Home / Reports / Feb 25, 2021

Thursday, February 25, 2021

563 commits had been pushed across 52 repos by 84 authors. There were 80,966 additions and 54,594 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:43:55 [9da2e757] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
00:47:18 [ddf6cdcc] connect TxDetails screen to multi-asset store (yoroi-mobile)
00:49:05 [404fab6b] Add mkourim SSH key (ops-lib)
00:50:46 [48faff85] Add lower bounds (cardano-node)
00:50:46 [441aae49] Remove windows cabal solver workaround (cardano-node)
00:52:13 [1d4811ca] Upgrade to cabal- for documentation (cardano-node)
00:54:08 [b009331c] Merge pull request #53 from input-output-hk/add_mkourim_ssh (ops-lib)
01:03:27 [5839b306] Metrics for blocks gained and lost due to switching (cardano-node)
01:03:53 [b5c1b5d5] Use Cabal for Haddock build (cardano-node)
01:07:31 [42c0a1c7] Automatic update for Thu Feb 25 01:07:31 UTC 2021 (stackage.nix)
01:16:16 [cc0a2000] Automatic update for Thu Feb 25 01:16:15 UTC 2021 (hackage.nix)
01:18:02 [958e9d3e] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:34:46 [2572f654] db: Improve the way database inserts are done (cardano-db-sync)
01:44:46 [a5e471b5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:45:29 [ebf01a62] [DDW-552] Remove line break characters from address on the exported pdf (daedalus)
01:54:24 [e5a2bf90] Github actions: Make sure netstat is installed on Linux (cardano-db-sync)
01:54:59 [05cbec30] [DDW-552] Update changelog (daedalus)
02:23:33 [ac16be4e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:23:40 [d85e9a78] Remove commas from generated prometheus metric names (iohk-monitoring-framework)
02:23:42 [2ecda6aa] Add logging of database checkpoint cache (cardano-wallet)
02:24:02 [6800975a] Merge #2409 (cardano-node)
02:31:09 [0367e293] fixup! Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
02:51:15 [7bd972ff] Add lower bounds (cardano-node)
02:51:15 [214ddc43] Remove windows cabal solver workaround (cardano-node)
03:00:37 [792b01dd] Fix websocket connection (#166) (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
03:02:07 [3c2439bf] Remove windows cabal solver workaround (cardano-node)
03:12:03 [3f5eeb82] Improve attestation tests (metadata-server)
03:13:49 [45faa576] Improve domain modelling (metadata-server)
03:14:20 [9b6bc714] Apply styling (metadata-server)
03:16:53 [1ba12e8f] Add function `equipartitionTokenMapWithMaxQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:53 [c8e9668d] Add function `unsafePartitionCoin`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:53 [58ea51c5] Add function `unsafePartitionNatural`. (cardano-wallet)
03:18:25 [36adcd58] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:22:50 [9e0897d9] Remove Counter module (ouroboros-network)
03:25:02 [41f1b0ec] Add ghc-9.10.1 to Github Actions (cardano-prelude)
03:34:22 [ef653cc5] Add function `equipartitionCoin`. (cardano-wallet)
03:34:23 [dda8035b] Add function `equipartitionTokenBundle`. (cardano-wallet)
03:34:24 [bcda2960] Add function `equipartitionTokenBundleWithMaxQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
03:58:59 [bb8f9a6e] Add ghc-9.0.1 to Github Actions (cardano-prelude)
04:00:18 [a81e8959] Consolidate documentation for equipartitioning functions. (cardano-wallet)
04:09:57 [0cb63c2a] Remove windows cabal solver workaround (cardano-node)
04:11:38 [61a51754] When making change, split up any change maps with excessive token quantities. (cardano-wallet)
04:12:38 [cdb7009c] Upgrade to cabal- for documentation (cardano-node)
04:13:10 [4e1da1f3] Merge #2409 (cardano-node)
04:15:35 [cb430c97] Add ghc-9.0.1 to Github Actions (cardano-prelude)
04:19:58 [427bc40c] Remove windows cabal solver workaround (cardano-node)
04:21:37 [013d6296] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:23:17 [737d2447] Add AssetDataProvider to state, types and onSelect logic in "Select Asset" dropdown (adalite)
04:29:05 [881d865b] Consolidate documentation for equipartitioning functions. (cardano-wallet)
04:29:05 [88c53701] When making change, split up any change maps with excessive token quantities. (cardano-wallet)
04:32:31 [25b967fc] Refactor stakepoolDataProvider (adalite)
04:48:18 [d4d77d8d] Rename acronym field to ticker (metadata-server)
04:49:48 [5b3c6799] Merge pull request #27 from input-output-hk/feature/acronym-to-ticker (metadata-server)
04:52:00 [014b7459] Include cgguts deserialisation in core-field patch: `LoadIface.loadCoreBindings` (haskell.nix)
04:54:26 [db48c7c2] Add lower bounds (cardano-node)
04:54:27 [61d02d4e] Remove windows cabal solver workaround (cardano-node)
04:55:51 [5118a4b6] Hide ADA symbol in the "Amount" field on send ADA form when handling tokens (adalite)
04:56:06 [e4fce986] Fixes (cardano-node)
04:56:06 [0fefc516] Import cardano-submit-api from cardano-rest repo (cardano-node)
05:17:09 [1a6e84c1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:18:05 [454301bb] Add AssetDataProvider to state, types and onSelect logic in "Select Asset" dropdown (adalite)
05:18:14 [2bfc3e82] Refactor stakepoolDataProvider (adalite)
05:20:48 [d2eded3d] Hide ADA symbol in the "Amount" field on send ADA form when handling tokens (adalite)
05:32:02 [cfa95ccf] Merge pull request #23 from input-output-hk/feature/conservative-cleanup (metadata-server)
05:34:00 [30f1618d] feature: Replace asset policy and assetName with fingerprint (cardano-explorer-app)
05:48:03 [2dd7d17e] WIP: Add bound tests. (cardano-wallet)
06:16:24 [73c4fc06] feature: Replace asset policy and assetName with fingerprint (cardano-explorer-app)
06:19:56 [9459fb22] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:21:28 [23369e01] Reduce export surface area (cardano-node)
06:32:44 [754c0098] Re-instate preImage support (metadata-server)
06:37:02 [b56ea86e] Remove windows cabal solver workaround (cardano-node)
06:47:52 [ee506909] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
06:50:00 [e5a62ebf] Fix JSON parser requiring "anSignatures" to be present (metadata-server)
06:54:51 [1e6c524f] Implement feedback from Jaap (mantis-docs)
