Home / Reports / Jan 26, 2021

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

481 commits had been pushed across 47 repos by 75 authors. There were 84,332 additions and 40,287 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:01:46 [ef834113] Add patched nix to ami overlay (bitte)
00:07:39 [e4954b81] fixup! Add patched nix to ami overlay (bitte)
00:16:33 [abc355ac] ...experimental-features... (bitte)
00:42:43 [d0fcdcbc] Increase ami disk size (bitte)
00:43:34 [bc9c9c7b] feat: rosetta-cli check:construction multiple tokens (cardano-rosetta)
00:46:42 [9e379e1b] unfinished (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
00:54:12 [2f65f4ad] bump version (bitte)
00:58:51 [46b618b1] don't use default bucket (bitte)
01:03:50 [86fb24f8] Automatic update for Tue Jan 26 01:03:50 UTC 2021 (stackage.nix)
01:07:38 [df56b2b1] Update AMIs (bitte)
01:12:09 [c9285b72] Automatic update for Tue Jan 26 01:12:08 UTC 2021 (hackage.nix)
01:13:54 [8706c337] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:33:48 [16fbc80f] define mantis.testmode explicitly? (mantis-ops)
02:09:12 [855027b1] Introduced the intermediate type LangDepView which is different for every Language. (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:46:25 [0e874315] Add function `toNestedMap` to `TokenBundle` and `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
03:46:29 [293211b6] Fix generator for 'Coin' values. (cardano-wallet)
03:46:29 [fcf253e0] Add function `fromNestedMap` to `TokenBundle` and `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
03:54:43 [c179a410] Add function `genAssetIdLargeRange`. (cardano-wallet)
03:54:47 [210044eb] Add function `computeMinimumAdaQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
04:34:09 [6e8ead31] consensus: introduce `Watcher`, use instead of registry in ChainSync client (ouroboros-network)
04:34:38 [9658b509] consensus: change onKnownSlotChange to knownSlotWatcher (ouroboros-network)
04:35:15 [785ca4af] consensus: change onEachTick to tickWatcher (ouroboros-network)
04:35:20 [bd667aba] consensus: add bracketWithRegistry (ouroboros-network)
04:35:49 [2f85f692] consensus: tighten the type of ChainDB.newFollower (ouroboros-network)
04:36:22 [c8132f2c] consensus: use bracketWithRegistry for ChainSync servers (ouroboros-network)
04:42:00 [0d96de1e] Export named functions to convert between wallet and ledger types. (cardano-wallet)
04:42:56 [d9091e12] consensus: introduce Watcher, use instead of registry in ChainSync client (ouroboros-network)
04:43:01 [a5c9769f] consensus: use bracketWithRegistry for ChainSync servers (ouroboros-network)
04:43:01 [6d0ed39e] consensus: change onKnownSlotChange to knownSlotWatcher (ouroboros-network)
04:43:01 [4f9d5da8] consensus: add bracketWithRegistry (ouroboros-network)
04:43:01 [dfea2b15] consensus: tighten the type of ChainDB.newFollower (ouroboros-network)
04:43:01 [228999c6] consensus: change onEachTick to tickWatcher (ouroboros-network)
05:11:22 [50307581] Add workarounds for `stylish-haskell` issues. (cardano-wallet)
05:45:19 [bdc14873] ETCM-551 [content] how to install wallet on windows (mantis-docs)
05:56:39 [c6eb5e2d] Bump serde from 1.0.118 to 1.0.123 (jormungandr)
06:06:54 [b263bcae] Config webpack for ergo-connector, and rearrange files (yoroi-frontend)
06:08:09 [5596708c] add images and fonts (yoroi-frontend)
06:09:18 [ec09ae43] added ui for home page (yoroi-frontend)
06:50:39 [dae5e22d] Start putting assets in faucet (cardano-wallet)
07:21:28 [a9304435] Merge #2464 (cardano-wallet)
07:30:47 [7efd3595] Clarify module documentation comment for `Compatibility.Ledger`. (cardano-wallet)
07:39:06 [54630aeb] Clarify module documentation comments for `Compatibility.Ledger`. (cardano-wallet)
07:47:56 [589855db] parameterize 'SelectionResult' over the change's inner type (cardano-wallet)
07:47:56 [1ba9ea7b] rework 'TransactionLayer' to play well with RoundRobin MA selection algs. (cardano-wallet)
07:47:57 [37e0ae38] add outputsCovered to 'performSelection', to make it possible to fully reconstruct a tx from a result (cardano-wallet)
07:47:57 [6ec8083b] add 'extraCoinSource' to 'SelectionResult' (cardano-wallet)
07:47:58 [21736209] decouple deposits from 'estimateFee' (cardano-wallet)
07:47:59 [bcc33324] integrate RoundRobin Multi-Asset selection and new transaction layer in the wallet layer (cardano-wallet)
07:47:59 [fad9634e] upgrade the server handlers to use the upgraded multi-asset wallet layer. (cardano-wallet)
07:48:00 [b4e1bf6a] move 'calcSelectionDelta' to '.../MA/RoundRobin' and make it work for all 'SelectionResult' types (cardano-wallet)
07:48:00 [cfabbbd9] add simple conversion function to '../Types/Coin.hs' from Coin to integrals (cardano-wallet)
07:48:01 [5a8dda57] WIP: upgrade cardano-wallet package to work with new TransactionLayer (cardano-wallet)
07:54:48 [47c827ea] feature: add pool hash and ID to active stake (cardano-graphql)
08:03:36 [407b00c4] Merge pull request #114 from input-output-hk/challenge-api (vit-servicing-station)
