Home / Reports / Sep 24, 2020

Thursday, September 24, 2020

352 commits had been pushed across 34 repos by 65 authors. There were 61,357 additions and 18,103 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:05:24 [05829611] Merge pull request #324 from input-output-hk/release/2.2.0 (cardano-graphql)
00:17:50 [fce5a796] fix inline-r stack (plutus)
00:29:46 [7c7ce3b5] WIP A ThreadNet test with a Shelley-to-Shelley hard fork (ouroboros-network)
01:04:12 [f319b88c] Automatic update for Thu Sep 24 01:04:12 UTC 2020 (stackage.nix)
01:06:10 [c093b86e] ReadTheDocs formatted documentation (#12) (adrestia)
01:06:27 [af367c26] deploy: c093b86e37271e6fdf9f429b88ef6a7904031de8 (adrestia)
01:20:02 [ed4d2759] Automatic update for Thu Sep 24 01:20:01 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:22:00 [f7705445] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:23:20 [6084243e] ifdLevel 2 (haskell.nix)
02:27:50 [08722d1f] Put back original files (adrestia)
02:31:57 [cc7f4ddf] chore: update changelog (cardano-graphql)
02:36:31 [d05209dd] Use MyST plugin, poetry for dependencies (adrestia)
02:40:29 [58feb1db] CI build with Github Actions (cardano-node)
02:40:30 [8e4676f6] Add support for building on Windows (cardano-node)
02:59:32 [c74c2d7a] fix: clear all address search results prior to sending new query (cardano-explorer-app)
03:09:33 [4e2de6bb] Multisig CLI commands (cardano-node-tests)
03:10:42 [70ef0ccc] --witness-signing-key-file -> --signing-key-file (cardano-node-tests)
03:11:58 [724d22c3] Add test for multisig "all" script (cardano-node-tests)
03:15:15 [5eb1dcfa] Add support for building on Windows (cardano-node)
03:16:52 [a380e994] Merge pull request #139 from mkoura/multisig_all_script (cardano-node-tests)
03:34:39 [54830b0e] Add support for building on Windows (cardano-node)
03:51:16 [8b13d058] Make the temp_dir fixtures more general (cardano-node-tests)
03:57:29 [47d8aa1c] Merge pull request #140 from mkoura/general_temp_dir (cardano-node-tests)
04:10:53 [356faf8f] Fix eval issue by updating hls test (haskell.nix)
04:41:39 [e7d1eb24] Skip pandoc test for ghc8102-plutus (haskell.nix)
04:46:45 [f3e3ccc4] Use inspection to get temp_template value (cardano-node-tests)
04:52:24 [cb653428] Merge pull request #141 from mkoura/temp_template_inspection (cardano-node-tests)
04:52:25 [a6ffa489] Add support for building on Windows (cardano-node)
05:02:05 [a021c87e] Add support for building on Windows (cardano-node)
05:10:20 [2fbbc765] Add support for building on Windows (cardano-node)
05:22:57 [4d406413] Add support for building on Windows (cardano-node)
05:27:26 [a5d02967] Stuff (cardano-node)
05:32:26 [5ef52aab] Stuff (cardano-node)
05:41:28 [2645034e] Stuff (cardano-node)
05:59:30 [73879b6a] Revert "Remove integration tests shutdown hack" (cardano-launcher)
05:59:42 [399881c5] Update doco to match new behaviour (haskell.nix)
06:01:38 [00f89c0d] Pure Shelley testnet (cardano-node)
06:01:51 [1af92f21] Merge pull request #20 from cardano-foundation/crptmppt-patch-1 (CIPs)
06:11:30 [adfb6ed0] Pure Shelley testnet (cardano-node)
06:15:38 [41b0f6ae] Bump structopt from 0.3.17 to 0.3.18 (jormungandr)
07:00:44 [c8d45c7e] Merge #2168 (cardano-wallet)
07:07:25 [96ad2ae6] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
07:17:12 [6a963670] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
07:23:05 [0295f175] Adding meeting notes (CIPs)
