Home / Reports / Nov 22, 2022

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

464 commits had been pushed across 52 repos by 95 authors. There were 234,200 additions and 158,741 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:08:46 [9919ee71] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:08:46 [17897266] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:26:57 [89cef892] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:36:06 [a9dd919f] Remove `scrypt` flag from library `coin-selection`. (cardano-wallet)
00:38:04 [8655b9a8] Remove `scrypt` flag from library `primitive`. (cardano-wallet)
00:38:18 [92f7e7aa] revert to ghc8107 + wip (cardano-wallet)
00:59:43 [144db95f] Merge #3596 (cardano-wallet)
01:07:41 [6120d7b4] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
01:10:54 [d6c7a650] docs/HardWonWisdom.md: on how Ledger uses EpochInfo (ouroboros-network)
01:11:24 [4050cc4b] Fixnished all up to and including Alonzo (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:50 [a2565036] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:17:01 [88b3b8f5] docs/HardWonWisdom.md: on how Ledger uses EpochInfo (ouroboros-network)
01:29:02 [33cea7f5] chore: remove monorepo, use vitest (blockfrost-js)
01:34:13 [ee7f50b3] Update ouroboros-network s-r-p (cardano-node)
01:35:13 [5ffba2d0] Re-enabling mate on failure (cardano-node)
01:39:05 [a6a3fba5] Update essential-cardano-list.md (essential-cardano)
01:45:33 [6b12b6c6] Use windows default shell (cardano-node)
02:23:01 [b12d6f88] tmate on failure (cardano-node)
02:34:11 [34d9c19e] fix haskell.yml (cardano-node)
02:41:06 [aeb64f29] :exploding_head: (cardano-node)
02:41:07 [0f4898e0] Bump loader-utils, gatsby and webpack-cli (testnets-cardano-org)
02:42:33 [1a653454] ah! (cardano-node)
02:43:35 [ce2a311b] WAT? (cardano-node)
02:48:08 [367ff61e] ignore sanity notification (catalyst-core)
02:49:16 [38248430] Add ghc 9.4.3 (haskell.nix)
02:49:47 [4be48095] Exclude Win32 from ghc-packages on ghc 9.4 (haskell.nix)
02:53:35 [e7c794d8] stats: hydra 144db95fba9ec723a2f828bbfb24bd85c0c1d0e1 (cardano-wallet)
02:58:16 [4105b3cc] docs: Merge #3596 3596: Remove `scrypt` flag from libraries where it's unneeded. r=jonathanknowles a=jonathanknowles ## Issue Number ADP-2386 (follow on from #3591) ## Summary This PR removes the `scrypt` flag from the following libraries: - `cardano-wallet-primitive` - `cardano-wallet-coin-selection` Co-authored-by: Jonathan Knowles <[email protected]> Source commit: 144db95fba9ec723a2f828bbfb24bd85c0c1d0e1 (cardano-wallet)
02:59:33 [16a3c7d1] PKG_CONFIG_PATH mutilation on unixy things only with export (cardano-node)
03:05:46 [0243f57f] added ToExpr instances, Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState.ToExprOrphans module. (cardano-ledger)
03:13:53 [f1f5e45f] bump (cardano-node)
03:22:30 [0b1cd859] fix cache store path. (cardano-node)
03:27:49 [e11f63cc] missing env var (cardano-node)
03:39:06 [81a08b04] . (cardano-node)
04:03:06 [3188a604] Bump jackson-databind from 2.14.0 to 2.14.1 (koios-java-client)
04:07:16 [4a8ef277] Various minor changes (cardano-node)
04:10:15 [13efb932] Add openssl to windows (cardano-node)
04:12:29 [6ef4d031] be more declarative (cardano-node)
04:16:18 [86dee475] ghc943 fix and materialized files (haskell.nix)
04:17:17 [a308c3ac] ghc943 fix and materialized files (haskell.nix)
04:52:28 [57dceedd] Merge pull request #2 from wowica/fix-overview-asset-names-and-links (PicoSwap)
05:05:55 [f0204a4f] Drop hw-aeson fork (plutus-apps)
05:12:11 [3aa9bb64] Add LD_LIBRARY_PATH during the build. (cardano-node)
05:36:01 [aec1d3ab] test(e2e): adds a stake pool query e2e test (cardano-js-sdk)
06:14:54 [a5b8ae54] materialized files (haskell.nix)
06:24:31 [446a6a77] Create CONTRIBUTING.md (#86) (catalyst-core)
06:26:25 [85cdbaa0] update `alex` and `happy` in `bootstrap.nix` (haskell.nix)
06:27:52 [7524d952] Fix urls (catalyst-core)
06:32:48 [ddce6009] fix load module (blockfrost-rust)
06:33:10 [64338275] Fix linux tests (cardano-node)
06:42:08 [babcd093] Update release_wallet_js.yml (catalyst-core)
06:45:52 [ffe22552] deploy: 446a6a772299b9ae2cfa4e3dadc4203da947aa20 (catalyst-core)
06:54:20 [ea95fc28] github-actions: updated cabal configuration (ouroboros-network)
06:54:20 [e990960c] Clean dependencies (ouroboros-network)
06:54:21 [a91fed43] nix: added -Wunused-packages (ouroboros-network)
07:08:49 [5eae8ab6] deploy: 7524d9528ab9899ce523e7dc657c07d243c6c86a (catalyst-core)
07:16:48 [c8960e0c] [EC Api] - Added: Cardano´s block saturation analysis (essential-cardano-content)
07:18:26 [7a5064d6] Bump versions (ouroboros-network)
07:21:35 [cf9024c5] db-analyser is in ouroboros-consensus-cardano-tools now. (cardano-node)
07:21:35 [da5e9cad] Update cabal.project (cardano-node)
07:21:35 [92e05cdf] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
