Home / Reports / Nov 30, 2022

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

849 commits had been pushed across 73 repos by 132 authors. There were 789,002 additions and 192,236 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:00:04 [3c139d82] Automatic updating registries (token-registry-service)
00:08:35 [29e1e722] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:08:35 [409a748a] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:14:46 [6eff1786] Remove assertByDeadlineMCustom function (cardano-node)
00:14:46 [fdc57f54] Make leadership-schedule test less flaky (cardano-node)
00:17:53 [dc289a24] core: tf state updated to serial 160 (bitte-world)
00:18:49 [9df6ecb1] chore: build exmaples correctly (blockfrost-js)
00:18:52 [db4cd6b6] chore: better mocks (blockfrost-js)
00:23:43 [9bff14c0] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into nightly (cardano-js-sdk)
00:23:43 [2129756d] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
00:25:24 [6ff1a8f6] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
00:26:42 [096803d1] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:47:43 [4b5dae73] chore: coverage badge and CI (blockfrost-js)
00:51:55 [0e8b6d61] Move CIP25 library into CML. (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
00:52:45 [a246a720] Revert to behaviour before #1025 (cardano-transaction-lib)
01:03:53 [e34878a7] Fmt (aiken)
01:04:42 [db2bf634] Fixed byron era, and ledger-state lib, but needs work, ormolise (cardano-ledger)
01:04:52 [ab82da46] imp: automate awsExt iam resource mods with tf (bitte)
01:05:10 [83688456] chore(deps): bump serde_json from 1.0.85 to 1.0.89 (#475) (oura)
01:05:43 [f7076b04] chore(deps): bump file-rotate from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1 (#458) (oura)
01:06:38 [6daf4eb4] chore(deps): bump actions/download-artifact in /.github/workflows (#478) (oura)
01:07:00 [aeb53b30] imp: bump bitte for awsExt iam TF; cleanup sg (bitte-world)
01:12:39 [16d22bdd] Switch to guild-deploy for workflows (WIP) (guild-operators)
01:16:13 [7ea063e4] Switch to guild-deploy for workflows (WIP) (guild-operators)
01:18:19 [40360720] Automatic update for Wed Nov 30 01:18:19 AM UTC 2022 (stackage.nix)
01:19:38 [5b03fc06] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:24:21 [b75d90d4] bump haskell.nix, hackage.nix (iohk-monitoring-framework)
01:25:37 [2377ea06] prepare send lovelace (mesh)
01:31:19 [55625af3] ci: publish nightly [skip actions] (cardano-js-sdk)
01:42:29 [07c42a7c] Added comments (haskell.nix)
01:46:48 [60258a50] Update overlays/haskell.nix (haskell.nix)
01:51:26 [df58013f] Remove assertByDeadlineMCustom function (cardano-node)
02:08:02 [f9d9052a] Base code changes for module split (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
02:13:24 [06943b12] fix threepenny-gui sha256 (iohk-monitoring-framework)
02:14:56 [aae67357] Try #1794: (haskell.nix)
02:17:23 [c7cc2e62] build: adds std variants of packages (catalyst-core)
02:23:01 [77079c64] Use `c++` instead of `cxx` unconditionally (haskell.nix)
02:24:35 [1234758a] Remove TMP experiment (issue was fixed by tulia update) (haskell.nix)
02:30:31 [213ad1f8] Factor out some parts (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
02:36:35 [f15d822d] Blah (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
02:38:40 [3f4e23ac] Switch to guild-deploy for workflows (WIP) (guild-operators)
02:43:06 [93aca508] Use gitMinimal to reduce closure size (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
02:50:22 [82a09522] Add comments (haskell.nix)
02:53:58 [c5eb86e6] Update compiler/ghc/default.nix (haskell.nix)
02:55:37 [c5721e5a] Update compiler/ghc/default.nix (haskell.nix)
02:58:06 [090ac164] Fix typo (haskell.nix)
03:03:43 [ad425d03] Incorporate feedback (haskell.nix)
03:07:55 [a381d4ff] WIP (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
03:15:43 [7fb68e01] Reduce devShell closure size (cardano-haskell-packages)
03:17:24 [6718e113] Clear up confusing to `boot` or not to `boot` conditional (haskell.nix)
03:30:31 [39819332] Make sanity check work for hadrian (haskell.nix)
03:43:57 [59f5231a] Expand comment (haskell.nix)
03:48:04 [ff96de20] build: merge db-sync with ogmios (cardano-world)
03:48:11 [bb4484b2] Factor ghc out (cardano-haskell-packages)
03:54:23 [fd192e70] Add comment and replace -V with --verbose (haskell.nix)
03:57:56 [4580776c] Add flavours link (haskell.nix)
04:01:30 [039d6e88] Reduce devShell closure size (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
04:14:13 [674bb633] Reduce devShell closure size (cardano-haskell-packages)
04:16:02 [089d280b] Reduce closure size (cardano-haskell-packages)
04:18:05 [c2653983] Switch to guild-deploy for workflows (WIP) (guild-operators)
04:18:23 [9d5d6f32] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
04:23:12 [c7a52ec8] Address review feedback (CIPs)
04:27:57 [7b737ba5] WIP (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
04:32:16 [7b115eb3] CI: Massive rewrite (iohk-monitoring-framework)
04:32:16 [952fe82f] Add support for building with ghc-9.2 and CHaP (iohk-monitoring-framework)
04:32:16 [ee7ac372] CODEOWNERS: Update (iohk-monitoring-framework)
04:32:32 [84e32173] Fix nix CI support (iohk-monitoring-framework)
04:32:33 [690b3b5d] Fix sanity check (haskell.nix)
04:35:34 [dcc4736a] Resources for marlowe: db(-sync), creds, nodes (dapps-world)
04:38:24 [5e0af424] fixup! fixup! feat: type GroupedAddress now includes key derivation paths (cardano-js-sdk)
04:41:38 [7ff812e5] feat: add opaque numeric types to core package (cardano-js-sdk)
04:50:30 [fa234b55] Extract out function `shouldTryMinimalStrategy`. (cardano-wallet)
04:50:31 [9a4452db] Broaden the range of conditions where we try the minimal strategy. (cardano-wallet)
05:03:04 [0fcd40db] Try #3616: (cardano-wallet)
05:19:36 [4df2cbb2] PubKey implemented (Helios)
05:20:40 [755da341] Switch to guild-deploy for workflows (WIP) (guild-operators)
05:36:22 [499a3d26] test: node test runner poc attempt (cardano-js-sdk)
05:47:07 [94798ba5] backend-editor: Make Threepenny-gui imports qualified or explicit (iohk-monitoring-framework)
05:58:19 [153bf5ae] feat: add opaque numeric types to core package (cardano-js-sdk)
06:22:04 [6509912e] addressed review points (catalyst-core)
06:23:47 [c4a698eb] Remove unused registration service and registration verify service. They tend to work over haskell implementation for voting tools and cardano CLI. Since we have new approach with rust internals we don't need those wrappers (catalyst-core)
06:35:44 [0ec93075] Add a constraint on typed-protocols-examples (hydra-poc)
06:40:16 [2fb19218] update integration tests & rebase (catalyst-core)
06:45:26 [0034f2f9] Remove unused registration service and registration verify service. They tend to work over haskell implementation for voting tools and cardano CLI. Since we have new approach with rust internals we don't need those wrappers (catalyst-core)
06:46:25 [3718d6f9] Broaden the range of conditions where we try the minimal strategy. (cardano-wallet)
06:52:42 [cbf3471e] Introducing db-sync-explorer service which expose db-sync database as as REST service. Added some helper endpoint to check meta information about db-sync and validate sync process (we can query sync process expressed as percentage or difference between current date and last registered block). Finally added api/v0/tx/hash/{...} endpoint which can return transaction information if exists in db sync. This can be useful for any clients for example GVC to check if registration transaction is confirmed (catalyst-core)
07:11:01 [588d0942] Marconi - index additional slot index-slot-info (plutus-apps)
07:11:04 [569d09de] Add explanatory comments to `minimalSelectionStrategyIsWorthTrying`. (cardano-wallet)
07:14:14 [81fc8588] fix doc build issues (catalyst-core)
07:14:41 [f0eb80f7] fix!: ttl validation now uses seconds and no longer minutes as the cache itself (cardano-js-sdk)
07:14:44 [0bcfef7c] test(e2e): unifies some utils to reduce/avoid code repetition (cardano-js-sdk)
07:14:45 [6c165bf9] fix(util): fixes util-dev version in dev dependencies (cardano-js-sdk)
07:14:46 [d66578bc] test(e2e): adds an e2e test to ensure cache is invalidated on epoch rollover (cardano-js-sdk)
07:14:46 [0de53aea] feat(cardano-services): synchronizes epoch rollover detected by ledger tip (cardano-js-sdk)
07:14:47 [40fe9074] feat(core): memoizes computation slot nr to epoch nr (cardano-js-sdk)
07:16:57 [1f3bdff2] Try #3616: (cardano-wallet)
07:18:37 [11c053f0] fix up function definitions in the IR (aiken)
07:46:12 [b48f1a14] added api-docs (catalyst-core)
07:46:32 [8f0bfb8b] Merge pull request #545 from input-output-hk/fix/txSubmitProvider-not-initialized-on-submitTx-in-srv-mode (cardano-js-sdk)
