Home / Reports / Feb 6, 2023

Monday, February 6, 2023

607 commits had been pushed across 58 repos by 93 authors. There were 902,284 additions and 68,457 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:10:18 [f9e7f4b9] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:18:35 [3307972a] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:18:35 [197b94eb] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:19:45 [31402aa7] Updated cardano-node for 1.35.5 releasefixed (cardano-node)
00:19:45 [1b8d4d5c] update ouroboros-network and iohk-nix (cardano-node)
00:19:45 [e41bfc0c] Removed some constraints from cabal.project (cardano-node)
00:19:45 [5063aeb7] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
00:19:45 [64031f5d] cardano-api: Fix Eq instances (cardano-node)
00:19:45 [2592ca61] CI: Add ghc-9.2.4 to the build matrix (cardano-node)
00:19:45 [ee8eea25] Add support for ghc-9.2 and CHaP (cardano-node)
00:19:45 [4d132efc] Added lower bounds to dependencies based on cabal.project constraints (cardano-node)
00:19:45 [f5ac709f] Update cabal.project (cardano-node)
00:19:45 [3154c69c] Copied changes from #4600 (cardano-node)
00:19:45 [8c3465bd] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
00:19:46 [6c5b2e4b] Fixup rebase (cardano-node)
00:19:46 [3d30bea2] Small fixes (cardano-node)
00:19:46 [0185bcb9] drop unused dependency (cardano-node)
00:19:46 [fb9b5bc9] drop musl from x86_64-darwin (cardano-node)
00:19:46 [dadcc26a] Add ghc-9.2.5 variant to nix ci. (cardano-node)
00:19:46 [67955361] Remove cardano-cli dependency on Win32 (cardano-node)
00:19:46 [2cf7fb23] Fix plutus related benchmarking code (cardano-node)
00:19:46 [98cf652b] Set of cabal updates (cardano-node)
00:19:46 [72aefd33] Update hackageNix flake input (cardano-node)
00:19:46 [3f5e0acc] More CHaP updates (cardano-node)
00:19:46 [16e867a1] Try to fix loclis Cardano.Prelude import (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [5d6e44c9] Updated cardano-node for 1.35.5 releasefixed (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [08a6a420] update cardano-node (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [c34991fa] Nix and CI related fixes (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [e5685bfa] regenerate flake.lock (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [661aca2a] add missing tracer-transformers to lib:cardano-node (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [07d94c2a] downgreade iohk-nix (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [8f9bf1a3] cardano-node: restructuring tracers (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [eb9f55c7] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [9975874f] Add support for ghc-9.2 and CHaP (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [854b0dcf] drop flake.lock (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [29d2fd33] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
00:20:24 [d809e060] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
00:22:15 [55e6992f] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
00:35:26 [29fcf65f] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:35:47 [496ef3ae] Try #4701: (cardano-node)
00:38:13 [5840d41b] docs: code docs for ouroboros package (go-ouroboros-network)
00:44:31 [38bbca6b] Merge pull request #569 from Emurgo/release/11.2.2 (cardano-serialization-lib)
00:51:07 [706554cc] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:51:30 [2a671fdd] Merge branch 'master' into evgenii/network_id_fix (cardano-serialization-lib)
00:51:38 [b3374996] Merge branch 'master' into evgenii/ordered_datum_map (cardano-serialization-lib)
00:56:27 [06f85426] docs: code docs for ouroboros package (go-ouroboros-network)
01:09:26 [5d9c0651] commit working changes so far (aiken)
01:09:32 [c93be1fd] fix: the following issues (aiken)
01:20:49 [b536262b] chore: fix tests (aiken)
01:26:52 [dbae929c] feat: reset the generator when generate finishes (aiken)
01:32:45 [02217fa0] Merge pull request #185 from cloudstruct/docs/ouroboros-package (go-ouroboros-network)
01:35:39 [c32a9d7b] commit working changes so far (aiken)
01:35:39 [f1b24a5f] fix: the following issues (aiken)
01:35:39 [3ff927d3] feat: reset the generator when generate finishes (aiken)
01:35:39 [501d6675] chore: fix tests (aiken)
01:43:06 [0ef6c94a] Bump certifi from 2020.4.5.2 to 2022.12.7 in /doc/.sphinx (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:43:22 [453f4694] Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:43:24 [7e4a5641] Bump ansi-regex from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:43:24 [7edac7a6] Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:43:29 [52388e4f] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:43:42 [8c185b47] Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:44:03 [1247a6aa] Bump minimatch and mocha in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:44:06 [b2277adb] Bump bumpalo from 3.9.1 to 3.12.0 in /rust/json-gen (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:44:07 [985b3065] Bump urllib3 from 1.25.9 to 1.26.5 in /doc/.sphinx (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:44:32 [c6b12d35] Bump future from 0.18.2 to 0.18.3 in /doc/.sphinx (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:44:59 [3941ced3] Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.7 in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:45:10 [c22f0dd1] Bump shelljs from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:45:17 [80e55c60] Bump pathval from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:45:18 [cd6dfff3] Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.7 (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:45:19 [b130df81] Bump minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.1.2 (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:45:28 [9ee35aed] Bump babel from 2.8.0 to 2.9.1 in /doc/.sphinx (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:45:40 [63531a2f] Bump flat and mocha in /example (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:45:49 [bda73ef4] Bump semver-regex and husky (cardano-serialization-lib)
01:47:27 [11f654f1] Add support for ghc-9.2 and CHaP (cardano-node)
01:47:32 [e8ed61af] CI: Add ghc-9.2.4 to the build matrix (cardano-node)
01:47:50 [1df24e22] Fix plutus related benchmarking code (cardano-node)
01:47:50 [76d1c7c2] Add ghc-9.2.5 variant to nix ci. (cardano-node)
01:48:51 [b2f4ed29] Add support for ghc-9.2 and CHaP (cardano-node)
