Home / Reports / Jun 10, 2021

Thursday, June 10, 2021

571 commits had been pushed across 41 repos by 93 authors. There were 1,664,576 additions and 1,275,855 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:21:46 [d5078a02] db-sync: Handle collateral inputs in Alonzo transactions (cardano-db-sync)
00:23:30 [45b1fd60] Update data files for new use-case scripts (plutus)
00:31:11 [f90c3120] Update dependencies (cardano-node)
01:00:11 [12870b4c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:06:38 [d55b1d37] db-sync: Handle collateral inputs in Alonzo transactions (cardano-db-sync)
01:15:35 [60590b1a] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:25:12 [f1072fe9] Update validation benchmarking code etc. (plutus)
01:26:54 [aebce1c7] Update validation benchmarking code etc. (plutus)
01:29:26 [c00c52b2] wip (cardano-db-sync)
01:30:17 [ff89a26c] Only set XATTR when needed and `export` it so it will work (haskell.nix)
01:30:41 [33b516a6] fix incorrect default cost model name (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:31:18 [a54540d0] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
01:34:37 [71f36276] Remove mysteriously missing scripts (plutus)
01:36:48 [201ec6d9] Fix stdenv.lib (should be just lib) (haskell.nix)
02:00:29 [01bc7dab] More cleanup. Make darwin build again. (plutus)
02:14:51 [ad40b92f] Restore Marlowe benchmarks (plutus)
02:20:12 [c668ae4d] Rename files (plutus)
02:20:46 [8406b70e] ShelleyLedgerExamples values for Alonzo (cardano-ledger-specs)
02:24:06 [c99a5b6e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:49:23 [13a8777f] Merge #2810 (cardano-node)
03:09:50 [273a9932] db-sync: Handle collateral inputs in Alonzo transactions (cardano-db-sync)
03:13:18 [020f08a7] Update hls-stack test (haskell.nix)
03:35:54 [beb0fde2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:38:30 [69fc0cb2] Update pgrest-topology.json (guild-operators)
03:39:12 [8c569938] More materialized files (haskell.nix)
03:51:10 [4655c6a7] Merge #2808 (cardano-node)
04:10:07 [36830242] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:13:27 [a07bc700] Fix for ghcjs (haskell.nix)
04:22:47 [0f53f854] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
04:25:50 [a80f7236] Fix generation of coverage report (decentralized-software-updates)
04:26:41 [afeedec5] Fix materialization (haskell.nix)
04:28:27 [4005b346] More materialized files (haskell.nix)
04:32:12 [7ea40db6] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
04:32:57 [541b8e1a] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
04:36:43 [f5389bf0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:45:07 [28edd0ec] expose rest method in NodeController (jormungandr)
04:48:40 [b86ac30d] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
04:50:24 [cbd280b4] adjust rest <-> explorer (jormungandr)
04:51:51 [3b40f545] Rework build to make it browser-compatible (cardano-addresses)
04:57:00 [f614ed30] More materialized files (haskell.nix)
04:59:27 [8e0d88aa] Update pgrest-topology.json (guild-operators)
05:19:46 [e6431f2a] Switch to use basic cabal libraries because public sub-libraries are not yet supported by haskell.nix (cardano-node)
05:19:46 [9817198b] Public generator library (cardano-node)
05:19:54 [8b9761df] Generator for TxOutDatumHash (cardano-node)
05:20:36 [41077077] Fix hydra jobset (cardano-addresses)
05:29:58 [05c4c8fc] Tiny fix for error message (yoroi-frontend)
05:33:43 [d230c078] Fix demo build (cardano-addresses)
05:34:23 [6a5b5e14] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:38:46 [3cec6855] Fix Hydra jobset (cardano-addresses)
05:44:22 [b656055e] Add initial NPM module with Typescript interface and tests (cardano-addresses)
05:47:47 [ac89d677] fix: nix builds (adrestia-multisig-coordination)
05:50:23 [6a8ca263] Add jsapi web demo (cardano-addresses)
05:51:45 [ed1b6be8] Bump stylish-haskell sha (plutus)
05:52:01 [8a4fa0b6] Restring ghcjs packages to ghcjs (plutus)
05:54:36 [984b0791] Merge pull request #135 from input-output-hk/hkm/api (cardano-addresses)
06:01:34 [7bcd825f] deploy: 984b07911ebd0b56c2ce4c60c6db81221287074c (cardano-addresses)
06:08:41 [10fcb3ff] Expose booted-ghcjs derivation (haskell.nix)
06:09:06 [04fc7f61] More materialized files (haskell.nix)
06:14:59 [2cc7b054] Minor review rework (cardano-wallet)
06:15:13 [031a6e95] Bring cardano-api into the PAB. (plutus)
06:17:03 [ace41396] update doc (plutus-use-cases)
06:24:04 [40428f45] Minor review rework (cardano-wallet)
06:24:50 [babfe62d] Merge #2696 #2697 (cardano-wallet)
06:26:22 [c07df16f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:30:20 [af62ac58] deploy: 984b07911ebd0b56c2ce4c60c6db81221287074c (cardano-addresses)
06:34:39 [d0c91353] Copy in manual build of docs and demo for typescript module draft (cardano-addresses)
06:42:06 [3512c6a9] do not export ratio (plutus)
06:43:34 [d5a33d37] Into The Blue 4k Video (cardano-token-registry)
06:44:56 [7f4cc002] ergo-lib updated to 0.13.2 (yoroi-frontend)
06:51:58 [fb1d350a] Switch to use basic cabal libraries because public sub-libraries are not yet supported by haskell.nix (cardano-node)
06:52:59 [8163c11f] Generator for TxOutDatumHash (cardano-node)
06:56:57 [dbdd05b0] Remove useless HeartbeatMessage type (hydra-poc)
07:02:05 [af843902] fix debt change in borrow (plutus-use-cases)
07:07:35 [08614b3a] Merge #2698 (cardano-wallet)
07:09:10 [e406559e] [kaizen] remove automatic retry for scalafmt, compile, style steps and expose dist artifact (mantis)
