Home / Reports / Nov 3, 2021

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

59 commits had been pushed across 21 repos by 23 authors. There were 65,376 additions and 29,363 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

01:14:21 [a5f9dddc] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
03:12:33 [5f605bd1] Merge #3315 (cardano-node)
03:56:04 [8a188d75] Merge #2998 (cardano-wallet)
04:04:37 [92b01918] Merge pull request #1757 from Emurgo/denis/instruction_second_update (yoroi-mobile)
04:52:08 [159c80ab] Merge #2998 (cardano-wallet)
05:25:09 [a41c97c1] Merge pull request #438 from input-output-hk/chore/bump-config (cardano-rosetta)
07:10:06 [fb206e8a] Merge #3312 (cardano-node)
07:19:58 [fee40ba5] staging: Bump marlowe to 609bee2b91c8eaffb159126e3f98539e286b815e (plutus-ops)
07:22:44 [dcde5744] deploy: cd7b76588d446a78b3646cf162c2b7134309e7a3 (adrestia)
07:25:04 [700f4d76] Merge pull request #2508 from Emurgo/yushi/unused-flowfixme (yoroi-frontend)
07:25:56 [665b9dda] Wip, wip (adrestia)
07:27:24 [60499d45] deploy: 665b9dda28db9cd7af0e6e12c597918c985a4d60 (adrestia)
07:39:38 [711a229e] Merge pull request #244 from dcSpark/private-key-from-bech32 (cardano-serialization-lib)
08:01:18 [880f93e2] Merge #3337 (cardano-node)
08:36:19 [6bb75c6c] add new members and join section (utxo-alliance-site)
08:36:29 [6c79da26] Reuse jormungandr process in scenario tests (#3672) (jormungandr)
08:43:16 [0d39cf54] deploy (utxo-alliance-site)
08:43:37 [f1ba308d] deploy (utxo-alliance-site)
08:48:07 [fe2f1102] Merge pull request #234 from NeilBurgess42/neilburgess42/cad-2858-explain-nonce (cardano-documentation)
08:58:40 [63bc7ab1] Update minting-nfts.md (#382) (developer-portal)
08:59:39 [a2650a3a] YouTube typo fixed (#391) (developer-portal)
08:59:58 [7f92c2c5] Remove all start URLs as entry point to use default "scrape all" behavior (#397) (developer-portal)
09:14:28 [d95ef210] Merge #3323 (cardano-node)
09:15:21 [5f868f29] Add tags to documents based on editing status (adrestia)
09:16:07 [5160b9c2] deploy: 5f868f299c1af01e6e66678e9503e061db4863d0 (adrestia)
09:29:53 [e8bfc030] shellFor: Add withHaddocks and fix ghc-pkg reporting no haddocks for dependencies. (#1279) (haskell.nix)
09:32:28 [5249b974] Merge #3148 (cardano-node)
10:36:46 [f577b36c] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
10:56:31 [119ea5c4] Merge pull request #631 from myhomeplanet/Sol2-Token (cardano-token-registry)
11:02:45 [79c16cd5] Merge pull request #763 from mkoura/staking_rewards_dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
11:12:08 [b92f3a76] Merge pull request #632 from huskynsonhsk/master (cardano-token-registry)
11:21:54 [f8bbdaa5] Merge pull request #633 from CardanoGoldCoin/master (cardano-token-registry)
11:23:57 [e38dba99] Merge pull request #634 from BeagleBucks/master (cardano-token-registry)
11:32:21 [1f31e640] Merge pull request #4179 from input-output-hk/mpj/post-qualified (plutus)
11:32:33 [25fbeec1] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/production' into develop (yoroi-mobile)
11:34:23 [761fb585] Merge pull request #764 from mkoura/check_pledge (cardano-node-tests)
11:44:13 [58621935] Support for `create-script-context` with new args (cardano-node-tests)
11:57:16 [27cacb2b] Merge pull request #765 from mkoura/update_create_script_context (cardano-node-tests)
14:04:31 [fefcd1a2] implement test for different topic of interests settings (#3669) (jormungandr)
14:18:33 [1816278f] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 406f5f951358c1d44d31b1c5ba5f35b393eed195 (plutus-ops)
14:27:27 [ad664502] Merge pull request #120 from blockfrost/fix/dont-emit-same-block (blockfrost-websocket-link)
14:50:12 [a8aa08fc] feat: add type-check to CI (blockfrost-websocket-link)
14:52:21 [37f2e078] Merge pull request #123 from blockfrost/fix/import-3131 (blockfrost-websocket-link)
14:52:43 [d7b96e3b] Merge pull request #122 from blockfrost/type-check-ci (blockfrost-websocket-link)
15:36:48 [84e6f215] Merge pull request #245 from Emurgo/ruslan/private-key-from-bech-test (cardano-serialization-lib)
15:41:06 [142a640b] Fix progress bar in scenario tests & remove some duplication (#3677) (jormungandr)
15:46:18 [4347e54b] Merge pull request #2536 from input-output-hk/jc/reward-event-distinguish-rewards (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:29:10 [d79fa239] Voting history endpoint adjustments (#3673) (jormungandr)
16:50:14 [2541471c] moved conversion from VotePlan to VotePlanDef into chain libs (#679) (chain-libs)
17:26:14 [8129ec87] fix update proposal processing (#681) (chain-libs)
18:22:00 [7417874a] use memmove instead of memcpy (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
18:22:00 [7611e70f] name view handler functions more consistently (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
19:59:53 [99189054] AssetName as hex string (cardano-clusterlib-py)
20:04:57 [32d8b9ee] Merge pull request #53 from mkoura/hex_assets (cardano-clusterlib-py)
20:13:55 [89f3230d] Enable withdrawals using `build` command (cardano-node-tests)
20:21:36 [85a56588] Merge pull request #767 from mkoura/build_withdrawal (cardano-node-tests)
20:34:30 [213d4d5b] Merge pull request #768 from mkoura/hex_asset_names (cardano-node-tests)
22:14:02 [c9f261df] Merge #3148 (cardano-node)
23:35:20 [f73b1de9] implement single account mode (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)