Home / Reports / Jan 10, 2022

Monday, January 10, 2022

534 commits had been pushed across 45 repos by 94 authors. There were 1,436,191 additions and 1,273,501 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:06:20 [42e69cdb] VikingApe (cardano-token-registry)
00:07:14 [c6745a50] Artistic-Fall-Berlin-Wall (cardano-token-registry)
00:08:41 [a7d6509c] YeRoyallyBoredApe (cardano-token-registry)
00:10:35 [280adb8e] ApeFocusPokus (cardano-token-registry)
00:17:03 [39c053d1] Merge pull request #993 from input-output-hk/artur/add-testnet-configs (cardano-db-sync)
00:25:47 [afe4310b] postgresql-setup.sh: drop_db function to include cascade (cardano-db-sync)
00:32:34 [542b614a] Call this a "Rust library" (cardano-serialization-lib)
00:41:18 [5aa20dd3] Extra logic added to fix negative values (guild-operators)
01:00:04 [22f92e4f] Merge pull request #1012 from input-output-hk/erikd/drop-db-cascade (cardano-db-sync)
01:03:13 [824fa5a4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:06:55 [8002d366] Merge branch 'alpha' into Diagnose-al2-premerge (guild-operators)
01:15:06 [7c5d604f] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:45:08 [81060248] clean up (tools)
02:19:31 [2c4bce87] More cleanup (tools)
02:21:36 [3ef3da69] :facepalm: (tools)
02:23:09 [28319ffe] . (tools)
02:38:34 [89aff495] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:20:31 [ead2cbe7] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:25:20 [a7dbad91] Ameri (cardano-token-registry)
03:41:36 [c94e3425] Regenerate json file (cardano-token-registry)
04:02:04 [f22fcd3d] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:08:35 [8e96d991] Extra logic added to fix negative values (#1264) (guild-operators)
04:08:48 [0a96e19c] Merge branch 'alpha' into cache-to-cron (guild-operators)
04:15:52 [692879ce] Update iohk-monitoring.cabal (iohk-monitoring-framework)
04:17:55 [fe254ca3] [GRest] Move active cache to cron (#1263) (guild-operators)
04:18:28 [e3813252] Merge branch 'alpha' into Diagnose-al2-premerge (guild-operators)
04:25:23 [ad0f0767] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:19:22 [ec7c6787] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:24:44 [c4966283] Fix compilation errors (hydra-poc)
05:37:11 [c91f9dd4] Not Even Token (cardano-token-registry)
06:23:41 [05117f67] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:09:24 [a082e91e] Fix KOIOS_API check (guild-operators)
07:10:13 [ac4e5d5e] Update marlowe-actus/src/Language/Marlowe/ACTUS/Generator/Analysis.hs (marlowe-cardano)
07:11:23 [c83044c4] Update marlowe-actus/src/Language/Marlowe/ACTUS/Generator/MarloweCompat.hs (marlowe-cardano)
07:11:57 [eaa345e6] Update marlowe-actus/src/Language/Marlowe/ACTUS/Utility/DateShift.hs (marlowe-cardano)
07:17:39 [083a2b39] Attempt to build against plutus-ledger-api and plutus-contract (cardano-wallet)
07:18:17 [8d5c6b2c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:22:05 [694981bb] Merge pull request #53 from input-output-hk/SCP-3193 (marlowe-cardano)
07:22:22 [122e87fa] staging: Bump marlowe to 694981bb47176805b0c68f22b70005cac70881fe (plutus-ops)
07:42:17 [79f9bef1] Modify 'replace' functions with regex (developer-portal)
07:49:33 [b8fd6712] submit an entry to the register for 'ADA Warriors' (cardano-token-registry)
07:52:30 [39464516] CIP-0021 | Remove `Updated` field from header (CIPs)
08:09:17 [f3343918] rename jormungandr_testing_utils to jormungandr-automation (jormungandr)
08:09:38 [e3493a76] move generators from jormungandr-automation to mjolnir (jormungandr)
08:09:52 [27fe1dfb] update workspace after renaming (jormungandr)
08:11:29 [fa389082] Patch for active stake check to use epochlength/12 as a reference point post epoch transition to do a health check, avoids absolute outage post transition (guild-operators)
08:16:43 [a4d285db] update ergo-lib to 0.14; (ergo-headless-dapp-framework)
08:18:01 [1d36a10d] create new project thor (jormungandr)
08:18:04 [70ff67b4] move AdversarySender to loki and update project after thor introduction (jormungandr)
08:18:24 [6c165b8f] started working on uniswap model and testing token creation (plutus-apps)
08:18:24 [bab133f9] update jormungandr_testing_utils (jormungandr)
08:18:26 [afcf2a2a] update mjolnir after fragment sender migration (jormungandr)
08:18:27 [4edee33d] move startup struct to integration tests and leave only keys module in utils (jormungandr)
08:18:27 [14217bb3] update hersir after Wallet struct migration (jormungandr)
08:22:12 [ddf3d9a1] update integration tests after wallet and sender migration (jormungandr)
08:22:25 [2b0ebf4b] apply fmt (cicero)
08:23:58 [799def25] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:24:22 [a021e280] update ergo-lib to 0.14; (ergo-node-interface)
08:24:28 [f4339110] add adapools (cardano-documentation)
08:24:55 [b863bd20] extend swagger (cardano-wallet)
08:25:02 [6c62c0a0] add link for submitTransaction (cardano-wallet)
08:25:02 [100193d2] add impl scaffolding (cardano-wallet)
08:25:03 [f7fe1d30] implement submitTransaction version 1 (cardano-wallet)
08:25:03 [c9d39b7c] add ErrSubmitTransaction and constructTxMeta (cardano-wallet)