01:48:51 [7b904829] Nix and CI related fixes (cardano-node)
01:48:51 [b5640c2a] Updated cardano-node for 1.35.5 releasefixed (cardano-node)
01:48:51 [0e8d6119] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
01:48:51 [5ff7d967] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
01:48:51 [baf1d4b5] cardano-node: restructuring tracers (cardano-node)
01:57:40 [4c312a9c] docs: code docs for protocol package (go-ouroboros-network)
02:01:00 [43a79b6f] Try #4701: (cardano-node)
02:32:16 [398ada84] Update pallas-addresses requirement from 0.16.0 to 0.18.0 (utxo-selection-benchmarking)
03:00:02 [0c5d82b0] Merge #4701 (cardano-node)
03:14:41 [f6fe3a85] Bump lombok from 1.18.24 to 1.18.26 (koios-java-client)
03:23:35 [cb27438c] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into support-revisions-and-more (haskell.nix)
03:36:10 [9bccc00b] Merge pull request #186 from cloudstruct/docs/protocol-package (go-ouroboros-network)
03:48:50 [134bef9e] Add field `utxoBalanceShortfall` to `BalanceInsufficientError`. (cardano-wallet)
03:48:59 [0e4374d8] Fix indentation in `Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.TransactionSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
03:49:00 [beeba714] Use `utxoBalanceShortfall` in `Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.TransactionSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
03:49:00 [3146e8d3] Use `utxoBalanceShortfall` in `Cardano.CoinSelection.BalanceSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
03:49:00 [42a4da7a] Use `utxoBalanceShortfall` in `Cardano.Wallet.Api.Http.Server.Error`. (cardano-wallet)
03:49:01 [d5f96e50] Remove the now-redundant `balanceMissing` function. (cardano-wallet)
03:49:01 [8d80dfca] Add top-level `ErrBalanceTxBalanceInsufficient` error. (cardano-wallet)
03:49:01 [ff13bf07] Provide HTTP server support for `ErrBalanceTxBalanceInsufficient`. (cardano-wallet)
03:49:01 [7d680425] Add `ErrBalanceTxBalanceInsufficient` constructor to `ErrBalanceTx`. (cardano-wallet)
03:49:02 [2d31f57f] Add temporary helper function `flattenErrBalanceTx`. (cardano-wallet)
03:53:27 [131d2164] Use temporary helper function `flattenErrBalanceTx`. (cardano-wallet)
04:00:08 [717c9881] Fix indentation in `Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.TransactionSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
04:00:08 [6052ceeb] Add field `utxoBalanceShortfall` to `BalanceInsufficientError`. (cardano-wallet)
04:00:08 [b9dcc745] Use `utxoBalanceShortfall` in `Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.TransactionSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
04:00:09 [cf5e4d07] Use `utxoBalanceShortfall` in `Cardano.Wallet.Api.Http.Server.Error`. (cardano-wallet)
04:00:09 [20cca355] Remove the now-redundant `balanceMissing` function. (cardano-wallet)
04:00:09 [fec7c1a4] Use `utxoBalanceShortfall` in `Cardano.CoinSelection.BalanceSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
04:06:29 [7d1c025b] chore(deps-dev): bump husky from 7.0.4 to 8.0.3 (yoroi-mobile)
04:07:34 [3a3f1116] refactor(Components): extracted (yoroi-mobile)
04:08:09 [0a9b5bf2] Fix for tx_info plutus contract for types other than spend (#163) (koios-artifacts)
04:27:54 [61df4cc4] deploy: 0c5d82b08160077cc415dcd2897bab2a62ccb5ee (cardano-node)
04:56:44 [5d0c5d2a] remove a redundant type replacement in build_ir (aiken)
05:06:51 [7e9a9765] SQUASH: ITS ALIVE (cardano-node)
05:33:42 [91aa0152] Update layer-two.md (hydra-poc)
05:54:23 [6d8223a0] Update layer-two.md (hydra-poc)
05:55:29 [60cbcb05] Fix broken link in README.adoc (plutus-apps)
05:56:09 [64f5a9c8] Merge branch 'main' into zeme-iohk/fix-hydra-link (plutus-apps)
06:00:06 [1ad04bdb] SQUASH: Small FIXES (cardano-node)
06:03:11 [50646011] Add ghc-shell-for-packages to hydraJobs.nix (plutus-apps)
06:16:59 [7912f778] Updated S3 location in script-evaluation-test.yml (plutus)
07:52:00 [f8f7bb16] Add changelog for koios-1.0.10rc (guild-operators)
07:59:22 [e6b93234] Remove dependency on cardano-prelude from cardano-api (cardano-node)
08:03:24 [ce2affeb] Remove NoImplicitPrelude from cardano-submit-api (cardano-node)
08:04:38 [6eaaf72a] Merge pull request #703 from NetWalker108/patch-2 (hydra)
08:06:16 [168f8be9] Update changelog (hydra)
08:06:16 [230fda66] Fix imports to use api v2 instead of v1 (hydra)
08:06:16 [af925a45] Partially resolve TODO about plutus failure (hydra)
08:06:16 [c6b0dcd2] Leave two TODOs (hydra)
08:06:16 [e468ef4c] First draft (hydra)
08:06:16 [1a04b39e] Apply review changes to checkContest and simplify validation step code (hydra)
08:06:16 [40f39879] Minor: remove unnecessary review comment (hydra)
08:06:16 [69bcb958] Add label to contract spec to check contest to fail for the right reason (hydra)
08:06:16 [ad85e5ec] Json alternations (hydra)
08:06:16 [d37bbe31] Revert golden files to master version (hydra)
08:06:16 [870f3437] Rename closedContesters to just contesters (hydra)
08:06:16 [5e091590] Fix imports to use api v2 instead of v1 (hydra)
08:06:16 [50a867b9] Draft a direct chain test for contesting only once (hydra)
08:06:16 [90c17c64] Add roundtrip spec for Plutus PubKeyHash (hydra)
08:06:16 [5771f8e7] Move json instance for PubKeyHash to Orphans module (hydra)
08:06:16 [6fe0b234] Minor rename from contestors to contesters (hydra)
08:06:16 [5aba67d9] Introduce appropriate error message (hydra)
08:06:16 [004e1c8a] Add close mutation (hydra)
08:06:16 [71422dae] Revert changes on SimpleTx golden file (hydra)
08:06:16 [8f06ddd8] Fix fanout transaction size is below 16kB spec (hydra)
08:06:16 [5b64fabe] Add mutation spec to check validator fails if the list of contesters is wrong in the output datum (hydra)
08:06:16 [be455854] Add missing changes after rebase (hydra)
08:06:16 [be63e1a0] Minor: replace long line import by multi-line (hydra)
08:06:16 [f032c5d9] Remove closedContesters from head state (hydra)
08:06:16 [e37c01bb] Add review changes to close mutation (hydra)
08:06:16 [3af41a92] minor renaming (hydra)
08:06:31 [34ab11ba] Remove NoImplicitPrelude from cardano-cli (cardano-node)
08:08:54 [f24e9eda] Remove NoImplicitPrelude from cardano-testnet (cardano-node)
08:10:01 [df9bce4f] Remove NoImplicitPrelude from cardano-node-chairman (cardano-node)
08:17:38 [839aa9b4] fixed redundancy between title + description (developer-portal)
08:17:38 [6d755f3b] Remove NoImplicitPrelude from cardano-node (cardano-node)
08:19:30 [d4a0b1e2] Remove NoImplicitPrelude from cardano-git-rev (cardano-node)