07:11:13 [bf073b36] Update golden tests (plutus)
07:13:31 [2ecd4679] Base input and skeleton (jormungandr)
07:13:44 [e6977a0f] Implement simplified transaction steps: (jormungandr)
07:13:45 [bc4c988a] Extract simplified transaction method too (jormungandr)
07:13:46 [6d4ef403] Added retrieve account information (jormungandr)
07:13:46 [b50038f3] Minor naming refactor (jormungandr)
07:13:47 [bdc1c254] Added send fragment (jormungandr)
07:13:48 [a2320e30] Get keys ready (jormungandr)
07:13:48 [b72253bf] Rename command to simplified (jormungandr)
07:13:49 [9666a830] Rename and clean (jormungandr)
07:13:49 [7da025be] Cleanup imports (jormungandr)
07:13:50 [90ab0b3a] Missed simplified cleaning (jormungandr)
07:13:50 [7c1504ef] Missed faucet cleaning (jormungandr)
07:13:51 [70654958] Reorder arguments to avoid structopt order issues when parsing mandatory arguments (jormungandr)
07:13:51 [1c7891bb] Refactored Staging add_account into a struct method (jormungandr)
07:13:52 [75e9a828] Removed output (jormungandr)
07:13:53 [648d57b6] Request fees through rest API (jormungandr)
07:13:54 [447e855a] Added make transaction integration test (jormungandr)
07:13:55 [b49bba37] Add receiver account as optional parameter (jormungandr)
07:13:56 [af83ac00] Allow clippy many arguments for make_transaction methods (jormungandr)
07:13:57 [46d8ebc9] Refactor: receiver-account -> receiver (jormungandr)
07:13:58 [bea91990] Add proper fees handling (jormungandr)
07:13:59 [98852af3] Fit fees and values closer in test (jormungandr)
07:14:00 [f6b65383] Trim input endline (jormungandr)
07:14:01 [32769e1b] Implement post fragment from make-transaction (jormungandr)
07:14:02 [4ede2b03] Fix prints issues (jormungandr)
07:14:02 [767aaf47] Fix printl typo (jormungandr)
07:14:03 [6a4881e6] Fix wrong printing when asking input (jormungandr)
07:15:06 [7b5aeca9] Merge pull request #169 from AdaLaunch/master (cardano-token-registry)
07:16:08 [a1ccbf56] Merge pull request #170 from cardano-tools-nft/c3e2f1d3-7e32-4e62-ad18-135d0e1f80a9 (cardano-token-registry)
07:16:24 [1ad73f3e] Use interactive secret key read (jormungandr)
07:16:27 [0e34decb] Refactor not save to file when transaction is directly posted (jormungandr)
07:18:01 [8e78a7f0] Simplify the HeartbeatSpec test (hydra-poc)
07:22:24 [7728f00b] alt-sawp and alt-add-liquidity commpit (plutus-use-cases)
07:23:16 [014ec0b3] Merge branch 'AltLabs/dex-token-swap' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus-use-cases into AltLabs/dex-token-swap (plutus-use-cases)
07:23:40 [ccf6ba20] Merge pull request #2166 from Emurgo/sigma-rust-0.13.1-fixes (yoroi-frontend)
07:25:51 [bb27178a] Bump ws from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example (yoroi-frontend)
07:26:13 [9ee278cc] Bump dns-packet in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example (yoroi-frontend)
07:26:43 [0f5f02d8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:27:13 [4c6909a5] Update cargo lock with missing deps (jormungandr)
07:35:37 [b47b638b] readme change (plutus-use-cases)
07:37:14 [b4d26c51] WIP (cardano-wallet)
07:38:53 [5cdd2c3d] Fixing websocket subscription bug. (#3329) (plutus)
07:43:17 [0e240ac6] few fixes not to break the build and some log msgs (plutus-use-cases)
07:43:27 [33a00315] Used stdenv to detect isGhcjs, not crossSystem. (plutus)
07:44:55 [36d006f9] SCP-2136 Inline single occurrence bounded terms (plutus)
07:46:08 [24b5b8af] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into ruslan/tiny-error-message-fix (yoroi-frontend)
07:58:45 [8b8cda25] setup basic PoC watch.proto (chain-libs)
08:02:20 [86bed4bb] Fix serialisation of Ping (hydra-poc)
08:02:20 [c1852eb8] Merge pull request #14 from input-output-hk/refactor-behavior-spec (hydra-poc)
08:05:54 [27cc3678] Merge #2697 (cardano-wallet)
08:10:04 [78b83afd] Merge branch 'master' into abailly-iohk/network-heartbeat (hydra-poc)
08:20:39 [5cacdadf] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:20:47 [ab715e7f] I'm a muppet! (plutus)
08:27:31 [820049af] Fixes for nightly jobs (cardano-node-tests)
08:31:00 [e98616ec] pool_meta_data table is now called pool_metadata_ref in release/10.0.x (guild-operators)
08:32:29 [b50b196d] Merge branch 'main' into week10 (plutus-pioneer-program)
08:51:34 [a7f6afaf] Merge #2696 #2698 (cardano-wallet)
08:54:29 [ff398aff] Speculative edits to openapi spec (cardano-wallet)
08:55:03 [dbf03c7b] Bring cardano-api into the PAB. (plutus)
08:57:27 [af10bc03] Fix the cli parser for the --redeemer-value --execution-units flags (cardano-node)
08:59:35 [5a43d99c] Moved the watch protocol to chain-network (chain-libs)
09:01:34 [01dd91dc] Renamed the client subscription service to Watch (chain-libs)
09:02:22 [501d3ae3] Merge #2811 (cardano-node)
09:02:37 [4d376fbf] Add snapshot strategy to the Environment. (hydra-poc)
09:03:00 [a3bcbe8e] Implement dummy logic for 'ReqSn' handling. (hydra-poc)
09:04:43 [145fc0b8] SCP-2136 Inline single occurrence bounded terms (#3257) (plutus)
09:06:12 [8f083abb] db-sync: Handle collateral inputs in Alonzo transactions (cardano-db-sync)
09:08:12 [74e58e92] stats: hydra 27cc36780f53358f56f51f153325b7215e61f298 (cardano-wallet)
09:08:15 [19748043] badge: hydra 27cc36780f53358f56f51f153325b7215e61f298 (cardano-wallet)
09:17:17 [01f3b8f8] Extend AckSn and shuffle some data types (hydra-poc)
09:17:35 [d23ced1a] CAD-2772 add tx-generator (cardano-node)
09:17:38 [f758732b] CAD-2772 rebase on master add txExtraKeyWitnesses and txProtocolParams (cardano-node)
