Home / Reports / Feb 8, 2023

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

691 commits had been pushed across 60 repos by 106 authors. There were 1,322,332 additions and 120,484 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:10:21 [3c81c38b] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:12:15 [e6221365] fix: nft utxos sent correct transaction when processing consumed inputs (scrolls)
00:14:26 [18b3d004] Impelement a more conservative approach (plutus)
00:14:29 [dc798252] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into zliu41/floatin (plutus)
00:17:37 [11b907b4] fix(utxosbyasset): Use correct tx / idx when processing consumed inputs (#128) (scrolls)
00:18:30 [27124802] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (uptime)
00:21:02 [a0aa98d6] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
00:21:51 [a581de57] Merge branch 'main' into testdrive (scrolls)
00:22:57 [de0be32f] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
00:28:50 [f4a8c5b8] SCP-5012 Updated materialization. (marlowe-cardano)
00:28:50 [dd3baf39] SCP-5012 migrated to new hoisting and running for marlowe query. (marlowe-cardano)
00:28:50 [be19e6e7] SCP-5012 Removed commmands related to following contracts. (marlowe-cardano)
00:28:50 [e5acc8c7] SCP-5012 Removed unused chain-sync query client. (marlowe-cardano)
00:28:50 [b7950dc0] SCP-5012 Cleaned up query client peer. (marlowe-cardano)
00:28:50 [ecebfe14] SCP-5012 Implemented query for getting contract headers. (marlowe-cardano)
00:28:50 [8e16dc2a] SCP-5012 Migrated `marlowe-pipe` from marlowe-lambda repo. (marlowe-cardano)
00:28:50 [4ec265d2] SCP-5012 Updated documentation for executable apps. (marlowe-cardano)
00:28:50 [dd256658] SCP-5012 Added command to list contract headers. (marlowe-cardano)
00:28:50 [dd7cbd5b] SCP-5012 Options alignment and fixes for reviewer comments. (marlowe-cardano)
00:34:31 [61affbed] implement basic pythonic logger; split up logic some more (catalyst-core)
00:38:22 [18de2139] fix: Use refs for hash (scrolls)
00:42:25 [50c6dbe5] add some development.md docs (catalyst-core)
00:45:55 [9a0747aa] Restrict to x86_64 linux and darwin (plutus-starter)
00:51:09 [47219367] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:53:50 [a1a85698] SCP-5044 Migrated `marlowe-pipe` from `marlowe-lambda` repo. (marlowe-cardano)
00:58:03 [fddd6aaf] imp: allow package imports from flake (cardano-ops)
01:05:27 [b3d2860e] imp: adds rosetta, graphql-engine, cardano-graphql, explorer-app, ops pkgs (cardano-world)
01:05:57 [078b626c] add cnft api (pricing-service)
01:25:08 [1fe96d68] Merge pull request #137 from dcSpark/lib-name-and-scoping (cddl-codegen)
01:31:34 [b2ecd891] deploy: 50c6dbe57fee9cfd66ba75156fe5f60224b5abce (catalyst-core)
01:33:29 [09c5a461] deploy: 985cf8eb37745278db4da6d3a21f32af4f15221f (catalyst-core)
01:33:33 [cae3ffa9] Fix for tx_info plutus contract for types other than spend (#163) (koios-artifacts)
01:41:20 [a5fa8592] Danketsu Token (cardano-token-registry)
01:41:56 [b2a17b63] test: ignore (yoroi-mobile)
01:48:12 [41f05c80] SQUASH: proper cleanup of Nomad agents (cardano-node)
01:53:08 [64de76b2] add rust nightly and cargo-depgraph (catalyst-gh-mdbook-doc)
01:55:18 [f23c52a2] SCP-4980 Documented stress testing for Marlowe Runtime. (marlowe-cardano)
02:04:58 [0d3dea73] fix targetPrefix in cabal-pkg-config (#1838) (haskell.nix)
02:17:23 [b6076957] Add new acceptance test scenario: 053 (aiken)
02:17:23 [084c4666] Add new acceptance test scenario: 052 (aiken)
02:17:23 [502b275c] fix: Various fixes for FieldsExpose, ListAccessor, TupleAccessor (aiken)
02:28:19 [afd14cf7] add JormConfig class, cleanup a little, add docs (catalyst-core)
02:45:06 [64d235a8] fix path (mesh)
02:53:52 [0644e596] added nft price api (pricing-service)
03:27:15 [58dccb0b] added more tests (pricing-service)
03:30:14 [0a6cfcd5] format python code (catalyst-core)
03:37:33 [d7d7fc5b] add more tests (pricing-service)
04:15:50 [6f7f004c] Merge #4857 (cardano-node)
04:18:37 [1753236b] network containers and add prometheus service to docker-compose (catalyst-core)
04:30:16 [b3b0e88a] deploy: 1753236bba058123d20646e0c8c29a37d754523a (catalyst-core)
04:47:51 [07d3587d] Merge pull request #1352 from input-output-hk/erikd/offline-fetch-errors (cardano-db-sync)
04:48:26 [03f165c4] Fix queryPoolFetchRetry (cardano-db-sync)
04:48:31 [dbaab61c] Add missing schema migration file (cardano-db-sync)
04:53:16 [660422e5] add logo and ticker to a04ce7a52545e5e33c2867e148898d9e667a69602285f6a1298f9d68 (cardano-token-registry)
04:54:15 [f34d34aa] Deploy haddock to github pages (plutus)
04:54:20 [456c09da] Merge branch 'cardano-foundation:master' into master (cardano-token-registry)
05:00:18 [95506682] remove comma (cardano-token-registry)
05:30:39 [37cffcc5] Multi-file json-gen schema work + less imports (cddl-codegen)
05:33:27 [fe3605c2] Implement queryStateForBalancedTx with monadic queries without oops (cardano-node)
05:47:11 [4e88c067] Better english. (plutus-apps)
05:47:19 [09156278] wip (plutus)
05:48:23 [9e4a2fb5] Handle readEnvSocketPath with onLeft (cardano-node)
05:48:24 [2c41f5ce] Prefer forM over case match over Maybe (cardano-node)
05:48:24 [f33da9cb] Handle writeTxFileTextEnvelopeCddl with onLeft (cardano-node)
05:48:24 [199ca984] Handle readFileTx with onLeft (cardano-node)
05:48:24 [cf33207c] Handle determineEra with onLeft (cardano-node)
05:54:42 [86253305] Fix queryPoolFetchRetry (cardano-db-sync)
05:56:22 [38c0f1c3] Restore shell tools (plutus-starter)
05:56:52 [fee7149d] workbench: Nomad exec task driver (WIP) (cardano-node)
05:56:58 [a5164a0e] Add missing schema migration file (cardano-db-sync)
05:57:09 [78306baf] WIP (cardano-node)
05:57:09 [dc63f580] SQUASH: proper cleanup of Nomad agents (cardano-node)
05:57:09 [177b9cec] SQUASH: started cleaning (cardano-node)
06:19:31 [041a1276] fix rust nightly install (catalyst-gh-tools)
06:20:25 [a6a7ef0c] Better english. (plutus-apps)
06:29:54 [a67df705] Straight line style for runTxBuildCmd (cardano-node)
06:32:23 [09c5c210] Handle eraCast errors with onLeft (cardano-node)
06:32:24 [dd497b98] Handle anyAddressInEra with onLeft (cardano-node)
06:33:01 [0e26a829] Simplified and straight line code using onLeft and onNothing functions. (cardano-node)
06:36:05 [f0571e9b] Fix hlint warnings (cardano-node)
06:47:12 [8f2b3850] Merge pull request #3108 from Emurgo/ruslan/wasm-scope-fixing (yoroi-frontend)
07:08:04 [b82a0c90] Create pillaging.mdx (milkomeda-documentation)
07:27:46 [37cdc046] Merge pull request #95 from piotr-iohk/support-for-utxo-endpoints-shared-wallets (ikar)
07:28:39 [654d005f] Bump rack from 2.2.4 to (ikar)
07:29:15 [a105a719] Create dead-shares.mdx (milkomeda-documentation)
07:37:54 [478135e7] all nebula tests pass. Had one more fix on listaccessor to finish (aiken)
