Home / Reports / Jun 11, 2021

Friday, June 11, 2021

517 commits had been pushed across 48 repos by 80 authors. There were 545,305 additions and 388,141 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:05:00 [2a7cffda] StakeAddressPointer wrapper type (cardano-node)
00:07:52 [57daf09d] Merge pull request #639 from input-output-hk/kderme/parse-ledger-once (cardano-db-sync)
00:10:48 [5714a731] hlint: Use pure instead of return (cardano-db-sync)
00:13:53 [42d77a37] hlint: Use pure instead of return (cardano-db-sync)
00:18:52 [57bd18b1] upgrade to nomad 1.1.0 (vit-ops)
00:33:34 [46b46400] Merge #2817 (cardano-node)
00:50:12 [af46cf35] Merge pull request #646 from input-output-hk/erikd/hlint (cardano-db-sync)
00:54:38 [b73a3a30] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
00:56:27 [e82ba6aa] db-sync: Add op_cert_counter to block table (cardano-db-sync)
01:05:04 [ca2a82e1] Remove plutus-tx-plugin-dependency (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:08:32 [2e727e9a] Automatic update for Fri Jun 11 01:08:32 UTC 2021 (stackage.nix)
01:16:45 [d76c720d] db-sync: Add op_cert_counter to block table (cardano-db-sync)
01:18:25 [ada15d44] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:22:46 [87716719] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 (cardano-launcher)
01:32:23 [760fd2e7] chore: update to [email protected] (cardano-graphql)
01:50:26 [351acc63] chore: remove deprecated Block.merkleRoot (cardano-explorer-app)
02:07:28 [f300c630] Merge pull request #647 from input-output-hk/erikd/ocertN (cardano-db-sync)
02:10:41 [319c97b0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:38:48 [d32e61e1] Merge pull request #112 from input-output-hk/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/glob-parent-5.1.2 (cardano-launcher)
02:39:29 [8cb0a7ac] Bump normalize-url from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 (cardano-launcher)
02:53:32 [0ed36291] Ergo Connector: Fix crash when signing a TX that mints new assets (yoroi-frontend)
03:06:13 [fa4c32a3] And even more clean ups (plutus)
03:25:27 [f6eff347] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:37:27 [3b7f897f] Merge pull request #22 from input-output-hk/fix/nix-yarn-nodejs-12 (adrestia-multisig-coordination)
04:01:11 [43690938] Mostly working API swagger (cardano-wallet)
04:02:43 [8fe51fa9] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:23:48 [aa335c98] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:30:33 [217b663d] Cleanup of API types (cardano-wallet)
04:56:51 [8bce7bf6] Merge pull request #113 from input-output-hk/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/normalize-url-4.5.1 (cardano-launcher)
04:57:29 [6f67b6b6] Merge pull request #2701 from input-output-hk/piotr/e2e-testing-alonzo (cardano-wallet)
05:21:46 [594f5ca1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:22:49 [278f4e1d] user-guide: Update architecture page a little (adrestia)
05:23:26 [0483f906] deploy: 278f4e1df9cd2dc27f5d38a39af7583c10775bbf (adrestia)
05:55:36 [362db6f4] chore: update to [email protected] (cardano-graphql)
06:01:01 [296ea923] Fix missing config.guess file issue (haskell.nix)
06:05:05 [f406a53b] chore: update to [email protected] (cardano-graphql)
06:09:46 [f3e52d98] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
06:15:44 [80bec594] Reduce reliance on Plutus API (cardano-node)
06:21:10 [bafd1e92] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:21:15 [b9076006] 6.4.10 (adalite)
06:40:57 [24d4b0bf] stack.yaml: Use master branch revision for snapshot yaml (cardano-wallet)
06:41:18 [40d1aafe] README.md: Update version matrix (cardano-wallet)
06:48:01 [99af1c0c] Create 624a74ef967134d687dbbeacb5f31fe5f5363e6e7edfb607bc35c116416c70616361436f696e0a.json (cardano-token-registry)
06:49:16 [376f4fdb] Adding back cabal.project.freeze (hydra-poc)
06:50:23 [f95649e0] Bump version to 1.1.1 and update ChangeLogs (bech32)
06:52:28 [f5745f14] WIP (plutus)
06:52:28 [5be6f415] Remove ANN Hlint, use HLINT (plutus)
06:54:35 [4db7bf5b] WIP (plutus)
06:54:35 [d7871341] Fixup (plutus)
06:54:35 [723586f5] No shell, makes eval go brrr? (plutus)
06:54:35 [e057d5fd] bump agda hash (as we went to stock 8.10.4) (plutus)
06:54:55 [2f8b3497] Move cabal.project to .local custom for ghcjs (plutus)
06:54:55 [1150b333] Drop deployment on cross targets (plutus)
06:54:55 [4cacbf7a] ghcjs-plugin not by default. (plutus)
06:54:55 [ee6571c6] bump hash (plutus)
06:55:24 [2dc520bc] Not sure why we need this. (plutus)
06:56:21 [5baf70a4] Cleanup (plutus)
06:56:21 [3d598cc1] What fun it is try to to build native, corss and merge in some native into cross, but not the same native m( (plutus)
06:56:21 [3c3c6389] Revent ghcjs bump (plutus)
06:56:21 [6ae15a0c] Extend the plutus-ghc-stub (plutus)
06:56:21 [6862d3c5] Drop plutus-metatheory for now. (plutus)
06:56:21 [bc242839] Meh (plutus)
06:56:21 [98db1776] More -host-package-db (plutus)
06:56:21 [ba7d7ef8] Meh (2) (plutus)
06:56:21 [a12fe8b1] Reduce allow-nwer (plutus)
06:56:41 [358aa02f] More cleanup. Make darwin build again. (plutus)
06:56:41 [cffbc6dd] Used stdenv to detect isGhcjs, not crossSystem. (plutus)
