Home / Reports / Mar 1, 2021

Monday, March 1, 2021

611 commits had been pushed across 52 repos by 76 authors. There were 260,197 additions and 70,301 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:05:54 [23b09b86] Change wording for sendall of primary asset (yoroi-frontend)
00:18:58 [204759c8] More fixes for ghc 9.0.1 (haskell.nix)
00:47:12 [e208f819] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:02:21 [5e095b5a] Automatic update for Mon Mar 1 01:02:21 UTC 2021 (stackage.nix)
01:10:22 [3bce0587] Automatic update for Mon Mar 1 01:10:20 UTC 2021 (hackage.nix)
01:12:03 [81ccb0ac] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:15:35 [14e8e451] Remove unused file (metadata-server)
01:16:51 [cc7509be] Rename anSignatures -> signatures in JSON (metadata-server)
01:49:15 [0d92e223] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:06:01 [6aa16446] Fix warnings (cardano-metadata-submitter)
02:28:08 [3948b042] 4.0.4 (yoroi-frontend)
02:30:13 [bb86a4d0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:34:07 [33fbdfeb] Change wording for sendall of primary asset (#1944) (yoroi-frontend)
02:42:23 [0d781c04] Switch from cabal 3.2 to 3.4 (#1058) (haskell.nix)
02:43:13 [2e5b5ec6] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hans) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:15 [137cc1a1] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:16 [ca34b808] New translations en-US.json (id-ID) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:17 [807fc442] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:18 [ef393d13] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hant) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:20 [893c72bf] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:21 [3704729f] New translations en-US.json (Slovak) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:23 [6c8a43d6] New translations en-US.json (ru-RU) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:24 [735eb684] New translations en-US.json (ko-KR) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:25 [06a7e52c] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:27 [e4ab2136] New translations en-US.json (ja-JP) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:28 [4d2e249b] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:30 [7113c3bf] New translations en-US.json (Greek) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:31 [d96c6227] New translations en-US.json (Czech) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:33 [5a1e49ca] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:34 [8b251bfa] New translations en-US.json (fr-FR) (yoroi-frontend)
02:43:36 [ca064d51] New translations en-US.json (Croatian) (yoroi-frontend)
02:52:13 [50436bf9] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/ghc901 (haskell.nix)
03:10:58 [96d2d38b] WIP (cardano-metadata-submitter)
03:11:01 [d42be856] WIP (cardano-metadata-submitter)
03:14:07 [5bd29818] Add materialized files (haskell.nix)
03:14:57 [ccf7c20b] Build with GHC 8.10.2 for better compat with metadata-server (cardano-metadata-submitter)
03:15:38 [4ce36496] Removed imports and pattern matches redundant with GHC 8.10.2 (cardano-metadata-submitter)
03:18:36 [0577f154] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:24:06 [22fb6110] ifdLevel 0 (haskell.nix)
03:24:21 [1ff6ef21] WIP (cardano-metadata-submitter)
03:31:34 [88b694cd] Remove tight base constraints (cardano-metadata-submitter)
03:32:10 [d07fddb8] Fix permissions issue (haskell.nix)
03:33:39 [c678a7d7] Try #1032: (haskell.nix)
03:40:33 [9b83c258] Only use `reorder-goals` for windows builds (cardano-node)
03:47:02 [3d5e45ad] update (yoroi-frontend)
04:11:58 [db6a70a3] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
04:12:48 [cea3bd78] Try #1032: (haskell.nix)
04:22:19 [a2f7ee82] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:31:11 [c2ee6dbc] update (yoroi-frontend)
04:53:37 [04623f4c] update test snap (yoroi-frontend)
05:17:34 [aaf9b1a2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:53:09 [7d0f579d] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
05:53:31 [07a0e67c] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
06:17:11 [e53211f5] Handled UTXO sums over u64 (yoroi-frontend)
06:17:45 [e59e0a0f] create actor FastSyncBranchResolver (mantis)
06:20:09 [b737e15a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:26:50 [b7f2e81b] Remove duplicate `cardano-base` dependency (metadata-server)
06:29:20 [bdf56bff] Remove unused file (metadata-server)
06:31:36 [43767973] Fix typos and add build instructions (marlowe)
06:36:06 [f60a41d9] Rename anSignatures -> signatures in JSON (metadata-server)
07:08:27 [1f0ae9bf] [ETCM-316] Move some logging to improve readability (mantis)
07:10:47 [f92ee1f4] Update BlockFetcherState with suggestion from review (mantis)
07:13:01 [064a0f77] Update explorer links (#1942) (yoroi-frontend)
07:14:35 [e067f2ec] Add a shell.nix and update to build with ghc 8.10.2 (hydra-sim)
07:17:16 [0bfdfd5a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:17:49 [921ccab9] Merge develop into branch (mantis)
07:21:31 [85463818] update (#1945) (yoroi-frontend)
07:34:01 [11c4eb81] feature: store asset fingerprint (cardano-graphql)
07:34:25 [8c27dd47] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-frontend)
07:50:51 [477b939a] Bump chain-vote from `96a853c` to `fc33400` (jormungandr)
07:51:54 [5b8c9b91] Bump typed-bytes from `96a853c` to `fc33400` (jormungandr)
07:53:17 [350b1303] Bump chain-network from `96a853c` to `fc33400` (jormungandr)
07:53:56 [3a70c2f2] Bump imhamt from `96a853c` to `fc33400` (jormungandr)
07:56:27 [448b146a] Bump chain-crypto from `96a853c` to `fc33400` (jormungandr)
08:10:02 [afc7ac2e] BigCoin, created via cardano-metadata-submitter (metadata-registry-testnet)
08:22:04 [e8c1e505] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:28:27 [c805fcc3] Negate value when negative amount is forged (plutus)
08:32:29 [bd26219f] Add an additional field to serialise the ModGuts after desugaring (haskell.nix)
08:41:01 [f409bf66] Merge pull request #534 from input-output-hk/groupelement-zero-deserialization (chain-libs)
08:41:37 [6abd2d9b] Trace instances (cardano-node)
08:48:02 [00c116db] Moving and renaming various things. (#2779) (plutus)
08:54:25 [883e3c3f] Making things start to look more like the visual design. (plutus)