07:02:14 [71f2ae98] Merge pull request #28 from input-output-hk/feature/conservative-cleanup (metadata-server)
07:16:47 [a0df3ebc] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:32:47 [f410051d] Fixup rebase (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [38971a52] newConnectionPool -> withConnectionPool (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [6f3d0567] Lightly refactor checkpoint cache (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [663a94d4] More aroundAll tests (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [b157ea3f] Simplify sqlite connection setup (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [20b708c2] use bracket-style resource acquisition for the db connection pool (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [8bee986c] use a single-striped connection pool for each database layer (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [79160269] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [8504c846] Straighten out connection pool logging a little (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [b4a6b5fe] No need for mask in runQuery (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [72aae372] Don't get stuck when deleting wallets (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [9d6ab253] Decouple DBFactory from DBLayer a little (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [b76c4c00] Add tests for aroundAll (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [126b22aa] Let bench:db work using withConnectionPool (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [5efe5786] Properly handle 'SQLITE_BUSY' in the context of a connection pool (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [b4d2149f] Straighten out SqliteContext (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [ce64674d] Elide retryOnBusy logging (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [03831b26] Split Test.Utils.Resource.unBracket from Test.Hspec.Extra.aroundAll (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [3e80eb07] Switch checkpoint cache from IORef to MVar (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [c4f350c8] Add logging of database checkpoint cache (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [59e2efac] Fix MsgApplyBlocks logging (cardano-wallet)
07:32:47 [f7678377] DBLayer: Make the checkpoint cache threadsafe (cardano-wallet)
07:36:45 [7d9122bd] Consolidate documentation for equipartitioning functions. (cardano-wallet)
07:36:53 [416e7a29] When making change, split up any change maps with excessive token quantities. (cardano-wallet)
07:37:02 [829c89b6] WIP: Add bound tests. (cardano-wallet)
08:02:17 [d2deb2a4] Revert "etcm-651 added sending checkpoints to all peers" (mantis)
08:06:10 [7ecd80cf] CAD-2704: EKG store prototype. (cardano-rt-view)
08:08:40 [833c0eb9] Merge pull request #2157 from input-output-hk/jc/fix-byron-nightly (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:09:10 [0d81fb11] Merge pull request #2147 from input-output-hk/upgrade-to-cabal- (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:11:44 [a1834e65] ETCM-670: handling checkpoint older than local best block (mantis)
08:11:44 [f8a06311] ETCM-671: replaced actor logging with normal logging (mantis)
08:11:44 [9cb334a0] etcm-637 BlockImport.removeBlocksUntil is removing blocks from the top now (mantis)
08:11:44 [510e22f4] ETCM-674: added headers consistency with ready blocks validation to fetcher state (mantis)
08:11:45 [0324cfe5] etcm-651 added sending checkpoints to all peers (mantis)
08:11:45 [4ce3c99d] Revert "etcm-651 added sending checkpoints to all peers" (mantis)
08:11:45 [571cbaf0] etcm-643 fixed execution of InternalLastBlockImport in BlockFetcher (mantis)
08:13:51 [656d3784] [ETCM-571] Add metric on the time taken to evaluate a submitted PoW (mantis)
08:16:13 [21f7c09c] Merge pull request #57 from Zeegomo/token-auth (jortestkit)
08:20:03 [d34167cd] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - disabled dot on numeric fields input (daedalus)
08:21:30 [77648e2d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:22:29 [a8a93517] mini-protocol GADTs wrappers (cardano-db-sync)
08:27:42 [da688ecf] Get rid of before and after in propRunScript (plutus)
08:34:58 [3c333f3d] nomad 1.0.4 (bitte)
08:36:17 [d7af6ded] Update jortestkit (jormungandr)
08:36:22 [44c6d102] pass GITHUB_TOKEN secret to tests and env variable (jormungandr)
08:36:22 [9df6c471] authenticate GitHub API calls (jormungandr)
08:38:42 [bd423372] CUE wip 3 (mantis-ops)
08:41:39 [68ff8a89] Adding wireframe contract setup workflow. (#2773) (plutus)
08:41:55 [c9d6b271] new addres examples (ikar)
08:46:51 [2c154b9b] give hydra jobs a try (mantis-ops)
08:50:58 [f612145e] Remove intricate from CODEOWNERS (cardano-node)
08:51:53 [40c46ec6] Merge #2373 (cardano-node)
08:51:59 [aeb914d5] fix hydra jobs? (mantis-ops)
08:52:24 [edc51a1f] WIP (metadata-server)
08:53:34 [2d5d904c] Some more docu (cardano-node)
08:55:34 [0dc87107] more hydra checks (mantis-ops)
08:58:52 [927ef0d2] also build the nixos configurations on hydra (mantis-ops)
09:09:42 [e15515b7] Merge #2412 (cardano-node)
09:16:04 [ecac22b3] make v1/fragments/logs and v1/fragments/statuses (jormungandr)
09:16:05 [09781a23] remove "post" endpoint under fragments (jormungandr)
09:23:36 [b4f73cc2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:25:47 [910eb60b] Remove push to trigger (cardano-rosetta)
09:30:33 [e64dce48] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
09:31:54 [9cb3dcd1] Finish haddocking ContractModel (plutus)
09:34:29 [77744f81] Github actions: Make sure netstat is installed on Linux (cardano-db-sync)
09:38:55 [893bef9b] Remove the client handler (plutus)
09:38:56 [21feb91d] Stylish fixes (plutus)
09:38:57 [3cb474c5] Change port numbers from 80XX to 90XX. (plutus)
09:38:58 [9c8bd15b] Reinterpret the injecting handler (plutus)
09:50:38 [e9246c15] No nssm cleanup on Windows (cardano-wallet-rb)
09:53:33 [12c4815e] Test generators (cardano-wallet)
