Home / Reports / Mar 17, 2023

Friday, March 17, 2023

609 commits had been pushed across 58 repos by 99 authors. There were 2,013,236 additions and 87,265 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:00:55 [e436993f] CNTools 10.2.0 (#1617) (guild-operators)
00:01:44 [58fa8cee] PLT-170-2 Add JSON-RPC querying for nonce by epoch in marconi-sidechain (plutus-apps)
00:09:43 [8ebbee58] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:21:49 [a7f55f74] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
00:23:51 [9ea25d24] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
00:27:03 [4355d680] add Mempool (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 0f1d4959b04baf317fde85727c869a9b97fdd1bb (ouroboros-consensus)
00:41:53 [96345969] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:48:44 [fca642ac] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:51:10 [25d82a00] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:52:53 [6268492d] wip (yoroi-mobile)
00:52:55 [4a0d2751] wip: inputs/balance logic (yoroi-mobile)
00:52:55 [cbf7d491] wip: actions sep (yoroi-mobile)
00:52:55 [715000a1] wip: navigation (yoroi-mobile)
00:52:55 [d3b95471] wip (yoroi-mobile)
01:01:24 [0d9bec88] New release version (guild-operators)
01:04:58 [58667978] wip (yoroi-mobile)
01:09:30 [613f1bb4] imp: pg cli mods (offchain-metadata-tools)
01:19:49 [c2a281db] queens (plutus)
01:25:45 [7777fbda] imp: pg cli mods (offchain-metadata-tools)
01:29:11 [203255d4] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
01:30:35 [90ac11ee] feat(register_values): refactor repeated code into register_function and register other_fun (aiken)
02:05:20 [ecf2d954] Add github actions for ghc-8.10 and ghc-9.2 (cardano-wallet)
02:08:30 [497a660f] hydrate-app: tf state updated to serial 299 (cardano-world)
02:17:58 [d86d589a] hydrate-cluster: tf state updated to serial 232 (cardano-world)
02:26:08 [41804763] Various fixes. (cardano-haskell-action)
02:38:55 [86b47dbe] Merge pull request #537 from input-output-hk/jhbertra/healthchecks (marlowe-cardano)
02:42:37 [bfb07753] Update useLLVM logic (haskell.nix)
02:49:35 [22aa4b65] queens (plutus)
02:49:44 [122e3bf9] Update useLLVM logic (haskell.nix)
02:51:13 [d044527f] staging: Bump marlowe to 86b47dbe8f38996c1cf7448f9f049bceec305442 (plutus-ops)
03:00:33 [3164a948] hydrate-app: tf state updated to serial 301 (cardano)
03:03:22 [adacffa9] Property tests for AssocMap pzipWith (plutarch-plutus)
03:06:48 [e35ac54e] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into cjay/mapzip-tests (plutarch-plutus)
03:17:21 [921df445] fix libsodium configureFlags (nix) (tools)
03:17:47 [ca883af5] bump to 1.35.6 (tools)
03:18:01 [846fae20] workbench: Distribute genesis using an intermediate storage service (cardano-node)
03:38:33 [18f53743] Remove concurrency to fix merge queue (cardano-node)
03:39:16 [3c81e597] queens (plutus)
03:46:02 [8edd3616] lastpiece (plutus)
03:51:51 [a0aa6331] Remove concurrency to fix merge queue (#4996) (cardano-node)
03:52:14 [630c46bd] In merge summary construct correct PR link and improve argument handling and help. (cardano-node)
04:01:08 [e486b550] Bump react-router-dom from 5.2.0 to 6.9.0 in /packages/yoroi-extension (yoroi-frontend)
04:02:32 [2d6eac42] feat(codegen): support multi-validators (aiken)
04:06:02 [847433d2] deploy: a0aa63315d3077aad53ceceb5ab11e28b7b43674 (cardano-node)
04:11:27 [b024a662] Concurrency for build job (cardano-node)
04:15:59 [2d62fe12] Update action.yml (#28) (cardano-haskell-action)
04:18:40 [2703d747] Add github actions for ghc-8.10 and ghc-9.2 (cardano-wallet)
04:19:21 [9484fa04] fixup! refactor!: the TxSubmit endpoint no longer adds the stack trace when returning domain errors (cardano-js-sdk)
04:22:41 [d0b991f0] Merge pull request #4991 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/in-merge-summary-construct-correct-pr-link (cardano-node)
04:37:47 [7d0c40bb] PLT-4148 - Transaction detail view for Marlowe Explorer (marlowe-explorer)
04:39:04 [e5eeca6c] hydrate-app: tf state updated to serial 303 (cardano-world)
04:41:23 [3f0baee0] PLT-4148 - Transaction detail view for Marlowe Explorer (#31) (marlowe-explorer)
04:54:44 [2d1452fe] imp: adds basic metadata server, sync agent, webhook (cardano)
05:06:12 [ee215cdd] deploy: d0b991f0aa6dfcf6e9f6275b04cee20c5dd5b2ea (cardano-node)
05:14:36 [c36807d4] Concurrency for build job (cardano-node)
05:30:41 [4d00dc2a] Concurrency for build job (cardano-node)
05:47:17 [e354890a] GHC parallel build (cardano-wallet)
05:52:33 [49e77eb5] Nixpkgs work around for strip on aarch64-darwin (haskell.nix)
06:04:30 [26125a0f] Concurrency for build job (#4997) (cardano-node)
06:05:06 [3ca75787] Conway hard forks on prot-ver 9 (cardano-node)
06:05:06 [3d50f708] Use TestEnableDevelopmentHardForkEras to gate-keep Conway (cardano-node)
06:16:15 [f81d6c00] fix(cardano-services): stake-pool APY sorted search no longer returns error if APY is disabled (cardano-js-sdk)
06:17:47 [b7e8bc13] Nixpkgs work around for strip on aarch64-darwin (haskell.nix)
06:18:25 [3806ee5b] deploy: 26125a0f340e48364f7271fc5b4a2e4243388552 (cardano-node)
06:32:03 [83c92671] Regen byron module + refactoring (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
06:32:31 [3094d887] guild-deploy - replace echo with echo -e and specify \n where required (guild-operators)
06:33:43 [b63c325c] Merge pull request #4988 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/conway-hardforks-on-prot-ver-9 (cardano-node)
06:46:41 [89684827] Add a GitHub Action workflow to run on-demand some benchmarks (devx)
06:46:41 [54953b8e] Apply @angerman patch :) (devx)
06:46:41 [c09e618e] Apply @angerman suggestions from last PR review :) (devx)
06:46:41 [080234b8] Use GitHub Pages to serve statically the bootstrap shell (devx)
06:46:41 [c9beeae9] Solve a "full disk" GA issue by rather rely on a matrix of jobs (devx)
06:46:41 [52017d6a] Create a GA to populate zw3rk S3 buckets on push events (devx)
06:46:41 [759909d6] Try to take advantage of hydra build products rather than rely on GA + S3 (devx)
06:46:41 [de7ee45c] Fix AWS S3 CLI error: Unable to locate credentials ... (devx)
06:46:42 [96c01b74] [WIP] Last tweaks and plumbing ... (devx)
06:47:59 [27a4d7b4] Add developer shell for Rust programming language (devx)
