Home / Reports / Oct 21, 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

607 commits had been pushed across 37 repos by 67 authors. There were 1,653,546 additions and 167,697 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:17:21 [5a19001d] wrap up mapping Shelley block to json-schema. (cardano-ogmios)
00:22:18 [e34412d9] update API reference to include Shelley block. (cardano-ogmios)
00:28:27 [6587960a] update instruction for generating the api reference: disable link to reused definitions. (cardano-ogmios)
00:29:04 [8d989084] re-generate api referenc, with link to reused definitions disabled (cardano-ogmios)
00:32:25 [8901897a] fixup dependency after rename (cardano-ogmios)
00:50:05 [0fe01f87] Merge #1995 (cardano-node)
01:02:22 [05a0f045] Re-order cabal.project a little, disable tests on deps (cardano-haskell)
01:12:46 [59984c2a] serialization for ShelleyGenesis (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:14:10 [9e67cc1b] Automatic update for Wed Oct 21 01:14:09 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:15:43 [630a48c2] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:31:26 [947022cc] Finalized Plutus Core tests (plutus)
02:33:51 [21a31fe9] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/plutus (haskell.nix)
02:34:14 [9a8357db] wip (cardano-db-sync)
03:16:24 [86e70ce3] Adjust code to comply with team coding standards. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:25 [f9541b72] Add type `ApiCoinSelectionChange`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:26 [fc62f9b8] Add `unsignedChange` field to `UnsignedTx`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:26 [72cc1f42] Add field `change` to `ApiCoinSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:27 [65b36c5e] Split function `assignChangeAddresses`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:27 [0420000c] Populate the `change` field of `ApiCoinSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:28 [785e0fed] Make `selectCoinsExternal` populate the `change` field of `UnsignedTx`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:28 [7819ebb2] Introduce type `ApiCoinSelectionOutput`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:29 [10324ef5] Use `Void` type in function `signTx` for added safety. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:30 [0cd4adae] Add function `qualifyAddresses`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:30 [dccd5168] Use `Void` type in function `assignMigrationAddresses`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:31 [1f8b6d93] Move creation of unsigned TX into atomically block. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:32 [6e9825f8] Simplify error type synonyms. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:33 [aca1b94a] Remove redundant constraints. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:34 [ea788c83] Update integration test `WALLETS_COIN_SELECTION_02`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:34 [548b8b1f] Update integration test `WALLETS_COIN_SELECTION_01`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:35 [6920b2a2] Update integration test `SHELLEY_HW_WALLETS/HW_WALLETS_04`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:36 [facf1b45] Update integration test `BYRON_HW_WALLETS/HW_WALLETS_04`. (cardano-wallet)
03:16:37 [52959899] Use the payment key when generating a payment address. (cardano-wallet)
03:18:42 [f1761e68] Add comment and assertion to check GHC version (haskell.nix)
03:21:31 [74ed72f3] Try #2244: (cardano-wallet)
03:24:50 [29c6c6d8] Fixes to compile with base16-bytestring- (cardano-node)
03:35:13 [c9cbb9f7] Merge pull request #32 from input-output-hk/rvl/adrestia (cardano-haskell)
03:38:28 [5cd8d94b] cardano-node niv: 1.21.1 -> 1.21.2 (cardano-wallet)
03:38:29 [627b9fc1] Update version matrix in readme (cardano-wallet)
03:38:30 [13b15933] Bring back cardano-api haddock in nix-shell (cardano-wallet)
03:38:32 [0863d87c] Update resolver in stack.yaml (cardano-wallet)
03:38:33 [f7c80f7f] Possible fix for NodeToClient DictVersion constructor (cardano-wallet)
03:38:34 [1f472f26] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
03:38:35 [ff9ee842] Replace deprecated symbol (cardano-wallet)
03:38:36 [adc00bae] Reduce cardano-node key file permissions for tests (cardano-wallet)
03:38:37 [8f025770] Set umask for integration tests (cardano-wallet)
03:38:38 [f52cfbca] Another cardano-cli option changed (cardano-wallet)
03:38:39 [8c24260c] Also give shelley-test-cluster the umask treatment (cardano-wallet)
03:38:40 [c44c907e] Use Cardano.Api.Shelley.fromShelleyMetaData instead of own (cardano-wallet)
03:43:33 [c4d4fa8d] fixup! Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
03:54:55 [f873225f] Update resolver in stack.yaml (cardano-wallet)
03:54:56 [894dce3f] Replace deprecated symbol (cardano-wallet)
03:54:56 [57d3ce70] Possible fix for NodeToClient DictVersion constructor (cardano-wallet)
03:54:58 [8a26d06c] Reduce cardano-node key file permissions for tests (cardano-wallet)
03:54:59 [92c4af10] Set umask for integration tests (cardano-wallet)
03:55:00 [b9d76af9] Another cardano-cli option changed (cardano-wallet)
03:55:01 [e5f14270] Also give shelley-test-cluster the umask treatment (cardano-wallet)
03:55:02 [ae952b1a] Use Cardano.Api.Shelley.fromShelleyMetaData instead of own (cardano-wallet)
03:55:06 [1d9af427] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
04:04:47 [cda15dc5] Add `ghc8102-plutus` as a `compiler-nix-name` (#848) (haskell.nix)
04:19:12 [7274c81d] wip (cardano-db-sync)
04:21:49 [edd8ae7c] Bump version to 5.0.2 and update changelogs (cardano-db-sync)
04:21:52 [841e6f0f] db: Drop constraint on lovelace database type (cardano-db-sync)
04:22:23 [2ffdc5b5] Version 5.0.3 (cardano-db-sync)
04:30:45 [8db96890] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/devcontainer-min (plutus)
04:33:09 [96229c12] Fixes to compile with base16-bytestring- (cardano-node)
