Home / Reports / Aug 21, 2024

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

855 commits had been pushed across 76 repos by 129 authors. There were 10,727,385 additions and 1,819,547 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:04:59 [3ad3bcb3] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:08:45 [57dd8b9e] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:08:45 [24e51c5d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:11:34 [b8303349] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:12:15 [4c90b6eb] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-explorer-status)
00:12:52 [a87835b9] Update a comment describing change in behavior of hashIntegrity (cardano-ledger)
00:18:56 [23b790aa] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:18:56 [5aace0c5] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:19:28 [c495be07] Update hard fork names had Haddock (plutus)
00:22:37 [6db3e91c] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:25:19 [4be1cd26] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:25:20 [c8ed9fdf] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:29:19 [529cc4dc] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@d990131b9b9905aa972f893c3d37c6adc4ae9398 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
00:49:02 [c04191e8] fix cabal-hpack tests (haskell.nix)
00:50:46 [12e6b7d9] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:59:06 [76ae4653] fix: re-enable default transport config (hermes)
01:03:25 [a9fd2b66] fix cabal-hpack tests (haskell.nix)
01:06:14 [8df17bbf] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@3981c194427008e5330702a910baa45f6675ad28 🚀 (hermes)
01:07:08 [f3bea6b4] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger)
01:07:08 [8ba99818] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger)
01:07:25 [c2f2ed4b] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 0e2c42a8e57aae01b1874c059937135828e21064 (cardano-ledger)
01:07:26 [0a3d30f7] Updated from 0e2c42a8e57aae01b1874c059937135828e21064 via push (cardano-ledger)
01:10:27 [1e58b33b] fix: use bulk mode when starting from chain origin (#92) (node)
01:10:43 [f19d635a] chore: disable tracing (#93) (node)
01:17:36 [dc563d17] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:18:00 [6b658223] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:18:01 [7632b034] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:19:36 [6dd5a95e] working on scriptValidation (formal-ledger-specifications)
01:32:03 [a73bb607] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 73 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:32:22 [d7549a59] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:32:22 [c5f47656] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:45:03 [6aa375cd] Merge pull request #5954 from IntersectMBO/smelc/small-improvements-cardano-testnet (cardano-node)
01:46:00 [4e5394ba] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:47:35 [2d71786c] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:48:00 [63db8627] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:48:00 [c8708dc3] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:50:57 [fca7a7f8] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 203 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:51:24 [64c5d351] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:51:24 [67fd5a00] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
01:51:54 [d103eee2] locli: Remove dependency on GHC.Misc.Utils (cardano-node)
01:51:54 [1f18cb04] CI: Add ghc-9.10 to build matrix (cardano-node)
01:51:54 [62ea813b] Make it build with ghc-9.10 (cardano-node)
01:58:33 [4abfa313] Nix updates (cardano-node)
02:13:48 [57dc69bc] Merge pull request #531 from cardano-foundation/chore/remove-redundant-code (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
02:15:17 [9ad93ac8] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:15:42 [24960c7c] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:15:42 [9d4bf68b] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:16:32 [4e4826ac] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 181 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:16:53 [c1baf93e] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:16:53 [9dc199a8] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:48:40 [c1e6f041] Merge pull request #649 from input-output-hk/erikd/updates (iohk-monitoring-framework)
02:51:45 [42b783fc] Set exe flake for cabal-plan package (cardano-node)
02:54:59 [4d15f349] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:55:32 [d66af399] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:55:32 [df6ce061] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:57:02 [27053e3d] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 133 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:57:29 [1733220a] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
02:57:29 [c63a568f] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
03:15:06 [36dce6d3] feat: ledger UTxO tracking (node)
03:22:08 [7daf12ef] fix: hyperlink dreps details (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:25:51 [604c5502] fix: get block logic to work with live data (hermes)
03:32:01 [9b50b29e] Merge pull request #3783 from cardano-foundation/fix/anchor-link-dreps-list (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:42:25 [16340910] fix: fix yaci eval (mesh)
03:52:50 [b7da95ae] fix: fix ref utxo completion (mesh)
03:53:01 [8e61850a] fix: hotfix import depence lib in gateway and tx proto in relayer (cardano-ibc-incubator)
04:03:19 [0d5e604d] init hello world contract (mesh)
04:09:11 [d7fe2b07] Make it build with ghc-9.10 (cardano-node)
04:09:16 [30a36fc1] locli: Remove dependency on GHC.Misc.Utils (cardano-node)
04:09:16 [75dbf8d6] CI: Add ghc-9.10 to build matrix (cardano-node)
04:09:16 [0f5e9d5a] Nix updates (cardano-node)
04:24:07 [39991dd2] assigned CIP number 131 (CIPs)
04:24:32 [45b03b94] Merge pull request #528 from cardano-foundation/fix/round-the-number-of-gov-participation-rate-of-dreps (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
04:24:43 [5f80a187] fix: modify logic to aggregate token info (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
04:24:57 [e9d75f78] Merge pull request #532 from cardano-foundation/fix/remove-dependency-latest-token-balacne-job-and-token-tx-count (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
04:30:41 [9a3ea0db] chore: edit code commenting (cf-explorer-api)
04:37:18 [735e3d48] deploy: 9636db2fe6ffffb7f1eec0783d44947454454803 (hydra)
04:37:44 [1c27ebca] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:37:58 [a5a9ce15] Refactor useCardanoChain hook (cardano-ibc-incubator)
04:49:02 [bb3d3e8f] ci: publish packages [skip actions] (cardano-js-sdk)
04:53:16 [3c855891] chore: bump sdk version (lace)
04:53:17 [999a0883] fix(extension): add most updated addresses to wallets cache addresses (lace)
05:17:08 [8e59e337] fix(extension): receive info address now always picks the lowest derivaiton index (lace)
05:17:38 [ae657ae0] feat(ui): create share component for cred detail (cf-identity-wallet)
05:18:05 [48760f39] feat(ui): show cred detail as modal on archived creds (cf-identity-wallet)
05:47:34 [d50efb8b] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:48:01 [180dae4c] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:48:01 [dd400df5] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:51:04 [c50978ca] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 185 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:51:35 [2c27d448] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:51:35 [cf2deb72] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
05:51:50 [7dcb4f63] chore: bump sdk version (lace)
05:51:51 [69996e4c] fix(extension): add most updated addresses to wallets cache addresses (lace)
05:58:16 [01bbfbbc] Merge branch 'main' into LW-11252-fix-test-lw-7819 (lace)
06:11:56 [ef6b8cd8] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:12:18 [db34d8be] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:12:18 [3983f713] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:16:03 [17321525] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 50 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:16:27 [571950ae] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:16:27 [b2016db8] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:29:31 [7c2dec6e] fix: to be signed message should be a plain cbor sequence (#701) (catalyst-voices)
06:29:45 [d2701440] Merge branch 'main' into fix/required-signers-key-hash (catalyst-voices)
06:31:42 [0c67f1d4] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:32:02 [23825b49] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:32:02 [b8454ec0] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:35:36 [e6fad003] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 339 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:36:02 [788e014d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:36:02 [49c0a511] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