08:25:03 [a5308dcc] add submitTxWithWid to DSL (cardano-wallet)
08:25:04 [24f2b90c] demonstrate submitting tx by showing proper Pending (cardano-wallet)
08:41:25 [7bf44ee9] fix clippy warnings; (ergo-node-interface)
08:54:32 [c14935d2] Patch for active stake check to use epochlength/12 as a reference point post epoch transition to do a health check, avoids absolute outage post transition (#1265) (guild-operators)
08:56:25 [6152ed2f] started working on uniswap model and testing token creation (plutus-apps)
09:18:12 [d475a4f2] Merge pull request #271 from cardanians/patch-1 (cardano-documentation)
09:19:48 [2e9a1bd3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:40:06 [d4dc4b0a] Add individual package changelogs (hydra-poc)
09:40:06 [e2a91c4a] Update author, license and copyright notices (hydra-poc)
09:40:06 [15390110] Add changelog entry and bump version numbers (hydra-poc)
09:40:06 [e3782858] Add at least a single sentence to package READMEs (hydra-poc)
09:40:06 [7f95a7f7] Rename package local-cluster -> hydra-cluster (hydra-poc)
09:40:07 [326f8501] Add plutus-cbor module documentation link (hydra-poc)
09:40:07 [8f436ee3] Use a year range in copyright notices (hydra-poc)
09:40:07 [5731d6a5] Rename Paths_local_cluster -> Paths_hydra_cluster (hydra-poc)
09:42:45 [8ece4629] ouroboros-network: define the OnlyForTracer box (ouroboros-network)
09:42:47 [aafcc427] Add halogen-store to marlowe-playground (marlowe-cardano)
09:42:51 [afbccb8d] Don't rely on `StoreT` as `Env` provider (marlowe-cardano)
09:47:39 [3aac0ee3] fix android (tools)
09:48:07 [e9599701] updates to tracking tools (cardano-documentation)
09:48:47 [7e233793] Use HTML Functor instance over metadata tab (marlowe-cardano)
09:52:39 [29504b56] Version bump 9.1.3 (cardano-serialization-lib)
09:54:02 [fa984bc2] ouroboros-network: add OnlyForTracer to BlockFetchConsensusInterface (ouroboros-network)
09:54:02 [eaece6b0] ouroboros-consensus: introduce MonadTimeOnlyForTracer (ouroboros-network)
09:54:02 [70ff55c4] ouroboros-consensus: add EventAuxData and EventConstrainedData (ouroboros-network)
09:54:02 [cd9ec342] ouroboros-consensus: add ChainDB.API.calculateHeaderSlotTime method (ouroboros-network)
09:54:03 [9e351fe1] consensus/docs: update interface-CHANGELOG.md for DoneAddingBlock (ouroboros-network)
09:54:03 [d2c7af3f] ouroboros-consensus: add DoneAddingBlock to TraceAddBlockEvent (ouroboros-network)
09:57:00 [5e771d75] [DDW-596] Updated gulpfile to re-include e2e watch functionality (daedalus)
09:59:14 [d89a8994] Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/alpha' into cntools-9.0.0 (guild-operators)
10:01:05 [108349e0] [DDW-596] Updated default messages (daedalus)
10:01:17 [36f33cd7] address_info upd to include tokens + lovelace stringify (guild-operators)
10:02:45 [c5bdf158] new node version (cardano-documentation)
10:04:06 [a5a1a195] Update 03-comp-matrix.mdx (cardano-documentation)
10:04:32 [9e91a492] Merge pull request #273 from input-output-hk/nahern-patch-7 (cardano-documentation)
10:05:08 [b4d87e9e] Merge pull request #2726 from input-output-hk/chore/ddw-779-update-trezor-connect-lib-to-v8.2.2-rc1-multisig (daedalus)
10:05:57 [d25bf640] Bump postcss from 7.0.39 to 8.2.13 (daedalus)
10:06:00 [ca5020ef] Merge pull request #274 from input-output-hk/nahern-patch-8 (cardano-documentation)
10:06:11 [dbf0ef92] Bump node-forge from 0.10.0 to 1.0.0 (daedalus)
10:06:24 [77066254] Bump copy-props from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 (daedalus)
10:12:00 [c9407f89] Turn MetadataTab into a component (marlowe-cardano)
10:12:13 [e7c7da91] tx-generator: remove legacy modes (cardano-node)
10:14:03 [9f8bc7a4] tx-generator: use new JSON format in tx-generator-service (cardano-node)
10:17:30 [62f81f28] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into fiuba-collaboration-writing-actus-contracts (marlowe-cardano)
10:17:55 [7a1d148a] WIP: push the changes (ouroboros-network)
10:21:24 [eb1bc0ff] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:26:53 [e651616f] Complete DSIGNM tests (cardano-base)
10:27:15 [325a0439] tx-generator: Fix createLoggingLayer call (cardano-node)
10:28:50 [bcb39ca2] Update plutus-contract README #224. (plutus-apps)
10:29:28 [70e79dd7] Update ci/sha256map-regenerate/sha256map-regenerate.py (iohk-nix)
10:29:51 [1b83addb] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-596-webpack-5-upgrade (daedalus)
10:30:36 [4fd3a423] update README (vrf)
10:36:20 [4d8fb32f] fix for grestrpc location (guild-operators)
10:39:56 [d124d4aa] fix for grestrpc location (#1266) (guild-operators)
10:40:05 [a295f7d0] [DDW-596] Updated yarn2nix.nix (daedalus)
10:46:44 [eb84f3f4] Add new css and improve video responsivness (adalite)
10:46:58 [2d63be66] Add sha256map-regenerate. (iohk-nix)
10:47:16 [74015c91] PR feedback (plutus-apps)
10:51:59 [2c5c6de5] [DDW-596] Updated lockfile (daedalus)
10:58:21 [3fd07713] Responsive tooltip (adalite)
11:00:00 [05bfbff4] Turn MetadataTab into a component (marlowe-cardano)
11:10:09 [e638734f] update integration tests after wallet and sender migration (jormungandr)
11:14:07 [05f528e2] Extract dev cluster setup to separate function (cardano-node-tests)