08:59:43 [b1a576da] Exhaustively match in VotePlan::is_governance (chain-libs)
08:59:44 [65d7f0b9] No intermediate Vec in Ledger::apply_vote_plan (chain-libs)
09:06:15 [c148d76e] Fix doc comment on vote cast check (chain-libs)
09:06:19 [3f9f22c9] plutus-pab: Monitoring module (plutus)
09:11:51 [46457d33] Remove redundant clone in ledger account verify (chain-libs)
09:11:55 [1e222c4d] Update BlockFetcherState with suggestion from review (mantis)
09:24:23 [5880bf5e] Add response in errors (jortestkit)
09:30:27 [417a75e4] update jortestkit (jormungandr)
09:37:10 [cb64e976] nixos: each instance to listen to loopback ipv6 on different port (cardano-node)
09:39:57 [c5f59f7b] Merge pull request #2782 from input-output-hk/monitoring-module (plutus)
09:53:18 [61c2a346] Restarting CI to see what happens (plutus)
09:54:13 [f556447f] Merge branch 'kwxm/turn-off-cost-model-tests' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into kwxm/turn-off-cost-model-tests (plutus)
10:00:39 [4dec8aa4] CAD-1310 towards json scripting (startProtocol) (cardano-benchmarking)
10:00:39 [ec09147b] CAD-1310 towards json scripting (cardano-benchmarking)
10:00:39 [3f2097fe] towards imperative scripts (cardano-benchmarking)
10:00:39 [a7f7e1a9] CAD-1310 clean up some clueing code to see how to proceed (cardano-benchmarking)
10:00:39 [6596e148] CAD-1310 add readSigningKey (cardano-benchmarking)
10:00:39 [4beb04c3] CAD-1310 Spit and reorder modules (cardano-benchmarking)
10:00:40 [c1024e9c] CAD-1310 add wrapper for splitFunds (cardano-benchmarking)
10:00:40 [cfb02152] CAD-1310 stronger types (cardano-benchmarking)
10:00:40 [1cfacdc4] CAD-1310 add secureGenesisFund (cardano-benchmarking)
10:00:40 [4e1ec1d3] CAD-1310 working test script (cardano-benchmarking)
10:00:40 [018e441e] CAD-1310 add RunBenchmark (cardano-benchmarking)
10:00:40 [16e065e0] CAD-1310 add keyAddress (cardano-benchmarking)
10:09:29 [b95fce07] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
10:15:19 [1e86d6e7] Add {TokenMap,TokenBundle}.difference functions (cardano-wallet)
10:15:48 [9fdd38bc] Cosmetic changes (plutus)
10:16:01 [33e7ba7b] nixos service: add ipv6 support. (cardano-node)
10:16:18 [dbcf4dd7] Add balanceMissing function (cardano-wallet)
10:16:46 [fc7e62e7] Use new balanceMissing when rendering BalanceInsufficientErrors (cardano-wallet)
10:19:42 [80e9b48b] Add Hoskcoin (metadata-registry-testnet)
10:21:58 [75b1211c] trigger ci checks (jormungandr)
10:25:25 [5e7d7efa] Get rid of 'other-extensions' in .cabal files (#2786) (plutus)
10:29:21 [612e3ae1] Num able to mint stablecoin fix. (age-usd)
10:35:51 [39658ca0] Add Hoskcoin (metadata-registry-testnet)
10:37:56 [7bc3c68d] Fix small compilation problem for PIR.Compiler.Error (#2788) (plutus)
10:43:17 [7575f939] WIP (cardano-node)
10:46:01 [da7e6a6c] Update public-stakepools-and-metadata-management.md (docs-cardano-org)
10:47:36 [6ff4db3a] ETCM-671: replaced actor logging with normal logging (mantis)
10:47:36 [07bc1c8a] ETCM-670: handling checkpoint older than local best block (mantis)
10:47:37 [db17a277] etcm-637 BlockImport.removeBlocksUntil is removing blocks from the top now (mantis)
10:47:37 [f63d5595] etcm-651 added sending checkpoints to all peers (mantis)
10:47:37 [f873b740] Revert "ETCM-671: replaced actor logging with normal logging" (mantis)
10:47:37 [b904b917] Revert "etcm-651 added sending checkpoints to all peers" (mantis)
10:47:37 [491da0d7] ETCM-674: added headers consistency with ready blocks validation to fetcher state (mantis)
10:47:37 [258efd6e] etcm-643 fixed execution of InternalLastBlockImport in BlockFetcher (mantis)
10:47:38 [819821fe] Update BlockFetcherState with suggestion from review (mantis)
10:49:33 [081e980a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:51:10 [ba0c970e] Amend build-raw command's script parser to take optional Plutus script (cardano-node)
10:51:10 [2a345245] Update cardano-api's Plutus script interface (cardano-node)
10:51:11 [1d3cb2e8] Update Shelley cli's script parser to accept optional Plutus related (cardano-node)
10:51:11 [cc6ba08c] Parameterize TxIn by era to account for Plutus txins vs normal txins (cardano-node)
10:51:11 [d9a852aa] Update Byron cli with parameterized TxIn (cardano-node)
10:51:12 [bb00db8d] Update various functions with Alonzo era (cardano-node)
10:51:12 [2d0e26d9] Update txbody validation in cardano-cli (cardano-node)
10:51:13 [c2dd765c] Parameterize ProtocolParameters over the era (cardano-node)
10:51:13 [43a65201] Update exports and test generators (cardano-node)
10:51:13 [fc99d857] Propagate era parameterized protocol parameters (cardano-node)
10:51:14 [8f54fe33] Rebase fixes (cardano-node)
10:51:14 [b2c49d09] Zipped spending plutus scripts (cardano-node)
10:51:14 [b475a8e5] Update ledger specs dep (cardano-node)
10:51:15 [144297a4] Update ProtocolParameters (cardano-node)
10:51:15 [aa05837f] Fill in JSON instances (cardano-node)
10:53:16 [c11719a7] nixos service: add ipv6 support. Better control of port sharing. (cardano-node)
10:56:22 [d5d6eb25] Try again. (plutus)
10:56:50 [a202026c] Merge branch 'kwxm/turn-off-cost-model-tests' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into kwxm/turn-off-cost-model-tests (plutus)
11:03:31 [eeffc498] Handle 1 challenge 1 proposal corner case (vit-servicing-station)
11:05:11 [7464e4c3] Add message to fund challenges size assert (vit-servicing-station)
11:13:29 [b389d71a] SCP-1960 properties of ECs, EC style reduction and CC machine (#2756) (plutus)
11:14:08 [c576c66e] Add Annotated decoder for PParams (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:19:53 [97d74382] nixos service: add ipv6 support. Better control of port sharing. (cardano-node)
11:21:21 [4e064851] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:31:51 [4d14a11d] Update creating-a-stake-pool.md (docs-cardano-org)
11:38:54 [0d36aa78] Improve difference impl and tests (cardano-wallet)
11:40:51 [87e963fd] SCP-1962: First version of a costing section in the technical report (plutus)
11:43:52 [a23a4c4d] clarify documentation about per-field attestation (cardano-metadata-submitter)
11:48:52 [9d929a4a] Remove unnecessary 'Sync' bounds for load tool (jortestkit)
11:48:52 [8d0a46f4] Remove unused Clone bound (jortestkit)
11:50:57 [bb7b833a] Further tweaks to tests (cardano-wallet)
11:51:03 [851714b2] Merge #2424 (cardano-node)
