Home / Reports / Sep 22, 2020

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

391 commits had been pushed across 35 repos by 66 authors. There were 228,661 additions and 315,482 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:31:38 [3c45566f] update (CIPs)
01:07:03 [a967b1b2] Merge pull request #299 from input-output-hk/erikd/release-5.0.1 (cardano-db-sync)
01:07:22 [7a738dc6] db-sync: Config refactoring to allow generation of LedgerState config (cardano-db-sync)
01:07:27 [daa286b0] db-sync: Add CardanoLedgerState mutable variable (cardano-db-sync)
01:07:27 [9ba351a7] db-sync: Massive refactor and replumb (cardano-db-sync)
01:07:49 [d8b1f9a6] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
01:13:43 [2f8d1bfd] Automatic update for Tue Sep 22 01:13:42 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:15:03 [1068a48f] fixes from Mark (CIPs)
01:15:26 [c639cbe6] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:19:20 [fd4ad355] typo (guild-operators)
01:21:21 [7334d5bf] gLiveView 1.3 - Update and slot interval (#493) (guild-operators)
01:34:11 [2db6c22c] Buildkite: Experiment with using environment variables for artifacts (cardano-wallet)
02:04:19 [857cee38] Revise swagger API documentation of TxMetadata (cardano-wallet)
02:05:27 [a1a82e65] Merge #2125 (cardano-wallet)
02:18:13 [49d581cd] alert on forge not adopted (cardano-ops)
02:32:56 [4f673430] db-sync: Finalize naive handling of ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
02:48:54 [eb99ed7e] db-sync: Finalize naive handling of ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
02:53:22 [5cad6545] feat: add withdrawals to TransactionInfo (cardano-explorer-app)
02:56:18 [c0bb3b3a] Merge pull request #300 from input-output-hk/erikd/ledger-state-9 (cardano-db-sync)
03:19:37 [1ece0ba9] a1a82e65da8b02e94ebe0d81193e016d4e7d5198 (cardano-wallet)
03:19:38 [8082e55e] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
03:27:49 [19962f6a] Update model implementation of `removePools` to also remove metadata. (cardano-wallet)
03:28:44 [9242a8f5] Update SQLite implementation of `removePools` to also remove metadata. (cardano-wallet)
03:30:12 [6c2aec64] Garbage collect pools even if there are no new certificates. (cardano-wallet)
03:30:13 [52273ea0] Limit pool garbage collection to once per epoch. (cardano-wallet)
03:30:13 [384db6ff] Move integration framework context to dedicated module. (cardano-wallet)
03:30:13 [268469b8] Make it possible to decorate the pool DB layer. (cardano-wallet)
03:30:14 [26ab6fce] Add integration test for pool garbage collection. (cardano-wallet)
03:30:14 [7110dee5] Monitor pool garbage collection events from integration test framework. (cardano-wallet)
03:30:15 [cd766a09] Revise explanatory comments for integration test. (cardano-wallet)
03:33:06 [c902827d] Merge #2153 (cardano-wallet)
04:07:44 [0f303524] DO NOT MERGE - blow up at epoch 213 (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:11:39 [740646b3] Parity? (haskell.nix)
04:25:46 [72635824] Update index state (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:30:37 [d0d058ad] c902827d549aac5b73ab7a259d7ed17584e85abc (cardano-wallet)
04:30:38 [dd5674b1] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
05:14:10 [9c4c375c] starting cardano-node with the wallet and printing out its output in its own log output tab. Some theme adjustments (free-commerce)
05:16:17 [13fffeb4] Update index state (cardano-ledger-specs)
05:19:53 [c2131dfc] [DDW-197] Isolate Ledger / Trezor specific methods to utils and store cleanup (daedalus)
05:29:43 [26e1906f] Rodney changes (haskell.nix)
05:54:47 [b5c403d3] Slightly better doco and naming (haskell.nix)
06:07:29 [38c87dba] Better comments (haskell.nix)
06:09:08 [d12d2588] Better commentary (haskell.nix)
06:11:52 [f8970b34] Set ingress queue limit for block fetch mini-protocol (ouroboros-network)
06:30:02 [6e84d82c] update jortestkit (vit-servicing-station)
