Home / Reports / Oct 26, 2021

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

503 commits had been pushed across 48 repos by 85 authors. There were 511,755 additions and 115,265 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:20:02 [331b86cf] switch over to fetching the chain from s3 (cardano-memory-benchmark)
00:39:31 [ea9196f7] [refactor] Moving catalyst button logic out of tx history (yoroi-mobile)
00:52:10 [cf39617d] fix/lint (yoroi-mobile)
00:57:06 [b2368e3e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:13:37 [b1139b37] Automatic update for Tue Oct 26 01:13:37 UTC 2021 (stackage.nix)
01:14:35 [41dfc558] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:28:10 [8ef7fa7a] add 018.tar.gz (cardano-memory-benchmark)
01:38:35 [674e0c97] [wip] Enhanced the feature flag (yoroi-mobile)
02:00:40 [0060a859] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:31:22 [02c960be] export aliased Config type from evm crate (chain-libs)
02:31:22 [0df2d977] Feature gate variant instead of variant fields (chain-libs)
02:31:22 [548727a8] chain-evm makes configuration types public (chain-libs)
02:31:22 [97ccd457] rename fragment & fragment tag to SmartContractDeploy (chain-libs)
02:31:22 [e7a614be] stub smartcontract module, add Fragment::SmartContract(_) and FragmentTag::SmartContract (chain-libs)
02:31:22 [c82543b8] update evm crate to v0.30.1 (chain-libs)
02:31:23 [40dcbd2e] add test to read EVM contract from ReadBuf (chain-libs)
02:31:23 [1e655b5f] Use the same parameters as 'eth_sendTransaction' for contract deployment (chain-libs)
02:31:23 [c6d06b8c] make sure only 0 and 1 values are possible when checking for optional values (chain-libs)
02:31:23 [db10b940] check that the buffer has been read before returning contract (chain-libs)
02:31:23 [17f2dd66] add another test case for reading contract with ReadBuf (chain-libs)
02:31:23 [6ee7d979] expose aliased ethereum types needed to deploy a smart contract (chain-libs)
02:31:23 [8b3d455d] use feature gate for tests prelude (chain-libs)
02:31:23 [586eb57e] add implementation of Readable::read for Contract (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [85c71ec9] build EVM Config from payload (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [217cc927] more tests for reading EVM contracts from byte buffer (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [952f10fe] implement Contract::serialize_in method (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [a3e4e5f9] group evm Config and Enviroment into EvmConfigParams type (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [975b8209] add EvmConfigParams to Settings (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [ebcef7c8] adds aliased types needed to describe EVM environment (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [08a557d9] define EvmConfigParams in chain-impl-mockchain (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [5dfd6ee6] add tests for serializing Contract into ByteBuilder<_> (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [ac7346f0] adds evm params to ConfigBuilder in testing/ledger (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [58f86fa2] introduce EVM config/environment to ConfigBuilder (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [4dda99d8] implement ConfigParamVariant::to_payload for EvmConfigParams (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [963bcba7] remove 'new_without_default' lint (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [e279116d] stub remaining work needed get EvmConfigParams working and testing (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [749c29de] add feature gate to EvmConfigParams use (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [f1d6f981] simpler feature gate usage for EVM variant (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [07a2d6f6] finish first attempt at 'impl Payload for Contract' (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [36f574bc] export evm::Config type directly (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [1c52090f] add EVM Config and Environment variants to ConfigParam (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [1f6b51af] optional H160 and U256 values that are 0, serialize as None (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [0bd9052f] impl PartialEq for EvmConfigParams (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [e8c30386] stub reading EvmParams into ledger settings (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [4a20866d] Build EVM Environment from payload (chain-libs)
02:31:24 [5798c4dc] fix typo (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [51b2a874] add EvmParams to Settings (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [0a46c5e6] minimal impl Arbitrary for EvmConfigParams (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [5e8650e0] add method evm::Ledger::virtual_machine to return configured EVM instance (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [c2b0ec2b] boolean checks added (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [f0b0a409] simplify how EVM config is defined as a ledger parameter (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [2bc7c90b] refactor and cleanup (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [21407b8c] refactor VirtualMachine's lifetime (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [7f75d2ef] refactor smart contract execution into deploy_contract method on evm::Ledger (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [fbcd5484] increase maximum TagLen to 512 (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [6a056c48] wip: prepare EVM to deploy smart contract on ledger creation (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [14bab745] Extract contract from transaction and configure EVM (chain-libs)