07:21:35 [3e69bfc5] Copied changes from #4600 (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [3bf4082c] Fix build errors (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [17b8b964] accomodate warning MonadWriter from plutus (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [f277cf75] Updated cardano-node for 1.35.5 release (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [eac71b13] ekg-forward >= 0.2 (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [5b101327] relax typed-protocols and io-classes a little (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [0d8c639a] add nix hash for consensus (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [9bf628c2] Update ouroboros-network s-r-p (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [704f2e1f] WIP: Bumping cardano-ledger to (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [0b837f86] WIP: Bumping cardano-ledger to (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [831c575a] wip (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [7b141937] bump consensus (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [68977398] wip (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [5d2a908c] wip (cardano-node)
07:21:36 [e2063e7e] adjust to new plutus-ledger-api (cardano-node)
07:34:15 [aed7ba30] local submission separation prototype (cardano-wallet)
07:43:50 [3fed79ae] Merge branch 'alpha' into setup-upds (guild-operators)
07:52:51 [8830a550] fix(cardano-services): ttl validation now uses seconds and no longer minutes as the cache itself (cardano-js-sdk)
07:54:12 [dc9b94cd] fix(e2e): cache ttl default value is now expressed in seconds rather than in minutes (cardano-js-sdk)
08:01:56 [b1a8704b] Update error messages from node PR 4592 (cardano-node-tests)
08:03:40 [186adbdd] Always do logic for restrictPoolMetadataHash (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:20:15 [f09f3d28] Delete plutus-playground (plutus-apps)
08:20:16 [ef12ccef] WIP (plutus-apps)
08:20:17 [8398bd52] wip (plutus-apps)
08:20:17 [9130e14b] WIP (plutus-apps)
08:20:17 [26f45798] We (plutus-apps)
08:21:42 [349e6b17] getSharedTransaction swagger (cardano-wallet)
08:21:46 [b7ce49e7] reuse getTransaction in shared context (cardano-wallet)
08:21:47 [b4b37665] add integration test (cardano-wallet)
08:21:47 [7473f213] cleaning (cardano-wallet)
08:21:47 [7a48215e] add ListSharedTransaction to api (cardano-wallet)
08:21:47 [62bbc1f5] update api link (cardano-wallet)
08:21:47 [c8d9ee9f] add integration test and update link (cardano-wallet)
08:21:47 [ab25ac15] add listSharedTransactions to swagger (cardano-wallet)
08:21:47 [2aeb035a] fix link (cardano-wallet)
08:21:48 [86d67c41] post rebase adjustments (cardano-wallet)
08:21:48 [2c62478b] more tests - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
08:21:48 [ab1a6e89] SHARED_TRANSACTIONS_LIST_01 (cardano-wallet)
08:21:48 [b9e9e912] SHARED_TRANSACTIONS_LIST_02,03x (cardano-wallet)
08:21:48 [8f1c2ab9] add testng for LIST_RANGE (cardano-wallet)
08:21:48 [7bc29ce9] add getTransaction tests - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
08:21:48 [8913fd1d] more tests - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
08:21:49 [7c747550] hlint (cardano-wallet)
08:21:49 [26a70458] add getTransaction tests - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
08:22:50 [415377da] Merge #3577 (cardano-wallet)
08:26:39 [47916c23] Update 04-dapp-development.mdx (cardano-documentation)
08:29:37 [bdf54e01] Merge pull request #432 from jinglescode/master (cardano-documentation)
08:33:39 [6cca162c] WIP (plutus)
08:37:03 [d841def3] add fixture wallets (cardano-wallet)
08:38:47 [d0314ee0] update (catalyst-core)
08:40:16 [a1b9cb58] WIP (plutus)
08:42:50 [3d4cc9ba] fixup! Export `fromShelleyBasedScript` from Cardano.Api (cardano-node)
08:42:50 [e45399bd] Export `fromShelleyBasedScript` from Cardano.Api (cardano-node)
08:50:27 [2d032811] Refactor `delegationTransition` (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:50:29 [bd12967c] Extract common code in `Deleg` in functions (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:51:26 [3d68d143] Add verified mithril signer resource (mithril)
08:51:27 [4ebe8e8c] Add SPO creation tool (mithril)
08:51:27 [93d54fb9] Update terraform deployment for verified signers (mithril)
08:51:27 [81f8d991] Update docker files for handling verified signers (mithril)
08:51:27 [eddd4961] Add placeholders for SPO maintenance/retiring tools infra (mithril)
08:51:27 [8e6df9c7] Gather genesis tools infra (mithril)
08:51:27 [3dcc6765] Enhance SPO creation tool (mithril)
08:51:27 [3c6a5b2f] Start verified signer node as block producer (mithril)
08:51:49 [c3407f4a] Move common testnet functions to test/Helpers.hs for reuse (plutus-apps)
08:52:05 [84d98801] Add `foldBlocks` alternatives that await when caught up (plutus-apps)
08:52:05 [5e8aaa2f] Add epoch stakepool size indexer (plutus-apps)
08:52:05 [0cf4b741] Refactor test/{Helpers, Integration} (plutus-apps)
08:52:05 [70461dd6] Add test for stakepool size indexer (plutus-apps)
08:52:05 [84534ada] Compiling Cardano.Api.LedgerState (plutus-apps)