08:04:08 [c46cd089] Merge pull request #114 from input-output-hk/challenge-api (vit-servicing-station)
08:11:28 [e002a9d7] Merge #2464 (cardano-wallet)
08:14:08 [11911165] integrate RoundRobin Multi-Asset selection and new transaction layer in the wallet layer (cardano-wallet)
08:14:08 [4276cc21] upgrade the server handlers to use the upgraded multi-asset wallet layer. (cardano-wallet)
08:14:09 [644e1ed0] add simple conversion function to '../Types/Coin.hs' from Coin to integrals (cardano-wallet)
08:14:09 [1284c9c5] move 'calcSelectionDelta' to '.../MA/RoundRobin' and make it work for all 'SelectionResult' types (cardano-wallet)
08:14:12 [6afdfc10] docs: instruct to clone with https rather than SSH (cardano-graphql)
08:14:15 [f6df3faf] Upgrade cardano-wallet package to work with new TransactionLayer (cardano-wallet)
08:28:35 [6699c2a8] [ETCM-533] scalafmt (mantis)
08:56:14 [2fce3eeb] Merge #2464 (cardano-wallet)
08:56:46 [8e5311f0] fix: cardanoDbSyncMeta.initialized during startup (cardano-graphql)
09:08:51 [7051c3b5] Daedalus version change from 3.2.0-FC1 to 3.2.0 (daedalus)
09:12:58 [5bc08a5e] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token transaction history - fixing formatter for amount (daedalus)
09:17:59 [03d0f3b2] Adding the new live environment, playground.*.iohkdev.io. (plutus)
09:18:10 [2bfb3e7a] Fixing a deployment bug. (plutus)
09:20:33 [b29a39df] Fixing the plutus playground "Getting Started" link. (plutus)
09:20:36 [9bcd8a85] Adding a link to the survey. (plutus)
09:20:40 [c9202e8b] PP: Updating the banner date to the actual release date. (plutus)
09:21:06 [5b353730] the possibility to run multiple fragment pools under single interface (jormungandr)
09:22:53 [14e3acd7] Updating the golden test files for the metadata queries. (plutus)
09:23:51 [5ef3db77] Update and rename cardano-architecture-overview.md to cardano-architecture-overview.index.rst (docs-cardano-org)
09:24:45 [0a74e038] implement multiple stake pools in intercom (jormungandr)
09:28:44 [5f29089d] [ETCM-533] scalafmt (mantis)
09:33:58 [5df1b542] Change getStorageProof impl (mantis)
09:33:58 [f665195c] [ETCM-533] Proof of non-existence (mantis)
09:33:58 [1c10a955] [ETCM-533] testing the proof and value for non existing account and/or storage keys (mantis)
09:33:58 [6bcc444e] [ETCM-533] refactor pathTraverse in order to get the proof and value in both cases(existing/non existing key) (mantis)
09:33:59 [8416b012] [ETCM-533] fix comments (mantis)
09:33:59 [465b7216] [ETCM-533] return root nodeas part of the proof, add tests (mantis)
09:33:59 [4ba7d45a] [ETCM-533] scalafmt (mantis)
09:33:59 [7620a472] [ETCM-533] refactoring EthProofServiceSpec (mantis)
09:33:59 [3364789e] [ETCM-533] refactoring based on review notes (mantis)
09:36:37 [dcffb93d] Update to tokio-1.0 (jormungandr)
09:37:20 [2c5997df] Updated tonic and warp versions to support tokio1 (jormungandr)
09:37:23 [2ff5a495] Removed explicit tower dependency (jormungandr)
09:37:53 [7c96f861] Removed patch (jormungandr)
09:37:55 [0a6541f8] Port delay to sleep (jormungandr)
09:38:25 [754ce0d5] Downgrade warp version (jormungandr)
09:38:57 [65139be3] Use tokio02 compatibility layer for rest service (jormungandr)
09:39:49 [3336beb7] Merge #2464 (cardano-wallet)
09:41:02 [d84201cc] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form - new updates for receiver fields (daedalus)
09:44:40 [222b0407] Preserving simulation state after a failed compilation. (plutus)
09:52:46 [dc712c95] start using a single pool per leader (jormungandr)
09:56:30 [6375dd29] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form - updates for receiver remove/clear (daedalus)
10:05:09 [7780efe7] Lock syn version to 1.0.59 (jormungandr)
10:06:58 [567450f2] [ETCM-540] Improve peer discovery algorithm (mantis)
10:08:32 [fabd07cc] unfinished (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
10:11:58 [4c77d019] Add scrapping and alerting for smash metrics (cardano-ops)
10:18:42 [2c256ca8] Merge #2464 (cardano-wallet)
10:26:25 [58a23c12] Scp 1651 - bring haskell-actus closer to java-actus (#2630) (plutus)
10:28:31 [1095042a] Requesting reservervation of 6770 (#55) (CIPs)
10:30:44 [3cba27d7] Merge pull request #2652 from input-output-hk/new-live-env (plutus)
10:31:00 [f8d6c4d5] Merge pull request #2653 from input-output-hk/frontend-release-fixes (plutus)
10:31:55 [5f3e7697] Strengthen tests to probe boundary values more effectively. (cardano-wallet)
10:33:12 [5154e71b] run prettier (yoroi-mobile)
10:37:15 [c248aeea] add uint64 formatting helpers (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
10:42:36 [7dcd2d17] multiasset outputs (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
10:43:38 [c5b377c9] Add Notice level wallet logs in restore bench (cardano-wallet)
10:49:20 [eea92dc6] Strengthen tests to probe boundary values more effectively. (cardano-wallet)
10:49:49 [610b2a9e] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form - updates for receiver hover (daedalus)
10:49:53 [1b7014ff] Add scrapping and alerting for smash metrics (cardano-ops)
