Home / Reports / Aug 23, 2024

Friday, August 23, 2024

800 commits had been pushed across 97 repos by 132 authors. There were 7,013,454 additions and 881,937 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:04:35 [cf7d1644] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:08:53 [0ff7f544] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:08:53 [a79b7220] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:10:20 [1458e6a3] add Show instances for Credential and Set and ℙ (formal-ledger-specifications)
00:11:43 [ef1dbec4] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:12:21 [99378df1] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-explorer-status)
00:12:44 [d8a61c78] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:15:49 [4e6a7d58] Fix source repo subdir (haskell.nix)
00:18:04 [8a9715ca] WIP (cardano-node)
00:18:08 [6878d016] print and run (cardano-node)
00:18:08 [2cef60af] Nicer (cardano-node)
00:18:08 [4a1d8edc] Rename exe: jq -> tq (cardano-node)
00:18:08 [b31b5f45] Fast (cardano-node)
00:18:08 [65b88ace] Extract modules (cardano-node)
00:18:08 [6c1a427b] TODO: avoids memory leaks (cardano-node)
00:18:09 [30211f04] Cleaning (cardano-node)
00:18:09 [6a586d2f] Lazy parseTime (cardano-node)
00:18:09 [fe97a323] README (cardano-node)
00:18:09 [e952480c] Better or worse? (cardano-node)
00:18:09 [d5efa03c] Pattern matching over decoding (cardano-node)
00:18:09 [061c1bb7] comment (cardano-node)
00:18:10 [5b8b5259] TestSuite (cardano-node)
00:18:10 [c516c346] README (cardano-node)
00:18:10 [a94d1e18] Parametric reducers (cardano-node)
00:18:10 [4bbbf63a] hlint (cardano-node)
00:18:10 [0d625ce8] Reducers now use filters (WIP, intermediate step) (cardano-node)
00:18:10 [ffc51842] One more test (cardano-node)
00:18:10 [021865a7] New reducer (cardano-node)
00:18:11 [d81dbdbb] Fixes (cardano-node)
00:18:11 [503da4e8] LMDB tools (cardano-node)
00:18:11 [6cb84ab9] Still not elegant in Haskell terms, but reuse (cardano-node)
00:18:11 [cf08cbb9] Filters reducers combinators WIP (cardano-node)
00:18:11 [880ed720] More, better (cardano-node)
00:18:11 [b718eb5b] TODO (cardano-node)
00:18:11 [3d78c90f] hlint (cardano-node)
00:18:12 [c06cc05f] WIP (cardano-node)
00:18:12 [9cc54cda] LMDB tools (cardano-node)
00:18:12 [115e8d5b] Trying some new builtin queries (cardano-node)
00:18:58 [538cf163] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:18:58 [30990e92] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:25:16 [be222800] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:25:16 [e2214b9b] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:28:02 [da5262ed] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@1bd7a72c309d28a651cd601f2a461e668fba30e3 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
00:46:26 [c1daac49] chore: refactor ledger (gouroboros)
00:50:24 [349f6e55] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:09:27 [a25b0c2b] Fix hackage revisions (haskell.nix)
01:14:47 [a1553da6] got rid of some external commands (testnets-cardano-org)
01:17:32 [39d5222f] cabal.project: Update index-states (cardano-addresses)
01:17:44 [95bb81e3] Nix updates (cardano-addresses)
01:24:14 [036f0f53] feat: cardano-db-sync (#60) (docker-cardano-db-sync)
01:31:01 [2335fcf0] Nix updates (cardano-ledger)
01:36:59 [6c4f8fed] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:37:20 [4a8a733b] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:37:20 [3edfa9d5] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:40:28 [de0cb748] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 153 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:40:47 [f1bec449] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:40:47 [7c261172] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:41:24 [c34437c4] Refactor (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:44:48 [a3380aea] Fix hackage revisions (haskell.nix)
01:46:40 [116d6768] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:47:02 [f2d8602f] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:47:22 [6f9cd72d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:47:22 [e6c2040b] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:50:05 [f71aacab] minor formatting fixes (testnets-cardano-org)
01:50:42 [b17a238b] Merge pull request #1 from ioprojecton/ioprojecton-patch-2 (testnets-cardano-org)
02:01:05 [8d505dee] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 5 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:01:26 [d4d6947c] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:01:26 [9bcf11da] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:06:30 [a4843f89] WIP - Update `GovCertSpec` with SPO votes (cardano-ledger-specs)
02:06:54 [e38b13e3] WIP - Update `GovSpec` with SPO votes (cardano-ledger-specs)
02:07:42 [4940fdf5] WIP - Update `EpochSpec` with SPO votes (cardano-ledger-specs)
02:12:02 [67aa0b44] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:12:27 [97160495] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:12:27 [eb5e2d23] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:21:24 [5478898a] small edits (CIPs)
02:30:31 [9696f69f] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 195 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:30:54 [b273d3ef] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:30:54 [04188327] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:37:01 [bc5555b1] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:37:26 [8a21910f] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:37:26 [0abad083] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:42:21 [cd93babc] fix: fix hellow world off chain (mesh)
02:45:03 [f70865eb] restructure strica imports (mesh)
02:51:40 [bf2cb015] chore: refactor ledger (gouroboros)
02:53:42 [3e5627f5] chore: refactor ledger (gouroboros)
02:53:55 [665fd2ab] chore: remove comment (hermes)
02:58:45 [640df63f] fix(ui): add file to build prod (cf-identity-wallet)
03:00:32 [0479d2e1] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 250 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:00:53 [e60ecbd4] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:00:54 [4cffedcd] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:03:11 [2d7a6689] Merge pull request #3793 from cardano-foundation/remove/MET-2302-remove-cypress (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:03:20 [43eaa298] Merge pull request #3788 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2300-upgrade-reactjs (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:04:13 [4659a616] progress (formal-ledger-specifications)
03:06:58 [bdfe8dee] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:07:17 [9097097b] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:07:17 [8620cc84] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:11:18 [2ac6052f] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 15 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:11:40 [3cc2c8da] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:11:40 [49df9203] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:12:39 [71655c8c] feat: MET-2301 upgrade MUI (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:15:58 [66c94ee7] fix: save ACDC metadata from multisig exn (cf-identity-wallet)
03:16:31 [90eae7c3] Merge pull request #3811 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2301-upgrade-mui (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:21:24 [25df5e43] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:21:51 [b24218b9] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:21:51 [ded024a0] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:30:03 [9fc1b1d5] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 4 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:30:19 [48fcb882] fix: update package lock (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:30:28 [9c2a1f5b] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:30:29 [9ad2f379] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:36:58 [b69c39dc] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:37:19 [a4108fad] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:37:19 [0f00b047] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:45:40 [bb92ec5c] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 11 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:46:02 [cdfe3b3f] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:46:02 [c1b9f2df] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:51:57 [2c393ef7] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:52:16 [5cc7ccef] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:52:16 [90d532d8] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