06:30:22 [986bc8c9] added command handlers for vit cli (vit-servicing-station)
06:30:43 [52cfd3a2] enhanced Generator with voteplans (vit-servicing-station)
06:31:00 [ec589dcf] added csv converter for models (vit-servicing-station)
06:31:17 [5e3bb85c] added new pack of tests (vit-servicing-station)
06:33:50 [68866736] [DDW-197] Add Hardware Wallets config constants, remove logs and sign tx channel cleanup (daedalus)
06:34:26 [dfc7efa1] exposed log level (vit-servicing-station)
06:34:42 [68b4fe67] added Logger handled to server (vit-servicing-station)
06:36:08 [c99962fb] implement log settings from test (vit-servicing-station)
06:36:11 [5627302b] ignoring failing test (vit-servicing-station)
06:36:11 [5626a15b] logger tests (vit-servicing-station)
06:36:11 [9402f44f] update tests with random log_file (vit-servicing-station)
06:57:39 [1def8409] Merge #2157 (cardano-wallet)
07:00:33 [7fc31b36] Merge pull request #686 from input-output-hk/update-logback-conf (mantis)
07:02:05 [5a0d2723] Create About-Cardano-Wallet-CLI.md (cardano-wallet)
07:02:48 [87743a7d] Try #2123: (cardano-wallet)
07:03:17 [8c998f06] wip Add transaction expiry slot for pending transactions (cardano-wallet)
07:04:24 [d7a8e074] Stuff (ouroboros-network)
07:04:24 [676be35d] Update index state (ouroboros-network)
07:04:32 [57d8f597] Merge pull request #2546 from input-output-hk/schedule-stall-fix (jormungandr)
07:07:14 [6a35748e] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into etcm-102/fast-sync-integration-test (mantis)
07:13:17 [7ce2d21c] Stuff (ouroboros-network)
07:31:29 [d4c579fe] Update index.rst (cardano-wallet)
07:33:52 [25f01228] Stuff (ouroboros-network)
07:39:22 [7583f8c0] implemented correct log initialization and auto-scroll (free-commerce)
07:42:42 [be14fad8] Add support for building on Windows (cardano-node)
07:42:42 [c7d95d07] CI build with Github Actions (cardano-node)
07:52:19 [6694b2f8] Add support for building on Windows (cardano-node)
08:03:25 [85fa98bf] Make `prop_removePools` aware of pool metadata. (cardano-wallet)
08:06:39 [0d2b093f] Remove metadata in model implementation of `removePools`. (cardano-wallet)
08:06:50 [b075d7c2] Remove metadata in SQLite implementation of `removePools`. (cardano-wallet)
08:12:20 [6552ad2f] Remove metadata in model implementation of `removePools`. (cardano-wallet)
08:13:04 [892b0081] Remove metadata in SQLite implementation of `removePools`. (cardano-wallet)
08:13:26 [be44baa6] Use BlockNo for stability of B-to-S transition (ouroboros-network)
08:18:34 [d987c4bc] Create Cardano.API, Cardano.Api.Byron, Cardano.Api.Shelley in (cardano-node)
08:25:07 [f560f640] Create Cardano.API, Cardano.Api.Byron, Cardano.Api.Shelley in cardano-api (cardano-node)
08:26:44 [4a1a5090] cache latest checkpoint in-memory to avoid deserializing and reserializing it too often (cardano-wallet)
08:34:38 [a1e0acae] Update API docs on saturation, rewards, and relative stake (cardano-wallet)
08:35:35 [ee259569] Add criterion benchmarks for clausify. (plutus)
08:38:17 [da2806d8] Remove obsolete mkDevGenesis from shell (cardano-ops)
08:38:18 [8a2dc570] Allow backup & restoring db state from snapshot on startup (cardano-ops)
08:38:19 [717850b4] Bumps faucet to support 1.19.1 in wallet (cardano-ops)
08:39:58 [d5b4553e] adjust swagger doc about range for CBOR integers, which are 64-bit (cardano-wallet)
08:43:36 [307ac43d] Use devcontainer with nix (plutus)
08:44:10 [815dc62d] Merge #2157 (cardano-wallet)
08:45:35 [f7854971] Add /settings PUT endpoint (cardano-wallet)
08:46:37 [a2c3186c] Add settings column to pools database wrt ADP-427 (cardano-wallet)
08:46:37 [f6560fe9] Add /settings PUT endpoint (cardano-wallet)
08:51:25 [e9c0b54f] bump to 1.20.0 node dependencies (cardano-transactions)
09:08:47 [6d96b089] Change cardano-cli "sign-witness" command to "assemble" (cardano-node)
09:14:48 [37a821ce] Stuff (ouroboros-network)
