Home / Reports / Apr 6, 2021

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

599 commits had been pushed across 45 repos by 78 authors. There were 337,419 additions and 294,064 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:27:12 [4cf0e06f] fix link (cardano-js-sdk)
00:41:01 [afdb87cc] Bump deps to get slot-to-time conversion in EpochInfo (ouroboros-network)
01:02:26 [0a299af5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:03:04 [fc8f5263] Automatic update for Tue Apr 6 01:03:04 UTC 2021 (stackage.nix)
01:12:39 [3db0e9f8] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
01:12:54 [e3d7a4bf] Automatic update for Tue Apr 6 01:12:53 UTC 2021 (hackage.nix)
01:14:30 [11ac089c] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:26:30 [56ceec41] Fork at support for more eras (cardano-node)
02:02:23 [6453d1c5] Move stuff (cardano-wallet)
02:05:14 [516c1456] HasUpdateState typeclass (cardano-ledger-specs)
02:41:43 [7883bd41] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:54:59 [341a2c04] Worker registry: Use MonadUnliftIO, adjust cleanup slightly (cardano-wallet)
02:55:02 [fe7e7fb8] Add instance MonadUnliftIO (ExceptT e m) to Compat module (cardano-wallet)
02:55:03 [db86b652] Use MonadUnliftIO for withDatabase (cardano-wallet)
03:07:28 [5f20c7cb] Revise worker error handling (cardano-wallet)
03:07:32 [50476981] Make LiftHandler weigh less (cardano-wallet)
03:28:29 [15773c22] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:56:24 [1dfb2ee2] Move more stuff. (cardano-wallet)
04:04:22 [17ad8848] Merge fixes and better error handling (cardano-wallet)
04:10:33 [a7ac73a5] More organization. (cardano-wallet)
04:28:37 [f76eccce] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:26:17 [c925b750] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:41:56 [b592df9f] swagger.yaml: Add note about external tx retrying (cardano-wallet)
05:41:57 [7c898c24] Add LocalTxSubmissionStatus type (cardano-wallet)
05:41:58 [e378ac29] DBLayer for pending LocalTxSubmissions (cardano-wallet)
05:41:59 [cf071f68] Add runLocalTxSubmissionPool (cardano-wallet)
05:42:00 [d748d512] Update sqlite queries (cardano-wallet)
05:42:00 [4ac4a051] Add pruning of local tx submission pool (cardano-wallet)
05:42:01 [6b4ab5ce] Add NFData instances for Wallet DB Model (cardano-wallet)
05:42:02 [b6ec1dbb] Update DB Model (cardano-wallet)
05:42:03 [73474497] Add local tx submission methods to MVar DB (cardano-wallet)
05:44:29 [a30bbeea] Stuff (cardano-node)
05:46:29 [44994228] fix: disable CORS in Hasura graphql-engine (cardano-graphql)
06:13:40 [d3f97f6e] deploy: 55f174b32095e4264e0c75344caf34f4207a4e58 (cardano-addresses)
06:26:41 [98b26ee6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:27:03 [6a4895e9] Add reward withdrawals. (cardano-wallet)
06:55:00 [5049bc3c] Make inputs and outputs non-empty. (cardano-wallet)
07:02:14 [66925416] [ETCM-631] Create peerId from node's public key (mantis)
07:03:35 [54e36600] Add makefiles for unix and windows (docs-cardano-org)
07:09:43 [521f6e4a] WIP CAD-2839 supervisord | ctl: cluster control tool (cardano-node)
07:13:25 [88f3bf32] add missing range (vit-testing)
07:16:43 [337e0502] fixed threshold & update snapshot (vit-testing)
07:19:11 [dd7c4a50] Merge pull request #451 from input-output-hk/fix/disable-cors-in-hasura (cardano-graphql)
07:19:17 [f2ecf06a] Use main sphinx_rtd_theme instead of fork (docs-cardano-org)
07:22:09 [f096c63e] chore(deps): bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 in /docs (cardano-graphql)
07:24:35 [f9d16754] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:26:17 [81e76074] chore(deps): bump react-dev-utils from 10.2.1 to 11.0.4 in /docs (cardano-graphql)
07:26:21 [52f8ec24] chore(deps): bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 in /docs (cardano-graphql)
07:27:36 [acf57437] chore(deps): bump y18n from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 (cardano-graphql)
07:41:00 [1605de60] PAB haddocks (plutus)
07:46:24 [674b8d97] Add documentation (metadata-server)
07:48:53 [7cf9d69d] Make Maturity Date optional for yearFraction (plutus)
08:10:53 [28cf0cea] Add finalize function. (cardano-wallet)
08:17:43 [abf932d9] Fix currentSize calculation. (cardano-wallet)
08:19:10 [48f7d5f9] Blocks served metrics (ouroboros-network)
08:19:23 [f74f9860] mainnet: more dual instances relays (cardano-ops)
08:22:26 [66cae85b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:28:38 [8071ad9a] fix typo (cardano-ops)
08:30:04 [994a850b] fix typo (cardano-ops)
08:36:23 [7a9a3648] Add documentation (metadata-server)
08:52:56 [3f4dbcc5] Merge #2253 (cardano-node)
09:02:02 [7a0b7044] Merge pull request #5 from input-output-hk/readme-update (plutus-starter)
09:06:35 [7611aaf1] morph: update ports/enable tutorial/api (plutus)
09:06:35 [240f366b] deployment-shell: change health-checks exectuion (plutus)
09:06:35 [c11aabf9] new morph config: reduce duplication (plutus)
09:06:35 [c3d3e75b] new morph config: enable marlowe dashboard (plutus)
09:06:35 [d31eea1f] morph: Switch to refactored setup (plutus)
09:06:35 [f333974f] new morph config: webghc (plutus)
09:06:35 [f222d2a3] new morph config: playgrounds (plutus)
09:06:35 [1d888d53] new morph config: enable tutorials/api docs (plutus)
09:06:35 [c31789b2] playgrounds: deploy and read secrets (plutus)
09:10:28 [17e162d6] Merge pull request #397 from input-output-hk/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/docs/ini-1.3.8 (cardano-graphql)
09:15:04 [8d882080] attempt to fix the nomad token reload issue (bitte)
09:15:16 [c7830c51] sendalerts typo fix (guild-operators)
09:15:51 [eab63adf] pretty print instead of verbose (plutus)
09:15:51 [fce66f32] golden tests; def instead of default... (plutus)
09:15:51 [5ab50ef2] add port of Lars' trace-running code (plutus)
