Home / Reports / Nov 19, 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

369 commits had been pushed across 33 repos by 65 authors. There were 77,505 additions and 36,974 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:00:18 [7485ad0b] Stuff (ouroboros-network)
00:01:14 [59cc3e4c] First attempt to connect Ergo connector to Yoroi (yoroi-frontend)
00:17:40 [a2b56f73] Rudimentary diffusion logging (ouroboros-network)
00:47:00 [bbe5b71d] Initial proposal for extended bytestring builtins (SCP-1163) (plutus)
00:57:29 [6189efb2] Clarify stuff about Scott/built-in strings (plutus)
00:59:36 [a6364e48] Tidying up (plutus)
01:01:03 [e0f40ca7] Tidying up (plutus)
01:03:48 [2087f12d] Tidying up (plutus)
01:04:24 [856b72b5] Update dependencies for Allegra/Mary (cardano-db-sync)
01:05:00 [01f468ee] Update dependencies for Allegra/Mary (cardano-db-sync)
01:06:33 [dea2893e] Automatic update for Thu Nov 19 01:06:33 UTC 2020 (stackage.nix)
01:07:28 [62a68743] b3d504ee81c7e196d17ee5b2f3a5b7398d9f06dc (cardano-wallet)
01:07:29 [74c772b1] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
01:09:44 [752403c0] Tidying up (plutus)
01:15:59 [041a2658] Automatic update for Thu Nov 19 01:15:58 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:17:51 [15b45578] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:22:25 [7323752c] Update dependencies for Allegra/Mary (cardano-db-sync)
01:43:00 [6a008877] Update dependencies for Allegra/Mary (cardano-db-sync)
02:13:18 [debffa22] Update dependencies for Allegra/Mary (cardano-db-sync)
02:24:44 [ed33688d] Rudimentary diffusion logging (ouroboros-network)
02:26:08 [00ee6ccb] vitlib: add debug single tx (vit-ops)
02:44:56 [dfd113a2] catalyst-dryrun-pre: update block0.bin (vit-ops)
02:45:00 [950ad043] Diffusion initialization logging. (cardano-node)
02:50:04 [7b195a46] Diffusion initialization logging. (cardano-node)
02:52:06 [e3f08999] Update docs (haskell.nix)
03:02:58 [3c6e2447] Diffusion initialization logging. (cardano-node)
03:15:49 [84fdccf9] Rename `ChimericAccount` to `RewardAccount`. (cardano-wallet)
03:17:28 [77de1d25] Clarify the module comment for `Primitive.Types.Address`. (cardano-wallet)
03:17:35 [31b33746] Add a module comment for `Primitive.Types.Tx`. (cardano-wallet)
03:28:27 [753e3c71] catalyst-dryrun-pre: regenerate block0.bin (vit-ops)
03:35:43 [a7fb620d] Add revision to hackage-package. Default to newest (haskell.nix)
03:48:00 [ff0d9119] Add revision number to source derivation name (haskell.nix)
03:50:57 [be11fc2a] Nix: ghc 8.10.2 is now the default compiler (cardano-db-sync)
04:00:24 [84a830fd] Rudimentary diffusion logging (ouroboros-network)
04:00:36 [be246f6f] Move primitive UTxO types to separate module. (cardano-wallet)
04:02:03 [31029c1f] Add haskell-language-server 0.6.0 (#931) (haskell.nix)
04:04:11 [dc5a86b1] Github actions: Add ghc 8.10.2 (cardano-db-sync)
04:04:35 [01b24e80] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/shell-for-cross (haskell.nix)
04:07:07 [fa6d505a] Rudimentary diffusion logging (ouroboros-network)
04:08:14 [9ec67e26] Diffusion initialization logging. (cardano-node)
04:36:12 [de62878d] Ensure that CBOR serialisation omits unit annotations (SCP-1489) (plutus)
04:45:03 [255e01e3] Do not re-export UTxO-related types from `Primitive.Types`. (cardano-wallet)
04:57:58 [4dd294ec] Diffusion initialization logging. (cardano-node)
04:58:26 [1ecaa4f4] Rename `ChimericAccount` to `RewardAccount`. (cardano-wallet)
04:58:26 [d45ce0ae] Add a module comment for `Primitive.Types.Tx`. (cardano-wallet)
04:58:26 [8518145f] Clarify the module comment for `Primitive.Types.Address`. (cardano-wallet)
04:58:27 [9f64782e] Move primitive UTxO types to separate module. (cardano-wallet)
