Home / Reports / Jul 29, 2021

Thursday, July 29, 2021

538 commits had been pushed across 43 repos by 97 authors. There were 158,027 additions and 131,859 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:15:35 [475fb864] Hello (scheduled-event)
00:16:18 [93ba713a] Extend URI scheme for delegation portfolio links (#86) (CIPs)
00:18:12 [218d085f] evaluation context based reduction restored (plutus)
00:30:44 [1890bdde] revert note changes. (developer-portal)
00:36:32 [dc6db5ba] Option ordering note on build-raw command (cardano-node)
00:37:08 [49ab7905] Add default null to align with other rpc queries (guild-operators)
00:39:22 [3fd490b6] more bash syntax issues (developer-portal)
00:54:44 [3d2896d3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:01:59 [97139b3c] pool_metadata rpc update (#996) (guild-operators)
01:07:16 [28d49668] Fix building maintainer scripts (haskell.nix)
01:11:54 [a26a2d49] Merge branch 'develop' into mnemonic-check (yoroi-mobile)
01:15:31 [6ea20d75] Hello (scheduled-event)
01:29:42 [e56db049] Merge branch 'alpha' into rewards-history-rpc (guild-operators)
01:31:34 [954565d9] Remove "description" field for parameters (guild-operators)
01:32:41 [d9c745c9] Merge branch 'alpha' into stake-distribution-sql (guild-operators)
01:33:09 [a478a98b] nix-shell/cabalWrapped: automatic removal of source-repository-package (iohk-nix)
01:34:13 [54e48e40] update WalletSettingsScreen (yoroi-mobile)
01:44:23 [6c92ec57] Hello (scheduled-event)
01:48:56 [110d1b8d] Hello (scheduled-event)
02:02:41 [43a80cf9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:23:55 [efea4fec] update PinRegistrationForm (yoroi-mobile)
02:48:30 [8fe0d5e1] Run all tests (cardano-node)
02:55:12 [373a3c02] Always (cardano-node)
03:10:18 [0baf64dc] Run all tests (cardano-node)
03:11:08 [7503193a] Always (cardano-node)
03:13:25 [b15d13af] WIP (cardano-wallet)
03:19:43 [77b213d8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:23:04 [f4bf5bfa] db: Add an epochNo column to StakeDeregistration table (cardano-db-sync)
03:35:10 [f6e22c5d] move mime type (daedalus)
03:35:10 [5d5a0f12] Run all tests (cardano-node)
03:35:33 [a5f065bd] Fix check-hydra script (haskell.nix)
03:46:17 [741dda86] Run all tests including that of dependencies in nightly build. (cardano-node)
03:46:29 [d3a2ded2] Try #1180: (haskell.nix)
04:23:02 [36545221] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:40:52 [cf16185a] WIP (cardano-wallet)
04:45:02 [8a6d6d8d] We now need git in the path as well as nix (haskell.nix)
04:50:09 [db51b1ae] Try #1180: (haskell.nix)
04:55:13 [ba70f27a] Merge #2983 (cardano-node)
05:15:15 [6d16473d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:18:30 [cb22a773] add newline (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
05:39:11 [a3568123] schema (cardano-db-sync)
05:46:22 [187667e0] suggestion (cardano-wallet)
05:54:41 [0efacf33] chore(src/api): typo (yoroi-ergo-backend)
06:10:07 [60bfd2b1] Update plutus sha256 (hydra-poc)
06:11:34 [0aff5015] Merge #2774 (cardano-wallet)
06:13:37 [5616c359] typed-protocols-cborg: CBOR codecs for typed-protocols (ouroboros-network)
06:13:37 [e1b16e06] typed-protocols-examples: added CBOR codecs (ouroboros-network)
06:13:37 [fa8b2245] typed-protocols: Codecs (ouroboros-network)
06:13:37 [6f1b3273] typed-protocols: udpated upstream dependencies (ouroboros-network)
06:16:22 [0bc6aedc] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/windows-cross (plutus)
06:20:00 [7f44f1f2] Fix nightly trigger (cardano-node)
06:22:10 [4bb67c2b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:33:58 [16f1ceb4] Fix merge conflicts and update materialization (plutus)
06:35:45 [3fd9c8de] Delete ContractRuntime effect (#3624) (plutus)
06:43:12 [9c433dad] Update README.md (plutus)
06:47:30 [4a7ff3b6] chore: use cardano-configurations repo instead of locally managed (cardano-rosetta)
06:54:15 [ba7a0594] stats: hydra 0aff5015d3f82a4ddc63e98fecda046fc9e58b8c (cardano-wallet)
06:54:17 [b925e4a9] badge: hydra 0aff5015d3f82a4ddc63e98fecda046fc9e58b8c (cardano-wallet)
06:57:39 [b23ea624] Fix plutus-use-cases test outputs (plutus)
06:57:39 [d2d488a7] error happens in plutus-ledger (plutus)
06:57:39 [eab57951] Add opaque ByteString type to support literal ByteStrings. (plutus)
06:57:40 [af7d63a4] Fix tests in packages (plutus)
06:57:40 [3a782315] Fix stylish haskell (plutus)
06:58:24 [4ef6cafc] SCP-2425: Allow to use a custom SlotConfig in the Emulator. (#3586) (plutus)
06:59:19 [834ab3e8] Update nix materialization (hydra-poc)
07:00:23 [8cc83a27] chore: use cardano-configurations repo instead of locally managed (cardano-rosetta)
07:00:59 [142eeefe] Adds bestBlock hash in app state (mantis)
07:01:00 [9a09cbf7] fix some warnings and remove some dead code. (mantis)
07:01:00 [0ffec9c6] Adds a first test in BlockchainReaderSpec (mantis)
07:01:00 [de911541] use getBlockByHash to get the best block number instead of getBlockByNumber (mantis)
07:03:09 [c319116c] Fix nightly trigger (cardano-node)
07:04:44 [854e2d4c] Fix nightly build trigger (cardano-node)
07:05:30 [5fffd9f4] Leave nixpkgs unchanged (plutus)
