Home / Reports / Feb 24, 2023
Friday, February 24, 2023
70 commits had been pushed across 23 repos by 27 authors. There were 4,583,042 additions and 327,555 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.
Repos Updated
- uptime11
- catalyst-core11
- hydra6
- cardano-db-sync5
- plutus-ops5
- ouroboros-network4
- plutus4
- cardano-node3
- cardano-wallet3
- formal-ledger-specifications3
- cardano-updates2
- hydra-poc2
- cncli1
- guild-operators1
- cardano-caniuse1
- milkomeda-documentation1
- yoroi-mobile1
- bitte1
- cardano-ledger-specs1
- cardano-node-tests1
- haskell.nix1
- stackage.nix1
- cardano-browser-tx1
Commit Log
PLT-1446: Add function to track the type and term lambda abstraction order of a term in inliner (#5160)
Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@afb539432be232b4cfbb717b25bba95418b9d83f 🚀
plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 8251cdf87c90b5257f5eec36827a925907010f7e
Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@4ab1f6afa558392fb7c176f0e91ef608ee05d272 🚀
Merge pull request #1679 from saratomaz/test_stake_non_extended_key
Merge pull request #1438 from Plutonomicon/marton/fix-bundlePursProject
docs: Merge #3751 3751: [ADP-2706] Add `QueryStore` for `TxWalletsHistory` r=HeinrichApfelmus a=HeinrichApfelmus ### Overview
This pull request implements a `QueryStore` for the `TxWalletsHistory` by extending `mkStoreTxWalletsHistory` with a query.
Here, the `TxSet` and `WalletsMeta` are both on disk.
### Comments
CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall This pull request cherry-picks #3698 and #3739.
CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall The new `QueryStore` is not yet swapped into `Cardano.Wallet.DB.Layer`, this will be done in an upcoming pull request.
CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall The fact that both `TxSet` and `WalletsMeta` are on disk leads to an expensive `loadS` operation during `updateS`. A future pull request will make this operation cheaper by:
CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall changing `RemoveWallet` to not require the `txSet` in memory, and by
CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall caching the `Store` for the `WalletsMeta` in memory.
### Issue Number
ADP-2706 Co-authored-by: Heinrich Apfelmus <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: paolo veronelli <[email protected]> Source commit: cf96cdebe256cb3c60f43648e125974075a8f382
Deploy website - based on a8f49dda766c123f5e5954f15de30eb0cc368d23
plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 7fc2910f7ecc9ef309dc665a5950acae776058d7
docker migration to binaries + removed staged dockerfiles (#1611)
🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 617 ms) [skip ci] [upptime]
🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 750 ms) [skip ci] [upptime]