04:58:27 [4c41b1d1] Do not re-export UTxO-related types from `Primitive.Types`. (cardano-wallet)
05:02:39 [a2ed6cba] Diffusion initialization logging. (cardano-node)
05:29:55 [c9467613] Add a module comment for `Primitive.Types.Tx`. (cardano-wallet)
05:29:55 [e88b7627] Clarify the module comment for `Primitive.Types.Address`. (cardano-wallet)
05:29:55 [515e6881] Rename `ChimericAccount` to `RewardAccount`. (cardano-wallet)
05:29:56 [6433e238] Move primitive UTxO types to separate module. (cardano-wallet)
05:29:56 [1a0773cd] Do not re-export UTxO-related types from `Primitive.Types`. (cardano-wallet)
05:41:18 [c21aabab] Reword `RewardAccount` module comment. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:59 [e3c528bb] Diffusion initialization logging. (cardano-node)
06:01:43 [1a6f0fdb] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
06:08:20 [b9f80eb8] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
06:12:39 [eb4e85f3] Bump pin-project from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 (jormungandr)
06:18:26 [34506d6a] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
06:20:16 [7546b1cb] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
06:26:13 [96b085f9] Diffusion initialization logging. (cardano-node)
06:32:10 [2973c900] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
06:33:36 [def13fce] nix (cardano-db-sync)
06:46:16 [7a07ebd1] Diffusion initialization logging. (cardano-node)
07:06:47 [a11e9ede] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
07:09:11 [3594d7e9] Revert some type names (plutus)
07:19:54 [5d9c869c] nix (cardano-db-sync)
07:46:01 [6b937ebe] WIP: Ledger peers (cardano-node)
07:53:36 [6e8c38e4] Merge pull request #2728 from input-output-hk/clippy (jormungandr)
07:55:20 [73ab500d] expose CorsOrigin struct (jormungandr)
07:55:24 [9e32d81e] nix: Make it possible to get a nix-shell in spec directory (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:55:25 [d7c072bd] add CORS setting handler in configuration (jormungandr)
07:55:26 [75ff92c2] implement cors tests (jormungandr)
07:55:26 [4d53a4d3] implement setting cors in rest client (jormungandr)
07:55:27 [0a58ed6b] clean up (jormungandr)
07:55:27 [403935b4] clean up after rebase (jormungandr)
08:19:14 [bd8cde39] Check that hpack-generated files are up-to-date in CI (cardano-addresses)
08:29:56 [36886718] Integration test: at_least must make sense (cardano-wallet)
08:31:08 [5fbc8beb] Integration test: Delegating addresses API roundtrip (cardano-wallet)
08:31:10 [ae493617] Integration test: at_least must make sense (cardano-wallet)
08:33:15 [2eb0364a] Minor changes to improve clarity (cardano-node)
08:33:21 [5e1120b6] [DDW-192] Adds CHANGELOG (daedalus)
08:34:23 [750042cc] [DDW-192] Improve form fields feedback UX (#2241) (daedalus)
08:38:10 [eabbddb7] Merge #2332 (cardano-wallet)
08:39:46 [dbb0820d] [DDW-391] Merges develop (daedalus)
08:40:00 [401c1d7c] Add revision to hackage-package. Default to newest (#933) (haskell.nix)
08:43:37 [ee50805a] Tidy up "without niv" section (haskell.nix)
08:44:12 [96d4281a] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/shell-for-cross (haskell.nix)
08:54:35 [40d057b3] [ETCM-366] Pr comments (mantis)
08:54:51 [381c5c86] Prefer TypeApplications (ouroboros-network)
09:00:10 [8fe11a58] Nix: ghc 8.10.2 is now the default compiler (cardano-db-sync)
09:01:26 [be7bb9a8] Github actions: Add ghc 8.10.2 (cardano-db-sync)
09:05:19 [817896cc] Merge pull request #94 from input-output-hk/rvl/fix-cabal-version (cardano-addresses)
09:06:22 [ae585df8] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
09:15:07 [14e4ea4e] [DDW-483] Bumps cardano-wallet version (daedalus)