11:15:43 [0b7bfad5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:17:26 [75a581c6] Update plutus-contract README #224. (#231) (plutus-apps)
11:17:43 [4fe0f3b7] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 75a581c6eb98d36192ce3d3f86ea60a04bc4a52a (plutus-ops)
11:19:04 [f7776598] Try forcing defaultCekParameters (plutus)
11:20:23 [b5392e12] Merge pull request #868 from mkoura/rework_dev_cluster_setup (cardano-node-tests)
11:25:45 [73af6b29] lint (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
11:32:55 [e4d8356b] complete koios getBalance integration (guild-operators)
11:34:11 [9ad441dc] Merge pull request #6 from ergoplatform/update-ergo-lib-14 (ergo-node-interface)
11:39:03 [d9c4dca2] [DDW-596] Removed storybook/semver (daedalus)
11:40:03 [67274afd] Add overview markdown file fetching into token registry script (developer-portal)
11:40:15 [b1f80325] (cargo-release) version 0.2.6 (ergo-node-interface)
11:40:51 [20c4fff3] Replace all "" with '' (developer-portal)
11:42:41 [25d2ec85] Create consistency with "';" (developer-portal)
11:43:40 [6f9d8c57] Fix libnuma dependency in rts.conf (haskell.nix)
11:43:45 [7a703cdc] create new project thor (jormungandr)
11:44:39 [35764213] Modify commenting for auto generated content in gitignore (developer-portal)
11:45:27 [d4d2de84] move generators from jormungandr-automation to mjolnir (jormungandr)
11:45:27 [fa417d15] rename jormungandr_testing_utils to jormungandr-automation (jormungandr)
11:45:36 [2c8a22b0] update workspace after renaming (jormungandr)
11:47:47 [23293712] update ergo-node-interface lib to 0.2.6; (ergo-headless-dapp-framework)
11:48:36 [b533cbe6] Merge pull request #4 from ergoplatform/update-ergo-lib-0.14 (ergo-headless-dapp-framework)
11:50:28 [b9fca756] sha256map-regenerate: implement improvment suggestions. (iohk-nix)
11:54:40 [b7bb6afc] Add new css and improve video responsivness, add tooltip (adalite)
11:55:31 [9a816a01] update Cargo.lock (jormungandr)
11:56:07 [7be155dd] Fix token registry comment spelling (developer-portal)
11:56:16 [ca63893d] Merge branch 'alpha' into cntools-9.0.0 (guild-operators)
11:56:21 [8b54caff] Add sortable component / hoook (marlowe-cardano)
11:56:29 [8852e226] Add new css and improve video responsivness, add tooltip (#1255) (adalite)
11:57:10 [d28b7a26] Merge #501 (iohk-nix)
11:57:23 [be79f6f9] 6.9.11 (adalite)
11:59:07 [a7f6f7e2] Create extra consistency with ";" in token registry script (developer-portal)
12:00:51 [22264945] fix migrations (cicero)
12:01:34 [6e6c9032] action "examples/behaviors/onInputChange": update message to be more accurate (cicero)
12:03:23 [901bbad3] SCP-3129: Fix minAda related bugs (#229) (plutus-apps)
12:03:42 [c4e5b1f7] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 901bbad3ab1c64c8b5d0b5a5fb3e7362e38e8848 (plutus-ops)
12:05:26 [734f87a2] Merge #501 (iohk-nix)
12:07:14 [b9d686ef] use decodeTransaction to get our outputs (cardano-wallet)
12:07:57 [2ebce618] Refactor and simplify `SeqState n k` (cardano-wallet)
12:09:24 [a1cdc4f0] changelog + ui fix (guild-operators)
12:09:38 [cb418a9c] update nomad-driver-nix (cicero)
12:11:07 [cd5f600a] Merge branch 'main' of github.com:input-output-hk/cicero into repository-ut (cicero)
12:12:49 [fbf56b8e] Bump hls to 1.5.1 #209 (plutus-apps)
12:19:01 [38a90439] Update Artistic-Fall-Berlin-Wall (cardano-token-registry)
12:19:38 [b4f6a963] Update Ape-Focus-Pokus (cardano-token-registry)
12:20:14 [ee11e0aa] Update Queen Kong (cardano-token-registry)
12:21:02 [c68bf4c1] Update Viking Ape (cardano-token-registry)
12:21:18 [f4b7a81a] Merge branch 'staging' into token-registry-script (developer-portal)
12:21:38 [86abfb73] Update Clown Ape (cardano-token-registry)
12:24:22 [634ca481] fix mocks (cicero)
12:24:32 [6d626172] typo (guild-operators)
12:27:06 [396f547d] Tune `witness_override` down (cardano-node-tests)
12:28:01 [6cd0f442] refactor: schemas (openapi)
12:29:18 [904554dc] increased the timeout for db-check (when starting from existing state) (cardano-node-tests)
12:31:23 [0f925511] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:32:12 [ae3dd6ce] fix: add missing schema (openapi)
12:39:48 [a14017ba] Merge branch 'master' into ruslan/metadatum-fix (cardano-serialization-lib)
12:40:11 [4a67375b] Merge pull request #318 from Emurgo/ruslan/metadatum-fix (cardano-serialization-lib)
12:40:49 [88648532] Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 (cardano-serialization-lib)
12:40:52 [09ffe30c] Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
12:41:00 [0720b8aa] Bump urllib3 from 1.25.9 to 1.26.5 in /doc/.sphinx (cardano-serialization-lib)
12:41:00 [243ab734] Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (cardano-serialization-lib)
12:41:01 [a1ba154c] Bump babel from 2.8.0 to 2.9.1 in /doc/.sphinx (cardano-serialization-lib)
12:41:02 [ea2d20a3] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
12:42:08 [0bf33a6f] update README (cicero)
12:47:44 [3f16f34e] Serialization-lib bump to latest 9.1.3 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:48:00 [7f53f18d] Bump hls to 1.5.1 #209 (#232) (plutus-apps)
