Home / Reports / Jan 28, 2021

Thursday, January 28, 2021

676 commits had been pushed across 47 repos by 73 authors. There were 156,741 additions and 113,468 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:00:52 [1ade8a4d] renamed Lang to Hutton, started a lambda calculus example (plutus)
00:17:58 [fd2ba1b7] CAD-2526 locli: benchmark Profile, now filled from genesis and meta.json (cardano-benchmarking)
00:33:48 [96384dc3] CAD-2526 locli: benchmark Profile, now filled from genesis and meta.json (cardano-benchmarking)
00:45:44 [80de4abb] some fixes (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
00:47:14 [6ce6e6cd] Set reorder-goals to False in cabal.project (cardano-node)
00:52:26 [318e1a26] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:00:07 [b68a3d13] fix pagination again (yoroi-ergo-backend)
01:02:05 [072c07da] fix pagination again (#22) (yoroi-ergo-backend)
01:03:24 [289c6b07] fix test (yoroi-ergo-backend)
01:05:47 [48ea9ed6] Automatic update for Thu Jan 28 01:05:47 UTC 2021 (stackage.nix)
01:10:30 [641dfee4] add validity interval start (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
01:14:12 [5ed4d040] Automatic update for Thu Jan 28 01:14:11 UTC 2021 (hackage.nix)
01:15:51 [a404de5f] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:22:40 [0bbfa2c3] consensus: explicitly track age in ResourceRegistry (ouroboros-network)
01:23:45 [97252ed0] CAD-2526 locli: benchmark Profile, now filled from genesis and meta.json (cardano-benchmarking)
01:41:52 [3473b915] CAD-2526 locli: benchmark Profile, now filled from genesis and meta.json (cardano-benchmarking)
01:55:47 [33eff1f0] Install Haskell tools before checkout (ouroboros-network)
02:01:40 [b0d49ae5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:09:25 [86be1b7b] Install Haskell tools before checkout (cardano-node)
02:19:25 [018ec13b] chore: bump cardano-node and cardano-db-sync prerelease versions (cardano-graphql)
02:25:28 [1def9dde] Install Haskell tools before checkout (ouroboros-network)
02:27:23 [7d5de033] WIP CAD-2526 locli: blockless span charting (cardano-benchmarking)
02:30:23 [a025f30e] Install Haskell tools before checkout (cardano-node)
02:43:39 [a1a6656b] Install Haskell tools before checkout (cardano-node)
02:56:55 [fafa5df7] Merge #2906 (ouroboros-network)
03:02:01 [1fd75306] Set reorder-goals to False in cabal.project (cardano-node)
03:25:48 [acc7bb29] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:38:48 [6136b348] chore: bump cardano-node and cardano-db-sync prerelease versions (cardano-graphql)
03:48:06 [52f32eef] bulk sign/witness commands (adawallet)
03:58:34 [faa3b2a1] nix build products (adawallet)
04:09:13 [1b4952b7] nix build products (adawallet)
04:14:32 [f4f56eb7] chore: bump cardano-node and cardano-db-sync pre-release versions (cardano-graphql)
04:20:44 [31e18063] Merge pull request #410 from input-output-hk/chore/dependedncy_and_config_updates (cardano-graphql)
04:22:27 [e7e4525f] chore: disable hasura telemetry in dev init script (cardano-graphql)
04:22:27 [3e2ac843] refactor: logger level to logger min severity (cardano-graphql)
04:28:01 [6d089e4f] Merge #2462 (cardano-wallet)
04:31:10 [a5f379ed] chore(deps): bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 in /docs (cardano-graphql)
05:00:56 [30ce37ee] New metrics: (cardano-node)
05:05:39 [bab53c48] Export ProcessedTxCount (ouroboros-network)
05:07:12 [6d5ac9b3] nix build products (adawallet)
05:09:33 [f7cb1b6b] Try #2462: (cardano-wallet)
05:11:26 [d19579ca] Merge pull request #411 from input-output-hk/refactor/align-logger-env (cardano-graphql)
05:27:24 [a2534096] Merge pull request #2958 from input-output-hk/update-tests-to-tokio-1.1 (jormungandr)
05:28:20 [b5f4e46b] Merge pull request #2959 from input-output-hk/fix-nightly (jormungandr)
05:28:58 [fbd22b99] Bump image from 0.22.5 to 0.23.12 (jormungandr)
05:28:58 [13e063a5] Bump quickcheck from 0.9.2 to 1.0.3 (jormungandr)
05:29:00 [3ac2670e] Bump gtmpl from 0.5.7 to 0.6.0 (jormungandr)
05:29:04 [14e0fc0f] Bump bytes from 0.5.6 to 1.0.1 (jormungandr)
05:36:10 [9e6c33ef] Replace combineTracers with <> (cardano-wallet)
05:37:46 [63a88ad9] Adjust formatting in restore bench (cardano-wallet)
05:56:05 [7d86189e] Bump libc from 0.2.82 to 0.2.83 (jormungandr)
06:05:35 [7ace64a5] WIP (metadata-server)
06:13:52 [41c47cf4] cnode.sh - default CNODE_HOME (guild-operators)
06:54:17 [cf531f4c] Merge #2470 (cardano-wallet)
07:00:34 [0061d4b3] Merges develop (daedalus)
07:04:43 [5cbfd65c] Start putting assets in faucet (cardano-wallet)
07:04:43 [8a03df29] wip: Add minting to faucet (cardano-wallet)
07:04:43 [b176d4eb] cluster: Add function for minting an asset for the faucet (cardano-wallet)
07:04:43 [b0eca3ba] Asset faucet (cardano-wallet)
07:04:43 [af45708e] Satisfy min utxo in asset faucet (cardano-wallet)
07:05:14 [97e70a85] Fix yarn.lock (daedalus)
07:13:28 [a629ae85] Fix storybook (daedalus)
07:13:53 [1331d06b] Merge branch 'develop' into hw-rewrite (daedalus)
07:15:59 [712f7825] [DDW-511] Merges develop (daedalus)
07:31:45 [72ff9518] remove a check for CNODE_HOME altogether (guild-operators)
07:33:16 [84d350f7] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:42:30 [f275fe87] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-491-verify-hardware-wallet-receiving-address (daedalus)
07:45:28 [24493efb] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-452-show-ada-amounts-in-other-currencies (daedalus)
07:46:25 [ef131003] [DDW-419] Merges develop (daedalus)
07:47:47 [c27198db] Merge branch 'develop' into KtorZ/1234/legacy-keystore (daedalus)
07:48:40 [d1bd1c20] [DDW-504] Merges develop (daedalus)
08:02:03 [cf620b97] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:09:16 [a04c70e7] Update 2020-05-05_16-18-17_running-a-node-as-a-relay-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
08:13:51 [f2fd6295] Update 2020-05-05_16-22-27_running-the-node-on-an-aws-instance-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
08:17:32 [8e62138c] Update 2020-05-05_16-19-26_building-the-node-from-source-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
08:25:23 [b556e326] Asset endpoints support (ikar)
08:30:16 [e02edd1f] Merge pull request #517 from input-output-hk/fix-clippy (chain-libs)
08:31:09 [bbf4c23f] tests on node master (ikar)
08:35:03 [12e9ccd6] WIP (metadata-server)
08:46:06 [097fc219] tests: add fixtureMultiAssetWallet (cardano-wallet)
08:46:26 [da02cde2] integration tests: check balance of multi-asset faucet wallet (cardano-wallet)
08:49:14 [f4a0620c] [ETCM-555] Add metrics on the time taken to download blocks (headers, bodies and receipts) and also MPT nodes. Expose in Grafana other already existing metrics. (mantis)
08:49:36 [3ce65ea7] [ETCM-556] Add a metric for the total time it takes for FastSync to complete and update docker-compose Grafana dashboard (mantis)
08:52:38 [6ca0e7bd] Fixed concurrency issue to ensure that only one miner is created. (mantis)
