Home / Reports / Nov 28, 2022

Monday, November 28, 2022

560 commits had been pushed across 65 repos by 110 authors. There were 938,410 additions and 272,686 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:08:02 [a147acf5] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:08:02 [bb9f1ab3] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:08:23 [9635a753] feat: complete ogmios tx to core mapping (cardano-js-sdk)
00:16:08 [c9d39046] chore: bump node 16.10 (yoroi-mobile)
00:20:31 [0b327e5a] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
00:21:59 [506e3fb4] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
00:23:07 [e746da10] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:45:31 [56638771] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:59:49 [ef726f7b] feat: profile information and runs history (dapps-certification)
01:16:57 [8400280d] Automatic update for Mon Nov 28 01:16:57 AM UTC 2022 (stackage.nix)
01:18:07 [a788a7ed] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
03:10:17 [7eb76d3c] checkpoint (aiken)
03:12:40 [113b28fc] Bump slf4j-reload4j from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 (koios-java-client)
03:12:47 [985243d9] Bump slf4j-api from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 (koios-java-client)
04:04:14 [596cf5ce] test(cardano-services): update script that generates the snapshot for unit tests (cardano-js-sdk)
04:04:15 [72564a8e] test(cardano-services): removed snapshot from reward tests (cardano-js-sdk)
04:04:15 [896fc9ed] test(cardano-services): fixed flakiness in some chain history integration tests (cardano-js-sdk)
04:04:15 [f18b0828] test(cardano-services): removed snapshot from stake-pool tests (cardano-js-sdk)
04:04:16 [eeccc084] test: refactor CLI tests to use dynamic fixtures (cardano-js-sdk)
04:04:16 [b202256e] test(cardano-services): finish refactoring network info tests to use dynamic fixtures (cardano-js-sdk)
04:04:16 [73a9875c] test(ogmios): update ogmios Tx submit provider test to match the same healthcheck response mock (cardano-js-sdk)
04:04:18 [484b39d2] test(cardano-services): remove old testnet snapshot files (cardano-js-sdk)
04:21:29 [f8d00847] fixup! feat: type GroupedAddress now includes key derivation paths (cardano-js-sdk)
04:44:32 [873e3969] fixup! feat: type GroupedAddress now includes key derivation paths (cardano-js-sdk)
04:47:32 [035f4268] fixup! feat(key-management): ownSignatureKeyPaths now checks for reward account in certificates (cardano-js-sdk)
05:06:02 [9c6239db] fix: shadow 4 (yoroi-mobile)
05:10:51 [42de244e] Merge pull request #531 from input-output-hk/fix/adp-2420-fix-overflow-parse-error (cardano-js-sdk)
05:17:19 [5415a313] added nmkr studio in builder tools (developer-portal)
05:17:35 [382776cf] struct as Data, not []Data (Helios)
05:19:04 [52b3e742] bad indent (Helios)
05:22:22 [28307715] minutes draft (Developer-Experience-working-group)
05:26:23 [3b40be05] fixup! feat: type GroupedAddress now includes key derivation paths (cardano-js-sdk)
05:36:48 [ab69f313] chore: bump android (yoroi-mobile)
05:41:44 [530b8311] chore: clean up (yoroi-mobile)
05:48:45 [d4964caf] update draft (Stablecoin-working-group)
05:49:04 [5a350fd2] fix(input-selection): manage result of CML.min_ada_required in computeMinimumCoinQuantity (cardano-js-sdk)
05:49:05 [3ffe02a9] fix!: create a new CML scope for every call of BuildTx in selection constraints (cardano-js-sdk)
05:49:06 [2d76dd8c] test(cardano-services): update script that generates the snapshot for unit tests (cardano-js-sdk)
05:49:06 [45a5c0b4] test(e2e): adds a stake pool query e2e test (cardano-js-sdk)
05:49:06 [38275b42] fix(cardano-services): fix possible APY calculation overflow on networks with fast epochs (cardano-js-sdk)
05:49:07 [6db4e929] test(cardano-services): removed snapshot from reward tests (cardano-js-sdk)
05:49:08 [9ccb0c06] test(cardano-services): removed snapshot from stake-pool tests (cardano-js-sdk)
05:49:13 [f8f35069] test(cardano-services): fixed flakiness in some chain history integration tests (cardano-js-sdk)
05:49:14 [1238c91a] test: refactor CLI tests to use dynamic fixtures (cardano-js-sdk)
05:49:14 [71fc7b89] test(cardano-services): finish refactoring network info tests to use dynamic fixtures (cardano-js-sdk)
05:49:15 [70d41700] test(ogmios): update ogmios Tx submit provider test to match the same healthcheck response mock (cardano-js-sdk)
05:49:15 [9844c0cc] test(cardano-services): remove old testnet snapshot files (cardano-js-sdk)
06:10:03 [ba49f0cd] test(cardano-services): update script that generates the snapshot for unit tests (cardano-js-sdk)
06:10:04 [e6d93aa1] test(cardano-services): removed snapshot from reward tests (cardano-js-sdk)
06:10:04 [149e876c] test(cardano-services): removed snapshot from stake-pool tests (cardano-js-sdk)
06:10:05 [5cb80dae] test: refactor CLI tests to use dynamic fixtures (cardano-js-sdk)
06:10:05 [e79effa8] test(cardano-services): finish refactoring network info tests to use dynamic fixtures (cardano-js-sdk)
06:10:05 [553a79d1] test(cardano-services): fixed flakiness in some chain history integration tests (cardano-js-sdk)
06:10:06 [beae55c7] test(ogmios): update ogmios Tx submit provider test to match the same healthcheck response mock (cardano-js-sdk)
06:10:07 [cec8c20b] test(cardano-services): remove old testnet snapshot files (cardano-js-sdk)
06:11:35 [117b25f5] Fix for ghc 9.4 (haskell.nix)
06:23:51 [0495e445] Check for systemctl existence to be compliant with docker deployment (#1578) (guild-operators)
06:28:20 [e05129be] Merge pull request #2553 from glneto/master (cardano-token-registry)
06:34:26 [49a4adaa] install vscode and wallet (mesh)
