user table (cardano-db-sync)
12:37:56 [1ef939af] Implement smash web api (cardano-db-sync)
12:37:57 [7ad121c9] Improve errors (cardano-db-sync)
12:37:57 [211c90d6] Add delist table (cardano-db-sync)
12:37:57 [89191c5e] Serve delisted end points (cardano-db-sync)
12:37:58 [8b4171b6] Fix DataLayer (cardano-db-sync)
12:37:58 [1b25e12f] Implement FetchErrors endpoint (cardano-db-sync)
12:37:59 [0f966197] Fix warnings (cardano-db-sync)
12:37:59 [b3496b16] Add smash migration (cardano-db-sync)
12:37:59 [67b810cd] Add smash flag to run the server (cardano-db-sync)
12:38:00 [df2864e2] Fix stylish Haskell (cardano-db-sync)
12:38:00 [636e8966] Add admin user option (cardano-db-sync)
12:52:35 [714fac60] Merge pull request #248 from fivebinaries/cip12 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:55:04 [003ce1a5] add explorer library (chain-libs)
12:55:04 [363bdae8] run cargo fmt (chain-libs)
12:55:04 [c2bc2ef9] use block methods instead of private fields (chain-libs)
12:55:23 [6405d718] Merge #2476 (cardano-node)
12:59:46 [0b76b5ca] Initial commit (purescript-bridge-json-helpers)
13:00:06 [2ccb28bd] Ad instruction on how to start cluster, run and debug tests and access database (cardano-node-tests)
13:00:45 [9ab2f59f] wi (plutus)
13:00:46 [5a0dd828] upgrade async-graphql (move to the beginning) (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [859ce1e3] graphql: fix invalid macro on Certificate (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [e30c79f9] improve garbage collection (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [725841a4] Revert "split sanakirja implementation to a new branch" (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [a1d81b4c] sanakirja rewrite: api (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [3e14b750] explorer: stake control and implement public tally (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [1abd8c9d] sanakirja rewrite: db (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [26e2bd7b] merge Pristine and ExplorerDb and improve tip handling (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [11f1c565] refactor pagination: api (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [562d1a0d] use .entered() for init span (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [0fb62ca4] bunch of clippy lints (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [c2db0e03] replace filter_map with find_map (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [8a655980] remove outdated comment (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [b658f637] api: basic certificate types (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [3dda2522] add batch api to ExplorerDb (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [37120bd2] storable chain length from/into u32 (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [8e5301af] clippy: rename FileError to File (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [6c1c94af] TMP: point dependencies to proper branches (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [9b0cd5d1] add explorer crate (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [7e82270f] upgrade tonic (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [11c9d095] use batching when bootstrapping (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [d41bf4d9] add open_or_create_db generic helper (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [8796367d] cleanup explorer imports (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [da9bd436] add vote plans minus VoteTally (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [cd98f2f1] remove unwraps from state_ref (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [282bfc17] remove unused param (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [4a38cdc4] copy-paste jormungandr logging setup (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [29d9bab1] improve error and panic handling (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [71ebec39] compute private tally too (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [1e041c0f] SeqNum from u64 (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [596288bd] use tracing::instrument in Indexer (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [2c4193d7] remove