Home / Reports / Nov 25, 2021

Thursday, November 25, 2021

525 commits had been pushed across 38 repos by 83 authors. There were 145,215 additions and 140,811 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:08:21 [43344c63] SRE-202: switched to nixfmt (ouroboros-network)
00:10:29 [a7e7ee48] SRE-202: excluded ci and github pages (ouroboros-network)
00:19:49 [c36be196] add plutus-devops group to admins (plutus-ops)
00:20:40 [9320c87a] SRE-202: Remove all references to buildkite (ouroboros-network)
00:31:40 [108992f4] Update terminology (CIPs)
00:47:12 [9cbea879] doc: Update system requirements (cardano-db-sync)
00:51:18 [2ba7ea36] Add schema definition (CIPs)
00:59:36 [145944fd] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:03:04 [a78e858f] SCP-2368: Hosted PAB scenario - expose partial transactions that need to be balanced, signed and submitted by a remote wallet. (#119) (plutus-apps)
01:10:38 [405b97d9] doc: Update system requirements (cardano-db-sync)
01:16:01 [2e5e1ff0] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:19:17 [0ce6b49a] add token encoding (plutus-use-cases)
01:40:53 [8bfaccfb] Few adjustments (guild-operators)
01:41:51 [774443b5] Official DB-sync does not have prometheus istalled (guild-operators)
01:44:32 [8514c2fa] missing reset_grest function (guild-operators)
01:58:50 [2a432d98] Using postgresql.conf alined with other components (guild-operators)
02:02:57 [fddd05c2] wrong dbsync port exposed (guild-operators)
02:03:48 [a1c02601] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:07:18 [293f325c] SCP-3079 created example 3-step contract (marlowe-cardano)
02:18:53 [f0740178] Enable cache, enforce server nomen clature for ssl-enabled servers (guild-operators)
02:32:53 [a8b8ed23] Reorganized SetAlgebra by breaking it into 4 modules. New ones are Control.Iterate.BaseTypes, Control.Iterate.Exp, and Control.Iterate.BiMap (cardano-ledger)
02:39:42 [f3297847] fix Sale transitions (plutus-use-cases)
02:55:14 [8b53499c] Simplify definition of `ourWithdrawals`. (cardano-wallet)
02:57:38 [3f6f238e] Rename `ourWithdrawals` to `ourWithdrawalSum`. (cardano-wallet)
02:59:50 [caab8f72] add explicit minAdaTxOut to transactions (plutus-use-cases)
03:07:13 [2a9ed24e] Move function `ourWithdrawal` to top-level. (cardano-wallet)
03:10:31 [774c7cdc] Extract out function `ourWithdrawalSumFromTx`. (cardano-wallet)
03:18:41 [30a8223c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:21:26 [0dd2737f] Introduce forging and block Interpreter (cardano-db-sync)
03:47:30 [6aaaa15d] Move function `ourDelegation` to top-level. (cardano-wallet)
04:02:22 [f377d317] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:24:11 [97ccc410] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:53:40 [1a917c16] Split `applyTx` into two separate functions. (cardano-wallet)
04:54:40 [17efe0e8] Restrict scope of `mkTxMeta`. (cardano-wallet)
04:59:43 [59909e82] Explicitly pass slot number and block height to `applyOurTxToUTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:32 [1d6b720c] Trigger circleci. (cardano-token-registry)
05:03:16 [3ac48c6a] Move function `applyOurTxToUTxO` to top-level. (cardano-wallet)
05:06:23 [2ed1d360] Rename `prefilterBlock` to `applyBlockToUTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
05:16:02 [08acc452] Support ProtocolInfo with forging credentials (cardano-db-sync)
05:16:45 [c9cac474] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:18:25 [178a364a] Create testing Config (cardano-db-sync)
06:08:36 [e33ebd28] db-sync: Cleanup after removal of cardano-sync package (cardano-db-sync)
06:08:37 [b6203d2b] db-tool: Minor module rearrangement (cardano-db-sync)
06:15:14 [73468fc7] db-sync: Remove thisIsAnUglyHack (cardano-db-sync)
06:21:47 [5edbc179] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:45:07 [1ceeef70] Merge pull request #969 from input-output-hk/erikd/post-cleanup (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:48 [9b5221b5] doc: Update system requirements (cardano-db-sync)
06:46:46 [f53b9969] SRE-202: Add nixfmt derivation (ouroboros-network)
06:57:11 [3cd6ee48] fix lints (chain-libs)
07:04:42 [726d647c] SRE-202: Add nixfmt derivation (ouroboros-network)
07:17:42 [a1ecd468] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:46:42 [86de7649] Add a swagger ui page for chain index endpoints (plutus-apps)
07:54:02 [f3cb598b] Make ETE test pass generating a commmit UTXO and using it off-chain (hydra-poc)
07:54:52 [1416fdaa] Refactor prop_public_resolvesDomainCorrectly (ouroboros-network)
07:56:18 [18e8fb97] SCP-3103: Added test cases for CEC and CEG ACTUS contract types (marlowe-cardano)
08:16:02 [e747a769] [cardano-api] Add a FromJSONKey instance for TxIn (cardano-node)
08:21:33 [c8d8a888] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:23:48 [5f05d1c1] remove auto adding all nodes as leaders (jormungandr)
08:29:03 [61d4fcba] re-generate materialized files. (hydra-poc)
08:33:20 [edfd5bc4] Adjust `ourWithdrawalSumFromTx` to account for script validation. (cardano-wallet)