02:31:25 [01fd1869] add test to and from payload for EvmConfigParams (chain-libs)
02:41:25 [82a5308e] [wip] Tx stories v2 (yoroi-mobile)
02:45:48 [1215a768] Turn on strict null checks (adalite)
02:53:10 [0ff01662] [hotfix] Mnemonic input < 3 letters (yoroi-mobile)
02:53:10 [8154dbb9] [fix] Lint (yoroi-mobile)
02:55:16 [b706137f] GHCJS Cross Compilation (plutus)
03:01:21 [57068eae] chore/version-bump (yoroi-mobile)
03:03:25 [49335601] Merge branch 'develop' into revamp-wallet-screen (yoroi-mobile)
03:18:56 [87d27970] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:02:21 [66211f6c] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:23:16 [ed844db9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:33:25 [071e4a50] Unify post-condition verification types and functions. (cardano-wallet)
04:33:32 [dbbf29b0] Cautiously use `RecordWildCards` to simplify verification functions. (cardano-wallet)
04:59:03 [36983818] Add generators and coverage for protocol parameters (cardano-wallet)
05:15:48 [1a5d768f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:24:18 [0b465ad6] Unify post-condition verification types and functions. (cardano-wallet)
05:24:41 [a534ad2e] Verify errors of type `SelectionOutputTokenQuantityExceedsLimitError`. (cardano-wallet)
05:24:41 [ad613fa8] Cautiously use `RecordWildCards` to simplify verification functions. (cardano-wallet)
05:33:02 [cdb6ee12] Buildkite: specify .stack-work directories on weeder command-line (cardano-wallet)
05:34:31 [f7815b6a] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
05:38:15 [82dd8fcc] Add generators for Tx, no coverage yet (cardano-wallet)
05:44:27 [158fc728] Improve scripts for haskell-language-server and ghci (cardano-wallet)
05:44:28 [446df470] Remove obsolete script (cardano-wallet)
05:44:29 [534a25cb] Fix a haddock syntax error (cardano-wallet)
05:44:30 [de594b76] Rename test-suite and bench main modules (cardano-wallet)
05:44:31 [927c8b8c] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
05:47:39 [618509a1] Merge #2990 (cardano-wallet)
06:07:31 [6b82a76c] refactor layouts to mui styles (yoroi-frontend)
06:21:32 [3a46ef87] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:23:54 [ce397d0b] Update materialization (plutus)
06:32:34 [b66bdd5b] use jormungandr master in circle ci (vit-testing)
06:35:45 [fde1600c] Add ellipal metadata (adalite)
06:43:10 [0cce9695] scp-2881 - JSON serialization for ContractTerms (marlowe-cardano)
07:08:26 [2ab1afcc] fix(blockfrost): early return from tallyPools function (cardano-js-sdk)
07:10:25 [15b5a14c] [SQUASH] rework again to move most code to signTx* (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
07:12:21 [16db2615] connection-manager: MutableConnectionState (ouroboros-network)
07:17:28 [fbe162ac] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:18:17 [086deeaf] Add rtsOpts to CardanoNodeConfig (cardano-launcher)
07:24:58 [a010a3f2] Bump to cardano-wallet v2021-09-29 / cardano-node 1.30.1 (cardano-launcher)
07:29:39 [4843fe28] deploy: b9cca249de9c2a66f3cc6abdac462de72b8f2eb4 (hydra-poc)
07:30:44 [db3c4826] [DDW-754] Vertically aligned initial settings page (daedalus)
07:31:19 [bd0db838] More materialization fixes (plutus)
07:34:07 [fa1e63c1] enable UpdateProposal and UpdateVote verification inside pool (jormungandr)
07:34:07 [3b37aa0a] check on the remove-deprecated-definition branch (jormungandr)
07:35:40 [e77702f7] Merge pull request #123 from input-output-hk/rvl/cardano-wallet-v2021-09-29 (cardano-launcher)
07:36:15 [3ac0eb31] update chain-libs dependency (jormungandr)
07:36:17 [7cc09bbc] Merge pull request #122 from input-output-hk/rvl/adp-1173/rtsopts (cardano-launcher)
07:39:16 [8eed1ef6] Refactored Server2 multinode_Sim tests (ouroboros-network)
07:39:16 [29dcdfe9] Fix Snocket bug in the accept/connect (ouroboros-network)
07:39:16 [64cb004a] Reliable tracing with Async exceptions (ouroboros-network)
07:39:16 [cb23efe0] Added InboundGovernor transition order test (ouroboros-network)
07:39:16 [5379467f] Add test to check order of ConnectionManager trans (ouroboros-network)
07:39:44 [6442218d] Added multinode_cm_counters_Sim test (ouroboros-network)
07:40:17 [6c08eae0] Used Script of Script for BearerInfo Attenuation (ouroboros-network)
07:40:17 [2a4069d2] Changed attenuation to adequate newtypes (ouroboros-network)
07:41:05 [d9824b71] Expand snocket tests with various scenarios (ouroboros-network)
07:44:09 [4e376b8e] handle token overflow when packing (yoroi-frontend)
07:44:49 [1ec2563b] Add smash logging (cardano-db-sync)
07:44:49 [55bf0845] Ignore empty lines in admin users file (cardano-db-sync)
07:48:46 [1557157a] Disable integration tests workaround for cardano-node shutdown (cardano-launcher)