09:16:09 [d7568ebe] Remove "build-multisig" command from cardano-cli (cardano-node)
09:19:04 [41c86672] Implement liveness and safety property tests. (decentralized-software-updates)
09:19:37 [425633f3] Rename "paymentKeyHash" to "keyHash" and "requireSignature" to "sig" in (cardano-node)
09:19:48 [d5c4e6ac] Implement liveness and safety property tests. (decentralized-software-updates)
09:21:46 [8b5537ea] Add missing COMPLETE pragma for LedgerState(Byron|Shelley) (ouroboros-network)
09:25:45 [816a41cd] DeBruijn: add nameless de Bruijn names, use for serialization (plutus)
09:28:14 [de12008e] Merge pull request #75 from input-output-hk/paweljakubas/72/derivation-for-multisig-wallets (cardano-addresses)
09:32:55 [2340a70a] deploy: de12008ee74faeccff396f46d985cb1066328b68 (cardano-addresses)
09:34:06 [89cedf9c] [Chore] Update typelevel dependencies (mantis)
09:36:33 [b25dbf11] Add /settings PUT endpoint (cardano-wallet)
09:38:45 [17f54b81] Remove references to nonexistent marlowe-playground-lambda (plutus)
09:39:15 [8bf96f88] update logger related data (vit-servicing-station)
09:43:11 [07f21f8f] default.nix: wrong name (yoroi-ergo-backend)
09:43:49 [be42c358] one NEAT test restored (plutus)
09:47:44 [e8a40d2f] plutus-ledger: use de-bruijn indices for Scripts (plutus)
09:47:59 [96460125] Update index state (ouroboros-network)
09:49:29 [e2521866] cache latest checkpoint in-memory to avoid deserializing and reserializing too often (cardano-wallet)
10:00:22 [fed771a4] [DDW-354]: Revert packages back to previous versions (daedalus)
10:00:34 [bf99652c] remove now obsolete random account index override (cardano-wallet)
10:01:01 [c316f8c4] swagger.yaml: Add slot to network information (cardano-wallet)
10:01:02 [d0bdafac] Provide flat slot number in network information API (cardano-wallet)
10:01:03 [d6afc6d9] Update tests for flat slot numbers (cardano-wallet)
10:01:45 [199358d9] added csv builder (jortestkit)
10:05:07 [9e6ae4f6] Merge #2157 (cardano-wallet)
10:06:36 [dc7dedf2] fmt (jortestkit)
10:09:16 [b975d9f9] Update multi signature script parsing to use aeson Parser monad (cardano-node)
10:09:16 [226f599c] Remove multi signature script JSON instance restrictions (cardano-node)
10:09:34 [a574ca91] Change cardano-cli "sign-witness" command to "assemble" (cardano-node)
10:10:08 [77751aa9] Rename "paymentKeyHash" to "keyHash" and "requireSignature" to "sig" in (cardano-node)
10:10:08 [98dd971b] Remove "build-multisig" command from cardano-cli (cardano-node)
10:10:55 [ce17063c] Suggested changes from reviewers. (plutus)
10:13:18 [c37c659a] Merge pull request #33 from input-output-hk/csv (jortestkit)
10:14:24 [b9d6ff04] Rebase fixes (cardano-node)
10:15:00 [d93701fa] Bump react-native-webview from 10.3.2 to 10.8.3 (#952) (yoroi-mobile)
10:15:01 [36ccb98f] etcm-74 added checkpoint block number methods to appStateStorage (mantis)
10:15:56 [98206493] Style changes. (plutus)
10:16:47 [218cdc2d] Merge pull request #20 from input-output-hk/paweljakubas/bump-cardano-node (cardano-transactions)
10:17:33 [2f5e0cf8] Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.20 (#933) (yoroi-mobile)
10:18:02 [89e345de] Change cardano-cli "sign-witness" command to "assemble" (cardano-node)
10:18:20 [3e8e3c62] Remove "build-multisig" command from cardano-cli (cardano-node)
10:18:22 [562e90d5] Rename "paymentKeyHash" to "keyHash" and "requireSignature" to "sig" in (cardano-node)
10:19:43 [c873f4a1] change runghc to use JSON so that client can be generated (plutus)
10:19:52 [ad8324f3] updated jortestkit (vit-servicing-station)
10:20:57 [12e6b6e8] [Chore] Update typelevel dependencies (#684) (mantis)
10:21:12 [a2ec83cc] update jortestkit (vit-servicing-station)
10:24:55 [14deafb4] Bump @react-native-community/netinfo from 5.6.2 to 5.9.6 (#925) (yoroi-mobile)
10:31:31 [9fe1d8d6] Update nix materialized package. (plutus)
10:34:09 [50ca0a15] Rename slot field to absolute_slot_number (cardano-wallet)