11:53:19 [10c91418] e2e ruby tests of cardano-wallet on public testnet (cardano-wallet)
11:53:21 [d7aa54be] Read child stdout from pipe instead of reading from file (jormungandr)
11:53:21 [90d45c30] Move "is_up" verification from starter to process (jormungandr)
11:53:21 [d5bcd441] Remove unneded Sync + Send bounds (jormungandr)
11:53:21 [5fa97935] Refactor methods for interactive scenario tests (jormungandr)
11:53:21 [abca281e] Add stdout to default logging configs (jormungandr)
11:53:21 [931518bd] Update error struct to remove log file path (jormungandr)
11:53:21 [e9061fc5] Polish logger API (jormungandr)
11:53:21 [06024a8d] Use generics instead of trait objects (jormungandr)
11:53:21 [ba0b9b6a] Build new RemoteJormungandr instead of cloning the old one (jormungandr)
11:53:21 [97cf828a] Add logger to NodeController (jormungandr)
11:53:21 [78e694c9] Use pipes instead of files for log (jormungandr)
11:53:21 [be5900b1] Make it explicit that we are looking for an error in stderr (jormungandr)
11:53:51 [977e8ed5] update jortestkit / remove before merge (jormungandr)
11:53:53 [120f300b] Remove leftover additions in Cargo.toml (jormungandr)
11:53:53 [1d16e98c] Use new logger API (jormungandr)
11:53:53 [16f462d8] Add aliases for legacy compatibility (jormungandr)
11:58:46 [f503c089] Fix send form issues, Bump Daedalus version (daedalus)
12:01:13 [57817a66] Add votes to the update payload. [skip ci] (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:01:50 [3b8eabd9] ETCM-165: Publish the RLP and Crypto libraries to Sonatype. (mantis)
12:05:47 [2d30f641] e2e workflows (cardano-wallet)
12:07:04 [2a24f796] Merge #2960 (ouroboros-network)
12:07:34 [ef6ef0f3] Merge pull request #3062 from input-output-hk/take_vote_plans_from_settings (jormungandr)
12:09:35 [9ac55bcd] remove VerificationKeyPool from SeqState (cardano-wallet)
12:10:40 [b1122f85] Update tx parser (adalite)
12:10:43 [9de088dd] Merge #1993 (cardano-node)
12:16:57 [cd00d632] ETCM-165: Publish the RLP and Crypto libraries to Sonatype. (mantis)
12:17:01 [029a3065] ETCM-675 Don't reorganise right after generating a checkpoint (mantis)
12:23:48 [1dd2c73f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:29:34 [0b01457e] e2e workflows (cardano-wallet)
12:30:24 [e998765e] Add {TokenMap,TokenBundle}.difference functions (cardano-wallet)
12:30:27 [a7cd17a6] Add balanceMissing function (cardano-wallet)
12:31:08 [ebbaf699] Use new balanceMissing when rendering BalanceInsufficientErrors (cardano-wallet)
12:34:50 [64e94f36] Remove leftover additions in Cargo.toml (jormungandr)
12:35:00 [834ceffe] Change core deserialisation to use the `ModGuts` field (haskell.nix)
12:40:10 [7dd30056] ETCM-165: Try with yum. (mantis)
12:40:57 [160f09c7] Merge pull request #148 from danielSanchezQ/fix-#147-challenge-generation (vit-servicing-station)
12:42:47 [e52683f4] Merge pull request #930 from input-output-hk/checkpoint-fixes (mantis)
12:45:06 [6770cfa6] Fix a typo (mantis)
12:45:06 [1944bc35] ETCM-645: Add it-test for checkpointing (mantis)
12:45:47 [f4abe5a9] ETCM-165: Looks like GPG is present on the agent. (mantis)
12:46:33 [5c356e0e] Fix clippy warning (jormungandr)
12:49:39 [104331b7] Cleanup some leftover modules. (plutus)
12:49:48 [4a380871] trigger ci checks :) (jormungandr)
12:54:05 [eb88c817] Add handling of common Ledger errors, instruct to turn off ledger live (adalite)
12:57:28 [bde3cb4a] ETCM-165: Update nix expr after adding plugins. (mantis)
12:58:25 [03976871] Adds transactions preloader (daedalus)
12:58:47 [4ca91062] e2e workflows (cardano-wallet)
13:10:11 [a3ae7650] tmp fix workflows (cardano-wallet)
13:17:11 [7653d781] inlude cold keys in public key export (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
13:18:57 [c4bcbfc1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:19:14 [4515c216] update iapyx warp deps (vit-testing)
13:23:49 [c21f88d0] Cleanup some leftover modules. (#2797) (plutus)
13:25:09 [ba3d98a8] introduce SharedState (cardano-wallet)
13:25:09 [1dbf5a52] add mkSharedState (cardano-wallet)
13:25:09 [82fdde7f] work on impl scaffolding to cover later (cardano-wallet)
13:25:10 [762787c2] add replacing script template with script keyhash (cardano-wallet)
13:25:10 [a0da3a33] first rough implementation of mkSharedState with calculation of address candidates (cardano-wallet)
13:25:11 [680b3363] rethink shared state (cardano-wallet)
13:25:11 [2ff70cff] add newSharedState (cardano-wallet)
13:25:11 [c32f8f1f] addCosignerAccXPub impl (cardano-wallet)
13:25:12 [59d015eb] further improvements to extendSharedState (cardano-wallet)
13:25:12 [d22cda0b] add first property test (cardano-wallet)
13:25:12 [2a6b86d4] slim shared state and add isShared (cardano-wallet)
13:25:13 [ec315d24] add last property tests (cardano-wallet)
13:25:13 [f31b85c0] even more properties (cardano-wallet)
13:25:13 [d7e6ee38] add another property for shared state (cardano-wallet)
13:25:14 [98e4e40a] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
13:25:14 [67d5cf4f] add docs, update to new cardano-addresses and comply with review - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
13:25:14 [729baaf5] use address gap and mimick methods as a prelude for potential reuse with Sequential (cardano-wallet)
13:25:15 [6e48e93c] make AddressPool more abstract and absorb ParentContext in the code (cardano-wallet)
13:25:15 [f88b8c25] try to use typeRep (cardano-wallet)
13:25:16 [7200240c] align whole src codebase to new AddressPool definition (cardano-wallet)
13:25:16 [2916efca] move several things connected with script to separate module and use it in Sequential (cardano-wallet)
13:25:16 [ccdda584] use a GADT for capture AddressPool's 'ParentContext' (cardano-wallet)
13:25:17 [e81cf17c] align SharedScriptSpec - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
13:25:17 [83e3b9a8] aligning tests - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
13:25:17 [a56fe93b] align SharedScriptSpec - part 2 and add listPaymentAddress to Shared (cardano-wallet)
13:25:18 [cceb8180] add liftDelegationAddress and use it in property tests (cardano-wallet)
13:25:18 [7e0a3b39] add delegationTemplate to testing - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
13:25:18 [3cfa1092] align SharedScriptSpec - part 3 (cardano-wallet)
13:25:19 [df2534ee] improve shared state description and hlint (cardano-wallet)