09:17:38 [0dbcbac8] CAD-2772 add cases for Alonzo (cardano-node)
09:17:38 [8899ecfb] CAD-2772 rebase on master (cardano-node)
09:17:38 [8fa576ef] CAD-2772 rebase on master initialize txInsCollateral and txAuxScriptData (cardano-node)
09:17:38 [29952314] CAD-2772 address reviews (cardano-node)
09:17:38 [8cc395ea] Fix musl TH by enabling shared libraries (cardano-node)
09:18:34 [c15fe928] Add news about catalyst voting (adalite)
09:19:00 [be3f7fa6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:19:26 [0276f15a] Add news about catalyst voting (#1033) (adalite)
09:19:45 [aab09a29] 6.4.9 (adalite)
09:19:50 [a0810b32] Add a SnapshotConfirmed to not close "too early" (hydra-poc)
09:20:04 [3a71caac] add some validation and update faucet submit form (testnets-cardano-org)
09:20:14 [fe2c374e] Added GH action for tests (yoroi-frontend)
09:20:38 [166ab455] GH hook update to use local script (yoroi-frontend)
09:20:47 [e21c3bcc] Package-lock update (yoroi-frontend)
09:21:33 [7ae15f11] Merge branch 'develop' into release/v3.2.4 (mantis)
09:22:07 [58d4802f] WIP (cardano-wallet)
09:24:46 [c4c646f9] Make CNTools compatible with updated rpc (guild-operators)
09:29:38 [2f1cdbf2] Add a SnapshotNumber to ReqSn and AckSn to not confirm multiple times (hydra-poc)
09:33:55 [bf727590] Code cleanup of SkewBinary (plutus)
09:38:43 [5ffc5786] Splitting Marlowe.Execution into submodules. (plutus)
09:42:26 [4db007fa] [DDW-615] Rever genesis.json removal (daedalus)
09:43:31 [1b8abcc8] Rename logs format, for consistency. (cardano-node)
09:46:12 [f29e93c7] CAD-2772 rebase on master initialize rename txAuxScriptData to txExtraScriptData (cardano-node)
09:47:37 [7b1f53bd] stats: hydra a7f6afafcff0c4e778f37b5a67811018ce38be8c (cardano-wallet)
09:47:39 [865985ca] badge: hydra a7f6afafcff0c4e778f37b5a67811018ce38be8c (cardano-wallet)
09:49:42 [8da24452] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
09:51:33 [4d91578e] [DDW-414] Added more types (daedalus)
09:56:06 [05006b5c] Redo remoteData handling (plutus-use-cases)
10:00:34 [643383a9] Added unordered-intmap to plutus-core/env-bench suite (plutus)
10:03:25 [18b2eadb] Add confirmed txs in Snapshot object (hydra-poc)
10:03:53 [840d0649] Ed25519 DSIGN: no mlocking, fix key sizes. (cardano-base)
10:11:21 [d9c8317e] [#2801] Allow docker container configuration through env vars (cardano-node)
10:14:37 [bfa2df3e] [#2362] Add topology update functionality to Docker image (cardano-node)
10:14:37 [da4f1cd5] [#2707] Client-side handling of custom peers in Docker container (cardano-node)
10:20:16 [3f72f52b] PM-3409: InterpreterClient implementation. (metronome)
10:20:25 [204fe258] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:24:00 [b862352f] Make sure the old ledger state can be gced on rollbacks (cardano-db-sync)
10:24:00 [42c3a9bf] Parse ledger state only one on startup (cardano-db-sync)
10:24:25 [84e2f20a] Add hashScriptData API function (cardano-node)
10:25:31 [5106ecfd] Project can now be build incrementally with Nix+Cabal. Added instructions to README how to do so. Added release.nix for Hydra CI and github action. Updated plutus version. (plutus-starter)
10:26:31 [bfb801c0] introduce ApiTransactionConstructData in swagger (cardano-wallet)
10:28:49 [b0166258] More ghcjs fixes (still not working) (haskell.nix)
10:29:16 [513772c3] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
10:29:54 [f19f4cdf] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
10:31:17 [71f3c547] Bring cardano-api into the PAB. (#3313) (plutus)
10:33:40 [c5a33a0b] Merge branch 'master' into scp-2317-cardano-api (plutus)
10:34:08 [ae55ffda] Make waitForTxImmutability faster (cardano-wallet)
10:34:16 [a95fb390] Replace eventually with waitForTxImmutability in migration tests (cardano-wallet)
10:36:47 [ba9ee36f] [wip] make a real snapshot object (hydra-poc)
10:37:07 [564d0ed8] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/ddw-659-review-and-fix-incorrect-global-instances-in-css-files (daedalus)
10:38:04 [9f59565b] Enable `Werror`. (decentralized-software-updates)
10:39:48 [6068ce9b] Use libsodium-based DSIGN from cardano-base (cardano-node)
10:40:45 [c171c48c] Tweak the coverage numbers so that the tests take considerable less time. (decentralized-software-updates)
10:46:44 [bfc892ee] Re run github action. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
10:47:55 [1f81db04] Replace eventually with waitForTxImmutability in migration tests (cardano-wallet)
10:49:15 [d355ac57] Try #2700: (cardano-wallet)
10:53:58 [764ada97] Separated Diffusion into P2P, NonP2P and Common (ouroboros-network)
10:55:42 [d76eda5d] Added master branch functions to NodeToNode (ouroboros-network)
10:55:42 [0077e780] Refactored Node.hs to fit new Diffusion interface. (ouroboros-network)
10:55:45 [964152f2] Switch `UnitInterval` to use safe-decimal (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:57:40 [5295cf5b] cardano-ping: adhare to keep alive protocol (ouroboros-network)
10:58:37 [6b241c3a] Merge branch 'master' into abailly-iohk/network-heartbeat (hydra-poc)
10:59:27 [72e087b4] [DDW-659] Review and fix incorrect :global instances in scss files (#2593) (daedalus)
10:59:33 [b647bba8] Rename client output when getting a ping (hydra-poc)
11:00:57 [c5d4782d] Modify e2e tests for future running on alonzo testnets (cardano-wallet)
11:05:13 [9c215861] update readme (cardano-wallet)
11:05:27 [c302ef1d] Replace eventually with waitForTxImmutability in migration tests (cardano-wallet)