08:24:48 [dbd0e361] Remove unnecesarry parenthesis (cardano-base)
08:25:04 [94ef60e0] deploy: 6eaaf72ae0c4cde4a7be862edc1da159fbf8a7c7 (hydra-poc)
08:40:46 [a81fe8ab] Fix dev Docker images (mithril)
08:41:25 [f282a260] Merge pull request #728 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/add-security-policy (mithril)
08:44:39 [76624a3b] deploy: f282a2602f7f7e93ec64ee88bd13ff0282d2fc6a (mithril)
08:55:35 [5c2596ce] Remove addChangeOutput (hydra-poc)
09:13:22 [f0258796] SCP-4940: Allowing oracle inputs (marlowe-actus-labs)
09:24:13 [de2b6638] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
09:42:51 [2dd9c3dd] feat(wallet): reemit failures are merged with transactionTracker failure (cardano-js-sdk)
09:42:51 [2a64ee58] feat(wallet)!: emit failed rollbacks from createTransactionReemitter (cardano-js-sdk)
09:59:48 [42a7bda4] Haltscam rebranded to Profiler (essential-cardano)
10:03:20 [e08070ba] Merge branch 'main' into zeme-iohk/add-shell-to-hydra-jobs (plutus-apps)
10:13:36 [dc994c97] Install current latest nix (cardano-node-tests)
10:26:31 [ae1c4e55] ADD explicit error expectations for Fanout (hydra)
10:26:33 [440c5182] Replace mustContinueHeadWith with the individual checks on the datum (hydra)
10:31:50 [1671603c] SCP-4940: Allowing only micro currencies (marlowe-actus-labs)
10:34:16 [4d74e556] Add testlib stanzas to era cabal files (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:39:20 [105b88d4] add new SECP tutorial (Vasil-testnet)
10:42:31 [f650c54f] fix(cip68): parsing `files` and custom fields (blockfrost-utils)
10:44:11 [361e35cd] use new CSL type to safely handle tx body when connector signs the tx (yoroi-frontend)
10:47:55 [1ff55d21] Use system nix in `base` (cardano-node-tests)
10:57:15 [c5e13b24] check redeemer value on dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
10:58:04 [d331050e] More work (CIPs)
11:00:56 [92acaf00] Use system nix in `base` (cardano-node-tests)
11:03:19 [2e793922] fix(cip68): parsing `files` and custom fields (blockfrost-utils)
11:03:47 [6de9b7ef] chore(deps): update pallas requirement from 0.7.0 to 0.18.0 (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
11:06:54 [ff0c2351] Small cleanup cek/internal, debug/internal (plutus)
11:10:41 [7c514ad3] Merge pull request #1642 from input-output-hk/gh_actions_nix_upgrade (cardano-node-tests)
11:13:08 [0577f789] switch to proptest from crates.io (catalyst-core)
11:13:40 [e801d6cc] Improve benchmarking.yml GHA (plutus)
11:14:03 [1b7cec23] Move some functions back to the framework as we don't need them moved anymore (hydra)
11:14:39 [9240c698] Apply changelog suggestion (hydra)
11:15:20 [23a326b9] Rename continuingDatum to headOutputDatum and simplify the code a bit (hydra)
11:17:09 [9d75438f] update the state machine (mithril)
11:17:25 [84767775] Add head script to ScriptRegistry (hydra)
11:17:26 [16cf87e0] Fix broken link in README.adoc (plutus-apps)
11:17:26 [5701f38e] noop change to retrigger CI (plutus-apps)
11:17:28 [0d825ac7] Only move genScriptRegistry function (hydra)
11:17:28 [ca7085d9] Use forAllBlind in ScriptRegistrySpec (hydra)
11:17:28 [8c82ef1e] Also return head script UTxO in registryUTxO (hydra)
11:17:29 [93ec0f89] Use head script in collect tx (hydra)
11:17:29 [5f8d6c22] Use head script reference in abort tx (hydra)
11:17:29 [8974c00f] Fix collect mutation tests (hydra)
11:17:29 [9ac0a4ef] Remove debugging code from vInitial (hydra)
11:17:29 [d73818fc] Continue if one benchmark fails (hydra)
11:17:29 [a7fdc678] [wip] Publish head script (hydra)
11:18:41 [ff96ed5a] chore: return extra undefined instead of null (blockfrost-utils)
11:19:30 [44860784] fix: cip68v1 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
11:20:53 [ceaf9523] Fix lookup UTxO in tx-cost benchmarks (hydra-poc)
11:21:27 [87a77e4f] update lockfile (catalyst-core)
11:25:42 [83773938] Re-order arguments of commitTx (hydra-poc)
11:28:28 [c30ae955] Re-order abort arguments (hydra-poc)
11:44:34 [bccb5bf6] chore: bump blockfrost-tests fixtures (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
11:46:33 [c1fa047d] Simplify by using head (hydra)
11:47:15 [25e20aec] Reference vHead in fanout transactions (hydra-poc)
11:47:52 [84d9fcbb] Reference vHead in close transactions (hydra-poc)
11:48:20 [5cde9143] refactor: rename token list file (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:51:31 [143f9cf8] update: add tokens (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:52:56 [31f36472] Rename traverseInputs to extractAndCountCommits (hydra)
12:00:14 [65e51d9a] This commit can be tested locally with act (plutus)
12:01:35 [abe2aa71] Ready for testing in prod (plutus)
12:03:34 [1c7c1776] Simplify mustContinueHeadWith (hydra-poc)
12:03:34 [b26f45a6] Use first output as v_head in commit validator (hydra-poc)
12:03:35 [18d20fa7] Replace mustContinueHeadWith with the individual checks on the datum (hydra-poc)
12:03:35 [302939ae] Remove addChangeOutput (hydra-poc)
12:03:35 [2b59244e] Add a note related to change outputs in collectCom (hydra-poc)
12:03:35 [8625d363] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
12:03:35 [dee3375b] Shuffle functions around because of cyclic dependencies (hydra-poc)
12:03:35 [3aab5264] Make sure collectCom has two outputs (hydra-poc)
12:03:35 [00d7ff40] Use foldr when traversing inputs (hydra-poc)
12:03:36 [1986fa9e] Apply changelog suggestion (hydra-poc)
12:03:36 [e049090c] Rename continuingDatum to headOutputDatum and simplify the code a bit (hydra-poc)
12:03:36 [b0468ee9] Rename traverseInputs to extractAndCountCommits (hydra-poc)
12:03:36 [692629c9] Simplify by using head (hydra-poc)
12:03:36 [d22a236f] Fix compilation errors (hydra-poc)
12:03:36 [de6047f2] Move some functions back to the framework as we don't need them moved anymore (hydra-poc)
12:03:48 [153409f4] Make sure collectCom has two outputs (hydra-poc)
12:03:48 [9f1f26da] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
12:03:48 [a1786c69] Shuffle functions around because of cyclic dependencies (hydra-poc)
12:03:48 [1476b004] Use first output as v_head in commit validator (hydra-poc)
12:03:48 [32f16f4f] Add a note related to change outputs in collectCom (hydra-poc)
12:03:48 [b6f0c1e9] Simplify mustContinueHeadWith (hydra-poc)
12:03:48 [d54cd965] Use foldr when traversing inputs (hydra-poc)
12:03:49 [e839f6ea] Rename continuingDatum to headOutputDatum and simplify the code a bit (hydra-poc)
12:03:49 [086574d5] Rename traverseInputs to extractAndCountCommits (hydra-poc)