06:39:27 [39932d2a] fix(extension): receive info address now always picks the lowest derivaiton index (lace)
06:54:58 [386fd534] feat: update KERIA version (cf-identity-wallet)
06:56:42 [8c4ce63a] Generalised Codec to provide AnnotatedCodec (typed-protocols)
07:00:15 [0d6b6382] Generalised Codec to provide AnnotatedCodec (typed-protocols)
07:00:36 [e7e165a4] chore: seed_phrases_sequencer tests (catalyst-voices)
07:01:32 [6b320e59] WIP: Annotated decoder (ouroboros-network)
07:01:58 [d007d7fc] feat: add parameters update projection (cardano-js-sdk)
07:01:58 [e4349d00] refactor(e2e): ignore odd words spell checking (cardano-js-sdk)
07:06:46 [ff142dd6] rename RangeLookupResult to QueryResult (lsm-tree)
07:06:46 [bbd80ef1] define cursor API (lsm-tree)
07:10:02 [6a04f335] Merge branch 'main' into feat/seed_phrase_700 (catalyst-voices)
07:20:33 [e0ab50be] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@e7e165a4515df845f37966d408bd904ee653901f 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
07:21:36 [0d138c98] Merge pull request #1421 from input-output-hk/feat/LW-11005-protocol-parameters-projection (cardano-js-sdk)
07:23:18 [337b6de2] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@6a04f3356db8cbda78678be8956b8bbcedc009bb 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
07:34:30 [096b6f7a] chore(wallet-mobile): bump builds (yoroi)
07:36:40 [317d1a14] chore(release): nightly (yoroi)
07:40:10 [ff909c2c] Use alternative agda steps in conformance tests (cardano-ledger)
07:40:13 [e37565af] Enable `DELEG` conformance tests (cardano-ledger)
07:40:13 [4a6ab852] Deduplicate list in `MkHSMap` FixupSpecRep instance (cardano-ledger)
07:40:13 [f7398e3a] Account for dormant epochs in `VState` translation to Agda (cardano-ledger)
07:40:13 [aeb7c303] Use `CertState` SpecRep within `LedgerState` (cardano-ledger)
07:40:13 [d6b88d39] Compute deposit maps in DState and VState translation (cardano-ledger)
07:40:14 [31a35aa6] Introduce hook to fixup result of running agda rule in conformance tests (cardano-ledger)
07:40:14 [21e6caa1] Set protocol version 10 in generated environments for conformance tests (cardano-ledger)
07:40:14 [5efc89ff] Enable `GOVCERT` and `CERT` conformance tests (cardano-ledger)
07:40:39 [9dda060e] deploy: 0d138c98ccf7ad15a495f02e4a50d84f661a9d38 (cardano-js-sdk)
07:41:21 [6483900e] Move away from Opt.auto in EraBased/Options/Common.hs (cardano-cli)
07:45:09 [5a9854e0] docs: init serializers and deserializers (mesh)
07:48:30 [0643e8f0] refactor: clear comments in signifyApi of credential server (cf-identity-wallet)
07:49:41 [fec04a76] docs: minor updates to the Mithril client library WASM developer documentation (mithril)
07:57:04 [0bb36c38] define cursor API (lsm-tree)
08:02:55 [053e5632] Remove era|legacy transaction view (cardano-cli)
08:03:34 [847147ab] Adapt golden files (cardano-cli)
08:04:22 [9c5166ee] refactor(variable-length-decoding): support overflowing pointer address slots with constraints (cardano-js-sdk)
08:04:28 [4d821e95] update mnemonic to bran (cf-identity-wallet)
08:04:54 [9d468d33] update: change folder name (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:05:35 [70134cf4] [LW-10649] Unset `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` on Linux (daedalus)
08:06:16 [fd9be5bf] add parser to check types that are exported (plutus)
08:10:44 [977e319a] Common.hs: avoid using Opt.auto to avoid overflows going silent (cardano-cli)
08:10:45 [76b6252f] Move away from Opt.auto in EraBased/Options/Genesis.hs (cardano-cli)
08:10:45 [f70c29ca] Move away from Opt.auto in EraBased/Options/Common.hs (cardano-cli)
08:12:14 [caa09142] Merge develop (#283) (cc-portal)
08:12:51 [e10a2c1b] fix: display hin text as disabled if disabled (catalyst-voices)
08:13:40 [e76b8c6c] implement Cursor type, new, close (lsm-tree)
08:13:52 [fee13d5c] feat: setup sqs locally (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:16:41 [6e936bd0] Fix UI Swap (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:18:48 [7c87e483] fix: improve bitstring implementation (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
08:20:13 [3fc40831] Merge pull request #138 from cardano-foundation/feat/setup-sqs (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:20:28 [6b63b07c] Merge pull request #139 from cardano-foundation/feat/mithril-upgrate-node-v9 (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:21:02 [08f05730] wip (lsm-tree)
08:21:11 [8d32929c] Merge pull request #137 from cardano-foundation/feat/ibc-swap-fe-transfer (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:21:45 [3e874b33] feat: update comment (cf-identity-wallet)
08:26:08 [4fbd0825] Share code in parsers of protocol version (cardano-cli)
08:26:08 [ddfff684] Adapt golden files (cardano-cli)
08:27:37 [95ff302a] Merge pull request #5951 from IntersectMBO/mgalazyn/chore/upgrade-cardano-api-cli (cardano-node)
08:29:53 [0fff814b] feat(ui): Display cred detail as modal in cred request page (cf-identity-wallet)
08:30:04 [084cdf64] TxSubmission - delay initial request for transactions (ouroboros-network)
08:32:05 [f82e3619] fix: tooltip anchor link (cf-explorer-frontend)
08:34:31 [ff502eeb] docs: add serialize and deserialize (mesh)
08:35:35 [21ed6fcd] Merge pull request #1891 from input-output-hk/dlachaume/1844/add-missing-cardano-stake-distribution-example (mithril)
08:36:32 [1a3bf4be] Merge pull request #3806 from cardano-foundation/fix/bug-ui-dreps (cf-explorer-frontend)
08:37:21 [d0c06680] Generalised Codec to provide AnnotatedCodec (typed-protocols)
08:37:30 [54c87a43] fix(ui): add color to global css file (cf-identity-wallet)
08:37:34 [2dfde8ea] feat: add `ClientOptions` to the `ClientBuilder` (mithril)
08:37:34 [41aacb99] feat: update the current `MithrilClient` constructor for the custom http headers (mithril)
08:37:35 [e25b506e] doc: add a tip on how to add custom HTTP headers when using the Mithril client WASM library (mithril)
08:37:35 [9d3e24e7] feat: demonstrate the use of additional headers in JS example for `mithril-client-wasm` (mithril)
08:38:31 [2f4fd9c8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:38:55 [9103d239] deploy: 21ed6fcdb901145d3b325497e372759e34b1ba29 (mithril)
08:43:05 [4b47e983] WIP: Annotated decoder (ouroboros-network)
08:45:46 [f7a20f1f] Update start.sh (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:47:32 [0c9a05a6] fix(core): correctly strip padding from mnemonic (#661) (cf-identity-wallet)
08:54:37 [69963c1d] GITBOOK-102: No subject (core-infrastructure-documentation)
08:55:18 [0035a07c] fixup! fix(extension): receive info address now always picks the lowest derivaiton index (lace)
08:55:43 [67904da4] fixup! fix(extension): receive info address now always picks the lowest derivaiton index (lace)
08:57:59 [dcad86d8] Catch error when fetch data from cosmos (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:58:08 [4248cc8a] GITBOOK-517: update-binance-liquidity-percent (Intersect-knowledge-base)
08:59:44 [5699a654] feat: IterableExt separatedBy and separatedByIndexed (catalyst-voices)
09:04:13 [e9ab5112] Merge pull request #5951 from IntersectMBO/mgalazyn/chore/upgrade-cardano-api-cli (cardano-node)
09:09:10 [63325ad9] WIP (cardano-ledger)
09:11:34 [c05adff5] Added DebugTools (cardano-ledger)
09:12:09 [17177b2b] chore: disable submit-api on sanchonet (cardano-js-sdk)
09:13:22 [20cb30c7] feat(core): bootAndConnect should not call connect if boot returns 404 (cf-identity-wallet)
09:17:54 [3dcd08c6] fix(extension): add most updated addresses to wallets cache addresses (lace)
09:17:57 [a18bf3d4] fix(extension): receive info address now always picks the lowest derivaiton index (lace)
09:19:56 [ed201a31] chore: update total active vote stake (cf-explorer-api)
09:21:02 [3e34a4e0] Merge pull request #1345 from cardano-foundation/fix/MET-2295-incorrect-voting-stake-gov-votes (cf-explorer-api)
09:24:01 [c3d76bd3] bump versions and update changelogs (ouroboros-network)
09:24:52 [8fe41de9] feat: SeedPhrasesSequencer and SeedPhrasesViewer (#702) (catalyst-voices)
09:25:05 [fba12bd1] Merge branch 'main' into fix/required-signers-key-hash (catalyst-voices)
09:26:57 [39b1d26f] Move Hydra.HeadId and Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Builder to hydra-tx (hydra)
09:27:14 [2f7c4349] wip (lsm-tree)
09:28:23 [ac9a0dce] Merge branch 'main' into feat/collections_ext (catalyst-voices)
09:29:34 [bd6f17d8] DO NOT MERGE: Ratify governance actions in the correct order (#516) (formal-ledger-specifications)
09:32:02 [c10d742f] test (cizero)
09:33:04 [ecb347df] feat: remove AID interface (cf-identity-wallet)
09:33:07 [a9798c1e] fix(ui): Fix UT (cf-identity-wallet)
09:37:35 [587962a9] fix: get block logic to work with live data (#345) (hermes)