12:48:17 [cdb872d4] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 7f53f18dfc788bf6aa929f47d840efa1247e11fd (plutus-ops)
12:48:27 [0770055b] Merge pull request #309 from Emurgo/yushi/patch-deserialization-error (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:53:01 [36b7455f] Serialization-lib bump to latest 9.1.3 + prettier (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:54:19 [32323627] Merge branch 'master' into ruslan/serlib-update (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:55:31 [0ff915be] trace-dispatcher: ForwardSink queue sizes in config. (cardano-node)
12:55:38 [4488996e] Merge pull request #310 from Emurgo/ruslan/serlib-update (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:56:27 [3b0db167] Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.2 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:56:29 [9b64fc15] Bump ws from 7.4.2 to 7.4.6 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:56:30 [1c092d40] Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:56:33 [0f577f34] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:59:22 [b13fba65] update README (cicero)
13:00:50 [f6f2575d] Fix incomplete string escaping or encoding in token registry script (developer-portal)
13:03:27 [bde4679f] Export `PIsListLike` (plutarch)
13:03:55 [816b56ca] Consistent usage of `PIsListLike`/`PElemConstraint` (plutarch)
13:05:01 [a42da019] Version bump 2.2.0 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:06:41 [790da6a2] Merge branch 'main' into repository-ut (cicero)
13:16:43 [25a50589] remove duplicate mock (cicero)
13:19:40 [7f8efc92] add mockery to devshell (cicero)
13:21:24 [58c8de87] Merge #3448 (cardano-node)
13:24:54 [0bb0020b] remove generated mocks (cicero)
13:25:27 [e43ec44a] [DDW-861] WalletToken refactor (daedalus)
13:25:43 [c2160693] [DDW-861] Add assetNameASCII to search (daedalus)
13:25:44 [be22d1d7] [DDW-861] Move WalletTokensList to own directory (daedalus)
13:25:44 [842ae041] [DDW-861] Separate component messages (daedalus)
13:25:44 [a350f112] [DDW-861] Fix type (daedalus)
13:25:44 [9827e7d9] [DDW-861] Move to own directory (daedalus)
13:25:45 [d743fb14] [DDW-861] Move WalletNoTokens to own directory (daedalus)
13:25:45 [6955cfcb] [DDW-861] Move WalletTokens to own directory (daedalus)
13:25:45 [d84bc6b0] [DDW-861] Fix path (daedalus)
13:25:45 [0df5ff6b] [DDW-861] Move WalletTokensSearch to own directory (daedalus)
13:25:46 [75efdec4] [DDW-861] Remove unused (daedalus)
13:25:46 [6566546c] [DDW-861] ASCII asset name (daedalus)
13:25:46 [9ca0eaa7] [DDW-861] WIP WalletTokenPicker (daedalus)
13:25:46 [96e581e7] [DDW-861] Ajust WalletToken and WalletTokensSearch for picker (daedalus)
13:25:47 [9e1f98ff] [DDW-861] Add checkboxes (daedalus)
13:25:47 [17f69041] [DDW-861] Style changes (daedalus)
13:25:47 [9d0168d9] [DDW-861] Fix lint issues (daedalus)
13:25:47 [288fb463] [DDW-861] Fix lint issues (daedalus)
13:25:48 [dcc05fb5] [DDW-861] Token list redesign (daedalus)
13:25:48 [dcdd4503] [DDW-861] WIP: Integrating token picker on send form (daedalus)
13:25:48 [34cc8e43] [DDW-861] Add buttons (daedalus)
13:25:48 [e524733e] [DDW-861] Filter and search (daedalus)
13:25:49 [393513f2] [DDW-861] Translations, types updates (daedalus)
13:25:49 [404ecf66] [DDW-861] Initial unit tests (daedalus)
13:25:49 [234c8576] [DDW-861] Integrating token picker on send form (daedalus)
13:25:49 [4de83b07] [DDW-861] Fix scroll position (daedalus)
13:25:50 [37f6e2fd] [DDW-861] Translations and name changes (daedalus)
13:25:50 [a470abe5] [DDW-861] Add theme variables (daedalus)
13:25:50 [f56bbd8e] [DDW-861] Add wallet name (daedalus)
13:25:51 [a3261631] [DDW-861] Review: component optimization (daedalus)
13:25:51 [8b4dba28] [DDW-861] CHANGELOG (daedalus)
13:25:51 [9adb4558] [DDW-861] Review: Fix scrolling of searchbar (daedalus)
13:25:51 [498037e5] [DDW-861] Review: Upper limit of tokens when less than max value (daedalus)
13:25:52 [208d2634] [DDW-861] Review: Fix missing @flow (daedalus)
13:25:52 [0c723919] [DDW-861] Review: Fix AssetInput erase button margin (daedalus)
13:25:53 [aafda9e1] [DDW-861] Review: Add dot to text (daedalus)
13:25:53 [ff718e66] [DDW-861] Review: Add close button (daedalus)
13:25:53 [e7949a32] [DDW-861] Review: Fix search box padding (daedalus)
13:25:54 [961ca782] [DDW-861] Review: Fix token data max width (daedalus)
13:25:54 [62680fa0] [DDW-861] Review: Fix footer marging padding (daedalus)
13:25:54 [ee5eb976] [DDW-861] Fix lint issues (daedalus)
13:25:54 [2a144441] [DDW-861] Review: Fix verb tense (daedalus)
13:25:55 [0c09334b] [DDW-861] Review: Fix horizontal scroll (daedalus)
13:25:55 [a8a05c69] [DDW-861] Review: Fix scrollbar (daedalus)
13:25:55 [62775169] [DDW-861] Review: Use before pseudo selector (daedalus)
13:25:55 [8778736f] [DDW-861] Review: Fix margin (daedalus)
13:25:56 [e4f587a3] [DDW-861] Review: Fix scrollbar style (daedalus)
13:25:56 [8c21b3c7] [DDW-861] Review: Clear selection button (daedalus)
13:25:56 [2e42756f] [DDW-861] Fix test (daedalus)
13:25:56 [5d171cd9] [DDW-861] Review: Change select style (daedalus)
13:25:57 [75b5f053] [DDW-861] Review: Fix searh icon alignment (daedalus)