08:52:06 [450b1cee] [wip] Add streaming ledgerStates that uses streaming blocks (plutus-apps)
08:52:06 [9fc2b304] [tmp] move marconi-test to marconi lib (plutus-apps)
08:52:06 [42293276] [tmp] Local dev: print helpers, ghc-options (plutus-apps)
08:52:06 [f75ecc39] [tmp] Depend on cardano-testnet foldBlocks fix (plutus-apps)
08:52:06 [da34a879] [tmp] Local dev; test and compare with db-sync (plutus-apps)
08:54:02 [0a884630] Merge branch 'main' into feature/npg-3694-vit-ss-database-fetching (catalyst-core)
09:00:12 [cb0dff2c] Use deriving instead of re-implementing the instance (cardano-base)
09:00:30 [141ce763] update (catalyst-core)
09:10:05 [d9df9e50] Merge #3577 (cardano-wallet)
09:15:03 [a4c3a0fd] Refactor transaction tests into several modules (cardano-node-tests)
09:20:26 [062ae389] [DDW-1169] Bump `cardano-wallet` PR tip (daedalus)
09:27:52 [76cb1924] WIP: Begin rewriting Contract monad to support multiple backends (cardano-browser-tx)
09:28:21 [a023bd3a] Merge branch 'develop' into dshuiski/1119-query-backend (cardano-browser-tx)
09:31:37 [78963d7d] tx-generator: include PlutusV2 ledger API (cardano-node)
09:32:19 [0099065e] Merge #3595 (cardano-wallet)
09:32:43 [f5817251] bump dist cache version (ouroboros-network)
09:41:38 [6dff1494] Add non-trivial TranslationContext for Shelley, remove TranslateEra * ShelleyGenesis instances (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:43:01 [28d5fa6a] Update building-package-from-stackage-hackage.md (haskell.nix)
09:52:49 [c36fbc8e] update (catalyst-core)
09:56:55 [e4a0aaa9] Merge pull request #1500 from input-output-hk/refactor_tx_tests (cardano-node-tests)
09:59:41 [739c3f54] Fix Signer registration (mithril)
10:06:07 [0da17229] fix (cardano-node)
10:11:41 [71aa56b8] Add IRG Token (cardano-token-registry)
10:12:45 [4644ed89] return type of test helpers (musig2)
10:13:13 [bcfe843b] Add BLUE Token (cardano-token-registry)
10:20:57 [93cecf68] removed unused (yoroi-frontend)
10:28:34 [ef0c6c67] Remove 'clippy' file (mithril)
10:29:30 [ea0f2792] Bump version to 1.35.5 (cardano-node)
10:29:39 [d4acf9bb] Removed P2PWarningDevelopmentNetworkProtocols (cardano-node)
10:29:40 [980986ea] Modify P2PWarning message (cardano-node)
10:29:40 [3e8d73e6] Fix Windows Github Actions CI (cardano-node)
10:29:40 [e6d8a03d] Fix Windows Github Actions Workflow for building Haskell (cardano-node)
10:29:40 [b1728418] Reword where to get peers from in understanding-config-files.md (cardano-node)
10:29:40 [6f15dfda] Rework Windows CI to use MSYS2 (cardano-node)
10:29:40 [c0eac537] Fix MacOS GHA CI (cardano-node)
10:29:41 [2c24d1ba] Bump CHaP, remove not needed r-s-p stanzas (cardano-node)
10:31:15 [fb60326c] stats: hydra 0099065e23dc1e0987fa47fbe4f24e100cf355b0 (cardano-wallet)
10:33:21 [aa742a0e] local submission separation prototype (cardano-wallet)
10:35:34 [a7618556] Add non-trivial TranslationContext for Shelley, remove TranslateEra * ShelleyGenesis instances (cardano-ledger)
10:36:12 [40519eb4] docs: Merge #3595 3595: Temporarily disable `prop_outputsSatisfyMinAdaRequirement` r=Anviking a=Anviking - [x] Temporarily disable failing `prop_outputsSatisfyMinAdaRequirement` ### Comments - It is [failing](https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-wallet/pull/3591#issuecomment-1319932086) due to too-loose validation of user-specified outputs containing datum hashes. - The validation logic should take the full `WriteTx.TxOut` / `Ledger.TxOut` into account. Was also thinking about just adding something like this to balanceTx: ```haskell guardTxOutMinAda (Cardano.Tx (Cardano.ShelleyTxBody _ body _ _ _ _) _) = let outs = WriteTx.outputs (WriteTx.recentEra `@era)` body in mapM_ guardOut $ zip [0..] outs where guardOut :: (Int, WriteTx.TxOut (WriteTx.ShelleyLedgerEra era)) -> ExceptT ErrBalanceTx m (Cardano.Tx era) guardOut (ix, out) = -- when not enough: throwE $ ErrBalanceTxSelectAssets $ ErrSelectAssetsSelectionError $ SelectionOutputErrorOf $ SelectionOutputCoinInsufficient $ SelectionOutputCoinInsufficientError { minimumExpectedCoin = error "todo" , output = toWalletOutput out } ``` but doing nothing for now at least. ### Issue Number ADP-2347 Co-authored-by: Johannes Lund <[email protected]> Source commit: 0099065e23dc1e0987fa47fbe4f24e100cf355b0 (cardano-wallet)
10:39:24 [9098e550] removed empty file (yoroi-frontend)
10:42:32 [ce09e10f] get assets metadata in parallel (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
10:42:43 [37a30a3b] add more descriptive error messages (cicero)
10:44:11 [d0ac9e84] fx (ouroboros-network)
10:44:16 [2bdaf251] Peer Sharing - MiniProtocol (ouroboros-network)
10:44:16 [56a025c4] Consensus address type variable changes (ouroboros-network)
10:57:08 [a9ebf42b] fixup! Add `foldBlocks` alternatives that await when caught up (plutus-apps)
11:04:46 [38f8003d] Support arbitrary SOPs in Nix backend (plutarch-core)
11:05:46 [8cc709b8] Peer Sharing protocol integration (ouroboros-network)