06:56:41 [8b321556] Bump haskell, hackage and stackage (plutus)
06:56:41 [022ea793] More cleanup (plutus)
06:56:41 [8a11deb4] I'm a muppet! (plutus)
06:56:41 [157721ff] bump ci.nix (plutus)
06:56:41 [6438b205] Adds tred graphs (plutus)
06:56:41 [dfbd6e32] Update agda hash (plutus)
06:56:41 [415fb5d4] bump index state (plutus)
06:56:41 [13113cd9] Restring ghcjs packages to ghcjs (plutus)
06:56:41 [43d74288] Bump stylish-haskell sha (plutus)
06:56:41 [bc614433] And even more clean ups (plutus)
07:03:59 [b671ca13] Merge pull request #17 from input-output-hk/refactor-logic (hydra-poc)
07:04:31 [f0d85ca0] Merge pull request #16 from input-output-hk/abailly-iohk/broadcast-to-self (hydra-poc)
07:07:15 [79c0d4c3] Update config.sub and make sure it is not replaced by ghcjs makePackages (haskell.nix)
07:07:59 [8a1c9057] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
07:19:50 [ffb224c9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:29:41 [edc5678e] Merge #3172 (ouroboros-network)
07:30:25 [3f32cc00] FIXUP: ouroboros-consensus: using updated diffusion interface (ouroboros-network)
07:30:30 [367d79dd] CLI: Format version as vYYYY-MM-DD (cardano-wallet)
07:30:31 [7706c14d] scripts/make_release.sh: v2021-05-26 -> v2021-06-11 (cardano-wallet)
07:30:32 [f91364e0] cabal: Bump version from 2021.5.26 to 2021.6.11 (cardano-wallet)
07:30:33 [5b0b0735] swagger: Change version format from Cabal to Git tag (cardano-wallet)
07:34:29 [e83321cf] updated according specification (cardano-serialization-lib)
07:45:49 [74d3a0ae] Update package list in README (adrestia)
07:50:48 [dec83f25] Minor change to trigger CI Build (hydra-poc)
07:57:33 [652f3c8f] Add opcert rpc (guild-operators)
08:19:19 [500b8f9b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:28:16 [e715ddf0] Infer utxo from the fanout tx constructor (instead of local state) (hydra-poc)
08:28:22 [fdbf37fa] Revert "add withdrawals to transaction amount" (yoroi-frontend)
08:29:45 [7326d9e9] be strict in labeling intrawallet tx (yoroi-frontend)
08:30:04 [5a5e2940] io-sim-classes: StrictTVar representation (ouroboros-network)
08:30:04 [6fc45f69] Updated cabal.project.local.ci (ouroboros-network)
08:31:54 [23e0be92] fixup! Fix plutus-pab (plutus)
08:33:44 [83aaa0b5] Revert "[ETCM-893] Add support for chains with ids bigger than 127 (#1006)" (mantis)
08:34:06 [9b05d8c4] Fix plutus-playground-server (plutus)
08:37:01 [94229e4d] Fix doc (plutus)
08:37:06 [37066da0] Merge pull request #2317 from input-output-hk/nc/exports (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:38:36 [92f6d063] [DDW-414] Issues with ledger nano fixed (daedalus)
08:40:24 [d3d53b78] Moved the watch protocol to chain-network (chain-libs)
08:40:24 [0fa1f7d4] Renamed the client subscription service to Watch (chain-libs)
08:42:35 [20d75165] Use a counter to provide a unique remote addr (ouroboros-network)
08:42:58 [bfb24349] Fix config.sub (included js arch, but not ghcjs os) (haskell.nix)
08:45:23 [f983936b] With limiters from config. (cardano-node)
08:46:20 [527006e9] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
08:51:47 [8177f208] WIP (hydra-poc)
08:52:12 [1a1b8fd6] Replace cabal.project.freeze w/ cabal.project as caching key (hydra-poc)
08:56:42 [61e6e914] Commented out fromCardanoTx for now. (plutus)
09:00:16 [8fb070da] try to avoid OOM of node (cardano-graphql)
09:04:22 [12a810c8] Generator for TxInsCollateral (cardano-node)
09:06:05 [efac6102] io-sim-classes: StrictTVar representation (ouroboros-network)
09:06:51 [02a20ae0] Updated cabal.project.local.ci (ouroboros-network)
09:07:42 [65686bd7] Utilize new get_pool_opcert rpc for pool KES rotation (guild-operators)
09:13:38 [85113a7e] Check more HeadStatus accept OnChainEvent (hydra-poc)
09:14:30 [848ae1fd] Update cabal.project (plutus-use-cases)
09:17:20 [731a3536] Use a counter to provide a unique remote addr (ouroboros-network)
09:17:46 [48e1879b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:19:15 [94898a17] Merge branch 'main' into patch-2 (essential-cardano)
09:19:22 [d94ecae1] Merge pull request #44 from dmitrystas/patch-2 (essential-cardano)
09:19:35 [4f621e8d] Update cabal.project (plutus-use-cases)
09:22:29 [6eb7fbf5] Quick fix for plutus-playground-server (plutus)
09:23:17 [9baa01cb] Update cabal.project refs and integrate AlonzoExamples (ouroboros-network)
09:23:37 [89853fcd] Handle more State/Event pairs (hydra-poc)
09:23:42 [26e2ad74] Generate golden artifacts with AlonzoExamples (ouroboros-network)
09:25:49 [5b6ae8a5] Quick fix for plutus-playground-server (plutus)
09:30:35 [57acc3f2] Merge pull request #172 from safinbot/patch-2 (cardano-token-registry)
09:30:58 [6e8707e5] update cntools queries (guild-operators)
09:36:33 [7c92a169] Use a counter to provide a unique remote addr (ouroboros-network)
09:37:25 [c103de29] Make head state logic property test pass. (hydra-poc)
09:39:10 [468767d4] CH-8739 Update the eye icon in the input field and update the logic (yoroi-frontend)
09:39:44 [c53c85bb] revert back to the upgraded logging-version of iohk-monitoring (plutus)
09:44:08 [5cbfed24] Use a counter to provide a unique remote addr (ouroboros-network)