09:20:29 [ef861a64] SCP-2046 marlowe-pab WIP (plutus)
09:22:57 [efd8ff69] More haddocks (plutus)
09:22:57 [2861cb1c] Fixing out of date AjaxUtils. (plutus)
09:22:57 [07ab37c0] Updating websocket types. (plutus)
09:22:57 [d7ce12a0] WIP repair plutus-pab-client (plutus)
09:22:57 [6101c74f] WIP: integrating the API. (plutus)
09:22:57 [196d7ce6] Some work on capabilities. (plutus)
09:22:58 [41fd95fe] More work on types and capabilities. (plutus)
09:22:58 [ab9648b7] Ongoing work on type matching. (plutus)
09:22:58 [d45c8c65] Fixing a purty formatting wrinkle. (plutus)
09:23:35 [2759c46b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:25:40 [58f6ce80] fragment pool: fix clippy warnings (jormungandr)
09:27:47 [b4066df0] sendalerts typo fix (#876) (guild-operators)
09:29:38 [bb211a1a] github-actions: Execute on linux only (plutus)
09:31:31 [6fc4d93d] Dbsync 9, cardano-graphql 4 and explorer-app 1.5.0 (cardano-ops)
09:34:03 [baed5d69] Added Counters to ConnectionManager and PeerSelection Trace Counters (cardano-node)
09:44:12 [da949cfe] determinism of eval ctx style reduction (plutus)
09:45:46 [f26d8c75] feat(upgrade): Update to mary protocol version (#61) (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
09:46:42 [6771caa3] Merge pull request #2939 from input-output-hk/morph-refactor (plutus)
10:01:18 [5bf1570e] Update cardano-cli (cardano-node)
10:01:20 [e9a0b520] Update cardano-cli tests (cardano-node)
10:02:59 [7e90e8fd] Haddocks (plutus)
10:09:40 [8a9f2e3a] github-actions: Execute on linux only (#2945) (plutus)
10:11:33 [409ee09c] opening comments on experimental file (plutus)
10:16:48 [beb097e2] Update README.md (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
10:17:49 [87abef25] Bump-up version to 0.2.3 (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
10:21:06 [72e53ea8] Update mantis and morpho to derived-json-conversions branch (mantis-ops)
10:23:21 [8976c843] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:25:23 [18134849] chore(release): Bump-up version to 0.2.3 (#65) (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
10:33:40 [3031e0d0] Introduce SegWit and TxInBlock. (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:44:48 [75dd9fc7] Merge branch 'master' into ci-test-examples-agains-cardano-node (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
10:46:18 [582569ea] minor details (yoroi-mobile)
10:53:51 [f76e944b] fix: move graphql-engine option under serve command (cardano-graphql)
10:55:20 [f852b297] WIP (cardano-node)
10:55:30 [3ad51549] Typo fix (adalite)
10:57:22 [36813a0f] Fixing Marlowe dashboard types. (plutus)
11:10:23 [66c1d303] Add serialization tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:15:27 [f0c738a1] marlowe-dashboard-client: provide contracts.json (plutus)
11:18:59 [d3a2de66] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:19:07 [43d691b7] Further review fixes (adalite)
11:19:25 [02f2ee5c] waiting (plutus)
11:20:40 [57c27d16] Merge pull request #2217 from input-output-hk/davide/cbor_Config (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:21:34 [ea18c295] Fix inspectAddress spending_key_hash_bech32 (cardano-addresses)
11:26:30 [4244acdd] Add db state machine tests for new methods (cardano-wallet)
11:27:56 [768b17d8] Rearrange specs in SqliteSpec (cardano-wallet)
11:36:47 [7db9609d] align the rest code (cardano-wallet)
11:39:13 [ac7efd3a] marlowe-dashboard-client: provide contracts.json (plutus)
11:42:58 [f1ed41c4] WIP (plutus)
11:43:45 [a2cc62cc] Fix typo in paragraph on recursive types (fix->ifix) (plutus)
11:43:46 [de5b77b1] Update PLC specification with new builtins etc (plutus)
11:44:04 [4105133a] Merge branch 'kwxm/update-plc-spec-Mar-2021' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into kwxm/update-plc-spec-Mar-2021 (plutus)
11:49:28 [ed66b5ab] Simplify `force . delay` in UPLC (plutus)
11:50:59 [1a4af75d] [ETCM-746] Add support for keccak-256 (mantis)
11:56:54 [31fa230b] Fix playground server tests (plutus)
12:09:53 [3f188fdb] [ETCM-631] Try to fix flaky it test (mantis)
12:10:10 [c274ce3d] Modify on-disk policy by introducing RequestedSnapshotInterval (ouroboros-network)
12:10:14 [fa2bc883] Move Orphan arbitrary instances to separate module (ouroboros-network)
12:10:48 [22da954b] Add tests for the default DiskPolicy (ouroboros-network)
12:12:36 [2f7452f7] add some validators (cardano-serialization-lib)
12:14:32 [94563fd2] fix: tooltip position on small screen size (cardano-explorer-app)
12:21:36 [2da630d4] Add warning about unsaturated builtins (plutus)
12:22:33 [47aa62c7] update plutus pioneer program content (testnets-cardano-org)
12:22:47 [1b8159f6] correct purpose differentiation between Icarus and Shelley (cardano-wallet)
12:23:39 [56bdb38c] Add warning about unsaturated builtins (plutus)
12:27:01 [acfe8e2a] Add warning about unsaturated builtins (plutus)
12:29:02 [927e40d2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:31:17 [e23f54fc] Add tests for the default DiskPolicy (ouroboros-network)
12:38:00 [359f23ad] blackbox exporter config helper + externalize extra blackbox modules (ops-lib)
12:41:37 [ed1d91be] Use mkBlackboxScrapeConfig from ops-lib + explorer module (cardano-ops)
12:45:01 [0af525c2] lemma51 and progress for stack style reduction (plutus)
12:49:17 [0d9279af] Further fixes 2 (adalite)
12:50:24 [9a77a6b0] Update shelley-ma to use SupportsSegWit. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:52:48 [3179c408] Added export of PeerSelectionCounters (ouroboros-network)
12:52:54 [6778f7b2] Plutus.PAB.Core.ContractInstance and Plutus.PAB.Effects.Contract (plutus)
12:52:54 [d6e60fe4] Update some modules (plutus)
12:52:54 [f8209280] Start working on new simulator (plutus)
12:52:54 [4363a245] WIP new contract effects (plutus)