11:06:40 [53e4f505] Reduce by a factor 10 the number of state change validity tests. (decentralized-software-updates)
11:09:03 [ffcf28fa] cardano-ping: adhare to keep alive protocol (ouroboros-network)
11:09:48 [637fbf36] Try #2700: (cardano-wallet)
11:13:55 [b3f7eab9] cardano-ping: versioned encoder (ouroboros-network)
11:15:50 [21bccad6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:38:56 [c78817f4] [ETCM-902] Bump version to 3.2.4 (#1003) (mantis)
11:41:03 [1773f644] Fix for wine (haskell.nix)
11:42:25 [15f680b8] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
11:42:44 [6e09b7e5] Exported the variable 'compiler-nix-name' in Nix to use it in other projects such as plutus-starter (#3337) (plutus)
11:45:28 [e8325a44] Merge pull request #166 from input-output-hk/sevanspowell/fix-coverage-report (decentralized-software-updates)
11:48:25 [68daa742] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-633-implement-earned-rewards-history (daedalus)
11:49:52 [cc7e270d] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-587-native-tokens-huge-size (daedalus)
11:51:46 [7edfc01e] Hack. Ignore. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
11:53:45 [cccfbacc] Transport selection refactoring (adalite)
11:55:27 [ceec627b] SCP-2289: Try making a special "for evaluation" term type (plutus)
12:00:12 [1bff41c8] Merge #2812 (cardano-node)
12:00:33 [0b9be847] Switch to use basic cabal libraries because public sub-libraries are not yet supported by haskell.nix (cardano-node)
12:02:05 [2a249f82] add post transaction/construct endpoint (cardano-wallet)
12:05:50 [38ae16db] Revert loadingOverlay changes (adalite)
12:07:42 [8db5b1b5] Switch `UnitInterval` to use safe-decimal (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:08:03 [7a6acb5d] introduce input extended (cardano-wallet)
12:10:24 [2f70148a] WIP Try eliminating local executables from shell entry deps (cardano-node)
12:11:04 [b0023880] Hack. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
12:11:15 [087e36c9] add transactions fee endpoint (cardano-wallet)
12:13:17 [d79c4abd] remove footer link (cardano-documentation)
12:13:52 [3062dc4a] Merge pull request #6 from input-output-hk/remove-footer-link (cardano-documentation)
12:14:36 [b081356a] Merge pull request #7 from input-output-hk/staging (cardano-documentation)
12:15:18 [5ed2bece] Replace use of 'Serialise' with 'FromCBOR/ToCBOR' in ZeroMQ network layer (hydra-poc)
12:15:18 [bc3cb52e] Resolve merge conflicts after removing extra network message envelope. (hydra-poc)
12:19:05 [9a3c1bd4] CAD-2772 workbench: alonzo profiles (cardano-node)
12:20:30 [cd090110] Try #2700: (cardano-wallet)
12:28:07 [a42ec578] nixos 21.05 (bitte)
12:28:25 [6e22cc7f] improve test time by avoiding reboot (bitte)
12:29:21 [f55b80f1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:29:40 [870da274] HAck (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
12:37:42 [21367348] Merge branch 'develop' into kaizen/improve-build-pipeline (mantis)
12:37:53 [b189309b] Preliminary snapshot construction in the head logic. (hydra-poc)
12:38:35 [f70a739f] [SQUASH] review (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
12:38:55 [808591e5] Install types for mypy (cardano-node-tests)
12:47:22 [417ebbd7] Switch `UnitInterval` to use safe-decimal (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:47:27 [8902bc56] [ETCM-841] Change protocol version to a full name (mantis)
12:47:27 [844f1be6] [ETCM-841] Introduce a simple Capability.best selection algorithm (mantis)
12:47:27 [281bff3c] [ETCM-841] Remove general purpose protocol version, replace with capabilities list (mantis)
12:47:28 [81015714] [ETCM-841] Align unit tests to changes in flow of protocol negotiation (mantis)
12:47:28 [bbf15cab] [ETCM-841] Introduce negotiated protocol version to EtcHelloExchangeState (mantis)
12:47:28 [900f219f] [ETCM-841] Rename CommonMessages to BaseETH6XMessages (mantis)
12:47:28 [d1c645cc] [ETCM-841] Reorganise RLPxConnectionHandler 'processHandshakeResult' (mantis)
12:47:28 [ca4ef4ff] [ETCM-841] Add simple protocol negotiation (mantis)
12:47:29 [67e3e5ff] [ETCM-841] Rename PV6X elements to ETX6X scheme (mantis)
12:47:29 [99dc3b44] [ETCM-841] Add a mechanism for notifying PeerActor about 'negotiated protocol' (mantis)
12:47:29 [eddb3053] [ETCM-841] Handle 'Hello' negotiation as a connection stage (mantis)
12:47:29 [abb06cb5] [ETCM-841] Apply scalafmt (mantis)
12:47:29 [d6abf0c6] [ETCM-841] Apply scalafmt (mantis)
12:49:16 [71a4bb32] [DDW-587] Summary story adjustments (daedalus)
12:51:50 [2e9444d4] [DDW-414] All usages of LocalStorageApi.set that contains type 'any' are converted into plain JS Objects (daedalus)
12:56:27 [1785b827] [ETCM-841] Apply PR remarks (mantis)
12:56:38 [3ad5b694] CAD-2772 shell: fix workbench profile name parametrisation (cardano-node)
12:57:40 [e0510f91] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/chore/ddw-414-bump-electron-package' into chore/ddw-414-bump-electron-package (daedalus)
12:58:59 [5af3f868] [DDW-587] Summary short amount on Asset header (daedalus)
12:59:48 [dafa7740] [DDW-414] changed to shell.openPath (daedalus)
13:00:36 [55806e18] introduce ApiSerializedTransaction (cardano-wallet)
13:01:09 [af71bd24] Install types for mypy (cardano-node-tests)
13:08:45 [8b37cad7] Extremely simple wrap/unwrap cancellation pass for PIR (plutus)
13:08:59 [d1be20c5] CAD-2772 workbench: alonzo profiles (cardano-node)
13:09:03 [41ecb840] CAD-2772 shell: fix workbench profile name parametrisation (cardano-node)