04:06:20 [ca834d7c] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 33 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
04:06:46 [3f6c1b38] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
04:06:46 [f667d190] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
04:20:41 [9eca9418] fix: MET-2049 error status 504 (cf-explorer-frontend)
04:29:43 [6ef78650] Finalize parameters, testing, and readiness for mainnet (fortuna)
04:36:52 [a3a67fff] deploy: 16c875200bd434954412f8358fda72b6a95de404 (hydra)
04:37:23 [fb8a52cb] Committing final parameters for V2 on main branch (fortuna)
04:37:34 [64446d3f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:39:56 [cb919c25] Merge branch 'feat/auto-sync-mithril' into feat/rbac-validation (hermes)
04:42:01 [f414ea48] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
04:42:35 [5f43b4aa] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
04:42:35 [a97305b0] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
04:50:50 [bbd095bb] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 5 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
04:51:09 [ab6ec0dc] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
04:51:09 [4d7cef11] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:02:03 [64108e52] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:02:21 [67c4c2d1] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:02:21 [fd5d330d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:04:39 [53aa8a51] Merge branch 'develop' into feat/DTIS-1114-present-an-ACDC-from-a-multisig-identifier (cf-identity-wallet)
05:08:28 [1118da28] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 8 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:08:58 [b5be9127] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:08:58 [90e11353] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:11:59 [d7e639bf] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:12:27 [5e9fe107] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:12:27 [81d6d72d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:15:31 [72f3929a] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 199 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:15:51 [caf7cee2] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:15:51 [84c7b9c2] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:20:53 [f3a81afe] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:21:19 [2010fa32] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:21:19 [4eb68b7a] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:29:54 [e8b9d305] add toplevel changelog (cardano-node)
05:31:53 [9c0bd58b] 🟨 mainnet - API is degraded (200 in 21591 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:32:11 [ef38ea9d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:32:12 [c77be17d] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:36:27 [f9b11fa6] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:36:45 [88280a00] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:36:45 [400b3925] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:52:45 [b9db6262] Update DB Sync release (cardano-documentation)
05:54:09 [df824c15] Update 03-comp-matrix.mdx (cardano-documentation)
06:08:01 [a578c434] typed-protocols: removed unused extensions (typed-protocols)
06:08:23 [88be4802] typed-protocols: simplified strictness annotations (typed-protocols)
06:19:47 [9293da17] Merge pull request #1799 from IntersectMBO/feat/1702-1708-top-banners (govtool)
06:19:53 [2f15c923] Fix two broken links in welcome.mdx (cardano-documentation)
06:20:11 [a709bdc1] Merge pull request #1797 from IntersectMBO/feat/1601-rendering-protocol-parameter-change-governance-actions (govtool)
06:20:45 [a76b22e1] feat(#1704): show cc committee and spo total gov action votes (govtool)
06:28:01 [9768a679] Fix specs for voter_proposal_list (koios-artifacts)
06:31:55 [c43b8cfc] typed-protocols: removed unused extensions (typed-protocols)
06:34:08 [a7d85c52] add Show instances for more Ledger types (formal-ledger-specifications)
06:36:06 [a9d9fdc5] fix: remove prompt login (cf-cardano-ballot)
06:55:44 [cf465f22] Revert "fix: off_chain_pool_data join on pmr_id instead of hash" (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
07:01:14 [95ae9112] chore: bump @intersect.mbo/pdf-ui to v0.3.6 (govtool)
07:02:38 [d508a235] Merge pull request #1798 from IntersectMBO/feat/1704-showing-spo-and-cc-vote-totals (govtool)
07:02:53 [56a0f922] Merge branch 'main' into docs/voting-ledger (catalyst-voices)
07:12:12 [7fa36d57] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@56a0f922780681952243b66bc61398382f5578c5 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
07:15:44 [25550dc8] Merge pull request #1800 from IntersectMBO/chore/bump-intersect-mbo-pdf-ui-to-v0.3.6 (govtool)
07:22:38 [4a4ad198] fix(txs/pools_updates): select only distinct certs (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
07:22:58 [5d6f5dae] Merge pull request #3812 from cardano-foundation/fix/MET-2049-error-status-504 (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:33:07 [6cb4082b] try distinct (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
07:36:31 [125fd9b1] Merge pull request #645 from input-output-hk/olgahryniuk-patch-125 (cardano-documentation)
07:36:34 [f18359ae] feat: MET-2250 update code (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:37:34 [7a1bbb0f] Merge pull request #3814 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2250-bolnisi-landing-page (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:44:45 [de21ef1e] feat(ui): Disallow screenshots on recovery phase, hide app contents when in app switcher (#663) (cf-identity-wallet)
07:48:07 [33ee2fd7] Merge pull request #1893 from input-output-hk/dlachaume/1813/create-repository-dependencies-upgrade-runbook (mithril)
07:50:51 [51142446] deploy: 33ee2fd73d135e57e04a9a64336535ef90d904dd (mithril)
07:58:22 [f33bc2cc] Merge pull request #1442 from input-output-hk/refactor/move-cip20-to-tx-construction (cardano-js-sdk)
08:00:08 [ed263e55] feat(#1600): add support for hard fork initiation governance action details (govtool)
08:01:48 [0d4f40cb] wip (lsm-tree)
08:05:21 [705afe35] refactor(portfolio): token activitiy types (yoroi-mobile)
08:05:57 [6b565884] refactor(types): portfolio token activity types (yoroi-mobile)
08:10:49 [f769982d] Update validate address (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:15:27 [4d8d2e33] build(e2e): bump artillery (cardano-js-sdk)
08:16:46 [4aec97f8] feat: support `file://` URLs for snapshot locations (mithril)
08:17:15 [01dcbab3] feat: menu - fix lint issues (catalyst-voices)
08:17:21 [90490e74] deploy: f33bc2cc576459255b2396b9d282ea8edbab39cc (cardano-js-sdk)
08:17:44 [02c26ed8] fix: update test (cf-explorer-frontend)
08:18:21 [8d8fe150] chore: less connections (cf-explorer)
08:21:14 [0732e747] chore(Earthfile): bump keria-src to github.com/WebOfTrust/keria.git#cfc55d4de3948663e01a8f55c994112453efc17b (cf-identity-wallet)
08:21:25 [ecb9af30] chore: update the crate version and the changelog (mithril)
08:21:30 [71268dbb] build(hardware-trezor): bump @trezor/connect (cardano-js-sdk)
08:22:08 [fe7da3b7] treefmt (hydra-poc)
08:22:31 [aff09f99] feat(catalyst_cardano_serialization): refactor `CborEncodable` to use interface for standardized CBOR handling (catalyst-voices)
08:23:22 [1434f7a1] chore: extract k6 sdk com for shared usage (cardano-js-sdk)
08:26:25 [8fa18f5b] try distinct (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
08:27:30 [c7886fb5] Merge pull request #200 from blockfrost/chore/revert-pool (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
08:27:47 [422c5c42] release: 2.1.1 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
08:27:56 [6b0d31c8] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@01dcbab31e301a9a89e32869f77c15b2a82aa812 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
08:28:19 [6bfaadd5] release: 2.1.1 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
08:29:13 [e658c8a4] Organize builtins, add blake2b-224, fix AList -> Pairs (prelude)
08:29:36 [c1d5983f] build(golden-test-generator): bump pkg (cardano-js-sdk)