09:15:17 [6864775a] scripts: Rework cardano-node-rev.sh into program-revs.sh (cardano-wallet)
09:15:58 [952aa168] nix: Set GITREV before building cardano-addresses-cli (cardano-wallet)
09:16:33 [4ef399cc] Temporary bump of cardano-addresses to master branch (cardano-wallet)
09:28:08 [4821b5af] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
09:28:21 [61f1df78] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
09:34:45 [762c07e3] Rename `ChimericAccount` to `RewardAccount`. (cardano-wallet)
09:34:48 [1f2717c7] Clarify the module comment for `Primitive.Types.Address`. (cardano-wallet)
09:34:49 [7763950c] Move primitive UTxO types to separate module. (cardano-wallet)
09:34:49 [1656f383] Do not re-export UTxO-related types from `Primitive.Types`. (cardano-wallet)
09:34:49 [f5a1e47f] Add a module comment for `Primitive.Types.Tx`. (cardano-wallet)
09:34:50 [cbf488af] Reformat code to comply with coding standards. (cardano-wallet)
09:34:50 [be092f41] Reword `RewardAccount` module comment. (cardano-wallet)
09:35:34 [7bf7454c] Merge #2335 (cardano-wallet)
09:36:58 [2741757f] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
09:52:59 [ec7e851c] Git-ignoring your local playground config files. (plutus)
09:57:19 [80c58c14] Fixing the gitignore rules for the frontend `generated` directories. (plutus)
09:57:49 [66c20bcf] eabbddb7629b8ab8e29bc4943098d6e2a85dfcbc (cardano-wallet)
09:57:50 [0165c28d] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
09:58:17 [8a48be1a] Kwxm/fix integer division (SCP-1176) (#2459) (plutus)
10:01:38 [eb5593f9] .scalafmt testing on CardanoApi (#36) (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
10:02:06 [0802f4b2] [DDW-483] Fix macOS builds (daedalus)
10:04:17 [eccf820f] Update mantis to the latest develop. (mantis-wallet)
10:06:39 [a6ee7cc6] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
10:10:48 [a94a1f01] bump cachix actions (mantis-ops)
10:20:31 [df1ba2ca] DDW-427 Issues on redeem rewards screen - fixes for fee calculation (daedalus)
10:30:31 [7da0531e] fixup logging (ECIP-Checkpointing)
10:30:49 [06cfeb0a] fixup nodeconfig (ECIP-Checkpointing)
10:31:28 [5898a4e9] fixup realistic (ECIP-Checkpointing)
10:35:22 [c420ee61] stakePoolGetMaintenanceActions (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
10:41:20 [252d816f] fix faucet connection (mantis-ops)
10:49:16 [ea634940] Update to latest dependencies (cardano-node)
10:57:39 [a44188de] post actions (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
10:59:36 [f252c16f] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
11:02:19 [783a50bb] pattern matching (plutus)
11:05:39 [a110c7e4] Merge branch 'develop' into task/PSGS-57-missing-apis-stake-pools (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
11:06:00 [a4bdd043] formatting (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
11:06:41 [ef3f4f89] Removed log file (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
11:08:00 [21eafc9a] Switch to use setup-haskell (ouroboros-network)
11:08:26 [5cf4c75b] removed old comments (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
11:30:40 [5514f871] fix faucet connection for qa-load (mantis-ops)
11:38:20 [4f655ec9] Merge #2335 (cardano-wallet)
11:39:53 [b95cdd52] Fixing some new SCSS variables that were missing from plutus-scb-client. (plutus)
11:40:52 [cca5b1e1] CNCLI ideal slots and luck data + updates to CNTools and gLiveView (#589) (guild-operators)
11:59:44 [22211b4d] Correct era names for Shelley-based eras (ouroboros-network)
11:59:45 [30e1f839] ProtocolInfo: 'sequence' pInfoBlockForging (ouroboros-network)
12:00:27 [5ac96866] Ensure that CBOR serialisation omits unit annotations (SCP-1489) (#2481) (plutus)