12:52:54 [2b332ed0] Chain and NodeClient effects (plutus)
12:52:54 [f29707f8] WIP (plutus)
12:52:54 [2011fe18] Start cutting down the eventful stuff (plutus)
12:52:54 [91e286fa] Delete ContractInstanceState t type (plutus)
12:52:54 [1f7edd25] Chain index effect (plutus)
12:52:54 [854982c1] WIP (plutus)
12:52:54 [1518db33] Better abstraction (plutus)
12:52:54 [4e3af3dd] Delete RandomTxEffect (plutus)
12:52:54 [a7861262] Control effects (plutus)
12:52:54 [7c996735] Sort out all errors; still need to implement a few bits (plutus)
12:52:54 [f25bf92d] SCP-1897: STM-based version of process contract outboxes (plutus)
12:52:54 [b208bff4] WIP event reorg (plutus)
12:52:54 [9f233d4b] WIP PAB (plutus)
12:52:54 [c2b1ebb3] Cleanup (plutus)
12:52:54 [44348eb8] Deactivate Metadata stuff for now (plutus)
12:52:54 [70ca244e] Add wallet effect (plutus)
12:53:01 [d1d00249] Update expected fees now that ttl is not specified (cardano-node-tests)
12:53:58 [38c74b8c] Tweaks for waiting for new epoch (cardano-node-tests)
12:54:51 [bace11ca] set minUTxOValue to 1 (cardano-node-tests)
12:56:13 [488fb444] Fix tests to work with minUTxOValue = 1 (cardano-node-tests)
13:04:59 [d434cf6c] Merge pull request #330 from input-output-hk/feat/use-account_identifier-instead_of-address (cardano-rosetta)
13:06:24 [780c4e41] Finish new implementation of PAB.Core (plutus)
13:06:24 [cd0bbdb7] Reworking PAB.Simulator (plutus)
13:06:24 [9fe9158d] Start implementing web server (plutus)
13:06:24 [d12ae33a] server (plutus)
13:06:24 [4ea179a0] WIP (plutus)
13:06:24 [83838a6a] Move some types around; add handlers in PAB.Core (plutus)
13:06:24 [5d87708d] Add ContractRuntime, UUID, Reader InstancesState (plutus)
13:06:24 [f6b6aa1f] Reader BlockchainEnv (plutus)
13:06:24 [9db5b88c] Print log messages to console (plutus)
13:06:24 [289dbfe6] Call endpoints (plutus)
13:06:24 [6a73b6e2] Start porting activateContract to PAB.Core (plutus)
13:06:24 [16d961da] WIP handle agent thread (plutus)
13:06:24 [52d7fb9c] Improve demo (plutus)
13:06:24 [f26e6e14] Tidy up core module (plutus)
13:06:24 [9112f5f2] server handler (plutus)
13:06:24 [a4b3df3f] Fix simulation; wait for a number of things (plutus)
13:06:24 [2e3fc27d] Basic payments work (plutus)
13:06:24 [a16b6335] Activate contract (plutus)
13:06:24 [85e35353] Instance state, better logging (plutus)
13:06:24 [d04c38ca] Fix tests (plutus)
13:06:24 [fef4a9c3] Webserver fully operational (plutus)
13:06:24 [b16a69f3] Implement PAB.Core, PAB.Simulator (plutus)
13:06:24 [f81462c7] Fix AwaitTxConfirmed (plutus)
13:06:24 [37d7baf9] Boo-yah (plutus)
13:06:24 [24174a63] Implement most of the handlers (plutus)
13:06:24 [f9ac1ba0] Tidy up simulator exports (plutus)
13:06:25 [9a6e1c13] Fixup Plutus.PAB.App (plutus)
13:06:25 [6596efc1] Delete WalletInfo type (plutus)
13:06:25 [2ece818e] Reusable simulator handler (plutus)
13:06:25 [d802cf60] Update nix (plutus)
13:06:25 [18b414a5] Chain index start watching addresses of newly created wallets (plutus)
13:06:25 [460fd418] Start updating plutus-pab-client (plutus)
13:06:25 [9736f319] Warnings (plutus)
13:06:25 [f0076829] Add total-funds route (plutus)
13:06:25 [ececbd0b] WIP wallet server (plutus)
13:06:25 [48053331] Fix CLI (plutus)
13:06:25 [0e080c95] PAB Core Server (plutus)
13:06:25 [6ec0c36b] Types for instructions sent to server (plutus)
13:06:25 [9763437d] Provisional websockets implementation (plutus)
13:06:25 [ad3e844e] Improve builtin contract support for PAB (plutus)
13:06:25 [ca533014] delete old imports (plutus)
13:06:25 [75e5d7f1] Move some types around (plutus)
13:06:25 [26c29d7b] Add wallet API proxy (plutus)
13:06:25 [500cc9f8] Add 'Payment' to generated PS (plutus)
13:06:25 [20269266] Repair tests (plutus)
13:06:25 [69c8223e] Add export (plutus)
13:06:25 [89aa4739] Fix stylish haskell (plutus)
13:06:25 [1bacf25b] Types (plutus)
13:06:25 [adaa2347] Webserver runs until input received from stdin (plutus)
13:06:25 [aa8d5f78] Repair CLI (plutus)
13:06:25 [635cd565] Change wallet and PAB API routs to use raw / unwrapped types (plutus)
13:06:25 [31450ff0] Remove use of partial function decodeUtf8 (plutus)
13:06:25 [a10dd003] Update PS generated API (plutus)
13:06:25 [b253d401] typos (plutus)
13:06:25 [3ea3e658] Webserver updates (plutus)
13:06:25 [40693d33] Websocket sends slot updates (plutus)
13:06:25 [3d6fa77b] Start server (plutus)
13:06:25 [3d985cb4] Fix compilation, still some stuff undefined (plutus)
13:06:25 [61355cdd] Delete WebSocket effect (plutus)
13:06:25 [e9c76de5] Include WalletProxy in generated API (plutus)
13:06:25 [30d77c2e] Some TODOs (plutus)
13:06:25 [63b8d3ae] CLI runs psgenerator and simulator (plutus)
13:06:25 [298d810c] make compile; warnings (plutus)
13:06:25 [8c302ce4] Wallet API proxy in simulator (plutus)
13:06:25 [0ceb3e03] Fix socket not found error (plutus)
13:06:25 [1f40dc41] PS: ContractExe import (plutus)
13:06:25 [39d17499] Update PAB architecture (plutus)
13:06:25 [e1f6bf38] PS: Delete ContractEvent import (plutus)
13:06:25 [4c4443b8] Update nix (plutus)
13:06:25 [bf020daa] WIP Fixing wallet (plutus)
13:06:25 [e233a9c8] Warnings (plutus)
13:06:25 [b9c5e027] Instances by wallet ID (plutus)
13:06:26 [cc19a282] Fixing Marlowe dashboard types. (plutus)
13:06:26 [fe54d06a] Fix some errors until I got stuck (plutus)
13:06:26 [254bbd3e] Haddocks (plutus)
13:06:26 [f75d8ecb] Fix psgenerator (plutus)
13:06:26 [d6ebdb73] Parameterising walletId type in NewAPI. (plutus)
13:06:26 [4e60ea2e] More haddocks (plutus)
13:06:26 [c86a9afb] Error if trying to use state of a non-existing wallet (plutus)
13:06:26 [698a9b21] Castrating the PAB client so that it compiles and commenting out the tests. (plutus)
13:06:26 [916f958f] PAB haddocks (plutus)
13:06:26 [bcc0d33e] Change wallet ID to text in wallet API (plutus)