08:29:40 [48431c14] Merge pull request #271 from MeshJS/feature-update/import-structure (mesh)
08:30:18 [6e67fe83] Keep constants and types sorted; only functions are unsorted. (aiken)
08:31:01 [adb011a6] Merge pull request #1802 from IntersectMBO/feat/1600-rendering-hard-fork-initiation-governance-actions-be (govtool)
08:36:33 [acffebcb] build: bump madge (cardano-js-sdk)
08:38:43 [d37324a8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:39:37 [0f905045] Rename mk_nil_data, mk_pair_data & mk_nil_pair_data builtins. (aiken)
08:40:05 [5883ad96] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
08:40:05 [203a1bb1] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
08:40:05 [92897dc5] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
08:40:54 [7d30ee72] Merge branch 'develop' into feat/dtis-1209-linking-multisig/exn-admits-to-original-grant (cf-identity-wallet)
08:41:20 [d1ee90a3] Update CHANGELOG.md (aiken)
08:47:15 [40c575b2] [#1600] display hard fork initiation governance action details (govtool)
08:47:47 [52ec5a60] Adjust aiken.toml's version. (prelude)
08:48:20 [5de7f3be] Try out new documentation export. (merkle-patricia-forest)
08:48:26 [58a5f85e] Merge pull request #644 from input-output-hk/olgahryniuk-patch-124 (cardano-documentation)
08:48:40 [e3655b95] fix: incorrect pagination when fetching top stake address holders (cf-explorer-api)
08:49:36 [25c3f016] Add push release to the release group (cardano-wallet)
08:49:36 [6bda72c2] Add push release tag to the release group (cardano-wallet)
08:49:37 [4a312047] Add artifacts push to release (cardano-wallet)
08:51:11 [bba462c6] chore: taking a fwe services down in uat mainnet (cf-explorer)
08:51:46 [534630b6] Add prometheus counters (blockperf)
08:54:05 [4d6438d4] clean up (mesh)
08:54:29 [32707c30] Merge pull request #1347 from cardano-foundation/fix/incorrect-pagination-when-fetching-top-stake-address-holders (cf-explorer-api)
08:57:17 [f2a81f2d] GITBOOK-107: minutes (core-infrastructure-documentation)
08:57:34 [798b0785] Fake step to check the token (cardano-wallet)
08:58:03 [b550afec] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
08:58:03 [62c2e757] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
08:58:03 [71fa06b7] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
08:58:06 [3d3b8dd1] GITBOOK-108: No subject (core-infrastructure-documentation)
08:59:02 [1b9f0709] Fake step to check the token (cardano-wallet)
08:59:16 [395331ea] chore: take schedules (cf-explorer)
09:05:18 [d13c449c] Try out new documentation export. (merkle-patricia-tree)
09:06:06 [c6be4259] feat: MET-2250 update text (cf-explorer-frontend)
09:06:54 [6d591472] Merge pull request #3815 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2250-bolnisi-landing-page (cf-explorer-frontend)
09:07:12 [f417cf8d] feat: menu - better spacing (catalyst-voices)
09:09:47 [73db68bd] feat: manage connections && support server longevity (cf-identity-wallet)
09:09:48 [e8c554e4] comment out blockfrost time tests (mesh)
09:10:02 [e6c6c4a6] further clean up for strica packages (mesh)
09:18:16 [eb654a48] build(hardware-trezor): bump @trezor/connect and @trezor/connect-web (cardano-js-sdk)
09:18:24 [9ee1ca8c] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@f417cf8db2e09abf2ee96b340aa6eb61438f9447 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
09:18:27 [2a490536] build(golden-test-generator): bump pkg (cardano-js-sdk)
09:18:29 [ffcbcf59] build: bump madge (cardano-js-sdk)
09:20:17 [3a5de0be] Add workflow to bump hydra spec flake input (#1584) (hydra)
09:24:51 [7f01a7ff] version 1.6.10 (mesh)
09:25:40 [449467f2] Merge branch 'input-output-hk:main' into main (catalyst-voices)
09:26:34 [4d94413e] Use other script for exporting pparams (hydra)
09:28:06 [5a33c236] chore(swap): Remove unused variable (yoroi-mobile)
09:28:19 [2c439726] Fix update-hydra-spec workflow (hydra)
09:29:39 [8054a9d9] Run `RunBuilder` tests with simulated FS (lsm-tree)
09:30:25 [42118970] release: 2.1.1 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
09:31:39 [f952fdfe] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi-mobile)
09:32:59 [6ffd08cb] chore: update the crate version and the changelog (mithril)
09:33:52 [933b15fa] Add `Cardano.Wallet.Read.Tx.TxOut` (cardano-wallet)
09:34:29 [1cf4e192] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi-mobile)
09:34:30 [28c2fd5f] feat(ui): update todo comment (cf-identity-wallet)
09:35:17 [e1290a4c] Fake step to check the token (cardano-wallet)
09:35:48 [5ca6d40b] Revert "chore(yoroi): update readme" (yoroi-mobile)
09:36:09 [7b03b595] test: add option to choose target cluster for deployed environments e2e tests (cardano-js-sdk)
09:36:51 [3f8f91e3] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi)
09:37:20 [54504210] Short contestation period so that it closes fast (hydra)
09:39:07 [4f427a59] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi)
09:39:57 [24baefaf] fix undefined call (hydra)
09:39:58 [77c51259] fix(catalyst_cardano_serialization): Update the missed `Balance` and `MultiAsset` classes (catalyst-voices)
09:40:30 [aa9736e3] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi-mobile)
09:40:51 [fb482d6e] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi-mobile)
09:43:10 [316978d6] deploy: 2c43972648b097becba06d5340e3af3671884c20 (hydra)
09:43:33 [12e7e9b2] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi-mobile)
09:44:50 [d803ba26] fixup! test: add option to choose target cluster for deployed environments e2e tests (cardano-js-sdk)
09:46:48 [a1b68b78] fix changelog (ouroboros-network)
09:47:22 [58d79c5c] Provide support for new queries in LocalStateQuery protocol (ouroboros-network)
09:51:12 [105f6903] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi-mobile)
09:51:42 [42222ccd] test(extension): quick fix dapp balance (lace)
09:52:36 [a8899440] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi-mobile)
09:53:10 [b16d15ed] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi)
09:54:08 [02c39e4a] bump versions and update changelogs (ouroboros-network)
09:55:19 [569cd34b] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi-mobile)
09:55:37 [92ea4d9c] ci: publish packages [skip actions] (cardano-js-sdk)
09:55:59 [3e06aed6] Versions bumps for cardano-client, o-n-protocols, and o-n-framework (ouroboros-network)
09:59:01 [e95de502] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi-mobile)
10:02:03 [864515bc] feat(#1600): add support for previous governance action data (govtool)
10:02:57 [94940405] fix: MET-2250 update layout (cf-explorer-frontend)
10:03:29 [5d37a847] Merge pull request #3816 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2250-bolnisi-landing-page (cf-explorer-frontend)
10:06:28 [2617109f] add failure handling on tx processing while head is open (hydra)
10:11:23 [05bc5218] Fix datum conversion in 'fromLedgerTxOuts' when using 'fromAlonzoTxOut' (cardano-api)
10:11:23 [8f0f7b26] add implementors (CIPs)
10:16:47 [89947364] add to implementors header field (CIPs)
10:17:52 [464964c0] change name of tool (sanchonet)
10:18:37 [6fff2ed8] test: MET-create automation test for native token (cf-explorer-frontend)
10:22:28 [0bc26b3f] docs(CIP): Add simple extension to embed any Cardano address into a CIP-0013 URI (CIPs)
10:24:00 [be4d25d6] Merge pull request #160 from KJES4/new-tool-cc (sanchonet)
10:25:12 [f8cabf97] deploy: be4d25d6c56a92c9cf44ce66b878a5ff579ebc39 (sanchonet)
10:29:38 [d5d5dab8] feat(ui): update todo comments (cf-identity-wallet)
10:31:35 [73fc4f86] Merge pull request #1804 from IntersectMBO/feat/1600-rendering-hard-fork-initiation-governance-actions-prev-gov-action (govtool)
10:31:45 [9b89d5c8] chore: rename field in TokenInfo entity (cf-java-cardano-common-explorer)
10:33:25 [4bd76018] [#1600] display hard fork initiation governance action details (govtool)
10:34:48 [1285280e] Merge pull request #249 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2281-rewrite-token-info-scheduled-job (cf-java-cardano-common-explorer)
10:37:30 [566d299a] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:38:03 [1a442221] Increased the probability of generating the same hash more than once (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:38:05 [643f829f] update resources page (sanchonet)
10:38:06 [dbe00155] Added a conformance ImpTest to try to catch the ccminsize bug (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:39:00 [3788d64b] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