12:02:09 [1fd48cb2] Use a single set of credentials for all Shelley-based eras (ouroboros-network)
12:02:10 [409861ca] Swap type argument order of Index (ouroboros-network)
12:02:11 [1a8d9bcd] Add indexed variants of h(c)map and h(c)zipWithX (ouroboros-network)
12:02:12 [99036afa] BlockForging refactor: single forging thread for all eras (ouroboros-network)
12:02:24 [20ec0a80] Merge #2765 (ouroboros-network)
12:15:23 [608b7fa9] Merge pull request #2001 from input-output-hk/rvl/nix-shell-buildLatex (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:23:24 [a84a5fb2] Remove CBOR instances (plutus)
12:23:26 [c2d92133] Everything compiles. (plutus)
12:24:21 [e93f811f] Reformat code to comply with team coding standards. (cardano-wallet)
12:24:32 [e83add3c] Merge pull request #1998 from input-output-hk/jc/softfork-with-major-version (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:25:22 [60180ccd] Merge #2335 (cardano-wallet)
12:26:48 [d188e992] Add tests for Metadata serialisation. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:28:20 [52ffb6fa] Start EKG backend (cardano-wallet)
12:28:51 [668c8d3a] Improve statistics and send messages to EKG as well (cardano-wallet)
12:29:24 [5b1c04e4] Make ports configurable (cardano-wallet)
12:30:40 [102fdb9e] Add EKG/Prometheus URLs to MsgBaseUrl (cardano-wallet)
12:34:17 [85493cae] DDW-431 - Newsfeed shadow fixes - fix for scrollbar (daedalus)
12:34:33 [23115df4] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fix/ddw-431-newsfeed-shadow' into fix/ddw-431-newsfeed-shadow (daedalus)
12:34:38 [b1b7deb3] Rudimentary diffusion logging (ouroboros-network)
12:35:33 [c47792b9] Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into develop (daedalus)
12:35:47 [2accdd2f] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/ddw-431-newsfeed-shadow (daedalus)
12:35:58 [413b0418] Merge pull request #1997 from input-output-hk/uroboros/generalise-shelley-era-prop-tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:36:30 [a7baaae3] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-430-smart-tooltips (daedalus)
12:36:51 [d1af61b2] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-427-issues-on-redeem-rewards-screen (daedalus)
12:37:07 [2c02633a] merge with develop (mantis)
12:39:58 [f703401c] More style corrections (ouroboros-network)
12:43:16 [0e512887] smashUrl: remove trailing /api path (iohk-nix)
12:45:14 [552dcc59] Update to latest dependencies (cardano-node)
12:50:24 [e704c7bc] BlockForging refactor: single forging thread for all eras (ouroboros-network)
12:51:21 [e797c8e8] DDW-430 - Smart tooltips - fixing positioning (daedalus)
13:00:09 [c8751880] Correct era names for Shelley-based eras (ouroboros-network)
13:00:10 [9aa3cb03] ProtocolInfo: 'sequence' pInfoBlockForging (ouroboros-network)
13:00:11 [2194d81d] Use a single set of credentials for all Shelley-based eras (ouroboros-network)
13:00:12 [ac38c8c0] Swap type argument order of Index (ouroboros-network)
13:00:13 [50b2243b] Add indexed variants of h(c)map and h(c)zipWithX (ouroboros-network)
13:00:14 [19fba7e4] BlockForging refactor: single forging thread for all eras (ouroboros-network)
13:11:57 [8461818d] Update haskell-language-server to 0.6.0 (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:13:29 [2d4f4988] DDW-430 - Smart tooltips - fixing focus (daedalus)
13:15:55 [819d0fb5] DDW-430 - Smart tooltips - fixing focus (daedalus)
13:29:16 [f1fe29a7] test(construction-preprocess): transaction size for operations with staking (cardano-rosetta)
13:37:20 [ccc1ba5a] mantis job: wip (mantis-ops)
13:37:20 [622b5a88] docker images: add morpho node docker image (mantis-ops)