04:37:44 [ba26ebbd] Bump cardano-wallet to latest master (cardano-launcher)
04:37:45 [7a1f601a] Bump nixpkgs channel to latest 20.09 (cardano-launcher)
04:37:46 [27a591f7] Use niv from nixpkgs (cardano-launcher)
04:37:47 [8d3d0492] Remove integration tests shutdown hack (cardano-launcher)
04:41:03 [90a3df55] db: Drop constraint on lovelace database type (cardano-db-sync)
04:41:06 [02c92315] Version 5.0.3 (cardano-db-sync)
04:41:34 [dcc861f4] Publish chairman test artifacts (cardano-node)
04:42:15 [c57e3e55] Use ghc8102-experimental (plutus)
05:00:15 [e208ae94] db: Drop constraint on lovelace database type (cardano-db-sync)
05:00:16 [a6d7b3d2] Version 5.0.3 (cardano-db-sync)
05:08:35 [1d368b62] Adjust code to comply with team coding standards. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:36 [7a507da3] Add field `change` to `ApiCoinSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:36 [03e2897c] Add type `ApiCoinSelectionChange`. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:36 [c38320db] Add `unsignedChange` field to `UnsignedTx`. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:37 [4da09d06] Split function `assignChangeAddresses`. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:37 [604d1ba4] Make `selectCoinsExternal` populate the `change` field of `UnsignedTx`. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:37 [10f9f4ca] Populate the `change` field of `ApiCoinSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:38 [83a20494] Use `Void` type in function `signTx` for added safety. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:38 [093a1836] Introduce type `ApiCoinSelectionOutput`. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:39 [0b11cd1e] Use `Void` type in function `assignMigrationAddresses`. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:39 [60111a8f] Add function `qualifyAddresses`. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:39 [d625a840] Move creation of unsigned TX into atomically block. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:40 [9b55df38] Simplify error type synonyms. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:40 [b9db49d2] Remove redundant constraints. (cardano-wallet)
05:10:03 [edf89996] Use Cardano.Api.Shelley.fromShelleyMetaData instead of own (cardano-wallet)
05:10:03 [6957c2b3] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
05:18:56 [6ee51dcf] improve (plutus)
05:20:12 [1b4c9f39] Fix integration test assertion (cardano-wallet)
05:20:21 [3f1c22de] Use the payment key when generating a payment address. (cardano-wallet)
05:20:22 [69ff27b5] Update integration test `WALLETS_COIN_SELECTION_01`. (cardano-wallet)
05:20:22 [ec674d8b] Update integration test `WALLETS_COIN_SELECTION_02`. (cardano-wallet)
05:20:23 [c32efdbd] Update integration test `SHELLEY_HW_WALLETS/HW_WALLETS_04`. (cardano-wallet)
05:20:23 [d237b3f8] Update integration test `BYRON_HW_WALLETS/HW_WALLETS_04`. (cardano-wallet)
05:20:24 [8067e523] Update integration test `STAKE_POOLS_JOIN_UNSIGNED_01`. (cardano-wallet)
05:20:24 [1c0911fa] Update integration test `STAKE_POOLS_JOIN_UNSIGNED_02`. (cardano-wallet)
05:20:25 [ebcfd028] Update integration test `STAKE_POOLS_QUIT_UNSIGNED_01`. (cardano-wallet)
05:21:17 [3feedc73] Use ghc865 to build ghc8102-experimental (haskell.nix)
05:36:47 [233ab41d] Stuff (cardano-node)
05:37:16 [97f77ed3] Stuff (cardano-node)
05:39:41 [c007bdd1] Try #2244: (cardano-wallet)
05:41:31 [45d53005] Github action support (cardano-db-sync)
05:59:59 [7360e06b] Merge #2257 (cardano-wallet)
06:07:47 [81004103] Bump bytes from 0.5.6 to 0.6.0 (jormungandr)
06:08:24 [94a60062] Github action support (cardano-db-sync)
06:09:57 [df5e886e] Merge #1996 (cardano-node)
06:22:14 [d0d77d42] Stuff (cardano-node)
06:32:26 [733fc9fa] schema: Fix stage one migrations (cardano-db-sync)
06:32:37 [465d581e] db: Add an extra migration test (cardano-db-sync)
06:33:25 [8422dfd7] Stuff (cardano-node)
06:34:24 [971ac28c] Use Cardano.Api.Shelley.fromShelleyMetaData instead of own (cardano-wallet)
06:34:25 [6c78f36e] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
06:35:42 [13d80a38] Fix haddock typo (cardano-wallet)
06:35:42 [78a178cf] Add transaction TTL to payments in swagger spec (cardano-wallet)
06:35:43 [837db89c] Add transaction TTL to API payment type (cardano-wallet)
06:35:44 [508b97d1] Update TypesSpec (cardano-wallet)
06:36:37 [b640640e] Use Tx TTL value from API payment request (cardano-wallet)
06:38:13 [350c3e44] Invert pending tx expiry logic (cardano-wallet)
06:38:14 [597e2ff9] Add two TRANS_TTL integration tests (cardano-wallet)
06:38:15 [7d825ae5] swagger: ttl.seconds=n -> ttl.{ unit="seconds", quantity=n } (cardano-wallet)
06:38:16 [2ae278f1] API: Rename ttl -> timeToLive, use Quantity "second" newtype (cardano-wallet)
06:38:17 [16be53ce] A lens thing was bothering me (cardano-wallet)
06:38:18 [5f08e482] Add integration test with long transaction TTL (cardano-wallet)
06:38:31 [5821efe8] Stuff (cardano-node)
06:40:36 [12b09b51] Add TTL error handling to API server (cardano-wallet)
06:40:49 [b020f3c0] Regenerate API tests golden json (cardano-wallet)
06:51:42 [a79ba63f] Export TranslationContext (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:51:45 [13383931] Move back orphan Eq instances to their types (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:51:45 [f2008830] Update the documentation of TranslateEra (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:51:45 [0a6f9ffb] Add a placeholder instance of Compactible (Value era) (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:51:45 [fe8685e6] Add translateEraMaybe (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:51:46 [187ad1c3] Add missing bang to wvKeyHash (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:51:46 [c534d5ea] Add missing ghc-options to cardano-ledger-shelley-ma (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:51:46 [090d1e6d] Add Foldable/Traversable instances for StrictMaybe (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:51:46 [74284dca] Swap order of WitVKey type arguments (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:55:44 [9a8df2e8] Merge #2244 (cardano-wallet)