indexing.rs (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [3c42c387] handle connection underflow (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [9616e683] reimplement subscription: api (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [d82d83a2] reimplement subscription (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [190e9808] remove half-baked stake pool data indexing until later (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [a222ed04] simplify Pair with zerocopy types (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [1b56d54f] add basic external explorer (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [cf6aeb5d] don't apply blocks on a separate task (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [20ba55a1] remove unused tally.rs (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [ef9be84c] handle new config param (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [1f7784b8] subscription: warn when no subscribers (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [312838df] cleanup explorer dependencies (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [f1756750] add node to file settings (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [8fbd0221] automated clippy lints (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [f4a68bbd] lint: SetGlobalSubscriber (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [ee98e2c3] lint: add CursorAndEntry type alias (jormungandr)
13:00:46 [39d864c7] split sanakirja implementation to a new branch (jormungandr)
13:04:33 [ef147e63] update Cargo.lock (jormungandr)
13:04:35 [f323cc46] integrate watch-api and sanakirja crate (jormungandr)
13:04:44 [b5daf8cb] [DDW-691] Move protocol initialization READY process (daedalus)
13:17:19 [5c450b27] Ad instruction on how to start cluster, run and debug tests and access database (cardano-node-tests)
13:17:21 [92188e6c] refactor: always use nodejs version of csl (BREAKING) (cardano-js-sdk)
13:17:53 [89d55099] typed-protocols: udpated upstream dependencies (ouroboros-network)
13:18:36 [84ebf58f] [Test] Introduced Adversary Node (#3634) (jormungandr)
13:19:35 [219b61ba] Got one! (jormungandr)
13:19:36 [64cc352a] Block with invalid signature (jormungandr)
13:19:36 [8a65e057] Cleanup (jormungandr)
13:19:36 [2fd581ce] Invalid transaction (jormungandr)
13:19:36 [94696708] Non-existent leader (jormungandr)
13:19:36 [3c80e41d] Invalid leader (jormungandr)
13:19:36 [25094898] Doc the tests (jormungandr)
13:20:41 [8f08c1ae] Fix pool meta bug, 504 code handling (adalite)
13:22:32 [d5e69336] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:34:44 [54f02e9f] refactor: always use nodejs version of csl (BREAKING) (cardano-js-sdk)
13:35:15 [a5ad50f9] Merge pull request #69 from input-output-hk/vca-rewards (catalyst-toolbox)
13:36:53 [eaaeeb4c] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
13:40:31 [5ce96722] Ad instruction on how to start cluster, run and debug tests and access database (cardano-node-tests)
13:45:05 [2dd5bbe8] regenerate examples (cardano-wallet)
13:45:15 [6dc83890] change inputs to be more general in ApiDecodedTransaction (cardano-wallet)
13:47:04 [e8875cf2] Merge #3374 (ouroboros-network)
13:48:31 [c380a137] Remove tx hash from error message as it isn't propagated anyway (adalite)
13:54:44 [54dd60e6] Used Script of Script for BearerInfo Attenuation (ouroboros-network)
13:55:03 [b2635d52] Increase jormungandr memory to 10 gb and using local bitte-cli/bitte repos (vit-ops)
13:58:20 [61163490] refactor: always use nodejs version of csl (BREAKING) (cardano-js-sdk)
13:58:24 [434a9a15] fix(wallet): make txTracker not optional to ensure it's the same as UtxoRepository uses (cardano-js-sdk)
13:58:46 [4150ce1f] Add comments to TraceEvents for db-analyser (ouroboros-network)
13:59:41 [f67c66fb] Ad instruction on how to start cluster, run and debug tests and access database (cardano-node-tests)
14:00:20 [9a9f7c62] Plutus FAQs (cardano-documentation)
14:10:16 [c1328e7d] Fix text (adalite)
14:10:33 [c89005ab] io-sim: fixed a typo (ouroboros-network)