07:15:49 [e97ebae2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:22:48 [a9c7ec88] wip (cardano-db-sync)
07:23:12 [dde13140] update swagger (cardano-wallet)
07:26:52 [117cfa24] Move contestation period from environment to Init arguments. (hydra-poc)
07:30:13 [26e94dc8] Merge pull request #2617 from input-output-hk/feature/ddw-706-emptying-wallet-warning (daedalus)
07:31:33 [46562104] Park this task (cardano-wallet)
07:33:38 [eaf04e10] CAD-3243: trace-forward library. (cardano-node)
07:33:47 [e4cdd470] [ETCM-1042] move getBlockByNumber to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
07:33:47 [4b1d1217] [ETCM-1042] store only hash and number in best branch (mantis)
07:33:48 [92f48f44] fix some warnings about unused values. (mantis)
07:33:48 [1691ef13] fallback to stored best block number in getBestBranch (mantis)
07:33:48 [a200933f] [ETCM-1042] move isInChain to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
07:33:48 [38af90b4] [ETCM-1042] remove old branch interface (mantis)
07:33:48 [82319272] [ETCM-1042] move getHashByBlockNumber to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
07:33:48 [8f374481] [ETCM-1042] rename BestBranchSubset to BestBranch (mantis)
07:34:05 [49c31c43] db: Add an epochNo column to StakeRegistration/Deregistration tables (cardano-db-sync)
07:34:13 [8fd5a0ba] wip (cardano-db-sync)
07:35:42 [42d1594c] Merge #2988 (cardano-node)
07:43:50 [5ab8a340] Update to new Plutus ByteString type. (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:45:42 [feccba48] deploy: 117cfa24bf02d675d0913c67e733a3d03389d6f3 (hydra-poc)
07:45:49 [e6e3eb6a] Updated note on 'hydraStateMachine' (hydra-poc)
07:45:49 [bbe47bb6] Update to most recent plutus (hydra-poc)
07:45:49 [62550124] Update nix materialization (hydra-poc)
07:45:49 [0568b8ec] Update plutus sha256 (hydra-poc)
07:46:07 [7d475c16] Move contestation period from environment to Init arguments. (hydra-poc)
07:46:07 [55be65db] Explicitely specify project file in default.nix. (hydra-poc)
07:49:45 [682f7999] Bump version of cardano-node (plutus)
07:49:46 [b9dc3b77] Move the BlockId type to the ledger (plutus)
07:53:30 [227a36a5] Add libstdc++-6.dll to windows packages (cardano-wallet)
08:02:48 [e1e4612e] Review rework (cardano-wallet)
08:02:53 [57d8d179] Merge #2967 (cardano-node)
08:13:58 [40c4ff0a] Review rework (cardano-wallet)
08:14:35 [b6095247] write test results with the available env parameters (cardano-node-tests)
08:16:06 [00a1cce9] [WIP] Remove Lift instances and use a single Party to rule them all (hydra-poc)
08:18:10 [4f7855f9] CAD-3243: trace-forward library. (cardano-node)
08:19:32 [dd05bbc7] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:25:13 [7a9618a4] Revert "[WIP] Remove Lift instances and use a single Party to rule them all" (hydra-poc)
08:26:05 [16703e8a] [KAIZEN] Turn some warnings into errors (#1081) (mantis)
08:26:27 [86abc6f3] Remove unused makeLift instances on State/Input. (hydra-poc)
08:27:17 [eae58fb6] Boyscouted the build doc for cordova plugin (chain-wallet-libs)
08:27:42 [5a3c606a] Rework withinEra (cardano-wallet)
08:28:31 [2c73e2c4] add introductory types, scaffolding (cardano-wallet)
08:30:03 [1b827185] [Experiment] Limit sagano capabilities to ETH/63 (mantis)
08:32:31 [543d7543] Fixes (plutus)
08:33:07 [a8d2ad0e] CAD-3243: trace-forward library. (cardano-node)
08:35:44 [bda63d17] Define wrapper around integer for capturing 'ContestationPeriod' (hydra-poc)
08:49:36 [68cc1c1a] ETCM-1062 adds report check for load runs (mantis-automation)
08:50:00 [97ae3016] added initial genesis key descriptions (cardano-node)
08:50:07 [9a1770e1] ETCM-1062-configurable-load-e2e sets pipeline.yml link (mantis-automation)
08:51:22 [caf77c1b] ETCM-1062-configurable-load-staging sets pipeline link (mantis-automation)
08:52:28 [fec454a7] Add contestationPeriod in postInitTx and watchInit (hydra-poc)
08:52:42 [d282589c] Fix cardano-ledger-speacs. Remove useless diffs. (plutus)
08:52:57 [e104d7bd] wallet-core: Fix doc for Wallet::recover_free_keys (chain-wallet-libs)
08:53:48 [71658bc3] Remove excessive cloning in fragment checks (chain-wallet-libs)
08:54:09 [69ead39a] add open sale endpoint (plutus-use-cases)
08:54:57 [0cedda6b] Remove picosecond interpretation of Hydra.Contract.ContestationPeriod (hydra-poc)
09:01:59 [06de6d5d] make core unit test pass (cardano-wallet)
09:02:45 [51ebec9f] Merge #2960 (cardano-node)
09:05:38 [8e1e4e67] SCP-2569: Await tx status change (plutus)
09:06:18 [b2c35803] Merge pull request #3634 from aquynh/patch-1 (plutus)
09:13:37 [7b0f25ea] ETCM-1062 cleanup (mantis-automation)
09:17:33 [58eb201c] Write property test to ensure good bridge between onchain and pab interface (hydra-poc)
09:18:33 [607921f1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:23:21 [c06cca79] cleanup a bit (plutus)
09:23:31 [b81a9eeb] cargo fmt (vit-testing)
09:28:28 [d8150918] Generate MD5 sums for migrations found at build time. (cardano-db-sync)
09:34:47 [ac056924] Merge #2778 (cardano-wallet)
09:37:11 [97d212bb] add buy and close sale endpoints (plutus-use-cases)