07:28:21 [e26afe77] Shelley testnet experiment (cardano-node)
07:33:33 [d8eb6451] add fallback for metadata JSON parsing from pre-existing database (cardano-wallet)
07:41:30 [438848ac] Experiment 2 (cardano-node)
07:42:00 [0f640b42] Adds experimental TSan logic. This will require a custom compiler (haskell.nix)
07:42:19 [828a04f6] Allow source spec to be a file (haskell.nix)
07:42:31 [bb39ebba] Source dist logic (haskell.nix)
07:42:44 [18b16f65] custom 8.6.5-iohk ghc (haskell.nix)
07:43:34 [459dd8f0] fixup! Allow source spec to be a file (haskell.nix)
07:43:53 [577d987a] use custom ghc. (haskell.nix)
07:56:41 [04ba93ba] [ETCM-118] Rename trait for RegularSync messages (mantis)
08:04:15 [edb0b4ab] docs: details the container shared host memory size requirement (cardano-rosetta)
08:05:35 [e415a3f4] ResourceT working (cardano-node)
08:08:18 [5270aa52] Not working (cardano-node)
08:09:46 [06583394] ci: use suggested --shm-size in workflows (cardano-rosetta)
08:13:07 [7bacff7b] [DDW-395] Update WBE and Node dependencies (#2187) (daedalus)
08:18:56 [86425b58] Remove wallet and node integration logs from stdout (cardano-wallet)
08:18:56 [eb5681b1] Set and upload TESTS_LOGDIR from buildkite (cardano-wallet)
08:18:56 [577f6a6b] Remove cartouches and make ClusterLog more neat (cardano-wallet)
08:18:56 [cd834adf] nix: set TESTS_LOGDIR for integration tests on hydra (cardano-wallet)
08:21:43 [0eefb4ec] Add missing JSON roundtrip test for `ApiAddress`. (cardano-wallet)
08:21:54 [a307e5fb] Fix upper bound of `addressIndex` to `2^32 - 1`. (cardano-wallet)
08:21:54 [0806c35d] Add `ApiAddressDerivationPath` type and JSON roundtrip tests. (cardano-wallet)
08:21:55 [ccc01113] Add swagger API definitions for `addressDerivationPath`. (cardano-wallet)
08:23:11 [e3fddb8c] Notify HFC of transition from Shelley to MA (ouroboros-network)
08:28:51 [df44a1a0] Try #2173: (cardano-wallet)
08:29:54 [125cb5d2] schema (cardano-db-sync)
08:29:54 [34e17b71] wip (cardano-db-sync)
08:37:55 [ccf30729] Merge branch 'master' into gLiveView-1.5 (guild-operators)
08:38:21 [83d3d4d1] Refactor and clean bloated "helpers" module (cardano-node-tests)
08:41:26 [74116750] Merge pull request #142 from mkoura/refactor_helpers (cardano-node-tests)
08:49:59 [8ebfaa0f] Cleanups and unification (cardano-node-tests)
08:52:05 [4d287986] Add cardano-rest-tests (cardano-rest)
08:52:44 [793249be] etcm-70-71 added checkpoint to block header + updated header decoder/encoder + added checkpointing config (mantis)
08:53:28 [1137866a] Merge pull request #143 from mkoura/unification_cleanups (cardano-node-tests)
08:55:28 [f7d669e5] Fixes for checkMaterialization (haskell.nix)
09:07:33 [6f05f4da] Reusable `multisig_tx` function (cardano-node-tests)
09:12:14 [4110fadb] etcm-70-71 added checkpoint to block header + updated header decoder/encoder + added checkpointing config (mantis)
09:18:14 [3f24132b] move tests to MultisigSpec (cardano-addresses)
09:18:20 [e4249434] Merge #2168 (cardano-wallet)
09:26:06 [a807a871] Added needed to_bytes methods (chain-libs)
09:28:42 [6095a94a] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
09:37:34 [4012adc6] Event types (plutus)
09:39:45 [c8bbf33b] Add test for "any" multisig script (cardano-node-tests)
09:41:46 [f47cc3a9] Add test for "atLeast" multisig script (cardano-node-tests)