08:12:05 [e690e3d9] Create stakedmilkada.mdx (milkomeda-documentation)
08:13:38 [03ee1633] Merge #4815 (cardano-node)
08:13:41 [7e1ed4a3] Remove OS-dependent code and simplify dependencies (ouroboros-network)
08:25:33 [efd2e518] ignore new tracing for tx-gen 2.2 (cardano-node)
08:29:59 [46668be9] Markdown links CI check (cardano-node)
08:30:29 [dea502b1] Date ranges (cardano-node)
08:30:29 [626dd4e4] Remove appendix from license (cardano-node)
08:30:29 [e9f3f4d7] Fix indent in NOTICE files (cardano-node)
08:31:00 [240f3fd5] test: switch to network agnostic tests (cardano-graphql)
08:42:33 [1daea7c2] Minor refactor (plutus-apps)
08:43:13 [db783ff9] Add module Marconi.Index.Common for common instances (plutus-apps)
08:43:42 [ec17efca] fix: unwrap used in a reachable place. Replaced with alternative option (aiken)
08:45:19 [f58e721c] Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
08:46:37 [65016f37] Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
08:46:39 [d6f677ae] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
08:46:39 [5804882d] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
08:46:39 [bfb20ffd] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
08:46:39 [71ec420d] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
08:46:39 [067bdbb7] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
08:46:39 [69b2b0f7] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
08:46:39 [6df16b89] Add changelog entry and module documentation (plutus-apps)
08:51:50 [dc77b0a1] Bump closure size limit to 540 (haskell.nix)
08:52:43 [2f5cd6cf] Add GH workflow descriptors for publishing site (ouroboros-consensus)
08:52:50 [195c2f1f] clippy fix (aiken)
08:55:56 [bac1a3a3] Use yarn for building site (ouroboros-consensus)
09:00:42 [374dec72] test name number fix (aiken)
09:04:01 [a6b5d77f] Apply review comments (mithril)
09:04:01 [0d038ace] Bump 'mithril-common' crate version (mithril)
09:08:18 [1e409654] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [efb8e491] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [50f2be3a] Fix rewind bug (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [20d5fe9f] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [58cc540d] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [bac82471] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [9cdc9533] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [eef760b0] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [8bcd3ccd] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [de0a1fba] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [892ac004] Fix possible bug in filterWithQueryInterval (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [e60a7653] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [8e91afc9] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [27f154b5] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [b199ab49] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
09:08:32 [640eb0a8] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
09:09:58 [be5ad2dd] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
09:11:47 [c14df99c] Fix the parser and add tests for mainnet string (hydra)
09:15:46 [8e69dec7] Use WasmScope for createDelegationTx (yoroi-frontend)
09:15:48 [88931366] Remove boilerplate files (ouroboros-consensus)
09:19:07 [598ecc22] Move renderScriptExecutionError into where clause (hydra)
09:25:32 [cee437a7] Updated sha256map in __std__ (plutus-apps)
09:29:58 [626f80aa] Workaround for cardano node (plutus-apps)
09:29:58 [189b1e6c] Add ghc-shell-for-packages to hydraJobs.nix (plutus-apps)
09:29:58 [638e6bdd] try and fix cardano-node (plutus-apps)
09:35:00 [243ae829] Merge pull request #595 from input-output-hk/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/http-cache-semantics-4.1.1 (cardano-js-sdk)
09:36:26 [0fd13643] Fixed schnorr and limiting it to 32 bytes messages for now (aiken)
09:36:26 [b1d37e16] Update from 195d0d55393548ba518a33c655f9cb1958840e52 (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:39:35 [9c97499a] Merge pull request #160 from saratomaz/add_required_signers_on_tx (cardano-clusterlib-py)
09:41:36 [b05fbc77] Add conversion Praos to PraosBatchCompat (#344) (cardano-base)
09:42:19 [86cfc89d] Merge branch 'master' into iquerejeta/update-nix (cardano-base)
09:43:42 [787b7b59] Added ouroboros-consensus-diffusion- (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:43:46 [96f8a0e9] update image (cardano-token-registry)
09:45:46 [0d717a15] Remove old submissions code, putLocalTxSubmission_ (cardano-wallet)
09:46:02 [142d0606] Maybe fixed (plutus-apps)
09:47:03 [24c90ae4] Add cardano node and cli locations to env vars (plutus-apps)
09:47:24 [7591c873] Rename ===! to === (hydra-poc)
09:51:11 [5275210f] WIP (plutus-apps)
09:53:36 [dee74d57] Merge pull request #31 from blockfrost/srk/ciAll (blockfrost-python)
09:56:04 [222f2879] Merge pull request #32 from blockfrost/srk/fixAddrTest (blockfrost-python)
09:59:57 [a4f5a8eb] Fix benchamark.yml workflow_dispatch (plutus)
10:00:12 [1959c934] Update ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
10:00:36 [567ee0ed] fix special chars on pool name (adapools-yoroi-frontend)
10:01:37 [99346073] hasSt should lookup data in the map (hydra-poc)
10:01:49 [1eeed382] Re-submit Tx even if it is still in mempool (cardano-clusterlib-py)
10:02:05 [06783ec2] added support for script_datum_cbor. (blockfrost-python)
10:02:11 [99e2ef47] Fix line split in CI workflow file (ouroboros-network)
10:05:34 [ec3af62a] Merge pull request #33 from blockfrost/srk/scriptDatumCBOR (blockfrost-python)
10:06:37 [77e57908] Tackle a FIXME in v_commit to not hardcode the network (hydra-poc)
10:07:04 [e270e638] Release 0.5.3 (blockfrost-python)
10:10:25 [a87b1112] Merge pull request #161 from input-output-hk/resubmit_even_on_error (cardano-clusterlib-py)
10:10:57 [f2161cb7] Changes to Peer Selection Governor (ouroboros-network)
10:10:57 [6e2f46ce] Changes to Peer Selection Governor (ouroboros-network)
10:10:57 [3ff21fba] Change all 'gossip' words to 'Peer Share' (ouroboros-network)
10:10:57 [61c47cb9] Changes to Known Peers (ouroboros-network)
10:11:02 [6403bbfc] Merge pull request #34 from blockfrost/srk/bumpVersion (blockfrost-python)
10:12:38 [d63fdedc] Changes to Handshake (ouroboros-network)
10:12:40 [2a860bfa] Propagate Hanshake changes to PeerSelection Gov (ouroboros-network)
10:12:40 [74e2e80f] Peer Sharing - MiniProtocol (ouroboros-network)
10:12:41 [d1e41b29] Network Design - Renamed Gossip to Peer Sharing (ouroboros-network)
10:12:41 [4af901cd] Consensus address type variable changes (ouroboros-network)
10:12:41 [e8fa78d6] Style (ouroboros-network)
10:12:41 [4b5a9d5a] Fix for ghc 925 (ouroboros-network)