12:03:49 [1d8a84fa] Move some functions back to the framework as we don't need them moved anymore (hydra-poc)
12:03:49 [6eb69f60] Fix compilation errors (hydra-poc)
12:03:49 [57571efe] Replace mustContinueHeadWith with the individual checks on the datum (hydra-poc)
12:03:49 [3102cf6f] Apply changelog suggestion (hydra-poc)
12:03:49 [0b329b24] Simplify by using head (hydra-poc)
12:03:49 [40ad11c4] Remove addChangeOutput (hydra-poc)
12:03:50 [4fd5b5b9] Add failing mutation and start a validator fix (hydra-poc)
12:03:50 [dbf55920] Shuffle things around and add value preservation test for contest tx (hydra-poc)
12:03:50 [63d5a231] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
12:12:40 [a7f6a2ad] Merge #3732 (cardano-wallet)
12:13:42 [417c1781] Update Dockerfile (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:21:55 [bfae2d46] Add BALANCE to Showcase (#946) (developer-portal)
12:26:44 [e910b231] Merge pull request #589 from input-output-hk/feat/crypto-library-interface-and-key-management-refactor (cardano-js-sdk)
12:27:22 [07402b47] Fixed Publish Results part (plutus)
12:29:46 [c23a4095] test new submissions db-schema migration (cardano-wallet)
12:29:51 [2ca03fbe] Remove obsolete tests for `LocalTxSubmission` from `StateMachine` (cardano-wallet)
12:31:43 [182e40fc] Reference vHead in contest transactions (hydra-poc)
12:33:27 [e24ed5ba] Fix the ChangeHeadRedeemer mutation (hydra-poc)
12:38:09 [d3287a20] build(deps): bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (cardano-js-sdk)
12:49:15 [490d25aa] chore: bump blockfrost-tests fixtures (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
12:51:24 [7aeff826] Refactor context (yoroi-mobile)
12:52:38 [73635c54] docs: Merge #3732 3732: Add `utxoBalanceShortfall` field and remove `balanceMissing` function. r=jonathanknowles a=jonathanknowles ## Issue Number Split off from https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-wallet/pull/3723. ## Summary This PR cherry-picks a small number of commits from https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-wallet/pull/3723. It adds a `utxoBalanceShortfall` field to the `BalanceInsufficientError`: ```patch data BalanceInsufficientError = BalanceInsufficientError { utxoBalanceAvailable :: !TokenBundle , utxoBalanceRequired :: !TokenBundle + , utxoBalanceShortfall + :: !TokenBundle + -- ^ The shortfall between 'utxoBalanceAvailable' and + -- 'utxoBalanceRequired'. + -- + -- Equal to the /truncated subtraction/ of 'utxoBalanceAvailable' from + -- 'utxoBalanceRequired'. + } ``` Adding this field (and pre-computing its value) has the following benefits: 1. More informative error messages: The `shortfall` field tells the caller _which_ assets have a shortfall, and the _minimum_ additional amount of each asset they would need to add to the UTxO balance in order to successfully balance a transaction. This means removes a burden from the caller to perform this calculation themselves. 2. Better abstraction boundary: The HTTP server error layer no longer needs to call the _internal_ coin selection function `balanceMissing`, which can now be removed. 3. Shortfall values are now captured in golden files for `balanceTransaction`: Although this field is covered by property tests, it's also useful (from a sanity-checking perspective) to visually inspect these values and verify that they are reasonable. Co-authored-by: Jonathan Knowles <[email protected]> Source commit: a7f6a2ad06bdaab736076dd09b614b10d3f69db5 (cardano-wallet)
12:59:18 [330f8b8f] Add zw3rk cache and use trust auth in postgres (marlowe-cardano)
13:02:49 [e0553d9d] refactor: wrap TransactionId and Ipfs CID types (dapps-certification)
13:02:49 [a632db9c] feat: certificate broadcasting ( DAC-287 , DAC-369 ) (dapps-certification)
13:03:09 [65a7479e] Add the Plutus category to a couple of existing CIPs (CIPs)
13:04:09 [903bac82] feat: delete single test campaign DAC-361 (dapps-certification)
13:04:12 [64ae537b] fix: api documentation (dapps-certification)
13:05:11 [02e0f0bb] Merge pull request #607 from cjay/cjay/remove-plutonomicon-cachix (plutarch-plutus)
13:05:26 [3688178f] fix: api documentation (dapps-certification)
13:05:26 [46624ba4] feat: delete single test campaign DAC-361 (dapps-certification)
13:05:48 [8bf05273] Merge branch 'master' into cjay/delay-and-force-doc-improvements (plutarch-plutus)
13:06:22 [61f3f72d] feat: delete single test campaign DAC-361 (dapps-certification)
13:06:23 [f51bda67] fix: api documentation (dapps-certification)
13:06:23 [4fd548df] feat: provide wallet address through API (DAC-426) (dapps-certification)
13:06:25 [f535a689] Merge pull request #608 from cjay/cjay/delay-and-force-doc-improvements (plutarch-plutus)
13:07:24 [39d83fce] fix: update authors and contacts into profile (dapps-certification)
13:07:25 [07a58cda] fix: descending order for runs history (dapps-certification)
13:07:25 [e9c21539] fix: DB.Status Swagger documentation (dapps-certification)
13:07:25 [4617be9f] fix: optional twitter and website (dapps-certification)
13:08:52 [878e6852] Reorder substituters (marlowe-cardano)
13:09:40 [e061a718] Merge pull request #583 from input-output-hk/ADP-2543-stake-pool-apy-queries (cardano-js-sdk)
13:09:44 [e090b61e] 300x300 logo images (mesh)
13:10:45 [3cf31c13] temp commit (dapps-certification)
13:10:45 [dce9f3a1] temp commit: get balance (dapps-certification)
13:10:45 [828f42b6] temp commit (dapps-certification)
13:10:45 [d9ca56de] temp commit (dapps-certification)
13:10:46 [7714885d] temp commit: materialization (dapps-certification)
13:10:46 [0701d3f6] temp commit: fix balance (dapps-certification)
13:10:46 [c6f96127] temp commit: get balance (dapps-certification)
13:12:33 [2bd4f478] Correct filename in link (cardano-documentation)
13:13:48 [cdb94df3] Add changelog for January 2023 (developer-portal)
13:14:02 [cc59aff8] Merge pull request #590 from input-output-hk/feat/emit-resubmit-tx-errors-as-failed (cardano-js-sdk)
13:15:03 [02840078] free wasm objects (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:19:35 [9a01b50a] fix: number type for native script (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:21:00 [5a7df72a] Add technical concepts for January 2023 (developer-portal)
13:23:34 [7d47178f] lambda lifting: added closure conversion details (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:24:24 [d782f85a] Re-org moconi/marconi-mamba test folders (plutus-apps)
13:29:21 [8db4dae1] Merge pull request #700 from input-output-hk/ensemble/validator-can-assume-head-output-is-the-first-one (hydra)