09:37:53 [b3da0a2a] refactor: simplify Ada Handle provider configuration (lace)
09:38:12 [c3ab5f6b] Updated for bd6f17d878556a7dcad06390f7e2c35c70efe13a (formal-ledger-specifications)
09:43:07 [166dda1d] wip (lsm-tree)
09:43:46 [9d0f9bac] test(jest): ConnectionDetails (cf-identity-wallet)
09:44:07 [956b3e76] DBConverter (ouroboros-consensus)
09:51:18 [d9394dc8] fix: keep try catch for boot (cf-identity-wallet)
09:51:21 [35d5b598] [wip] Update formal-ledger-specs (cardano-ledger)
09:51:23 [7ff90e25] At a sticking point, filter not working (cardano-ledger)
09:51:23 [d56cb967] Added Williams removeal of filter branch. (cardano-ledger)
09:51:23 [581598c6] Fixed the CERTS rule generators for differences bewteen implementation and spec. (cardano-ledger)
09:51:24 [07b1cfa8] push so william can get exact copy (cardano-ledger)
09:51:25 [318f388a] feat: throw IDENTIFIER_NOT_DELEGATED (cf-identity-wallet)
09:51:36 [15d3b9aa] Output info about disk space on CI in more places (cardano-node-tests)
09:51:40 [39a659c4] Add hydra-tx:testlib (hydra)
09:51:41 [6bdbb334] Updated to use typed-protocols- (cardano-api)
09:53:26 [31ac93a3] fixup! feat(util): add string byte size function (cardano-js-sdk)
09:53:45 [43949131] fixup! feat(util): adds StringUtils.sliceByBytes() (cardano-js-sdk)
09:54:10 [8b6ecc73] fixup! feat(core): adds CIP20 TxMetadata helper functions (cardano-js-sdk)
09:54:11 [1120c41d] DBConverter (ouroboros-consensus)
09:55:00 [1eaaa215] feat: use separatedBy extension (catalyst-voices)
09:55:57 [807db242] Fixup testlib modules (hydra)
09:56:46 [8cc75785] deploy: e9ab511272a7694196778007211991a9984557e8 (cardano-node)
09:56:49 [d12aa4ec] feat: throw IDENTIFIER_NOT_DELEGATED (cf-identity-wallet)
09:58:32 [1811e7a5] Merge pull request #2563 from IntersectMBO/more_ci_df_info (cardano-node-tests)
10:05:05 [a52f384c] network update for sprint 68 (cardano-updates)
10:05:11 [1136432e] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@1eaaa2157dbfcc93ad67d21c1cb07b8a19a44c60 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
10:05:47 [2ec1cf8b] Move depositTx to Hydra.Tx.Deposit (hydra)
10:05:54 [cc93ee05] chore: use extension for widget spacings (catalyst-voices)
10:08:44 [1e65cd76] Removed draft docs and test reports for chore/responses (catalyst-voices)
10:09:45 [c6d2562c] Merge pull request #4554 from IntersectMBO/lehins/fix-cddl-hash-data-comment (cardano-ledger)
10:10:04 [175432d6] fix: re-enable default transport config (#344) (hermes)
10:10:28 [210d4ea4] Merge branch 'main' into feat/cddl-linter (hermes)
10:11:14 [ec988868] Removed draft docs and test reports for dependabot/cargo/hermes/libsqlite3-sys-0.30.1 (hermes)
10:11:18 [cec2f70b] wip (lsm-tree)
10:11:53 [146b5d9b] feat: network eras (blockfrost-js)
10:12:44 [5d5e5b4f] Add pipeline step to push the new release tag (cardano-wallet)
10:13:45 [7ce30186] network update for sprint 68 (cardano-updates)
10:14:39 [28a4fd69] network update for sprint 68 (cardano-updates)
10:14:46 [80b3730e] feat: nonce test (hermes)
10:15:24 [abeb1312] Reintroduce detailed comments in CDDL. (cardano-ledger)
10:15:32 [1759af1f] Update a comment describing change in behavior of hashIntegrity (cardano-ledger)
10:15:32 [bd29e181] Add a CDDL root element. (cardano-ledger)
10:15:37 [33e4235a] fix: update resolve case with specific http code (cf-identity-wallet)
10:17:06 [86d5cc38] deploy: 28a4fd6958587520a2bad97b26b8de0e7344916e (cardano-updates)
10:17:28 [df9e375e] Add push-tag script (cardano-wallet)
10:18:16 [bf6a64dd] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
10:18:16 [94bac587] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
10:18:16 [46fcefe1] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
10:20:36 [cefac0ff] feat(ui): create share component for cred detail (cf-identity-wallet)
10:20:36 [70b44d35] feat(ui): remove comments (cf-identity-wallet)
10:20:36 [e08f60d8] feat(ui): credential revocation (cf-identity-wallet)
10:20:36 [c8919009] feat(ui): show cred detail as modal on archived creds (cf-identity-wallet)
10:20:36 [262b400c] feat(ui): Display cred detail as modal in cred request page (cf-identity-wallet)
10:20:36 [dfc77eef] fix(ui): fix style for rare card (cf-identity-wallet)
10:20:36 [3f552eb6] fix(ui): add color to global css file (cf-identity-wallet)
10:20:36 [2933e9c2] fix(ui): Fix UT (cf-identity-wallet)
10:20:36 [5f5a32cb] fix(ui): change bg to rare evo (cf-identity-wallet)
10:20:36 [1cb561b8] feat: add credentialId to local ACDC notification (cf-identity-wallet)
10:21:05 [cb5eaa98] Add push-tag script (cardano-wallet)
10:22:45 [0968a65c] feature(portfolio): update token activity api response type (yoroi)
10:22:48 [2f6fb187] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
10:22:48 [b7174bfa] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
10:22:48 [fdf62a08] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
10:26:06 [0c7a4c7c] Added translation for UnRegDRep deposit (cardano-ledger)
10:26:08 [9c70feeb] WIP (cardano-ledger)
10:26:08 [3bc75f2f] Increased the probability of generating the same hash more than once (cardano-ledger)
10:26:08 [318bdd51] Added a conformance ImpTest to try to catch the ccminsize bug (cardano-ledger)
10:26:18 [e82e8038] chore: SeedPhrase slot loc (catalyst-voices)
10:26:38 [a8bad3bf] Print out the exception when an ImpTestM example fails (cardano-ledger)
10:26:40 [485d3283] WIP (cardano-ledger)
10:33:10 [b1b6898e] CI: Add ghc-9.10 to build matrix (cardano-node)
10:33:10 [f74174bd] locli: Remove dependency on GHC.Misc.Utils (cardano-node)
10:33:10 [5d8fa726] Make it build with ghc-9.10 (cardano-node)
10:33:15 [96949f66] docs: updated texts (cf-explorer-landing)
10:33:50 [9f93c315] fix(ui): update style for revoked cred (cf-identity-wallet)
10:35:21 [a148e3a2] Nix updates (cardano-node)
10:37:32 [3a5a1620] Update hard fork names had Haddock (#6427) (plutus)
10:40:41 [cdcb5d94] fix: debugging (cf-cardano-ballot)
10:42:27 [795ce22a] fix: update error message (cf-identity-wallet)
10:42:32 [22f59e06] Hydra team update 21st August (cardano-updates)
10:44:15 [7966550f] fix: SeedPhrasesSequencer tests (catalyst-voices)
10:45:00 [157e799f] deploy: 22f59e0660e71c512090412de46eb2979bbd7435 (cardano-updates)
10:46:03 [e006d204] chore: clean up (catalyst-voices)
10:46:24 [f35f688d] chore: stopping schedules (cf-explorer)
10:46:38 [2d549cd8] update IBC param context (cardano-ibc-incubator)
10:48:55 [8f72bdfd] Fix UI Swap (cardano-ibc-incubator)
10:53:52 [a63c4686] fix!: required signers are the hash of the public key, not the public key itself (#703) (catalyst-voices)
10:55:34 [b822b448] Merge branch 'main' into feat/collections_ext (catalyst-voices)
10:55:41 [7229273a] Merge branch 'main' into fix/seed_phrases_slot_loc (catalyst-voices)
10:56:49 [bb21b81f] fix: Dissplay onnchain rationale on latest updates page (cc-portal)
10:57:06 [7fde5096] Add Consensus fortnightly update for 2024-08-21 (cardano-updates)
10:58:25 [a8b499a4] wip (lsm-tree)
11:01:24 [11c0e672] feat(core): bootAndConnect should not call connect if boot returns 404 (#662) (cf-identity-wallet)
11:01:49 [aee0530d] fix: debugging (cf-cardano-ballot)
11:03:02 [5061ad5c] Mempool: reject txs that don't fit in an empty mempool (ouroboros-consensus)
11:04:17 [84c77134] chore: refactor extraction and directory commands (mithril)
11:05:46 [ed07a32b] rewrite parser to use ghc (plutus)
11:07:02 [089028d2] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
11:07:25 [af6bd3be] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
11:07:25 [fa2923ff] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
11:08:13 [7cef6135] other approach resource management (lsm-tree)
11:08:39 [ae4dfb4a] fix: debugging test (cf-cardano-ballot)
11:08:51 [e52a2d6e] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@7229273a72be1ce32cc87bf6568080f180b4b0fa 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
11:10:06 [f19a04fb] Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cc-portal into fix/display-onchain-rationale-on-latestupdates-page (cc-portal)
11:11:45 [6b2cde23] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 9 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
11:12:05 [64e5d179] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
11:12:06 [789b1808] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
11:14:45 [a7786cb9] fix: debugging test (cf-cardano-ballot)
11:16:46 [9f908f75] Add support for downloading dbsync binary (cardano-node-tests)
11:19:06 [d401771c] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
11:19:43 [55132457] fix: failing unit test in staking modal (lace)
11:20:34 [8526da2c] Merge pull request #2564 from IntersectMBO/download_dbsync_bin (cardano-node-tests)
11:22:17 [2f13bb7b] chore: fix main build (oura)
11:24:04 [86bd9aea] Download db-sync binaries for nightly dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
11:24:34 [e6437f6e] Temporarily inline `Cardano.Wallet.Read.Value` (cardano-wallet-agda)