11:07:50 [c921b7b9] cleanup (catalyst-core)
11:09:45 [e3d08e84] Merge branch 'main' into feature/npg-3884-setup-js-ci (catalyst-core)
11:10:44 [4c2fac1e] Merge pull request #604 from input-output-hk/ensemble/596-fix-signer-regisration (mithril)
11:13:11 [8f4e0d9f] deploy: 4c2fac1e462b964475707a0bc3d1f856724a36e4 (mithril)
11:26:56 [c684021f] Merge pull request #31 from xTeKc/lister (blockfrost-rust)
11:28:28 [36587770] Merge pull request #32 from xTeKc/clippy (blockfrost-rust)
11:39:45 [416a9349] Enable building cardano-ping on Windows (ouroboros-network)
11:40:16 [ec342b92] Merge #3577 (cardano-wallet)
11:40:29 [b03547b1] chore(deps): bump serde_json from 1.0.85 to 1.0.89 (oura)
11:58:07 [3f8fe277] test(e2e): removed browser usage outside of tests (cardano-js-sdk)
12:15:15 [76393311] WIP: Rewrite Contract monad to support multiple backends (cardano-transaction-lib)
12:23:57 [cd7127b5] Merge branch 'dshuiski/1234-opt-odc' into dshuiski/1119-query-backend (cardano-transaction-lib)
12:24:31 [c6ca87db] feat(network/eras): Add era summaries (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
12:24:31 [e1c166a3] xxx: blockfrost/openapi beta.11 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
12:41:02 [8d9eaca4] add documentation for submission store (cardano-wallet)
12:45:01 [098edaf7] fix(tests/epochs): any epoch and nonce on latest (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
12:47:02 [fe516424] Merge #3577 (cardano-wallet)
12:48:27 [d3b028ea] fix(tests/addresses): drop utxos BF address (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
12:50:48 [9b54a66f] Move cardano-ping from ouroboros-network to cardano-node project (cardano-node)
13:03:01 [cfa88cc0] WIP (cardano-node)
13:04:39 [13521638] Improve plutus-metatheory agda compilation (plutus)
13:05:25 [97d7b7b7] WIP (plutus)
13:12:56 [bd0ebf9e] WIP (plutus)
13:14:00 [9e5b31cc] temp (cardano-wallet)
13:14:11 [4fef5576] removed stuff (plutus)
13:14:35 [abd0be29] Added Marlowe output unchanged test (marlowe-cardano)
13:14:35 [7076f4bc] Prelim test set-up (marlowe-cardano)
13:14:46 [38a02b2a] ETCM-2808 Complete the chain follower page (cardano-documentation)
13:15:08 [c84d045a] add providers page (mesh)
13:25:17 [57ee4f16] Merge pull request #47 from MartifyLabs/frontend-updates (mesh)
13:32:52 [d9508dad] wip: nrml confirm tx (yoroi-mobile)
13:35:00 [6866da0d] Export `fromShelleyBasedScript` from Cardano.Api (cardano-node)
13:35:00 [63d20e8d] Added extension (plutus)
13:37:54 [5b3b1092] add std flake and tullia (cardano-graphql)
13:40:36 [e0843308] wip: nrml confirm tx (yoroi-mobile)
13:44:31 [867d7a22] gtest return values (musig2)
13:49:20 [d383c21f] refactor(e2e): unifies some utils to reduce/avoid code repetition (cardano-js-sdk)
13:52:34 [43537f82] Shelley `ledgerViewForecastAt`: link to extra context (ouroboros-network)
13:53:04 [e6417e07] Bump iohk-nix (cardano-db-sync)
13:53:27 [20527e20] fix api links (catalyst-core)
13:56:44 [24e6817f] Remove old rollback test (cardano-db-sync)
13:56:44 [efb972e4] Add Cardano node tests documentation reference (cardano-documentation)
13:56:44 [b1c17db8] Add Migrations doc (cardano-db-sync)
13:56:45 [a476f39e] Bump to (cardano-db-sync)
13:57:02 [d4d7de1f] CI trial 0 (musig2)
13:57:52 [055894f3] Bump iohk-nix (cardano-db-sync)
13:59:46 [c7ec2003] CI trial 1 (musig2)
14:01:40 [efbc9838] upload state after as artifact after tests and fix windows config (cardano-wallet)
14:03:59 [5a83b292] reset me (plutus-apps)
14:04:42 [8ba43567] Create 01-node-tests.mdx (cardano-documentation)
14:05:36 [069fa050] WIP (plutus-apps)
14:06:44 [354c70e2] fix(util): fixes util-dev version in dev dependencies (cardano-js-sdk)
14:07:51 [3edc823c] fixup! refactor(e2e): unifies some utils to reduce/avoid code repetition (cardano-js-sdk)
14:08:21 [3e5e6e0f] fix suggestions (catalyst-core)
14:10:43 [5e95a0ac] fix (catalyst-core)
14:15:10 [53b4e40c] Merge pull request #434 from input-output-hk/olgahryniuk-patch-44 (cardano-documentation)
14:17:41 [209b6e14] Bump iohk-nix (cardano-db-sync)
14:18:56 [0d21ce01] add std flake and tullia (cardano-graphql)
14:20:14 [3d157761] Fix issues after rebase (cardano-ledger)
14:25:43 [011bf45c] bring vit-ss docs out from code. (catalyst-core)
14:26:37 [6282dcd3] Fix #1757: test nix flake init --template "template#haskell-nix" (haskell.nix)
14:26:37 [26d194e3] Rewrite `buildkite` jobs for GitHub Action (haskell.nix)
14:26:37 [8f9e43b1] Delete flake.lock in docs to better catch issues in tests (haskell.nix)
14:27:20 [0cb1c832] Some clean up (plutus-apps)
14:27:20 [b08713b3] Simplify toCardanoTxOut (plutus-apps)
14:27:20 [e118168a] Give constraints consistent names (plutus-apps)
14:27:20 [cc201d9e] Only use smart constructors for constraints in use cases (plutus-apps)
14:27:20 [78f3459d] Feature parity with own and other input/output constraints (plutus-apps)
14:27:28 [389b8687] Merge branch 'main' into docs-ci (catalyst-core)
14:28:15 [0a686cf1] Build test artifacts before running tests (catalyst-core)