09:45:57 [5a344576] Construct closed state from the close transaction instead of local state (hydra-poc)
09:51:26 [e00a1de9] Also include 'CommitTx' in the head logic property test (hydra-poc)
09:55:37 [c54c79a5] Merge #2704 (cardano-wallet)
09:57:10 [9ab47f11] jira: Add command to quickly find a ticket (cardano-wallet)
09:57:11 [a6c68a5d] docs: Improve commit messages for gh-pages branch (cardano-wallet)
09:59:20 [47b1c488] Merge pull request #3345 from input-output-hk/mpj/report-work (plutus)
10:00:10 [0f41a271] fix repay validator (plutus-use-cases)
10:00:21 [2e85377d] revert back to the upgraded logging-version of iohk-monitoring (plutus)
10:00:52 [afc08e1f] Merge pull request #3347 from input-output-hk/fix/playground-error (plutus)
10:02:14 [7e08e79d] revert back to the upgraded logging-version of iohk-monitoring (plutus)
10:04:41 [ced3375c] Revert "[ETCM-893] Add support for chains with ids bigger than 127 (#1006)" (#1008) (mantis)
10:08:55 [dbebd4ae] Add sim target to build cordova ios script (chain-wallet-libs)
10:11:59 [9fce6ae4] add support for Hungarian (yoroi-mobile)
10:12:40 [3ff27dee] [ETCM-841] Change protocol version to a full name (mantis)
10:12:41 [ad40a9fd] [ETCM-841] Remove general purpose protocol version, replace with capabilities list (mantis)
10:12:41 [efd65565] [ETCM-841] Introduce a simple Capability.best selection algorithm (mantis)
10:12:41 [98ee816a] [ETCM-841] Add simple protocol negotiation (mantis)
10:12:42 [ff3aa2ff] [ETCM-841] Introduce negotiated protocol version to EtcHelloExchangeState (mantis)
10:12:42 [0e66afb2] [ETCM-841] Reorganise RLPxConnectionHandler 'processHandshakeResult' (mantis)
10:12:42 [f6cef5d4] [ETCM-841] Rename CommonMessages to BaseETH6XMessages (mantis)
10:12:43 [964f8c60] [ETCM-841] Align unit tests to changes in flow of protocol negotiation (mantis)
10:13:34 [96b4b710] Make test-suites compile after debruijnified cek change (plutus)
10:14:33 [4b914df7] There is no protocol parameter x (docs-cardano-org)
10:14:37 [efa008c3] chore: update to [email protected] (cardano-graphql)
10:16:04 [39a2768f] Make deprecated network parameters optional and remove "temporarily disabled" endpiont tests (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
10:16:41 [157015dc] ch-8732 Update the transactions action in the wallet navbar (yoroi-frontend)
10:17:06 [61cf9812] [ETCM-841] Rename PV6X elements to ETX6X scheme (mantis)
10:17:08 [0a7ef9a3] [ETCM-841] Handle 'Hello' negotiation as a connection stage (mantis)
10:17:08 [98ac7edc] [ETCM-841] Apply scalafmt (mantis)
10:17:08 [01168bc0] [ETCM-841] Apply scalafmt (mantis)
10:17:08 [23dc4d21] [ETCM-841] Add a mechanism for notifying PeerActor about 'negotiated protocol' (mantis)
10:17:09 [8648b652] [ETCM-841] Apply PR remarks (mantis)
10:18:38 [3ade0235] Constrain some < 1.0.3 (plutus)
10:19:42 [e71c2eba] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:20:01 [9662ee4b] release scripts: Print API changes after running update-bump.sh (cardano-wallet)
10:20:04 [b0384a45] Add plutus-example library and executable (cardano-node)
10:20:57 [8faf6464] Temporarily enable show-bump.sh for testing PR (cardano-wallet)
10:21:04 [c5312d6d] updated README (vrf-optimisation-tests)
10:21:52 [9e650321] [DDW-414] Issues with ledger nano fixed (daedalus)
10:23:20 [8cdee761] Remove the old image (yoroi-frontend)
10:24:44 [2e409ee1] Respond to feedback (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:26:22 [4ef89f25] SCP-2018: Waiting vs non-waiting actions (plutus)
10:26:22 [60992cd5] * Fix use-cases (plutus)
10:26:22 [fa765c95] Fix playground-common (plutus)
10:27:08 [985bb1d6] Remove the old image (yoroi-frontend)
10:33:35 [67ce6d14] network-mux: demuxer errors (ouroboros-network)
10:33:36 [e0ad26d0] CH-8739 Update the eye icon in the input field and update the logic (yoroi-frontend)
10:34:50 [cfb6a35a] Fix/make networkinfo otional (#46) (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
10:37:42 [03da3092] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/chore/ddw-414-bump-electron-package' into chore/ddw-414-bump-electron-package (daedalus)
10:38:33 [c581d30b] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into chore/ddw-414-bump-electron-package (daedalus)
10:38:56 [22adc668] Try to fix stack build in CI (bech32)
10:38:57 [f7e90ad3] CI: add stack version to cache key to discard cache (bech32)
10:38:58 [4fc67e73] CI: Enable release flag for cabal too (bech32)
10:38:58 [c3167a00] Add shell.nix for stack --nix build (bech32)
10:38:59 [5cafd297] Relax base version constraints for ghc-9.0.1 (bech32)
10:39:00 [b609ec61] Update .gitignore (bech32)
10:39:01 [7f1e5c63] Don't build static on MacOS (bech32)
10:43:02 [abd238b0] Merge pull request #19 from input-output-hk/MetaLamp/lending-pool/frontend/abstract-contract-polling (plutus-use-cases)
10:43:24 [56b21ba8] Make TxInType optional to be able to convert from cardano-api tx's. (plutus)
10:45:14 [8f3ef281] new pioneers content (essential-cardano)
10:47:22 [d2842b2d] Add cabal flag for static build (off by default) (bech32)
10:48:35 [d3ef325e] [DDW-414] merded from develop (daedalus)
