Home / Reports / Jun 5, 2023

Monday, June 5, 2023

766 commits had been pushed across 57 repos by 111 authors. There were 3,996,071 additions and 616,328 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:03:20 [cab192da] Remove renamed file (plutus)
00:07:32 [31572f33] Bump hackage index state. (cardano-wallet)
00:07:33 [1292c00b] Add dependency on `quickcheck-monoid-subclasses`. (cardano-wallet)
00:07:33 [ba7ef0ea] Add dependency on `monoidmap`. (cardano-wallet)
00:08:01 [ce120879] Remove trailing blank lines (plutus)
00:08:57 [b421ab9e] Redefine `UTxOIndex` in terms of `MonoidMap`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:21 [54dd4cf4] Redefine `TokenMap` in terms of `MonoidMap`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:22 [663a1f0b] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.leq`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:22 [c928cf9a] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.add`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:22 [957d99c2] Derive `Semigroup` and `Monoid` for `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:22 [4d356758] Remove dependency on `NonEmptyMap` from `Token{Bundle,Map}`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:22 [9884df95] Derive `Semigroup` and `Monoid` subclasses for `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:22 [26485718] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.adjustQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:23 [534d2d28] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.subtract`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:23 [7b6510cf] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.intersection`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:23 [325b0d81] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.unsafeSubtract`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:23 [5beecf83] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.maximumQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:23 [c74df510] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.difference`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:23 [51d3ecde] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.isEmpty`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:23 [7ce98e28] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.isNotEmpty`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:24 [aff0386f] Remove warning about exporting default constructor for `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:24 [a962a9c1] Replace arithmetic property tests for `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:24 [9433a3b5] Remove invariant tests for `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
00:10:34 [fe1d9291] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:12:12 [1d61f7a9] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.difference`. (cardano-wallet)
00:12:12 [4a3ec9f0] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.add`. (cardano-wallet)
00:12:12 [feac4f25] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.subtract`. (cardano-wallet)
00:12:12 [1c855e4b] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.unsafeSubtract`. (cardano-wallet)
00:13:06 [f05d0e22] Tidy up test output; remove superfluous file (plutus)
00:13:13 [ad67cd89] Remove `TokenQuantity.unsafeSubtract`. (cardano-wallet)
00:14:23 [76b1285a] Remove the `strict-non-empty-containers` library. (cardano-wallet)
00:14:23 [dcb9721d] Remove unused instance of `ToExpr` for `NonEmptyMap`. (cardano-wallet)
00:18:35 [67235f9e] Rename directory (plutus)
00:19:32 [c0b52f16] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (uptime)
00:20:22 [34bcb23e] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:20:22 [64d738cf] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:28:51 [3a358db9] Delete bls12-381-costs.golden (plutus)
00:34:07 [6b1860ab] Change path (plutus)
00:52:12 [841f1781] Make it build with ghc-9.6 (cardano-ledger)
00:52:12 [2ba6299b] Delete libs/cardano-ledger-test/bench/Bench/Cardano/Ledger/Balance.hs (cardano-ledger)
00:52:13 [ae17c63d] Delete libs/non-integral/app/Main.hs (cardano-ledger)
00:52:13 [090932b9] Bump cardano-ledger-binary version (cardano-ledger)
00:52:13 [345a11bd] CI: Add ghc-9.6.1 to the build matrix (cardano-ledger)
00:52:13 [48bf743e] Nix: Bump hackage.nix and CHaP (cardano-ledger)
00:52:26 [6ae2dc37] Merge pull request #3437 from input-output-hk/erikd/ghc-9.6 (cardano-ledger)
00:52:30 [ebef98fd] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:54:53 [de9e5c19] Bump version of cardano-ledger-byron (cardano-ledger)
00:56:35 [35c80c1a] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 6ae2dc37b576a18afa288ea5df38e9a7440bccee (cardano-ledger)
01:31:26 [0d93eb7e] Redefine `Semigroup` and `Monoid` for `TokenBundle`. (cardano-wallet)
01:32:38 [725f8acc] Define instances of `Semigroup` and `Monoid` subclasses for `TokenBundle`. (cardano-wallet)
01:34:53 [ce3b2125] Updated (cardano-ledger)
01:35:52 [d2ff7c9b] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.empty`. (cardano-wallet)
01:39:01 [c8bb3026] Use cardano-cli from CHaP (cardano-node)
01:39:18 [79b33193] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.unsafeSubtract`. (cardano-wallet)
01:39:18 [3394d850] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.difference`. (cardano-wallet)
01:39:18 [de0328ff] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.add`. (cardano-wallet)
01:39:18 [4102fb70] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.subtract`. (cardano-wallet)
01:40:16 [e503bc3e] Remove trailing space. (cardano-node)
01:45:21 [54c76a89] Remove `TokenQuantity.unsafeSubtract`. (cardano-wallet)
01:45:21 [0db8efbe] Merge pull request #34 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/use-tag-script-from-cardano-dev-instead (cardano-api)
01:45:56 [e473955b] Remove the `strict-non-empty-containers` library. (cardano-wallet)
01:45:56 [f5cae1c8] Remove unused instance of `ToExpr` for `NonEmptyMap`. (cardano-wallet)
02:10:00 [a2ee51eb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:20:11 [0761f6e0] Document Selftest and Action modules. (cardano-node)
02:26:03 [667fffd4] Add `nodejs` to `js-cross` (devx)
02:28:10 [db539e77] bump haskell.nix and iohk-nix (cardano-addresses)
02:29:26 [ca49ed0a] [unfancy] do not try to lookup the compiler (cardano-addresses)
02:53:25 [1415e615] Regenerate `flake.lock`. (cardano-wallet)
03:00:33 [96020b6c] stuff (cardano-api)
03:14:24 [8bbef967] change div for sign invariant in numerator, add additional funcs, add basic tests (stdlib)
03:36:17 [11c55b19] refactor: adds additional linters and fixes errors (catalyst-ci)
03:41:13 [4d637044] Document Wallet. (cardano-node)
03:51:35 [597ff843] Add FUDZY (cardano-token-registry)
04:05:39 [470a88be] chore(deps): bump github.com/blinklabs-io/gouroboros (go-cardano-submit-api)
04:08:49 [d7b0569a] chore(deps): bump serde_json from 1.0.89 to 1.0.96 (dolos)
04:09:04 [b09b3509] chore(deps): bump rayon from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 (dolos)
04:15:39 [812b0844] feat!: input selectors now return a lis of UTXOs instead of values as change (cardano-js-sdk)
04:17:56 [42f22b01] feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
04:22:42 [15a4f2be] fixup! feat!: input selectors now return a lis of UTXOs instead of values as change (cardano-js-sdk)
04:31:57 [e7f1b65a] fixup! feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
04:33:59 [4d74bc1b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:38:29 [11ac29bd] add wasp and wan (metadata-registry-testnet)
04:42:26 [54840455] fixup! feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
04:51:25 [0cf19717] New Cardano.Api.Feature module (cardano-api)
04:51:26 [06a71c80] Bump `iohkNix`. (cardano-wallet)
04:51:39 [dd4f212d] Bump `haskellNix`. (cardano-wallet)
05:04:37 [05685c9e] Convert TxScriptValiditySupportedInEra to TxScriptValidityFeature using new Feature API. (cardano-api)
05:05:45 [ff772915] fixup! feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
05:11:46 [22a44093] deploy: 42b64f4da5e55b4478b9dc86986d93edc3307bd2 (hydra)
05:15:51 [8dd2458c] Stellar Moon Token Submission (cardano-token-registry)
05:22:47 [1d40b3d0] New Cardano.Api.Feature module (cardano-api)
05:22:50 [044f91c9] Convert TxScriptValiditySupportedInEra to TxScriptValidityFeature using new Feature API. (cardano-api)