13:37:20 [ffa6b4d9] flake: add morpho node related flake. (mantis-ops)
13:38:31 [6609bcfe] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/update-config-testnet-internal (mantis)
13:44:03 [ec12f268] fix checks->taskName (bitte)
13:44:08 [eefca3a2] Merge #2106 (cardano-node)
13:44:52 [63c522c0] Show deposits for fees and transactions (cardano-wallet)
13:45:02 [75af0b9d] WIP: Start discussing genesis (ouroboros-network)
13:47:31 [4f95889d] faucet healthcheck attempt (mantis-ops)
13:48:29 [e05d3e03] Fixed some of the tests. (plutus)
13:51:44 [55f53358] [DDW-483] Bump iohk-nix (daedalus)
13:53:40 [8764f9ef] bump bitte (mantis-ops)
13:53:50 [63cdb2df] qa-load fixes (mantis-ops)
13:54:35 [254798ae] rename indexes to indices (cardano-wallet)
14:02:52 [18e228b4] Add indexed variants of h(c)map and h(c)zipWithX (ouroboros-network)
14:03:28 [9c9d1343] Merge #2335 (cardano-wallet)
14:03:28 [dbd9e484] BlockForging refactor: single forging thread for all eras (ouroboros-network)
14:04:19 [b4d7c135] jcli: allow to provide a custom TLS root certificate for REST API queries (jormungandr)
14:07:40 [8b94c660] Add scheduler & assorted types (plutus)
14:07:53 [c6213b42] * Add new emulator (plutus)
14:11:08 [793196dd] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into etcm-366/consensus-white-listing (mantis)
14:18:31 [057f84ca] [Chore] Update testnet internal configs (#801) (mantis)
14:26:38 [a46731a9] daedalus-installer: remove redundant constraints (daedalus)
14:33:47 [8338a1c2] Merge pull request #2002 from input-output-hk/nc/hls-0.6.0 (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:34:02 [cbe43af3] Generalise Metadata for different eras. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:34:02 [aa8a5ddc] Drop unneeded shelley-ma dependency in tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:35:40 [1a3ca218] generators: add generate-obft-keys generator. (mantis-ops)
14:39:06 [0190af15] jobsets: add morpho node jobset (mantis-ops)
14:39:47 [a21c5c91] flake: add morpho node related flake. (mantis-ops)
14:39:48 [e373f7e9] docker images: add morpho node docker image (mantis-ops)
14:39:48 [3220a385] mantis job: wip (mantis-ops)
14:47:41 [01233e38] refactor(constructionPayloads): replace Number conversion with regex in op validation (cardano-rosetta)
14:48:08 [8db355d0] test(construction-preprocess): transaction size for operations with staking (cardano-rosetta)
15:14:12 [67d301e7] [DDW-483] Bumps cardano-wallet version (#2246) (daedalus)
15:14:24 [2a774200] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-427-issues-on-redeem-rewards-screen (daedalus)
15:20:12 [2d76a4c2] Merge #2330 (cardano-wallet)
15:20:46 [6d0b71b6] doc: update TLS docs with X509 v3 and CA usage (jormungandr)
15:25:00 [a2c0f21f] change package from json rpc client (mantis)
15:27:40 [233174f1] ETCM-393: Expose the lookup methods on DiscoveryService to allow different integration patterns. (scalanet)
15:28:02 [c22edd4f] move some things around; JSON instances (plutus)
15:32:13 [10c22d2a] revert task change (bitte)
15:33:40 [0cf7e5dc] wip (adalite)
15:35:22 [331e9a1d] revert bitte change (mantis-ops)
15:37:06 [2d2523cd] Add flakyBecauseOf hspec helper (cardano-wallet)
15:37:19 [637879eb] Start EKG backend (cardano-wallet)
15:37:32 [d3fdcd6a] Implement EKG statistics (cardano-wallet)
15:38:52 [2c3c4587] Mark TRANS_TTL_{01,02} and STAKE_POOLS_JOIN_05 flaky (cardano-wallet)
15:40:15 [150c4d66] Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into develop (daedalus)
15:40:56 [9851614e] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-430-smart-tooltips (daedalus)
15:41:06 [e9f45747] Use h(c)imap and h(c)izipWithX instead of injections (ouroboros-network)