11:24:35 [2b89a584] Agda embedding of `Cardano.Wallet.Read.Value` (cardano-wallet-agda)
11:25:15 [66fa20f7] Merge pull request #2565 from IntersectMBO/nightly_download_dbsync_bins (cardano-node-tests)
11:27:44 [40c7a522] test(extension): quick fixes (lace)
11:29:52 [08106e25] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@175432d687b245cc1f55294216edd38aea316842 🚀 (hermes)
11:30:07 [d55147ad] Remove `Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Read.Value` (cardano-wallet-agda)
11:31:36 [ed006c19] chore: new init for LatestTokenBalance (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
11:32:22 [04548cb7] add new dockerfile (govtool)
11:33:25 [cd8d3564] Disable building of `create-script-context` by default (cardano-node-tests)
11:33:30 [91cb668d] test(extension): fix LW-7363 (lace)
11:34:07 [bc1cdf9a] feat: show used addresses and next unused address in receive box (#1368) (lace)
11:34:13 [20831019] fixup! feat(cardano-services): implement missing Blockfrost providers features and tests (cardano-js-sdk)
11:38:13 [e2a3e38f] Merge pull request #2566 from IntersectMBO/disable_plutus_apps (cardano-node-tests)
11:39:18 [cf79c785] Merge pull request #284 from IntersectMBO/fix/display-onchain-rationale-on-latestupdates-page (cc-portal)
11:39:36 [6b796100] Merge branch 'main' into e2e-local-macos (mithril)
11:40:37 [846621f3] ci: fix the build version and next release version (atala-prism-mediator)
11:43:03 [92567a92] Include peer-sharing in the update (cardano-updates)
11:43:12 [71479314] ci: fix the build version and next release version, delete helm chart (atala-prism-mediator)
11:43:37 [9e13fe92] fix: seed phrases slot loc (#706) (catalyst-voices)
11:43:52 [3864b6e1] Merge branch 'main' into feat/collections_ext (catalyst-voices)
11:44:04 [5239d9dd] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
11:48:07 [5192f541] Include peer-sharing in the update (cardano-updates)
11:50:28 [18a5f5b5] deploy: 5192f5418bc34f51f4c64067f096364d6a361c3f (cardano-updates)
11:50:34 [978bc82f] chore: added wrong casing exception and check for address validation (cardano-rosetta-java)
11:51:28 [38a8abe6] Correct comment (formal-ledger-specifications)
11:51:28 [f24f6d17] Remove unenactable governance actions in EPOCH (formal-ledger-specifications)
11:51:29 [5cde6419] chore: move helm charts to the helm charts repository (#336) (atala-prism-mediator)
11:51:43 [726f2397] Merge branch 'main' into ci/new-release-process (atala-prism-mediator)
11:52:14 [555c472a] Merge branch 'main' into fix/rename_hyperledger_identus-mediator (atala-prism-mediator)
11:54:35 [08dd510a] chore: fixed prod startup flag (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
11:55:35 [533e0b0b] fix: update correct query url (cardano-ibc-incubator)
11:56:14 [69f01245] fix: rename repo link to hyperledger/identus-mediator (#331) (atala-prism-mediator)
11:56:15 [cd0b9afe] Create requirements group if missing (cardano-node-tests)
11:56:24 [30e4d3a3] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@3864b6e19165f10216a75d08ec4d489b11fb68ec 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
11:56:28 [c25531b2] Merge branch 'main' into ci/new-release-process (atala-prism-mediator)
11:57:53 [f5ebe71a] fix: exclude large data files blocking crate publish (pallas)
11:58:04 [68044f46] fix: doFilterInternal (cf-cardano-ballot)
11:59:45 [08376dd6] feat: add get block sub command (hermes)
12:02:40 [dbe60d50] Merge branch 'main' into update/main/sbt-native-packager-1.10.4 (atala-prism-mediator)
12:02:43 [0d347d82] other approach to resource management (lsm-tree)
12:04:27 [e3284d5c] fix: remove failed log (cf-cardano-ballot)
12:05:04 [10a7560d] test(extension): e2e quick fixes (#1383) (lace)
12:06:17 [05479f6d] ci: add new release process for DEV (#338) (atala-prism-mediator)
12:08:53 [f6ce14db] Fix proofs (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:10:53 [cd5335e9] LW-11276 Update configuration to use Lace PostHog proxy (#1376) (lace)
12:11:05 [3e9f4e9a] bam (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
12:11:31 [b64e610b] Add Consensus fortnightly update for 2024-08-21 (#445) (cardano-updates)
12:12:07 [02b019e2] add new fallback (yoroi-frontend)
12:14:19 [456081f1] chore: show og error in network/eras (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
12:14:23 [6fcae695] Merge pull request #2567 from IntersectMBO/create_req_group (cardano-node-tests)
12:14:59 [3236a603] Merge pull request #4933 from IntersectMBO/mwojtowicz/ouroboros-network- (ouroboros-network)
12:15:44 [bce956dd] dbg (hydra)
12:15:44 [30da6a5c] Try to use the pre-seeded client funds instead of faucet's (hydra)
12:15:44 [02a44ae0] Refactor HydraClient to keep peer information (hydra)
12:16:51 [56d8fe23] Align with `Cardano.Wallet.Read.Value` (#53) (cardano-wallet-agda)
12:16:54 [5e959120] deploy: b64e610ba8cd526e89e23f7f47005c0de006352b (cardano-updates)
12:17:42 [dfd5fc0b] fixup! feat(cardano-services): implement missing Blockfrost providers features and tests (cardano-js-sdk)
12:17:48 [da933bc2] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 3a5a1620626b730d9141a4c0a31c8339946caba9 (plutus)
12:20:50 [6303729c] Release v2024-08-21 (cardano-wallet)
12:22:08 [95c0dde5] fix: add logs (cf-cardano-ballot)
12:22:39 [0874ad4a] Update configuration after recovering BulkSync in ouroboros-network (ouroboros-consensus)
12:25:11 [903aa2a7] ci: add NODE_OPTIONS to the revision build (atala-prism-mediator)
12:25:34 [28ce0fa6] Merge 'develop' into staging (#285) (cc-portal)
12:27:44 [ea4c7bd9] refactor: adapt JS example with new `options` type (mithril)
12:27:44 [d5675a15] refactor: replace `MithrilClient` options type to improve usability (mithril)
12:27:44 [b675cf07] doc: adapt example in Mithril client library WASM developer doc (mithril)
12:27:45 [61c3a825] chore: reference the feature in the CHANGELOG (mithril)
12:28:54 [319eab02] Generate each client dataset from a different client funding tx (hydra)
12:28:56 [92d7ac42] chore: added wrong casing exception and check for address validation (cardano-rosetta-java)
12:30:50 [feaf70c2] Add push-tag script (cardano-wallet)
12:31:25 [a0a4b744] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
12:31:25 [384ebab7] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
12:31:25 [5107900f] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
12:31:26 [7871c7a0] fix: add test coverage for bitstring (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
12:31:26 [68383958] fix: improve bitstring implementation (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
12:31:48 [632ee103] Move away from Opt.auto in EraBased/Options/Common.hs (cardano-cli)
12:31:49 [63369af2] Move away from Opt.auto in Legacy/Options.hs (cardano-cli)
12:31:49 [00965d37] Move away from Opt.auto in EraBased/Options/Genesis.hs (cardano-cli)
12:31:50 [c1f572f3] Move away from Opt.auto in various places (cardano-cli)
12:31:56 [9ed33808] feat: Iterable separatedBy/separatedByIndexed extension (#705) (catalyst-voices)
12:32:20 [e1ae8067] Add push-tag script (cardano-wallet)
12:32:27 [1d693c7c] chore: trying new approach for LatestTokenBalance in uat-mainnet (cf-explorer)
12:32:31 [8a9dd9ff] add new dockerfile (govtool)
12:34:45 [7bf2a030] Generate code for c0b6fcbb042741615149de1e1160edbec3810a63 (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:36:42 [4b59d4a0] add new dockerfile (govtool)
12:37:41 [d49cc0ab] xit deposit tests (hydra)
12:38:22 [fff8f325] add new dockerfile (govtool)
12:38:58 [367683d4] refactor(ogmios-block-type-mapping): add block type; transaction cbor (cardano-js-sdk)
12:39:14 [e224a74b] chore: added wrong casing exception and check for address validation (#240) (cardano-rosetta-java)
12:39:42 [ace4f045] Try not to specify any output (hydra)
12:40:09 [7b3d5efd] chore: restarting schedules in mainnet uat (cf-explorer)
12:40:27 [5ff3cb5e] fix(network/eras): add Conway era (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
12:41:16 [d64007ed] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@9ed33808ba39e41457e55e02d9189305002c7251 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
12:42:18 [2ad2077b] Try using mkTxOutAutoBalance instead (hydra)
12:42:47 [e8636726] Fill-in CHANGELOG regarding last expect and tests now accepting Void. (aiken)
12:42:47 [81cc2e0a] Revise desugaring following feedback (aiken)
12:43:08 [35b70661] Introduce acceptance test 107 illustrating compiler crash (aiken)
12:43:59 [0b6b6721] Merge pull request #984 from aiken-lang/acceptance_107 (aiken)
12:46:01 [af30310c] doc: add a tip on how to add custom HTTP headers when using the Mithril client WASM library (mithril)
12:47:22 [cdd9dac1] Merge pull request #1773 from IntersectMBO/dockerfile-dev (govtool)
12:47:57 [f7cb8829] ci: fix revision build (#339) (atala-prism-mediator)
12:48:57 [da9cf98a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:49:19 [d6f9b560] Fix client utxo (hydra)