10:34:10 [85340d48] Reword absolute slot description in swagger (cardano-wallet)
10:34:12 [b4cca3da] Update golden json files for flat slot numbers (cardano-wallet)
10:34:27 [3752ca8e] Merge pull request #452 from input-output-hk/account_coverage (chain-libs)
10:34:32 [04d112e9] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus into effectfully/builtins/remove-static-built-in-functions (plutus)
10:37:29 [8e3ad9d2] Allure 1.20.0 report (cardano-node-tests)
10:40:45 [4a5f371f] [ETCM-110] Add eth_chainId RPC method (mantis)
10:40:45 [d7fa62ca] [ETCM-110] Make decoding parameterless requests uniform (mantis)
10:42:06 [d15e1475] report for 1f2f51164b53b9b775c03ac9f1e23e7b70c74b05 (cardano-node-tests)
10:42:28 [1ddb671e] WIP InspectLedger instance for Shelley (ouroboros-network)
10:43:22 [6054ec6e] wip (plutus)
10:46:16 [47986f74] existing NEAT tests restored (plutus)
10:48:17 [840596ce] [ETCM-123] Add metrics related to network, rpc and mempool (mantis)
10:54:06 [12b9b5bd] default.nix: wrong name (#13) (yoroi-ergo-backend)
10:59:02 [ed391e6f] more changes to nomad exec and docker-registry (bitte)
11:00:28 [9fea6655] etcm-74 added checkpoint block number methods to appStateStorage (mantis)
11:03:58 [bde110b7] Fix first iteration check (cardano-node-tests)
11:09:35 [e51e84f5] Merge pull request #137 from mkoura/fix_first_iteration (cardano-node-tests)
11:24:28 [b6cef0b6] soften jormungandr::explorer::explorer_sanity_test assertion (jormungandr)
11:31:26 [ac7239e4] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools (daedalus)
11:37:55 [40badcb8] 9e6ae4f6c04f88600a29bc27322b08e7f3f643b0 (cardano-wallet)
11:37:56 [ffefc4b1] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
11:39:26 [2205b04d] add temporary test which part will be replaced with externalTx (cardano-wallet)
11:39:32 [80e91103] use cardano-transactions (not from github but local) to construct full integration test (cardano-wallet)
11:39:32 [d1661c72] first attempt to use blob and external tx endpoint (cardano-wallet)
11:39:33 [d3dfc1cb] make single output shelley witness test complete (cardano-wallet)
11:39:33 [2ed00bcf] show that destination wallet balance is increased with external tx (cardano-wallet)
11:39:33 [6f5aa8ea] add multioutput tx with shelley witnesses (cardano-wallet)
11:39:34 [6d8c4c94] byron witness test - part1 (cardano-wallet)
11:39:34 [51faa7b2] make byron witnesses test work (cardano-wallet)
11:39:34 [5deafe7b] better code reuse (cardano-wallet)
11:39:35 [79613f6d] add etalon test for tx binaries (cardano-wallet)
11:39:35 [7ad9f19a] clean single-output test (cardano-wallet)
11:39:35 [6e6ed06f] final cleanup - now all three tests pass together or separately (cardano-wallet)
11:39:36 [8778a871] add byron witnesses etalon for binaries (cardano-wallet)
11:39:36 [658d6c4a] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
11:39:36 [d5eb2c2e] use commit ref for cardano-transactions and adjust mkByronWitness (cardano-wallet)
11:39:37 [fea7d975] bump cardano-transactions dependency (cardano-wallet)
11:44:12 [06e9603c] update dependencies (mantis)
11:49:12 [5ded4d4f] fixup! Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
11:56:26 [6fc66dbd] review: move jna and jline to Dependencies (mantis)
11:56:46 [952fe68a] review: move jna and jline to Dependencies (mantis)
11:59:19 [016d793d] Merge #2151 (cardano-wallet)
12:05:01 [921768e9] Merge pull request #2317 from input-output-hk/fix/cabal-lambda (plutus)
12:07:25 [860b4442] Add tx metadata json builders (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
12:07:56 [4086a53e] cache latest checkpoint in-memory to avoid deserializing and reserializing too often (cardano-wallet)
12:07:59 [56cef9b3] remove now obsolete random account index override (cardano-wallet)
12:15:06 [90156e18] change runghc to use JSON so that client can be generated (plutus)