13:29:45 [aa466ead] build(deps): bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (cardano-js-sdk)
13:30:03 [053e5e3a] Shuffle things around and add value preservation test for contest tx (hydra)
13:30:03 [c94d6cf0] Remove addChangeOutput (hydra)
13:30:03 [434124b1] Update changelog (hydra)
13:30:03 [574983bc] Add failing mutation and start a validator fix (hydra)
13:30:33 [993842db] Fix the ChangeHeadRedeemer mutation (hydra)
13:33:06 [f7637374] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@7d47178f01e76230f909bbe7e9e2edd1bd028a47 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:33:55 [c66a4b2b] Crypto's update (#108) (cardano-updates)
13:34:09 [01248167] Remove headOutputValue (hydra)
13:35:38 [013753f1] deploy: c66a4b2bfc68e9f9f62697d5ca217da20e9a6ccb (cardano-updates)
13:36:35 [75c030fe] update the state machine (mithril)
13:49:06 [d491ba5c] deploy: 8db4dae1e62f48c6c24c9f04e77c702b8844eaac (hydra-poc)
13:58:26 [09dc2816] fix: number type for native script (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
14:06:34 [d2d61440] feat(cardano-services): changes the way tx metadatum are read from db, from json to raw bytes (cardano-js-sdk)
14:08:13 [5c8a5c18] Try again with url (cardano-documentation)
14:15:01 [9b74dacc] fix test_reconnect_dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
14:17:59 [e7dfd267] Merge pull request #707 from input-output-hk/ch1bo/fix-mutation-head-redeemer (hydra)
14:19:12 [4be68911] ADD explicit error expectations for Fanout (hydra-poc)
14:20:20 [28847196] Draft a direct chain test for contesting only once (hydra-poc)
14:21:06 [ebdec561] First draft (hydra-poc)
14:21:07 [30cb1437] minor renaming (hydra-poc)
14:21:08 [c8d70faf] Add close mutation (hydra-poc)
14:21:21 [cbe258d7] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
14:21:22 [d21d3a8a] Leave two TODOs (hydra-poc)
14:21:23 [56ec8efb] Move json instance for PubKeyHash to Orphans module (hydra-poc)
14:21:23 [10a74c4f] Minor rename from contestors to contesters (hydra-poc)
14:21:23 [76629811] Rename closedContesters to just contesters (hydra-poc)
14:21:23 [e0a6853b] Add mutation spec to check validator fails if the list of contesters is wrong in the output datum (hydra-poc)
14:21:23 [95929b24] Remove closedContesters from head state (hydra-poc)
14:21:23 [38638a4f] Introduce appropriate error message (hydra-poc)
14:21:23 [7ae84bb7] Add label to contract spec to check contest to fail for the right reason (hydra-poc)
14:21:24 [8039285f] Partially resolve TODO about plutus failure (hydra-poc)
14:21:24 [9a17d0d7] Json alternations (hydra-poc)
14:21:24 [5fe242fb] Revert golden files to master version (hydra-poc)
14:22:02 [0460939a] Add missing changes after rebase (hydra-poc)
14:22:03 [5bb5d2ac] Add review changes to close mutation (hydra-poc)
14:22:03 [8677fc2e] Revert changes on SimpleTx golden file (hydra-poc)
14:22:19 [d05d8864] Apply review changes to checkContest and simplify validation step code (hydra-poc)
14:22:20 [94a3997b] Fix imports to use api v2 instead of v1 (hydra-poc)
14:22:21 [6be501b6] Minor: replace long line import by multi-line (hydra-poc)
14:22:21 [62bc1959] Fix imports to use api v2 instead of v1 (hydra-poc)
14:22:21 [8ad5a396] Fix fanout transaction size is below 16kB spec (hydra-poc)
14:22:21 [243ad29b] Add roundtrip spec for Plutus PubKeyHash (hydra-poc)
14:24:33 [2f3442c9] Only move genScriptRegistry function (hydra-poc)
14:24:33 [604c32fc] Also return head script UTxO in registryUTxO (hydra-poc)
14:24:33 [757f8b7a] Use forAllBlind in ScriptRegistrySpec (hydra-poc)
14:24:33 [31855b6a] Add head script to ScriptRegistry (hydra-poc)
14:24:34 [3b0fd508] Remove debugging code from vInitial (hydra-poc)
14:24:34 [6205e45e] Continue if one benchmark fails (hydra-poc)
14:24:34 [fc69cff7] Use head script in collect tx (hydra-poc)
14:24:34 [aa89664b] Fix collect mutation tests (hydra-poc)
14:24:34 [e4db4dd1] Use head script reference in abort tx (hydra-poc)
14:24:34 [2212eacf] [wip] Publish head script (hydra-poc)
14:24:35 [73c06b6e] Reference vHead in close transactions (hydra-poc)
14:24:35 [58913fda] Re-order arguments of commitTx (hydra-poc)
14:24:35 [b4dacfe3] Reference vHead in contest transactions (hydra-poc)
14:24:35 [2c1a0029] Fix lookup UTxO in tx-cost benchmarks (hydra-poc)
14:24:35 [8307abf3] Re-order abort arguments (hydra-poc)
14:24:35 [63bfb0c8] Reference vHead in fanout transactions (hydra-poc)
14:25:31 [5e5f9df7] Merge branch 'feature/YOMO-309-memo-storage' into feature/YOMO-309-memo-ui (yoroi-mobile)
14:28:11 [24ed7103] MarloweQuery protocol improvements (marlowe-cardano)
14:33:46 [1cba31fe] PLT-662 Added Address->Datum indexer in Marconi (#915) (plutus-apps)
14:34:03 [2ab1ca00] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 1cba31fe88cfda3094e60c9132ee4ef4d4ba48d9 (plutus-ops)
14:35:26 [1275c328] deploy: e7dfd267e7b9452eb511f51d4ca8395cb13f6dd5 (hydra)
14:36:57 [31562be6] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
14:36:58 [7d1190da] Add test for spending from script with reference script and providing datum witness in txbody (plutus-apps)
14:37:27 [1351a12e] add module option for nsjail flags (tullia)
14:38:24 [0b0d754c] SQUASH: Even smaller fixes (cardano-node)
14:42:28 [fcf1bb69] Ensure ClientLifts get hoisted to top (marlowe-cardano)
14:44:04 [7686f489] Add new certificates & some of their logic (formal-ledger-specifications)
14:48:04 [6d052933] Create contributing.md (grants-ui)
14:49:10 [e1c5751d] Merge pull request #450 from input-output-hk/jhbertra/marlowe-query-improvements (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:02 [146fea9a] staging: Bump marlowe to e1c5751d36337d211c36bffaa44626035dbcd019 (plutus-ops)
14:51:05 [fb63387f] Add retry to expectNewHeaders (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [2ea19ef9] Make test compile and run (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [46746d4c] Number remaining steps (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [52dcc9ce] Implement test up to first roll forward (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [08064c0d] Add start of basic scenario (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [c85e6f63] Hoist wallets to top level of test (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [949c052f] Submit correct txBody for apply inputs (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [06e53a6b] Implement the rest of the basic scenario test (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [505193cf] Fixed cardano-integration node misconfiguration (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [ca24f231] Add marlowe-integration-tests project (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [70286f9a] Improve performance of cardano-integration testnet (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [7abcb96b] Add tx to failed submit result (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:05 [6e8c906f] Remove type application (marlowe-cardano)
