Home / Reports / Nov 18, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021

68 commits had been pushed across 18 repos by 24 authors. There were 27,808 additions and 26,424 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

02:21:47 [1530c138] Try #1296: (haskell.nix)
04:34:41 [cdc2e742] Merge #3026 (cardano-wallet)
08:58:52 [b58c17d1] Update minting-nft to use transction build command (#377) (developer-portal)
09:43:20 [db928bb2] PIR: track dependencies dynamically instead of statically (#4208) (plutus)
09:48:48 [0596c864] Propose ADR on cardano-api (hydra-poc)
09:48:48 [b24258d4] Discussed & accepted adr-0011 (hydra-poc)
09:49:47 [e6251f59] Update README instructions to use cardano-node (hydra-poc)
09:49:47 [44dbd37f] Support latest + one before versions of Node-To-Client (hydra-poc)
09:49:47 [2dea98a9] Switch to cardano-node as the "guiding" project (hydra-poc)
09:49:47 [de3c445a] Update nix pkgs and materialization (hydra-poc)
09:49:48 [f51ff6ef] Do not log ReceivedTxs when block is empty (hydra-poc)
09:49:48 [4723effc] Add block signing arguments (hydra-poc)
09:49:48 [5fe52db1] Strip alias before comparing with on-chain parties (hydra-poc)
09:49:48 [ad052025] Flip intstructions in README around (hydra-poc)
09:49:48 [152a6cb2] Update nix materialization (hydra-poc)
09:49:48 [d3e2ab0c] Strip alias of parties before using them in HeadLogic (hydra-poc)
09:49:48 [40284ee4] Correctly prepare devnet and fix cardano-node setup in getting started (hydra-poc)
09:49:49 [229c82af] Update cabal.project to use cardano-1.31.0 with dependencies constraints (hydra-poc)
09:49:49 [0589aa3a] Create a prepare-devnet.sh script and update demo/README.md instructions (hydra-poc)
09:53:19 [96112b27] next review refinements (cardano-wallet)
09:55:24 [49942658] Compile void# to unit instead of wrapped error (#4223) (plutus)
10:01:07 [d768d8ae] Merge #3025 (cardano-wallet)
10:19:29 [9dd933d6] Use ghcjs that includes a shim for __dirname (#1296) (haskell.nix)
10:30:58 [4b09b79c] Remove Party aliases (hydra-poc)
10:40:27 [cde15f6b] Notes for Editors meet 33 (#149) (CIPs)
10:40:43 [aede6909] Fix expectation in end to end test (hydra-poc)
10:44:41 [aac1b736] Remove alias from golden/Party.json (hydra-poc)
10:48:46 [86cb625b] docs: Merge #3025 (cardano-wallet)
10:51:54 [841b7724] Re-generate golden samples for CardanoTx and ServerOutput (hydra-poc)
11:18:49 [995eac86] Update proposal scenario (#692) (chain-libs)
12:19:05 [0b5cac78] Remove sentry DSN from env template (adalite)
12:19:19 [97ca9996] Merge pull request #161 from blockfrost/mmahut/sdk/rust (openapi)
12:19:29 [f2d09031] Merge pull request #159 from blockfrost/mmahut/addresses_extended (openapi)
12:29:30 [f925958c] Add catalyst Fund7 news (#1218) (adalite)
12:29:54 [f0a2cf4d] 6.8.8 (adalite)
12:31:46 [bec03842] Merge #3019 (cardano-wallet)
13:37:12 [bd50d6d5] Expose reward type (cardano-node-tests)
13:39:39 [5473aab7] Merge pull request #682 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-78 (testnets-cardano-org)
13:40:03 [332b1a10] Merge master into staging (testnets-cardano-org)
13:42:49 [43a039b9] Merge pull request #783 from mkoura/expose_reward_type (cardano-node-tests)
13:43:54 [f2868f45] Remove unused `_datetime2timestamp` (cardano-node-tests)
13:51:08 [4bed79d0] Merge pull request #784 from mkoura/remove_datetime2timestamp (cardano-node-tests)
13:53:59 [8305a611] Update docstrings for tests checking dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
13:56:50 [6b429064] No longer needed to wait for more rewards (cardano-node-tests)
13:59:52 [f826f182] Check reward types in db-sync (cardano-node-tests)
14:08:09 [583ccd2e] Merge pull request #786 from mkoura/reward_type_dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
14:18:20 [819b320b] Merge pull request #787 from mkoura/simplify_makefile (cardano-node-tests)
14:59:58 [51fcddbc] Merge #3471 (ouroboros-network)
15:02:46 [a2cb1d37] chore(docs): updating README (#163) (openapi)
15:15:21 [7b615e0b] feat(accounts): new addresses/total endpoint (#160) (openapi)
15:51:53 [4fbeee40] Add redeemer-specific execution cost to still needlessly high fees in TinyWallet (hydra-poc)
15:52:10 [badf5d69] Remove sentry dsn from source code (adalite)
15:52:15 [dcd07db5] Update sentry libraries (adalite)
15:58:15 [a6fd8b35] Merge pull request #189 from danielSanchezQ/expected-next-registration-time (vit-servicing-station)
15:58:41 [633efc3c] 6.8.9 (adalite)
16:12:06 [28f8afd4] add youtube link (utxo-alliance-site)
16:37:00 [552c4c28] Makefile: reorganise the binary caches (cardano-memory-benchmark)
16:37:00 [5690d001] Makefile | batch: --max-jobs 1 to 'nix-build' (cardano-memory-benchmark)
16:48:00 [0cd7d9ad] Use Fixture pparams in DirectSpec's mockServer (hydra-poc)
17:17:49 [afc8db59] Merge #3455 (ouroboros-network)
20:03:04 [f06e4da2] update deploy-rs crate (bitte-cli)
22:56:06 [87f61300] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/ergo-example (yoroi-frontend)
22:57:22 [c9cd6798] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/no-wallets (yoroi-frontend)
23:03:51 [67bb9a01] Merge pull request #2518 from Emurgo/Ahmed/ergo-example (yoroi-frontend)
23:06:46 [a773578a] Merge pull request #2517 from Emurgo/Ahmed/no-wallets (yoroi-frontend)
23:08:27 [dcc47f30] Merge branch 'develop' into add-revamp-adapool-list (yoroi-frontend)
23:20:17 [0148fb6f] Merge pull request #2474 from Emurgo/add-revamp-adapool-list (yoroi-frontend)
23:52:34 [10a4c67e] Merge pull request #2556 from input-output-hk/jc/deserialiseAddrFull (cardano-ledger-specs)