12:50:14 [7eaa4b14] use qovery dockerfile for FE (govtool)
12:51:19 [41ce72e1] Try not to specify any output ~ v2 (hydra)
12:54:34 [a86b3e5f] Add command line options for hydra-tx deposit (hydra)
12:57:36 [ce8597c8] Add deposit subcommand (hydra)
13:01:55 [5d6e38c0] Disallow witdrawals to non-delegated keyhashes post-bootstrap (cardano-ledger)
13:02:15 [3468f6bb] Updated cabal.project file (ouroboros-network)
13:02:15 [f1326f69] ouroboros-network-framework: updated against typed-protocols changes (ouroboros-network)
13:02:15 [8db84fbe] ouroboros-network-framework: stateful driver implementation (ouroboros-network)
13:02:16 [d4c439e5] ouroboros-network-framework: extend driver tests (ouroboros-network)
13:02:16 [1748d6e9] ouroboros-network-protocols: updated against typed-protocols changes (ouroboros-network)
13:02:16 [936d4e93] ouroboros-network-framework: added runConnectedPeersWithLimits (ouroboros-network)
13:02:16 [edbea64f] ouroboros-network-framework: added unbounded buffered channel (ouroboros-network)
13:02:17 [65ac99ee] ouroboros-protocol-tests: stateful cborg utilities (ouroboros-network)
13:02:17 [07779507] ouroboros-network: updated against typed-protocol changes (ouroboros-network)
13:02:17 [d57958fa] ouroboros-network:sim-tests-lib updated against typed-prococols changes (ouroboros-network)
13:02:17 [ff607b17] ouroboros-network-protocols: updated cddl and benchmarks (ouroboros-network)
13:02:17 [c5472a3d] ouroboros-network-protocols:testlib updated against typed-protocols changes (ouroboros-network)
13:02:18 [1a847e9e] block-fetch tests: fix termination of blockFetchExample1 (ouroboros-network)
13:02:18 [354844f6] tx-submission2 tests: name client & server traces (ouroboros-network)
13:02:18 [3dfad45c] tx-submission2 tests: use unbounded channel (ouroboros-network)
13:02:18 [01831191] ouroboros-network-framework: name some tvars & threads (ouroboros-network)
13:02:19 [615b7327] ouroboros-network-framework: added simple driver tests (ouroboros-network)
13:02:19 [38198768] ouroboros-network-framework: added stateful driver tests (ouroboros-network)
13:02:19 [bb0dfabc] block-fetch tests: fixed termination tests (ouroboros-network)
13:02:19 [fa432e7c] tx-submission test: fixed a deadlock due to pipelining (ouroboros-network)
13:02:20 [e3ccfb92] ouroboros-network-framework: ProtocolTimeLimits (ouroboros-network)
13:02:20 [73afe36f] ouroboros-network-framework: reorganised Test.Ouroboros.Network.Driver module (ouroboros-network)
13:02:20 [ef93a1c0] ouroboros-network: more efficient queueFDepthNat (ouroboros-network)
13:02:20 [7f338626] ouroboros-network-framework: added mkMiniProtocolCbFromPeerSt (ouroboros-network)
13:02:20 [db73e141] ouroboros-network-framework: strictness annotations in drivers (ouroboros-network)
13:02:21 [ec16bf99] ouroboros-network-framework: relax bounds of nothunks (ouroboros-network)
13:02:21 [4b8c1f73] MiniProtocolParameters: use NumTxIdsToAck (ouroboros-network)
13:02:21 [4bbf4fb6] ouroboros-network:demo-chain-sync improvements (ouroboros-network)
13:02:40 [860b5334] fix in handling certificates in pending txs (yoroi-frontend)
13:03:07 [948afc27] Merge pull request #3579 from Emurgo/denis/yoext-1227/handles (yoroi-frontend)
13:04:37 [ce63ef7e] test(extension): adding optional tags param (lace)
13:06:21 [25d19bd4] Go back to unbalanced outputs ~ v2 (hydra)
13:06:43 [308eceef] Add push-tag script (cardano-wallet)
13:06:53 [4fd23750] Merge branch 'develop' into denis/yoext-1228/send-incorrect-address (yoroi-frontend)
13:09:01 [7cae5f51] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
13:09:01 [22852b5e] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
13:09:01 [616be4a0] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
13:09:59 [b7ce4fad] WIP derive Show for Dec Trace (plutus)
13:11:09 [e7893d4c] Make funding tx optional for datasets (hydra)
13:12:07 [6847947f] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:12:32 [279b0cf7] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:12:33 [edd84a04] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:16:21 [8c795b00] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 5 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:16:44 [33225692] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:16:45 [9b7f3968] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:17:22 [cee82a32] Try not to specify any output ~ v3 (hydra)
13:18:24 [d02e5414] Try using mkTxOutAutoBalance instead ~ v2 (hydra)
13:19:26 [b3f3df8a] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:19:46 [80576c5a] Fix typos on start-cluster scripts (cardano-node-tests)
13:19:49 [ec2a7f7d] test(extension): try 2 (lace)
13:20:00 [b9697d71] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:20:00 [eee48cd5] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:20:59 [14c6db89] Merge branch 'main' into feat/ATL-6983-zio-stream-kafka-poc-in-connect-bg-jobs (atala-prism-building-blocks)
13:21:07 [a9d9ec30] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 111 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:21:29 [fa0f79a5] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:21:29 [ec2dd8db] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:25:23 [6f87a565] refactor: replace `MithrilClient` options type to improve usability (mithril)
13:25:23 [d4d95829] doc: adapt example in Mithril client library WASM developer doc (mithril)
13:25:23 [08f9d619] refactor: adapt JS example with new `options` type (mithril)
13:25:23 [375fa94e] chore: reference the feature in the CHANGELOG (mithril)
13:25:46 [9ea8ff47] Define CDDL for Allegra in Huddle. (cardano-ledger)
13:27:07 [0b84aca7] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:27:12 [0b114506] Add push-tag script (cardano-wallet)
13:27:29 [430ac8c4] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:27:30 [48c28f04] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:27:56 [e60865da] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
13:27:56 [4c58bff3] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
13:27:56 [baa4d240] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
13:29:29 [32adb754] Add push-tag script (cardano-wallet)
13:30:42 [0d1a086b] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
13:30:42 [1386b16a] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
13:30:42 [ecce1ba4] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
13:31:20 [1ebb7e6a] WIP (cardano-node)
13:31:42 [8b342638] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 107 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:32:03 [f4c495bd] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:32:03 [1263bc44] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:32:52 [068c0058] Fix typos in guardrails tests (cardano-node-tests)
13:33:23 [7d5ee7f0] chore: cardano-cli (#22) (cardano-up-packages)
13:33:58 [97619efa] remove freeze (yoroi-frontend)
13:34:45 [7a6f604c] test(extension): try 3 (lace)
13:35:00 [1e296bf0] refactor: replace `MithrilClient` options type to improve usability (mithril)
13:35:00 [64be0912] chore: reference the feature in the CHANGELOG (mithril)
13:35:00 [19d2f09c] doc: adapt example in Mithril client library WASM developer doc (mithril)
13:35:00 [1eff42b6] refactor: adapt JS example with new `options` type (mithril)
13:35:09 [a9e88647] stylish-haskell (ouroboros-network)
13:35:53 [7d29e73a] chore(deps-dev): Bump @types/node from 22.3.0 to 22.4.1 (#17) (up-site)
13:36:54 [bdc67b5b] chore(deps): Bump next from 13.5.1 to 14.2.5 (up-site)
13:38:26 [2fc32534] GITBOOK-254: Rules around timeline delay/uncompleted grant (Intersect-knowledge-base)
13:39:25 [a9fb3fb8] build(deps): bump github.com/creack/pty from 1.1.21 to 1.1.23 (#290) (cardano-up)
13:41:14 [189c7154] fix: add return (yoroi-frontend)
13:41:21 [63557270] Build deposit datum correctly (hydra)
13:41:56 [8ed86ee6] Merge pull request #2562 from saratomaz/fix_test_update_committee_action (cardano-node-tests)
13:47:56 [a52a05e8] chore: bump crates versions (mithril)
13:50:49 [16150f9a] chore: fix main build (oura)
13:50:49 [ea0b047e] chore: bump `www/` package version and update `mithril-client-wasm` dependency version in JS projects (mithril)
13:51:50 [d67f1fec] Merge pull request #3219 from input-output-hk/chore/lw-10649-no-ld-library-path (daedalus)
13:52:29 [ec47372b] build(deps): bump blinklabs-io/go from 1.21.13-1 to 1.22.6-1 (#287) (cardano-up)
13:53:52 [8c36768a] Define CDDL for Mary in Huddle. (cardano-ledger)
13:54:25 [bcd26f08] Update gen-cddl script for Mary and Allegra. (cardano-ledger)
13:55:29 [1d92855b] Merge pull request #4529 from IntersectMBO/td/prime-spec-cert-steps (cardano-ledger)
13:55:42 [504bd825] Merge pull request #3605 from Emurgo/ruslan/pending-certs (yoroi-frontend)
13:55:54 [0be0f019] chore: ogmios 6.6.0 (ansible-cardano)
13:56:11 [e8a15d03] Merge pull request #296 from blockfrost/feat/network-eras (blockfrost-js)