10:12:41 [e7f7a032] Peer Sharing protocol integration (ouroboros-network)
10:12:41 [b5921567] Added Peer Sharing MiniProtocol to network-spec (ouroboros-network)
10:15:05 [d85d4cf4] fixed missing flow, renamed components, remove unused files and vars (yoroi-frontend)
10:15:12 [8d9368ad] Introduce new parser for networkId in the tui package (hydra-poc)
10:15:23 [106c3542] Merge branch 'pat/dapp-connector-txsigning-redesign' of github.com:Emurgo/yoroi-frontend into pat/dapp-connector-txsigning-redesign (yoroi-frontend)
10:18:25 [648287d8] hasSt should lookup data in the map (hydra)
10:21:42 [762c1825] Apply review comments (mithril)
10:22:06 [3ec88ac8] Bump 'mithril-common' crate version (mithril)
10:24:54 [78196a3d] add helper function for new 'query pool-state' command (cardano-clusterlib-py)
10:26:24 [471497e4] Add wallet state delta to handle submissions deltas (cardano-wallet)
10:28:46 [3fce2366] Merge branch 'main' into NPG-1368-drepp-incentives (catalyst-core)
10:29:01 [0a069c35] ADD explicit error expectations for CollectCom (hydra)
10:31:43 [4da16546] Remove unused TxCost networkId (hydra)
10:31:58 [2cd65e62] Introduce HYDRAW_NETWORK and parse network id in hydraw (hydra)
10:34:24 [4d613884] Reorganize mempool modules (ouroboros-network)
10:37:19 [6f3b49d7] Refactor ControlChannel (ouroboros-network)
10:37:23 [71d96033] Added Light Peer Sharing (ouroboros-network)
10:37:24 [90796a16] Filter ourselves from the PeerSharing result set (ouroboros-network)
10:37:24 [43dd74a6] Added test to check no self connects (ouroboros-network)
10:37:39 [9697f84e] Merge #4345 (ouroboros-network)
10:38:42 [817bea62] Merge pull request #708 from input-output-hk/dependabot/github_actions/cachix/install-nix-action-19 (hydra-poc)
10:39:02 [9a2d9bd4] deploy: 3fce2366338228ea18650d442b99e37a61fdf9a1 (catalyst-core)
10:39:04 [c749ae92] Introduce the BackingStore and the TVar implementation (ouroboros-network)
10:39:04 [f45d676a] Introduce `HasLedgerTables` and all their operations (ouroboros-network)
10:39:04 [b480158b] Introduce general-purpose combinators (ouroboros-network)
10:39:04 [bbb78982] Introduce the DbChangelog and ReadsKeySets (ouroboros-network)
10:39:05 [b9704de4] Minor adjustements to the types in several places to use the MKs (ouroboros-network)
10:39:05 [b06b57fa] Introduce the MKs to the ChainDB (ouroboros-network)
10:39:05 [0e751407] Use MKs in Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger (ouroboros-network)
10:39:36 [3a0c7586] Update FXD (cardano-token-registry)
10:39:42 [a9bdf718] update cardano serialization llibrary (mesh)
10:39:47 [21246a53] Translate the ledger tables in the HFC (ouroboros-network)
10:39:47 [e224c011] Use MKs on the HFC (ouroboros-network)
10:39:47 [5a8b3cad] Use the MKs in the LedgerDB (ouroboros-network)
10:39:47 [785e62a3] Use MKs in Ledger.Dual (ouroboros-network)
10:39:47 [0cf3d802] Use MKs in the Mempool (ouroboros-network)
10:39:48 [391575ac] Use MKs in Ledger.Query (ouroboros-network)
10:40:28 [1fea821b] deploy: 4906faae18014e763fae18c850120ecc0c849c41 (catalyst-core)
10:44:07 [7e1a41f9] Merge pull request #721 from input-output-hk/ensemble/710-era-reader-on-chain (mithril)
10:48:41 [9909f414] fixup! feat(core): adds support for cip-0025 version 2 (cardano-js-sdk)
10:52:13 [eee0c523] deploy: 7e1a41f9cf82beb0e73e870713518119f8cac20a (mithril)
10:52:33 [a8e7473b] [Test] [Builtin] Add 'ForallFortyTwo' (#5116) (plutus)
10:53:19 [a860de5e] Merge pull request #591 from Emurgo/denis/angular-templates-prettifying (cardano-serialization-lib)
10:53:31 [85d8bb96] Update FXD image (cardano-token-registry)
10:54:56 [496f3ecf] Updates the title on the main README (plutus-pioneer-program)
11:00:18 [895d5256] Attempt to fix ci failures (plutus-apps)
11:02:19 [d23c39be] deploy: 817bea626aff17bc4c8e6def33f76dcf66e73f35 (hydra-poc)
11:02:41 [6972eab0] Fix the game example (plutus-starter)
11:05:55 [27b9901f] Add concrete steps for cutting a release (ouroboros-network)
11:05:56 [266ee8fa] Remove pab executable at the moment (plutus-starter)
11:07:47 [687d4107] plutus end-to-end tests using cardano-testnet (#887) (plutus-apps)
11:08:03 [70f836d8] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 687d4107c7faf8c356d3ca748dba915e4afe20fa (plutus-ops)
11:09:39 [90b268d5] Add synthetic events. (plutus-apps)
11:09:43 [4ce0070c] Add the checkpoint function. (plutus-apps)
11:09:44 [59b252e9] Better english. (plutus-apps)
11:10:48 [7bb03fa2] Update testing results (cardano-node-tests)
11:16:38 [31dafcb4] Raduom/datum ticks (#930) (plutus-apps)
11:16:57 [3e366ad0] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 31dafcb4ab8abfa45cb2a77e26cfdff599e42800 (plutus-ops)
11:17:03 [3b78deb8] nix: minimaly filter projetBase for tests to avoid rebuilds (cardano-node)
11:21:22 [2d2a2e58] Add nix-shell to hydraJobs.nix (plutus-apps)
11:22:16 [b615e795] WIP (plutus-apps)
11:23:24 [c8862fe0] Merge #4815 (cardano-node)
11:24:18 [7c51e61d] fixup! feat(cardano-services): changes the way tx metadatum are read from db, from json to raw bytes (cardano-js-sdk)
11:26:32 [17842575] Add submit-api sanity testing status (cardano-node-tests)
11:27:01 [aaa413eb] WIP (plutus-apps)
11:27:22 [dfb8ed71] tullia jobs: use generic gitrev for PRs (cardano-node)
11:27:25 [c37f6b45] Merge pull request #709 from input-output-hk/fix-plutus-map-equality-check (hydra-poc)
11:28:59 [8ef33a46] Update hydraw readme (hydra-poc)
11:32:30 [11348f19] Remove usage of nixWrapped. (cardano-node)
11:32:47 [75dfd530] Merge pull request #4855 from input-output-hk/jordan/remove-cli-node-dependency (cardano-node)
11:34:08 [f559a66c] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:34:51 [df287b43] Fix broken tests (cardano-node-tests)
11:36:14 [ec26263c] update flake (plutus-apps)
11:37:24 [26a411c9] Implement createShelleyGenesisInitialTxIn in cardano-testnet (cardano-node)
11:37:24 [a4d51dc9] Implement createByronUpdateProposalVote (cardano-node)
11:37:24 [51b23608] Review fixes (cardano-node)
11:37:24 [5cf5af18] Create Testnet.Commands.Governance (cardano-node)
11:37:24 [323d4107] Create Testnet.Options module (cardano-node)
11:40:48 [c35d5982] Update nix sources (#367) (cardano-base)
11:41:06 [8cb14592] WHAT (plutus-apps)
11:46:26 [5bf025db] deploy: c37f6b45fd6d181fc993a3334125bebe9ddbf970 (hydra)
11:46:27 [fc049095] Introduce new parser that can also parse mainnet network (hydra)
11:46:27 [49340a7f] Fix the parser and add tests for mainnet string (hydra)
11:47:08 [ba43a340] Tackle a FIXME in v_commit to not hardcode the network (hydra)
11:47:11 [7f4b1d57] Introduce new parser for networkId in the tui package (hydra)
11:47:11 [94be0509] Remove unused TxCost networkId (hydra)
11:47:12 [63d3bbc5] Cosmetic refactor (hydra)
11:47:12 [42cc7fb0] Update hydraw readme (hydra)