14:52:15 [0fe2f6fc] Create CONTRIBUTING.md (grants-ui)
14:55:37 [6414603b] Unrestricted force (plutus)
14:56:13 [80703252] Merge pull request #4 from dcSpark/IW021-patch-2 (grants-ui)
15:03:21 [b9470d8e] SCP-5012 Removed commmands related to following contracts. (marlowe-cardano)
15:03:21 [d6eeff17] SCP-5012 Removed unused chain-sync query client. (marlowe-cardano)
15:03:22 [b1524d37] SCP-5012 Updated materialization. (marlowe-cardano)
15:03:22 [381c44be] SCP-5012 Updated documentation for executable apps. (marlowe-cardano)
15:03:22 [21923f29] SCP-5012 Implemented query for getting contract headers. (marlowe-cardano)
15:03:22 [d4afdd8c] SCP-5012 Added command to list contract headers. (marlowe-cardano)
15:03:22 [ee9ad8f3] SCP-5012 Cleaned up query client peer. (marlowe-cardano)
15:03:22 [284d36c2] SCP-5012 Migrated `marlowe-pipe` from marlowe-lambda repo. (marlowe-cardano)
15:05:30 [621365f2] add module option for nsjail flags (tullia)
15:08:01 [3c1164d7] Use marlowe-sync in integration tests (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [893522a8] Add integration test (WIP) (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [e15974e8] Add zw3rk cache and use trust auth in postgres (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [7017715f] Fix withdrawalTxIn persistence bug (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [27b5797e] Expose marlowe-integration-tests as an app (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [cd0654e0] Reorder substituters (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [d94d8172] Make database cleanup optional (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [f41505bf] Set necessary environment variables in github action (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [3547394a] Fix swapped role token columns in payoutTxOut (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [2d1e64ae] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [b5968c87] Set SQITCH_PASSWORD (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [f0350a8f] Undo local modifications to github actions: (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [05bab5c8] Fix order of columns in marlowe-indexer (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [a4992940] Bundle deps into marlowe-integration-tests script (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:08 [efe8f240] Add withdrawalCreateNotNull migration (marlowe-cardano)
15:08:26 [77d44384] adjust swagger (cardano-wallet)
15:13:17 [d51196b5] temp: commit (dapps-certification)
15:13:37 [bb4980d3] SCP-5012 migrated to new hoisting and running for marlowe query. (marlowe-cardano)
15:17:01 [9dc337b5] Resolve pointer addresses in `incrementalStakeDistr` conditionally (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:17:04 [6594191f] Resolve pointer addresses in `updateStakeDistribution` conditionally (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:17:05 [c3e94bc7] Pass `Constants` as a parameter to `forAllChainTrace` (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:17:05 [0efceaf1] Add `maxMajorPV` to `Constants` and use it to generate protocol version (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:17:05 [cd6b5b44] Pass `Constants` as a parameter to `Presets.getEnv` (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:18:51 [1c7af396] WIP (catalyst-core)
15:20:58 [c7225da1] Set max protocol version in incremental stake tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:21:35 [43a14a1a] Added support for mainnet. (marlowe-cardano)
15:21:42 [1410938c] SCP-4758 Enabled `mainnet` in Marlowe Runtime. (marlowe-cardano)
15:23:10 [d88d30f7] Remove unsed import (hydra)
15:23:17 [8e993ebf] add under the hood things (cardano-wallet)
15:23:39 [d796150d] feat: certification payment (DAC-426) (dapps-certification)
15:24:23 [45493646] Add golden file for plutus PubKeyHash (hydra)
15:25:30 [c475ce74] Resolve pointer addresses in `updateStakeDistribution` conditionally (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:25:35 [2bd910ec] Pass `Constants` as a parameter to `Presets.getEnv` (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:25:36 [110095c5] Pass `Constants` as a parameter to `forAllChainTrace` (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:25:36 [62553935] Set max protocol version in incremental stake tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:25:36 [98df0bea] Add `maxMajorPV` to `Constants` and use it to generate protocol version (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:28:03 [17404482] var (plutus)
15:29:30 [ff6d2d9b] migrate the DB schema to remove old submissions store (cardano-wallet)
15:29:34 [9f497b8c] test new submissions db-schema migration (cardano-wallet)
15:29:34 [9cddf98b] Remove obsolete tests for `LocalTxSubmission` from `StateMachine` (cardano-wallet)
15:33:30 [e5915a45] init plutus-e2e-tests with partially working minting test (plutus-apps)
15:33:33 [7d377529] start building tx with cardano-api convenience functions (plutus-apps)
15:33:33 [7032d9c6] Working SECP256k1 minting (test needs refactoring) (plutus-apps)
15:33:34 [4e2c0dd0] Tests can build tx in any era with AnyCardanoEra (plutus-apps)
15:33:34 [730fd299] e2e test now asserts for expected token value in txOut (plutus-apps)
15:33:34 [3119c8f6] Tests can now use onvenience functions for auto balancing, fees and exunits (plutus-apps)
15:33:34 [f19c3e29] Refactoring e2e tests (plutus-apps)
15:33:34 [6de3c5da] SECP256k1 test can run on different protocol versions (plutus-apps)
15:33:35 [ac0d42ac] Remove 'unsafe' functions for better error feedback (plutus-apps)
15:33:35 [08f094d8] Removed the pattern match in the implementation of buildTx by using the new withIsShelleyBasedEra function (plutus-apps)
15:33:35 [9be45beb] Assert in multiple eras with different script versions (plutus-apps)
15:33:35 [891758b1] Use CardanoEra where possible and different assertions for each PV (plutus-apps)