06:55:58 [54ec4363] hlint (cardano-wallet)
07:02:06 [9d16f709] Add skeletons of the inter-era translations needed by consensus (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:03:54 [0c5f00d6] Define interfaces for consensus (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:04:03 [ccdd7a87] [ETCM-202] Provide Mantis command-line interface (mantis)
07:04:04 [537af1ee] [ETCM-202] Update README (mantis)
07:04:04 [4e74401c] [ETCM-202] Update repo.nix (mantis)
07:04:05 [c74f480e] [ETCM-202] Fix scalastyle (mantis)
07:04:24 [ed84de08] [ETCM-202] PR remarks (mantis)
07:04:36 [8d91fb5a] Merge pull request #371 from input-output-hk/erikd/migrations (cardano-db-sync)
07:05:56 [9f20fd77] Merge branch 'develop' into etcm-202-mantis-cli (mantis)
07:13:35 [abfda211] Delete files that should have been deleted in #1977 (cardano-node)
07:13:35 [7bee33a0] Drop constraint on no longer used brick package (cardano-node)
07:13:35 [70a9155a] Bump ouroboros-network dependency (cardano-node)
07:18:05 [2fa2ce56] PAB: Shell scripts for a demo environment (plutus)
07:27:40 [35812994] Stuff (cardano-node)
07:27:43 [2edfc09b] Stuff (cardano-node)
07:31:09 [fc83665f] Remove redundant imports (cardano-node)
07:31:12 [5806d0bd] Update haskell.nix (cardano-node)
07:31:12 [3a533d5d] Fix Windows GHC 8.10.2 on CI (cardano-node)
07:31:12 [b871cade] Import List qualified (cardano-node)
07:31:12 [c4a7005b] Use Type instead of * (cardano-node)
07:31:12 [a6255039] Remove pattern match redundant according to GHC 8.10 (cardano-node)
07:31:12 [6a14da64] Switch to GHC 8.10.2 (cardano-node)
07:31:12 [d7dd11ce] Remove unused record wildcard matches (cardano-node)
07:31:13 [6b60bb52] Fix Nix issues (cardano-node)
07:31:13 [a5ef511c] Move warnings from cabal.project to the .cabal files (cardano-node)
07:34:07 [3892874b] [ETCM-202] PR remarks (mantis)
07:37:35 [cd420cb6] Nix: try disabling doctest the old way again (cardano-node)
07:40:32 [1b8b8b12] Stuff (cardano-node)
07:42:10 [31b9a573] Also permit deleting expired transactions (cardano-wallet)
07:43:03 [ab66c157] Kwxm/extracted validators [SCP-1290] (#2368) (plutus)
07:44:00 [5f31bf64] Merge pull request #1902 from input-output-hk/mrBliss/era-translations (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:44:33 [c5f37577] PAB: Shell scripts for a demo environment (plutus)
07:44:53 [1e3f6176] Define interfaces for consensus (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:50:13 [659e94fc] [ETCM-202] Update README (mantis)
07:56:24 [62a28ba8] [ETCM-126] change storageKeys from single elem to Seq[StorageProofKey], skeleton for methods getStorageProof, getAccountProof (mantis)
07:57:00 [76ecfb28] Add several recipes. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
07:57:15 [e452b954] Update doc/getting-started/understanding-config-files.md (cardano-node)
08:10:40 [e4029e35] [ETCM-213] Refactor iterator impl (mantis)
08:11:00 [cc0cd99d] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into etcm-213/relad-bloom-after-restart (mantis)
08:12:41 [eaae5218] CAD-2080: JSON examples instead of YAML. (cardano-rt-view)
08:13:06 [c1fdaaa2] Merge pull request #466 from input-output-hk/private-vote-payload (chain-libs)
08:13:44 [0261779e] Merge pull request #62 from input-output-hk/cad-2080-json-instead-of-yaml (cardano-rt-view)
08:16:21 [8f5e412d] [ETCM-202] PR remarks + update README (mantis)
08:18:10 [846aa005] Merge pull request #1927 from input-output-hk/jc/serialize-shelley-genesis (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:20:31 [7669d357] [ETCM-126] scalafmt (mantis)
08:31:59 [35fcca01] Fix clippy lint in chain-vote (chain-libs)
08:34:44 [9e4607a5] Add Flat instances for PLC serialisation. (plutus)
08:37:28 [f17c4533] Merge pull request #473 from input-output-hk/fix-clippy (chain-libs)
08:44:31 [081e8cd5] Support Darwin, add Hydra jobs (#3) (bitte)
08:51:23 [a1b6975e] Guard against #884 by checking sha256 (#885) (haskell.nix)
08:56:35 [ec328136] Add hydra jobs (mantis-ops)
08:56:35 [7d64e279] Don't override bitte pkg (mantis-ops)
08:59:25 [986d8cf3] Add Flat instances for PLC serialisation. (plutus)
09:04:40 [43676048] README: add how to restart nix daemon on darwin (mantis-ops)
09:04:40 [f97f88b7] Inherit `packages` members from `legacyPackages` (mantis-ops)
09:04:40 [e267e33a] README: 4-space-indent all code blocks (mantis-ops)
09:04:40 [d51233f7] README: update nomad resource identifier (mantis-ops)
09:04:40 [1899fe50] Let hydra prebuild devShell (mantis-ops)
09:04:50 [9d427b80] Use proof packing through bytesbuilder in vote payload (jormungandr)
09:05:36 [f3e70b12] Regenerate flake.lock (mantis-ops)
09:07:23 [65660157] Merge pull request #746 from input-output-hk/etcm-202-mantis-cli (mantis)
09:07:44 [a83d3fee] [ETCM-175] Introduce config for ask timeout (mantis)
09:08:25 [d224981f] [ETCM-126] single actor system in JsonRPController specs (mantis)
09:11:21 [63fc3d57] Update chain-deps (jormungandr)
09:14:54 [dada06d1] Update jortestkit to lastest (jormungandr)
09:16:39 [8e829e3b] Stuff (cardano-node)
09:19:44 [2408e04c] Merge #2244 #2257 (cardano-wallet)
09:21:23 [d1c4b83e] Begin implementation of private votes and tally (jormungandr)
09:21:28 [a60f25f7] Implemented deserialization for member public keys (jormungandr)
09:21:29 [1a653814] Added tests for member public keys deserializers (jormungandr)
09:21:29 [af2e0245] Make committee member public keys optional, defaulting to empty vec (jormungandr)
09:21:30 [1661617c] Resolve TallyStatus union to None if private (jormungandr)
09:21:40 [489e0c1f] Adding Kris' deployment env secrets. (plutus)
09:22:11 [95aa410c] Fix rebase bad derive (jormungandr)
09:22:16 [42dca6d8] Integrate encrypted and private tally certificates (jormungandr)