13:06:47 [fc4b40f9] Rename metadata to auxiliary data (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:06:55 [d8139be0] update y18n package (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:06:56 [5919119e] Upload failed logs on CircleCI (jormungandr)
13:07:42 [04ec3462] Update logs dir and retention policy (jormungandr)
13:09:00 [0196c178] fix: revert unnecessary changes (cardano-explorer-app)
13:11:56 [78aca3ba] Merge pull request #66 from input-output-hk/blackbox (ops-lib)
13:12:34 [356abe14] Remove extra whitespace (cardano-base)
13:12:34 [54303bde] Add serialization tests for UTCTime (cardano-base)
13:16:43 [65bee6fb] Added export of ConnectionManagerCounters (ouroboros-network)
13:17:06 [ee073261] feat: adding exemption types to network options endpoint (cardano-rosetta)
13:17:12 [8895a68e] Bump y18n from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:18:34 [2a97315f] [ci skip] Docs for v3.0.0 (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:21:03 [ff6dda75] reverse order of logger config until fix is provided (jormungandr)
13:21:26 [d9cd8271] Use mkBlackboxScrapeConfig from ops-lib + explorer module (cardano-ops)
13:21:31 [1a200542] add duplicated bft secrets test (jormungandr)
13:22:54 [32b13240] Merge pull request #364 from input-output-hk/explorer-resize (cardano-ops)
13:27:29 [3a903386] Dbsync 9, cardano-graphql 4 and explorer-app 1.5.0 (cardano-ops)
13:27:35 [fdf453ac] Add test_transfer_no_ada (cardano-node-tests)
13:27:44 [be4a6c29] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:30:02 [07a8b0ee] Delegation screen refactor (adalite)
13:30:18 [3c33f7e2] Rename metadata to auxiliary data (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:30:40 [42502e6a] Make compile (plutus)
13:33:09 [20261d48] updated deployment stuff (vit-testing)
13:34:16 [c8b2797b] Add tests for the default DiskPolicy (ouroboros-network)
13:34:45 [fffdde89] Merge pull request #431 from mkoura/min_ada_tokens (cardano-node-tests)
13:36:15 [01185c3c] updade deps (vit-testing)
13:36:41 [bc40016d] updade deps (vit-testing)
13:37:26 [4be9b3ef] CAD-2765: Mux demo, benchmark mode. (cardano-node)
13:37:26 [44bef0b6] CAD-2765: Mux demo, disconnect test. (cardano-node)
13:37:26 [dc53d80e] CAD-2765: Mux demo. (cardano-node)
13:37:26 [ed3d3141] CAD-2765: trace-forward, prototype. (cardano-node)
13:39:15 [7171e77c] Merge pull request #554 from cardano-foundation/ppp-update (testnets-cardano-org)
13:39:54 [9d893d13] Another attempt at updating the PLC specification (plutus)
13:40:54 [f303890d] compiler warning (plutus)
13:41:36 [c4605aa1] Merge pull request #3191 from input-output-hk/v1_endpoint_tets (jormungandr)
13:43:07 [a3414f56] add option to get public key from bech32 (jormungandr)
13:47:57 [baef6c49] Rename metadata to auxiliary data (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:49:20 [606582a4] Wanted (cardano-node)
13:49:25 [c20230e6] To Separate (cardano-node)
13:50:30 [bd7d7534] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
13:51:20 [f740fab6] add check for derivation path into listAddress integration tests (cardano-wallet)
13:51:23 [0156de59] terraform: add tobias to alpha (plutus)
13:51:30 [627ce736] Define security policy (SECURITY.md) (cardano-node)
13:52:26 [9f768aab] Add 'postman_send_transaction_example.yml' workflow file (cardano-rosetta)
13:55:19 [bc529a51] move to using default consul tokens (vit-ops)
13:55:34 [959dadfc] give db-sync 9GiB of memory (vit-ops)
13:56:00 [01f58397] Delegation screen refactor (adalite)
13:57:23 [57e9e952] Add 'postman_send_transaction_example.yml' workflow file (cardano-rosetta)
13:58:01 [c4382c7c] Merge pull request #555 from cardano-foundation/staging (testnets-cardano-org)
13:58:26 [16df305e] Enforce consistent indentation of two spaces (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:58:56 [0964413f] Simplify `force . delay` in UPLC (plutus)
13:59:00 [4b4c8664] Merge pull request #210 from input-output-hk/davide/cbor_UTCTime (cardano-base)
14:03:05 [77a9ece7] Adjust number of active peers based on fetchmode (ouroboros-network)
14:03:27 [9f992c1f] deployment: cleanup (plutus)
14:07:06 [67bfa338] To separate (cardano-node)
14:07:29 [2ba1b701] test: add test cases for account coins endpoint (cardano-rosetta)
14:09:27 [48b8d14d] Fixed compilation errors and added necessary instances to the counters (cardano-node)
14:13:01 [16cf1582] Fix unit tests (ECIP-Checkpointing)
14:15:50 [92327dd7] Merge pull request #358 from input-output-hk/cardano-db-sync-9 (cardano-ops)
14:16:19 [4a814b02] - Add global and topology files for the priviledge prototype deployment. (cardano-ops)
14:16:19 [50c95fda] Add several recipes. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:20 [b50dde91] Add instructions on how to configure logging, and query UTxO. (cardano-ops)
14:16:21 [e5d1fee4] Add stakepools nodes to the priviledge topology. (cardano-ops)
14:16:22 [f43186f3] Document how to send a transaction on the testnet. (cardano-ops)
14:16:23 [8f9f7ac0] - Create a script to automate the process of creating a stakepool. (cardano-ops)
14:16:24 [8f336dad] Add script to create a stakepool (WIP). (cardano-ops)
14:16:25 [e3d8e46f] Add commands in the script to successfully register a stake-pool. (cardano-ops)
14:16:26 [e586f444] Start drafting the test script to submit an update proposal. (cardano-ops)
14:16:26 [ce46e691] WIP: try to deploy a testnet with 1 BFT node and 1 pool node. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:27 [8d7c29c5] WIP: discriminate key creation for BFT and pool nodes. (cardano-ops)