08:56:25 [daf0a16a] Merge pull request #8 from danielSanchezQ/challenges (jorvit)
08:58:17 [028cd464] Add a comment explaining the proposed change (mantis)
09:02:49 [40f5eba3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:07:25 [564a6ed2] Update 2020-06-29_14-34-14_wallet-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
09:12:47 [2beeac18] [ETCM-528] block creation metrics (#904) (mantis)
09:14:20 [43b68a71] tests: Add fixtureMultiAssetWallet with minted assets (cardano-wallet)
09:14:42 [b7bf6eb8] integration tests: check balance of multi-asset faucet wallet (cardano-wallet)
09:21:01 [92ebfc1f] Use ledger as a source for publicRootPeers (ouroboros-network)
09:21:01 [055130a8] Improved tracing when ledger peers is disabled (ouroboros-network)
09:21:01 [27dd5a2a] Config for ledgerpeers (ouroboros-network)
09:26:11 [deb387a4] rework 'validateGenerators' for the db arbitrary instance to be more reliable (cardano-wallet)
09:26:31 [0c58dc4c] Update 2020-06-20_00-00-00_SP_metadata_register-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
09:28:42 [ba4adf2c] ContractModel class on top of StateModel (plutus)
09:31:59 [570ca553] Add an issue template (plutus)
09:32:05 [612270da] Merge #2907 (ouroboros-network)
09:32:29 [31609ec2] Move testing utils module to ourboros-network-testing (ouroboros-network)
09:32:29 [bd8ba86d] network-mux: muxStopped return error (ouroboros-network)
09:35:00 [9567a1cf] connection-manager: types & implementation (ouroboros-network)
09:35:15 [d54ffd8a] connection-manager: ConnectionHandler (ouroboros-network)
09:35:15 [2621e093] Add the eval-time GC roots to release.nix so they're cached. (cardano-node)
09:35:17 [8e4ef879] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
09:35:17 [0d52f310] Snocket.Accept (ouroboros-network)
09:35:18 [4292f753] p2p-governor: peer selection without gossip (ouroboros-network)
09:35:18 [991aab36] connection-manager: updated ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-network)
09:35:18 [d4e4d606] connection-manager: server IO tests (ouroboros-network)
09:35:18 [82ec35d6] p2p-governor: test asynchronous demotiions (ouroboros-network)
09:35:18 [b27195a5] p2p-governor: fix acounting of established peers (ouroboros-network)
09:35:18 [b890de06] connection-manager: pure test (ouroboros-network)
09:35:18 [d07566ce] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
09:35:18 [7c72d6eb] p2p-governor: implement PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
09:35:18 [5cd78e85] connection-manager: updated diffusion (ouroboros-network)
09:35:18 [b4ebe507] p2p-governor: localRootPersProvider (ouroboros-network)
09:35:19 [04800950] p2p-governor: public root peers (ouroboros-network)
09:35:19 [56868770] p2p-governor: fixed setConnectTime (ouroboros-network)
09:35:19 [4815a23d] p2p-governor: TimedDecisions (ouroboros-network)
09:35:19 [d1992ca5] p2p-governor: resetFailCount (ouroboros-network)
09:35:19 [4f2a1277] p2p-governor: fixed setCurrentTime (ouroboros-network)
09:35:19 [5064c802] p2p-governor: update inProgressPromoteWarm (ouroboros-network)
09:35:19 [593ca63a] p2p-governor: DebugPeerSelection - include Time (ouroboros-network)
09:35:19 [9a1816b7] p2p-governor: prop_governor_nolivelock - use timeout (ouroboros-network)
09:35:19 [21ea99fd] p2p-governor: exp. backoff in failures of cold to warm transition (ouroboros-network)
09:35:19 [37ef39c5] p2p-governor: asynchronous demotions to cold state (ouroboros-network)
09:35:20 [6f354c8c] p2p-governor: introduce EstablishedPeers (ouroboros-network)
09:35:20 [688888ae] tx-submission-inbound: improved logging (ouroboros-network)
09:35:20 [20f92727] p2p-governor: minConnectTime computation (ouroboros-network)
09:35:20 [a5753073] p2p-governor: removed HasCallStack constraint (ouroboros-network)
09:35:20 [f9634f1c] p2p-governor: warm→hot re-promotion delay (ouroboros-network)
09:35:20 [1cb9981b] mini-protocols: trace termination message (ouroboros-network)
09:35:20 [9c07a7c6] p2p-governor: improved logging (ouroboros-network)
09:35:20 [948d527f] p2p-governor: make tracer types strict (ouroboros-network)
09:35:20 [ddd8d330] p2p-governor: inline some of invariant assertions (ouroboros-network)
09:35:20 [6c37a4ec] p2p-governor: refactor governor invariant (ouroboros-network)
09:35:21 [1eab6db7] connection-manager: demo (ouroboros-network)
09:35:21 [26b2f0c7] Config for ledgerpeers (ouroboros-network)
09:35:21 [c94cf774] Improved tracing when ledger peers is disabled (ouroboros-network)
09:35:21 [106eed06] socket: SO_LINGER option (ouroboros-network)
09:35:21 [4dd04ae6] peer-selection: removed import (ouroboros-network)
09:35:21 [a1196f2c] Use ledger as a source for publicRootPeers (ouroboros-network)
09:35:21 [7a8b101b] connection-manager: spec (ouroboros-network)
09:35:57 [1183c28a] Update 2020-06-20_00-00-00_SP_metadata_register-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
09:37:15 [f41dc4d3] Merge #2302 (cardano-node)
09:39:42 [bdff8f2f] Tests on master node (cardano-wallet-rb)
09:40:50 [a8a98c43] SCP-1654: Hold on to intermediate states when evaluating the Resumable effect (#2576) (plutus)
09:41:25 [dc279b7e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:41:41 [9a337539] remove pointless shrinkers on PolicyId, AssetName and TxId (cardano-wallet)
09:43:09 [09ce60ca] Add lower bounds (cardano-node)
09:44:02 [06cc2389] Tracing spreading, lacks main logging.rs module (jormungandr)
09:45:28 [f5e8d09f] To-be-safe: block until we get recent PParams (cardano-wallet)
09:45:28 [568c229d] Ensure the node era is immediately known (cardano-wallet)
09:45:28 [460fa405] Remove ProtocolParameters from DB (cardano-wallet)
09:45:28 [7a92a5f1] Replace hardfork_at with eras (cardano-wallet)
09:45:36 [8d841283] Add node_era field to GET /network/information (cardano-wallet)
09:45:56 [75c4f4eb] Workaround problem from marking ApiEraInfo fields required (cardano-wallet)
09:48:45 [1104026c] Update 2020-06-20_00-00-00_SP_metadata_register-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
09:49:55 [96424d2a] Move Nix build to be based on cabal (plutus)
09:52:24 [52a535c0] updated 'migrate section' how-to (scripts)
09:53:42 [c05313b1] New metrics: (cardano-node)
09:54:35 [6dfdaae4] updated 'migrate section' how-to (scripts)
09:55:16 [a40b899a] Remove windows cabal solver workaround (cardano-node)
09:58:34 [33987a68] Reordering things in the MainFrame. (plutus)
09:59:23 [73aee82f] Simplify ContractModel removing return values from actions (plutus)
10:03:38 [88128d9e] create actor FastSyncBranchResolver (mantis)
10:05:11 [2e6ad82d] Export list for ContractModel (plutus)
10:06:02 [bef3b2a7] New metrics: (cardano-node)
10:08:39 [c0e87b36] golden for script hashes for different simple script versions (cardano-wallet)
10:08:40 [a530217a] add rest golden for current Script (cardano-wallet)
10:08:40 [f65853a8] timelock golden tests (cardano-wallet)