07:47:47 [770e84df] reamde link (benchmark_app)
07:50:14 [9a9defca] clippy issues (catalyst-core)
07:52:22 [930bde0b] io-classes: non standard timer api (io-sim)
07:52:25 [f868e794] io-classes: define GHC_TIMERS_API macro (io-sim)
07:53:22 [ccbffef1] Added registerDelayCancellable (io-sim)
07:53:24 [761642a6] clean cabal files (io-sim)
08:00:46 [0906b2c5] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
08:03:57 [2af1623b] Reuse getUTxO function to remove silly pattern matching (hydra)
08:04:39 [f7d0ae81] Add survey links to use cases page (hydra-poc)
08:05:22 [f82ddc2c] assert_cmd (catalyst-core)
08:05:57 [03f4402c] Update contributing instead (hydra-poc)
08:08:20 [fe7fab9f] Update contribute instead (hydra-poc)
08:11:40 [9121d85b] nix (catalyst-core)
08:14:01 [42f0b814] Fix extra-hackage-tarballs (haskell.nix)
08:14:17 [22655cf6] Fix examples (plutus-apps)
08:15:09 [7d3852d4] Merge pull request #530 from input-output-hk/test/ADP-2311-db-cache-invalidation (cardano-js-sdk)
08:19:16 [d94f1108] Re-export and use AcquiringFailure (hydra)
08:20:18 [969b925f] Increase timeout waiting for UTxO to spend (hydra)
08:21:45 [baa70b6b] feat: uplc code gen for functions and minor recursion fix (aiken)
08:24:37 [9d98394c] Derive Eq instance for AcquiringFailure (cardano-node)
08:34:02 [a1adf47f] Fix dir logic (haskell.nix)
08:41:03 [0105a90a] [EC Api] - Added: Cardano storage - block by block, how this child grows (essential-cardano-content)
08:44:02 [62bdb7b9] Fix null values from views (carp)
08:48:04 [d30c8786] Make MLockedSizedBytes type honest (cardano-base)
08:48:55 [6a663561] Fix comment (haskell.nix)
08:50:12 [8b55dd80] Removed benchmarks which are based on typed-protocols (io-sim)
08:51:44 [40c54903] Export fromConsensusPointHF (cardano-node)
08:54:28 [dccb2e25] Direct serialisation from/to raw memory (cardano-base)
08:56:43 [ef81c228] Merge pull request #3165 from input-output-hk/lehins/memoized (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:57:47 [f162f764] Rewrite scalarFromBS fn (cardano-base)
08:57:59 [93b5e3a5] Update CIP-0036/README.md (CIPs)
08:59:43 [b1321bd1] Replace fromConsensPointHF with fromConsensusPointInMode (hydra)
09:00:00 [0f43c446] Fix workflows GitHub actions (mithril)
09:00:04 [0237194e] Add a manual Eq QueryException instance (hydra)
09:01:01 [02b17cbf] Remove redundant import and re-add typed-protocols-cborg to hydra-node.cabal (hydra)
09:01:18 [e0776a9f] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for ef81c2284ef499ad19183e707a7d2a8829da200d (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:01:37 [280c5078] feature: votecast signing (governance voting) (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
09:04:23 [709af434] Add separate max-simplifier-iterations for pir and uplc (plutus)
09:04:31 [06454d18] Type classes to make untyped scripts (plutus-apps)
09:04:31 [df57c99f] clean imports (plutus-apps)
09:04:31 [0b71724b] Fix examples (plutus-apps)
09:04:32 [74d3986b] feature: votecast signing (governance voting) (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
09:12:54 [5b2d1878] Bugfix (cardano-base)
09:12:54 [491cc5d4] Fix rebasing-induced errors (cardano-base)
09:12:54 [aef08b44] Fix build errors on GHC 9.2 (cardano-base)
09:12:54 [0bd66749] Add SignKeyWithPeriodKES wrapper (cardano-base)
09:12:54 [ab29cfa5] Add direct ser/deser to MockKES (cardano-base)
09:15:45 [4bdf2f90] Refactor TestSuite (io-sim)
09:15:49 [654faa88] Stylish (io-sim)
09:26:17 [9e707c08] Move Params and TimeSlot modules to cardano-node-emulator (plutus-apps)
09:28:30 [0359850d] Start blog post describing release process (mithril)
09:31:16 [a2537777] Add a manual Eq QueryException instance (hydra)
09:31:16 [3244bfe0] Replace fromConsensPointHF with fromConsensusPointInMode (hydra)
09:31:17 [9984c6da] Remove redundant import and re-add typed-protocols-cborg to hydra-node.cabal (hydra)
09:33:57 [e7b4827e] Resurrect Ord ChainPoint instance (hydra-poc)
09:34:39 [c28f2ab1] Merge commit '6640476a0f4e0e33909b51df3f5e5a59d92f5214' into denis/logging_improvement (yoroi-frontend)
09:35:32 [b8460b1a] Add an Ord ChainPoint instance (cardano-node)
09:37:02 [b8a2c9a8] Update 'mithril-aggregator' to 0.1.3 (mithril)
09:37:21 [e3c2de1d] Update 'mithril-client' to 0.1.2 (mithril)
09:37:43 [1232bcf0] Update 'mithril-common' to 0.1.3 (mithril)
09:37:57 [931f0c7d] Update 'mithril-signer' to 0.1.3 (mithril)
09:38:17 [fc1eb342] Update Cargo.lock (mithril)
09:39:56 [a53c16ea] Add ToJSON/FromJSON instances for ChainPoint (cardano-node)
09:40:02 [b6a6b521] Add missing rationale. Small improvements, formatting, typos add proposalIndex (CIPs)
09:41:24 [39ddcc9a] Update coverage lines for plc coverage tests (plutus)
09:48:20 [532f493d] Fix description refering to old method name (CIPs)
09:57:40 [7021f75a] Some last clean up, now everything should compile (hydra-poc)
09:59:52 [0b86b1c8] Merge pull request #625 from input-output-hk/greg/sqlite_refacto (mithril)
10:00:24 [afa8dd51] New cardano-cli ping command. (cardano-node)
10:02:37 [53e4c4b3] fix: review (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
10:03:13 [570470e9] Create cardano-node-emulator package (plutus-apps)
10:04:00 [ca8eb9e5] Cleanup of mempool tests (ouroboros-network)
10:05:07 [53757357] SCP-4728: PAM tests passing (marlowe-actus-labs)
10:07:02 [9894e38c] fix: spelling (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
10:07:46 [c1e59b00] deploy: 0b86b1c8472ff93deaaf74f80650f2ec580f073e (mithril)
10:08:58 [5c57e30f] Add NoThunks instance for Data (plutus)
10:13:41 [7812a5d7] Update coverage lines for plc coverage tests and docs (plutus)
10:14:26 [33dc4a68] Move Params and TimeSlot modules to cardano-node-emulator (plutus-apps)
10:15:15 [47c47e8c] Fix plutus contract tests (plutus-apps)
10:15:41 [ec5730cd] fix fragment sender duplication (catalyst-core)
10:16:28 [97434435] CheckPoint (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [02ba5962] Refactor waitForUTxOToSpend (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [0b183194] Use arbitrary TimeHandle (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [f5ded7e0] Fix creation of mock chain component (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [1dc039cd] Append a StopTheWorld action after property to kill threads (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [d163473f] Address review comments (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [73f2e31d] Start with createMockChain function (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [2deca549] Add SubmitTx mock (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [427851eb] Move chainCallback to Hydra module (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [a0559bb6] Dispatch submitted tx as blocks to chain sync handlers (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [bd3ceb90] Copy/paste mock network creation logic for Model (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [d1d7ff02] Extract mock chain to own function (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [f47ba441] Wire in mock wallet in the mock chain (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [f8091455] Grab verification keys (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [5fe7e071] Address most review comments (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [b7c69520] Mock more dependencies for direct chain (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [372693cf] Reuse getUTxO function to remove silly pattern matching (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [40c84996] Fix issues after rebasing and module factoring (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [2837f558] Create createMockNetwork function (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [9692f6ae] Create a block out of a single ledger tx (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [bb2ff92f] Set upper bound to check utxo spent (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [de5a7b8e] Remove debug trace from code and cleanup warnings (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [8541cd47] Extract modules (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [8b30d552] Increase timeout waiting for UTxO to spend (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [4a29dedb] Provide seedInput directly from the Wallet (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [e4c26f8d] Label threads and STM objects to get a better io-sim trace (hydra-poc)
10:16:28 [9470fab3] Do not use suchThat when generating payments (hydra-poc)
10:16:32 [6b3968f0] Merge branch 'main' into features/npg-3284-explorer-networking-tests (catalyst-core)
10:19:15 [2b99c0ee] clean cabal files (io-sim)
10:19:15 [8208baff] Added registerDelayCancellable (io-sim)