13:57:16 [e5e921cf] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:57:36 [2732a5e8] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:57:36 [84a96933] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
13:58:41 [ec71a7f5] Add NonceGenerator trait and implement RollingNonce (pallas)
13:58:41 [d3084d6e] Implement EpochNonce as a NonceGenerator (pallas)
13:59:01 [ef686bf8] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 1d92855b45a5723b34f1441fc5ed00fb027da78a (cardano-ledger)
14:00:31 [b92b97d3] Bump cardano-client (ouroboros-network)
14:01:37 [7dbd7181] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 80 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
14:02:06 [c804fdbf] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
14:02:06 [cd5e72f7] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
14:03:04 [25d4d626] build(deps): bump github.com/blinklabs-io/gouroboros (cardano-up)
14:03:53 [50c8d81c] build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (cardano-up)
14:05:48 [f6c4e1bd] chore: adder 0.23.1 (ansible-cardano)
14:08:48 [f683de3b] ci: use go 1.22 for tests and builds (cardano-node-api)
14:10:53 [f791bed7] [wip] Update formal-ledger-specs (cardano-ledger)
14:10:53 [d173d9e5] added extra arguemt to Agda.DeRegDRep in translate (cardano-ledger)
14:10:53 [b6324e06] Fixed the CERTS rule generators for differences bewteen implementation and spec. (cardano-ledger)
14:11:51 [74f093dc] docs: add dev blog post for certification of Cardano stake distribution (mithril)
14:13:01 [26c1b8c1] WIP (cardano-node)
14:17:01 [17d63776] cardano-testnet: use AnyShelleyBasedEra instead of CardanoEra (cardano-node)
14:17:02 [20a57eb0] Adapt cardano-testnet-test (cardano-node)
14:17:02 [aa785d4d] Adapt cardano-testnet-golden (cardano-node)
14:17:14 [35c5cb0a] test(jest): IdentifierDetails & CredentialDetails (cf-identity-wallet)
14:23:02 [1027c479] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
14:23:21 [e0285add] test(extension): try 4 (lace)
14:23:29 [9c4099c9] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
14:23:29 [7faba932] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
14:23:43 [fae95ce0] WIP (cardano-node)
14:24:27 [605f34d1] Update 2024-08-21T14:24:27Z (capkgs)
14:25:30 [6c302858] GITBOOK-2: Lloyd's Aug 6 changes (budget-documentation)
14:26:03 [9afff385] GITBOOK-3: No subject (budget-documentation)
14:26:48 [5e7204cd] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 6 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
14:26:56 [574ebe09] Adjust `PoolVotingThresholds` (cardano-ledger)
14:27:14 [eff9b502] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
14:27:15 [12376caf] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
14:31:40 [592b49e1] feat: dark mode added (cf-explorer-landing)
14:33:29 [7ff39cc6] Merge pull request #3581 from Emurgo/denis/yoext-1228/send-incorrect-address (yoroi-frontend)
14:33:58 [36386705] Merge branch 'develop' into denis/yoext-1229/send-incorrect-amount (yoroi-frontend)
14:40:18 [1f4ed8ca] Remove deadline arg, add network id and corretly type HeadId (hydra)
14:41:05 [1eb8eb6c] Get proposed committee members by filtering out the existing members (cardano-node-tests)
14:42:56 [90da6ac0] fixup! refactor: simplify Ada Handle provider configuration (lace)
14:45:51 [338560a3] Add push-tag script (cardano-wallet)
14:46:22 [e189cd77] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
14:46:22 [a36de7da] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
14:46:22 [1d6f73ed] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
14:46:24 [f5ade8a2] Merge pull request #2570 from IntersectMBO/fix_committee_info_dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
14:46:31 [1cae424b] define cursor API (lsm-tree)
14:48:13 [4168dc8e] Merge pull request #2569 from saratomaz/fix_typo_in_guardrails_test (cardano-node-tests)
14:49:28 [d3199bb3] Merge pull request #2568 from saratomaz/fix_typos_in_cluster_scripts (cardano-node-tests)
14:50:07 [6f3bff88] Improving type safety of 'KMerge.Heap.newMutableHeap' (lsm-tree)
14:54:14 [fe308342] Merge pull request #1776 from IntersectMBO/dockerfile-test (govtool)
14:55:48 [4bbf0a0a] test(extension): try 5 (lace)
14:56:46 [bf6d77b3] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@fe3083423a93c1d203bab3c71af3299e1d706ebf 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
14:59:27 [2b388760] TOSQUASH polishing (ouroboros-consensus)
14:59:46 [6063a716] Merge pull request #1779 from IntersectMBO/develop (govtool)
15:00:04 [355de767] GITBOOK-103: No subject (core-infrastructure-documentation)
15:01:42 [1c5c2d72] Merge pull request #3583 from Emurgo/denis/yoext-1229/send-incorrect-amount (yoroi-frontend)
15:01:59 [107aa051] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@6063a7164c60e6c6e22fc7a8bda77c8113bea004 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
15:02:13 [7ce3dec3] Merge branch 'develop' into denis/yoext-1232/ff-revive (yoroi-frontend)
15:02:39 [5f8bf8e9] GITBOOK-9: Lloyd's Aug 21 changes (budget-documentation)
15:03:45 [841e4db7] Merge pull request #4937 from IntersectMBO/coot/check-stylish (ouroboros-network)
15:04:49 [ec076e6a] test(extension): cleanup (lace)
15:05:15 [501d8857] Mempool: reject txs that don't fit in an empty mempool (ouroboros-consensus)
15:06:49 [f16a3ad1] fixup! refactor: simplify Ada Handle provider configuration (lace)
15:07:16 [1026530a] fix: correct unit test (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
15:07:59 [698836b4] Handle also stake address rewards not produced by the test (cardano-node-tests)
15:09:18 [404045ba] fix: add existing plutus datums and v3 script (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
15:12:08 [45c79f85] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:12:31 [09d0580b] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:12:31 [44984797] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:15:29 [44da3198] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 11 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:16:04 [d52f6fc8] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:16:04 [098ab696] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:16:13 [4a31d859] TO DROP: Add a comment which should be replaced by proper documentation (ouroboros-consensus)
15:16:48 [0e81f603] test(e2e): linter fixes (cardano-js-sdk)
15:19:22 [49408003] Remove protocol versions from the `HardForkSpec`. (ouroboros-consensus)
15:21:17 [cb059276] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@cdd9dac1d01e56546a0cb43c02489e4d5536cfff 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
15:22:13 [7db31fcf] Merge pull request #2571 from IntersectMBO/handle_non_test_rewards (cardano-node-tests)
15:22:13 [051a55ff] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:22:39 [1c6f02bb] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:22:39 [6e01ee0f] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:24:08 [110505ba] Use uppercase AS for consistency (cardano-node-tests)
15:25:16 [82e4e646] Add push-tag script (cardano-wallet)
15:25:53 [2550163f] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
15:25:53 [c3b3f437] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
15:25:53 [447a1075] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
15:27:24 [44d84b6a] consensus: explicit overflow check in pureTryAddTx (ouroboros-consensus)
15:27:48 [b4ac4abe] chore: adder 0.23.1 (#113) (ansible-cardano)
15:27:55 [12ccbf63] test: k6 utils to get test domain under test (cardano-js-sdk)
15:28:07 [cc78d057] chore: ogmios 6.6.0 (#112) (ansible-cardano)
15:30:03 [ecaf8c94] Update README.md (CIPs)
15:30:08 [42683dff] Merge pull request #2572 from IntersectMBO/uppercase_as (cardano-node-tests)
15:32:43 [721c87c9] Update README.md (CIPs)
15:33:22 [21447efa] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 458 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:33:50 [49efef5d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:33:50 [2d627cd7] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:34:45 [0cd96be2] refactor(variable-length-serialization): support overflowing pointer address slots during de/encoding (cardano-js-sdk)
15:34:49 [412464be] Update version-3.cddl (CIPs)
15:38:39 [6135199a] refactor: simplify Ada Handle provider configuration (lace)
15:40:42 [3157035d] docs: create repository dependencies upgrade runbook (mithril)
15:40:47 [2a6c79f0] Improving type safety of 'KMerge.Heap.newMutableHeap' (lsm-tree)
15:43:12 [6c786ca9] test(extension): try triggered run (lace)
15:45:16 [890d4007] Update nonce calculations to use pallas (cncli)
15:51:44 [de006b20] fix: linting (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
15:51:49 [fc550fd4] define cursor API (lsm-tree)
15:52:08 [6daa146a] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:52:22 [4d6b57e2] add initial ledger schema (catalyst-voices)