13:25:19 [113076f4] remove VerificationKeyPool from SeqState (cardano-wallet)
13:28:01 [feff309a] Tweak formatting (cardano-wallet)
13:29:05 [bffe8ef4] tmp fix workflows (cardano-wallet)
13:33:27 [662ddc0f] WIP: without proxy (cardano-node)
13:36:30 [07622d01] Support having no daLocalAddress (ouroboros-network)
13:39:31 [1cac903b] output caster addreses in the conventional format (catalyst-fund-archive-tool)
13:40:04 [5a127494] Merge pull request #31 from input-output-hk/feature/last-minute-changes (metadata-server)
13:42:13 [818e8551] Export `sipVotes` accessor. [skip ci] (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:50:18 [2de0ce46] Merge pull request #7 from input-output-hk/fix-nix-build (cardano-metadata-submitter)
13:52:08 [46109f1e] Add Musl tarball for statically linked binary of submitter (cardano-metadata-submitter)
13:52:21 [193d9a28] Merge pull request #43 from input-output-hk/jl/update-testcoin (metadata-registry-testnet)
13:59:40 [f186e35d] tests (adalite)
14:06:15 [58600c67] Merge pull request #3048 from input-output-hk/use-rust-nix (jormungandr)
14:09:19 [614e2c8f] support storing terraform state in vault (bitte)
14:09:44 [4a06baca] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into dependency-updates (ECIP-Checkpointing)
14:12:19 [c55a2945] ETCM-165: Accept SNAPSHOT in version number sent in Hello. (mantis)
14:12:42 [0265a0ff] ETCM-165: Wait for unit tests before publishing. (mantis)
14:13:50 [28f1729d] make validations available from the library code (cardano-metadata-submitter)
14:14:26 [216533a9] clarify documentation about per-field attestation (cardano-metadata-submitter)
14:14:28 [32ccca6d] ETCM-165: Fix script path. (mantis)
14:18:08 [ea253a7c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:22:41 [c248338d] WIP: Gnarly constraint (cardano-node)
14:30:03 [d14ae710] Remove systemd deps (cardano-metadata-submitter)
14:32:36 [befb2087] use validation from cardano-metadata-submitter to validate JSON entries (metadata-server)
14:34:32 [957a3bf8] Merge pull request #8 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/clarify-per-field-doc (cardano-metadata-submitter)
14:42:51 [b03b257f] handle migration of SeqState that contained script_gap (cardano-wallet)
14:44:56 [089805e2] make validations available from the library code (cardano-metadata-submitter)
14:49:44 [3ce3ff84] multi-instance support (cardano-ops)
14:50:56 [d40890f6] Merge pull request #12 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/make-validation-code-available (cardano-metadata-submitter)
14:51:00 [3ec7321a] Cleanup auto-derived Typeable occurrences (plutus)
14:57:49 [d7911395] Fix cardano-metadata-submitter repo hash (metadata-server)
14:58:56 [3f0fc650] Remove the follower effect from the node. (plutus)
15:02:49 [547760bb] Merge pull request #10 from input-output-hk/metadata-submitter-tarball (cardano-metadata-submitter)
15:03:33 [5e340087] edits (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:05:09 [2368db1b] edits (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:06:21 [4c24a0df] test e2e workflows (cardano-wallet)
15:07:30 [d0349c56] Change Exception instances to use DeriveAnyClass (plutus)
15:09:05 [f434a029] multi-instance support (cardano-ops)
15:10:58 [e746fb88] Remove unnessarry import (adalite)
15:11:54 [24b34660] remove attestation validations from the server (done by clients and webhook) (metadata-server)
15:13:18 [e339fbce] CAD-2548 supervisord: factor config module (cardano-node)
15:13:18 [62efd1e6] CAD-2548 supervisord: `cluster-shell` Makefile target (cardano-node)
15:13:18 [500b003a] CAD-2548 supervisord: work around 'supervisorctl tail' bug (cardano-node)
15:14:31 [bfc506a3] Adds regenerate script (metadata-server)
15:17:26 [f643de34] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:17:29 [24d3eff8] multi-instance support (cardano-ops)
15:18:27 [ba4e7365] CAD-2712 supervisord: provide cabal-driven start/stop-cluster inside default shell (cardano-node)
15:18:30 [731e9182] CAD-2694 supervisord: add an observer relay node (cardano-node)
15:18:30 [f1fca688] CAD-2712 Makefile: cabal-setup/cabal-restore targets (cardano-node)
15:18:30 [a96c570a] CAD-2693 supervisord: generate topology from parameters (cardano-node)
15:19:15 [68ad4587] Update cardano-api's Plutus script interface (cardano-node)
15:19:15 [ab6ba9cc] Amend build-raw command's script parser to take optional Plutus script (cardano-node)
15:19:16 [8d8f654c] Parameterize TxIn by era to account for Plutus txins vs normal txins (cardano-node)
15:19:16 [0a9c2160] Update Byron cli with parameterized TxIn (cardano-node)
15:19:17 [c38ecd28] Update txbody validation in cardano-cli (cardano-node)
15:19:17 [775acc5d] Update Shelley cli's script parser to accept optional Plutus related (cardano-node)
15:19:18 [22d5bad2] Update various functions with Alonzo era (cardano-node)
15:19:18 [4d42abb8] Parameterize ProtocolParameters over the era (cardano-node)
15:19:19 [c33f6f0c] Propagate era parameterized protocol parameters (cardano-node)
15:19:19 [cb13ca6e] Update exports and test generators (cardano-node)
15:19:20 [29be2733] Zipped spending plutus scripts (cardano-node)
15:19:20 [110a5cf8] Rebase fixes (cardano-node)
15:19:21 [5f5edf0c] Update ledger specs dep (cardano-node)
15:19:21 [1289b8cd] Update ProtocolParameters (cardano-node)
15:19:22 [9e577b8f] Fill in JSON instances (cardano-node)
15:19:57 [25c79b33] add debug log received newBlock from which peer (mantis)
15:20:11 [3101e088] Merge branch 'sync-logging-debug' of github.com:input-output-hk/mantis into sync-logging-debug (mantis)
15:21:45 [1be72cf2] CAD-2712 Makefile: cabal-setup/cabal-restore targets (cardano-node)
15:23:01 [28097df9] Change min ADA hover text (adalite)
15:25:53 [4d2bd587] Merge branch 'ETCM-311-fast_sync_improvements' of github.com:input-output-hk/mantis into ETCM-311-fast_sync_improvements (mantis)
15:26:12 [2f6d922e] Change placeholder to "0" when selected asset is token (adalite)
15:28:48 [c19431f1] SCP-1975 - Fix Marlowe and Blockly versions of Coupon Bond Guaranteed (plutus)
15:29:52 [d1b7497d] CAD-2694 supervisord: add an observer relay node (cardano-node)
15:29:52 [d0d87b7c] CAD-2693 supervisord: generate topology from parameters (cardano-node)
15:35:10 [05f7570e] With new test objects (cardano-node)
