Home / Reports / Jun 12, 2021

Saturday, June 12, 2021

116 commits had been pushed across 20 repos by 20 authors. There were 213,584 additions and 168,302 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:03:42 [b8b0c049] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
00:12:31 [67d868cd] Fix for windows cross (haskell.nix)
00:18:02 [1ae19311] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:20:23 [65431a91] Adjust the CBOR decoder for Rational to match CDDL (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:25:03 [5633babf] Adjust tx generator to workaround ledger serialisation issue (cardano-node)
00:29:47 [f4645eb6] Extend the tx generators for Alonzo and add properties for the era (cardano-node)
00:50:31 [6ad64d84] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:09:44 [6f8a544f] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
01:11:58 [1eda0757] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:51:30 [a6478b06] Update to latest Plutus and ledger repos (cardano-node)
01:51:30 [25f4366d] Adjust tx generator to workaround ledger serialisation issue (cardano-node)
01:51:30 [eb95ca9c] Extend the tx generators for Alonzo and add properties for the era (cardano-node)
01:51:30 [0952de8d] Supress a hlint warning (cardano-node)
01:58:30 [a2e51193] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:30:00 [bb176be7] Meh (2) (plutus)
02:30:00 [7cfc8e0c] More -host-package-db (plutus)
02:30:00 [3bfca838] WIP (plutus)
02:30:00 [016ff4a9] Cleanup (plutus)
02:30:00 [b5d169db] ghcjs-plugin not by default. (plutus)
02:30:00 [b6293273] Not sure why we need this. (plutus)
02:30:00 [ca58acf9] What fun it is try to to build native, corss and merge in some native into cross, but not the same native m( (plutus)
02:30:00 [0e50d0cc] Extend the plutus-ghc-stub (plutus)
02:30:00 [6037bf95] No shell, makes eval go brrr? (plutus)
02:30:00 [4bc4eb0e] More cleanup (plutus)
02:30:00 [15ea3247] bump agda hash (as we went to stock 8.10.4) (plutus)
02:30:00 [fb1118a6] Drop plutus-metatheory for now. (plutus)
02:30:00 [7a213446] Move cabal.project to .local custom for ghcjs (plutus)
02:30:00 [252662e5] WIP (plutus)
02:30:00 [9ca5db52] Drop deployment on cross targets (plutus)
02:30:00 [b78e63ae] bump hash (plutus)
02:30:00 [53d27b4b] Reduce allow-nwer (plutus)
02:30:00 [81ea7df7] Remove ANN Hlint, use HLINT (plutus)
02:30:00 [36294e0f] Fixup (plutus)
02:30:00 [0fa7a637] Revent ghcjs bump (plutus)
02:30:00 [f0cc17b0] Bump haskell, hackage and stackage (plutus)
02:30:00 [f70a8015] