Home / Reports / Aug 29, 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024

851 commits had been pushed across 100 repos by 139 authors. There were 33,441,573 additions and 3,036,712 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:03:19 [d88f6955] Use a qualified import for Debug.Trace since `trace` is an overused name (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:03:22 [42bf662c] Improve generator discard reporting (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:03:22 [b28cd3f4] Reduce the certainty of coverage tests to shorten running times (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:04:14 [e792a837] Rename maxNumKeyPairs -> numKeyPairs and reorder fields (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:04:15 [cc63d294] Refactor `allScripts` to provide a more complete selection (cardano-ledger)
00:04:15 [7f437ec0] Increase `ExUnits` for `genAlonzoPParams` and `genAlonzoPParamsUpdate` (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:04:15 [0b7846b1] Generate the correct number of outputs in genUtxo0 (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:04:16 [34905de5] Improve key/script balance in genRecipients (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:04:16 [ec1e21a1] Refactor genRecipients for clarity (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:04:16 [a2e6f668] Fix a bug in random selection of inputs and pointer addresses (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:04:16 [9e52f443] Use only the smallest inputs for collateral (cardano-ledger)
00:04:59 [07b8e25f] Increase utxo size of trace testing to reduce number of discards further (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:05:00 [85d8e896] Remove unused imports from Constrained.Rewrite and reenable warning (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:05:00 [3cc4239a] Remove unused binds from Constrained.Rewrite and reenable warning (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:05:09 [a57bbe04] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:09:12 [a0a8ade8] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:09:12 [1853111e] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:11:58 [3126e621] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:12:37 [2209957e] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-explorer-status)
00:19:46 [f907868d] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:19:46 [025d1823] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:26:11 [4fcc2133] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:26:11 [f1144380] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:28:56 [e45d9dab] snapsnotTxs / snapshotTxsAfter return TxMeasures instead of ByteSize (ouroboros-consensus)
00:29:33 [5bee7021] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@00dd3894004673c37a08dec34e5c103e7cf46e53 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
00:30:25 [ea3267b6] Add Ledger team update for 2024-08-28 (cardano-updates)
00:30:52 [3cc888a2] add `fromByteSize :: Num a => ByteSize -> a`, with a WARNING that it will likely explode due to overflow (ouroboros-consensus)
00:31:30 [310d435d] add TxMeasureMetrics (ouroboros-consensus)
00:33:10 [4387891d] {Semigroup, Monoid} instances for {AlonzoMeasure, ConwayMeasure} (ouroboros-consensus)
00:33:10 [ac1979ce] add TxMeasureMetrics class and instances (ouroboros-consensus)
00:34:14 [02e944dd] respond with TxMeasureMetrics info inside a map of measures (ouroboros-consensus)
00:34:14 [529d4e7a] ByteSize -> TxMeasure blk in LocalTxMonitor.Server (ouroboros-consensus)
00:34:38 [14752425] stylish (ouroboros-consensus)
00:34:44 [bb4e200a] Bump versions of iohk-monitoring and lobemo-backend-ekg (iohk-monitoring-framework)
00:35:28 [c16d8a11] Merge pull request #651 from input-output-hk/erikd/version (iohk-monitoring-framework)
00:39:59 [fded3fed] Added iohk-monitoring- (cardano-haskell-packages)
00:39:59 [502cbca5] Added lobemo-backend-ekg- (cardano-haskell-packages)
00:45:08 [5dfc67b9] test: add allure-report support (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
00:49:26 [144d3f6e] bump mithril (haskell-nix-example)
00:50:49 [e4edff7b] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:06:13 [3db56c09] chore(deps): bump slackapi/slack-github-action from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0 (plutus)
01:07:06 [08fe8647] Merge pull request #4578 from IntersectMBO/aniketd/haddock-other-modules (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:08:07 [3da919ff] Bump plutus and ledger dependencies for cardano-node-9.2 release (#1207) (ouroboros-consensus)
01:13:03 [fcce7097] Get cardano-address-jsapi to compile with ghcjs (cardano-base)
01:13:07 [38d56a48] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger)
01:13:07 [7abf4e8b] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:13:24 [af7fea52] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 08fe86470524d5f4f93f72783f27fd8414cf571e (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:13:26 [796fac5a] Updated from 129e15a515bac1b3f30abd55ed543e7d67d0f802 via push (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:14 [d9f82a5e] Use a qualified import for Debug.Trace since `trace` is an overused name (cardano-ledger)
01:16:14 [61c49ec5] Use only the smallest inputs for collateral (cardano-ledger)
01:16:14 [6eb21e10] Refactor `allScripts` to provide a more complete selection (cardano-ledger)
01:16:14 [7f5c114f] Refactor genRecipients for clarity (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:14 [f3f9df0b] Improve key/script balance in genRecipients (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:14 [46ccb4a2] Increase `ExUnits` for `genAlonzoPParams` and `genAlonzoPParamsUpdate` (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:14 [e006dbe1] Rename maxNumKeyPairs -> numKeyPairs and reorder fields (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:14 [a3893055] Remove unused imports from Constrained.Rewrite and reenable warning (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:14 [26645b40] Fix a bug in random selection of inputs and pointer addresses (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:14 [b21c1f3a] Improve generator discard reporting (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:14 [837b90f7] Remove unused binds from Constrained.Rewrite and reenable warning (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:14 [8aaa5655] Increase utxo size of trace testing to reduce number of discards further (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:14 [d5a5106e] Reduce the certainty of coverage tests to shorten running times (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:14 [5cdf1609] Generate the correct number of outputs in genUtxo0 (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:33:12 [b471e43e] Disabling maxTerm check (formal-ledger-specifications)
01:35:22 [6df296c9] Reference script bounds and cost formula (formal-ledger-specifications)
01:41:30 [5b393e8e] bugfix (formal-ledger-specifications)
01:43:13 [e0391420] Generate code for 3648aaa82cbff967373cde74f544f43f347365f8 (formal-ledger-specifications)
01:50:30 [0a18703d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:36:51 [c95a15b2] Fix `MAlonzo` code generation workflow (formal-ledger-specifications)
02:47:58 [e1d1f9d9] Generate code for b533320fcd2e9d30de45437914e83f39730cb902 (formal-ledger-specifications)
02:48:27 [b26d1aa4] Remove `maxMajorPV` from `Globals` (cardano-ledger-specs)
02:56:08 [6d424859] Fix `fourmolu` version for `pre-commit` shell (cardano-ledger)
03:03:44 [641fa3d5] fix: conflict (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:04:54 [e5b4fa17] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger)
03:04:54 [dee21b04] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger)
03:05:10 [ddfc2152] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 08fe86470524d5f4f93f72783f27fd8414cf571e (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:05:11 [ce7a2ff8] Updated from 08fe86470524d5f4f93f72783f27fd8414cf571e via push (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:06:45 [8b149f2e] fix: get list of member in constitutional committee (cf-explorer-api)
03:09:41 [4fb1b02c] Merge pull request #1351 from cardano-foundation/fix/get-list-of-members-in-constitutional-committee (cf-explorer-api)
03:31:23 [33c5215c] Merge branch 'develop' into feat/DTIS-1114-present-an-ACDC-from-a-multisig-identifier (cf-identity-wallet)
03:31:38 [4c566fa2] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:31:59 [a4eb98e4] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:31:59 [7a1d46a8] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:32:37 [b1a720aa] fix: update recipients in createExchangeMessage (cf-identity-wallet)
03:39:16 [8b1a1a78] Merge pull request #3805 from cardano-foundation/fix/bug-ui-dreps (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:39:28 [a8862c42] Merge pull request #3821 from cardano-foundation/fix/bug-ui-native-scripts-details- (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:41:12 [7e420596] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 73 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:41:32 [2692f227] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:41:33 [08858a63] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:44:15 [c50d8272] fix: governance overview bug ui (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:47:00 [63bab71e] feat: bump ver (mesh)
03:51:43 [b83f6a66] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:52:10 [5cec55b3] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:52:10 [a7a832f4] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:53:51 [15880451] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 5 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:54:17 [9b1052eb] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:54:18 [9fcc1e87] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:54:52 [ac526e1c] Merge pull request #283 from MeshJS/fix/new-cli (mesh)
04:12:31 [cedb4e1a] fix: update hash script data (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
04:17:02 [f8110881] update tools ready status (CIPs)
04:18:38 [386e609e] Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:cardano-foundation/cf-identity-wallet into feat/smoother-credential-server-connecting-flow (cf-identity-wallet)
04:21:06 [e1d136d9] fix: fix cli publishing and bump ver (mesh)
04:24:10 [f80bbd68] feat: add validation payment key (hermes)
04:24:31 [dd5be530] fix: role data (hermes)
04:30:37 [55819e6e] Merge pull request #284 from MeshJS/fix/new-cli (mesh)
04:32:16 [de2091c3] deploy: a51e04c8f8209fca83fd4d378c653fee2893209f (hydra)
04:38:28 [74de976d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:47:01 [12f93db6] feat: update package json (mesh-aiken-template)
05:03:40 [9ff9d1f5] First cut of proposal summary, still need to add committee numbers (koios-artifacts)
05:05:34 [c183a0b0] Merge pull request #4569 from IntersectMBO/ldan/fix-precommit-fourmolu (cardano-ledger)
05:08:28 [9f72b866] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for c183a0b037c943a387f5a450b5354e56eb1aa598 (cardano-ledger)
05:18:04 [6084919b] Merge pull request #1858 from IntersectMBO/chore/bump-intersect-mbo-pdf-ui-to-v0.3.8 (govtool)
05:35:41 [c75f582c] replace USE_KOIOS_API with -n ${KOIOS_API} (guild-operators)
05:35:41 [33f626e8] cncli.sh cncliInit function call test_koios function like CNTools (guild-operators)
05:37:40 [042f0fd1] feat(ui): add switch camera button (cf-identity-wallet)
05:38:25 [b66a2ff0] Merge pull request #1861 from IntersectMBO/fix/1842-modal-not-working-on-ios (govtool)
05:40:11 [497bf5ce] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into fix/oobi-not-found (cf-cardano-ballot)
05:59:56 [4f4efa28] feat: get staked ada from scylladb (catalyst-voices)
06:16:27 [c278cbbd] fix(hermes-lib): Allow tuning the download resources from command line (hermes)
06:17:37 [961950f4] fix(hermes-lib): Demonstrate syncing preprod with different bandwidth/memory usage tradeoffs. (hermes)
06:18:03 [c2434133] fix(#1838): fix counting CC and SPO votes (govtool)
06:27:52 [08a63308] chore: upgrade flutter to 3.24.1 and dart to 3.5.0 (#291) (catalyst-ci)
06:32:27 [b624e3bb] chore: upgrade flutter ci (catalyst-voices)
06:37:02 [291b4f3b] Restrict the version of iohk-monitoring used by node (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:41:08 [8423c59d] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-ci@08a63308b728068ab88bf6819aeb45d845c54bc6 🚀 (catalyst-ci)
06:45:39 [22180cbd] Merge pull request #27 from johnalotoski/prom (blockperf)
06:50:52 [0fcdd29d] Merge branch 'alpha' into disable-koios-when-vars-are-set (guild-operators)
06:52:13 [8e39d0bb] fix: operation id repeated error (#1306) (open-enterprise-agent)
06:55:14 [3e938764] Merge pull request #623 from IntersectMBO/jordan/add-script-datums-and-redeemers-in-makeUnsignedTx (cardano-api)
06:56:14 [065626f1] Move personal wallet UI in the `Personal` namespace (cardano-wallet)
06:57:03 [4571d385] getProtocolParams use CNCLI if ENABLE_KOIOS=N (#1808) (guild-operators)
06:59:48 [72ade5c0] Added lobemo-backend-ekg- (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:59:48 [99bcae8b] Added iohk-monitoring- (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:59:48 [b1e6a0e3] Restrict the version of iohk-monitoring used by node (cardano-haskell-packages)
07:05:08 [dbe2ebe5] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger)
07:05:08 [d457e647] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger)
07:05:25 [bd14203e] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for c183a0b037c943a387f5a450b5354e56eb1aa598 (cardano-ledger)
07:05:26 [a0deba2d] Updated from c183a0b037c943a387f5a450b5354e56eb1aa598 via push (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:05:43 [92b3a071] Update from b1e6a0e34aefca527abd445234811a3b49211d49 (cardano-haskell-packages)
07:11:49 [59b903d1] Fix more module imports (hydra)
07:12:07 [96bbaa38] Updated BTN Logo (cardano-token-registry)
07:12:37 [c2146683] Bump versions to 1.1.0, in anticipation. (aiken)
07:12:37 [e31c6de0] Adjust module organization to facilitate resurrection of the playground. (aiken)
07:14:03 [7ad040e5] decimals (cardano-token-registry)
07:16:50 [57075b8e] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:17:11 [6b80efa0] Merge pull request #6503 from butaneprotocol/master (cardano-token-registry)
07:17:11 [08957789] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:17:12 [74f6d6d7] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:17:51 [97df6308] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 137 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:18:15 [1f499ab0] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:18:15 [83336a24] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:19:18 [a3a09914] Fix fee estimation when autobalancing assets (cardano-api)
07:19:18 [6fccc201] Deprecate valueFromList and valueToList. Add `IsList Value` (cardano-api)
07:21:06 [4f74febf] Merge pull request #348 from IntersectMBO/jdral/remove-getuniq (lsm-tree)
07:24:59 [58d501ac] Fix more module imports (hydra)
07:25:23 [5fdca828] Add missing PDF_API_URL (govtool)
07:25:50 [8c3a9b01] Merge pull request #1904 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/1903-handle-multiple-merkle-tree-storage-backend (mithril)
07:28:10 [095d506c] Deprecate valueFromList and valueToList. Add `IsList Value` (cardano-api)
07:28:13 [88aceab5] Fix fee estimation when autobalancing assets (cardano-api)
07:29:41 [a989662a] deploy: 8c3a9b010cd6fada650768780fabf4cfe5adbc25 (mithril)
07:31:53 [d400c07a] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:32:21 [e9b400a3] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:32:22 [f471b38d] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:32:33 [b54658a7] Fix module imports in hydra-cluster (hydra)
07:34:32 [2db6ddf9] Deprecate valueFromList and valueToList. Add `IsList Value` (cardano-api)
07:34:33 [064c1914] Fix fee estimation when autobalancing assets (cardano-api)
07:34:40 [ae26306e] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 4 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:34:54 [506b13e9] Fix more module imports (hydra)
07:35:02 [bf10adcd] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:35:02 [29d9c299] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:40:20 [ca55e3bf] 🟥 preprod.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preprod frontend) is down (404 in 315 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:40:42 [11a8ebd8] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:40:42 [cb05b80c] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:42:04 [03fb4a11] feat(ui): Edit username from profile in main menu (#674) (cf-identity-wallet)
07:42:58 [3d5e3361] Submitting governance actions: Use latest guardrails script (#1311) (developer-portal)
07:45:20 [44857cca] 🟩 preprod.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preprod frontend) is up (200 in 316 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:45:40 [de0f5ec6] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:45:40 [a3922a4d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
07:49:46 [b241f5a3] fix: update hashScriptData for conway (cardano-js-sdk)
07:50:47 [f956687e] GITBOOK-112: inc. LSM (Triage) , Babel Fees (Draft) (core-infrastructure-documentation)
07:51:29 [40b6e700] Backport o-n- & co release (#4940) (ouroboros-network)
07:51:33 [d104512d] feat(ui): Review all TODOs (#666) (cf-identity-wallet)
07:53:33 [0b7820f7] deploy: 3e93876465291cfb87f9a231d1f9ca2ce9a9df9c (cardano-api)
07:55:36 [ac6213aa] Merge pull request #5960 from IntersectMBO/smelc/honor-cardano-testnet-max-supply-value (cardano-node)
08:04:17 [2f3c64b7] Define `cardano_transactions_signing_config` of `AggregatorFeaturesMessage` in openapi (mithril)
08:04:18 [f325c29b] Add signing config to aggregator '/' route when Cardano Transactions are enabled (mithril)
08:04:18 [29edbb77] Add signing config to `AggregatorFeaturesMessage` in common (mithril)
08:05:22 [4ee63dfa] fix: display missing border top (cf-explorer-frontend)
08:07:21 [491595b1] GDD: use new `AF.splitAtSlot` (ouroboros-consensus)
08:10:03 [47886c06] feat: modify AddressTxCount entity and add the value to enum DataCheckpointType (cf-java-cardano-common-explorer)
08:11:08 [1c2ec620] feat: modify StakeAddressTxCount entity and add the value to enum DataCheckpointType (cf-java-cardano-common-explorer)
08:12:13 [96769808] [IS-177]: update handle error (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:13:00 [8e5ae7bd] ci: moah memory (open-enterprise-agent)
08:14:28 [07470a79] Merge branch 'main' into feat/prex-1 (open-enterprise-agent)
08:20:14 [6f9c20ab] Merge pull request #491 from IntersectMBO/coot/io-classes-1.7 (cardano-base)
08:21:26 [8f998bf5] fix(wallet-mobile): qr theming (#3572) (yoroi-mobile)
08:24:30 [3c007b93] GITBOOK-557: Updated exchange readiness (Intersect-knowledge-base)
08:27:57 [2082c476] Fix all up to 'plutus-ledger-api'? (plutus)
08:28:30 [633ddcfe] Compose tx and fix pay endpoint (formal-ledger-specifications)
08:30:24 [5de04696] ci: change auto-merge token (open-enterprise-agent)
08:32:47 [40af2567] ci: dummy (open-enterprise-agent)
08:37:24 [9878fcc4] feat: rewrite address tx count scheduled job (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
08:37:31 [e301127c] ci: dummy (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:39:26 [981ba929] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:40:08 [2668baa7] ci: change auto-merge token [skip ci] (#1307) (open-enterprise-agent)
08:40:59 [a2a788b3] Merge branch 'main' into feat/prex-1 (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:42:53 [93c856e9] feat: MET-2250 update UAT (cf-explorer-frontend)
08:43:47 [b021619f] Merge pull request #3841 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2250-landing-page (cf-explorer-frontend)
08:44:16 [46743402] feat: TabBarStackView and SectionHeader (catalyst-voices)
08:45:50 [9313601b] WIP: rework (lsm-tree)
08:50:00 [fc6acb59] fix: resolve cònflict (cf-explorer-frontend)
08:52:05 [4a821564] Minor style edits (cardano-documentation)
08:52:09 [78ad3944] Fix BigInt => u128 conversion. (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
08:58:23 [75b2736b] feat: presentation-exchange model and json schema refactoring (#1304) (open-enterprise-agent)
08:58:28 [295e3645] fix: resolve conflict (cf-explorer-frontend)
08:58:55 [65db042b] Rework aggregator features compatibility tests (mithril)
08:59:00 [3ddc082c] Upgrade crates & openapi versions (mithril)
08:59:50 [7da6f89f] fix: resolve conflict (cf-explorer-frontend)
09:00:57 [0bbf36ed] Merge pull request #3842 from cardano-foundation/fix/landing-merge-test (cf-explorer-frontend)
09:03:23 [02c96f0d] Update db-sync version to (cardano-node-tests)
09:04:20 [b805f892] fix(hermes-lib): Allow the previous snapshot to be valid as well as current on recovery, and fix dedup. (hermes)
09:04:34 [5bfdb681] fix: conflict (cf-explorer-frontend)
09:06:09 [2eb1e77c] Scaffold a `dependency_injection` module in Signer (mithril)
09:07:50 [b64b8bdf] fix(extension): lw-11397 (lace)
09:07:56 [010dfa79] Fix `MAlonzo` code generation workflow (formal-ledger-specifications)
09:08:31 [d14f4b3f] Generate code for GH-560 (formal-ledger-specifications)
09:08:31 [ca7dea05] Merge pull request #3843 from cardano-foundation/fix/display-missing-boder-top-test (cf-explorer-frontend)
09:09:01 [6f773454] Merge pull request #3838 from cardano-foundation/fix/Governance-Overview-Bug-ui (cf-explorer-frontend)
09:10:43 [4439e2ae] Merge branch 'feat/auto-sync-mithril' into fix-dl-implementation (hermes)
09:10:44 [b2a69727] WIP (cardano-ledger)
09:13:20 [d629b393] fix(hermes-lib): Fix code format and merge issue with example cli arguments (hermes)
09:13:28 [d641867f] Merge pull request #5960 from IntersectMBO/smelc/honor-cardano-testnet-max-supply-value (cardano-node)
09:14:20 [585aa5ca] feat: updating with hosted yaci (mesh-aiken-template)
09:14:27 [672c0f83] Fix dl implementation (#346) (hermes)
09:15:22 [84683b9d] Added conformance testing for ENACT (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:16:33 [0256b0e8] Print out the exception when an ImpTestM example fails (cardano-ledger)
09:16:33 [d0c31ebb] Increased the probability of generating the same hash more than once (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:16:33 [c12a19d1] Added a conformance ImpTest to try to catch the ccminsize bug (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:16:46 [245ac97b] Updated README.md file (io-sim)
09:16:49 [8da54919] si-timers: improved haddocks formatting (io-sim)
09:16:51 [139519d2] Updated for 010dfa7979b628b0a86146f0854fcc5aa4dc68e1 (formal-ledger-specifications)
09:17:20 [014149d1] test: add more debug logs for ChainReaderBlockStreamer (mithril)
09:17:20 [8ab7cde5] DO NOT MERGE (mithril)
09:19:12 [af8e073d] Merge pull request #646 from jotapegit/patch-1 (cardano-documentation)
09:20:27 [28c3ff52] Added committee votes information to proposal summary (webartifacts)
09:20:34 [05ab8ee3] Align Signer dependency injection components with aggregator naming (mithril)
09:20:46 [24a8539a] Added strict-checked-vars- (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:23:56 [51eaa974] Merge pull request #1857 from IntersectMBO/fix/1838-constitutional-committee-votes-not-counted (govtool)
09:24:14 [45f9fadc] Merge branch 'feat/auto-sync-mithril' of github.com:input-output-hk/hermes into feat/auto-sync-mithril (hermes)
09:29:40 [65689989] docs: update signer footprint in SPO setup guide (mithril)
09:29:58 [89a77fed] Add new `RefCount` module (lsm-tree)
09:31:03 [de8d6919] si-timers: improved haddocks formatting (io-sim)
09:31:03 [227307c4] Updated README.md file (io-sim)
09:31:39 [f0c6e4a5] chore(resolver): docs updated (yoroi-mobile)
09:34:42 [05dc903c] GITBOOK-559: product committee update (Intersect-knowledge-base)
09:38:32 [1adc77b9] Only count last vote by committee member for a given proposal (webartifacts)
09:41:18 [bb725ccc] Update db-sync version to (cardano-node-tests)
09:41:32 [89be2ad5] Move Signer Dependencies builder & container to `dependency_injection` module (mithril)
09:42:44 [6db9d30e] Start using the new `RefCounter` datatype (lsm-tree)
09:43:49 [2bc72f81] chore: remove hardcoded wallet (mesh-aiken-template)
09:44:46 [242f513f] GDD: use new `AF.splitAtSlot` (#1231) (ouroboros-consensus)
09:45:38 [3aafd9cd] Remove hack to check every node sees head is initialized for demo (hydra)
09:46:52 [dbdbaa6e] chore(resolver): docs updated (#3573) (yoroi-mobile)
09:48:36 [95489f53] feat: rewrite stake address tx count scheduled job (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
09:49:39 [9dde4ae7] Merge branch 'main' into lw-9711-dapp-add-test (lace)
09:50:33 [95389cb4] Scaffold a `services` module in Signer (mithril)
09:51:03 [db6f6b0f] fix: plutus_v2 witnesses missing in babbage txs (oura)
09:52:10 [d85a22fd] GITBOOK-558: add-tokeo-wallet (Intersect-knowledge-base)
09:53:49 [710d65fd] Refactor hacky boolean blindness to manage query params on withConnectionToNode (hydra)
09:54:00 [d71788be] chore: rename methods and variables for better clarity (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
09:54:02 [cf594e6d] Move several Signer services to `services` mod (mithril)
09:54:42 [1747d32a] Start using the new `RefCounter` datatype (lsm-tree)
09:54:48 [94691ec0] Fix eslint errors (cardano-ibc-incubator)
09:57:51 [ba310a04] Merge pull request #354 from IntersectMBO/jdral/remove-managed (lsm-tree)
09:57:58 [1a7ed500] Merge pull request #357 from IntersectMBO/jdral/fs-sim-0.3 (lsm-tree)
09:59:00 [393924c4] Merge pull request #360 from IntersectMBO/jdral/control-sublib (lsm-tree)
10:03:16 [d55ef147] Start using `quickcheck-lockstep-0.5.1` (lsm-tree)
10:04:28 [c6caea74] fix(extension): lw-11397 (lace)
10:04:32 [c7bad8fe] Scope signer services import to the `services` module (mithril)
10:04:42 [82f98b42] cardano-testnet: use Default class for testnet options (cardano-node)
10:10:59 [9078281c] Factor out common html library code (cardano-wallet)
10:12:03 [fe2d39ac] Promote Signer `services::cardano_transactions_importer` mod to a directory (mithril)
10:13:33 [9659fe77] hydra-node:tests changes (hydra)
10:13:54 [52d2060a] Move tx importer decorators to the new module (mithril)
10:15:34 [21ce0c43] Factor out common sse code (cardano-wallet)
10:15:49 [edde91c9] refactor(theme): vars + colors match (yoroi-mobile)
10:19:07 [bd64547d] docs: corrected Edge Agent SDK KMP repo URL (#276) (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
10:19:56 [991372a8] chore(theme): drop contrast c_X (yoroi-mobile)
10:20:19 [da7b40c5] Merge pull request #1349 from cardano-foundation/fix/update-AddressTxAmount-to-use-slot-index (cf-explorer-api)
10:22:22 [1ebebf58] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into feat/dtis-1209-linking-multisig/exn-admits-to-original-grant (cf-identity-wallet)
10:22:51 [a7ce1c30] GITBOOK-560: No subject (Intersect-knowledge-base)
10:22:57 [53f8f3e0] [ADP-3344] Switch to `Read.Tx Conway` in `Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Read.Block` (#4757) (cardano-wallet)
10:23:53 [e7103811] chore(main): release 1.7.0 (cf-explorer-api)
10:23:59 [9cf1054c] feat: update comment and increase cover test for new changes (cf-identity-wallet)
10:24:58 [3ec69568] Deploying to gh-pages from @ cardano-foundation/cf-explorer-api@da7b40c56f03685b252773213214bf3d264e30df 🚀 (cf-explorer-api)
10:26:11 [43b1f10b] fix: cleanup and minor refactoring to remove duplicates (atala-prism-building-blocks)
10:26:15 [397f9cdb] GITBOOK-561: No subject (Intersect-knowledge-base)
10:26:17 [8e403028] fix: cleanup and minor refactoring to remove duplicates (open-enterprise-agent)
10:26:17 [2c36d6a7] fix: cleanup and minor refactoring to remove duplicates (open-enterprise-agent)
10:26:26 [fe53d799] fix: update unittest multisigService (cf-identity-wallet)
10:28:08 [a3ebd5be] Update state machine to register epoch_settings information and get signer with stake from runner (mithril)
10:28:18 [60154546] chore(theme): drop unused code (yoroi-mobile)
10:29:43 [e664e5a1] Scaffold a `store` module in Signer (mithril)
10:30:52 [4c86ba27] Inline definition of `Read.TxId` (cardano-wallet-agda)
10:30:56 [70afe78b] fix(staking): dashboard restyling (yoroi-mobile)
10:32:02 [219c7e7e] Abstract UI wallet state (cardano-wallet)
10:34:26 [a930480d] Merge pull request #1445 from input-output-hk/feat/LW-11271-single-ci-action-for-load-tests (cardano-js-sdk)
10:34:53 [1c080a23] fix: cleanup and minor refactoring to remove duplicates (open-enterprise-agent)
10:35:42 [8a619158] Factor out common layer (cardano-wallet)
10:38:08 [c1e92192] Factor out common handler of settings (cardano-wallet)
10:38:20 [d1887501] Merge pull request #6485 from rvcas/rvcas/tuna_v2 (cardano-token-registry)
10:40:45 [3a984d2a] Move Signer stores to their new dedicated mod (mithril)
10:40:53 [ddbd4550] chore: version 1.7.1 (cf-explorer-api)
10:41:16 [61e3f6d9] Factor out common handler of state (cardano-wallet)
10:43:50 [3f5e5dd4] Update fuzz to support new stdlib. (fuzz)
10:44:38 [9ed8f538] refactor current selected wallet prop (yoroi-frontend)
10:44:45 [76daf5fc] Scope signer store import to the `store` module (mithril)
10:45:36 [0013bffd] Remove Fixture from hydra-node (hydra)
10:45:44 [a90d9c19] A bit more logic around which entities can vote for what proposal types - probably should be in some helper function for usage across koios/grest (koios-artifacts)
10:47:19 [6654d088] Fix not seeding during scenario but before it gets executed (hydra)
10:48:23 [6e80b17c] treefmt (hydra)
10:50:26 [2457b4ed] feature: show scanner by default (cf-identity-wallet)
10:51:05 [213ba1d3] Fix openapi formatting (mithril)
10:51:05 [f8da4c6b] Add missing Docusaurus build dir in `.prettierignore` (mithril)
10:51:06 [105c0cae] Upgrade crates & openapi versions (mithril)
10:51:08 [1d200413] Add `Cardano.Wallet.Read.Tx.CollateralInputs` (cardano-wallet-agda)
10:51:25 [ef84688f] Deploying to gh-pages from @ cardano-foundation/cf-explorer-api@ddbd455022888f7096a4b462918d0e50f0ddaf4c 🚀 (cf-explorer-api)
10:52:00 [670a9471] Merge pull request #7 from kevinhammond/nc/123-genesis-checkpoints (CIPs)
10:52:17 [1b397755] Add exports to `Cardano.Wallet.Read.Tx` (cardano-wallet-agda)
10:53:00 [6eb9686e] fix: cleanup and minor refactoring to remove duplicates (open-enterprise-agent)
10:53:14 [37c8666d] deploy: a930480d98a3edfa45dacf7a27eb5a782fd156bd (cardano-js-sdk)
10:54:05 [3266a20e] chore: releasing latest version to uat (cf-explorer)
10:54:36 [847f456e] chore: downgrade cat-ci except for flutter-ci (catalyst-voices)
10:55:09 [4aa39f94] feat: OIDC Agent + Tasks (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
10:56:29 [15395587] Rename `walletId` lens in `stateL` (cardano-wallet)
10:58:11 [6a8457a6] Factor out common layer (cardano-wallet)
10:58:14 [64cb2132] Fix warnings (hydra)
10:58:15 [734b168f] Factor out common handler of settings (cardano-wallet)
10:58:16 [e770b9d2] Factor out common handler of state (cardano-wallet)
10:59:30 [b64dfb16] fix: cleanup and minor refactoring to remove duplicates (open-enterprise-agent)
11:00:09 [bad2a621] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:00:21 [dd982af6] build: bump @cardano-foundation/ledgerjs-hw-app-cardano to v7 (nami)
11:00:21 [e111dfd1] build: bump @trezor/connect-web to v9.3 (nami)
11:00:21 [bd05b2d7] feat: bump wasm deps to latest version for Conway support (nami)
11:00:22 [feecebe3] fix: assets in outputs must be sorted by policy id in trezor mappings (nami)
11:00:22 [2eb4b2eb] fix: filter only valid entities (nami)
11:01:17 [741c03c5] fix: show tx history of multi-delegated accounts (nami)
11:01:18 [e181a9ed] fix: the wallet now generates all transactions canonically (nami)
11:01:18 [029db8fd] chore: add console log when hw confirmation fails (nami)
11:01:18 [11ea431d] fix: sort policy ids canonically for ledger and mint map (nami)
11:01:19 [2a39e096] chore: bump version to 3.8.0 (nami)
11:01:19 [13ff0e28] fix: re-fetch transaction if it's missing data for any reason (nami)
11:02:40 [cd2937ac] Add `Enum` and `Num` instances to `BlockNo` and `SlotNo` (cardano-wallet-agda)
11:04:21 [52021aa9] chore: releasing latest to staging (cf-explorer)
11:04:48 [3f80b1c6] Factor out common handler lib (cardano-wallet)
11:05:42 [4b063b0b] Merge pull request #941 from input-output-hk/build/conway-compatibility-update (nami)
11:05:45 [055dde6e] Deploying to gh-pages from @ cardano-foundation/cf-explorer-api@da7b40c56f03685b252773213214bf3d264e30df 🚀 (cf-explorer-api)
11:06:36 [4a7c239d] chore: remove widgets from separate PR (catalyst-voices)
11:11:42 [7f1de2e8] pass value by refence (cardano-serialization-lib)
11:11:48 [f00702ca] flow update (cardano-serialization-lib)
11:12:06 [40ad6a21] chore: restore docs ci version (catalyst-voices)
11:13:41 [5ea47885] Move linkText to html lib (cardano-wallet)
11:16:54 [01abdd93] feat: enable asset-provider in dev-mainnet with debug log level (cardano-js-sdk)
11:17:06 [0d94a4b0] fix: add vsync to known words (catalyst-voices)
11:19:08 [03a07b66] feat(ui): remove unecessary prop (cf-identity-wallet)
11:20:12 [33bb717b] [ADP-3344] Switch to `Read.Tx Conway` in `Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Read.Block` (#4757) (cardano-wallet)
11:20:55 [e0eaf8ca] version bump (cardano-serialization-lib)
11:21:29 [62f45a6d] Factor out common html template code (cardano-wallet)
11:23:07 [9316e4f9] fix: modify logic to calculated the total tx of token, address, stake address (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
11:24:30 [a8db1a22] Factor out common html page lib (cardano-wallet)
11:24:46 [7be3b411] Fix committee fkey cascade behaviour (cardano-db-sync)
11:24:47 [48c152f0] add tutorial on how to compile latest guardrail script (sanchonet)
11:26:13 [3a920a6c] Deploying to gh-pages from @ cardano-foundation/cf-explorer-api@ddbd455022888f7096a4b462918d0e50f0ddaf4c 🚀 (cf-explorer-api)
11:26:45 [d71efc8f] Merge pull request #163 from perturbing/master (sanchonet)
11:26:47 [37b72a76] fixup! feat: enable asset-provider in dev-mainnet with debug log level (cardano-js-sdk)
11:27:24 [ce5361e6] add getWalletTip and reexport ChainPoint (cardano-wallet)
11:28:10 [f0204a59] deploy: d71efc8f5e5ff64eb8a2a61006c9c70ad7149063 (sanchonet)
11:28:15 [58918ce6] chore: missing comma (catalyst-voices)
11:28:24 [16b20ec1] ToJSON (ApiT ChainPoint) (cardano-wallet)
11:29:58 [34096382] Factor out common html network page (cardano-wallet)
11:30:33 [4734d022] fixup! fixup! feat: enable asset-provider in dev-mainnet with debug log level (cardano-js-sdk)
11:30:35 [f1d44fff] feat: seaprate DIDCommAgent and adding Tasks (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
11:30:46 [1bf5aae1] upgrade pallas to v0.30.1 (scrolls)
11:34:37 [bebfb13d] ✨ mermaid ✨ (CIPs)
11:36:57 [aba7c964] Merge pull request #359 from IntersectMBO/jdral/quickcheck-lockstep-0.5.1 (lsm-tree)
11:37:52 [54f50168] Factor out common html settings page (cardano-wallet)
11:38:30 [6f26ab05] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@58918ce6d76852a6221a3fa4333b47c25c522d6b 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
11:39:21 [e0be6ffd] Add new `RefCount` module (lsm-tree)
11:40:21 [b83f1e9c] Add specs for proposal_voting_summary (koios-artifacts)
11:40:41 [1b6fe515] add transfer observer (CIPs)
11:42:19 [09ec4a78] add state mutation (CIPs)
11:43:25 [238492b8] fix: cleanup and minor refactoring to remove duplicates (#1309) (open-enterprise-agent)
11:45:22 [238a2d85] Move the `RefCount` module into the `control` sub-library (lsm-tree)
11:46:08 [3c9ac36a] Factor out common API (cardano-wallet)
11:48:12 [079f7bc4] Update Earthfile (catalyst-voices)
11:48:18 [8d212862] Add specs for proposal_voting_summary (webartifacts)
11:48:39 [8c1657ae] Move Close/Contest/Fanout tx error types (hydra)
11:49:09 [79cf0b8d] Fix test_framework tests trying to implement function on foreign type. (aiken)
11:52:16 [2ab33628] Start using the new `RefCounter` datatype (lsm-tree)
11:54:25 [561117f2] WIP: nothunks (lsm-tree)
11:57:15 [5bfa435f] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into build/add-predef (open-enterprise-agent)
11:57:42 [ad153fde] renamed ro CIP-911 (CIPs)
12:02:00 [fb57b832] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@079f7bc4dbcfb6ac7d4fa418f8c07f414bdb8000 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
12:05:20 [9f2c1025] Updated logo for MyUSD (cardano-token-registry)
12:06:50 [9bd2c9c3] fix: limit validation request with a timeout and content lenght (govtool)
12:08:06 [573c104d] Merge pull request #6504 from MynthAI/master (cardano-token-registry)
12:09:56 [db78ca24] feat(extension): add toast to copy to clipboard (lace)
12:10:56 [4ddea5b9] fixes after merge (atala-prism-building-blocks)
12:13:27 [51af962d] feat(ui): remove type (cf-identity-wallet)
12:13:52 [33ef5505] fix(extension): allow pgp private key entry more than once (lace)
12:13:59 [c57eb75f] Merge branch 'fix/paper-wallet-misc-fixes' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/lace into fix/paper-wallet-misc-fixes (lace)
12:18:22 [2555d2b9] E2e workflow envs default to live for triggered release branch runs (#1393) (lace)
12:21:44 [5bcda5cc] GITBOOK-555: committee changes (Intersect-knowledge-base)
12:25:48 [4c6d03a7] cardano-node: calculate currentKESPeriod differently (cardano-node)
12:26:16 [d5430862] feat(ui): Add Camera Switch Button in Scan Options (#680) (cf-identity-wallet)
12:27:15 [c7fcfcc3] test (cizero)
12:28:31 [31902e5d] hydra-tx changes (hydra)
12:28:38 [68d2c320] test roundtrip for ApiT ChainPoint (cardano-wallet)
12:28:47 [9437da26] Proper check for the PT token (hydra)
12:28:47 [dd58cc99] Add Recover tx (hydra)
12:28:47 [ea2abe1a] Rebase fix (hydra)
12:28:47 [958cba2b] Format (hydra)
12:28:47 [6f0827c0] Re-add executable and separate parsing into Options module (hydra)
12:28:47 [c880ca6e] Deposit (hydra)
12:28:47 [00585fdd] Add hspec so we can run the tests (hydra)
12:31:57 [41456e54] chore(theme): drop repeated code (yoroi)
12:33:47 [e645423e] cardano-tesnet-test: adapt to use of Default class for CardanoTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
12:34:20 [6140f11c] fix(extension): add missing translated strings (lace)
12:36:23 [72d2cc74] added names to variables (cardano-ledger)
12:37:19 [60c76a12] style(extension): remove unused style (lace)
12:40:02 [9fd8ca81] chore: preparing production for next deployment (cf-explorer)
12:40:13 [c77bbd19] Updated to plutus V3 (hello-pluts-react)
12:41:31 [ded08864] getNetworktip (cardano-wallet)
12:43:20 [35a0013e] 🟥 mainnet - Auth API is down (404 in 441 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:43:43 [73e137d4] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:43:43 [7d28d2ac] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:45:09 [20b841f6] refactor(wallet-mobile): new theming definition/convention (yoroi)
12:45:13 [68c832bb] Manually tweak e2e game goldens to be valid in Conway (cardano-wallet)
12:45:18 [2441b744] Split did and http url endpoints for schemas (open-enterprise-agent)
12:47:13 [4bf3b778] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:47:37 [88b2a01d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:47:38 [c9015d3b] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:50:15 [29586c44] Merge pull request #1905 from input-output-hk/djo/1898/aggregator_root_route-cardano_transactions_signing_config (mithril)
12:50:46 [950470de] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 462 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:50:50 [40a8a865] Scaffold a `dependency_injection` module in Signer (mithril)
12:50:50 [44bd0bfb] Move Signer Dependencies builder & container to `dependency_injection` module (mithril)
12:50:50 [c28cd91d] Align Signer dependency injection components with aggregator naming (mithril)
12:50:51 [23791da5] Move several Signer services to `services` mod (mithril)
12:50:51 [556acef2] Scope signer services import to the `services` module (mithril)
12:50:51 [141d68c4] Promote Signer `services::cardano_transactions_importer` mod to a directory (mithril)
12:50:51 [9c7c3496] Scaffold a `services` module in Signer (mithril)
12:50:52 [6fe02205] Scope signer store import to the `store` module (mithril)
12:50:52 [8c079736] Move tx importer decorators to the new module (mithril)
12:50:52 [01e9188e] Scaffold a `store` module in Signer (mithril)
12:50:52 [8b6511d6] Move Signer stores to their new dedicated mod (mithril)
12:51:16 [ae603614] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:51:16 [afa72e79] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:52:30 [569ef0f1] Merge branch 'main' into fix/paper-wallet-misc-fixes (lace)
12:53:47 [c05f5ab3] deploy: 29586c44f206642d57ae7257fa7fbc542766291c (mithril)
12:54:38 [fd692753] GITBOOK-562: No subject (Intersect-knowledge-base)
12:54:55 [28e56c2d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:55:51 [d5a104f5] 🟩 mainnet - Auth API is up (401 in 825 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:56:21 [1cb47270] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:56:21 [dec4f74d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
12:56:24 [b985af26] GITBOOK-563: No subject (Intersect-knowledge-base)
12:56:39 [8c767878] refactor(theme): vars + colors match (#3466) (yoroi)
12:58:01 [c5d12084] Don't call --random on pumba; note about time (hydra)
12:59:34 [26b9d5c0] Merge pull request #686 from Emurgo/evgenii/mint_assets_memory_fix (cardano-serialization-lib)
13:00:10 [996c57f0] chore: add license file and issue templates (cf-explorer-landing)
13:06:39 [407b8f26] ATL-7659: API Supports ValidFrom And ValidTo Test (atala-prism-building-blocks)
13:08:17 [548c6d8e] fix(theme): readme moved (yoroi)
13:09:23 [0fec91a5] build: add predef to remove ??? (#1251) (open-enterprise-agent)
13:09:51 [275ad27f] fix(theme): readme moved (#3575) (yoroi)
13:11:52 [ec4b5735] `NoThunks` instance (lsm-tree)
13:11:54 [abb0ecbd] Test for `NoThunks` in the `StateMachine` tests (lsm-tree)
13:13:03 [9f33c944] [#1851] change logo to Cardano GovTool (govtool)
13:14:04 [aa0435ef] [#1852] change copy to Cardano GovTool (govtool)
13:15:30 [2e15e90c] Merge pull request #1865 from IntersectMBO/fix/limit-validation-request-timeout (govtool)
13:15:33 [84f9efda] feat: OIDC Agent (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
13:18:51 [d5a99585] feat(agent)!: now the agent can process a connectionless presentation request (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
13:21:15 [352ca3df] chore: changed voting event id for testing (cf-cardano-ballot)
13:21:31 [6efe2fa6] posix lib: `proxyDuplex()`: return immediately again on close (cizero)
13:22:00 [a96b9507] Futher reorganize cardano transactions services inside a single mod (mithril)
13:22:23 [36e05a47] Update apps/wallet-mobile/src/legacy/Dashboard/StakePoolInfo.tsx (yoroi-mobile)
13:22:28 [5e5ce2e7] Update apps/wallet-mobile/src/legacy/Dashboard/StakePoolInfo.tsx (yoroi-mobile)
13:25:24 [64f4aaf7] wb | profiles: default-dense profiles (cardano-node)
13:25:24 [a4137e4b] new tracing: fix resource trace emission for correct CPU 85% spans (cardano-node)
13:25:24 [d98ad2bf] cardano-profile: add default-dense; enable CLI help command (cardano-node)
13:28:47 [9e3262a1] Update Earthfile (catalyst-voices)
13:30:51 [47c51a45] crap (cizero)
13:31:39 [08a592eb] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
13:32:56 [37d3af4f] GITBOOK-11: Lloyd's Aug 28 changes - Committee Structure and corrected URL for YouTube. (budget-documentation)
13:33:33 [e6d1d2f9] add ChainPoint schemas (cardano-wallet)
13:33:43 [28af9ec9] Scaffold fake node with a simple directory observer for message input (mithril)
13:33:44 [79526f83] Add `HttpUnixSocketWriter` in `mithril-common` (mithril)
13:33:44 [30a0366d] Move message structure to an `entities` module since it will be shared (mithril)
13:33:44 [a71c6cc2] Further scaffold fake node by handling logs, startup & shutdown (mithril)
13:33:44 [2662fc54] Make TestHttpServer able to run through an unix socket (mithril)
13:33:45 [ec9cba5d] Add http server over unix socket on fake node (mithril)
13:33:45 [03d50c1c] Use a `lib` to manage fake node imports (mithril)
13:33:45 [d9151e61] Add read capability to the SocketClient (new name of SocketWriter) (mithril)
13:33:46 [12be7c09] Make clippy happier & some code quality enhancement (mithril)
13:33:46 [82cbea88] Handle error case in SocketClient::read (mithril)
13:33:46 [7c824e04] Implement `/pull-signatures` on fake node (mithril)
13:33:46 [980a379e] Fake node now listen for message in its input folder (mithril)
13:33:46 [2a4bef06] Add `MessageListener` (mithril)
13:33:47 [9256ebc5] Add `/register-signatures` POST route to http server on fake node socket (mithril)
13:33:47 [4403868b] Add `peers_input_directories` param to fake node + add alternate log format (mithril)
13:33:47 [d6c15b0a] Scaffold `MessageSender` (mithril)
13:33:47 [bcb8c4a7] `MessageSender` can now forward message to one peer (mithril)
13:33:48 [510594a7] Make fake node forward message to peers (mithril)
13:33:48 [d3b23d50] Fix DirectoryObserver: deserialize the crate Message type instead of a subtype (mithril)
13:33:48 [625aef09] `MessageSender` can now forward message to multiple peers (mithril)
13:33:48 [b03fa32f] Add network test in CI and run demo command (#1552) (hydra)
13:33:48 [e7b66eb0] Rework fake node logging: removed slog_scope, pass a parent logger in ctor instead (mithril)
13:33:49 [dd46d905] Add a minimal depoist UI API (cardano-wallet)
13:33:49 [261b5c21] Better path handling in fake node: (mithril)
13:33:49 [aa83173d] Make e2e start one fake nodes for each mithril node (mithril)
13:35:07 [8471ecb8] Add a deposit wallet about page (cardano-wallet)
13:36:04 [86e91492] Add a minimal deposit UI page module (cardano-wallet)
13:36:37 [1aa57f81] Add a deposit UI server (cardano-wallet)
13:36:38 [80b0e099] Abstract specificaly signatures publication in signer (mithril)
13:37:19 [de051d6a] log unreachable (cizero)
13:37:59 [ef761870] Add a sig publisher that use unix socket on mithril-signer (mithril)
13:38:00 [f236059e] feat: resolve comment (cf-identity-wallet)
13:38:00 [6e442ba6] Add `SignatureConsumer` to aggregator (mithril)
13:38:00 [5a540e4f] Add `signature-network-node` to CI built binaries (mithril)
13:38:00 [749e32fa] Fix: fake nodes were not pushing signatures received through socket to their db (mithril)
13:41:11 [b0d751bf] wb | fix profile redeemer data type logic (cardano-node)
13:44:58 [c82d4be1] Rename UI stuff in the wallet application code to reflect the personal wallet UI nature (cardano-wallet)