11:47:12 [84d9e342] Introduce HYDRAW_NETWORK and parse network id in hydraw (hydra)
11:47:22 [c635adf0] Add Consensus team update for work carried out from 2023-01-25 to 2023-02-08 (cardano-updates)
11:47:26 [5dcd48ab] Add missing colon (cardano-node-tests)
11:47:43 [dbe2a766] Adds new repo structure (plutus-pioneer-program)
11:48:53 [9449901c] Catch up to old nix (plutus-apps)
11:51:44 [0b6f6bf8] Format all cabal files (cardano-ledger)
11:52:23 [c648b59d] Add `cabal format` to CI (cardano-ledger)
11:52:41 [c73aecab] Fix cardano-cli.cabal and re-enable -Werror in cardano-node (cardano-node)
11:54:52 [3d19885a] Cosmetic refactor (hydra-poc)
11:56:17 [77b87f32] Restructure and re-organize Marconi modules (plutus-apps)
11:56:18 [6136b110] deploy: c8862fe0501029d1b3b5469e4bfd6f975aa97256 (cardano-node)
11:56:30 [9e1312e0] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
11:57:33 [94510e57] Add `cabal format` to CI (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:58:08 [1e791346] Untidy allegra cabal (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:00:45 [6f323603] Rename chain-related test modules in `Shelley.Rules` (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:01:40 [e9b83e70] Untidy a haskell file (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:02:50 [143b5518] Add CI check for consistency on the Consensus changelog management (ouroboros-network)
12:06:05 [af8fccfa] Add `Enc`/`DecCBOR` instances for all Byron types (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:09:17 [cd48a5be] Try with Github Token (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:12:29 [b002507d] Split `TestChain` properties in separate modules (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:12:37 [5f0642a1] Rename and improve functions in `IncrementalStake` tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:12:38 [1d9cfd60] Pass `Constants` as a parameter to `forAllChainTrace` (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:12:38 [fed7be0b] Resolve pointer addresses in `incrementalStakeDistr` conditionally (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:12:38 [cba43cac] Update Environment of ShelleySNAP rule with access to PParams (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:12:38 [aaa0b143] Resolve pointer addresses in `updateStakeDistribution` conditionally (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:12:38 [21e323c0] Pass `Constants` as a parameter to `Presets.getEnv` (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:12:39 [9fed08f5] Add `maxMajorPV` to `Constants` and use it to generate protocol version (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:12:39 [c2f5bd1a] Set max protocol version in incremental stake tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:12:39 [aa90d79d] Update CHANGELOG (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:14:11 [0e6638b8] WIP (plutus-apps)
12:14:26 [3012a0b4] Fix constructor tag range (aiken)
12:17:56 [96efbaad] Introduce `HasLedgerTables` and all their operations (ouroboros-network)
12:18:07 [de70a9c2] Introduce the BackingStore and the TVar implementation (ouroboros-network)
12:18:08 [e5d90d97] Introduce the MKs to the ChainDB (ouroboros-network)
12:18:08 [bfd032d5] Introduce the DbChangelog and ReadsKeySets (ouroboros-network)
12:18:08 [fa27610a] Minor adjustements to the types in several places to use the MKs (ouroboros-network)
12:18:08 [2667cf45] Use MKs in Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger (ouroboros-network)
12:18:21 [f998b5b7] Fix (plutus-apps)
12:26:27 [e0140543] Revert "Merge pull request #4855 from input-output-hk/jordan/remove-cli-node-dependency" (cardano-node)
12:26:50 [b0be1091] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
12:26:51 [a4deee5d] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
12:30:55 [b1519fad] Merge pull request #1648 from input-output-hk/shelley_auxiliary_script (cardano-node-tests)
12:32:08 [9d49a993] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
12:32:08 [a63bb747] Remove ls add and rm commands from cli (marlowe-cardano)
12:32:08 [8efb811a] Update documentation (marlowe-cardano)
12:33:16 [7ee1baa4] WIP (plutus-apps)
12:33:36 [bd9f1936] Translate the ledger tables in the HFC (ouroboros-network)
12:33:36 [2ebe8ff0] Use MKs on the HFC (ouroboros-network)
12:33:36 [5face653] Use the MKs in the LedgerDB (ouroboros-network)
12:33:36 [08e228db] Use MKs in Ledger.Dual (ouroboros-network)
12:33:36 [a1ac8cd0] Use MKs in the Mempool (ouroboros-network)
12:33:37 [dc94d30d] Use MKs in Ledger.Query (ouroboros-network)
12:37:23 [4cfe1f1a] Trigger rebuild (plutus-apps)
12:45:03 [16b70f73] Fix build (plutus-apps)
12:45:53 [1de2d3dd] working: more lambda lifting (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
12:46:28 [9e4a67ef] Format all cabal files, add to CI (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:46:55 [97c13391] Update marlowe-runtime/config/Language/Marlowe/Runtime/CLI/Option.hs (marlowe-cardano)
12:47:12 [8348ee21] Update marlowe-apps/Scaling.md (marlowe-cardano)
12:47:20 [553d25f2] Update marlowe-apps/Oracle.md (marlowe-cardano)
12:47:32 [b763df67] Update marlowe-apps/Finder.md (marlowe-cardano)
12:51:49 [9f205061] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@4181bce67665054c949e187df3c95e64a9697106 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
12:53:04 [87c169e2] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@55a7c7fb09324b604b3fe3543c9931811471ff1b 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
12:53:17 [f0192bd4] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@ed35737388b2a584f8e1c30959ad7c8fa8de72be 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
12:53:51 [75e414eb] get delegation from body (cardano-wallet)
12:59:27 [e59dbe36] Fix compilation (hydra)
12:59:49 [fd2ae111] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@1de2d3dddbb80a81857ccdc6282d17b3f4030eb2 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:00:36 [d1419d56] Fix state spec by using a HydraContext with more than 1 party (hydra-poc)
13:03:27 [0a0d863a] Add missing colon (cardano-node-tests)
13:04:24 [ce648b74] Fixed schnorr and limiting it to 32 bytes messages for now (aiken)
13:10:01 [4a4c4025] Remove TxSpec as we are moving towards StateSpec (hydra-poc)
13:17:45 [3ed4358a] sneak delegation action to ctxTx (cardano-wallet)
13:18:42 [685e8dce] Implement GetContractState query (marlowe-cardano)
13:18:42 [5d3ec146] Rename availablePayouts -> unclaimedPayouts (marlowe-cardano)
13:18:42 [067ecd6b] Add query for GetContractHeaders (marlowe-cardano)
13:18:42 [4a7e0ab8] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
13:18:42 [0f63f21c] Fix MarloweQuery serialization error (marlowe-cardano)
13:19:55 [f66b0ed8] minor spec improvement (hydra-poc)