09:22:17 [353a31ea] Added private vote tally certificate to explorer (jormungandr)
09:22:17 [0e00760f] Remove shares from tally proof (private) (jormungandr)
09:22:18 [c5d2c6c3] Updated jortestkit (jormungandr)
09:22:57 [cf931638] Updated to latest vote privacy changes (jormungandr)
09:23:00 [7e8eeb03] Adapted explorer to latest chain-vote changes (jormungandr)
09:23:10 [07754b03] Implemented From for chain_vote::TallyResult => jormungandr_lib::TallyResult (jormungandr)
09:23:21 [74df36a0] Wrap options as u8 (jormungandr)
09:23:31 [b953a0e0] TallyResult from impl proper checks (jormungandr)
09:23:31 [652958c6] Use proof packing through bytesbuilder in vote payload (jormungandr)
09:23:44 [e3839b1e] [ETCM-79] checkpointing QA JRC (mantis)
09:25:32 [a7349631] PAB: Shell scripts for a demo environment (#2287) (plutus)
09:29:49 [5db5a264] Use EncryptedTally in jcli app decryption share (jormungandr)
09:30:08 [fa432b92] Latest chain-deps (jormungandr)
09:30:29 [24743a78] Define interfaces for consensus (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:32:30 [e5e19c0d] enterprise address support (yoroi-frontend)
09:32:55 [8c8ee208] Remove the ShelleyState type synonym for NewEpochState (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:32:56 [8ec2992a] ETCM-207: Use the right keys in ENR according to IPv6 or IPv4. (scalanet)
09:36:03 [52eb6355] Move API from Shelley.Spec.Ledger to Cardano.Ledger (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:38:03 [40610c53] Introduce ChainData, SerialisableData, and AnnotatedData (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:38:47 [92f8eb0c] Define interfaces for consensus (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:38:48 [8acf87a6] Remove the ShelleyState type synonym for NewEpochState (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:41:35 [e64eb8cf] wip (plutus)
09:46:46 [a0d58d32] Introduce ChainData, SerialisableData, and AnnotatedData (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:48:08 [69edbb8e] wireshark: correct name of MsgDone in tx-submission protocol (ouroboros-network)
09:48:08 [12881986] control-message: more robust handling by the BlockFetch protocol (ouroboros-network)
09:48:08 [4a362f81] control-message: tx-submission outbound side (client) (ouroboros-network)
09:48:08 [b5d2aac6] io-sim: support for registerDelay (ouroboros-network)
09:48:08 [64c42982] io-sim: return labeled threads (ouroboros-network)
09:48:08 [df5c9f50] control-message: updated ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [af7edd18] Hot / Warm / Established distinction (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [0ff89234] block-fetch: label threads in tests (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [bb39b549] label threads (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [c13fed95] test-network: added utils module (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [3183fc51] Unversioned - align code (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [bc9b5ae2] handshake: add exports (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [66d7a77f] tx-submission: added client / server tests (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [53a2681a] test-network: added debugging tracers to the utils module (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [55e279d4] block-fetch: test polite protocol termination (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [c972ab8f] Move testing utils module to ourboros-network-testing (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [9964bc66] block-fetch properties: improved errors (ouroboros-network)
09:48:09 [938e6f74] block-fetch properties: introduced channel delay (ouroboros-network)
09:48:10 [606b8bbb] connection-manager: types & core implementation (ouroboros-network)
09:48:10 [e2387af9] handshake: return versionNumber (ouroboros-network)
09:48:10 [26bc5ea9] Renamed entry test group name of `ouroboros-network-framework` package. (ouroboros-network)
09:49:33 [b01a94f1] Add Allegra Scripts and more module creation/grouping (cardano-node)
09:50:38 [f68dc723] Add Allegra Scripts and more module creation/grouping (cardano-node)
09:54:16 [8de93a96] Handle exiting threads in diffusion layer (ouroboros-network)
09:55:29 [454728a3] wip (plutus)
09:59:42 [73856e33] Merge #1990 (cardano-node)
10:09:43 [7e70f667] Save entire workspace when saving to gist (plutus)
10:09:53 [fe8f818f] Handle exiting threads in diffusion layer (ouroboros-network)
10:10:50 [db3ef0e1] Add missing colon (plutus)
10:11:57 [c677417b] add test (yoroi-frontend)
10:12:00 [f77d6c62] First part of Marlowe Playground UX refresh (plutus)
10:15:50 [be349d05] Fix typo (plutus)
10:16:33 [0f16cd88] ETCM-207: Put the compressed public key in the ENR based on the private key. (scalanet)
10:17:20 [0e7329d4] fix (plutus)
10:27:18 [7cc08494] Add makeMultiSigScriptMary (cardano-node)
10:34:17 [eefc0c07] README: add how to restart nix daemon on darwin (mantis-ops)
10:34:17 [6249b80c] Add darwin (mantis-ops)
10:34:17 [5c5aee01] README: 4-space-indent all code blocks (mantis-ops)
10:34:17 [b9e174a1] README: update nomad resource identifier (mantis-ops)
10:34:17 [c6ba96c4] Add hydra jobs (mantis-ops)
10:34:17 [3192d777] Inherit `packages` members from `legacyPackages` (mantis-ops)
10:34:17 [d15b5aa7] Prebuild devShell (mantis-ops)
10:34:17 [a8ce6131] Don't override bitte pkg (mantis-ops)
10:36:19 [49069b0c] Regenerate flake.lock (mantis-ops)
10:36:47 [578762a5] Publish chairman test artifacts (cardano-node)
10:39:58 [e60c1b81] Try enabling more tests (cardano-wallet)
10:40:38 [737cb41d] Add enterprise address support (#1770) (yoroi-frontend)
10:44:32 [6a525cd8] Add N={20,40,80} wallet restore benchmarks (cardano-wallet)
10:44:50 [310c42dd] connection-manager: pure test (ouroboros-network)
10:44:50 [f0b19f66] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
10:44:50 [a74a1bfa] Snocket.Accept (ouroboros-network)