06:49:45 [168b92b6] Merge pull request #4987 from input-output-hk/bench-master (cardano-node)
06:55:05 [984e2da9] fixup! feat(cardano-services): metadata fetching logic - implement the main SP metadata fetching logic (cardano-js-sdk)
06:56:57 [91038621] stakeKey registration stake.skey witness not needed (cardano-node)
06:56:57 [0ff11f52] Add an explanation for why we only need 1 witness (cardano-node)
07:08:01 [2536d856] Revisit the solutions to add extra handlers (plutus-apps)
07:11:30 [1065db43] Remove concurrency setting for stylish-haskell (cardano-node)
07:11:41 [f3963d77] Merge pull request #654 from input-output-hk/fix/stake-pool-APY-sorted-search-fix (cardano-js-sdk)
07:19:37 [dcf3c7d4] Bump version of `iohk-nix`. (cardano-wallet)
07:30:29 [5bda52d0] Avoid genprimops build failure (haskell.nix)
07:34:43 [a6e62f54] stuff (cardano-wallet)
07:34:51 [e2e3af73] deploy: 168b92b68588f5af5ad15e733faad283e5f5d66d (cardano-node)
07:37:36 [b81ccc09] refactor!: the TxSubmit endpoint no longer adds the stack trace when returning domain errors (cardano-js-sdk)
07:40:33 [36475984] feat(cardano-services): metadata fetching logic (cardano-js-sdk)
07:42:42 [1e310fbb] Merge pull request #2764 from Breakpoint-341/master (cardano-token-registry)
07:53:28 [488ab653] Update ci.yaml (cardano-token-registry)
08:08:36 [fb45bc43] test(cardano-services): improve assertion to better reveal failures (cardano-js-sdk)
08:09:58 [c213f665] change smash server (cardano-wallet)
08:23:21 [c2263790] expect fee in incoming txs in e2e tests (cardano-wallet)
08:23:21 [38876588] change smash server (cardano-wallet)
08:23:56 [87d63ea1] Add a check for restarting a node with different params than the persisted ones (hydra)
08:23:56 [10eb487d] Add a test case (hydra)
08:23:57 [2141d704] Prepend the type of state to the error messages (hydra)
08:23:57 [5f280035] Add new Misconfiguration log item to logs.yaml (hydra)
08:23:57 [c75b0245] Sort the parties before comparing (hydra)
08:23:57 [06fd2fe9] Add review comment and eta-reduce (hydra)
08:23:57 [512e0d52] Collect all errors (hydra)
08:23:57 [98e9ef22] Move argument checks on branch where we are sure to load state (hydra)
08:23:58 [83e39021] Update the changelog (hydra)
08:25:47 [a7f7454c] initial api tests (marlowe-cardano)
08:26:14 [4ad51d5a] nix/docker: use copyToRoot to add configs (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
08:27:12 [12afc9e6] Add github actions for ghc-8.10 and ghc-9.2 (cardano-wallet)
08:27:23 [c81cf550] docs: change smash server Source commit: 388765882c6a101cac5c7068b63396a1331af75a (cardano-wallet)
08:30:59 [d605f047] Use API version provider in aggregator router (mithril)
08:30:59 [7d91fa70] Implement API Version provider (mithril)
08:30:59 [81bf5cad] Use API version provider in client (mithril)
08:30:59 [cc951c29] Use API version provider in signer (mithril)
08:30:59 [339480d7] Add API version provider dependency in aggregator (mithril)
08:30:59 [cb8a7f4d] Add build script for mithril-common (mithril)
08:30:59 [8cd25ee0] Remove unused MITHRIL_API_VERSION const (mithril)
08:31:00 [818328b2] Update all APISpec tests (mithril)
08:31:00 [8249993c] Add APISpec specs files retrieval (mithril)
08:34:35 [436be062] reproduce error (marlowe-cardano)
08:35:58 [25f1ba29] PLT-4554 Added static content in Subscription route/page (dapps-certification)
08:38:25 [792c6c89] ci/docker: publish nix built image (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
08:38:25 [ddc12fd9] ci/docker: also publish to ghcr.io (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
08:38:25 [36092a05] nix/docker: rename docker image to backend-ryo (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
08:38:43 [3e2d76af] implement preliminary solution (marlowe-cardano)
08:38:49 [b96046ae] start working on cip-25 compliant metadata type (marlowe-cardano)
08:38:49 [4575534a] implement FromJSON instance (marlowe-cardano)
08:38:49 [c9762387] fix conflicts (marlowe-cardano)
08:38:49 [cb01fc5c] untested toJSON instance for CIP-25 metadata (marlowe-cardano)
08:39:12 [abcbe71b] PLT-4554 Updated content (dapps-certification)
08:39:19 [d311a8b2] remove focus disabling marlowe-runtime-test suite and fix failing test (marlowe-cardano)
08:39:20 [38c8d1db] initial api tests (marlowe-cardano)
08:48:34 [83faa984] Incorporate PR review comments (hydra)
08:51:00 [ffb4c621] plan out work ahead (marlowe-cardano)
08:52:29 [1347f746] added missign return (yoroi-frontend)
08:52:44 [39fd234f] package-lock update (yoroi-frontend)
08:57:20 [b7f3ef89] feat: add qr code dialog and use peer-connect lib (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
08:57:56 [dac33690] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
09:02:14 [25710b12] nix: switch to ghc 9.2.7 (cardano-node)
09:03:01 [ea1a785b] cardano-cli: Add option `--stake-address` to some subcommands: (cardano-node)
09:03:01 [8f3c77be] Update changelog with new --stake-address option (cardano-node)
09:03:01 [11db78fc] cardano-api: Add `getStakeAddressCredential` to get creadential from a stake address (cardano-node)
09:06:23 [72ba04d2] Build & test hydra-plutus in CI (hydra-poc)
09:11:00 [2efdd2c1] Remove unnecessary validation of Data (cardano-node)
09:11:54 [ac662d8e] Remove "string" support for ScriptData (cardano-node)
09:17:31 [dcb9ae2a] Add mutations to fail collect, close and contest (hydra-poc)
09:17:31 [d42c8a4a] Ensure head scripts pay to head (hydra-poc)
09:17:31 [cab4f6e1] Re-indent Contest mutations (hydra-poc)
09:17:31 [e687415d] Identify short-comings of collect, close & contest (hydra-poc)
09:17:32 [e2d771c7] Fix CollectCom to ensure it collects all value (hydra-poc)
09:17:32 [5bd169f2] Remove redundant FIXME and add an XXX in HeadLogic (hydra-poc)
09:17:32 [ee59ee04] Randomize removed value from collectCom mutation (hydra-poc)
09:17:32 [fd3149fd] Fix vInitial to check head id in output datum (hydra-poc)
09:17:32 [f308791a] Update changelog and version of hydra-plutus (hydra)
09:19:54 [1c687acc] Incorporate PR review comments (hydra)
09:21:16 [1b754805] 16 March update for Goedel (#129) (cardano-updates)
09:22:56 [d7a83a1e] deploy: 1b754805d6984f2891a215a7123ae63db0b0061a (cardano-updates)
09:28:29 [9d01c9f3] Merge pull request #33 from cardano-foundation/feature/cip45-peer-connect (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