15:42:19 [f71cb4c7] Add FlakyTests.md manual test (cardano-wallet)
15:42:22 [aa330e26] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/ddw-431-newsfeed-shadow (daedalus)
15:43:50 [9e8a18d2] AccountingStyle -> Role renaming (cardano-wallet)
15:43:55 [c422f063] add isShared (cardano-wallet)
15:43:55 [564a8538] add renameColumnName migration (cardano-wallet)
15:43:55 [eacd7188] extend SeqState and add knownScripts (cardano-wallet)
15:43:56 [8441007f] add property for isShared - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
15:43:56 [ba90bfe0] add rest properties for isShared (cardano-wallet)
15:43:56 [2c3bc2de] add property to isShared - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
15:46:59 [8fd1e696] DDW-430 - Smart tooltips - fixing focus (daedalus)
15:47:38 [397d0bd0] [ETCM-283] Merge resolve + Refactor Fetcher code (mantis)
16:00:12 [d0e80f06] Add FlakyTests.md manual test (cardano-wallet)
16:01:01 [67a30e6a] Merge #2335 (cardano-wallet)
16:03:45 [913cba3d] Adapted mantis usage due to config refactor (mantis-ops)
16:05:35 [5f04a111] Add flakyBecauseOf hspec helper (cardano-wallet)
16:05:35 [ce33c881] Add FlakyTests.md manual test (cardano-wallet)
16:05:35 [aa2fcfd4] Mark TRANS_TTL_{01,02} and STAKE_POOLS_JOIN_05 flaky (cardano-wallet)
16:06:36 [cb1ef43d] Implement EKG statistics (cardano-wallet)
16:07:03 [e9c252e6] Merge pull request #107 from input-output-hk/ETCM-393-expose-lookup (scalanet)
16:07:27 [e48c1443] [ETCM-283] Fix tests (mantis)
16:11:03 [94894673] Show deposits for fees and transactions (cardano-wallet)
16:11:38 [c71c89c0] Add health check (cardano-wallet)
16:12:01 [13b75d30] ETCM-393: Update Scalanet version. (mantis)
16:12:32 [17beac9e] ETCM-393: Made methods private. Moved stash to where it makes sense. (mantis)
16:13:40 [b4056b4e] v0.1.1 release, updated to new ergo-lib (ergo-node-interface)
16:17:19 [fdf87e7c] Add proxy endpoints for health check (cardano-wallet)
16:17:22 [32d9e066] Improve retry logic in metadata thread (cardano-wallet)
16:17:22 [83bc9334] Prettify swagger description of ApiHealthCheck (cardano-wallet)
16:17:22 [421cf8bf] Refactor HealthCheck/HealthStatus types (cardano-wallet)
16:17:22 [5737a430] Fix fetchDelistedPools (cardano-wallet)
16:20:50 [4b0ee395] wip (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:30:29 [7b420124] update cddl with value and multiasset (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:30:38 [53164bca] Adapted mantis usage due to config refactor (mantis-ops)
16:34:08 [b1e46f5e] Added module Test.Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Generator.Scripts (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:34:11 [cc0fb08a] Merge pull request #12 from input-output-hk/adapted-mantis-config-refactor (mantis-ops)
16:41:05 [da8300fa] Implement Metadata for Shelley MA. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:41:16 [61a83d4e] generators: add generate-obft-keys generator. (mantis-ops)
16:41:18 [f4e959eb] jobsets: add morpho node jobset (mantis-ops)
16:41:18 [d56334db] flake: add morpho node related flake. (mantis-ops)
16:41:19 [5467e6c9] mantis job: wip (mantis-ops)
16:41:19 [cd3aaaa3] wip (mantis-ops)
16:41:19 [aa06e8b5] docker images: add morpho node docker image (mantis-ops)
16:41:33 [5621e17d] Add tests for Metadata serialisation. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:41:46 [62142e06] Implement EKG statistics (cardano-wallet)
16:44:59 [fe384eea] bump package (yoroi-frontend)
16:49:11 [77fb2df2] Refactoring: add a record to UnreachableSubcontract (plutus)
16:50:41 [2a493a7c] fix eslint (yoroi-frontend)
16:54:50 [3cf3c006] Move to sigma rust from ergo ts (#1806) (yoroi-frontend)