09:40:10 [bc31881f] WIP (cardano-node)
09:40:51 [fc767f6c] Fix serialization of the Hydra.Contract.ContestationPeriod (hydra-poc)
09:42:08 [2276fe69] Added some API tests (#608) (chain-libs)
10:00:35 [90f5378c] typed-protocols: udpated upstream dependencies (ouroboros-network)
10:02:53 [ce6e38c4] Add InitialParams and deserialize them as HeadParameters when watching init (hydra-poc)
10:05:14 [a831cb90] ETCM-1062-multinode adds multinode load for sagano and staging (mantis-automation)
10:08:13 [e339433a] ETCM-1062-configurable-load-multinode-sagano sets pipeline.yml link (mantis-automation)
10:08:21 [f4d36171] chore(src/api): do not use the existenial operator (yoroi-ergo-backend)
10:09:20 [cb1ffb0c] ETCM-1062-configurable-load-multinode-staging sets pipeline.yml link (mantis-automation)
10:09:24 [d99d7b07] SCP-2575 - Move static analysis end-point to /api/* (plutus)
10:12:51 [825335b9] Merge branch 'master' into effectfully/builtins/make-choose-receive-builtin-first (plutus)
10:13:01 [743287c2] Revert easy-purescript-nix (plutus)
10:17:53 [28a8712c] SCP-2575 - Move static analysis end-point to /api/* (plutus)
10:17:58 [a129dbda] Fix stylish haskell (plutus)
10:17:58 [9f4dd0a9] error happens in plutus-ledger (plutus)
10:17:58 [85d0b498] Fix cardano-ledger-speacs. Remove useless diffs. (plutus)
10:17:58 [200e8717] Fix tests in packages (plutus)
10:17:58 [bdb788b5] cleanup a bit (plutus)
10:17:58 [ac00182a] Fix plutus-use-cases test outputs (plutus)
10:17:58 [8f5e336b] Add opaque ByteString type to support literal ByteStrings. (plutus)
10:18:58 [65afb1bb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:19:05 [e47192f6] Bump haskell.nix (#3620) (plutus)
10:20:57 [82c2eb4b] rename master branch to main (vit-testing)
10:21:16 [4cd192ca] Merge #2988 (cardano-node)
10:22:59 [6eaf2b66] WIP (cardano-wallet)
10:23:39 [416c486b] src/api.js (yoroi-ergo-backend)
10:24:38 [1284e013] Changed pr-checks to match the node version with production (yoroi-ergo-backend)
10:25:11 [7943906b] Merge pull request #32 from Emurgo/mmahut/typo (yoroi-ergo-backend)
10:25:16 [1baabb45] Added NFTdot.io entry as per latest requirements (#187) (developer-portal)
10:27:24 [5a07bf77] SCP-2569: Await tx status change (#3623) (plutus)
10:28:35 [5e602b67] Trying to add flow-remove-types to checks (yoroi-ergo-backend)
10:29:12 [18183d13] Move textShow into base Cardano.Db.Text module. (cardano-db-sync)
10:30:08 [a314c9a7] add simulation for buying nft (plutus-use-cases)
10:31:15 [dc91cfb3] Merge pull request #84 from input-output-hk/fsancheziohk-patch-5 (cardano-documentation)
10:31:32 [e24ae7f8] cleanup (cardano-wallet)
10:31:44 [01b7051b] Merge master into staging (cardano-documentation)
10:33:29 [571041a7] Update alonzo-genesis (cardano-node-tests)
10:37:45 [80725d39] WIP (cardano-wallet)
10:41:46 [aa048297] Revert nixpkgs to what it was before the Haskell.nix bump (cardano-wallet)
10:43:30 [64d5c664] nix/sources.json: force builtin fetcher for all sources (cardano-wallet)
10:43:55 [74ed2339] fixup! Generate MD5 sums for migrations found at build time. (cardano-db-sync)
10:44:50 [88b45f09] Revert "Add libstdc++-6.dll to windows packages" (cardano-wallet)
10:49:34 [7e5ec02c] Add clusterEra to TESTS_LOGDIR path (cardano-wallet)
10:49:41 [869efc1d] Add snapshots/cardano-1.28.0-lts-17.yaml (cardano-haskell)
10:49:42 [19b4a6d7] Cherry-pick some build script fixes from PR #48 (cardano-haskell)
10:51:06 [2ff7311f] Move experimental scripts to future directory (glow)
10:53:11 [f25adeb5] Use the Adapots from Ledger (cardano-db-sync)
10:53:48 [90f219ec] Merge branch 'master' into ruslan/change-checks-node-version (yoroi-ergo-backend)
10:53:48 [59466f81] impl Server.balanceTransaction - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
10:53:55 [5dbfbd1b] Merge pull request #33 from Emurgo/ruslan/change-checks-node-version (yoroi-ergo-backend)
10:54:12 [6377d4fd] removed caching in circle ci (vit-testing)
10:55:30 [1d9d575b] Make names referring to builtins more consistent (plutus)
10:56:51 [23bccafc] [Fix] Set sagano to capability ETC/64 (mantis)
10:57:30 [8658a64f] Merge pull request #607 from input-output-hk/vote-manager-conflict-payloads (chain-libs)
10:59:12 [9b1a4e2f] typed-protocols-examples: added CBOR codecs (ouroboros-network)
10:59:12 [0b506976] typed-protocols: Codecs (ouroboros-network)
10:59:12 [cf935e5b] typed-protocols-cborg: CBOR codecs for typed-protocols (ouroboros-network)
10:59:12 [68975db3] typed-protocols: udpated upstream dependencies (ouroboros-network)
11:00:22 [72ed30cd] minor improvements (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
11:04:08 [ac7a8ec8] Update names in benching.csv (plutus)
11:04:09 [18d8710e] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-690-maintain-window-size-and-position (daedalus)
11:06:15 [2278b8fd] cleanup (cardano-wallet)
11:06:45 [e836d2b9] Add snapshots/cardano-1.28.0-lts-18.yaml (cardano-haskell)
11:06:53 [fbc85db4] Try #2763: (cardano-wallet)
11:07:07 [9dd51229] Cherry-pick some build script fixes from PR #48 (cardano-haskell)
11:07:13 [f99cff75] Buildkite update nixpkgs channel to 21.05 (cardano-haskell)