06:34:31 [77784133] Check for systemctl existence to be compliant with docker deployment (#1578) (guild-operators)
06:50:41 [847e711c] struct/enum serialize bug fixed (Helios)
06:53:40 [a548b06d] version bump (Helios-Book)
06:53:57 [c7f98f39] deploy: a548b06d9c10e0acb77f617ddbbe9bb51b0f8663 (Helios-Book)
06:56:02 [b846532b] remove staking pages from demo (mesh)
06:56:20 [0a9afa46] test(e2e): align wallet init test with new env workflow (cardano-js-sdk)
06:56:20 [dd237459] test(e2e): min/max/avg/counters improvements to measurement util (cardano-js-sdk)
06:56:20 [095df41e] test(e2e): migrate stake pool search query load test (cardano-js-sdk)
07:00:21 [e076b2e2] Merge pull request #521 from input-output-hk/feat/adp-2274-rewards-and-stake-pool (cardano-js-sdk)
07:11:44 [39df92aa] Fix issue with nixpkgs 21.05 (haskell.nix)
07:13:10 [9f11274c] Try #1792: (haskell.nix)
07:13:40 [dba21e08] Fix issue with nixpkgs 21.05 (haskell.nix)
07:36:18 [3bdd4cac] Create createMockNetwork function (hydra)
07:36:24 [f1caef09] Start with createMockChain function (hydra)
07:36:24 [37ed0729] Grab verification keys (hydra)
07:36:25 [0ce99044] Add SubmitTx mock (hydra)
07:36:25 [7f0ec1b8] Mock more dependencies for direct chain (hydra)
07:36:26 [3e2d5cec] Extract mock chain to own function (hydra)
07:36:26 [1f7da648] Move chainCallback to Hydra module (hydra)
07:36:27 [be7c2fb6] Copy/paste mock network creation logic for Model (hydra)
07:36:27 [b09e8f6d] CheckPoint (hydra)
07:36:28 [16d6f753] Use arbitrary TimeHandle (hydra)
07:36:28 [d101ae9e] Dispatch submitted tx as blocks to chain sync handlers (hydra)
07:36:29 [afa1d30c] Create a block out of a single ledger tx (hydra)
07:36:30 [614abd5f] Provide seedInput directly from the Wallet (hydra)
07:36:30 [752b98c7] Wire in mock wallet in the mock chain (hydra)
07:36:31 [c0da5094] Fix creation of mock chain component (hydra)
07:36:31 [2bc1af8b] Append a StopTheWorld action after property to kill threads (hydra)
07:36:32 [e12b2bb1] Set upper bound to check utxo spent (hydra)
07:36:32 [2dd305b5] Refactor waitForUTxOToSpend (hydra)
07:36:33 [f22a8533] Label threads and STM objects to get a better io-sim trace (hydra)
07:36:33 [72071a2d] Remove debug trace from code and cleanup warnings (hydra)
07:36:34 [3df6ce94] Do not use suchThat when generating payments (hydra)
07:37:51 [5062d944] init staking docs (mesh)
07:46:13 [3587038f] DAC-181 WIP Connect Wallet material-modal; added logo and gradient button in header (dapps-certification)
07:46:27 [ab1f602e] Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/dapps-certification into DAC-181 (dapps-certification)
07:46:51 [6537a191] Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/dapps-certification into DAC-317 (dapps-certification)
07:50:50 [45423efe] remove unListData (aiken)
07:50:50 [f9ccc366] create ir and start to replace plutus code gen with ir (aiken)
07:50:50 [84f6a327] feat: finished when constr is for IR and code gen (aiken)
07:50:50 [0d6b639a] feat: start when expressions (aiken)
07:50:50 [c401feb5] fix minor scope issue (aiken)
07:50:50 [11e06f45] checkpoint (aiken)
07:50:50 [3e84c497] make progress on list deconstruction with IR (aiken)
07:50:50 [247d8b9b] add field access and list patterns are finished (aiken)
07:53:03 [8d3492b8] Extract modules (hydra)
07:57:57 [ab2a06ad] Add note to diff sequence benchmarks that explains the use of (ouroboros-network)
07:59:18 [d57810bd] Merge branch 'DAC-181' into DAC-317-A (dapps-certification)
07:59:44 [23a78e1a] Check for systemctl existence to be compliant with docker deployment (#1578) (guild-operators)
08:08:47 [54ce2a6a] Few modifications after DAC-181 combined into DAC-317 (dapps-certification)
08:22:47 [bf799746] Network team update (cardano-updates)
08:27:28 [5e1d4c48] Network team update (cardano-updates)
08:28:40 [4512888c] deploy: 5e1d4c489219988b487173241b2909884dc98190 (cardano-updates)
08:28:53 [ad739e90] enhance logging capabilities for snapshot client and move summary of voting tools to info. (catalyst-core)
08:28:54 [c500c447] implemented snapshot-wormhole cli which should be able to transfer snapshot from snapshot-trigger-service to vit-servicing-station. Two modes are implemented: (catalyst-core)
08:28:54 [5ce172c2] enable clippy missing docs and pedantic macros in mainnet-tools project (catalyst-core)
08:35:39 [b3b01db2] fix(cardano-services-client): import warning (cardano-js-sdk)
09:00:42 [4564d197] add documentation for submission store (cardano-wallet)
09:05:14 [8ff2fb0c] Move JS tests to main workflow (catalyst-core)
09:05:44 [bb4bd92c] Remove TranslateEra instances for ShelleyGenesis (cardano-ledger)
09:05:44 [3e10638c] Set TranslationContext for ShelleyEra to enable translation from Byron (cardano-ledger)
09:10:57 [40fc9faf] Add the docs for 'lastBlockBySlot' endpoint (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
09:11:53 [fd736dd3] add lean specifications for primitives of the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
09:11:53 [118982ea] add lean specification for API operations in the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
09:12:15 [582313bf] Merge pull request #51 from MartifyLabs/staking (mesh)
09:13:15 [2275e042] Merge pull request #4162 from input-output-hk/jasagredo/simplify-mempool-utxo-hd (ouroboros-network)
09:20:03 [24aa4bae] add tests for primitives on the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
09:20:03 [8fbd7f2f] add primitives for the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
09:21:30 [ce0ec4e5] Better computation of minAda (plutus-apps)
09:25:20 [9c3ceab1] Fix issue with nixpkgs 21.05 (#1792) (haskell.nix)
09:26:21 [ba3e2442] Update ci_tests.yml (catalyst-core)
09:27:08 [797495be] code quality checks (cip8-java)