09:28:40 [2c34d91e] Merge pull request #776 from input-output-hk/ch1bo/enable-hydra-plutus-tests-in-ci (hydra-poc)
09:28:46 [d4afee94] Merge pull request #32 from Qudusayo/readme-fix (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
09:28:55 [f46b29a8] chore(main): release 0.1.49 (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
09:28:59 [4b0fb6ba] Sort the parties before comparing (hydra-poc)
09:28:59 [13a18c19] Add a check for restarting a node with different params than the persisted ones (hydra-poc)
09:28:59 [9ebf0954] Add review comment and eta-reduce (hydra-poc)
09:28:59 [bf3264da] Move argument checks on branch where we are sure to load state (hydra-poc)
09:28:59 [3d1c9884] Incorporate PR review comments (hydra-poc)
09:28:59 [f8d53038] Add a test case (hydra-poc)
09:28:59 [0ed290d8] Add new Misconfiguration log item to logs.yaml (hydra-poc)
09:28:59 [e605b15d] Update the changelog (hydra-poc)
09:28:59 [74c59734] Prepend the type of state to the error messages (hydra-poc)
09:28:59 [05cac52b] Collect all errors (hydra-poc)
09:29:41 [2ef1cc94] Merge pull request #34 from cardano-foundation/release-please--branches--main--components--cardano-connect-with-wallet (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
09:30:21 [ff63fc97] Use normal cluster for nighly testing again (cardano-node-tests)
09:30:32 [13764e32] Re-indent Contest mutations (hydra-poc)
09:30:32 [11d8139f] Add mutations to fail collect, close and contest (hydra-poc)
09:30:32 [af722e82] Identify short-comings of collect, close & contest (hydra)
09:30:32 [cd5b10ab] Ensure head scripts pay to head (hydra-poc)
09:30:33 [f4dcd71a] Randomize removed value from collectCom mutation (hydra-poc)
09:30:33 [1c9fc0a6] Update changelog and version of hydra-plutus (hydra-poc)
09:30:33 [8d2e4181] Fix CollectCom to ensure it collects all value (hydra)
09:30:33 [465e28c6] Remove redundant FIXME and add an XXX in HeadLogic (hydra-poc)
09:30:33 [86dcc294] Fix vInitial to check head id in output datum (hydra-poc)
09:31:44 [257b820b] add stake distribution service (mithril)
09:34:02 [8e8c2f32] [WIP] Last tweaks and plumbing ... (cardano-haskell-action)
09:34:41 [ae812df7] plan out testing (marlowe-cardano)
09:35:06 [377c0e55] Merge pull request #3404 from input-output-hk/cblp/stake-address_registration-certificate_--stake-address (cardano-node)
09:35:12 [0a45905b] Weeeeee (it seems that the first control for utxo indexer is working) (plutus-apps)
09:39:29 [c4b9487f] Merge pull request #4344 from input-output-hk/mpj/remove-data-valiation (cardano-node)
09:43:59 [b666dca0] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/nft-gallery-pushes-down-itself-2 (yoroi-mobile)
09:47:14 [0496c356] Merge pull request #3775 from input-output-hk/remove-string-scriptdata (cardano-node)
09:49:32 [d2cf5d50] deploy: 2c34d91ea739ace637b96aa7ef9a79b874c5981b (hydra-poc)
09:54:02 [1fe198c4] Expand upon Cardano.CLI.Shelley.Key to support Bech32 serialisation (cardano-node)
09:54:03 [c30e4c2a] Adjust existing tests for new Bech32 key output (cardano-node)
09:54:03 [2008bdcc] Remove unnecessary text envelope key tests (cardano-node)
09:54:03 [eb3ffc98] Add support for Bech32 serialisation of keys in Shelley node CLI (cardano-node)
09:54:03 [eec046a1] Split up Cardano.CLI.Shelley.Key and introduce Cardano.Api.DeserialiseAnyOf (cardano-node)
09:54:03 [77fbd44e] Add support for Bech32 serialisation of keys in Shelley address CLI (cardano-node)
09:54:03 [b2c2884c] Remove OutputFormat option from PoolGetId command (cardano-node)
09:54:03 [0fb8085e] Add CLI golden test for generating extended payment keys (cardano-node)
09:54:03 [aca31389] Accept KES and VRF keys of different formats in Shelley readLeaderCredentials (cardano-node)
09:54:31 [0e6cc9ae] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/dapps-certification into DAC-350 (dapps-certification)
09:54:58 [099a2ded] Merge pull request #53 from input-output-hk/DAC-350 (dapps-certification)
09:58:45 [0208d212] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/dapps-certification into DAC-290 (dapps-certification)
09:59:01 [2bb3868a] Merge pull request #49 from input-output-hk/DAC-290 (dapps-certification)
09:59:32 [d089a8e6] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/dapps-certification into DAC-480 (dapps-certification)
10:01:33 [51435d94] nix: fix deprecation warning for docker images (cardano-node)
10:03:23 [7f631aab] DAC-480 Review correction (dapps-certification)
10:07:25 [5a45adeb] Document how it works (plutus-apps)
10:10:36 [d9a00234] Merge #4459 (ouroboros-network)
10:19:34 [a1938f1e] Fix ghcjs targetPrefix (haskell.nix)
10:20:39 [a247887d] Add materialization (haskell.nix)
10:25:20 [52b5a898] test(cardano-services): add logging to CLI test (cardano-js-sdk)
10:30:11 [019e714a] fix: rollup setup after updating the version (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
10:30:31 [2b390b18] Merge pull request #35 from cardano-foundation/feature/cip45-peer-connect (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
10:31:02 [750731a5] chore(main): release 0.1.50 (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
10:31:47 [650897be] Merge pull request #36 from cardano-foundation/release-please--branches--main--components--cardano-connect-with-wallet (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
10:32:23 [b59365de] Merge pull request #3123 from Emurgo/refactor/YOEXT-518/wasm-scope-4 (yoroi-frontend)
10:32:29 [f359eca4] update docs to reflect --state-dir --disable-ledger changes (cardano-db-sync)
10:32:54 [b181f00b] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into yushi/hw-wallet-connector-1 (yoroi-frontend)
10:36:23 [45e66b7d] WIP deps only for caching (cardano-wallet)
10:37:03 [1e9a9475] deploy: 0496c3565880f0c70dc2892da9112d14cacd4db5 (cardano-node)
10:37:32 [13b64c86] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/dapps-certification into PLT-4554 (dapps-certification)
10:45:48 [4b450aa5] [EC Api] - Added: Weekly development report as of 2023-03-17 (essential-cardano-content)
10:47:48 [6823f855] Merge pull request #932 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/weekly-development-report-as-of-2023-03-17-1679049948010 (essential-cardano-content)
10:57:08 [f59cf64f] More progress with multiple cryptos [wip] (ouroboros-network)