15:36:30 [d28da9e0] more improvements (cardano-wallet)
15:36:51 [fd89385a] Add t3-2xlarge aws instance (ops-lib)
15:39:33 [98b468c2] Adds regenerate script (metadata-server)
15:39:33 [239ed88f] remove attestation validations from the server (done by clients and webhook) (metadata-server)
15:40:42 [8551dd8f] multi-instance support (cardano-ops)
15:41:23 [9a7b1344] Update cardano-improvement-proposals.md (docs-cardano-org)
15:43:15 [775e59ea] Update marlowe-get-started.md (docs-cardano-org)
15:43:59 [607ba1c6] Update marlowe-explainer.md (docs-cardano-org)
15:45:05 [fb408c2f] Update marlowe-explainer.md (docs-cardano-org)
15:46:53 [f52e5bcb] Update marlowe-playground.md (docs-cardano-org)
15:47:23 [c385de44] add Branch graphql type and breaking changes (jormungandr)
15:47:30 [7e6286b6] change integration tests graphql queries (jormungandr)
15:47:30 [51fd0f4e] re-add epoch_stability_depth to Settings (jormungandr)
15:47:30 [1d8df58d] remove graphql address { confirmed_transactions } (jormungandr)
15:47:30 [55071ac5] dedup blocks by transaction (jormungandr)
15:47:31 [faccf84b] fix integration tests too (jormungandr)
15:51:56 [681b6167] Add support for submitting votes. [skip ci] (cardano-node)
15:56:19 [aaa3c0ed] Multi instances support (cardano-ops)
16:01:20 [84a3af03] cardano-explorer-app: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0 (cardano-ops)
16:04:21 [c77540e5] SCP-1961: Add some trivial scripts to the ledger API module (plutus)
16:07:39 [a7a5da6b] Add grey policy id text with ellipsis to selected asset when it's token (adalite)
16:10:12 [390f92f8] Merge pull request #353 from input-output-hk/cardano-explorer-app-1-4-0 (cardano-ops)
16:11:32 [723ec05b] Add debug logging for the blockchainImpl (mantis)
16:11:32 [962dbd49] added debug level for fetcher, importer and blockImport (mantis)
16:11:49 [915e752a] Merge pull request #50 from input-output-hk/use_vitup_in_tests (vit-testing)
16:12:24 [fbef3bba] Configure block queue size (mantis)
16:12:24 [a2d665ea] etcm-660 - fixed removing whole branch after importing checkpoint after node restart (mantis)
16:12:57 [c8dd2559] first draft of consolidated design document (decentralized-software-updates)
16:14:05 [71bc76fd] add debug log received newBlock from which peer (mantis)
16:14:05 [122d371f] ETCM-675 Don't reorganise right after generating a checkpoint (mantis)
16:15:19 [67b1b4fd] Merge pull request #32 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/review-validation-in-validator (metadata-server)
16:19:28 [177db0fc] Testcoin description change with new validator (metadata-registry-testnet)
16:20:17 [4c59be05] Update marlowe-get-started.md (docs-cardano-org)
16:20:42 [94849e98] Update marlowe-playground.md (docs-cardano-org)
16:21:46 [e08214e5] Update marlowe-get-started.md (docs-cardano-org)
16:24:49 [755be47e] Multi instances support (cardano-ops)
16:28:00 [6db9b2da] Use generic parameters with where clause instead of impl Trait (jortestkit)
16:33:27 [ae34af1d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:37:32 [de59d8ab] Merge pull request #47 from input-output-hk/jl/update-testcoin (metadata-registry-testnet)
16:39:07 [b062ee7a] Fix delegation fee calclation debouncing interrupt on tab switch (adalite)
16:42:06 [210e52e4] remove unwrap (jormungandr)
16:42:43 [d57c1ab7] Fixed 'nix' (plutus)
16:47:04 [e95c97e5] Allow prometheus scrapeConfigs to be defined on each nodes. (ops-lib)
16:47:31 [0d1437df] Merge pull request #2799 from input-output-hk/bezirg/untypeable (plutus)
16:49:07 [3d6fe926] fix android context menu missing (yoroi-mobile)
16:56:32 [b6d08002] Merge pull request #44 from gitmachtl/master (metadata-registry-testnet)
16:58:13 [89dc7dc1] edits (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:00:50 [10a41238] Fix delegation fee calclation debouncing interrupt on tab switch (adalite)
17:03:56 [caae9917] Add greyed out "<no-name>" label to asset dropdown select when asset has no name (adalite)
17:04:32 [5207d8cf] Remove buildkite, update nix-shell and pins (metadata-registry-testnet)
17:05:48 [15695be8] Allow prometheus scrapeConfigs to be defined on each nodes. (ops-lib)
17:15:02 [fcadf3d2] Allow prometheus scrapeConfigs to be defined on each nodes. (ops-lib)
17:16:10 [3548c9a0] attempt moving all entries to registry subdir (metadata-registry-testnet)
17:18:47 [e17078e1] Change placeholder text in dropdown search from " hash" to "policy ID" (adalite)
17:21:56 [296c583f] Test dir change (metadata-registry-testnet)
17:24:34 [d4e04ccc] Merge pull request #48 from input-output-hk/jl/update-testcoin (metadata-registry-testnet)
17:31:38 [7657138d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:33:44 [7d45b419] update docker & recalculate challenges total funds (vit-testing)
17:40:46 [0683baaa] Merge pull request #45 from input-output-hk/piotr/bigcoin (metadata-registry-testnet)
17:44:44 [f5e0a743] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:45:28 [cb8670f9] Modify onDiskShouldTakeSnapshot by adding a RequestedInterval as a parameter (ouroboros-network)
17:46:35 [e5ed3d09] Merge pull request #51 from input-output-hk/update_docker (vit-testing)
17:48:06 [4b36ef4d] SCP-1957 - Fix Pay linting implementation (plutus)
17:52:17 [87efd3d7] Change testcoin description (metadata-registry-testnet)
17:54:33 [3a57973a] Add tokens to transaction tests (adalite)
17:54:35 [c704ca91] Test tx with tokens (adalite)
17:54:36 [f9f86c74] Replace Tx prefix with cborize (adalite)
17:54:37 [faf2e843] Remove _ as prefix of internal types (adalite)
17:57:07 [eb6b949b] Remove _ as prefix of internal types (adalite)
17:58:29 [c726cc27] Allow prometheus scrapeConfigs to be defined on each nodes. (ops-lib)
17:59:25 [462b8bb5] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
18:00:29 [81740079] Merge pull request #3065 from input-output-hk/rest-fragments-cleans-ups (jormungandr)
18:01:05 [ed3bb40c] Move MetaData and CotnractTemplate types to web-common-marlowe (plutus)
18:08:48 [abf408b6] Ticker maxLength increase to 5 chars - Propose (metadata-server)
18:10:57 [b80de449] add extremely simple web 'application' to preview base64 images (cardano-metadata-submitter)
18:21:41 [73bff0f6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:23:58 [e26f9454] ci: use `cargo-metadata` to get jormungandr version (jormungandr)