14:28:20 [c32bacf5] more deletions (plutus-apps)
14:30:39 [df7cd193] CI trial 2 (musig2)
14:31:43 [5716f096] Rename content/06-development-guidelines/06-guidelines-for-large-spos.mdx to content/06-development-guidelines/05-operating-a-stake-pool/09-guidelines-for-large-spos.mdx (cardano-documentation)
14:33:03 [ed23140b] Rename content/06-development-guidelines/08-running-stake-pools-and-delegation-for-exchanges.mdx to content/06-development-guidelines/05-operating-a-stake-pool/10-running-stake-pools-and-delegation-for-exchanges.mdx (cardano-documentation)
14:33:13 [e1a3356d] Add new Contributing file to published docs (catalyst-core)
14:34:23 [342e0e14] Merge branch 'develop' into merge-release-5.1.1-into-develop (daedalus)
14:36:31 [66eb25ab] Update 03-node-connectivity.mdx (cardano-documentation)
14:36:54 [f903f194] Delete network1.png (cardano-documentation)
14:38:53 [423e451b] Reformat files using ormolu (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:40:38 [778d1dd7] address reviews (cardano-node)
14:42:34 [9a95c82a] WIP (plutus-apps)
14:42:42 [b94f3721] fixup! refactor(e2e): unifies some utils to reduce/avoid code repetition (cardano-js-sdk)
14:43:03 [dbeb6b30] Merge pull request #435 from input-output-hk/olgahryniuk-patch-45 (cardano-documentation)
14:44:22 [48a1b21d] test(e2e): adds an e2e test to ensure cache is invalidated on epoch rollover (cardano-js-sdk)
14:44:35 [0720325e] Build test artifacts before running tests (catalyst-core)
14:45:26 [b08336f8] CI undo changes (musig2)
14:47:31 [6b279728] prep (Developer-Experience-working-group)
14:48:46 [74eb07c7] flake.nix: make cardano-tracer-test non-mandatory on Windows (cardano-node)
14:50:15 [a6bea2c1] Merge branch 'release/5.1.1' into merge-release-5.1.1-into-main (daedalus)
14:50:46 [7639a690] Bump to 13.0.6 (cardano-db-sync)
14:51:45 [817d7ba7] Refactor API types for Create (marlowe-cardano)
14:55:09 [3a426731] feat: use nix flake, std, tullia and cicero (cardano-prelude)
14:55:10 [5bb23a86] feat: activate ormolu formatting of haskell file and pretty md/yaml files (cardano-prelude)
14:55:11 [e6d6a158] docs: add CONTRIBUTING.md (cardano-prelude)
14:55:19 [2489c792] Add nufi to default wallets (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
14:57:35 [94373400] [EC Api] - Added: What IOG has delivered for Cardano (essential-cardano-content)
14:57:54 [18653c53] Fixes the API Docs, Adds the Contributing guide and adds VIT-SS docs (#91) (catalyst-core)
14:58:01 [d3a7b7f4] Reorganized tests a bit (marlowe-cardano)
14:59:01 [03599a33] Merge pull request #796 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/what-iog-has-delivered-for-cardano-1669129054458 (essential-cardano-content)
14:59:36 [51496fa0] Merge pull request #795 from input-output-hk/cexplorerio/contrib/cardanos-block-saturation-analysis-1669101407750 (essential-cardano-content)
15:04:59 [4238a7b0] fixup! feat(e2e): wallet restoration load test (cardano-js-sdk)
15:05:59 [3209feb7] Missed comma (CIPs)
15:07:25 [6b7e4d8b] Setup CI/CD for wallet Javascript bindings (#85) (catalyst-core)
15:07:55 [e26e6617] Merge branch 'main' into feature/npg-3694-vit-ss-database-fetching (catalyst-core)
15:08:40 [596e3752] WIP (haskell.nix)
15:13:04 [6e19d603] Merge #3577 (cardano-wallet)
15:14:57 [e1b20027] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
15:18:52 [8c4a36bf] feat: add plutus bridge scripts page (cardano-documentation)
15:20:55 [78f47bd9] Changes to Handshake (ouroboros-network)
15:20:58 [ce644b34] Consensus address type variable changes (ouroboros-network)
15:20:58 [1c7e66b1] Propagate Hanshake changes to PeerSelection Gov (ouroboros-network)
15:20:58 [95c5bf99] Peer Sharing protocol integration (ouroboros-network)
15:20:58 [3f2c8fa3] Peer Sharing - MiniProtocol (ouroboros-network)
15:23:11 [6feda348] Give constraints consistent names (plutus-apps)
15:23:12 [f2924993] Update cabal file (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:25:09 [0cc5538b] Initialize project using Create React App (koi-pond)
15:25:51 [e7121c46] fixup! fix(util): fixes util-dev version in dev dependencies (cardano-js-sdk)
15:26:04 [6de54a0a] Update 01-node-tests.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:35:45 [74fc1667] chore/fix(tests): update (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
15:35:56 [fba37460] deploy: 18653c5360fd0e201560ef55ec7952f9f7cfc4f2 (catalyst-core)
15:37:42 [c75276d6] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
15:38:47 [8cf49c51] feat(e2e): wallet restoration load test (cardano-js-sdk)
15:41:08 [59fe2b61] upload state after as artifact after tests and fix windows config (cardano-wallet)
15:44:13 [19d63633] refactor(asset): adjust CIP-25 and add version (openapi)
15:44:25 [ed2432b9] fix: no server trailing slash (openapi)
15:46:27 [2d03a6c0] Merge pull request #246 from blockfrost/fix-assets (openapi)
