Home / Reports / Nov 29, 2022

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

851 commits had been pushed across 67 repos by 116 authors. There were 839,639 additions and 78,822 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:05:50 [3b0a0fe7] :arrow_up: Update @upptime to v1.29.0 (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:06:07 [d98593a3] wip (iohk-monitoring-framework)
00:08:16 [976650e9] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:08:16 [c5a6eef4] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:14:26 [19348fa0] Remove `EncodeMint`/`DecodeMint` classes in favor of regular `ToCBOR`/`FromCBOR` (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:18:47 [5f8e2192] Merge pull request #347 from input-output-hk/nfrisby/minor-cpp-fix (cardano-base)
00:19:57 [5f424fe1] Check for systemctl existence to be compliant with docker deployment (#1578) (guild-operators)
00:22:23 [86219fe8] wip (iohk-monitoring-framework)
00:23:36 [456d1cf5] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
00:23:36 [b4a57600] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into nightly (cardano-js-sdk)
00:25:33 [8c1b49bf] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
00:26:10 [537f2610] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:26:47 [95370eb5] chore(deps): bump DeterminateSystems/update-flake-lock from 14 to 15 (jormungandr)
00:27:10 [8b02cd16] :shrug: (iohk-monitoring-framework)
00:27:47 [9c23258a] chore(deps): bump DeterminateSystems/update-flake-lock from 14 to 15 (vit-servicing-station)
00:29:07 [112ad9ca] WIP transitioning Allegra (cardano-ledger)
00:32:08 [c8cf7baa] chore(deps): bump DeterminateSystems/update-flake-lock from 10 to 15 (ci-world)
00:33:02 [9b763a41] chore(deps): bump DeterminateSystems/update-flake-lock from 14 to 15 (cardano-world)
00:33:29 [6f2c659a] chore(deps): bump DeterminateSystems/update-flake-lock from 10 to 15 (clockworks-world)
00:37:34 [affd6fce] chore(deps): bump DeterminateSystems/update-flake-lock from 14 to 15 (catalyst-toolbox)
00:43:18 [9d62e85c] chore: bumped compile tools (#2238) (yoroi-mobile)
00:59:34 [533c6223] :shrug: (iohk-monitoring-framework)
01:04:08 [95048eaa] deploy: 15556f3cd4489c34cd117d018fb832f3a2f68639 (cardano-node)
01:08:39 [a24a8087] Merge pull request #11 from Anthony-Tresallet/master (blockfrost-elixir)
01:08:50 [407cee18] Implement equality for raw script types (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:08:50 [57cd740d] Bring back skipped twiddling tests. They still require proper Eq instance for MemoBytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:08:50 [b265d7f2] Introduction of a `Memoized` type class and using it throught ledger. (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:08:50 [2cfb6983] Fix AlonzoTxAuxData representation and make it match closer the on the wire format (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:08:50 [45bd8193] Add changelog entries (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:08:50 [338f4a81] Strengthen Eq instance for MemoBytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:08:50 [c2233d4c] Removed entries from changelog about changes to internal types (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:08:50 [9506b3db] Fix the order in which scripts from AuxData are serialized (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:09:15 [94ecb75c] :fire: (iohk-monitoring-framework)
01:19:33 [506208fc] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:24:59 [86a5a812] :fire: :fire: (iohk-monitoring-framework)
01:32:11 [595713fa] deploy: 537f26102a3835e989c2eb29ed4243318ca8c255 (cf-summit-evoting-status)
01:35:57 [0b61c54f] Separate `data` and `spec` directories in `primitive`. (cardano-wallet)
01:36:06 [10c26b47] Separate `data` and `spec` directories in `balance-tx`. (cardano-wallet)
01:36:06 [37595045] Separate `data` and `spec` directories in `coin-selection`. (cardano-wallet)
01:40:50 [0c5a71a4] imp: add darwin signers (ci-ops)
01:42:54 [ea8178b0] :fire: :fire: :burp: (iohk-monitoring-framework)
01:50:44 [5efe75a5] Merge #3613 (cardano-wallet)
02:03:06 [7b9ed233] imp: add darwin alerts and signers (ci-world)
02:04:05 [0ffb31dc] fix: only apply spongix ram hard limit to avoid slow failures (ci-world)
02:06:07 [9b097023] Add `shell.allDeps` as a fix (haskell.nix)
02:06:21 [663b3f04] Rename ghc-8.10.7-weak-symbols-2.diff to ghc-8.10.7-weak-symbols-2.patch (haskell.nix)
02:06:21 [71b0b0ee] Update bootstrap.nix (haskell.nix)
02:06:21 [3bb8908d] Update android.nix (haskell.nix)
02:06:21 [03306f91] Create ghc-8.10.7-weak-symbols-2.diff (haskell.nix)
02:06:21 [c2a3ab36] Update android.nix (haskell.nix)
02:06:21 [cd28e24e] Update android.nix (haskell.nix)
02:08:03 [638674f4] combine (haskell.nix)
02:08:04 [e6fe1deb] overlay/patches: update weak and common patch (haskell.nix)
02:12:16 [34a7156c] CI: Massive rewrite (iohk-monitoring-framework)
02:12:37 [310c9954] Add `shell.allDeps` as a fix for #1793 (haskell.nix)
02:14:08 [15e5227f] Try #1475: (haskell.nix)
02:15:40 [a10f003c] Make leadership-schedule test less flaky (cardano-node)
02:21:38 [aae5b454] Possible fix for wine tests on cicero (haskell.nix)
02:24:20 [e7829988] Work on generic property tests, adding deposits to ModeState (cardano-ledger-specs)
02:33:56 [ecbcc6da] nix CI support (iohk-monitoring-framework)
02:50:18 [044c767a] Android: mostly static (haskell.nix)
02:50:26 [12587090] combine (haskell.nix)
02:50:26 [4b20b233] overlay/patches: update weak and common patch (haskell.nix)
02:50:26 [89c3417e] Create ghc-8.10.7-weak-symbols-2.diff (haskell.nix)
02:50:26 [17f12098] Create numactl-2.0.14-no-librt.patch (haskell.nix)
02:58:59 [777a5a1e] Remove assertByDeadlineMCustom function (cardano-node)
03:06:39 [6309401f] chore: better mocks (blockfrost-js)
03:11:15 [537a7938] stats: hydra 5efe75a5b531824a8407653fd99c2d2d410b8f1e (cardano-wallet)
03:16:08 [53d2f168] docs: Merge #3613 3613: Prevent directory name collisions due to case insensitivity. r=jonathanknowles a=jonathanknowles ## Issue Number https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-wallet/pull/3593#pullrequestreview-1195795219 ## Summary This PR reworks the directory structure of `primitive`, `coin-selection`, and `balance-tx` to prevent directory name collisions on systems that suffer from case-insensitive path names. Co-authored-by: Jonathan Knowles <[email protected]> Source commit: 5efe75a5b531824a8407653fd99c2d2d410b8f1e (cardano-wallet)
03:24:15 [b1c2fb03] feat: some new features (aiken)
03:31:21 [fb9d65e1] Update comp-builder.nix (haskell.nix)
03:33:53 [0823b78b] feat: some new features (aiken)
03:40:15 [e6584840] Drop curl hack and restore dotCabal (haskell.nix)
03:50:57 [beb3eb60] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into support-revisions-and-more (haskell.nix)
03:51:55 [ba4a612b] cleanup GHA (iohk-monitoring-framework)
03:53:09 [df1c2a34] Remove left-over debug stuff (haskell.nix)
03:58:37 [5c71b6dc] Fix indent (iohk-monitoring-framework)
04:09:52 [31c0c6da] Add support for building with ghc-9.2 and CHaP (iohk-monitoring-framework)
04:10:02 [429aba49] CI: Massive rewrite (iohk-monitoring-framework)
04:21:03 [7400132f] Possible fix for wine tests on cicero (haskell.nix)
04:22:14 [0786e763] Update derivations for 8.10.7 (haskell.nix)
04:25:59 [1eadeb79] Less verbosity (haskell.nix)
04:27:49 [5a0c614a] :fire: (iohk-monitoring-framework)
04:37:44 [6d6924bf] chore: add paths created by nix to .gitignore (cardano-js-sdk)
04:38:49 [1e7e1b20] :fire: :fire: (iohk-monitoring-framework)
04:44:59 [6279a74e] :fire: :fire: :fire: (iohk-monitoring-framework)
05:02:39 [aa2599d8] :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: (iohk-monitoring-framework)
05:03:58 [3085aabe] Switch to guild-deploy for workflows (WIP) (guild-operators)
05:09:47 [1b0e066b] Just dipping my toe in (cardano-haskell-packages)
05:10:35 [938a176e] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
05:14:05 [05419821] nix CI support (iohk-monitoring-framework)
05:18:02 [3a8857cf] WIP (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
05:18:02 [0de9cbdd] Just dipping my toe in (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
05:25:26 [09769b73] WIP (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
05:33:19 [8f699a4b] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