05:22:50 [f8ba1e95] Convert UpdateProposalFeatureSupportedInEra to UpdateProposalFeature using new Feature API. (cardano-api)
05:49:06 [77e936ad] New Cardano.Api.Feature module (cardano-api)
05:49:09 [13134826] Convert TxScriptValiditySupportedInEra to TxScriptValidityFeature using new Feature API. (cardano-api)
06:06:15 [59226911] PLT-5535 Redirect new user to Certification working area right after profile creation (dapps-certification)
06:09:41 [10d49d9e] fixup! feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
06:23:50 [15ec5e9e] Merge branch 'main' into chore/update-readme (lace)
06:41:44 [58c7d686] Add cardano-ping ^>= bound on cardano-cli (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
06:51:36 [a13be350] Update README.md (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
06:58:30 [6a2cb1d7] Merge branch 'main' into chore/remove-electron-references (lace)
07:02:31 [76585412] ouroboros-network-protocols: make MkPipelineDecision a monadic computation. (ouroboros-network)
07:03:47 [9af52357] Migrate to nix flake (cardano-ledger)
07:08:37 [7ba81ee1] Merge pull request #3233 from cardano-tools-nft/1d984fa3-485d-45b6-9d52-ca2a8bbdf185 (cardano-token-registry)
07:09:10 [52490dfc] Merge pull request #3234 from spacefudz/master (cardano-token-registry)
07:14:27 [0852ce6b] Fix clippy warnings with Rust '1.70.0' (mithril)
07:22:39 [2cebe120] Revert cache key names (ouroboros-consensus)
07:24:57 [fbaeb174] Fix CI test fails (mithril)
07:31:08 [b2632563] Add cardano-ping ^>= bound on cardano-cli (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
07:36:11 [dc7d6ac9] Checkpoint (hydra)
07:39:53 [2776269c] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerWordSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
07:39:53 [89732687] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
07:39:53 [7ecc1550] Generate protocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
07:39:53 [d8244489] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByteSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
07:39:53 [9f461532] Use do notation and NamedFieldPuns to implement genProtocolParameters (cardano-api)
07:39:54 [9c479635] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
07:41:43 [7c78d56f] Update from b2632563dac9195122aad444fe28f88a1da49c24 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
07:44:32 [d193f702] Set ludicrously high sduTimeout for testing (ouroboros-network)
07:45:37 [da19590b] Unified SupportedInEra (cardano-api)
07:53:38 [be25994c] Add this week's hydra team update (#176) (cardano-updates)
07:55:11 [47e4be3c] Merge pull request #1853 from input-output-hk/fix_reference_scripts_checks (cardano-node-tests)
07:55:40 [b7db3e5d] deploy: be25994c1b9b681864d88e1b24ab1f8532d42fdf (cardano-updates)
07:58:47 [9e2e5be9] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
07:59:06 [9682d632] Fix CI test fails (mithril)
07:59:38 [4fb085fe] feat: adds context with Handles to SubmitTxArgs, refactors tx-construction with SubmitTxArgs, refactors ObservableWallet to accept SubmitTxArgs (cardano-js-sdk)
08:01:46 [a40dbf77] Merge pull request #1854 from input-output-hk/artur/update-gh-actions (cardano-node-tests)
08:06:21 [186c6eff] Rename `StrictMVar` to `StrictSVar`. (#115) (ouroboros-consensus)
08:09:52 [589b2a30] Use custom ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
08:13:34 [baf1686c] Merge pull request #40 from input-output-hk/jdral/ghc-9.4-9.6 (anti-diffs)
08:18:16 [ffbec5a3] Bump `fs-sim` dependency to `>= 0.2` (ouroboros-consensus)
08:20:58 [1b78f3a8] update (catalyst-core)
08:21:38 [dc392447] Various changes (Certification-working-group)
08:23:58 [e9a5e74b] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
08:28:53 [2a614c2b] chore: remove contributors arrays everywhere (cardano-js-sdk)
08:31:40 [a88c17f4] Fixed the check in dregdrep (#120) (formal-ledger-specifications)
08:34:32 [45dd7ac8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:35:56 [d7488118] Add `strict-mvar` dependency and `StrictMVar` with NoThunks invariants. (ouroboros-consensus)
08:36:11 [9fe88797] deploy: 1b78f3a8dbba5640b2ee13405486ad97f6ee8cff (catalyst-core)
08:40:47 [15d4e438] Fail cluster startup when Tx inputs were not spent (cardano-node-tests)
08:44:05 [86db7f05] Enable tracers useful for P2P debugging (cardano-node-tests)
08:44:19 [107ef7c9] Moved govaction deposits to the deposits map (formal-ledger-specifications)
08:44:19 [6ed2c041] Add governance action deposit vote delegation (#101) (formal-ledger-specifications)
08:44:50 [e07aff66] Add changelog entry (ouroboros-consensus)
08:51:44 [4afb7e0d] Update tree-diff (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:54:09 [d745efa5] Accounting for proposal deposits (#102) (formal-ledger-specifications)
08:56:20 [6890bb06] Merge branch 'main' into main (lace)
08:58:03 [52945e6b] Bump `fs-sim` dependency to `>= 0.2` (ouroboros-consensus)
09:06:33 [00e2ea3e] Integrate new migrations into the db layer inmemory operations. (cardano-wallet)
09:06:56 [d987179e] Fix clippy warnings with Rust '1.70.0' (mithril)
09:07:27 [11fb5afe] Make the generated PDF a lot prettier (formal-ledger-specifications)
09:07:46 [5d582c6c] Add `strict-mvar` dependency and `StrictMVar` with NoThunks invariants. (ouroboros-consensus)
09:07:46 [ad06322b] Replace `StrictSVar` where possible by `StrictMVar` with NoThunks checks (ouroboros-consensus)
09:07:46 [636830b1] Add changelog entry (ouroboros-consensus)
09:09:18 [e89da3aa] Disable `useLedgerAfterSlot` in P2P topology (cardano-node-tests)
09:14:05 [0ff18091] Alter to/from json instances for RestServerOutput (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [b5fefcc7] Include new keys in data-dir (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [2d866421] Rename new http server types (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [7f232e6a] Remove genAdaOnlyOutput and make genTxOutAdaOnly accept a public key (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [881586ae] Remove all warnings (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [a3c391cc] Add json roundtrip tests for new http types (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [c9bb9641] Small refactor and haddocks (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [d4781cc1] Extract request handler (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [6adb5e91] Add changelog entry (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [3c3f3fbd] Add base e2e draft for external ommit (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [fbe67b01] Sign the commit tx and introduce external key (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [6cbc2dc7] Revert the State module (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [5e13eac1] Add new server inputs/outputs to api.yaml (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [1bcb1fe0] Extract rest types into separate module (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [a5e4f4ee] Add golden tests for new types (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [6bb6f497] Use commit instead of commitTx (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [d55e8d50] Improve on api.yaml wording (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [4c039330] Add APIRestInputReceived server log (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [92ca24a3] Use explicit imports in Scenarios.hs (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [505ae2f4] Dirty solution that works (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [aea4ac46] Start work on the http response (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [5b28d076] Fix http server http method and client call from e2e (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [b12b260d] Add draft test for building drafted commit tx (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [ab513d4a] Move http server types to appropriate place (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [6344d64b] Refactor draftTx (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [f693337e] Add initial implementation of draftCommitTx (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [94734753] Introduce rest api callback (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [7671a6e4] Minor fix error and warnings (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [c812d4d7] Introduce the http call to get Draft commit tx (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [602d7622] Remove removed constructor (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [be1758ff] Move rest callback to Server (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [ce7d003d] Improve on json schema (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [86eeb191] Rename FailedToDraftTx to FailedToDraftTxNotInitializing (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [3f69b780] Checkpoint - missing script input after balancing (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [e3613e0e] Remove external key pair (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [1c97a13c] Change wording in draftTx dummy handle (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [a300309a] Remove unneeded deps (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [a4a7e8bf] Remove spec not needed (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [d55cdd83] Introduce Chain handle to draft commit tx (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [a03f2aff] Remove unneeded todo (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [70a06624] Remove MonadCatch constraint (hydra-poc)
09:14:05 [1d812b95] Balance the commit transaction (hydra-poc)
09:15:24 [c7d15c9a] feat(helm-bootstrap): ensure namespaces are always created for helm charts (terragrunt-aws-eks)
09:16:27 [0b0cf6e9] test(extension): e2e - return proper exit code on error for encrypt/d… (#39) (lace)
09:16:31 [8fbd7497] Quickfix monthly report (hydra-poc)
09:17:47 [54e19586] fix: fix kubernetes provider version as cloudposse's modules don't work well with latest one (terragrunt-aws-eks)
09:18:23 [c7eef807] Check available updates for github actions (cardano-node-tests)
09:20:28 [e31d0e56] refactor: spaces (helios)
09:21:14 [2d78c024] Bump cryptography from 40.0.2 to 41.0.0 (cardano-node-tests)
09:21:35 [bdb5c1c8] chore: cleanup deps (openapi)
09:23:44 [b5b5965a] update (catalyst-core)
09:23:59 [18aa1518] Fix CI test fails (mithril)
09:24:28 [0377295f] Merge branch 'main' into test/update-settings-tests (lace)
09:24:31 [f028c075] Add script info as part of draft commit tx request (hydra)
09:24:31 [63250085] Minor formatting change (hydra)
09:24:31 [0cec2530] WIP: draft a spending tx for script (hydra)
09:24:31 [0d42109e] Fix script tx to be spent on L1 (hydra)
09:24:31 [1c1eb09f] Add protocol parameters, systemStart and epochInfo as arguments to mkChain factory method. (hydra)
09:24:31 [20b0c156] Follow up on temporary sanity check: Spend the script on L1 (hydra)
09:24:31 [b3ede81e] Create another external commit scenario for scripts (hydra)
09:24:32 [f59ecadc] Finish commit external script e2e spec (hydra)
09:24:32 [7d66857a] Fix golden files for rest server (hydra)
09:24:32 [145d2f6e] Minor formatting changes (hydra)
09:24:32 [3679b582] Split commitTx into tx body builder and tx builder (hydra)
09:24:39 [3024cf40] chore: remove contributors arrays everywhere (cardano-js-sdk)
09:25:00 [c8276dcf] Update crates versions (mithril)
09:28:06 [3c389d4b] feat: use PubKey as parameters (helios)
09:29:32 [1632f5f5] Add methods to DidAcoountRepo (atala-prism-mediator)
09:30:42 [aa6b86a0] test(extension): e2e - add e2e tests for sending ada/assets from DApp (lace)
09:30:51 [7700d60a] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/HEAD' (lace)
09:31:26 [d22a99cc] Merge pull request #1859 from input-output-hk/dependabot/pip/cryptography-41.0.0 (cardano-node-tests)
09:32:38 [e352f4c5] Updated (formal-ledger-specifications)
09:32:47 [ce60245d] Fix the mempool benchmarks. (ouroboros-consensus)
09:32:48 [5691f065] Delete the `yarn-build` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
09:32:48 [f71cf4e2] Delete the `pages` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
09:32:48 [a79116b3] Delete the `publish-mempool-benchmarks` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
09:32:48 [0f61ab50] Delete the `cabal.project.local.Windows` file (ouroboros-consensus)
09:32:49 [3c2d607d] Add a `ci` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
09:35:23 [214a8021] nix: default ghc to version 9.2.7 (cardano-node)
09:39:02 [b07f6e98] deploy: b5b5965aa9658acffcb74fa11ca243861a13e3d4 (catalyst-core)
09:39:11 [e9071beb] fix(staking): fix failing ci (lace)
09:43:08 [3f83b4ba] Add POOL rules to Conway (cardano-ledger)
09:51:06 [e1518e71] Merge branch 'master' into chore/lw-6514-hardware-trezor-package (cardano-js-sdk)
09:52:55 [1a8b859e] UTxO-HD (cardano-api)
09:55:37 [aab5b095] fix: refactor ObservableWallet, and PersonalWallet to return Handles (cardano-js-sdk)
09:59:28 [6cb31521] Merge branch 'main' into feature/LW-6623-ada-handle-receive-drawer (lace)
09:59:36 [1009cd5e] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into feat/LW-6695-staking-package-setup (lace)
10:01:25 [4ab3f1d4] Add `strict-mvar` dependency and `StrictMVar` with NoThunks invariants. (#116) (ouroboros-consensus)
10:01:37 [58463549] Merge pull request #959 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/958-upgrade-rust-1.70.0 (mithril)
10:03:12 [e56ac010] deploy: 8fbd7497961ef9bf9520ee35af6ea4b40ee26743 (hydra)
10:03:12 [049c116d] WIP (ouroboros-network)
10:03:41 [e3ea45f9] chore(extension): linting (lace)
10:06:24 [6e2bf01f] fixup! Add datum indexing; add separate UtxoResult type (marconi)
10:06:32 [deff546e] chore: change download spec url (openapi)
10:06:50 [39ee4ec0] test(extension): update NFT tests (lace)
10:08:06 [5619052e] update (catalyst-core)
10:11:21 [01504725] deploy: 584635497ceb4411f0b56903a2126f56f72426de (mithril)
10:12:09 [40c32096] Delete 87fa1377f7424214d242fdc3089f63e3e6762dc13617c6eaee5abd3842414e4b.json (cardano-token-registry)
10:13:09 [1745a304] Try cabal clean (ouroboros-consensus)
10:13:25 [26bb32f5] Delete 244f52eae7aa628c21285c4666b02d05d541057f9ed583ce315fce4542414e4b.json (cardano-token-registry)
10:14:20 [08fe8d0d] fixup! Add datum indexing; add separate UtxoResult type (marconi)
10:17:19 [46e2170e] Merge pull request #3238 from cardano-foundation/deletion/bank-1 (cardano-token-registry)
10:17:33 [113b7a32] Merge pull request #3237 from cardano-foundation/deletion/bank (cardano-token-registry)
10:18:22 [1fff983b] fix(ui): fix linter issue (lace)
10:23:12 [9e799af4] fixup! Add datum indexing; add separate UtxoResult type (marconi)
10:23:38 [3042d127] deploy: 5619052e01197ae16577c90232290fa69e47473a (catalyst-core)
10:24:07 [bb6963fe] chore(hardware-trezor): implement review suggestions (cardano-js-sdk)
10:27:30 [0a77b1fd] chore: update codeowners file (lace)
10:31:14 [2c807438] test(extension): e2e - add e2e tests for sending ada/assets from DApp (lace)
10:34:23 [fb05023d] fixup! Add datum indexing; add separate UtxoResult type (marconi)
10:37:04 [79de6fc6] fixup! Add datum indexing; add separate UtxoResult type (marconi)
10:37:36 [dad3bbb9] Checkpoint (hydra-poc)
10:38:44 [e93c82a4] FIX demo parameters (hydra-poc)
10:40:06 [3bc87dc3] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByteSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
10:40:12 [c6370ff0] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into chore/enable-precommit-hooks (lace)
10:40:51 [3a314854] chore: update codeowners file (#64) (lace)
10:41:09 [ffba2f4a] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into test/fix-geting-response-body (lace)
10:44:52 [19cc75b5] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into test/lw-4700-analytics-automation (lace)
10:47:14 [16e03767] Checkpoint (hydra)
10:49:07 [48eec4bd] Merge branch 'develop' into denis/YOEXT-594/trezor-emu-tests-fix (yoroi-frontend)
10:50:53 [f1d470b1] chore(hardware-trezor): merge-in base feature branch (cardano-js-sdk)
10:51:20 [f682ba3d] Invalidate cabal cache version. (ouroboros-consensus)
10:51:29 [86e9b597] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerWordSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
10:51:31 [b0cdb6da] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
10:51:31 [16d37f15] Generate protocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
10:51:31 [236208dd] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
10:51:31 [bc638d53] Use do notation and NamedFieldPuns to implement genProtocolParameters (cardano-api)
10:51:32 [ada9979c] Unified SupportedInEra (cardano-api)