10:51:58 [6f7423a5] Type address provider and manager (adalite)
10:54:30 [ec9b5427] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form - removing deposit field (daedalus)
10:55:21 [f7e302f4] Fix a literal include in basic-apps.rst (plutus)
10:58:01 [6edc53d1] Initial commit (plutus-starter)
11:03:00 [42b02263] Fix use of Unix signals (jormungandr)
11:05:33 [ff63da4a] CAD-2487 Traces for load discrimination metrics (ouroboros-network)
11:06:54 [b45d1489] CAD-2525 TraceTxSubmissionInbound: extend to track the processing timeline (ouroboros-network)
11:06:54 [8d4e5369] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form - adding hover actions on asset field (daedalus)
11:07:05 [22b48f3f] Merge pull request #2654 from input-output-hk/update-metadata-queries (plutus)
11:07:45 [caad0a37] Revert the version of the iohk-monitoring package (cardano-node)
11:11:36 [c775a717] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form - fixing linter errors (daedalus)
11:15:57 [9f94ad37] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
11:20:25 [572110db] Adding Segment.com tracking code. (plutus)
11:25:32 [009069b2] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form - fixing assets values (daedalus)
11:25:39 [dbf4a33f] nix flake (cardano-node)
11:27:30 [3a558949] Strengthen tests to probe boundary values more effectively. (cardano-wallet)
11:27:50 [8b1c2802] Adjust error messages assertions in integration tests (cardano-wallet)
11:27:51 [271cfb18] return and catch required cost with 'UnableToConstructChangeError' (cardano-wallet)
11:29:22 [cb9545fe] run 'coinSelector' last in the multi-asset selection. (cardano-wallet)
11:32:29 [9a140026] Merge pull request #2609 from input-output-hk/purs-scripts (plutus)
11:34:48 [46ffeffa] Update plutus-core-spec/plutus-core-specification.tex (plutus)
11:35:01 [73d0d71c] Update plutus-core-spec/plutus-core-specification.tex (plutus)
11:35:36 [72c3764b] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form - adding new asset button (daedalus)
11:41:13 [d5974a2d] use baby-step giant-step to speed up tallying (chain-libs)
11:47:26 [7c6fd3de] add swagger schema (cardano-wallet)
11:52:44 [eaa22ffe] add Api scaffolding and types to core (cardano-wallet)
11:53:37 [ea1e790f] Move the example to the specification (plutus)
11:53:37 [cb2832b6] Add a flat serialisation example. (plutus)
11:53:37 [87d7d17e] Specification of flat serialisation for UPLC. (plutus)
11:53:37 [9d2cf03a] Update plutus-core-spec/plutus-core-specification.tex (plutus)
11:53:37 [67bbc984] Some change requests (plutus)
11:53:37 [875068ff] Update plutus-core-spec/plutus-core-specification.tex (plutus)
11:53:37 [c72b8a6b] Update plutus-core-spec/plutus-core-specification.tex (plutus)
11:53:56 [ac1e5976] update everything to post (cardano-wallet)
11:53:59 [c36b2945] impl readAccountPubKey in Cardano.Wallet (cardano-wallet)
11:53:59 [ecdc7eb6] add core unit testing bits (cardano-wallet)
11:55:22 [1eb62b5e] [ETCM-533] refactor StorageProof ADT (mantis)
11:55:43 [54db67da] Update plutus-core-spec/plutus-core-specification.tex (plutus)
11:55:55 [23c851ec] Update plutus-core-spec/plutus-core-specification.tex (plutus)
11:56:24 [a64f35ff] Update plutus-core-spec/plutus-core-specification.tex (plutus)
11:56:59 [bca2afba] Update plutus-core-spec/plutus-core-specification.tex (plutus)
11:59:28 [66dfac4e] cardano-api: Export Block, Tx, and related types (cardano-node)
11:59:32 [5ad330c0] cardano-api-demo: fetch blocks and print transaction count (cardano-node)
12:00:19 [9c07c489] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form - adding new asset button (daedalus)
12:01:15 [04e37c81] Fix loadBind for loading the core of local (inside the same module) variables (plutus)
12:06:41 [bda646fe] Update plutus-core-spec/plutus-core-specification.tex (plutus)
12:07:43 [ae1e82a0] Fix a literal include in basic-apps.rst (#2655) (plutus)
12:10:34 [90c0e497] Add close analysis to haskell editor (plutus)
12:10:59 [77a2849b] Merge #2464 (cardano-wallet)
12:12:56 [7084368e] Small changes to primitive encoding (plutus)
12:17:35 [d4eaab2b] Reorder encodings by tag. (plutus)
12:19:09 [e337cac3] Merge pull request #2657 from input-output-hk/basic-segment-tracking (plutus)
12:20:30 [db603355] use fake for challenge title and description (vit-servicing-station)
12:20:35 [07bffe14] set voting challenges in voting generator (vit-servicing-station)
12:20:39 [45240efb] clean up (vit-servicing-station)
12:24:43 [22cd5648] Update notes/plutus-core/Serialisation/Flat.md (plutus)
12:38:12 [5a9504a2] Merge pull request #116 from input-output-hk/challenge-api-tests (vit-servicing-station)
12:38:56 [45c5b3bb] Fix haskell syntax highlighting (plutus)
12:47:44 [200b5131] CAD-2196: simplify node configuration for trace forwarder (cardano-node)
12:48:23 [ccfdbef8] fixing comp issues (vit-servicing-station)
12:57:18 [4aa33fc5] Fix calculate-min-utxo cli command and add round trip JSON test for (cardano-node)
13:11:43 [108a2138] add levant (bitte)