05:47:31 [e983e8e4] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
05:47:56 [b686dd88] Revert "chore: bumped compile tools (#2238)" (yoroi-mobile)
05:51:10 [aade9522] Revert "chore: bumped compile tools (#2238)" (#2240) (yoroi-mobile)
05:56:36 [e869d02f] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:07:52 [9c8b14fd] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:10:24 [10833001] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:11:00 [676126b2] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:11:29 [92959c09] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:12:05 [b52fcc69] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:12:50 [bb9723ea] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:13:53 [8ba86ed5] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:17:31 [7342ef81] Bump cachix/install-nix-action (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
06:29:17 [11314e38] WIP (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
06:30:19 [3a07e21a] Switch to guild-deploy for workflows (WIP) (guild-operators)
06:33:02 [aec8d6b8] chore: fix hook (yoroi-mobile)
06:39:01 [fb6c323e] CI: Massive rewrite (iohk-monitoring-framework)
06:39:23 [c06c8c34] CODEOWNERS: Update (iohk-monitoring-framework)
06:39:23 [22627818] nix CI support (iohk-monitoring-framework)
06:40:28 [bbf02d58] chore: build sdk (yoroi-mobile)
06:41:55 [e5f510e2] chore: fix hook (#2243) (yoroi-mobile)
06:41:56 [56223d9b] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:42:16 [e1a1d62f] chore: build sdk (#2242) (yoroi-mobile)
07:04:44 [6d8600be] WIP (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
07:16:46 [cd3cb24f] chore: bump CSL (cardano-rosetta)
07:23:08 [bb61e694] Try building against latest packages from CHaP (hydra-poc)
07:27:12 [7f0ef752] chore: bump version, update changelog (cardano-rosetta)
07:28:31 [83f6277e] Try to figure out what is up with cicero (haskell.nix)
07:31:31 [fa68686f] WIP (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
07:37:55 [5bdbbc9a] Merge pull request #543 from input-output-hk/nix-gitignore (cardano-js-sdk)
07:42:23 [1af4d74a] WIP (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
07:46:46 [48838c2e] Try building against latest packages from CHaP (hydra-poc)
07:46:57 [b6efdef2] Introduce consensus section in prolog and modules map (ouroboros-network)
07:51:08 [46fecd31] Merkelised Plutus Scripts (CIPs)
07:55:00 [711b58b0] Change wording (CIPs)
08:03:30 [7c646437] Change e-mail (CIPs)
08:06:53 [5944941e] Make cabalProjectIndexState not break with CHaP (cardano-wallet)
08:06:54 [91dc77e8] Bump ProtocolVersion in integration cluster (cardano-wallet)
08:06:54 [d94d8373] fixups (cardano-wallet)
08:06:54 [0ef701ab] update node compatibility matrix in readme (cardano-wallet)
08:06:54 [14aa82fc] Bump to cardano-node 1.35.4 & start using CHaP (cardano-wallet)
08:06:56 [64674e21] WIP (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
08:06:57 [0e6140c4] Query epochInfo on coverFee and expect IntersectionNotFound in tests (hydra)
08:09:12 [7b4b3143] WIP (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
08:16:55 [618ac2e5] feat: add opaque numeric types to core package (cardano-js-sdk)
08:26:57 [9381d144] add mote to API (cardano-transaction-lib)
08:28:06 [09581182] WIP (cardano-haskell-packages)
08:30:53 [7d0f1602] Refine some wording (hydra-poc)
08:37:12 [21df378d] ouroboros-network-api: make SizeInBytes a newtype (ouroboros-network)
08:38:51 [229d6dcf] go back to previous utxo diff api (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
08:45:47 [ac1e6ca1] Add relay/block producer Cardano nodes (mithril)
08:48:31 [280bf336] Move to PParams (plutus-apps)
08:48:32 [22fab570] Update LICENSE (cip8-java)
08:53:45 [82e45887] Flesh-out consensus prolog and add packages structure visualisation (ouroboros-network)
08:54:31 [0c89bad3] test(e2e): wallet restoration load test (cardano-js-sdk)
08:54:38 [279a538d] refactor(e2e): reorganize e2e utils and scripts (cardano-js-sdk)
08:55:25 [d200fd4c] change ctl commit hash for template (cardano-transaction-lib)
08:58:19 [37663d79] update starter templates (mesh)
09:02:40 [e3c73d27] Address review comments (hydra-poc)
09:02:45 [c0285dab] Switch to guild-deploy for workflows (WIP) (guild-operators)
09:03:48 [f6b42776] removed the CI pipeline storing the nightly results (cardano-node-tests)
09:04:47 [8735c7df] Bump checkout action (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:07:33 [8b171f4b] update twitter (mesh)
09:08:37 [6641d998] Update README.md (cip8-java)
09:09:55 [b82131ef] Update README.md (cip8-java)
09:18:55 [97816e2d] Switch ci & doc workflow to pull_request trigger (mithril)
09:19:55 [a4048f8f] Merge pull request #627 from input-output-hk/task/add_troubleshooting_docs (hydra)
09:23:14 [29f6354b] Lock as little fund as possible (cardano-node-tests)
09:25:56 [d9c15572] Fix transaction build command (plutus-starter-kit)
09:28:42 [4b70944a] Merge #3610 (cardano-wallet)
09:33:50 [b6be1cc8] chore: remove extra parens and reformat a bit (cardano-wallet)
09:33:50 [83947487] refactor: extract delegation request (cardano-wallet)
09:33:50 [55cd93c8] refactor: remove deposit/refund from DelegationAction (cardano-wallet)
09:33:50 [f6a7b86e] fixup! refactor: extract delegation request (cardano-wallet)
09:33:50 [22200124] refactor: registration delegation action contains required deposit (cardano-wallet)
09:33:50 [ac4defe4] refactor: extract wallet delegation module and spec (cardano-wallet)
09:34:48 [b802feb8] Add iBTC/ADA LP token on MuesliSwap (cardano-token-registry)
09:36:50 [cc447349] refactor: fix a typo (cardano-wallet)
09:38:05 [6c14d7f9] Use cardano-api 1.35.4 as released on CHaP (hydra-poc)
09:38:06 [fcb1131e] Add lower bounds for cardano-api (hydra-poc)
09:38:06 [5719d77a] Pin all cardano-ledger packages (hydra-poc)
09:38:06 [6e68c4ed] Make it compile with haskell.nix and cabal (hydra-poc)
09:38:06 [70c14feb] Remove ouroboros-consensus dependency of hydra-cardano-api (hydra-poc)
09:38:06 [b5d9c989] Update CHaP as seen by nix (hydra-poc)
09:38:06 [ff294f0e] Fix io-classes re-exports in hydra-prelude (hydra-poc)
09:38:07 [9a7355e5] Try building against latest packages from CHaP (hydra-poc)
09:38:07 [f5b5d9f3] Merge pull request #613 from input-output-hk/djo/597/run-ci-from-forks (mithril)
09:38:07 [04cb67b0] Go back to packages as pinned on cardano-node 1.35.4 (hydra-poc)
09:38:12 [ca29f8da] Test using 'build --tx-out-datum-embed' without provide protocol params (#1510) (cardano-node-tests)
09:38:28 [55939ea0] Introduce lower tx bound for close txs (hydra-poc)
09:38:28 [d1073409] Add the check for tMax/tMin in the close validator (hydra-poc)
09:38:28 [a7c3f4cb] Make the _is healthy_ test pass (hydra-poc)
09:38:28 [0e2ac357] Start with the script changes (hydra-poc)
09:38:28 [dda02d75] Create a mutation for close upper bound being far in the future (hydra-poc)
09:38:29 [535384f4] Add missing changes from master rebase (hydra-poc)
09:38:29 [3260fa1a] Generate SnapshotNumber also (hydra-poc)
09:38:29 [cca54c7f] Add breaking change to changelog (hydra-poc)
09:38:29 [39a58e40] Minor fix to txcost, add missing slotno argg (hydra-poc)
09:38:29 [fb4d285d] Use arbitrary for contestation period in Close tests (hydra-poc)
09:38:29 [c0ac10e6] Some renaming (hydra-poc)
09:38:30 [d8a10ab8] Cleanup (hydra-poc)
09:38:30 [eb799a41] Reorder the parameters for close and add docs (hydra-poc)
09:38:30 [ff3ac710] Detail haddock on queryTimeHandle (hydra-poc)
09:38:30 [2d4a1bb1] Make arbitrary ContstationPeriod more demanding (hydra-poc)
09:38:30 [436c7f13] Specify lower/upper bounds for simple tx in tests (hydra-poc)
09:38:30 [3b47902d] Calculate start slot by using contestation period (hydra-poc)
09:38:31 [39e31825] Fix is healthy close test (hydra-poc)
09:38:31 [7696a1a0] Remove tx validity from simple off-chain tx (hydra-poc)
09:38:31 [167feb03] Bring back the old functions' names in Close (hydra-poc)
09:38:31 [ee4e720a] Make relevant test pass (hydra-poc)
09:38:31 [a00c3b99] Checkpoint (hydra-poc)
09:38:31 [9d11f3f6] Rearange the parameters for closeTx (hydra-poc)
09:38:32 [9234b8b2] Redundant import (hydra-poc)
09:38:32 [aa549f42] Add adr 21 (hydra-poc)
09:38:32 [83f2f3d1] Calculate tx start bound from end bound and offchain cp (hydra-poc)
09:39:16 [628618b6] fixup! refactor: remove deposit/refund from DelegationAction (cardano-wallet)