10:51:32 [5b58cd07] stuff (cardano-api)
10:53:56 [ef41d39e] Merge pull request #2 from micahkendall/reduce_reduce (stdlib)
10:53:56 [775e7a1f] Merge pull request #2 from micahkendall/reduce_reduce (stdlib)
10:55:01 [e6da9a2c] added the collection in init script (atala-prism-mediator)
10:55:31 [d1d2d17a] Make the generated PDF a lot prettier (formal-ledger-specifications)
10:55:58 [f7f904bf] remove lib credits (git handles) (stdlib)
10:55:58 [fcdfe80f] remove lib credits (git handles) (stdlib)
10:56:18 [24dc1d1d] rename (stdlib)
10:56:18 [5b90ade6] rename (stdlib)
10:57:16 [40019338] fix (catalyst-core)
11:01:37 [7baff42e] index (atala-prism-mediator)
11:06:30 [09fce965] index2 (atala-prism-mediator)
11:14:12 [7061e6ff] deploy: 8b2f0f1a8e18ae4bce2ae49145d4c316d3475ff1 (catalyst-core)
11:14:28 [e88cfe88] test(extension): e2e - add e2e tests for sending ada/assets from DApp (lace)
11:14:39 [0d1d3d8f] Add some explanation about how to download the built repository (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
11:14:49 [3b560390] Revert Conway POOL to just reuse Shelley POOL transition (cardano-ledger)
11:18:39 [170b8a8d] Merge pull request #1855 from input-output-hk/fail_cluster_start (cardano-node-tests)
11:19:24 [46335ecf] Merge pull request #1856 from input-output-hk/enable_p2p_tracers (cardano-node-tests)
11:20:11 [cda2b530] Merge pull request #1858 from input-output-hk/enable_dependabot_for_actions (cardano-node-tests)
11:20:35 [c965aa10] Bump EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action from 1 to 2 (cardano-node-tests)
11:20:38 [9e77fe80] Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 4 (cardano-node-tests)
11:20:46 [53b35068] docs: Revert document formatting (daedalus)
11:25:30 [15986910] index3 (atala-prism-mediator)
11:26:50 [f35e00ec] stuff (cardano-api)
11:28:21 [2833c9e7] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByteSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
11:28:22 [33e8d130] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerWordSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
11:29:41 [f9bf2c51] WIP (cardano-node)
11:34:16 [338781b0] MediatorCoordinationExecuter is not using mongodb (atala-prism-mediator)
11:34:58 [aacc9485] Make the top how-tos section more explicit (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
11:35:36 [c8356c81] test(extension): change method name after comment (lace)
11:36:07 [b0803f4d] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into lw-6762-copy-assets (lace)
11:36:26 [acd79916] Link fixing (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
11:37:07 [555f9641] Generate protocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
11:37:08 [13a805a4] Use do notation and NamedFieldPuns to implement genProtocolParameters (cardano-api)
11:37:09 [d23b1095] Merge pull request #1857 from input-output-hk/disable_use_ledger_after_slot (cardano-node-tests)
11:37:14 [07457636] WIP (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
11:38:21 [23c6bf70] Revert "test(extension): update NFT tests" (lace)
11:38:22 [4a1e5873] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
11:38:23 [a4e2805f] Unified SupportedInEra (cardano-api)
11:38:23 [d7f7d9c0] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
11:43:19 [49c7042b] [DDW-1213] Add `libsystemd--device-monitor.patch` (daedalus)
11:46:02 [e4da0e38] refactor!: hoist Cardano.Percent to util package (cardano-js-sdk)
11:46:08 [daa89900] Merge branch 'main' into test/refactor-nft-tests (lace)
11:47:11 [bc3c690e] Integrate new migrations into the db layer on disk operations. (cardano-wallet)
11:47:42 [9e4d2e2b] Test (cardano-api)
11:48:07 [c6c63208] Remove `base` record from data Conf (cardano-node)
11:48:07 [9583b2ed] Propagate removal of `base` record through cardano-testnet tests (cardano-node)
11:48:08 [3982ca92] Propagate the removal of the `base` record to hprop_shutdown (cardano-node)
11:48:08 [b74ef1f2] Rename incorrectly named defaultByronGenesisJsonValue to defaultByronProtocolParamsJsonValue (cardano-node)
11:48:09 [d460cd22] Propagate `base` record removal to the Shelley only testnet (cardano-node)
11:48:09 [eff86d89] Propagate `base` record removal to Babbage and Cardano testnets (cardano-node)
11:48:09 [552fbf6d] Propagate `base` record removal to the Byron testnet (cardano-node)
11:48:10 [854b91e2] Update cardano-testnet.cabal to expose Testnet.{Utils,Topology} and (cardano-node)
11:48:10 [645f5f72] Remoal of base record from cardano-node-chairman (cardano-node)
11:48:11 [fc797fdc] Review changes (cardano-node)
11:49:03 [d8570e17] feat(util): get percentage from parts (cardano-js-sdk)
11:49:03 [72f724ab] feat(wallet): util to track utxo balance by address (cardano-js-sdk)
11:49:03 [7b3bd76b] refactor(tx-construction): txOutputBuilder satisfies OutputBuilder interface (cardano-js-sdk)
11:50:52 [20a4d680] chore: download link to openapi.json (openapi)
11:51:29 [5d203ad5] Merge pull request #3187 from Emurgo/denis/YOEXT-594/trezor-emu-tests-fix (yoroi-frontend)
11:51:42 [d7f6e4dc] Merge branch 'develop' into denis/YOEXT-606/dapp-tests-UI-update (yoroi-frontend)
11:52:22 [ed4053dd] Merge pull request #3204 from Emurgo/l10n_develop (yoroi-frontend)
11:55:14 [9105b4eb] [DDW-1213] Add `libsystemd--device-monitor.patch` (daedalus)
12:01:46 [6d1bec43] Get reference scripts also from normal txins (cardano-node-tests)
12:05:31 [4fda20b8] [EC Api] - Added: Everything you always wanted to know about Impermanent Loss and were afraid to ask (essential-cardano-content)
12:06:39 [2c08b942] [EC Api] - Added: Your Cardano onboarding guide (essential-cardano-content)
12:07:10 [694a3e59] Improve api yaml for rest api (hydra)
12:08:24 [6b08ec83] Merge pull request #899 from input-output-hk/fix_demo (hydra)
12:08:30 [6bb32802] Merge branch 'develop' into yushi/YOEXT-505/fix-revamp-tx-metadata (yoroi-frontend)
12:08:33 [6f9a368a] Merge branch 'main' into feat/LW-6695-staking-package-setup (lace)
12:08:56 [66661708] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/YOEXT-545/on-disconnect (yoroi-frontend)
12:09:15 [8995f969] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/YOEXT-550/reward-history (yoroi-frontend)
12:12:29 [4f1647a9] Add utility function to convert target address list to a predicate (marconi)
12:12:49 [cc6ab6a9] Merge pull request #1861 from input-output-hk/dependabot/github_actions/actions/setup-python-4 (cardano-node-tests)
12:13:13 [28be0220] Merge branch 'chore/ddw-1213-update-electron' into chore/ddw-1211-update-trezor-connect-to-v9.0.8 (daedalus)
12:13:36 [3391e2c9] Merge pull request #1860 from input-output-hk/dependabot/github_actions/EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action-2 (cardano-node-tests)
12:16:55 [55e30784] Merge pull request #1050 from input-output-hk/ivan-irakoze/contrib/everything-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-impermanent-loss-and-were-afraid-to-ask-1685966730656 (essential-cardano-content)
12:17:03 [c1e9e01e] test(extension): fix for logging network failures without body (#46) (lace)
12:17:14 [5529daf3] Merge pull request #1051 from input-output-hk/ivan-irakoze/contrib/your-cardano-onboarding-guide-1685966798434 (essential-cardano-content)
12:18:13 [51b49449] feat(cardano-services): setup handle projection operators (cardano-js-sdk)
12:20:19 [d17f8c32] Use .x suffix for release branches (cardano-api)
12:21:26 [7488d140] feat(wallet)!: delegation.portfolio$ tracker (cardano-js-sdk)
12:24:05 [32da26a9] Merge branch 'main' into NPG6325-integration-tests-earthly-integration (catalyst-core)
12:24:08 [fcb944c1] fix: format token amounts fro the tokens list (revamp) (yoroi-frontend)
12:28:28 [ec36878c] rev 02 naming stm signer core (mithril)
12:28:54 [a9e6b0ea] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into test/lw-4700-analytics-automation (lace)
12:29:16 [0f204d0f] feat(extension): add handle functionality to popup view (lace)
12:30:31 [dee975c4] Merge pull request #5261 from input-output-hk/jordan/cardano-testnet-remove-base-from-conf (cardano-node)
12:31:06 [1ed4b951] Integrate new migrations into the db layer on disk operations. (cardano-wallet)
12:31:20 [e36b704a] Update release.yml (foliage)
12:31:28 [6c080bec] Expose a method for retrieving UTxO set size from the ChainDB (ouroboros-consensus)
12:31:30 [41459d76] Merge branch 'main' into test/update-settings-tests (lace)