13:46:42 [520261fb] Update Playground for Aiken v1.1.0 (play)
13:47:54 [16a6e020] Stub out increment tx (hydra)
13:48:37 [c5eb044d] deploy: b03fa32f29266b7d9fb936633853cc7f4fc1b329 (hydra)
13:48:46 [4e83e2e2] Remove `maxMajorPV` from `Globals` (cardano-ledger)
13:52:46 [ea386bb6] Merge pull request #1867 from IntersectMBO/feat/1851_1852-change-voltaire-to-cardano (govtool)
13:52:52 [303dce79] Sort Proposals when translating to SpecRep (cardano-ledger)
13:53:10 [b1d621ac] wb | profiles: longer running default-dense (cardano-node)
13:53:53 [c1587076] ci: update frontend configs (catalyst-voices)
13:55:18 [3c85bfe7] Update Earthfile (catalyst-ci)
13:57:07 [60caae63] Merge branch 'master' into fix-resolve-merge-commits-main-staging (cc-portal)
14:01:32 [03ac5ef5] add schema tests for ChainPoint and new path (cardano-wallet)
14:03:40 [fc6c0f35] feat: add log duration operator (cardano-js-sdk)
14:04:50 [69b054da] fix(core): uri type now supports IPFS CIDv1 format (cardano-js-sdk)
14:05:02 [cc271f38] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@c15870760307137c4c223340421b82269ba76a20 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
14:05:41 [2eccfb1e] Test the test failure on Hydra (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:06:12 [4eedec13] feat: staging to master (#320) (cc-portal)
14:08:11 [d934617f] Sort Proposals when translating to SpecRep (cardano-ledger)
14:08:31 [defce71e] do not log about logs (cizero)
14:08:32 [5d3d40a3] add ToSchema instance (cardano-wallet)
14:08:48 [ecf486a1] fix(#1601): get rid of junk data in protocol parameter change Gov Action (govtool)
14:09:12 [b3ea597a] warn (cizero)
14:09:32 [99901216] Remove `maxMajorPV` from `Globals` (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:12:17 [87ad5398] cardano-profile: longer running default-dense (cardano-node)
14:13:12 [8c1c5394] Update Earthfile (catalyst-ci)
14:13:22 [92dbbd1b] Sort Proposals when translating to SpecRep (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:17:27 [73ab170c] Factor out common body template and page config datatype (cardano-wallet)
14:19:10 [36c0fa12] Update Earthfile (catalyst-ci)
14:21:09 [d53f892f] Sort Proposals when translating to SpecRep (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:22:44 [789c7526] Update 2024-08-29T14:22:44Z (capkgs)
14:23:08 [8a74588a] Add deposit UI server to the cardano wallet application (cardano-wallet)
14:23:27 [1ef96d15] feat: OIDC Agent (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
14:24:12 [cd0a9440] Allow any expression as constants (aiken)
14:24:14 [f674f9ee] hoist functions to super constants too (aiken)
14:24:49 [8644f9bd] feat: adding stop and deploy functions (cardano-ibc-incubator)
14:25:10 [f35afe8d] Implement SimpleExpr logic for configuration parsing (aiken)
14:25:12 [9063549f] Re-use expr formatter for constants. (aiken)
14:25:12 [38e8c626] Do not trigger warnings for exported configurations. (aiken)
14:25:12 [a909e9eb] Add acceptance_tests/109 to illustrate new config/constants capabilities. (aiken)
14:25:12 [71f90ad4] Fix constant definition parser. (aiken)
14:25:35 [6c2e3272] Re-implement and extend docs formatter for constants (aiken)
14:28:55 [ea41da4e] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-ci@36c0fa12042234baacecbe3782cfc4fe56a7cf2e 🚀 (catalyst-ci)
14:29:12 [46a95bf7] Add WIP simple Leios spec (ouroboros-leios-sim)
14:30:30 [e772ff17] Missed some zero parameter check (aiken)
14:30:31 [4a8bec4c] Fixing gen uplc tests (aiken)
14:30:40 [d7853dc8] Add cli flags to control the deposit UI presence in the cardano-wallet process (cardano-wallet)
14:31:57 [c654f804] GITBOOK-565: No subject (Intersect-knowledge-base)
14:33:24 [838b66c1] Merge pull request #2581 from IntersectMBO/artur/update-db-sync-version (cardano-node-tests)
14:36:17 [b2757a0a] fix(#1601): fix parsing falsy values except null and undefined (govtool)
14:37:13 [afd88652] Rename `ProductionDependenciesBuilder` to `DependenciesBuilder` (mithril)
14:37:29 [12277f59] Update cli docs to report the new flags (cardano-wallet)
14:38:20 [8ee32ff4] Update the nix run instructions to expose the deposit wallet UI (cardano-wallet)
14:38:34 [0ce9c06c] Update custom-types.mdx @SynthLuvr (site)
14:41:00 [0b993e70] chore: add correct path during logging (cardano-ibc-incubator)
14:41:27 [21e7a7f0] fix: always cast PGP message as Uint8Array (lace)
14:41:55 [0f2fc522] Fix committee fkey cascade behaviour (cardano-db-sync)
14:41:55 [c4d6a360] Do multiple updates in a single transaction (cardano-db-sync)
14:41:55 [5877ec0d] Fix consumed_by entries with a migration (cardano-db-sync)
14:42:13 [6ab9b6b7] Merge pull request #76 from aiken-lang/fix-bool (site)
14:42:58 [243ba1f0] New DB Sync release (cardano-documentation)
14:43:17 [892115b6] Update the docker run instructions to expose the deposit wallet UI service (cardano-wallet)
14:44:18 [df24c17e] Update Earthfile (catalyst-voices)
14:44:53 [a5df651f] Update 03-comp-matrix.mdx (cardano-documentation)
14:48:47 [8362c9bd] Upgrade `mithril-signer` version: from `0.2.174` to `0.2.175` (mithril)
14:50:57 [7341539a] log close (cizero)
14:54:30 [fa260180] Deprecate valueFromList and valueToList. Add `IsList Value` (cardano-api)
14:54:32 [dc5d4cbe] Fix fee estimation when autobalancing assets (cardano-api)
14:56:09 [c7453adf] win gar dium levi ohhh sa (hydra)
14:56:16 [31fd9144] Ensure code-gen's Program version/semantic matches Plutus version (aiken)
14:57:20 [8917848c] Use const instead of zero-arg functions in few code-gen tests. (aiken)
15:00:09 [bf52aa3e] Merge pull request #1908 from input-output-hk/djo/1906/reorganize_signer_dependencies (mithril)
15:00:45 [65f39bf0] Scaffold fake node with a simple directory observer for message input (mithril)
15:00:46 [8b2ddafe] Further scaffold fake node by handling logs, startup & shutdown (mithril)
15:00:46 [41eb5b05] Make TestHttpServer able to run through an unix socket (mithril)
15:00:46 [b825a0b8] Move message structure to an `entities` module since it will be shared (mithril)
15:00:46 [59da443c] Add `HttpUnixSocketWriter` in `mithril-common` (mithril)
15:00:47 [ee139470] Use a `lib` to manage fake node imports (mithril)
15:00:47 [8ffe64f4] Implement `/pull-signatures` on fake node (mithril)
15:00:47 [d2a7e3b0] Handle error case in SocketClient::read (mithril)
15:00:47 [64ea150d] Add read capability to the SocketClient (new name of SocketWriter) (mithril)
15:00:47 [4d7c5286] Add http server over unix socket on fake node (mithril)
15:00:48 [95a28b7a] Add `/register-signatures` POST route to http server on fake node socket (mithril)
15:00:48 [459cff81] Make clippy happier & some code quality enhancement (mithril)
15:00:48 [da3c5f98] Add `peers_input_directories` param to fake node + add alternate log format (mithril)
15:00:48 [002da71b] Fake node now listen for message in its input folder (mithril)
15:00:48 [7f1eba4e] Add `MessageListener` (mithril)
15:00:49 [90b6ac33] `MessageSender` can now forward message to one peer (mithril)
15:00:49 [f9676051] `MessageSender` can now forward message to multiple peers (mithril)
15:00:49 [148e45e4] Scaffold `MessageSender` (mithril)
15:00:49 [9f5fdcab] Make fake node forward message to peers (mithril)
15:00:50 [648dd8b7] Rework fake node logging: removed slog_scope, pass a parent logger in ctor instead (mithril)
15:00:50 [504c2383] Fix DirectoryObserver: deserialize the crate Message type instead of a subtype (mithril)
15:00:50 [4d608a24] Better path handling in fake node: (mithril)
15:00:50 [15533b47] Make e2e start one fake nodes for each mithril node (mithril)
15:03:02 [eb8a516e] chore!: upgrade flutter to 3.24.1 and dart to 3.5.0 (#725) (catalyst-voices)
15:03:19 [849585bc] deploy: bf52aa3e2484d4bdab26ca5b060de6f3bf7df660 (mithril)
15:04:12 [9ce9f825] Check dbsync table off_chain_vote_fetch_error related to DRep (cardano-node-tests)
15:07:02 [3270b89a] Merge branch 'main' into datum-conversion (cardano-api)
15:07:21 [669c5ec0] Abstract specificaly signatures publication in signer (mithril)
15:08:39 [50b56824] Add a sig publisher that use unix socket on mithril-signer (mithril)
15:08:40 [f613c10f] Add `SignatureConsumer` to aggregator (mithril)
15:08:40 [fea05da2] Add `signature-network-node` to CI built binaries (mithril)
15:08:41 [46996e37] Fix: fake nodes were not pushing signatures received through socket to their db (mithril)
15:09:37 [60114c40] chore(core): remove unused import (cardano-js-sdk)
15:10:39 [19dc05b8] feat: implement operator duration measure (cardano-js-sdk)
15:11:32 [9ec9d1c2] cardano-testnet: introduce ShelleyTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
15:12:50 [5ccefa11] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@eb8a516edbd25386c0fbe41501285870abf82543 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
15:16:18 [9e6dcd7e] Check dbsync table off_chain_vote_fetch_error related to DRep (cardano-node-tests)
15:17:59 [a049d33d] cardano-testnet-test: adapt to introduction of ShelleyTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
15:19:19 [656b5a8b] Move `signature_publisher` module to `services` (mithril)
15:20:02 [e0d19829] debug mode (cizero)
15:20:58 [d7abccd4] Merge pull request #5960 from IntersectMBO/smelc/honor-cardano-testnet-max-supply-value (cardano-node)