10:19:33 [914fd524] Merge pull request #633 from input-output-hk/task/update_use-cases (hydra-poc)
10:19:52 [0f327770] Change behavior of wallet reset and update (hydra-poc)
10:19:52 [659b2c9f] Don't pass a chain point to internal wallet anymore (hydra-poc)
10:19:52 [4f290477] Refactor internal wallet and keep the tip around (hydra-poc)
10:19:53 [2d4d5c82] Expect IntersectionNotFound instead of AcquireFailure (hydra-poc)
10:19:53 [bd977c98] Remove TODO and keep test (hydra-poc)
10:19:53 [b5e09b94] Query epochInfo on coverFee and expect IntersectionNotFound in tests (hydra-poc)
10:19:53 [ea04ff90] Remove redundant pattern match (hydra-poc)
10:19:54 [f3c9182c] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
10:19:54 [5efb5237] Log the wallet tip on EndInitialize (hydra-poc)
10:19:54 [86221fd3] Add SkipUpdate to logs.yaml (hydra-poc)
10:19:54 [7c2fbbed] Address some reviewer comments (hydra-poc)
10:20:15 [65a5d695] Update CHaP as seen by nix (hydra-poc)
10:20:15 [6e5657fa] Pin all cardano-ledger packages (hydra-poc)
10:20:15 [c1c34680] Use cardano-api 1.35.4 as released on CHaP (hydra-poc)
10:20:15 [5fe01293] Make it compile with haskell.nix and cabal (hydra-poc)
10:20:16 [e7f04936] Remove ouroboros-consensus dependency of hydra-cardano-api (hydra-poc)
10:20:16 [bd61396b] Add lower bounds for cardano-api (hydra-poc)
10:20:16 [6785a026] Go back to packages as pinned on cardano-node 1.35.4 (hydra-poc)
10:20:16 [b60f429e] Fix io-classes re-exports in hydra-prelude (hydra-poc)
10:20:16 [ee743a31] Try building against latest packages from CHaP (hydra-poc)
10:20:17 [3e77b3b6] Re-export and use AcquiringFailure (hydra-poc)
10:20:17 [5c1dd91d] Add some more constraints (hydra-poc)
10:20:17 [1d7723e9] Revert "Fix io-classes re-exports in hydra-prelude" (hydra-poc)
10:20:17 [1bfeecf4] Add a constraint on typed-protocols-examples (hydra-poc)
10:20:18 [be95c75a] Add a manual Eq QueryException instance (hydra-poc)
10:20:18 [7b61d2ca] Replace fromConsensPointHF with fromConsensusPointInMode (hydra-poc)
10:20:18 [c2d3ccfd] Resurrect Ord ChainPoint instance (hydra-poc)
10:20:18 [1a683698] Remove redundant import and re-add typed-protocols-cborg to hydra-node.cabal (hydra-poc)
10:20:19 [d3fdb616] Some last clean up, now everything should compile (hydra-poc)
10:23:40 [00128cca] workbench: overlay protocol params v8 (cardano-node)
10:24:02 [96900081] fix bugs for utxo manager (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
10:24:56 [d070813f] New cardano-cli ping command. (cardano-node)
10:27:28 [5e0ebd2c] Reduce devShell closure size (#107) (cardano-haskell-packages)
10:28:19 [ee7f5f4f] Try #1794: (haskell.nix)
10:31:46 [f25474af] Add mermaid diagram (ouroboros-network)
10:33:13 [16f1e501] change wording (mesh)
10:33:38 [0cdb57b6] Update from 5e0ebd2c08cedf22694facd6892dd9bd085d2f1f (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
10:36:01 [30ad4809] fix styling (mesh)
10:37:53 [2386d478] add ciSystems, remove hydraJobs (cardano-transaction-lib)
10:38:14 [f57e8464] Split out legend (ouroboros-network)
10:41:10 [7903bb95] update LinearFee serialization (catalyst-core)
10:41:23 [3dce2ac4] initial implementation for tango provider (mesh)
10:42:45 [b50b9e72] Merge branch 'develop' into pb99u069/remove-tmp-dir-on-SIGINT-2 (cardano-browser-tx)
10:43:22 [5d4b7d38] add ciSystems, remove hydraJobs (cardano-browser-tx)
10:45:20 [934ff386] Fix the technical report (plutus)
10:45:45 [3524ce85] refactor: Track utxos by asset in sorted set (#115) (scrolls)
10:47:07 [4034d010] use SIGINT handler in template / docs (cardano-transaction-lib)
10:47:22 [0e131d83] Reordering of the sections. Minor formatting (CIPs)
10:50:18 [0c971e6b] Merge pull request #589 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/563-add-verified-signer-infra (mithril)
10:50:56 [ab3643ce] Deploy & push docker on push trigger to main or hotfix (mithril)
10:50:56 [5b0de28e] Remove dry-run from crate publish (mithril)
10:51:53 [d84029d4] Npg 3284 explorer networking tests (#108) (catalyst-core)
10:55:08 [761808ec] upd (plutus-apps)
10:59:25 [e92abf66] Stop running deploy-testing for forks PR (mithril)
11:00:14 [00ef5c36] 2022-11-30 performance and tracing (cardano-updates)
11:01:59 [1c15f93a] Add the weekly updates for the consensus team (cardano-updates)
11:02:28 [bf401a0d] Merge pull request #542 from input-output-hk/feat/rename-era-specific-types (cardano-js-sdk)
11:03:49 [62879027] Fix the technical report (#4986) (plutus)
11:04:37 [1b2a7dd9] Merge commit '282921ca2449a463625cb7bf4d8ab0104c860a40' into denis/logging_improvement (yoroi-frontend)
11:06:36 [79aeda8e] increase monitoring disk size (vit-ops)
11:06:52 [35daefd9] chore(deps): bump azure/setup-kubectl in /.github/workflows (oura)
11:08:00 [7f8fe3c9] chore(deps): bump pallas from 0.13.4 to 0.15.0 (oura)
11:08:12 [b16eb264] chore(deps): bump serde from 1.0.145 to 1.0.148 (oura)
11:09:49 [16c53559] Address some reviewer comments (hydra)
11:10:46 [a52c3cb3] Standardise Plutus imports to PV{1|2} (cardano-ledger)
11:11:09 [5ec57488] Some last clean up, now everything should compile (hydra)
11:15:17 [41c912f9] deploy: 0c971e6bf1bb18531ae8bc02806adff61189e196 (mithril)
11:16:16 [7d84c1e2] Add 'DB' type and documentation (cardano-wallet)
11:16:19 [7167322c] Remove 'DBTxSet' in favor of 'selectTx' (cardano-wallet)
11:16:19 [3f448bfc] Rename and export 'updateTxSet' (cardano-wallet)
11:17:14 [ecfd2fa7] include jormungandr tests in CI (catalyst-core)
11:18:42 [e664202a] Add 'DB' for 'TxSet' (cardano-wallet)
11:22:26 [b94a2c2e] Link README to the CIP PR (ouroboros-leios)
11:22:29 [c32ad5a7] dirs (catalyst-core)
11:23:38 [da32841d] Add LambdaCase pragma (cardano-node)
11:23:56 [92900753] Remove TranslateEra instances for ShelleyGenesis (cardano-ledger)
11:23:56 [f67e49d5] Set TranslationContext for ShelleyEra to enable translation from Byron (cardano-ledger)
11:24:21 [7b3dd6ff] Update CHANGELOG (cardano-ledger)
11:25:04 [a4dfd221] Convert Model to use q-d 2.0.0 (hydra)
11:25:05 [56f9ed98] Remove type signature in instance and put back showing result (hydra)
11:25:08 [690c654e] Fix plutus-ledger-constraints (plutus-apps)
11:25:54 [bfd0bc56] Implement GADTs for PlutusDebug et. al. (cardano-ledger)
11:26:38 [27abddf9] Remove ghc-prim from dependencies (cardano-base)
11:34:05 [9c06f291] Merge branch 'main' into snapshot_wormhole (catalyst-core)
11:34:36 [e621e7b6] Update Discrimination struct (catalyst-core)
11:37:30 [ed626cf9] Prove POV and computational for LEDGERS (formal-ledger-specifications)
11:39:23 [941d7078] feature: allow third-party reward addresses (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:39:55 [1b4cc9f5] clap 3->4, structopt left untouched (catalyst-core)
11:40:47 [39e91d45] Test GPG (mithril)
11:40:54 [17634513] feature: allow third-party reward addresses (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:42:24 [a4bb6622] feature: sign governance vote (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:42:24 [30549c44] refactor: don't include BOLOS unnecessarily (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:42:51 [8dcf554a] Add example config (catalyst-core)
11:45:00 [057333d3] wip (plutus-apps)
11:47:58 [8f209501] Update default.nix (haskell.nix)
11:49:31 [dfa9a8b5] adding more data to readme file (awesome-starter-kits)
11:50:25 [7f63719e] cyberGOLD (cardano-token-registry)
11:52:43 [8ce3e5d1] Update CPS-0001/README.md (CIPs)
11:57:01 [d8300e1b] refactor: view_parseDestination (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:57:30 [20c113db] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into SCP-4715 (marlowe-cardano)
11:58:18 [ac1e1583] Add tables to the mock ledger (ouroboros-network)
11:58:36 [6a059b0d] Add NoThunks instance for Data (#4985) (plutus)
11:58:46 [de7311a0] [DDW-1083] Check if Darwin signing works when inside `buildkite-agent` (daedalus)
11:59:23 [4807baf8] deploy: 914fd524c48f5e451e5a3f918b0450f25e8e67a5 (hydra)
12:00:23 [c4955b1f] feat!: rename era-specific types in core (cardano-js-sdk)
12:02:13 [d2b9127e] Test GPG (mithril)
12:03:18 [5728585b] PLT-1255 Erased unused files, commented imports (plutus)
12:08:48 [e40b8787] Mempool QSM tests (ouroboros-network)
12:13:20 [25b18bf2] fix: review (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
12:13:28 [6bad1cad] fix: spelling (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
12:15:49 [53fbafa7] metadata integration testing - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
12:20:37 [59b04f88] include jormungandr tests in CI (#113) (catalyst-core)
12:21:53 [ff73a3b3] Introduce allow-mlock-violations build flag. (cardano-base)
12:24:33 [6e7ee130] adding jormungandr integration tests to CI (catalyst-core)