12:15:45 [fed7aee2] Update exchange integration commands (docs-cardano-org)
12:30:23 [a7828562] Rename relay-update to node-update (cardano-ops)
12:35:49 [f1cb0eed] Create Addresses article (docs-cardano-org)
12:37:16 [e2d52b78] cardano-node: 1.19.1 -> 1.20.0, db-sync: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1 (cardano-ops)
12:39:45 [219fec60] scale up testnet relays to handle more third-party relays (cardano-ops)
12:45:06 [69246a9d] feat: resolve stake address searches based on withdrawals (cardano-explorer-app)
12:50:08 [1b47a9e8] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/PSGS-38_publish_with_java_programming_interface (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
12:50:22 [b2a8b4f3] Merge. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
12:53:04 [8bd9f29e] dont treat stderr as fatal (daedalus)
12:59:55 [4165d466] Merge pull request #311 from input-output-hk/fast-db-restore (cardano-ops)
13:00:06 [c8003319] Add EVN to actions (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
13:03:46 [68a0a4ee] Add the rest of the benchmarks. (plutus)
13:05:11 [127974e8] Merge pull request #1870 from input-output-hk/update-index-state (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:06:34 [c8ee6a2a] feat: resolve stake address searches based on withdrawals (cardano-explorer-app)
13:06:48 [b0f9a119] [ETCM-121] Removed base-chain.conf (mantis)
13:08:58 [f39f284e] . (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
13:10:04 [cecab923] block-fetch: test polite protocol termination (ouroboros-network)
13:10:23 [f4e44160] test-network: added utils module (ouroboros-network)
13:11:14 [22aaca3c] tx-submission: added client / server tests (ouroboros-network)
13:12:17 [cbe3af1f] Move env vars. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
13:13:08 [1dab1cf5] plutus-ledger: use de-bruijn indices for Scripts (plutus)
13:14:38 [226c1c8e] Merge #2162 (cardano-wallet)
13:16:57 [6bf0ebad] Fix stylish (plutus)
13:17:22 [588828cb] Add new config for environment Pablo (plutus)
13:17:23 [642d0a3e] DO NOT MERGE - blow up at epoch 213 (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:19:28 [709b54c7] test-network: added debugging tracers to the utils module (ouroboros-network)
13:19:49 [c6ae3e75] [ETCM-121] Make mantis-launcher executable (mantis)
13:21:07 [3a8c142f] improve terraform, generate secrets, prototype ami upload (bitte-cli)
13:22:11 [5defe487] Update Delegation Mechanism (docs-cardano-org)
13:23:11 [84c94b4e] more secrets stuff (bitte)
13:24:05 [7a5fbd96] . (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
13:24:42 [a07711db] Fix testrun metadata (cardano-node-tests)
13:24:58 [903b556b] review: update nix (mantis)
13:24:58 [832e38b9] review: move jna and jline to Dependencies (mantis)
13:29:08 [734e6ccc] Create Keys Article (docs-cardano-org)
13:29:16 [6ec1be6f] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools (daedalus)
13:29:31 [8f6e1c7b] fix the missing username (daedalus)
13:35:47 [5031736c] remove jetifier from dependencies (yoroi-mobile)
13:39:16 [375091ed] TEst. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
13:39:48 [5a1e7c31] tx-submission: added client / server tests (ouroboros-network)
13:39:48 [3423dfa3] test-network: added debugging tracers to the utils module (ouroboros-network)
13:41:38 [6eec1440] HAck at CI. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
13:44:10 [c3303d40] Merge pull request #138 from mkoura/fix_metadata (cardano-node-tests)
13:47:56 [00e222a8] hack CI. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
13:48:54 [c25fb4be] Unsize type bounds on Signature methods (chain-libs)
13:52:25 [2fb76c33] merged type-level test into one big test (plutus)
13:54:37 [59a11b1e] Remove Peers::insert_peer method (jormungandr)
13:54:37 [d1df3ed0] Removed a non-composable method (jormungandr)
13:54:37 [248cfe9b] Renamed a node_id member (jormungandr)