14:16:28 [619e0d95] Disable acme. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:29 [0d3fa6ed] Fix errors in the deployment. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:30 [0d186411] First working version of update proposal submission. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:31 [76e45116] Create a script to register a stakepool. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:32 [cb8959d3] WIP: add a test script to execute the decentralized updates test. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:33 [0c567c19] Make the stakepool registration script work. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:33 [c27dbb50] Copy the keys at deployment time. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:34 [0c8e82bc] Wait till the network start to run the test scripts. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:35 [dd1e990d] Remove debug statements. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:36 [fbdcb51c] Update cardano-node version. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:37 [686a6b78] Fix stake pool stake delegation. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:38 [04dd50e4] Test with three nodes. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:39 [b15c43dc] Remove the shell specification from the test script. (cardano-ops)
14:16:40 [88303a68] Move the information about the testnet example to a readme. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:41 [9ea20ca8] Re-organize the README sections. (cardano-ops)
14:16:41 [37f10d6a] Remove tmp file added by mistake. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:42 [b7d74d3b] Create the `scripts/create-shelley-genesis-and-keys.sh`. This will be tested in the AWS environment. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:43 [ae960b0b] Copy the string that defined the `create-shelley-genesis-and-keys` to a (cardano-ops)
14:16:44 [fd601036] Replaced `create-shelley-genesis-and-keys` and `renew-kes-keys` scripts in the (cardano-ops)
14:16:45 [15499618] Make the topology declaration more robust on how node id's are assigned. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:46 [5a575bd5] Move the test scripts to the 'examples' directory. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:47 [141d4125] Cleanup the priviledge specific nix files. (cardano-ops)
14:16:48 [d46be77d] Remove Priviledge name from the example. [skip ci] (cardano-ops)
14:16:48 [97f1db4e] Address the TODO in the readme. (cardano-ops)
14:17:15 [6349b5e2] use isValidDerivationPath from DSL also in CoinSelection tests (cardano-wallet)
14:20:08 [c004ec18] Fixes (cardano-ops)
14:20:16 [c9df641c] Simplify `force . delay` in UPLC (plutus)
14:20:46 [be7c7ecc] fix node.memory to libvirtd (cardano-ops)
14:20:48 [94c9de4b] Make static files optionals (cardano-ops)
14:20:49 [a8f59e02] Add useful env variables to machine running cardano-node. (cardano-ops)
14:20:50 [221b17e3] Fix environmentVariables (cardano-ops)
14:20:51 [14c5c88f] toString GENESIS_PATH (cardano-ops)
14:20:52 [6137a792] Fix nodeId in key paths (cardano-ops)
14:20:53 [3cb70b94] Fix link target (cardano-ops)
14:20:54 [fecc6429] Set network env variables using mainnet if genesis.json not created yet. (cardano-ops)
14:20:55 [f80dd9d2] Remove unnecessary file 'sandbox.sh' (cardano-ops)
14:20:55 [feb09373] Allow individual override of env variables (cardano-ops)
14:21:02 [cc8606a4] Wanted (cardano-node)
14:21:46 [de719660] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:22:38 [810eb386] Add mantis-staging back (mantis-ops)
14:24:27 [3f53019f] To separate (cardano-node)
14:25:13 [387f8846] feat: adding exemption types to network options endpoint (cardano-rosetta)
14:33:25 [9af9aa7a] Delegation screen refactor (#915) (adalite)
14:47:09 [1552b804] ReadMe-Update for 1.26.1 (scripts)
14:47:30 [cfe5905b] Update for 1.26.1 (scripts)
14:48:34 [41c04ab2] moving the Game example to plutus-starter; minor cleanup (plutus)
14:48:55 [635bdd81] Add 'postman_send_transaction_example.yml' workflow file (cardano-rosetta)
14:52:29 [a3560bf9] execute job on fail only (jormungandr)
14:52:50 [8df0a565] add toolchain name to artifact name (jormungandr)
14:52:50 [10ac4eaa] Simplify `force . delay` in UPLC (plutus)
14:57:22 [6b3eaff0] android part (yoroi-mobile)
14:57:24 [3da316af] fix constraints in core unit tests (cardano-wallet)
14:58:40 [ba27b91f] Add two cli commands to enable the creation of MIR transfer certificates (cardano-node)
15:06:47 [5bcfc61d] Wanted (cardano-node)
15:06:59 [5fa82b35] Add 'postman_send_transaction_example.yml' workflow file (cardano-rosetta)
15:06:59 [429b1ee2] to sep (cardano-node)
15:14:10 [86bb4f26] CAD-2765: no warns. (cardano-node)
15:19:56 [27312c96] feat: add accountCoins to account-controller (cardano-rosetta)
15:19:57 [4abb0a83] test: create tests for account coins (cardano-rosetta)
15:19:58 [41b3dad5] feat: handle currencies field for accountCoins request (cardano-rosetta)
15:19:59 [43250bc9] feat: change utxo query for currencies filter (cardano-rosetta)
15:20:00 [a164c263] test: add test cases for account coins endpoint (cardano-rosetta)
15:20:01 [5f22d3a8] fix: create currencies validation function (cardano-rosetta)
15:20:19 [dd3d09d4] corrected a bug with the payment/staking name compare (scripts)
15:23:10 [8aeb10fb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:23:41 [69a584fc] updated the const. in the calc_minOutUTXO function (scripts)
15:24:11 [9c9b67fe] graylogCreds fix (cardano-ops)
15:25:18 [30a7a434] Merge #2604 (cardano-wallet)
15:26:13 [eb8733fc] Add Game contract and test (plutus-starter)
15:31:33 [121b7c53] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-603-enable-pasting-of-wallet-recovery-phrase (react-polymorph)
15:35:30 [ce73b9dd] DDW-595 - Warn user when pasting an address of the same wallet - linter update (daedalus)
15:55:31 [ddb15c95] Merge pull request #2950 from input-output-hk/deployment-cleanup (plutus)