09:40:38 [04211d46] deploy: a4048f8f16e3d37a0bdace2a0b535594499d16f4 (hydra-poc)
09:41:06 [5d5a4fb4] Add iUSD/ADA LP token on MuesliSwap (cardano-token-registry)
09:42:35 [f5b14b8e] Use named arguments (cardano-node-tests)
09:42:45 [ff157651] Add iBTC/ADA LP tokens on MuesliSwap (cardano-token-registry)
09:44:40 [151ba5d7] Merge pull request #1511 from input-output-hk/dorin/clean_nightly (cardano-node-tests)
09:45:06 [cbff3a83] Merge branch 'master' into set-alonzo-format (cardano-serialization-lib)
09:45:10 [1be1d647] nix flake lock --update-input tullia (haskell.nix)
09:48:52 [2931e316] Missing imports (cardano-base)
09:49:08 [aa55a300] Merge branch 'master' into evgenii/tx-batch-builder (cardano-serialization-lib)
09:49:39 [8d6d7c60] Merge pull request #1512 from input-output-hk/use_named_args (cardano-node-tests)
09:51:43 [996a7c34] update global gitignore with Lean specific items (cardano-wallet)
09:52:08 [950b208c] update tullia (plutus)
09:52:50 [97b6384c] Remove check on CONFIGURED var from common.h (cardano-base)
09:53:18 [f1d36d88] dummy lean package and worflow adjustment (cardano-wallet)
09:53:56 [8f2500ca] Add `StandardCryptoV2` (cardano-ledger)
09:55:39 [1cbb0d12] [DDW-1169] Bump `cardano-wallet` PR tip (daedalus)
09:57:21 [a7d3ec61] [DDW-1169] Typo (daedalus)
10:05:47 [3b190109] Merge pull request #522 from MitchyCola/set-alonzo-format (cardano-serialization-lib)
10:06:05 [c954842d] Merge branch 'master' into evgenii/tx-batch-builder (cardano-serialization-lib)
10:10:34 [1462cc4d] adjust worflow (cardano-wallet)
10:12:25 [90359b20] fixup! feat: rename era-specific types in core (cardano-js-sdk)
10:24:19 [d85bbf77] Merge pull request #480 from Emurgo/evgenii/tx-batch-builder (cardano-serialization-lib)
10:34:26 [25a2ddaa] stats: hydra 4b70944a8d7a4d7f5304ba47808950713e209978 (cardano-wallet)
10:37:10 [82626a89] fixup! feat: rename era-specific types in core (cardano-js-sdk)
10:39:12 [a68815f8] Update pipelines.nix (plutus)
10:39:13 [448805eb] Make the transition function consistent with the examples and tidy things up (ouroboros-network)
10:39:35 [486107ce] docs: Merge #3610 3610: Update release process r=piotr-iohk a=piotr-iohk - [x] update release process - [x] restore [Release Checklist Template](https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-wallet/wiki/Release-Checklist) ### Comments Since https://md.adrestia.iohkdev.io/ is down, I'm moving release checklist template to cardano-wallet's wiki. Release process is updated accordingly. :warning: **Note!** The release-checklist has been restored from previous wiki version and it is the latest version I currently have. I have updated it a bit but I'm sure there are some parts still missing. Feel free to update if you see anything is missing. We can also probably identify and update those parts when doing next release. ### Issue Number Co-authored-by: Piotr Stachyra <[email protected]> Source commit: 4b70944a8d7a4d7f5304ba47808950713e209978 (cardano-wallet)
10:41:55 [be327d18] Ensemble clarification on ADR21 (hydra-poc)
10:45:18 [19e0a35a] add default version for the DB (mithril)
10:45:31 [aea71f2b] remove unused and broken module (cardano-wallet)
10:46:46 [13e40278] fix (plutus-apps)
10:49:48 [5bf14f2d] add new JS package (catalyst-core)
10:56:14 [2fa41a05] inlining github_pr_comment from tulle (plutus)
10:57:08 [fdb44226] removed the CI pipeline storing the nightly results (cardano-node-tests)
10:57:39 [39dd27a5] SCP-4728: Corrected date functions (marlowe-actus-labs)
10:59:09 [0ab89951] Fix ci & doc workflow push/release condition (mithril)
11:01:10 [4c098461] Add support for mixed topology (cardano-node-tests)
11:01:25 [5c575d72] Update actions.nix (plutus)
11:01:48 [072e67a6] Enable topology selection in regression workflows (cardano-node-tests)
11:01:58 [fabefd4d] add documentation for submission store (cardano-wallet)
11:04:07 [6db272c5] Update actions.nix (plutus)
11:09:25 [791541da] Merge #3614 (cardano-wallet)
11:10:38 [e0f7922c] add lean specifications for primitives of the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
11:10:38 [19c8c464] add lean specification for API operations in the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
11:11:22 [5562fc74] add tests for primitives on the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
11:11:22 [343d1ffb] add primitives for the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
11:11:43 [cd3d73d7] add tests for operations on the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
11:11:43 [ba7538ff] add API operations for the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
11:13:01 [77d1249a] reset me: Add blocksCallback blocksCallbackPipelined (plutus-apps)
11:13:45 [dc6b891f] add submissions tables to the schema (cardano-wallet)
11:14:40 [206613d5] Merge pull request #623 from input-output-hk/djo/597/fix-push-trigger (mithril)
11:15:13 [1f2db99c] Fix typo (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
11:17:21 [94c6e299] deploy: 206613d57a9ee971d0990c2810bbc3ea0300e2cc (mithril)
11:21:46 [944222e9] add submissions primitives store (cardano-wallet)
11:24:03 [b9b67b98] add properties for submissions store (cardano-wallet)
11:25:13 [94d1a859] Merge pull request #3172 from input-output-hk/lehins/remove-encode-decode-mint (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:26:28 [15bc4fd7] Bring back skipped twiddling tests. They still require proper Eq instance for MemoBytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:26:28 [93d466a4] Strengthen Eq instance for MemoBytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:27:33 [bb54fffd] SCP-4728: Test framework, minor cleanups (marlowe-actus-labs)
11:27:38 [ca24a6e7] Merge pull request #1513 from input-output-hk/support_mixed_topology (cardano-node-tests)
11:28:24 [6964582a] SCP-4728: PAM test cases (marlowe-actus-labs)
11:29:08 [85c4a7cb] Introduction of a `Memoized` type class and using it throught ledger. (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:29:12 [7d24bd71] Fix AlonzoTxAuxData representation and make it match closer the on the wire format (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:29:12 [7a857d0c] Fix the order in which scripts from AuxData are serialized (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:29:12 [a09c118e] Implement equality for raw script types (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:29:12 [f7e681a8] Add changelog entries (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:29:13 [b888dd8b] Removed entries from changelog about changes to internal types (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:30:11 [1e334e50] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 94d1a85919edeff0a2c38a551fe7ed4c922f71eb (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:33:25 [7bd1b57b] packages -> library (plutus)
11:33:25 [9ac9c055] Move benchmarks to cicero (plutus)
11:33:25 [137aaf52] Move benchmarks to cicero (plutus)
11:33:26 [f6f20aa4] fix: pass github token to benchmark (plutus)
11:33:26 [077b5107] setup comment trigger (plutus)
11:33:26 [6c96a91f] WIP (plutus)
11:33:27 [3be90735] move benchmark runner and pipeline to automation (plutus)
11:33:27 [7bdae798] update tullia pr (plutus)
11:33:27 [e374d1b0] don't use github-ci preset (plutus)
11:33:28 [6861bc84] fix usage of new tullia github options (plutus)
11:33:28 [4435101f] cleanup benchmark pipeline definition (plutus)
11:33:28 [656f5d76] fix github token reference in benchmark runner script (plutus)
11:33:29 [a36efc33] coerce pr number to string (plutus)
11:33:29 [43bc4036] REMOVE BEFORE MERGE: comment out ci and publish (plutus)
11:33:29 [768d8c9e] fix fact value references (plutus)
11:33:30 [01a8eb55] fix benchmark name reference (plutus)
11:33:30 [f4ad64b2] remove /usr/bin/env (plutus)
11:33:30 [a5acf02a] fix readRevision reference (plutus)
11:33:31 [ceda8af1] remove benchmark action, will add in separate PR (plutus)
11:33:31 [d91e4e0c] try fix (plutus)
11:33:31 [b3956d81] use tullia git preset to fetch branch (plutus)
11:33:32 [d4627dc3] Revert "remove benchmark action, will add in separate PR" (plutus)
11:33:32 [36a01fe0] Update pipelines.nix (plutus)
11:33:32 [5267eaf8] fix git clone option definition (plutus)
11:33:32 [3742c249] update tullia (plutus)
11:33:33 [6c484543] Update actions.nix (plutus)
11:33:33 [6963abe3] Update actions.nix (plutus)
11:33:33 [7103c0b5] inlining github_pr_comment from tulle (plutus)