09:57:12 [fa63ca5d] Update 2021-02-25_11-00-00_explorer-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
09:58:04 [5aefb255] Merge pull request #31 from input-output-hk/splash_message (mallet)
10:00:12 [9f07ce18] [DDW-500] Verious bugfixes (daedalus)
10:00:26 [154aae17] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens (daedalus)
10:01:01 [55f12d79] fix build failure on haproxy-auth-request (bitte)
10:01:54 [fc90158a] fix another hydra build failure (mantis-ops)
10:15:11 [3746941a] [DDW-500] Improve assets loading (daedalus)
10:16:32 [78e5adea] Add function `equipartitionTokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
10:16:33 [c97d5275] Add function `equipartitionTokenMapWithMaxQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
10:16:33 [87a4eeee] Add function `unsafePartitionNatural`. (cardano-wallet)
10:16:33 [f05b6087] Add function `unsafePartitionCoin`. (cardano-wallet)
10:16:34 [6047e028] Add function `equipartitionTokenBundle`. (cardano-wallet)
10:16:34 [cd739ced] Add function `equipartitionTokenBundleWithMaxQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
10:16:34 [0a5a44b1] Fix descriptions (mantis)
10:16:34 [48981fee] Add function `equipartitionCoin`. (cardano-wallet)
10:16:35 [93a6af52] Make `unsafePartitionNatural` return results in ascending order. (cardano-wallet)
10:16:35 [d459f7d9] Consolidate documentation for equipartitioning functions. (cardano-wallet)
10:16:35 [e1ff5540] When making change, split up any change maps with excessive token quantities. (cardano-wallet)
10:16:36 [d0daabde] Add unit tests for the maximum token quantity. (cardano-wallet)
10:18:44 [503d0d2f] Filter any invalid characters from prometheus metrics names (iohk-monitoring-framework)
10:18:47 [a6543ebf] Make GenTxHistory much faster (cardano-wallet)
10:18:53 [e3e3650d] wip tx with assets (adalite)
10:19:50 [14d5304a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:22:12 [7ab5c325] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
10:22:49 [ff4c0441] Rename 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow000.md to 2021-02-03_07-00-00_getting-started.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:27:02 [ae5f9bf6] all workflow stepts in rake tasks (cardano-wallet-rb)
10:28:54 [50f87526] Scalafmt (mantis)
10:31:57 [6feec7d5] Rename 2021-02-03_07-00-00_getting-started.md to 2021-02-03_07-00-00_getting-started-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:32:39 [54f0379b] style search result width (testnets-cardano-org)
10:32:54 [209d94b3] Update and rename 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow010.md to 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow-tutorial-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:35:56 [a5e26bd8] Remove trace of graphql in README.md (vit-servicing-station)
10:37:11 [6fe0318c] Update and rename 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow020.md to 2021-02-03_07-00-00_buy-signature-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:37:20 [2072134a] Parametising Mantis VMs (mantis-faucet-web)
10:37:30 [446e02e8] Switch MockKES to use IO (cardano-base)
10:38:35 [1a4edcea] Update and rename 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow030.md to 2021-02-03_07-00-00_coin-flip-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:39:26 [bdd46b75] Remove pending trace of graphql from rest client (vit-servicing-station)
10:39:54 [d715c7e3] Update and rename 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow040.md to 2021-02-03_07-00-00_rock-paper-scissors-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:40:40 [d1643f7b] Moving and renaming various things. (plutus)
10:41:05 [8356466b] Update and rename 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow050.md to 2021-02-03_07-00-00_deadman-switch-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:42:04 [d7444108] Update and rename 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow060.md to 2021-02-03_07-00-00_simple-auction-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:43:01 [bfca7bb8] Update and rename 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow070.md to 2021-02-03_07-00-00_crowdfund-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:43:49 [df1c2a31] Update and rename 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow080.md to 2021-02-03_07-00-00_challenge-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:44:27 [7bff66f4] Switch from cabal 3.2 to 3.4 (haskell.nix)
10:45:03 [1662166b] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_buy-signature-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:45:28 [0d8ebc64] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_challenge-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:45:49 [fdc3d5d6] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_coin-flip-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:46:06 [32ad12e6] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_crowdfund-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:46:28 [2503c643] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_deadman-switch-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:47:08 [2913a1dd] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_getting-started-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:47:32 [f4a80aaf] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow-tutorial-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:47:52 [0fbc4d68] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_rock-paper-scissors-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:48:09 [733badbf] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_simple-auction-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:52:51 [df92e312] Allow dead_code warning on rest client post method (vit-servicing-station)
10:57:42 [bee870cc] a bit less broken SendScreen (yoroi-mobile)
11:01:28 [aa42002f] use AppM (plutus)
11:02:56 [6655c925] Parametise Mantis VMs (mantis-explorer)