10:39:00 [8ab66179] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
10:39:00 [d70e28c0] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
10:39:53 [9b3bc57a] Print out the exception when an ImpTestM example fails (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:40:36 [9486917f] update node ver (sanchonet)
10:42:28 [22d273e4] Compute pct of transactions confirmed (hydra)
10:44:20 [599158c0] fix: add logic to process token info in batches and add comments to the code (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
10:45:33 [83870fae] fix: add logic to process token info in batches and add comments to the code (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
10:46:03 [1c98452c] [IS-177]: load route from contract (cardano-ibc-incubator)
10:47:08 [8df6af15] Merge pull request #538 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2281-rewrite-token-info-scheduled-job-dev-test (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
10:47:37 [f04939e2] Print out the exception when an ImpTestM example fails (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:47:37 [7d695d75] Added a conformance ImpTest to try to catch the ccminsize bug (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:47:37 [230bf376] Increased the probability of generating the same hash more than once (cardano-ledger)
10:48:44 [aa295788] chore: adjust copy for cc votes (govtool)
10:50:00 [c849bd1b] fix: transaction note metadata format (lace)
10:50:30 [d5054b46] GITBOOK-526: No subject (Intersect-knowledge-base)
10:52:06 [cfab900e] Update comment in `CardanoProtocolParams`. (ouroboros-consensus)
10:52:34 [99856d15] Add variables to the release template (cardano-wallet)
10:53:57 [108f2871] feat: menu - add comments (catalyst-voices)
10:54:23 [f6a57155] 4% should work (hydra)
10:55:30 [794ac34f] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/governance-hw-support (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:53 [34a05b94] Remove FIXME, we'll discuss possible simplifications for this and (ouroboros-consensus)
10:57:50 [b67e2b95] chore: rename redis key (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
10:57:56 [ad3deca4] Format code (ouroboros-consensus)
10:58:17 [e111f7a9] chore: rename redis key (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
10:58:56 [26b40a9f] Add tx submission V2 protocol to the testnet sim (ouroboros-network)
11:01:00 [3c4bc36d] Use GITHUB_TOKEN instead of PUSH_ARTIFACTS_TOKEN (cardano-wallet)
11:01:06 [9c1c82ef] feat: Add close button prop for modal (cc-portal)
11:03:46 [af2fccd8] Merge pull request #104 from redoracle/staging (cardano-org)
11:03:57 [f9ddcda2] Added txs to the testnet diffusion sim (ouroboros-network)
11:04:17 [5d1c73e3] Merge branch 'main' into feat/ATL-6934 (open-enterprise-agent)
11:05:18 [d7998ef8] Use eraProtVerHigh + LatestKnownEra instead hardcoded numeral literals (ouroboros-consensus)
11:06:07 [74c6abb3] feature/readme: minor changes (cc-portal)
11:06:22 [90250aa9] feat: Decrease Constitution mobile font size (cc-portal)
11:07:26 [a83cca19] try: longer running default-dense (cardano-node)
11:07:39 [72a81e47] [EC Api] - Added: Weekly development report as of 2024-08-23 (essential-cardano-content)
11:12:07 [b31cfd94] fix: migrate to quill for generic secret storage (open-enterprise-agent)
11:12:55 [c93ff692] Add variables to the release template (cardano-wallet)
11:13:30 [51e4af12] wip (catalyst-voices)
11:13:41 [9664786a] Use GITHUB_TOKEN instead of PUSH_ARTIFACTS_TOKEN (cardano-wallet)
11:14:09 [5a13b540] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
11:14:09 [da30d52a] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
11:14:09 [14af3526] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
11:15:06 [86e2a6ec] Merge branch 'develop' into refactor/email-module (cc-portal)
11:16:29 [da59ee54] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
11:17:24 [25a6aa25] Add changelog fragments. (ouroboros-consensus)
11:18:18 [525263c9] WIP: RefCount module (lsm-tree)
11:18:27 [cfb52bbc] WIP: start using RefCount module (lsm-tree)
11:19:23 [5d03b462] Merge pull request #1803 from IntersectMBO/feat/1600-hardfork-initiation-details (govtool)
11:19:30 [ab374662] Add new `RefCount` module (lsm-tree)
11:20:14 [50b9daaf] Merge pull request #102 from kfkhalili/staging (cardano-org)
11:21:13 [3a439a73] add image (catalyst-voices)
11:22:33 [1d18537f] [EC Api] - Update: Weekly development report as of 2024-08-23 (essential-cardano-content)
11:22:34 [8cdb623b] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@51e4af127fc45723344ad5a461bb5700db8254a2 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
11:24:09 [e7086fe4] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
11:30:49 [938aaa93] feat: Remove Constitution card box view for mobile (cc-portal)
11:31:51 [98dcbb8a] wip (catalyst-voices)
11:31:59 [2af6b3bf] build: bump wasm dependencies (nami)
11:32:51 [489174a0] Merge pull request #1443 from input-output-hk/emmanuelamehiohkio/contrib/weekly-development-report-as-of-2024-08-23-1724411258819 (essential-cardano-content)
11:32:56 [4db20eed] fix (catalyst-voices)
11:35:31 [b1e91893] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
11:36:13 [8e0bb891] Merge branch 'main' into feat/493-add-integration-tests-covering-all-catalyst-cardano-web-functionalities (catalyst-voices)
11:37:22 [fe295a37] fix: rename Identity to Identifiers (cf-identity-wallet)
11:39:36 [85e5c9a6] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
11:39:47 [4d67d378] test(extension): rebalancing batches (lace)
11:40:18 [396322f7] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
11:41:18 [dddc5266] refactor: email module (#289) (cc-portal)
11:41:52 [280aa959] Remove compiler warnings (ouroboros-consensus)
11:44:16 [631a92b0] chore: move lace-blockchain-services to a separate repository (lace)
11:47:23 [8a1ed3fb] feat: decoupling JWT from Pollux and adding KID header to JWTs (#271) (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
11:49:39 [65c5ad17] committee_info fix (koios-artifacts)
11:53:15 [ffbc1455] Change Era from BabbageEra to ConwayEra (hydra)
11:53:58 [3fa36ec3] fixup! typed-protocols: new API (typed-protocols)
11:57:23 [516b2531] Improved haddocks, removed unused pragmas (extensions) (typed-protocols)
11:58:43 [e7ff7f10] fix: improve bitstring implementation (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
11:58:43 [0ffafe4a] fix: rename tests (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
11:58:43 [eba02072] fix: add test coverage for bitstring (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
11:58:43 [94aff400] fix: improve test coverage (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
12:00:10 [6da36e34] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/readme (cc-portal)
12:06:02 [0bbe5db1] Merge branch 'main' into feat/lw-10949-generate-json-file-in-activity (lace)
12:07:04 [fc699006] fix: pass down save action (cf-identity-wallet)
12:11:00 [1e762450] Turn of builds of plutus-scripts and downstream for Windows (credential-manager)
12:16:25 [9029d782] uncomment time test and add env check (mesh)
12:16:46 [a60f0f3a] test(extension): wait longer for collateral status change (lace)
12:17:54 [dce65b56] fix: bitstring improvement and test coverage (#270) (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
12:22:22 [97ca973a] Add testnet tx submission test (ouroboros-network)
12:22:24 [7c08625a] Koios 1.2.0a alpha (#298) (koios-artifacts)
12:25:57 [b158a12e] Add new `RefCount` module (lsm-tree)
12:27:57 [124d4d85] fix: remove unused code and simplify the oob implementation and include attachments (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
12:29:33 [c53a28b8] GITBOOK-527: readiness page (Intersect-knowledge-base)
12:31:27 [bca847cd] chore: add mainnet govtool domain to bug issue template (govtool)
12:35:28 [7710d09c] Start using the new `RefCounter` datatype (lsm-tree)
12:38:09 [5b0e0c0b] Mempool: reject txs that don't fit in an empty mempool (#1225) (ouroboros-consensus)
12:41:51 [b3faff01] Merge pull request #1885 from michalrus/LW-11112-file-scheme-urls (mithril)
12:43:14 [9d57bc52] docs: fix broken link in base readme (govtool)
12:45:45 [44011921] deploy: b3faff01e987ce2353bb91a1cade117d28e934b4 (mithril)
12:45:55 [c3b074f1] feat: menu - fix focus (catalyst-voices)