12:24:40 [fa880e38] Merge branch 'main' into db_stync_explorer (catalyst-core)
12:26:37 [b5fdac68] update Hash type (catalyst-core)
12:28:31 [a0a11eec] fix name (catalyst-core)
12:30:59 [df5c2b1b] metadata integration testing - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
12:37:44 [f9f5c5d3] [DDW-1083] Get rid of `nix/yarn-nix-shell.sh` (daedalus)
12:38:05 [deda3200] test: export governance voting keys (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
12:38:05 [236b385e] fix: spelling (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
12:38:05 [ff498c52] feature: votecast signing (governance voting) (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
12:38:05 [336692fe] update testnet protocol magics (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
12:38:05 [e69c728a] fix: review (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
12:38:05 [ab45cd0d] fix: audit vulnerability (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
12:38:05 [61635a4a] feature: new format for governance voting (CIP-36) (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
12:43:39 [fb3b64e0] metadata integration testing - part 3 (cardano-wallet)
12:43:39 [2c090d8c] fix name (catalyst-core)
12:48:25 [21ab2f29] tests that use execution units above the limit set on protocol params (cardano-node-tests)
12:49:03 [4b466644] Clean extra imports (plutus-apps)
12:51:03 [169d114d] workbench: remove duplicate code/file (cardano-node)
12:51:11 [b0316635] Create CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md (cardano-base)
12:53:45 [0d00a5f2] tango docs (mesh)
12:53:56 [4afaa04b] feature: allow third-party reward addresses (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
12:54:01 [ec31169e] feature: sign governance vote (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
12:54:01 [36fb4b7d] refactor: don't include BOLOS unnecessarily (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
12:54:27 [22748e76] [DDW-1161] Round RAM size in analytics (daedalus)
12:54:37 [762b9e6b] metadata integration testing - part 4 (cardano-wallet)
12:58:36 [3e67c326] tmp: add chain point intersection to blocksPipelinedCallback (plutus-apps)
13:00:21 [5c99ff33] update version and changelog (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
13:00:44 [40b148a5] noop (plutus)
13:01:00 [5660f1d1] Merge #4661 (cardano-node)
13:02:34 [0ecc85a7] noop (plutus)
13:04:25 [866e51a9] update version to 6.0.0, changelog (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:04:37 [2e376670] add removeOnSigint to startKupo (cardano-transaction-lib)
13:05:42 [9c089b94] Add nix formatter CI check (marlowe)
13:08:30 [3a3261ab] Add 'DB' type and documentation (cardano-wallet)
13:08:33 [8496930e] Rename and export 'updateTxSet' (cardano-wallet)
13:09:09 [d5e9346d] tmp (carp)
13:09:22 [e540bbcb] Remove 'DBTxSet' in favor of 'selectTx' (cardano-wallet)
13:10:18 [1ff426a4] Add 'DB' for 'TxSet' (cardano-wallet)
13:11:20 [5d9c66d9] Fix doctests (plutus-apps)
13:14:03 [5f7ba23d] chore: ble permissions (yoroi-mobile)
13:15:08 [f4347bf2] adding cargo build jcli jor (catalyst-core)
13:16:46 [aaeb0f33] [DDW-1083] Get rid of the old build scripts; update `README.md` with new commands (daedalus)
13:17:41 [fec8f93f] Marconi - index additional slot index-slot-info (plutus-apps)
13:19:39 [6b00cf29] Change changelog (chanlogception) (plutus-apps)
13:20:39 [de09c2c5] [DDW-1161] Changelog (daedalus)
13:21:34 [7e39eacc] update version to 6.0.0, changelog (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:22:09 [87452b9a] refactor!: change redeemer script hash to data (cardano-js-sdk)
13:25:05 [1e291701] copy from messy 'galois/consensus-documentation' branch (ouroboros-network)
13:25:05 [8e734aac] galois consensus documentation: remove historical artifacts (ouroboros-network)
13:25:05 [2298a824] More fixes (ouroboros-network)
13:25:06 [1edbcf07] Consistent formatting (ouroboros-network)
13:25:06 [66ff828b] various documentation updates (ouroboros-network)
13:25:06 [15e0d66a] various documentation updates: tweaking the markdown render (ouroboros-network)
13:25:06 [c3860a57] Formatting changes (ouroboros-network)
13:25:06 [5a057646] Add mermaid diagram (ouroboros-network)
13:25:06 [d49f21bf] Fix build errors (ouroboros-network)
13:25:06 [b804f9f0] Move and rename tutorials (ouroboros-network)
13:25:06 [9b369e6a] Move to ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-network)
13:25:06 [214ee88a] Make sublibrary (ouroboros-network)
13:25:06 [97263645] Split out legend (ouroboros-network)
13:27:29 [1ef4dc55] chore(deps): bump cachix/install-nix-action from 16 to 18 (marlowe-cardano)
13:27:31 [3712a190] WIP (plutus)
13:27:45 [26940fc9] assign CIP number 80 (CIPs)
13:28:03 [a07adfed] Update requirements.txt (marlowe-cardano)
13:29:54 [c98f0dd4] Expose marlowe-web-server executable (marlowe-cardano)
13:30:25 [bc6dbb61] Merge #3617 (cardano-wallet)
13:30:30 [2332fcb4] tx-generator: correct script params; parametrize redeemer per-script (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [44572d7e] tx-generator: add script pre-execute test, protocol params v8 (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [4cfc28ee] tx-generator: choose valid redeemers for new SECP (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [59641a61] tx-generator: integrate plutusV2 SECP script (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [59ce55f8] tx-generator: handle PlutusV2 (WIP) (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [9d1ab603] tx-generator: include PlutusV2 ledger API (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [c9c7c71a] tx-generator: parameter list for sig verification (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [f258414f] tx-generator: parametrizable script redeemer (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [aeec706c] workbench: pre-integrate the now SECP-capable tx-generator (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [3a774e5a] bump plutus-apps flake input (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [5504725f] bump flake input plutus-apps (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [943f6830] workbench: overlay protocol params v8 (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [7ea3c827] workbench: rename pparam update (cardano-node)
13:30:30 [0500e6ac] tx-generator: adapt to new service definition (WIP) (cardano-node)
13:31:14 [6b5553c8] workbench: remove dependency from (cardano-node)
13:33:14 [ac9ffa88] Update dependencies (ouroboros-network)
13:34:10 [c43890dc] Test GPG (mithril)
13:34:55 [04c96706] Weigh: Better output table, showing some opts (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:35:43 [cbad60a8] Remove vasil-dev from known networks (hydra)
13:36:34 [201789db] Add fix and test for foldBlocks #4679 (cardano-node)
13:36:43 [269a5558] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@04c967064607cbc50a1ca752f13f71ffb5bb635a 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:38:14 [5016aa36] Add fix and test for foldBlocks, backported to 1.35 release branch #4680 (cardano-node)
13:40:34 [79f653b9] Fix contractmodel tests not building (plutus-apps)
13:42:01 [78bef79e] refactor: extract wallet delegation module and spec (cardano-wallet)
13:42:01 [58bbb28b] refactor: registration delegation action contains required deposit (cardano-wallet)
13:42:01 [7c4feb7f] refactor: remove deposit/refund from DelegationAction (cardano-wallet)
13:42:01 [06609500] chore: remove extra parens and reformat a bit (cardano-wallet)
13:42:01 [ee8110d3] refactor: extract delegation request (cardano-wallet)
13:42:01 [d4dcab7e] refactor: fix a typo (cardano-wallet)
13:42:01 [2d8f9477] fixup! refactor: extract delegation request (cardano-wallet)
13:42:01 [e2798af8] fixup! refactor: remove deposit/refund from DelegationAction (cardano-wallet)
13:43:26 [aa6a77e0] Modify Utxo indexer to index more information (plutus-apps)
13:44:43 [3ae14788] Make contractmodel tests pass (plutus-apps)
13:48:20 [a189f11d] refactor: rename constructors of the DelegationRequest (cardano-wallet)
13:49:19 [92d2d3a3] Added Twiddle law test (cardano-ledger)
13:49:19 [9a80767b] Allegra is transitioned (cardano-ledger)
13:49:19 [d63e2143] Added twiddle law test for Babbage (cardano-ledger)
13:49:19 [b3a00a63] Documented the `Twiddler` module. Added a property for testing. (cardano-ledger)
13:49:19 [33a6ba49] Split `cardano-ledegr-shelley-ma` into two packages: (cardano-ledger)
13:49:20 [6f25af2d] Mary has been transitioned (cardano-ledger)
13:49:20 [16ad6766] Rename `Timelocks` module into `Scripts` for consistency with other eras (cardano-ledger)
13:49:20 [d4d330c8] Finish up renaming of `Timelocks` module into `Scripts` (cardano-ledger)
13:51:20 [a168a479] 2022-11-30 performance and tracing (cardano-updates)