10:08:40 [f40f44f1] update code to script timelock, swagger, unit tests (cardano-wallet)
10:08:41 [348c67d7] align to timelock updates (cardano-wallet)
10:08:41 [81eb6ef3] aligning to new Script developments (cardano-wallet)
10:08:41 [d32fb125] regenerate ApiCredential.json (cardano-wallet)
10:08:42 [9f19bd81] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
10:08:42 [c4b06a90] relocate genScript to Wallet.Gen and set cardano-addresses-3.2.0 in stack (cardano-wallet)
10:08:42 [09d4c678] comply with new changes of Script, new generators, and aligning code to pass all unit tests (cardano-wallet)
10:08:43 [7cac2b27] comply with review remarks and add preimage golden tests (cardano-wallet)
10:09:26 [a53a7029] WIP (metadata-server)
10:10:38 [03f798b7] fixup! Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
10:13:38 [eff2230e] Only match against port to get cnode PID (guild-operators)
10:15:34 [7b0d696d] cnode.sh & PID (#737) (guild-operators)
10:16:14 [93d8faf5] Add lower bounds (cardano-node)
10:16:14 [9a005f84] Remove windows cabal solver workaround (cardano-node)
10:23:01 [024e82cc] Replace hardfork_at with eras (cardano-wallet)
10:23:01 [a2a906bb] Remove ProtocolParameters from DB (cardano-wallet)
10:23:02 [5f18e584] Workaround problem from marking ApiEraInfo fields required (cardano-wallet)
10:23:02 [6411bdac] To-be-safe: block until we get recent PParams (cardano-wallet)
10:23:02 [d8d59ee6] Add node_era field to GET /network/information (cardano-wallet)
10:23:02 [416d201b] Ensure the node era is immediately known (cardano-wallet)
10:24:09 [f49b9c77] Merge #2468 (cardano-wallet)
10:24:11 [9fd0a55f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:24:24 [0db332fc] cf531f4cd31630106cb1f06dbff3db5ac7ab2412 (cardano-wallet)
10:24:25 [6d1de7b9] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
10:25:03 [030ddd23] Harmonize tally method names in vote::manager (chain-libs)
10:32:25 [977078cc] rework shrinkers on PolicyId, AssetName and TxId to be more aggressive (cardano-wallet)
10:35:02 [bcc208b7] Improved mini-protocol tracers (cardano-node)
10:35:04 [1ad7094d] cardano-node: ToObject instance for Hello (TxSubmission2) (cardano-node)
10:37:04 [e1cca474] [ETCM-556] Add a metric for the total time it takes for FastSync to complete and update docker-compose Grafana dashboard (mantis)
10:40:13 [e1e92e89] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
10:40:14 [af7f8f1e] Update 2020-05-04_05-00-00_supported-platforms-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
10:45:19 [cb0cf846] To-be-safe: block until we get recent PParams (cardano-wallet)
10:45:19 [b1a3df8a] Remove ProtocolParameters from DB (cardano-wallet)
10:45:19 [75fd21bc] Replace hardfork_at with eras (cardano-wallet)
10:45:20 [c720bb3a] Ensure the node era is immediately known (cardano-wallet)
10:45:20 [544488b2] Add node_era field to GET /network/information (cardano-wallet)
10:45:20 [f448ab76] Workaround problem from marking ApiEraInfo fields required (cardano-wallet)
10:51:30 [4786d8a7] Merge #2468 (cardano-wallet)
10:51:42 [e311c6c3] [ETCM-556] Add a metric for the total time it takes for FastSync to complete and update docker-compose Grafana dashboard (mantis)
11:00:17 [93b8296f] [ETCM-556] Add a metric for the total time it takes for FastSync to complete and update docker-compose Grafana dashboard (mantis)
11:01:32 [c9d3b372] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
11:06:57 [c41ac7eb] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
11:09:08 [5beb9bdd] [ETCM-540] Improve peer discovery algorithm (mantis)
11:10:22 [feda23d5] Add cardano-client-demo package (cardano-node)
11:10:25 [2863650a] Introduce History Follower (ouroboros-network)
11:10:56 [2e0990f0] cardano-api: Export Block, Tx, and related types (cardano-node)
11:13:07 [a71dc44f] [DDW-543] Fix bug with form field refs and hooks (react-polymorph)
11:13:28 [96991dd9] 0.9.7-rc.16 (react-polymorph)
11:13:46 [4eb47ce9] Optimize Hydra Eval (cardano-node)
11:14:26 [90326716] Send time metadata at the NodeToClient ChainSync (ouroboros-network)
11:14:41 [53fbf348] Update 2020-05-05_16-19-26_building-the-node-from-source-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
11:15:23 [99df40b6] Remove a stray dbg! (chain-libs)
11:15:57 [2b4096f1] implement reviews suggestions (except did not remove release-lib) (cardano-node)
11:18:46 [da8a0fa1] Factor tally result vector computation into an fn (chain-libs)
11:19:23 [f3e3d4a2] Enforce ttl presence in pool reg tx (adalite)
11:20:40 [3b84a69e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:23:41 [c5bd87ea] Merge pull request #452 from cardano-foundation/olgahryniuk-patch-27 (testnets-cardano-org)
11:24:11 [4641652a] Implement query utxo in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
11:24:13 [3d6a8065] Implement query ledger state in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
11:24:30 [0e710fad] Merge pull request #453 from cardano-foundation/olgahryniuk-patch-28 (testnets-cardano-org)
11:24:38 [56c7a9b5] Implement query protocol state in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
11:28:31 [1a378c16] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
11:28:31 [a7550e32] cardano-api-demo: fetch blocks and print transaction count (cardano-node)
11:31:45 [181116c3] Merge pull request #455 from cardano-foundation/olgahryniuk-patch-30 (testnets-cardano-org)
11:36:09 [b75c097f] add panic catching in multi controller (vit-testing)
11:37:06 [1f52720e] New metrics: (cardano-node)
11:37:06 [ee753c7a] Upgrade to latest ouroboros-network: (cardano-node)
11:38:05 [79729949] Update lib/core-integration/src/Test/Integration/Framework/TestData.hs (cardano-wallet)
11:38:14 [3b34a70d] Update lib/core-integration/src/Test/Integration/Framework/TestData.hs (cardano-wallet)
11:41:28 [41a0deb0] Assign types to affected State (adalite)
11:41:52 [a0b2eee4] Update lib/core-integration/src/Test/Integration/Framework/TestData.hs (cardano-wallet)
11:41:55 [1f08a257] refactor AddressModal to avoid reading the clipboard (#1158) (yoroi-mobile)
11:42:22 [7b468f04] Update lib/core-integration/src/Test/Integration/Scenario/API/Shelley/Transactions.hs (cardano-wallet)
11:42:32 [798200e8] Update lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet.hs (cardano-wallet)
11:42:44 [2e61f50d] Update lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet.hs (cardano-wallet)
11:42:52 [2b4e75b3] Update lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Transaction.hs (cardano-wallet)
11:42:59 [d8d49430] Update lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet.hs (cardano-wallet)
11:47:40 [962855f7] Update get tip cli command with new api (cardano-node)
11:47:41 [adc18ec8] Implement query utxo in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
11:47:42 [da28b279] Implement query protocol state in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