11:06:30 [13feb7f4] Add function `equipartitionTokenMapWithMaxQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:30 [48a4507e] Remove `hlint` suggestion to always use camel case. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:30 [a2559623] Add function `equipartitionTokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:31 [9c1f6438] Add function `equipartitionCoin`. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:31 [a84f9eb3] Add function `unsafePartitionCoin`. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:31 [faa6efac] Add function `unsafePartitionNatural`. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:32 [8cbc6716] Add function `equipartitionTokenBundle`. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:32 [7268a241] Add function `equipartitionTokenBundleWithMaxQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:33 [adbd6b98] When making change, split up any change maps with excessive token quantities. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:33 [5753d0bd] Extract out function `equipartitionTokenQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:33 [a0dd498c] Consolidate documentation for equipartitioning functions. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:34 [8e82d620] Add unit tests for the maximum token quantity. (cardano-wallet)
11:06:39 [cf4c3c71] [plutus-core/exe] Remove small unnecessary code (plutus)
11:07:23 [1a3215e8] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/cabal-34 (haskell.nix)
11:08:29 [8867cb61] SCP-1944: Active endpoints (plutus)
11:16:27 [19e707c8] Add error handling with anyhow throughout (almost) (bitte-cli)
11:16:28 [5095b348] reduce log spam (mantis)
11:16:32 [38684ba1] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_buy-signature-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
11:17:02 [9a7e3498] Some macro experiments in the test department (bitte-cli)
11:17:04 [41a99fad] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:18:15 [911a433f] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_coin-flip-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
11:18:44 [357336d2] Update to cabal 3.4 (#2774) (plutus)
11:18:48 [7cbb2bb2] [plutus-core/exe] Remove small unnecessary code (plutus)
11:20:17 [7fd9c6c8] allow further path segments after fragments in v1 api (jormungandr)
11:20:43 [4a091519] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_rock-paper-scissors-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
11:22:21 [12224813] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_deadman-switch-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
11:23:59 [76d04b94] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_simple-auction-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
11:25:28 [f4938021] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - disabled dot on numeric fields input (daedalus)
11:25:29 [b5498564] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_challenge-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
11:25:39 [daab5ced] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens (daedalus)
11:28:14 [bf521fc4] Better names for Frequecy Limiter (cardano-node)
11:33:10 [45f24061] Merge pull request #464 from elviejo79/staging (testnets-cardano-org)
11:33:48 [8509a129] Implement feedback (mantis-docs)
11:34:01 [65cbd107] Change the way stack-to-nix outputs ghc options (#102) (nix-tools)
11:35:19 [0ff669a5] Merge pull request #159 from input-output-hk/cad-2704-ekg-store-model (cardano-rt-view)
11:36:57 [899e81a3] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - focus on field (daedalus)
11:37:57 [e8254e5f] Merge pull request #491 from cardano-foundation/EVM-Updates (testnets-cardano-org)
11:43:12 [f65459fa] plutus-pab: Monitoring module (plutus)
11:48:04 [32e37d02] Rosetta Deployment Tests (#313) (cardano-rosetta)
11:49:34 [50da75e2] [DDW-500] Improve token tooltip copy button UX (daedalus)
11:51:01 [81c2e970] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens (daedalus)
11:55:24 [d87d34b2] use AppM (#2777) (plutus)
11:56:38 [a8bacd96] Merge pull request #3053 from input-output-hk/expose_v1 (jormungandr)
12:03:22 [538c87b7] Remove the client handler (plutus)
12:03:23 [094a60c5] Stylish fixes (plutus)
12:03:24 [86d8b695] Change port numbers from 80XX to 90XX. (plutus)
12:03:25 [df704922] Reinterpret the injecting handler (plutus)
12:05:49 [8587bc31] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - focus on field (daedalus)
12:05:59 [339b8275] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens (daedalus)
12:16:07 [0353a64b] add responsive handling for mobile search form (testnets-cardano-org)
12:19:28 [1b2f3480] DerivingVia newtype wrappers for Serialise instances via JSON (ouroboros-network)
12:20:39 [eac8f083] [plutus-core/exe] Remove small unnecessary code (#2781) (plutus)
12:23:27 [3e3e9467] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:25:03 [6fda4d68] CAD-1310 add keyAddress (cardano-benchmarking)
12:27:41 [c4fa24ac] fix the proportion of voted proposals in tally bench (chain-libs)
12:35:31 [23506998] Drop unused Relation module (plutus)
12:35:32 [9e702cc1] parallel computation of tally in benchmark (chain-libs)
12:40:02 [affa8e4f] Bump rust.nix (bitte-cli)
12:40:20 [a4f1f802] [DDW-544] Update tippyjs-react to 4.2.1 (react-polymorph)
12:40:24 [c2afb7aa] 0.9.8-rc.10 (react-polymorph)
12:43:21 [e58ac56c] [DDW-584] Apply Withdrawals to Hardware Wallets transactions (daedalus)
12:48:30 [5c952420] [DDW-500] Code style improvements (daedalus)
12:48:39 [ffff2c3f] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens (daedalus)
12:52:48 [7ac3af79] fix FundDistribution array sizes (chain-libs)
12:53:24 [00ed486b] Add a query for hard fork ledger and consensus config (ouroboros-network)
12:56:20 [a4270b7d] [CAD-2651] Fix/improve caching. (smash)
13:00:32 [3c544ab3] [DDW-500] Adds missing translation (daedalus)
13:02:09 [252d17ee] Remove the client handler (plutus)
13:02:10 [afa4dc80] Stylish fixes (plutus)
13:02:11 [c0a61aeb] Change port numbers from 80XX to 90XX. (plutus)
13:02:12 [8ace5b07] Reinterpret the injecting handler (plutus)
13:03:55 [203d6ff3] [DDW-544] Fix delegation center tile styles (daedalus)