13:10:30 [98d348b0] wip beam support (plutus)
13:10:32 [3aae0c55] wip allow multiple db configs (plutus)
13:10:32 [936a5a9b] wip (plutus)
13:10:32 [191cf6dc] todo (plutus)
13:10:32 [ecd06773] real struggle; just before deleting eventful. (plutus)
13:10:32 [90b8f01a] using throwError (plutus)
13:10:32 [ad1028c5] no more dbkind (plutus)
13:10:32 [2debfbf8] no more record wildcards (plutus)
13:10:32 [c428ca56] no more errors (plutus)
13:10:32 [38eed2d1] step 5 (plutus)
13:10:32 [90fda922] eventful refs removed (plutus)
13:10:32 [f33b3912] 'benchmark' script (plutus)
13:10:32 [84d1b5fe] no dbkind (plutus)
13:10:32 [95828119] bash hacking (plutus)
13:10:32 [34cafd20] wip (plutus)
13:10:32 [4c12713e] log sql with the loggers (plutus)
13:10:54 [a8ba4ba5] PM-3409: Testing the InterpreterClient. (metronome)
13:13:02 [97336c58] SCP-2011: try putting some things in a global environment (plutus)
13:13:20 [906a8374] pin mypy version (cardano-node-tests)
13:13:33 [6ba2a13a] Update comp-matrix.md (docs-cardano-org)
13:18:08 [71132359] Merge pull request #561 from mkoura/fix_nightly (cardano-node-tests)
13:19:11 [d2fe2180] Simple network transformer to broadcast messages to self (hydra-poc)
13:19:35 [078e679e] Cleanup extensions (hydra-poc)
13:19:44 [23708e1a] Switch `UnitInterval` to use safe-decimal (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:24:50 [5d6b4fad] [#2362] Add topology update functionality to Docker image (cardano-node)
13:24:50 [88b7e995] [#2707] Client-side handling of custom peers in Docker container (cardano-node)
13:25:41 [8043f36f] Refactored cli logs modules (catalyst-toolbox)
13:26:02 [9f0d3c1f] Implemented base sentry logs stats structures (catalyst-toolbox)
13:30:42 [3aebb8d5] Merge #2813 (cardano-node)
13:32:07 [e978aaa5] Export 'checkLeaderValue' from API. (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:32:16 [08e0d85f] CAD-2907 scaffolding (cardano-node)
13:32:21 [16afc05b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:32:42 [66df483d] Merge pull request #2322 from input-output-hk/jc/fix-cost-model-import (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:33:57 [4f774d00] Avoid redefining available function (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:33:58 [78c3328d] Test cases that depict problematic behavior with UnitInterval (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:34:10 [1d1c8376] CAD-2907 ouroboros-consensus-shelley: prevent GHC floating the stub closure (ouroboros-network)
13:34:10 [e35a5fe2] CAD-2907 ouroboros-consensus-shelley: computation stub module (ouroboros-network)
13:34:39 [390f0739] FIX: Use withLockUpgrade in nonBatchingCompiler. (metronome)
13:39:24 [757a5ad5] Ensure hydra-node sends back network messages to itself (hydra-poc)
13:39:39 [0848c2ad] Add toCardanoTxBody (plutus)
13:42:31 [c5d3774c] Tried to improve SkewBinary.index performance (plutus)
13:43:23 [cc433436] Merge branch 'master' into sv/fix-staking-credential (plutus)
13:45:37 [40c700a4] Add ToCBOR/FromCBOR instances for Snapshot (hydra-poc)
13:46:12 [b775e5be] [kaizen] remove automatic retry for scalafmt, compile, style steps and expose dist artifact (#1007) (mantis)
13:46:57 [f97f9c7e] Separated Diffusion into P2P, NonP2P and Common (ouroboros-network)
13:52:50 [4d73fe0e] update workflows (cardano-wallet)
13:53:40 [cfd984ec] With Int (plutus)
13:54:14 [7c785a75] Fix Snapshot field names to make EndToEndSpec happy (hydra-poc)
13:54:26 [61658837] Refactored Node.hs to fit new Diffusion interface. (ouroboros-network)
13:56:04 [8bb85fba] Rename HydraNetwork -> Network (hydra-poc)
13:58:12 [029ce6ee] Valid translated signature (musig2)
14:01:41 [1f338266] [DDW-587] Buttons vertically aligned (daedalus)
14:02:38 [74ac81d5] add react-redux types (#1392) (yoroi-mobile)
14:06:20 [52cd57ae] Update the cardano-submit-api for Alonzo (cardano-node)
14:08:57 [2f21900b] Merge pull request #45 from mccamca/main (essential-cardano)
14:13:16 [1d499d48] Use beam autoMigrate for initial db setup (plutus)
14:15:22 [f7c92c86] PM-3409: Trace sending error in requests. (metronome)
14:15:33 [5e2e9fee] Rename adaPerUTxOWord to coinsPerUTxOWord (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:18:15 [15cf3615] PM-3402: Fix casing. (metronome)
14:19:00 [b4b2d34b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:22:50 [a84aa72e] cardano-db-sync 10.0.0 (cardano-ops)
14:22:53 [c9059f87] Switch to use basic cabal libraries because public sub-libraries are not yet supported by haskell.nix (cardano-node)
14:23:44 [67a22f66] Add workflow to check links in markdown (hydra-poc)
14:24:00 [68e2df12] Generator for TxOutDatumHash (cardano-node)
14:26:47 [1a6b77cd] Fix broken link found by linkchecker (hydra-poc)
14:29:06 [860a68b9] Switch `UnitInterval` to use safe-decimal (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:29:37 [da0240bb] Accept changed test outputs (plutus)
14:30:28 [85b6f691] Fix another broken link (hydra-poc)
14:31:39 [0cdb5004] initial commit (vrf-optimisation-tests)
14:31:50 [8febbe3c] SCP-2018: Waiting vs non-waiting actions (plutus)
14:31:50 [ceec35fa] Fix playground-common (plutus)
14:31:50 [89922b7a] Fix plutus-pab (plutus)
14:31:50 [b4530594] * Fix use-cases (plutus)
14:31:50 [65e1efe0] Fix marlowe (plutus)
14:35:49 [d209b9cf] release workflow: push docker tags (cardano-db-sync)
14:36:40 [44e2fdea] Adds token AGIXA metadata (cardano-token-registry)
14:37:10 [8c8f9815] Update README.md (hydra-poc)
14:37:32 [fd05a4e4] add readme (vrf-optimisation-tests)