15:46:43 [85faf0ef] Update 02-sidechain-toolkit.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:46:43 [62e07c50] feat(network/eras): eras summary query (openapi)
15:47:05 [1413ccdf] Update 03-example-evm-sidechains.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:48:13 [4a29c713] Add hashes of genesis.json to node configuration (cardano-node)
15:48:13 [6c01fcb2] Add test for running foldBlocks on testnet (cardano-node)
15:49:21 [e77efbbf] Update 01-introduction-sidechains.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:49:25 [d53127b6] Remove duplicate package constraint (cardano-node)
15:49:26 [646f2536] Add hashes of genesis.json to node configuration (cardano-node)
15:49:26 [fa73cce0] Add test for running foldBlocks on testnet (cardano-node)
15:50:26 [d13600ec] Update 02-ouroboros-description.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:51:29 [8973ff6d] WIP (ouroboros-network)
15:51:31 [c4385564] refactor: break down ApiConstructTransactionData validation (cardano-wallet)
15:52:02 [c5a6db67] Create cardano-node-emulator package (plutus-apps)
15:54:22 [cee8231c] Minor formatting tweaks (cardano-documentation)
15:58:15 [d280a4df] Headlines styling (cardano-documentation)
16:06:22 [944ddb4c] SQUASH: Make shell packages backend dependent (cardano-node)
16:08:58 [b4f94e61] fix explorer_vote_tally_certificate_test test (catalyst-core)
16:10:45 [9be492dc] feat(e2e): wallet restoration load test (cardano-js-sdk)
16:10:51 [50013217] swap tests and drop global peers (catalyst-core)
16:10:59 [b6bad79e] add std flake and tullia (cardano-rosetta)
16:15:30 [0e03cebd] wip: bump node (cardano-wallet)
16:15:32 [ba85bff1] Merge pull request #248 from blockfrost/srk/eraSum (openapi)
16:16:41 [990b27fc] fix explorer_vote_tally_certificate_test test (catalyst-core)
16:17:04 [67b7faec] Copy editing (cardano-documentation)
16:17:49 [6a930d62] Headlines styling (cardano-documentation)
16:18:14 [40a29b9c] ordering (cardano-documentation)
16:19:03 [bf81b81f] ordering (cardano-documentation)
16:19:49 [a645b5b0] Update and rename 03-committee-rotation.mdx to 04-committee-rotation.mdx (cardano-documentation)
16:20:44 [5bbae6e7] Formatting (cardano-documentation)
16:22:14 [5a28ac4b] release: 0.1.44 -> 0.1.46 (openapi)
16:22:56 [1593f6c7] fix: default EDGE_NODE value to compare to (cardano-world)
16:23:06 [19953fa4] Headings/titles formatting (cardano-documentation)
16:23:49 [012545c3] add lean specifications for primitives of the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
16:24:17 [93d34478] minor tweak to a heading (cardano-documentation)
16:24:18 [e786fab3] add tests for operations on the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
16:24:18 [73b30b24] add tests for primitives on the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
16:24:18 [4eece6ba] add lean specification for API operations in the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
16:24:18 [eb0c1fa0] add primitives for the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
16:24:18 [718bc011] add API operations for the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
16:24:31 [1208e4f0] Merge pull request #19 from input-output-hk/hrajchert/SCP-4727-remove-playground-common (marlowe-playground)
16:24:51 [ab0a5d6d] Update 03-deploy-smart-contracts.mdx (cardano-documentation)
16:25:19 [7252a7e7] Update libs/cardano-ledger-binary/test-lib/Test/Cardano/Ledger/Binary/Random.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:25:46 [5151fa59] Add marlowe-playground-generate-purs command (marlowe-playground)
16:26:03 [32978175] Update 05-transacting-crosschain.mdx (cardano-documentation)
16:26:44 [f0f44bfb] deploy: 6b7e4d8b023a668f3e8015c2b2afff7c08dfc57a (catalyst-core)
16:27:00 [a95dcbbc] Update 06-api.mdx (cardano-documentation)
16:27:53 [9a98c5d8] Add marlowe-playground-server command (marlowe-playground)
16:30:55 [163629e3] Merge pull request #1310 from input-output-hk/kderme/iohk-nix-13.0.5 (cardano-db-sync)
16:32:25 [5d1644db] tx-generator: add script pre-execute test, protocol params v8 (cardano-node)
16:32:52 [d7048252] Merge pull request #250 from blockfrost/release (openapi)
16:37:52 [b4bbedbb] Address reviews (ouroboros-network)
16:41:57 [19f78147] Bump to blockfrost/openapi 0.1.46 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
16:41:57 [52037398] fix(tests/addresses): drop utxos BF address (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
16:41:57 [e65d77ab] fix(tests/epochs): any epoch and nonce on latest (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
16:44:04 [1a01f2a3] chore(changelog): add note about preview preprod param updates (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
16:44:55 [547a3f1b] chore/fix(tests): update (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
16:44:58 [21d72e37] fixed secp256k1 link (plutus-starter-kit)
16:49:59 [23fd5b0a] add std flake and tullia (cardano-rosetta)
16:50:23 [2ca824ff] feat(e2e): wallet restoration load test (cardano-js-sdk)
16:53:02 [5da28061] Rewrite `buildkite` jobs for GitHub Action (haskell.nix)