08:37:42 [2020164e] Use less vertical space. (cardano-wallet)
08:48:36 [9b49e5dd] Disable running benchmarks (hydra-poc)
08:57:02 [915199e1] add golangci-lint to lint command, fix some of the issues (cicero)
08:59:39 [42927e97] fixup bump limit to 45 (cardano-node)
09:01:36 [ed87e6eb] Move dedicated initChainSelTracer tracer to initialChainSelection (ouroboros-network)
09:02:13 [0c960fd7] deploy: 9b49e5ddf1467c44c34818d15511dec164e1eefe (hydra-poc)
09:05:46 [0f705a1f] Add gswagger dependency via go mod tidy. (cicero)
09:08:30 [3fd2c8c9] Drop additional constraints on generator constants (hydra-poc)
09:09:34 [3362cc2e] Report failing transaction with validation errors when applying to ledger (hydra-poc)
09:10:06 [f6b57e12] Add non-zero default max execution units for hard-coded ledger env. (hydra-poc)
09:18:15 [6366efc8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:18:42 [4b088bc2] Restrict updating CDF counters after restart. (cardano-node)
09:18:53 [eb5c2ca1] fixup bump limit to 45 (cardano-node)
09:22:54 [910255a0] CR (ouroboros-network)
09:25:01 [b35bd106] [DDW-826] Removed risky Promise.race (daedalus)
09:26:08 [ff825bba] Update installing-cardano-wallet.md for Linux (#420) (developer-portal)
09:30:38 [72f979a6] Merge #3505 (ouroboros-network)
09:41:33 [6054def6] implement update proposal test (vit-testing)
09:42:09 [2ade98ab] Change hard-coded ledgerEnv to use freeCostModel (hydra-poc)
09:42:58 [7f2d2752] adding new unit tests (cicero)
09:44:57 [148cf013] Re-generate golden/Tx (hydra-poc)
09:45:42 [1df452b7] Merge pull request #2561 from input-output-hk/nc/bench-tx (cardano-ledger)
09:47:04 [19c0f029] Added StartedInitChainSelection and InitialChainSelected (ouroboros-network)
09:47:56 [4091ae33] Eq for MemoBytes should compare the bytes. (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:53:37 [fef3b08d] Merge pull request #4231 from input-output-hk/dependabot/github_actions/nixbuild/nix-quick-install-action-9 (plutus)
09:56:14 [60913ef6] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 1df452b7c110614ffd252e16cf756e58945f9332 (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:57:05 [e5e01a33] Add missing dependencies for gswagger. (cicero)
10:00:04 [8352f239] Add a compiler option to remove traces (#4219) (plutus)
10:00:55 [a720534c] Begin adopting cardano-api throughout the Hydra code-base (hydra-poc)
10:00:57 [8b76871b] Keep working on absorbing cardano-api in the Hydra.Ledger.Cardano. (hydra-poc)
10:00:58 [342abeb8] Finish translating generators to cardano-api. (hydra-poc)
10:01:00 [429797ad] Revert using SerialiseAsCBOR instead of ToCBOR/FromCBOR (hydra-poc)
10:04:31 [b2f3208a] Adjust hydra-node modules to interface renaming (Tx => IsTx, Utxo => UtxoType...) (hydra-poc)
10:04:38 [486c2b30] Use Mary generator for Tx and UTxO, to keep test working for now. (hydra-poc)
10:04:40 [ac66274c] Apply HLint hints (hydra-poc)
10:04:41 [4ed3ac27] Add scripts and bootstrap witnesses to JSON Orphans. (hydra-poc)
10:04:43 [a93ef41b] Add extra property to check roundtrip between cardano-api / cardano-ledger-specs. (hydra-poc)
10:04:44 [831b5f9b] Continue updating to cardano-api in local-cluster. (hydra-poc)
10:04:46 [b9a1ae1e] Use to- and fromLedgerUtxo in Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (hydra-poc)
10:04:47 [84a717e1] Provide missing FromJSONKey instance for API's TxIn (hydra-poc)
10:04:49 [efc47f95] Implement fromLedgerUtxo / toLedgerUtxo (hydra-poc)
10:04:50 [48e16fb4] Continue fixing local-cluster. (hydra-poc)
10:04:52 [a44b55a9] Make local-cluster compile (hydra-poc)
10:04:53 [3176cd55] [wip] Start fixing hydra-tui (hydra-poc)
10:04:55 [db9f4553] [wip] Fix more compilation errors in TUI (hydra-poc)
10:07:19 [612a49b5] Bump algoliasearch-helper from 3.4.4 to 3.6.2 (#421) (developer-portal)
10:07:44 [13bc56da] [wip] Fixing some more errors in TUI (hydra-poc)
10:07:48 [ab9b3f19] Change mkVkAddress to take network magic (hydra-poc)
10:07:49 [d9e5531b] Define utxoMap and use that in TUI (hydra-poc)
10:07:51 [1c89dbf0] Make TUI compile.. at a cost (hydra-poc)
10:07:52 [e5cd22c0] Use the serialized Address as keys in TUI (hydra-poc)
10:07:54 [db3c8de5] Define orphan Ord for addresses using Show (hydra-poc)
10:07:55 [5c362af9] Start (re)implementing 'mkSimpleCardanoTx' (hydra-poc)
10:07:57 [d38f735f] Complete construction of mkSimpleTx TxBody (hydra-poc)
10:07:58 [9943faa9] Sign transaction in mkSimpleCardanoTx and changed signature (hydra-poc)
10:07:59 [41754dba] Use Ledger's Mary generator for UTXO, as it was before. (hydra-poc)
10:08:01 [2da8ca5b] Use Latin1 encoding to decode Base16-encoded assetname to match cardano-api. (hydra-poc)
10:08:02 [55c2a5d9] Add roundtrip test for AssetName (hydra-poc)
10:08:04 [c74670f1] Update cardano-node et al to recent master (hydra-poc)
10:08:05 [ea88c954] Fix Hydra.Network.Ouroboros with changed API (hydra-poc)
10:08:07 [a15d0b95] Revive FromJSON Ledger.Mary.AssetName orphans (hydra-poc)
10:08:08 [edd6e991] Fix evaluateTransactionExecutionUnits due to changed API (hydra-poc)