14:40:52 [7a6d590a] Separated Diffusion into P2P, NonP2P and Common (ouroboros-network)
14:40:52 [2a987d6b] Refactored Node.hs to fit new Diffusion interface. (ouroboros-network)
14:41:50 [40aed75a] web-ghc service: add timeout config option (plutus)
14:41:50 [fa54fd06] web-ghc: Make timeout configurable (plutus)
14:42:54 [3b06dd0c] specify version of libsodium (musig2)
14:44:04 [f9668476] Moved Slot, Credential, and Address to Cardano.Ledger (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:45:14 [47065bba] Replace 'LedgerState' with simply 'UTxO' (hydra-poc)
14:45:14 [0d13a168] Change Ledger interface to apply many transactions (hydra-poc)
14:45:14 [156e1349] Rename initLedgerState->initUTxO and confirmedLedger->confirmedUTxO (hydra-poc)
14:45:52 [a520069e] Use updated architecture diagram (plutus)
14:47:51 [2997bde2] Move plutus-report to the top-level (plutus)
14:47:59 [057660d7] Remove a last notion of "ledgerState" (hydra-poc)
14:51:27 [1339c0e5] Merge pull request #41 from gitmachtl/patch-1 (essential-cardano)
14:54:12 [7a4ea736] Merge pull request #171 from input-output-hk/agixa-token (cardano-token-registry)
14:56:18 [bca553f9] add menu to select a single wallet, add dex dashboard (plutus-use-cases)
15:01:52 [7397c164] Remove nixosModules from overlay (bitte)
15:02:44 [90f51f26] Display pool users (plutus-use-cases)
15:02:59 [49b59474] Revert "SCP-2136 Inline single occurrence bounded terms (#3257)" (plutus)
15:06:35 [7af9f8fe] Merge #2807 (cardano-node)
15:06:52 [deee075e] fix debt change in borrow (plutus-use-cases)
15:17:38 [76ffa888] Refactored Network.hs (cardano-node)
15:17:38 [96a5d6e8] Refactored Tracers.hs (cardano-node)
15:17:38 [618ce8e3] Refactored Run.hs in order to switch P2P vs NonP2P (cardano-node)
15:18:50 [a6ffd5c2] Updated ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
15:20:11 [16827505] cardano-db-sync 10.0.0 (cardano-ops)
15:21:09 [51c35888] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:22:44 [c13f7781] cherrypick some types from Rodney's PR 2642 (cardano-wallet)
15:23:39 [5dc2d4af] CAD-2907 workbench: add locli, a log analysis tool (cardano-node)
15:23:39 [c4415192] CAD-2907 workbench: extensions supporting block propagation analysis (cardano-node)
15:23:39 [3fd294b8] CAD-2907 workbench: profile name parametrisation fix (cardano-node)
15:23:39 [8351ddc0] CAD-2907 consensus: bump to cad-2907-stub-compute (cardano-node)
15:23:39 [4a4cd114] CAD-2907 stub compute: calibrate at startup, with configurable targets (cardano-node)
15:23:39 [a32e5032] CAD-2907 workbench: initial analysis integration (cardano-node)
15:23:40 [2f571f38] CAD-2907 locli: block event collection & chain reconstruction (cardano-node)
15:23:40 [830a2a62] CAD-2839 workbench: a bit less unnecessary deps on local tools (cardano-node)
15:23:40 [09c7aada] CAD-2907 worbench: 10-* profiles, for a 10-node cluster (cardano-node)
15:23:40 [eb614fe2] CAD-2907 locli: drop the Seq (cardano-node)
15:23:40 [86778756] CAD-2907 workbench block-propagation analysis: fast re-iteration mode (cardano-node)
15:23:40 [6fbb4ebc] CAD-2907 workbench: increase stub compute duration to 0.5 (from 0.05) (cardano-node)
15:23:40 [b18b2b9b] CAD-2907 workbench: save genesis.json (cardano-node)
15:23:40 [0050dc99] WIP CAD-2907 locli: block event CDFs (cardano-node)
15:23:41 [9d37820c] CAD-2907 locli: completely replace rendering with the data-driven mechanism (cardano-node)
15:23:41 [2f6a978e] CAD-2907 locli: reorganise modules a bit, as analyses expose concern boundaries (cardano-node)
15:23:41 [a9102cef] CAD-2907 locli: switch MachTimeline to generalised distribution renderer (cardano-node)
15:23:41 [f952f379] WIP CAD-2907 locli: more distributions (cardano-node)
15:23:41 [8f5dc9af] CAD-2907 locli: more generic rendering of summaries (cardano-node)
15:23:41 [55397d81] WIP CAD-2907 locli: more thorough error processing, to accomodate anomalous cases (cardano-node)
15:23:41 [fea3fb63] WIP CAD-2907 locli: block propagation timeline (cardano-node)
15:23:42 [fe35a33a] WIP Try eliminating local executables from shell entry deps (cardano-node)
15:27:17 [889c7aa7] Fix playground-common (plutus)
15:27:17 [609d843d] Fix plutus-pab (plutus)
15:27:17 [9d03d00f] SCP-2018: Waiting vs non-waiting actions (plutus)
15:27:17 [554e3281] * Fix use-cases (plutus)
15:27:17 [a56e85a7] Fix marlowe (plutus)
15:28:23 [bd1a7e83] Merge pull request #20 from obsidiansystems/websocket-test/obsidian-systems/dex (plutus-use-cases)
15:29:07 [320ba71d] Revert "SCP-2136 Inline single occurrence bounded terms (#3257)" (#3344) (plutus)
15:33:09 [52cb6268] Add a missing case for Alonzo support for language simple script v1 (cardano-node)
15:33:12 [77929da8] HAck (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
15:33:49 [160a5e8a] wip beam support (plutus)
15:33:50 [4c4492fb] eventful refs removed (plutus)
15:33:50 [31e626ca] no more record wildcards (plutus)
15:33:50 [22d1dbc9] wip (plutus)
15:33:50 [df132d1a] using throwError (plutus)
15:33:50 [c90b46c3] real struggle; just before deleting eventful. (plutus)
15:33:50 [2376be1b] no dbkind (plutus)
15:33:50 [0d2fc6fa] Use beam autoMigrate for initial db setup (plutus)
15:33:50 [6c88172b] wip (plutus)
15:33:50 [d6ec5bc3] log sql with the loggers (plutus)
15:33:50 [948993bf] wip allow multiple db configs (plutus)
15:33:50 [8908891d] todo (plutus)
15:33:50 [005ae6fc] no more dbkind (plutus)
15:33:50 [22d4aa25] 'benchmark' script (plutus)
15:33:50 [cd95104c] no more errors (plutus)