13:11:45 [886947be] [ETCM-555] Add metrics on the download of headers, bodies and receipts during FastSync. Expose in Grafana other already existing metrics. (mantis)
13:12:03 [fdaede09] Add static analysis to JS editor (plutus)
13:20:07 [295d8982] Improve JS compile button (plutus)
13:20:10 [3b3e3958] silenced trace for NEAT tests in plutus-core-test (plutus)
13:20:47 [5199bda4] allow preleases as legacy version (jormungandr)
13:29:16 [8c50ffd1] allow preleases as legacy version (jormungandr)
13:31:06 [8ccc38cd] Reinstate KES sign key serialization (cardano-base)
13:32:54 [4e2cfb02] Strengthen tests to probe boundary values more effectively. (cardano-wallet)
13:33:17 [dc6e0b1c] Hot / Warm / Established distinction (ouroboros-network)
13:33:17 [c0a4e34f] MuxMode module with various 'MuxMode' singletons (ouroboros-network)
13:33:17 [f0b1f8b8] handshake: add exports (ouroboros-network)
13:33:17 [c63b38dd] Unversioned - align code (ouroboros-network)
13:34:04 [38a7e6dc] Update cardano-node: 1.25 + adapt alerts for metrics renaming (cardano-ops)
13:34:05 [422e886d] update metrics name in scripts for cardano-node 1.25 (cardano-ops)
13:34:06 [f8b1b984] Update cardano-faucet (cardano-ops)
13:34:12 [0862abcc] Fix clippy lints in tests (chain-libs)
13:38:05 [9d248e01] Move testing utils module to ourboros-network-testing (ouroboros-network)
13:38:05 [a642054e] Renamed entry test group name of `ouroboros-network-framework` package. (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [65934322] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [2b4b130e] Implement 'reset' using SO_LINGER option (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [720a7189] connection-manager: types & implementation (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [638bfa54] HasIPAddress record (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [37c39830] connection-manager: ConnectionHandler (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [01ae6337] Snocket.Accept (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [13f0d573] handshake: added accept version function to HandshakeArguments (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [50938919] network-mux: miniProtocolStateMap & muxStopped (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [9874c62b] connection-manager: server IO tests (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [becd227a] NodeToNodeV_7 version for full duplex connection (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [763f2c49] connection-manager: pure test (ouroboros-network)
13:38:06 [dac7d442] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
13:45:36 [7fa12103] p2p-governor: localRootPersProvider (ouroboros-network)
13:45:36 [a5118ab3] p2p-governor: implement PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
13:45:36 [38af8b00] p2p-governor: peer selection without gossip (ouroboros-network)
13:46:17 [ae3528ab] Changing lastSuccessfulCompilationResult from WebData to Maybe. (plutus)
13:48:59 [7b2d887b] Merge #2464 (cardano-wallet)
13:53:59 [69d71bc8] [DDW-481] Fix error when submitting an empty url (daedalus)
13:54:46 [59e71e55] Add files via upload (docs-cardano-org)
13:55:13 [66fbfe8e] Integrate vitcli and update csv data load (jorvit)
13:55:35 [0eed17e7] tests: add invalid values in preprocess scenarios (cardano-rosetta)
13:55:49 [e72132da] Running fix-purty. (plutus)
13:56:38 [edffc7dd] Update index.rst (docs-cardano-org)
13:56:39 [42401aeb] Merge pull request #2879 from danielSanchezQ/tokio-1 (jormungandr)
13:58:13 [f301a35a] Bump gtmpl from 0.5.7 to 0.6.0 (jormungandr)
13:58:13 [b3bef4ae] Bump image from 0.22.5 to 0.23.12 (jormungandr)
13:58:20 [d9d94df4] Bump bytes from 0.5.6 to 1.0.1 (jormungandr)
13:58:21 [a24ff2fd] Bump reqwest from 0.10.10 to 0.11.0 (jormungandr)
13:58:23 [4c088e91] Add mantis-source to docker image (mantis-ops)
13:58:24 [b79280be] Bump quickcheck from 0.9.2 to 1.0.3 (jormungandr)
13:59:26 [5c854545] connection-manager: updated diffusion (ouroboros-network)
13:59:39 [bb055aab] Save working config prior to revert (mantis-ops)
14:02:07 [ba967069] [ETCM-555] Add metrics on the download of headers, bodies and receipts during FastSync. Expose in Grafana other already existing metrics. (mantis)
14:02:28 [aa52e1bb] Convert login page to hooks, refactor (adalite)
14:02:55 [abbe8217] Convert login sidebar to hooks (adalite)
14:03:32 [27d837b5] Update marlowe-playground.md (docs-cardano-org)
14:04:11 [6e18a51d] Merge #2303 (cardano-node)
14:05:22 [d059eead] Update marlowe-explainer.md (docs-cardano-org)
14:06:31 [6f735119] Update marlowe-explainer.md (docs-cardano-org)