10:50:25 [e1731834] More materialized files (haskell.nix)
10:51:27 [6b812376] add support for Hungarian (#1401) (yoroi-mobile)
10:51:43 [993e51b5] docs: add an example that's compatible with cardano-addresses tool (#376) (cardano-rosetta)
10:52:16 [3b74e29a] chore(deps): bump glob-parent in /cardano-rosetta-server (cardano-rosetta)
10:52:18 [1c7f8112] chore(deps): bump normalize-url in /cardano-rosetta-server (cardano-rosetta)
10:52:34 [e884403d] chore(deps): bump ws from 7.3.1 to 7.4.6 in /cardano-rosetta-server (cardano-rosetta)
10:55:04 [46b37943] New translations en-US.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:05 [18bb40ca] New translations en-US.json (Slovak) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:06 [a71d986f] New translations en-US.json (Croatian) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:08 [afb0e982] New translations en-US.json (Indonesian) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:09 [5514d43b] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:10 [7e96bf5b] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Traditional) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:11 [4f8f2290] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:12 [74114a90] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:13 [c0f747e0] New translations en-US.json (Russian) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:14 [211d906e] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:15 [8b61ff88] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:17 [52e3dd4a] New translations en-US.json (Korean) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:18 [2cfa23fb] New translations en-US.json (Japanese) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:19 [e38b18fe] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:20 [9efa92de] New translations en-US.json (Greek) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:21 [7ad49d05] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:22 [25bd9a8e] New translations en-US.json (Czech) (yoroi-mobile)
10:55:23 [09bff621] New translations en-US.json (Hungarian) (yoroi-mobile)
10:57:43 [60cf49b5] CI: Tweak stack build workflow yaml (bech32)
10:59:40 [d6bd29b2] Fix typo in eval-time repo fetching (haskell.nix)
11:01:09 [9679c6a6] Release 0.2.4 (#47) (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
11:01:26 [5b31a148] Initial commit VRF_BATCH (vrf-optimisation-tests)
11:04:36 [a20b6b62] Temporarily enable show-bump.sh for testing PR (cardano-wallet)
11:05:30 [c186079b] First review round. (decentralized-software-updates)
11:05:30 [c1584677] Second review round. [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
11:06:35 [f4b31caf] Merge pull request #3348 from input-output-hk/fix-iohk-monitoring (plutus)
11:09:40 [21efe270] Merge #2704 (cardano-wallet)
11:14:53 [2d255bd6] Use a custom putMany which doesn't use nubBy (cardano-db-sync)
11:14:55 [cbe600f6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:15:56 [30a122a5] Add support for emulator compatible lib (chain-wallet-libs)
11:33:37 [00321879] Match Topology.hs with master branch Topology (cardano-node)
11:34:12 [fd32087b] Added NonP2P Trace types to Config.hs (cardano-node)
11:34:12 [46c0d553] Cleaned up imports in Peer.hs (cardano-node)
11:37:14 [2511cd59] Conversion from POSIXTime to Slot (or vise-versa) can now be configured with SlotConfig which defines the length of one slot and start time of slot 1. (plutus)
11:43:47 [4f858f84] Fix README.md develomplent changes to Makefile (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:48:32 [3e9a4295] release scripts: Print API changes after running update-bump.sh (cardano-wallet)
11:48:33 [28adba93] Temporarily enable show-bump.sh for testing PR (cardano-wallet)
11:53:09 [134d517d] Update platform, fix errors (plutus-use-cases)
11:54:45 [14cfdfcf] Change voting error message to Fund5 (adalite)
11:54:58 [a753b28f] bump version and fix typo (front-end-site-components)
11:55:18 [75248ec7] 6.4.11 (adalite)
11:56:38 [415b8ee3] PM-3241: Fix RocksDB locking to be synchronous. (#43) (metronome)
12:00:48 [21de7f1b] PM-3129: Add LocalConnectionManager on top of the remote one. (#50) (metronome)
12:02:30 [d4411029] PM-3092: Upgraded scalanet. Using the ephemeral port to resolve conflicts if the connection is less than 1 second old. (metronome)
12:02:30 [c749b98a] PM-3092: Handle the edge case of ephemeral ports being equal. (metronome)
12:03:21 [f7ee70cb] PM-3130: RPC interfaces for the service and the interpreter. (metronome)
12:03:21 [c52bc13a] PM-3130: InterpreterService. (metronome)
12:03:22 [d5ea3930] PM-3130: Trying to put together an integraton test. (metronome)
12:03:22 [4123b696] PM-3130: Remove debug prints from integration test. (metronome)
12:03:22 [9e3daaa7] PM-3130: Test and fix codecs. (metronome)
12:03:23 [15f226ad] PM-3130: Verify req/res pair. (metronome)
12:03:23 [fd2404ae] PM-3130: Test sending requests from the service to the interpreter. (metronome)
12:03:23 [87efda07] PM-3130: Fix typos. (metronome)
12:03:24 [de356557] PM-3130: Separate tracing event for request handling error. (metronome)
12:04:28 [0fa48e95] PM-3409: Testing the InterpreterClient. (metronome)