14:16:08 [77f6d59a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:17:47 [8c9e4555] Update installing-cardano-node.md to specifically run cabal build for cardano-node and cardano-cli. Trying to run cabal build all leads to a failure preventing the node and cli build from working. (developer-portal)
14:18:36 [24cf9846] Ad instruction on how to start cluster, run and debug tests and access database (cardano-node-tests)
14:21:23 [28093936] deal with colls, inps and outs (cardano-wallet)
14:21:31 [816a09a4] Merge pull request #225 from input-output-hk/nahern-patch-36 (cardano-documentation)
14:22:00 [e039cfbc] Merge master into staging (cardano-documentation)
14:24:14 [6394dbc7] Remove tracers from `ChainFollower` type (cardano-wallet)
14:24:45 [52eade16] [DDW-680] Revert naming of isHovered poolPopOver and adjust method for closing tooltip (daedalus)
14:25:34 [9629ff5b] Merge branch 'master' into feature/consider-invalid-contracts-when-querying-utxos (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:27:10 [6a7f7abd] Merge pull request #2410 from Emurgo/paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-5 (yoroi-frontend)
14:29:15 [f00c7ed0] Bump url-parse in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
14:29:20 [fd98bd2c] Bump ws in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
14:29:20 [9b2cbafe] Bump dns-packet in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
14:29:21 [59fbcf84] Bump ws in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
14:29:21 [86cb3abf] Bump url-parse in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
14:29:24 [faaf6c53] Bump @npmcli/git from 2.0.6 to 2.1.0 (yoroi-frontend)
14:29:27 [0121802e] Bump dns-packet in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
14:29:51 [195ae794] Bump semver-regex from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 (yoroi-frontend)
14:30:15 [6eee59d1] [DDW-680] use percentage instead of vw for wallet name width (daedalus)
14:30:53 [2136fadd] Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (yoroi-frontend)
14:31:13 [676ae005] Bump tar from 4.4.13 to 4.4.19 (yoroi-frontend)
14:31:38 [c7cf1eab] Used Script of Script for BearerInfo Attenuation (ouroboros-network)
14:34:50 [4b9b402b] Fix Tx syncing issues and provide better feedback to the user on network congestion: (adalite)
14:36:56 [e0904090] [DDW-680] Adjust hover check in poolPopOver (daedalus)
14:37:15 [c5104a53] update ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
14:38:59 [754f0169] Ad instruction on how to start cluster, run and debug tests and access database (cardano-node-tests)
14:47:59 [8669b2fb] 6.7.10 (adalite)
14:57:26 [708ad0d4] introducing new signing mode PLUTUS (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
14:58:15 [3fbd8f8c] Remove token registry from server (adalite)
14:58:18 [b7e01d76] Increase caching time of token registry, minor refactor (adalite)
14:58:36 [d2656717] Change `rollForward` to expect a `NonEmpty` list (cardano-wallet)
15:05:29 [767a0231] Fix scrollbar color for cardano and light blue theme in cardano node status (daedalus)
15:09:36 [53920432] [DDW-680] Update 'redeem rewards to' opacity for chevron if disabled (daedalus)
15:11:53 [1353ebe1] Update console requirement from 0.14 to 0.15 (jortestkit)
15:11:56 [2d621e1b] 6.7.11 (adalite)
15:12:04 [527cb882] Update dialoguer requirement from 0.8 to 0.9 (jortestkit)
15:14:34 [e0fa7b71] Add gouml to cicero dev-shell (cicero)
15:14:35 [779d0f19] more stuff (cicero)
15:14:43 [d840a3f6] add OpenAPI spec for archival purposes (already outdated) (cicero)
15:14:45 [74e01d52] add web UI (cicero)
15:18:23 [a6e618bc] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:21:40 [0c041ee6] Merge (cicero)
15:23:29 [ba76b442] [DDW-680] Use --font-regular in overlay checkboxes in ITN rewards dialog (daedalus)
15:37:38 [1eb3c599] Add gouml to cicero dev-shell (cicero)
15:41:57 [21e30034] Update GitHub action (blockfrost-python)
15:43:13 [ec6969d3] [DDW-680] Update dialog component secondary action opacity 0.8 (daedalus)
15:52:04 [90413009] gitignore: Add cabal.project.freeze (cardano-node)
15:52:04 [dd3e0099] cardano-api: Add limit for tx input index as 2^32 (cardano-node)
15:52:04 [9352bc59] cardano-api: Add instances Bounded, Enum for AnyCardanoEra (cardano-node)
15:52:04 [280db35d] cardano-api-test: Enable tests (cardano-node)