13:53:33 [e030b17f] Add nix formatter ci check (marlowe)
13:54:45 [3e116a5c] deploy: a168a479bb6bd163592c02dc3ef56ca0561e9951 (cardano-updates)
13:56:40 [54aeec66] Babbage transitioned (cardano-ledger)
14:01:28 [3e3f945f] Conway transitioned (cardano-ledger)
14:03:27 [3589a573] fixup! refactor!: amend core tx types as nullable - amend a few TxBodyAlonzo props as nullable for Ogmios compatibility (cardano-js-sdk)
14:03:37 [8ba6d639] Merge pull request #34 from blockfrost/previewPreprod (blockfrost-rust)
14:08:14 [c73f4c4c] fixup! refactor!: amend core tx types as nullable - amend a few TxBodyAlonzo props as nullable for Ogmios compatibility (cardano-js-sdk)
14:10:17 [691cce86] fix: remove logs (blockfrost-js)
14:11:32 [0c668add] Add a high-level summary (cardano-updates)
14:12:15 [9fe5f088] Pleaseeeeeee (plutus)
14:14:28 [cc0b93b2] WIP (cardano-ledger)
14:18:56 [c6bef95f] Merge branch 'main' into dedup4 (catalyst-core)
14:19:45 [78c79533] Implement PUT /contracts/:contractId/transactions/:transactionId (marlowe-cardano)
14:20:37 [e31b0575] feat: initial toolkit intro page (cardano-documentation)
14:20:54 [c21609b6] Merge #3593 #3616 (cardano-wallet)
14:23:00 [d11c28f9] release: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.0 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
14:23:58 [9b9cee7f] wip instance STS (AlonzoUTXOS era) (cardano-ledger)
14:24:07 [a5f108bd] stats: hydra bc6dbb61cae78f032efcbf2fb96023dc8d9ff9dc (cardano-wallet)
14:25:15 [7817dc75] quick fixes and refactoring (mesh)
14:25:47 [08b6ae32] Run formatter (cardano-ledger)
14:25:49 [6d1a7a39] renaming kit folders and removing not implemented (awesome-starter-kits)
14:26:34 [5dce5588] chore: sdk 33 (yoroi-mobile)
14:27:59 [4d3168a4] docs: Merge #3617 3617: Shared wallets with metadata r=paweljakubas a=paweljakubas <!-- Detail in a few bullet points the work accomplished in this PR. Before you submit, don't forget to: LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes release.nix reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Make sure the GitHub PR fields are correct: ✓ Set a good Title for your PR. ✓ Assign yourself to the PR. ✓ Assign one or more reviewer(s). ✓ Link to a Jira issue, and/or other GitHub issues or PRs. ✓ In the PR description delete any empty sections and all text commented in <!--, so that this text does not appear in merge commit messages. LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes release.nix reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Don't waste reviewers' time: ✓ If it's a draft, select the Create Draft PR option. ✓ Self-review your changes to make sure nothing unexpected slipped through. LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes release.nix reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Try to make your intent clear: ✓ Write a good Description that explains what this PR is meant to do. ✓ Jira will detect and link to this PR once created, but you can also link this PR in the description of the corresponding Jira ticket. ✓ Highlight what Testing you have done. ✓ Acknowledge any changes required to the Documentation. --> - [x] I have added metada integration tests demonstrating shared wallets support metadata ### Comments <!-- Additional comments, links, or screenshots to attach, if any. --> ### Issue Number adp-2248 <!-- Reference the Jira/GitHub issue that this PR relates to, and which requirements it tackles. Note: Jira issues of the form ADP- will be auto-linked. --> Co-authored-by: Pawel Jakubas <[email protected]> Source commit: bc6dbb61cae78f032efcbf2fb96023dc8d9ff9dc (cardano-wallet)
14:31:35 [9f3e4bb2] Merge pull request #373 from input-output-hk/dependabot/github_actions/cachix/install-nix-action-18 (marlowe-cardano)
14:33:59 [e880d5eb] staging: Bump marlowe to 9f3e4bb28aef642ef2481f59c1b63df1917c7a27 (plutus-ops)
14:34:31 [3b8f1f7a] Updated some informational stuff (Certification-working-group)
14:35:40 [0d8cebfe] Merge pull request #24 from blockfrost/mmahut/release (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
14:35:53 [1f7056b6] Try #3602: (cardano-wallet)
14:36:34 [16e99197] refactor: balanceTransaction without constrained context (cardano-wallet)
14:37:38 [b32f9b50] fix: examples (blockfrost-js)
14:38:39 [4e3b15e9] Add `Web.ContractHeader` decoders (marlowe-actus-labs)
14:39:39 [40cf74fa] Minor (ouroboros-network)
14:43:06 [360bd0dc] Drop remainings of HS->PS codegen attempt (marlowe-actus-labs)
14:43:43 [3bf9791b] Cosmetics (marlowe-actus-labs)
14:44:33 [d0783c97] workbench: remove 'backend' dependency from 'all-profiles' (cardano-node)
14:44:56 [33e52036] workbench: remove one level of abstraction (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [9302d103] tx-generator: correct script params; parametrize redeemer per-script (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [f4d77b84] Update cli's help to indicate that Babbage is the default era (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [6d9e0c87] bump plutus-apps flake input (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [64e9e4dd] tx-generator: parameter list for sig verification (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [da8e3690] tx-generator: include PlutusV2 ledger API (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [ebb0bd36] tx-generator: add script pre-execute test, protocol params v8 (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [3f726421] tx-generator: choose valid redeemers for new SECP (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [8b87d749] tx-generator: parametrizable script redeemer (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [5d55f1ea] workbench: pre-integrate the now SECP-capable tx-generator (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [ee002f2b] tx-generator: handle PlutusV2 (WIP) (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [8d2aad94] workbench: overlay protocol params v8 (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [f054e008] Move implementation inside `runTransactionCmd` to toplevel definitions. (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [dfdc9b30] bump flake input plutus-apps (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [ca8c2811] tx-generator: integrate plutusV2 SECP script (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [5238c56f] tx-generator: adapt to new service definition (WIP) (cardano-node)
14:45:45 [1b6fb36a] workbench: rename pparam update (cardano-node)
14:52:16 [3e07e776] Incorporate feedback (ouroboros-network)
14:52:31 [592e67cc] leaving only jor integration, adding fail fast false (catalyst-core)
14:53:03 [ab7d6a83] fixup! test: node test runner poc attempt (cardano-js-sdk)
14:57:06 [871922b7] Merge pull request #259 from blockfrost/master (openapi)
14:57:23 [af28abbf] Update colors (ouroboros-network)
15:01:51 [f1848502] removed extra treediff (cardano-ledger)
15:01:56 [bc452419] fix: exmaples (blockfrost-js)
15:03:20 [df8a283f] Merge pull request #56 from MartifyLabs/tango (mesh)
15:03:25 [d375075f] workbench: use redeemers valid with new SECP (cardano-node)
15:06:05 [24cf75dd] Add 'DB' type and documentation (cardano-wallet)
15:06:12 [cfc76c32] Add 'DB' for 'TxSet' (cardano-wallet)
15:06:12 [398306fc] Remove 'DBTxSet' in favor of 'selectTx' (cardano-wallet)
15:06:12 [01815ee4] Rename and export 'updateTxSet' (cardano-wallet)
15:07:40 [86effd40] Merge #3593 (cardano-wallet)
15:08:16 [21a9cbc2] add lean specifications for primitives of the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
15:08:16 [b338d043] add lean specification for API operations in the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
15:08:57 [ccd7b526] Add benchmarking code (dcspark-core)
15:10:27 [c59e91e3] fix: compatibility (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
15:10:48 [3b414f61] add primitives for the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
15:10:48 [5c8700ea] add tests for primitives on the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
15:11:09 [6fc6bc8e] Update CHANGELOG.md (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
15:11:26 [21e546ac] add API operations for the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
15:11:26 [b29b9926] add tests for operations on the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
15:11:30 [cc11d030] Merge pull request #628 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/update-crates-version-2248 (mithril)
15:11:49 [b196fff8] add properties for submissions store via API-operations (cardano-wallet)
15:11:49 [e8f7c0b7] add submissions store via API-operations (cardano-wallet)
15:11:49 [78aa03d4] add submissions tables to the schema (cardano-wallet)