10:58:02 [8ad258ef] chore: update changelog (openapi)
11:01:39 [af9c8b58] CI attempt 2 (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:39 [f7075ce4] Small fixes for the builder (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:39 [58ab9143] Don't check out builder any more (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:39 [081fc5e4] Revise cardano-crypto-class (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:39 [c0664a8b] later compiler (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:40 [92b29fa8] More new compiler (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:40 [a6076863] Add nixbuild.net as a substituter (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:40 [bfbfda28] Try this (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:40 [9d046c00] Add some extra config for IFD (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:40 [9cf00015] Tweaks (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:40 [b3637c6a] Try multiline again (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:41 [8cd90b38] Comments (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:41 [7ec3e1b8] Doc (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:41 [42fa19ed] Just plutus-core for now (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:41 [d4aa7edd] Bump hackage.nix and drop vector workaround (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:41 [5a43ce36] Major flake restructuring (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:01:41 [4cf656b8] Refactor (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:02:08 [61ac3cde] Remove unused InputHexDecodeError (cardano-node)
11:02:36 [1f3bd766] clean up and convert env -> syncEnv in places (cardano-db-sync)
11:03:17 [cf551462] eslint fixes (yoroi-frontend)
11:04:38 [f4539cf3] Merge pull request #655 from input-output-hk/test/fix-flakey-cli-test (cardano-js-sdk)
11:10:31 [8ef85ad8] Creating book folder and adding content for 1st chapter. (plutus-pioneer-program)
11:11:17 [2b3d3760] Checkpoint (hydra)
11:12:38 [ee0ca0bb] Fix action version (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:13:07 [62cca019] Try to fix the logs display (hydra)
11:14:29 [58e14827] Cross compile fix (haskell.nix)
11:15:51 [659ce383] Cross compile fix (haskell.nix)
11:17:35 [64391a69] Auto-balance multiasset transactions (cardano-node)
11:22:57 [f30519c4] eslint fixes (yoroi-frontend)
11:37:16 [16ddec33] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into nightly (cardano-js-sdk)
11:37:16 [0522e074] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
11:37:21 [d60d0087] New cardano-api-gen package (cardano-node)
11:39:19 [3e610457] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
11:42:06 [543193ab] Add NODE_CONFIG_PATH env var and use it in kes-rotation script (cardano-ops)
11:59:58 [968d3cbf] CI attempt 2 (#156) (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:02:20 [a94cefb3] chore(deps): bump clap from 3.2.22 to 4.1.9 (oura)
12:05:21 [056e5ba7] Merge pull request #3136 from Emurgo/yushi/hw-wallet-connector-1 (yoroi-frontend)
12:05:26 [e0bd9992] Add more property tests for BLS compression (plutus)
12:06:39 [28a3844d] Cleanup implementation from multi-subjects when/is (aiken)
12:08:22 [4d78ff8b] Update from 968d3cbfe8db4fa5ada6eb17283716eeb382c85f (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:13:09 [817f9e79] Merge branch 'develop' into ruslan/collateral-fix (yoroi-frontend)
12:22:36 [f2109b8c] nix: fix deprecation warning for docker images (cardano-node)
12:23:39 [845019cf] nix: switch to ghc 9.2.7 (cardano-node)
12:24:24 [8f818bb5] Add a HELLO_GRAPHITE file (ouroboros-consensus)
12:27:06 [2278abdd] Editing README (ouroboros-consensus)
12:28:35 [03f278b2] fix names in the credential to address move (plutus-apps)
12:29:52 [5bc6618b] temp (ouroboros-consensus)
12:29:53 [eb6148df] stakeKey registration stake.skey witness not needed (cardano-node)
12:37:00 [b6f6b5ae] Review comments (cardano-base)
12:38:29 [33a8a981] Try a smallarray (plutus)
12:44:29 [18c4502f] Add materialization (haskell.nix)
12:48:38 [99f949c4] fizz (ouroboros-consensus)
12:48:53 [d4093ece] buzz (ouroboros-consensus)
12:49:04 [0d18b6fc] Add materialization (haskell.nix)
12:50:13 [6edf0b7c] Add binary codec for TxOut. (cardano-wallet)
12:50:46 [1a3c4d3e] Add tests for TxOut serialization. (cardano-wallet)
12:52:31 [06f0239c] Merge pull request #1716 from saratomaz/use_normal_cluster_nightly (cardano-node-tests)
12:52:55 [58e64150] Try to fix the logs display (hydra)
12:53:15 [1b389ad9] Implement load of DeltaUTxOStore. (cardano-wallet)
12:53:41 [75ebdd26] Further simplification (blogpost_breaking_ed25519_vrf)
12:54:51 [07f79619] Merge pull request #1715 from saratomaz/move_query_utxo_tests (cardano-node-tests)
12:54:56 [ebed8918] Implement write for UTxOHistory. (cardano-wallet)
12:55:00 [fa81a449] Implement update for UTxOHistory. (cardano-wallet)
12:55:04 [93340c86] Add store laws for UTxOHistory store. (cardano-wallet)
13:07:58 [7ebe7bf5] Make offchain metadata tests pending for the moment (cardano-wallet)
13:11:59 [be5bf817] fix bug in FromJSON for CIP-25 v2 (marlowe-cardano)
13:13:03 [b7b613c5] eslint fixes (yoroi-frontend)
13:13:35 [043e7e06] Merge pull request #3133 from Emurgo/ruslan/collateral-fix (yoroi-frontend)
13:13:57 [3d89f5d8] Add conformance tests for BLS scalar mulitplication periodicity (plutus)
13:14:25 [b0cb03f6] Add materialization (haskell.nix)
13:15:25 [fe074428] build(cardano-services): makes a not deterministic error to immediately throw rather than hanging (cardano-js-sdk)
13:17:01 [3458e5e9] PLT-1345 Removed commented code and Ctx2type (plutus)
13:17:21 [ae2045f7] wip (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:19:42 [75753b7e] PLT-1345 Removed extra line (plutus)
13:20:17 [537b4a25] Merge branch 'main' into mpj/revision-script (cardano-haskell-packages)
13:24:46 [a91035fe] Document hosted endpoints (openapi)
13:25:45 [1626b97d] Merge branch 'hkm/ci-cross-compile' into hkm/ghcjs-9.6.1 (haskell.nix)
13:27:39 [ba40383d] Merge branch 'hkm/aarch64-darwin-fix' into hkm/ghcjs-9.6.1 (haskell.nix)
13:30:54 [c1b1db4f] Add a script to add revisions for a package version (#158) (cardano-haskell-packages)
13:31:40 [3f11afd3] policy id parsing for cip-25 v1 is correct (marlowe-cardano)