13:54:37 [f103209a] Update chain-deps and draft node ID handshake (jormungandr)
13:57:26 [56e1e8cd] Bump cardano-transactions (cardano-wallet)
14:01:21 [aa60c6d2] swagger.yaml: Add slot to network information (cardano-wallet)
14:01:21 [6507c2f6] Provide flat slot number in network information API (cardano-wallet)
14:01:21 [8d8565b0] Update tests for flat slot numbers (cardano-wallet)
14:01:22 [fdbf685b] Reword absolute slot description in swagger (cardano-wallet)
14:01:22 [ae312fec] Rename slot field to absolute_slot_number (cardano-wallet)
14:01:23 [d043f5cf] Update golden json files for flat slot numbers (cardano-wallet)
14:01:38 [7102a529] Bump cardano-addresses (cardano-wallet)
14:03:41 [bfdc921a] feat: use stake pool hash over slot leader reference (cardano-explorer-app)
14:04:28 [486d47ff] [Security] Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4 (#877) (yoroi-mobile)
14:06:27 [28cc5962] enable vault-consul-token for cores (bitte)
14:06:28 [da4ba5cd] Execute the program directly. (plutus)
14:06:28 [a102818c] Fix stylish (plutus)
14:06:28 [e977ae8c] Generate good help on the command line. (plutus)
14:06:28 [20ed84c9] Update nix materialized package. (plutus)
14:06:28 [f4b0c007] Add primes benchmark. (plutus)
14:06:28 [ca6a3065] Add criterion benchmarks for clausify. (plutus)
14:06:28 [8915f651] Fix haddock crash on CI. (plutus)
14:06:28 [8ca16d94] Added the knights benchmark. (plutus)
14:06:28 [5a58e544] Added the last piece benchmark. (plutus)
14:06:28 [c47a4a52] Added the queens benchmark. (plutus)
14:06:28 [085b993e] Style changes. (plutus)
14:06:28 [6ea18ed4] Make execution parametric. (plutus)
14:06:28 [324764a5] Fix cabal build and nix dependencies. (plutus)
14:06:28 [8d50bbd6] Add the rest of the benchmarks. (plutus)
14:06:28 [8dbec903] Suggested changes from reviewers. (plutus)
14:07:10 [4d57d97c] Bump react-redux from 7.2.0 to 7.2.1 (#903) (yoroi-mobile)
14:08:53 [ba3492a9] Bump emip3js from `289ea46` to `9c41d19` (#910) (yoroi-mobile)
14:11:05 [7f0525ef] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
14:13:00 [2d371d71] Bump react-native-camera from 3.30.0 to 3.38.0 (#965) (yoroi-mobile)
14:14:08 [4a8954e7] Merge #2151 (cardano-wallet)
14:14:46 [2ff1871f] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
14:14:46 [3c053807] 226c1c8eca660b262f2e6a99ba4f1cfe1594be9f (cardano-wallet)
14:17:39 [ecd139cd] Debug. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
14:17:56 [46478ddf] Bump version to v2020-09-22 (cardano-wallet)
14:18:32 [005eea6f] Sync from Shelley hard fork on mainnet wrt #1963 (cardano-wallet)
14:20:16 [bf6d7820] Record headers in stake pools DB and use them as sync point wrt #1963 (cardano-wallet)
14:20:18 [190ba699] remove hard-coded last byron header (cardano-wallet)
14:21:12 [af50b7f7] control-message: updated ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-network)
14:21:31 [6d7f8850] Merge branch 'develop' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/react-native-background-timer-2.4.0 (yoroi-mobile)
14:21:34 [394fd81c] tx-submission: added client / server tests (ouroboros-network)
14:21:34 [ccfb1a11] test-network: added utils module (ouroboros-network)
14:21:34 [75c759f9] test-network: added debugging tracers to the utils module (ouroboros-network)
14:21:34 [a8b84503] block-fetch properties: improved errors (ouroboros-network)
14:21:34 [a83e0538] block-fetch properties: introduced channel delay (ouroboros-network)
14:21:34 [68d1eb97] block-fetch: test polite protocol termination (ouroboros-network)
14:21:35 [4ccf531a] wireshark: correct name of MsgDone in tx-submission protocol (ouroboros-network)
14:23:18 [26fb788f] Bump react-native-background-timer from 2.2.0 to 2.4.0 (#961) (yoroi-mobile)
14:24:02 [1627e1bc] Bump react-native-permissions from 2.1.5 to 2.2.0 (#954) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:41 [21a6cf21] Bump cardano-transactions (cardano-wallet)