10:08:09 [36d6b9ab] Add new golden files (hydra-poc)
10:08:11 [44462e0a] Define Arbitrary instances for TxIn and TxOut and fix commitTx TxSpec test (hydra-poc)
10:08:12 [5bce91f1] Write extra property for checking equality of transaction id after JSON roundtrip (hydra-poc)
10:08:14 [2004b169] Replace Mary generators by Alonzo generators for transactions and utxos. (hydra-poc)
10:08:15 [366ab2ad] Write JSON instances for redeemers and datums, and remove TODOs from TxWitness instances. (hydra-poc)
10:08:17 [786259fb] Re-generate golden tests. (hydra-poc)
10:08:18 [d5088f9f] re-generate materialized files. (hydra-poc)
10:08:20 [3a488fef] Drop additional constraints on generator constants (hydra-poc)
10:08:21 [4bc947fd] Report failing transaction with validation errors when applying to ledger (hydra-poc)
10:08:22 [15d39867] Add non-zero default max execution units for hard-coded ledger env. (hydra-poc)
10:08:24 [3c678491] Change hard-coded ledgerEnv to use freeCostModel (hydra-poc)
10:08:25 [cbee066a] Re-generate golden/Tx (hydra-poc)
10:08:27 [3d933009] Replace invalid sample with property check on non-constant dataset (hydra-poc)
10:08:56 [5db6a40e] Compile BuiltinCostModel with -O0 (plutus)
10:09:06 [59f25760] Add a test for profiling typeclass methods (they work!) (plutus)
10:09:44 [0026f04f] Refactor to make profiling code reusable (plutus)
10:09:46 [433dc7c9] Fix profiling of polymorphic functions (plutus)
10:09:47 [06d6c6a0] Add test for profiling local functions (they don't work!) (plutus)
10:11:33 [7074a6bd] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/sign-tx (yoroi-frontend)
10:13:46 [e8edacd3] Fix profiling local functions (plutus)
10:19:47 [31c5a257] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:22:44 [fae7811f] Restrict updating CDF counters after restart. (cardano-node)
10:27:38 [04eeda50] Continue fixing errors after rebase on latest master. (hydra-poc)
10:28:55 [98ce9205] refactor: convert Hash16 to a validated type, add Ed25519KeyHash and VrfKeyHash types (cardano-js-sdk)
10:30:14 [b352f0fc] Render the right name for the wallets (yoroi-frontend)
10:32:02 [ba0503eb] Merge pull request #717 from prashantramangupta/add-ntx-token (cardano-token-registry)
10:32:35 [2ef3ed29] Remove unnecessary `Eq` constraints. (cardano-ledger)
10:33:36 [585d8565] Merge pull request #721 from MermADA/master (cardano-token-registry)
10:36:51 [986b7471] Set MaxConcurrencyDeadline = 4 in base-service (not just relay) (cardano-ops)
10:41:11 [7209890b] Use cardano-api types in commitTx (hydra-poc)
10:42:44 [b90052a3] [?] Add inputUTxO to Shelley.Transaction (cardano-wallet)
10:42:44 [14ccd01c] Add preconditions to balanceTransaction (cardano-wallet)
10:42:44 [6164e4b6] Add (Buildable PartialTx) instance (cardano-wallet)
10:42:44 [59d3a4c4] Add Shelley.Compatibility.fromCardanoTxOut (cardano-wallet)
10:42:45 [bf62a988] [?] cardano-wallet.cabal tweaks (cardano-wallet)
10:43:33 [0a63943a] Add prop_balanceTransactionBalanced (cardano-wallet)
10:43:39 [f4d6f8f6] Improve Cardano.Api generators (cardano-wallet)
10:48:52 [c3848e10] Merge #2554 (cardano-ledger)
10:51:11 [630e6507] Apply new topology systax change in nixos service (cardano-node)
10:51:55 [cda27eb6] Create and send a Alonzo transaction in e2e test (hydra-poc)
10:52:19 [7015b8d3] chore(tests): add test for paginateMethod util (blockfrost-js)
10:53:59 [4382d699] update chain-libs (jormungandr)
10:53:59 [52c589b5] fix clippy (jormungandr)
10:53:59 [e804752c] add user friendly interface for spending counter (jormungandr)
10:53:59 [9fa11564] update changelog (jormungandr)
10:53:59 [5f7cb03b] update testing wallet to partially support multiple spending counter lanes (jormungandr)
10:54:00 [1ae6f988] re-enable witness tests (jormungandr)
10:54:00 [ba17dd51] fix tests (jormungandr)
10:54:00 [284c68a3] reword help message (jormungandr)
10:55:29 [2ed5312b] Bump bytesize from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 (#3706) (jormungandr)
10:56:39 [474ec971] Bump tracing-subscriber from 0.2.20 to 0.3.2 (jormungandr)
10:58:37 [811d1885] change Blockchain struct into more builder fashion (jormungandr)
10:58:43 [e620f6cd] Implement progress tracers for chunk validation (ouroboros-network)
10:58:51 [6d91b116] Bump keynesis from 1.4.0 to 2.0.1 (jormungandr)
11:00:35 [3a404ce8] Db-sync 12 on passive backends & snapshot (cardano-ops)
11:00:36 [5ab9dcca] db-sync-snapshot: upload last version snapshot (cardano-ops)
11:00:37 [12c55006] db-sync 12.0.0-pre5 (cardano-ops)
11:00:37 [eccc6d61] Add smash to explorer role, as db-sync plugin. (cardano-ops)
11:00:38 [3f1638b4] Fix db-sync snapshot creation. (cardano-ops)
11:00:39 [ff686f35] cardano-node 1.32.0-rc1 (cardano-ops)
11:05:30 [e2c479d1] Add a tighter type for IsUtxoResponse (plutus-apps)
11:09:11 [7896da56] inaugural commit (nix-cache-proxy)
11:09:45 [e206c168] Update ghcjs810-src.json (haskell.nix)
11:15:11 [64e804f7] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:18:30 [fcee620a] remove redundant functions (chain-libs)