11:09:56 [70591e97] Fix plutus-use-cases test outputs (plutus)
11:09:56 [f502d580] Add opaque ByteString type to support literal ByteStrings. (plutus)
11:09:56 [3a842792] error happens in plutus-ledger (plutus)
11:09:57 [5fe37694] Fix stylish haskell (plutus)
11:09:57 [ec9a64b4] Fix cardano-ledger-speacs. Remove useless diffs. (plutus)
11:09:57 [b42d659a] cleanup a bit (plutus)
11:09:57 [c2c208ec] Fix tests in packages (plutus)
11:10:21 [fe458fc6] review fixes & tests fixes (jormungandr)
11:13:33 [0435eb0a] Update cost model (plutus)
11:18:51 [d406c966] Fix verbose logging (cardano-node)
11:20:37 [3f086fba] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
11:22:09 [6c9aa8f9] WIP (cardano-wallet)
11:23:57 [dacae166] WIP: draft of completing proper TxOut datum support (cardano-node)
11:24:32 [0fbcbff1] fix cargo test (vit-testing)
11:25:26 [f686b2c4] WIP (cardano-wallet)
11:27:22 [104aa1fb] WIP (cardano-wallet)
11:28:38 [3fb627c7] WIP: fixing deps (BROKEN) (plutus-use-cases)
11:29:16 [ae7a44cc] WIP (cardano-wallet)
11:29:41 [0896d83b] ci-plutus-benchmark: Update origin (plutus)
11:29:41 [d551b242] "git show-ref" -> "git rev-parse" (plutus)
11:41:21 [7c90200b] update swagger (cardano-wallet)
11:41:21 [cf29d96c] add introductory types, scaffolding (cardano-wallet)
11:41:21 [fb1909e7] make core unit test pass (cardano-wallet)
11:41:22 [53d18db8] impl Server.balanceTransaction - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
11:41:22 [9e43de54] impl Server.balanceTransaction - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
11:44:02 [24202f30] Remove comments (plutus)
11:44:38 [fc5db521] fix tests outputs (plutus)
11:48:44 [0199043d] Update the Cardano pyament uri explantion (yoroi-frontend)
11:48:59 [20c12867] Merge pull request #258 from Chris-Graffagnino/master (cardano-token-registry)
11:49:17 [2b35d428] construct ep - shelley (cardano-wallet-rb)
11:49:17 [4b4c6724] sign tx ep - shelley (cardano-wallet-rb)
11:49:18 [1d90c443] construct/sign tx - byron (cardano-wallet-rb)
12:02:22 [957dded1] satisfy rubocop and version bump to 3.14 (cardano-wallet-rb)
12:04:45 [8741bf76] Remove PayloadType definition (chain-wallet-libs)
12:05:00 [d0242e67] [Builtins] Made 'choose'-like builtins receives its argument of the built-in type first (#3622) (plutus)
12:08:17 [7a536973] Add swagger documentation for new ApiStakePool (cardano-wallet)
12:08:23 [5f13a554] error happens in plutus-ledger (plutus)
12:08:23 [b6ea5408] Add opaque ByteString type to support literal ByteStrings. (plutus)
12:08:27 [031767b5] Fix plutus-use-cases test outputs (plutus)
12:08:31 [79bf8378] Fix tests in packages (plutus)
12:08:32 [d56e29de] Fix stylish haskell (plutus)
12:08:34 [15d09b02] Fix cardano-ledger-speacs. Remove useless diffs. (plutus)
12:08:34 [c3e1a9a5] cleanup a bit (plutus)
12:08:40 [55ce37b5] WIP: removed implicit Prelude import (BROKEN) (plutus-use-cases)
12:08:47 [7d90a659] satisfy rubocop and version bump to 3.14 (cardano-wallet-rb)
12:09:04 [822c8ecb] Add clusterEra to TESTS_LOGDIR path (cardano-wallet)
12:09:33 [9f6f5d00] Add invariant and generators for ApiStakePool (cardano-wallet)
12:10:40 [42404fb1] Remove support for legacy UTxOs (chain-wallet-libs)
12:12:12 [55ffda8e] PM-3562: Explain buildChain. (metronome)
12:13:52 [4f6f1865] Try #2763: (cardano-wallet)
12:21:12 [d48e4d5d] PM-3562: Another sanity check in construct. (metronome)
12:21:44 [776fc5e6] Bump plutus to 52b23b8 (plutus-starter)
12:23:21 [3a069876] Remove URISkip component (yoroi-frontend)
12:24:16 [bc3541c9] fix button style (yoroi-mobile)
12:27:53 [f766e785] Merge pull request #41 from piotr-iohk/construct-transaction (cardano-wallet-rb)
12:28:31 [3e4b89df] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:30:00 [d3612576] Remove "We are hiring news" (adalite)
12:31:23 [2cfbe1dd] [ETCM-1060] use getBlockByHash in OmmersValidator (mantis)
12:31:24 [f533ddff] [ETCM-1060] use getBlockByHash in getNBlocksBackFromChainOrQueue (mantis)
12:35:09 [c0a75077] Print out generated file sizes (plutus)
12:35:42 [f779eac9] Applied code review suggestions (daedalus)
12:36:57 [6e7695e6] Remove PayloadType definition (chain-wallet-libs)
12:36:57 [d2412d3d] Remove excessive cloning in fragment checks (chain-wallet-libs)
12:38:22 [d1a9da4c] 6.5.11 (adalite)
12:38:22 [e88c317a] at major PV 5, script stake creds can earn rewards (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:38:49 [03d97976] PM-3562: Add comment about max leaf index check. (metronome)
12:42:52 [939d20f4] fix tests outputs (plutus)
12:47:24 [607f456f] ETCM-972: Add skeleton for future ExecutionSync - fetching part (mantis)
12:47:24 [fb2be7a0] ETCM-1030: Introduce ExecutionSync skeleton (mantis)
12:47:24 [1fc82277] Fix comments (mantis)
12:52:30 [5caf3188] PM-3562: Reverse the order of the error message and the condition. (metronome)
12:57:05 [0b38496d] ETCM-1058 Add new Consensus, by just moving the code in BlockImport (mantis)
12:57:06 [abb74aa0] ETCM-1058 Fix unit tests (mantis)
12:57:06 [33434e88] ETCM-1018 Rename BlockImportSpec to ConsensusSpec (mantis)