13:20:14 [2cd65565] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [f5181565] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [68a0e16b] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [dfbf0343] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [bcdf1fc6] Fix possible bug in filterWithQueryInterval (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [d6bfda84] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [0a1ed25d] Fix rewind bug (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [b90d0734] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [ac6d3684] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [47327d47] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [5c4bfcf5] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [5d1f9acb] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [304317b9] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [83575561] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [cdb882d4] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [f46ac38e] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [308ac776] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [17e4f13a] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
13:20:20 [587ff03b] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
13:25:08 [8f213ed7] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
13:25:33 [9005d298] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
13:26:04 [d09600ea] Fix compilation (hydra)
13:27:28 [a99765a0] Merge pull request #458 from input-output-hk/scp-5047-x-ls (marlowe-cardano)
13:30:11 [beaf9178] Make state spec fail for the right reason (hydra)
13:31:31 [ae02d0f4] Check PT tokens are well distributed off-chain during observe init tx (hydra)
13:31:56 [ee5d9317] fixup! test(e2e): adds a test to assert cip-0025 is supported (cardano-js-sdk)
13:32:28 [5d95c977] Misc + changelog for koios-1.0.10rc (#1600) (guild-operators)
13:33:43 [b0f6e411] staging: Bump marlowe to a99765a04f6ecfe9d087ec6248138c92224fb1e6 (plutus-ops)
13:35:08 [c1e44186] WIP (catalyst-core)
13:37:07 [cb97e3e6] Populate `README.md` for `fingertree-rm` package. (anti-diffs)
13:39:48 [ade6d4b6] Handle pipes (cardano-node)
13:41:54 [ecbb2563] Add build status badge to top-level README (anti-diffs)
13:42:55 [651f6657] Populate `README.md` for `diff-containers` package. (anti-diffs)
13:43:41 [984ceca6] Introduce root module for Integration tests (marlowe-cardano)
13:43:41 [c0ad14bd] Add additional intersection scenario (marlowe-cardano)
13:43:41 [423bbaba] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
13:43:41 [aad9d8f7] Factor out standard contract and common integration test code (marlowe-cardano)
13:43:41 [3a18ea48] Check remaining points after intersection (marlowe-cardano)
13:43:41 [6042acb8] Add intersection scenario tests (marlowe-cardano)
13:47:39 [b7085499] Restructure-marconi-mamba (plutus-apps)
13:47:59 [3dfb8c47] Merge pull request #453 from input-output-hk/scp-4986-intersection-tests (marlowe-cardano)
13:50:01 [6890eebc] Add missing colon (cardano-node-tests)
13:52:40 [422357ef] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
13:52:40 [709b9d05] Retry deleting workspace dir if at first it doesn't succeed (marlowe-cardano)
13:52:40 [27c4214c] Implement GetContractState query (marlowe-cardano)
13:52:40 [086e45ef] Add query for GetContractHeaders (marlowe-cardano)
13:52:40 [da19f5b9] Rename availablePayouts -> unclaimedPayouts (marlowe-cardano)
13:52:40 [e19df29d] Fix MarloweQuery serialization error (marlowe-cardano)
13:52:50 [242eaa8b] Merge pull request #347 from spacebudz/constr (aiken)
13:53:14 [99b61b7a] Add transaction query (marlowe-cardano)
13:53:14 [e1b64a7c] Add generators for ReqTransaction (marlowe-cardano)
13:53:14 [4494f96f] Implement GetTransaction query (marlowe-cardano)
13:54:12 [a47570e4] network-report: Expand information about CDDL (ouroboros-network)
13:59:15 [92ed6a77] slimming constraints in constructSharedTransaction (cardano-wallet)
14:00:51 [c7079d00] added is_some and is_none functions to option (aiken_stdlib)
14:03:26 [23e40521] Merge pull request #4870 from input-output-hk/jordan/remove-4855 (cardano-node)
14:04:11 [38c2f4c5] Fixes (cardano-node)
14:04:11 [bb24085f] Handle pipes (cardano-node)
14:06:38 [5de0da20] Merge pull request #457 from input-output-hk/scp-4878-get-contract-state-query (marlowe-cardano)
14:06:56 [8f107ecb] Merge #4345 (ouroboros-network)
14:07:06 [0b0d3d2b] Add more attempts of test lab (mithril)
14:08:12 [e66ad64c] Merge branch 'staging' into lotto (developer-portal)
14:15:40 [4d68cc1e] Remove roundtrip_CDDL_Tx and any tests using it (cardano-node)
14:15:40 [dc9f88ac] Review fixes (cardano-node)
14:15:40 [4743c014] Delete Test.Cli.CliIntermediateFormat (cardano-node)
14:15:40 [c9bffc9c] Remove Cardano.Api.SerialiseLedgerCddl (cardano-node)
14:15:40 [36d2299a] Remove anything CDDL related from Cardano.CLI.Shelley.Run.Read (cardano-node)
14:15:40 [0a5d960a] Propagate the HasTextEnvelope change (cardano-node)
14:15:40 [6b3e8b98] Remove anything CDDL related from Cardano.CLI.Shelley.Run.Transaction (cardano-node)
14:15:40 [ce25c9ae] Extend `HasTextEnvelope` typeclass to allow multiple (cardano-node)
14:15:40 [c88fc564] Create Cardano.Api.TxBodyInstances module (cardano-node)
14:15:40 [1ecb8e8c] Redundant module fixes (cardano-node)
14:17:28 [6e424122] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
14:23:31 [e1e3e345] hasSt should lookup data in the map (hydra-poc)
14:29:08 [940dd44b] flox fixes (yoroi-frontend)
14:29:11 [ab6a2f16] remove unused parameter of addTxSubmission (cardano-wallet)
14:32:32 [36c64b7e] trace-dispatcher: docu insights (cardano-node)
14:32:40 [c08bcc46] chore: split flows (yoroi-mobile)
14:35:14 [d63db059] Update README.md (Vasil-testnet)
14:38:37 [cc67587f] deploy: 23e405210a9bf7dc047e2557c85fd13e9f914620 (cardano-node)
14:39:29 [8a0289af] Test fix (mithril)
14:40:05 [0d89fdd0] Implement Error RequiredSignerError instance (cardano-node)
14:42:19 [6a81d48e] Merge pull request #2718 from an0ndroid/master (cardano-token-registry)
14:42:26 [ef84cbc3] Add generators for ReqTransaction (marlowe-cardano)
14:42:26 [345ee60b] Add transaction query (marlowe-cardano)
14:42:26 [ae32c599] Implement GetTransaction query (marlowe-cardano)
14:42:32 [b5431adb] trace-dispatcher: docu generator (cardano-node)
14:43:15 [36c37b61] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
14:43:29 [40ce0b3a] Merge pull request #2719 from glneto/master (cardano-token-registry)
14:44:57 [7697691a] Merge pull request #2720 from brunjlar/master (cardano-token-registry)
14:45:40 [a35e7436] ADD explicit error expectations for CollectCom (hydra)
14:45:40 [c70e8be1] Merge pull request #2721 from weskinner/master (cardano-token-registry)