13:35:10 [5e3a902c] fix: add back some extra info on display (aiken)
13:38:05 [eb2eff49] feat: Include noop sink (oura)
13:38:58 [ea9bda36] Update crates/aiken-lang/src/format.rs (aiken)
13:39:40 [12afe20a] chore: Unify ops count metric (oura)
13:42:21 [f10fd92e] Update crates/aiken-lang/src/tipo/infer.rs (aiken)
13:44:12 [5e04afe2] Merge pull request #11 from input-output-hk/nfrisby/hardwonwisdom-relate-hcg-and-stability-window (ouroboros-consensus)
13:44:40 [17a69d5f] fix ze boogs (marlowe-cardano)
13:45:13 [2e051a65] deploy: 5e04afe2e6dcaeefac39f118c7d92afa848fec78 (ouroboros-consensus)
13:45:25 [1f4eb4c3] Update crates/aiken-lang/src/parser.rs (aiken)
13:45:49 [f2ed1973] Update crates/aiken-lang/src/parser.rs (aiken)
13:46:34 [bbe90bff] Try to fix the logs display (hydra)
13:47:09 [7c34190f] Removed unused assumptions (marlowe)
13:47:25 [fa5ec4b3] Kevin's edits (CIPs)
13:55:19 [388cd669] Add page for today's dojo (coding-dojo)
13:55:29 [7dd60545] Update from c1b1db4f09c249d5c067469e769ddc63726cae4c (cardano-haskell-packages)
13:57:05 [5d0c114a] chore: Improve network tracing messages (pallas)
13:57:39 [660d2199] Make blueprint generation deterministic (aiken)
13:57:57 [bb951c86] chore(infra): added missing dependencies for darwin (mithril)
13:58:56 [3eccc349] Merge pull request #459 from aiken-lang/remove-multi-subjects (aiken)
13:59:04 [fa245abc] Removed duplicate lemmas (marlowe)
14:00:04 [fe01adf2] Add build script for mithril-common (mithril)
14:00:05 [7b557faf] Use API version provider in signer (mithril)
14:00:05 [ba281968] Use API version provider in client (mithril)
14:00:05 [ac58d5db] Update all APISpec tests (mithril)
14:00:05 [768640da] Remove unused MITHRIL_API_VERSION const (mithril)
14:00:05 [bb520093] Use API version provider in aggregator router (mithril)
14:00:05 [9dbe214b] Add APISpec specs files retrieval (mithril)
14:00:05 [053f46eb] Add API version provider dependency in aggregator (mithril)
14:00:05 [01f780fe] Implement API Version provider (mithril)
14:00:06 [ec49f73c] Simplify 'api_version' module (mithril)
14:00:06 [4007a09e] Factorize api spec verification tests (mithril)
14:00:06 [42e094e8] Refactor client api version (mithril)
14:00:35 [2f4bc06c] SCP-5027 finished writing marlowe input application functions for web api (marlowe-cardano)
14:01:32 [6683d5c6] fix parseEraValue to cover Conway (cardano-wallet)
14:08:16 [9affbaa3] Add descirptive comments to the BLS conformance tests (plutus)
14:09:49 [11628a12] WIP. Introduce runtime to the DSL. Ongoing split of the interpreters. (marlowe-cardano)
14:13:42 [79507e44] Revert "Upgrade to open-api 3.1.0" (cardano-wallet)
14:13:53 [7847a5da] Revert "openapi-spec-validator uses schema 3.1.0" (cardano-wallet)
14:16:38 [456c2124] WIP (plutus)
14:17:16 [3c8c0caf] chore: add extra jest flags (cardano-js-sdk)
14:22:35 [8bc800df] distinguish between multi vs single validator case in blueprint schema generation. (aiken)
14:28:17 [ce568cf9] peer-state-actions: fixed a typo (ouroboros-network)
14:28:18 [22035b90] peer-selection-test: big ledger peers tests (ouroboros-network)
14:28:18 [fb98c1ba] ouroboros-network-api: added IsBigLedgerPeer (ouroboros-network)
14:28:18 [d1ea5a8c] ouroboros-network-testing: more admissible `prop_shrink_valid` (ouroboros-network)
14:30:01 [d8e35f3c] Pass IsBigLedgerPeer to mini-protocol callbacks. (ouroboros-network)
14:31:29 [2f8a90cc] ouroboros-network-framework: moved OuroborosApplication (ouroboros-network)
14:33:12 [1a87b282] Update topology-mainnet (koios-webartifacts)
14:33:48 [ad61ecc7] fix(scripts): `/scripts/datum/{datum-hash}/cbor` returns redeemer CBOR too (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
14:35:43 [fb139de8] Update OCI images to point to GHCR (marlowe-cardano)
14:38:07 [df155001] chore: add debug log level (cardano-js-sdk)
14:39:26 [7951c113] start on refactoring validator to support multi-validators in blueprint (aiken)
14:40:26 [65c11fcb] Merge #4460 (ouroboros-network)
14:40:44 [bfc2e315] Bump webpack from 5.74.0 to 5.76.2 (cardano-updates)
14:42:41 [79812b6a] Bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.2 (ouroboros-consensus)
14:44:49 [85c61dfb] Removed unused lemmas (marlowe)
14:45:53 [01d61384] error out on incorrect state-dir or disable-ledger (cardano-db-sync)
14:47:17 [0e5bd39e] test(cardano-services): waits all the chunks before searching for substrings (cardano-js-sdk)
14:47:23 [a5e4ab3e] Update nomadTasks (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:33 [10823059] Add changelog (marlowe)
14:56:01 [1c29ba06] Complete generation of blueprint multi-validators. (aiken)
14:59:03 [b6e7f434] Add hydra update (cardano-updates)
14:59:36 [704b3df5] Leave the repetitive part for now. (plutus)
15:00:31 [32e5fbe6] swagger.yaml includes conway era (cardano-wallet)
15:00:44 [66700501] deploy: b6e7f4342fdf0b5462d8cc150860e0d359e60204 (cardano-updates)
15:00:55 [105f7a84] Unbreak unconditional inline. (plutus)
15:00:57 [f61f7a1c] chore: code formatting (cardano-wallet)
15:00:57 [38f7f5ea] reworked deposit/refund detection. (cardano-wallet)
15:01:40 [3f7c90f3] Merge pull request #2 from input-output-hk/jdral/migrate-packages (fs-sim)
15:03:27 [6bf316b3] Temporarily prefix package names with `cardano-` for CHaP publication. (fs-sim)
15:03:53 [8f86b5ff] The `System.IO.Seek` module is redundant from `ghc-8.10.7` onwards. (fs-sim)
15:04:12 [cc728dc1] Remove `nothunks` dependencies. (fs-sim)
15:05:19 [f634f132] send component container fix (yoroi-mobile)
15:06:40 [7e53b569] Flush logs only in log write thread (hydra)
15:08:17 [8ff33b94] remove soptUseLedger as only used during setup (cardano-db-sync)
15:08:58 [1cf974b6] Run smoketest on mainnet (hydra)
15:08:58 [1e2b28b0] Migrate to self-hosted runner (hydra)
15:08:59 [a1e0aa3d] Explain how to setup a new runner for the project (hydra)
15:09:58 [fd592494] remove redundant check for ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
15:11:37 [ae03d0b9] start on registering redeemer wrapper type in definitions (aiken)
15:14:15 [6b722fcf] Update to deploy branch of marlowe-cardano (dapps-world)
15:22:30 [365509c7] Generalise `ioHasFS` from `IO` to `MonadIO m` (fs-sim)
15:24:45 [13b3f951] fix: wrong cli arg usage (cardano-js-sdk)
15:25:26 [7e34fcd3] Clean up. (plutus)
15:27:51 [5793d928] fixup! test(cardano-services): waits all the chunks before searching for substrings (cardano-js-sdk)