15:33:50 [76003348] bash hacking (plutus)
15:33:50 [963a09df] step 5 (plutus)
15:34:20 [342ab2d0] ormolise (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:34:41 [80f27036] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:input-output-hk/cardano-ledger-specs into ptr-word64 (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:35:52 [801b88a2] Merge #3204 (ouroboros-network)
15:37:48 [8bb80675] use raw ekg value for verification rather than calculated uptime (guild-operators)
15:38:28 [9bc04fdb] bump plutus starter to patch multiple wallets bug (plutus-use-cases)
15:38:29 [6ecd8f5d] HAck (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
15:41:12 [1f42bb93] Merge pull request #21 from obsidiansystems/websocket-test/obsidian-systems/dex (plutus-use-cases)
15:42:19 [f73ffdc5] Remove demo wallet login option from production UI (adalite)
15:42:23 [11e4e4ca] Webghc fixes (#3343) (plutus)
15:42:37 [10a2ff92] Extremely simple wrap/unwrap cancellation pass for PIR (#3341) (plutus)
15:43:24 [bd40d28e] A few small text tweaks, stopping before I get sucked in (plutus)
15:46:02 [ab0b8d93] updated branch to musig2_compat (musig2)
15:48:03 [e3c87a53] Remove demo wallet login option from production UI (adalite)
15:48:07 [3a921116] [DDW-414] compiled new libraries with node14 (daedalus)
15:48:28 [57abc43a] fix prom as well (guild-operators)
15:52:20 [99cc5661] Switch `UnitInterval` to use safe-decimal (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:52:27 [b52451ec] Try #2700: (cardano-wallet)
15:56:08 [60122951] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
15:56:53 [f2a4c056] Update to a more recent Plutus repo version (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:58:45 [a7f44a3a] add ApiConstructTransaction and ApiTxInputExtended (cardano-wallet)
16:01:27 [e1db3f37] Add plutus-example library and executable (cardano-node)
16:02:53 [c60bc744] Merge branch 'master' into abailly-iohk/broadcast-to-self (hydra-poc)
16:11:52 [6300a0ef] Merge branch 'master' into sv/fix-staking-credential (plutus)
16:12:23 [08cc9095] Refer to cardano-ledger-specs PR (plutus)
16:19:21 [deccf4ea] Removed dependency on plutus plugin. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:20:50 [50b604bf] cardano-db-sync erikd/alonzo-tx (cardano-ops)
16:21:46 [7749e863] update ledger functions to use ledgerjs-hw-app-cardano 3.0.0 api (yoroi-mobile)
16:22:44 [bff72205] flow fixes (yoroi-mobile)
16:22:52 [39e16962] add ApiTransactionConstructData and ApiDelegationTx (cardano-wallet)
16:22:54 [f4f77e8d] WIP: Test submission of always succeeds plutus script (cardano-node)
16:23:38 [37589687] lint + remaining flow errors (yoroi-mobile)
16:25:28 [7b1d90c1] WIP (plutus)
16:26:32 [c4538652] Ptr Ix back to Natural, decoding limited to 64 bytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:29:16 [c7ecd717] Merge #2815 (cardano-node)
16:36:03 [3de2d8b4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:44:57 [707b6618] added plutus-plugin to the test, but not the library. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:49:29 [a5dfe7e5] Implemented sentry stats cli commands (catalyst-toolbox)
16:50:11 [69f028df] work on ApiMultiDelegationAction (cardano-wallet)
16:53:11 [27f93e64] Merge pull request #217 from input-output-hk/dcoutts/fromcbor-ratio (cardano-base)
16:55:18 [096a6385] connection-manager: clean connection shutdown (ouroboros-network)
16:58:37 [d19f61c5] diffusion: daProtocolIdleTimeout (ouroboros-network)
16:58:37 [12103070] connection-manager: fix test (ouroboros-network)
16:58:38 [af604cfc] diffusion: fix typos (ouroboros-network)
16:58:38 [505789cb] inbound-governor: added TrRemoteState trace point (ouroboros-network)
16:58:38 [35810a58] connection-manager: updated documentation (ouroboros-network)
17:03:49 [b6cdadc1] WIP add charLiteral lexer, update plc.Main. (plutus)
17:03:55 [f41a1345] Init hooking new parser to plc Main. (plutus)
17:05:05 [71013f94] Fix naming following merge (hydra-poc)
17:09:46 [f645aafc] Make EndToEnd test happy (hydra-poc)
17:11:52 [f0d6cf36] bound Arbitrary for Ix (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:14:56 [0124e9fb] Switched UPLC.CEK to use SkewBinary and DeBruijn indices (plutus)
17:23:00 [66dde9f1] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
17:23:53 [1f8e0aca] Use a custom putMany which doesn't use nubBy (cardano-db-sync)
17:28:30 [be47f981] Switch `UnitInterval` to use safe-decimal (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:28:33 [9ab496d7] Fix ShelleyGenesis golden test case (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:46:43 [636b006a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:48:22 [40ca86ba] flake.lock: Update (bitte)
17:54:00 [93a408aa] ShelleyLedgerExamples values for Alonzo (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:04:42 [cda31f5e] cardano-api:test: Add roundtrip tests for getTransactionBodyContent/makeTransactionBody (cardano-node)
18:05:13 [0702ec37] fix underrun (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:11:58 [a13b6b70] [DDW-587] Remove debug styling and locale progress (daedalus)
18:32:37 [197df2fe] perform manual gc (cardano-db-sync)
18:36:30 [720862fb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:41:06 [be22b030] monoidal-synchronisation package (ouroboros-network)
18:41:17 [f32f9562] network-mux: use monoid-synchronisation (ouroboros-network)
18:45:26 [0563209d] monoidal-synchronisation package (ouroboros-network)
18:45:26 [6658064e] Add ToSchema instance for Rational (fix #3277). (#3334) (plutus)