09:41:54 [29c79245] expose an executable 'shelley-test-cluster' which starts an integration test cluster with faucets (cardano-wallet)
09:42:55 [16900b15] WIP: Forecast tests (ouroboros-network)
09:44:04 [361ff730] Prevent propagation to the same node ID (jormungandr)
09:45:26 [a4b4c214] get committee_id based on wallet (jormungandr)
09:46:20 [129c7b08] derive Debug, Clone for vit related configs (jormungandr)
09:46:43 [3aa4ea19] enhanced configuration with committee stuff (jormungandr)
09:47:05 [12aafb91] add two e2e vote tests (jormungandr)
09:48:27 [317a8732] Lower MsgPoolGarbageCollectionEvent severity to Info (cardano-wallet)
09:48:38 [be19c837] replaced Version with semwer impl (jormungandr)
09:49:25 [62397645] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
09:50:13 [d46222d5] Delete an unused type variable (plutus)
09:53:01 [fc5619d3] fix (plutus)
09:53:05 [075d713a] Add comment explaining the domain of `ApiAddressDerivationType`. (cardano-wallet)
09:53:11 [05eb7559] add rest constructor impl of toCBOR (cardano-addresses)
09:55:53 [3c3efd73] expose an executable 'shelley-test-cluster' which starts an integration test cluster with faucets (cardano-wallet)
10:01:36 [e3145b82] Merge pull request #2173 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/already-existing-metadata-fixup (cardano-wallet)
10:02:34 [6cef66f6] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
10:02:34 [4f183a0a] e3145b822d4ece10f98039e3b5b535d9e43d190a (cardano-wallet)
10:02:35 [497b3c0c] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
10:10:05 [7c75d278] Add swagger API definitions for `addressDerivationPath`. (cardano-wallet)
10:10:05 [575047fd] Add `ApiAddressDerivationPath` type and JSON roundtrip tests. (cardano-wallet)
10:10:06 [a1c42f9a] Add comment explaining the domain of `ApiAddressDerivationType`. (cardano-wallet)
10:11:12 [4b44550e] Merge #2168 (cardano-wallet)
10:12:09 [7e0a3596] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-16-table-comparison-view-for-stake-pools (daedalus)
10:12:23 [b3ea7f00] Add a system event type to the continuation based scheduler (plutus)
10:18:11 [4a678f1f] fix stylish purty (plutus)
10:28:34 [407dc27b] Write manual JSON instances for Input type (plutus)
10:31:23 [9ad40822] Add missing JSON roundtrip test for `ApiAddress`. (cardano-wallet)
10:31:24 [75de2387] Fix upper bound of `addressIndex` to `2^32 - 1`. (cardano-wallet)
10:31:24 [e0568319] Add `ApiAddressDerivationPath` type and JSON roundtrip tests. (cardano-wallet)
10:31:25 [c6ea727f] Add swagger API definitions for `addressDerivationPath`. (cardano-wallet)
10:31:25 [4be0f416] Add comment explaining the domain of `ApiAddressDerivationType`. (cardano-wallet)
10:40:09 [0252a7c8] Address reviews (plutus)
10:49:44 [0b9295d3] Only sign key for utxo input is needed for sending funds to script addr (cardano-node-tests)
10:57:02 [66136e9a] Fix position of Simulation icon (plutus)
10:57:07 [15c0a1ae] Make JSON instances for static analysis response (plutus)
10:57:09 [1fde7a98] Write manual JSON instances for Input type (plutus)
10:57:10 [5de69f6a] Address reviews (plutus)
10:59:37 [7c86c5d9] Fix embarrassing spelling: embarassing -> embarrassing (cardano-wallet)
11:10:30 [03f72c9b] Fixed bug when reading publickey from bytes (chain-libs)
11:10:35 [aa66d8dd] Fix position of Simulation icon (plutus)
11:10:37 [07c75091] Fixed bug when reading publickey from bytes (jormungandr)