11:33:34 [71a959a0] fix syntax error (plutus)
11:34:04 [f07f4011] Dockerfile: set ENTRYPOINT (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
11:35:18 [54bb8f9f] Don't pass a chain point to internal wallet anymore (hydra-poc)
11:35:18 [4999e22d] Refactor internal wallet and keep the tip around (hydra-poc)
11:35:18 [d87dc395] Change behavior of wallet reset and update (hydra-poc)
11:35:18 [071724b8] Query epochInfo on coverFee and expect IntersectionNotFound in tests (hydra-poc)
11:35:18 [d61e11c3] Expect IntersectionNotFound instead of AcquireFailure (hydra-poc)
11:35:45 [030b8d5e] Remove redundant pattern match (hydra-poc)
11:38:16 [b424c0df] Remove TODO and keep test (hydra-poc)
11:39:46 [ae937b00] Add conversion Praos to PraosBatchCompat (cardano-base)
11:39:47 [146ecd04] Include review comments (cardano-base)
11:39:47 [41651791] Create new type for rando ByteString of size 32 (cardano-base)
11:39:47 [9252f6ee] Use deriving instead of re-implementing the instance (cardano-base)
11:41:47 [92e95834] Link TODO to ADP-2445 (cardano-wallet)
11:44:28 [91550403] More materialized files (haskell.nix)
11:44:32 [0c00c954] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into SCP-4715 (marlowe-cardano)
11:46:28 [f88f37fd] fix(cardano-services): tx submit provider init (cardano-js-sdk)
11:48:37 [f791c4a7] Use CSize to marshall size_t (cardano-base)
11:52:18 [0466099c] s/github-ci/github (haskell.nix)
11:55:57 [95232a22] Dockerfile: set ENTRYPOINT (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
11:57:13 [67431f16] Update debug output (haskell.nix)
11:57:59 [20fe6313] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/date-range (yoroi-frontend)
12:02:12 [61de8650] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into scp-4680-create-tests (marlowe-cardano)
12:02:24 [8f1961ab] stats: hydra 791541da69b9b3f434bb9ead43de406cc18b0373 (cardano-wallet)
12:05:38 [d02e868f] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
12:05:38 [6069a88c] Copied changes from #4600 (cardano-node)
12:06:09 [21de2938] Update cabal.project (cardano-node)
12:06:12 [161072bd] update ouroboros-network and iohk-nix (cardano-node)
12:06:12 [63955cba] Added lower bounds to dependencies based on cabal.project constraints (cardano-node)
12:06:12 [40e5bf00] Removed some constraints from cabal.project (cardano-node)
12:06:12 [6f2d13d5] Updated cardano-node for 1.35.5 releasefixed (cardano-node)
12:06:12 [96cfc787] SendFetchRequest: add unused argument (cardano-node)
12:06:12 [95291e0a] Corrected type variable names (cardano-node)
12:06:12 [c18b6b62] Set protocol version in header to 8.0 (cardano-node)
12:06:12 [b6f44ab0] overlay: add db-analyser (cardano-node)
12:06:12 [436577f7] db-synthesizer: add to flake (cardano-node)
12:07:35 [08eb2855] docs: Merge #3614 3614: remove unused and broken module r=paolino a=paolino - [x] removed dead code, the module was not in the cabal file ### Comments <!-- Additional comments, links, or screenshots to attach, if any. --> ### Issue Number <!-- Reference the Jira/GitHub issue that this PR relates to, and which requirements it tackles. Note: Jira issues of the form ADP- will be auto-linked. --> Co-authored-by: paolo veronelli <[email protected]> Source commit: 791541da69b9b3f434bb9ead43de406cc18b0373 (cardano-wallet)
12:08:17 [d75b61d7] fix(cardano-services): tx submit provider init (cardano-js-sdk)
12:12:13 [7dafcadd] Fix minting policy in tutorial in light of https://www.tweag.io/blog/2022-03-25-minswap-lp-vulnerability/. (#4980) (plutus)
12:13:18 [86eca027] Move and rename tutorials (ouroboros-network)
12:13:43 [5d2412a6] init (koi-pond)
12:14:26 [617ae5d6] Benchmarking instrumentation (cardano-node)
12:14:57 [eb391564] [DDW-1175] Added new URL (daedalus)
12:15:39 [32323397] Optimize Silence (cardano-node)
12:15:39 [960099c6] Optimize Silence -2- (cardano-node)
12:17:05 [d053bbf4] Optimization with metrics always available (cardano-node)
12:17:15 [0885f388] More Namespaces (cardano-node)
12:17:15 [bcea2ac6] Phantom fixes (cardano-node)
12:17:15 [5d12a715] Namespace with phantom type (cardano-node)
12:17:15 [37d815f9] More reconstruction (cardano-node)
12:17:50 [6736e65d] More changes for latest tullia (haskell.nix)
12:19:05 [b86b0e04] build (koi-pond)
12:19:18 [7a093c53] Consistent formatting (ouroboros-network)
12:20:28 [a5efc125] rename build folder (koi-pond)
12:22:15 [0406be1d] Drop text-encoding (cardano-transaction-lib)
12:24:06 [1410682f] Update CHANGELOG (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:24:06 [647484e7] Set TranslationContext for ShelleyEra to enable translation from Byron (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:24:06 [c77c1666] Remove TranslateEra instances for ShelleyGenesis (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:27:30 [434c1c61] Bump cardano-node to 1.35.4 (hydra-poc)
12:31:25 [5f89695d] including Evgenii's comments (plutus-apps)
12:32:10 [6c45617b] Merge pull request #23 from blockfrost/srk/dockerEntry (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
12:32:36 [ccb4ce4b] DDW-1175 Added new entry in CHANGELOG (daedalus)
12:36:38 [fc5ecb7b] update Wallet functionality (catalyst-core)
12:41:05 [c0557a68] Try #3602: (cardano-wallet)
12:41:19 [fad95320] Add SkipUpdate to logs.yaml (hydra)
12:45:12 [355d1a11] Log the wallet tip on EndInitialize (hydra-poc)
12:46:24 [dc092fc7] create project from template (mesh)
12:46:49 [ba076738] reset formating; changed getting started; renamed nft-maker to nmkr (developer-portal)
12:47:37 [5052c393] Update marlowe-runtime/web-server/Language/Marlowe/Runtime/Web/Server/HistoryClient.hs (marlowe-cardano)
12:49:49 [9fb57adb] Integrate proofs by @julianferres (marlowe)
12:49:59 [6db15bfa] Clean up some lemmas (marlowe)
12:50:03 [a7fc046e] Draft applyLoop proof (marlowe)
12:50:05 [b7f8c4d1] Remove Let and refine proofs further (marlowe)
12:50:39 [716728f9] Fix the test that checks the node version (hydra-poc)
12:53:10 [942e1212] Create cip0020-encryption-modes.json (CIPs)
12:55:23 [ff0efdfe] SCP-4728: Run tests separately (marlowe-actus-labs)
12:56:21 [80009868] Fix redundant mlsb-forgetting. (cardano-base)
12:56:33 [f5728400] Update links (ouroboros-network)
12:56:35 [eff965e1] add new section on manual GHC opts (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
12:56:38 [4b80de80] fixup! fixup! test(e2e): align wallet init test with new env workflow (cardano-js-sdk)
12:57:02 [f842dec0] Fix some mlocking-related bugs (cardano-base)
12:57:41 [e5de3542] Direct serialisation from/to raw memory (cardano-base)
12:57:43 [25e03ba4] Add SignKeyWithPeriodKES wrapper (cardano-base)
12:57:43 [19f3a97f] Fix build errors on GHC 9.2 (cardano-base)
12:58:04 [bfcf537d] Add direct ser/deser to MockKES (cardano-base)
12:58:05 [e3b64695] Bugfix (cardano-base)
12:58:19 [8c0da521] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@eff965e1d72080e85ae4b14808417e6ec302756c 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
12:58:27 [81ce4c31] add submissions storea via primitive-operations (cardano-wallet)
12:58:30 [8b3cfa35] add properties for submissions store via primitive-operations (cardano-wallet)
12:58:50 [08e5c003] add submissions store via API-operations (cardano-wallet)
12:59:03 [8860cffd] Update links (ouroboros-network)
12:59:25 [b0ae9f44] add properties for submissions store via API-operations (cardano-wallet)
12:59:28 [215c92f7] Update links (ouroboros-network)
12:59:41 [396dfe19] Update template (cardano-browser-tx)
12:59:44 [1bb6d24b] Update links (ouroboros-network)
13:02:44 [baf601ca] Added nix LSP (marlowe)
13:03:42 [8c5557c8] Merge pull request #611 from input-output-hk/greg/600/database_migration (mithril)
13:05:29 [06925925] build: fix node_modules copying to resulting derivation (cardano-js-sdk)
13:05:34 [b812be46] Fix deploy-testing docker image id retrieval (mithril)
13:06:19 [86c8c33c] Move benchmarks to cicero (plutus)
13:06:20 [86442ae3] WIP (plutus)
13:06:20 [9403ab61] packages -> library (plutus)
13:06:20 [bff33376] Move benchmarks to cicero (plutus)
13:06:21 [1d961f04] fix: pass github token to benchmark (plutus)
13:06:21 [db9f6a01] setup comment trigger (plutus)
13:06:21 [a75419ea] don't use github-ci preset (plutus)
13:06:22 [96dbc32d] update tullia pr (plutus)
13:06:22 [37813242] move benchmark runner and pipeline to automation (plutus)