11:22:01 [1ae99357] [DDW-826] If disk check has errors or reaches the timeout we "stop" the intervals (daedalus)
11:22:47 [58a10c95] adjust builder (vit-testing)
11:28:05 [5d30cbbb] [DDW-773] Implement initial migration script (daedalus)
11:32:01 [dc723e68] duplicate the dapp-connector store (yoroi-frontend)
11:39:46 [08d33c39] Pipe threshold into reward calculation (catalyst-toolbox)
11:43:20 [70d43c15] Implement renderers for chunk validation tracers (cardano-node)
11:47:49 [46bf35f1] Merge #3380 (cardano-node)
11:48:00 [70d3cb3a] WIP: Updated ouroboros-network dependency (cardano-node)
11:48:02 [8b717151] orphaned network instances: move things around (cardano-node)
11:51:46 [b78ac750] cardano-node: more p2p tracers ported (cardano-node)
11:53:42 [6a98ab94] fx: env types (blockfrost-js)
11:54:39 [d79afa1e] [DDW-773] Update ts-migrate folder sources (daedalus)
11:54:56 [e38dfbcf] sort vote history prior to comparision (vit-testing)
11:59:58 [1d8f3082] [DDW-814] Fix flow errors (daedalus)
12:00:15 [dba5e0cb] remove redundant policy_hash from MintToken (chain-libs)
12:15:25 [ba755fd6] Use StartupTracer to log start time and db validation on startup (cardano-node)
12:15:25 [72955a71] Added StartupTracer (cardano-node)
12:15:25 [fb7583b9] Added WarnDevelopmentNetworkProtocols warning (cardano-node)
12:15:25 [2201fa9c] Added a todo (cardano-node)
12:18:04 [8a592516] Merge #3380 (cardano-node)
12:18:21 [e389c36e] Add integration test for Plutus.Contracts.Currency (cardano-wallet)
12:19:00 [cc9922d5] chore: bump got (blockfrost-js)
12:20:00 [02edae5e] wip reorder stuff (cardano-node)
12:21:55 [eaff51d1] Connect SwaggerDefinition generation to api routes. (cicero)
12:22:10 [29fe9913] fix: retry delay func triggering infinite retry on every error (blockfrost-js)
12:22:40 [2bdc28e0] chore: debug log fired request (blockfrost-js)
12:24:44 [98f8696f] Document that /transactions-balance requires 'assets' (cardano-wallet)
12:25:22 [2312dfc2] Merge pull request #150 from blockfrost/fix/env-types (blockfrost-js)
12:28:58 [d425a898] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:31:53 [d1f560e7] Add a tighter type for IsUtxoResponse (plutus-apps)
12:41:17 [5e7bfa43] entry file (yoroi-mobile)
12:44:02 [888a2c2d] chore: bump got (blockfrost-js)
12:44:02 [1eeacac3] fix: set default value for retrySettings (blockfrost-js)
12:44:02 [3e7a345d] chore(tests): add test for paginateMethod util (blockfrost-js)
12:44:02 [2a80332e] fix: retry delay func triggering infinite retry on every error (blockfrost-js)
12:44:02 [f6f8650a] chore: debug log fired request (blockfrost-js)
12:44:52 [4233adb9] chore: move error debug logs to got hook (blockfrost-js)
12:45:48 [f70d9cc4] SCP-2973: Switch CEK to NamedDeBruijn, keeping test interface unchanged (plutus)
12:51:26 [3f3dad6d] refactor: change StakePool.owners to be Cardano.RewardAccount[] (cardano-js-sdk)
13:00:30 [3337528f] feat: debug option (blockfrost-js)
13:06:35 [378ff7a6] update configuration (cicero)
13:08:27 [a8b5d1bc] Merge pull request #149 from blockfrost/fix/retry-settings-defaults (blockfrost-js)
13:11:00 [eaff9ff6] chore: bump blockfrost sdk (blockfrost-websocket-link)
13:11:41 [ca033d53] [DDW-773] Fix typos + whitespaces + add @ts-ignore (daedalus)
13:12:37 [1bbcb2d2] [DDW-814] Discreet mode integration tests (daedalus)
13:13:45 [497b642c] [DDW-785] Discreet mode - Create the Discreet Mode variables (daedalus)
13:15:19 [f66092cb] [DDW-786] Discreet mode - Create the TopBar icon (#2725) (daedalus)
13:15:21 [93a5426b] [DDW-787] Implement discreet mode settings (daedalus)
13:15:22 [43966bbc] [DDW-787] Update translations (daedalus)
13:15:22 [4218c226] [DDW-787] Update translations (daedalus)
13:15:22 [3a2cf843] [DDW-787] Add story (daedalus)
13:15:22 [888a43b6] [DDW-787] Fix text (daedalus)
13:15:23 [29096873] [DDW-787] Discreet mode tooltip local storage setting (daedalus)
13:15:36 [c223b13a] rename Readable into the Deserialize (chain-libs)
13:15:46 [cfaac8f3] [DDW-787] NotificationPopOver component (daedalus)
13:15:49 [754122ba] [DDW-787] Migrate Sidebar to functional component (daedalus)
13:15:49 [7cd3889c] [DDW-787] Wrap categories with NotificationPopOver (daedalus)
13:15:50 [3e43323a] [DDW-787] Fix lint (daedalus)
13:15:52 [fcd6ec99] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
13:16:06 [58626b53] [DDW-787] Add new placements (daedalus)
13:16:09 [dfcc49f9] [DDW-787] One time fixed popOver (daedalus)
13:16:09 [34eb2d80] [DDW-787] Adjust styles (daedalus)
13:16:09 [83d0b0ec] [DDW-787] Add default translations (daedalus)
13:16:59 [cb58a08a] [DDW-814] Discreet mode integration tests (daedalus)
13:17:09 [f86c199f] [DDW-787] Add red dot to discreet mode settings (daedalus)
13:17:13 [4930151e] [DDW-787] Add styles specific for language (daedalus)
13:17:13 [50f42034] [DDW-787] Update action text (daedalus)
13:17:13 [47baee81] [DDW-787] Update initial translations (daedalus)
13:17:13 [7dc8faad] [DDW-787] Review changes (daedalus)
13:17:13 [cd720e51] [DDW-787] Update translations (daedalus)