11:10:42 [b97bcad2] Make JSON instances for static analysis response (plutus)
11:10:44 [fbe216f8] Write manual JSON instances for Input type (plutus)
11:10:45 [a536fabc] Address reviews (plutus)
11:13:31 [9292f859] pipe error to /dev/null in byron era (guild-operators)
11:13:50 [d3e78871] Merge branch 'gLiveView-1.5' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators into gLiveView-1.5 (guild-operators)
11:16:16 [737ec031] add golden tests for requireAnyOf and requireAllOf (cardano-addresses)
11:25:05 [fcdc21c3] [ETCM-121] Refactor configs (#681) (mantis)
11:25:14 [d37584e1] add RequireMOf golden tests (cardano-addresses)
11:44:41 [eb09a7d8] e3145b822d4ece10f98039e3b5b535d9e43d190a (cardano-wallet)
11:44:42 [b8766029] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
11:44:55 [2b3fd2d5] Transactions: pool_hash_id is the correct column name (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
11:44:55 [e035860d] index.ts: better handling on tx history errors (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
11:48:44 [8bc4c6d4] migrate Scala 2.12 => 2.13 main sources compile (mantis)
11:49:55 [7c7381b6] e3145b822d4ece10f98039e3b5b535d9e43d190a (cardano-wallet)
11:49:55 [faafbf96] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
12:09:29 [cb8b1ff0] Fix Purty (plutus)
12:17:40 [93d756ee] Release 0.9.3 (jormungandr)
12:18:27 [0c25f40b] e3145b822d4ece10f98039e3b5b535d9e43d190a (cardano-wallet)
12:18:27 [23fcfa4d] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
12:25:04 [4271b663] Merge pull request #2179 from input-output-hk/anviking/fix-spelling (cardano-wallet)
12:25:55 [e3fa1487] 4271b663bba2dfd353366a668cd43181d678c1c3 (cardano-wallet)
12:25:56 [3724930b] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
12:29:46 [2d4952fe] Change the inbox scheduler to support system messages (plutus)
12:32:02 [bbf67d6b] Removed static built-in functions from 'plutus-core' (plutus)
12:32:43 [28d6a78a] Make monitorStakePools crash on infinite rollback recursion (cardano-wallet)
12:35:13 [df530eee] Use 'FetchSystemEvent'; some comments (plutus)
12:35:51 [65b0630d] Fix bug in sqlites rollbackTo (cardano-wallet)
12:37:43 [3bf5038c] cache latest checkpoint in-memory to avoid deserializing and reserializing too often (cardano-wallet)
12:37:43 [98dfd2f2] remove now obsolete random account index override (cardano-wallet)
12:38:11 [bd232426] Merge #2161 (cardano-wallet)
12:41:25 [28bae223] Try #2138: (cardano-wallet)
12:42:54 [c37ed8e6] [DDW-269] Styling adjustments (daedalus)
12:43:04 [ba2d8d54] Merge pull request #1869 from input-output-hk/jc/shelely-ma-in-readme-and-makefile (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:43:09 [2d1f9ad2] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-269-handle-app-automatic-update (daedalus)
12:51:06 [113d8956] add golden tests for nested scripts (cardano-addresses)
12:59:25 [bf6c8337] Merge branches 'develop' and 'etcm-123-metrics' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/mantis into etcm-123-metrics (mantis)
13:07:58 [2f715c39] implement garbage collection from the blockchain state store (jormungandr)
13:10:23 [6325b574] Update README.md (cardano-graphql)
13:15:28 [4a624cc6] Repeated withdrawal from script address (cardano-node-tests)
13:15:38 [b2c6a512] Add scala files to gitignore (cardano-rest)
13:20:26 [24f1a140] Merge pull request #182 from input-output-hk/docs/specify-shm-size-in-run (cardano-rosetta)