13:25:57 [717a5735] [DDW-861] Review: Remove check icon from selected filter (daedalus)
13:25:57 [95a142cb] [DDW-861] Review: Add no results for query (daedalus)
13:25:58 [8126fed6] [DDW-861] Review: Fix scrollable list style (daedalus)
13:25:58 [2875bf92] [DDW-861] Review: Remove check icon from selected filter (daedalus)
13:25:58 [1d981780] [DDW-861] Review: Change text (daedalus)
13:25:58 [6c53d9b2] [DDW-861] Review: Align filter select text (daedalus)
13:25:59 [2565de14] [DDW-861] Review: Fix filter select styles (daedalus)
13:25:59 [3d4775d8] [DDW-861] Review: Fix x alignment (daedalus)
13:25:59 [a0e61ccb] [DDW-861] Review: Fix search icon style (daedalus)
13:26:00 [8004bf5f] [DDW-861] Review: Fix search icon color (daedalus)
13:26:00 [70c0a1b6] [DDW-861] Review: Fix styles (daedalus)
13:26:00 [6343b798] [DDW-861] Fix lint issues (daedalus)
13:26:00 [f56ea2fa] [DDW-861] Fix css specificity (daedalus)
13:26:00 [fbcf0544] [DDW-861] Review: Fix box shadow lenght (daedalus)
13:26:01 [b711fc6a] [DDW-861] Review: Add visible select/clear functionality (daedalus)
13:26:01 [ef1fc171] [DDW-861] Review: Fix marging (daedalus)
13:26:02 [6d125035] [DDW-861] Review: Fix filter select and dropdown width (daedalus)
13:27:12 [365053ad] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:27:59 [b5765160] add src/mocks to .gitignore (cicero)
13:28:58 [6552eb2f] Merge pull request #34 from input-output-hk/repository-ut (cicero)
13:36:48 [1f8980ff] Fix incomplete string escaping or encoding in token registry script v2 (developer-portal)
13:38:25 [9aef211c] fixes# (plutus-apps)
13:45:24 [0aa5530c] use decodeTransaction for withdrawals (cardano-wallet)
13:48:59 [8842ae8a] Merge pull request #311 from Emurgo/release/2.2.0 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:49:03 [b6463778] Fix incomplete string escaping or encoding in token registry script v3 (developer-portal)
13:49:51 [1d9b000a] Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:49:57 [3edf8493] Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.2 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:50:02 [539fa574] Bump ws from 7.4.2 to 7.4.6 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:50:05 [e1f9ed42] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:55:10 [406450a5] Hedgecoin (cardano-token-registry)
13:58:23 [6b442a54] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-882-update-cwb-and-cardano-node (daedalus)
13:59:55 [37824bf9] added sync values for tag 1.32.1 1.33.0 - shelley_qa - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
14:03:25 [c5bdbf6f] Adding AADA token (cardano-token-registry)
14:05:16 [437d5d7f] refactor: finalize refactor (openapi)
14:09:38 [f666c49b] Add token registry link info to rust library script (developer-portal)
14:11:31 [02abf835] update nomad-driver-nix (cicero)
14:15:36 [61da26bd] Merge #3448 (cardano-node)
14:17:45 [bd0ac78f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:19:01 [01452982] Remove a redundant import of orphan instances (hydra-poc)
14:22:10 [ca0b1efe] Fix boolean functions not short circuiting (plutarch)
14:23:01 [2aed3972] Merge pull request #161 from blockfrost/chore/misc-balance-history (blockfrost-websocket-link)
14:31:03 [bda54737] added sync values for tag 1.32.1 1.33.0 - shelley_qa - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
14:34:27 [a701b76f] WIP (plutus)
14:39:42 [9c7b4df7] added sync values for tag 1.32.1 1.33.0 - shelley_qa - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
14:47:24 [323c822a] Add a header line to tx-cost output (hydra-poc)
14:47:58 [66f9ea0c] [DDW-882] Update cardano-wallet and cardano-node (#2799) (daedalus)
14:51:54 [fcee8646] remove mantis binary cache (no longer exists) (infra-ops)
14:53:59 [e3f59de9] WIP (plutus)
14:55:33 [b0ba7b49] Fix indentation of tx-cost script output (hydra-poc)
15:13:00 [a5b183c0] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-596-webpack-5-upgrade (daedalus)
15:13:12 [634d3691] [DDW-596] Merged develop branch with ts changes (daedalus)
15:16:28 [3c9c19d4] use decodeTransaction for inputs (cardano-wallet)
15:19:57 [74c1bd79] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:21:14 [c8742a36] Bump version to 4.7.0 (daedalus)
15:24:00 [e7aecd5e] SCP-3216 bridged ExportTx as psJson (plutus-apps)
15:24:45 [cfbc399f] Flakify nix build. (cardano-wallet)
15:24:47 [d7683aaa] direnv: use flake (cardano-wallet)
15:25:48 [7175cae0] PUDGY token (cardano-token-registry)
15:36:44 [a25cffa5] SCP-3216 using plutus-apps with psJson for ExportTx (marlowe-cardano)
15:43:11 [7f75cb48] update nomad-driver-nix (infra-ops)
15:45:22 [2f7c9494] Update pallas version to 3.9 (for real) (#46) (oura)
15:49:19 [e32822fe] WIP: more changes (to reword) (ouroboros-network)
15:56:13 [3fcfcb39] added sync values for tag 1.32.1 1.33.0 - staging - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
15:57:51 [b7229cb9] Fix double slashes in paths (cardano-node-tests)
15:58:07 [b82af444] added sync values for tag 1.32.1 1.33.0 - staging - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
16:05:26 [bb0104a1] Fix temp CI hack (marlowe-cardano)