15:52:29 [d0c07a36] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:52:29 [1446a4a5] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:54:37 [f82bc469] Implement EpochNonce as a NonceGenerator (pallas)
15:55:13 [6a2f4800] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger)
15:55:13 [a31738b6] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger)
15:55:20 [8d9339a0] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 1d92855b45a5723b34f1441fc5ed00fb027da78a (cardano-ledger)
15:55:22 [0aa47185] Updated from 1d92855b45a5723b34f1441fc5ed00fb027da78a via push (cardano-ledger)
15:55:37 [3590dff4] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 283 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:55:45 [5c282fb2] Merge pull request #1777 from IntersectMBO/dockerfile-stg (govtool)
15:55:53 [0ba1d51a] Merge pull request #1778 from IntersectMBO/dockerfile-main (govtool)
15:55:57 [23d19f49] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:55:57 [2dd395a8] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
15:57:57 [b895ddf7] Move Hydra.HeadId and Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Builder to hydra-tx (hydra)
15:57:57 [d283256c] Check for head id (hydra)
15:57:57 [ad7ef708] Add golden files for new deposit validators (hydra)
15:57:57 [73edc29e] Add a deadline check for Claim redeemer (hydra)
15:57:57 [dc870a79] Add deposit subcommand (hydra)
15:57:57 [b535f5ef] Move depositTx to Hydra.Tx.Deposit (hydra)
15:57:57 [84a7834a] Stub out $\v_deposit$ validator (hydra)
15:57:57 [9646458c] xit deposit tests (hydra)
15:57:57 [c2b31b64] Check after DL when on Recover redeemer (hydra)
15:57:57 [c9b23848] Reuse Commit type and recover deposits (hydra)
15:57:57 [8349b796] Add hydra-tx:testlib (hydra)
15:57:57 [528c9a64] hydra-tx: init project (hydra)
15:57:57 [933ae492] Add check that DT is burned (hydra)
15:57:57 [a0c3db0d] Don't hardcode DT token name (hydra)
15:57:57 [329e2e06] Remove deadline arg, add network id and corretly type HeadId (hydra)
15:57:57 [ee34ae0d] Fixup testlib modules (hydra)
15:57:57 [719a9a91] Add command line options for hydra-tx deposit (hydra)
15:57:57 [68e07954] Add minting policy and haddocks (hydra)
15:57:57 [edefca58] Add Tx module and build basic deposit tx (hydra)
15:57:57 [5609c354] Build deposit datum correctly (hydra)
15:58:44 [1a6f662c] fixup! test(e2e): linter fixes (cardano-js-sdk)
16:00:14 [527974c0] Merge pull request #335 from IntersectMBO/recursion-ninja/type-safe-heap-creation (lsm-tree)
16:01:00 [b2658667] Merge pull request #1429 from input-output-hk/refactor/LW-11247 (cardano-js-sdk)
16:03:58 [c9d925f5] WIP; Revert faucet; use buildRawTransaction (hydra)
16:04:02 [7d7ef1dd] GITBOOK-519: Lewis's Aug 21 changes (Intersect-knowledge-base)
16:05:34 [3ac048b8] remove filter from haskell versions of certs (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:07:20 [36ce0a88] consensus: Word32 for tx byte size instead of Natural (ouroboros-consensus)
16:10:30 [a58a07fb] fixup! fixup! test(e2e): linter fixes (cardano-js-sdk)
16:12:10 [8fdfbe01] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:12:38 [32b1bd13] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:12:38 [b27ae852] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:12:43 [2a476faa] fix: color changes on text in dark mode (cf-explorer-landing)
16:15:38 [7231891c] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 139 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:16:03 [636c2a78] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:16:03 [05d70b4e] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:18:06 [35c931f6] fix: color changes on text in dark mode again (cf-explorer-landing)
16:18:12 [958e87af] ci: use go 1.22 for tests and builds (#233) (cardano-node-api)
16:18:40 [a6be2e19] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
16:19:58 [9f598820] deploy: b26586677a8a7c9c663bbc030b9bae52d9c9372e (cardano-js-sdk)
16:20:19 [bd89d78b] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:20:49 [88ed1691] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:20:49 [5f8e7aad] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:22:51 [e456875e] feat: sorted excplorers which has deeplink (cf-explorer-landing)
16:24:40 [fe91b446] GITBOOK-520: No subject (Intersect-knowledge-base)
16:25:09 [f0db77ec] Add SPO vote to `electBasicCommittee` (cardano-ledger)
16:26:32 [a78bf342] WIP - Update `RatifySpec` with SPO votes (cardano-ledger)
16:26:40 [ed2558b8] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 253 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:27:06 [ccc58c2a] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:27:06 [a5a9ce5e] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:29:18 [5a52d5c2] feat: add transaction projection indexed by credentials (cardano-js-sdk)
16:31:26 [d49a31fe] rename RangeLookupResult to QueryResult (lsm-tree)
16:31:26 [74ce670a] define cursor API (lsm-tree)
16:31:30 [bb908c55] GITBOOK-521: Budget committee (Intersect-knowledge-base)
16:31:47 [596b104f] wip (lsm-tree)
16:31:47 [c7b53bc9] wip (lsm-tree)
16:31:47 [e8292bc1] implement Cursor type, new, close (lsm-tree)
16:31:47 [1afd049b] other approach to resource management (lsm-tree)
16:31:47 [14665dee] wip (lsm-tree)
16:31:47 [08253eb8] wip (lsm-tree)
16:31:47 [1475fcb4] wip (lsm-tree)
16:32:06 [98999170] feat: storing the dark mode preference by user in local storage (cf-explorer-landing)
16:32:54 [3b7fe78a] Revert "other approach to resource management" (lsm-tree)
16:39:30 [71aa773b] Adding functionality to initialise RunReaders at offset (lsm-tree)
16:40:33 [9951df09] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:41:13 [da87765b] Generate code for a0735292fc3acccd4b690caee343f1b3dab8bdaa (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:41:37 [ca016b71] refactor: add transactions for projector (cardano-js-sdk)
16:46:09 [1afae86f] Performance and Tracing update 2024-08-21 (cardano-updates)
16:52:56 [b7680071] Performance and Tracing update 2024-08-21 (#447) (cardano-updates)
16:53:04 [78e2c2bc] fix cleanup (lsm-tree)
16:54:40 [21bac124] Merge pull request #344 from IntersectMBO/mheinzel/cursor-api (lsm-tree)
16:55:18 [169f62e7] deploy: b7680071b0bf1cccd28f488b260268ef58d0cfea (cardano-updates)
17:02:00 [1ddeae48] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
17:02:23 [4ac6b95e] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
17:02:23 [3180eaad] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
17:04:39 [8b8fb469] refactor: simplify Ada Handle provider configuration (#1378) (lace)
17:06:53 [e3e55331] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 31 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
17:07:20 [c2bc4401] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
17:07:20 [13c8e286] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
17:07:29 [e6967719] Update configuration after recovering the BulkSync fetch mode (cardano-node)
17:08:42 [bc3f4efe] feat(util): add string byte size function (cardano-js-sdk)
17:10:25 [82669e7c] feat(util): add string chunk by bytes function (cardano-js-sdk)
17:10:26 [8bc200a9] feat(core): adds CIP20 TxMetadata helper functions (cardano-js-sdk)
17:30:40 [0d5586aa] Merge pull request #1427 from input-output-hk/feat/cip20 (cardano-js-sdk)
17:31:12 [c84c7748] Merge branch 'master' into 538-prevent-policy-from-being-supplied-with-the-wrong-actions (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:46:19 [875e451d] changes done except exunits and rule order (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:49:32 [d270e4b6] deploy: 0d5586aa5832b892a2db83ddd57bd47ce44db0f7 (cardano-js-sdk)
17:56:29 [acfd7b7c] Generate code for 94960035c435d48be63aeb7980c8d786273ac891 (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:57:05 [2743379e] implement Cursor type, new, close (lsm-tree)
17:57:49 [7134ace2] little fix (formal-ledger-specifications)
18:04:20 [cda44329] bump (ouroboros-network)
18:15:28 [f6ecdc62] chore: moved components to core (lace)
18:17:02 [a10d9aa5] remove debug code (yoroi-frontend)
18:17:04 [f541fd25] implement Cursor type, new, close (lsm-tree)
18:24:58 [5ac9d94c] Added cardano-client- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
18:37:42 [9d61f354] refactor/email-module: changed example.env file (cc-portal)
18:39:12 [aa2e92e4] Merge branch 'develop' into refactor/email-module (cc-portal)
18:41:50 [7731938c] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
18:42:11 [0703cbeb] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
18:42:11 [c1bd8654] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
18:46:00 [ca377ce9] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 109 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
18:46:23 [87da3b3c] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
18:46:23 [370c727a] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
18:47:49 [4eb12e26] consensus: Word32 for tx byte size instead of Natural (ouroboros-consensus)