13:06:22 [1906f4a3] cleanup benchmark pipeline definition (plutus)
13:06:23 [ad273b18] fix usage of new tullia github options (plutus)
13:06:23 [883e4c17] fix github token reference in benchmark runner script (plutus)
13:06:23 [a342fa9c] REMOVE BEFORE MERGE: comment out ci and publish (plutus)
13:06:24 [4f9a3b98] fix readRevision reference (plutus)
13:06:24 [25fec9bd] fix fact value references (plutus)
13:06:24 [367be92f] coerce pr number to string (plutus)
13:06:24 [d8fdf331] fix benchmark name reference (plutus)
13:06:25 [42d685ff] try fix (plutus)
13:06:25 [2b782208] remove /usr/bin/env (plutus)
13:06:25 [58795ad6] remove benchmark action, will add in separate PR (plutus)
13:06:26 [63c241a6] use tullia git preset to fetch branch (plutus)
13:06:26 [c4c9f433] fix git clone option definition (plutus)
13:06:26 [e779242a] Revert "remove benchmark action, will add in separate PR" (plutus)
13:06:27 [a5146a02] inlining github_pr_comment from tulle (plutus)
13:06:27 [fcb2acff] Update pipelines.nix (plutus)
13:06:27 [46920650] update tullia (plutus)
13:06:28 [f41a36f4] Update actions.nix (plutus)
13:06:28 [63f79b02] Update actions.nix (plutus)
13:06:28 [d429cebb] fix syntax error (plutus)
13:06:59 [da7a0bb7] Merge branch 'main' into scp-4709-get-transaction (marlowe-cardano)
13:08:31 [41458d44] Fix format of `repeated_receive_split` assumptions (network-equivalences)
13:09:00 [eb4e14a8] update logs json-schemas description for outcome (hydra)
13:10:39 [c1aea842] WIP (plutus)
13:11:50 [7faebb17] Merge pull request #12 from danny-nguyen-2702/fix-guidance (plutus-starter-kit)
13:11:54 [5245278f] Make points a type family (plutus-apps)
13:12:01 [7473a147] Make the monad type depend on the handle. (plutus-apps)
13:12:02 [eb2b3566] Add slot number to the database. (plutus-apps)
13:15:13 [44f2455f] build: pass nodejs derivation that was used to build the package (cardano-js-sdk)
13:15:23 [61b0ac57] Update cip0020-encryption-modes.json (CIPs)
13:18:42 [c6f22f9b] add WitnessCountCtx (cardano-wallet)
13:18:48 [6ff3dcd9] propagate WitnessCountCtx in decodeTx (cardano-wallet)
13:18:49 [554910c0] introduce toKeyRole (cardano-wallet)
13:18:49 [652dc297] proagate fromCardanoTx changes (cardano-wallet)
13:18:49 [1b95117d] update integration tests (cardano-wallet)
13:19:50 [38608223] We don't want to rely on GC to cleanup redundantly allocated scarce pages, thus we clean it up eagerly (cardano-base)
13:20:09 [7a2c0cd2] update flake.nix ctl commit (cardano-transaction-lib)
13:21:38 [cbbb91a5] TEMP: Enable running backing store tests with `IOSim`. (ouroboros-network)
13:22:12 [3a0926ad] Refactor scripts into its own package (marlowe)
13:22:20 [8950b058] New indexer. (plutus-apps)
13:23:45 [779731d6] Add outcome log type (hydra-poc)
13:23:46 [d15d7d0f] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
13:23:46 [2209279f] update logs json-schemas description for outcome (hydra-poc)
13:23:46 [57386dec] Update logs json schema (hydra-poc)
13:23:46 [f58d5cbc] improve arbitrary instance for outcome (hydra-poc)
13:23:46 [3a2204b8] Add review changes (hydra-poc)
13:23:46 [c304b323] Log every outcome as part of the every protocol transition (hydra-poc)
13:27:01 [12d7ecc3] WIP (plutus)
13:27:21 [228a526f] add tests for operations on the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
13:27:31 [8bced252] fix(web-extension): close key agent channel on walletManagerUi deactivate (cardano-js-sdk)
13:27:38 [30303877] add submissions store via API-operations (cardano-wallet)
13:27:38 [e681e7e7] add submissions storea via primitive-operations (cardano-wallet)
13:27:38 [424e1a6f] add submissions tables to the schema (cardano-wallet)
13:27:38 [4fc80519] add properties for submissions store via API-operations (cardano-wallet)
13:27:38 [8b53542c] add properties for submissions store via primitive-operations (cardano-wallet)
13:30:42 [2a8ea500] add fd to the shell (cardano-transaction-lib)
13:30:49 [c0db9ca7] Update eras/alonzo/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/Data.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:36:22 [c02c1668] Documented the `Twiddler` module. Added a property for testing. (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:36:50 [403312fe] WIP: Add StandardCryptoV2 (ouroboros-network)
13:39:18 [77af3992] Merge pull request #528 from input-output-hk/feat/wallet-restoration-load-test (cardano-js-sdk)
13:39:44 [4aa62738] Better computation of minAda (#841) (plutus-apps)
13:40:16 [28edb438] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 4aa62738c0973633aed38b3f10ee852d0fd62bfc (plutus-ops)
13:42:26 [3018bd56] WIP (plutus)
13:43:11 [f58069e5] Merge branch 'pb99u069/remove-tmp-dir-on-SIGINT-2' of github.com:Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib into pb99u069/remove-tmp-dir-on-SIGINT-2 (cardano-transaction-lib)
13:44:17 [da20188c] Document caveats of mlsb{To,As}ByteString (cardano-base)
13:44:26 [6cd2b1a9] Add SignKeyWithPeriodKES wrapper (cardano-base)
13:44:26 [d902df34] Add direct ser/deser to MockKES (cardano-base)
13:44:26 [d8d5cd3c] Direct serialisation from/to raw memory (cardano-base)
13:44:26 [310853aa] Bugfix (cardano-base)
13:44:26 [16a502a9] Fix build errors on GHC 9.2 (cardano-base)
13:48:38 [5fdc1140] prep (Stablecoin-working-group)
13:48:46 [647d6321] Add Shareslake to showcase (#867) (developer-portal)
13:49:42 [7fc7f205] Add TODOs for next node bump (cardano-wallet)
13:51:19 [322ad271] Merge pull request #529 from input-output-hk/test/fix-webext-test-that-rely-on-browser-obj (cardano-js-sdk)
13:51:53 [a1e8c20c] tmp (carp)
13:53:26 [ffa8ad75] Mithril update (#62) (cardano-updates)
13:53:49 [09cb0222] Add the consensus team bi-weekly update for 2022-11-16 (#59) (cardano-updates)
13:54:11 [2dffcd35] Merge pull request #53 from MartifyLabs/staking-docs (mesh)
13:54:12 [49057ba3] now (Developer-Experience-working-group)
13:55:04 [33af062f] feat!: rename era-specific types in core (cardano-js-sdk)
13:55:25 [b075322f] deploy: ffa8ad757f0e43cb7a3abcca002931c0051af1f9 (cardano-updates)
13:58:44 [df73d7df] deploy: 09cb02222fb54e65ee804edf9a9cf342a885c286 (cardano-updates)
14:01:44 [38d0e7a3] WIP (plutus)
14:01:49 [9d995a1f] feat: add opaque numeric types to core package (cardano-js-sdk)
14:02:10 [4f4e0bdc] Update ci_tests.yml (catalyst-core)
14:02:16 [62d862f1] Use relative link for UCL talk PDF (cardano-updates)
14:05:19 [b5f75f15] Update index.tsx (staking-next-ts-template)
14:07:19 [e06e0c81] Update index.jsx (staking-next-js-template)
14:10:18 [12ad1380] deploy: 8c5557c85cfdc5bfcff22a3c8bf4550c618146d7 (mithril)
14:11:29 [c10ec589] deploy: 62d862f17e6610ba6c5ea83e166f694c4c2b1115 (cardano-updates)
14:14:21 [54ff5d40] WIP (plutus)
14:17:23 [66214490] Expose marlowe-web-server executable (marlowe-cardano)
14:21:49 [71ea681d] fixup! Add hashes of genesis.json to node configuration (cardano-node)
14:21:55 [7c157570] fixup! Add test for running foldBlocks on testnet (cardano-node)
14:22:07 [25bd4e79] Add waits to crowdfunding model (plutus-apps)
14:22:30 [8d714ed8] Implement GET /contract/:contractId/transactions/:transactionId (marlowe-cardano)
14:22:30 [bdb3b342] Update tests (marlowe-cardano)
14:22:30 [2b73f48a] Update marlowe-runtime/web-server/Language/Marlowe/Runtime/Web/Server/HistoryClient.hs (marlowe-cardano)
14:22:30 [2a20a72b] Apply suggestions from code review (marlowe-cardano)
14:23:06 [db660b37] Update index.jsx (staking-next-js-template)
14:23:51 [36480b51] Implement PUT /contracts/:contractId/transactions/:transactionId (marlowe-cardano)
14:24:58 [59e0711b] WIP seq (plutus)
14:26:23 [fff49d66] Add JP (Mithril tech lead) to list of authors (cardano-updates)
14:27:18 [2afea02b] Update README.md (CIPs)
14:27:42 [f678f888] tmp (carp)
14:35:11 [085f08f9] Update ci_tests.yml (#107) (catalyst-core)
14:39:08 [2faf7f38] less clever (plutus)
14:41:24 [46bb6053] Merge pull request #624 from input-output-hk/djo/597/fix-deploy-testing (mithril)
14:42:08 [836e71ec] tweaks (koi-pond)
14:42:28 [9492f0e4] less clever (plutus)
14:42:28 [c9ef3c60] WIP seq (plutus)
14:43:41 [77a1dd81] Added Twiddle law test (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:45:30 [86393302] Update README.md (CIPs)
14:47:31 [aabfacd7] Update README.md (CIPs)