07:52:53 [d6b3b0b4] io-sim-classes: Eq instances for stm's mutable varibles (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [7d15c8f4] p2p-governor: add a fuzzy delay to failed hot promotions (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [8df5d918] p2p-governor: move the pickPeers wrapper function before we extend it. (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [fda5038e] p2p-governor: peer metrics for bytes downloaded with policy (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [b3368332] p2p-governor: implement PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [a9af4ed1] diffusion: introduce diffusion peer selection policy (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [416da3df] Hot / Warm / Established distinction (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [dd4baaf9] p2p-governor: peer demotion based on upstreamyness (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [407b2145] MuxMode module with various 'MuxMode' singletons (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [a4305ca4] p2p-governor: extend the pick policy with a couple example attributes. (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [4d8157de] peer-selection: fix localRootPeersProvider (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [e6addd3b] p2p-governor: Process synchronous hot promotion errors (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [fd2065af] snocket: SO_LINGER option (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [bb831166] ConcreteBlock.Block - use ByteString as a payload (ouroboros-network)
07:52:59 [5eea52bb] p2p-governor: add fuzz delay to asynchronous transitions (ouroboros-network)
08:02:23 [8c7290f1] Increase default kill timeout from 1 minute to 5 minutes (cardano-launcher)
08:07:20 [0ee60f62] [DDW-780] Increase kill node timeout (daedalus)
08:16:46 [f914ac18] Merge pull request #120 from input-output-hk/fix/stake-pool-stats-tally-pools (cardano-js-sdk)
08:18:18 [ee5dde8b] ConcreteBlock.Block - use ByteString as a payload (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [7bc0da25] diffusion: introduce diffusion peer selection policy (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [4ba4cec3] p2p-governor: move the pickPeers wrapper function before we extend it. (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [7265780f] p2p-governor: extend the pick policy with a couple example attributes. (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [3f3cf4d5] snocket: SO_LINGER option (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [633a5a1e] p2p-governor: implement PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [86a15599] io-sim-classes: Eq instances for stm's mutable varibles (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [791730d0] io-classes: added toLazyTMVar (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [4b0a7017] peer-selection: fix localRootPeersProvider (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [b9577af2] p2p-governor: Process synchronous hot promotion errors (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [7f1f086e] p2p-governor: add a fuzzy delay to failed hot promotions (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [4d0f9506] p2p-governor: peer demotion based on upstreamyness (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [b7791a9d] Hot / Warm / Established distinction (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [803ac6e2] p2p-governor: peer metrics for bytes downloaded with policy (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [359c6d48] MuxMode module with various 'MuxMode' singletons (ouroboros-network)
08:18:18 [94d5c3c5] p2p-governor: add fuzz delay to asynchronous transitions (ouroboros-network)
08:19:40 [0cd250af] disable subscription dns test (ouroboros-network)
08:20:48 [a8168481] [DDW-780] DISK_SPACE_REQUIRED back to original value (daedalus)
08:21:28 [8f68168e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:21:29 [fcecbb5d] deploy: f914ac18c4c4b2a9bd71c754ab1ff48f737f1590 (cardano-js-sdk)
08:44:59 [b29759ac] add support for private tallies (jorvit)
08:59:23 [eed927ce] fix(blockfrost): invalid handling of timestamp (cardano-js-sdk)
09:02:24 [307e9322] Merge pull request #134 from input-output-hk/ignore_failing_testnet_tests (vit-testing)
09:04:45 [2facff08] Auto stash before rebase of "origin/main" (vit-testing)
09:09:20 [c683dabc] Force higher version of ansi-regex for dev-dependencies (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
09:12:28 [365874c8] annotate all fields (jorvit)
09:12:48 [20657b71] [DDW-780] Removed unused code (daedalus)
09:14:20 [e2cb2f29] connection-manager: MutableConnectionState (ouroboros-network)
09:14:55 [877a41ec] Merge pull request #121 from input-output-hk/fix/network-info-dates (cardano-js-sdk)
09:15:30 [6d37e856] net-sim: handle async exception in connect (ouroboros-network)
09:15:30 [992059cf] net-sim: simplify connect (ouroboros-network)
09:15:30 [5f6c9167] net-sim: rename connection state names (ouroboros-network)
09:15:52 [7f0bf031] [DDW-780] handling errors like other places (daedalus)
09:17:47 [289ec4dd] Force higher version of ansi-regex for dev-dependencies (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