13:23:44 [851b013b] Test "any" with multiple witnesses (cardano-node-tests)
13:52:17 [f6601f04] gLiveView v1.5 (#495) (guild-operators)
13:57:08 [925cffdf] Swap default CNODE_HOME order for cnode.sh.templ (guild-operators)
13:59:40 [1fd089c3] Don't check logs for script errors (cardano-node-tests)
14:00:58 [27d836ab] Add negative test for "all" script (cardano-node-tests)
14:01:30 [4443304e] Add negative test for "any" script (cardano-node-tests)
14:02:05 [69038d1e] [DDW-269] Remove typos and console log (daedalus)
14:02:18 [032e04f9] Add negative test for "atLeast" script (cardano-node-tests)
14:06:45 [a9df1489] Add the test_multisig_atleast_one_required negative test (cardano-node-tests)
14:09:42 [22335b13] [DDW-269] Remove dummy data (daedalus)
14:22:37 [bcbce83d] When a retried test fails, show the first error (cardano-wallet)
14:23:24 [32cd080e] Add link to min fee calculation issue (cardano-node-tests)
14:25:50 [43c24b77] [DDW-269] Cleanup (daedalus)
14:26:13 [7ef1f7bf] Swap default CNODE_HOME order for cnode.sh.templ (#497) (guild-operators)
14:27:06 [0f4257f4] Merge pull request #144 from mkoura/multisig_tests (cardano-node-tests)
14:27:34 [79d18547] [DDW-269] Automatic Daedalus updates (#2056) (daedalus)
14:28:16 [5cde1e6c] perform storage garbage collection (jormungandr)
14:28:45 [93227055] purge ledger multiverse down to epoch stability depth (jormungandr)
14:29:51 [f23c6bc1] [Chore] Update ScalaTest (mantis)
14:29:51 [a09af179] [Chore] Update Scalamock (mantis)
14:29:52 [3e1047dd] [Chore] Update repo.nix (mantis)
14:30:50 [aa624d93] Forget logging: also log updates, and use event log. (cardano-base)
14:31:45 [65d836d3] used version from semver (jortestkit)
14:32:30 [48104ea6] Cannot use id of instance for caching (cardano-node-tests)
14:32:36 [c567de2d] [DDW-395] Update WBE (daedalus)
14:32:52 [a47c1834] updated jortestkit (jormungandr)
14:33:40 [501b5fa0] Fix bug in sqlites rollbackTo (cardano-wallet)
14:34:01 [ad7f45e7] used semver instead of inhouse Version (jormungandr)
14:34:09 [92ee7b0c] update tests (jormungandr)
14:34:24 [e3b4fa3e] Try #2138: (cardano-wallet)
14:34:52 [c846700b] nicer raw tx in transaction view (ikar)
14:35:22 [f6ead76b] version v2020-09-22 (ikar)
14:37:32 [13ed5968] run tests on node 1.20.0 (ikar)
14:38:50 [3d55961a] Merge pull request #145 from mkoura/fix_caching (cardano-node-tests)
14:47:30 [dad43cd7] Use "peer" log key consistently (jormungandr)
14:48:19 [b143cf7d] SCP-408 adjusted for the startup cost (plutus)
14:48:19 [76bcfe11] minor corrections (plutus)
14:48:19 [b1d0d883] SCP-406 SCP-407 cost model for bytestring / crypto (plutus)
14:49:39 [b714f4f6] fmt (jormungandr)
14:50:28 [76730e1f] Merge #2168 (cardano-wallet)
14:55:00 [1fb07e97] Log peer node IDs as they are authenticated (jormungandr)
14:58:12 [4616d5a4] update Cargo.lock (jormungandr)
15:05:51 [cefeb55b] Log when multiple propagation is avoided (jormungandr)
15:07:14 [7ed1d553] fix case sensitive filename (daedalus)
15:07:30 [aab4af95] Unsize type bounds on Signature methods (chain-libs)
15:07:30 [bef515f3] impl From<AuthenticatedNodeId> for NodeId (chain-libs)
15:07:30 [1ff9f0b5] Added client side node ID auth to protocol (chain-libs)
15:07:30 [619727a1] Rework server handshake and client_auth methods (chain-libs)
15:07:30 [06504854] Add node ID authentication to protocol handshake (chain-libs)