15:28:18 [78a7fc14] PLT-1345 new sig2type - rename sbuiltin to builtin (plutus)
15:30:33 [4f4b1cf8] Generated wrapped schemas for multi-validators' redeemers (aiken)
15:30:40 [b977d31a] Reduce resource usage for nomad tasks (marlowe-cardano)
15:38:23 [81349abd] Give node more resources (dapps-world)
15:38:36 [34f115f4] Update marlowe-cardano input (dapps-world)
15:40:53 [a2295a61] Flush logs only in log write thread (hydra)
15:46:06 [b506bd16] updated PPP image to v3 (solved cardano-cli issue on amd64) (plutus-pioneer-program)
15:47:53 [e5feee16] Add `removeDirectoryRecursive` to the API and simulator implementation. (fs-sim)
15:50:12 [03f37203] Fix computeArity. (plutus)
15:50:42 [62bfd0e8] Scaffold ring buffer with simple Property (coding-dojo)
15:51:55 [96c805fc] The `System.IO.Seek` module is redundant from `ghc-8.10.7` onwards. (fs-sim)
15:53:56 [43e8d1e1] Version bump: 4.19.100 (yoroi-frontend)
15:55:27 [0bf71194] PLt-1345 Move IrrValue to ival, not its uses (plutus)
15:55:50 [a8cde7db] Show NFTs with missing metadata (yoroi-mobile)
15:57:30 [90d7a9f6] improve docs, check timestamps prior to block0, cleanup logic (catalyst-core)
15:59:35 [6225d4c7] Add new acceptance scenario 079 (double validators) (aiken)
16:05:29 [9ff61acc] add locks on stake distribution updates (mithril)
16:07:01 [726b8f1d] test(cardano-services): fixes 4 typos of --service-name argument (cardano-js-sdk)
16:08:02 [8e3fbcf5] feat: version bump node to 1.35.6 (docker-cardano-node)
16:08:10 [b61e6fbb] Add campaign URL params for NuFi redirects (adalite)
16:08:18 [07dfbedc] Fix yarn audit issue (webpack) (adalite)
16:08:22 [398f4beb] fixup! fixup! test(cardano-services): waits all the chunks before searching for substrings (cardano-js-sdk)
16:09:24 [612d05ed] 6.11.3 (adalite)
16:11:56 [0307afa1] Fix formatting (catalyst-core)
16:13:44 [cb0ef86d] Make offchain metadata tests pending for the moment (cardano-wallet)
16:13:51 [14c1275f] PLT-1345 New ss for signatures and added comments (plutus)
16:15:05 [539acdc4] Adding buffer capacity (coding-dojo)
16:17:08 [fbdcd90f] docs: Make offchain metadata tests pending for the moment Source commit: cb0ef86dab138a239c50df0c3cc6f1d6b2ab2972 (cardano-wallet)
16:19:37 [3b9d8df0] PLT-3027 Added swap contract. (marlowe-starter-kit)
16:21:37 [03454197] Merge pull request #4902 from input-output-hk/coot/configurable-accepted-connections-limit (cardano-node)
16:22:28 [a6434849] deploy: 175a8bcbbacc6ecc835b97dac7e36379c39ce41e (catalyst-core)
16:23:40 [bc32feb1] deploy: 0307afa109f8ba49d2b841dd311760fea879cdb3 (catalyst-core)
16:25:54 [e45ad2bc] PLT-3027 Synchronized nix and docker versions of marlowe-cardano. (marlowe-starter-kit)
16:26:03 [6ec33084] limited capacity test (coding-dojo)
16:28:06 [6d826408] PLT-4207 Consolidates payouts to same address in analysis. (marlowe-cardano)
16:35:45 [a72a9fc3] Make pop return Maybe for empty buffers & adjust other callers to it. (coding-dojo)
16:36:57 [e23fc049] PLT-4248: SemiArbitrary in test-spec (marlowe)
16:39:16 [9ec7425a] Add decidable equality to isHashableSet (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:39:28 [718fe8ee] Return false when pushing on a full buffer (coding-dojo)
16:40:01 [1632ba30] bls prefix for bindings functions (cardano-base)
16:40:37 [59d1bbdd] Fix where inlineSat is called. (plutus)
16:42:24 [476a09d0] hydrate-app: tf state updated to serial 311 (cardano-world)
16:47:56 [460c0fee] Update deploy workflow to publish latest images (marlowe-cardano)
16:49:01 [d8ca397a] Reword where to get peers from in understanding-config-files.md (cardano-node)
16:49:01 [6c94f79c] Modify P2PWarning message (cardano-node)
16:49:01 [6a310f03] NodeToNodeVersion and NodeToClientVersion JSON instances (cardano-node)
16:49:01 [4175e12e] Removed P2PWarningDevelopmentNetworkProtocols (cardano-node)
16:49:30 [5509bb9e] Fix OCI image targets in Hydra: (marlowe-cardano)
16:50:03 [8f97cd40] Merge pull request #528 from input-output-hk/PLT-4207 (marlowe-cardano)
16:54:22 [fc086738] SCP-5083 Fixed inclusion of stake address in marlowe address. (marlowe-cardano)
16:55:17 [e4849c0e] Introduce property for checking O(1) access (coding-dojo)
16:56:06 [c2658176] Remove "string" support for ScriptData (cardano-node)
16:56:06 [fdee05be] workbench: Distribute genesis using an intermediate storage service (cardano-node)
16:56:27 [f75d9717] Use a primarray for the step counter (plutus)
16:57:41 [ab65bfdb] Add and use plutonomy UPLC optimizer (hydra)
16:58:25 [5f7efd97] Flush logs only in log write thread (hydra)
17:02:24 [49a90658] staging: Bump marlowe to 8f97cd40f3503cb610e44fd0e5591365487b14ce (plutus-ops)
17:04:48 [a1709453] Temporarily don't require tests to deploy (marlowe-cardano)
17:04:58 [a27a112d] deploy: 03454197dd596b94bbfe06e615c7880e659006ce (cardano-node)
17:06:51 [43f51a8f] Fix nix-env invocation in GHA (marlowe-cardano)
17:10:16 [41d87c8b] Fix Marconi-sidechain unit tests (plutus-apps)
17:11:59 [6ad6a512] test(e2e): util to check min coin value (cardano-js-sdk)
17:11:59 [7b596a4f] refactor(e2e): check wallet balance before running tests (cardano-js-sdk)
17:11:59 [3a41d410] refactor(e2e): wallet consistent test names (cardano-js-sdk)
17:11:59 [f2e67788] fixup! refactor(e2e): real ada test target (cardano-js-sdk)
17:13:17 [1ecead4a] few small edits. (CIPs)
17:14:03 [bea2b63f] fixup! test(cardano-services): fixes 4 typos of --service-name argument (cardano-js-sdk)
17:15:56 [877dbaf3] fix test_epoch (cardano-node-tests)
17:16:50 [6f2e3a47] WIP smarter totalCertsDeposits (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:18:46 [437d97c5] wip api TxbPdy (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:20:05 [2be31c3c] wip (yoroi-mobile)
17:31:33 [1ba1dcb2] wip (yoroi-mobile)
17:32:39 [b3a49065] deploy: 603ada548cf53ec295765cd8e4f1892cb31c6a93 (catalyst-core)
17:33:22 [3e5adcb8] Add deploy job (marlowe-cardano)
17:34:07 [2b7a2ca7] deploy: 3b0113c4cdc951ce04749f70dfa9df5ac5fe245e (catalyst-core)
17:37:32 [54ff6fe2] Fix refinery migrations blocking Tokio runtime in tests (catalyst-core)
17:41:44 [30586453] hydrate-app: tf state updated to serial 313 (cardano-world)
17:41:49 [130b8cab] Merge pull request #523 from input-output-hk/SCP-5083 (marlowe-cardano)