09:28:46 [8589258e] fix(core): native script type name (cardano-js-sdk)
09:28:47 [d528e50c] refactor!: block body with type of NewTxAlonzo[] (cardano-js-sdk)
09:29:53 [41510ebe] refactor!: amend core tx types as nullable (cardano-js-sdk)
09:29:53 [ce687b37] feat(ogmios): complete Ogmios tx to core mapping (cardano-js-sdk)
09:31:05 [9050f3f4] Merge pull request #618 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/update-protocol-parameters-testing-preview (mithril)
09:33:41 [fdfc3c67] deploy: 9050f3f4639c853c7cdf26193b76e89970dfde63 (mithril)
09:37:09 [0d4da4e4] add API operations for the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
09:37:11 [ec8de28d] add tests for operations on the new submissions store (cardano-wallet)
09:42:38 [073d68d1] fmt (catalyst-core)
09:45:00 [b57725bd] Fix issues after rebasing and module factoring (hydra-poc)
09:46:02 [3a4eae98] Typo PREPOD to PREPROD (blockfrost-java)
09:54:16 [2c9042c6] Remove unused registration service and registration verify service. They tend to work over haskell implementation for voting tools and cardano CLI. Since we have new approach with rust internals we don't need those wrappers (catalyst-core)
09:59:36 [1a426451] Switch ci & doc workflow to pull_request trigger (mithril)
10:00:05 [d83df070] Move JS tests to main workflow (#104) (catalyst-core)
10:00:26 [f8703252] Added User wallet authentication to docs (#863) (developer-portal)
10:01:52 [0cd04511] Merge pull request #617 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/585-deprecate-unverified-signer-registration (mithril)
10:03:11 [951ffdaa] code quality checks (cip8-java)
10:05:08 [79b71c18] deploy: 0cd045112f8353705e9b2fa9dfb97922f5cfe32a (mithril)
10:11:16 [b2f414c3] Merge branch 'main' into search-improvements (catalyst-core)
10:13:14 [2c03fe6c] test create op cert with negative value for kes-period (cardano-node-tests)
10:14:01 [8d0a3f99] Updates to the documentation and added the Agenda (NFTs-working-group)
10:14:23 [fb5239b1] fix: add networkDatumHash for mainnet tests (koios-go-client)
10:15:01 [87136f74] Fixed some MD typos (NFTs-working-group)
10:22:33 [467e4e91] Get test id so it appears in logs (cardano-node-tests)
10:22:41 [7a4fdec1] remove internal module (cardano-browser-tx)
10:23:36 [21487dde] ETCM-2825 Interim changes, waiting for SME input (cardano-documentation)
10:24:00 [69a4257d] Formatting changes (ouroboros-network)
10:25:27 [013b0bba] Update README.md (catalyst-core)
10:27:16 [e8e9d3f7] Fix urls in README (catalyst-core)
10:34:40 [a842dbd5] code quality checks (#9) (cip8-java)
10:36:39 [0d208d8e] Merge branch 'main' into search-improvements (catalyst-core)
10:37:26 [1baed39e] ETCM-2825 Fix typos (cardano-documentation)
10:37:46 [c6fc0514] New indexer. (plutus-apps)
10:38:25 [710ae4a0] remove csv parser (cip8-java)
10:39:04 [7bbf10f8] Merge pull request #6 from mikaelbjorn/main (NFTs-working-group)
10:39:52 [e7693171] tx-generator: handle PlutusV2 (WIP) (cardano-node)
10:39:55 [6af92631] tx-generator: integrate plutusV2 SECP script (cardano-node)
10:39:55 [6d83c45f] bump plutus-apps flake input (cardano-node)
10:39:55 [6f229c9a] tx-generator: include PlutusV2 ledger API (cardano-node)
10:39:56 [ee165a9c] tx-generator: parametrizable script redeemer (cardano-node)
10:39:56 [d397d356] tx-generator: parameter list for sig verification (cardano-node)
10:39:56 [29e01aab] tx-generator: choose valid redeemers for new SECP (cardano-node)
10:39:56 [6ebc71b5] tx-generator: correct script params; parametrize redeemer per-script (cardano-node)
10:39:56 [ff7e1a1c] tx-generator: add script pre-execute test, protocol params v8 (cardano-node)
10:39:56 [3b8dff7c] bump flake input plutus-apps (cardano-node)
10:40:01 [5186c4b2] remove csv parser (#10) (cip8-java)
10:40:33 [46f9f944] Update README.md (CIPs)
10:42:42 [be5ef2c4] Fixes for musl and more materialized files (haskell.nix)
10:42:59 [7c6f9625] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/hadrian (haskell.nix)
10:45:06 [0f52a7dd] Add search_count method to mock (#103) (catalyst-core)
10:54:26 [7de4a764] Add more tests (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
10:57:42 [c8c9cd96] update node compatibility matrix in readme (cardano-wallet)
10:59:45 [653aa433] Create cardano-node-emulator package (plutus-apps)
11:05:16 [e97ea6c3] Fix minting policy in tutorial and for state machine thread tokens in light of https://www.tweag.io/blog/2022-03-25-minswap-lp-vulnerability (plutus-apps)
11:08:15 [e429fdc9] minimize ledger manual test panel when double-clicked (yoroi-frontend)
11:08:23 [0ed57e4c] fix (plutus-apps)
11:08:42 [d2a8ecc3] disabled add wallet reg cert w/ pool register cert if HW pool (guild-operators)
11:11:01 [7786f1d1] Try #1475: (haskell.nix)
11:14:42 [a6f35d8b] reset me (plutus-apps)
11:17:28 [64e2d13d] Revert "Removed ntp-client" (ouroboros-network)
11:17:50 [c07f3209] Fix build errors (ouroboros-network)
11:21:35 [7a4f72a8] update release process (cardano-wallet)
11:22:50 [bd55aee9] Merge pull request #38 from input-output-hk/develop (PSG)
11:27:42 [a20a34b1] public node test (catalyst-core)
11:32:45 [b89cf786] Add Shareslake to showcase (developer-portal)
11:39:35 [d132e062] review comments resoled (mithril)
11:41:18 [496b4f97] Move to ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-network)
11:41:48 [cf4caf2b] fixup! ChainUpdates: model invalid behavior (ouroboros-network)
11:43:59 [d3e76ffa] network: added Neil's talk (cardano-updates)
11:49:25 [2206aaad] feat: profile information and runs history (dapps-certification)
11:56:49 [74b1d820] Make sublibrary (ouroboros-network)
11:58:04 [5d88f238] ChainSync client test: correct docs of `ChainSyncClientSetup` (ouroboros-network)