13:07:55 [016ec777] [DDW-544] Upgrade to latest RP to fix teleporting issue (daedalus)
13:16:26 [32515c76] new Glow install and network files (testnets-cardano-org)
13:18:01 [432e3726] Update glow-install.md (testnets-cardano-org)
13:18:21 [0e944f20] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:19:11 [6d9a9805] updated stake snapshot diagram (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:19:39 [8e175a86] updated stake snapshot diagram (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:22:05 [3e7e2237] ETCM-636: Fix null pointer on getBestBlock (mantis)
13:22:05 [559939f6] ETCM-636: None.get on best block tests (mantis)
13:22:06 [c866c95f] Specify the mpt exception (mantis)
13:22:06 [bf52f6c0] [ETCM-645] Add tests for checkpointing (mantis)
13:22:06 [fe0c1bfa] Scalafmt (mantis)
13:22:06 [08223577] catch exceptions during block reward payment (thrown by MPT implementation) (mantis)
13:22:06 [217acebf] Update the tests (mantis)
13:22:06 [bf28b948] Fix descriptions (mantis)
13:23:36 [49c3c0d0] Merge pull request #2778 from input-output-hk/add-tobi-to-aws (plutus)
13:24:08 [3a98d100] Merge pull request #492 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-41 (testnets-cardano-org)
13:24:36 [1779b95d] Fix transaction history (adalite)
13:25:25 [51d78bb2] SCP-1944: Active endpoints (#2780) (plutus)
13:26:55 [851b8f46] [DDW-500] Improve copy button position (daedalus)
13:27:24 [ebc61715] CAD-1310 add secureGenesisFund (cardano-benchmarking)
13:27:30 [b91f8380] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_simple-auction-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
13:31:18 [ace5237c] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow-tutorial-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
13:31:48 [6f337c6a] Merge pull request #493 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-42 (testnets-cardano-org)
13:33:14 [de456228] Docs updated (guild-operators)
13:33:30 [1723126e] Docs updated (guild-operators)
13:35:08 [93a5f80b] introduce missing well-known properties and get rid of unnecessary features (cardano-metadata-submitter)
13:35:09 [0ae52698] add parser for policy (cardano-metadata-submitter)
13:35:09 [61c59c8d] remove unused test and bench folders (cardano-metadata-submitter)
13:35:32 [eae540be] Doco updated (guild-operators)
13:36:08 [e139917d] Add ResizeObserver to automatically resize on size change (plutus)
13:36:08 [98727aba] Fix bottom panel layout (plutus)
13:36:08 [2c011770] Add bottom panel and static analysis to Blockly (plutus)
13:36:08 [8c2988d5] Add warnings to blockly editor (plutus)
13:36:08 [c34fedb3] Remove unused CSS (plutus)
13:36:08 [13ff7cf7] Fixed footer being pushed down in editor pages (plutus)
13:36:08 [75b2ba23] Dockerfiles updated (guild-operators)
13:36:09 [d2fa74ae] remove unused imports (plutus)
13:36:09 [b8c79acf] Applied pablo’s comments (plutus)
13:37:52 [e0704077] Merge pull request #494 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-43 (testnets-cardano-org)
13:40:35 [001f2af4] WIP CAD-2693 supervisord: generate topology from parameters (cardano-node)
13:41:45 [81a28471] [CAD-2651] Fix/improve caching. (smash)
13:41:55 [4b1753e5] Fix hydra release.nix ci (cardano-rosetta)
13:45:21 [f6659e88] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_simple-auction-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
13:45:27 [b4d5f5f8] Updated num_able_to_redeem_rc (age-usd)
13:48:05 [c2f78a36] Revert "ETCM-671: replaced actor logging with normal logging" (mantis)
13:49:05 [6f770522] Rename glow-install.md to 2021-02-25_07-00-00_glow-install-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
13:55:43 [b45bf0c6] Merge pull request #925 from input-output-hk/bug/ETCM-636 (mantis)
13:55:51 [7a4331f8] Merge pull request #318 from input-output-hk/ci-hydra-fix (cardano-rosetta)
13:59:54 [e3ebeac0] Try #153:+ (smash)
14:00:49 [45e272b3] Merge pull request #2783 from input-output-hk/drop-relation-module (plutus)
14:05:16 [7b84cfe4] add a smidge of logging (mantis)
14:05:29 [21418e57] Template for testing tutorial (plutus)
14:06:54 [56596f8a] WIP (plutus)
14:09:38 [08c6b86f] ETCM-645: Add it-test for checkpointing (mantis)
14:11:53 [5991141f] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ETCM-541-upnp-port-forwarding (mantis)
14:12:50 [fb514979] [DDW-500] Update JP translations (daedalus)
14:12:58 [bae8b496] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens (daedalus)
14:13:00 [b37a49da] Fix a typo (mantis)
14:17:32 [2ae2b2ec] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:18:15 [f249621b] Turn the cost model tests into a benchmark (plutus)
14:18:15 [75c52fb9] DerivingVia newtype wrappers for Serialise instances via JSON (ouroboros-network)
14:18:15 [246d111e] Add a query for hard fork ledger and consensus config (ouroboros-network)
14:20:45 [471d865d] [DDW-579] Fix delegated stake pool error on delegation center screen (daedalus)
14:21:14 [ffd6aa27] updated workflow diagrams (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:24:45 [cb17a84b] rename docker-compose (cardano-wallet-rb)
14:25:23 [c02b9093] Merge pull request #2156 from input-output-hk/disable-doctests-on-ghc-8.10.x (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:26:59 [615f00d0] workflow changes related to cardano-wallet-rb changes (ikar)
14:31:41 [01dd3647] [DDW-579] Update changelog (daedalus)
14:35:55 [345f994f] [ETCM-571] Add metric on the time taken to evaluate a submitted PoW (mantis)
14:37:55 [dda62a5a] updateMaterialized (plutus)
14:42:42 [505ac3f6] Calculate tx plan with tokens (adalite)
14:46:16 [45c8cc5b] Consolidate tmp storage between scripts (guild-operators)
14:47:29 [41d938d0] Deleted Glow Language Tutorial (testnets-cardano-org)
14:47:55 [75c29d0c] Add a function for making a submission from the proposal's data. [skip ci] (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:48:36 [d4cfe726] run_all task for local testing (cardano-wallet-rb)
14:49:30 [aeca1131] Reinterpret the injecting handler (plutus)
14:58:45 [0b2320aa] Make sure we close DBs in Wallet Sqlite Specs (cardano-wallet)