12:32:40 [98db069b] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into lw-6664-navigation-button (lace)
12:33:26 [0f408ad7] Update release.yml (foliage)
12:33:43 [d2271b97] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into lw-6664-navigation-button (lace)
12:34:35 [0544ccc8] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into lw-6632-profile-picture (lace)
12:35:12 [3de4cbfb] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into lw-6665-scroll-bar (lace)
12:35:48 [026d574a] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into feat/ui-toggle-switch (lace)
12:36:11 [f0fc691a] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
12:39:13 [4263f323] deploy: 32da26a9f6d704e42645bd07b7beeac99d10c5a7 (catalyst-core)
12:41:06 [ed3e9985] Merge pull request #1862 from input-output-hk/txin_ref_scripts (cardano-node-tests)
12:44:50 [cf0b7dd8] Added cardano-ledger-binary- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [06ce211a] Added set-algebra- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [f02a821c] Added cardano-ledger-mary- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [cd57904e] Added cardano-ledger-pretty- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [0e0ba9b2] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [c503ed41] Added cardano-ledger-conway-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [55a8f0f6] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [b07402b9] Added cardano-ledger-core- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [fa530ab1] Added cardano-ledger-shelley- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [f9b10c18] Added cardano-ledger-allegra- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [77c466a1] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [55faa1ff] Added cardano-ledger-conway- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [5df8c3d8] Added cardano-ledger-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [fdb8e456] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:44:50 [89372ea9] Added cardano-ledger-babbage- (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:45:01 [0d29bb77] Fixed workflows (quickcheck-dynamic)
12:47:45 [3fb47686] Merge pull request #1048 from input-output-hk/emurgo/contrib/the-role-of-stablecoins-in-cardanos-defi-ecosystem-1685611036011 (essential-cardano-content)
12:48:36 [40aa87be] Bifunctor Barbie (ouroboros-consensus)
12:48:44 [4fad2de4] Fix compilation in ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-consensus)
12:48:44 [3da9fdf6] Fix compilation in ouroboros-consensus-diffusion (ouroboros-consensus)
12:48:44 [85eb3779] Make `LedgerTables` a `newtype` instead of a data family. (ouroboros-consensus)
12:48:45 [773883cf] Fix compilation in ouroboros-consensus-cardano (ouroboros-consensus)
12:49:55 [9833056b] Fix `preferred-versions` format (foliage)
12:50:01 [f65d6426] rev 02 documentation for SignerCore and StmSigner (mithril)
12:50:48 [9057c98e] Merge pull request #1047 from input-output-hk/vcoincheckio/contrib/double-spending-1685503861751 (essential-cardano-content)
12:51:51 [5ea3645c] rev 02 do not consume closed_reg (mithril)
12:52:34 [3032f5a0] Merge branch 'main' into test/refactor-nft-tests (lace)
12:53:08 [b29535af] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:54:34 [54560863] Update delegator.md (essential-cardano-content)
12:54:56 [eeb08221] deploy: 6b08ec8342ae38cfa5d07205c3cb744c80ba9dc1 (hydra)
12:55:03 [99ff9d8c] Merge pull request #1046 from input-output-hk/vcoincheckio/contrib/delegator-1685502853694 (essential-cardano-content)
12:57:23 [d81657dd] Update dao.md (essential-cardano-content)
12:57:55 [532fcf2b] Merge pull request #1045 from input-output-hk/vcoincheckio/contrib/dao-1685502026438 (essential-cardano-content)
12:57:59 [2f4c539d] Reintroduce derived instances (marconi)
12:58:10 [f5327975] Merge pull request #5297 from input-output-hk/galois/cardano-tracer-reforwarding (cardano-node)
12:59:18 [cdda4e04] Fix failing install of system dependencies in GitHub actions (ouroboros-consensus)
12:59:20 [8e37d6d2] WIP (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:59:50 [94d3ee74] Merge branch 'main' into feat/LW-6695-staking-package-setup (lace)
13:03:07 [e7032bc1] Merge pull request #1044 from input-output-hk/alexander-nemish/contrib/a-list-of-community-built-developer-tools-on-cardano-1685375885913 (essential-cardano-content)
13:04:11 [0268964b] Fix failing install of system dependencies in GitHub actions (ouroboros-consensus)
13:05:57 [16ffc5da] chore(hardware-trezor): cleanup unit tests based on feedback (cardano-js-sdk)
13:06:17 [be41a40a] get_inline_data document, Value::sum example (helios-book)
13:06:40 [85878b61] [EC Api] - Added: Double spending (essential-cardano-content)
13:06:42 [53621b12] deploy: be41a40aad1d36ce723ac48fda9fef7c433ab8bc (helios-book)
13:07:14 [0b19b1f8] Merge pull request #1052 from input-output-hk/ivan-irakoze/contrib/double-spending-1685970399804 (essential-cardano-content)
13:08:29 [dd831717] Implement TmpAbsolutePath (cardano-node)
13:08:29 [6bdea25f] Update cardano-node-chairman with new path construction functions (cardano-node)
13:08:29 [0271d122] Update Testnet.Babbage with path construction functions (cardano-node)
13:08:30 [6e28ec6b] Update Testnet.Byron with path construction functions (cardano-node)
13:08:30 [12bae3c4] Update Testnet.Cardano with path construction functions (cardano-node)
13:08:31 [f9c640d9] Update Testnet.Shelley with path construction functions (cardano-node)
13:08:31 [4175f4cb] Update cardano-testnet-test with path construction functions (cardano-node)
13:10:41 [76067081] chore: update wallet test README (cardano-js-sdk)
13:11:09 [f75e964e] Merge pull request #113 from blinklabs-io/dependabot/go_modules/github.com/blinklabs-io/gouroboros-0.43.0 (go-cardano-submit-api)
13:15:27 [7b9c1c10] Migrate to nix flake (cardano-ledger)
13:15:27 [97136903] Apply suggestions from code review (mithril)
13:15:46 [0ab71281] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into chore/enable-precommit-hooks (lace)
13:16:34 [d1483318] Added gitrev to cardano-node (antaeus)
13:20:45 [f4613d01] Propagate `base` record removal to the Shelley only testnet (cardano-node)
13:20:47 [5a8baacd] Remove testnetMagic from data Conf (cardano-node)
13:20:47 [e4ca7f87] Add shelleyTestnetMagic field to ShelleyTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
13:20:48 [00581c1e] Add babbageTestnetMagic to data BabbageTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
13:20:48 [0cf28559] Add cardanoTestnetMagic to CardanoTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
13:20:48 [07a74b17] WIP, fix parsers (cardano-node)
13:20:49 [23b81f80] Implementing NetworkId parser (cardano-node)
13:21:54 [6ec098c2] Add developper tools, cross platform and alternative ghc support (cardano-api)
13:27:57 [d5755465] fix: format token amounts fro the tokens list (modern) (yoroi-frontend)
13:28:11 [fb53f5ea] rev 02 mismatched types (mithril)
13:31:27 [0317427e] Upgrade to docusaurus 2.4.1 (hydra)
13:31:43 [2d0e1cc6] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
13:33:07 [1c50da1d] fixup! refactor(extension): change token prices API and remove hardcoded list (lace)
13:35:21 [b4c52fc8] Stuff (cardano-api)
13:38:48 [37497a64] Add names to all root level components and log uncaught exceptions (marlowe-cardano)
13:38:48 [9682001b] update changelog (marlowe-cardano)
13:39:27 [16bbbf88] Improve api yaml for rest api (hydra)
13:41:50 [fbad88c1] Disable workaround for node issue 5233 (cardano-node-tests)
13:43:00 [b54fff70] Merge pull request #305 from blockfrost/chore/redoc-update (openapi)
13:43:30 [d76a5ddd] refactor(ui): merge grid/cell import (lace)
13:47:07 [9e2f54bc] Merge pull request #1863 from input-output-hk/node_8.1.0-pre_testing (cardano-node-tests)
13:48:57 [dc4884a6] ledger wallet cip62 submitDelegation (yoroi-frontend)
13:51:56 [977ea9e5] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into lw-6762-copy-assets (lace)
13:53:05 [95c11ab3] rev 02 documentation preliminery_verify (mithril)
13:56:46 [f2ad06cb] Return more information from Withdraw (marlowe-cardano)
13:56:53 [2a2f26a2] Remove focus usages (marlowe-cardano)
13:56:53 [d0c44ded] Add withdraw integration tests (marlowe-cardano)
14:00:40 [30b80849] test(extension): update NFT tests (#65) (lace)
