Home / Reports / Jan 9, 2022

Sunday, January 9, 2022

219 commits had been pushed across 23 repos by 39 authors. There were 95,751 additions and 14,747 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:00:28 [0b00aa3e] ref: locate secrets provisioning by intent (hashistack vault sink) (bitte)
00:00:42 [57de4492] imp(spire): enable systemd workload attestor by default (bitte)
00:26:56 [dd2be93b] Merge branch 'master' into prepay_fixed_fee (CIPs)
00:44:10 [96dbdfc8] Insert epoch with the rest of the block (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [f3e6a843] Add Mock chain (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [64f86798] Get time metadata from ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [49768efa] Introduce mock ChainSync server (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [362239bf] Add restart dbsync test (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [0c30a990] Fixup config (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [dcefe374] Add ChainDB (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [e4751e4b] Add utilities to create Transactions (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [97d221a3] Fix .git files (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [a150ecf2] Introduce cardano-chain-gen package (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [769a0003] Introduce forging and block Interpreter (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [b46e8200] Add more complicated unit tests (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [e659d343] Test different configurations (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [d28a12e9] Add mock ChainSync chain state (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [9b0279ec] Abstract common patterns in tests (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [ccba08d1] Create testing Config (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [744cf147] Add rollback tests (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [29db6232] Fix stylish (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [c335ae19] Support ProtocolInfo with forging credentials (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [d5bdb706] Add DB validation assertions (cardano-db-sync)
00:45:50 [eb493bbb] Add first Unit test (cardano-db-sync)
00:46:41 [e0fab82d] Improve DBSync configuration (cardano-db-sync)
00:46:41 [09e1c869] Mir tests wip (cardano-db-sync)
00:46:41 [34da33e6] Test bug (cardano-db-sync)
00:46:41 [48d962fe] Use Validated constructor from ledger (cardano-db-sync)
00:46:41 [fca64be7] wip (cardano-db-sync)
00:46:41 [b6c15ab6] Add a test with a simple tx (cardano-db-sync)
00:46:41 [e9b3a69d] Add test for rewards (cardano-db-sync)
00:46:41 [84a480b8] Support multiple eras (cardano-db-sync)
00:46:41 [45733de0] speedup tests (cardano-db-sync)
00:46:41 [49e20b5f] Add rollback further test (cardano-db-sync)
00:46:46 [7041ec5c] New release version (guild-operators)
00:47:33 [c642586b] Use master branch of haskell.nix (plutus-apps)
01:07:43 [d6b1ac7c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:15:24 [6059e0b2] SCP-3216 switch to fork of plutus-apps with ExportTx fix (marlowe-cardano)
01:20:34 [96a06712] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:20:36 [8863ebbd] ref: get constant handles on hashistack tokens (bitte)
01:21:37 [c6f5feee] ref: get constant handles on hashistack tokens (bitte)
01:21:50 [008a1b9f] imp(spire): enable systemd workload attestor by default (bitte)
01:29:26 [a2ea70cd] Revert "Use cardano-config project from github." (cardano-node)
01:46:45 [3c209555] docs: add .NET SDK (openapi)
02:21:26 [d246b12f] Update with MusicBox CNFT Project (essential-cardano)
02:39:31 [dcd6773d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:43:15 [6f6f3582] ref: get constant more handles on hashistack tokens (bitte)
02:43:29 [ee24d365] imp(spire): enable systemd workload attestor by default (bitte)
02:46:39 [c2fb7a2c] Try #1306: (haskell.nix)
02:58:38 [913a11bf] SCP-3216 work in progress on purescript compatibility with plutus-apps (marlowe-cardano)