10:44:50 [7439fb95] connection-manager: tests (ouroboros-network)
10:44:50 [568e9076] Versions: mapWithVersion (ouroboros-network)
10:44:50 [36ec717f] export runMuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
10:44:50 [fbc76a4d] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
10:44:50 [385e1c34] connection-manager: MuxConnectionHandler (ouroboros-network)
10:45:50 [9dd83626] Merge pull request #737 from input-output-hk/etcm-79-checkpointing-qa (mantis)
10:46:41 [df471f07] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
10:46:43 [78fa2334] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-frontend)
10:46:44 [92bce581] New translations en-US.json (Croatian) (yoroi-frontend)
10:46:46 [37b287cc] New translations en-US.json (id-ID) (yoroi-frontend)
10:46:48 [f2e90838] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hant) (yoroi-frontend)
10:46:50 [07907d41] New translations en-US.json (ru-RU) (yoroi-frontend)
10:46:52 [06e7dd18] New translations en-US.json (ko-KR) (yoroi-frontend)
10:46:54 [2c755c3e] New translations en-US.json (ja-JP) (yoroi-frontend)
10:46:56 [fa146277] New translations en-US.json (Greek) (yoroi-frontend)
10:46:58 [5983399d] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hans) (yoroi-frontend)
10:46:59 [bf94fbc8] New translations en-US.json (Czech) (yoroi-frontend)
10:47:01 [963d0c2f] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-frontend)
10:47:04 [f6a3145c] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-frontend)
10:47:05 [b13fc15e] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
10:47:07 [a9c05387] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-frontend)
10:47:09 [e6f1c9c4] New translations en-US.json (fr-FR) (yoroi-frontend)
10:47:11 [c37a02a0] New translations en-US.json (Slovak) (yoroi-frontend)
10:49:09 [ccf90c39] fix colours (plutus)
10:51:28 [afe1dd99] change save as text (plutus)
10:55:55 [e5032b02] fix save as (plutus)
10:56:40 [23567a9b] Use qualified module names (smash)
11:06:46 [dccb02c8] linting (plutus)
11:16:16 [49a5196f] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-frontend)
11:19:50 [f34455f4] PAB: Add Mirror apps (plutus)
11:26:21 [675920de] lint (plutus)
11:27:10 [2c0b46af] Merge pull request #2571 from danielSanchezQ/private-vote (jormungandr)
11:28:07 [9e07f70c] fix (plutus)
11:28:17 [4582ae33] SP maintenance action (cardano-wallet-rb)
11:28:48 [f9085b3c] [DDW-421]: Update stakepool tooltip (daedalus)
11:30:45 [1a2d7717] Merge pull request #1923 from input-output-hk/mrBliss/consensus-interfaces (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:31:24 [16764f54] Support darwin and prebuild everything on Hydra (#2) (mantis-ops)
11:31:29 [03a5e7d1] Implemented tally result jcli tool (jormungandr)
11:38:35 [ecca0c38] Merge #2257 (cardano-wallet)
11:42:44 [6c629dc5] Pre-release 0.10.0-alpha.1 (jormungandr)
11:43:11 [06589235] Fix typo (#2378) (plutus)
11:44:11 [4b47c489] Merge pull request #97 from input-output-hk/update_rusqlite (vit-servicing-station)
11:46:29 [dc450c5d] Fix deserialize shares (jormungandr)
11:47:02 [3321792f] adjusting iapyx after newest changes and clean up (jormungandr)
11:47:02 [12f5c97c] implemented iapyx-proxy cli (jormungandr)
11:47:42 [d23169d5] updated chain libs (jormungandr)
11:47:44 [401f5fa6] exposed useful method (jormungandr)
11:47:44 [0526e293] moved time related utils to testing utils (jormungandr)
11:47:45 [f4cdd91f] added wallet proxy controller (jormungandr)
11:47:45 [5865b094] added vit station controller (jormungandr)
11:47:45 [b1f96de4] clean up testing utils (jormungandr)
11:47:45 [3da28067] added wallet proxy and vit station settings (jormungandr)
11:47:46 [c7f083f3] added imports (jormungandr)
11:47:46 [6bf27b83] added migration scripts (jormungandr)
11:47:46 [ad41f54d] added scenario builder with vit related structs (jormungandr)
11:48:17 [f9911f0d] added test for full e2e flow (jormungandr)
11:48:19 [439ca51d] remove unused imports (jormungandr)
11:48:31 [89833089] update cargo lock (jormungandr)
11:48:33 [7864cb6b] fmt (jormungandr)
11:48:33 [38dbe571] remove locked & offline (jormungandr)
11:48:47 [298e7a23] clean up (jormungandr)
11:49:25 [b7a46be7] rebase (jormungandr)
11:49:27 [43fc6102] remove locked flag in cargo fetch (jormungandr)
11:49:31 [2cba56aa] Bump async-trait from 0.1.40 to 0.1.41 (jormungandr)
11:55:17 [532e6611] [DDW-291] syncing/connecting tooltip with popover (daedalus)
11:56:38 [270347f7] CAD-2069 node & benchmarking: bump & add locli (cardano-ops)
12:03:44 [7fa242a8] Add UTXO rule for ShelleyMA eras. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:04:45 [7519a043] Parametrise utxowTransition over scriptsNeeded. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:04:45 [b24a7720] Formatting (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:04:45 [5967c077] Make UTXOW rule in Shelley era-specific. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:04:46 [23a6cd09] Additional roundtrip tests for cardano-api (cardano-node)
12:04:46 [2e993d05] Add UTXOW rule for the ShelleyMA eras. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:07:05 [544e6bcb] fix (plutus)
12:09:26 [daa957af] Shellcheck pass. (plutus)
12:09:52 [9cde44c0] Merge pull request #2377 from input-output-hk/too-many-secrets (plutus)
12:11:44 [049c9894] Handle exiting threads in diffusion layer (ouroboros-network)
12:17:18 [cd8e3e27] bump bitte (vit-ops)
12:17:18 [a11ff031] cache servicing station (vit-ops)
12:17:18 [711fdaa7] ingress changes (vit-ops)
12:17:18 [8a8c8c0e] more job fixes (vit-ops)
12:22:10 [1b73c971] disable clusterTests from default build. (still available from ./nix) (cardano-node)
12:26:35 [e0365de2] disable clusterTests from default build. (still available from ./nix) (cardano-node)
12:29:01 [700d578b] CAD-2069 process metrics: add GC time (iohk-monitoring-framework)
12:30:43 [a5b30a02] more fixes and seaweedfs (bitte)