18:32:32 [ce0048f6] SCP-1975 - Fix Marlowe and Blockly versions of Coupon Bond Guaranteed (plutus)
18:32:36 [794879b1] SCP-1957 - Fix Pay linting implementation (plutus)
18:32:42 [13420d72] Move MetaData and CotnractTemplate types to web-common-marlowe (plutus)
18:33:38 [836f3dc8] workflows and test refinements (cardano-wallet)
18:40:12 [5a1b0678] Adds GH ci, PR template, nix-shell (cardano-token-registry)
18:43:50 [a61a94d3] Adjust ci for main default name (cardano-token-registry)
18:44:09 [3e41daf5] Bump eslint-plugin-flowtype from 5.2.0 to 5.3.1 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect-handler)
18:44:34 [7f76e8a5] Bump cryptoxide from 0.2.1 to 0.3.2 in /rust (cardano-serialization-lib)
18:45:54 [09152641] Bump @babel/core from 7.12.10 to 7.13.8 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect-handler)
18:45:54 [793f2a71] Bump wasm-bindgen from 0.2.65 to 0.2.71 in /rust (cardano-serialization-lib)
18:46:58 [c9e9b17c] Bump serde_json from 1.0.59 to 1.0.64 in /rust (cardano-serialization-lib)
18:47:05 [7de2f148] Bump @babel/preset-flow from 7.12.1 to 7.12.13 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect-handler)
18:47:20 [c64a368b] Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
18:47:31 [4215b96d] Bump husky from 4.2.5 to 5.1.2 (CIP4)
18:47:45 [35c9e27b] Bump bech32 from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0 in /rust (cardano-serialization-lib)
18:48:02 [af6edf9c] Bump husky from 4.3.7 to 5.1.2 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect-handler)
18:48:08 [9b11888d] Bump eslint from 7.15.0 to 7.21.0 (emip3js)
18:49:35 [887710e3] Bump @babel/cli from 7.12.10 to 7.13.0 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect-handler)
18:49:48 [54d37d26] Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.11.0 to 7.13.8 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
18:49:52 [7215eb46] Bump typescript from 3.8.3 to 3.9.9 (CIP4)
18:51:00 [0598b3f2] Bump eslint from 7.17.0 to 7.21.0 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect-handler)
18:51:21 [db4134d6] Bump eslint-plugin-flowtype from 5.2.0 to 5.3.1 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
18:51:23 [2e3d840f] Bump eslint from 7.12.1 to 7.21.0 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
18:52:37 [1fe82faf] Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (yoroi-frontend)
18:52:38 [d8a00f53] Bump @babel/runtime from 7.12.5 to 7.13.8 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect-handler)
18:53:15 [3aa2688e] Bump @babel/cli from 7.10.5 to 7.13.0 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
18:53:59 [bb8c8ba1] Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties from 7.12.1 to 7.13.0 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect-handler)
18:54:29 [72d65af2] Bump eslint from 7.0.0 to 7.21.0 (CIP4)
18:54:36 [ead96708] Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
18:54:43 [3a5b4c8d] Bump @babel/cli from 7.12.1 to 7.13.0 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
18:54:59 [ceaeecc3] Bump @ledgerhq/hw-transport-webusb from 5.38.0 to 5.43.0 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
18:55:07 [b979117e] Bump flow-bin from 0.133.0 to 0.145.0 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect-handler)
18:55:32 [9ea41c3a] Bump react-native-webview from 11.0.2 to 11.2.3 (yoroi-mobile)
18:55:55 [655ea761] Bump @types/chai from 4.2.14 to 4.2.15 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
18:56:02 [027160bc] Bump @babel/preset-flow from 7.10.4 to 7.12.13 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
18:57:00 [7fb99676] Fix compilation of unit test suite (ECIP-Checkpointing)
18:57:14 [118a2313] Bump eslint-config-airbnb-typescript from 9.0.0 to 12.3.1 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
18:57:35 [bdde13a1] Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (yoroi-mobile)
18:58:23 [42fbfcbf] Bump eslint-plugin-flowtype from 5.2.0 to 5.3.1 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
18:58:36 [ae6c6e3c] Bump css-loader from 4.2.1 to 5.1.1 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
18:58:59 [c2acaca9] Bump @types/pg from 7.14.5 to 7.14.10 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:00:04 [0fc77e22] Bump @babel/preset-react from 7.10.4 to 7.12.13 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
19:00:12 [8a82436c] Bump config from 3.3.2 to 3.3.4 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:00:26 [70366e79] Bump @react-navigation/material-top-tabs from 5.3.10 to 5.3.14 (yoroi-mobile)
19:00:47 [2da4985f] Bump @testing-library/user-event from 7.2.1 to 12.8.0 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
19:01:10 [9e78e40e] Bump webpack-cli from 3.3.12 to 4.5.0 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
19:01:28 [ddc7c598] Bump eslint from 7.12.1 to 7.21.0 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:01:30 [7711af49] Bump react-native-gesture-handler from 1.9.0 to 1.10.3 (yoroi-mobile)
19:02:03 [774fda21] Bump eslint from 7.7.0 to 7.21.0 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
19:02:05 [c331179b] Bump mocha from 8.2.0 to 8.3.0 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:02:13 [066c009b] Bump eslint-config-prettier from 6.15.0 to 8.1.0 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
19:02:39 [def80b90] Bump @storybook/addons from 5.3.21 to 6.1.20 (yoroi-mobile)
19:02:52 [f3c5b723] Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators from 7.10.5 to 7.13.5 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
19:02:59 [7950b00d] Bump crypto-random-string from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 (yoroi-mobile)
19:03:02 [58c70d72] Bump bech32 from 1.1.4 to 2.0.0 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
19:03:06 [1982d1f7] Bump typescript from 4.0.5 to 4.2.2 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:03:14 [48c668f3] Bump bech32 from 1.1.4 to 2.0.0 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:03:54 [3332bfe0] Bump eslint-plugin-promise from 4.2.1 to 4.3.1 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
19:03:59 [e117ef12] Bump html-webpack-plugin from 4.3.0 to 4.5.2 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
19:04:07 [0423fc6e] Bump @types/node from 14.14.6 to 14.14.31 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:04:12 [0a84e5f2] Bump @babel/cli from 7.12.8 to 7.13.0 (yoroi-mobile)