14:45:47 [26dc1ffc] Merge pull request #1647 from input-output-hk/works_in_allegra (cardano-node-tests)
14:46:00 [5f03ea5d] Remove unused parameter from addTxSubmission (cardano-wallet)
14:47:23 [25447b67] Fix failing darwin 'permission denied' in CI (plutus-apps)
14:47:50 [a9fa2e93] Merge pull request #151 from saratomaz/new_query_pool_state (cardano-clusterlib-py)
14:48:09 [1b19c81c] Remove LocalTxSubmission use from WalletSpec (cardano-wallet)
14:49:32 [158be957] Fix contributing (plutus-starter)
14:50:45 [1a2934f7] prepending to list (aiken_stdlib)
14:51:45 [2d27472b] Fixes (cardano-node)
14:52:52 [eeab8f18] Start `submit-api` service on "fast" local cluster (cardano-node-tests)
14:55:20 [de5e5307] Fix executable (plutus-starter)
14:55:30 [cbc646e0] Renamed LedgerState to ShelleyLedgerState (cardano-ledger)
14:59:49 [319e7559] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
15:01:18 [79bcab33] Delete RTDC´s token Json.json (cardano-token-registry)
15:04:49 [8ad0630c] Add first draft state spec to ignore malformed initTx which leads to wrong number PT tokens distributed (hydra-poc)
15:04:49 [80146de7] Remove TxSpec as we are moving towards StateSpec (hydra-poc)
15:04:49 [f2cca962] Check PT tokens are well distributed off-chain during observe init tx (hydra-poc)
15:04:49 [8e7393a8] Add TODOs over checks to remove on u_head (hydra-poc)
15:04:49 [97420b50] Add first draft spec to ignore malformed initTx which leads to wrong number PT tokens distributed (hydra-poc)
15:04:49 [0d61bd6e] minor spec improvement (hydra-poc)
15:04:49 [7c0b2c4f] Make state spec fail for the right reason (hydra-poc)
15:04:49 [a9bd662b] Fix state spec by using a HydraContext with more than 1 party (hydra-poc)
15:07:11 [90a4315b] Add Consensus team update for work carried out from 2023-01-25 to 2023-02-08 (#109) (cardano-updates)
15:08:38 [5b1a4a49] Merge #4332 #4350 (ouroboros-network)
15:09:20 [4e6b1fe3] deploy: 90a4315b79090938986be54e59791a08ac7bdb92 (cardano-updates)
15:10:43 [019a874c] Fix failing darwin 'permission denied' in CI (#938) (plutus-apps)
15:10:54 [c418a423] Merge pull request #1650 from input-output-hk/start_submit_api_fast (cardano-node-tests)
15:11:22 [b0631477] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 019a874c0cc54f17dd10de8b647b89901f977ee6 (plutus-ops)
15:13:04 [3ad164d7] copyright dates in NOTICE (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:13:14 [92c62d3f] Update pillaging.mdx (milkomeda-documentation)
15:17:17 [20b33a52] Merge #4332 (ouroboros-network)
15:17:18 [90c8303e] added is_some and is_none functions to option (aiken_stdlib)
15:17:50 [1f830c80] Merge branch 'main' into zeme-iohk/add-shell-to-hydra-jobs-5 (plutus-apps)
15:20:38 [578f6b20] prepending and appending to the list (aiken_stdlib)
15:20:59 [35dde3f8] add error when no immutable files found (mithril)
15:22:02 [60c09ed4] cp add mv (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:22:12 [e61fc716] added term zipwith (plutus)
15:22:12 [7fecb455] Allows more uplc input formats at the debugger (plutus)
15:23:04 [fd820a8e] Update clusterlib to 0.4.0rc5 (cardano-node-tests)
15:24:06 [993a3a90] choice (aiken_stdlib)
15:24:57 [61b17160] wip (plutus)
15:25:02 [d292e7f2] fix(cip25v2): iterate through non-iterable Objects (openapi)
15:26:34 [c308a1e4] Add the Plutus category to a couple of existing CIPs (#460) (CIPs)
15:26:52 [da8842fc] copy (cardano-ledger)
15:26:52 [7ff855df] Update README.md (#457) (CIPs)
15:26:58 [74b35077] Added tag/constructor conversion tests (aiken)
15:28:03 [b9ea98d3] Merge pull request #1651 from input-output-hk/update_clusterlib_0.4.0rc5 (cardano-node-tests)
15:28:15 [29449197] back (cardano-ledger)
15:28:59 [221f1afb] Changed imports (aiken)
15:29:49 [b43d33a4] Update clusterlib to 0.4.0rc5 in setup.cfg as well (cardano-node-tests)
15:29:56 [abd998b4] Remove 'Edit this page' button from autogenerated content pages (#950) (developer-portal)
15:30:43 [2da8c690] Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (#943) (developer-portal)
15:32:03 [54e34f5d] Give more representative names in the different datatypes and JSON-RPC endpoints in `marconi-mamba`. (plutus-apps)
15:34:29 [2f3e7312] Add nix-shell to hydraJobs.nix (#937) (plutus-apps)
15:34:38 [726d0ff7] replace deprecated 'query pool-params (cardano-node-tests)
15:34:50 [1deb11b8] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 2f3e73124e172f32fd02075dbd75c3283d3509fc (plutus-ops)
15:35:48 [c2524a3d] Add const fun test. (plutus)
15:35:53 [04c29511] Add letFunInFun test. (plutus)
15:35:53 [453823bd] Add id fully applied test. (plutus)
15:35:54 [4235b8cf] Add tests to spec. (plutus)
15:35:54 [09e9e72f] Add test of a let that is an application. Needs more investigation on this one. (plutus)
15:35:54 [d9ca7ada] Add over-application test. (plutus)
15:35:54 [6ca72177] Fix letOverApp test and some comments. (plutus)
15:35:54 [63e1f462] Simplify letApp by hand. (plutus)
15:37:11 [33096841] Merge pull request #140 from dcSpark/multifile-json-gen-update (cddl-codegen)
15:38:31 [d817a2d1] Add contestationPeriod to Closed head state (hydra-poc)
15:39:45 [416a3a65] Use workaround for Github runners break (ouroboros-network)
15:41:03 [bb2f7ed0] Remove LocalTxSubmission use from WalletSpec (cardano-wallet)
15:43:36 [3a16ae51] image replacement (essential-cardano-content)
15:45:56 [1e51a69f] test mint token with name longer than allowed (cardano-node-tests)
15:48:00 [bec5a827] Add CI check for consistency on the Consensus changelog management (ouroboros-network)
15:49:57 [83efeb7a] Add concrete steps for cutting a release (ouroboros-network)
15:51:21 [7cdc23bb] introduce ErrConstructTxStakingInvalid (cardano-wallet)
15:54:51 [f9892434] Merge pull request #350 from spacebudz/constr_tests (aiken)
15:56:18 [76dcb138] Add mutation spec check we push contestation deadline on output (hydra)
15:56:48 [5d113a1b] Push deadline using contestation period during contest tx building (hydra)
15:57:47 [a70bc74c] CIP-0068 | Extra field (#458) (CIPs)
15:58:36 [d736e655] test fixes (yoroi-frontend)
15:58:37 [c5bf2ee8] Merge branch 'staging' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ua-parser-js-0.7.33 (developer-portal)
16:01:03 [00b1b67f] Move pipes test to cardano-cli (cardano-node)
16:02:07 [88de16ee] Add healthy contestation period to fanout and contest mutations (hydra)
16:05:28 [26b155ef] Merge branch 'staging' into change-comitters-to-contributors (developer-portal)
16:06:18 [4992473e] fix(cip25v2): iterate through non-iterable Objects (openapi)
16:09:32 [af81b08f] Merge pull request #3107 from Emurgo/yushi/safe-tx-body-roundtrip (yoroi-frontend)
16:11:05 [fb3d937a] Add minor comment to explain the mutation on contestationd deadline (hydra-poc)
16:11:06 [8eb2539f] PLT-1375: Highlight source code while tracing through Plutus Core (plutus)