15:00:22 [02946d2a] take vote plan from settings not from blockchain (jormungandr)
15:02:38 [56f42f32] Fix test "Can join and quit Stake Pool" (cardano-wallet-rb)
15:02:50 [c0718237] Update 2021-02-25_07-00-00_glow-install-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:04:14 [56fefe1d] Update and rename glow-test-network.md to 2021-02-25_07-00-00_glow-test-network-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:04:20 [a0c12662] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
15:04:35 [13ec1c98] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow-tutorial-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:05:05 [8ca3e870] Delete 2021-02-03_07-00-00_simple-auction-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:05:21 [7fe0a8a8] Delete 2021-02-03_07-00-00_buy-signature-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:05:35 [b7b3ebd5] Delete 2021-02-03_07-00-00_coin-flip-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:05:45 [6252a58b] Use Annotated decoder for PParams and PParamsDelta (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:06:02 [8ab4ff3a] Update 2020-11-25_09-00-00_overview-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:06:05 [4ef2a76e] Delete 2021-02-25_07-00-00_glow-test-network-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:06:28 [35ca5a6a] Delete 2021-02-03_07-00-00_rock-paper-scissors-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:06:41 [ebc608b2] Delete 2021-02-03_07-00-00_deadman-switch-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:06:54 [cc41c8c0] Delete 2021-02-03_07-00-00_crowdfund-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:07:08 [0c0189a3] Delete 2021-02-03_07-00-00_challenge-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:09:14 [2837f14b] Merge pull request #496 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-44 (testnets-cardano-org)
15:09:48 [f0e53180] Amend build-raw command's script parser to take optional Plutus script (cardano-node)
15:09:49 [5adb36b7] Update cardano-api's Plutus script interface (cardano-node)
15:09:49 [368cf268] Parameterize TxIn by era to account for Plutus txins vs normal txins (cardano-node)
15:09:50 [def4defd] Update Shelley cli's script parser to accept optional Plutus related (cardano-node)
15:09:50 [1f6c029a] Update Byron cli with parameterized TxIn (cardano-node)
15:09:51 [9a352348] Update txbody validation in cardano-cli (cardano-node)
15:09:51 [c82aba32] Update various functions with Alonzo era (cardano-node)
15:09:52 [6f8f7455] Parameterize ProtocolParameters over the era (cardano-node)
15:09:52 [8193ce81] Propagate era parameterized protocol parameters (cardano-node)
15:09:53 [f2ba1d86] Update exports and test generators (cardano-node)
15:09:53 [fe0ddc8f] Rebase fixes (cardano-node)
15:09:54 [c6d3fdd0] Update ledger specs dep (cardano-node)
15:09:54 [1fd17ddf] Zipped spending plutus scripts (cardano-node)
15:09:55 [1470ceda] Update 2021-02-25_07-00-00_glow-install-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:09:55 [0fcb9677] Update ProtocolParameters (cardano-node)
15:13:25 [9dc389a8] Merge pull request #497 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-45 (testnets-cardano-org)
15:13:51 [8783ad7a] stop node and wallet (cardano-wallet-rb)
15:15:16 [76068890] Create 2021-02-25_07-00-00_glow-test-network-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:18:04 [ef0b803e] Fix reserve calc (age-usd)
15:18:28 [0ab7f0d5] Merge branch 'master' into marlowe-dash-remodel (plutus)
15:19:46 [63493b4c] Use the node protocol for chain synchronisation. (#2691) (plutus)
15:19:49 [149ea627] Rename Asset Metadata `acronym` to `ticker` (cardano-wallet)
15:20:24 [a9214cfd] Use Annotated decoder for PParams and PParamsDelta (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:21:38 [d5a4123c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:22:09 [9f1a5df4] Try #2538: (cardano-wallet)
15:26:09 [339ac9a7] update docker workflow and remove configs since they are downloaded now (cardano-wallet-rb)
15:27:28 [cfc9a1ba] workflow changes related to cardano-wallet-rb changes (ikar)
15:29:37 [2a10747a] WIP CAD-2693 supervisord: generate topology from parameters (cardano-node)
15:30:02 [649f372c] ETCM-541 attempt UPnP port mapping to aid in peer discovery & connection (#929) (mantis)
15:30:12 [a9cf6fef] Comment out section relating to cost model tests in nix/pkgs/haskell/haskell.nix (plutus)
15:33:03 [e0f98692] Merge pull request #3055 from Zeegomo/api-auth (jormungandr)
15:33:12 [3f266b28] update tests.yml workflow (cardano-wallet-rb)
15:35:18 [9d0bf5b6] SCP-1671 Marlowe Playground Client: Add static analysis and warnings to Blockly editor (#2768) (plutus)
15:38:11 [7f337849] Update 2021-02-25_07-00-00_glow-test-network-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:41:36 [bbe8055c] Change sendAdaPage from class component to functional component (adalite)
15:41:55 [83ccd8fb] Merge pull request #498 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-46 (testnets-cardano-org)
15:42:06 [06583083] [DDW-544] Handle lonely group separator in NumericInput (react-polymorph)
15:42:08 [6074c291] update tests.yml workflow (cardano-wallet-rb)
15:42:29 [849b5d66] 0.9.8-rc.11 (react-polymorph)
15:47:53 [89976786] [DDW-500] Handle utxo_too_small API error (daedalus)
15:48:03 [f7d663af] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens (daedalus)
15:49:17 [e1eed7da] [DDW-500] Bump RP (daedalus)
15:49:26 [e702ae4e] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens (daedalus)
15:49:52 [ac9e3020] Modify onDiskShouldTakeSnapshot by adding a RequestedInterval as a parameter (ouroboros-network)
15:51:06 [a5bfe350] Drop duplicate TxBody serialisation tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:53:16 [89570c1f] Update 2021-02-25_07-00-00_glow-test-network-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:54:26 [c314ff68] Drop duplicate TxBody serialisation tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:54:58 [7d6dd519] Fix Funds >> Send 'all' to send all additional assets with Ada (guild-operators)