14:02:28 [a52962ea] Merge pull request #735 from input-output-hk/feat/lw-6582-per-addr-balance-provider (cardano-js-sdk)
14:07:10 [156c814a] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
14:07:26 [20355b4f] remove useless comment (marconi)
14:09:06 [8204b6b5] Merge pull request #747 from input-output-hk/feat/improve-server-logging (cardano-js-sdk)
14:09:42 [bf9d185d] Merge pull request #748 from input-output-hk/chore/remove-contributors-arrays-everywhere (cardano-js-sdk)
14:11:51 [8c72a0a0] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into lw-6762-copy-assets (lace)
14:18:26 [c7c3523e] ci: publish packages [skip actions] (cardano-js-sdk)
14:22:13 [237753d6] WIP update pov proof (formal-ledger-specifications)
14:22:25 [7dbd6f5f] Setup and apply fourmolu code formatter (#54) (marconi)
14:22:43 [8820e6cb] More (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
14:22:43 [8ac10ec8] Separate users' from developers centric documentation (ouroboros-consensus)
14:22:46 [7071140c] Add a short introduction to the base documentation (ouroboros-consensus)
14:26:11 [151be75e] [EC Api] - Added: A list of community-built developer tools on Cardano (essential-cardano-content)
14:27:23 [ea725cbd] Merge pull request #1053 from input-output-hk/ivan-irakoze/contrib/a-list-of-community-built-developer-tools-on-cardano-1685975171275 (essential-cardano-content)
14:28:20 [153d1678] chore(ui): copy icons to dist folder (#18) (lace)
14:28:52 [684bad47] Changed the query in EpochState to query for the active SDD of an epoch (marconi)
14:29:14 [98d29129] chore(deps): bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 (lace)
14:29:15 [690aa042] chore(deps): bump deep-object-diff from 1.1.7 to 1.1.9 (lace)
14:29:32 [834b8ed4] chore(deps): bump snyk from 1.1054.0 to 1.1174.0 (lace)
14:29:35 [e90a6217] chore(deps): bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 (lace)
14:29:36 [1fbc5a59] chore(deps): bump ua-parser-js from 1.0.32 to 1.0.35 (lace)
14:29:37 [dbb2aabf] chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.0 (lace)
14:30:44 [7911d330] feat(ui): add card components (lace)
14:30:44 [9acc8c3c] feature(ui): create a page decorator function (lace)
14:30:44 [7ad9c627] refactor(ui): post review adjustments (lace)
14:30:44 [b07627c5] chore(ui): add typing for svg modules (lace)
14:30:44 [168cc752] refactor(ui): fix lint issues (lace)
14:31:17 [66be6e85] Rename utxo to utxos in DraftCommitTxRequest (hydra)
14:31:51 [1a524d16] imp: remove lorri due to std reqs, update ssh (ops-lib)
14:33:00 [61c78a5c] Update builder tool: go-ouroboros-network to gOuroboros (#1076) (developer-portal)
14:33:48 [60ae54fa] add service file (mithril)
14:34:07 [6aa3820e] Merge remote-tracking branch 'iog/HEAD' into feat/LW-6695-staking-package-setup (lace)
14:34:30 [9937e836] More README work (#323) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
14:36:29 [5c66e12e] fix(extension): lint warnings (lace)
14:37:05 [8b96bc7a] Move Sqlite.Migration to Sqlite.MigrationOld. (cardano-wallet)
14:37:33 [c801dc40] fix(ui): resolve conflicts (lace)
14:37:53 [4f33f59b] Merge branch 'feat/LW-6695-staking-package-setup' of github.com:input-output-hk/lace into feat/LW-6695-staking-package-setup (lace)
14:40:33 [bb302821] Create MigrationNew module. (cardano-wallet)
14:43:53 [e129ed5d] Update cardano-node-chairman with new path construction functions (cardano-node)
14:43:54 [f830119e] Update Testnet.Byron with path construction functions (cardano-node)
14:43:54 [2426902d] Update Testnet.Babbage with path construction functions (cardano-node)
14:43:55 [74d57f8b] Implement MigrationInterface for on file DB. (cardano-wallet)
14:43:55 [25ebed6f] Update Testnet.Cardano with path construction functions (cardano-node)
14:43:55 [490922be] Update Testnet.Shelley with path construction functions (cardano-node)
14:43:56 [44791548] Update cardano-testnet-test with path construction functions (cardano-node)
14:44:40 [f26bb358] Add tests for 'query slot-number' (cardano-node-tests)
14:45:00 [69bfc3a5] update (catalyst-core)
14:47:20 [08aae685] Merge pull request #128 from input-output-hk/direnv (ops-lib)
14:49:16 [57eaa2c7] Update from 9937e8365f48f9ff01c3c33cee92a41aac177031 (cardano-haskell-packages)
14:49:25 [c692f5bb] Merge branch 'main' into fix/lint-warnings (lace)
14:53:29 [e29d88fb] Refactoring part 2 (cardano-node-tests)
14:54:50 [bac8cafe] Integrate new migrations into the db layer on disk operations. (cardano-wallet)
15:00:05 [64dcb937] deploy: 4dfadd3fa0c0edab79307c0e95516bf70cc41b18 (catalyst-core)
15:01:37 [331b9261] WIP update pov proof (formal-ledger-specifications)
15:02:30 [8cdbe12c] deploy: 69bfc3a5dabd300616136cab71a74d7640729179 (catalyst-core)
15:02:57 [1c72c81c] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feat/LW-6695-staking-package-setup' into feature/LW-6672-card-component (lace)
15:04:05 [7972c588] chore: adjust github settings (lace)
15:06:20 [fe23787e] Send slack notification if nightly build failed (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:08:24 [dce41ad4] refactor(extension): group manifest endpoints and resolve logic gaps (lace)
15:09:12 [98a68a05] Merge branch 'main' into feature/lw-6624-ada-handle-send-flow (lace)
15:10:05 [34ec710e] feat: adds build action (catalyst-ci)
15:11:51 [47868193] fix: fixes bash arrays (catalyst-ci)
15:14:07 [0d4fb763] Added addAlias and remove Alias (atala-prism-mediator)
15:17:15 [46eb86ed] Fix padding on code display (marlowe-explorer)
15:19:21 [ecdc86fa] Upgrade to docusaurus 2.4.1 (hydra-poc)
15:19:45 [314e7fa7] Use .x suffix for release branches (cardano-api)
15:20:58 [d3916430] fix: fixes bash syntax error (catalyst-ci)
15:23:07 [004b60e2] New Cardano.Api.Feature module (cardano-api)
15:25:50 [00cbed42] chore: adjust github settings (#69) (lace)
15:26:59 [2d035e9b] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByteSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
15:28:03 [7dba38cb] fix: fixes satellite flag (catalyst-ci)
15:29:34 [586d9e15] We need to push to _release_ to complete the release (hydra-poc)
15:31:27 [e0edb850] Set maximum width for code view (marlowe-explorer)
15:34:04 [e605b7de] Update 3 (cardano-node-tests)
15:35:43 [ec19530d] Generate default samples without ReasonablySized files (hydra)
15:38:48 [56f2e492] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerWordSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
15:38:50 [72134666] Use do notation and NamedFieldPuns to implement genProtocolParameters (cardano-api)
15:38:50 [d4bc2a29] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
15:38:50 [7f91249e] Generate protocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
15:38:50 [259b4ec4] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
15:43:26 [6761b619] [wip] dependecies builder (mithril)
15:44:43 [ba9e6270] Add marlowe-contract definitions (dapps-world)
15:45:56 [8487100c] Merge pull request #38 from input-output-hk/mgalazyn/fix/use-different-release-branch-suffix (cardano-api)
15:47:48 [7dcd4075] Merge pull request #905 from input-output-hk/update_docusaurus (hydra)
15:48:19 [ea3ff103] We need to push to _release_ to complete the release (hydra)
15:48:58 [79889a5f] Remove test covered by `prop_StoreWallet`, `Rollback` case (cardano-wallet)
15:48:58 [6d970e49] Inline `putCheckpoint` in `db-bench` (cardano-wallet)
15:48:58 [0e3c84f1] Change `prop_randomOpChunks` to test `WalletMetadata` only (cardano-wallet)
15:48:58 [283bb300] Fix test behavior in `prop_randomOpChunks` (cardano-wallet)
15:48:58 [d171eb21] Inline `putCheckpoint` in rollback scenario test (cardano-wallet)
15:51:00 [6b74157f] showcase: adding the Continuity Token (#1074) (developer-portal)
15:51:38 [2c031c1e] New Cardano.Api.Feature module (cardano-api)
15:51:41 [7c4103a0] Generate protocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
15:51:41 [3e66da76] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
15:51:41 [08d226dc] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
15:51:41 [10bde61b] Use do notation and NamedFieldPuns to implement genProtocolParameters (cardano-api)
15:51:41 [651dae6d] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerWordSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
15:51:41 [9583b39a] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByteSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