15:52:04 [601dcfbe] cardano-api: Fix typo (cardano-node)
15:52:05 [f435d98b] cardano-api:test: Add conversion of txScriptValidity field (cardano-node)
15:52:05 [042218ed] cardano-api-test: Remove vertical alignment (cardano-node)
15:52:05 [14ebd6e6] cardano-api:test: Add TxBody roundtrip tests (cardano-node)
15:52:05 [96cf5978] cardano-api-test: Fix txProtocolParams (cardano-node)
15:52:05 [25d901ca] cardano-api: Simplify fromLedgerTxInsCollateral (cardano-node)
15:52:05 [a5dec5da] cardano-api:test: Switch from Hedgehog.discover to Tasty.testGroupGenerator (cardano-node)
15:52:05 [a78791de] cardano-api:test: Make CBOR tests simpler and more future-proof (cardano-node)
15:52:05 [82913a72] cardano-api: Fix genProtocolParametersUpdate to skip unsupported parameters (cardano-node)
15:52:05 [ff83905f] cardano-api: Refactor big Applicative to RecordWildCards (cardano-node)
15:52:05 [953be6f4] cardano-api: Add special decoding of empty TxExtraKeyWitnesses (cardano-node)
15:52:05 [00bd007e] cardano-api: Add Eq, Show instances needed for roundtrip tests (cardano-node)
15:54:07 [0cabdefe] [DDW-680] Update starting scroll position in restore dialog (daedalus)
15:55:06 [1b3a8e5a] refactor: always use nodejs version of csl (BREAKING) (cardano-js-sdk)
15:55:09 [06bea874] fix(wallet): make txTracker not optional to ensure it's the same as UtxoRepository uses (cardano-js-sdk)
15:57:24 [998394c8] clean up (vit-testing)
15:57:35 [2306e702] [DDW-680] Vertically center 'moderated by' button in stake pools heading (daedalus)
16:00:17 [ff130d8c] Cleaned up added the HashMap module, same names ad Data.Map.Strict. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:15:00 [1ae6901c] Added return_type option (blockfrost-python)
16:21:16 [1cc4346c] show logs (jormungandr)
16:26:40 [57ceeb9f] Update overview.md (developer-portal)
16:27:05 [5a4cd537] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:27:49 [124d414a] clean up (jormungandr)
16:34:33 [537aeb20] chore(template): init custom (openapi)
16:39:05 [4c62b521] Delete UNO Token Logo.png (cardano-token-registry)
16:50:58 [b54014d0] json uploaded into mapping folder (cardano-token-registry)
16:54:20 [90913127] Add new TraceEvents for db-analyser (ouroboros-network)
16:59:10 [5bccb358] removed duplicate proof (plutus)
16:59:24 [847cc6ae] Add new TraceEvents for db-analyser (ouroboros-network)
17:06:45 [90a6a7d3] Add some extra notes after self-review. (cardano-wallet)
17:06:46 [996a4769] Add 4th e2e Plutus scenario for trying out withdrawal from script address. (cardano-wallet)
17:06:46 [8ace11bc] Add a new function to integration tests' context to inject rewards into a script address. (cardano-wallet)
17:06:46 [5cc302e8] Use 'StakeAddress' instead of 'RewardAccount' for withdrawal redeemers (cardano-wallet)
17:06:47 [1d336e65] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
17:08:31 [773529c6] fixup! Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
17:09:24 [36bb1772] Try #2967: (cardano-wallet)
17:20:58 [b7b7b938] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:27:12 [df0ccfaf] Merge #3432 (ouroboros-network)
17:30:04 [c3042265] Merge branch 'migrate-files-typescript' of https://github.com/Emurgo/yoroi-mobile into migrate-files-typescript (yoroi-mobile)
17:37:13 [894de4a9] deal with withdrawals (cardano-wallet)
17:38:38 [90b578b4] Add help output when there's no input. Still hanging without input. (plutus)
17:41:06 [7929ffb4] Add 4th e2e Plutus scenario for trying out withdrawal from script address. (cardano-wallet)
17:41:06 [a71d2916] Use 'StakeAddress' instead of 'RewardAccount' for withdrawal redeemers (cardano-wallet)
17:41:30 [12b65840] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
17:41:42 [3e78280d] Merge pull request #95 from Ant32M/eleks/oracle-features (plutus-use-cases)
17:46:42 [ecab1c0a] deal with validity interval (cardano-wallet)
17:59:30 [398b7364] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
17:59:30 [d1d8166f] Add a new function to integration tests' context to inject rewards into a script address. (cardano-wallet)
17:59:30 [ba79e96c] Use 'StakeAddress' instead of 'RewardAccount' for withdrawal redeemers (cardano-wallet)
17:59:30 [c4834cb5] Add 4th e2e Plutus scenario for trying out withdrawal from script address. (cardano-wallet)