09:17:55 [d94517c4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:20:06 [776e3c74] deploy: 877a41ec8fd8a83ba79136c0e01b3d3c47533a64 (cardano-js-sdk)
09:25:04 [1e78709f] Documentation (cardano-base)
09:31:25 [16bf7cc2] monitoring-services: add prometheus.basicAuthFile option (ops-lib)
09:32:49 [9fc2393d] Added excluded proposals feature (catalyst-toolbox)
09:40:26 [54c131db] Specify proposal_id in filtering (catalyst-toolbox)
09:43:25 [c1c0b257] web: fix graph type "inputs cluster" (cicero)
09:57:29 [ad8308dd] roles/monitor: optionally pass static.prometheus to monitoring-services (ops-lib)
10:00:10 [5f5fd670] added missing script (lobster-challenge)
10:00:25 [29ab4503] Merge branch 'deadline' of github.com:brunjlar/lobster-challenge into deadline (lobster-challenge)
10:00:56 [f2916cea] Tidy up (plutus-apps)
10:10:55 [cbf9fa0d] improved README (lobster-challenge)
10:11:36 [5f8d43f4] add UpdateVote jcli command (jormungandr)
10:12:52 [ede23888] Toggle tx data using local state (yoroi-frontend)
10:14:09 [f79dc36e] Merge branch 'deadline' of github.com:brunjlar/lobster-challenge into deadline (lobster-challenge)
10:16:26 [5fa953de] drop go-echarts fork (PRs were merged) (cicero)
10:17:39 [efb6f4a7] updated README (lobster-challenge)
10:19:57 [55dfea1b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:25:04 [ec6e9771] Replaced Configuration builder functions with ConfigurationBuilder (jortestkit)
10:29:25 [9ea5fb54] updated README (lobster-challenge)
10:30:41 [aa809438] Merge pull request #136 from input-output-hk/update_docker_to_master (vit-testing)
10:54:53 [87dcd14b] Try #2750: (cardano-wallet)
10:55:27 [d324ef25] Make build (plutus-apps)
10:59:07 [3bd5cafd] Replace panicAbort with logError (cardano-db-sync)
11:09:04 [7de552c2] Expose the safe part of PackedBytes and remove ViewHash32 (cardano-base)
11:11:23 [de1e9adc] Add instance of `Keyed` for any 256bit or less `Hash` (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:11:23 [1a1496ba] Derive `Keyed` instances for some Hashes (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:14:43 [2ad3f78d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:24:59 [081386f2] 3074 Fix withdrawal in transaction build. Replace pattern match in list comprehension with function to ensure exhaustive pattern match. (cardano-node)
11:26:07 [87f65ccc] WIP (guild-operators)
11:28:47 [c4016f87] Move ADRs to proper PR (hydra-poc)
11:29:59 [7b456372] Propose ADR on Direct chain (hydra-poc)
11:31:11 [b81801d9] Propose ADR on cardano-api (hydra-poc)
11:34:07 [47617a68] Propose ADR on testing strategy (hydra-poc)
11:34:57 [1c86ed4c] add UpdateProposal into the jcli (jormungandr)
11:37:21 [fa374d70] Add null checks to components (adalite)
11:39:27 [71a408b3] throwError when bid is lt initial or previous bid (plutus-use-cases)
11:44:04 [3632f002] chore: update modules (blockfrost-websocket-link)
11:44:36 [679adb58] Fix clippy lints (chain-libs)
11:46:41 [ef86f559] chore: add changelog (blockfrost-websocket-link)
11:48:14 [46016cdc] [Builtin] Add 'KnownTypeIn' and 'SingKind' (#4161) (plutus)
11:48:45 [e027fe3a] fix: changelog (blockfrost-websocket-link)
11:49:55 [6114b767] deploy: b81801d9e66f5722eee42a3b97d025524fb71c1b (hydra-poc)
11:50:57 [23f66f66] deploy: 7b456372134681c48eda206523fc28f345a7e12b (hydra-poc)
11:52:05 [7cc3cde5] deploy: 47617a68c7e858fc60a8418e3b44044459ce24ae (hydra-poc)
11:52:08 [a53d8c1e] add ConfigParams deserialization from string (jormungandr)
11:55:57 [89f7e813] deploy: c4016f8707c97e9aea95892c2c40755a636c9b74 (hydra-poc)
11:56:59 [312e78d3] Update evm to 0.31.1 (chain-libs)
11:59:31 [d9de6ddd] fix: logs (blockfrost-websocket-link)
12:00:43 [bfdc1adb] make convenience script runner a flake output (cicero)
12:02:43 [6e239a98] Merge branch 'alpha' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators into epoch-active-stake-cache (guild-operators)
12:02:54 [5e31667b] Update epoch_info RPC (guild-operators)
12:09:09 [f84100d6] remove arity from Scoped syntax files as there is not scoped semantics anymore (plutus)
12:10:10 [8bed35db] [wip] Address review comments (hydra-poc)
12:11:58 [339bc541] Add always-succeeds benchmark & mainnet protocol parameters (cardano-ops)
12:12:04 [278f2826] add max-cpu-units-smoke (cardano-ops)
12:12:04 [64776f02] move alonzo genesis definition to lib-genesis.sh (cardano-ops)
12:12:04 [170aac33] pin node to c7d0f38e73fafc4d9e (cardano-ops)
12:12:05 [46632f63] add 1e7mem-units run (cardano-ops)
12:13:19 [7a16e690] Added local root peer provider test (ouroboros-network)
12:14:50 [50535ea6] Update tonic requirement from 0.5.2 to 0.6.0 (chain-libs)
12:15:04 [a069ab2e] Update tonic-build requirement from 0.5.2 to 0.6.0 (chain-libs)
12:15:34 [710b4405] Remove orphan Arbitrary Value instances (hydra-poc)
12:16:26 [acc994e9] limit 1e7-mem-units test to 4 txs per block (cardano-ops)
12:17:14 [19be1c15] feat: add actual data instead of counts to TransactionDetails (cardano-js-sdk)
12:17:27 [036753fa] feat(wallet): implement InMemoryTransactionRepository (wip) (cardano-js-sdk)
12:17:29 [aacd5a1a] Post Init transaction with single Head script output (hydra-poc)
12:17:29 [bfe075f9] Fix compilation error following rebase on master (hydra-poc)
12:17:29 [2abe07a2] Remove orphan Arbitrary Value instances (hydra-poc)
12:17:29 [a3135c96] [wip] Address review comments (hydra-poc)