11:59:24 [b22e6665] Erase pool-allocated mlocked memory before releasing (cardano-base)
11:59:32 [b2d54580] fixup! ChainSync client test: allow invalid server behavior (ouroboros-network)
12:06:57 [53e52c92] size of an individual sig (mithril)
12:09:11 [db0a722e] Merge pull request #36 from input-output-hk/debugging-ci (musig2)
12:11:34 [77fe5fbf] Corrected type variable names (cardano-node)
12:12:54 [e621bbc0] Fix argonaut generic record parser (marlowe-actus-labs)
12:14:10 [4dd75cda] [DDW-1169] Bump `cardano-wallet` PR tip (daedalus)
12:14:19 [807d2a86] fixup! test(e2e): wallet init test with new custom measurement and scheduler helpers (cardano-js-sdk)
12:15:44 [c3e4e0c5] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into chore/ddw-1169-preview-respin-node-1.35.4 (daedalus)
12:18:06 [a316c361] Create LICENSE (musig2)
12:18:53 [2ab68d0b] Cleanup & documentation (cardano-base)
12:18:53 [6fd3de77] Securely forget intermediate hashes during SumKES key generation (cardano-base)
12:18:53 [8288b75a] Erase pool-allocated mlocked memory before releasing (cardano-base)
12:18:53 [1794a910] Fix SeedSizeKES for MockKES (cardano-base)
12:18:53 [fdd8a657] KES secure forgetting (cardano-base)
12:18:53 [d9bbaebf] Fix compilation errors on GHC 9.2 (cardano-base)
12:18:53 [ec5c4c27] Fix testing-related memory leak (cardano-base)
12:18:53 [ce4d3252] Replace mlocked_pool with cardano-mempool (cardano-base)
12:18:53 [09f5fd15] Remove unused dependency (cardano-base)
12:19:00 [670a077e] feat: profile information and runs history (dapps-certification)
12:19:15 [46356c7c] Fix build errors on GHC 9.2 (cardano-base)
12:19:15 [525c7a58] Add SignKeyWithPeriodKES wrapper (cardano-base)
12:19:15 [151c99c5] Direct serialisation from/to raw memory (cardano-base)
12:19:15 [f12c7c71] Add direct ser/deser to MockKES (cardano-base)
12:19:15 [726800d2] Bugfix (cardano-base)
12:19:34 [6c27458b] Create NOTICE (musig2)
12:22:17 [afb96199] [DDW-1083] Add `CARDANO_WALLET_VERSION` to devShell (daedalus)
12:23:17 [e80edb61] deploy: 4198592a7ea9c4873def316d6f80df1d20d37891 (cardano-node)
12:30:41 [f094e735] don't generate sessions (marlowe-cardano)
12:33:10 [c240157f] workbench: pre-integrate the now SECP-capable tx-generator (cardano-node)
12:48:53 [a9367d45] feat: add account-info cached flag (koios-cli)
12:52:03 [322a3fed] feat: add history flag to asset-txs cmd (koios-cli)
12:54:51 [66281324] feat: add preview preprod host flags (koios-cli)
12:55:41 [dfd6defd] feat: upgrade koios-go-client v3.0.0 (koios-cli)
12:55:44 [63023e1b] Update README.md (staking-next-js-template)
12:56:03 [e41edb35] Update README.md (staking-next-ts-template)
12:58:24 [fe71441a] Tests working (ouroboros-network)
12:59:59 [580ee419] network: added Neil's talk (cardano-updates)
13:00:48 [72ec1494] Make leadership-schedule test less flaky (cardano-node)
13:05:47 [d20f8fde] workbench: pre-integrate the now SECP-capable tx-generator (cardano-node)
13:10:50 [bfa9a64f] Implement sync with ledger (ouroboros-network)
13:14:45 [a2beea62] Refactor type of getNextHeaders (marlowe-cardano)
13:15:31 [b2a6c740] feat: do not add default ports to request url (koios-go-client)
13:17:13 [5ecc6b54] workbench: pre-integrate the now SECP-capable tx-generator (cardano-node)
13:21:29 [b386e623] better computation of minAdaTxOut (plutus-apps)
13:23:27 [23df11d6] First draft of multi-asset coin selection algorithm (cardano-transaction-lib)
13:24:37 [71c2c776] CoinSelection: Improve err messages, Extract AssetClass to Cardano.Value (cardano-transaction-lib)
13:25:59 [fe7d198e] Add support for connecting to Postgres in vit-ss integration tests (catalyst-core)
13:26:00 [a97703f8] Fix Postgres issues in vit-ss (catalyst-core)
13:26:00 [1c2a5e4c] Use vit-ss migration files in vitup (catalyst-core)
13:26:00 [78a5ee17] Fix dedup_by_key_keep_last implementation (catalyst-core)
13:26:00 [ffaf4a8e] Finish vit-ss integration tests rest load request generator implementation (catalyst-core)
13:26:01 [4e70aa63] Refactor batch_put_* (catalyst-core)
13:26:25 [9374f6d0] fix: default port usage to ignore ports 80,443 (koios-cli)
13:28:32 [ed42d442] chore: bump nvm (yoroi-mobile)
13:30:44 [dedb2e48] [DDW-1083] Hide old Nix code under `nix/old*` (daedalus)
13:30:54 [2d4a5af7] Modify author (cardano-updates)
13:31:07 [dafa321f] feat: profile information and runs history (dapps-certification)
13:33:26 [8afc269a] Add changelog (plutus-apps)
13:35:01 [9e45815e] More simplification (plutus)
13:35:08 [dbe7b1f0] search API extensions (#105) (catalyst-core)
13:37:48 [e8a27f29] fix: handle invalid port option (koios-go-client)
13:39:52 [7f01563e] fix: update client v3.1.1 solves invalid port bug (koios-cli)
13:39:54 [b5bef824] Add troubleshooting page ~ first draft (hydra-poc)
13:42:13 [3bdaae1f] Merge branch 'main' into NPG-4019-implement-postgres-support-for-vit-ss-integration-tests (catalyst-core)
13:45:29 [26e0642b] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:50:21 [53d25e65] Rewrite balancing algorithm to support multi-asset coin selection (cardano-transaction-lib)
13:53:01 [ad33c8b4] WIP (cardano-node)
13:55:39 [8c40bf53] Check non-spendable inputs, Fix Plutip tests (cardano-transaction-lib)
13:58:24 [00e32c9b] Weigh: add sample output and word of caution (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
14:00:38 [73ada65c] BalanceTx: Improve progress logging, Minor refactorings (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:03:50 [f20e8819] fixes (plutus-apps)
14:04:06 [dfd61d99] Bump version (blockfrost-java)
14:05:10 [5ea13a5c] Provide Partition instance for BigInt (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:05:36 [29086210] Update README.md (cip8-java)