13:17:14 [a8168d0c] [DDW-787] Changelog (daedalus)
13:17:14 [6686d59d] [DDW-787] Fix tooltip showing after accessing security tab (daedalus)
13:17:14 [7b165dad] [DDW-787] Fix notification dot click (daedalus)
13:17:14 [b4635eb7] [DDW-787] Fix jumping icons (daedalus)
13:17:15 [a29d4a8e] [DDW-787] Fix styling issues (daedalus)
13:17:15 [7865df93] [DDW-787] Remove red dot when user leaves security tab (daedalus)
13:17:15 [017933bc] [DDW-787] Fix click through tooltip (daedalus)
13:17:15 [b6415b2e] [DDW-787] Add jp translation (daedalus)
13:17:15 [d7e4b98b] [DDW-787] Fix tooltip overlap (daedalus)
13:17:16 [54ad226c] [DDW-787] Fix tooltip overlap dialogs (daedalus)
13:17:16 [b3f9b596] [DDW-787] Fix tooltip overlaping issues (daedalus)
13:17:16 [c17d8bbf] [DDW-787] Fix closing discreet mode popover on staking page (daedalus)
13:17:16 [f7657165] [DDW-787] Fix prettier issue (daedalus)
13:17:16 [a7494066] [DDW-787] Dismiss tooltip on route leave (daedalus)
13:23:28 [5c4364c4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:23:29 [4a2cc5ce] fix fmt (cicero)
13:26:04 [2180ea78] Merge branch 'master' into fix/change-endpoints-to-use-multi-asset-table (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:26:21 [659d676f] [DDW-814] Remove aria-query from yarnlock (daedalus)
13:26:25 [03c6a090] chore: bump got (blockfrost-websocket-link)
13:28:15 [0859d724] Plucky POC (cardano-node)
13:28:44 [a83f8789] Merge pull request #133 from blockfrost/chore/bump-sdk-3b10 (blockfrost-websocket-link)
13:31:36 [b2c30486] refactor: split Hash16 into 2 more concrete types (cardano-js-sdk)
13:32:17 [24ff100b] Refactor compileAlt. (plutus)
13:42:57 [7b7e5ef3] testnet-p2p: 5 p2p pools for testnet (cardano-ops)
13:47:37 [425959fb] Updating to serlib 10-beta.6 (yoroi-frontend)
13:48:32 [b3a62fc4] [DDW-787] Fix merge conflicts (daedalus)
13:48:49 [2caf5209] [DDW-814] Remove istanbul from yarnlock (daedalus)
13:53:14 [2f9d6f12] Add error logging for swagger router creation. (cicero)
13:53:31 [2f1f3b77] cardano-node: More p2p tracers (cardano-node)
13:54:09 [9e6e0063] Added an ignore for non-address inputs in tx-signing, instead of a fail (yoroi-frontend)
13:55:29 [1d661f9e] db-sync 12.0.0 (cardano-ops)
13:58:23 [5c3ff5ae] Merge branch 'SCP-2622-deploy-docs' (marlowe-cardano)
14:00:52 [1e5a30d9] Fix flow & eslint (yoroi-frontend)
14:05:10 [1e885f47] Add Hachi under Security Research & Tooling. (essential-cardano)
14:07:06 [fbd9beb3] trace-forward-demo: new package (cardano-node)
14:11:39 [28de3684] refactor: convert TxAlonzo.witness.signatures to Map, resolve some TODOs (cardano-js-sdk)
14:12:24 [05de48ec] Apply new topology systax change in nixos service + new p2p defaults (cardano-node)
14:12:44 [743cec1e] update multiAssetSupply SQL query to reflect changes to db schema (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:12:54 [ba604c89] testnet-p2p: 5 p2p pools for testnet (cardano-ops)
14:14:54 [f3b404e8] Favor JSON instances from cardano-api when possible / available (hydra-poc)
14:16:51 [be7f02fb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:19:24 [1ba0b2d7] cardano-node: integrate with trace-dispatcher (cardano-node)
14:19:27 [0b7a9fba] tx-generator: integrate with trace-dispatcher (cardano-node)
14:21:02 [120ad590] Display the dapp icon on the sidebar (yoroi-frontend)
14:22:20 [9a6b882d] cardano-node: prepare node info for cardano-tracer (cardano-node)
14:22:56 [bf72ea1f] trace-forward: fix switching to a big queue. (cardano-node)
14:22:56 [8e1a0b20] trace-dispatcher: add benchmarks (cardano-node)
14:22:56 [bdce3895] workbench: integrate new logging (cardano-node)
14:22:56 [7b1837fb] trace-forward-demo: update (cardano-node)
14:22:57 [1f4604d6] cardano-tracer: fix localSnocket (cardano-node)
14:22:57 [571adb31] cardano-tracer: new package (cardano-node)
14:22:57 [6d479b5f] trace-dispatcher - linked thread with exception handling (cardano-node)
14:22:57 [96c8762b] cardano-tracer: fixed and improved tests. (cardano-node)
14:22:57 [386e803f] cardano-node: Compiles again, but with warnings (cardano-node)
14:22:58 [a348c593] cardano- node: Adopting changes for trace-dispatcher bindings (cardano-node)
14:22:58 [d6cbedd5] trace-dispatcher and config: Change configuration vaules (cardano-node)
14:22:58 [524f4771] cardano-tracer: Non-Windows deps for systemd. (cardano-node)
14:22:58 [1a24ee3f] trace-dispatcher: active/passive mode. (cardano-node)
14:22:58 [80157ace] cardano-tracer: forwarder, both active and passive. (cardano-node)
14:22:58 [6dc7c55d] cardano-node: sketch of init changes (cardano-node)
14:22:59 [bf5c491d] datapoint-forward library. (cardano-node)
14:22:59 [4e3e4fd3] cardano-tracer: demo for local SSH forwarding. (cardano-node)
14:22:59 [992a8e3b] cardano-node: Using serverMetricStore for EKG (cardano-node)
14:22:59 [dec6fd50] trace-dispatcher, cardano-node: forwarding initialization (cardano-node)
14:22:59 [be302f21] trace-dispatcher: add third library. (cardano-node)
14:22:59 [3a29a5a3] trace-dispatcher: direct async instead of withAsync. (cardano-node)