12:04:28 [1d2565fd] PM-3409: InterpreterClient implementation. (metronome)
12:04:29 [4635ae72] PM-3409: Trace sending error in requests. (metronome)
12:04:29 [90ef4bcd] PM-3409: Fix casing. (metronome)
12:07:02 [4fc1cb12] Integrated cardano-repo-tool in the nix-shell dev environment (plutus)
12:12:40 [7f4464e4] [ETCM-841] Apply PR remarks (mantis)
12:18:43 [22ef317b] release scripts: Print API changes after running update-bump.sh (cardano-wallet)
12:18:44 [934b97e5] Temporarily enable show-bump.sh for testing PR (cardano-wallet)
12:22:15 [4ff7d6c2] updateMaterialized (plutus)
12:24:13 [24412c86] Fix tests so they work with ALonzo-era Tx (cardano-node-tests)
12:24:23 [3a7752cc] More materialized files (haskell.nix)
12:25:34 [9b08b229] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:25:48 [7ffc0a8f] bump cardano-db-sync for alonzo support (cardano-ops)
12:26:10 [3d6adc9d] Add cabal flag for static build (off by default) (bech32)
12:26:11 [1af68eb2] CI: Tweak stack build workflow yaml (bech32)
12:26:19 [508acaf2] Merge #3206 (ouroboros-network)
12:27:57 [0c6508d4] dockerImage: improve error message (cardano-node)
12:28:01 [ee00073f] batch explanation (vrf-optimisation-tests)
12:28:22 [abb03d16] monoidal-synchronisation package (ouroboros-network)
12:28:22 [328f3d07] network-mux: use FirstToFinish (ouroboros-network)
12:28:22 [db76dd5c] Updated cabal.project.local.ci.windows file (ouroboros-network)
12:30:11 [28024eae] Try #1135: (haskell.nix)
12:33:13 [e85016c0] Merge #3206 (ouroboros-network)
12:38:39 [c215aea2] Merge pull request #3349 from input-output-hk/mpj/some-constraint (plutus)
12:43:17 [54c5c084] rest: log B3 headers information (jormungandr)
12:43:25 [2117e88b] Try updating coverage test (haskell.nix)
12:54:27 [206a359d] Update plutus version (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:55:31 [0697ecfe] Refactored Tracers.hs (cardano-node)
12:55:31 [d9d43587] Refactored Network.hs (cardano-node)
12:55:31 [2ada892b] Use NetworkP2PMode switch in POM (cardano-node)
12:55:31 [c982b31e] Refactored Run.hs in order to switch P2P vs NonP2P (cardano-node)
12:55:31 [db150e88] Updated ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
13:02:04 [5d6db9b6] Only run coverage test on ghc 8.6.5 (haskell.nix)
13:02:28 [1f45b885] Integrated cardano-repo-tool in the nix-shell dev environment (plutus)
13:04:54 [724e5a09] Rename flag that conflicts with dependencies (hydra-poc)
13:05:39 [455ee926] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
13:06:32 [8bfa0f47] Add cabal flag for static build (off by default) (bech32)
13:06:33 [14ab9179] CI: Tweak stack build workflow yaml (bech32)
13:09:11 [2f885ec5] Merge branch 'master' into sv/fix-staking-credential (plutus)
13:10:28 [d0995be2] docs: Merge #2704 (cardano-wallet)
13:10:54 [d99ff60f] Skip setup-depds test for ghc 8.10.5 (haskell.nix)
13:12:43 [1532352c] Merge pull request #2705 from input-output-hk/rvl/misc-scripts (cardano-wallet)
13:13:06 [08f4889e] Merge #2700 (cardano-wallet)
13:17:52 [cc8b18bc] p2p governor: use FirstToFinish in Guarded semigroup (ouroboros-network)
13:17:52 [45198267] p2p governor: added export list to Governor.Types (ouroboros-network)
13:20:48 [a106b823] Generate and publish haddock documentation (hydra-poc)
13:25:01 [731b90be] Conversion from POSIXTime to Slot (or vise-versa) can now be configured with SlotConfig which defines the length of one slot and start time of slot 1. (plutus)
13:27:30 [76c557ce] stats: hydra 21efe270610b6730b97e7dd6e74a67883a930c3c (cardano-wallet)
13:27:32 [ca9eb6a0] badge: hydra 21efe270610b6730b97e7dd6e74a67883a930c3c (cardano-wallet)
13:27:38 [5aab8a57] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:29:46 [91fb240c] Release v2021-06-11 (cardano-wallet)
13:30:55 [8e88415e] Include ghcjs in check compiler materialization script (haskell.nix)
13:31:37 [279b1b10] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/nixpkgs-unstable-update (haskell.nix)
13:32:33 [6e4ef0b5] batch explanation (vrf-optimisation-tests)
13:33:55 [edb54e13] deploy: a106b823e8f27ca1f65d654f140399973e0709e9 (hydra-poc)
13:34:50 [588924e2] Try #1135: (haskell.nix)
13:35:55 [fb2d1d1e] Set theme jekyll-theme-minimal (hydra-poc)
13:44:33 [b701207a] Merge branch 'hkm/nixpkgs-unstable-update' into hkm/hix (haskell.nix)
13:45:07 [4742a631] stats: hydra 1532352c75cfe02015873c4c82b0d76eb798dfd8 (cardano-wallet)
13:45:10 [59904def] badge: hydra 1532352c75cfe02015873c4c82b0d76eb798dfd8 (cardano-wallet)
13:45:54 [3739f47e] Fix plutus-playground-server (plutus)
13:45:54 [10afcfb5] Fix doc (plutus)
13:45:54 [57704635] Fix plutus-pab (plutus)
13:45:54 [e1d9bc51] Fix marlowe (plutus)
13:48:55 [e6c676ec] [SQUASH] review findings (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
13:48:59 [177e7d6b] Update essential-cardano-list.md (essential-cardano)
13:49:16 [17ef88c6] [SQUASH] implement CBOR-canonical negative number handling (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
13:50:23 [abebde1b] Integrated cardano-repo-tool in the nix-shell dev environment (plutus)
14:00:27 [f6bca05f] Fix job names in GitHub actions (bech32)