03:20:12 [6cabd748] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:52:04 [1d312f7a] Describe the correct usage of gitRev. (cardano-config)
04:02:10 [d0ee143e] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:02:18 [72dd46bd] ref: make use of systemd LoadCredential (bitte)
04:07:37 [a05baced] ref: make use of systemd LoadCredential 2 (bitte)
04:11:54 [810fcc47] decomission: vault-backend (bitte)
04:21:38 [988c1613] Merge branch 'alpha' into cache-to-cron (guild-operators)
04:24:51 [383353d1] ref: get constant handles on more pkiFiles (bitte)
04:25:11 [1a240940] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:33:20 [6da91377] imp: make all scripts shell-checked (bitte)
04:33:28 [34e52853] imp(spire): enable systemd workload attestor by default (bitte)
04:34:50 [5d05ef12] imp(spire): enable systemd workload attestor by default (bitte)
04:35:29 [e9d12431] ref: make use of systemd LoadCredential (bitte)
04:36:25 [c8c30856] ref: make use of systemd LoadCredential 2 (bitte)
04:50:10 [44cf601c] Merge pull request #5 from input-output-hk/git-sha-fix (cardano-config)
04:50:11 [93bb73a6] ref: use qualified identifier, it's easier on grep (bitte)
04:50:23 [2df5cfc3] imp(spire): enable systemd workload attestor by default (bitte)
04:50:43 [2597b649] Try #1306: (haskell.nix)
04:54:40 [c3f02337] Add extra documentation on how the git sha gets embedded. (cardano-node)
05:18:18 [163f9911] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:40:14 [6e1b1af6] ref: get constant handles on more letsencryptCertMaterial (bitte)
05:44:24 [876d77fa] ref: get constant handles on more letsencryptCertMaterial (bitte)
06:02:44 [91d6efab] cleanup: vault consul backend is deprecated (bitte)
06:02:47 [145772fe] cleanup: redundant encryption token, already in ../secrets.json (bitte)
06:02:58 [99177926] imp(spire): enable systemd workload attestor by default (bitte)
06:03:58 [b038cc07] imp(spire): enable systemd workload attestor by default (bitte)
06:03:58 [089e60da] ref: make use of systemd LoadCredential (bitte)
06:03:59 [0c35dfe8] ref: make use of systemd LoadCredential 2 (bitte)
06:17:30 [262963c2] ref: get constant handles on more gossipEncryptionMaterial (bitte)
06:17:36 [50f5bba1] imp(spire): enable systemd workload attestor by default (bitte)
06:22:45 [6fe79475] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:09:58 [998b3a58] Update README.rst (cardano-node)
07:17:31 [2511504c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:30:47 [71187e6f] Try #1306: (haskell.nix)
07:37:28 [94d89d94] bump back to master (tools)
07:38:42 [3e25f33c] drop alonzo (tools)
07:48:21 [80ea5174] further cleanup (tools)
08:22:34 [2bc1731b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:18:44 [1053e320] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:21:56 [20868a56] Merge pull request #183 from blockfrost/1000101/dotnet (openapi)
10:20:01 [c4ad8e86] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:23:47 [e66c7aa5] Boilerplate for active stake cache polling check (guild-operators)
10:43:51 [8784aba7] Create Artistic-Fall-Berlin-Wall (cardano-token-registry)
11:02:19 [37dd3afa] Create Ape-Focus-Pokus (cardano-token-registry)
11:14:59 [f9735c58] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:37:43 [e7a34cc5] trace-analyzer: review changes (cardano-node)
11:38:49 [a46fe100] tx-generator: review-changes (cardano-node)
11:39:23 [94d640cf] chairman: review-changes (cardano-node)
11:40:17 [c7faad49] cardano-node: review-changes (cardano-node)
11:43:33 [e9369835] Adding Smart Places Token to the registry. Thanks for the guides, guys :) (cardano-token-registry)
12:29:57 [b5e70e3a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:50:21 [d6c94bc5] docs: add .NET SDK (#184) (openapi)
13:21:25 [c79574fb] add CETH (cardano-token-registry)
13:22:43 [c4ada23f] add CBTC (cardano-token-registry)
13:24:30 [8f815ee4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:26:57 [6ec8b87b] bump nxpkgs (tools)
13:32:03 [87ee950c] fix(alonzo): Apply valid cbor codec for Nonce values (pallas)
13:34:27 [165a5857] fix(alonzo): Apply valid cbor codec for Nonce values (#20) (pallas)
