Home / Reports / May 19, 2021

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

69 commits had been pushed across 21 repos by 29 authors. There were 87,529 additions and 96,717 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:30:28 [ed3df8d9] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:31:14 [90367491] Try #1112: (haskell.nix)
00:55:57 [220e0f52] Merge #2710 (cardano-node)
01:13:03 [125fb285] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
02:10:59 [d7bf71cd] Merge pull request #22 from input-output-hk/sevanspowell-fix-README-link (offchain-metadata-tools)
05:36:36 [cdf085cd] Try #1112: (haskell.nix)
06:06:08 [7836ebb2] Merge #2656 (cardano-wallet)
06:55:52 [b7af693d] Merge pull request #81 from MEADAPool/patch-1 (cardano-token-registry)
07:16:00 [4050b8a5] Merivale/disable pab integration (#3213) (plutus)
07:17:19 [e3cd2339] Merge pull request #112 from aserinaballerina/master (cardano-token-registry)
07:17:48 [30d6d834] Merge pull request #113 from traddacharlie/master (cardano-token-registry)
07:18:10 [9a842380] Merge pull request #1 from input-output-hk/task/docs (PSG)
08:02:55 [9f5fdf2d] Merge pull request #2656 from input-output-hk/piotr/e2e-tests-updates (cardano-wallet)
08:41:02 [8e380257] adding the github actions workflow for sync tests in master (to be triggered from Actions UI) (cardano-node-tests)
08:41:44 [f1015abf] Merge pull request #516 from input-output-hk/dorin/sync_tests_workflow (cardano-node-tests)
08:51:42 [b99095c0] PM-3134: Block synchronisation (#32) (metronome)
08:58:49 [922669ba] Merge pull request #3215 from input-output-hk/scp-2229-pretty-print-logs (plutus)
09:10:25 [19c63eee] Kokeshi Japanese doll #1 (cardano-token-registry)
09:11:23 [be7425aa] Merge pull request #115 from nompelis/master (cardano-token-registry)
09:12:56 [5f9f642e] Merge pull request #116 from MEADAPool/patch-2 (cardano-token-registry)
09:15:04 [f12d4f59] Merge pull request #117 from asnakep/master (cardano-token-registry)
09:17:40 [61c6deb9] Merge pull request #119 from asnakep/master (cardano-token-registry)
09:17:46 [20d8ec18] Merge pull request #3220 from Titan-C/typos (plutus)
09:34:09 [fad921d3] Merge pull request #47 from NeilBurgess42/content-truffle (mantis-docs)
09:34:23 [dcdf9528] Merge pull request #48 from NeilBurgess42/content/release-3.2.2 (mantis-docs)
09:45:03 [e4fe2359] Try #1112: (haskell.nix)
09:49:04 [c525ad92] Merge pull request #120 from asnakep/master (cardano-token-registry)
10:00:38 [82e4b03c] SCP-2263: Replace eventful memory backend with TVar (plutus)
10:15:47 [bc2dc0fd] Send ReqTx to network and apply transaction (hydra-poc)
11:12:20 [8605dc5b] Merge pull request #583 from cardano-foundation/revert-581-cms/articles-en/2021-05-19_11-00-51_erc20-converter-en (testnets-cardano-org)
11:26:41 [97437286] Merge pull request #3197 from input-output-hk/scp-2214-switch-slot-to-time (plutus)
11:32:55 [69c77dcc] Merge #2691 (cardano-node)
11:40:19 [408ab883] Try #1116: (haskell.nix)
11:53:18 [0599f9c2] reset send screen after send transaction (#1342) (yoroi-mobile)
12:11:24 [4fc4f4f8] [kaizen] update jvmopts to match the CI (#987) (mantis)
12:45:43 [ea268d2d] Merge pull request #2292 from input-output-hk/nc/bump-plutus (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:53:59 [3c151726] Move readthedocs conf file to root (PSG)
12:54:25 [6fb462cb] Merge pull request #2294 from input-output-hk/nc/serialise-translateContext (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:57:31 [eb973afa] Merge pull request #2 from input-output-hk/task/publish-docs-draft (PSG)
13:12:54 [fd9eb008] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
13:16:29 [ad6034e7] make testnet default on aux dashboard (mantis-ops)
14:14:06 [ae9b8bae] Merge pull request #15 from input-output-hk/periodic (bitte-cli)
14:19:01 [0f5f3e26] bump bitte-cli and nomad-source (bitte)
14:35:52 [41157619] more backup fixes and bump bitte (mantis-ops)
14:36:15 [531a357c] bump mantisOpsRev (mantis-ops)
14:38:53 [502070d7] [DDW-663] Use asset policyId+name as unique identifier instead of the fingerprint (#2562) (daedalus)
14:51:20 [5f2acaa4] [ETCM-814] Remove treasury opt out flag (#980) (mantis)
14:55:49 [86f6acd2] Add delegation info to transaction data (cardano-node-tests)
14:55:49 [5f14cc2e] Check stake address delegation in dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
14:56:23 [4437017a] Add newline (cardano-node-tests)
15:00:25 [c8b413dd] Merge pull request #517 from mkoura/delegation_dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
15:07:42 [4246b111] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into abailly-iohk/send-reqtx (hydra-poc)
15:12:34 [0497c34f] Merge pull request #2659 from input-output-hk/piotr/update-tests-after-utxo_internal-fix (cardano-wallet)
15:18:42 [186bcfc2] Fix compilation error following merge (hydra-poc)
15:20:24 [df1fc014] Update README.md (hydra-poc)
15:29:58 [31b52495] Merge pull request #2 from input-output-hk/abailly-iohk/send-reqtx (hydra-poc)
16:00:26 [6bdde1df] fix mantis.conf location (mantis-ops)
16:32:39 [f0f19453] backup only waits for an hour before calling it quits (mantis-ops)
16:41:51 [7f790009] more backup fixes (mantis-ops)
16:42:17 [8d7b21ba] allow empty NomadJobPlanUpdates (bitte-cli)
16:48:36 [a0d61cbb] Release 0.3.1 (vit-servicing-station)
17:05:37 [8facf463] [Kaizen] Sagano target block time 15s (#989) (mantis)
17:45:02 [1e88eeb2] bump bitte (bitte)
18:59:19 [175c9fc3] Merge #2660 (cardano-wallet)
20:30:01 [0146d23c] [ETCM-814] Bump version to 3.2.3 (#990) (mantis)
20:37:05 [dea2f541] Bump mantis to v3.2.3 (mantis-ops)
21:26:46 [fff9e720] set mantis-testnet as default for devshell (mantis-ops)
21:52:08 [b5ff69ec] bump mantis-ops-rev (mantis-ops)
22:07:26 [e6b1de62] pull fresh develop for mainnet (mantis-ops)