15:07:30 [59622461] Rename SignedNodeId to AuthenticatedNodeId (chain-libs)
15:07:30 [dcde5db7] Make client node ID optional in handshake (chain-libs)
15:11:01 [974fd203] Update chain-deps (jormungandr)
15:11:49 [81285afa] update cargo (jormungandr)
15:17:31 [f540a8cc] Merge pull request #2313 from raduom/raduom/nofib (plutus)
15:20:28 [9bfed20f] fix ttl/time calculations (yoroi-mobile)
15:23:40 [95cf2d9d] add test inclusive for windows (vit-servicing-station)
15:30:20 [20f65c6e] Merge pull request #2555 from input-output-hk/semwer (jormungandr)
15:31:29 [fbeab80f] Bump testing/jortestkit from `73c3177` to `c37c659` (jormungandr)
15:31:57 [139228f9] Bump console from 0.11.3 to 0.12.0 (jormungandr)
15:36:03 [c3f23b59] update chain-libs (jormungandr)
15:36:10 [3cf7663c] added vote_cast & vote_tally certs to sender (jormungandr)
15:36:10 [57129f0c] use rest instead of jcli call for getting vote_plans (jormungandr)
15:36:11 [5985218b] get committee_id based on wallet (jormungandr)
15:36:11 [c3fae4b8] derive Debug, Clone for vit related configs (jormungandr)
15:36:11 [9951b3bd] add two e2e vote tests (jormungandr)
15:36:11 [2718afc9] enhanced configuration with committee stuff (jormungandr)
15:36:12 [a44ac21b] fmt (jormungandr)
15:36:12 [eaec2422] update cargo (jormungandr)
15:39:16 [2daae7e4] implement new stateless endpoint for inspecting addresses (cardano-wallet)
15:40:13 [d063332e] connection-manager: numberOfConnections (ouroboros-network)
15:40:13 [b42d6ce1] connection-manager: types & core implementation (ouroboros-network)
15:40:13 [a11845b8] Snocket.Accept (ouroboros-network)
15:40:13 [72f64c48] export runMuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
15:40:13 [418c205d] connection-manager: ConnectionHandler (ouroboros-network)
15:41:20 [a0fb1d59] connection-manager: docs improvment. (ouroboros-network)
15:41:20 [36cc2936] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
15:41:20 [7e21ee81] connection-manager: pure test (ouroboros-network)
15:41:20 [2315b0bb] peer-selection: peer selection without gossip (ouroboros-network)
15:41:20 [6226a0c0] connection-manager: tests (ouroboros-network)
15:41:20 [b9227fc5] p2p-governor: implement PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
15:41:20 [792894e8] Versions: mapWithVersion (ouroboros-network)
15:41:20 [b6011d96] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
15:41:21 [55dcf76d] peer-selection: localRootPersProvider (ouroboros-network)
15:41:34 [1e1a91f9] add tests inclusive for windows (vit-servicing-station)
15:42:10 [3b0c226c] diffusion: use connection-manager (ouroboros-network)
15:42:11 [352c7a52] p2p-governor: DebugPeerSelection - include Time (ouroboros-network)
15:42:11 [e0f61e55] p2p-governor: fixed setConnectTime (ouroboros-network)
15:42:11 [bbbb7c21] p2p-governor: fix acounting of established peers (ouroboros-network)
15:42:11 [d3f3d976] ouroboros-consensus: updated to the new diffusion interface (ouroboros-network)
15:42:11 [62435e26] keep-alive: export constructors of TraceKeepAliveClient (ouroboros-network)
15:42:11 [73d2edc8] p2p-governor: test asynchronous demotiions (ouroboros-network)
15:42:11 [d8977b4a] connection-manager: documentation (ouroboros-network)
15:42:11 [a287303e] p2p-governor: fixed setCurrentTime (ouroboros-network)
15:42:11 [1e40684c] p2p-governor: exp. backoff in failures of cold to warm transition (ouroboros-network)