14:06:21 [d32b0793] Update codeql.yml (cip8-java)
14:07:18 [bca24e63] Remove `allowOutsideForecastTTL` hardfork switch (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:07:36 [96cc951b] Update codeql.yml (cip8-java)
14:09:19 [598cf663] Strengthen Eq instance for MemoBytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:09:19 [59c87bcc] Add changelog entries (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:09:19 [be58ae38] Bring back skipped twiddling tests. They still require proper Eq instance for MemoBytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:09:19 [34ba8c8a] Introduction of a `Memoized` type class and using it throught ledger. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:09:19 [93d1fcb0] Fix the order in which scripts from AuxData are serialized (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:09:19 [c976119a] Removed entries from changelog about changes to internal types (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:09:19 [dff6297e] Fix AlonzoTxAuxData representation and make it match closer the on the wire format (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:09:19 [4dfbe341] Implement equality for raw script types (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:09:32 [94301d7c] SCP-4672 Added Marlowe output unchanged test (marlowe-cardano)
14:10:09 [e62ab810] Move implementation inside `runTransactionCmd` to toplevel definitions. (cardano-node)
14:11:43 [c2e0f4e9] Better computation of minAda (plutus-apps)
14:11:47 [feb22015] better computation of minAdaTxOut (plutus-apps)
14:11:47 [22032ca4] Add changelog (plutus-apps)
14:14:11 [e46d58cf] First draft of new change generation logic (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:14:12 [b22e2268] WIP trying to extract a persistent queue (hydra-poc)
14:15:28 [254e2659] Makefile: define workbench targets with the nomad backend (cardano-node)
14:15:59 [d88d3ea1] Split oversized change outputs, Fix Plutip tests (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:18:12 [c08dd46f] Implement postgres support for vit ss integration tests (#101) (catalyst-core)
14:18:25 [01078e77] Add unit tests for partitionBigInt (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:19:01 [4de70433] Provide Arbitrary instances for Cardano.Value and related types (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:20:20 [f8e18736] Merge pull request #4192 from input-output-hk/jdral/bench-diffseq-fix-arbitrary-followup (ouroboros-network)
14:24:23 [9d175e1b] SCP-4672 Added a test for adjustTxForMinUtxo (marlowe-cardano)
14:25:22 [4fb0737c] Add what we used to put into release notes (hydra)
14:26:01 [424e75d0] minor (hydra)
14:26:19 [a5b8ca27] Add docstrings for CoinSelection module, Logic fixes (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:27:14 [868db371] ubuntu version (musig2)
14:27:55 [384796c3] add staking to docs (mesh)
14:28:05 [c4e59ccc] More documentation on balancing and change generation (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:29:42 [d1f0a5e0] add types (staking-next-ts-template)
14:29:50 [aa312612] Merge pull request #616 from input-output-hk/mithril-stm-readme (mithril)
14:30:36 [44caa254] SCP-4672 Added test for at least half an ADA (marlowe-cardano)
14:32:54 [a2572dfb] WIP try to restore a unary special case (plutus)
14:36:51 [996145bd] deploy: aa3126123c1f291909bb17fa3293415fe420cf9b (mithril)
14:37:26 [8915467e] add typescript (staking-next-ts-template)
14:37:36 [8c1b3a31] CP-4672 updateMaterialized (marlowe-cardano)
14:41:15 [bfe315e7] Apply suggestions, Fix warnings (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:43:07 [8aa553d4] add TestPlanM to API, remove interpretWithTimeout (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:43:43 [b64121ef] Update `cabal-version` in cabal files (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:48:36 [ea82de87] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for b64121ef2f3a01e69493fe23405f660f5d990230 (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:49:18 [ade46c15] Create 13b5d5fdcf23603f0ff576877e6f7859e176d1ab86fe0c29efed990a43494e56.json (cardano-token-registry)
14:49:22 [b213da30] Fix AlonzoTxAuxData representation and make it match closer the on the wire format (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:49:22 [c36a4767] Implement equality for raw script types (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:49:22 [8dd2eb0c] Bring back skipped twiddling tests. They still require proper Eq instance for MemoBytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:49:22 [feae3a95] Strengthen Eq instance for MemoBytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:49:22 [5345bd5d] Fix the order in which scripts from AuxData are serialized (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:49:22 [b355efb8] Removed entries from changelog about changes to internal types (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:49:22 [5ab5464f] Introduction of a `Memoized` type class and using it throught ledger. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:49:22 [674ba19b] Add changelog entries (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:50:36 [32fb0b34] test create op cert with negative value for kes-period (#1508) (cardano-node-tests)
14:52:13 [562a0a33] Multilambdas (plutus)
14:52:14 [14cb2ea3] Fixed version of ubuntu (musig2)
14:52:15 [6713c802] Create NOTICE (musig2)
14:52:15 [33dd6642] Create LICENSE (musig2)
14:53:10 [06ab2924] fix (plutus-apps)
14:55:04 [ecdd4ce9] Test using 'build --tx-out-datum-embed' without provide protocol params (cardano-node-tests)