16:54:54 [96ce97d9] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus into effectfully/evaluation/refac/constants-in-ck (plutus)
16:57:13 [b4bd43f1] keygen: fix allocations secret prefix (mantis-ops)
17:02:23 [fe840aa2] State of 2020-11-19 (ouroboros-high-assurance)
17:04:59 [d993aa22] Bump version to 1.23.0 and update change logs (cardano-node)
17:06:53 [860c2d81] Remove value generator arg in benchmarking (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:09:24 [fe00b5a7] addressed Michele's comments (decentralized-software-updates)
17:10:48 [50935263] [ETCM-283] Fix tests (mantis)
17:14:52 [20477334] Merge pull request #1996 from input-output-hk/jc/cad-2158 (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:16:56 [522a8dd2] --amend (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:19:02 [f338f103] 3.9.0 (yoroi-frontend)
17:22:26 [eed25054] Merge #2107 (cardano-node)
17:22:54 [a6e45f1e] Rename forge to mint (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:25:13 [1c18400f] Bulk export public keys for trezor and mnemonic (adalite)
17:28:37 [7575f903] Do not show the cause of an error when itt's a typed 'Error' (plutus)
17:33:36 [ce793df0] update cddl with value and multiasset (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:41:16 [3e72b276] bestblock: move from graphql to postgresql (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
17:44:56 [51528d0a] AccountingStyle -> Role renaming (cardano-wallet)
17:45:05 [a556c93a] extend SeqState and add knownScripts (cardano-wallet)
17:45:05 [5d2fc1be] add renameColumnName migration (cardano-wallet)
17:45:06 [baab28d6] add isShared (cardano-wallet)
17:45:06 [59349615] add property to isShared - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
17:45:06 [d7cfc3d0] add property for isShared - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
17:45:07 [444bca6d] add rest properties for isShared (cardano-wallet)
18:04:29 [b6db994f] Starting to refactor CSS, redesigning header and footer, and replacing PNG logo with SVG. (plutus)
18:09:41 [e89df363] Allow for scripts in metadata (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:10:50 [afe4d102] code adjustments after rebase (cardano-wallet)
18:22:57 [863b1265] 67a30e6adaa2ff632bec8a3864f3b99b44c1810b (cardano-wallet)
18:22:58 [65dcce3d] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
18:32:49 [403d9731] Wip ledger (adalite)
18:43:14 [07676e5a] Only mark code as unreachable once (plutus)
18:58:34 [283a9fe2] Update install.md (cardano-node)
19:29:05 [6e997610] Do not show the cause of an error when itt's a typed 'Error' (plutus)
19:31:07 [6e8c08e2] Marlowe playground FE: designed the 'new project' modal (plutus)
19:31:47 [d206036b] ETCM-393: Ask for replacement random nodes when a connection is terminated. (mantis)
19:32:42 [54a44875] hasura: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3 (cardano-graphql)
19:35:48 [8b17e040] [Chore] Update nomad testnet configs (mantis)
19:35:57 [88504386] Docker: hasura 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3 (cardano-graphql)
19:50:09 [50e33562] ETCM-393: Filter random nodes for non-local. (mantis)
19:51:47 [b1dd10b5] Add top-level `README.md` (ouroboros-high-assurance)
19:57:59 [5a914507] [ETCM-283] Fix and Refactor tests (mantis)
19:59:35 [1cd80cb2] Merge pull request #221 from input-output-hk/enhancement/top-level-readme (ouroboros-high-assurance)
20:03:40 [0d5db07d] Merge pull request #1994 from input-output-hk/redxaxder/macddl2 (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:11:27 [954f89e8] Improve the wording of `README.md` (ouroboros-high-assurance)
20:13:27 [de841514] add mainnet-catalyst (proposal-ui)