12:31:17 [4e4cad9d] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - adding a fix for empty table search (daedalus)
12:34:58 [42bfbec1] WIP tweak tracing some more: no stdout & re-enable teeForge (cardano-node)
12:35:55 [a3524fb9] ETCM-207: Fix mock key size and remove the recovery ID in ENR signatures. (scalanet)
12:36:24 [f939d023] Merge #2244 (cardano-wallet)
12:38:18 [730d04e9] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - adding a fix for empty table search (daedalus)
12:38:58 [3cf54338] try fixing the runner (bitte)
12:40:36 [eee62623] Merge #2000 (cardano-node)
12:42:05 [da256034] CAD-2069 process metrics: add GC time (iohk-monitoring-framework)
12:42:37 [b0019f9b] try fixing the runner (bitte)
12:42:45 [a031aed3] WIP tweak tracing some more: no stdout & re-enable teeForge (cardano-node)
12:43:58 [05b204be] Add instructions on how to configure logging, and query UTxO. (cardano-ops)
12:47:22 [b7aaf353] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
12:48:45 [cf64e92d] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - adding a fix for empty table search (daedalus)
12:49:18 [29167fbf] ETCM-207: Fix KNetworkSpec timeout. (scalanet)
12:50:38 [54895a2b] try fixing the runner (bitte)
12:55:33 [591a3588] fix job running by bumping bitte (mantis-ops)
12:56:07 [4961100a] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
12:57:10 [665f71c1] Scp 1308 -> 1309 (#2382) (plutus)
12:59:26 [a8cce312] Add launchpad testnet (WIP) (iohk-nix)
13:03:01 [a5fad530] Update resolver to cardano-1.21.1.yaml (cardano-db-sync)
13:05:12 [9b5128f3] Make better error for when contract is not declared (plutus)
13:05:28 [2abc9a60] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-frontend)
13:06:13 [3ef36886] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
13:08:39 [bf828f52] [ETCM-260] Tweak network config (mantis)
13:09:43 [7e5c2e76] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - fixing ranking for no member rewards stake pools (daedalus)
13:11:29 [60ee0aba] Shellcheck pass. (plutus)
13:12:25 [631d3a18] [ETCM-175] Make sync progress reporting implemented on sync side (mantis)
13:13:38 [2f42a8e8] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - fixing back to top button updating state after unload (daedalus)
13:18:12 [89ff917a] Fixed a problem with automatic derivation of type schemes (plutus)
13:26:36 [1864166c] [ETCM-126] Merge branch 'develop' into ETCM-126-review-single-ActorSystem (mantis)
13:26:43 [922653a6] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
13:27:05 [a635f450] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - fixing ordering and tooltip opening (daedalus)
13:28:46 [88da679c] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - fixing ordering and tooltip opening (daedalus)
13:35:36 [b731fdaa] CAD-1930: script that shows unique Hackage deps. (cardano-node)
13:36:18 [bc809e00] Add launchpad testnet (WIP) (iohk-nix)
13:37:18 [e5186aa4] shelley-dev fix (cardano-ops)
13:37:19 [5052be0b] Fix cardano-cli completion for lorri (cardano-ops)
13:37:20 [0aef964f] Add launchpad testnet (cardano-ops)
13:38:43 [4e3a5496] Fix typo (jormungandr)
13:41:19 [27e8627b] Add report (cardano-node-tests)
13:41:34 [deb81c36] Sort git commits in the output (cardano-node-tests)
13:42:07 [1e9b0bec] [ETCM-126] rename actor systems in tests (mantis)
13:44:08 [c7452c70] Add cardano-cli completion to nix-shell (cardano-ops)
13:44:09 [bfa29ce9] Update shelley-dev custom env (cardano-ops)
13:44:10 [d74b84a2] Fix nix-shell create-shelley-genesis-and-keys (cardano-ops)
13:44:11 [ba5dc573] shelley-dev fix (cardano-ops)
13:44:12 [0e1f04fc] Fix cardano-cli completion for lorri (cardano-ops)
13:45:52 [f647868c] more lints (plutus)
13:47:34 [ba4d4c21] fix tx history query on payment keys (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:48:43 [cb879ac0] Add launchpad testnet (WIP) (iohk-nix)
13:49:16 [9f0f2c03] Add launchpad testnet (cardano-ops)
13:51:36 [be244d5a] fix tx history query on payment keys (#93) (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:52:26 [dd93c7bd] default buttons (plutus)
13:54:07 [af3d2165] Merge pull request #2381 from input-output-hk/shellcheck (plutus)
13:55:23 [21a16a2f] Added some documentation (jormungandr)
13:58:28 [acb81336] Revert "Remove systemd dependency" (bitte-cli)
13:58:46 [fac5abc1] add endpoint scaffolding plus needed types (cardano-wallet)
13:58:48 [fee60ab5] update swagger (cardano-wallet)
13:58:48 [655d07a1] add core unit testing (cardano-wallet)
13:59:05 [ed047751] add impl of getting key hash using cardano-addresses (cardano-wallet)
13:59:07 [5ad26b23] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
13:59:08 [6a8e6a20] add integration test (cardano-wallet)
13:59:08 [65f9e0b8] add getWalletKey to api link (cardano-wallet)
13:59:08 [c3567c7b] extend DSL (cardano-wallet)
13:59:09 [47540c21] add golden test based on cardano-addresses (cardano-wallet)
13:59:10 [a5261489] Use ghc865 to build ghc8102-experimental (#891) (haskell.nix)
13:59:14 [ef57314a] bump bitte-cli (bitte)
14:00:54 [5770ebbe] Add Flat instances for PLC serialisation. (plutus)
14:01:13 [a94fdbdf] ETCM-207: Check key sizes. Expecting 64 for public keys. (scalanet)
14:05:28 [f033f9e4] New translations en-US.json (fr-FR) (yoroi-frontend)
14:08:10 [7cf863e8] lower vault tls version (bitte)
14:13:49 [8a0c3d07] WIP tweak tracing some more: no stdout & re-enable teeForge (cardano-node)
14:25:14 [ebc16baa] Improve error messages in JavaScript (plutus)
14:26:51 [d0ad7ca0] [DDW-421]: Update stakepool tooltip styles (daedalus)
14:28:49 [39433a23] CAD-2069 locli: log analysis (cardano-benchmarking)
14:29:36 [86becdb9] Generate VRF signing key file with owner permissions only (cardano-node)
14:30:39 [61b6dc96] Merge #2257 (cardano-wallet)
14:31:58 [be81909c] fixes (plutus)
14:32:23 [7d3ebd6c] Merge #1968 (cardano-node)
14:33:41 [49a236ab] fixes (plutus)
14:37:14 [9dfd2e7e] [DDW-421]: Update changelog (daedalus)