12:46:20 [212546c9] Added plutus-core- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:46:23 [82012d29] Added plutus-ledger-api- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:46:24 [6a0121fd] Added plutus-tx- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:46:24 [bee47d64] Added plutus-tx-plugin- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:46:25 [8570006b] Added prettyprinter-configurable- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
12:49:04 [91fbd853] Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/main' into feat/uikit-menu (catalyst-voices)
12:50:44 [7a2a047c] Mempool: reject txs that don't fit in an empty mempool (ouroboros-consensus)
12:52:54 [cb40b84e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:56:41 [4222926f] feat(catalyst_cardano_serialization): add CborEncodable interface for standardized CBOR handling (#696) (catalyst-voices)
12:59:52 [19c87bda] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
13:02:11 [1daee61e] Remove Haddock from inside data declaration (plutus)
13:02:55 [95ef89e2] fix (catalyst-voices)
13:06:52 [d1016409] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@4222926f028460ddb100008806fe39a38ac3511c 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
13:09:53 [aec93124] fix: JdbcPresentationRepositorySpecSuite and add WalletAccessContex to the PresentationRecord (atala-prism-building-blocks)
13:12:49 [9eb64820] feature/readme: minor changes (cc-portal)
13:28:24 [dcd3b796] GITBOOK-529: wallets-23-aug (Intersect-knowledge-base)
13:29:29 [d3f39871] Make TestHttpServer able to run through an unix socket (mithril)
13:29:29 [b7fb81b4] Move message structure to an `entities` module since it will be shared (mithril)
13:29:29 [f10f16ee] Scaffold fake node with a simple directory observer for message input (mithril)
13:29:30 [3b5064f2] Add read capability to the SocketClient (new name of SocketWriter) (mithril)
13:29:30 [61bf601a] Add `HttpUnixSocketWriter` in `mithril-common` (mithril)
13:29:30 [948f28d4] Use a `lib` to manage fake node imports (mithril)
13:29:30 [7f096943] Add http server over unix socket on fake node (mithril)
13:29:30 [9ceacb4f] Further scaffold fake node by handling logs, startup & shutdown (mithril)
13:29:31 [02bd00dd] Handle error case in SocketClient::read (mithril)
13:29:31 [e0b4b346] Make clippy happier & some code quality enhancement (mithril)
13:29:31 [a6a5b590] Add `MessageListener` (mithril)
13:29:31 [20ffb54f] Implement `/pull-signatures` on fake node (mithril)
13:29:32 [8e012dbe] Add `/register-signatures` POST route to http server on fake node socket (mithril)
13:29:32 [26543c6b] Add `peers_input_directories` param to fake node + add alternate log format (mithril)
13:29:32 [857ff4c0] Fake node now listen for message in its input folder (mithril)
13:30:20 [9351e28f] Mempool: reject txs that don't fit in an empty mempool (#1225) (ouroboros-consensus)
13:30:43 [f95581c4] Fix consumed_tx_out for Byron (cardano-db-sync)
13:31:45 [e077cdd0] fix: migrate to quill for generic secret storage (#1299) (atala-prism-building-blocks)
13:36:52 [1c99602d] [ADP-3215] Add `TxOut` type to `Cardano.Wallet.Read.Tx` (#4698) (cardano-wallet)
13:37:16 [c82d2e9a] Adjust `PoolVotingThresholds` (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:37:35 [66656954] Add SPO vote to `electBasicCommittee` (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:37:35 [345a510c] WIP - Update `RatifySpec` with SPO votes (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:37:36 [a45db0bc] Refactor (cardano-ledger)
13:37:36 [509567a3] WIP - Update `GovSpec` with SPO votes (cardano-ledger)
13:37:36 [1f485d97] WIP - Update `EpochSpec` with SPO votes (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:37:36 [f7394d60] WIP - Update `GovCertSpec` with SPO votes (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:37:46 [e9a07edc] feat: readme (#290) (cc-portal)
13:46:41 [15905502] fixup! fixup! test: add option to choose target cluster for deployed environments e2e tests (cardano-js-sdk)
13:54:55 [24ad2469] Remove Haddock from inside data declaration (#6430) (plutus)
13:55:19 [c3a66216] Scaffold `MessageSender` (mithril)
13:59:05 [7435dfd0] Switch back to pallas crates release now that 0.30.0 is out. (aiken)
14:00:05 [919abb39] Versions bumps for cardano-client, o-n-protocols, and o-n-framework (ouroboros-network)
14:01:25 [51e15c03] Fix UpdateDRepCert variant argument. (pallas)
14:01:25 [4d8a4965] Expose private struct fields for ExUnitPrices. (pallas)
14:04:39 [fbe6f02f] Allow assignment as last expression (aiken)
14:04:40 [9aa9070f] Revise desugaring following feedback (aiken)
14:04:40 [70e760cb] Fill-in CHANGELOG regarding last expect and tests now accepting Void. (aiken)
14:04:49 [842001dc] Merge branch 'desugar-last-assignment' (aiken)
14:06:33 [ccf4c2ce] fix: implementing oob presentation flow (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
14:07:11 [05a3d5fb] Revert "Switch back to pallas crates release now that 0.30.0 is out." (aiken)
14:08:58 [a097464a] feat: menu - add tests (catalyst-voices)
14:09:34 [b391717a] WIP (cardano-ledger)
14:10:07 [c3b28750] Fix link_tree test following 0ff12b92 (aiken)
14:16:25 [6cf3e786] test(extension): add basic tests for Custom Submit API (lace)
14:17:27 [c92b2602] Fix gen_uplc tests following: 0f905045 (aiken)
14:17:53 [3fa70186] fix: transaction note metadata format (#1379) (lace)
14:17:54 [a71d7c26] Fix doc_test examples for 'common_prefix' (aiken)
14:20:07 [8b18a56a] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@a097464a243199bd3271ac84ef7ec4aac6be7c12 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
14:20:09 [a134921b] feat: implement new validator parsing (aiken)
14:20:10 [411cb977] feat: fix inference comp issues (aiken)
14:20:10 [0739244b] feat: return a vec instead of Option (aiken)
14:20:10 [20564c13] feat: adjust blueprint stuff to be aware of handlers (aiken)
14:20:10 [3257508a] fix: make sure that fallback gets it's own scope with params (aiken)
14:20:10 [6dbf65fe] feat: new formatting for validators v3 (aiken)
14:20:10 [a9266217] feat: append validator name to handlers (aiken)
14:20:10 [c976b504] feat: impl infer for new validators (aiken)
14:20:11 [c0230783] test: new snapshots for parsing v3 validators (aiken)
14:20:11 [19bd22c7] feat: transform TypedValidator in a function of handlers (aiken)
14:20:11 [b7ed47b9] fix: format snapshot tests (aiken)
14:20:11 [cc83f38d] fix: more test and issues with scoping/names (aiken)
14:20:11 [8a9081d5] fix: map fallback name if present to else (aiken)
14:20:11 [783acfae] feat: handler implicit some and none (aiken)
14:20:12 [45f1e106] fix: more parse errors in some tests (aiken)
14:20:12 [6f673ab0] fix: private type leaks (aiken)
14:20:12 [b69c708a] chore: convert hello_world to v3 (aiken)
14:20:12 [492e08ce] Fix validator arity check (aiken)
14:20:12 [17402dd7] fix: redeemer could be missing (aiken)
14:20:12 [1223666d] Define ScriptPurpose & ScriptContext types in prelude, fix codegen new v3 wrapper. (aiken)
14:20:12 [f4a0d3f8] Adjust v3 script context end-to-end tests to work with new syntax. (aiken)
14:20:13 [ef9b9627] feat: new check for valid purpose names (aiken)
14:20:13 [6ffbc8da] feat: switch mint to new def (aiken)
14:20:13 [ff378594] fix: free unique on purpose arg (aiken)
14:20:13 [f87380ae] fix: wrap_validator_condition needs to happen earlier (aiken)
14:20:13 [5a8f04bb] chore: add more redacted values to machine errors (aiken)
14:20:13 [43ba4d9c] Fix ordering for ScriptInfo type (aiken)
14:20:14 [888acfd6] fix: withdraw kinda (aiken)
14:20:14 [0cfc4d4e] Fix type for mint scriptinfo (aiken)
14:20:14 [5d6ace3c] feat: handler withdraw purpose (aiken)
14:20:14 [4aa17e3c] chore: run fmt on mint (aiken)
14:23:17 [4c682d7e] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
14:24:53 [39c5a29e] Handle (though discard) first script purpose argument of publish and propose. (aiken)
14:24:53 [acda2e25] Finish re-working machine errors display. (aiken)
14:24:53 [d22aa0ac] Update remaining script context e2e tests. (aiken)
14:24:53 [6ebaecd1] DRY builtins types creation to ensure proper consistency. (aiken)
14:24:53 [ace3d67c] DRY handlers generation from validator (aiken)
14:24:53 [323d54ce] remove v2 script contexts acceptance tests. (aiken)
14:24:53 [2c963b0f] Fix few blueprint generation tests (aiken)
14:24:54 [6061f624] chore: fix some tests that now correctly fail due to arity checks (aiken)