14:49:50 [b1b6db64] WIP: Strip out more QueryM. Move QueryM's wallet code into Internal.Wallet. KeyWallet now holds a networkId. Added wallet networkId check to Contract env creation (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:52:20 [1064632b] change test command in comment (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:53:12 [4f86f359] Crypto update 25-11 (cardano-updates)
14:53:36 [f6db60ad] Create demo_via_nodeJS.js (CIPs)
14:54:04 [15a65ba1] deploy: 46bb6053b872e123eebcc054c631b14bddded6ff (mithril)
14:55:36 [c7acbd32] Create demo_via_PHP.php (CIPs)
14:55:58 [0050d558] Update demo_via_nodeJS.js (CIPs)
14:56:41 [7321ea58] Create CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md (cip8-java)
14:57:24 [4f87b327] Update README.md (cip8-java)
14:58:48 [7b9290f1] Update README.md (CIPs)
14:59:04 [46bfc432] add submissions store via API-operations (cardano-wallet)
15:01:23 [152e121c] Prove POV and computational for LEDGERS (formal-ledger-specifications)
15:03:45 [0553507c] Update README.md (CIPs)
15:04:49 [199a8f5c] Update README.md (CIPs)
15:05:41 [fc9302e6] add properties for submissions store via API-operations (cardano-wallet)
15:05:59 [0cb5fe4f] tmp (carp)
15:09:36 [6f877ce8] Create cip0020-democode-PHP.php (CIPs)
15:09:49 [a935c3d6] feat: add opaque numeric types to core package (cardano-js-sdk)
15:10:08 [30f59f94] Delete demo_via_PHP.php (CIPs)
15:11:18 [9e3b7467] Create cip0020-democode-NODEJS.js (CIPs)
15:11:39 [b7870e52] Add 'DB' for 'TxSet' (cardano-wallet)
15:11:39 [1a608b69] Add 'DB' type and documentation (cardano-wallet)
15:11:39 [dd7363e0] Rename and export 'updateTxSet' (cardano-wallet)
15:11:39 [21cb4891] Remove 'DBTxSet' in favor of 'selectTx' (cardano-wallet)
15:11:43 [629e355a] Delete demo_via_nodeJS.js (CIPs)
15:12:33 [5ddc08b7] fix(web-extension): close key agent channel on walletManagerUi deactivate (cardano-js-sdk)
15:14:12 [b6bf2b3f] Create normal-message-metadata.json (CIPs)
15:14:32 [0842cc60] [DDW-1083] Add `any-darwin.makeSignedInstaller` (daedalus)
15:14:35 [02cbc5c8] Create encrypted-message-metadata.json (CIPs)
15:16:01 [f2558c5f] Add versioning to the docusaurus site (mithril)
15:16:01 [91c3defd] Move network-matrix to the doc folder (mithril)
15:17:24 [4286e7b5] Refactor tests into its own package (marlowe)
15:18:38 [ff6c50c3] dummy change (marlowe)
15:18:47 [b35579c2] BLS12-381 bindings (cardano-base)
15:18:51 [cab9777b] Reduce public API and expose Integer instead of Scalar (cardano-base)
15:18:51 [dad62bde] Fix failing tests (cardano-base)
15:18:51 [ed4e6584] Refactoring (cardano-base)
15:18:52 [63fa4f3b] PT tests (cardano-base)
15:18:52 [dfecc135] Remove unnecessary FFI bindings (cardano-base)
15:18:52 [5a2386ef] Remove ptInv (cardano-base)
15:18:52 [16adcdab] Some documentation (cardano-base)
15:18:52 [259df33c] BLS Changes as requested (cardano-base)
15:18:52 [82933b69] PT type and operations (cardano-base)
15:18:53 [feb4c8dd] Pairing tests (failing) (cardano-base)
15:18:53 [1361f05b] Fix incorrect size_fp calculation (cardano-base)
15:18:53 [f3e1e10a] Remove unused test function (cardano-base)
15:18:53 [79f2c2b6] building blst in CI (cardano-base)
15:18:53 [3a1219ff] Reinstate other pairing tests (cardano-base)
15:18:53 [8404d3ec] Fix argument order for blst_miller_loop (cardano-base)
15:18:54 [27acaabd] Use type aliases for consistency (cardano-base)
15:18:54 [d58510e0] Cleanup (cardano-base)
15:18:54 [39d0f054] Remove unused integerAsCStr function (cardano-base)
15:18:54 [d3791c3e] Use add_or_double() rather than add() (cardano-base)
15:18:54 [d1122908] Use CSize when appropriate (cardano-base)
15:18:54 [6bb3a393] Remove onCurve function (not used) (cardano-base)
15:19:32 [e52d1b37] Drop `cabal build` check in buildkite CI (cardano-wallet)
15:21:36 [95924a48] Update NIX reference (cardano-base)
15:21:41 [42b31d73] Trailing white spaces (cardano-base)
15:21:42 [7db675f5] Use CSize to marshall size_t (cardano-base)
15:21:42 [dd13aa87] Activate windows CI (cardano-base)
15:22:55 [c11aa248] make SQL entities to create their projection (mithril)
15:23:28 [b5211cda] Update flake.lock (cardano-wallet)
15:28:23 [9cf597ca] Merge pull request #622 from input-output-hk/djo/555/doc_versioning (mithril)
15:36:54 [400fdb54] Create cip0020-democode-BASH.sh (CIPs)
15:37:24 [6e3b7f28] Merge pull request #632 from input-output-hk/bump-cardano-node-to-1.35.4 (hydra-poc)
15:37:49 [6b356081] Add `stakePoolTargetNum` protocol parameter (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:38:09 [1c4053cd] Refactor internal wallet and keep the tip around (hydra-poc)
15:38:10 [7b3ee0d8] Remove TODO and keep test (hydra-poc)
15:38:10 [cb0581b9] Don't pass a chain point to internal wallet anymore (hydra-poc)
15:38:10 [aa55d57a] Remove redundant pattern match (hydra-poc)
15:38:10 [91a948ed] Change behavior of wallet reset and update (hydra-poc)
15:38:10 [df2807fc] Expect IntersectionNotFound instead of AcquireFailure (hydra-poc)
15:38:10 [5b7efc35] Query epochInfo on coverFee and expect IntersectionNotFound in tests (hydra-poc)
15:38:11 [4a60dc20] Log the wallet tip on EndInitialize (hydra-poc)
15:38:11 [1ea85ca5] Add SkipUpdate to logs.yaml (hydra-poc)
15:38:31 [cb638087] Update cip0020-democode-BASH.sh (CIPs)
15:38:48 [185e70e3] Created 1.36 in changelog (cardano-node)
15:40:46 [155216ed] deploy: 9cf597caf221505501c025093232b3b791ac68d0 (mithril)
15:41:14 [532f4fc0] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
15:42:28 [9e269691] Test cache (mithril)
15:44:33 [7393c58c] Add survey links to use cases page (hydra-poc)
15:44:40 [063b245c] Remove all Data.Map usage within bench folder (cardano-node)
15:44:55 [a56240fe] Add nix formatter and hooks (marlowe)
15:45:23 [7f51ca6b] Merge #4675 (cardano-node)
15:47:23 [90605145] experimenting with ma implementation (formal-ledger-specifications)
15:50:31 [3ebad689] add more transactions to test (catalyst-core)
15:50:55 [a23a4806] SCP-4738 Redeployed lambda service at new IP address. (marlowe-lambda)
15:51:56 [7e986c46] Add nix formatter ci check (marlowe)
15:52:27 [688eb365] Remove `TestEnableDevelopmentNetworkProtocols` (cardano-node-tests)
15:53:42 [cead3ef1] remove qualified imports (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:54:26 [147bb09b] fix the BlockEvent deserialization (#17) (dcspark-core)
16:03:41 [5c593ba5] Update README.md (CIPs)
16:03:45 [db80dde1] io-classes: non standard timer api (io-sim)
16:07:28 [fe27b147] Update README.md (CIPs)
16:10:08 [18b26b34] fix: ledger connection (yoroi-mobile)
16:10:32 [7dd544c7] Update README.md (CIPs)
16:15:53 [3242a3c5] Fixed formatting (cardano-node)
16:17:04 [5e956770] Update README.md (CIPs)
16:18:59 [74ffece9] Merge branch 'main' into features/npg-3284-explorer-networking-tests (catalyst-core)
16:23:37 [47104023] Merge pull request #1246 from Plutonomicon/khavryliuk/828-plutip-tests-initdb-locale-fix (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:25:06 [d684c48f] node/cli/api - 2022-11-16 - 2022-11-29 (cardano-updates)
16:25:41 [4b185a85] Deploying to gh-pages from @ Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib@47104023a73ba939e2433056b4ee10c1b728a03d 🚀 (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:26:47 [11b2689a] node/cli/api - 2022-11-16 - 2022-11-29 (#60) (cardano-updates)
16:27:11 [00fdde63] fix name in CI (catalyst-core)
16:28:38 [9be6ae5f] tests that use execution units above the limit set on protocol params (cardano-node-tests)
16:30:27 [6a052a32] deploy: 6e3b7f28acda76fd4d1c2d972100de93947dcfaf (hydra)
16:30:54 [7e426c09] remove instructions (yoroi-mobile)
16:31:06 [9e006a00] minor (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:31:07 [b5145823] Merge pull request #366 from input-output-hk/scp-4709-get-transaction (marlowe-cardano)
16:31:31 [e928a9ae] Implement PUT /contracts/:contractId/transactions/:transactionId (marlowe-cardano)
16:38:28 [57e32b62] Stylish haskell (cardano-node)
16:39:14 [3bd922a8] remove more fully qualified (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:39:23 [4baed854] staging: Bump marlowe to b5145823f157385d3238adc718bda7bbe679ec90 (plutus-ops)
16:43:43 [5f10a718] Changelog update (cardano-node)
16:46:27 [96b5834e] Fix redundant imports (cardano-base)
16:46:41 [db7057dd] Add direct ser/deser to MockKES (cardano-base)
16:46:41 [3936d98d] Add SignKeyWithPeriodKES wrapper (cardano-base)
16:46:41 [d8363776] Direct serialisation from/to raw memory (cardano-base)
16:46:41 [e96c08f3] Bugfix (cardano-base)
16:46:41 [9a6a808b] Fix build errors on GHC 9.2 (cardano-base)