11:47:42 [e18b2d94] Implement query ledger state in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
11:55:05 [c40b9ba8] Make private vote talling fallible (chain-libs)
12:07:15 [a1f26a5b] Refactoring of versions functionality (cardano-node-tests)
12:09:53 [79917f48] Merge #2471 (cardano-wallet)
12:10:51 [0314f9bc] Merge pull request #369 from mkoura/versions_refactoring (cardano-node-tests)
12:21:09 [b214f8ba] Eliminate TallyError::InvalidPrivateChoiceSize (chain-libs)
12:22:01 [b5c36b64] [DDW-543] Fix ref issue and numeric input IO (react-polymorph)
12:22:24 [693f82fe] 0.9.7-rc.17 (react-polymorph)
12:22:28 [4b2c2397] Enforce ttl presence in pool reg tx (adalite)
12:23:00 [a0826188] 6.0.6 (adalite)
12:27:38 [d701dcd4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:30:40 [183417c4] Create Account public key (cardano-wallet-rb)
12:33:27 [616e48bd] Reinstate sign key deserialization (cardano-base)
12:35:25 [d9db22e0] Merge #2468 (cardano-wallet)
12:39:18 [c89a2e5d] Merge pull request #907 from input-output-hk/feature/ETCM-556-add-fastsync-total-time-metric (mantis)
12:40:02 [cf13b9b7] Update ChangeLog.md (cardano-node)
12:40:49 [df460b57] Update ChangeLog.md (cardano-node)
12:41:41 [268a443c] Update ChangeLog.md (cardano-node)
12:45:15 [7ec21d90] Move types from state.ts to types.ts (adalite)
12:45:18 [d3d35457] Get keys from separate function and fix naming (adalite)
12:45:19 [c2023056] Type crypto provider (adalite)
12:48:27 [7697514a] [DDW-543] Upgrade to improved numeric input (daedalus)
12:48:39 [31c9a276] Get account public key (ikar)
12:49:23 [0516e160] [ETCM-555] Add metrics on the time taken to download blocks (headers, bodies and receipts) and also MPT nodes. Expose in Grafana other already existing metrics. (mantis)
12:55:09 [8c0b7f31] Add a parameter for enabling Haskell profiling (plutus)
12:59:38 [482f65a9] Add a parameter for enabling Haskell profiling (plutus)
13:00:50 [d633ab84] etcm-546 fixed unsafe usage of maxBy which could throw (mantis)
13:02:58 [74343380] First crack at the verification function (chain-libs)
13:07:25 [4b6ce460] Try re-enabling terminfo on musl (haskell.nix)
13:08:18 [b6cbac3b] Oops, should start with IFD level 1 (haskell.nix)
13:09:23 [e79fd44e] etcm-546 fixed unsafe usage of maxBy which could throw (mantis)
13:11:53 [eaa00052] Fix enum naming (adalite)
13:14:02 [e96c2c1b] Update preact (adalite)
13:14:51 [11792b4f] Refactor dashboard page (adalite)
13:21:59 [c75f8f54] chore: disable log persistence (cardano-rosetta)
13:23:03 [812ceaac] implement reviews suggestions (except did not remove release-lib) (cardano-node)
13:25:32 [290bfe81] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
13:26:26 [cab62e96] Merge #2468 (cardano-wallet)
13:27:39 [baaa66f4] Move Nix build to be based on cabal (#2659) (plutus)
13:27:58 [c7c8a326] Add a parameter for enabling Haskell profiling (plutus)
13:28:09 [7877fa0c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:29:27 [62ddd518] Fix wallet loading tests (adalite)
13:32:46 [3499f081] Try #1023: (haskell.nix)
13:33:42 [a721eb17] [ETCM-555] Add metrics on the time taken to download blocks (headers, bodies and receipts) and also MPT nodes. Expose in Grafana other already existing metrics. (mantis)
13:41:06 [642b787e] reduce verbosity in nomad nix hook (bitte)
13:42:46 [5cea7314] SCP-1685: PAB client interaction docs & API (#2661) (plutus)
13:44:02 [11c828f3] Update common.inc.testnet (scripts)
13:44:43 [c6d18afd] Update common.inc.staging (scripts)
13:45:15 [637608f9] Update common.inc.staging (scripts)
13:45:31 [a124830f] Add an issue template (#2666) (plutus)
13:47:15 [c7d98d56] pab: Remove Swagger endpoint (plutus)
13:47:37 [b18fd420] SCP-1266: Marlowe app for PAB (plutus)
13:47:38 [582a11a5] Update (plutus)
13:47:38 [dccc755b] SCB -> PAB (plutus)
13:48:12 [896d6e9c] update materialized nix files (swagger removal) (plutus)
13:52:16 [b3532d68] [DDW-481] Fix inline input error tooltip validation (daedalus)
13:53:46 [3136c945] update testnet files for new cardano-hw-cli 1.1.2 (scripts)
13:55:36 [0ab32449] raised new minimum versions for testnets (scripts)
13:56:43 [bf9de959] [ETCM-555] Add metrics on the time taken to download blocks (headers, bodies and receipts) and also MPT nodes. Expose in Grafana other already existing metrics. (mantis)
14:07:52 [682e4069] Merge #2471 (cardano-wallet)
14:14:42 [97bcebf6] Remove EraMapping from the cabal file. [skip ci] (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:18:32 [5a666f24] remove migration selection handlers until rework (cardano-wallet)
14:18:36 [f1dbb74c] parameterize 'SelectionResult' over the change's inner type (cardano-wallet)
14:18:36 [0b463dc7] rework 'TransactionLayer' to play well with RoundRobin MA selection algs. (cardano-wallet)
14:18:37 [6845d7df] add outputsCovered to 'performSelection', to make it possible to fully reconstruct a tx from a result (cardano-wallet)
14:18:37 [3cf668fa] add 'extraCoinSource' to 'SelectionResult' (cardano-wallet)
14:18:38 [57ee93e9] decouple deposits from 'estimateFee' (cardano-wallet)
14:18:40 [fd4fa312] Tests on master node (ikar)
14:19:29 [201cf5fa] Add "branch" information for builtins.fetchGit (haskell.nix)
14:19:31 [104f70f1] Get account public key (ikar)
14:20:38 [8c7423c5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:21:21 [397a8d7b] Assets in multi-address transacrions and fees (ikar)
14:21:21 [2b5c335d] Assets support in transactions and fees (ikar)
14:21:21 [52473e45] Asset endpoints support (ikar)
14:21:37 [f33f5848] Merge #2295 (cardano-node)
14:23:12 [8626a10a] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
14:23:27 [b487a896] Expose additional modules. [skip ci] (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:25:27 [ffb96cd8] integrate RoundRobin Multi-Asset selection and new transaction layer in the wallet layer (cardano-wallet)
14:26:58 [cd9028a5] upgrade the server handlers to use the upgraded multi-asset wallet layer. (cardano-wallet)
14:26:59 [c2496f97] add simple conversion function to '../Types/Coin.hs' from Coin to integrals (cardano-wallet)
14:27:00 [344ec8b2] Upgrade cardano-wallet package to work with new TransactionLayer (cardano-wallet)
14:27:00 [f1e2bb41] move 'calcSelectionDelta' to '.../MA/RoundRobin' and make it work for all 'SelectionResult' types (cardano-wallet)
14:27:01 [c63ac871] return and catch required cost with 'UnableToConstructChangeError' (cardano-wallet)
14:27:01 [4234b14a] run 'coinSelector' last in the multi-asset selection. (cardano-wallet)
14:27:01 [75bcf7cd] Adjust error messages assertions in integration tests (cardano-wallet)
14:28:34 [093dee4a] implement pure version of 'selectionToUnsignedTx' for external coin selections (cardano-wallet)
14:28:36 [348b4ba0] Test the value of `outputsCovered` returned by `performSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
14:28:36 [06e0377c] Update types in `RoundRobinSpec` test suite. (cardano-wallet)