14:31:15 [3b9203aa] Hacnk. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
14:33:30 [b3474a0a] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
14:35:11 [cd216470] . (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
14:49:24 [bd028348] RTView: moving to a new repository. (cardano-rt-view)
14:49:49 [6917a6ad] Merge branch 'master' into cntools-offline (guild-operators)
14:52:13 [328db408] Implement DSIGNAlgorithm instance for BIP32-Ed25519 (cardano-base)
14:56:48 [0c75e48f] Retreat in defeat. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
15:02:38 [20e68b5b] Try #2138: (cardano-wallet)
15:03:50 [f4bf3fda] RTView: shorter names for modules (cardano-rt-view)
15:08:44 [93ea15ec] Add back the node-update folder (cardano-ops)
15:09:08 [34e309f0] Replace "secret" with "signing" and strip trailing whitespace in CIP5 (CIPs)
15:10:37 [29e9c603] Merge #2164 #2165 (cardano-wallet)
15:12:11 [553ec345] 4a8954e7cd3b72c40d33d27bd398f9ff0de0abd4 (cardano-wallet)
15:12:12 [2d8d1c47] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
15:13:57 [65b35886] DO NOT MERGE - shelley always fail (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:18:19 [3faebe78] plutus-ledger: use de-bruijn indices for Scripts (plutus)
15:23:48 [f2a72818] bump version to 3.2.0 (#978) (yoroi-mobile)
15:34:42 [bfea9da1] change runghc to use JSON so that client can be generated (plutus)
15:52:29 [afa74c11] plutus-ledger: use de-bruijn indices for Scripts (plutus)
15:57:17 [35670f29] Mux restart tests (ouroboros-network)
16:00:41 [76b42281] [Chore] Update ScalaTest (mantis)
16:01:19 [a1ab8281] testnet, staging: Use mk*CoreNode helper functions (cardano-ops)
16:02:58 [bb0fe6ef] Make JSON instances for static analysis response (plutus)
16:04:54 [5f4aa1a1] RTView: status badge. (cardano-rt-view)
16:05:27 [597d8639] Fix haddock crash on CI. (plutus)
16:12:05 [3f8da485] RTView: add scripts. (cardano-rt-view)
16:12:44 [fdf21d38] [Chore] Update Scalamock (mantis)
16:14:27 [9ff2a51a] change runghc to use JSON so that client can be generated (#2318) (plutus)
16:17:59 [bd42afc8] [Chore] Update repo.nix (mantis)
16:24:31 [1214a50a] txout parametrization (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:29:24 [728ba299] RTView: make script executable. (cardano-rt-view)
16:31:20 [e6f35cb3] WIP CAD-1878 cli: cardano-cli shelley genesis create-staked (cardano-node)
16:32:25 [7106d213] WIP CAD-1878 cli: cardano-cli shelley genesis create-staked (cardano-node)
16:33:09 [c9c0b161] Merge pull request #2312 from input-output-hk/imp/on-chain-db (plutus)
16:37:06 [96d52104] more JSON - only metadata remain, need 1.20.0 for that. (cardano-ogmios)
16:45:14 [20db682e] README: links to documentation (ouroboros-network)
16:46:54 [18c001d2] Add settings column to pools database wrt ADP-427 (cardano-wallet)
16:46:54 [14d4e7dd] Add /settings PUT endpoint (cardano-wallet)
16:47:17 [e689fe41] Finish metadata syncing logic and refactor cli option (cardano-wallet)
17:12:29 [18271c0f] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - adding table styling (daedalus)
17:13:30 [30c2f4c1] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-16-table-comparison-view-for-stake-pools (daedalus)
17:13:34 [315e46d4] network-mux: fixed a typo (ouroboros-network)
17:21:45 [c59b4b52] implement storage garbage collection (jormungandr)
17:26:14 [832cd441] Merge #2164 (cardano-wallet)
17:28:01 [3fabf926] Merge branch 'develop' into etcm-43-opt-out-header-field (mantis)
17:39:50 [d4bb653f] Merge #588 (iohk-monitoring-framework)
17:41:13 [1ebe195e] add parameter for multiverse gc so we can give it current epoch stability depth (chain-libs)
17:49:21 [fe1ff2d4] make gc a generic method for all Multiverse (chain-libs)
17:51:05 [9f9c4443] wip (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:52:56 [afb215d3] [ETCM-44] Treasury block reward distribution (mantis)
17:58:17 [c5914f27] wip (mantis-ops)