16:47:37 [20d46e5e] prevent readonly wallets from voting (yoroi-mobile)
16:48:59 [7cf7cb37] workbench: collect log manifest during analysis (cardano-node)
16:52:24 [f9238ad5] WIP (plutus)
16:56:28 [25875d33] prevent readonly wallets from voting (#2246) (yoroi-mobile)
16:56:41 [c23e3fa4] remove instructions (#2245) (yoroi-mobile)
16:57:19 [40684956] Apply suggestions from code review (plutus)
16:57:21 [ef2eab69] Stylish haskell (cardano-node)
16:57:26 [3d9bc141] Changelog update (cardano-node)
16:59:00 [a5c2fea4] [DDW-1083] Make the Darwin signing script use GNU coreutils (daedalus)
16:59:47 [0e4f4b78] support new utxo diff API (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
17:03:39 [87056910] Merge pull request #1267 from Plutonomicon/karol/plutip-server-fixes (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:05:18 [05c2d1f8] CoinSelection: Index utxos by asset to improve performance (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:07:59 [51da84e5] Add verified mithril signer resource (mithril)
17:07:59 [00430e5c] Add placeholders for SPO maintenance/retiring tools infra (mithril)
17:07:59 [e7ef10aa] Enhance SPO creation tool (mithril)
17:07:59 [ad9def74] Add SPO creation tool (mithril)
17:07:59 [9aaa033d] Gather genesis tools infra (mithril)
17:07:59 [2ea69929] Update terraform deployment for verified signers (mithril)
17:08:00 [b1c95558] Update docker files for handling verified signers (mithril)
17:08:00 [f839c093] Add relay/block producer Cardano nodes (mithril)
17:08:00 [6655609f] Update README (mithril)
17:08:00 [9d67c9b7] Start verified signer node as block producer (mithril)
17:08:00 [6ec79b56] Enhance pool tools (mithril)
17:09:42 [946e7b9d] wip (plutus-apps)
17:11:38 [880397ee] Added a comment (cardano-node)
17:14:53 [299c639b] fixes for: "workbench: get rid of some unnecessary complications" (cardano-node)
17:14:54 [68087d4e] workbench: get backend name from the backend (cardano-node)
17:14:54 [d115df8d] workbench: fix for nomad backend (cardano-node)
17:22:15 [09ce705a] Do not refresh Cardano configurations (mithril)
17:22:20 [4d9159a4] Add test for running foldBlocks on testnet (cardano-node)
17:22:20 [490c72af] fixup! Add test for running foldBlocks on testnet (cardano-node)
17:22:20 [06d41bc1] fixup! Add hashes of genesis.json to node configuration (cardano-node)
17:22:20 [5dec75a8] Add hashes of genesis.json to node configuration (cardano-node)
17:22:20 [f7ec635c] fixup! Add test for running foldBlocks on testnet (cardano-node)
17:23:45 [171ab875] fixup! Add test for running foldBlocks on testnet (cardano-node)
17:24:07 [017cc639] Merge branch 'input-output-hk:main' into jpraynaud/remove-clippy-file (mithril)
17:25:13 [17c13247] Genius Yield Token (cardano-token-registry)
17:26:15 [09aaea2f] Test cache (mithril)
17:29:36 [a10bfdb0] Add script for changing postgres settings for docker-compose (cardano-db-sync)
17:33:09 [7931aa44] Try #1746: (haskell.nix)
17:44:52 [5602c32c] Do not refresh Cardano configurations (mithril)
17:44:52 [b073bd48] Update README (mithril)
17:51:36 [d19a544f] Add test for running foldBlocks on testnet (cardano-node)
17:51:36 [ac2d3995] Add hashes of genesis.json to node configuration (cardano-node)
17:55:55 [48153d12] io-classes: define GHC_TIMERS_API macro (io-sim)
17:57:27 [a8dff35a] cancellable-timers package (io-sim)
18:05:38 [43cba76e] Length check for scalarFromBS (cardano-base)
18:07:37 [3080fcd3] reset kupo hash (cardano-transaction-lib)
18:08:14 [c50b971f] Merge branch 'develop' into pb99u069/1241-add-mote-to-scaffold (cardano-transaction-lib)
18:14:36 [b6baa1ce] clean cabal files (io-sim)
18:19:55 [88f18c5d] SCP-4728: Taking into account `dataObserved` for test-cases (marlowe-actus-labs)
18:20:44 [7c25a1b1] clients: tf state updated to serial 366 (bitte-world)
18:21:23 [ceb259c2] Define initial properties for buildCreateConstraints (marlowe-cardano)
18:22:58 [f201b28a] Add total balance test (marlowe-cardano)
18:23:00 [b3c815ce] Write remaining tests for create constraints (marlowe-cardano)
18:25:20 [68549468] SCP-4736 Documented lambda API. (marlowe-lambda)
18:25:27 [081fc68f] Merge #3615 (cardano-wallet)
18:28:04 [f23b7941] Add and use auxiliary lemmas for `repeated_receive_split` (network-equivalences)
18:34:52 [b47daa00] Merge pull request #2 from input-output-hk/joget (marlowe-lambda)
18:37:31 [f24fa5f9] Add hashes of genesis.json to node configuration (cardano-node)
18:37:31 [8e2fa029] Add test for running foldBlocks on testnet (cardano-node)
18:39:22 [d494651e] remove unListData (aiken)
18:40:49 [42045d24] fix minor scope issue (aiken)
18:41:13 [1a068ecc] create ir and start to replace plutus code gen with ir (aiken)
18:41:16 [b73af3d6] add field access and list patterns are finished (aiken)
18:41:16 [4e00862f] make progress on list deconstruction with IR (aiken)
18:41:16 [2742b6c6] checkpoint (aiken)
18:41:16 [a1e56bf4] chore: commit assets (aiken)
18:41:16 [18ce5591] feat: finished when constr is for IR and code gen (aiken)
18:41:16 [481093de] feat: start when expressions (aiken)
18:43:07 [56a9cd9b] Export `fromShelleyBasedScript` from Cardano.Api (cardano-node)
18:44:28 [934b7778] chore: fix hook (#2243) (yoroi-mobile)
18:44:46 [6b8f0db3] feat: function insertion IR done, code gen will be easy (aiken)
18:46:25 [18a6b842] prevent readonly wallets from voting (#2246) (yoroi-mobile)
18:46:34 [434957c9] remove instructions (#2245) (yoroi-mobile)
18:50:31 [20cd2538] locli: log inventory & precise data stats (cardano-node)
18:52:01 [5eb54890] Export `fromShelleyBasedScript` from Cardano.Api (cardano-node)
18:56:17 [d2ecf8dc] Fix history client (marlowe-cardano)
18:56:33 [aa179377] Address more comments. (plutus)
18:57:00 [a93cab24] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
18:57:00 [cd4bcece] Write remaining tests for create constraints (marlowe-cardano)
18:57:00 [937d4d5a] Add total balance test (marlowe-cardano)
18:57:00 [010d203a] Define initial properties for buildCreateConstraints (marlowe-cardano)
18:59:29 [198a1377] staging: Bump marlowe to d2ecf8dccc7b2fe09f17d527bad1f77053ab1511 (plutus-ops)
19:04:48 [bc2f9069] Update changelog of plutus-merkle-tree and bump version (hydra-poc)
19:07:54 [b7913568] Simplify `post_receive n X â–¡` in `repeated_receive_split` (network-equivalences)
19:11:45 [1c89eb12] feat: initial dark theme (mantis-faucet-web)
19:13:45 [095f0eca] Replace dex tables with view (carp)
19:16:59 [4ff97c45] feat: initial disclaimer message (mantis-faucet-web)
19:17:00 [fbeec0e7] stats: hydra 081fc68fa9591ccb124f38c720d0ddecc73024f9 (cardano-wallet)
19:21:47 [cc540c6b] docs: Merge #3615 3615: Drop `cabal build` check in Buildkite r=Anviking a=Anviking - [x] Drop `cabal build` buildkite checks (and related `cabal configure` one) ### Comments - This check is broken in the node bump (#3593 ) and I don't know how to make it green. Regardless, it has historically been fragile (often requiring caches to be cleared) and will also stop working in a few days when the packet.net agents become unavailible. - The ability to build the project through haskell.nix is checked by hydra/cicero. - The `cabal build` checks were added during a time when `stack` was the main tool for development in cardano-wallet. Now we only use `cabal`. If the "cabal in nix-shell" build were to break separately from the nix build, we'd notice fast enough. <!-- Additional comments, links, or screenshots to attach, if any. --> ### Issue Number ADP-2382 <!-- Reference the Jira/GitHub issue that this PR relates to, and which requirements it tackles. Note: Jira issues of the form ADP- will be auto-linked. --> Co-authored-by: Johannes Lund <[email protected]> Source commit: 081fc68fa9591ccb124f38c720d0ddecc73024f9 (cardano-wallet)
19:23:29 [9241baac] Simplify `post_receive n X □` in shortcut redund. of `▹⇧∞` (network-equivalences)
19:26:35 [1395c582] fix name in CI (#109) (catalyst-core)
19:35:56 [ebb72ee5] initial import (awesome-starter-kits)