15:00:11 [ce5be7f4] fixup! test(e2e): migrate stake pool search query load test (cardano-js-sdk)
15:00:11 [9c57e572] fixup! test(e2e): min/max/avg/counters improvements to measurement util (cardano-js-sdk)
15:00:11 [34f7edda] fixup! test(e2e): align wallet init test with new env workflow (cardano-js-sdk)
15:00:39 [625f98bd] Add logging to sync server (marlowe-cardano)
15:01:26 [ab5e5773] Fixing PAB (plutus-apps)
15:01:28 [208311d3] WIP (cardano-node)
15:06:55 [40f427f3] Remove `translateTimeForPlutusScripts` hardfork switch (cardano-ledger)
15:06:55 [d76b4d50] Remove `allowScriptStakeCredsToEarnRewards` hardfork switch (cardano-ledger)
15:06:56 [fd3d3104] Remove `allowOutsideForecastTTL` hardfork switch (cardano-ledger)
15:07:51 [6e8adc57] Revert "ubuntu version" (musig2)
15:09:12 [b91e255d] Fixed version of ubuntu (musig2)
15:09:13 [c7d1b060] Adapt single signature so that it does not containg key and stake (mithril)
15:09:51 [c3372499] add constructor export for `Script` type (plutarch-plutus)
15:12:31 [d0f55897] add submissions tables to the schema (cardano-wallet)
15:14:57 [200dda16] Add tables to the mock ledger (ouroboros-network)
15:16:08 [3b6239d0] Update android/build.gradle (react-native-haskell-shelley)
15:17:44 [4fb537a2] Mempool QSM Tests (ouroboros-network)
15:19:43 [228b59a2] Fix minting policy in tutorial and for state machine thread tokens in light of https://www.tweag.io/blog/2022-03-25-minswap-lp-vulnerability (#839) (plutus-apps)
15:19:58 [ce913173] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 228b59a26da92d0931457b5f5559256d655f35cf (plutus-ops)
15:23:48 [d6202222] Update codeql.yml (cip8-java)
15:25:07 [81322cdd] PLT-1255 Finished making explicit imports (plutus)
15:25:43 [616aeb37] add submissions primitives store (cardano-wallet)
15:28:39 [cb0dbd01] Update decimals to 6 (cardano-token-registry)
15:29:56 [f0aa0067] address reviews (cardano-node)
15:31:14 [67ec8113] Merge pull request #1 from clayinvaders/cinv-token (cardano-token-registry)
15:34:42 [ac17d8b1] setup java (cip8-java)
15:35:11 [c133902d] Better computation of minAda (plutus-apps)
15:35:11 [c85e5bd4] better computation of minAdaTxOut (plutus-apps)
15:35:12 [59b7ef38] Fixing PAB (plutus-apps)
15:35:12 [7d920bf7] Add changelog (plutus-apps)
15:36:03 [36b2995d] setup java (cip8-java)
15:37:03 [2bc424ac] setup java (cip8-java)
15:39:20 [28c2490f] add constructor export for `Script` type (plutarch-plutus)
15:40:46 [c773a4ba] arrange code, files, folders (musig2)
15:42:08 [e9cf0225] WIP (cardano-node)
15:42:32 [d2388091] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@00e32c9b729aa3c8290d29c5f3966f8e81bcf795 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
15:45:32 [8d14f83c] Test the mempool in a parallel setting (ouroboros-network)
15:47:08 [11662bbc] DAC-317 Corrections within the Connect modal and across (dapps-certification)
15:49:50 [6359d96f] chore: commit assets (aiken)
15:50:14 [ef034f48] Merge pull request #253 from etaycoti/patch-1 (metadata-registry-testnet)
15:50:33 [5067c9bd] add nar proxy command (spongix)
15:54:57 [4c6e78aa] workflow file correction (musig2)
15:55:47 [ae396193] workbench: rename pparam update (cardano-node)
15:55:51 [27ec763f] contract from json (marlowe-cardano)
16:00:31 [d1f7cb13] Fixed a typo (oura)
16:04:49 [55253ad1] Add logging to query server (marlowe-cardano)
16:08:41 [5bb7fff7] add properties for submissions store (cardano-wallet)
16:12:06 [de67c56b] Pin all cardano-ledger packages (hydra-poc)
16:13:28 [d65306dd] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
16:14:00 [ec4650a6] Added plutus-tx-plugin- (ghc-next-packages)
16:16:53 [b3f7b556] with internal, waiting for new API (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:20:12 [29edb03f] Move implementation inside `runTransactionCmd` to toplevel definitions. (cardano-node)
16:22:25 [20ac47f4] Merge #4673 (cardano-node)
16:36:11 [a5ef0c21] Adapt rest of the repo to changes (mithril)
16:39:23 [e9cb003a] hydrate-monitoring: tf state updated to serial 142 (ci-world)
16:47:00 [9a3f4625] network: added Neil's talk (cardano-updates)
16:47:33 [0f89b3c8] SCP-4672 adjustForMinUtxo satisfy minimums test changes (marlowe-cardano)
16:49:38 [8f84cdd8] Fix io-classes re-exports in hydra-prelude (hydra-poc)
16:50:01 [f936a6dd] workbench: get rid of some unnecessary complications (cardano-node)
16:50:57 [77bc00ba] feat: profile information and runs history (dapps-certification)
16:51:19 [46c051a9] use specific type for database version (mithril)
16:51:30 [669d6f18] add consoleReporter to API (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:59:08 [c801b26f] Found more oops (oura)
17:02:02 [468c1508] workbench: get rid of some unnecessary complications (cardano-node)
17:07:54 [84fc0f84] network: added Neil's talk (cardano-updates)
17:10:11 [1567e476] network: added Neil's talk (cardano-updates)
17:11:03 [7355eeba] Update to version 13 and base on libsdoium stable 1.0.18 (cardano-base)
17:11:49 [969ccffd] deploy: 1567e47674c006db37c6eb8afcdd7177da982038 (cardano-updates)
17:12:54 [ce2607c9] Move network-matrix to the doc folder (mithril)
17:13:45 [6797135a] Remove remaining comments from deactivation of VRF (cardano-base)
17:20:57 [27bbd68d] Fix redundant mlsb-forgetting. (cardano-base)
17:34:39 [ecd7ac29] fix disabled button (yoroi-mobile)
17:43:30 [30312b4d] remove CPP guard on -XTypeApplications (cardano-base)
17:44:12 [603699c5] Add lower bounds for cardano-api (hydra-poc)
17:47:18 [6ee77681] fix disabled button (#2237) (yoroi-mobile)
17:57:10 [9ffb2458] Add versioning to the docusaurus site (mithril)
17:57:22 [d9ab0bda] Remove ouroboros-consensus dependency of hydra-cardano-api (hydra-poc)
18:04:11 [e63cdb17] reset me (plutus-apps)