15:22:15 [1ad392d3] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:22:43 [2ca336ba] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:22:43 [62521ca9] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:25:43 [c7bab059] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 332 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:26:03 [7f985c42] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:26:04 [2d2ff687] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:26:22 [7320506f] feat: TLD auto-discovery (cdnsd)
15:27:34 [d7343217] dontstrip (cizero)
15:28:31 [8ad1bb7f] fix(#1601): fix parsing falsy values in filterOutNullParams util (govtool)
15:30:42 [7da095c5] kes: rotate preprod (cardano-playground)
15:32:10 [6e7c0852] Factor out common html settings page (cardano-wallet)
15:32:11 [fe190477] Add a deposit wallet about page (cardano-wallet)
15:32:11 [cd22f9a7] Factor out common API (cardano-wallet)
15:32:11 [0eb2369b] Add a minimal depoist UI API (cardano-wallet)
15:36:12 [390528b2] Added ouroboros-consensus-cardano- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:36:25 [fdc89294] Added ouroboros-consensus- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:36:59 [ca03be0d] Merge branch 'main' into update/main/dal (atala-prism-building-blocks)
15:39:52 [e0183eb6] Define Shelley CDDL via Huddle (cardano-ledger)
15:39:52 [d1f04ad2] Add a CDDL root element. (cardano-ledger)
15:39:52 [e94b46df] Update a comment describing change in behavior of hashIntegrity (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:39:52 [a6337864] Reintroduce detailed comments in CDDL. (cardano-ledger)
15:39:52 [93cde38d] Generate Shelley CDDL using Huddle. (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:39:52 [4c1f9f92] Move extras and crypto types to core CDDL (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:39:52 [01ab5a27] Update hie file. (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:39:52 [2acdd9b3] Use common CDDL definitions from Shelley. (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:39:52 [f203ae61] Update gen-cddl script to handle multiple eras (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:39:52 [f0651d1d] Fourmolu (cardano-ledger)
15:40:43 [83d2ff87] Add parse history to benchmarks history (cardano-wallet)
15:40:55 [51e039d2] Merge pull request #1868 from IntersectMBO/fix/1601-junk-data-in-protocol-parameter-change-governance-actions (govtool)
15:41:00 [d8c95906] Tag next step (cardano-node)
15:41:33 [3858af17] fix: adding desc and suthor on packagejson (cf-explorer-landing)
15:41:38 [54feb14a] Add Changelog entries and version bumps. (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:43:58 [cfadca7a] Merge pull request #6463 from odedNea/master (cardano-token-registry)
15:44:05 [1acb0cfb] Update pipeline instructions to expose the benchmark history csv file (cardano-wallet)
15:44:05 [68bc390d] Use historical data when building benchmark history (cardano-wallet)
15:45:45 [eb354b49] Merge pull request #1869 from IntersectMBO/develop (govtool)
15:47:17 [200c64df] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:47:45 [424ac480] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:47:45 [ae5a8930] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:50:14 [c21d8d69] fix: Add License to the POM files #1099 (open-enterprise-agent)
15:50:37 [4d6521a2] wip: adapting Connections to sub menu (cf-identity-wallet)
15:50:44 [0621f01a] Add Ledger team update for 2024-08-28 (#454) (cardano-updates)
15:51:02 [88cd8300] Increment mutation (hydra)
15:52:57 [b37f2b31] Fix golden files (plutus)
15:52:58 [6d64147f] Update Motivation and Rationale sections titles (CIPs)
15:57:06 [cc9c7462] deploy: 0621f01ac1d7cfb7c79e69147a4f998f2da56950 (cardano-updates)
15:57:31 [8225bee5] Update cardano-node: set minFeeRefScriptCostPerByte to 15 (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:57:58 [cbd65d02] Merge pull request #1907 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/1903-update-signer-footprint (mithril)
15:58:48 [4a976466] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@eb354b49a9630424c03fabaeb490b9a7e4527e6b 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
15:59:16 [0a408e90] Added ouroboros-consensus-diffusion- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:59:30 [82ef8258] Added sop-extras- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:59:46 [003553a6] Added strict-sop-core- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:00:06 [48a6a6a9] merge develop (yoroi-mobile)
16:00:32 [56ecf617] fix: merge protocol minor/major Conway protocol params (gouroboros)
16:00:43 [5e8f51f6] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 316 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:00:50 [ed184951] deploy: cbd65d02d9b81679c253d795008f6c70d8a285b1 (mithril)
16:01:03 [1b72465b] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:01:03 [848d7758] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:01:30 [2313075f] feat: integrate json-path in presentation definition (open-enterprise-agent)
16:03:20 [1ba53bbc] build: DAL dependency update (#1101) (open-enterprise-agent)
16:03:34 [a54329e6] Merge branch 'main' into feat/prex-2 (atala-prism-building-blocks)
16:04:11 [5e571686] Fix typo in transition table of Message Submission state machine (CIPs)
16:04:13 [85b024a7] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
16:05:20 [7cd275a0] Merge pull request #6505 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1892 (cardano-token-registry)
16:07:01 [5b37ca2f] Merge bullet points for pool id verification in 'Message authentication mechanism' section (CIPs)
16:08:44 [c0810bf6] Bump CHaP (cardano-api)
16:08:45 [a29518bb] Left off here. Bump consensus versions in cabal file (cardano-api)
16:08:45 [c94895d1] Bump CHaP for plutus + ledger (cardano-api)
16:09:48 [74f4ddd7] Add mention for verification of announced message id when received in 'Message authentication mechanism' section (CIPs)
16:14:20 [d3804e0b] feat: Conway era support for pre-prod and initial one for mainnet (needs some update after Chang HFC first block is minted. (cf-cardano-conversions-java)
16:15:47 [0f884a08] Add a minimal deposit UI page module (cardano-wallet)
16:15:48 [1189c35e] Add a deposit UI server (cardano-wallet)
16:15:48 [a68526c2] Factor out common body template and page config datatype (cardano-wallet)
16:15:48 [e4c2859f] Rename UI stuff in the wallet application code to reflect the personal wallet UI nature (cardano-wallet)
16:15:49 [90d01dd6] Add cli flags to control the deposit UI presence in the cardano-wallet process (cardano-wallet)
16:15:49 [079f76a4] Add deposit UI server to the cardano wallet application (cardano-wallet)
16:15:49 [19e01039] Update cli docs to report the new flags (cardano-wallet)
16:15:50 [35de5af6] Update the docker run instructions to expose the deposit wallet UI service (cardano-wallet)
16:15:50 [6095f9ea] Update the nix run instructions to expose the deposit wallet UI (cardano-wallet)
16:16:40 [da2096a5] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@eb354b49a9630424c03fabaeb490b9a7e4527e6b 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
16:16:47 [705081d9] Fix sse throttling mechanism (cardano-wallet)
16:17:30 [697bf938] Byron: Fix mainnet-genesis.json path for test (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:19:29 [36653254] feat: add sendAssets test case (mesh)
16:20:34 [6019e216] Add `signed_message` prop to `RegisterSingleSignatureMessage` in openapi (mithril)
16:20:34 [eb4270c3] Add signed message to `RegisterSignatureMessage` in common (mithril)
16:22:13 [7145849f] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@51e039d26cf4f620c37fdd298f8fd56171418d64 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
16:22:14 [436ecb96] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:22:35 [89dcdb4b] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:22:36 [79ea9397] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:24:28 [bcceadf5] [ADP-3414] Optimize benchmark history tracking (#4755) (cardano-wallet)
16:25:43 [b9f5ddc1] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 341 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:26:03 [07c3ac6b] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:26:04 [6856407f] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:26:59 [d6d4a671] Added threadLabel to MonadThread (io-sim)
16:26:59 [4fd44eb7] github actions (io-sim)
16:27:12 [52c1f0a7] fix: merge protocol minor/major Conway protocol params (#698) (gouroboros)
16:28:44 [7565917a] fix generating sets with MemberSpec elemS (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:28:58 [de574961] Adapt mithril-aggregator to send current and next signers in epoch-settings route (mithril)
16:28:58 [ba41f08d] Add current_signers and next_signers to EpochSettings in mithril-common (mithril)
16:28:59 [f7a31c97] Update state machine to register epoch_settings information and get signer with stake from runner (mithril)
16:28:59 [7d4df7a5] Adapt signer to work with new attributes on EpochSettings (mithril)
16:29:05 [e5163dc9] GITBOOK-564: Anastasia's Aug 29 changes (Intersect-knowledge-base)
16:29:43 [01fcf849] chore(deps): update blinklabs-io/gouroboros to v0.93.2 (cardano-node-api)
16:40:28 [a0c849ea] Added ouroboros-consensus-cardano- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:40:33 [4961ff31] Added ouroboros-consensus- (cardano-haskell-packages)