14:23:00 [491afbd4] cardano-node: integration fix. (cardano-node)
14:23:00 [3d55de1a] Trace-dispatcher: Fixes (cardano-node)
14:23:00 [4d10560b] cardano-node: Trace formatting fixes (cardano-node)
14:23:00 [dd21e8bd] trace-dispatcher: Adding DataPoint tracer (cardano-node)
14:23:00 [f258f061] cardano-node: Add ReplyVersions Handshake message (cardano-node)
14:23:01 [4e7c2fc7] trace-dispatcher: Datapoint fixes (cardano-node)
14:23:01 [71c97b8e] cardano-node: Block replay progress fixes (cardano-node)
14:23:01 [3f917622] cardano-node: Tracer documentation (cardano-node)
14:23:01 [4901ff1f] trace-dispatcher: formatting fixes (cardano-node)
14:23:01 [5395ec33] cardano-node: blockReplayProgress (cardano-node)
14:23:01 [b814c27b] cardano-node: NodeInfo datapoint tracer (cardano-node)
14:23:02 [a1b8a3be] cardano-node: Docu corrections (cardano-node)
14:23:02 [ade4ecd2] trace-resources: Docu generation (cardano-node)
14:23:02 [c3ccee00] trace-dispatcher: Docu generation (cardano-node)
14:23:02 [eda4b193] cardano-node: docu snippets (cardano-node)
14:23:02 [01a4436a] trace-dispatcher: Docu generator (cardano-node)
14:23:03 [9bde3e16] trace-resources: docu snippets (cardano-node)
14:23:03 [a9e4e979] cardano-node: Datapoint documentation (cardano-node)
14:23:03 [da01be02] cardano-node resource and peer thread (cardano-node)
14:23:03 [81b6688f] trace-dispatcher: docu snippets (cardano-node)
14:23:03 [f3847cb1] trace-dispatcher: configurable threads (cardano-node)
14:23:03 [9c6d8acd] trace-dispatcher: Datapoint documentation (cardano-node)
14:23:04 [efa3ca66] Rebasing: new trace-forward, adapt trace-dispatcher. (cardano-node)
14:23:04 [c6574e83] cardano-node: Fixes for trace-dispatcher integration (cardano-node)
14:23:04 [022aafca] trace-dispatcher: network versioning. (cardano-node)
14:23:04 [89ee10ec] cardano-node: tracer configuration (cardano-node)
14:23:04 [09331f66] cardano-node: fix build. (cardano-node)
14:23:05 [76686c7f] trace-analyzer: initial (cardano-node)
14:23:05 [00aec566] cardano-node First fixes for p2p integration (cardano-node)
14:23:05 [7129afb4] cardano-node: real NetworkMagic for initForwarding. (cardano-node)
14:26:00 [66690580] Add tighter types for few chain index responses (plutus-apps)
14:27:27 [28f2ccf8] refactor: rename MIR certificate 'address' to 'rewardAccount' and change type (cardano-js-sdk)
14:29:37 [10f09b50] move Deserialize into deser.rs (chain-libs)
14:30:45 [cf829688] cardano-node: More fixes for P2P integration (cardano-node)
14:30:49 [36e157c9] node: warning elimination (cardano-node)
14:30:49 [324c70fd] cardano-node: More fixes (cardano-node)
14:34:22 [76170cc3] cardano-node: Porting p2p tracers (cardano-node)
14:34:24 [db7dc33c] cardano-node: more p2p tracers ported (cardano-node)
14:34:25 [cfc959ec] cardano-node: More p2p tracers (cardano-node)
14:37:25 [d345191b] Tweak generators (cardano-wallet)
14:37:33 [fc1a6055] fixup withMaxSuccess (cardano-wallet)
14:41:40 [a7bf7cc8] Fix rebase (plutus)
14:48:45 [52177c0e] Merge pull request #254 from input-output-hk/karknu/lower_maxconcurrencydeadline (cardano-documentation)
14:49:34 [ad8e8ddc] escape HCL/JSON templates in workflow evaluation (cicero)
14:50:00 [0833a446] Fixed a prettyprinter and boolean confusion bug (plutus)
14:51:10 [21830c0c] Render the wallet type (yoroi-frontend)
14:51:58 [66ab322a] cardano-tracer: new changes, new tests for multi forwarders, EKG. (cardano-node)
14:52:01 [71a5769f] testnet-p2p: 5 p2p pools for testnet (cardano-ops)
14:54:54 [032719a5] Do not encode empty or null fields ToJSON by default (hydra-poc)
14:59:05 [c020610d] refactor: improve Tip type to use the new BlockId type (cardano-js-sdk)
15:02:58 [20e9a221] testnet-p2p: 5 p2p pools for testnet (cardano-ops)
15:08:50 [ecdb4d1f] Merge pull request #2565 from input-output-hk/nc/memo-eq (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:10:50 [ada81e47] Parallel spending counter (#3700) (jormungandr)
15:11:24 [89d72c30] SCP-2973: Switch CEK to NamedDeBruijn, keeping test interface unchanged (plutus)
15:12:23 [fc8d5c32] clean up tests (jormungandr)
15:15:51 [876b844f] fix buggy tests (plutus)
15:18:56 [7b93fc4f] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for ecdb4d1f5b5a0a2c6977ea915623d34cd3e1350a (cardano-ledger)
15:19:14 [1259da2d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:21:32 [21d96e59] Add a swagger ui page for chain index endpoints (#130) (plutus-apps)
15:22:35 [5f34405f] one more minor fix (plutus)
15:31:12 [8f9e7782] typo (plutus)
15:32:21 [bd9d99c8] re-enable witness tests (jormungandr)
15:33:58 [389cf105] test fix. (plutus)
15:34:06 [831afd8c] fix non-linux test (jormungandr)
15:35:01 [f6027d79] revert solc version (mantis)
15:43:49 [72413ba9] tx-generator: add SpendAutoScript mode (cardano-node)
15:43:53 [2b17f0f8] migrate logout to react-query (yoroi-mobile)
15:47:48 [51826764] extract logout to LogoutButton (yoroi-mobile)
15:49:32 [4d66bd2d] added options request handling to all endpoints (vit-testing)