12:57:06 [886393cb] ETCM-1018 Remove unused references to blockchain (mantis)
12:57:06 [0cbe2b4e] ETCM-1058 Extend ConsensusSpec error handling tests (mantis)
12:57:06 [602de1a6] ETCM-1018 Replace references to BlockImport by Consensus/ConsensusImpl (mantis)
12:57:06 [92dd0a5e] ETCM-1018 Fix integration tests (mantis)
12:57:07 [c41b1fe2] ETCM-1058 Remove file BlockImport (mantis)
12:57:07 [a8f39499] ETCM-1058 Refactor ConsensusImpl (mantis)
12:57:07 [0892f6fd] ETCM-1058 Run scalafixAll (mantis)
12:57:07 [33edc64f] ETCM-1058 Extract duplicated code for block pre validation (mantis)
12:57:21 [2602a93f] Merge pull request #114 from input-output-hk/adjust-iapyx (vit-testing)
12:57:44 [14bed4d6] fix scroll (yoroi-mobile)
12:57:44 [aa470a7f] fix button style (yoroi-mobile)
13:05:51 [3eab787f] fix disruption docker (vit-testing)
13:06:13 [448bb153] [ETCM-1042] store only hash and number in best branch (mantis)
13:06:14 [df924582] [ETCM-1042] move getBlockByNumber to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
13:06:14 [774ccd8d] [ETCM-1042] move getHashByBlockNumber to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
13:06:14 [c1d6edde] [ETCM-1042] move isInChain to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
13:06:14 [8211467c] [ETCM-1042] remove old branch interface (mantis)
13:06:15 [f13aeba6] [ETCM-1042] rename BestBranchSubset to BestBranch (mantis)
13:06:15 [3a61349d] fallback to stored best block number in getBestBranch (mantis)
13:06:15 [f43918fb] fix some warnings about unused values. (mantis)
13:07:10 [c58f7e6c] fix some warnings (mantis)
13:07:10 [e4dfd4bd] move getAccountProof into BlockchainReader (mantis)
13:07:10 [4d57db19] move getAccount into BlockchainReader (mantis)
13:08:42 [3fb64c2f] Adds bestBlock hash in app state (mantis)
13:08:44 [94f9500d] use getBlockByHash to get the best block number instead of getBlockByNumber (mantis)
13:08:44 [775ba37a] Adds a first test in BlockchainReaderSpec (mantis)
13:08:44 [1a34bd3c] fix some warnings and remove some dead code. (mantis)
13:11:40 [ad94e539] rollback: minimal nix-build with new plutus version (plutus-use-cases)
13:12:52 [6ab08513] Bump chain-impl-mockchain from `11f9e24` to `8658a64` (jormungandr)
13:13:01 [d82895df] Annotate tx out datums with a context. The UTxO only records the datum (cardano-node)
13:13:26 [12608b2b] Add .stylish-haskell, format (plutus-starter)
13:13:55 [d05a5da6] Bump chain-storage from `11f9e24` to `8658a64` (jormungandr)
13:14:15 [ac1e615f] WIP (cardano-wallet)
13:15:13 [97c7379b] Bump typed-bytes from `11f9e24` to `8658a64` (jormungandr)
13:15:40 [2e4e1fda] import qualified Prelude as Haskell (plutus-starter)
13:15:44 [8ca91a09] Bump cardano-legacy-address from `11f9e24` to `8658a64` (jormungandr)
13:16:16 [388bc9af] avoid showing errors when vault token is missing (vit-ops)
13:16:18 [04932f14] Add windows libraries (cardano-wallet)
13:16:27 [1a4f2439] Bump chain-time from `11f9e24` to `8658a64` (jormungandr)
13:16:35 [d77309ae] Propagate the newly annotated TxOutDatum (cardano-node)
13:16:43 [c7151488] Propagate tagged tx out datum changes to cardano-cli. We can now build a transactions with actual datums or datum hashes. (cardano-node)
13:22:32 [57fea04d] chore: treasury new Scope (etc_treasury_system)
13:23:28 [fd2fb04b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:29:01 [6200034c] Add a data constructor for the genesis tip (plutus)
13:34:59 [daf2d098] Minor code improvements (daedalus)
13:40:53 [4fd8fa7c] add SafeAreaView, fix styles (yoroi-mobile)
13:43:22 [c8861b18] PM-3562: Validate a checkpointing certificate. (#67) (metronome)
13:43:29 [0270a488] bugfix: working nix-shell (plutus-use-cases)
13:45:43 [fd9966e9] chore: prepare to use cardano-configurations repo as subtree (cardano-rosetta)
13:46:09 [85f9e1b8] Add 'config/' from commit '58fadb189ef45ff4d016235d7d41e55ba0a522d4' (cardano-rosetta)
13:49:51 [be197eca] fix (plutus)
13:50:19 [eb0f18f0] docs: add cardano-configuration maintainer docs (cardano-rosetta)
13:52:30 [73d0ff64] WIP (cardano-wallet)
13:53:28 [75981dbc] stack.yaml: Bump cardano-node to 1.28.0 tag (cardano-wallet)
13:53:28 [8eae7356] Downgrade LTS (cardano-wallet)
13:53:28 [c217622e] Downgrade LTS (cardano-wallet)
13:54:35 [5cc2606b] connection manager: connection handler refactor (ouroboros-network)
13:54:36 [afd41467] Extended Server2 with Shutdown action (ouroboros-network)
13:54:36 [a63d276f] Fix NotReleasedConnections multinode_Sim bug (ouroboros-network)
13:54:36 [1b43555a] Add TODO to Snocket.hs (ouroboros-network)
13:54:36 [119cc9b8] Fixes DColdNoop reflexive transition tracing (ouroboros-network)
13:54:47 [f158297a] Merge pull request #92 from mlabs-haskell/vlad/nix-build-version-update (plutus-use-cases)
13:54:54 [da6f3fe7] make connectionLoop resilient so that it can't die (ouroboros-network)
13:54:54 [336796ff] Log TerminatingSt->TerminatedSt in the right place (ouroboros-network)
14:02:46 [0bee7eae] wip: try restoring old behavior using another Promise (plutus-starter)
14:04:09 [9e9cf50a] SCP-2580: Execute migrate command before starting dev servers and better logging (plutus)