16:01:46 [6caee7c3] Account for fees during AutoExecution (plutus)
16:04:49 [7ed4b821] Merge snapshot.Dockerfile with Dockerfile (cardano-ogmios)
16:08:11 [4a5986b2] fix dir name (jormungandr)
16:08:29 [db03b69f] do not packing in drop impl (jormungandr)
16:10:52 [cc4f0258] runtime args fix for relay mode (guild-operators)
16:11:21 [167ac622] split Ouroboros.Network.Server2 module (ouroboros-network)
16:11:28 [7aa15723] connection-manager: fix comments (ouroboros-network)
16:15:41 [b9991bd1] 30a7a4349e7d962f2b46748f5b393d26521ba776 (cardano-wallet)
16:15:42 [8ef9f232] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
16:20:05 [caa2b154] cue 0.3.0 (bitte)
16:23:26 [3561187c] cue 0.3.0 (bitte)
16:26:36 [d4b0e663] feat: create currencies validation function (cardano-rosetta)
16:27:43 [59bd411d] PAB Wallet Emulator: make wallet number more consistent (plutus)
16:39:04 [1708fa47] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:39:51 [fac8a641] Remove external dependencies (guild-operators)
16:40:26 [fa82a9fe] Mantis takes #networkConfig instead of #network (mantis-ops)
16:42:24 [d012e0e7] Merge branch 'alpha' into cntools-8.1.4 (guild-operators)
16:42:44 [0008d25e] DDW-595 - Warn user when pasting an address of the same wallet - fixes for receiver input field (daedalus)
16:47:44 [a2fbf11e] DDW-595 - Warn user when pasting an address of the same wallet - fixes for receiver input field (daedalus)
16:54:32 [c80d1900] Updated readme and finalised workflow (cardano-rosetta)
17:01:27 [b042dcd8] CAD-2827 whitespace cleanups (cardano-benchmarking)
17:01:31 [925e6ef9] CAD-2827 comment cleanups (cardano-benchmarking)
17:05:28 [28db563f] HasUpdateState typeclass (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:05:47 [9dc7349b] Separate past cards in Contract from Execution PreviousState (plutus)
17:06:47 [a972e4db] ios part (yoroi-mobile)
17:15:32 [96f9144f] split Ouroboros.Network.Server2 module (ouroboros-network)
17:15:32 [2716d4c3] connection-manager: fix comments (ouroboros-network)
17:15:49 [1c39728a] pod update (yoroi-mobile)
17:17:58 [df9d297e] update hashes in plutus-use-cases tests (plutus)
17:21:39 [37ad5a4c] Show contracts timeouts (plutus)
17:21:39 [13ef3908] Add slot information when there is a timeout (plutus)
17:21:39 [96756585] Show interval duration in cards (plutus)
17:36:31 [90c2e0b3] Add fetch utilities (bitte)
17:44:34 [05f044f6] major update for node 1.26.1 (scripts)
17:45:35 [f77f7546] HasUpdateState typeclass (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:51:59 [849495b7] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:54:38 [4e5f02c8] Removed MsgKThxBye (ouroboros-network)
18:03:09 [9cd0772c] WIP CAD-2839 supervisord | ctl: cluster control tool (cardano-node)
18:05:29 [6bbe7b38] Fix enode hashes for mantis-staging (mantis-ops)
18:08:36 [485f0664] Advise user if ~/.netrc is missing (bitte-cli)
18:12:37 [4e2eb2d9] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
18:16:15 [e3cf227a] Moved namedActions to the contract.state (plutus)
18:16:15 [f5320130] Advance the state when the contract timeouts (plutus)
18:16:15 [a76f1395] Separate past cards in Contract from Execution PreviousState (plutus)
18:21:31 [e1a1982e] [DDW-620] Implement Clear button (react-polymorph)
18:25:56 [d6d864fa] Update Catalyst registration period (yoroi-frontend)
18:29:11 [7642714c] Changed Alonzo Scripts to simple (no Memoized) sum type. (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:37:37 [aab03c3c] Add editorconfig file for .cue files to use tabs (mantis-ops)
18:37:52 [4873492e] Readd mantis includes of base config (mantis-ops)
18:38:17 [b36d3743] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:49:07 [b85f6697] Fix limitRecursionBytes for infinite Value's (ECIP-Checkpointing)
18:51:02 [dee1eaa1] Add some unit tests for new Morpho.Tracing.Verbosity functions (ECIP-Checkpointing)
18:54:09 [c106874b] update to build using rust.nix (catalyst-fund-archive-tool)
19:00:24 [853668a2] update hashes in tests due to wallet key changes (plutus)
19:07:11 [85fa8770] feat: adding exemption types to network options endpoint (cardano-rosetta)
19:10:43 [82d905ea] switch to using flakes (vit-kedqr)
19:15:16 [c5db65f4] change LogSettings from Tuple Struct into normal Struct (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [80942d0d] configure layer for file output to be reloadable. wip #3040 (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [f3229235] return multiple info messages prior to initialization (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [eee5a2a3] get backend for gelf correctly (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [de1ec71a] make journald and gelf output layers reloadable as well (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [9565d3f8] wip: expand and remove boxing code (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [c70f18f0] remove reloadable layers (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [5707adbe] add info msgs when processing log output entry overrides (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [43345531] fixes panic caused by a missing span (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [bfc17e3a] add FIXME comments to use layer handles to reload (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [1a55e0cc] remove unused test code (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [e4233701] add FIXME note, rename variables to reflect what they represent (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [b74fb533] replace BoxedSubscribers with layered registry (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [e2728756] make default layers display filter level (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [ceff54fd] update