18:04:35 [bc1bf87a] fix(cardano-services): updated APY sql (cardano-js-sdk)
18:06:50 [6acd5471] Add relay/block producer Cardano nodes (mithril)
18:12:29 [d4c95358] Update doc/marlowe/tutorials/javascript-embedding.rst (marlowe-playground)
18:16:48 [fcd476bd] Remove `allowScriptStakeCredsToEarnRewards` hardfork switch (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:16:51 [ed690e96] Remove `allowOutsideForecastTTL` hardfork switch (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:17:04 [9a84802e] Define initial properties for buildCreateConstraints (marlowe-cardano)
18:18:49 [229e425a] Link the pdf to github (cardano-updates)
18:20:51 [fc432665] DAC-317 __ DAC-181 Renamed component (dapps-certification)
18:21:20 [3372c1f3] Link the pdf to github (cardano-updates)
18:21:55 [d682ee83] SCP-4672 adjustForMinUtxo satisfy minimums test changes (marlowe-cardano)
18:22:30 [87971f42] deploy: 3372c1f3ed35d7e9571eef63950c3472111d2ad9 (cardano-updates)
18:24:06 [4c15185c] feat(projection): wip add projection and sink types (cardano-js-sdk)
18:24:22 [d552ba0f] cleanup: minor fn change (bitte)
18:27:09 [e2c5cf1a] Removed test for mustSpendRoleToken (marlowe-cardano)
18:36:53 [367fc17c] wip useNfts hook (yoroi-mobile)
18:39:05 [db808f64] deploy: 20ac47f49f12b9bc100db00990bc4e9b567c788a (cardano-node)
18:41:02 [024db2bc] Merge pull request #197 from input-output-hk/zt (bitte)
18:41:14 [8924a902] Add total balance test (marlowe-cardano)
18:45:55 [a8a2b3ea] Write remaining tests for create constraints (marlowe-cardano)
18:48:29 [6a3a9d00] Merge pull request #362 from input-output-hk/scp-4708-post-transactions (marlowe-cardano)
18:48:58 [96933c08] Make sure PUT is preceded by POST in API (marlowe-cardano)
18:48:58 [f74976bd] Wrap array responses in an object (marlowe-cardano)
18:48:58 [e6ff9aac] Implement PUT /contracts/:contractId (marlowe-cardano)
18:48:58 [56bc624e] Make currentContract null on closed contracts (marlowe-cardano)
18:48:58 [bbe285e6] Show submit exception (marlowe-cardano)
18:49:42 [6d6c6e5a] Update tests (marlowe-cardano)
18:49:42 [5f01b019] Implement GET /contract/:contractId/transactions/:transactionId (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:24 [9b5c19d2] Implement PUT /contracts/:contractId/transactions/:transactionId (marlowe-cardano)
18:50:49 [decfa8ea] staging: Bump marlowe to 6a3a9d006590eacfe851dd7c9c5c2e065d7bc218 (plutus-ops)
18:50:59 [62f00eeb] Add eventuo11y to marlowe-discovery (marlowe-cardano)
18:54:46 [76c4111a] Add logging to discovery chain client (marlowe-cardano)
18:54:52 [e6d6c630] Add logging to discovery store (marlowe-cardano)
18:54:52 [651a409b] Add logging to sync server (marlowe-cardano)
18:54:52 [c97c7677] Refactor changes into discovery store (marlowe-cardano)
18:54:52 [d3485840] Add logging to query server (marlowe-cardano)
18:54:52 [8420805e] Make contract-indexer only log 1 wait (marlowe-cardano)
18:54:52 [351a4f13] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
18:54:52 [f250049c] Refactor type of getNextHeaders (marlowe-cardano)
19:02:25 [3bf96b2c] Wrap array responses in an object (marlowe-cardano)
19:05:39 [e46d8499] SCP-4728: Running test cases (marlowe-actus-labs)
19:09:45 [c4205fdc] update tui known issue (hydra-poc)
19:11:07 [79159b28] SCP-4728: Initial ACTUS test-framework (marlowe-actus-labs)
19:12:47 [d70e92f1] Refactor backing store tests to use `quickcheck-lockstep`. (ouroboros-network)
19:15:11 [a8ce003b] Process PR comments: combine `rangeRead` functions and add documentation (ouroboros-network)
19:15:11 [c15e54b3] Process PR comments: combine `monadIOHasFS` and `ioHasFS`. (ouroboros-network)
19:15:11 [f97886c7] Process PR comments (ouroboros-network)
19:15:11 [6bbace1d] Implement QSM property tests for the `BackingStore` API. (ouroboros-network)
19:15:11 [13520b6a] Fix CI error (ouroboros-network)
19:16:05 [1c712f75] Merge pull request #363 from input-output-hk/scp-4706-put-contract (marlowe-cardano)
19:16:47 [b2731573] Create `LMDB.Bridge` module. (ouroboros-network)
19:17:20 [061cc557] Update cli's help to indicate that Babbage is the default era (cardano-node)
19:17:51 [964a3e78] Add review changes (hydra-poc)
19:18:31 [1a806795] staging: Bump marlowe to 1c712f75ba6463418ca244bd49a6deffdb688fba (plutus-ops)
19:18:32 [b1be5ebd] Azima Token (cardano-token-registry)
19:25:59 [13289e26] Split `cardano-ledegr-shelley-ma` into two packages: (cardano-ledger)
19:28:12 [fad8e5a6] Refactor backing store tests to use `quickcheck-lockstep`. (ouroboros-network)
19:31:16 [f86c0134] Group issues related to tx costs (hydra)
19:33:04 [3a1e26e4] Remove already fixed known issue (hydra)
19:33:12 [f40dc7fd] Implement GET /contract/:contractId/transactions/:transactionId (marlowe-cardano)
19:33:12 [51d1c1f6] Update tests (marlowe-cardano)
19:33:29 [692260d1] Implement PUT /contracts/:contractId/transactions/:transactionId (marlowe-cardano)
19:33:39 [468c17fd] removed inappropriate ecosystem tag (developer-portal)
19:33:56 [0c862341] minor (hydra)
19:34:31 [3cf0d875] Add eventuo11y to marlowe-discovery (marlowe-cardano)
19:36:03 [d867eece] reorder (hydra)
19:37:06 [e7e78f89] chore: bump react-native (yoroi-mobile)
19:38:16 [a226adc4] Fix line lengths. (plutus)
19:38:31 [5c2ccce3] Add Haddock. (plutus)
19:39:58 [d6e134fc] Remove all usage of Data.Map (cardano-node)
19:40:49 [73745b0a] Remove all Data.Map usage within bench folder (cardano-node)
19:44:43 [f6890209] Add logging to discovery chain client (marlowe-cardano)
19:44:45 [5a182f7e] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
19:44:45 [9b29643e] Make contract-indexer only log 1 wait (marlowe-cardano)
19:44:45 [58145e41] Refactor changes into discovery store (marlowe-cardano)
