Home / Reports / Nov 26, 2021

Friday, November 26, 2021

73 commits had been pushed across 12 repos by 14 authors. There were 13,813 additions and 12,855 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

01:14:26 [c8faecc4] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:34:59 [5bfa331b] Merge pull request #1802 from mikeymop/develop (yoroi-mobile)
07:34:20 [0d796dcf] deploy: c3081c595cf9085d21cedfbe5f9656a903edbb4d (hydra-poc)
07:54:20 [c1519ca8] [plutus-tx-plugin]: precompile alternatives during the GHC.Case compilation to reduce the complexity (fix #4204). (#4225) (plutus)
07:57:26 [5ca3e1c6] Merge pull request #2465 from Emurgo/fixes-and-disabled-revamp (yoroi-frontend)
07:57:55 [25baf40f] Merge pull request #2467 from Emurgo/redesign-receive-page (yoroi-frontend)
07:58:08 [711eae7f] Merge pull request #2469 from Emurgo/refactor-multiple-layouts (yoroi-frontend)
08:30:23 [4f534f94] deploy: 9fad278021884620d63f025a820538a2532b7c00 (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [c6ef3cb9] Generate payment and convert UTxO to use for committing (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [dc54f2b0] Generate a proper commit UTXO to make another test pass (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [73de9e68] Update new utxo expectation in e2e test (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [df2a2131] Observe failure to commit unknown UTXO (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [16842a98] Remove some undefined values to generate payment (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [c17eee41] Make it compile, but still WIP (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [9a793de4] Make ETE test pass generating a commmit UTXO and using it off-chain (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [e2a17331] Try to spend committed input and add an error (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [fe3aa78f] Draft generatePaymentToCommit using CardanoClient (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [b3502614] Select high valued UTXO for covering fees (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [22ec9c16] [wip] Expect direct chain commit test to fail (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [9334e63d] [wip] Introduce function to produce a UTXO to commit (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [b17bc0e3] Disable running benchmarks (hydra-poc)
08:36:34 [451b622d] Don't re-export UTxO in Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (hydra-poc)
08:37:57 [9062c518] Leave a TODO in Hydra.Chain.Direct.Wallet (hydra-poc)
08:44:18 [85c5f6ec] Add SigningKey to Dataset and start with roundtrip test (hydra-poc)
08:53:44 [41c1707c] Implement To/FromJSON of Dataset (hydra-poc)
09:09:37 [eb0a774b] Use constant dataset generator to cope with Ledger's generator (hydra-poc)
09:17:58 [20a884ae] Remove non-constant dataset generator in benchmark (hydra-poc)
09:25:59 [c50d3930] Add some comment to the dataset generator (hydra-poc)
09:31:45 [34fd5eed] basic tokens implementation for voting (#693) (chain-libs)
09:35:04 [ce5c8895] deploy: 20a884ae1a48477d942bb223a5721c0cfda256b4 (hydra-poc)
09:41:12 [6641f349] deploy: c50d39301993236b006dc5b0bf682b6d924f6dd7 (hydra-poc)
09:46:16 [d6892b01] Move generatePaymentToCommit and draft genesisTxPaying functions (hydra-poc)
10:13:37 [8795bc77] Start reworking 'genConstantUtxoDataset' to use a funding transaction from initial funds. (hydra-poc)
10:30:49 [6ca36197] [wip] Restructure EndToEnd to use fundingTransaction and known keys (hydra-poc)
10:53:12 [2c7bb398] Define 'defaultNetworkId' to avoid hard-coding multiple times the network id. (hydra-poc)
10:58:45 [0482cfbf] Implement 'waitForTransaction'. (hydra-poc)
11:01:28 [e63f3be7] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 21d96e5908558a4c3b3234f6a2b63b4b6f7fdee6 (plutus-ops)
11:05:48 [c59f795d] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to ff17e42be4ede4ff9711634f1b924ca1de90851a (plutus-ops)
11:18:49 [fbf50874] [wip] continue implementing mkGenesisTx (hydra-poc)
12:29:10 [1bbfcbd0] Merge pull request #800 from mkoura/test_redelegation (cardano-node-tests)
12:31:48 [18dc0a18] Add more substance to mkGenesisTx (hydra-poc)
12:39:31 [078720ce] Define and implement 'unsafeCastHash' (hydra-poc)
12:48:21 [4f80e17f] Continue resolving errors to (re)enable benchmarks. (hydra-poc)
13:04:28 [0d10678c] Cleanup imports and make it compile, Generator tests fail (hydra-poc)
13:20:17 [5bba9fd8] Fix construction of the initial utxo (hydra-poc)
13:22:01 [6f6d8b2d] Merge pull request #801 from mkoura/wait_for_errors (cardano-node-tests)
13:37:41 [f385145f] deploy: 5bba9fd8fd3fb258221665a0ba3e2cc69d615b2b (hydra-poc)
13:39:45 [e15c5075] Move mkGenesisTx to CardanoClient and unify initial funds as a constant (hydra-poc)
13:56:25 [ae5f8b3f] SCP-3109: Various profiling improvements (#4237) (plutus)
13:57:01 [391eaff5] Implement 'mkGenesisTx' using the CardanoClient. (hydra-poc)
13:57:58 [d3765de2] deploy: e15c5075a42b1a7f5e458b50f4d56b00d89e7bff (hydra-poc)
14:16:59 [4645f29f] [wip] Try to retrieve PParams from genesis-shelley.json (hydra-poc)
14:37:56 [a12c1b69] Parse protocol parameters from Shelley genesis (hydra-poc)
14:52:46 [479366db] deploy: a12c1b69150936977bea67677a7d898de6a9e763 (hydra-poc)
16:24:44 [6d4b76ee] Update to fixed version of universal-analytics (adalite)
16:25:13 [9049cd66] 6.8.11 (adalite)
16:36:29 [9e311eb8] Reverse list of clients returned by 'withHydraCluster' to preserve list order. (hydra-poc)
16:36:29 [1903ffb6] Run funding transactions before any other transaction (hydra-poc)
16:36:29 [bfe37ad4] Add owned and head utxo to 'CannotSpendInput' error message. (hydra-poc)
17:01:33 [d7e243b1] Favor change outputs when picking seed input for init. (hydra-poc)
17:14:56 [179c7bb4] deploy: d7e243b16bafb2527a8b974164381beaaa58479f (hydra-poc)
17:24:37 [bc5c8218] use rest for remaining rewards in tests (#3595) (jormungandr)
17:28:19 [8a9acfd5] Minor hlint cleanup (hydra-poc)
17:28:38 [b3bf9d66] Re-add running benchmark in CI (hydra-poc)
17:28:55 [00ee8093] Remove '--concurrency' parameter from benchmark (hydra-poc)
17:30:53 [606f100a] Extract function to create Utxo to commit (hydra-poc)
20:43:12 [8c406742] Merge pull request #51 from Emurgo/ruslan/fix-long-parsing (react-native-haskell-shelley)
21:22:49 [3c0d2523] Refactor rewards tests to use `RewardRecord` (cardano-node-tests)
21:29:29 [5b531098] Merge #3386 (cardano-node)
21:34:35 [1569bc43] Merge pull request #802 from mkoura/refactor_rewards (cardano-node-tests)
21:35:34 [1df70c62] Describe `MARKEXPR` (cardano-node-tests)
21:41:12 [cd1dcc60] Merge pull request #803 from mkoura/readme_markexpr (cardano-node-tests)
22:32:01 [89bcec20] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)