15:13:41 [d5ce4c63] Update FAQ (cardano-documentation)
15:13:57 [f544b893] current_validator_hash -> get_current_validator_hash (Helios-Book)
15:14:19 [8ecba559] deploy: f544b893768d536a206b23f902aac1da1ae802a0 (Helios-Book)
15:14:26 [cfa45a9d] Merge branch 'ETCM-2729-copy-mamba-content' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-documentation into ETCM-2729-copy-mamba-content (cardano-documentation)
15:14:47 [76e827e1] Make cabalProjectIndexState not break with CHaP (cardano-wallet)
15:14:48 [eeb9cf3d] fixups (cardano-wallet)
15:14:48 [e64c4210] Bump to cardano-node 1.35.4 & start using CHaP (cardano-wallet)
15:14:48 [501edbf7] Bump ProtocolVersion in integration cluster (cardano-wallet)
15:14:48 [9e89a093] update node compatibility matrix in readme (cardano-wallet)
15:14:48 [84ee3a3e] Link TODO to ADP-2445 (cardano-wallet)
15:14:48 [e7659381] Add TODOs for next node bump (cardano-wallet)
15:15:35 [47cb21b5] Decoe `ContractState` (marlowe-actus-labs)
15:17:07 [8172790b] Add import list to Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Translation (cardano-ledger)
15:19:24 [fdd057d6] updates to latest scrolls version (scrolls-server)
15:19:50 [40e7c4e1] Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/dcSpark/scrolls-server (scrolls-server)
15:20:22 [49d2f644] remove redundant tests (catalyst-core)
15:22:01 [17a6c200] more dependency deduplication (#114) (catalyst-core)
15:22:06 [43f20d87] comments out hardcoded compose (scrolls-server)
15:22:11 [1f6c2319] Merge pull request #25 from blockfrost/vladimirvolek-patch-1 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
15:22:22 [98b47427] Merge branch 'main' into feature/npg-1938-clean-up-explorer-tests (catalyst-core)
15:22:43 [ea553fab] fixup! feat(ogmios): complete Ogmios tx to core mapping (cardano-js-sdk)
15:25:26 [2e1f080a] improve nar-proxy (nix-cache-proxy)
15:25:48 [f15f60d4] adds more informative scrolls logs (scrolls-server)
15:26:19 [5b970c8b] updating readme (awesome-starter-kits)
15:26:34 [8945377c] Pleaseeeeeee (plutus)
15:30:33 [74fbc996] Fix bench (dcspark-core)
15:33:07 [eb2a7ff5] Update fetcher.tsx (mesh)
15:34:11 [73f99c51] fix impurity (cardano-node)
15:34:26 [e7dce5c3] fix pure nix evaluation (cardano-node)
15:34:57 [03d1119c] WIP (cardano-node)
15:35:00 [bfd46e43] fix: examples (blockfrost-js)
15:35:07 [f69b7750] Fix line lengths. (plutus)
15:35:08 [f6952780] Add Haddock. (plutus)
15:35:08 [df5699ff] Apply suggestions from code review (plutus)
15:35:08 [dae5a56b] Address more comments. (plutus)
15:35:08 [bcde8547] Fix. (plutus)
15:35:33 [91d32c89] deploy: 5660f1d135513f89458447538c67af6593711378 (cardano-node)
15:36:03 [9f622c7f] chore: coverage badge and CI (blockfrost-js)
15:36:18 [cfedd40e] Fix (dcspark-core)
15:36:38 [9b6f3f83] Add links (ouroboros-network)
15:37:29 [3579182a] Update ci_tests.yml (catalyst-core)
15:38:09 [24f67b11] Pleaseeeeeee (plutus)
15:40:36 [3006377b] Implement PUT /contracts/:contractId/transactions/:transactionId (marlowe-cardano)
15:41:36 [bf43e4bc] Merge pull request #1271 from Plutonomicon/klntsky/571-stake-pool-target-num (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:41:53 [30777e47] feat: type GroupedAddress now includes key derivation paths (cardano-js-sdk)
15:41:53 [5cea9736] feat(key-management): ownSignatureKeyPaths now checks for reward account in certificates (cardano-js-sdk)
15:42:08 [a5d1cf18] WIP (plutus)
15:42:50 [01787c87] Merge pull request #57 from MartifyLabs/frontend-updates (mesh)
15:43:30 [41f57abf] Fix selection (dcspark-core)
15:43:55 [71ee4e4f] Deploying to gh-pages from @ Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib@bf43e4bc443967fedf02860de792830e72820113 🚀 (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:48:01 [74f38499] Add links (ouroboros-network)
15:50:06 [c119372e] Transitioned pretty (cardano-ledger)
15:50:43 [1944e157] Fix packages imports (plutus-apps)
15:53:32 [8a6aa81d] Merge #3578 #3616 (cardano-wallet)
15:54:06 [c4ca7cac] workbench: remove 'backend' dependency from 'all-profiles' (cardano-node)
15:54:16 [f2068dbd] workbench: remove one level of abstraction (cardano-node)
15:54:16 [cf8dc087] workbench: removing cacheDir and stateDir's default from backends (cardano-node)
15:54:16 [4631b38f] workbench: remove unused code (cardano-node)
15:54:16 [9694f879] workbench: rename package (cardano-node)
15:54:16 [c488437d] Arguments reorder and defaults (cardano-node)
15:56:50 [bac22f04] update changelog (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:57:15 [351d4c58] add mesh-starter-next-ts (awesome-starter-kits)
15:58:39 [d14c1201] SCP-4728: maturity for LAM contracts (marlowe-actus-labs)
15:59:58 [cb1b637e] test: export governance voting keys (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
15:59:58 [5183e446] fix: audit vulnerability (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
15:59:58 [ca6c3170] update testnet protocol magics (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
16:00:19 [1f532699] feature: new format for governance voting (CIP-36) (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
16:00:24 [829db5a6] feature: votecast signing (governance voting) (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
16:01:29 [1aa26ee8] chore: Move packager to .github (awesome-starter-kits)
16:01:48 [7bd5e00b] fix: Catalyst compatibility (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
16:01:48 [27399653] update version to 6.0.0, changelog (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
16:01:48 [3639ba4f] fix: spelling (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
16:02:10 [293cc92b] Convert input dates into cardano slots (yoroi-frontend)
16:03:51 [cbf31f3a] wip intermediate cleanup (cardano-ledger)
16:04:53 [1cbd3ff8] Added dropped link (CIPs)
16:06:01 [ad517bb6] Move benchmarks to cicero (plutus)
16:06:01 [4e327d5b] Move benchmarks to cicero (plutus)
16:06:01 [c8424e37] packages -> library (plutus)
16:06:02 [4ffc9cdf] fix: pass github token to benchmark (plutus)
16:06:02 [133fcb0c] setup comment trigger (plutus)
16:06:02 [a39ec42d] WIP (plutus)
16:06:03 [0285d64e] move benchmark runner and pipeline to automation (plutus)
16:06:03 [e2e2d194] update tullia pr (plutus)
16:06:03 [34f57361] don't use github-ci preset (plutus)
16:06:04 [77a56363] fix usage of new tullia github options (plutus)
16:06:04 [f57e3038] fix github token reference in benchmark runner script (plutus)
16:06:04 [33853ec7] cleanup benchmark pipeline definition (plutus)
16:06:05 [32f4f61b] coerce pr number to string (plutus)
16:06:05 [7026cd5c] REMOVE BEFORE MERGE: comment out ci and publish (plutus)
16:06:05 [2f474c40] fix fact value references (plutus)
16:06:06 [402f60c2] fix benchmark name reference (plutus)
16:06:06 [f4223703] remove /usr/bin/env (plutus)
16:06:06 [da420a94] fix readRevision reference (plutus)
16:06:06 [272388e2] try fix (plutus)
16:06:07 [e017e872] remove benchmark action, will add in separate PR (plutus)
16:06:07 [143dec41] use tullia git preset to fetch branch (plutus)
16:06:07 [8ccee5e2] Revert "remove benchmark action, will add in separate PR" (plutus)
16:06:08 [97eba007] Update pipelines.nix (plutus)
16:06:08 [c6470fa5] update tullia (plutus)
16:06:08 [a1441d46] fix git clone option definition (plutus)
16:06:09 [f2db11f4] inlining github_pr_comment from tulle (plutus)
16:06:09 [d72d7f30] Update actions.nix (plutus)
16:06:09 [46bd0987] Update actions.nix (plutus)
16:06:10 [8fdbb8a1] WIP (plutus)
16:06:10 [b89ad445] fix syntax error (plutus)
16:06:10 [7b94dd44] WIP (plutus)
16:06:11 [27ac0c62] WIP (plutus)
16:06:11 [fbb72771] WIP (plutus)
16:06:11 [339d5556] WIP (plutus)
16:06:12 [0590f41e] WIP (plutus)
16:06:12 [ef43570f] noop (plutus)
16:06:12 [d9f6f723] noop (plutus)
16:06:12 [03f8c728] WIP (plutus)
16:06:13 [b72feb19] Pleaseeeeeee (plutus)
16:06:13 [908b9c46] Pleaseeeeeee (plutus)
16:06:13 [139de70d] Pleaseeeeeee (plutus)
16:06:14 [637177eb] Moment of truth (plutus)
16:06:14 [eab525e4] WIP (plutus)
16:06:51 [92916702] Merge pull request #369 from input-output-hk/scp-4710-put-transaction (marlowe-cardano)
16:07:46 [76a73b00] Create README.md (CIPs)
16:08:15 [fbbe95b6] Add files via upload (CIPs)
16:10:10 [2d86da77] workbench: basePort not used (cardano-node)
16:10:53 [f917a42d] Code review changes (ouroboros-network)
16:11:25 [4112d683] deploy: cc11d0307d954ad00cd105a0f5677f4364a0ee5d (mithril)
16:12:47 [90a08eb0] Update README.md (CIPs)
16:13:55 [18391409] Update README.md (CIPs)
16:15:58 [c7f3aaf0] staging: Bump marlowe to 92916702040c995ac51ee541fb6c28a382102c65 (plutus-ops)
16:16:39 [4a8be909] Update README.md (CIPs)
16:18:17 [9927f8bd] Fix lock location (awesome-starter-kits)
16:19:10 [fb5756e9] wip (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:20:44 [16d23d13] Merge pull request #2 from txpipe/chore/move-node-code (awesome-starter-kits)