16:05:54 [6d60d374] staging: Bump marlowe to bb0104a18c18b577ed496e0bbf27f39374e4e2ee (plutus-ops)
16:07:40 [9dda2aa6] Update PSGenerator to latest changes (marlowe-cardano)
16:10:30 [d01634aa] Merge pull request #2644 from Emurgo/release/nightly/4.8.301 (yoroi-frontend)
16:12:10 [4e62edfd] Merge pull request #869 from mkoura/tune_witness_override (cardano-node-tests)
16:13:49 [c1b92ad1] Added prop_connection_manager_timeouts_enforced (ouroboros-network)
16:13:49 [63f6bbb5] Mimic SO_LINGER set with 0 interval channel close (ouroboros-network)
16:15:33 [f11708d0] Fix CI (marlowe-cardano)
16:15:56 [2921db14] staging: Bump marlowe to f11708d09efaef22d354a5059184c9670d11ee50 (plutus-ops)
16:26:01 [f63b94ae] Fix CI again (marlowe-cardano)
16:26:30 [a24ee3e6] staging: Bump marlowe to f63b94aed5906801d1a402b321e9988db37274a8 (plutus-ops)
16:27:01 [20ed36a3] chore(deps): bump nixbuild/nix-quick-install-action from 8 to 9 (marlowe-cardano)
16:27:44 [dafd4952] remove example language from treefmt config (cicero)
16:27:45 [4359196e] treefmt (cicero)
16:28:07 [83383e2c] Update PSGenerator to latest changes (marlowe-cardano)
16:30:01 [5a9c3346] Version and build bump (yoroi-mobile)
16:30:19 [766de49a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:30:51 [4b03da37] Revert "refactor: finalize refactor" (openapi)
16:32:28 [04c0127f] refactor: edit errors (openapi)
16:42:55 [0d1db6f8] various fixes (guild-operators)
16:47:38 [7a268e74] delete tx redundancy (cicero)
16:55:44 [e0b15c7f] WIP integrate Lexer.x into new parser. (plutus)
16:55:50 [18e02b69] Remove ann. (plutus)
16:55:50 [5044f55d] Move lexer to core for all to import. (plutus)
16:55:50 [de7788d0] Add LiteralConst and ConArgs. (plutus)
16:55:51 [364288ec] WIP added kw parser. Found that more overhaul needed. (plutus)
16:55:51 [c455eb56] Re-organzie dirs/files. (plutus)
16:55:51 [7243611e] Remove Special (duplication with what's in ParserCommon. (plutus)
16:55:52 [7bacf794] wip. (plutus)
16:55:52 [7442b255] Remove unused allKeywords. (plutus)
16:55:53 [530a56f1] Fix ParseError. Add ShowErrorComponent to ParseError. (plutus)
16:55:53 [24431ad0] wip remove extensible uni and fun. (plutus)
16:55:53 [68ad388e] Work on PIR term parser. (plutus)
16:55:54 [0d4aec65] WIP. Delete internal. (plutus)
16:55:54 [321467df] WIP change builtinType's syntax to "builtinType" instead of "con" (plutus)
16:55:54 [e8d70765] Reorg dirs/files for new parsers. Apply new parser for UPLC. (plutus)
16:55:55 [2c0317fa] WIP add constant term parsers. (plutus)
16:55:55 [1e8a2e21] Change back builtin type syntax to con. (plutus)
16:55:55 [7eb10a65] Add constant term parser. (plutus)
16:55:56 [cc46d236] Move ty parser to ParserCommom. (plutus)
16:55:56 [3b7fad51] Finish PIR term parsers. Need to fix tests. (plutus)
16:55:56 [bc63d06c] WIP set up core parser. (plutus)
16:55:57 [e09743c4] WIP add program and term parsers in plc parser. (plutus)
16:55:57 [ff10a1af] WIP remove type and parsable. (plutus)
16:55:57 [a9871002] WIP PLC parser. (plutus)
16:55:58 [caffc65e] WIP separate out errors of parsing and other things. (plutus)
16:55:58 [f9a3dc79] WIP remove parseProgramDef. (plutus)
16:55:59 [1b8e0fca] WIP remove TestFunction parameter. (plutus)
16:55:59 [85bb054c] WIP fix tests. (plutus)
16:55:59 [476a623c] WIP Remove parseTm. (plutus)
16:56:00 [2aa7855f] Remove unused fns formatDoc and fileType. (plutus)
16:56:00 [2b64f298] Make printType return Text instead of Doc. (plutus)
16:56:00 [c5702220] updateMaterialized. (plutus)
16:56:01 [70846cee] Add builtin fn list. Add try. (plutus)
16:56:01 [9a3de2e6] Remove unused pragma in Constant.Typed. (plutus)
16:56:01 [ae8c260c] Make try work properly. (plutus)
16:56:02 [6ea11ded] Fix appTerm parser. (plutus)
16:58:57 [52b9e58d] add Cardashift (essential-cardano)
17:00:01 [b65cfd1c] cardano-api: Add instance Ord AnyCardanoEra to make eras comparable (cardano-node)
17:00:02 [42d98d99] cardano-api: Fix genProtocolParametersUpdate to distinguish Alonzo-specifix protocol parameters (cardano-node)
17:00:02 [1e83abd9] cardano-api: Fix typo in Show TxBody for Alonzo (cardano-node)
17:00:02 [a5c4b784] cardano-api:gen: Fix hash collisions in TxOut script data (cardano-node)
17:00:58 [098a4aa2] cargo clippy (jormungandr)
17:01:00 [a54e0188] [breaking] optimise p{and,or}{,'} (plutarch)
17:01:07 [4cce19b0] cardano-api:test: Add TxBody roundtrip tests (cardano-node)
17:06:06 [10b737b3] Extend LedgerDB to use coupled implementations (ouroboros-network)
17:06:45 [8bb8e8d8] /run: show action name and duration (cicero)
17:10:16 [4a53d14f] Extend LedgerDB to use coupled implementations (ouroboros-network)
17:11:55 [fe9d771a] Add some tests for booleans (plutarch)
17:17:34 [7f0dc9dd] Remove PartialShutdownConfig (cardano-node)
17:17:36 [a01b66ce] Add RestoreWalletForm (marlowe-cardano)
17:17:56 [2ee80201] correct nomad-autoscaler configuration (bitte)
17:23:06 [e40e0a42] correct nomad-autoscaler configuration (bitte)
17:27:49 [a0d658ee] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:30:07 [ab687af9] Remove PartialSocketConfig (cardano-node)