14:28:37 [b699adba] remove now obsolete coin-selection modules. (cardano-wallet)
14:28:37 [cc31673d] rename 'missingCoins' field to 'shortfall' in the MA selection change error (cardano-wallet)
14:29:35 [92325c7e] introduce 'defaultTransactionCtx' to avoid repetition of empty contexts in various situation (cardano-wallet)
14:29:37 [64966a0c] update benchmarks & shelley transaction specs to work with new transaction layer. (cardano-wallet)
14:32:02 [cca6231c] do not count external withdrawals as 'ours' when constructing tx metadata (cardano-wallet)
14:32:04 [c3680307] finish implementation of 'calcMinimumCoinValue' to also account for multi-assets (cardano-wallet)
14:32:04 [6afcf1d2] make sure to count user-specified outputs that are ours when constructing tx meta (cardano-wallet)
14:32:05 [0ec40305] fix stake pool tests and transaction metadata reporting (cardano-wallet)
14:32:05 [1879a4f2] remove now obsolete 'TransactionSpecShared' module. (cardano-wallet)
14:32:06 [313f88dc] remove integration coin selection scenarios that are no-longer applicable. (cardano-wallet)
14:32:06 [e6553a17] make 'estimateMaxNumberOfInputs' aware of multi-assets outputs. (cardano-wallet)
14:32:06 [cb795457] use current mainnet value as tx max size in unit test (cardano-wallet)
14:32:07 [f51dea6f] temporarily disable test integration migration scenarios (cardano-wallet)
14:38:45 [4c8491dd] Merge pull request #910 from input-output-hk/etcm-546-unsafe-block-queue (mantis)
14:42:56 [6d391dca] Update 2020-06-20_00-00-00_SP_metadata_register-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
14:44:13 [5f276529] Merge pull request #454 from cardano-foundation/olgahryniuk-patch-29 (testnets-cardano-org)
14:46:03 [6b5efb41] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
14:46:23 [44dbdd80] Merge pull request #457 from cardano-foundation/olgahryniuk-patch-32 (testnets-cardano-org)
14:47:01 [463496a4] Merge pull request #456 from cardano-foundation/olgahryniuk-patch-31 (testnets-cardano-org)
14:49:32 [4ba051d5] Update vote manager to match changed signature (chain-libs)
14:51:07 [db2f37ba] Separating out simulator properties and actions, and modifying the view functions accordingly. (plutus)
14:52:13 [0e2d48f7] add rest golden for current Script (cardano-wallet)
14:52:13 [f1f8e700] golden for script hashes for different simple script versions (cardano-wallet)
14:52:14 [2bc1dfee] timelock golden tests (cardano-wallet)
14:52:14 [0ec041f2] update code to script timelock, swagger, unit tests (cardano-wallet)
14:52:15 [2b21e206] aligning to new Script developments (cardano-wallet)
14:52:15 [b5c08024] align to timelock updates (cardano-wallet)
14:52:15 [4ecebe36] regenerate ApiCredential.json (cardano-wallet)
14:52:16 [3211cbdf] comply with new changes of Script, new generators, and aligning code to pass all unit tests (cardano-wallet)
14:52:16 [5f3a9f64] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
14:52:16 [532edec7] relocate genScript to Wallet.Gen and set cardano-addresses-3.2.0 in stack (cardano-wallet)
14:52:17 [af4057f3] add more golden tests - for timelock and V1 script preimages (cardano-wallet)
14:52:17 [490a94af] comply with review remarks and add preimage golden tests (cardano-wallet)
14:52:37 [767db674] Uniform bsgs for ECC points (chain-libs)
14:52:46 [3b11c0db] Add build job running cardano-node-tests intgeration suite. (cardano-node)
14:53:32 [7e02e915] fix: use binary string comparator instead of locale comparator (cardano-rosetta)
14:54:29 [e469edd4] fixup! Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
14:58:26 [4f3b9122] Display node era on network/information (ikar)
14:59:51 [4611d787] add Api scaffolding and types to core (cardano-wallet)
14:59:51 [30a0f040] add swagger schema (cardano-wallet)
15:01:14 [3695d5a7] update everything to post (cardano-wallet)
15:01:19 [563b615d] impl readAccountPubKey in Cardano.Wallet (cardano-wallet)
15:01:20 [c7d73464] refactor ErrInvalidDerivationIndex plus correct Malformed (cardano-wallet)
15:01:20 [bbb5e012] add core unit testing bits (cardano-wallet)
15:01:20 [223b801b] add integration testing (cardano-wallet)
15:02:50 [bad2143e] improve swagger descr (cardano-wallet)
15:04:34 [37f788e2] various documentation, errors and comment tweaks. (cardano-wallet)
15:04:34 [0158a251] resurrect prop_estimateFee wrongly removed when upgrading transaction layer. (cardano-wallet)
15:04:34 [e3ea5776] remove unused 'assets' from the 'ApiTransaction' model (cardano-wallet)
15:04:35 [2be14297] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
15:04:35 [3c8a5c60] minor adjustment after joyful rebasing (cardano-wallet)
15:05:00 [13c3373c] Try #2462: (cardano-wallet)
15:06:29 [2fc0eb73] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
15:14:48 [c9f8d7e6] Remove old IPC stuff and amend cardano-api exports (cardano-node)
15:14:53 [0aa45076] Remove Cardano.Api.Typed from cardano-cli (cardano-node)
15:16:32 [0bf39cd3] Get account public key (ikar)
15:17:38 [d6fe5776] Assets support in transactions and fees (ikar)
15:17:38 [ac9d51e0] Assets in multi-address transacrions and fees (ikar)
15:17:39 [0b579c11] Asset endpoints support (ikar)
15:18:43 [28d476bd] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:19:06 [841199dc] Add missing python dep (requests) to nix-shell (cardano-node-tests)
15:19:48 [92f02b37] Merge pull request #2471 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/2393/flaky-validate-generators (cardano-wallet)
15:21:03 [78c5e56d] Merge #2462 (cardano-wallet)
15:22:23 [07f8b415] Add build job running cardano-node-tests intgeration suite. (cardano-node)
15:23:20 [1c257e85] Add 1.25.1 snapshot (cardano-haskell)
15:23:41 [0f0c169f] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
15:24:56 [e276100d] minor adjustment after joyful rebasing (cardano-wallet)
15:24:56 [57ef7e6e] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
15:27:46 [8c623449] Bump node to 1.25.1 (cardano-wallet)
15:30:23 [0aa97a5f] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
15:30:42 [f8466125] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
15:31:44 [d7bcf91a] Merge #2462 (cardano-wallet)
15:35:19 [578c5777] Merge pull request #39 from input-output-hk/anviking/1.25.1 (cardano-haskell)
15:37:00 [936bb222] bump versions to v2021-01-28 (cardano-wallet)
15:40:06 [123312bc] add nix flake (cardano-db-sync)
15:41:09 [0f8bc418] nix flake (cardano-node)
15:41:09 [14229feb] nomad job stateDir uses /persist (cardano-node)
15:41:58 [3fcc6475] golden for script hashes for different simple script versions (cardano-wallet)
15:42:02 [00249796] add rest golden for current Script (cardano-wallet)
15:42:03 [1ff6fa83] align to timelock updates (cardano-wallet)
15:42:03 [e6ce6312] timelock golden tests (cardano-wallet)
15:42:03 [a154fac2] update code to script timelock, swagger, unit tests (cardano-wallet)
15:42:04 [758bdb21] aligning to new Script developments (cardano-wallet)