15:33:35 [7624e47f] Assert for forbidden builtin error when building tx (plutus-apps)
15:33:36 [47f4084b] Change how TxOut are constructed (plutus-apps)
15:33:36 [88b6903a] Added minting with reference script test (plutus-apps)
15:33:36 [b98cadd9] Added script spend with reference script and inline datum test (plutus-apps)
15:35:54 [a288aa06] Add test for spending from script with reference script and providing datum witness in txbody (plutus-apps)
15:36:50 [dca1b675] WIP: untangle and dissolve Conf data type. (cardano-node)
15:40:55 [387c5286] bump: tullia, std, to remove deprecation msg (bitte)
15:42:05 [64b810de] Merge pull request #47 from blockfrost/1000101/pagination_off (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
15:42:21 [e85f6720] Merge pull request #1643 from saratomaz/fix_test_reconnect_dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
15:45:00 [579f9556] Update CHANGELOG (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:47:22 [edd1e69a] Use `display` to show parse errors in `goldPIR`, add change log. (plutus)
15:50:26 [0d6e25d7] Add EraMarkers sign/verify (mithril)
15:51:16 [bd67aab3] Use `display` to show parse errors in `goldPIR`, add change log. (plutus)
15:53:28 [2027a442] chore: refactor (blockfrost-utils)
15:53:53 [02c36310] Merge branch 'main' into zeme-iohk/fix-hydra-link (plutus-apps)
15:55:26 [48b43bde] chore: bump blockfrost-tests fixtures (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
15:55:26 [2fb9c176] fix: cip68v1 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
15:55:26 [84b51d83] chore: bump blockfrost-utils (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
15:55:34 [57ccb757] Add const fun test. (plutus)
15:57:53 [3a46f356] test new submissions db-schema migration (cardano-wallet)
15:57:55 [b86e7024] Prevent leaking orphan instances for `TranslationContext (ShelleyEra c)` (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:57:58 [8e994acb] Remove obsolete tests for `LocalTxSubmission` from `StateMachine` (cardano-wallet)
15:59:08 [cfa4f0fb] WIP (plutus)
16:00:58 [6882b986] re-org moconi/marconi-mamba test folders (plutus-apps)
16:01:11 [90c8135c] Re-org moconi/marconi-mamba test folders (plutus-apps)
16:11:54 [d21379ff] Make script failure in wallet a dedicatd error (hydra-poc)
16:15:58 [6f38e197] Removed unused PostTxError constructor (hydra-poc)
16:18:26 [d1a5b184] aarch64-darwin CI (plutus)
16:25:15 [335a848f] Add test for incremental signing of basic Tx (cardano-node-tests)
16:26:06 [ecf55b5f] update documentation (mithril)
16:29:08 [e384c627] Add letFunInFun test. (plutus)
16:35:38 [d63ba3a6] Test that `SimpleScriptV2` scripts are not supported in Shelley (cardano-node-tests)
16:36:53 [91cbdf6c] SCP-4940: Ignore transactions done by the oracle (marlowe-actus-labs)
16:41:08 [d8cf2afa] Make script failure in wallet a dedicated error (hydra)
16:41:09 [3d3fff64] Removed unused PostTxError constructor (hydra)
16:54:30 [84baa272] Merge pull request #726 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/725-update-cardano-node-1.35.5 (mithril)
16:56:17 [818a3b50] bug fix - FixedTransaction.set_witness_set takes serialized witness set (yoroi-frontend)
16:57:28 [bea7bf5c] deploy: 84baa27269df192b81b9ec73ea91778a6df94594 (mithril)
16:57:51 [00249606] Merge pull request #1645 from input-output-hk/test_shelley_scriptv2 (cardano-node-tests)
16:58:01 [629b24a0] Merge pull request #1644 from input-output-hk/tx_incremental_signing (cardano-node-tests)
16:59:11 [57c22866] WIP (catalyst-core)
17:02:08 [b7f14518] Add new signer in 'testing-preview' (mithril)
17:04:04 [d846cda2] move syncing to wallet (yoroi-mobile)
17:05:35 [d81fc7eb] Regenerate golden file with new PostTxError type (hydra)
17:05:37 [02ecec6a] Merge pull request #201 from input-output-hk/nixpkgs-2211 (bitte)
17:13:02 [2ff1b3a4] unsafe code grouped in functions (mithril)
17:19:02 [947c36fa] context created (musig2_rust)
17:19:48 [4e95f697] Update README.md (musig2_rust)
17:20:27 [aa222e93] Separate contesters checks into separate validation steps as defined in spec (hydra-poc)
17:22:36 [dad49573] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
17:22:36 [00c9cbc3] Shuffle things around and add value preservation test for contest tx (hydra-poc)
17:22:36 [a82b94a8] Remove addChangeOutput (hydra-poc)
17:22:36 [622db1c0] Remove headOutputValue (hydra-poc)
17:22:36 [d326a416] Add failing mutation and start a validator fix (hydra-poc)
17:30:44 [5d935cb3] Add show Cardano version in pool tools (mithril)
17:31:06 [1aa8fc40] bump: bitte pin to master with nixpkgs-2211 merged (bitte-world)
17:42:13 [c68e4829] Add const fun test. (plutus)
17:42:23 [5db1947e] Add id fully applied test. (plutus)
17:42:23 [5db6a9f6] Add test of a let that is an application. Needs more investigation on this one. (plutus)
17:42:23 [5a58e1ff] Add letFunInFun test. (plutus)
17:42:23 [d91cb336] Add over-application test. (plutus)
17:43:09 [68775e38] Re-org moconi/marconi-mamba test folders (plutus-apps)
17:43:43 [3c8cd07d] Merge pull request #39 from blockfrost/fix/cip68-files (blockfrost-utils)
17:52:35 [77f872e3] fix gitignore (cardano-serialization-lib)
17:53:18 [8f99bc28] add logging, cleanup (yoroi-mobile)
17:57:23 [80063e55] add template projects (cardano-serialization-lib)
17:59:21 [7db9dc61] revert added Cargo.lock (cardano-serialization-lib)
18:00:42 [8c10376c] Set --prune-utxo flag to kupo (cardano-transaction-lib)
18:02:08 [631769b9] Add tests to spec. (plutus)
18:04:31 [b00b72fd] Add tests to spec. (plutus)
18:09:56 [a18a7d9e] feat: release action (blockfrost-utils)
18:11:19 [e85d0391] updated CCCC metadata (cardano-token-registry)
18:12:40 [1af2bfc0] Merge pull request #1268 from Plutonomicon/dshuiski/1131-multi-asset-coin-selection (cardano-browser-tx)
18:14:44 [9372ddb9] Deploying to gh-pages from @ Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib@1af2bfc0b87b75506235a10b684c1a5a4b94583a 🚀 (cardano-browser-tx)
18:15:25 [fa208b41] Merge branch 'master' into patch-13 (plutarch)
18:15:26 [28b82647] Merge pull request #1428 from Plutonomicon/klntsky/kupo-set-prune-utxo (cardano-browser-tx)
18:16:41 [a2d23381] Merge pull request #40 from blockfrost/release-action (blockfrost-utils)
18:16:56 [d681efc6] Bump cachix/install-nix-action from 18 to 19 (ouroboros-network)
18:19:30 [dea6b8b5] fix: changelog (blockfrost-utils)
18:21:38 [449ea5f5] fix: typo (blockfrost-utils)
18:22:07 [717abc5d] Merge pull request #41 from blockfrost/release-action (blockfrost-utils)