16:12:57 [a31e698b] Make test compile and pass on windows (cardano-node)
16:17:07 [92016989] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/wasm-scope-1 (yoroi-frontend)
16:17:44 [ba4ce3e8] Enable weakrefs in WASM builds (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
16:18:08 [09593907] Cherry-pick from testdrive (scrolls)
16:21:35 [1da65d89] fix(utxobystake): Use stake address instead of delegation part (scrolls)
16:22:32 [7bec2059] fix(utxobystake): Use stake address instead of delegation part (#129) (scrolls)
16:23:29 [ff648fea] Merge pull request #1652 from input-output-hk/update_clusterlib_0.4.0rc5_setup (cardano-node-tests)
16:24:42 [a5dc30b0] Add graceful shutdown for carp (carp)
16:26:50 [542b8339] Add mutation spec check we push contestation deadline on input datum (hydra)
16:27:38 [abea549f] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/YOMO-309-memo-storage (yoroi-mobile)
16:28:38 [91d1069c] refactor(AssetItem): icon + list (#2328) (yoroi-mobile)
16:31:05 [e2f31265] fixup! feat(cardano-services): changes the way tx metadatum are read from db, from json to raw bytes (cardano-js-sdk)
16:31:50 [fe4c1799] Add mutation spec check we push contestation period on input datum (hydra)
16:31:59 [d68f1fed] Start Mithril devnet once Cardano devnet is ready (mithril)
16:32:49 [23743b10] test(e2e): adds test cases to nft test to assert cip0025 v1 and v2 are supported (cardano-js-sdk)
16:33:30 [9bb5ed42] Update changelog (hydra)
16:33:51 [e107785d] Merge branch 'main' into testdrive (scrolls)
16:35:57 [695e90d0] Update current documentation (mithril)
16:39:58 [d27f6bd8] Remove LocalTxSubmission use from WalletSpec (cardano-wallet)
16:41:48 [b70d83fc] Deploy haddock to github pages (plutus)
16:41:56 [1896e34f] Add encoder and decoder for `LedgerState` (cardano-node)
16:46:54 [e209cd66] Merge #3993 (cardano-node)
16:46:59 [de7d814a] Remove DbPendingTx record aroud submissions functions (cardano-wallet)
16:47:47 [da6c416b] Populate top-level `README.md` (anti-diffs)
16:49:32 [39b99d05] Update Rust dependencies (mithril)
16:50:27 [03e2932b] integration test for ErrConstructTxStakingInvalid (cardano-wallet)
16:50:35 [4e2e6591] Make test compile and pass on windows (cardano-node)
16:50:53 [b7df8a78] Update auxiliary markdown files (anti-diffs)
16:51:18 [a07a6a29] Update docs dependencies (mithril)
16:52:09 [cc7ca1d2] PLT-1375: Highlight source code while tracing through Plutus Core (plutus)
16:52:32 [ea2d5adb] Update explorer dependencies (mithril)
16:57:42 [4792879f] at implementation (aiken_stdlib)
16:59:56 [a664a6d3] Merge pull request #3109 from Emurgo/Ahmed/wasm-scope-1 (yoroi-frontend)
17:02:28 [680845f5] feat(input-selection)!: input selection now requires execution unit prices (cardano-js-sdk)
17:03:00 [cfc17903] Add a changelog policy (anti-diffs)
17:08:28 [3a6c9a8b] hydrate-cluster: tf state updated to serial 197 (cardano)
17:09:46 [e00e617e] Deploy haddock to github pages (#5031) (plutus)
17:10:12 [0ecf793c] hydrate-app: tf state updated to serial 270 (cardano)
17:11:40 [ba0d7a9c] Give more time to activate pools in devnet (mithril)
17:12:54 [f6c7bb71] Merge #4345 #4348 #4350 (ouroboros-network)
17:13:58 [4ec9bde9] Merge pull request #15 from matiwinnetou/option-ext (aiken_stdlib)
17:14:33 [851ed345] Regression testing with 6 pools (cardano-node-tests)
17:15:13 [8a4918f5] Initial gh-pages commit (plutus)
17:15:42 [a05e8109] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@e00e617e7bdf8ff14d308d1ad5583a8739b0b000 🚀 (plutus)
17:15:45 [8002f8ea] hydrate-app: tf state updated to serial 272 (cardano-world)
17:16:50 [45c0c75b] feat!: new tx construction package added (cardano-js-sdk)
17:17:34 [20b4b915] imp: adds perf ns and bumps bitte pin to master (cardano-world)
17:21:35 [bc603842] x (cardano-ledger)
17:36:56 [15b3251d] copy (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:37:36 [17436eaa] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/YOMO-309-memo-storage (yoroi-mobile)
17:50:48 [5481dac6] Merge pull request #582 from input-output-hk/feat/ADP-2534-replace-current-fee-calculation (cardano-js-sdk)
17:52:43 [3bc071db] Remove useless mutation (hydra)
17:58:20 [1205782c] Write down specification about Plutus contract blueprints. (CIPs)
18:00:11 [ccd8ef66] ADD explicit error expectations for CollectCom (hydra-poc)
18:02:50 [a540819d] WIP (catalyst-core)
18:04:50 [95a62f71] Fix oversights in blueprint / schema generation. (aiken)
18:11:32 [f134fa7e] Move Arbitrary instances from cardano-ledger-shelley-test into shelley:testlib and core:testlib (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:12:10 [f982098a] Merge branch 'main' into metdata-db-crate (catalyst-core)
18:13:00 [beb7badf] WIP (catalyst-core)
18:13:01 [9f14f62e] WIP (catalyst-core)
18:14:41 [d69c765c] Add new acceptance test scenario: 054. (aiken)
18:14:54 [9b0b8249] Update scripts/local-docker.env (marlowe-cardano)
18:16:51 [18c12a47] Restructure and re-organize Marconi modules (plutus-apps)
18:21:50 [22a5fdc7] Switch to haskell/actions/setup, since iohk/setup-haskell is a being flaky (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:36:50 [e127399f] revert: bitte pin bump for nomad patch unknown user error (cardano-world)
18:45:08 [cd560572] Restructure and re-organize Marconi modules (plutus-apps)
18:48:23 [0d405f46] network-report: Expand information about CDDL (ouroboros-network)
18:54:18 [1bba8830] Start work on a prepareTxScripts (hydra)
18:54:18 [a20683d8] Return fully applied, flat-encoded UPLC programs from prepareTxScripts (hydra)
19:05:11 [faa8b010] Give more representative names in the different datatypes and JSON-RPC endpoints in `marconi-mamba`. (plutus-apps)
19:07:10 [4faf5cee] 2023-02-08 performance and tracing (cardano-updates)
19:08:29 [6a989054] WIP add tests and documentation. (plutus)
19:08:45 [d0a964a3] deploy: 4faf5ceef964aa774056b4db7392778ab9f6d62b (cardano-updates)
19:14:29 [d58135f4] refactor!: replaces occurrences of password with passphrase (cardano-js-sdk)
19:24:17 [94b03416] Merge #3993 (cardano-node)
19:27:43 [619bfba5] Give more representative names in the different datatypes and JSON-RPC endpoints in `marconi-mamba`. (plutus-apps)
19:31:45 [19424f1a] refactor: extract buildTransactionPure (cardano-wallet)
19:31:45 [30d66b87] selectCoinsForQuit uses balanceTransaction (cardano-wallet)
19:37:42 [cdbebe01] Version bump: 4.19.0 (yoroi-frontend)
19:38:11 [d5127343] Merge pull request #460 from input-output-hk/scp-4880-get-transaction (marlowe-cardano)
19:43:58 [824c767d] staging: Bump marlowe to d51273432c73cf38507a731b48d8dbd84665f083 (plutus-ops)
19:53:45 [4b98f4dc] Use SrcSpan in UPLC parser (plutus)
19:56:35 [2c1bc3aa] ouroboros-consensus-shelley-test builds (ouroboros-network)