14:06:35 [650432c1] p2p-governor: TimedDecisions (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [ed993f9b] p2p-governor: public root peers (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [56cdbea3] p2p-governor: asynchronous demotions to cold state (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [1a477835] p2p-governor: removed HasCallStack constraint (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [f17edf6e] connection-manager: updated ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [6b87c969] p2p-governor: inline some of invariant assertions (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [56389838] p2p-governor: fixed setCurrentTime (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [7ca4f43b] p2p-governor: fixed setConnectTime (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [772daeec] p2p-governor: test asynchronous demotiions (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [b9508624] p2p-governor: fix acounting of established peers (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [ae0141d0] p2p-governor: DebugPeerSelection - include Time (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [f6b61b70] p2p-governor: resetFailCount (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [0bf7b26f] p2p-governor: exp. backoff in failures of cold to warm transition (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [a08c0876] p2p-governor: prop_governor_nolivelock - use timeout (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [5ac4b95d] p2p-governor: update inProgressPromoteWarm (ouroboros-network)
14:06:35 [1431dc43] p2p-governor: refactor governor invariant (ouroboros-network)
14:07:08 [b4281032] Give mobile HW wallets side paddings (adalite)
14:07:21 [695837cc] Update index.rst (docs-cardano-org)
14:08:23 [215e6b18] p2p-governor: warm→hot re-promotion delay (ouroboros-network)
14:08:23 [f22e815b] p2p-governor: introduce EstablishedPeers (ouroboros-network)
14:08:52 [87f13f92] Refactor analyzeButton to be shared (plutus)
14:10:10 [f18cb65e] Revert "Save working config prior to revert" (mantis-ops)
14:11:33 [4fb99ac5] reject transaction that would not fit the block content size (jormungandr)
14:12:08 [becc4937] connection-manager: spec (ouroboros-network)
14:12:08 [98c6093e] p2p-governor: improved logging (ouroboros-network)
14:12:08 [3493e2e0] tx-submission-inbound: improved logging (ouroboros-network)
14:12:08 [80bb90ef] p2p-governor: minConnectTime computation (ouroboros-network)
14:12:08 [ae06db84] p2p-governor: make tracer types strict (ouroboros-network)
14:12:08 [fb3aca0a] mini-protocols: trace termination message (ouroboros-network)
14:12:08 [377bbcdc] export runMuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
14:12:08 [ed15757f] peer-selection: removed import (ouroboros-network)
14:14:03 [9150b7c1] tmp: only wait for node to sync to 10% (cardano-wallet)
14:14:57 [47629a62] try disabling all multi-wallet benchmarks (cardano-wallet)
14:15:14 [0f945690] try also disabling the 0% seq bench (cardano-wallet)
14:15:34 [e06275dc] Merge pull request #2954 from input-output-hk/reject-fragments-exceeding-block-size (jormungandr)
14:16:48 [a3f35236] [CAD-2442] Generalize the plugin functionality for db-sync. (smash)
14:24:37 [45258f96] Use ledger as a source for publicRootPeers (ouroboros-network)
14:24:37 [2e0c419a] Improved tracing when ledger peers is disabled (ouroboros-network)
14:24:37 [3ccc855a] Config for ledgerpeers (ouroboros-network)
14:26:50 [e2d01647] Fix problem that marlowe analysis does not update the warnings (plutus)
14:31:30 [62e9e059] Remove ProtocolParameters from DB (cardano-wallet)
14:31:41 [4cf12a54] renamed bufferLocalStorageKey to haskellBufferLocalStorageKey (plutus)
14:33:04 [e36bdc76] fixup warning (cardano-wallet)
14:34:09 [a3cde803] CAD-2196: simplify node configuration. (cardano-rt-view)
14:39:49 [caf8eff4] refined properties to validate activation and cancellation (decentralized-software-updates)
14:42:15 [4dd1a34b] more (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
14:43:16 [8fd8e282] more (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
14:43:32 [d070f050] [DDW-481] Styling adjustment (daedalus)
14:49:48 [200b82d5] Replace hardfork_at with eras (cardano-wallet)
14:49:48 [c04520a3] Use explicit Nothing field for EraInfo (cardano-wallet)
14:49:54 [84cc1ae5] Merge pull request #151 from input-output-hk/cad-2196-simplify-node-configuration (cardano-rt-view)
14:53:42 [1daff53e] Try only disabling 0% seq (cardano-wallet)
14:57:03 [f7228ab6] [DDW-481] Fix Japanese link (daedalus)
14:57:17 [3f7b23a9] Refactor the way we initialize marlowe editor (plutus)
15:02:28 [071fa3e7] Remove the Torsor class (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:08:02 [2e840b45] remove CEK from type preservation test (plutus)
15:09:32 [c2ba0a3f] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
15:10:24 [91428ae2] add levant (bitte)
15:10:58 [fee69fff] Refactor devops_cluster to cleanly support more cluster types (cardano-node-tests)
15:12:05 [0040fe1c] [DDW-481] Translation manager (daedalus)
15:13:34 [eb9b9291] Create new-file.md (docs-cardano-org)
15:16:54 [ded9d006] Rename explore-cardano/cardano-architecture-overview.index.rst to explore-cardano/cardano-architecture-overview/cardano-architecture-overview.index.rst (docs-cardano-org)
15:17:57 [6781ddaa] Rename cardano-architecture-overview.index.rst to index.rst (docs-cardano-org)