18:52:00 [852fd0c3] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
18:52:19 [6859963a] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
18:52:19 [7c18cbb5] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:01:10 [5bae88c5] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 4 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:01:35 [3dc4f2a2] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:01:35 [d4c343fe] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
19:13:33 [e3937ac8] Renamed `redeemerAndExUnitPairList` to `plutusScriptPurposeAndExUnits` (cardano-cli)
19:14:08 [bacfcabd] Bump CHaP (cardano-api)
19:19:55 [b4036282] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
19:25:46 [b7b65f1e] Put warning in JSON insetad of `stderr` (cardano-cli)
19:34:00 [f933c64a] Remove plutus srp (ouroboros-consensus)
19:54:33 [27b2910b] Abstract out the rendering of `Ledger.AsIxItems` (cardano-cli)
20:00:22 [0cb70f8c] Merge pull request #342 from IntersectMBO/jdral/config-module (lsm-tree)
20:06:37 [0061e680] Update logback-classic to 1.5.7 in main (atala-prism-mediator)
20:12:08 [2768ee77] chore(deps): bump ip from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9 (cardano-js-sdk)
20:12:13 [53c56ee5] Move code for flushes and merges to a new module (lsm-tree)
20:13:25 [e3aa1731] Merge pull request #861 from IntersectMBO/add-witness-and-redeemer-to-view (cardano-cli)
20:27:21 [53fe619b] discovered extraInfo, two choices in generator explain difference (cardano-ledger)
20:31:51 [17442d82] Merge pull request #343 from IntersectMBO/jdral/merge-schedule-module (lsm-tree)
20:36:11 [4aa7acb8] Bump ledger versions and nix flake (ouroboros-consensus)
20:36:12 [28cb6ab0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:39:35 [377443c8] Merge pull request #1102 from input-output-hk/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ip-1.1.9 (cardano-js-sdk)
20:42:24 [21013ed4] chore(deps): bump ws from 8.10.0 to 8.17.1 (cardano-js-sdk)
20:42:26 [a668791e] chore(deps): bump requirejs from 2.3.6 to 2.3.7 (cardano-js-sdk)
20:42:28 [553ab78c] chore(deps): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (cardano-js-sdk)
20:42:41 [82153585] chore(deps): bump elliptic from 6.5.4 to 6.5.7 (cardano-js-sdk)
20:58:39 [f0ac1dd1] deploy: 377443c80d690692b1edefaed06f186d54a142fa (cardano-js-sdk)
21:08:33 [35dcc7a8] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:09:02 [ee1d70a7] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:09:02 [5cbf5bd0] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:09:55 [098dc3ce] Excluse plutus-ledger-api 1.32.1 (cardano-ledger)
21:15:29 [5d333030] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 241 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:15:48 [81abc29a] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:15:48 [60693da0] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:18:21 [aa4957e8] Remove strictness (cardano-ledger)
21:22:02 [0f12003a] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:22:20 [0091e9a7] build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#289) (cardano-up)
21:22:27 [29d53b0f] chore: bump version to 1.15.0 (lace)
21:22:32 [8da5308e] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:22:32 [27557bd9] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:23:28 [7ac01edb] build(deps): bump github.com/blinklabs-io/gouroboros (cardano-up)
21:25:30 [05e264d8] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 146 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:25:49 [0fffb3cf] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:25:49 [fcfce5a7] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:27:34 [2a072e74] build(deps): bump github.com/blinklabs-io/gouroboros (#291) (cardano-up)
21:27:55 [3987fd43] Make it build with ghc-9.10 (cardano-node)
21:27:59 [cc20075e] CI: Add ghc-9.10 to build matrix (cardano-node)
21:28:01 [b9a054ae] locli: Remove dependency on GHC.Misc.Utils (cardano-node)
21:28:03 [17a6d40d] Nix updates (cardano-node)
21:29:54 [e94b23d8] ci: use go 1.22 for builds/tests and 1.23 for tests (cardano-up)
21:31:15 [46467767] experiment with manipulating a specific error string (formal-ledger-specifications)
21:35:49 [d27d11bf] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:36:07 [6f548651] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:36:08 [53121dad] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:37:25 [e6e2c248] chore(deps): bump the npm_and_yarn group with 12 updates (cardano-js-sdk)
21:40:34 [91bb6c96] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 315 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:41:01 [37e59777] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:41:01 [6850ce0a] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:52:42 [86fe5d4f] deploy: e3aa17311af852dd168f8fdb4d03160bc20e0b29 (cardano-cli)
21:57:47 [dc32ad43] Generate code for 29565a9a3bf0277ab84923f82347bf6bdeaf88c0 (formal-ledger-specifications)
22:08:18 [f0eb03a9] build: configure dependabot (cardano-js-sdk)
22:16:58 [41fd25b1] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:17:16 [5d0b12c5] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:17:16 [1e6b16e0] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:20:31 [54bad324] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 374 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:20:59 [769e98fe] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:20:59 [dfb3640a] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:28:20 [1ffe021c] build: bump the npm_and_yarn group with 11 updates (cardano-js-sdk)
22:34:00 [72aaae5e] chore: bump version to 1.15.0 (#1385) (lace)
22:37:02 [f4aa6158] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:37:28 [998832a7] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:37:28 [abbf54c8] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:40:33 [d8bd7cc8] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 611 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:41:03 [48f78f23] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:41:03 [0813b9f1] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
22:49:41 [436bfe67] Merge pull request #1435 from input-output-hk/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/npm_and_yarn-f983e67664 (cardano-js-sdk)
23:02:08 [675ee6c9] 🟩 preprod.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preprod frontend) is up (200 in 309 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:08 [7091263e] 🟩 beta.explorer.cardano.org (mainnet frontend) is up (200 in 231 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:09 [75181274] 🟩 preview.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preview frontend) is up (200 in 166 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:09 [a6e85d72] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 161 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:10 [ae0415ac] 🟩 mainnet - Auth API is up (401 in 459 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:10 [0365a6af] 🟩 preprod - API is up (200 in 391 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:11 [282cb891] 🟥 preview - API is down (404 in 150 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:11 [0d818463] 🟩 preprod - Auth API is up (401 in 427 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:12 [0ef7fd45] 🟩 preview - Auth API is up (401 in 460 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:49 [6d11c008] 🟩 API (All properties) is up (204 in 583 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:03:49 [1adb1746] 🟩 API (Specific property) is up (204 in 93 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:03:50 [a11ed002] 🟩 API (Batch) is up (204 in 95 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:04:46 [cb7ba0dc] Clean-up remainings of `query constitution-hash` (cardano-cli)
23:05:47 [3be8386f] 🟥 event-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:47 [b070a002] 🟥 1694ballot.cardano.org is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:48 [64525a79] 🟥 cast-vote-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:48 [e8862492] 🟥 blockchain-follower-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:48 [f87cc6dd] 🟥 login-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:49 [d0e082b8] 🟥 get-vote-receipt-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:49 [9189723d] 🟥 get-votes-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:08:26 [3ff65675] deploy: 436bfe671768c407e457c6b924da9bd5004c663f (cardano-js-sdk)
23:14:20 [64a46277] chore(deps): bump axios from 0.28.1 to 1.7.4 in the npm_and_yarn group (cardano-js-sdk)
23:26:53 [2c31ee6d] Build with multiple GHC versions (credential-manager)
23:33:14 [2554ac54] ci: publish packages [skip actions] (cardano-js-sdk)
23:35:13 [7cdfc846] Update README.md (CIPs)
23:52:55 [745c6e5f] Update README.md (CIPs)
23:59:28 [6d782c53] Update version-3.cddl (CIPs)