14:24:54 [1958c62d] feat: enforcement that spend first arg is option (aiken)
14:24:57 [3f9accfa] Update 2024-08-23T14:24:57Z (capkgs)
14:29:07 [8076e177] Add `maryTxLongOutput` (cardano-wallet)
14:31:13 [2195bdd9] aded custom hook for verified tokens (yoroi-frontend)
14:35:47 [51b71764] chore(wallet-mobile): price impl (yoroi-mobile)
14:36:25 [53f6486b] chore(portfolio): updated is-primary-token for null/undefined/string (yoroi)
14:37:08 [1dc29cb7] create-testnet-data: add test demonstrating the bug that the totalSupply value from the template is ignored (cardano-cli)
14:37:47 [249f0acf] Merge branch 'refs/heads/main' into test-maintenance-2308 (lace)
14:37:59 [fcf4ebbd] create-testnet-data: take default value of --total-supply from shelley genesis + default delegated supply to half the total supply (no default anymore) (cardano-cli)
14:39:05 [1b3d1068] feature/readme-master: added readme (cc-portal)
14:50:07 [df214b46] Merge branch 'input-output-hk:main' into main (catalyst-voices)
14:52:29 [e870c064] chore(gha): refactor vercel job so it supports PR deploys (cf-explorer-landing)
14:52:44 [9980291d] gnuplot test (cardano-node)
14:54:16 [4a3a4b18] chore(gha): fix steps order (cf-explorer-landing)
14:54:36 [3099439b] Improved haddocks, removed unused pragmas (extensions) (typed-protocols)
14:54:40 [cdb6259d] Core module cannot be checked with stylish-haskell (typed-protocols)
14:55:58 [1bc329f7] try: remove duplicate delay/trace (cardano-node)
14:56:09 [c1e25560] fix: run sh script fix for mac. (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
14:58:24 [242b599d] Merge pull request #665 from cardano-foundation/chore/update-keria-docker-image-source (cf-identity-wallet)
14:59:30 [34c282e6] Delete Cardano.Api.Protocol.Version (cardano-api)
15:02:37 [c47bb8a6] feature(governance): hw cardano app version not supported (yoroi)
15:04:55 [2847a16a] Add Cardano.Api.Experimental.Eras (cardano-api)
15:05:28 [59700c88] Update constructBalancedTx to use new experimental api (cardano-api)
15:05:54 [908b2fc0] chore: promote live-preprod@eu-central-1 to live (cardano-js-sdk)
15:06:25 [03a956c1] Update BalancedTxBody era to use UnsignedTx (cardano-api)
15:07:00 [de7b74a9] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
15:08:51 [de894fd9] feat(catalyst_cardano_serialization): initial implementation for supporting Cardano Native and Plutus scripts (#710) (catalyst-voices)
15:08:53 [d35dff7f] fixed broken type class application (formal-ledger-specifications)
15:10:10 [a59ce929] Merge pull request #873 from IntersectMBO/mgalazyn/fix/estimated-fee-rendering (cardano-cli)
15:10:40 [2e265ef0] Expose various functions (cardano-api)
15:11:16 [b35373ee] Add variables to the release template (cardano-wallet)
15:11:16 [946cbc2e] Use GITHUB_TOKEN instead of PUSH_ARTIFACTS_TOKEN (cardano-wallet)
15:11:53 [7f6a4448] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
15:11:53 [2fdc3ec3] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
15:11:53 [eee44b3b] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
15:12:09 [8174b358] Add Cardano.Api.Experimental.Tx (cardano-api)
15:14:16 [09b9d3c2] Update cabal file and change log (cardano-api)
15:14:34 [156599e8] chore(yoroi): update readme (yoroi-mobile)
15:15:53 [44f612f5] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
15:15:53 [ef07b314] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
15:15:53 [8ac80a47] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
15:16:26 [152cc946] fix(cardano-wallet): lint (yoroi)
15:17:19 [1f302340] chore(git): added .githooks (automated commit by gha run id 10527829040) (cf-explorer-landing)
15:17:19 [e494b105] chore(Makefile): added base Makefile (automated commit by gha run id 10527829040) (cf-explorer-landing)
15:18:55 [e7d890aa] create-testnet-data: take default value of --total-supply from shelley genesis + default delegated supply to half the total supply (no default anymore) (cardano-cli)
15:18:55 [d50328ba] create-testnet-data: add test demonstrating the bug that the totalSupply value from the template is ignored (cardano-cli)
15:18:57 [717358b5] Use cardano-profile (cardano-node)
15:21:46 [9b0e9881] Add variables to the release template (cardano-wallet)
15:22:20 [14c25cae] Use GITHUB_TOKEN instead of PUSH_ARTIFACTS_TOKEN (cardano-wallet)
15:22:43 [e2273e5c] chore(e2e): rename some env vars with TEST_* prefix (cardano-js-sdk)
15:22:50 [ca59afc1] chore(gha): added comment on PR step for vercel deploys (cf-explorer-landing)
15:22:52 [f85f899c] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
15:22:52 [2ad86202] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
15:22:52 [72197060] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
15:24:19 [f920ca9e] Merge pull request #1 from cardano-foundation/chore/add-pr-support-for-vercel (cf-explorer-landing)
15:24:55 [f0cbfc5f] change policy json (cardano-token-registry)
15:25:15 [323f576f] Merge pull request #604 from IntersectMBO/jordan/adjust-new-api-and-propagate-to-tx (cardano-api)
15:25:24 [f858e3ea] Deprecate createAndValidateTransactionBody (cardano-api)
15:26:21 [3f1386f9] Use GITHUB_TOKEN instead of PUSH_ARTIFACTS_TOKEN (cardano-wallet)
15:26:58 [401f6579] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
15:26:58 [ed194a37] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
15:26:58 [1258290a] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
15:28:07 [96e6674a] [#1600] refactor passing props to GA details, fix ts problems (govtool)
15:29:01 [df239930] Add `maryTxLongOutput` (cardano-wallet)
15:29:08 [e191b582] change value policy json (cardano-token-registry)
15:29:39 [a83d91f0] fixup! fixup! fixup! test: add option to choose target cluster for deployed environments e2e tests (cardano-js-sdk)
15:31:16 [26f69808] Remove `Managed` abstraction in favour of `TempRegistry` (lsm-tree)
15:32:14 [8c954a45] Adapt golden files (cardano-cli)
15:33:10 [ee83a319] Experiment 3 (cardano-db-sync)
15:35:05 [8de90f8e] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 24ad24691185ca46bb06126a12e2e5b93efaa9b9 (plutus)
15:36:10 [e7238e5c] Generate code for a366df1da5cb9f0b141de10e53ea83bf5c4f0e6b (formal-ledger-specifications)
15:37:41 [adbe1bce] add new token (cardano-token-registry)
15:38:55 [7a8d712e] add placeholders for orders page (yoroi-frontend)
15:39:14 [0629ea3a] GITBOOK-530: Neil Burgess Chang readiness Aug 24 (Intersect-knowledge-base)
15:40:19 [20282392] feat: LinksPageFooter, CatalystSvgPicture + Examples (catalyst-voices)
15:41:33 [a908c66a] fix: fixing develop instance (cc-portal)
15:43:09 [a70b647b] Fix using of absolute paths in prettify script (cardano-api)
15:45:02 [fcf66fc7] feat: use brans-data volume (cf-identity-wallet)
15:53:24 [6280fe12] cardano-testnet: honor --max-supply value, by passing it to --create-testnet-data (cardano-node)
15:55:51 [1484b86b] `MessageSender` can now forward message to one peer (mithril)
15:57:55 [137a18d2] Add a release note template (cardano-wallet)
15:57:58 [6721243d] delete policy json (cardano-token-registry)
15:58:09 [5e21df82] Add a push nightly tag script (cardano-wallet)
15:58:10 [044042f3] Add a release step to update the nightly release (cardano-wallet)
15:58:10 [9b4456c3] Add a release step to update the nightly tag (cardano-wallet)
15:58:10 [860149c2] Add artifacts push to nightly release (cardano-wallet)
15:58:10 [ffce9a7e] Add push nightly release script (cardano-wallet)
15:58:11 [ba62cf2a] Group nightly steps and fix release group deps (cardano-wallet)
15:58:11 [110460e5] Add a release step to push artifacts to the nightly release (cardano-wallet)
15:58:11 [99b8dc55] Change main pipeline conditions to allow artifacts creations on test-rc builds (cardano-wallet)
15:58:12 [3abd121a] Add push release to the release group (cardano-wallet)
15:58:12 [1715135e] Add push release tag to the release group (cardano-wallet)
15:59:45 [3552a65d] Remove Ambassador Harm-Jan Smit upon his request (cardano-org)
16:00:18 [4e50f2cd] Remove `CommonProtocolParams` (ouroboros-consensus)
16:02:04 [9b979aa6] `MessageSender` can now forward message to multiple peers (mithril)
16:02:27 [faf2c1c8] Add a configuration option for the merge schedule (lsm-tree)
16:03:01 [a1ff324b] Make fake node forward message to peers (mithril)
16:03:41 [28964d31] feat: ledger UTxO tracking (node)
16:09:05 [a271a53f] fix: run sh script fix for mac. (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