15:42:04 [a5236c13] comply with new changes of Script, new generators, and aligning code to pass all unit tests (cardano-wallet)
15:42:04 [7b474872] regenerate ApiCredential.json (cardano-wallet)
15:42:05 [8ec308ca] relocate genScript to Wallet.Gen and set cardano-addresses-3.2.0 in stack (cardano-wallet)
15:42:05 [04ab8aa4] comply with review remarks and add preimage golden tests (cardano-wallet)
15:42:05 [a2954721] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
15:42:06 [957726c0] fixup! Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
15:42:06 [7b21babe] add more golden tests - for timelock and V1 script preimages (cardano-wallet)
15:47:43 [be67578c] Nix (plutus)
15:48:41 [26813aaf] pab: drop servant endpoint (plutus)
15:50:00 [e9e53aa6] Don't specify nodes as producers for themselves (mantis-ops)
15:50:08 [6f2e0c54] test: fix test for invalid non hex ma policy (cardano-rosetta)
15:56:24 [6cd8b51b] Merge #2473 #2474 (cardano-wallet)
15:59:42 [bb2590b3] pab: drop servant-swagger deps (plutus)
16:00:46 [1bb25188] Temporarily fix cardano-node-chairman (cardano-node)
16:05:41 [f545fb0f] wip (plutus)
16:09:06 [757c35d9] Update cardano-node: 1.25 + adapt alerts for metrics renaming (cardano-ops)
16:09:07 [103191c6] update metrics name in scripts for cardano-node 1.25 (cardano-ops)
16:11:08 [6e9ab39b] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
16:11:30 [048632c6] cardano-node 1.25.1 (cardano-ops)
16:13:17 [ea1a9a11] Merge pull request #343 from input-output-hk/cardano-node-1-25 (cardano-ops)
16:17:18 [4789ce04] remove migration selection handlers until rework (cardano-wallet)
16:17:18 [5c8bcf29] rework 'TransactionLayer' to play well with RoundRobin MA selection algs. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:19 [24068728] add 'extraCoinSource' to 'SelectionResult' (cardano-wallet)
16:17:19 [6a48544d] parameterize 'SelectionResult' over the change's inner type (cardano-wallet)
16:17:19 [58d4176e] add outputsCovered to 'performSelection', to make it possible to fully reconstruct a tx from a result (cardano-wallet)
16:17:20 [fefe3a50] decouple deposits from 'estimateFee' (cardano-wallet)
16:17:20 [0aebbb56] integrate RoundRobin Multi-Asset selection and new transaction layer in the wallet layer (cardano-wallet)
16:17:21 [5a60d54b] move 'calcSelectionDelta' to '.../MA/RoundRobin' and make it work for all 'SelectionResult' types (cardano-wallet)
16:17:21 [c1b2b4e9] upgrade the server handlers to use the upgraded multi-asset wallet layer. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:21 [29446a09] add simple conversion function to '../Types/Coin.hs' from Coin to integrals (cardano-wallet)
16:17:22 [e73c8d67] Adjust error messages assertions in integration tests (cardano-wallet)
16:17:22 [12067ecf] Upgrade cardano-wallet package to work with new TransactionLayer (cardano-wallet)
16:17:23 [9d573306] return and catch required cost with 'UnableToConstructChangeError' (cardano-wallet)
16:17:23 [293051cf] implement pure version of 'selectionToUnsignedTx' for external coin selections (cardano-wallet)
16:17:23 [d5241216] run 'coinSelector' last in the multi-asset selection. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:24 [d6332de0] Update types in `RoundRobinSpec` test suite. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:24 [dc045ca0] Test the value of `outputsCovered` returned by `performSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:25 [a285ca2d] remove now obsolete coin-selection modules. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:25 [a3f918dc] rename 'missingCoins' field to 'shortfall' in the MA selection change error (cardano-wallet)
16:17:25 [e5363356] introduce 'defaultTransactionCtx' to avoid repetition of empty contexts in various situation (cardano-wallet)
16:17:26 [8ca98ca9] update benchmarks & shelley transaction specs to work with new transaction layer. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:26 [6f3d2022] do not count external withdrawals as 'ours' when constructing tx metadata (cardano-wallet)
16:17:27 [ce62c58a] finish implementation of 'calcMinimumCoinValue' to also account for multi-assets (cardano-wallet)
16:17:27 [e7b4f737] make sure to count user-specified outputs that are ours when constructing tx meta (cardano-wallet)
16:17:27 [1dcd976f] fix stake pool tests and transaction metadata reporting (cardano-wallet)
16:17:28 [5ef18391] make 'estimateMaxNumberOfInputs' aware of multi-assets outputs. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:28 [d3a76dff] remove now obsolete 'TransactionSpecShared' module. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:29 [b447ac5c] remove integration coin selection scenarios that are no-longer applicable. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:29 [339ec67f] use current mainnet value as tx max size in unit test (cardano-wallet)
16:17:29 [df47333f] temporarily disable test integration migration scenarios (cardano-wallet)
16:17:30 [ed268caf] resurrect prop_estimateFee wrongly removed when upgrading transaction layer. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:30 [738a9520] various documentation, errors and comment tweaks. (cardano-wallet)
16:17:31 [32f3b2f8] remove unused 'assets' from the 'ApiTransaction' model (cardano-wallet)
16:17:31 [3e0cade1] minor adjustment after joyful rebasing (cardano-wallet)
16:17:32 [393b2c30] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
16:21:59 [7576a5da] Implement query utxo in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
16:21:59 [0a85d73e] Update get tip cli command with new api (cardano-node)
16:21:59 [52bcda20] Implement query ledger state in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
16:22:00 [5f7ff363] Implement query protocol state in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
16:24:13 [afab2b89] fix typo (chain-wallet-libs)
16:24:13 [01db3b7f] change browser-electron and wallet-js too (chain-wallet-libs)
16:24:13 [c15864cf] change ios plugin too (chain-wallet-libs)
16:24:13 [14f8b17c] take a bech32 string in proposal_new_private (chain-wallet-libs)
16:24:13 [80e07696] change argument getter too (chain-wallet-libs)
16:26:20 [3afe82d1] Merge pull request #370 from input-output-hk/nix-shell-add-missing-requests-dep (cardano-node-tests)
16:26:48 [639512ab] Refactor and test getting account xpubs (adalite)
16:30:18 [0946e131] Type address provider (adalite)
16:30:23 [ce948dd6] reintroduce decryption function in wallet-js (chain-wallet-libs)
16:32:28 [5acb5dbf] fix cordova plugin.xml version (chain-wallet-libs)
16:33:25 [37457514] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - fixing ui issues (daedalus)
16:35:53 [d1dd49a6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:39:15 [7fd1a9cd] Merge #2462 (cardano-wallet)
16:40:05 [387e1cdc] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - fixing ui issues (daedalus)
16:41:07 [ba52e5a4] Refactor string auth methods into Enum (adalite)