16:55:20 [47d39903] Update pipeline.yml (haskell.nix)
16:58:26 [fc52eab3] Fix line lengths. (plutus)
17:04:45 [c280b928] Implement POST /contracts (marlowe-cardano)
17:08:20 [b2e1daf5] chore(openapi): bump to 0.1.46 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
17:21:22 [84fae322] fix(cardano-services): fix possible APY calculation overflow on networks with fast epochs (cardano-js-sdk)
17:23:08 [2e4f5a7a] fix withdraw error (yoroi-mobile)
17:28:25 [2a2a01a7] process paper notes (Developer-Experience-working-group)
17:37:47 [6eb25288] reframe (Developer-Experience-working-group)
17:41:40 [d66cc52d] fix withdraw error (#2228) (yoroi-mobile)
17:44:41 [309ab876] chore(addresses): don't validate UTF-8 as CIP25 v2 also supports hex (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
17:45:09 [3f4a3d82] chore(tests): update/remove comments/links (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
17:47:07 [927e126e] Testing CI/CD (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
17:48:43 [fa0a6c5a] wip: nrml confirm tx (yoroi-mobile)
18:00:56 [9350f5d0] use mote in Scaffold.Main (cardano-transaction-lib)
18:06:49 [a226852e] fix(cardano-services): fix possible APY calculation overflow on networks with fast epochs (cardano-js-sdk)
18:20:14 [4bf06cbe] Enhance pool tools (mithril)
18:33:36 [de1e8557] Bump iohk-nix (cardano-db-sync)
18:35:41 [7e4b3a75] chore(addresses): replace CIP-25 v2 validation for extended call (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
18:36:22 [3ec62569] Merge pull request #3597 from input-output-hk/piotr/e2e-test-windows (cardano-wallet)
18:37:00 [5dfe885f] refactor: parse on-chain metadata (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
18:37:00 [4831c94c] chore(openapi): bump to 0.1.46 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
18:40:05 [49448207] chore(addresses): replace CIP-25 v2 validation for extended call (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
18:42:14 [9f570125] Added User wallet authentication to docs (developer-portal)
18:43:22 [e1c61d31] docs: Merge pull request #3597 from input-output-hk/piotr/e2e-test-windows e2e tests fix windows config Source commit: 3ec62569078b4e26b459a32b31808acc240da86b (cardano-wallet)
18:54:59 [b4aa4496] cardano-node: switch to 1.35.4 (cardano-world)
19:15:16 [3e8da42e] wip: bump node (cardano-wallet)
19:18:26 [855cadd2] feat: add a comparison section to the book (aiken)
19:22:07 [32104f8c] feat: add a comparison section to the book (aiken)
19:24:51 [b67b6d72] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/confirm-send-ref (yoroi-mobile)
19:28:26 [d62f04e5] chore: added my dev (yoroi-mobile)
19:30:23 [8c41b5e9] chore(openapi): bump to 0.1.46 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
19:30:23 [138b814b] chore(addresses): replace CIP-25 v2 validation for extended call (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
19:30:23 [72f16533] refactor: parse on-chain metadata (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
19:32:31 [0deed535] fix: some wording (aiken)
19:37:06 [999e7e15] Merge #3577 (cardano-wallet)
19:49:16 [50f605a8] NoteToClientVersion: fix Haddock typo (ouroboros-network)
19:52:28 [146ad6a3] stash (catalyst-core)
19:55:49 [97586631] remove CPP guard on -XTypeApplications (cardano-base)
20:01:52 [bb191e64] Introduction of a `Memoized` type class and using it throught ledger. (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:03:01 [4c85c4bb] Fix the order in which scripts from AuxData are serialized (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:18:02 [e6de9fd4] chore: added my dev (yoroi-mobile)
20:18:16 [118511e2] Actually use patched io-classes version (cardano-wallet)
20:29:35 [a8ea22ea] Handle pipes (cardano-node)
20:31:13 [1501b5c4] docs/HardWonWisdom.md: on how Ledger uses EpochInfo (ouroboros-network)
20:31:13 [2bfb80d8] Shelley `ledgerViewForecastAt`: link to extra context (ouroboros-network)
20:32:01 [3108fdb5] Merge #4174 (ouroboros-network)
20:33:38 [308e9762] test plutus spending script with secp (cardano-node-tests)
20:36:42 [cfd589b4] chore: upd pod (yoroi-mobile)
20:40:57 [bcc37654] Fix KES period verification (mithril)
20:41:10 [cb80af77] outbound-governor: local root peers demotion bug (ouroboros-network)
20:41:11 [f60bc211] Bump versions (ouroboros-network)
20:41:47 [d844b295] outbound-governor: local root peers demotion bug (ouroboros-network)
20:50:38 [5a9d2281] nix2container: Add package (cardano-node)
20:50:56 [4341d063] nix2container: update flake (cardano-node)
20:51:00 [3e272e7b] Refactor: Not used (cardano-node)
20:51:03 [221dfb29] Add nomad backend (cardano-node)
20:51:08 [e9cf75c9] Make shell packages backend dependent (cardano-node)
20:51:11 [c29fd3dd] Indent (cardano-node)
20:51:18 [27eaa3b7] bench-master: Fix for 'not a valid json value at' (cardano-node)
20:51:21 [f7495d62] WIP: multi container (cardano-node)
20:54:29 [7b1b479e] Flags improvements (cardano-db-sync)