18:45:26 [a40e7885] network-mux: use FirstToFinish (ouroboros-network)
18:57:57 [4b2d4090] Write unit test using io-sim for the ChainSync protocol. (cardano-ogmios)
19:02:02 [37990c83] monoidal-synchronisation package (ouroboros-network)
19:02:02 [dae95fcf] network-mux: use FirstToFinish (ouroboros-network)
19:04:03 [b61c939c] fail when > 64 bytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:15:23 [6b26f94f] Update tests (plutus-use-cases)
19:15:43 [e79b0c71] Switch `UnitInterval` to use safe-decimal (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:15:43 [0e1bb1ca] Fix ShelleyGenesis golden test case (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:16:44 [d889a2df] Merge branch 'eleks/nft' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus-use-cases into eleks/nft (plutus-use-cases)
19:18:27 [a040dc8c] WIP unifying ParseError from ParserCommon to Error. (plutus)
19:25:12 [6a195adc] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:35:06 [3586f34b] io-sim-classes: StrictTVar representation (ouroboros-network)
19:35:06 [d7e564a9] renamed cabal.project.ci.windows file (ouroboros-network)
19:38:27 [4ac5dfc8] Updated cabal.project.local.ci (ouroboros-network)
20:02:03 [4170f65c] make Ix a newtype (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:05:17 [26f6fc15] Merge pull request #3368 from input-output-hk/move_from_unstable (jormungandr)
20:11:48 [fb6d0d10] [DDW-633] Use white-listed api rewards query string (daedalus)
20:14:00 [df27ca07] ormolise (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:14:22 [9d6d0f8e] Add `AlonzoGenesisHash` to config files (cardano-node-tests)
20:17:17 [8f7ffb48] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:22:33 [bdc953e0] Merge pull request #2324 from input-output-hk/jc/rename-adaPerUTxOWord-to-coinsPerWord (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:24:24 [5dfeff30] Merge pull request #562 from mkoura/alonzo_genesis_hash (cardano-node-tests)
20:25:39 [134f53c4] [DDW-587] Search styling (daedalus)
20:53:18 [f1a2af46] [DDW-587] Translation manager (daedalus)
21:03:27 [5d1a4010] added new plutus-preprocessor package (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:05:03 [be9d44ee] [DDW-587] Copy change (daedalus)
21:05:40 [fc7b197d] ormolise (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:07:47 [ce37d324] WIP: start converting to ruby (cardano-wallet)
21:07:47 [005a1f29] Add title map support (cardano-wallet)
21:07:48 [70fcbb1d] add `cause` subcommand (cardano-wallet)
21:07:48 [0a9e1a72] wip (cardano-wallet)
21:07:48 [13d82d2e] Add better tag support (cardano-wallet)
21:07:48 [8a52fed4] slight reformat (cardano-wallet)
21:07:48 [a4ccf185] Add Thor CLI (cardano-wallet)
21:07:48 [8be7862c] Add defaults (cardano-wallet)
21:07:48 [00294a05] Add some re-write rules (cardano-wallet)
21:07:48 [29ff7df3] wip (cardano-wallet)
21:07:48 [4bd1be07] Always show details when filtering (cardano-wallet)
21:07:49 [ad906135] add primitive pagination (cardano-wallet)
21:07:51 [ff536756] improvements (cardano-wallet)
21:07:52 [a6a09133] Introduce --fetch-system flag (cardano-wallet)
21:07:52 [d12eb092] make it consistent with old script (cardano-wallet)
21:07:52 [f15eb580] add search command (cardano-wallet)
21:07:52 [fcbaf540] add primitive --auto-annotate flag (cardano-wallet)
21:07:52 [f86264eb] fix cause command (cardano-wallet)
21:07:53 [01608648] add primitive --auto-annotate-fuzzy flag (cardano-wallet)
21:07:53 [829b96af] tweak docs (cardano-wallet)
21:08:44 [2eaedffe] Moved Slot, Credential, and Address to Cardano.Ledger (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:13:09 [f5924d2b] ormolised (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:16:46 [3b8dee59] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:26:03 [a9333b47] wrong script fixed (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:42:03 [20c87f96] Verify that pool retire hasn't been invalidated by update (guild-operators)
21:43:21 [16b0a706] minor change (guild-operators)
22:16:31 [b92745d1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:16:50 [8fe10cc9] Bump ghcjs (haskell.nix)
22:17:46 [06e43806] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
22:28:59 [46744f62] use raw ekg value for verification rather than calculated uptime (#956) (guild-operators)
22:29:23 [b6055ef8] Merge branch 'alpha' into pgrest-additions (guild-operators)
22:33:12 [b74fac86] updates to cntools (guild-operators)
22:33:24 [74349385] Merge branch 'pgrest-additions' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators into pgrest-additions (guild-operators)
23:04:15 [5d0b2896] db-sync: Handle collateral inputs in Alonzo transactions (cardano-db-sync)
23:05:16 [1344b500] Bump django from 1.11.29 to 2.2.24 in /pkgs/sentry (ops-lib)
23:17:44 [08f48884] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:21:28 [32b6cfa2] Add option to run a small set of benchmarks (plutus)
23:25:39 [acfe4ed5] Merge pull request #643 from input-output-hk/erikd/alonzo-tx (cardano-db-sync)
23:28:22 [c59b28aa] Merge branch 'master' into kwxm/extend-validation-benchmarks (plutus)
23:33:18 [daad14bd] Parse ledger state only one on startup (cardano-db-sync)
23:36:36 [dd7c6050] Restore flat benchmarks in cabal file (plutus)
23:39:51 [ed734084] Make sure the old ledger state can be gced on rollbacks (cardano-db-sync)
23:39:54 [1ec52c83] Perform manual gc (cardano-db-sync)
23:52:17 [3cbc1211] Update get_utxos() definition (CIPs)