16:42:53 [dd04c33d] Revert "raised new minimum versions for testnets" (scripts)
16:43:10 [177e3a1e] Revert "update testnet files for new cardano-hw-cli 1.1.2" (scripts)
16:45:04 [2c285133] Reformat code with scalafmt (mantis)
16:45:50 [8a15beb7] WIP Tring to fold the ledger state but I think I've been using the wrong types (cardano-node)
16:50:02 [e866d950] Tweaks and docs (plutus)
16:52:21 [603ba59b] min NodeVersion set to 1.25.1 for testnets (scripts)
16:53:56 [b34afc17] Bump LastKnownBlockVersion to 4.0.0 (iohk-nix)
17:07:25 [64b40e6b] Require script to be preserved in bank contract (age-usd)
17:08:39 [72f7c313] Merge pull request #14 from input-output-hk/srv-topology (ECIP-Checkpointing)
17:09:28 [16e87f54] connection-manager: types & implementation (ouroboros-network)
17:09:28 [e264a51b] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
17:09:28 [099e0934] connection-manager: pure test (ouroboros-network)
17:09:28 [58e386f9] connection-manager: ConnectionHandler (ouroboros-network)
17:09:28 [413660a5] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
17:09:28 [eb15d767] Snocket.Accept (ouroboros-network)
17:09:28 [d06923f0] connection-manager: server IO tests (ouroboros-network)
17:09:29 [fef4bcb0] p2p-governor: test asynchronous demotiions (ouroboros-network)
17:09:29 [3392e7bd] p2p-governor: fix acounting of established peers (ouroboros-network)
17:09:29 [105d307a] p2p-governor: fixed setConnectTime (ouroboros-network)
17:09:29 [4dcc7691] p2p-governor: localRootPersProvider (ouroboros-network)
17:09:29 [f4f80f50] p2p-governor: implement PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
17:09:29 [de426442] p2p-governor: peer selection without gossip (ouroboros-network)
17:09:29 [fe77e7db] p2p-governor: fixed setCurrentTime (ouroboros-network)
17:09:29 [e6c0f868] connection-manager: updated diffusion (ouroboros-network)
17:09:29 [f6e430c8] connection-manager: updated ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-network)
17:09:29 [9f0d4fc8] p2p-governor: DebugPeerSelection - include Time (ouroboros-network)
17:09:30 [e3d95786] p2p-governor: asynchronous demotions to cold state (ouroboros-network)
17:09:30 [a1755fe1] p2p-governor: inline some of invariant assertions (ouroboros-network)
17:09:30 [a177abd6] p2p-governor: exp. backoff in failures of cold to warm transition (ouroboros-network)
17:09:30 [6ed5a5b1] p2p-governor: update inProgressPromoteWarm (ouroboros-network)
17:09:30 [ae6f0623] p2p-governor: TimedDecisions (ouroboros-network)
17:09:30 [65263958] p2p-governor: prop_governor_nolivelock - use timeout (ouroboros-network)
17:09:30 [375586dd] p2p-governor: resetFailCount (ouroboros-network)
17:09:30 [960c3473] p2p-governor: public root peers (ouroboros-network)
17:09:30 [7e380b43] p2p-governor: refactor governor invariant (ouroboros-network)
17:09:31 [ab85152d] tx-submission-inbound: improved logging (ouroboros-network)
17:09:31 [e054e371] peer-selection: removed import (ouroboros-network)
17:09:31 [e912e5a2] p2p-governor: improved logging (ouroboros-network)
17:09:31 [b4d3f424] mini-protocols: trace termination message (ouroboros-network)
17:09:31 [e101cc47] p2p-governor: removed HasCallStack constraint (ouroboros-network)
17:09:31 [4666210a] p2p-governor: warm→hot re-promotion delay (ouroboros-network)
17:09:31 [eda86d36] p2p-governor: minConnectTime computation (ouroboros-network)
17:09:31 [ce03eaf6] p2p-governor: make tracer types strict (ouroboros-network)
17:09:31 [cc57d5ad] p2p-governor: introduce EstablishedPeers (ouroboros-network)
17:09:32 [62b26012] socket: SO_LINGER option (ouroboros-network)
17:09:32 [4236ef05] Improved tracing when ledger peers is disabled (ouroboros-network)
17:09:32 [20fa2779] connection-manager: spec (ouroboros-network)
17:09:32 [0dabef95] connection-manager: demo (ouroboros-network)
17:09:32 [5ee829b4] Use ledger as a source for publicRootPeers (ouroboros-network)
17:09:32 [a6758245] Config for ledgerpeers (ouroboros-network)
17:10:31 [4f877467] added more logging in RegularSync and PeersClient (mantis)
17:11:06 [6e77b15c] 92f02b37328be510a7439bd45f7fc362bb37cd55 (cardano-wallet)
17:11:06 [d860b603] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
17:12:08 [9d8cdb7d] remove unused constant to fix eslint (chain-wallet-libs)
17:12:08 [bd4d9b9f] string arg should be c_char instead of i8 (chain-wallet-libs)
17:12:14 [b7856fb5] Add build job running cardano-node-tests intgeration suite. (cardano-node)
17:12:21 [98297f2d] regen c header (chain-wallet-libs)
17:13:01 [2d284b51] Morpho SRV topology discovery (mantis-ops)
17:14:09 [d8be5f05] Merge pull request #25 from piotr-iohk/assets (cardano-wallet-rb)
17:14:29 [494322a0] Merge pull request #26 from piotr-iohk/keys (cardano-wallet-rb)
17:16:43 [9fa28ba7] Bump version to 0.3.0 (cardano-wallet-rb)
17:18:37 [7c1e20cc] Refactor and test getting account xpubs (adalite)
17:18:48 [df31e7db] Type address provider (adalite)
17:18:57 [3e074451] Bitte update (mantis-ops)
17:19:36 [a033745e] Add live memory gauge to morpho (mantis-ops)
17:23:29 [73863d9f] Merge pull request #134 from input-output-hk/change-plugin-xml-version-to-0.5.0 (chain-wallet-libs)
17:23:44 [26879c39] Merge pull request #135 from input-output-hk/reinroduce-decryption-function-in-wallet-js (chain-wallet-libs)
17:26:24 [ee448e47] Remove old IPC stuff and amend cardano-api exports (cardano-node)
17:27:06 [a498e08e] Remove Cardano.Api.Typed from cardano-cli (cardano-node)
17:27:08 [1e7fce19] Temporarily fix cardano-node-chairman (cardano-node)
17:31:09 [14925cab] Merge #2473 (cardano-wallet)
17:36:47 [56edf456] Merge pull request #1 from scalahub/check-script-preserved (age-usd)
17:38:11 [6fdfc93b] tests: Add fixtureMultiAssetWallet with minted assets (cardano-wallet)
17:38:12 [a060bd30] integration tests: check balance of multi-asset faucet wallet (cardano-wallet)
17:38:19 [8be19ef0] bump versions to v2021-01-28 (cardano-wallet)
17:38:36 [bd4a2a11] Added the type (SafeHash crypto index) which is a newtype around (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:41:33 [d145506b] extends derive (jormungandr)
17:44:47 [8455183f] add Api scaffolding and types to core (cardano-wallet)
17:44:47 [4ecc7997] add swagger schema (cardano-wallet)
17:45:36 [b9859f78] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:46:01 [59d76b0e] update everything to post (cardano-wallet)
17:47:18 [9faf7410] impl readAccountPubKey in Cardano.Wallet (cardano-wallet)
17:47:19 [83f72060] add core unit testing bits (cardano-wallet)
17:48:16 [9c7826a4] refactor ErrInvalidDerivationIndex plus correct Malformed (cardano-wallet)
17:48:17 [27f45cf8] add integration testing (cardano-wallet)
17:48:18 [2beaa9c9] improve swagger descr (cardano-wallet)
17:48:18 [d828f081] Delete .#CompatibilitySpec.hs (cardano-wallet)
17:56:39 [48a69d02] Update Nix used by GitHub Actions (mantis-ops)
18:15:24 [632526ec] Remove assets and mint fields (ikar)