17:33:41 [d6c0deeb] Add Alexander Esgen to the consensus team (ouroboros-network)
17:39:58 [2e045549] Add nixos service and scripts (cardano-wallet)
17:43:00 [01efecc4] Connect restore wallet call (marlowe-cardano)
17:45:42 [76b97beb] Refactored inboundGovernorLoop error handling (ouroboros-network)
18:00:58 [4391fd88] Added domainRestrictedView (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:14:45 [fdaa10f0] Fix fees columns alignment (yoroi-frontend)
18:23:00 [23a114b3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:24:54 [96f85d19] Reconstruction with complaints; Updated tests and benchmarks (treasury-crypto)
18:25:59 [08f934e3] Added missing field in contract terms (marlowe-cardano)
18:36:34 [6e8d766f] Add check-mnemonic endpoint (marlowe-cardano)
18:37:08 [71deb762] Implement checkMnemonic for AppM (marlowe-cardano)
18:44:33 [8d1acb14] [fix] Message to enable biometrics (yoroi-mobile)
18:45:34 [0f282a59] Graceful shutdown of TUISpec to avoid BlockedIndefinitely exceptions (hydra-poc)
18:46:58 [74c37171] Re-formatted and re-styled the code (plutarch)
18:55:30 [acc1b0a3] Add some tests for booleans (plutarch)
18:56:00 [fc3869b9] Factor our FormM module (marlowe-cardano)
19:01:06 [0a2cba64] SCP-3216 upgraded to v2021-12-20 of plutus-apps (marlowe-cardano)
19:02:15 [07225644] SCP-3216 updated dependency on plutus-apps (marlowe-cardano)
19:02:22 [1365b986] SCP-3216 re-introduced `psapigenerator` functionality (marlowe-cardano)
19:02:22 [5f9525a5] SCP-3216 switch to fork of plutus-apps with ExportTx fix (marlowe-cardano)
19:03:05 [3c10d3b7] Merge pull request #84 from Plutonomicon/fix-booleans (plutarch)
19:03:05 [1af321ee] SCP-3216 work in progress on purescript compatibility with plutus-apps (marlowe-cardano)
19:03:07 [67cc280b] SCP-3216 using plutus-apps with psJson for ExportTx (marlowe-cardano)
19:03:37 [79098e96] Fix formatting (marlowe-cardano)
19:06:52 [a008dcb8] [DDW-861] Review: Fix arrow hover color (daedalus)
19:09:33 [25ab0fd0] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-861-implement-new-token-picker (daedalus)
19:14:36 [ecd1db5b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:15:17 [638f5249] Display the right network in the settings page (yoroi-frontend)
19:16:20 [d88ac6de] Refresh Discord link (no expiry) (plutonomicon)
19:17:16 [0132eab2] Update en-US.json file (yoroi-frontend)
19:19:17 [21958378] Update Flow (yoroi-frontend)
19:25:15 [c6d5d065] Fix con unit and integer parser. Partially fix conChar and tyInst. (plutus)
19:30:02 [cc0f0ec9] Update PSGenerator to latest changes (#55) (marlowe-cardano)
19:30:20 [26e96e60] staging: Bump marlowe to cc0f0ec9338544ad1c85e5f533e05c202aeccf51 (plutus-ops)
19:32:18 [ee8ea9e2] fix build issue resulting from Medea upgrade (cardano-browser-tx)
19:33:19 [589ea796] Merge pull request #21 from Plutonomicon/bhart/fix-build (cardano-browser-tx)
19:40:37 [19781cbc] Stub out missing case in WS messages (marlowe-cardano)
19:41:25 [37fa4350] Add generated files to git (marlowe-cardano)
19:41:25 [7324fdb2] Remove generated folders from .gitignores (marlowe-cardano)
19:41:25 [35e82930] Add psgenerator tests (marlowe-cardano)
19:41:25 [8ce35d7d] Add generated test to GH actions (marlowe-cardano)
19:41:25 [5a8298ae] update servant-purescript (marlowe-cardano)
19:41:25 [11211548] revert generate script changes (marlowe-cardano)
19:41:25 [efa1880c] Use generated-purescript for test (marlowe-cardano)
19:41:25 [f238a831] Format generated files on generation (marlowe-cardano)
19:47:45 [43343e74] Added Tuple, fixed some reprs, progress on Via (plutarch)
19:52:45 [52bb01e7] Fix checksum alignment (yoroi-frontend)
19:53:55 [3946ebd6] SCP-3216 upgraded to v2021-12-20 of plutus-apps (marlowe-cardano)
19:53:56 [eb73c193] SCP-3216 switch to fork of plutus-apps with ExportTx fix (marlowe-cardano)
19:53:56 [6d34b19b] SCP-3216 work in progress on purescript compatibility with plutus-apps (marlowe-cardano)
19:53:56 [a76c4d16] SCP-3216 updated dependency on plutus-apps (marlowe-cardano)
19:53:56 [347762af] Fix formatting (marlowe-cardano)
19:53:56 [350818a3] SCP-3216 using plutus-apps with psJson for ExportTx (marlowe-cardano)
19:53:56 [1d851c0e] Stub out missing case in WS messages (marlowe-cardano)
19:53:56 [4ff336de] SCP-3216 re-introduced `psapigenerator` functionality (marlowe-cardano)
19:56:38 [348003af] [DDW-860] Fix format number issue (daedalus)
19:58:15 [bb9f2fce] Merge pull request #32 from Plutonomicon/srid/discord-2 (plutonomicon)
19:58:41 [8d1251da] Deploy to gh-pages (plutonomicon)
20:07:21 [692f765c] more decodeTransaction reusage (cardano-wallet)
20:11:39 [86295c6a] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
20:12:21 [86a55ee3] Move decodeDebugLedgerState and decodeProtocolState to cardano-api (cardano-node)
20:17:42 [c1828d71] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:18:05 [bd9da940] Added the Plutarch.Rec.TH module (plutarch)
20:26:55 [c0484331] first draft of a CONTRIBUTING document (cardano-ledger)
20:28:04 [7387010d] Merge branch 'master' into letrec (plutarch)
20:31:01 [873d7104] Update servant-purescript (marlowe-cardano)
20:31:33 [47cf64ed] Inlined equality constraints (plutarch)