20:16:28 [d1f7604f] Merge pull request #223 from input-output-hk/improvement/readme-wording (fm-ouroboros)
20:24:08 [0a4b94a5] [ETCM-283] Fix and Refactor tests (mantis)
20:27:21 [1a9a377a] Change `main` to `master` in `README.md` (ouroboros-high-assurance)
20:29:35 [060cb9b0] Merge pull request #8 from input-output-hk/mainnet-catalyst (proposal-ui)
20:32:21 [ef937c4d] [ETCM-283] Remove unnecesary lastFullBlockNumber (mantis)
20:37:48 [ee90add3] Merge pull request #225 from input-output-hk/bug/main-branch (ouroboros-high-assurance)
20:38:08 [071356b6] [ETCM-283] Fix it (mantis)
20:40:23 [4e54a104] Merge pull request #1999 from input-output-hk/jc/cddl-tests-with-standard-crypto (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:09:15 [7067d872] add VerificationKeyPool and extend SeqState (cardano-wallet)
21:12:41 [ab4d997e] Test for contract instance state (plutus)
21:17:52 [2208573b] Complete the era renaming in the cardano-api (cardano-node)
21:17:52 [cebbecae] Complete the era renaming in the cardano-cli (cardano-node)
21:17:52 [da29342f] Rename the Byron, Shelley etc types to be clearly eras (cardano-node)
21:19:23 [8a4484a9] added function_name crate (jormungandr)
21:21:01 [2dec5df8] used function_name macro instead of duplicated scenario name (jormungandr)
21:21:33 [e47157f8] exposed internals of scenario results (jormungandr)
21:22:07 [bc66daed] introduced reporter which is capable of printout test events (jormungandr)
21:23:05 [e1fafd24] added console parameter (jormungandr)
21:46:05 [7b960f33] [DDW-197] New Ledger connecting approach (daedalus)
22:04:39 [facf2db1] Misc updates (proposal-ui)
22:14:59 [0ddead7f] cncli leaderlog fix (guild-operators)
22:17:13 [58ee5d68] cncli leaderlog fix (#590) (guild-operators)
22:18:37 [b487f751] Rudimentary diffusion logging (ouroboros-network)
22:19:28 [0236cc7d] Merge pull request #9 from input-output-hk/misc-updates (proposal-ui)
22:28:57 [21beb200] Feat/199 construction payloads staking support (#214) (cardano-rosetta)
22:32:42 [813b168e] added 11-03-2020 meeting notes, changed dir structure and naming (CIPs)
22:32:42 [6cdb7f01] Update README.md (CIPs)
22:32:42 [5ab04755] Update README.md (CIPs)
22:32:42 [c65f3fe8] added CIP10 changes to dir changes (CIPs)
22:33:11 [4ef7ae8b] fix the min-ada calculation (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:37:05 [5d7aa2eb] Upgrade to network- (ouroboros-network)
22:48:50 [73b933f4] Rudimentary diffusion logging (ouroboros-network)
22:57:42 [b818f8e7] Restructure Github Actions (ouroboros-network)
23:06:20 [459d9a4c] Drop unneeded shelley-ma dependency in tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:06:20 [8e532a9d] Generalise Metadata for different eras. (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:10:14 [52d2860a] Add tests for Metadata serialisation. (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:10:14 [1a00dbf3] Implement Metadata for Shelley MA. (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:16:28 [a9de3493] progress for interleaved unsaturated builtins (plutus)
23:39:29 [0ad1e1b8] Restructure Github Actions (ouroboros-network)
23:39:39 [d27146b0] DDW-430 - Smart tooltips - fixing minWidth (daedalus)
23:49:26 [b41b0910] Do not show the cause of an error when itt's a typed 'Error' (plutus)
23:50:39 [4251f795] DDW-431 - Newsfeed shadow fixes - fix for padding (daedalus)
23:53:30 [9cb02eeb] DDW-431 - Newsfeed shadow fixes - fix for padding (daedalus)
23:53:49 [0375fed3] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fix/ddw-431-newsfeed-shadow' into fix/ddw-431-newsfeed-shadow (daedalus)
23:58:23 [453d09cd] DDW-427 Issues on redeem rewards screen - increasing wallet balance to amount change (daedalus)