14:04:27 [a6cba584] make connectionLoop resilient so that it can't die (ouroboros-network)
14:04:27 [4743ea19] Log TerminatingSt->TerminatedSt in the right place (ouroboros-network)
14:06:10 [8cb396c0] Add time tracing for profiling. (plutus)
14:06:10 [03cf18f0] Fix plutus tx evaluation's call of runCek. (plutus)
14:06:10 [b247b129] Update materialized. (plutus)
14:06:10 [ba6f8469] Update maintainer info. (plutus)
14:07:48 [c5bf401d] Fixed wrong dependencies (daedalus)
14:07:52 [6a2ecb9c] Implement db schema, data and query for advisor reviews data (vit-servicing-station)
14:09:45 [22299816] Bring the flake build into alignment with the default.nix build. (plutus)
14:10:26 [2e55f67c] WIP (cardano-wallet)
14:12:49 [04831ecf] Merge pull request #3633 from input-output-hk/hrajchert/scp-2547-re-implemenent-balance-tab (plutus)
14:12:50 [a4694e34] WIP (cardano-wallet)
14:15:31 [ace5c561] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:17:39 [05e82374] SCP-2571: plutus-core/plutus-ir: add delay and force (plutus)
14:17:46 [b569f397] plutus-ir/plutus-tx: use force/delay (plutus)
14:22:18 [699e70d8] Use the flake lockfile instead of niv. (plutus)
14:26:29 [ed9e0932] Update Materialized. (plutus)
14:28:19 [a6feacf6] Try adding libSodiumPostInstall to cardano-launcher:unit (cardano-wallet)
14:29:44 [347267d7] SCP-2580: Execute migrate command before starting dev servers and better logging (plutus)
14:30:11 [d920a0dd] Delete pre-merge checklist (plutus)
14:30:53 [0f53567c] [Fix] Set sagano to capability ETC/64 (mantis)
14:31:15 [65e330f4] CAD-3093 bench | profiles: yuge genesis profiles (cardano-ops)
14:31:41 [6e4d1f63] CAD-3257 bench: bump generator for Plutus support (cardano-ops)
14:33:12 [56c4711d] minor comment on batch verif (vrf-optimisation-tests)
14:34:03 [fdeca6b8] SCP-2571: plutus-core/plutus-ir: add delay and force (plutus)
14:38:38 [ac8c78ef] add pending transactions to node stats (jormungandr)
14:39:21 [ea502aaf] Use the flake lockfile instead of niv. (plutus)
14:40:18 [86fe3935] Return an empty page for the Utxo set from an unsynchronised chain. (plutus)
14:41:59 [c82f82fe] Fixed and regenerated plutus scripts (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:47:17 [ccf91718] account wallet: use SpendingCounter instead of u32 (chain-wallet-libs)
14:47:17 [4ee34edf] remove vote cast test from free_keys (chain-wallet-libs)
14:47:17 [94d2f6fa] add initial funds to the test account address (chain-wallet-libs)
14:47:17 [cec968fc] Remove support for legacy UTxOs (chain-wallet-libs)
14:47:17 [3882acf1] remove yoroi test from wallet-js (chain-wallet-libs)
14:47:17 [32406730] fix account cast_vote test (chain-wallet-libs)
14:47:17 [64fee9ec] regen test-vector address1.pub to be an account address (chain-wallet-libs)
14:47:17 [337e2768] update jni-test (chain-wallet-libs)
14:49:46 [2b8ecb3d] CAD-3257 bench: switch to cardano-node / drop cardano-benchmarking (cardano-ops)
14:50:22 [9d23fc43] alonzo-qa: respin from genesis (iohk-nix)
14:52:09 [29d323e5] Replace error messages with error codes (plutus)
15:01:14 [1a347d6b] plutus-ir/plutus-tx: use force/delay (plutus)
15:04:48 [33a3b088] stack.yaml: Bump cardano-node to 1.28.0 tag (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [3f8e1d77] DB fixes for new persistent version in LTS 18.4 (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [4d01ca97] cardano-wallet-core.cabal: Remove random < 1.2 constraint (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [bfd3e914] More fixes for new persistent version (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [4d4d8c3b] Update estimateMaxNumberOfInputs goldens (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [e4220e7d] Add libstdc++-6.dll and other DLLs to windows packages (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [5a253ba4] cardano-wallet-core.cabal: Adjust version bounds for persistent (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [5b94625d] Replace deleteCascadeWhere with deleteCascade (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [9da99cfc] Add Typeable constraints on ToSchema instances ApiTypes (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [73beddd4] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [8a581af9] Update cabal.project (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [61406e53] Update CLISpec goldens (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [80175c6a] Bump haskell.nix (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [c7dcf4ed] More DB fixes for new persistent (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [3c5aafff] Fix whitespace in golden json (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [cd32fb3c] Update version matrix (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [6b0505c4] Remove mkDeleteCascade (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [c165958e] Rework readStdGen (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [16d6c031] Fix stack flags in rebuild.hs (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [8b18808f] Add missing Api JSON goldens (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [50b45897] Add benchmarks as roots to weeder.dhall (cardano-wallet)