15:53:11 [bae3a7b4] Update 3 (cardano-node-tests)
16:17:42 [f100bbd9] Merge branch 'main' into feature/lw-6624-ada-handle-send-flow (lace)
16:18:03 [37d30060] Merge branch 'main' into feature/LW-6623-ada-handle-receive-drawer (lace)
16:19:36 [56ddd254] Allow to recreate golden files (hedgehog-extras)
16:22:26 [96ed2722] Deployed haddocks (hedgehog-extras)
16:23:42 [e2bc90b8] Deployed haddocks (hedgehog-extras)
16:24:11 [be5f44c3] refactor: cardano-js-sdk wallet 0.14.0 min compat (lace)
16:25:20 [d3ae8cec] Split off `genDeltasCheckpoints` from `genDeltaWalletState` (cardano-wallet)
16:25:20 [34e996cb] Remove `putCheckpoint` from state machine tests (cardano-wallet)
16:25:20 [4f8bff81] Remove `putCheckpoint` from `DBLayer` (cardano-wallet)
16:27:00 [2a17e842] Merge branch 'main' into feature/update-sdk-version-0.12.0 (lace)
16:34:30 [96e9e99d] Remove `putCheckpoint` from `DBLayer` (cardano-wallet)
16:36:06 [07a01264] deploy: 293e80b9980f77084c989a633ff76b18967b5f68 (catalyst-core)
16:36:35 [4bd55cae] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:38:26 [ffbee960] Inline ChainPointRow (marconi)
16:38:26 [2eb37e08] Add module Marconi.ChainIndex.Extract.Datum (marconi)
16:38:26 [cc5d65ee] Minor refactor (marconi)
16:38:26 [5ba0b764] Top-level UtxoRow queries (marconi)
16:38:26 [acfaef1e] Use common datum extractor in Utxo indexer (marconi)
16:41:06 [297e3d05] Add build-tool-depends: cardano-testnet:cardano-testnet to (cardano-node)
16:44:34 [8c3ae150] Add missing cardano-testnet build tool dependency (cardano-node)
16:45:09 [14d12723] deploy: 7dcd407589f4c13712710010e2c987896acf3ab1 (hydra-poc)
16:49:47 [bcbe102e] Update README. (plutus)
16:53:59 [524b70c0] Add Utxo datum indexing; add separate UtxoResult type (marconi)
16:56:05 [cce5fbf8] Add `commuteConst` to simplifier pass. (#5360) (plutus)
16:57:26 [781259f8] Merge #3977 (cardano-wallet)
16:57:28 [1b49a2fb] fix: temporarily disable longterm cache (vm-frontend)
17:05:39 [d624a75a] DO NOT MERGE / DEBUG / fix cardano-ledger-core ver (cardano-node)
17:11:49 [47f3122e] Merge pull request #60 from blinklabs-io/fix/temp-disable-longterm-cache (vm-frontend)
17:14:45 [47b56d34] Merge pull request #4993 from input-output-hk/jordan/introduce-temp-path (cardano-node)
17:18:30 [df3ff6ba] WIP remove marlowe cardano minimal and add to benchmark. (plutus)
17:23:35 [d598c9b6] WIP a lot new code (atala-prism-mediator)
17:23:42 [b79f0a41] Add some notes on debugging solver problems (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:31:24 [8337b686] feat(cardano-services): setup handle projection operators (cardano-js-sdk)
17:39:04 [16f09ffe] more precise definition of validators (developer-portal)
17:41:03 [37e3f32e] Merge branch 'staging' into add-MarloweStat (developer-portal)
17:41:12 [ae803b26] feat(cardano-services): add typeorm handle provider and http handle service (cardano-js-sdk)
17:41:12 [87e395d7] feat(cardano-services-client): add handle http provider (cardano-js-sdk)
17:42:25 [79b3bf69] update (catalyst-core)
17:42:26 [70384236] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
17:43:33 [f61f6e6a] Follow up on temporary sanity check: Spend the script on L1 (hydra)
17:43:33 [20f6c510] WIP: draft a spending tx for script (hydra)
17:43:33 [7b93619b] Create another external commit scenario for scripts (hydra)
17:43:34 [6ff4a0fe] Fix script tx to be spent on L1 (hydra)
17:47:00 [7711d758] feat: Add moderation stage to Event DB. (catalyst-core)
17:47:43 [22b0751a] Merge branch 'staging' into marlowe_overview (developer-portal)
17:49:38 [455a3011] Add VDEL rules to Conway (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:51:33 [aafab0ce] Add script info as part of draft commit tx request (hydra)
17:51:36 [0b28fd77] Add protocol parameters, systemStart and epochInfo as arguments to mkChain factory method. (hydra)
17:51:36 [593f1d54] Finish commit external script e2e spec (hydra)
17:51:36 [3e0e3bf8] Minor formatting changes (hydra)
17:51:36 [8172d9f3] Minor formatting change (hydra)
17:51:36 [5d5f9c09] Split commitTx into tx body builder and tx builder (hydra)
17:51:54 [dc70b108] Fix golden files for rest server (hydra)
17:52:48 [fc883508] feat(tx-builder): delegatePortfolio creates certificates (cardano-js-sdk)
17:56:36 [d1e80bed] Propagate `base` record removal to the Shelley only testnet (cardano-node)
17:56:37 [7a4a55c6] Remove testnetMagic from data Conf (cardano-node)
17:56:37 [22cc1172] Add shelleyTestnetMagic field to ShelleyTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
17:56:38 [4deb9e45] Add babbageTestnetMagic to data BabbageTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
17:56:38 [91ef5aae] Add cardanoTestnetMagic to CardanoTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
17:56:38 [2774050b] WIP, fix parsers (cardano-node)
17:56:39 [be91f876] Implementing NetworkId parser (cardano-node)
17:57:08 [801b0c5f] Merge pull request #597 from input-output-hk/jhbertra/log-exceptions (marlowe-cardano)
17:57:28 [f4e61939] deploy: 9209648cedb9fb1d6969d818fbafbeef7e167c3a (catalyst-core)
18:00:24 [69d6dc10] deploy: 79b3bf695cd61c63275088a09b466b6c6849aad2 (catalyst-core)
18:07:44 [f703bb99] Update 4 (cardano-node-tests)
18:10:20 [1f493bcd] Use plutus benchmark's getDataDir. (plutus)
18:13:21 [905c4a61] Update 5 (cardano-node-tests)
18:16:55 [a932642b] cardano-ledger-shelley-ma- revision (cardano-haskell-packages)
18:19:53 [2d5da5db] Adapt MintBurn queries response to sidechain needs (marconi)
18:27:45 [c465be8e] io-sim: selector functions which capture time (io-sim)
18:28:26 [b99db757] cardano-ledger-shelley-ma- revision (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
18:29:36 [241f1c81] Fix marlowe-runtime-test build (marlowe-cardano)
18:30:23 [5af298bc] Deploy marlowe-contract (marlowe-cardano)
18:30:38 [1bb07ee8] cardano-ledger-shelley-ma- revision (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
18:30:58 [3a3dbf61] chore(deps): bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35 to 36 (marlowe-cardano)
18:31:01 [0500113e] chore(deps): bump cachix/install-nix-action from 20 to 21 (marlowe-cardano)
18:39:00 [576cda9f] bump babbage test (cardano-ledger)
18:40:47 [49879fc1] Fix exe. (plutus)
18:40:55 [542c3458] Added cardano-ledger-babbage-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
18:42:54 [0ab6cd99] feat(extension): persist balance visibility (lace)
18:45:44 [7d3eba07] Windows Fix (cardano-node-tests)
18:47:52 [915fb4e0] Address comments (plutus)
19:00:32 [83364685] Update tokenList.json (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
19:01:02 [a41e4970] feat(cardano-services): add typeorm handle provider and http handle service (cardano-js-sdk)
19:01:17 [6c8c406c] bump cardano-ledger-babbage-test patch version (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:02:03 [9ae86d14] Changed the query in EpochState to query for the active SDD of an epoch (marconi)
19:03:41 [53267079] Update marlowe deploy (dapps-world)
19:08:11 [142f6806] Merge #3977 (cardano-wallet)
19:08:54 [117c2ede] Update token_data.c (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
19:13:05 [3c2015d7] Changed the query in EpochState to query for the active SDD of an epoch (marconi)
19:13:12 [c7712b0b] Added cardano-protocol-tpraos- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
19:14:21 [bd88ad59] feat: Add historic data README, sensitive data public key file, replace unencrypted DB files for encrypted ones and remake SQL files (catalyst-core)
19:20:43 [25aaa7c3] nix: Adjust tracing frequency (cardano-node)
19:22:30 [2dcf30c4] Now compute txdat redeemers and script witnesses (cardano-ledger)
19:22:43 [607168c2] post-chaps changelog version bumps (cardano-ledger)
19:23:30 [38f5c01e] Shrinking with constraints (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:23:30 [c13b8783] Added Vars, TypeReps for Tx. file genTx.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:23:31 [70422e42] Replaced Unique with RelLens, Add additional Solver cases. (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:23:31 [570167de] Add class Specification and first generic test specs (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:27:52 [460b6046] Cleanup Fields (removed Access, inlined Yes) (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:29:15 [29a5bc72] Use preexisting functions and restore debug msg (cardano-node)