18:04:36 [78c47e75] TMP: point chain-network to chain-explorer too (jormungandr)
18:04:51 [49a37db1] update Cargo.lock (jormungandr)
18:18:29 [38858eda] fix nix build (cicero)
18:18:54 [6af0bb3f] web: fix graph size, extract graph to file (cicero)
18:19:26 [8bb562b6] Add a new function to integration tests' context to inject rewards into a script address. (cardano-wallet)
18:19:27 [ef11df22] Add 4th e2e Plutus scenario for trying out withdrawal from script address. (cardano-wallet)
18:19:27 [6ecec041] Use 'StakeAddress' instead of 'RewardAccount' for withdrawal redeemers (cardano-wallet)
18:19:27 [fc861905] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
18:20:14 [f19b8729] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:25:02 [27c709c1] Try #2967: (cardano-wallet)
18:32:12 [215935b9] update get_public_key and version 0.3.16 (cardano-wallet-rb)
18:39:53 [84b9fbd2] Added return_type option (blockfrost-python)
18:48:34 [3ff99688] Upadate GitHub action (blockfrost-python)
18:49:13 [8dd1d3cb] Bump version (blockfrost-python)
18:51:27 [3a93b930] add lookupTxIns in Cardano.Wallet (cardano-wallet)
18:51:44 [5b7e7dbd] Update Readme (blockfrost-python)
18:53:41 [9db5113e] Merge pull request #2 from blockfrost/PyPI (blockfrost-python)
18:55:18 [99b13e50] Add a new function to integration tests' context to inject rewards into a script address. (cardano-wallet)
18:55:19 [b51e0918] Use 'StakeAddress' instead of 'RewardAccount' for withdrawal redeemers (cardano-wallet)
18:55:19 [158cde1a] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
18:55:19 [74ede34b] Add 4th e2e Plutus scenario for trying out withdrawal from script address. (cardano-wallet)
18:55:38 [7b8610a6] regenerate examples (cardano-wallet)
18:56:11 [605582b8] mint-burn (cardano-wallet)
18:58:29 [5e1dcda1] Add files via upload (developer-portal)
19:06:24 [22086433] use lookupTxIns for inps and collaterals in decodeTransaction (cardano-wallet)
19:09:15 [ca4a0de8] Update builder-tools.js with Pooldata.live API (developer-portal)
19:13:36 [94995262] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:14:05 [74ed0279] Try #2967: (cardano-wallet)
19:24:29 [59cfbfba] Merge #3371 (ouroboros-network)
19:34:45 [d8aae6a5] Configure purs-tidy (purescript-bridge-json-helpers)
19:36:01 [6f812098] Add decode helpers (purescript-bridge-json-helpers)
19:38:26 [2d8b97b3] Fix "path is undefined" error when transferring between accounts (adalite)
19:39:57 [176b0137] Fixes dhcpcd restarts breaking metadata, vault-agent (bitte)
19:47:12 [cfd8bb65] 6.7.12 (adalite)
19:58:45 [7bf767d0] Handle empty string case (plutus)
20:04:57 [28fc83b4] Tims changes (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:08:45 [8e822d02] Fetch legacy and shelley utxos together (adalite)
20:17:26 [ac0c2993] validate tx in evaluateTransactionExecutionUnits (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:18:08 [5d8a3c37] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:25:31 [652dc43d] fix required_signers CDDL type (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:29:03 [140a4ce8] typed-protocols: recursive pipelining (ouroboros-network)
20:29:06 [465dc6cd] typed-protocols: tryRecvMessage (ouroboros-network)
20:29:06 [74c680a6] typed-protocols: Peer pattern synonyms (ouroboros-network)
20:29:06 [6c61f8d5] typed-protocols-examples: socketAsChannel (ouroboros-network)
20:29:06 [53798fd7] typed-protocols: provide ProtocolState and PeerHasAgency (ouroboros-network)
20:29:06 [018a64b7] typed-protocols-examples: return trailing bytes (ouroboros-network)
20:29:06 [ff7c4415] network-mux: Mux's Channel - added tryRecv (ouroboros-network)
20:29:06 [5b197363] typed-protocols: Driver state (ouroboros-network)
20:31:22 [22037202] Fetch legacy and shelley utxos together (adalite)
20:34:58 [afacee85] typed-protocols: updated ouroboros-netowrk-framework (ouroboros-network)
20:35:01 [c2214aa5] typed-protocols (driver): use an optimised version of SingQueue (ouroboros-network)
20:35:01 [edf5affc] typed-protocols: fixed a typo (ouroboros-network)
20:35:01 [1be5f1b0] typed-protocols-examples: requestOnce (ouroboros-network)
20:35:01 [1414961a] typed-protocols: Data.Kind.Queue (ouroboros-network)