15:04:48 [dd85ad8e] Add another Typeable constraint (cardano-wallet)
15:05:01 [71f8ab7f] alonzo-qa: respin from genesis (iohk-nix)
15:05:15 [9a4fded1] Adding DLLs to cardano-launcher:unit on windows (cardano-wallet)
15:09:22 [d0d6755a] Merge #2778 (cardano-wallet)
15:13:16 [b8df4c4e] Bring the flake build into alignment with the default.nix build. (plutus)
15:18:30 [b3b4db55] Implemented reviews endpoint (vit-servicing-station)
15:18:32 [17a7b7f5] enable trezor wallet catalyst voting (yoroi-frontend)
15:19:18 [17d8665b] add SafeAreaView, fix styles (yoroi-mobile)
15:20:01 [1ea13900] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:22:57 [c167ef03] show required trezor firmware version 2.4.1 (yoroi-frontend)
15:22:57 [02fe9048] detect and show firmware version error (yoroi-frontend)
15:22:58 [7b0c4b49] bump trezor-connect version and adapt to API changes (yoroi-frontend)
15:27:05 [169ac449] CAD-2910 bench: fix tx_count calculation (cardano-ops)
15:27:05 [f2d0aa61] CAD-2910 bench: guard against multiple commit hits (cardano-ops)
15:27:05 [c647168b] CAD-2910 bench | collect: better node artifact enumeration (cardano-ops)
15:27:06 [b21186df] CAD-2910 bench: double the patience (cardano-ops)
15:27:06 [b0604cf3] CAD-3093 bench | profiles: yuge genesis profiles (cardano-ops)
15:27:06 [7797f4e1] CAD-2910 bench: parallel logs fetching (cardano-ops)
15:27:30 [2d17d8e4] Use the flake lockfile instead of niv. (plutus)
15:29:11 [1b2d466a] CAD-3257 bench: bump node for tx-generator Plutus support (cardano-ops)
15:29:25 [b9603c5b] CAD-3257 bench: updates for latest cardano-ops master (cardano-ops)
15:30:27 [7ebd8c61] CAD-3257 bench: switch to cardano-node / drop cardano-benchmarking (cardano-ops)
15:33:26 [2ed9aa3d] Update showcases.js (developer-portal)
15:37:16 [7652eb6b] Bring the flake build into alignment with the default.nix build. (plutus)
15:37:17 [ee6769cd] Use the flake lockfile instead of niv. (plutus)
15:38:23 [7a817546] Expose cek internal and fix BenchPlc. (plutus)
15:56:14 [eb58f18f] Added a new test and a default config file (daedalus)
15:57:44 [38f794ab] Delete pre-merge checklist (#3641) (plutus)
15:59:09 [c32b6a3d] Update materialized. (plutus)
16:03:46 [cfbdf517] Fix unsafeEvaluateCek calls in cost-model. (plutus)
16:09:11 [8e1151ea] Fix validation benchmark. (plutus)
16:11:01 [fe9a2ca1] Added a self node test (#3471) (jormungandr)
16:16:28 [9a6f1092] alonzo-qa: respin from genesis (iohk-nix)
16:17:59 [3fa661f3] Adding DLLs to cardano-launcher:unit on windows (cardano-wallet)
16:20:59 [39d2d95e] SCP-2575 - Move static analysis end-point to /api/* (#3635) (plutus)
16:28:00 [77568fae] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:31:08 [ab45e9e6] Make plutus test pass with && (hydra-poc)
16:32:10 [847e72a0] Alternative mustForwardParty and with 'and' (hydra-poc)
16:36:49 [0dff297b] tmp: try change cache (cardano-wallet)
16:37:16 [dc2da2ce] Try #2778: (cardano-wallet)
16:37:44 [d4e3aae9] wip (adalite)
16:42:27 [5ef62caf] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
16:47:17 [eb3d8195] PAB: Delete unused type (plutus)
16:49:46 [14aea2b3] first integration test for single output tx that adds inputs (cardano-wallet)
16:49:57 [66c0867c] alonzo-qa: respin from genesis (iohk-nix)
16:56:13 [98c363a3] General Markdown Fixes on Mint Page (#196) (developer-portal)
16:56:18 [bb1aca34] CAD-3243: trace-forward library. (cardano-node)
17:04:50 [3946c250] store private keys in hex format (chain-wallet-libs)
17:04:50 [129a7b9e] extract account_key and utxo_key to methods (chain-wallet-libs)
17:04:50 [222cd514] use account.check_fragment for block0 fragments (chain-wallet-libs)
17:06:27 [aa191d94] add safe context area (yoroi-mobile)
17:07:51 [4a67c500] Merge pull request #162 from input-output-hk/wallet-recovery-cleanup (chain-wallet-libs)
17:09:01 [4f5f8627] wip2 (adalite)
17:15:49 [cb2850d0] Merge pull request #3638 from shlevy/flake-niv-reconcile (plutus)
17:23:58 [94fa54aa] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:36:43 [95766b04] need to use the same version of primitive-types as the evm crate does (chain-libs)
17:36:43 [aba46afd] add evm crate to chain-evm Cargo manifest (chain-libs)
17:36:43 [5016c4f7] Add Machine type with stubbed evm traits (chain-libs)
17:36:43 [26908027] stub function that will execute evm runtime in machine module (chain-libs)
17:38:30 [96bc2955] deploy: ab45e9e62d2ba5d78720bc828a01a11361a873e8 (hydra-poc)
17:47:30 [3dbee6c9] Add support for multiple Middlewares in the PAB server (plutus)
17:47:36 [4fccf2a7] Identified a fix for the failure (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:53:57 [8ca85e60] Make integration `minUTxOValue` dependent on era (cardano-wallet)
17:53:57 [bac73ff3] Add clusterEra to TESTS_LOGDIR path (cardano-wallet)
17:53:57 [5c4405c5] Run integration tests on both Mary and Alonzo in buildkite (cardano-wallet)
17:53:57 [7e9d09f8] Support Alonzo Local State Queries (cardano-wallet)