15:50:35 [8bdcef9e] update vit-testing hash (vit-testing)
15:52:49 [3d1b5f42] Fixed a prettyprinter and boolean confusion bug in coverage (#4238) (plutus)
15:57:53 [ddc9578f] cicero workflow: set GitHub PR commit status (cicero)
16:02:45 [bb235e32] revert solc version (mantis)
16:08:27 [b9179fa0] fix(tf): #0 avoid fatal state migration attempts (bitte)
16:20:17 [0265075f] Prettyprinting and fix distribution issue in GameStateMachine (plutus-apps)
16:22:52 [8af69bd7] Added dynamically adding contract instances and (plutus-apps)
16:22:52 [a4118818] Fix contract models to build with new initialHandleSpecs definition (plutus-apps)
16:28:10 [27085d7e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:30:25 [d473d97e] Add back 'id' to the JSON serialized output of transactions. (hydra-poc)
16:30:32 [002842d6] revert solc version (mantis)
16:32:16 [15002cfc] fix a few nil pointers (nix-cache-proxy)
16:34:08 [cbcc4292] Update flow (yoroi-frontend)
16:34:54 [80366625] Whitelist `resource vanished` error message in log files (cardano-node-tests)
16:41:46 [064ae90a] [DDW-814] Tests for public api (daedalus)
16:45:46 [e368a94c] Android version bump 4.5.0 (plus SDK version 30) (yoroi-mobile)
16:46:23 [f933230f] Merge pull request #799 from mkoura/whitelist_resource_vanished (cardano-node-tests)
16:53:34 [46ad2c1a] fix annoying issue related to moving modules around (plutus-apps)
16:59:13 [4ec1dc81] Store the dapp favicon (yoroi-frontend)
17:14:10 [f65fa471] deploy: d473d97e113f1b33046381c978253aff22c4caa7 (hydra-poc)
17:16:51 [4788a489] [DDW-787] Move condition to const (daedalus)
17:17:57 [6ae7e59d] [DDW-787] Move trigger component to stand alone hook (daedalus)
17:18:01 [93f88d61] Use `flat` package to encode transaction output index (cardano-wallet)
17:19:34 [1898737e] various improvements (nix-cache-proxy)
17:23:05 [2f773f0f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:24:34 [8501ab6a] Fix copy fingerprint to clipboard (yoroi-frontend)
17:30:58 [b6cf6028] Bump dependencies and regenerate Nix files (cardano-wallet)
17:32:03 [c488b304] Update docs & node versions (cardano-wallet)
17:33:35 [0d126fb3] Fix API breaking changes with few undecided fixme(s) (cardano-wallet)
17:41:16 [1412c2bd] plutusAutoMode sets all configs to max out script budget per Tx (cardano-node)
17:43:00 [3ff482cf] tx-generator: Add plutusAutoMode (cardano-node)
17:51:12 [3721212a] Pass the db read function to initStartingWith and openDbInternal (ouroboros-network)
18:11:16 [e24fc12d] Merge pull request #118 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/hail-cardano-api (hydra-poc)
18:12:55 [6c57e5da] wip (cardano-wallet)
18:17:11 [4f99dfad] Store the wallet list (yoroi-frontend)
18:20:54 [7872b980] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:31:02 [6d627fff] Move the wallet types to the global messages (yoroi-frontend)
18:44:06 [a097b2cd] Bump UnstoppableDomains Resolution to v6.0.3 (yoroi-mobile)
18:44:13 [a7d2a927] Added cron support to the postgres user (guild-operators)
19:02:24 [d0da79a7] sudo typo fix (guild-operators)
19:04:13 [294b8cb3] Tidying up (plutus)
19:04:40 [a156c347] Merge branch 'master' into kwxm/fewer-delays (plutus)
19:12:53 [b0835367] Improvments (guild-operators)
19:14:23 [05d3b3e1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:26:34 [e9c6e0a3] small improvments (guild-operators)
19:38:21 [aff32df3] fix (guild-operators)
19:47:42 [91eec6ce] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
19:50:36 [e26b9b17] cardano-tracer: exceptions. (cardano-node)
20:13:28 [8138e280] sudo fix (guild-operators)
20:13:58 [ff0579a4] testnet-p2p: 4 p2p pools for testnet (cardano-ops)
20:18:50 [85d25989] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:34:05 [0bfcbc39] workspace: add explorer crate (jormungandr)
20:34:16 [c7f018d4] jormungandr: remove explorer module (jormungandr)
20:45:46 [81e1f7ee] make action tabs show up again in cicero and ping_pong workflows (cicero)
20:48:29 [021d72c0] rename version to vit-version endpoint (vit-testing)
20:49:08 [a9000d6e] update vit-testing hash in docker (vit-testing)
20:49:58 [d4df25ea] disable deploy action in cicero workflow (cicero)
20:59:20 [528c873b] port typo (guild-operators)
21:00:08 [fd427019] Test for rewards while deregistering and re-delegating address (cardano-node-tests)
21:04:41 [54e6505d] Test for rewards while deregistering and re-delegating address (cardano-node-tests)
21:07:48 [366f27d1] update version (plutus-use-cases)
21:11:02 [f23d449c] remove unused source dir from nix build (cicero)
21:11:15 [270b024f] fix nix build (cicero)
21:12:36 [3aa06f18] fix test cases (jormungandr)
21:13:10 [ec7a9a83] Merge pull request #147 from input-output-hk/update_vit_ss_next_snapshot (vit-testing)
21:13:49 [94e56946] Collection of 30 Faces #14 (cardano-token-registry)
21:14:05 [3a47cb89] added options request handling to all endpoints (vit-testing)
21:14:05 [1e58bc6a] rename version to vit-version endpoint (vit-testing)
21:14:05 [87464b15] update vit-testing hash in docker (vit-testing)