16:09:05 [27bd829e] fix: remove unused code and simplify the oob implementation and include attachments (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
16:09:05 [d3e16ff7] fix: add documentation (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
16:09:05 [440df5a4] fix: add test for expired oob invitation (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
16:09:05 [29c72199] fix: implementing oob presentation flow (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
16:10:14 [eda3eac9] Add artifacts push to release (cardano-wallet)
16:10:14 [82839b62] Add variables to the release template (cardano-wallet)
16:10:54 [fca2b920] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
16:10:54 [66f55b4c] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
16:10:54 [2a4c7b84] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
16:12:05 [17676fb0] wip (catalyst-voices)
16:14:23 [88771478] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
16:14:36 [dda19c12] chore: refactor ledger (gouroboros)
16:15:18 [d7253d46] wip (catalyst-voices)
16:15:48 [28fe2c1f] post-merge fixes (yoroi-frontend)
16:16:04 [911e2daf] Add a configuration option for the merge schedule (lsm-tree)
16:17:25 [2a0e3739] removed comments (yoroi-frontend)
16:17:38 [43731220] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
16:18:07 [d003f00d] fix (catalyst-voices)
16:19:44 [a794b713] deploy: 323f576fd1d1754943094d415c7319cb342813fb (cardano-api)
16:21:16 [da4909f0] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
16:22:24 [1fee9f9c] chore: add mainnet govtool domain to bug issue template (govtool)
16:23:08 [0831c555] change publicKey json (cardano-token-registry)
16:23:45 [6aca36ca] feat: update VoicesSpacesExample (catalyst-voices)
16:25:10 [6fdf0058] Fix DirectoryObserver: deserialize the crate Message type instead of a subtype (mithril)
16:27:06 [eedfc663] Improve variable names and db-sync check contitional (cardano-node-tests)
16:27:24 [e6c880fc] Merge pull request #3607 from Emurgo/ruslan/post-merge-fix (yoroi-frontend)
16:29:38 [e4db0575] Make a dbsync Plutus cost check xfail on issue 1825 (cardano-node-tests)
16:32:18 [1e313798] feat: cip-119 support on metadata-validation service (govtool)
16:32:18 [9d3f9ee3] feat: cip-119 support on haskell backend (govtool)
16:32:22 [7676f283] Merge pull request #2576 from IntersectMBO/xfail_on_dbsync_issue_1825 (cardano-node-tests)
16:32:30 [575e0ee9] chore(#1809): bump infra to use [email protected] (govtool)
16:36:55 [1dd1f89e] fix (catalyst-voices)
16:37:22 [664e5aba] feat: ledger UTxO tracking (#98) (node)
16:38:04 [888b7ba0] Reworker fake node logging: removed slog_scope, pass a parent logger in ctor instead (mithril)
16:38:47 [3ffc3ecc] chore: bump crates versions (mithril)
16:38:47 [92dc3060] fix: compute correct epoch to sign for Cardano stake distribution (mithril)
16:39:44 [6274b7aa] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
16:40:15 [21a90a06] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:44:38 [035dd13f] chore: bump @intersect.mbo/pdf-ui to v0.3.7 (govtool)
16:48:08 [745c5b87] change policy new in json (cardano-token-registry)
16:49:37 [dc8e597c] value-xl (cardano-node)
16:51:06 [32d602ac] feature/readme-master: added docker-compose.yaml (cc-portal)
16:54:17 [ed9d5a2a] imp: adds nushell list compare for nixosCfg/ssh/ips check (cardano-playground)
16:55:04 [82f68131] tmpl imp: adds nushell list compare for nixosCfg/ssh/ips check (cardano-parts)
16:56:07 [54213461] deploy: a59ce929a7c84ef064966468bd3d9c85ed2a0b15 (cardano-cli)
17:02:56 [9c036a3f] [#1801] refactor passing props to GA details, fix ts problems (govtool)
17:03:16 [e16d2f26] [#1600] hide hadfork initiation details outside details tab (govtool)
17:03:56 [f5a9674f] Merge pull request #199 from blockfrost/chore/release211 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
17:04:01 [861fb11e] Merge pull request #621 from IntersectMBO/mgalazyn/chore/fix-prettify-with-absolute-paths (cardano-api)
17:05:03 [2a0f28d3] GITBOOK-528: update to releases (Intersect-knowledge-base)
17:06:19 [2f3bc4e3] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
17:06:23 [e069bd6b] tmpl imp: use higher sensitivity expr for node restart alerts (cardano-parts)
17:06:32 [25ef06d8] chore(yoroi): update readme (#3556) (yoroi-mobile)
17:07:15 [ef494751] imp: use higher sensitivity expr for node restart alerts (cardano-playground)
17:07:52 [39560369] chore(swap): Remove unused variable (#3555) (yoroi-mobile)
17:09:05 [97921c6e] feature(governance): no funds warning (#3554) (yoroi-mobile)
17:28:01 [64a653ae] chore: update README.md (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
17:30:04 [d800104c] test (plu-ts)
17:34:49 [792a9d35] chore: update README.md (#190) (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
17:40:19 [ac6e8c4f] value-xl (cardano-node)
17:47:30 [e5cf641a] Remove Ambassador Harm-Jan Smit upon his request (#105) (cardano-org)
17:57:28 [1118dd21] deploy: 861fb11ecc2b699e16433c3d4019fec1caceb463 (cardano-api)
18:00:40 [3b7ff0d1] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
18:00:40 [fec7f214] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
18:00:40 [8e835fab] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
18:02:19 [f74a9b01] chore: update CONTRIBUTING.md links (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
18:03:45 [6bfd5fa1] feat: Constitution page sidebar refactoring (cc-portal)
18:05:06 [605be2fc] Update ps-cip30 to v1.0.1 (cardano-transaction-lib)
18:05:55 [a7d7f384] merge develop (yoroi-mobile)
18:09:51 [362b4ae2] merge develop (yoroi-mobile)
18:15:06 [0437927d] chore: update CONTRIBUTING.md links (#191) (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
18:15:56 [0add5074] merge develop (yoroi-mobile)
18:20:05 [5e156726] Deprecate createAndValidateTransactionBody (cardano-api)
18:21:05 [58d912e5] Add test case (cardano-api)
18:23:02 [8c49b593] ATL-7659: API Supports ValidFrom And ValidTo (atala-prism-building-blocks)
18:23:27 [b74ef98b] Added DebugTools (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:26:13 [6bd92c6d] fix: add missing CIP-119 doNotList to metadata-validation (govtool)
18:26:25 [0d7af680] value-xl (cardano-node)
18:32:10 [966462bd] Merge pull request #597 from IntersectMBO/jordan/deprecate-createAndValidateTransactionBody (cardano-api)
18:51:49 [c2f25b87] Fix bounds and bump `cardano-ledger-conway-test` to `` (cardano-ledger)
18:52:48 [fb168c2b] Fix version in `cardano-ledger-conway` changelog (cardano-ledger)
18:55:54 [d86b1462] Fix incorrect version in Conway CHANGELOG (cardano-ledger)
19:02:18 [154cd4b7] Release (plutus)
19:05:36 [927c5c95] chore(e2e): remove Blockfrost providers from client testing (cardano-js-sdk)
19:11:04 [9ee706b4] feat: Add isActive label on Constitution revision card (cc-portal)
19:15:20 [b19f514d] feat: API Supports ValidFrom And ValidTo (#1298) (open-enterprise-agent)
19:16:14 [54c12e7a] feat: contactless presentation request (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
19:22:29 [1b856d62] Fix bounds and bump `cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-test` to `` (cardano-ledger)
19:22:29 [244c2912] Fix bounds and bump `cardano-ledger-babbage-test` to `` (cardano-ledger)
19:24:20 [44d576a5] docs: inline docs (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
19:25:35 [a0627c26] deploy: 966462bdadcf332704dd32232eb4fb405b3c83ca (cardano-api)
19:26:43 [6955150b] scale: mn relays -25% from recent peak (cardano-ops)
19:27:00 [050c86ba] feature(governance): hw support (#3548) (yoroi-mobile)
19:28:00 [d2484cc3] refactor: remove unused methods (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
19:36:12 [d5180548] Added plutus-core- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
19:36:16 [167d769e] Added plutus-tx- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
19:36:16 [f06c474a] Added plutus-ledger-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
19:36:17 [28dfcf56] Added prettyprinter-configurable- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
19:36:24 [f5e2ffb5] [#1801] refactor passing props to GA details, fix ts problems (govtool)
19:36:25 [e40ecc84] [#1600] hide hadfork initiation details outside details tab (govtool)
19:59:56 [71752edf] Refactor and use pallas nonce (cncli)
20:03:38 [00e14f42] Bump CHaP and nix flake (cardano-ledger)