12:17:29 [fc1e2379] Update dependencies to remove PAB (hydra-poc)
12:17:29 [414686b9] [wip] Fix minimal value of txout (hydra-poc)
12:17:29 [99a799a4] Update nix materialization (hydra-poc)
12:17:29 [cdf054ad] [wip] Try to submit abort tx (hydra-poc)
12:17:42 [5e363f08] Merge pull request #109 from blockfrost/block-listen-interval (blockfrost-websocket-link)
12:24:41 [85d42752] iniline-r experiments (plutus)
12:28:23 [a6d69d95] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:28:46 [b0f35115] Draft a Direct chain e2e test for avoiding non-participating abort (hydra-poc)
12:45:27 [220be719] Expect to observe PostTxFailed (hydra-poc)
12:46:10 [d21718cf] refactor: move csl conversion utils to core/CSL and rename into cslToCore/coreToCsl (cardano-js-sdk)
12:47:28 [7892b892] decrease load put on rest while testing (jormungandr)
12:58:47 [dff15404] set User-Agent header (blockfrost-scala)
13:02:24 [47c1d1c3] fixup! set User-Agent header (blockfrost-scala)
13:09:27 [d409ceff] net-sim: handle async exception in connect (ouroboros-network)
13:09:27 [2d1fb36c] net-sim: rename connection state names (ouroboros-network)
13:09:27 [91d9eca5] net-sim: simplify connect (ouroboros-network)
13:11:53 [a486f27b] Add unit properties for observeInitTx (hydra-poc)
13:12:22 [a6741871] [wip] Start adding Party everywhere (hydra-poc)
13:22:41 [38d06a1b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:28:23 [6c0f4c09] Merge branch 'playground-z3' (plutus-apps)
13:28:26 [e7be6fb6] Do not observe InitTx if we are not a party to the Head (hydra-poc)
13:31:56 [62cc8c04] make point_to_point_disruption_overlap unstable test (jormungandr)
13:32:39 [78b46dda] [DDW-680] Fix vertical alignment in stake pools tile for unknown stake pool (daedalus)
13:32:58 [9fa8f104] Avoid premature reset during subscription tests (ouroboros-network)
13:32:58 [f01ca512] P2P Workaround for OSX accept bug (ouroboros-network)
13:44:01 [8f912caf] Update json helpers (web-common)
13:49:45 [1d3fe7e3] example of non-script output with datum hash (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:53:24 [5529a6eb] Callback PostTxFailed from stateful AbortTx submission (hydra-poc)
13:54:32 [15c48ddb] example of non-script output with datum hash (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:57:22 [7fc811d4] dump registered relays: quote dns names. (cardano-ops)
13:58:45 [b231031b] refactor: move core/Ogmios/types to core/Cardano (cardano-js-sdk)
14:00:12 [4400360d] Make protocol parameters json optional (plutus-apps)
14:00:38 [71d30619] [DDW-754] Move margin to button component in voting info (daedalus)
14:03:47 [dc6e6642] Merge #2990 (cardano-wallet)
14:07:27 [fdc84c36] Content updates (cardano-documentation)
14:09:21 [ee7108ea] refactor: consolidate core/Ogmios/util into core Cardano and Asset modules (cardano-js-sdk)
14:14:03 [131e4dce] README: update terminology, add Nomad start command (cicero)
14:14:51 [db0a3f70] Fix db-sync Plutus scripts checks (cardano-node-tests)
14:16:35 [2edf536c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:18:03 [29bd7fab] SCP-2669: Delete beAddressMap from BlockchainEnv in plutus-pab. (#50) (plutus-apps)
14:19:01 [8f420330] update comment (jormungandr)
14:23:42 [eb97023b] Add mempool metrics (#3664) (jormungandr)
14:25:05 [2fe6f568] Bump prometheus from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0 (jormungandr)
14:25:06 [17125b09] Bump thiserror from 1.0.26 to 1.0.30 (jormungandr)
14:25:14 [b71b0ad6] Bump symmetric-cipher from `7482052` to `621d9ac` (jormungandr)
14:26:13 [a7503174] Merge pull request #753 from mkoura/fix_plutus_dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
14:27:56 [87f41ade] dump registered relays: quote dns names. (cardano-ops)
14:30:47 [7bae3541] SCP-2956: Fix web-common references. (marlowe-cardano)
14:33:45 [c49c545e] Merge branch 'playground-z3' (plutus-apps)
14:36:09 [35ff1a1c] refactor: remove dep on ogmios schema from all packages but core (cardano-js-sdk)
14:37:00 [2d03bab0] CryptoProviderFeature: add BYRON so new wallets can disable support (adalite)
14:39:44 [0d9ddc99] stats: hydra dc6e66425b2498ae8154e609f72549edcb5b73f3 (cardano-wallet)
14:39:46 [a672fe02] badge: hydra dc6e66425b2498ae8154e609f72549edcb5b73f3 (cardano-wallet)
14:42:34 [c4dee2f3] [DDW-761] Fix delegation timeout (daedalus)
14:43:26 [61b85c32] Updated jortestkit (jormungandr)
14:44:02 [71a0805f] Merge pull request #44 from input-output-hk/SCP-2802-call-wbe-endpoints (plutus-apps)
14:45:40 [da227280] Add help output when there's no input. Still hanging without input. (plutus)
14:45:47 [d3b78bfe] Start the test dir for executables. (plutus)
14:53:29 [d1fe6530] FIXUP after review: Use postcss-env-function for CSS env vars (marlowe-cardano)
15:01:38 [a8ba8f52] P2P Workaround for OSX accept bug (ouroboros-network)
15:01:38 [80f5c6c3] Avoid premature reset during subscription tests (ouroboros-network)
15:05:24 [a6f6dc6f] add Berlin variant to EvmConfig (chain-libs)
15:06:08 [2df31a90] Add Plutus redeemers checks using db-sync (cardano-node-tests)
15:06:28 [79edf943] [DDW-761] CHANGELOG (daedalus)
15:09:32 [9ee31aa2] plutus-chain-index: Split up into chain-index and chain-index-core (plutus-apps)
15:12:50 [4e652486] Add Plutus redeemers checks using db-sync (cardano-node-tests)