13:35:42 [162b975c] add CETH (cardano-token-registry)
13:37:31 [4ec78609] add CBTC (cardano-token-registry)
13:38:21 [907fd867] Release 0.3.9 (pallas)
13:39:41 [b8b88002] add CUSDC (cardano-token-registry)
13:41:26 [099a7332] Work on mapper IoC (oura)
13:41:27 [ffec9d40] add CUSDT (cardano-token-registry)
13:52:07 [9c0bc6de] add CBTC (cardano-token-registry)
13:54:59 [d7f2aa8c] add CETH (cardano-token-registry)
13:57:36 [bd8f8637] add CUSDC (cardano-token-registry)
13:58:57 [00b47c92] add CUSDT (cardano-token-registry)
14:01:51 [cfe247b2] Merge pull request #42 from 2nd-Layer/autodetect_version (oura)
14:14:58 [a57f13a2] chore(deps): Update Pallas to version 3.9 (oura)
14:16:27 [277eb355] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:18:35 [6e0b0805] chore(deps): Update Pallas to version 3.9 (#44) (oura)
14:53:08 [a742eeba] Update pallas version to 3.9 (for real) (oura)
15:23:41 [b12fa05f] Queen Kong, thy Royally Bored Ape (cardano-token-registry)
15:37:07 [2a9919f5] fixup (cardano-db-sync)
15:39:46 [f9810f79] Insert epoch with the rest of the block (cardano-db-sync)
15:43:50 [1d938aab] refactor: errors (openapi)
16:04:20 [404790c4] Support ProtocolInfo with forging credentials (cardano-db-sync)
16:04:20 [a08a7cc4] Get time metadata from ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
16:16:57 [bc486f21] Update minting-nfts.md (developer-portal)
16:24:06 [fec3c363] remove curl of cabal.project.local. Creation handled in cabal-build-all.sh. Add comments in prereqs.sh for each OS VERSION_ID match. (guild-operators)
16:29:02 [f96079c1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:32:33 [a3945107] Move content to ./content (plutonomicon)
16:33:50 [3395bea2] Revert "website: don't force push on gh-pages" (plutonomicon)
16:36:13 [588d4803] Add bin/run script to run locally (plutonomicon)
16:41:43 [a4ccadcf] add missing ncurses-devel and wget, as per cardano-node/doc/getting-started/install.md (guild-operators)
16:45:38 [55636994] Improve DBSync configuration (cardano-db-sync)
16:54:24 [0d1d6033] index page should have site title (plutonomicon)
16:56:47 [9c963375] gh-pages: optimize effect script (plutonomicon)
16:59:07 [95b9e52d] Merge pull request #27 from Plutonomicon/optimize-gh-pages (plutonomicon)
16:59:27 [d060c059] Deploy to gh-pages (plutonomicon)
17:08:08 [daba2e36] index page should have site title (plutonomicon)
17:08:08 [e6c96ed6] Add vscode settings & extension recommendations (plutonomicon)
17:08:08 [d21b0797] Add bin/run script to run locally (plutonomicon)
17:08:08 [b2e2defe] Move content to ./content (plutonomicon)
17:22:43 [8266274f] remove cabal.project.local after bech32 and cardano-address-cli install completes. (guild-operators)
17:25:21 [535ace25] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:27:00 [3460be49] mistake fix (cardano-node)
17:45:57 [8c57e09a] when using system libsodium restore cabal.project.local only defining external libsodium. (guild-operators)
17:58:09 [3a433066] flake: add apps.live (plutonomicon)
18:20:58 [e7272cb1] apps.live: allow overriding of port (plutonomicon)
18:21:39 [20a3f1d5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:26:17 [e20aada5] flake: point defaultApp to apps.live (plutonomicon)
18:29:22 [2d49e70a] Remove obsolete 'nix run' references (plutonomicon)
18:34:12 [8482d8a2] Shorter command to get local server running (plutonomicon)
18:42:20 [0e05b17d] Add secp256k1-haskell to dependencies (cardano-base)
18:43:24 [6bab6e35] Merge branch 'master' into koz/rational-tests (plutus)
18:49:23 [ccc616b8] Viking Ape (cardano-token-registry)
18:56:36 [8902145a] `nix run` is enough to get it running (plutonomicon)
19:04:09 [19be73c1] flake: add defaultPackage (plutonomicon)
19:04:19 [94985411] build: Enable dependabot (pallas)
19:04:41 [ee064a5a] Add Submit-API and Ogmios to GRest (#1261) (guild-operators)
19:05:14 [0ac70260] build(deps): update minicbor-derive requirement from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0 (pallas)
19:05:44 [7f8fe2b5] `nix build` generates the website now (plutonomicon)
19:10:55 [559334fb] Merge branch 'main' of github.com:txpipe/pallas into main (pallas)