17:53:57 [5ca61af7] Adapt minUTxOValue for Alonzo (cardano-wallet)
17:53:57 [b3b9dbce] Add AlonzoHardFork support in test cluster (cardano-wallet)
17:53:57 [20452523] Implement toAlonzoTxOut and fromAlonzoBlock (cardano-wallet)
17:56:38 [b1814a92] add option to get public key from bech32 (jormungandr)
17:58:37 [702e58cb] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-691-implement-custom-browser-protocol-to-launch-daedalus (daedalus)
17:58:49 [634bce8c] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-716-implement-static-screens-for-signing-dapp-interaction-transactions (daedalus)
18:07:05 [ea8f2815] Added 2 arg scripts, and associated helper functions. (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:09:05 [5a907ec7] SCP-2580: Execute migrate command before starting dev servers and better logging (plutus)
18:15:14 [e609d77e] Merge branch 'develop' into settings-item (yoroi-mobile)
18:15:50 [1a3b8e37] Merge pull request #1499 from Emurgo/settings-item (yoroi-mobile)
18:19:00 [5ccf73e7] Merge branch 'develop' into restore-wallet (yoroi-mobile)
18:19:13 [da605c60] Make plutus test fail by removing a predicate (hydra-poc)
18:19:32 [25861243] Merge pull request #1502 from Emurgo/restore-wallet (yoroi-mobile)
18:19:55 [5851efa9] Merge branch 'develop' into mnemonic-check (yoroi-mobile)
18:20:21 [f17f6309] Merge pull request #1496 from Emurgo/mnemonic-check (yoroi-mobile)
18:21:16 [e21cce4c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:22:30 [f4f29f21] consensus/docs: draft interface-CHANGELOG.md (ouroboros-network)
18:22:37 [507114cf] update CustomPinScreen (yoroi-mobile)
18:24:52 [34c56183] Fix ledger api's calling of runCek. (plutus)
18:25:37 [5a4664c3] Merge branch 'develop' into custom-pin-screen (yoroi-mobile)
18:38:41 [b48cb18c] Remove stray eventful references (plutus)
18:39:23 [5ec406d1] plutus-ledger-api: Include full error (plutus)
18:39:39 [10938936] Add @category & @internal annotations to all relevant functions in the client library. (cardano-ogmios)
18:42:59 [aa021a96] 2nd branch (plutus)
18:45:32 [11c2abe7] consensus/docs: draft interface-CHANGELOG.md (ouroboros-network)
18:46:33 [9d2d4c40] Rename 'OgmiosHealth' into 'ServerHealth' (cardano-ogmios)
18:49:40 [8216d5a9] Add a flag to defer plutus tx plugin errors (plutus-starter)
18:54:29 [570023b6] Explicitly set components for hie bios (plutus-starter)
18:55:52 [fbf949ba] Adjust REPL interface to also use interaction context instead of mere connection. (cardano-ogmios)
18:59:21 [0920b860] Revert using 'exports' in package.json (cardano-ogmios)
19:06:36 [e0797acc] Make plutus test pass using && .. again (hydra-poc)
19:07:42 [e4dca76d] Include ghcid to nix-shell (plutus-starter)
19:07:44 [c9114ca2] Fix new blockly project (plutus)
19:11:47 [d06edb3f] [DDW-716] Missing token (daedalus)
19:13:35 [ff209593] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:28:42 [293eef17] Merge branch 'input-output-hk:develop' into develop (daedalus)
19:31:20 [f9dab60c] Fix warnings (plutus-starter)
19:35:43 [ad922373] Re-add mustProduceToken (hydra-poc)
19:36:21 [0993c45d] [VIT-1422] Replacing jormungandr-monitoring with jormungandr prometheus api (vit-ops)
20:17:40 [e3b9b385] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:50:00 [4937dbd0] TMP -- hardcoded epoch length for testnet (cardano-node)
20:50:00 [a790f83b] stake credential history tool (cardano-node)
21:09:15 [1afef415] Merge pull request #3645 from input-output-hk/hrajchert/fix-new-blockly-project (plutus)
21:16:34 [fa7857e1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:22:09 [35b08cb0] docker/nixos: allow restore of snapshot from env variable (cardano-db-sync)
21:34:06 [3b6b7fcb] Done? (plutus)
21:56:39 [55c69557] Replace current API reference with generated TypeScript documentation. (cardano-ogmios)
21:58:36 [71a88fcd] Fix examples in TypeScript user-guide (cardano-ogmios)
22:02:09 [90095fe2] Switch back to upstream hydra (bitte)
22:06:13 [89f3d29d] bump cardano-ledger-specs and fix breaking change (ouroboros-network)
22:15:57 [fb207ccd] SCP-2580: Execute migrate command before starting dev servers and better logging (plutus)
22:18:51 [dd0fe88e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:21:26 [83c7239e] Added icon to breadcrumb (plutus)
22:23:32 [f7394737] Dashboard preview card should never show balances (plutus)
22:34:13 [fdeff8b2] docker/nixos: allow restore of snapshot from env variable (cardano-db-sync)
22:46:55 [b3e39452] Update plutus-starter.cabal (plutus-starter)
22:49:48 [b9d0d367] Merge pull request #712 from input-output-hk/restore-http-snapshot (cardano-db-sync)
22:53:15 [5718579e] Add status indicator (plutus)
22:55:15 [7dec4445] docker/nixos: allow restore of snapshot from env variable (cardano-db-sync)
23:17:01 [d5c63691] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:20:28 [447467fe] Version 10.0.2 (cardano-db-sync)
23:21:58 [c77ebc6a] SCP-2580: Execute migrate command before starting dev servers and better logging (plutus)
23:34:52 [c795b9d6] Use the Adapots from Ledger instead of our own (cardano-db-sync)