15:15:03 [f0d75071] nix update (plutus-apps)
15:16:53 [1ccbc0f0] Bump version to 0.20211027.0 (cardano-launcher)
15:16:58 [3d4410f0] Better name for variable in integration tests (cardano-launcher)
15:17:00 [960f7319] Improve docs build (cardano-launcher)
15:17:01 [9554574a] Update for new typescript interfaces (cardano-launcher)
15:17:03 [4f26b80b] Update almost all npm dependencies (cardano-launcher)
15:17:14 [66265ebf] Regenerate diagram (cardano-launcher)
15:17:46 [3e65336a] Improve API documentation for events (cardano-launcher)
15:17:47 [6299b098] Test environment updates (cardano-launcher)
15:17:48 [6ebb8e8f] Let tests work with new node and config (cardano-launcher)
15:17:49 [08ee56e3] ESLint churn (cardano-launcher)
15:19:01 [684015c3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:20:05 [c2b07fff] Replace buildkite pipeline with github actions (cardano-launcher)
15:20:37 [1045726b] Merge pull request #754 from mkoura/redeemer_dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
15:24:39 [2966a5c5] update trigger rules for docker build (jormungandr)
15:24:42 [23e7bb23] Merge #74 (ci-ops)
15:36:42 [da1c0331] dump registered relays: quote dns names. (cardano-ops)
15:37:49 [3b3149bc] Remove tracers from `ChainFollower` type (cardano-wallet)
15:37:49 [11cdf716] wip: Refactor all chain-sync stuff (cardano-wallet)
15:37:49 [d03fa68b] tmp: fixup (cardano-wallet)
15:37:49 [f94916f9] Rebase fixups (cardano-wallet)
15:37:49 [4bcf76d0] Change `rollForward` to expect a `NonEmpty` list (cardano-wallet)
15:37:49 [572e90e3] Fix type of `chainSync` to be polymorphic (cardano-wallet)
15:37:49 [1b112077] Handle node disconnecions (cardano-wallet)
15:37:49 [cddb24ba] Rebase fixups (cardano-wallet)
15:37:50 [e24b3a9e] beauty salon (cardano-wallet)
15:37:50 [24259a90] Clean `chainSyncWithBlocks` (cardano-wallet)
15:37:50 [5582284a] Explicitly request genesis point (cardano-wallet)
15:37:50 [112a8149] Request genesis explicitly when `MsgIntersectNotFound` (cardano-wallet)
15:37:50 [bb014623] Simplify `chainSyncWithBlocks` (cardano-wallet)
15:37:50 [8412ed4f] Reorganize "Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.Network" (cardano-wallet)
15:37:50 [b6f80d69] Implement remaining `error "todo"` cases (cardano-wallet)
15:37:50 [b4e6b36e] Introduce `ChainPoint` type for chain following (cardano-wallet)
15:37:50 [bd1e46c3] Fix unit tests (cardano-wallet)
15:37:51 [e0d8dc9d] Discuss [CheckedExceptionsAndCallbacks] (cardano-wallet)
15:37:51 [aa134d6f] Rename `LogState` to `History` (cardano-wallet)
15:37:51 [8f9b77d2] Make NoThunks work again (cardano-wallet)
15:37:51 [8841dd93] Remove weird `MsgFollowLog` constructor (cardano-wallet)
15:37:51 [0a09e1e1] Explicitly detect genesis in `toChainPoint` (cardano-wallet)
15:37:51 [631a238a] Remove old 'follow' function (cardano-wallet)
15:37:51 [4fa7b2a1] beauty salon (cardano-wallet)
15:37:51 [600351ef] Clean up network logs (cardano-wallet)
15:37:51 [d5823fff] Clean up `FollowLog` and `ChainSyncLog` (cardano-wallet)
15:37:51 [5fa33bc1] Expand comments on 'chainSync' and "Cardano.Api" (cardano-wallet)
15:37:52 [63781c0b] Remove `AsyncCancelled` messages (cardano-wallet)
15:38:15 [c24bc457] Ormolize (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:38:40 [e3fbd895] chore: add first tests with mocks (blockfrost-websocket-link)
15:39:25 [b21a62a5] fix: remove unused mocks (blockfrost-websocket-link)
15:42:43 [8094df13] Populate cip content (developer-portal)
15:46:40 [c4bcc41c] [DDW-754] Update catalyst footer link divider (daedalus)
15:47:34 [60d06700] [DDW-780] Refactoring (daedalus)
15:48:46 [224ec66b] Replaced Configuration constructors with ConfigurationBuilder (jortestkit)
15:49:40 [3514b39a] Minor fixes (developer-portal)
15:49:41 [4b151b07] add CHANGELOG entry (jormungandr)
15:50:25 [cdbbff7e] remove unnecessary Mutex (jormungandr)
15:50:48 [1edf6848] Take care of comilation warnings (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:56:42 [1c13cfaf] [DDW-761] Fix Delegation popover timeout (#2722) (daedalus)
15:57:07 [b192fa68] Fix links due to the new structure (developer-portal)
15:58:29 [d1f18719] cardano-node: Trace formatting fixes (cardano-node)
15:59:29 [3a6595cc] trace-dispatcher: formatting fixes (cardano-node)
16:00:41 [7ab6146b] bitbox02: display pairing code (adalite)
16:00:41 [87d14cb5] add BitBox02 hardware wallet support (adalite)
16:03:54 [af93b90a] bump membench, the chain is now optional (cardano-node)
16:05:18 [a5267f96] Fix adHash (cardano-node)
16:10:01 [4a7c5671] CompactTxOut was added. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:10:01 [bc57d5c2] Filled in details of uncompacting a TxOut by reading from the ByteStrings. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:10:28 [4dcc0232] Updated jortestkit (jormungandr)