17:42:23 [416e54eb] imp: adds private chain re-spin (cardano-world)
17:43:00 [8502be44] Added support for mainnet. (marlowe-cardano)
17:43:00 [7dad61dd] SCP-4758 Published reference scripts on `mainnet`. (marlowe-cardano)
17:43:00 [807c5141] SCP-4758 Enabled `mainnet` in Marlowe Runtime. (marlowe-cardano)
17:48:23 [80b252f0] deploy: 60f7ef1e077a33ef936f6a4a6d64e7f66e80878b (catalyst-core)
17:49:17 [93bf8cc1] deploy: 54ff6fe261943cfaad6df2776ab7c934f5ef7d3c (catalyst-core)
17:49:44 [ac314564] mainnet: add p2p topology example for SPOs (cardano-world)
17:56:17 [377390f8] refactor(e2e): remove implicit accountIndex 0 (cardano-js-sdk)
17:56:17 [0b2f7538] refactor(e2e): wallet consistent test names (cardano-js-sdk)
17:56:37 [28a1b580] Remove duplication. Reuse the same function in Babbage from Alonzo. (cardano-ledger)
18:01:29 [b69123f0] PLT-1345 btype hack (plutus)
18:02:30 [94fe926a] Deploy to Nomad without ops shell (marlowe-cardano)
18:02:57 [9ff05c54] Add DRep restrictions (formal-ledger-specifications)
18:03:22 [6c9135e9] Remove duplication. Reuse the same function in Babbage from Alonzo. (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:06:50 [a9a3f0d0] test(cardano-services): waits all the chunks before searching for substrings (cardano-js-sdk)
18:06:51 [2ae98b9e] test(cardano-services): makes required the substring to ensure the got error is the expected one (cardano-js-sdk)
18:06:51 [407da75a] test(cardano-services): fixes 4 typos of --service-name argument (cardano-js-sdk)
18:10:26 [d05f5d89] Update golden plutus scripts (hydra)
18:10:26 [bd6b92bf] Add and use plutonomy UPLC optimizer (hydra)
18:11:34 [924ba783] PLT-4265: Use a primarray for the step counter (plutus)
18:11:41 [c48278b4] test(cardano-services): makes required the substring to ensure the got error is the expected one (cardano-js-sdk)
18:11:41 [9b815da6] test(cardano-services): fixes 4 typos of --service-name argument (cardano-js-sdk)
18:20:45 [796af559] wip (yoroi-mobile)
18:20:49 [69cb47a3] sync Dockerfile with current DockerHub image (v3) (plutus-pioneer-program)
18:21:21 [053819a5] update marlowe/chainsync kv (dapps-world)
18:21:49 [7666ec67] Nixpkgs work around for strip on aarch64-darwin (#1887) (haskell.nix)
18:23:56 [32a0d972] hydrate-cluster: tf state updated to serial 184 (dapps-world)
18:31:58 [a6107a11] refactor(e2e): real ada test target (cardano-js-sdk)
18:31:58 [450dd33c] refactor(e2e): check wallet balance before running tests (cardano-js-sdk)
18:31:58 [a5c6ed03] refactor(e2e): use predictable mint policy signers (cardano-js-sdk)
18:31:58 [2292dc56] refactor(e2e): burn tokens minted in tests (cardano-js-sdk)
18:31:58 [cdfdc153] test(e2e): util to check min coin value (cardano-js-sdk)
18:35:20 [cdf3ad0b] Configure VM with GHCUp and checked out repository (coding-dojo)
18:35:38 [e5a871d5] Add Nicolas Biri's key (coding-dojo)
18:40:30 [7c1231e7] Fix nomad deploy (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [39e044ca] Fix nomad deploy (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [09e010e1] Fix OCI image targets in Hydra: (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [ba880468] Reduce resource usage for nomad tasks (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [0be6b739] Deploy to Nomad without ops shell (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [9a2fde00] Remove unused package from marlowe-protocols (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [17a358ec] uncomment out deploy lines (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [cbaae7fc] Update nomadTasks (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [d15a559b] Fix nix-env invocation in GHA (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [a8ddaeaa] Add deploy job (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [416832e2] Temporarily don't require tests to deploy (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [e02e6bff] Update OCI images to point to GHCR (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:26 [8b14e1c4] Update deploy workflow to publish latest images (marlowe-cardano)
18:53:24 [e311e28a] 2023-03-17 ledger (cardano-updates)
18:58:33 [eb6a2cee] 2023-03-17 ledger (cardano-updates)
19:00:15 [135e6156] deploy: eb6a2ceeefdd2d8a55eb11017d66d01ba8b36847 (cardano-updates)
19:01:48 [8dd4142b] Make sure all node arguments are in place (hydra)
19:05:19 [48d17b50] Windows cross compile fix (haskell.nix)
19:07:19 [eea6f540] Add EVENT_DB_URL to CI tests (catalyst-core)
19:07:20 [08758cae] PLT-3566 Summized resources for running Marlowe Runtime. (marlowe-cardano)
19:09:39 [ee8c6a76] Simplification of some linorder instances (marlowe)
19:17:39 [85f54a3b] deploy: eea6f5402e74e8b70867861d488a3d0fbe5f60a8 (catalyst-core)
19:18:28 [de8068c0] Add root interpret function (marlowe-cardano)
19:18:48 [b2fe8b10] deploy: c338c8828bc570b22754681463aeeb6b82aa525b (catalyst-core)
19:19:21 [3babb6a3] lastpiece (plutus)
19:21:42 [a1b2e8ae] Update protocol-parameters.json (hydra)
19:32:03 [b1b3e15c] Revert finally where it was originally (hydra)
19:34:04 [78283cf5] Fix for musl (haskell.nix)
19:54:04 [fee91ed8] Merge pull request #3341 from input-output-hk/lehins/simplify-utxo-rule (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:56:35 [8b9539f0] Merge pull request #767 from input-output-hk/restarting-the-node-with-different-parameters (hydra)
19:59:04 [5fea7733] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for fee91ed8fda271f4b4cd3586ef34d9ee74b1741a (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:12:12 [ce80da71] Add EVENT_DB_URL to CI tests (catalyst-core)
20:12:24 [d5e0a8ba] Fix check db schema version (catalyst-core)
20:17:21 [e463fbe2] ouroboros-network-framework: introduce initiator & responder contexts (ouroboros-network)
20:17:47 [4ea4f05a] deploy: 8b9539f032d3540ba74281bc0f27d4af8a4acac9 (hydra)
20:20:28 [46f85c3b] Updated CHANGELOG.md files (ouroboros-network)
20:22:52 [e9460328] deploy: d5e0a8ba78cf85d90dc39e92cd38a37ac96c4711 (catalyst-core)
20:24:35 [6f690da7] SCP-5029 create common file for web e2e tests (marlowe-cardano)
20:24:35 [61ab1e67] SCP-5025 implement tests for GET /contract/{contractId} (marlowe-cardano)
20:25:05 [8579e274] SCP-5027 wip on e2e tests for get transactions (marlowe-cardano)
20:25:05 [70115ae0] SCP-5029 create common file for web e2e tests (marlowe-cardano)