16:40:41 [9d54d5e9] Added ouroboros-consensus-diffusion- (cardano-haskell-packages)
16:40:49 [a0854f4a] Added sop-extras- (cardano-haskell-packages)
16:40:58 [35db1a64] Added strict-sop-core- (cardano-haskell-packages)
16:45:26 [b2a81aca] chore(deps): update blinklabs-io/gouroboros to v0.93.2 (#235) (cardano-node-api)
16:46:20 [03fdc763] feat: TLD auto-discovery (#199) (cdnsd)
16:48:24 [9f3c45a0] Add an epoch_service that provide signers with stake (mithril)
16:48:26 [a888d0b5] chore: update default cdnsd version to v0.18.0 (ansible-cardano)
16:48:40 [95a78843] feat: initial tinkering (cardano-js-sdk)
16:55:04 [c5e06e53] Move EpochService into `services` module (mithril)
16:56:44 [7d4a58ef] chore: update default cdnsd version to v0.18.0 (#117) (ansible-cardano)
16:59:13 [6a720c63] Merge pull request #4565 from IntersectMBO/jj/enact-conformance (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:00:09 [9f293eb6] treat req as a recommendation (dolos)
17:02:18 [0d188e4c] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 6a720c63603d304cc24e35f8a8a2016f67b7902d (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:06:41 [4193d51a] chore: cardano-node-api 0.2.4 (ansible-cardano)
17:06:52 [8b9a324a] Merge branch 'master' into 538-prevent-policy-from-being-supplied-with-the-wrong-actions (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:07:08 [706c6a4a] chore: cardano-node-api 0.2.4 (cardano-compose-stacks)
17:07:09 [35502bd3] Implement new fee structure for reference scripts (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:07:15 [58c8c1ce] chore: cardano-node-api 0.2.4 (cardano-up-packages)
17:11:35 [b7682bec] chore: cardano-node-api 0.2.4 (#118) (ansible-cardano)
17:11:39 [75355267] Fix fee estimation when autobalancing assets (cardano-api)
17:11:45 [ca6f6ec0] chore: cardano-node-api 0.2.4 (#42) (cardano-compose-stacks)
17:12:37 [22c3b504] chore: cardano-node-api 0.2.4 (#25) (cardano-up-packages)
17:13:29 [7a9678a1] Merge pull request #142 from cardano-foundation/feat/cardano_ibc_sidechain_cli (cardano-ibc-incubator)
17:22:26 [7b5ef579] fix: replace problematic dependencies license for Apollo (open-enterprise-agent)
17:23:59 [00bb673a] Merge pull request #622 from IntersectMBO/mgalazyn/fix/invalid-fee-when-autobalancing-minting (cardano-api)
17:35:20 [482b8f3d] Generate code for 4c91fa63d8b7e732c3083ef52c1f94f52ffccc0a (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:45:49 [668f1fcf] WIP: hoist constants. (aiken)
18:00:42 [01338fb9] Update cardano-wallet version in linux-e2e.sh (cardano-wallet)
18:00:42 [f0217c4e] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
18:00:42 [3fdb30d5] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
18:00:42 [3bcb5c15] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
18:04:56 [ac888213] Remove `maxMajorPV` from `Globals` (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:12:42 [01417402] Remove `maxMajorPV` from `Globals` (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:15:26 [8095b76d] Fix incorrect `utxoFromEraTxOutputs` (cardano-wallet-agda)
18:21:19 [db465186] deploy: 00bb673ac6af5792e1de8655fd820802e8e8786e (cardano-api)
18:22:58 [db9fdf1a] Optimize Plinth stuff (plutus)
18:35:04 [798ebc51] fix: provide env to script execution (cardano-ibc-incubator)
18:43:13 [5d5883a1] Fix tests (plutus)
19:01:05 [e0c28b5c] docs: non-mithril needed components (cardano-ibc-incubator)
19:05:16 [ca31e16b] docs: non-mithril needed components embedded images (cardano-ibc-incubator)
19:08:45 [32dacb1c] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:08:45 [b67328d6] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:09:03 [3ada9b77] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 6a720c63603d304cc24e35f8a8a2016f67b7902d (cardano-ledger)
19:09:04 [33cd94f8] Updated from 6a720c63603d304cc24e35f8a8a2016f67b7902d via push (cardano-ledger)
19:12:17 [1a7b6c3d] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:12:45 [df5e82f9] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:12:45 [1b360cf5] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:19:33 [a4e7d886] deploy: d7abccd4e90c38ff5cd4d6a7839689d888332056 (cardano-node)
19:19:34 [018d304c] chore: fix estimate returned amount formula (cardano-ibc-incubator)
19:23:49 [561d0f23] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 76 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:24:08 [38188cbe] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:24:08 [3356853e] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:32:13 [caeb6cdd] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:32:35 [9f633b5d] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:32:35 [68e0bc0e] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:35:44 [366cccb1] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 1327 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:36:04 [1a35e2ef] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:36:04 [61fd8ae6] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:41:12 [fe4cbba4] chore: adjust retry interval and tries (cardano-ibc-incubator)
19:59:31 [8b226696] chore: overriding keys to prevent error, using health endpoint to check if osmosis is running (cardano-ibc-incubator)
20:06:54 [efa6cf46] Update logback-classic to 1.5.7 in main (atala-prism-mediator)
20:10:50 [84aa38db] Add upper bound for nothunks (plutus)
20:13:15 [1a627201] Run ./scripts/prepare-release.sh x.y.z.w (plutus)
20:20:17 [525eb93b] Fix small issues with `cardano-wallet-read` (#61) (cardano-wallet-agda)
20:29:51 [9fcb095f] fix(core): stop caching signer for cip-45 (cf-identity-wallet)
21:10:48 [e2565d1a] fix(core): uri type now supports IPFS CIDv1 format (cardano-js-sdk)
21:11:25 [9d351ce8] docs: remove host from swagger spec (cardano-node-api)
21:12:30 [11efb404] imp: add a topo endpoint request for smash to 1r/10s (cardano-parts)
21:13:50 [a94b76bd] Added better error messages, better printing of graphs (cardano-ledger)
21:26:14 [723696e3] well-founded recursion proof (formal-ledger-specifications)
21:55:43 [692ab1f8] chore: moved back components into browser scope, fixed HW signing (lace)
22:30:51 [a0ee223d] Get automatic shells to run (cardano-base)
22:51:59 [85e1270d] imp: for smash, only nginx log cache misses (cardano-parts)
22:58:19 [f5b4ad09] transactions (CIPs)
22:59:57 [708680f0] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:00:19 [d1b4044f] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:00:19 [d153e7c5] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:05 [a4602767] 🟩 beta.explorer.cardano.org (mainnet frontend) is up (200 in 256 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:06 [6823bcb1] 🟩 preview.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preview frontend) is up (200 in 319 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:06 [dbabee63] 🟩 preprod.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preprod frontend) is up (200 in 327 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:36 [4101eeb4] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:37 [5515865d] 🟩 mainnet - Auth API is up (401 in 613 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:38 [d243dc44] 🟩 preprod - Auth API is up (401 in 419 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:38 [f1c4302f] 🟥 preprod - API is down (200 in 330 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:39 [85a3d4bd] 🟩 preview - Auth API is up (401 in 423 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:39 [ebcf6777] 🟥 preview - API is down (404 in 190 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:04:15 [0f5ed260] 🟩 API (All properties) is up (204 in 535 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:04:16 [c410e2ce] 🟩 API (Specific property) is up (204 in 100 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:04:16 [ca1bba1d] 🟩 API (Batch) is up (204 in 99 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:05:48 [cd466b55] 🟥 1694ballot.cardano.org is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:49 [f0933cba] 🟥 event-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:50 [b62fb0e5] 🟥 login-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:50 [1a550c73] 🟥 blockchain-follower-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:51 [187d861c] 🟥 get-vote-receipt-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:51 [47b0d79d] 🟥 cast-vote-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:51 [7a9adf4f] 🟥 get-votes-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:08:29 [e3945da1] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 282 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:08:49 [a8c9a4b2] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:08:49 [45aebd4e] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:27:16 [6c128132] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:27:35 [dd8ab47e] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:27:35 [d399e1c6] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:31:32 [7f6e49a3] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 10 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:31:51 [d3377c1e] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:31:51 [f7578b9b] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:43:07 [05724462] Proposal can get dropped even before it expires, updated coalesce accordingly (koios-artifacts)