21:14:05 [fd6d3906] update vit-testing hash (vit-testing)
21:14:48 [a1610110] implement update proposal test (vit-testing)
21:14:48 [35b2929b] adjust builder (vit-testing)
21:15:17 [5f26bb7b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:16:39 [6acd356a] add plutus-doc to build (plutus-apps)
21:16:53 [815045be] iOS version bump 4.5.0 (plus entrypoint) (yoroi-mobile)
21:17:29 [f270e25f] Add endpoint for NFT image validation (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:20:58 [04bd480b] Fix issue with nix unexpected argument (cardano-node-tests)
21:27:10 [0a8ab187] Restore builtin application check (plutus)
21:27:14 [6b1e77e2] Simplify/refactor Makefile (cardano-node-tests)
21:32:04 [08ae81ea] adatar.io to cardano's developer showcase (developer-portal)
21:34:42 [88484cc2] Fix flat output in uplc for deBruijn-indexed ASTs (plutus)
21:35:52 [cda174b0] jormungandr: remove explorer (jormungandr)
21:35:52 [9ed92c56] jormungandr: remove unused rest explorer module (jormungandr)
21:35:52 [3f193d5f] jormungandr: remove explorer from the node settings (jormungandr)
21:35:53 [0fa37e72] jormungandr: remove async-graphql dep from jormungandr (jormungandr)
21:35:53 [ba2977e0] jormungandr-lib: remove explorer import (jormungandr)
21:35:53 [aed1abdc] tests: remove explorer from the tests (jormungandr)
21:35:54 [cd644ebd] tests: regen explorer schema without treasury for now (jormungandr)
21:35:54 [f069d096] tests: fix explorer sanity test (jormungandr)
21:35:54 [3b9cd85b] tests: add explorer env var (jormungandr)
21:35:55 [7444266c] tests: fix wrong explorer path (jormungandr)
21:36:42 [b7720d5b] tests: remove explorer where necessary (jormungandr)
21:36:50 [2fe419af] remove whitespace from autgenerated graphql schema (jormungandr)
21:36:50 [d5d6934c] jormungandr:fix compilation with prometheus feature (jormungandr)
21:36:51 [e7df877d] add place-holders for UpdateProposal certificates (jormungandr)
21:36:51 [59018174] port Transaction total_count fix (jormungandr)
21:37:23 [1e291544] remove unused imports (jormungandr)
21:37:24 [97ad777c] automatic lints (jormungandr)
21:37:24 [ebd3dff0] add(port) ConfigParams to GraphQL (jormungandr)
21:37:25 [46ed8e17] update lock file (jormungandr)
21:47:05 [52196699] Add isLight flag (yoroi-frontend)
21:47:38 [6ef81c60] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into redesign-transaction-page (yoroi-frontend)
21:54:09 [547e9848] Update topology-mainnet.json (guild-operators)
21:59:42 [cfe6925b] Package-lock update (yoroi-frontend)
22:05:13 [d8420e1d] Redirect the user when using yoroi light (yoroi-frontend)
22:07:23 [a58bc5e6] Rename wallet to walletId (marlowe-cardano)
22:08:21 [ff8b873b] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/redesign-transaction-page' into fixes-and-disabled-revamp (yoroi-frontend)
22:08:34 [99601797] Merge pull request #2463 from Emurgo/redesign-transaction-page (yoroi-frontend)
22:08:58 [8c87a5ff] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into fixes-and-disabled-revamp (yoroi-frontend)
22:10:20 [ac1376a3] Bump dns-packet in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
22:10:22 [77740a79] Bump url-parse in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
22:10:22 [fbdc956b] Bump url-parse in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
22:10:29 [1a67fbe5] Bump @npmcli/git from 2.0.6 to 2.1.0 (yoroi-frontend)
22:10:33 [5cc38d8c] Bump ws in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-ergo (yoroi-frontend)
22:10:36 [e3afd1cc] Bump ws in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
22:10:46 [3e5bb0cd] Bump dns-packet in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example-cardano (yoroi-frontend)
22:11:18 [625f2f7a] Bump semver-regex from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 (yoroi-frontend)
22:12:36 [f4a548d3] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fixes-and-disabled-revamp' into redesign-receive-page (yoroi-frontend)
22:14:44 [b83bba5d] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/redesign-receive-page' into refactor-multiple-layouts (yoroi-frontend)
22:17:51 [2af0b0c0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:22:12 [fe1a7372] Add empty line (plutus)
22:30:45 [ff6f87e7] Restore correct benching.csv file (plutus)
22:32:42 [bf62d2f7] bench: node config factoring and maincanary deployment (cardano-ops)
22:32:58 [defbb3fa] Remove leftover comment (plutus)
22:35:37 [8219ef2d] bench: node config factoring and maincanary deployment (cardano-ops)
22:36:11 [6e1728da] Update comment (plutus)
22:37:43 [37be372f] Fix islight env variable (yoroi-frontend)
22:42:43 [7fceef00] Update topology-mainnet.json (#1199) (guild-operators)
23:14:32 [e72c4e81] refactor tx init policy (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
23:18:00 [6c3dee80] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:48:12 [22fd16ba] Add first Unit test (cardano-db-sync)
23:48:54 [23ffd846] Add restart dbsync test (cardano-db-sync)
23:50:25 [a0b877ff] PaintedHills (cardano-token-registry)