init_log to implement single subscriber from config (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [7d1f4aff] use the first instead of the last entry for log settings (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [4df3ac4d] give user feedback about ignored log settings and expected behavior (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [aad1ee9d] use same names to avoid silly mistakes (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [5aee2acc] remove redundant_clone lint (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [f56dfbc0] make sure command-line override options work (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [c92bf20c] rough notes of WIP, will update as they are completed (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [14515e74] Register span before setting it as a child's parent (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [98846ba6] Register child span within parent scope: network::service (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [f4f242c1] modify LogSettings to hold only one LogSettingsEntry (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [89db1570] forgot to enable auto cargo fmt (jormungandr)
19:15:16 [a84f55bd] update docs regarding log settings having a single configurable backend (jormungandr)
19:15:17 [5fce0e72] remove remaining multiple log backend calls (jormungandr)
19:15:17 [fa1d4229] use single entry with ConfigLogSettings (jormungandr)
19:15:17 [6a9b6680] remove multiple logging backends from tests, leave only file output (jormungandr)
19:15:17 [a67b5b7a] requested change https://github.com/input-output-hk/jormungandr/pull/3145#discussion_r602122717 (jormungandr)
19:15:17 [a28f2715] remove LogOutput variants that are no longer supported (jormungandr)
19:15:17 [e014e06a] use single entry with Log struct (jormungandr)
19:24:09 [0f485757] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:24:55 [8cbf7a1c] Add latest version for all support platforms (cardano-node)
19:25:25 [5e325763] scale tcp alerts based on nbInstancesPerRelay (cardano-ops)
19:29:03 [22c53149] Merge pull request #333 from input-output-hk/feat/include-exemptions-in-network_options (cardano-rosetta)
19:29:24 [69f8a149] testnet: remove bft core nodes (now that d=0) (cardano-ops)
19:33:12 [cd292bf7] rename metadata to auxiliary data step 1 (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
19:34:30 [918c6e5a] add explorer-app-extended (cardano-ops)
19:35:08 [e7c02b71] update hashes in tests due to wallet key changes (plutus)
19:43:06 [64e6373f] [DDW-620] Fix no-result height (react-polymorph)
19:43:27 [a257bd47] [DDW-620] Remove hard-coded open Select (react-polymorph)
19:52:28 [f0b692ee] add POST shared wallet (cardano-wallet)
19:52:28 [1e9f7ac0] add scaffolding for getSharedWallet endpoint (cardano-wallet)
19:52:29 [4a4400cf] add scaffolding of patchSharedWallet endpoint (cardano-wallet)
19:52:29 [6f74f156] add postSharedWallet in swagger (cardano-wallet)
19:52:30 [8891f58d] add getSharedWallet in swagger (cardano-wallet)
19:52:30 [3dc04cfb] introduce ScriptTemplateValue (cardano-wallet)
19:52:30 [7a4830bc] add patchSharedWallet (cardano-wallet)
19:52:31 [bf661661] update swagger postAnyAddress description including timelocks and correct FromJSON of ApiSharedWaller (cardano-wallet)
19:52:31 [d7aa343a] add SharedWallet to Sqlite.TH (cardano-wallet)
19:52:31 [3e5b1ff8] add core tests, Malformed, golden (cardano-wallet)
19:52:32 [c3979c48] add deleteSharedWallet to Api and swagger (cardano-wallet)
19:52:32 [d493191a] reorganize shared wallet code (cardano-wallet)
19:52:32 [b734117e] add CosignerKey schema (cardano-wallet)
19:52:33 [2ce67a02] add interface to DBLayer of SharedWallet - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
19:52:33 [c36bd569] extend DLLayer interface for shared wallet - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
19:52:34 [190eadfb] add impl of removeSharedWallet of DBLayer (cardano-wallet)
19:52:34 [2ccc35ed] add logging for shared wallet and scaffolding for DB's Sqlite (cardano-wallet)
19:52:34 [ad884ea7] add initializeSharedWallet impl of DBLayer plus some cleaning (cardano-wallet)
19:52:35 [fae095b5] improve the swagger (cardano-wallet)
19:52:35 [95387a4e] add addCosignerKey impl of DBLayer (cardano-wallet)
19:52:35 [6a38d60a] add readSharedWalletMetadata and readSharedWalletState impl and logging (cardano-wallet)
19:52:36 [3aef97ac] correct swagger (cardano-wallet)
19:52:36 [34f7f339] align Api.Types and unit testing (cardano-wallet)
19:52:36 [93ad2480] add shared wallet DBLayer to wallet one rather than standalone solution (cardano-wallet)
19:52:37 [186e901f] add PersistPublicKey for Byron (cardano-wallet)
19:52:37 [04942446] redesign how DBLayer will be reused for SharedState - resign from standalone methods (cardano-wallet)
19:52:37 [3830dc2f] impl insertState for SharedState (cardano-wallet)
19:52:38 [dcd385fe] impl selectState for SharedState (cardano-wallet)
19:52:38 [f4797db8] add sqliteSpecShared - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
19:52:39 [08a10104] add sqliteSpecShared - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
19:52:39 [b2348a8e] add sqliteSpecShared - part 3 (cardano-wallet)
19:52:39 [42de3adc] make CosignerKey static (cardano-wallet)
19:52:40 [17d798dc] add postSharedWallet skeleton and multisig api layer in shelley (cardano-wallet)
19:52:40 [7dca1a9c] create separate SharedWallet integration test spec (cardano-wallet)
19:52:40 [d94764c3] impl postSharedWallet from root xprv and mkSharedWallet (cardano-wallet)
19:52:41 [cd10d266] impl deleteSharedWallet (cardano-wallet)
19:52:41 [f8f2c19b] support creating shared wallet from account xpub plus integration testing (cardano-wallet)
