Home / Reports / Nov 21, 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022

51 commits had been pushed across 14 repos by 13 authors. There were 590,484 additions and 20,971 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:24:32 [8809b04a] Patch nix-tools materialized files for ghc 8.8.2 (haskell.nix)
01:18:08 [25ede1a4] Automatic update for Mon Nov 21 01:18:08 AM UTC 2022 (stackage.nix)
01:19:08 [8bdd53cf] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
03:00:16 [0721f358] Trigger update to get latest hackage revisions (hackage-overlay-ghcjs)
03:02:42 [67e08ddf] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hackage-overlay-ghcjs@0721f358e1eb823f25939ea8e0bb4a6132d2fc77 🚀 (hackage-overlay-ghcjs)
03:21:14 [9ba3ae26] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 7d3687d5d03ab62983d9e05743ae60eea4ed9880 (plutus-ops)
03:41:38 [01f3fb35] Work around double conversion hackage revision (haskell.nix)
03:41:58 [e3b8f957] Try #1786: (haskell.nix)
05:46:37 [15cc8645] Merge pull request #2545 from IndigoProtocol/codycodes/iusd-token (cardano-token-registry)
06:08:59 [d4fe7e32] Work around double conversion hackage revision (#1786) (haskell.nix)
08:13:00 [d26fc27b] Merge #4166 (ouroboros-network)
09:30:37 [11ac78b5] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 622594f6340243e33df4aa89fd9010d880b0897e (plutus-ops)
09:48:49 [92b0da85] Pin pylint version (cardano-node-tests)
09:54:00 [52cdd987] Merge pull request #1497 from input-output-hk/pin_pylint (cardano-node-tests)
09:54:51 [96967746] Use `touch` from pathlib (cardano-node-tests)
10:00:08 [70d9d99a] Merge pull request #1496 from input-output-hk/remove_touch (cardano-node-tests)
10:09:16 [77485b85] Update SendFetchRequest trace (ouroboros-network)
10:50:52 [832183c5] Merge #4167 (ouroboros-network)
10:54:13 [3009aeea] Merge pull request #1253 from Plutonomicon/amir/klntsky/1213-e2e-ci-fix-fetch (cardano-transaction-lib)
10:56:17 [5a315b70] Deploying to gh-pages from @ Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib@3009aeeac695e2295673ba14255a0b77fc93a29d 🚀 (cardano-transaction-lib)
11:45:32 [3f176731] deploy: ef697ca4300c9c631a24d4c1e98b13b1feb53747 (catalyst-core)
12:19:53 [49244114] Merge #4144 #4168 (ouroboros-network)
12:37:47 [3ed7004f] deploy: b9c7bf913ea4a451184527037f80825cfca7c794 (catalyst-core)
13:00:11 [2d95fbce] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for dc5331fd53e9a37daade493de1a1a01536ec64aa (cardano-ledger)
13:01:18 [20106f9e] Try #3553: (cardano-wallet)
13:04:46 [567f9bad] Merge #4168 (ouroboros-network)
13:55:44 [ce03c765] deploy: f5a51f4f52874dcddf26fcd13ac01a0ccd4f1586 (catalyst-core)
14:27:15 [80d26f1f] Merge pull request #244 from blockfrost/chore/release-5.1.0 (blockfrost-js)
14:35:25 [34a07b4c] update ergo-lib; (ergo-node-interface)
14:43:48 [0bc8727d] Merge pull request #2546 from IndigoProtocol/codycodes/ibtc-token (cardano-token-registry)
15:08:36 [087e83c6] deploy: 9f2a46ecb33fa88a833c47933fbd0467ce24d3c1 (catalyst-core)
15:27:39 [a6661e11] Merge pull request #1251 from Plutonomicon/dshuiski/1152-ws-parallel-init (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:29:43 [e5b284b2] Deploying to gh-pages from @ Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib@a6661e11a3951146a3c01b9b9ed3bd3bbefd5f8c 🚀 (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:49:11 [72863b0f] Merge #4165 (ouroboros-network)
16:18:03 [bb178798] deploy: 72a1f247a4bfc5da5106232f5e64a1a2d7e19848 (mithril)
16:43:56 [f3ac2663] Merge pull request #1256 from Plutonomicon/klntsky/prepare-release (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:49:24 [c2ac7855] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 698e62db2cf85eaf27c69dd37d19317ea6f11719 (plutus-ops)
17:04:46 [cf8638c5] Merge pull request #1256 from Plutonomicon/klntsky/prepare-release (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:05:53 [08a98456] Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib into develop (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:17:35 [886e90fb] Add release date (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:18:07 [9ca8c391] Merge #4170 (ouroboros-network)