15:18:59 [f9d52659] remove TermBuiltinG (plutus)
15:19:02 [7c000a18] Rename explore-cardano/about-db-sync-and-its-components.md to explore-cardano/cardano-architecture-overview/about-db-sync-and-its-components.md (docs-cardano-org)
15:19:32 [2fefa513] Delete new-file.md (docs-cardano-org)
15:20:11 [c16e3dc8] add get-involved-cta markdown component for KEVM section (testnets-cardano-org)
15:20:18 [b3045cdc] Rename explore-cardano/working-with-db-sync.md to explore-cardano/cardano-architecture-overview/working-with-db-sync.md (docs-cardano-org)
15:21:04 [9fc739af] [DDW-481] English Only text in JP link (daedalus)
15:22:49 [8aeff2f9] test: add example for tx with ma operations (cardano-rosetta)
15:23:07 [788781d0] Add files via upload (docs-cardano-org)
15:25:18 [e0728b04] Mary support (#108) (cardano-serialization-lib)
15:25:31 [53772324] Add files via upload (docs-cardano-org)
15:29:37 [f1beb4a5] 7b2d887b3e94dd98dc28ca0f9da18ae079ed76d0 (cardano-wallet)
15:29:38 [a7ae027c] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
15:29:39 [f0ff43cb] Update index.rst (docs-cardano-org)
15:36:34 [0e753a7b] [ETCM-540] Improve peer discovery algorithm (mantis)
15:37:49 [f791cb8b] Merge pull request #361 from mkoura/cluster_types (cardano-node-tests)
15:38:50 [fd202f4d] Delete [email protected] (docs-cardano-org)
15:39:23 [400d7b8a] Delete postgreSQL.png (docs-cardano-org)
15:39:51 [64ebad6f] Merge pull request #2922 from Zeegomo/storage-check (jormungandr)
15:41:50 [786b7014] Merge pull request #2952 from input-output-hk/allow_preleases_as_legacy_node (jormungandr)
15:46:33 [06c7c0cd] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
15:47:37 [8a7fd19d] Better way to generate pparams.json (cardano-node-tests)
15:50:09 [9a7331cc] Bump version to 1.25.1 and update change logs (cardano-node)
15:50:27 [f571ade5] Merges develop into release branch (daedalus)
15:51:15 [7187de3a] Merge pull request #362 from mkoura/better_pparams (cardano-node-tests)
15:52:53 [a2e0e4b4] Merge pull request #2321 from input-output-hk/release-with-develop (daedalus)
15:54:09 [35434306] Merge branch 'master' into release-with-master (daedalus)
15:55:20 [62bc2689] Merge pull request #2322 from input-output-hk/release-with-master (daedalus)
15:55:50 [78747566] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-541-inspect-catalyst-implementation (daedalus)
15:56:16 [971c6b56] Remove unnecessary modifier (marlowe)
15:56:30 [e11992b6] [ETCM-533] refactor StorageProof ADT (mantis)
15:59:38 [15ae4e86] Assets support in transactions and fees (ikar)
15:59:39 [ebb1fdd5] Remove the Torsor class (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:59:57 [bae31f3d] add challenge_url to challenges (vit-servicing-station)
16:03:43 [1a6a2c12] Removed unused challenge struct (jorvit)
16:06:56 [0f78cfb6] Update marlowe-playground.md (docs-cardano-org)
16:08:26 [6b7808ec] Update marlowe-explainer.md (docs-cardano-org)
16:12:42 [cd43c022] cardano-node 1.25.1 (cardano-ops)
16:13:21 [58d0a141] chore: changes for cardano-graphql 3.2 compatibility (cardano-ops)
16:13:22 [e6222f5f] Fix cardano-explorer-app tag (cardano-ops)
16:13:22 [88ab518d] cardano-db-sync 8 (cardano-ops)
16:13:23 [1919f2d7] set eraName and disable allowList on launchpad. (cardano-ops)
16:13:24 [d89c3347] graphql db-sync 8 compat (cardano-ops)
16:15:32 [85a1ec4f] Merge pull request #118 from input-output-hk/add-challenge-url (vit-servicing-station)
16:16:07 [9d409403] Merge pull request #118 from input-output-hk/add-challenge-url (vit-servicing-station)
16:20:16 [91d0e8da] consensus: change onEachTick to tickWatcher (ouroboros-network)
16:20:16 [35a9664d] consensus: change onKnownSlotChange to knownSlotWatcher (ouroboros-network)
16:31:26 [7501d99a] Add the eval-time GC roots to release.nix so they're cached. (cardano-node)
16:33:15 [deb48414] Update 2020-05-05_16-18-17_building-the-node-using-nix-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
16:39:30 [e347aaf7] consensus: add and use bracketWithPrivateRegistry (ouroboros-network)
16:43:59 [5bed0b7d] Narrow down proof to single input transactions (marlowe)
16:44:35 [0e60869a] Refactor node and tests configuration to separate file (cardano-node-tests)
16:48:09 [052be9d4] Merge pull request #363 from mkoura/move_configuration (cardano-node-tests)
16:49:00 [c7f70a47] map for looking up builtin types (plutus)
16:49:39 [ba2a8893] Merge pull request #437 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-37 (testnets-cardano-org)
16:50:36 [2cc53b06] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
16:50:58 [95340ba8] remove migration selection handlers until rework (cardano-wallet)
16:50:59 [cf33a545] rework 'TransactionLayer' to play well with RoundRobin MA selection algs. (cardano-wallet)
16:50:59 [536dfb73] add 'extraCoinSource' to 'SelectionResult' (cardano-wallet)
16:50:59 [66fb7efa] parameterize 'SelectionResult' over the change's inner type (cardano-wallet)
16:51:00 [c1ecd1fc] add outputsCovered to 'performSelection', to make it possible to fully reconstruct a tx from a result (cardano-wallet)