15:56:18 [8211f646] fix text parser for 'unit'. (cardano-metadata-submitter)
15:59:41 [1d9c7ec6] Update Megacoin description (metadata-registry-testnet)
16:01:03 [87e59f19] Modify the overlay z-index so that it’s bigger than blockly (plutus)
16:04:22 [63f69fbc] Merge pull request #499 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-47 (testnets-cardano-org)
16:04:36 [8a7d229a] Comment out section relating to cost model tests in nix/pkgs/haskell/haskell.nix (2) (plutus)
16:05:34 [c3d3b13b] Merge branch 'kwxm/turn-off-cost-model-tests' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into kwxm/turn-off-cost-model-tests (plutus)
16:08:39 [6b396304] Update documentation for aws user creation (plutus)
16:12:02 [9116503c] Change Megacoin description (metadata-registry-testnet)
16:16:10 [9c65d1f2] Change key acronym to ticker (metadata-registry-testnet)
16:16:54 [aff21769] [DDW-500] Handle utxo_too_small API error - handle edge cases (daedalus)
16:18:02 [de343d6b] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow-tutorial-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
16:18:03 [6c0becac] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow-tutorial-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
16:19:10 [e0d27adf] refactor yes/no enums (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
16:21:05 [53764e29] Merge pull request #500 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-48-1 (testnets-cardano-org)
16:25:49 [ef90a40a] Bump rust.nix in flake.lock file (vit-ops)
16:31:22 [f4b2f1cf] Merge pull request #501 from cardano-foundation/staging (testnets-cardano-org)
16:34:51 [1cbd58d4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:35:24 [1f656785] review signing key passing to use cardano-api for interop (cardano-metadata-submitter)
16:35:59 [594e9691] Remove error in the PUP rule (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:36:31 [cf884c2b] [DDW-500] Prevent error thrown on Confirmation dialog close (daedalus)
16:36:49 [dae4d6be] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens (daedalus)
16:38:30 [8f8673f0] Merge branch 'develop' into release-with-develop (daedalus)
16:39:34 [a8ffcdb9] Merges develop (daedalus)
16:40:00 [ef6133e2] Merge branch 'master' into release-with-master (daedalus)
16:42:13 [4fc35fbb] Merge pull request #2406 from input-output-hk/release-with-develop (daedalus)
16:42:43 [db1b35df] Update 2021-02-03_07-00-00_glow-tutorial-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
16:43:15 [f30ef2a8] Merge pull request #2407 from input-output-hk/release-with-master (daedalus)
16:44:56 [280a18f8] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens (daedalus)
16:45:36 [a6283fa6] [DDW-500] Merges develop (daedalus)
16:46:28 [8e3e4384] Cleanup auto-derived Typeable occurrences (plutus)
16:48:19 [77c80398] Improved num check for minting stablecoins (age-usd)
16:48:56 [7c1306de] rename key reference kind (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
16:48:59 [e257bbce] Get rid of 'other-extensions' in .cabal files (plutus)
16:52:43 [f8d4f705] Create the project (ekg-forward)
16:55:30 [4a2fd5d6] added outline, enactment, deadlines (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:57:36 [f6d4d14c] Improved efficiency of num able to redeem rc (age-usd)
16:58:14 [fd0f626f] change of direction lemma for CK (plutus)
17:00:19 [a7575e67] change of direction lemma for CK (plutus)
17:01:07 [3f854584] some lemmas for stack style reduction and values (plutus)
17:01:33 [d0437296] story board sources (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:02:09 [a3f57186] possible high level structure of reduction -> CC, alt. version of `E [ E' ]` (plutus)
17:13:02 [20fbcc63] add fingerprint,assetName and other fixes (yoroi-mobile)
17:18:19 [9f91fe38] tally bench: change proposal action to OffChain (chain-libs)
17:22:28 [d24968f7] Cleanup auto-derived Typeable occurrences (plutus)
17:25:35 [0d790714] Merges develop (daedalus)
17:26:39 [8263253b] Merge branch 'develop' into hw-rewrite (daedalus)
17:27:37 [91b9d1b5] [DDW-584] CHANGELOG update (daedalus)
17:29:20 [9706b382] [DDW-584] Merges-in latest develop branch and fix conflicts (daedalus)
17:29:53 [0a154e1d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:34:27 [0f1137c4] Add support for submitting a transaction with an SIP. (cardano-node)
17:34:39 [aff98dcc] WIP CAD-2693 supervisord: generate topology from parameters (cardano-node)
17:36:20 [79fff774] Syntack highlighting in code blocks so that it's easier for users to copy/paste (testnets-cardano-org)
17:38:56 [8d35bc79] fix grammar (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
17:39:10 [e54baad9] Merge pull request #54 from vacuumlabs/parse_inputs (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
17:41:52 [0205e52f] validate signatures based on policy in the context of the current slot (cardano-metadata-submitter)
17:56:24 [50300f38] Merge pull request #503 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-49 (testnets-cardano-org)
18:03:02 [f9757fc8] use mainnet parameters for calculating current slot time (cardano-metadata-submitter)
18:03:03 [35b158ec] revise README to (a) match submitter revisions, (b) focus on building token metadata (cardano-metadata-submitter)
18:13:36 [f3bfd1f5] Create and provide data for SendAmount object (adalite)
18:13:44 [939785be] WIP CAD-2693 supervisord: generate topology from parameters (cardano-node)
18:14:33 [b0c3158d] updateMaterialized (again) (plutus)
18:17:14 [77479d16] Merge branch 'kwxm/turn-off-cost-model-tests' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into kwxm/turn-off-cost-model-tests (plutus)
18:18:24 [5592b950] fix handling of UTF-8 characters passed through the command-line (cardano-metadata-submitter)
18:19:22 [2a615a20] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:19:26 [5def2b94] Revert deletion in haskell.nix (plutus)
18:32:07 [7013bd44] Send tx with tokens (adalite)