15:42:12 [0e66e5c0] p2p-governor: inline some of invariant assertions (ouroboros-network)
15:42:12 [f99dc30b] p2p-governor: prop_governor_nolivelock - use timeout (ouroboros-network)
15:42:12 [f10ffb37] p2p-governor: TimedDecisions (ouroboros-network)
15:42:12 [b2b93442] p2p-governor: asynchronous demotions to cold state (ouroboros-network)
15:42:12 [569a0769] p2p-governor: resetFailCount (ouroboros-network)
15:42:12 [7414594c] p2p-governor: public root peers (ouroboros-network)
15:42:12 [d915958b] p2p-governor: update inProgressPromoteWarm (ouroboros-network)
15:50:39 [92fc6dc8] Minor log messages fixes (cardano-node-tests)
15:53:29 [7dd16d27] Merge pull request #146 from mkoura/minor_log_fixes (cardano-node-tests)
15:54:25 [589c4efb] Added stubs for Labs and JS. Lunks in place. (plutus)
15:55:16 [b9f251b1] Stub files for Labs and JS editing. (plutus)
16:11:42 [d98288e6] CAD-1878 cli shelley genesis create-staked: KES key & opcert for genesis delegates (cardano-node)
16:11:42 [e1468c75] WIP CAD-1878 cli: cardano-cli shelley genesis create-staked (cardano-node)
16:18:14 [aceb476d] flush data to the permanent store in larger portions (jormungandr)
16:21:37 [70eed53a] Update with latest cardano-addresses, cardano-wallet, cardano-graphql release info (docs-cardano-org)
16:39:32 [d20056ad] Use (TVar ThreadId) to concurrently handle metadata sync thread (cardano-wallet)
16:40:50 [76d13bad] add unit and integration tests for the new 'inspectAddress' function & endpoint (cardano-wallet)
16:40:58 [ce3dac50] Parametrise the Shelley ledger over Value. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:42:22 [c8129df8] Fix incorrect error messagef (cardano-wallet)
16:42:32 [2821b1e1] Add GET /settings endpoint (cardano-wallet)
16:42:33 [c6eaf016] Add endpoint tests for /settings (cardano-wallet)
16:43:59 [d1488058] benchies (plutus)
16:48:17 [c6e18804] test: avoid filling the mempools with random transactions (ouroboros-network)
16:49:40 [df56c5ba] add unit and integration tests for the new 'inspectAddress' function & endpoint (cardano-wallet)
16:51:57 [74cf3b8c] add unit and integration tests for the new 'inspectAddress' function & endpoint (cardano-wallet)
16:56:24 [c3a52659] test: avoid filling the mempools with random transactions (ouroboros-network)
16:57:11 [21f3d5fa] test: avoid filling the mempools with random transactions (ouroboros-network)
17:01:36 [040b07c4] Minimized C in Fees.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:13:35 [6a58490a] [ETCM-123] Add metrics related to network, rpc and mempool (#688) (mantis)
17:14:52 [3cb506ba] Minimized C in Fees.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:20:29 [38cbba76] [ETCM-44] Treasury block reward distribution (mantis)
17:22:36 [4914c397] rebase (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:28:55 [3ae32318] Add settings column to pools database wrt ADP-427 (cardano-wallet)
17:28:57 [e17864f2] Add /settings PUT endpoint (cardano-wallet)
17:28:57 [9eefbb27] Finish metadata syncing logic and refactor cli option (cardano-wallet)
17:28:58 [d48124a5] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
17:28:58 [3c3ba606] Remove JSON instance for Settings (cardano-wallet)
17:28:58 [e42f3592] Use (TVar ThreadId) to concurrently handle metadata sync thread (cardano-wallet)
17:28:58 [c6f93440] Rename --smash-url to --pool-metadata-fetching (cardano-wallet)