16:51:00 [c771fd07] decouple deposits from 'estimateFee' (cardano-wallet)
16:51:01 [be1b18e8] integrate RoundRobin Multi-Asset selection and new transaction layer in the wallet layer (cardano-wallet)
16:51:01 [bda13ff9] upgrade the server handlers to use the upgraded multi-asset wallet layer. (cardano-wallet)
16:51:01 [31c6c293] add simple conversion function to '../Types/Coin.hs' from Coin to integrals (cardano-wallet)
16:51:02 [6bbf894b] move 'calcSelectionDelta' to '.../MA/RoundRobin' and make it work for all 'SelectionResult' types (cardano-wallet)
16:51:03 [3e888e92] Upgrade cardano-wallet package to work with new TransactionLayer (cardano-wallet)
16:51:03 [c05a11fe] Adjust error messages assertions in integration tests (cardano-wallet)
16:51:04 [8dc09c2a] run 'coinSelector' last in the multi-asset selection. (cardano-wallet)
16:51:04 [53c4ff10] return and catch required cost with 'UnableToConstructChangeError' (cardano-wallet)
16:51:05 [f44e56ce] implement pure version of 'selectionToUnsignedTx' for external coin selections (cardano-wallet)
16:52:46 [d808e02e] refactor ErrInvalidDerivationIndex plus correct Malformed (cardano-wallet)
16:53:49 [ad14a368] golden for script hashes for different simple script versions (cardano-wallet)
16:53:50 [9371e225] add rest golden for current Script (cardano-wallet)
16:53:50 [724e8397] timelock golden tests (cardano-wallet)
16:53:50 [14c761b2] update code to script timelock, swagger, unit tests (cardano-wallet)
16:53:51 [c899f19b] aligning to new Script developments (cardano-wallet)
16:53:51 [72aa31b0] regenerate ApiCredential.json (cardano-wallet)
16:53:51 [726da416] align to timelock updates (cardano-wallet)
16:53:52 [d6928309] comply with new changes of Script, new generators, and aligning code to pass all unit tests (cardano-wallet)
16:53:52 [72b6a873] [ETCM-533] refactor StorageProof ADT (mantis)
16:53:56 [88ff207b] Merge pull request #2111 from input-output-hk/redxaxder/remove-torsor (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:54:45 [24c9f9f2] Fix calculate-min-utxo cli command and add round trip JSON test for (cardano-node)
16:54:52 [56e7c5fc] Update core interface files GHC to 8.10.3 (haskell.nix)
17:04:44 [822eff7c] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
17:10:07 [beb97ee8] wip (plutus)
17:10:07 [8bf21661] marlowe dash machines in load balancer and config files (plutus)
17:12:00 [183ab1bd] wip (plutus)
17:14:11 [b5ed2b47] cncli ptsendslots & prereqs update (guild-operators)
17:23:49 [381651f1] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
17:23:54 [f1d02271] Add ppe testnet (iohk-nix)
17:34:03 [9f61f2ae] Add ppe testnet (iohk-nix)
17:34:34 [67d137d8] show metadata for transaction (yoroi-frontend)
17:44:14 [87b6cf0b] relocate genScript to Wallet.Gen and set cardano-addresses-3.2.0 in stack (cardano-wallet)
17:46:35 [231fd18e] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
17:48:19 [26612ab8] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
17:50:22 [9f41cec2] golden for script hashes for different simple script versions (cardano-wallet)
17:50:22 [3acf786b] add rest golden for current Script (cardano-wallet)
17:50:22 [45fdef07] timelock golden tests (cardano-wallet)
17:50:23 [c614c36f] align to timelock updates (cardano-wallet)
17:50:23 [f2fad278] regenerate ApiCredential.json (cardano-wallet)
17:50:23 [b6bfd77a] update code to script timelock, swagger, unit tests (cardano-wallet)
17:50:24 [19c9e539] comply with new changes of Script, new generators, and aligning code to pass all unit tests (cardano-wallet)
17:50:24 [5ad2b986] aligning to new Script developments (cardano-wallet)
17:50:24 [1d76ea70] relocate genScript to Wallet.Gen and set cardano-addresses-3.2.0 in stack (cardano-wallet)
17:51:09 [cd77c1b2] add swagger schema (cardano-wallet)
17:51:09 [18425a56] add Api scaffolding and types to core (cardano-wallet)
17:51:10 [46419a3c] add core unit testing bits (cardano-wallet)
17:51:10 [a830c260] update everything to post (cardano-wallet)
17:51:10 [71434301] impl readAccountPubKey in Cardano.Wallet (cardano-wallet)
17:51:11 [49af2e80] refactor ErrInvalidDerivationIndex plus correct Malformed (cardano-wallet)
17:52:15 [b6bab869] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
17:56:45 [1cfce4cd] Move Nix build to be based on cabal (plutus)
18:07:08 [5f687c61] Add a Ledger State demo (cardano-node)
18:35:14 [f77676b2] update deps (vit-testing)
18:36:15 [5400ac08] Merge pull request #20 from input-output-hk/challenge (vit-testing)
18:36:42 [aa20ace5] fix tab icons and dashboard card shadow (yoroi-frontend)
18:37:04 [4a58d8c5] removed branch name form docker (vit-testing)
18:39:28 [98a90afc] Merge pull request #2941 from input-output-hk/fix-fragment-selection (jormungandr)
18:40:45 [74f33613] Merge pull request #22 from input-output-hk/challenge (vit-testing)
18:41:38 [2791dd45] cardano-node -> 1.25.1 (cardano-ops)
18:44:27 [6fa3f076] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form - adding sync fees button (daedalus)