18:33:28 [592d3263] New MIR cert features in Alonzo (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:35:11 [5ab5535d] Merge pull request #504 from elviejo79/staging (testnets-cardano-org)
18:46:27 [a78168cf] Refactor blockly resizing to use refLabel instead of document by id (plutus)
18:53:42 [d85fe9b8] Merge pull request #506 from cardano-foundation/staging (testnets-cardano-org)
19:01:22 [f22cb0a7] add AssetName.name() (react-native-haskell-shelley)
19:02:00 [70d42afb] aligning tests - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
19:02:15 [3885d597] added decrypt_tally method (jormungandr)
19:02:58 [544ee622] 1.0.2 (react-native-haskell-shelley)
19:09:48 [660916d7] Try fixing haskell.nix again (plutus)
19:12:59 [810f2d62] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:14:12 [5bff9251] Added naive num methods (age-usd)
19:16:10 [0d61f1c1] Remove askama (vit-servicing-station)
19:16:53 [9b6f83d6] Add dropdown icon to asset dropdown in send ada page (adalite)
19:17:02 [61e2b109] [DDW-500] Bump Daedalus version (daedalus)
19:23:19 [31776305] Small fix for overview.md formatting (ECIP-Checkpointing)
19:26:52 [683f2ff6] Sign multi asset txs with ledger and trezor (adalite)
19:27:29 [ad5fc5bc] [DDW-500] Improve copy button position (daedalus)
19:49:10 [9fbf4d29] Implemented binary search into num methods (age-usd)
19:55:54 [9d5d5cfa] Hide chaff when blockly window hides (plutus)
19:59:45 [18a7637f] align SharedScriptSpec - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
20:01:03 [5d4b3bd6] [DDW-500] Remove max-height for Token item (daedalus)
20:03:12 [03da5c66] Fixed binary search (age-usd)
20:04:03 [9bdb09dc] update (yoroi-mobile)
20:08:31 [ed9460f9] Merge branch 'ashisherc/ch7798/ui-for-multi-asset' of github.com:Emurgo/yoroi-mobile into ashisherc/ch7798/ui-for-multi-asset (yoroi-mobile)
20:10:52 [41f38263] Further adjustments to calcs (age-usd)
20:11:05 [5514adb0] Close select asset drop down in send ada page on click outside of element (adalite)
20:16:38 [6e633b06] Updated mid count (age-usd)
20:18:24 [1fc6c5eb] add price endpoint (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
20:18:28 [94df9b66] Allow user to run gLiveView from any directory (guild-operators)
20:18:29 [0b8c4b25] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:18:50 [58806063] add accountState cache (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
20:18:51 [a5b48bba] add slack webhook for notifications (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
20:18:51 [04b313fe] update (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
20:18:51 [b46d6cdb] fix caching null values (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
20:20:44 [72d3b359] rebase (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
20:27:28 [28a18d7f] Github actions: Make sure netstat is installed on Linux (cardano-db-sync)
20:27:28 [61682b74] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
20:31:26 [d4692827] Implemented able_to methods (age-usd)
20:35:34 [2323bd3f] Remove API prefix (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
20:35:35 [94143324] Make send and delegate buttons same width (adalite)
20:38:01 [03a3da5f] Added cooling off height check (age-usd)
20:39:09 [1fe0f5dc] Remove API prefix (#167) (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
20:49:50 [6501a777] CAD-1310 working test script (cardano-benchmarking)
20:53:59 [1a64bbd1] Add Morpho.RPC.Tracing module (ECIP-Checkpointing)
20:54:42 [5d668497] Simplify Morpho.Node.Features.Node (ECIP-Checkpointing)
20:55:23 [32386961] Exposed more methods to WASM (age-usd)
21:02:52 [92eb25fb] Fixed underflow edgecase (age-usd)
21:07:39 [2ee6c9e8] Merge pull request #535 from input-output-hk/erikd/deps-20210225 (cardano-db-sync)
21:10:37 [cbbfa5a2] Merge pull request #19 from input-output-hk/state-tests-refactor-docs (ECIP-Checkpointing)
21:15:51 [6a9007aa] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:22:39 [8f045af8] db: Improve the way database inserts are done (cardano-db-sync)
21:28:30 [a7472515] Split divisions for reserve ratio (age-usd)
21:32:34 [f38d3c48] Updated blockly (plutus)
21:52:35 [2dd7c517] Use Cabal 3.4 (nix-tools)
21:55:35 [3cbfcea6] CAD-1310 add wrapper for splitFunds (cardano-benchmarking)
21:59:27 [b932107c] BinSearch update (age-usd)
22:00:48 [9aea73ad] Use nix-tools built with Cabal 3.4 (haskell.nix)
22:02:12 [762b3028] Remove leading / from ${TMP_DIR} usage already defined in variable (guild-operators)
22:06:54 [671c6482] Make relay node for testnet reachable from internet (cardano-node-tests)
22:06:54 [a3f70aa2] Update SPO Docs (cardano-node)
22:09:23 [b89f42e6] Update SPO Docs Mary Era (cardano-node)
22:09:29 [7cedf80b] Tweaks for testnet staking test (cardano-node-tests)
22:14:07 [26286744] Update SPO Docs Epoch (cardano-node)
22:14:13 [52d9f231] Merge pull request #397 from mkoura/staking_testnet (cardano-node-tests)
22:18:40 [84c82524] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:20:37 [6e21a312] Make cardano-mode cluster default for ClusterLib (cardano-node-tests)
22:35:18 [c4d49b8f] Fix Funds >> Send 'all' to send all additional assets with Ada (#810) (guild-operators)
22:39:31 [582c4b00] Merge branch 'alpha' into scitz0-tmp (guild-operators)
22:46:55 [c3c063d1] Fix small compilation problem for PIR.Compiler.Error (plutus)
22:54:30 [b2b5fce7] db: Improve the way database inserts are done (cardano-db-sync)
22:55:14 [369d6749] add mising MultiAsset.sub() (react-native-haskell-shelley)
22:55:41 [fb812ed7] Enable ghc-8.10.4 (ouroboros-network)
22:56:56 [0301e325] add flowgen (react-native-haskell-shelley)
22:58:24 [0faf7ce1] Cleanup auto-derived Typeable occurrences (plutus)
22:58:24 [738b316e] Change Exception instances to use DeriveAnyClass (plutus)
22:58:24 [e577f36b] monoid and functor laws for eval ctx, fusion with frames (plutus)
23:00:06 [2626efc8] 1.0.3 (react-native-haskell-shelley)
23:18:26 [d84da7a3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:22:46 [6c5cec52] Consolidate tmp storage between scripts (#809) (guild-operators)
23:41:54 [10d0b657] Reduce export surface area (cardano-node)