18:16:43 [d1ecd9fe] Merge pull request #2104 from input-output-hk/ts-safeHash (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:29:17 [5f9cadb5] nix/haskell: update-materialized (plutus)
18:29:53 [ff9f305a] Merge pull request #911 from input-output-hk/additional-logging-regular-sync-peer-client (mantis)
18:32:44 [a09bf35a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:33:08 [c161b799] update migration tests (disabled) (ikar)
18:34:28 [b191f563] Merge #2474 (cardano-wallet)
18:35:06 [dc3b4c1e] Cap min and max deltas stored in R4 of receipt box (age-usd)
18:40:10 [f345e048] config-CODEOWNERS.md: draft document (ouroboros-network)
18:43:19 [279e1ca8] Tests on node 1.25.1 (cardano-wallet-rb)
18:44:43 [bb456a74] Retries to work around flaky builds (iohk-monitoring-framework)
18:53:12 [a7f09c97] Added CODEOWNERS file (ouroboros-network)
18:56:41 [83c56ef2] Add non-negative check for R4, R5 of bank box out (age-usd)
19:04:44 [142dc5ed] replace Jsonifier with Aeson, and re-introduce WSP wrapper for JSON responses (cardano-ogmios)
19:06:00 [3ecbfdaa] cache last routed message and re-route identical messages to the same handler. (cardano-ogmios)
19:15:13 [116d1040] chore: mary_qa config files (cardano-rosetta)
19:22:23 [217a0648] TOSQUASH complete CODEOWNERS (ouroboros-network)
19:23:05 [27da42f9] TOSQUASH move CODEOWNERS to .github (ouroboros-network)
19:26:23 [5b412e12] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:27:31 [f3238945] TOSQUASH fix typo (ouroboros-network)
19:33:43 [84d346a7] update tokio (jormungandr)
19:42:31 [7a11e6e8] config-CODEOWNERS.md: draft document (ouroboros-network)
19:43:33 [5a7e1fd8] Bump electron from 8.2.2 to 9.4.0 (daedalus)
19:56:32 [143805de] update deps (vit-testing)
19:56:32 [748bdacb] clean up after warp update (vit-testing)
19:56:32 [998415e6] add custom pin to initials (vit-testing)
20:04:16 [01af6973] fixup (ouroboros-network)
20:07:10 [87cbf169] config-CODEOWNERS.md: draft document (ouroboros-network)
20:08:42 [33b224de] Install Haskell tools before checkout (cardano-node)
20:09:31 [8e96cef8] Upgrade to latest ouroboros-network: (cardano-node)
20:09:31 [babfca82] New metrics: (cardano-node)
20:17:15 [48f3a76b] Morpho SRV topology discovery (mantis-ops)
20:17:17 [734573c9] Add live memory gauge to morpho (mantis-ops)
20:17:17 [cbb71ef9] Bitte update (mantis-ops)
20:17:17 [eb228589] Update Nix used by GitHub Actions (mantis-ops)
20:17:35 [c076d650] Bump electron from 4.2.4 to 9.4.0 (fenrir)
20:18:11 [13b38293] Bump electron from 7.1.7 to 9.4.0 in /examples/wallet (js-chain-libs)
20:19:59 [8b993edc] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:30:35 [05797bbd] 7fd1a9cd2e6ff68604f696874e82c65af6da7758 (cardano-wallet)
20:30:35 [d4a5f3ae] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
20:43:30 [d13eaa57] Merge #2466 #2473 (cardano-wallet)
20:46:28 [40edbe88] CAD-2526 locli: fix computeDistribution for null data sets (cardano-benchmarking)
20:46:30 [642a593c] CAD-2526 locli: switch to ShortText (cardano-benchmarking)
20:46:30 [7aabfe56] nix: pin roots & add withHoogle (cardano-benchmarking)
20:46:31 [276b5005] CAD-2526 locli: benchmark Profile, now filled from genesis and meta.json (cardano-benchmarking)
20:52:26 [84407dbc] chore: bump [email protected] & [email protected] (cardano-rosetta)
20:52:26 [5f3cf05a] chore: updated cardan-node config files (cardano-rosetta)
20:52:27 [91c348f4] chore: mary_qa config files (cardano-rosetta)
20:52:27 [23b185bd] chore: updated test snapshot and fixture data to match 8.0.0 schema (cardano-rosetta)
20:53:08 [bf236c53] golden tests for Mary scaledMinDeposit function (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:03:28 [edcc12dd] fix: use binary string comparator instead of locale comparator (#305) (cardano-rosetta)
21:16:56 [b3f59137] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:17:35 [8ab94de6] fix: map empty asset name in order to work with rosetta-cli:check data (cardano-rosetta)
21:19:08 [84e8a23d] test: fix test for invalid non hex ma policy (cardano-rosetta)
21:25:14 [53168dbb] test: fix test for invalid non hex ma policy (#306) (cardano-rosetta)
21:25:50 [35d86f6f] fix: map empty asset name in order to work with rosetta-cli:check data (cardano-rosetta)
21:26:35 [55b92f06] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
21:32:25 [8deac743] Delete common.inc.launchpad (scripts)
21:32:52 [7a8392b2] Create common.inc-example-for-launchpad (scripts)
21:33:20 [2d83a314] Delete common.inc.staging (scripts)
21:33:43 [6629273a] Create common.inc-example-for-staging (scripts)
21:34:08 [f59cff01] Delete common.inc.testnet (scripts)
21:34:33 [1baee75f] Create common.inc-example-for-public-testnet (scripts)
21:34:59 [e82e58a9] Merge #2474 (cardano-wallet)
21:35:21 [16630b25] Update common.inc-example-for-launchpad (scripts)
21:54:53 [edc4e966] docs: updated docs to explain how empty name assets are mapped (cardano-rosetta)
21:59:42 [e2f1e9d3] Switch connectedPeers in sLV (guild-operators)
22:08:10 [d3e8b8fe] Switch sLV for connectedPeers, update references for 1.25.0 to 1.25.1 (guild-operators)
22:15:45 [21f85bfa] Update cntools-changelog (guild-operators)
22:16:43 [b03f9372] Switch connectedPeers in sLV (#738) (guild-operators)
22:19:42 [07f92ba2] fix test project build and android rust warnings (react-native-haskell-shelley)
22:21:12 [c68283f9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:21:31 [43cac8cd] Merge pull request #2663 from input-output-hk/hrajchert/SCP-1647-fix-blockly-send-to-simulator-when-holes (plutus)
22:21:32 [610bdcde] Update mantis (mantis-ops)
22:37:35 [ea401cf9] Refactor Halogen.Blockly for BlocklyComponent.(View/State/Types) (plutus)
22:37:35 [3d5e72b5] Move Blockly to Blockly.Internal (plutus)
22:37:35 [17420eef] Refactored ST for Effect in Blockly (plutus)
22:37:35 [877d6306] Solved some FIXME’s (plutus)
22:39:42 [26ebf7fd] etcm-546 fixed unsafe usage of maxBy which could throw (mantis)
22:40:51 [d18f6e34] Update mantis (mantis-ops)
22:51:54 [452236c8] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
23:15:40 [2f3e34b8] Merge pull request #513 from input-output-hk/erikd/deps-20210129 (cardano-db-sync)
23:22:48 [d17c4e1f] fix: map empty asset name in order to work with rosetta-cli:check data (#307) (cardano-rosetta)
23:23:41 [0ba150cc] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:27:56 [4a503451] review fixes (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
23:30:56 [68cd4741] review fixes (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
23:46:16 [3ee1900d] Final docs (plutus)
23:48:35 [34461e47] Add untyped examples to plc command (SCP-1752) (plutus)
23:49:33 [19c2dc55] Merge #2293 (cardano-node)
23:50:59 [346f8e99] Optimize Hydra Eval (cardano-node)
23:51:27 [d37f8cf0] implement reviews suggestions (except did not remove release-lib) (cardano-node)
23:54:22 [736349d0] Touch README for new commit (cardano-node)