17:28:58 [903fe030] Rats (cardano-wallet)
17:28:59 [f111aa26] Add GET /settings endpoint (cardano-wallet)
17:28:59 [2a0f985b] Fix incorrect error messagef (cardano-wallet)
17:28:59 [405c7453] Add endpoint tests for /settings (cardano-wallet)
17:34:58 [a09afa08] Merge #2161 (cardano-wallet)
17:36:01 [3bf3f2dc] Minimized C in Fees.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:36:31 [ea15d318] [ETCM-44] Treasury block reward distribution (mantis)
17:47:31 [e8370484] RTView: basic documentation. (cardano-rt-view)
17:52:00 [787810fe] [ETCM-44] Treasury block reward distribution (mantis)
18:00:28 [2e4459ce] Minimized C in Fees.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:00:56 [e37bd968] First draft. (psg-cardano-wallet-api)
18:15:14 [9e840655] consensus: add snapshotLedgerState field to API (ouroboros-network)
18:30:41 [19bd792b] Removed runLocalTest (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:33:22 [b02fc645] test: promptly detect invalid crucial txs even when mempool full (ouroboros-network)
18:33:31 [366efaad] [CHORE] Disable blacklisting on testnet internal; better logging of blacklist reasons (mantis)
18:44:27 [933a83d8] Fix Tx-out wrong amount. (cardano-node)
18:49:28 [af112106] Merge pull request #1872 from input-output-hk/ts-minimize-C (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:49:42 [841520f6] Merge #1893 (cardano-node)
19:04:51 [b6d3be74] wip (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:08:25 [f7c13490] Fix build (cardano-wallet)
19:15:06 [28b52f73] Merge #2138 (cardano-wallet)
19:23:54 [4350ba2e] add function to leak MnemonicString (chain-wallet-libs)
19:24:40 [3c25fe74] wallet-c - split in modules and add bip39 (chain-wallet-libs)
19:48:07 [689bd2b7] add unit and integration tests for the new 'inspectAddress' function & endpoint (cardano-wallet)
19:59:39 [b4b2a12e] Fix build (cardano-wallet)
20:29:33 [abecaa15] trigger build (plutus)
20:46:19 [9eef9229] Added part of node ID auth to integration tests (jormungandr)
20:52:08 [1c5644c7] ormolu (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:55:01 [382ca663] fix (plutus)
20:57:00 [2f606291] Merge branch 'SCP-975' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into SCP-975 (plutus)
20:58:42 [0838ed2e] fix (plutus)
21:01:29 [dc5c3f9b] fix (plutus)
21:20:32 [e4fec646] wip (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:42:03 [fdc82c3d] feat: update rosetta openapi file to 1.4.4 (cardano-rosetta)
21:42:22 [7d659991] fix (plutus)
21:50:53 [9c58ed46] fix (plutus)
21:54:04 [227f8946] wip (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:06:04 [56e0bcdb] gLiveView 1.6 (guild-operators)
22:12:44 [b7d46776] more useful metrics (cardano-ogmios)
22:14:50 [e891705d] add Withdrawal dialog (wip) (yoroi-mobile)
22:23:21 [6d61c8aa] remove now obsolete random account index override (cardano-wallet)
22:23:54 [6fea56db] Merge #2161 (cardano-wallet)
22:34:23 [285cd100] Only calculate KES expiration if Shelley transition epoch is known (guild-operators)
22:36:28 [9c929dc3] gLiveView 1.6 (#498) (guild-operators)
22:50:57 [954e6b38] Cashflows plotting for Marlowe Labs (#2316) (plutus)
23:30:04 [111cf28c] Save env before processing artifacts (cardano-node-tests)
23:34:09 [633701fe] Merge pull request #147 from mkoura/save_before_process (cardano-node-tests)
23:56:30 [0c7f0992] Update index state (ouroboros-network)