14:01:41 [ffe879a8] Merge branch 'develop' into ergo-lib-0.13.2 (yoroi-frontend)
14:03:27 [bc4385cf] ergo-lib updated to 0.13.3. (yoroi-frontend)
14:07:56 [64ec230f] Link to published documentation from main README (hydra-poc)
14:09:45 [c64a0c6c] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-mobile)
14:10:05 [d7473e54] Set theme jekyll-theme-cayman (hydra-poc)
14:10:38 [c9219d98] Merge #3209 (ouroboros-network)
14:10:38 [801e3430] Bump index-state and hackage.nix (plutus)
14:11:53 [70d7df9a] Merge pull request #36 from input-output-hk/test-stack-build (bech32)
14:16:19 [78533c9c] Drop the previous design spec, and outline the new design spec. (decentralized-software-updates)
14:16:26 [7cee18e9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:19:16 [3eaff869] deploy: 64ec230f0586a9df766ab2a83edb78b376e7a0e4 (hydra-poc)
14:19:18 [11f5a5f6] deploy: 70d7df9acaa7068a3902957106255fbe38998322 (bech32)
14:26:47 [18a25e6c] Fix tests so they work with ALonzo-era Tx (cardano-node-tests)
14:28:14 [b27f2eb2] Address some comment on #16 (hydra-poc)
14:28:53 [16b85770] Make TxInType optional to be able to convert from cardano-api tx's. (#3350) (plutus)
14:29:25 [70b8a820] Add improved /scripts/bors-stats.rb (cardano-wallet)
14:29:54 [a9da670e] Add an Approval section. [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
14:33:45 [5e51ebbf] Fix the serialization format for scripts (plutus)
14:34:48 [71b2f42d] Avoid confusion by renaming the type alias for serialized scripts (plutus)
14:39:25 [71957695] Update cardano-api-gen/src/Gen/Cardano/Api/Typed.hs (cardano-node)
14:43:02 [75c8ce35] first batch tests (vrf-optimisation-tests)
14:47:41 [a44620c8] Merge pull request #3352 from input-output-hk/integrate-cardano-repo-tool (plutus)
14:48:41 [4f1d78f6] Respond to PR comments (plutus)
14:49:32 [4145b2d2] Fix up (cardano-node)
14:56:10 [480edc28] update ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
14:59:11 [74f54fa1] stats: hydra 08f4889eb539c53b44fe44048e85360b508e3711 (cardano-wallet)
14:59:14 [47296512] badge: hydra 08f4889eb539c53b44fe44048e85360b508e3711 (cardano-wallet)
15:03:51 [a5a48f8e] add decr_nizk (chain-libs)
15:03:52 [1ad9befe] add rng in finish (chain-libs)
15:03:52 [83a7bcb0] compute decrypt share proof (chain-libs)
15:03:52 [bb0e5505] add function to verify decrypt share (chain-libs)
15:05:29 [fa5a8fce] Fix the serialization format for scripts (plutus)
15:05:30 [c89e13e6] Avoid confusion by renaming the type alias for serialized scripts (plutus)
15:06:52 [2316812d] new notation (chain-libs)
15:09:51 [8909ddf5] WIP add charLiteral lexer, update plc.Main. (plutus)
15:09:57 [13056554] Init hooking new parser to plc Main. (plutus)
15:09:58 [57aa225f] WIP unifying ParseError from ParserCommon to Error. (plutus)
15:11:25 [59925e5a] Remove pools, replace with aggregator websites (essential-cardano)
15:12:58 [d24c04e1] Remove cabal.project.freeze as not required with index-state (hydra-poc)
15:19:37 [4ce4112e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:20:41 [e482bf3c] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 (CIP4)
15:31:42 [c5761951] bump to currently deployed rev (mantis-ops)
15:32:54 [24c1e645] Add plutus-example library and executable (cardano-node)
15:33:35 [b4608238] Fix submit-api docker image and publish it. (cardano-node)
15:35:46 [d9f69730] Add --annotate option (cardano-wallet)
15:36:03 [25db0dc8] Add --force-refetch option (cardano-wallet)
15:40:33 [9606628f] [DDW-633] Fix table offset scrollbar (daedalus)
15:40:54 [16b9ed15] graylog: remove UseConcMarkSweepGC jvm option (not more supported) (ops-lib)
15:42:30 [d0ce577d] Update p2p node branch (and obs-lib for graylog fix) (cardano-ops)
15:43:15 [89e9ee2e] Add improved /scripts/bors-stats.rb (cardano-wallet)
15:43:42 [884c6809] bump cardano-db-sync for alonzo support (cardano-ops)
15:45:37 [0d4f0150] [Evaluation] Made the 'VCon' constructor strict in the CEK machine (plutus)
15:48:12 [9a84be14] changed name of always-succeeds (Alonzo-testnet)
15:49:04 [bca06778] avoid crashing init (vit-ops)
15:49:15 [ae904152] removed HelloWorld compiled form (Alonzo-testnet)
15:56:24 [bd0dec6d] Merge pull request #3355 from input-output-hk/mpj/fix-script-serialization (plutus)
16:02:04 [a2141c64] added HelloWorld (Alonzo-testnet)
16:08:11 [5e20b2df] Splitting Marlowe.Execution into submodules. (#3339) (plutus)
16:09:29 [30a8caff] Fix Plutus script encoding (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:14:10 [d25be874] added AlwaysFails script -- copied from node repo (Alonzo-testnet)
16:15:50 [840afc38] Minimal Plutus Playground frontend codegen example (plutus-use-cases)
16:17:20 [d8c67f22] resolved proof (chain-libs)
16:21:27 [ddf91ba4] added README (Alonzo-testnet)
16:21:38 [29b3449a] consul 1.9.5 -> 1.9.6 (bitte)
16:24:45 [863339fc] add fastsync node to mainnet (mantis-ops)
16:29:51 [603b5342] PM-3409: Fix label on sequence diagram. (metronome)