20:40:25 [79600e4d] first draft of a CONTRIBUTING document (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:58:59 [32580252] Add account active stake cache (guild-operators)
21:12:00 [b4ff4811] Update ContractTerms purescript (marlowe-cardano)
21:16:42 [e1c83ee9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:21:54 [1233a1ef] add mockery and schemathesis to dependencies (cicero)
21:28:24 [0e4fe5b0] Add account history rpc (guild-operators)
21:36:31 [f10c8487] Note [Unlifting values of built-in types] (plutus)
21:43:14 [f6426c19] Proofreading (plutus)
21:45:40 [c07514da] [DDW-596] Fixed some CI Issues (daedalus)
21:50:39 [b0b53450] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/fix-memo (yoroi-frontend)
21:52:01 [98d96767] Flakify nix build. (cardano-wallet)
21:52:02 [391e67d9] direnv: use flake (cardano-wallet)
21:52:03 [8e2d4ecb] Add nixos service and scripts (cardano-wallet)
21:52:10 [7afb0a66] Merge `improvement/meta-variables` of pull request #30 into `master` (equivalence-reasoner)
21:54:21 [e441b941] Merge `master` into `bugfix/spurious-e2e-rules` (equivalence-reasoner)
21:54:42 [2a8d3f5b] Dependabot PRs limit (yoroi-frontend)
21:57:33 [3a381517] Merge pull request #2562 from Emurgo/Ahmed/fix-memo (yoroi-frontend)
22:00:46 [ddb06c60] Bump @emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-browser (yoroi-frontend)
22:05:11 [16d89ef6] Bump react-intl from 2.9.0 to 5.24.2 in /packages/yoroi-extension (yoroi-frontend)
22:05:23 [c17971f4] Flakify nix build. (cardano-wallet)
22:05:24 [4120d4b6] direnv: use flake (cardano-wallet)
22:05:26 [be2ab8e4] Add nixos service and scripts (cardano-wallet)
22:06:53 [d071c0d7] Bump @emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-nodejs (yoroi-frontend)
22:12:32 [6e272cc9] Update Viking Ape (cardano-token-registry)
22:13:23 [57717dc4] Update Queen Kong (cardano-token-registry)
22:13:30 [18b210d1] Dependabot config update (yoroi-frontend)
22:14:28 [2a3d6d27] Update Ape-Focus-Pokus (cardano-token-registry)
22:16:09 [d45b8a67] Update Artistic-Fall-Berlin-Wall (cardano-token-registry)
22:17:46 [96d8924e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:32:22 [0ac9a5a3] SCP-3216 revisions to config files and documentation (marlowe-cardano)
22:35:43 [38253765] Changed logo image and description (cardano-token-registry)
22:36:06 [b9766fd0] Serialization-lib update to 9.1.3 (yoroi-frontend)
22:36:59 [d965eee4] Enable prem-sim clients to work (bitte)
22:38:53 [c003651e] Flakify nix build. (cardano-wallet)
22:38:54 [e077be2b] direnv: use flake (cardano-wallet)
22:38:55 [2834a5cb] Add nixos service and scripts (cardano-wallet)
22:44:55 [70b2634d] Merge pull request #321 from Emurgo/CantTouchDis/fake_full_tx_performance (cardano-serialization-lib)
22:53:31 [929edf11] Fix cron deployment in setup-grest.sh (guild-operators)
22:56:45 [838b049b] Remove all cryptoxide calls from fake_full_tx() (#286) (cardano-serialization-lib)
22:56:52 [c77874a0] CHanged logo and description for CatKinson (cardano-token-registry)
22:57:02 [cf0e7274] SCP-3216 bridged ExportTx as psJson (plutus-apps)
22:57:02 [f9887b92] SCP-3216 renamed non-standard library in .cabal file (plutus-apps)
23:00:12 [9a328585] Reverting collateral whitespace changes (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:14:47 [bd49158b] Merge pull request #322 from Emurgo/tx-builder-optimisation (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:16:08 [a2876159] Merge branch 'master' into cddl-update-collateral-params (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:18:25 [84582043] Version bump 9.1.4 (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:19:46 [57f7988d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:25:01 [03cac2ac] Merge branch 'master' into release/9.1.4 (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:25:08 [8c74ea26] Merge pull request #323 from Emurgo/release/9.1.4 (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:25:57 [22b39e2a] Bump urllib3 from 1.25.9 to 1.26.5 in /doc/.sphinx (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:25:57 [8d9ffdbf] Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:25:58 [2918eb2b] Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:25:59 [22e4c4ab] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:25:59 [16486d87] Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:26:14 [567c7678] Bump babel from 2.8.0 to 2.9.1 in /doc/.sphinx (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:29:19 [4f1df301] Merge branch 'master' into cddl-update-collateral-params (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:33:10 [0c83a415] SCP-3216 reformatted with `nixpkgs-fmt` (marlowe-cardano)
23:33:25 [2d9c80b8] Serialization-lib update to 9.1.4 (yoroi-frontend)
23:42:32 [11ce4645] Merge pull request #30 from Plutonomicon/srid/update-emanote (plutonomicon)
23:43:17 [683684cb] Deploy to gh-pages (plutonomicon)
23:51:37 [0cfbe4bf] Test fixes (yoroi-frontend)
23:53:35 [79990efb] Merge pull request #1857 from Emurgo/recreate-keys-bio (yoroi-mobile)
23:54:11 [f9f6817b] Merge pull request #1861 from Emurgo/production (yoroi-mobile)