18:44:52 [893af229] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-500-implement-design-for-native-tokens (daedalus)
18:45:20 [759dee6d] initial version (jormungandr)
18:49:29 [2ee81e8a] Assets in multi-address transacrions and fees (ikar)
18:51:12 [9da9d797] Update byron and shelley tx.create and tx.payment_fees to support MA and asset eps support in shelley (cardano-wallet-rb)
18:54:52 [b5042108] Update cardano-rosetta API with some examples (cardano-rest)
18:55:49 [34e48222] Tests on node master (cardano-wallet-rb)
19:01:20 [7791ffc0] fix tab icons and dashboard card shadow (#1894) (yoroi-frontend)
19:01:47 [571303c6] make unit test compile again, but not pass yet. (cardano-ogmios)
19:02:22 [b50b8cde] deploy: 571303c6c22a46a4fa603114aacd96fefc09d9e0 (cardano-ogmios)
19:08:11 [7525e1c9] Start writing morpho test module (ECIP-Checkpointing)
19:19:24 [a9ccd2fa] Use asymmetric steps and negation trick (chain-libs)
19:29:08 [ed48cb22] Dns subscription: Implement SRV support (ouroboros-network)
19:42:22 [54433a40] consensus: add and use bracketWithPrivateRegistry (ouroboros-network)
19:42:22 [674cee04] consensus: change onEachTick to tickWatcher (ouroboros-network)
19:43:30 [308b06b1] docs: update documentation for multi assets (cardano-rosetta)
19:58:20 [882083c6] Update node dependency (cardano-db-sync)
20:00:22 [bcf8af89] consensus: add and use bracketWithPrivateRegistry (ouroboros-network)
20:00:22 [a3bfbc3b] consensus: introduce Watcher, use instead of registry in ChainSync client (ouroboros-network)
20:00:22 [ca301935] consensus: change onEachTick to tickWatcher (ouroboros-network)
20:00:22 [e26d1f5f] consensus: change onKnownSlotChange to knownSlotWatcher (ouroboros-network)
20:02:18 [69a1ffb9] Add the .md file into the specification. (plutus)
20:02:20 [4f2e9ca3] Merge #2893 (ouroboros-network)
20:03:22 [edd3ca11] docs: update documentation for multi assets (cardano-rosetta)
20:05:47 [47b49629] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-543-support-any-number-in-numeric-input (daedalus)
20:13:35 [a29af607] migrate test job from github to circle ci (vit-testing)
20:18:35 [5f51ce6a] update formatting for html mode display (decentralized-software-updates)
20:19:14 [b86dbfd0] Fix loading issue (plutus)
20:20:52 [6ea814b3] Move all the cabal wrapper concerns into a subdirectory (ECIP-Checkpointing)
20:22:49 [c37ed17a] docs: update documentation for multi assets implementation (cardano-rosetta)
20:29:27 [e9b0c8b1] Add the .md file into the specification. (plutus)
20:32:00 [55e76a6d] small fixes (plutus)
20:47:08 [c85a983f] CAD-2420 supervisord: the wealth of profiles (cardano-node)
20:47:09 [bb70eff4] CAD-2426 supervisord: ahaha, aux is on a No Fly list in Windows (cardano-node)
20:52:21 [1c561c57] Add flake edition field (ECIP-Checkpointing)
20:52:44 [3c2003df] WIP: fix for mut.recursive functions, added a let-wrapper of the PoC (plutus)
21:02:29 [8fd1ede7] fix: reuse multiasset value validation for input operations (cardano-rosetta)
21:02:37 [9b25964f] CAD-2526 locli: fix computeDistribution for null data sets (cardano-benchmarking)
21:10:53 [a4597fd7] docs: update examples readme for ma example (cardano-rosetta)
21:20:16 [eccdbea3] Merge pull request #508 from input-output-hk/erikd/deps-20120127 (cardano-db-sync)
21:22:26 [1c7dbdac] Version 8.0.0 (cardano-db-sync)
21:32:51 [a1031087] docs: update examples readme for ma example (cardano-rosetta)
21:34:38 [d1cbe855] CAD-2487 Traces for load discrimination metrics (ouroboros-network)
21:36:31 [63563028] CAD-2525 TraceTxSubmissionInbound: extend to track the processing timeline (ouroboros-network)
21:48:01 [2383079d] kk it works (mantis-ops)
21:57:41 [227d43cd] refactor: improved fee usage (cardano-rosetta)
21:58:06 [bc16ef81] Version 8.0.0 (cardano-db-sync)
22:02:03 [71552bea] fix: fixed expected minimum balance for transfer workflows (cardano-rosetta)
22:16:17 [86c665be] Add --destroy flag to tf plan (bitte-cli)
22:17:13 [b24ef69a] Remove existing known_host before provision (bitte-cli)
22:17:15 [67d671b2] Revert "use nixpkgs-unstable for latest crystal" (bitte-cli)
22:26:04 [e1821795] nix: pin roots & add withHoogle (cardano-benchmarking)
22:26:27 [50efa787] Add (temporary) preGenerateScript hook (bitte-cli)
22:42:01 [143c1668] ghcup optimization (guild-operators)
22:51:27 [971cf837] cncli ptsendslots & prereqs update (#736) (guild-operators)
22:52:33 [739de706] Revert "use nixpkgs-unstable for latest crystal" (bitte-cli)
22:54:03 [5841bcf4] Refactoring of cluster instances (cardano-node-tests)
23:01:46 [b54dd0e2] adjust dates (jormungandr)
23:02:53 [305bffee] refactor tx sending logic (yoroi-mobile)
23:11:14 [6319092f] Merge pull request #364 from mkoura/cluster_instances (cardano-node-tests)
23:16:02 [463fa096] CAD-2525 TraceTxSubmissionInbound: extend to track the processing timeline (ouroboros-network)
23:22:22 [93efa445] Resize monitoring node to t3a.xlarge (mantis-ops)
23:28:32 [f73df7ae] Added SWP files (mantis-ops)
23:50:50 [8a33dec4] Counters module (ouroboros-network)