16:10:47 [f4dc6b33] Ormolize (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:38 [532e4b2c] Added delete and foldWithKey operations (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:38 [4f0106c0] Added the Compact data modules (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:38 [6f2f372f] added DomainRestrict, starting splitHashMap. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:39 [864087d1] added splitHashMap and intersect. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:39 [841ebfdb] cleaned up, got rid of nextBits. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:40 [db587e01] changes from fixing bugs on Alexi's branch. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:40 [0e894da1] Added UnionWith, needs work on keys. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:40 [a757041b] Cleaned up added the HashMap module, same names ad Data.Map.Strict. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:41 [b59dd47d] Fixed unionWith to track depth, to safey handle (Leaf k v) values. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:41 [c8bdefe3] Added a TODO note (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:41 [1a61e973] Fixed bug in fullNodeMask, consoidated 'bits' and 'bitsPerSubmask' into 'bitsPerSegment'. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:42 [f4090cfe] Making union tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:42 [a351b87e] Move new KeyMap/HashMap into its own package compact-map (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:43 [96f049e7] Add first property test (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:43 [728d5439] Debugged UnionWith. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:43 [7623d8bb] Redid insertWithKey and lookupHM to no longer use BitState, addes strictness ! to Two and One, wrote a bulk insertion. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:44 [1eb88a6e] Cleaned up, debugged mylub, removed BtState. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:12:07 [cebce4c1] Ormolize (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:12:15 [6012dcab] Start the test dir for executables. (plutus)
16:12:40 [0dec28c0] Add null checks to actions (adalite)
16:15:44 [da811849] Remove links to not-yet existing ADRs (hydra-poc)
16:16:06 [3f27355d] Add null checks to helpers and wallet files (adalite)
16:16:51 [fce01504] Add TODO to handle SubmitFail in tx submission (hydra-poc)
16:20:10 [6ea8cbc5] dump registered relays: quote dns names. (cardano-ops)
16:24:26 [a7672199] Now computing both stake distrbution and incemental stake distribution. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:26:19 [02f85c10] Take care of comilation warnings (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:26:26 [97d0286b] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/ddw-680-small-ui-ux-fixes (daedalus)
16:26:41 [ab3d5b2b] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-754-update-catalyst-links (daedalus)
16:27:14 [ad0f41bf] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/ddw-751-issues-related-to-minimum-screen-size (daedalus)
16:27:21 [446c811c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:33:26 [572fa08e] Chain index starts (plutus-apps)
16:34:38 [f3d307ad] [DDW-691] Add electron dialog to check second instance (daedalus)
16:35:29 [350e3607] Let tests work with new node and config (cardano-launcher)
16:35:30 [fab89320] Replace buildkite pipeline with github actions (cardano-launcher)
16:35:30 [037687f7] ESLint churn (cardano-launcher)
16:37:20 [99906c1b] Clean up (plutus-apps)
16:39:37 [a08f4303] add nomad and damon to the devshell (cicero)
17:04:10 [12caf072] use cleaner terminology for smart contract fields (chain-libs)
17:14:47 [b441a59e] move CI to Hydra (purescript-web-common)
17:20:38 [d7745480] [DDW-691] Add delay to second-instance event (daedalus)
17:21:10 [2370e6a4] Propose ADR on testing strategy (hydra-poc)
17:21:43 [9fd96931] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:22:14 [7f63bbf6] Update docs/adr/0010-use-direct-chain.md (hydra-poc)
17:23:03 [75fa85a3] Propose ADR on Direct chain (hydra-poc)
17:23:03 [0eda8cde] Update docs/adr/0010-use-direct-chain.md (hydra-poc)
17:24:46 [4e476514] Let tests work with new node and config (cardano-launcher)
17:24:47 [8cdc76cf] ESLint churn (cardano-launcher)
17:24:48 [4937c0b1] Replace buildkite pipeline with github actions (cardano-launcher)
17:26:43 [1acfd50b] deploy: fce01504ebcde66a04734c694262ac04d94d8633 (hydra-poc)
17:30:10 [6e7735f5] Update links to ADR in README (hydra-poc)
17:34:24 [90225387] change user-agent to blockfrost-go/__version__ (blockfrost-go)
17:35:24 [d32e39f8] change NewAPIClient client return from client, error >> client (blockfrost-go)
17:38:17 [501ea3fc] change newclient init in examples (blockfrost-go)
17:41:32 [00e4558f] remove failing server option (blockfrost-go)
17:42:27 [38edaab5] deploy: 7f63bbf6ec5337198b33442cbfe3de4567b68eaf (hydra-poc)
17:45:39 [cff1fa77] deploy: 6e7735f51c81ab2d576ae7a3dfc600f7fcb5b585 (hydra-poc)
17:46:04 [67de76b0] add preliminary convenience script runner (cicero)
17:46:47 [b4d09ce5] Start PAB (plutus-apps)
17:47:21 [152bb3a4] Start PAB (plutus-apps)
17:47:21 [abbb2639] plutus-chain-index: Split up into chain-index and chain-index-core (plutus-apps)
17:47:21 [00df6af9] Make build (plutus-apps)
17:47:21 [fd9cb83a] nix update (plutus-apps)
17:47:21 [e40bb876] Chain index starts (plutus-apps)
17:47:21 [f34b767c] Clean up (plutus-apps)
17:47:21 [f6ff2200] plutus-pab: Add pab-local-cluster (plutus-apps)
17:47:28 [00e3b96b] bench | locli: --end-slot now explicitly limits processing tail (cardano-node)
17:47:28 [e16b31af] bench | workbench: integrate --end-slot (cardano-node)