18:28:44 [2df65a62] fix: changelog (blockfrost-utils)
18:31:06 [0a5d239c] Merge pull request #42 from blockfrost/release-action (blockfrost-utils)
18:31:45 [a7d0246c] Simplify letApp by hand. (plutus)
18:31:54 [d632065c] chore: release v2.3.1 (blockfrost-utils)
18:37:59 [21c32f20] add integration test for utxo statistics - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
18:43:33 [eb73a8a2] Add 'QueryStore' for 'TxWalletsHistory' (cardano-wallet)
18:43:39 [62c76514] Update Blockfrost docs. (cardano-browser-tx)
18:44:57 [3307afd9] New release: cardano-signer 1.13.0 (cardano-signer)
18:47:28 [582fd6a7] New release: cardano-signer 1.13.0 (cardano-signer)
18:48:32 [88b34b9e] peerreview.money (developer-portal)
18:48:39 [a6822db0] New release: cardano-signer 1.13.0 (cardano-signer)
18:49:53 [cd8f105f] PLT-1317-restructure-marconi-and-rewindable-index (plutus-apps)
18:53:18 [0f5de294] Replace `TallyState` and `PPUPState` with `GovernanceState`: (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:53:37 [85f2851d] Address comments (plutus)
18:59:51 [3c1a72a4] add integration test for utxo statistics - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
19:05:30 [0e9bc695] add integration test for utxo statistics - part 3 (cardano-wallet)
19:07:21 [7c6f6dd8] * Rename `marconi` to `marconi-chain-index` (plutus-apps)
19:12:49 [4481aa92] SCP-4817 Guard against invalid-hereafter prior to invalid-before. (marlowe-cardano)
19:14:01 [8e9cb35b] WIP (cardano-node)
19:15:07 [a8890541] Factor out standard contract and common integration test code (marlowe-cardano)
19:21:23 [b630fec6] tx infos refactor (yoroi-mobile)
19:24:41 [807ef721] memos ui (yoroi-mobile)
19:25:29 [1ae6ef5a] tx infos refactor (yoroi-mobile)
19:27:02 [829332b9] Merge pull request #680 from input-output-hk/task/contest_only_once (hydra)
19:28:27 [e50a2f2b] updating txdetails (yoroi-mobile)
19:31:16 [cde74723] updating txdetails 2 (yoroi-mobile)
19:31:32 [21ac6ced] PLT-1317-restructure-marconi-and-rewindable-index (plutus-apps)
19:34:03 [c3a2b49b] Add failing mutation and start a validator fix (hydra)
19:34:44 [0d05128d] Shuffle things around and add value preservation test for contest tx (hydra)
19:34:54 [cb3d70fc] Update changelog (hydra)
19:34:56 [fdf62421] Remove headOutputValue (hydra)
19:34:56 [04c31697] Remove addChangeOutput (hydra)
19:43:21 [2377245a] feat: allow verify functions to build for wasm (aiken)
19:47:33 [4b76bf80] deploy: 829332b90b6c59e6a6eb3a6ea9791c3a59abb108 (hydra-poc)
19:47:41 [b8660bb8] * Changed module names of marconi-chain-index from `rewindable-index` to `marconi-core` (plutus-apps)
19:50:56 [dc01338d] Merge branch 'feature/YOMO-309-memo-storage' into feature/YOMO-309-memo-ui (yoroi-mobile)
19:57:27 [2e23df01] Fix max allowed size of fanout tx during chain state spec (hydra-poc)
19:58:04 [5cc3e406] PLT-1317-restructure-marconi-and-rewindable-index (plutus-apps)
19:59:58 [41ece60e] chore: rename feature flag to native-secp256k1 (aiken)
20:28:02 [2bc9a561] tx-gen: more debug output (cardano-node)
20:39:04 [e7a76b1d] Replace `TallyState` and `PPUPState` with `GovernanceState`: (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:39:58 [88ae758f] Address a comment and add another test case (plutus)
20:43:53 [a928f5f9] Introduce root module for Integration tests (marlowe-cardano)
21:00:21 [b746ca8b] Replace `TallyState` and `PPUPState` with `GovernanceState`: (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:40:11 [fcc07e8d] Create dart.yaml actions (blockfrost-dart)
21:42:55 [c2a0365d] test actions added (blockfrost-dart)
21:47:12 [3ceb5863] test actions added 2 (blockfrost-dart)
21:47:51 [5fd51b16] chore: CR updates (yoroi-mobile)
21:50:45 [9d5de0fa] Add intersection scenario tests (marlowe-cardano)
21:56:02 [b0f5f28d] Small cleanup cek/internal, debug/internal (#5106) (plutus)
21:56:04 [ffcd0290] chore: deleted images (yoroi-mobile)
22:04:38 [046eb360] chore(bump): openapi and blockfrost-utils to latest (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
22:20:09 [f378c33b] Update projects.json (webartifacts)
22:26:08 [d119f185] Update projects.json (#165) (webartifacts)
22:41:02 [ac405a97] Merge pull request #3279 from input-output-hk/lehins/splify-tally-and-ppup (cardano-ledger)
22:49:44 [fce94acb] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for ac405a977557a7c58ce1cf69d3c2a0bf148cf19f (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:51:50 [0d14e1e1] chore(bump): blockfrost-tests to latest (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
23:05:05 [05b363a9] send context memo action bugfix (yoroi-mobile)
23:05:14 [7acde7e6] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 70 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:14 [80fbff98] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 82 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:15 [3bbcb56f] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 104 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:15 [9ad61d5f] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 275 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:16 [c9bafdb7] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 399 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:16 [a7f0b10c] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 587 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:17 [37d4f906] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 133 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:17 [907fb353] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 69 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:42 [7f6d7064] feat(input-selection)!: input selection now requieres 'execution unit prices' (cardano-js-sdk)
23:25:29 [d67d1b27] Merge pull request #78 from blockfrost/fix/cip68v1 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
23:26:07 [fdbaca96] Fix incorect constraint and cleanup Transaction translation a little (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:26:47 [206d087c] feat!: new tx contruction package added (cardano-js-sdk)
23:27:20 [c9052842] release: 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
23:28:53 [5c33f933] save memo refactor (yoroi-mobile)
23:33:10 [9d18715b] save memo refactor 2 (yoroi-mobile)
23:35:18 [a1eef97c] Add a comment (plutus)
23:49:19 [35d1e80a] SCP-4817 Unit test for generated validity intervals in apply. (marlowe-cardano)
23:55:27 [14353600] Merge pull request #79 from blockfrost/release (blockfrost-backend-ryo)