19:44:45 [1ae012eb] Add logging to query server (marlowe-cardano)
19:44:45 [ef4af4d7] Add logging to sync server (marlowe-cardano)
19:44:45 [e76c98bb] Add logging to discovery store (marlowe-cardano)
19:44:45 [364b9769] Refactor type of getNextHeaders (marlowe-cardano)
19:49:39 [2dfeac9e] fixups (cardano-wallet)
19:55:17 [839b3250] chore: bump react-native (yoroi-mobile)
20:03:17 [9426c3f3] fix open wallet loading dialog on ios (yoroi-mobile)
20:04:42 [e7575ecb] move files to lean package (cardano-wallet)
20:06:40 [b2bc4876] remove async (yoroi-mobile)
20:09:48 [ca5821a6] Add simple CI worflow (cardano-wallet)
20:20:24 [5a3a3407] imp: add equinix tf provider + glances sh cli (bitte)
20:20:25 [cf648c5c] imp: add equinix integrated tf workspace to metal layer (bitte)
20:20:26 [ae9370a6] imp: adds awsExtNodes nixosConfig builds (bitte)
20:20:27 [660e40aa] fix: aws vs prem machine hostId (bitte)
20:20:28 [606f59a6] fix: key usage attrs on intermediate issuer (bitte)
20:20:29 [a3b06fa3] imp: add preScript for sops secrets; fixup node_class for awsExt (bitte)
20:20:30 [8a0bc6dc] imp: add extraPkgs opt for secrets script (bitte)
20:20:31 [d50423f8] imp: adds systemd service enabled checks on certs-updated (bitte)
20:20:32 [2aa2d700] imp: log the logic of certs-updated a bit more (bitte)
20:27:26 [17e8a212] move `to_string()` outside of the match (aiken)
20:33:03 [8a92b6bf] Implement GET /contract/:contractId/withdrawals (marlowe-cardano)
20:34:39 [b7042bdc] commenting issue (yoroi-mobile)
20:42:03 [1da6644f] Apply suggestions from code review (CIPs)
20:50:15 [610817e1] Add outcome log type (hydra-poc)
20:52:46 [a68e3769] Create README.md (chain-libs)
20:54:03 [fa1e595d] SCP-4728: Added day count methods (marlowe-actus-labs)
20:54:07 [ebdaef2f] Add withdrawals link to ContractState (marlowe-cardano)
21:01:41 [5caba50b] WIP (cardano-transaction-lib)
21:09:48 [60d961b3] address comments 20221128 (CIPs)
21:25:19 [68fd1cc1] modernize tullia setup (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:25:57 [6cda847e] Update logs json schema (hydra-poc)
21:28:26 [589675f9] Log every outcome as part of the every protocol transition (hydra-poc)
21:39:21 [6118e654] chore: bump react-native (yoroi-mobile)
21:42:07 [039057e2] Update src/yoroi-wallets/utils/parsing.ts (yoroi-mobile)
21:47:15 [522be1aa] Update src/Receive/ReceiveScreen.tsx (yoroi-mobile)
22:01:54 [8a8e68ed] SCP-4672 Added qc tests for Constraints.adjustTxForMinUtxo (marlowe-cardano)
22:02:50 [22e2465b] Revert "fix: key usage attrs on intermediate issuer" (bitte)
22:07:30 [7dc1b649] hydrate-cluster: tf state updated to serial 197 (bitte-world)
22:08:48 [39428e0b] hydrate-cluster: tf state updated to serial 211 (bitte-world)
22:20:00 [7b125ceb] Remove `translateTimeForPlutusScripts` hardfork switch (cardano-ledger)
22:20:00 [2592ec83] Remove `allowScriptStakeCredsToEarnRewards` hardfork switch (cardano-ledger)
22:20:00 [3c602e12] Remove `allowOutsideForecastTTL` hardfork switch (cardano-ledger)
22:21:45 [31b915fb] modernize tullia setup (cardano-ledger)
22:25:24 [60cced53] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 3c602e12b40ee91dc25eaa0e1b0ae70ddb72a4e1 (cardano-ledger)
22:25:37 [5a0230b5] SCP-4672 Fixed updateMaterialized (marlowe-cardano)
22:30:45 [6066e317] move `to_string()` outside of the match (aiken)
22:38:37 [6bebf1f0] chore: bumped compile tools (yoroi-mobile)
22:43:27 [fe549838] Merge pull request #361 from input-output-hk/scp-4672-test-adjustTxForMinUtxo (marlowe-cardano)
22:45:42 [3fd2d469] staging: Bump marlowe to fe5498389b9ab5a215ac9676080700daea058f0f (plutus-ops)
22:45:54 [15556f3c] Merge #4674 (cardano-node)
22:52:40 [c1adf6da] Fix open wallet loading dialog on ios (#2239) (yoroi-mobile)
22:53:33 [c4a2d862] feat: rename era-specific types in core (cardano-js-sdk)
22:54:23 [fafed758] fix disabled button (#2237) (yoroi-mobile)
22:55:28 [b1b4564f] Fix open wallet loading dialog on ios (#2239) (yoroi-mobile)
22:56:00 [6e60aea3] Check for systemctl existence to be compliant with docker deployment (#1578) (guild-operators)
23:03:23 [460d7cc7] Script for extracting version information from CHaP package dependencies of a project (#106) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
23:05:05 [d3ee2ec5] 🟩 voting.summit.cardano.org is up (200 in 288 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:05 [1827673e] 🟩 voter-service-AWARD-categories is up (200 in 405 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:06 [f986f501] 🟩 voter-service-SPEAKERS-categories is up (200 in 448 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:07 [42741797] 🟩 voter-service-get-captcha is up (200 in 285 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:07 [ec71020b] 🟩 voter-service-cast-vote is up (401 in 315 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:06:14 [9f3fb8df] chore: bumped compile tools (yoroi-mobile)
23:09:47 [8434ba8e] Update from 460d7cc746316473e63a5be207bba87d9910249e (cardano-haskell-packages)
23:10:09 [a425a442] Materialization for ghc 9.4.1 (haskell.nix)
23:10:50 [898185b6] Update latest version warning (haskell.nix)
23:11:54 [4bc92d58] feat: rename era-specific types in core (cardano-js-sdk)
23:15:46 [8b437b45] Fix missing DLL interpreting TH (haskell.nix)
23:17:34 [d4819ecb] working on ma (formal-ledger-specifications)
23:33:05 [448284e0] Check for systemctl existence to be compliant with docker deployment (#1578) (guild-operators)
23:39:25 [f4c87381] Add support for building with ghc-9.2 (iohk-monitoring-framework)
23:54:51 [33908008] ouroboros-network-api: make SizeInBytes a newtype (ouroboros-network)
23:59:20 [19867cd8] CI: Build with ghc-9.2.4 as well (iohk-monitoring-framework)