14:39:02 [b70d2168] Testing reports (cardano-node-tests)
14:41:23 [a6502c1a] remove the RefCell and add test (chain-wallet-libs)
14:45:02 [b37c488f] f939d023cc07952b35a9dde277bca8133c365540 (cardano-wallet)
14:45:03 [29655c55] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
14:48:07 [3e85de42] switch to new ingress config (mantis-ops)
14:56:47 [4ea0aab5] patch "cannot find document variable" for react-native (cardano-crypto.js)
15:00:55 [d0d8704f] SCP-1285 untyped plutus core for benchies (plutus)
15:02:32 [e9e21990] Merge #1990 (cardano-node)
15:06:21 [6c9385da] Add API recommendation to JSON parsing error (plutus)
15:07:27 [f97c86cf] Parametrise eras over the Script type. (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:09:58 [19665052] fix save as issue (plutus)
15:13:48 [f964ce7a] Added committee member keys to voteplanstatus (jormungandr)
15:17:01 [eb00631f] CAD-2069 locli: log analysis (cardano-benchmarking)
15:20:19 [4350799b] [ETCM-211] Tracking of headers/bodies requests that will be ignored due to invalidation (mantis)
15:26:09 [523e90a2] [ETCM-211] Tracking of headers/bodies requests that will be ignored due to invalidation (mantis)
15:33:28 [8bd5e557] Update to latest snapshot (smash)
15:39:39 [f4ce2943] Sign metadata - no tests (cardano-wallet-rb)
15:40:08 [53ed7394] Sign metadata (ikar)
15:44:44 [ffa4fee3] Use qualified module names (smash)
15:47:09 [5066b470] CAD-2069 node & benchmarking: bump & add locli (cardano-ops)
15:49:40 [45794ca3] Batch queries against the live metadata server. (plutus)
15:51:21 [dffb884c] Merge branch 'develop' into etcm-77-checkpoint-syncing (mantis)
15:51:49 [edc88c0d] Trace metrics for lastBlockHash and lastParentBlockHash (cardano-node)
15:51:53 [3019f208] Trace connectedPeers at Critical (cardano-node)
15:55:12 [483aea05] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - fixing tooltip values + jp table headers (daedalus)
15:59:56 [dd541160] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - flow fix (daedalus)
16:01:18 [05cafab1] 61b6dc96767b9503b82376742168e04834f3865b (cardano-wallet)
16:01:19 [4a7f3c6c] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
16:01:50 [935d1cfa] Make committee serde mod private (jormungandr)
16:02:46 [1b4c0b01] update vote test-vector (chain-wallet-libs)
16:03:18 [5cd203da] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - flow fix (daedalus)
16:18:57 [1de765f5] Add stakepools nodes to the priviledge topology. (cardano-ops)
16:19:40 [25c38276] remove println calls (cardano-serialization-lib)
16:22:15 [7dda61b8] Added more generated error codes for plutus-tx (plutus)
16:29:12 [5b0eb05b] [ETCM-126] single actor system in JsonRPController specs (#751) (mantis)
16:32:10 [f39a5e81] CAD-2069 locli: log analysis (cardano-benchmarking)
16:32:33 [168e168c] CAD-2069 node & benchmarking: bump & add locli (cardano-ops)
16:32:43 [67e49282] add generic add input & input fee calc (cardano-serialization-lib)
16:35:04 [ecf01376] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - fixing cost values rendering (daedalus)
16:35:13 [be4ef397] remove println calls (cardano-serialization-lib)
16:35:18 [9540386e] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - fixing cost values rendering (daedalus)
16:35:39 [11dc51ce] add generic add input & input fee calc (#88) (cardano-serialization-lib)
16:38:50 [dd285a7f] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - linter fix (daedalus)
16:41:43 [bd6d8d69] wire cables for arbitrary message signing in the API. (cardano-wallet)
16:41:44 [66ce5894] add endpoint scaffolding plus needed types (cardano-wallet)
16:41:44 [07a2b184] update swagger (cardano-wallet)
16:41:45 [2bce669b] add core unit testing (cardano-wallet)
16:41:46 [09cb03b6] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
16:41:46 [cc5da02f] add impl of getting key hash using cardano-addresses (cardano-wallet)
16:41:47 [fde18ee0] add getWalletKey to api link (cardano-wallet)
16:41:48 [4b6a4f1d] add integration test (cardano-wallet)
16:41:48 [48273b74] extend DSL (cardano-wallet)
16:41:49 [948c67dd] revert cardano-addresses bump. Sticking to last release for now. (cardano-wallet)
16:41:49 [c1c23255] add golden test based on cardano-addresses (cardano-wallet)
16:41:50 [b8a24e1f] generalize public key derivation in the API for all roles. (cardano-wallet)
16:48:43 [8f125a33] fixup! Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
16:54:49 [8a63e339] add missing Flow changes (cardano-serialization-lib)
16:55:28 [3135a16a] 4.1.0 (cardano-serialization-lib)
17:10:33 [d7e44055] [DDW-421]: Update stake pool tooltip question mark svg (daedalus)
17:16:08 [d90b1209] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus into effectfully/builtins/remove-static-built-in-functions (plutus)
17:16:45 [69576846] bump diesel (vit-servicing-station)
17:24:11 [900b8ff6] WIP CAD-1859 bench: topology generator (cardano-ops)
17:30:52 [274e14e8] Merge branch 'develop' into etcm-77-checkpoint-syncing (mantis)
17:34:47 [4ad15b7b] Merge pull request #2625 from danielSanchezQ/rest-voteplans-committee-member-keys (jormungandr)
17:42:40 [5c37997b] bring back custom vault (bitte)
17:43:15 [49a2c740] fix faucet and vault (mantis-ops)
17:54:17 [877a23c5] Add error messages to pin code using tooltip (daedalus)
17:58:03 [c487283b] fix ingress once again (mantis-ops)
18:02:53 [d35f9631] ETCM-240: Filter out invalid relay IPs. (scalanet)
18:05:44 [0cabdab5] WIP CAD-1859 bench: topology generator (cardano-ops)
18:06:15 [704437ff] added bundled for rusqlite (vit-servicing-station)
18:07:57 [51d58c43] [CAD-2088] Resolve paths relative to the config file, not the executable. (smash)
18:09:33 [bc022264] lower rusqlite version (vit-servicing-station)
18:15:44 [c0d9e1b6] Merge pull request #100 from input-output-hk/ksaric/CAD-2088 (smash)
18:16:36 [18c25a45] [ETCM-77] checkpoint sync (#728) (mantis)
18:18:41 [3f257a4e] [DDW-197] Bump WBE to latest master and prepare HW delegation process (daedalus)