20:25:05 [913621d0] SCP-5025 implement tests for GET /contract/{contractId} (marlowe-cardano)
20:25:05 [4203a7cc] SCP-5027 write web versions of marlowe input functions (marlowe-cardano)
20:25:05 [cda30635] SCP-5027 finished writing marlowe input application functions for web api (marlowe-cardano)
20:25:47 [06973a9e] deploy: a912456439ece270a6d45520ea72507e45b7252f (catalyst-core)
20:41:55 [80daed5c] ouroboros-network-framework: refactored MuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
20:52:42 [53fadb49] Ignore check schema test (catalyst-core)
20:54:33 [eb15433d] Add pingPong_2 and testPParam binary goldens (cardano-wallet)
20:58:03 [8a80a052] added font and class to center images (milkomeda-documentation)
20:59:09 [b5543fff] added pages and topbar navigation (milkomeda-documentation)
21:01:08 [a6f341ff] added boilerplate pages for new structure (milkomeda-documentation)
21:02:56 [d8fae1e8] deploy: 53fadb49bd540fbc782ea009d2d9f800439a08cc (catalyst-core)
21:03:43 [86f5b2e7] deploy: f5e14792d4278f25110498753ddd4ad147f17067 (catalyst-core)
21:05:02 [e4b2d4e7] Change `totalCertsDeposits` and add `getProducedValue` (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:50:41 [15712188] chore: use let-else 🤯 (aiken)
21:53:50 [d02a621c] Avoid knowledger of UMap when computing delegation deposit refunds (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:55:58 [2ba25a19] WIP: further refactor MuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
21:57:33 [db8d8bee] Add token mapping for Tang (cardano-token-registry)
21:57:37 [4545e38d] Fixup comment (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:58:12 [170baefd] Add Nadia's key (coding-dojo)
22:08:45 [f3c483e8] Use a Seq to hold the buffer's data (coding-dojo)
22:16:24 [1c53b786] Add token mapping for TANG (cardano-token-registry)
22:18:37 [b43ab734] feat: new error for when multi-validators have the same arg count (aiken)
22:38:24 [15bdb697] feat(fmt): better validator formatting with double supported (aiken)
22:38:24 [ed92869f] feat(validator): parsing and typechecking for double validators (aiken)
22:38:24 [87493bbb] feat(register_values): refactor repeated code into register_function and register other_fun (aiken)
22:39:14 [64a8fe69] Merge pull request #2766 from ScottBlaney/master (cardano-token-registry)
22:40:44 [c3870e34] feat(codegen): support multi-validators (aiken)
22:40:48 [61113cd7] distinguish between multi vs single validator case in blueprint schema generation. (aiken)
22:40:48 [bf34324a] Update crates/aiken-lang/src/format.rs (aiken)
22:40:48 [22880a30] Update crates/aiken-lang/src/parser.rs (aiken)
22:40:48 [3d92772d] Update crates/aiken-lang/src/tipo/infer.rs (aiken)
22:40:48 [950598b5] Update crates/aiken-lang/src/parser.rs (aiken)
22:40:49 [7e1403a3] Complete generation of blueprint multi-validators. (aiken)
22:40:49 [fe92b27d] start on refactoring validator to support multi-validators in blueprint (aiken)
22:40:49 [bc690c54] Generated wrapped schemas for multi-validators' redeemers (aiken)
22:40:49 [a4c7337d] Add new acceptance scenario 079 (double validators) (aiken)
22:40:49 [bb6fc769] start on registering redeemer wrapper type in definitions (aiken)
22:40:49 [d753b57c] chore: use let-else 🤯 (aiken)
22:40:50 [74c61358] feat: new error for when multi-validators have the same arg count (aiken)
22:41:22 [2dbc50f0] feat: generate_test doesn't need arguments (aiken)
22:42:59 [6def7a0b] Plutus Tx compiler: support Haskell's `Eq`, `Ord` and `Num` (plutus)
22:59:19 [a9871ae4] Fix tests after changed error message (cardano-node-tests)
23:02:08 [15607a62] Fix tests after removal of unnecessary validation of Data (cardano-node-tests)
23:02:09 [1046e69f] Add `totalCertsDepositsDPState`. Add `consumed`: (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:03:37 [6fd70bed] Merge pull request #1718 from input-output-hk/fix_no_script_data (cardano-node-tests)
23:05:04 [5bb8d1df] commit air changes that expose scope as a mutable pointer (aiken)
23:05:08 [05afe8b4] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 71 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:09 [4baa1853] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 65 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:09 [3405753e] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 86 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:10 [d279292b] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 521 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:11 [62385a55] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 533 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:11 [112a5388] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 427 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:12 [1f41479c] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 119 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:12 [66c06579] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 79 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:06:16 [5898a5a1] Merge pull request #1717 from input-output-hk/fix_remove_unnecessary_validation (cardano-node-tests)
23:06:21 [83119974] Add `lookupDepositDState` and `lookupRewardDState` (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:07:52 [abe1f3ab] Merge pull request #4975 from input-output-hk/gitmachtl/patch-4 (cardano-node)
23:11:19 [5f33c81f] Draft CPS-004 on Voltaire era Governance (CIPs)
23:11:30 [e0827504] commit air changes that expose scope as a mutable pointer (aiken)
23:24:33 [67df42d5] Add LedgerStateBabbage and LedgerStateConway pattern synonyms (cardano-node)
23:45:51 [32f3a14f] WIP smarter totalCertsDeposits (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:45:51 [fbd0b434] Change `totalCertsDeposits` and add `getProducedValue` (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:45:52 [20c8f99d] Add `totalCertsDepositsDPState`. Add `consumed`: (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:45:52 [108815a4] Avoid knowledger of UMap when computing delegation deposit refunds (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:45:54 [28e30123] Minor cleanup and simplification. Change `StakePoolRetirementWrongEpochPOOL`: (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:50:52 [a3c923ba] deploy: abe1f3ab5c1506bd2872683ca8633444adb0d4b6 (cardano-node)