16:31:07 [ffcc0186] ShelleyLedgerExamples values for Alonzo (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:31:07 [d57c0c8a] export scriptSpace (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:31:11 [e7bc192d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:34:30 [44bcc9c5] update catalyst flakes (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [90aca615] update artifacts for catalyst-dryrun (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [57c9d88e] update artifacts for catalyst-signoff (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [bc5ac490] update vit-testing (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [c9f27abc] update artifacts for catalyst-dryrun (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [80f8f153] update artifacts for catalyst-dryrun (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [fb34f86d] update artifacts for catalyst-dryrun (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [f2736c55] bump up registration service (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [1293a712] update artifacts for catalyst-fund4 (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [4918520e] update flake.lock (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [50e291de] update artifacts for catalyst-dryrun (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [a6ad8025] update jormungandr version (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [6b591fbe] update vit-testing (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [22a963d8] update artifacts for catalyst-fund4 (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [10b41b0e] update vit-testing services (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [57bea293] update versions for fund4 (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [a3470c80] update artifacts for catalyst-signoff (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [e8a2cdc4] update artifacts for catalyst-dryrun (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [3f1b3136] update deploy.cue with newest jormungandr & servicing-station commits (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [251b18c5] update flakes (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [fe61a9df] update artifacts for catalyst-dryrun (vit-ops)
16:34:30 [3a9bc4cd] update artifacts for catalyst-fund4 (vit-ops)
16:38:28 [ee4a9440] Improved game contract playground example by addings logs and applying the validator function in the off-chain part of the code before submitting a transaction (plutus)
16:39:15 [bbcdfdf7] move to new db-sync-mainnet instance (vit-ops)
16:39:54 [8a842f20] Added NFT-MAKER.IO to Tools (essential-cardano)
16:40:17 [6264a9f3] Merge #3212 (ouroboros-network)
16:42:31 [fb682196] Also bump bech32-th to 1.1.1 and update ChangeLogs (bech32)
16:55:59 [e24f1d81] add possibility to define overlay in globals. use for p2p (cardano-ops)
16:56:26 [9c7fd99d] passing tests (chain-libs)
16:59:51 [d5dacfd1] mockchain failures (chain-libs)
17:01:00 [db962afa] lints (chain-libs)
17:01:29 [e621e8e3] Use a custom putMany which doesn't use nubBy (cardano-db-sync)
17:05:59 [239cde98] WIP (plutus-starter)
17:07:46 [72cb4590] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] (cardano-wallet)
17:07:52 [f3f9bb53] Add plutus-example library and executable (cardano-node)
17:10:06 [703d712f] Add dcSpark to company list (essential-cardano)
17:11:51 [107174d7] Fix submit-api docker image and publish it. (cardano-node)
17:21:55 [d6b3d6b8] Merge #2329 (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:32:44 [b804b5ef] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:56:17 [427e6e5c] Fix a missing Alonzo logging instance (cardano-node)
17:58:01 [96892278] Preprocessor generates file, AlonzoEraGen and Examples import that file. (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:58:02 [762945a1] Combine errors. (plutus)
18:05:57 [538ca3e2] Fix the specification definition of CHAINHEAD (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:10:47 [7f7dbc56] nomad 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1 (fixes exec disconnect) (bitte)
18:12:46 [a0df8844] WIP (plutus-starter)
18:21:42 [208c52e6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:27:34 [507d1bd0] WIP plc Main. (plutus)
18:33:45 [892c7ac9] Added new plutus-preprocessor package (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:40:40 [9e165176] Replace more eventually with waitForTxImmutability (cardano-wallet)
18:46:47 [81e3ede1] Try #2708: (cardano-wallet)
18:50:32 [d4e14931] Fix playground server (plutus)
18:54:20 [93eb1849] ShelleyLedgerExamples values for Alonzo (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:54:20 [82f2ffd0] export scriptSpace (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:05:45 [1920d30b] Fixup SAN cert support with acme 1.5.0-patched2 plugin (bitte)
19:08:55 [5e271a50] Remove LoggingSpec in attempt to alleviate timeouts (cardano-wallet)
19:11:16 [670f8a2e] Refactor the default alonzo params for the genesis cli util (cardano-node)
19:11:19 [a6af72b1] Add plutus-example library and executable (cardano-node)
19:11:19 [d2bb0129] Adjust the cli's default alonzo genesis params (cardano-node)
19:12:38 [5a780688] add possibility to define overlay in globals. use for p2p (cardano-ops)