19:12:31 [6555d9c8] feat(alonzo): Add example of docstring (Block struct) (pallas)
19:14:40 [a8fd78a4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:16:00 [d15b3974] Merge pull request #21 from txpipe/dependabot/cargo/minicbor-derive-0.8.0 (pallas)
19:57:13 [5ad6f0d4] vscode: disable autoformat (plutonomicon)
19:57:32 [fc3e1ff1] Update emanote (plutonomicon)
19:57:58 [b3e3a379] website: enable MathJax (plutonomicon)
19:58:45 [88add0ea] Use 'sh-session' as language in shell session codeblocks (plutonomicon)
19:59:51 [38a27812] test suite for Aff Interface - utxosAt (cardano-browser-tx)
20:01:31 [8844b3fc] cleanup ogmios module (cardano-browser-tx)
20:02:17 [0d5eb65c] Merge pull request #19 from Plutonomicon/bhart/aff-interface (cardano-browser-tx)
20:12:15 [8cd27fb8] Clown Ape (cardano-token-registry)
20:19:36 [081fdead] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:25:43 [05f5b216] vscode: Remove unnecessary extensions (plutonomicon)
20:29:51 [e04c8955] Move content to ./content (plutonomicon)
20:30:36 [c24f89d3] Add vscode default settings & exts (plutonomicon)
20:34:59 [fa38059a] Revert the moves (plutonomicon)
20:35:35 [49e6c3c8] Revert .vscode (plutonomicon)
20:36:52 [2bb684c3] Restore README instructions (plutonomicon)
20:38:14 [1138f5a0] Fix dir (plutonomicon)
20:39:36 [14b77428] Fix 'nix build' (plutonomicon)
20:40:42 [54a4726b] Add `nix run` and `nix build` (#26) (plutonomicon)
20:42:17 [2c3de769] Restore accidentally deleted file (plutonomicon)
20:44:01 [ab63d107] cabal configure after cabal.project.local cleanup and cabal update. (guild-operators)
20:44:48 [60954808] Create script for stopping cluster instance (cardano-node-tests)
20:45:02 [42d6ccf0] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into srid/move (plutonomicon)
20:50:09 [8f71cc68] Merge pull request #28 from Plutonomicon/vscode (plutonomicon)
20:50:34 [26029572] Deploy to gh-pages (plutonomicon)
20:53:27 [45b9889d] Refactor cluster manager (cardano-node-tests)
21:00:45 [dc690a9b] Update emanote (more reliable Prism syntax highlighting) (plutonomicon)
21:01:04 [4e04ebdc] website: Enable mathjax (plutonomicon)
21:01:21 [16348bf3] Use 'sh-session' in codeblocks (plutonomicon)
21:01:31 [5ded6d29] Merge pull request #864 from mkoura/refactor_cluster_manager (cardano-node-tests)
21:03:08 [d1128806] Reorder tests (cardano-node-tests)
21:12:38 [872c18f1] [Builtins] Inline 'toBuiltinMeaning' in 'toBuiltinsRuntime' (plutus)
21:14:09 [77f766ef] Advance emanote (+1 nixpkgs follows) (plutonomicon)
21:15:35 [6565510b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:18:11 [acc24d63] +1 follow (flake-utils) (plutonomicon)
21:19:03 [2e41c7bd] Merge pull request #866 from mkoura/reorder_tests (cardano-node-tests)
21:20:52 [5fcb65ef] More follows (plutonomicon)
21:51:30 [a6a25efe] Update dependencies to node-1.33.0 (cardano-db-sync)
22:10:51 [3e4711ca] builder tools: added BlockFrost-based leaderlog to Cardano Light Tools (developer-portal)
22:16:30 [3aaed240] Update Artistic-Fall-Berlin-Wall (cardano-token-registry)
22:16:50 [027ca64d] use `--with-compiler` flag only with IOG libsodium (guild-operators)
22:17:55 [fdfb723e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:31:56 [951232a4] Merge pull request #1007 from input-output-hk/kderme/update-dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
22:37:43 [03134048] Stop using spurious equivalence-to-equality rewrite rules (equivalence-reasoner)
22:48:04 [25d1cdc7] Add cabal build instruction to docs (cardano-db-sync)
23:01:01 [07060866] Merge pull request #988 from input-output-hk/artur/update-building-running-docs-with-cabal (cardano-db-sync)
23:02:02 [d25fec08] Add nix build instruction for smash (cardano-db-sync)
23:09:15 [48cc5833] Property tests for Rational-specific behaviours (plutus)
23:16:35 [10e15660] Merge pull request #989 from input-output-hk/artur/update-smash-docs-with-nix (cardano-db-sync)
23:18:50 [8e8ea99f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:20:17 [b9cc8556] Initial commit for CNTools Koios integration (guild-operators)
23:20:48 [cb5d8fd9] Add testnet config file (cardano-db-sync)