17:22:03 [d8da4151] Merge pull request #1259 from Plutonomicon/develop (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:43:27 [fd07efd4] deploy: 41c34620504d267eaa5ec4b51b7a5f20dc31ddb1 (mithril)
18:01:12 [17b47603] staging: Bump marlowe to adf841927792e6a4e78135112417cdf3e06b785d (plutus-ops)
18:37:33 [23630591] Merge #3553 (cardano-wallet)
19:48:14 [38eef49c] Merge #3592 (cardano-wallet)
19:55:24 [254b1139] docs: Merge #3553 3553: Reuse balance transaction in construct transaction r=Unisay a=paweljakubas <!-- Detail in a few bullet points the work accomplished in this PR. Before you submit, don't forget to: LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes release.nix reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Make sure the GitHub PR fields are correct: ✓ Set a good Title for your PR. ✓ Assign yourself to the PR. ✓ Assign one or more reviewer(s). ✓ Link to a Jira issue, and/or other GitHub issues or PRs. ✓ In the PR description delete any empty sections and all text commented in <!--, so that this text does not appear in merge commit messages. LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes release.nix reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Don't waste reviewers' time: ✓ If it's a draft, select the Create Draft PR option. ✓ Self-review your changes to make sure nothing unexpected slipped through. LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes release.nix reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Try to make your intent clear: ✓ Write a good Description that explains what this PR is meant to do. ✓ Jira will detect and link to this PR once created, but you can also link this PR in the description of the corresponding Jira ticket. ✓ Highlight what Testing you have done. ✓ Acknowledge any changes required to the Documentation. --> - [x] Added PreSelection along side SelectionOf - [x] Enabled mkUnsignedTx to use either PreSelection or SelectionOf - [x] constructTransaction produces "no-inputs/no-fee" sealed tx using mkUnsignedTx - [x] constructTransaction uses balanceTransaction to add inputs and fees - [x] coin selection and fee are retrieved from decodeTransaction - [x] checking all integration tests - [x] adding dummyTxIn as node does not allow producing no-inputs txs at the moment ### Comments <!-- Additional comments, links, or screenshots to attach, if any. --> ### Issue Number adp-2257 <!-- Reference the Jira/GitHub issue that this PR relates to, and which requirements it tackles. Note: Jira issues of the form ADP- will be auto-linked. --> Co-authored-by: Pawel Jakubas <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Johannes Lund <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Jonathan Knowles <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Yura Lazarev <[email protected]> Source commit: 23630591e27d80e3c78b7229a91ac23bdc75301c (cardano-wallet)
20:47:34 [4845e6bf] docs: Merge #3592 3592: Update docker-compose.yml - cardano-node version till latest 1.35.4. and etc r=piotr-iohk a=os11k - [x] Updated cardano-node version till latest 1.35.4. Additionally updated mounting /data/db as folder on host, so we can copy existing DB to that folder and no need to wait to sync via internet, might be quite useful. ### Comments <!-- Additional comments, links, or screenshots to attach, if any. --> ### Issue Number <!-- Reference the Jira/GitHub issue that this PR relates to, and which requirements it tackles. Note: Jira issues of the form ADP- will be auto-linked. --> Co-authored-by: Jurijs I <[email protected]> Source commit: 38eef49c2a9dba359dcbd4b0a5a2fb1a0780db34 (cardano-wallet)
21:20:39 [3074a756] Merge pull request #1491 from saratomaz/change_secp_minting_scripts_name (cardano-node-tests)
22:28:41 [88084bdc] Merge pull request #1498 from input-output-hk/retest_testrun (cardano-node-tests)
23:31:50 [82f9bcba] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to e24caf2a31a9ab01f27d8b6d9f560b8e8fe4ed1e (plutus-ops)