17:58:36 [30d10a6f] wip (bitte)
18:34:28 [9cadcb03] DO NOT MERGE - blow up at epoch 213 (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:35:17 [6d8f6b90] [ETCM-44] Treasury block reward distribution (mantis)
18:40:26 [5bf44f95] Merge #2630 (ouroboros-network)
18:40:31 [c1c94856] Large restructuring of the Protocol Parameters and Transactions sections (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:41:11 [63c101d9] Merge #1845 (cardano-node)
18:41:47 [cdc9c41c] Merge #2165 (cardano-wallet)
18:42:28 [778d6435] RTView: new README. (cardano-rt-view)
18:49:49 [e3f8c5c7] ForgetMock wrapper for KES (cardano-base)
18:52:09 [b06c0903] fix the on function and the global unhandledRejection handler (daedalus)
18:55:45 [ea56d85e] fix plate (yoroi-frontend)
18:57:50 [91f6d1c5] forgot flow annotaiton (yoroi-frontend)
18:59:00 [473e1e22] more eslint (yoroi-frontend)
18:59:34 [e24251d7] again eslint (yoroi-frontend)
19:05:18 [5e070a49] [ETCM-44] Treasury block reward distribution (mantis)
19:14:15 [84081b64] RTView: the first configuration, docs, cleanup. (cardano-rt-view)
19:17:38 [2afceec7] Remove old README.md link. (cardano-rt-view)
19:19:26 [55160e16] Fixes to the networking spec (ouroboros-network)
19:29:04 [d1b078a1] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - adding table styling (daedalus)
19:29:45 [cd788d44] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - adding table styling (daedalus)
19:33:17 [3c5f45e8] fix schedule computation (jormungandr)
20:00:05 [8da4a2c3] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus into effectfully/builtins/remove-static-built-in-functions (plutus)
20:00:06 [fb29d58d] [ETCM-43][ETCM-46] Add opt-out field (#675) (mantis)
20:00:36 [0356ef4c] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - adding table styling (daedalus)
20:06:10 [a3e105b7] Release 0.9.2 (jormungandr)
20:40:37 [a4e62f97] send all + slider (yoroi-mobile)
20:44:11 [79054cc3] HelloWrapper - protocol transformer (ouroboros-network)
20:45:57 [cd7fa15c] [DDW-269] Styling adjustments (daedalus)
20:48:00 [a8c287c2] DO NOT MERGE - blow up at epoch 213 (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:58:04 [3dba583e] WIP CAD-1878 cli: cardano-cli shelley genesis create-staked (cardano-node)
21:00:27 [95e64f43] DDW-16 Table comparison view for stake pools - adding table styling (daedalus)
21:02:39 [8385a783] HelloWrapper - protocol transformer (ouroboros-network)
21:31:11 [ffeca1d9] Merge #2164 (cardano-wallet)
21:42:22 [93c8f64a] Reverse order for CNODE_HOME and SOCKET (guild-operators)
21:52:25 [57c27428] Minimized C in Fees.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:55:29 [bb59f71e] Improve/fix automatic detection of config variables (guild-operators)
22:03:27 [ee58a38c] WIP CAD-1878 cli: cardano-cli shelley genesis create-staked (cardano-node)
22:13:08 [7eca577d] WIP CAD-1878 cli: cardano-cli shelley genesis create-staked (cardano-node)
22:15:56 [57792395] one big term-level test (plutus)
22:19:33 [748c1f55] DO NOT MERGE - blow up at epoch 213 (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:22:31 [3abc36dd] WIP CAD-1878 cli: cardano-cli shelley genesis create-staked (cardano-node)
22:24:26 [327d3bd9] Merge #2165 (cardano-wallet)
22:25:01 [09764632] ffeca1d9e0f302111588c7890785051b6cc6b0da (cardano-wallet)
22:25:02 [ea638d8a] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
22:29:28 [c2809315] stylish (plutus)
22:35:33 [2be97f93] WIP CAD-1878 cli: cardano-cli shelley genesis create-staked (cardano-node)
22:45:16 [1283dd1b] WIP CAD-1878 cli: cardano-cli shelley genesis create-staked (cardano-node)
23:00:37 [3f419d1b] Merge pull request #363 from input-output-hk/feature/transaction-withdrawals (cardano-explorer-app)
23:19:48 [dfec16c0] WIP CAD-1878 cli: cardano-cli shelley genesis create-staked (cardano-node)
23:33:10 [0f345dd2] feat: use stake pool hash over slot leader reference (cardano-explorer-app)