19:57:55 [a91ed4c2] cleanups (yoroi-mobile)
19:57:56 [1696fa42] Do not push contestation deadline if the signer is the last one missing to contest (hydra-poc)
19:59:20 [d04cf45f] Move Arbitrary instances from cardano-ledger-shelley-test into shelley:testlib and core:testlib (cardano-ledger)
20:02:45 [ec32230c] add reviewers (CIPs)
20:07:17 [d7c40e9e] SCP-5012 Removed unused chain-sync query client. (marlowe-cardano)
20:07:17 [600e9e2c] SCP-5012 Cleaned up query client peer. (marlowe-cardano)
20:07:17 [c45559b6] SCP-5012 Updated documentation for executable apps. (marlowe-cardano)
20:07:17 [f9bf9095] SCP-5012 Removed commmands related to following contracts. (marlowe-cardano)
20:07:17 [a9762f37] SCP-5012 Implemented query for getting contract headers. (marlowe-cardano)
20:07:17 [df02dba0] SCP-5012 Added command to list contract headers. (marlowe-cardano)
20:07:17 [95dd22a9] SCP-5012 Migrated `marlowe-pipe` from marlowe-lambda repo. (marlowe-cardano)
20:07:18 [edc90f9a] SCP-5012 migrated to new hoisting and running for marlowe query. (marlowe-cardano)
20:07:18 [e33006a1] SCP-5012 Updated materialization. (marlowe-cardano)
20:07:18 [e0d76a3c] SCP-5012 Options alignment and fixes for reviewer comments. (marlowe-cardano)
20:22:27 [1e12fca4] DO NOT MERGE (cardano-ledger)
20:23:28 [6d37ae98] choice (aiken_stdlib)
20:29:23 [02a8f927] Add mutation spec to check deadline is not pushed away (hydra-poc)
20:30:27 [728babba] minor comments (hydra-poc)
20:31:27 [8094d9c9] Add handshake protocol definition (marlowe-cardano)
20:31:27 [7a93e521] Add simpleHandshakeClient/Server (marlowe-cardano)
20:31:27 [c141697c] Use handshakes throughout (marlowe-cardano)
20:39:03 [ef1790ce] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
20:39:35 [60176ec6] Merge pull request #449 from input-output-hk/SCP-5012 (marlowe-cardano)
20:40:31 [ef5b147e] Merge branch 'clark/supply-by-asset' of github.com:jpg-store/scrolls into jpg-store-clark/supply-by-asset (scrolls)
20:42:38 [e05f4602] feat: Introduce Supply by Asset reducer (scrolls)
20:45:59 [aef5ca8b] Update Spec.hs (plutus-apps)
20:47:07 [2ef9befa] [EC Api] - Added: IOG Academy: The pathway to becoming a Cardano smart contract developer (essential-cardano-content)
20:57:25 [0e9f3bee] fix: Fix typo in supply reducer (scrolls)
20:58:04 [00589485] fix: Fix typo in supply reducer (#130) (scrolls)
20:58:27 [42ee9cd2] Remove appendix from license (cardano-node)
20:58:33 [20172824] Switch to Copyright holder: Input Output Global Inc (IOG) (cardano-node)
20:58:33 [6dce9144] Date ranges (cardano-node)
20:58:33 [24048f41] Fix indent in NOTICE files (cardano-node)
20:59:18 [15042d14] documentation and examples (blockfrost-dart)
21:01:27 [7d55534b] Add function to return element at given index (aiken_stdlib)
21:08:49 [6617e8fa] Fix build (plutus)
21:11:03 [d06d76cb] ouroboros-consensus-cardano-tools is building (ouroboros-network)
21:15:20 [cf3514eb] ouroboros-consensus-byronspec is building (ouroboros-network)
21:23:46 [a0cf4d36] ouroboros-consensus-byron-test is building (ouroboros-network)
21:28:46 [32a33f57] Add handshake protocol definition (marlowe-cardano)
21:28:46 [e4f21eaa] Add simpleHandshakeClient/Server (marlowe-cardano)
21:32:10 [82259672] Use handshakes throughout (marlowe-cardano)
21:32:12 [e0bf0aaa] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
21:32:12 [87bd62cb] Simplify encoding of handshake protocol (marlowe-cardano)
21:32:12 [451f48fc] Remove Signature type family (marlowe-cardano)
21:32:12 [0c6cc308] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
21:32:34 [fc04c63c] ouroboros-consensus-mock-test is building (ouroboros-network)
21:42:25 [34a60f45] Adding Raw Cardano Explorer Logo (koios-artifacts)
21:45:56 [89260292] Add function to return element at given index (aiken_stdlib)
21:50:05 [6830e029] wip (cardano-wallet)
21:50:05 [64f087eb] wip (cardano-wallet)
21:50:05 [225d8654] wip (cardano-wallet)
21:50:05 [aea319a2] wip (cardano-wallet)
21:50:05 [eba81296] wip (cardano-wallet)
21:50:05 [81f17555] MonadSTM instance (cardano-wallet)
21:50:05 [3700dc1b] wip (cardano-wallet)
21:50:05 [179ed507] cabal.project (cardano-wallet)
21:50:05 [aa5e042c] wip (cardano-wallet)
21:50:05 [5fa310ed] wip (cardano-wallet)
21:50:05 [4c5701bc] wip (cardano-wallet)
21:50:22 [aa85f243] Use major.minor (schema version) to identify snapshot compatibility (cardano-db-sync)
21:52:46 [22fc702b] fix remove wallet (yoroi-mobile)
21:56:05 [8a3dd49a] remove unused event (yoroi-mobile)
22:04:09 [2f827ec7] cleanups (yoroi-mobile)
22:09:02 [d3246af9] jeff: add eDSL and release notes blurbs (engineering)
22:09:28 [f819db7e] SQUASH: Fixed cleanup but not alloc error (cardano-node)
22:11:01 [47141d2b] Merge branch 'develop' into wallet-sync (yoroi-mobile)
22:11:12 [e3c4ea2e] Extend validity interval (cardano-node-tests)
22:12:39 [8287d95b] jeff: add work on HoH (engineering)
22:19:44 [d532b948] Merge pull request #1653 from input-output-hk/inc_slot_offsets (cardano-node-tests)
22:20:09 [668012fb] wip (cardano-wallet)
22:30:14 [3e065cfe] wip (yoroi-mobile)
22:46:57 [724564a9] Update 2023-02-09-ghc-update-2023-02-09.md (engineering)
22:53:26 [feacf083] Add Arbitrary instances for Conway types (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:05:24 [4d44ea52] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 61 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:25 [a6956c56] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 206 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:25 [a7551b10] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 62 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:26 [5624526f] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 582 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:27 [3507f219] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 403 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:28 [7425d593] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 100 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:28 [aba12620] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 137 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:28 [5e0b854c] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 606 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:15:06 [3110f010] Update 2023-02-09-ghc-update-2023-02-09.md (engineering)
23:20:30 [41ec15fd] trace-dispatcher: docu generation (cardano-node)
23:20:59 [0a6fd644] doc: fresh generated (cardano-node)
23:23:34 [b16712ef] Update 2023-02-09-ghc-update-2023-02-09.md (engineering)
23:29:37 [e53a9048] added start conditions for operables (marlowe-cardano)
23:36:33 [8c9ea660] Remove spec as it was not working as expected (hydra-poc)
23:55:40 [7075077d] Support revisions and more (#1775) (haskell.nix)