19:37:47 [acb08181] Add changelog entries (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:37:47 [2b1dbcde] Fix AlonzoTxAuxData representation and make it match closer the on the wire format (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:37:47 [1c8ff016] Removed entries from changelog about changes to internal types (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:37:47 [abf0c0da] Fix the order in which scripts from AuxData are serialized (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:37:47 [f6c0cc52] Implement equality for raw script types (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:37:47 [10b32789] Introduction of a `Memoized` type class and using it throught ledger. (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:45:01 [c3162e4f] Create node.js.yml (awesome-starter-kits)
19:46:02 [e5884bab] removing output directory (awesome-starter-kits)
19:46:49 [b5808e6b] WIP: Cleaning imports and tests (cardano-transaction-lib)
19:48:33 [080ea1c3] Extend plutus-merkle-tree benchmark to test 1000 and 10000 entries (hydra-poc)
19:49:28 [277eee0a] Formatting (cardano-transaction-lib)
19:55:00 [9c794e89] updating action (awesome-starter-kits)
19:56:45 [a8490dc2] removing dummy file (awesome-starter-kits)
19:57:39 [10ab6bfe] add std flake and tullia (hydra)
19:57:39 [bdfa927b] fix nix evaluation impurities (hydra)
20:00:48 [9372409b] fix nix evaluation impurities (hydra)
20:00:49 [e47118da] add std flake and tullia (hydra)
20:01:18 [92aa78d8] Use impure, but working cardano-node in default.nix (hydra)
20:02:55 [90ddc183] updating action name (awesome-starter-kits)
20:08:07 [c6b2ccea] Make it compile with haskell.nix and cabal (hydra-poc)
20:08:07 [0657f72f] Use cardano-api 1.35.4 as released on CHaP (hydra-poc)
20:08:07 [844ae2df] Update CHaP as seen by nix (hydra-poc)
20:08:08 [9a16370c] Go back to packages as pinned on cardano-node 1.35.4 (hydra-poc)
20:08:08 [d586244e] Try building against latest packages from CHaP (hydra-poc)
20:08:08 [cbccf9a6] Add lower bounds for cardano-api (hydra-poc)
20:08:08 [6d8286cf] Fix io-classes re-exports in hydra-prelude (hydra-poc)
20:08:08 [4b10c7c0] Pin all cardano-ledger packages (hydra-poc)
20:08:08 [b4530667] Remove ouroboros-consensus dependency of hydra-cardano-api (hydra-poc)
20:08:12 [b29186cb] Update README.md (CIPs)
20:09:08 [f25c6d4c] reworked action (awesome-starter-kits)
20:10:20 [e20e1ee4] action test-1 (awesome-starter-kits)
20:11:16 [77d41af3] action test 2 (awesome-starter-kits)
20:13:47 [791138b7] Merge pull request #370 from input-output-hk/scp-4680-create-tests (marlowe-cardano)
20:16:22 [1cec2c36] staging: Bump marlowe to 791138b70058e3f94f08352b1e038c146677b5a1 (plutus-ops)
20:16:37 [81f5738b] Revert "Fix io-classes re-exports in hydra-prelude" (hydra-poc)
20:18:04 [7021de03] updating index script to create output dir (awesome-starter-kits)
20:18:54 [8ad5e42d] Update README.md (CIPs)
20:21:00 [d9dfc913] Type classes to make untyped scripts (plutus-apps)
20:21:12 [1fa777b9] fix issue in script (awesome-starter-kits)
20:22:28 [2b967234] Make points a type family (plutus-apps)
20:22:32 [b5b5a160] Make the monad type depend on the handle. (plutus-apps)
20:22:33 [e21d1aa2] Add slot number to the database. (plutus-apps)
20:22:34 [83cc6e26] New indexer. (plutus-apps)
20:25:43 [b3a0239e] Settle without fighting the typechecker; format (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:27:46 [d73a523c] removing unused dependencies (awesome-starter-kits)
20:31:33 [5bb65d95] restore flake.lock (cardano-transaction-lib)
20:32:17 [b705861b] Merge branch 'pb99u069/1241-add-mote-to-scaffold' of github.com:Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib into pb99u069/1241-add-mote-to-scaffold (cardano-transaction-lib)
20:33:15 [6a0d8934] All tests pass for cardano-ledger-test. (cardano-ledger)
20:34:24 [1254f5df] removing strategy and adding tag to github action (awesome-starter-kits)
20:36:05 [86169f36] cancellable-timers package (io-sim)
20:41:18 [603a81c0] feat: initial footer powered by bootstrap-icons (mantis-faucet-web)
20:48:44 [dbd4072c] clean cabal files (io-sim)
20:50:50 [ea6dc658] tmp (carp)
20:53:57 [8a8a1c90] SCP-4728: Updating default risk factors (marlowe-actus-labs)
20:55:53 [3f551bef] Code formatting (marlowe-actus-labs)
21:00:23 [a0192e7a] tx-generator: adapt to new service definition (WIP) (cardano-node)
21:12:51 [591e8a45] cardano source: add legacy testnet settings (dcspark-core)
21:16:20 [26b303a0] Introducing db-sync-explorer service which expose db-sync database as as REST service. Added some helper endpoint to check meta information about db-sync and validate sync process (we can query sync process expressed as percentage or difference between current date and last registered block). Finally added api/v0/tx/hash/{...} endpoint which can return transaction information if exists in db sync. This can be useful for any clients for example GVC to check if registration transaction is confirmed (catalyst-core)
21:16:48 [4c080153] Add support for building with ghc-9.2 and CHaP (iohk-monitoring-framework)
21:16:48 [dfb4bf8c] CI: Massive rewrite (iohk-monitoring-framework)
21:16:48 [8a4d8e11] nix CI support (iohk-monitoring-framework)
21:16:48 [7b50756e] CODEOWNERS: Update (iohk-monitoring-framework)
21:18:13 [d0aec33f] feat: return error cbor on request using accept header (go-cardano-submit-api)
21:22:19 [13d96fc8] Address most review comments (hydra-poc)
21:22:57 [24d892f3] Update README.md (CIPs)
21:32:40 [f2546993] SCP-4728: Added observed events to test cases (marlowe-actus-labs)
21:33:30 [0b599b24] core: tf state updated to serial 115 (bitte-world)
21:46:45 [87c455de] io-classes: define GHC_TIMERS_API macro (io-sim)
21:46:45 [db5af86d] cancellable-timers package (io-sim)
21:46:46 [91377957] clean cabal files (io-sim)
21:51:18 [200e4c6b] core: tf state updated to serial 116 (bitte-world)
21:56:47 [492baa3f] clean imports (plutus-apps)
22:02:10 [af1b2a4f] core: tf state updated to serial 117 (bitte-world)
22:04:04 [0c9b0ed0] core: tf state updated to serial 123 (bitte-world)
22:08:49 [1983d35f] io-classes: define GHC_TIMERS_API macro (io-sim)
22:09:00 [701a8990] cancellable-timers package (io-sim)
22:09:00 [7a538c68] clean cabal files (io-sim)
22:12:46 [ff0bc3f4] Add some more constraints (hydra-poc)
22:13:25 [69f1b8a0] core: tf state updated to serial 128 (bitte-world)
22:16:28 [49030e33] core: tf state updated to serial 133 (bitte-world)
22:23:36 [3c785901] core: tf state updated to serial 135 (bitte-world)
22:27:55 [dacdcbef] core: tf state updated to serial 139 (bitte-world)
22:33:16 [7673423a] core: tf state updated to serial 141 (bitte-world)
22:35:14 [5a2fcd5d] Switch to guild-deploy for workflows (WIP) (guild-operators)
22:39:04 [5571b712] Merge pull request #68 from cloudstruct/feat/accept-cbor-error (go-cardano-submit-api)
22:49:15 [166101bd] core: tf state updated to serial 144 (bitte-world)
22:53:29 [4c5776b3] updating yaml files and added readme (awesome-starter-kits)
22:54:21 [afd77f57] Update logs json schema (hydra-poc)
22:54:21 [fa1ec3f1] Log every outcome as part of the every protocol transition (hydra-poc)
22:54:21 [3ffb2bc7] Add outcome log type (hydra-poc)
22:54:22 [e9d8112b] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
22:54:22 [2799df02] update logs json-schemas description for outcome (hydra-poc)
22:54:22 [bbe9d8c8] improve arbitrary instance for outcome (hydra-poc)
22:54:22 [59bc3cc1] Add review changes (hydra-poc)
23:05:00 [d78f56e2] 🟩 voting.summit.cardano.org is up (200 in 787 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:01 [2cbdcfe1] 🟩 voter-service-AWARD-categories is up (200 in 785 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:03 [046d5244] 🟩 voter-service-SPEAKERS-categories is up (200 in 933 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:04 [6a5e764f] 🟩 voter-service-cast-vote is up (401 in 597 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:04 [b059874f] 🟩 voter-service-get-captcha is up (200 in 576 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:09:39 [76610f6d] core: tf state updated to serial 146 (bitte-world)
23:14:54 [59c2386a] Switch to guild-deploy for workflows (WIP) (guild-operators)
23:16:48 [0a3e44c3] Merge pull request #629 from input-output-hk/task/add_node_outcome_log (hydra)
23:17:21 [e21fbc80] chore: mocks (blockfrost-js)
23:24:58 [1ca57e7e] core: tf state updated to serial 150 (bitte-world)
23:34:43 [096b76e2] core: tf state updated to serial 153 (bitte-world)
23:38:14 [47e0eb0d] core: tf state updated to serial 158 (bitte-world)
23:38:42 [00610ad8] deploy: 0a3e44c3b71fe58b550f32e4bbca280d5214e8a9 (hydra-poc)
23:46:50 [41ba4c05] Remove remaining logging (haskell.nix)
23:47:11 [fb2408db] Try #1475: (haskell.nix)