20:54:33 [96f37a46] Bump iohk-nix (cardano-db-sync)
20:55:18 [3640e5aa] Bump to (cardano-db-sync)
20:58:13 [b8282f9c] Handle pipes (cardano-node)
20:58:42 [f5a7d4ed] Initial commit (dolos)
21:04:11 [0cb5ec1a] ci: publish nightly [skip actions] (cardano-js-sdk)
21:04:26 [98cbbc4a] chore: bump versions (yoroi-mobile)
21:07:17 [e8bec2d7] WIP locli: Summary analysis & lots more (cardano-node)
21:26:50 [a1df8cc9] Update discussion of signature verification parameters (plutus)
21:28:02 [4de85bab] Remove `vector-map`s dependency on `cardano-binary` (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:35:20 [0198dc6d] 500K run test repro (cardano-js-sdk)
21:40:02 [dfb9407f] fix: remove redundant bridge page (cardano-documentation)
21:41:29 [e8b59aa0] fix: remove transacting cross-chain content awaiting for video (cardano-documentation)
21:42:27 [f4bb5a77] Return more information from Create (marlowe-cardano)
22:00:08 [31fe34df] Add support for CHaP and ghc-9.2 (ouroboros-network)
22:08:30 [ca98a409] Update ouroboros-network s-r-p again (cardano-node)
22:15:25 [af217961] test plutus spending script with secp (cardano-node-tests)
22:20:13 [abf9c6d1] Add unsigned contracts to GET responses (marlowe-cardano)
22:21:03 [4a4e7268] stats: hydra 999e7e15c9cf04133b6ae8593e1dcaca1d1c31d2 (cardano-wallet)
22:25:39 [5903000d] docs: Merge #3577 3577: Get/list shared txs r=Anviking a=paweljakubas <!-- Detail in a few bullet points the work accomplished in this PR. Before you submit, don't forget to: LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes release.nix reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Make sure the GitHub PR fields are correct: ✓ Set a good Title for your PR. ✓ Assign yourself to the PR. ✓ Assign one or more reviewer(s). ✓ Link to a Jira issue, and/or other GitHub issues or PRs. ✓ In the PR description delete any empty sections and all text commented in <!--, so that this text does not appear in merge commit messages. LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes release.nix reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Don't waste reviewers' time: ✓ If it's a draft, select the Create Draft PR option. ✓ Self-review your changes to make sure nothing unexpected slipped through. LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes release.nix reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Try to make your intent clear: ✓ Write a good Description that explains what this PR is meant to do. ✓ Jira will detect and link to this PR once created, but you can also link this PR in the description of the corresponding Jira ticket. ✓ Highlight what Testing you have done. ✓ Acknowledge any changes required to the Documentation. --> - [x] Updated get/list shared tx in swagger - [x] Adding plumbing in api scaffolding layer, link, reusing between shelley and shared modes - [x] adding integration tests ### Comments <!-- Additional comments, links, or screenshots to attach, if any. --> ### Issue Number adp-2224 <!-- Reference the Jira/GitHub issue that this PR relates to, and which requirements it tackles. Note: Jira issues of the form ADP- will be auto-linked. --> Co-authored-by: Pawel Jakubas <[email protected]> Source commit: 999e7e15c9cf04133b6ae8593e1dcaca1d1c31d2 (cardano-wallet)
22:28:58 [6b7912e5] SCP-4672 Added a test for adjustTxForMinUtxo (marlowe-cardano)
22:38:13 [b943bca6] Update building-package-from-stackage-hackage.md (#1789) (haskell.nix)
22:38:46 [2f707949] Add support for PV8 to fast cluster setup (cardano-node-tests)
22:38:52 [f42e55d0] Update gh-pages for b943bca6 (haskell.nix)
22:39:15 [9151b6a6] Enable regression testing with PV8 (cardano-node-tests)
22:42:38 [03d7b194] Test (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
22:42:53 [72e9b707] test plutus spending script with secp (cardano-node-tests)
22:57:34 [8f655008] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:04:58 [80ade62c] 🟩 voting.summit.cardano.org is up (200 in 472 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:04:59 [7faae8e2] 🟩 voter-service-AWARD-categories is up (200 in 481 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:00 [79316f2e] 🟩 voter-service-SPEAKERS-categories is up (200 in 548 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:00 [324ef012] 🟩 voter-service-cast-vote is up (401 in 132 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:01 [399fb7db] 🟩 voter-service-get-captcha is up (200 in 403 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:13:54 [0f3a2735] Add some Hachi tests and reorganise (plutus)
23:14:20 [4ce38fb4] Add some Hachi tests and reorganise (plutus)
23:23:47 [27ed01c1] Fix AlonzoTxAuxData representation and make it match closer the on the wire format (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:26:49 [e41e65ae] Remove accidentally-committed directory (plutus)
23:32:03 [49705130] Disable some consByteString tests for Agda (plutus)
23:47:40 [882f07cc] fix: some typos in the docs (aiken)