16:26:20 [409c73a4] Add epoch stakepool size indexer to marconi executable (plutus-apps)
16:27:44 [7708e9e9] feat!: add opaque numeric types to core package (cardano-js-sdk)
16:27:46 [42d9bd9f] Merge pull request #629 from input-output-hk/djo/597/deploy-using-push-trigger (mithril)
16:28:19 [6a602590] chore: update yarn lock file (cardano-js-sdk)
16:32:35 [ee264aeb] Merge pull request #1 from jinglescode/main (awesome-starter-kits)
16:34:54 [1b7edb55] [DDW-1083] Fix `sign_cmd` in `MacInstaller.hs` (daedalus)
16:40:18 [9f9a7d48] fix impurity (cardano-node)
16:40:34 [a42ca880] fix pure nix evaluation (cardano-node)
16:42:30 [b36de89b] Implement makeAutoBalancedTransactionWithWalletOutputs (plutus-apps)
16:45:43 [3a50aaad] Update Index files (milkomeda-documentation)
16:47:44 [25d6da61] deploy: 3a50aaadb8eb60e702780a2dfd283bef70b8fefa (milkomeda-documentation)
16:50:05 [b91f65a1] react to comment and find revision in task (plutus)
16:50:12 [10877b9c] Update add-to-project.yaml (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:50:33 [94daa489] fix(input-selection): fixed recursive use of CSL object (cardano-js-sdk)
16:53:53 [34c8b2f0] Add and use auxiliary lemma for shortcut_redund. of `▹⇧∞` (network-equivalences)
16:57:46 [402fa3c2] New translations index.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
16:57:47 [008a0b70] New translations index.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
16:57:49 [9dd3a6aa] New translations index.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
16:57:50 [6d3dd487] New translations index.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
16:57:52 [22a6b9a8] New translations index.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
16:57:53 [29072c11] New translations index.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
16:59:29 [98c43ada] use cardano-node from branch with purity backport (hydra)
17:05:15 [2c3d6428] deploy: 42d9bd9fdfb934bf91cabbcda319c505638429e0 (mithril)
17:05:38 [002a4d1c] mock search impl (catalyst-core)
17:06:10 [2ec5d708] fix: removed ogmios client from txpipe starters (awesome-starter-kits)
17:06:19 [7245c8a5] refactor: tx construction recent era check moved up the call stack. (cardano-wallet)
17:07:13 [e3c9c7a4] Add the weekly updates for the consensus team (#70) (cardano-updates)
17:07:25 [c9fe147e] revert nightly change (catalyst-core)
17:08:12 [0a42e79c] Add Haddock to inliner (#4982) (plutus)
17:08:34 [63627194] deploy: e3c9c7a4c7dc00e9fce8acd3fd3c387f7593fc81 (cardano-updates)
17:10:23 [c86ae636] Merge branch 'main' into docs-1 (catalyst-core)
17:16:50 [155a7072] workbench: remove repeated code (services-config) from backends (cardano-node)
17:18:59 [70ca4929] Fix name clash (network-equivalences)
17:20:16 [628ac0ff] build docs in CI (catalyst-core)
17:22:51 [c290da33] clients: tf state updated to serial 367 (bitte-world)
17:24:12 [b0f76f8a] clients: tf state updated to serial 373 (bitte-world)
17:25:27 [d571ad12] Makefile: Fix query-testnet-tip command and add run-ci-actions (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:29:46 [e4221792] clients: tf state updated to serial 374 (bitte-world)
17:30:12 [e9fd0861] clients: tf state updated to serial 375 (bitte-world)
17:30:42 [d94a05cc] Add LEDGER, LEDGERS, NEWPP, NEWEPOCH and CHAIN transition systems (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:30:42 [fddc2a48] Move fees into treasury at the epoch boundary (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:30:42 [dee67e04] Cleanup UTXO (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:30:42 [8abcec94] Use literals to write ring elements corresponding to numbers (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:30:42 [02e74fc2] Add PPUP STS (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:30:42 [dc8a13ea] Add the protocol version to the haskell library (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:31:07 [a062f4c1] clients: tf state updated to serial 377 (bitte-world)
17:34:38 [fd4fa52f] Added deposits to DState and PState (cardano-ledger)
17:36:27 [074b0622] Initial getCollateral changes (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:37:57 [8178dc87] Improve derive-DecEq to require less manual input (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:37:57 [52a07af9] Add derivation strategy for decidable equality (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:37:57 [a3aed4e3] Fully automated mutual deriving (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:37:57 [6e8c51ed] Move deriving into stdlib-meta (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:37:57 [b9aa0770] Some cleanup (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:39:08 [597daf58] Remove unneccessary check (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:39:47 [5dc6c20d] Add derivation strategy for decidable equality (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:39:47 [c0c0d73f] Prove POV and computational for LEDGERS (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:39:47 [12849f31] Some cleanup (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:39:47 [e4f713c3] Add some level polymorphism (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:39:47 [98259490] Improve derive-DecEq to require less manual input (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:39:47 [33b3f9c2] Fully automated mutual deriving (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:39:47 [78152823] Move deriving into stdlib-meta (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:41:57 [5375b4a2] modernize tullia setup (cardano-ledger)
17:43:37 [4d989d8f] Merge pull request #1274 from Plutonomicon/calum/1181-revert-wasm-bindgen-bug-workaround (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:44:40 [4d988d12] Merge #3602 (cardano-wallet)
17:45:09 [a691d1d0] clients: tf state updated to serial 378 (bitte-world)
17:45:41 [0e563537] Merge pull request #1270 from Plutonomicon/klntsky/drop-text-encoding (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:46:03 [b06e1220] clients: tf state updated to serial 379 (bitte-world)
17:46:27 [7e3dce72] clients: tf state updated to serial 380 (bitte-world)
17:46:49 [5c8bd2b3] clients: tf state updated to serial 381 (bitte-world)
17:47:13 [b3a9a9db] clients: tf state updated to serial 382 (bitte-world)
17:47:48 [853ce7e4] Deploying to gh-pages from @ Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib@0e56353790217b8eca34afbeab873bb0537221cc 🚀 (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:48:07 [2fcd5e7d] clients: tf state updated to serial 387 (bitte-world)
17:48:28 [cbe67339] modernize CI (cardano-node)
17:52:33 [9f550ee8] reset me definitely (plutus-apps)
17:54:46 [e363899a] Try #4652: (cardano-node)
18:01:18 [aae31ef3] add linux-to-windows cross-builds to required CI jobs (daedalus)
18:02:17 [695f8123] Merge pull request #613 from input-output-hk/ch1bo/use-cardano-api-from-chap (hydra)
18:02:31 [8d6c091b] Refactor internal wallet and keep the tip around (hydra)
18:02:59 [24a5d3ed] Change behavior of wallet reset and update (hydra)
18:03:06 [bdb07849] Query for utxos in parallel (cardano-browser-tx)
18:03:20 [8967f354] Don't pass a chain point to internal wallet anymore (hydra)
18:03:36 [8e907cf7] Expect IntersectionNotFound instead of AcquireFailure (hydra)
18:03:39 [6b67d042] Query epochInfo on coverFee and expect IntersectionNotFound in tests (hydra)
18:03:39 [b5c67fa9] Remove TODO and keep test (hydra)
18:03:39 [f78fbb1d] Add SkipUpdate to logs.yaml (hydra)
18:03:39 [e0c59521] Remove redundant pattern match (hydra)
18:03:52 [133e7ded] Log the wallet tip on EndInitialize (hydra)
18:04:07 [0c822e6f] Update changelog (hydra)
18:04:17 [b8dd466e] Address some reviewer comments (hydra)
18:05:38 [dd079cdb] Fix postTx atomically scoping (hydra)
18:07:14 [1b8942ae] Query for utxos in parallel (cardano-transaction-lib)
18:09:02 [ab969867] DBSync update 2022-12-01 (cardano-updates)
18:09:07 [f9091b3e] Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib into amir/1257-sign-multiple-exit-early (cardano-transaction-lib)
18:15:06 [bb3a2189] [DDW-1163] Improve CPU formatting for analytics (daedalus)
18:17:20 [ac265a93] DBSync update 2022-12-01 (cardano-updates)
18:20:43 [217806d6] Update top-level README and CIP/CPS number allocations. (CIPs)
18:20:53 [5702f07c] deploy: ac265a93a80facc20c90f1ca676296a8a79b3a00 (cardano-updates)
18:21:17 [6c133af9] modernize tullia CI (#3085) (daedalus)
18:22:02 [18357441] [DDW-1163] Changelog (daedalus)
18:22:08 [162a514c] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into feat/ddw-1163-better-cpu-formatting-in-analytics (daedalus)
18:25:38 [09aedddc] Remove README from old folder (CIPs)