19:05:05 [71c8484d] Bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.12.17 to 7.13.8 (yoroi-frontend)
19:05:25 [8114b45f] Bump @react-navigation/drawer from 5.12.3 to 5.12.4 (yoroi-mobile)
19:05:25 [6e151b49] Bump @emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-nodejs from 4.2.0 to 6.0.0 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:05:59 [b0d575f5] Bump react-intl from 2.9.0 to 5.13.2 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
19:06:06 [0df7ebff] Bump @babel/preset-flow from 7.12.1 to 7.12.13 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
19:06:11 [8f170aaa] Bump @react-navigation/native from 5.9.2 to 5.9.3 (yoroi-mobile)
19:06:37 [ef144e43] Bump @types/cors from 2.8.8 to 2.8.10 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:07:03 [d4accdf4] Bump @ledgerhq/react-native-hw-transport-ble from 5.41.0 to 5.43.0 (yoroi-mobile)
19:07:03 [0dd5a952] Bump flow-bin from 0.137.0 to 0.145.0 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
19:07:18 [0a5c0f5e] Bump chai from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:07:32 [f52c587d] Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties from 7.10.4 to 7.13.0 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
19:07:35 [ead6fc4e] Bump react-native-screens from 2.11.0 to 2.18.0 (yoroi-mobile)
19:07:52 [7cb4cbf0] Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.12.17 to 7.13.8 (yoroi-frontend)
19:08:01 [8ce63862] Bump @babel/core from 7.12.3 to 7.13.8 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
19:08:10 [6fc0034c] Bump husky from 4.3.0 to 5.1.2 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:08:18 [f51deb8d] Bump pm2 from 4.5.0 to 4.5.5 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:08:26 [c8eae3a3] Bump @babel/core from 7.11.1 to 7.13.8 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
19:08:26 [9905f938] Bump react-native-device-info from 6.0.1 to 8.0.2 (yoroi-mobile)
19:09:00 [46241069] Bump eslint-plugin-promise from 4.2.1 to 4.3.1 (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
19:09:18 [3cce4c8f] Bump @types/mocha from 8.0.3 to 8.2.1 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:09:25 [5c4e0a92] Bump @sentry/react-native from 1.4.5 to 2.2.1 (yoroi-mobile)
19:09:35 [e106dedd] Bump husky from 4.3.0 to 5.1.2 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
19:09:42 [3f2dc239] Bump eslint from 7.20.0 to 7.21.0 (yoroi-frontend)
19:09:53 [d1e44484] Bump eslint-plugin-flowtype from 3.12.1 to 4.7.0 (yoroi-mobile)
19:09:58 [d5a27a3a] Bump ws from 7.4.2 to 7.4.3 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:11:06 [570b727e] Bump @react-navigation/stack from 5.14.2 to 5.14.3 (yoroi-mobile)
19:11:14 [4c2b38b0] Bump react-scripts from 4.0.0 to 4.0.3 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
19:11:48 [a4587919] Bump @babel/runtime-corejs3 from 7.12.18 to 7.13.8 (yoroi-frontend)
19:12:06 [ec56fa5e] Bump flow-bin from 0.98.1 to 0.145.0 (yoroi-mobile)
19:12:07 [c38045c1] Bump react-native-camera from 3.42.0 to 3.43.0 (yoroi-mobile)
19:12:08 [5976269b] Bump @testing-library/react from 11.1.0 to 11.2.5 (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
19:13:38 [db5d9557] Bump @storybook/addon-links from 5.3.19 to 6.1.20 (yoroi-mobile)
19:13:38 [6881f583] Bump eslint-config-prettier from 7.2.0 to 8.1.0 (yoroi-frontend)
19:13:42 [21dc0714] Bump metro-react-native-babel-preset from 0.59.0 to 0.65.1 (yoroi-mobile)
19:13:44 [addb9daf] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:13:49 [3b44602b] Bump @react-navigation/bottom-tabs from 5.11.7 to 5.11.8 (yoroi-mobile)
19:14:43 [93b452ff] Bump @babel/core from 7.12.10 to 7.13.8 (yoroi-mobile)
19:14:47 [3cabbe36] Bump @storybook/addon-actions from 5.3.19 to 6.1.20 (yoroi-mobile)
19:15:32 [2d203ed3] Bump @storybook/react-native from 5.3.23 to 5.3.25 (yoroi-mobile)
19:16:13 [55044bad] Bump @storybook/addons from 6.2.0-alpha.33 to 6.2.0-beta.4 (yoroi-frontend)
19:16:13 [9f1f72b2] Bump @babel/runtime from 7.12.5 to 7.13.8 (yoroi-mobile)
19:16:26 [a8ca02b0] Bump eslint from 6.5.1 to 7.21.0 (yoroi-mobile)
19:16:36 [b844c914] Bump react-intl from 2.8.0 to 5.13.2 (yoroi-mobile)
19:16:38 [572d5fbc] Bump @babel/node from 7.12.6 to 7.13.0 (yoroi-mobile)
19:16:44 [b76763b2] Bump @react-native-community/netinfo from 5.9.9 to 6.0.0 (yoroi-mobile)
19:16:48 [78146e32] Bump @storybook/addon-viewport from 6.2.0-alpha.33 to 6.2.0-beta.4 (yoroi-frontend)
19:17:21 [b4e94577] Bump flow-typed from 3.1.0 to 3.3.1 (yoroi-mobile)
19:17:33 [76e8db0e] Bump flow-bin from 0.142.0 to 0.145.0 (yoroi-frontend)
19:18:46 [63638a22] Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators from 7.12.13 to 7.13.5 (yoroi-frontend)
19:18:47 [8d952728] Bump @storybook/builder-webpack5 from 6.2.0-alpha.33 to 6.2.0-beta.4 (yoroi-frontend)
19:19:40 [0c7632d2] Bump @storybook/react from 6.2.0-alpha.33 to 6.2.0-beta.4 (yoroi-frontend)
19:20:12 [58a5b970] Added CoreUtxow, and ormolised (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:20:32 [34bf2670] Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining from 7.12.17 to 7.13.8 (yoroi-frontend)
19:23:56 [4eb72fca] Merge #2945 (ouroboros-network)
19:38:32 [d6cd5746] configure layer for file output to be reloadable. wip #3040 (jormungandr)
19:42:53 [d3b20fb2] Add change to first output if too small (adalite)
19:48:08 [06a0961f] make journald and gelf output layers reloadable as well (jormungandr)
19:50:01 [85072516] Shut the linter up (bitte-cli)
19:50:12 [c5ef1804] Fix delegation fee calculation (adalite)
19:56:58 [ce3a3836] add FIXME comments to use layer handles to reload (jormungandr)
20:07:29 [a7bf7831] Raduom/stateless mode (#2798) (plutus)
20:16:15 [12f3ef92] added todo list (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:16:38 [21352307] Fix minimal lovelace amount (adalite)
20:18:48 [9d7729ed] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:20:25 [62bbe304] TESTING an update in cardano-ledger-specs (ouroboros-network)
20:22:01 [f2003199] Bump three from 0.104.0 to 0.125.0 in /client (medusa)
20:23:08 [eff6bdb4] Bump three from 0.93.0 to 0.125.0 (symphony)
20:24:04 [f8254554] Bump three from 0.104.0 to 0.125.0 (react-globe-events-visualiser)
20:24:08 [11eca22b] MustSpendAtLeast and MustProduceAtLeast (plutus)