19:15:06 [90317cd7] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:17:03 [fb1a4495] Update to latest Plutus and ledger repos (cardano-node)
19:23:45 [7e45419e] Update to latest Plutus and ledger repos (cardano-node)
19:26:59 [eb4bb138] Try #2709: (cardano-wallet)
19:32:07 [f8efa4e4] Package-locks update (yoroi-frontend)
19:39:44 [7d961ae9] Merge pull request #566 from input-output-hk/fix_alonzo_tx (cardano-node-tests)
19:52:54 [133ecf10] Bumps tf plugins: consul -> 2.11.0, vault -> 2.18.0 (bitte)
19:56:40 [a8e57bc6] Tests action name fix (yoroi-frontend)
19:59:45 [be7b32af] Tests action name fix (yoroi-frontend)
20:02:10 [2359e595] Separated flow and lint steps (yoroi-frontend)
20:08:27 [9448dec1] Merge pull request #2173 from Emurgo/ruslan/enable-tests-in-gh-checks (yoroi-frontend)
20:09:56 [2ed6cb6a] Bump dns-packet in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example (yoroi-frontend)
20:10:12 [86c2f932] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into ergo-lib-0.13.2 (yoroi-frontend)
20:10:21 [a61a386d] Bump ws from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example (yoroi-frontend)
20:11:50 [76e50115] Package-lock update (yoroi-frontend)
20:11:55 [0df746de] [Evaluation] Made the 'VCon' constructor strict in the CEK machine (#3356) (plutus)
20:14:15 [1af5e612] formal spec errata: mis-timed reserve pot (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:14:15 [00c93ae2] audit issue 2043, formal spec leader check (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:14:16 [e9b39c93] formal spec errata: stability window discrepancy (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:14:21 [4ba8e223] Package-lock update (yoroi-frontend)
20:16:38 [32719d57] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:17:17 [15dafb9a] Supress a hlint warning (cardano-node)
20:24:20 [0e775d3b] Rolled back the install script changes (yoroi-frontend)
20:30:00 [acd6aa7a] Merge pull request #2169 from oskin1/ergo-lib-0.13.2 (yoroi-frontend)
20:31:37 [3135dede] Bump dns-packet in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example (yoroi-frontend)
20:32:04 [9ab449fc] Bump ws from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 in /packages/yoroi-ergo-connector/example (yoroi-frontend)
20:39:12 [2d578ac6] formal spec errata: reward aggregation (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:42:14 [aa5b7186] formal spec errata: byron redeem addresses (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:42:14 [ae1a8e54] fix formal spec typo (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:42:14 [70df8c3f] audit issue 2040, formal spec reward calculation (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:42:15 [b8a8c098] audit issue 2113, formal spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:42:15 [5dc3833e] changelog update (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:42:16 [860c934b] formal spec errata: reward calc & stake addresses (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:43:37 [367c077a] [DDW-587] Japanese translation (daedalus)
20:44:23 [29e3b095] [DDW-587] Styling adjustments (daedalus)
20:46:04 [960a515f] Al Plastino Centennial by Marcof (cardano-token-registry)
20:48:11 [6fe2a22f] Bump normalize-url from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 (yoroi-ergo-backend)
20:54:19 [8e146f8d] Fix typo in eval-time repo fetching (#1135) (haskell.nix)
20:55:41 [69809689] add swap form to dashboard (plutus-use-cases)
21:00:14 [aa5a9603] Merge pull request #25 from obsidiansystems/websocket-test/obsidian-systems/dex (plutus-use-cases)
21:15:50 [2f9390d6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:21:06 [cca5066f] Added the generated file. (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:23:22 [7249d38d] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 in /example (react-native-haskell-shelley)
21:31:06 [bc3dd62d] ormolise (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:54:21 [2ffbc2f0] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/8732/transaction-icon (yoroi-frontend)
21:55:52 [6b180e08] Added unspent output data structure (#165) (cardano-serialization-lib)
21:58:52 [0e89dead] 7.1.0 (cardano-serialization-lib)
21:59:57 [e0b05f04] added plutus-example (Alonzo-testnet)
22:00:10 [92de4bf3] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
22:04:20 [7568de05] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/ch8739/UIUpdates (yoroi-frontend)
22:17:11 [921bd6b8] vault 1.6.0 -> 1.7.2 (bitte)
22:17:50 [cd712d44] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:24:22 [4a24fd2c] update faq (plutus)
22:24:22 [e4aa89c7] Change hero image and add a 1440 max width (plutus)
22:24:23 [3dcee540] add social tags (plutus)
22:24:23 [a1576b81] New banners and wider layout (plutus)
22:29:34 [fc3e9dd2] vault 1.6.0 -> 1.7.2 (bitte)
22:37:58 [e7688fe8] Update essential-cardano-list.md (essential-cardano)
23:17:36 [e26687e6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:25:38 [0f42de60] Added new plutus-preprocessor package (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:30:22 [c53196ff] Merge pull request #2328 from input-output-hk/ts-remove-plutusplugin (cardano-ledger-specs)