17:48:54 [ab0dcac2] [DDW-691] Isolate second-instance handler (daedalus)
17:54:15 [cdbf64fc] Merge pull request #2520 from input-output-hk/ts-compact (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:54:49 [c6c3dc50] october spotlight article (developer-portal)
17:59:27 [27bb667b] Update and abstract comments (replace time with resource/val). (plutus)
18:00:42 [3a7c477b] misc renaming of stuff (plutus)
18:01:03 [d1fd61c9] Revert upacking of `TxId` inside of `TxIn` (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:02:10 [087d0c29] Add instance of `Keyed` for any 256bit or less `Hash` (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:04:55 [bc8477ba] [DDW-738] CHANGELOG (daedalus)
18:11:21 [d7dde930] Derive `Keyed` instances for some Hashes (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:18:23 [8db97b08] bump nixpkgs (cicero)
18:20:34 [5e18944c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:21:58 [e9cf583a] deploy: 2370e6a453b6835eb1b9fcb573d43d426eee3c5d (hydra-poc)
18:30:16 [fa20ff39] Derive `Keyed` instances for some Hashes (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:30:16 [569a1036] Add instance of `Keyed` for any 256bit or less `Hash` (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:30:16 [e556459c] Revert upacking of `TxId` inside of `TxIn` (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:39:39 [282461fa] standardize test in addresses, health, ledger and metrics (blockfrost-go)
18:40:02 [687f38f4] deploy: 0eda8cdeb7502914f2dd00ec0eb14121a0b71856 (hydra-poc)
18:41:27 [b9943fcb] Include MuesliSwap, a decentralized token exchange (essential-cardano)
18:44:33 [1e4920f5] Merge pull request #2455 from Emurgo/yushi/pack-token (yoroi-frontend)
18:45:29 [f2e93cc4] Merge branch 'develop' into yushi/cardano-connector-injection (yoroi-frontend)
19:09:33 [0e3eb876] Add mapping for MILK, the token of MuesliSwap (cardano-token-registry)
19:11:26 [e8aae057] prop_multinode_pruning_Sim fails (ouroboros-network)
19:13:15 [2ea928fd] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:22:35 [858f1eac] Merge pull request #390 from input-output-hk/smash-tickers (cardano-ops)
19:31:18 [8608afba] Property test now works, pretty print explosion. (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:34:08 [63e3193e] remove duplicate dependencies (cicero)
19:34:09 [b87cf2f8] fix missing dependency (cicero)
19:34:15 [50fcb69a] refactor: remove dep on ogmios schema from all packages but core (cardano-js-sdk)
19:40:03 [afa4c94a] Exclude UTxOs spent in the reference block as well (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:45:02 [4295389a] connection-manager: MutableConnectionState (ouroboros-network)
19:46:14 [120c8456] server-test: disabled prop_multinode_pruning_Sim (ouroboros-network)
19:52:15 [5b915020] ref: standardize tests in account, addresses, ledger, metadata and pool (blockfrost-go)
19:53:53 [2ed0affb] Differences made explicit (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:58:24 [a7514814] ref: move metrics types from types.go >> api_metrics.go (blockfrost-go)
20:01:06 [43380943] ref: move health types from types.go >> api_health.go (blockfrost-go)
20:05:18 [f16624f7] Avoid premature reset during subscription tests (ouroboros-network)
20:05:18 [3a30de37] P2P Workaround for OSX accept bug (ouroboros-network)
20:14:36 [d0790af2] yoroi-extension: change the way languages in translation are handled (yoroi-frontend)
20:17:37 [29c57097] Add epoch total stake to active_stake_cache (#1139) (guild-operators)
20:18:26 [3b500e8a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:19:51 [bb606120] Merge branch 'alpha' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators into asset-rpc (guild-operators)
20:27:28 [30d878ad] yoroi-extension: add Polish language files (yoroi-frontend)
20:44:38 [e5e5eaab] Added tx-builder functions for simpler metadata and mint (cardano-serialization-lib)
20:48:40 [9dc5a62e] document script structs (blockfrost-go)
21:06:31 [73889f2f] remove extranous omitempty (blockfrost-go)
21:13:58 [8d4b65f7] Remove dead code (bitte)
21:15:13 [343ca0f9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:19:23 [bdf903e9] add docs for script structs (blockfrost-go)
21:25:11 [f036f0b0] move block type from types.go >> api_block.go (blockfrost-go)
21:28:27 [dedc4b23] docs: document genesis block type (blockfrost-go)
21:29:36 [c1b46742] Tres Leches Cake (cardano-token-registry)
21:30:17 [2a06f89a] Fixing the code for compiling plus flowgen (cardano-serialization-lib)
21:33:43 [82858628] docs: document nutlink types (blockfrost-go)
21:35:19 [a4df45d2] remove trailing commmas in struct tags (blockfrost-go)
21:50:01 [2e2e937a] docs: add docs for account types (blockfrost-go)
21:54:10 [75465618] docs: add docs for addresses methods (blockfrost-go)
21:59:47 [0c6169a6] Merge pull request #2454 from Emurgo/yushi/cardano-connector-injection (yoroi-frontend)
22:13:45 [afd0ae89] Run tests individually (cardano-node)
22:14:37 [f7e0b88a] Merge #3317 (cardano-node)
22:18:00 [b7733e1e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:56:45 [edc79b84] Added sqlite3 as it's needed for cncli (guild-operators)
23:17:58 [6af0cfd9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:30:30 [ce3f7d63] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)