20:35:01 [c0bb0614] typed-protocols: ReqResp2 example (ouroboros-network)
20:35:01 [9556e530] typed-protocols-examples: pipelined tests (ouroboros-network)
20:35:01 [2f1c5580] typed-protocols-examples: Wedge (ouroboros-network)
20:35:01 [e94d85e5] typed-protocols: provide SingQueueF singleton (ouroboros-network)
20:35:01 [8d60db57] typed-protocols-examples: fixed cborg tests (ouroboros-network)
20:40:54 [a7e3a8a4] Fetch legacy and shelley utxos together (adalite)
20:42:02 [54326ed8] Merge pull request #2967 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/ADP-1183/balancing-real-execution-units (cardano-wallet)
20:42:03 [43ca1e9a] typed-protocols: updated ouroboros-network (ouroboros-network)
20:42:20 [440ff1c2] docs: Merge pull request #2967 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/ADP-1183/balancing-real-execution-units (cardano-wallet)
20:56:50 [e8cb7f68] * fix ipfs methods (blockfrost-dotnet)
21:02:55 [90fd0141] Merge branch 'develop' into paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-6 (yoroi-frontend)
21:10:32 [3188cfef] add Numeric Input and Amount Input (yoroi-frontend)
21:10:32 [330f9016] fix styles in textifield (yoroi-frontend)
21:10:32 [19426f60] replace numeric and amount inputs (yoroi-frontend)
21:14:58 [151183a8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:16:13 [585b7a2e] stats: hydra 54326ed8796960b53b3948cf8b179f3071d64c42 (cardano-wallet)
21:16:14 [37e5d800] badge: hydra 54326ed8796960b53b3948cf8b179f3071d64c42 (cardano-wallet)
21:16:37 [519db2f4] Rename Pagination tests (blockfrost-dotnet)
21:29:31 [ab3f3785] add custom autocomplete using mui and downshift (yoroi-frontend)
21:29:31 [f282383e] replace rp components (yoroi-frontend)
21:29:31 [5e835ea2] customize for modern and classic theme (yoroi-frontend)
21:35:37 [0e990d13] updating modern theme (yoroi-frontend)
21:35:37 [9b079551] add common settings and merge with themes (yoroi-frontend)
21:35:37 [796e2eeb] add currentcolor for svgs (yoroi-frontend)
21:35:37 [aba9276d] cleanup global css variables (yoroi-frontend)
21:35:38 [efc793f6] cleanup props (yoroi-frontend)
21:35:38 [cc959e1e] unify inputlabel styles (yoroi-frontend)
21:35:38 [5b73b7b7] cleanup all mui components using css variables (yoroi-frontend)
21:35:38 [b9546f23] unify FormHelperText styles (yoroi-frontend)
21:35:38 [b4ff5a77] unify OutlinedInput styles (yoroi-frontend)
21:35:38 [388d5abc] unify FormControl styles (yoroi-frontend)
21:40:15 [3776dce3] remove helperText from Textfield props (yoroi-frontend)
21:48:06 [18bb729a] update mui packages (yoroi-frontend)
21:48:10 [30664c83] cleanup RP css variables (yoroi-frontend)
21:48:34 [8481e6d9] remove RP styles overrides (yoroi-frontend)
21:48:38 [b4f7e12f] remove RP skins (yoroi-frontend)
21:51:39 [1ba24222] remove RP library (yoroi-frontend)
21:53:46 [20456c02] Remove RP Theme provider to MUI Theme (yoroi-frontend)
21:55:53 [6618e170] update package lock (yoroi-frontend)
22:07:36 [746e9150] update mui dependencies (yoroi-frontend)
22:17:14 [4a9785a4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:40:05 [1f431b02] Merge pull request #85 from input-output-hk/dhcpcd-metadata-fixup (bitte)
22:44:06 [db279055] Merge branch 'paulccari/cleanup-and-remove-react-polymorph' into paulccari/cleanup-css-variables-themes (yoroi-frontend)
22:44:23 [74ec72eb] add revamp theme (yoroi-frontend)
23:13:14 [11335a49] remove obsolete services (blockfrost-dotnet)
23:13:47 [e9de7a2c] Update README.md (cardano-config)
23:14:10 [34011606] Add tests for ipfs cli commands (blockfrost-dotnet)
23:18:17 [747e6117] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:24:13 [ddb1ad6e] fix cli tests (blockfrost-dotnet)
23:28:45 [7b72087b] exclude parameterless overrides from testing (blockfrost-dotnet)
23:34:22 [77ad378d] Add NOINLINE to force recalculation of git sha. (cardano-config)
23:37:40 [087021fc] Add NOINLINE to force recalculation of git sha. (cardano-db-sync)
23:38:15 [0cfef07b] run multiple benchmarks at once (cardano-memory-benchmark)
23:42:30 [d568c9d7] refactor css variables, components, providers for revamp (yoroi-frontend)
23:47:50 [a1943105] Update README.md (blockfrost-dotnet)
23:57:41 [9986307b] Add NOINLINE to force recalculation of git sha. (cardano-db-sync)