20:26:45 [0bb544c6] SCP-1975, SCP-1957, and move MetaData types to web-common-marlowe (#2800) (plutus)
20:27:55 [0a9c514a] [#2340] Docker container fails with default IPC socket location (cardano-node)
20:27:55 [236872d2] [#2363] Deployment scripts for Kubernetes and Docker Compose (cardano-node)
20:27:55 [3206b59f] [#2353] Docker container does not shutdown cleanly on SIGTERM (cardano-node)
20:27:55 [8e01ec84] [#2362] Add topology update functionality to Docker image (cardano-node)
20:34:29 [f550308f] Bump three from 0.103.0 to 0.125.0 (symphony-2)
20:36:05 [a244021d] Bump three from 0.112.1 to 0.125.0 (shelley-node-map)
20:48:06 [96cc0c35] Bump three from 0.117.1 to 0.125.0 (cardano-org-header)
20:49:43 [9c482ad4] Bump three from 0.117.1 to 0.125.0 (cardano-org-header)
20:50:43 [0f092905] [#2353] Docker container does not shutdown cleanly on SIGTERM (cardano-node)
20:50:43 [76b61fc7] [#2363] Deployment scripts for Kubernetes and Docker Compose (cardano-node)
20:50:43 [6dbb0c75] [#2362] Add topology update functionality to Docker image (cardano-node)
20:50:43 [54774950] [#2340] Docker container fails with default IPC socket location (cardano-node)
20:54:34 [9ee4b206] [DDW-558] Init (daedalus)
20:56:07 [3d066967] Check device version before signing tokens (adalite)
20:56:14 [430b1a63] [DDW-558] CHANGELOG (daedalus)
21:04:49 [91f10628] Allow prometheus scrapeConfigs to be defined on each nodes. (ops-lib)
21:06:22 [d626fb03] prevent ETS hanging (mantis)
21:07:49 [c77d6379] Update index.md (docs-cardano-org)
21:08:32 [a9393bda] Get tokens from backend (adalite)
21:10:09 [1856e32d] Remove donations (adalite)
21:10:11 [d8e47391] Show multi-asset in transaction history and send (adalite)
21:10:19 [54ca3f93] Get multi-asset from state and fix tx history and sendAda page (adalite)
21:10:28 [ea006fb3] Add cardanoscan links to tokens in transaction history (adalite)
21:11:27 [d44ab784] Add +/- sign an ADA symbol to transaction effect (adalite)
21:11:28 [ba6341cc] Remove donate from UI in send ada page (adalite)
21:11:31 [fb9da515] Calculate tx plan with tokens (adalite)
21:11:44 [7cd68b9f] Send tx with tokens (adalite)
21:11:45 [88289156] Sign multi asset txs with ledger and trezor (adalite)
21:11:46 [747b76f9] Set selected send token to state (adalite)
21:11:56 [0789b61f] Send tokens, calculate max amount and refactor sendAdaPage (adalite)
21:12:48 [a1dc5634] Validate token amounts (adalite)
21:12:49 [434e70fe] Refactor confirmation modal and validate tokens (adalite)
21:13:11 [fdb2f8f0] Refactor and fix sendAda page for tokens (adalite)
21:15:45 [8d562298] Fix confirmation modal (adalite)
21:15:50 [7f5ffb67] Select utxos for tx (adalite)
21:16:32 [847ac43d] Update tx parser (adalite)
21:16:49 [dfa03ecf] Style sendAda page (adalite)
21:17:24 [75db51f9] Add tokens to transaction tests (adalite)
21:17:36 [36c76a7d] Replace Tx prefix with cborize (adalite)
21:17:37 [dba26e39] Remove _ as prefix of internal types (adalite)
21:17:41 [19421e52] Add change to first output if too small (adalite)
21:17:53 [6b686bf3] Check device version before signing tokens (adalite)
21:18:07 [11ecd854] Update index.rst (docs-cardano-org)
21:20:26 [2d0b0936] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:20:32 [3755aa3c] Update index.rst (docs-cardano-org)
21:21:43 [8d35a720] consensus: fix typo in StdRunNodeArgs srnChainDbValidateOverride field name (ouroboros-network)
21:21:56 [2274ddf7] Update index.md (docs-cardano-org)
21:22:23 [c3d8adf8] Update index.rst (docs-cardano-org)
21:24:42 [e8100527] Update understanding-consensus.md (docs-cardano-org)
21:31:54 [439a7c54] Update news and remove pool reg and coinswitch (adalite)
21:34:59 [abe4c103] Add handling of common Ledger errors, instruct to turn off ledger live (adalite)
21:42:27 [81e718a5] Added 'bunchOfIfThenElseNats' (plutus)
21:42:43 [bab511ca] Merge branch 'effectfully/test/costing/memory' of https://github.com/effectfully/plutus-prototype into effectfully/test/costing/memory (plutus)
21:45:37 [64436104] steve_test (metadata-registry-testnet)
21:46:40 [c88c1aea] Allow prometheus scrapeConfigs to be defined on each nodes. (ops-lib)
21:48:17 [90dc9c1b] Fix compilation of unit test suite (ECIP-Checkpointing)
21:48:45 [aea7401d] Update to latest ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
21:57:14 [456ccb31] fix more test queries (jormungandr)
21:58:02 [d366ed93] Update install.md (cardano-node)
22:02:37 [028bf0f6] Update marlowe-playground.md (docs-cardano-org)
22:03:05 [8c975f99] Update marlowe-explainer.md (docs-cardano-org)
22:11:41 [bce99f00] State of 2020-02-28 (fm-ouroboros)
22:15:33 [82b22bc0] Fix lovelace max amount calculation and trezor signing (adalite)
22:19:36 [3b565587] Fix golden encoding mismatches in tests due to ShortHash change (ECIP-Checkpointing)
22:21:35 [ece8d61b] Fix unit tests, move morphoBlockSize out of morphoHeaderStd (ECIP-Checkpointing)
22:21:48 [398d20c2] consensus: add srnEnableInDevelopmentVersions flag to StdRunNodeArgs (ouroboros-network)
22:22:39 [05483c47] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:30:13 [026b2dc4] Fix delegation fee calculation when changin tabs (adalite)
22:30:16 [cae78569] [Costing] Testing memory consumption of polymorphic builtins (#2793) (plutus)
22:33:52 [b718f88b] Fix compilation of state machine tests (ECIP-Checkpointing)
22:37:06 [d35086ab] CAD-2696 Add TestInDevelopmentVersions node configuration flag (cardano-node)
22:37:40 [79c84534] CAD 2696 Bump ouroboros-consensus to support TestInDevelopmentVersions (cardano-node)
22:40:51 [c0355867] 6.1.0 (adalite)
22:49:24 [60578794] Fix broken link in compatibility matrix (docs-cardano-org)
23:09:01 [348476c8] Add files via upload (metadata-registry-testnet)
23:16:43 [82274747] Fix undefined txPlanResult (adalite)
23:18:34 [7887dd19] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:29:41 [9b916284] Calculate min ada amount more accurately (adalite)
23:30:16 [15cf3064] wip (adalite)
23:31:58 [c4896613] 6.1.1 (adalite)
23:32:30 [a641f69f] Merge pull request #437 from input-output-hk/feature/asset-fingerprint (cardano-graphql)
23:33:29 [bf188c2b] chore(deps): bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 in /docs (cardano-graphql)
23:35:51 [5a68e6f9] Update to latest ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
23:37:08 [dbff8971] wip (adalite)