20:06:01 [002f6527] Postporocess for cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-test (cardano-ledger)
20:06:01 [095936ea] Add version entry to cardano-ledger-alonzo-test CHANGELOG (cardano-ledger)
20:06:01 [4234cd08] Postprocess for cardano-ledger-conway-test (cardano-ledger)
20:06:01 [72ff2e5f] Postporocess for cardano-ledger-shelley-test (cardano-ledger)
20:06:01 [a65e4f78] Postporocess for cardano-ledger-babbage-test (cardano-ledger)
20:07:03 [cc388f2b] Update logback-classic to 1.5.7 in main (atala-prism-mediator)
20:07:23 [aa9e4e06] imp: add blockperf module w/ prom capable mvp pkg w/ scrape (cardano-parts)
20:16:41 [e8db126e] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
20:16:41 [8c888c77] Added cardano-ledger-conway-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
20:16:41 [962350cc] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
20:16:41 [2bae9353] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
20:16:41 [08612666] Added cardano-crypto-wrapper- (cardano-haskell-packages)
20:16:41 [698141a1] Added cardano-ledger-babbage-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
20:32:31 [53bed009] feat: use __fallback in bluprint for the else (aiken)
20:34:32 [c03d97fd] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:36:55 [f146109c] Add cardano-addresses core project (cardano-base)
20:37:04 [345806fa] Add cardano-addresses-cli project (cardano-base)
20:37:04 [7fa45192] Add cardano-addresses-jsapi project (cardano-base)
20:38:39 [0b84f319] Update hie file (cardano-base)
20:46:33 [434038ad] tmpl imp: add cardano-blockperf dashboard (cardano-parts)
20:51:56 [07e640fd] Merge branch 'develop' into reference-script-tiered-fees (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
21:01:32 [14f8c026] Merge pull request #4562 from IntersectMBO/td/fix-changelog (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:01:46 [64cfa2d0] Fix bounds and bump `cardano-ledger-conway-test` to `` (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:01:46 [1fb0cfb8] Bump CHaP and nix flake (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:01:46 [d82ac691] Fix bounds and bump `cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-test` to `` (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:01:46 [51f7cecd] Fix bounds and bump `cardano-ledger-babbage-test` to `` (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:01:46 [cd3e72c9] Update RELEASING instructions (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:02:08 [4158b7c5] Postporcess from release in https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-haskell-packages/pull/872 (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:02:30 [168014c0] Postporocess for release in https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-haskell-packages/pull/874 (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:04:11 [1ce1f718] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
21:04:11 [e3d35e08] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
21:04:11 [56e42747] Added cardano-crypto-wrapper- (cardano-haskell-packages)
21:04:11 [9b8b9522] Added cardano-ledger-conway-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
21:04:11 [85f388af] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
21:04:11 [be110e5c] Added cardano-ledger-babbage-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
21:04:24 [a16190d2] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 14f8c026da66d9bc50cb4ec1147abb368256769a (cardano-ledger)
21:06:05 [d860efaf] chore: adjust copy for cc votes (govtool)
21:15:54 [94e906c8] feat: annotated data for option datum (aiken)
21:18:11 [08a41122] chore: accept updated snapshot (aiken)
21:23:39 [e4e3ec48] incorporate suggestions from PR review and improve fail messages (formal-ledger-specifications)
21:32:55 [577dadb7] Update populate-next-epoch-nonce.sh (koios-artifacts)
21:42:20 [a74cc569] docs: add and refactor Intersect boilerplate docs (cc-portal)
21:47:24 [987aa615] chore: refactor ledger (gouroboros)
21:48:12 [99b3f969] tmpl imp: add cardano-blockperf dashboard (cardano-parts)
21:48:38 [3952824b] imp: add cardano-blockperf dashboard (cardano-playground)
21:49:03 [63b72caf] Generate code for dd4b9953417698dec2fe42b12d58b934f797612d (formal-ledger-specifications)
21:55:00 [ed52f1b7] Release (#6431) (plutus)
22:00:57 [29f43b3f] chore(deps): update to adder 0.23.1 and gouroboros 0.92.1 (#34) (buidler-fest-2024-workshop)
22:01:38 [f2ca6d7a] Added plutus-core- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:01:42 [1712a95c] Added plutus-ledger-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:01:43 [a575746a] Added prettyprinter-configurable- (cardano-haskell-packages)
22:01:43 [b45c1869] Added plutus-tx- (cardano-haskell-packages)
22:02:51 [6c995aca] ci: use go 1.22 for builds/tests and 1.23 for tests (cardano-up)
22:11:54 [b07dac19] Update populate-next-epoch-nonce.sh (#299) (koios-artifacts)
22:36:37 [896b2eec] chore: refactor ledger (gouroboros)
22:43:38 [c247e405] feat: make pipeline compatible with Conway era (scrolls)
22:45:37 [89293d98] feat: make pipeline compatible with Conway era (#168) (scrolls)
22:52:08 [6417649e] Plutus/release (#875) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:54:47 [32a7cd7c] chore: refactor ledger (gouroboros)
22:57:31 [abb4f9c0] Update from 6417649e5bfabf75c484cf0739094bd93ce679cc (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:59:13 [5ba5bc03] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:59:13 [309b11ca] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:59:23 [7b442454] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 14f8c026da66d9bc50cb4ec1147abb368256769a (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:59:24 [4fb5bc60] Updated from 14f8c026da66d9bc50cb4ec1147abb368256769a via push (cardano-ledger)
23:01:42 [0cb9f7cd] 🟩 beta.explorer.cardano.org (mainnet frontend) is up (200 in 130 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:43 [58dbb599] 🟩 preprod.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preprod frontend) is up (200 in 327 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:43 [d59928f6] 🟩 preview.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preview frontend) is up (200 in 262 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:01 [d9e65e88] Added plutus-tx-plugin- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
23:03:13 [b7eb9a74] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:14 [567e831a] 🟩 mainnet - Auth API is up (401 in 625 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:16 [400cc61b] 🟩 preprod - API is up (200 in 1345 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:16 [30213c84] 🟩 preprod - Auth API is up (401 in 431 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:17 [5c87f01f] 🟥 preview - API is down (404 in 133 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:17 [f7660ca6] 🟩 preview - Auth API is up (401 in 417 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:51 [795f1ade] 🟩 API (Batch) is up (204 in 164 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:03:51 [e92dc4c6] 🟩 API (Specific property) is up (204 in 164 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:03:51 [63862e82] 🟩 API (All properties) is up (204 in 838 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:04:13 [abb3ca71] [ADP-3215] Add `maryTxLongOutput` (#4750) (cardano-wallet)
23:05:39 [5f20c4da] 🟥 1694ballot.cardano.org is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:40 [10ddafc7] 🟥 event-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:41 [21af7916] 🟥 blockchain-follower-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:42 [4458c46f] 🟥 get-votes-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:42 [35370f90] 🟥 login-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:42 [1a97124d] 🟥 cast-vote-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:43 [7c199cc9] 🟥 get-vote-receipt-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:19:06 [5d3609c5] chore: update README.md links (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
23:35:05 [7e788e06] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for ed52f1b7f3a503edb5a02e64ea251fafeadd295e (plutus)
23:37:07 [7439686f] chore: update CONTRIBUTING.md links (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
23:43:18 [027ec11b] connect basic utxo events (dolos)
23:53:18 [2bb1cc92] revert strica (mesh)