19:52:41 [d5d78c77] add active and pending shared wallet integration testing for root xprv (cardano-wallet)
19:52:42 [07eebe9e] adding getSharedWallet impl and integration testing (cardano-wallet)
19:52:42 [ffe683bb] add needed parts for patchSharedWallet in core (cardano-wallet)
19:53:55 [addd5109] add illustrative integration test for patching (cardano-wallet)
19:53:58 [f70a5070] add integration test showing correctness of adding cosigner key to delegation script template (cardano-wallet)
19:53:59 [79f628aa] try to purge static entries before insertState (cardano-wallet)
19:53:59 [54aed56e] Fixup merge error (cardano-wallet)
19:53:59 [83acbb4d] align with createWalletWorker changes (cardano-wallet)
19:54:00 [748dd5df] wip: Split and simplify shared wallet types (cardano-wallet)
19:54:00 [a9fc92dc] align the rest code (cardano-wallet)
19:55:11 [47754159] Removed MsgKThxBye (ouroboros-network)
19:55:42 [769e8795] [DDW-620] Fix error that prevented space in the search (react-polymorph)
19:57:02 [51161133] [DDW-620] Fix error that prevented space in the search (react-polymorph)
20:05:16 [afcb5e00] review improvements - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
20:05:35 [32b52446] bump core node instance (cardano-ops)
20:12:24 [229355cd] Remove spurious killall calls (plutus)
20:20:05 [cd267204] [DDW-638] Handle empty strings in tx metadata (#2503) (daedalus)
20:21:20 [7bae466f] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-621-improve-currency-japanese-translations (daedalus)
20:22:38 [9cd590a5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:23:28 [d1e1381e] Print time taken for static analysis (plutus)
20:23:32 [a3e5c819] Update purescript generator command in README (plutus)
20:29:36 [0fbbcd4f] [DDW-621] English as fallback values (daedalus)
20:33:55 [16f5e394] refactor: linter warning fixes (cardano-rosetta)
20:38:20 [7287c7d1] feat: changed minFeeA and minFeeB sources. Got them from database (cardano-rosetta)
20:42:16 [c8cb6278] Update Client.hs (ouroboros-network)
20:46:55 [c7f3184d] Merge pull request #284 from input-output-hk/refactor/linter-warnings-fixes (cardano-rosetta)
20:48:54 [1b4bc984] Added deserialisation tests for length-of Plutus ByteStrings > 64. (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:51:33 [a3b45abd] Rename metadata to aux data stage 2 (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
20:55:27 [f986ee65] refactor: linter warning fixes (cardano-rosetta)
20:55:28 [782367c3] feat(payloads): invalid pool key hash error handling (cardano-rosetta)
20:55:52 [8d4c20a1] rename slot number to nonce (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
20:56:13 [63242fd6] Removed calls to error. (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:57:36 [212c0cfa] Changed Alonzo Scripts to simple (no Memoized) sum type. (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:05:30 [c6022560] feat(payloads): invalid pool key hash error handling (cardano-rosetta)
21:10:16 [e241bd4d] Remove address type from address params APDU (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
21:12:15 [ee2110e1] rename slot number to nonce (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
21:13:30 [60e462f4] missing iOS changes (yoroi-mobile)
21:13:59 [9f464f4b] reflect changes in NativeModules api (yoroi-mobile)
21:14:17 [828378c5] Added some necessary constrants to Test.Cardano.Ledger benchamrks. (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:19:33 [602a4eae] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:27:47 [049ac9fa] rename slot number to nonce (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
21:30:27 [04b33ca6] Test that fee is in expected interval rather than exact number (cardano-node-tests)
21:31:02 [434b79de] Check fees in native token tests (cardano-node-tests)
21:35:44 [ec79b872] Merge #2966 (ouroboros-network)
21:46:57 [c42f667e] Merge pull request #432 from mkoura/fix_fees (cardano-node-tests)
21:53:14 [59628381] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
21:57:00 [197ba197] Create error classes for unexpected and internal error (adalite)
21:59:32 [c634b9aa] catalyst naming cleanup (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
22:16:47 [a1d7543f] Add policy for staking key (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
22:22:10 [f012a973] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:23:14 [84a7f6f7] Return only the child of the checkpoint block (mantis)
22:27:12 [e179b923] ui state enums naming cleanup (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
22:30:08 [cda05e03] ui state enums naming cleanup (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
22:37:55 [8d347550] add TODO comments with clarifying questions (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
22:39:14 [6d8824f9] remove address params, update fixtures (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
22:43:16 [e3d3a4db] Remove xxd dependency (guild-operators)
22:47:44 [9c1821d9] Add static analysis duration to analytics (plutus)
22:49:36 [971b0826] Rename AuxiliaryData to TxAuxiliaryData, update error message (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
22:59:33 [de57c13f] Rename AuxiliaryData to TxAuxiliaryData, update error message (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
22:59:40 [966171b6] runtime args fix for relay mode (#877) (guild-operators)
22:59:50 [ca163ebe] Merge branch 'alpha' into cntools-8.1.4 (guild-operators)
23:01:41 [afacc2ba] CNTools 8.1.4 (#875) (guild-operators)
23:18:24 [c0e691c6] Add Catalyst voting registration support (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
23:22:25 [3dd49ceb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:56:09 [cb2dcb15] Add static analysis duration to analytics (plutus)