18:19:53 [57cae642] Merge pull request #89 from Emurgo/remove-println-calls (cardano-serialization-lib)
18:28:32 [47d27530] remove rustqlite at all (vit-servicing-station)
18:39:29 [6055e255] [DDW-16] Vertically align the tooltip (daedalus)
18:39:38 [4dcaa074] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-16-table-comparison-view-for-stake-pools' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-16-table-comparison-view-for-stake-pools (daedalus)
18:48:27 [cbf7064a] Merge pull request #98 from input-output-hk/fix_conflict_sqlite3_windows (vit-servicing-station)
18:50:56 [2beb5e66] [DDW-16] Run prettier and linters (daedalus)
18:52:08 [0bc7d1ea] Added changes to parameterise TxId and TxIn by the TxBody type they appear in. (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:53:23 [ed3e1a83] [DDW-16] Run translation manager (daedalus)
19:14:17 [b1130ac2] WIP CAD-1859 bench: topology generator (cardano-ops)
19:15:07 [c0ca3846] update Cargo.toml , use master branch in git deps (jormungandr)
19:15:20 [1a534115] adjust after rebase (jormungandr)
19:15:29 [a361e02f] bump jortestkit (jormungandr)
19:27:04 [8337adb1] [DDW-421]: Update stake pool tooltip (daedalus)
19:35:23 [fb78ba54] [ETCM-76] network messages for checkpointing (mantis)
19:35:57 [c85861d9] [DDW-421]: Run translations manager (daedalus)
19:38:08 [1272e227] WIP CAD-1859 bench: topology generator (cardano-ops)
19:42:31 [6e4ae943] Started updating 'plutus-metatheory' (plutus)
20:02:43 [4b26932a] RequireMOf -> RequireSomeOf (cardano-addresses)
20:27:52 [70eb9842] enable chrony! (bitte)
20:29:28 [11a26ef9] Add Flat instances for PLC serialisation. (plutus)
20:34:06 [aa725908] [DDW-16] Change table columns px into % (daedalus)
20:34:16 [efb6f0ab] enable chrony! (bitte)
20:35:09 [7884094f] Fix gen-cabal-nosystemd.hs (cardano-node)
20:35:12 [5fe266a7] WIP (cardano-node)
20:40:17 [6d001e1c] remove unneeded type annotations (cardano-addresses)
20:44:10 [328d08f4] enable openntpd! (bitte)
20:45:29 [f7ce7087] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - missalignment fix (daedalus)
20:46:38 [5079adb0] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-16-table-comparison-view-for-stake-pools' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-16-table-comparison-view-for-stake-pools (daedalus)
20:47:50 [d138196b] WIP CAD-1859 bench: topology generator (cardano-ops)
20:50:01 [6a1ebd16] stop supporting Base58 in json (cardano-addresses)
20:51:59 [3b9e3ca4] [DDW-16] Retirement locale based (daedalus)
20:54:10 [47917a9d] work around amazon image defaults for ntp (bitte)
20:55:09 [adebd56c] wip (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:00:26 [db4263a6] removed arbitrary constraint from ShelleyTest (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:02:10 [af1a230d] wip (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:19:48 [60523a5a] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-16-table-comparison-view-for-stake-pools' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-16-table-comparison-view-for-stake-pools (daedalus)
21:22:29 [7f87c5e7] add wallet-jni functions (chain-wallet-libs)
21:23:18 [1ceef17c] add cordova-android private payload constructor (chain-wallet-libs)
21:24:08 [4a001f97] don't panic when encryption key is invalid (chain-wallet-libs)
21:25:32 [6356f882] update submodule to latest master (chain-wallet-libs)
21:38:57 [b4efec30] [DDW-16] Change the Saturation to be fluid (daedalus)
21:54:47 [a278a3c3] Cleaned up the MaryBody file, it is much simpler now. (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:01:43 [cfe8fcb6] CAD-1859 bench: topology generator (cardano-ops)
22:11:56 [e8225c7d] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
22:15:18 [c08187ff] db: Drop constraint on lovelace database type (cardano-db-sync)
22:15:47 [70d62366] Version 5.0.3 (cardano-db-sync)
22:16:35 [02393f73] Updated 'plutus-metatheory' (plutus)
22:18:10 [e1370dac] Stuff (cardano-node)
22:32:57 [c77a3d23] Updated 'nix' (plutus)
22:33:48 [d0b3f24f] Publish chairman test artifacts (cardano-node)
22:38:03 [93d68189] Update haskell.nix (cardano-node)
22:40:39 [a28595ea] Updated 'nix' (plutus)
22:44:01 [965bcb2f] [DDW-16] Fix taller rows (daedalus)
22:53:43 [6f9fe9c1] Stuff (cardano-node)
22:56:48 [3b5c068a] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-16-table-comparison-view-for-stake-pools' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-16-table-comparison-view-for-stake-pools (daedalus)
22:57:03 [7280fcad] Update updateClientDeps instructions in README.md (plutus)
22:57:03 [21431dd4] Remove bigNumber from JavaScript API interface (plutus)
22:57:03 [6659748a] Change notevil to safe-eval, add support for bigint (plutus)
22:57:03 [35bb4628] Improve error messages in JavaScript (plutus)
22:57:03 [d7264b7b] Add API recommendation to JSON parsing error (plutus)
22:57:03 [e3f196ea] Scp 1308 -> 1309 (#2382) (plutus)
22:57:03 [d295e394] Make better error for when contract is not declared (plutus)
22:57:54 [0bf69ea7] Updated 'nix' (plutus)
23:08:42 [1102dcd0] change ReentrantReadWriteLock behavior (mantis)
23:20:39 [888b8c61] [DDW-16] New attempt for vertically aligned the tooltip (daedalus)
23:22:35 [aa8b24e4] Publish chairman test artifacts (cardano-node)
23:22:45 [36c45b39] [DDW-16] New attempt for vertically aligned the tooltip (daedalus)
23:33:57 [15f1a681] Removed a redundant import (plutus)
23:35:38 [99f4656b] Publish chairman test artifacts (cardano-node)
23:36:27 [1b62c64f] Updated 'marlowe' (plutus)
23:38:03 [810d5c28] Stuff (cardano-node)
23:42:01 [1e5499d9] change test descriptions (mantis)
23:44:21 [43a0c82f] [DDW-16] Tooltip opening on the bottom of the row (daedalus)
23:52:31 [915d5dda] ormolise (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:55:15 [042e0108] db: Improve the way ProtVer is stored in the database (cardano-db-sync)
23:55:39 [d2bcb576] [DDW-16] Prettier and Translation manager (daedalus)