19:29:48 [0b06ee6f] deploy: bd88ad59526e1d0b051c08fbd50d6b0508ecbbc5 (catalyst-core)
19:30:10 [72138104] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into zliu41/app-inline-uplc (plutus)
19:30:30 [91a78580] Replace Sums constraints with Lenses for specs (Aniket Deshpande) (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:32:15 [96f5a063] PLT-5904 updated style on icons (marlowe-explorer)
19:32:42 [b15424ff] note in PR template about version bump (cardano-ledger)
19:33:03 [8c6ba617] deploy: a55b48463fdf501c6932298e9587dba8f30a141c (catalyst-core)
19:34:32 [4e8cda0f] bump cardano-ledger-apI patch version (cardano-ledger)
19:34:32 [a9797ed0] Fix typo (plutus)
19:35:37 [f773362d] Added cardano-ledger-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
19:36:13 [12d8f5b7] TODO: check sufficient funds in inputsToOutputsWIthFee (cardano-node)
19:36:13 [379d2635] Implement TODO to convert to ExceptT (Error monad). (cardano-node)
19:36:13 [a4106158] TODO: Convert hand-rolled Either to ExceptT. (cardano-node)
19:36:14 [5fa594ea] Document top-level functions. (cardano-node)
19:36:14 [b014a06b] Avoid an import and increase readability (cardano-node)
19:36:14 [6aecf9b3] Use preexisting functions and restore debug msg (cardano-node)
19:36:14 [7b86d686] Avoid new import and minor simplification (cardano-node)
19:36:14 [c689a569] Remove trailing space. (cardano-node)
19:36:14 [5a7759b3] Avoid import and increase readability (cardano-node)
19:46:58 [ed0d768d] dev: refactor importer code, cleaner logs (catalyst-core)
19:51:44 [212ce8f8] PLT-5904 updated contract detail header page (marlowe-explorer)
19:52:12 [76f84b2e] Fix choose description (marlowe-cardano)
19:52:52 [af090fe2] First cut at documenting Action. (cardano-node)
19:53:00 [af96db9b] Beginnings of Env haddock (cardano-node)
19:53:00 [f994dd71] Check in Error type description. (cardano-node)
19:53:00 [995d8bd0] Module description for Env. (cardano-node)
19:53:00 [d8efc1b8] Clean up haddock warnings & add module header. (cardano-node)
19:53:00 [2d6a4bd1] Check in progress for Generator. (cardano-node)
19:53:00 [01de490e] Added Marconi resuming strategy ADR (marconi)
19:53:01 [c652bd41] Document Selftest and Action modules. (cardano-node)
19:53:01 [151b079d] Document Wallet. (cardano-node)
19:53:01 [66bcb0bc] Update haddock after new info from Micha. (cardano-node)
19:53:43 [5426b8f5] Return more information from Withdraw (marlowe-cardano)
19:53:46 [2cae348d] Add withdraw integration tests (marlowe-cardano)
19:53:46 [4f2f166e] Remove focus usages (marlowe-cardano)
19:53:47 [256e8370] Fix marlowe-runtime-test build (marlowe-cardano)
19:57:08 [1b3c8f04] Fix withdrawal integration tests (marlowe-cardano)
19:58:16 [4711f931] Merge #3977 (cardano-wallet)
19:59:35 [449b92f1] Adding new token. (cardano-token-registry)
20:04:15 [e4376014] Merge pull request #599 from input-output-hk/plt-5623-choose-description (marlowe-cardano)
20:04:58 [492dab58] deploy: ed0d768d2e5fa75987bc683b3c1251ecd94d2745 (catalyst-core)
20:05:09 [6d2c720a] Windows Fix (cardano-node-tests)
20:06:19 [fd612db1] PLT-5904 fix download icon, button shadows and alignment of values (marlowe-explorer)
20:15:50 [6fef6ce1] fix(core): add context to SubmitTxArgs (cardano-js-sdk)
20:16:23 [863aa520] fix(tx-construction): replace SignedTx with SubmitTxArgs (cardano-js-sdk)
20:16:44 [e582d4cc] fix: refactor ObservableWalletSubmitTx to return a context with Handles and Handles implementation in PersonalWallet (cardano-js-sdk)
20:21:52 [1dde0a7c] PLT-5904 update styling on contract details - update highlight color (marlowe-explorer)
20:25:25 [fe006497] docs: Merge #3977 3977: [ADP-3058] Implement `MigrationInterface` for SQLite r=paolino a=paolino ADP-3058 Co-authored-by: paolino <[email protected]> Source commit: 4711f93163006e07aada927da0b3061add403554 (cardano-wallet)
20:25:56 [4b357b66] refactor: cardano-js-sdk wallet 0.14.0 min compat (lace)
20:25:56 [4926aa7d] refactor: cardano-js-sdk wallet 0.12.0 min compat (lace)
20:30:36 [1b745ff8] fix(core): add context to SubmitTxArgs (cardano-js-sdk)
20:30:57 [4beeb9ec] fix(tx-construction): replace SignedTx with SubmitTxArgs (cardano-js-sdk)
20:31:18 [170685c7] fix: refactor ObservableWalletSubmitTx to return handles and implement them in PersonalWallet (cardano-js-sdk)
20:34:37 [4661597e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:35:38 [5dd019df] limit exports of CosnumedTxOut.Queries (cardano-db-sync)
20:43:33 [7397c6b9] refactor: cardano-js-sdk wallet 0.12.0 min compat (#15) (lace)
20:44:27 [7a7b8fd3] chore(deps): bump ua-parser-js from 1.0.32 to 1.0.35 (lace)
20:44:31 [cb996605] chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.0 (lace)
20:44:44 [d852eada] chore(deps): bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 (lace)
20:44:44 [6914f07e] chore(deps): bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 (lace)
20:44:46 [943c1e6a] chore(deps): bump deep-object-diff from 1.1.7 to 1.1.9 (lace)
20:44:51 [35bdb876] chore(deps): bump snyk from 1.1054.0 to 1.1174.0 (lace)
20:45:49 [acedf564] Inline fully saturated applications in UPLC (#5323) (plutus)
20:46:03 [3200bd88] reduce cyclic errors seperate out Ledger & Api (cardano-db-sync)
20:49:45 [8182f224] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@acedf564b213809d46730af546e8eef178ef944a 🚀 (plutus)
20:52:58 [2630e9af] Merge branch 'nadia.chambers/tx-gen-doc-01' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-node into nadia.chambers/tx-gen-cleanups-01 (cardano-node)
21:04:18 [40907d5e] PLT-5904 update styling on contract list view (marlowe-explorer)
21:07:54 [c767dee7] Return more information from Withdraw (marlowe-cardano)
21:07:54 [2c82d428] Remove focus usages (marlowe-cardano)
21:07:54 [93bc2587] Fix withdrawal integration tests (marlowe-cardano)
21:07:54 [44a5872b] Fix marlowe-runtime-test build (marlowe-cardano)
21:07:54 [dc3794c8] Add withdraw integration tests (marlowe-cardano)
21:15:28 [2e46b345] Remove detritus of moved function in Action (cardano-node)
21:16:07 [52e1e8f6] Style navigation buttons in implementation (marlowe-explorer)
21:25:41 [d988ff93] Merge pull request #598 from input-output-hk/plt-5271-withdraw-tests (marlowe-cardano)
21:26:49 [7d52bb98] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
21:35:40 [260d6289] Link logo to main page and remove 1st button (marlowe-explorer)
21:52:29 [6fad1070] Merge pull request #3240 from oky0416/master (cardano-token-registry)
21:54:05 [2bfa1a3d] Merge pull request #3241 from only1Batman/master (cardano-token-registry)
21:57:08 [8202088e] Merge pull request #1 from cardano-foundation/master (cardano-token-registry)
22:04:02 [87a788ea] feat: use PubKey as parameters (helios)
22:04:02 [bd3a037f] refactor: spaces (helios)
22:04:27 [4aa6339f] fix: parse UTxO from Blockfrost (helios)
22:22:35 [f14d510d] fix: parse UTxO from Blockfrost (Helios)
22:45:42 [82a59360] feat(cardano-services): add handle policy id cli option check (cardano-js-sdk)
22:52:09 [a1744bf7] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
22:54:47 [8e47ab31] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
23:05:15 [143e1a3a] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 271 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:16 [c9d13b29] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 306 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:17 [d871af86] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 270 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:18 [b7cf8a06] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 688 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:18 [b84dd613] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 541 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:19 [5f99f8a1] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 700 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:20 [69168cfb] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 267 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:20 [69e30986] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 315 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:14:56 [1d71e32b] notation and formatting mods (formal-ledger-specifications)
23:15:24 [735548be] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
23:48:08 [9bc31aa1] Update 6 (cardano-node-tests)