18:26:43 [e0c31152] (new) CIP-0001 & CIP-9999: Cardano Problem Statements (#366) (CIPs)
18:30:58 [c65c6c12] deploy: 695f8123f0537ca60ef1dcd4d2d20d25d7711a94 (hydra)
18:36:42 [395d70ef] workbench: remove 'backend' dependency from 'all-profiles' (cardano-node)
18:36:55 [4fd51c25] workbench: remove unused code (cardano-node)
18:36:55 [b7c81872] Arguments reorder and defaults (cardano-node)
18:36:55 [256ff59b] workbench: removing cacheDir and stateDir's default from backends (cardano-node)
18:36:55 [3e22414d] workbench: rename package (cardano-node)
18:36:56 [dfd92377] workbench: remove repeated code (services-config) from backends (cardano-node)
18:36:56 [7e057421] workbench: basePort not used (cardano-node)
18:37:27 [41c9165a] Remove redundant import (after rebase) (hydra)
18:49:22 [2b6ea928] Merge pull request #1280 from Plutonomicon/1278-parallel-utxosat (cardano-transaction-lib)
18:51:23 [fc3474c1] Deploying to gh-pages from @ Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib@2b6ea92809d72e93764f52acc42f1d1cdda444cb 🚀 (cardano-transaction-lib)
18:54:52 [5196c78f] feat: add cip-0078 including a demo folder (CIPs)
18:56:45 [a37c2d43] Merge #3616 (cardano-wallet)
19:05:14 [cf3ba2f1] Keep first valid subset of collaterals returned & cleanup (cardano-transaction-lib)
19:07:14 [413988ea] Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib into amir/1257-sign-multiple-exit-early (cardano-transaction-lib)
19:09:42 [cf1cde7f] add delegation store specifications (cardano-wallet)
19:13:26 [c2a101bc] Merge branch 'master' into cip-editor-meeting-59-chores (CIPs)
19:14:43 [6b055af1] Use tip slot for maximum validity lower bound (marlowe-cardano)
19:14:43 [8fa8a7c6] Fix default validity upper bound computation (marlowe-cardano)
19:14:43 [ebdbd389] Fix slot conversion in follower and get rid of SlotConfig (marlowe-cardano)
19:14:43 [46b32baf] Fix persistence of validity intervals (marlowe-cardano)
19:14:43 [b751f68d] Use SystemStart from ouroboros-consensus (marlowe-cardano)
19:14:43 [e72133e6] Implement AdvanceToTip (marlowe-cardano)
19:14:43 [46531d85] Improve default validity upper bound computation (marlowe-cardano)
19:20:16 [20f224b4] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
19:22:51 [f529d32d] Refactor collateral subset fn (cardano-transaction-lib)
19:23:51 [b4a2e729] add ciSystems, remove hydraJobs (cardano-transaction-lib)
19:43:20 [1ec2106f] SCP-4728: Take `to` into account (marlowe-actus-labs)
19:51:39 [1fa3bec2] removing yarn (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:54:00 [5f60053b] [DDW-1083] Clean up `flake.nix` (daedalus)
19:55:14 [d79ade6a] Merge #3578 (cardano-wallet)
19:55:32 [f7f3f5ba] stats: hydra a37c2d43af5d30809f54443f1fd0ee4101cc4873 (cardano-wallet)
19:58:32 [31e853ae] Add `cliEraFlag` to keep cluster setup working in alonzo (cardano-wallet)
20:00:54 [bd02ab67] PLT-1277 Updated the basic app tutorial in the ReadTheDocs. (plutus-apps)
20:01:52 [4711fe73] docs: Merge #3616 3616: Broaden the range of failure conditions under which `balanceTx` falls back to the minimal selection strategy. r=jonathanknowles a=jonathanknowles ## Issue Number ADP-2448 ## Summary This PR broadens the range of failure conditions under which `balanceTx` falls back to the minimal selection strategy. should the optimal strategy fail to produce a viable selection. Co-authored-by: Jonathan Knowles <[email protected]> Source commit: a37c2d43af5d30809f54443f1fd0ee4101cc4873 (cardano-wallet)
20:02:21 [ddbab8d3] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-1083-flakes (daedalus)
20:02:29 [09bdf55f] Try #3593: (cardano-wallet)
20:06:39 [2adce39b] Release memory ASAP that was allocated concurrently an undused: (cardano-base)
20:14:57 [41dc7176] Fix typos in CI (mithril)
20:17:19 [b44751c4] [DDW-1083] Fix `buildkite-pipeline.nix` (daedalus)
20:24:37 [03a3cd82] feat: complete language tour (aiken)
20:29:44 [de882992] shelley-ma tests WIP (cardano-ledger)
20:32:53 [80a30227] shelley-ma tests WIP (cardano-ledger)
20:35:55 [34c8a583] feat: complete language tour (aiken)
20:39:27 [32272196] SCP-4728: LAM and NAM tests pass (marlowe-actus-labs)
20:56:58 [23abc4b3] dbgr (plutus)
21:03:33 [09febc86] remove unListData (aiken)
21:03:34 [6383a529] fix minor scope issue (aiken)
21:04:29 [cf316e6b] create ir and start to replace plutus code gen with ir (aiken)
21:04:32 [fea29a11] checkpoint (aiken)
21:04:32 [4ed5d4a9] feat: function insertion IR done, code gen will be easy (aiken)
21:04:32 [b5f13a23] chore: commit assets (aiken)
21:04:32 [8ac9511d] make progress on list deconstruction with IR (aiken)
21:04:32 [3e9c517f] fix up function definitions in the IR (aiken)
21:04:32 [55a6b64b] feat: start when expressions (aiken)
21:04:32 [b2b47aaa] add field access and list patterns are finished (aiken)
21:04:32 [48034166] feat: finished when constr is for IR and code gen (aiken)
21:04:33 [727097e6] feat: uplc code gen for functions and minor recursion fix (aiken)
21:09:23 [df5d82bf] workbench: rename to backend again (cardano-node)
21:34:19 [f34555e7] chore: sdk 33 (yoroi-mobile)
21:46:47 [7ce49800] Update top-level README and CIP/CPS number allocations. (#388) (CIPs)
21:49:43 [026bf143] refactor: moves lib/toolbox to lib cell (catalyst-core)
21:53:54 [665a96da] Update README (marlowe-cardano)
21:53:54 [e30f4da0] Only run docker compose on preprod (marlowe-cardano)
21:53:54 [dcfa435d] Add all marlowe runtime services to docker compose (marlowe-cardano)
21:54:33 [0978a49e] shelley-ma-tests have been transitioned (cardano-ledger)
21:55:13 [71dfaafb] chore: Implement multiplexer stage (dolos)
21:55:38 [c03cf330] chore: Implement multiplexer stage (#4) (dolos)
22:16:11 [51d63d4f] Alonzo tests transitioned (cardano-ledger)
22:19:00 [fe49bc77] feat(multiplexer): Introduce sync multiplexer option (pallas)
22:22:33 [27175f84] Babbage tests transitioned (cardano-ledger)
22:24:36 [d5e72370] Fix clippy warnings (pallas)
22:26:09 [008e9748] workbench: inline services-config (cardano-node)
22:27:34 [13e4163f] Conway tests transitioned (cardano-ledger)
22:29:34 [be1c66b1] Add showcase Coin Wallet (developer-portal)
22:29:37 [2b31a9ed] Remove VasilDevnet type (hydra)
22:31:09 [03c36f57] feat(multiplexer): Introduce sync multiplexer option (#210) (pallas)
22:32:39 [3812d62d] build(deps): update env_logger requirement from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0 (pallas)
22:35:32 [02cb6daa] fix: replace deprecated io/ioutil (go-cardano-submit-api)
22:38:06 [eb9a1d05] New cardano-cli ping command. (cardano-node)
22:42:15 [7dc79ae7] Merge pull request #69 from cloudstruct/fix/replace-ioutil (go-cardano-submit-api)
22:43:03 [535564ef] workbench: simplify all-profiles (cardano-node)
22:44:33 [fc982f8f] equinix: tf state updated to serial 56 (bitte-world)
22:46:19 [09618a48] build: adds operables/containers for jormungandr/vit-ss (catalyst-core)
22:49:44 [60b34578] Include terminfo in musl GHC (haskell.nix)
22:52:07 [a715d39d] add plutus mint test (cardano-serialization-lib)
22:52:22 [3abd6c18] add from_to for Vkeywitnesses (cardano-serialization-lib)
22:54:00 [8d1ab3a2] Merge branch 'master' into evgenii/mint_builder (cardano-serialization-lib)
22:59:08 [df92fb7f] equinix: tf state updated to serial 58 (bitte-world)
23:00:03 [750ea751] build: exports packages and containers (catalyst-core)
23:02:09 [34d29d84] js flow update (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:05:26 [2f758b61] 🟩 voting.summit.cardano.org is up (200 in 531 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:26 [fc4181d6] 🟩 voter-service-AWARD-categories is up (200 in 394 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:27 [2a31ad40] 🟩 voter-service-SPEAKERS-categories is up (200 in 469 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:28 [45ff0bd4] 🟩 voter-service-cast-vote is up (401 in 318 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:28 [25f3694e] 🟩 voter-service-get-captcha is up (200 in 281 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:09:53 [7a6ca4be] Transitioned generic tests (cardano-ledger)
23:11:16 [13769f0d] Merge pull request #348 from input-output-hk/lehins/ensure-redundant-memory-is-freed-eagerly (cardano-base)
23:23:04 [41bafd99] transition the rest of the stuff (cardano-ledger)
23:24:17 [d9994716] Ormolize (cardano-ledger)
23:28:49 [be6ecc37] workbench: inline all-profiles (cardano-node)
23:35:21 [de7c6233] cleaned up things - pass 1. (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:37:51 [a83dc347] Make leadership-schedule test less flaky (cardano-node)
23:37:55 [05b7fbe3] Remove assertByDeadlineMCustom function (cardano-node)
23:56:26 [fa2a9c94] Merge pull request #551 from Emurgo/evgenii/mint_builder (cardano-serialization-lib)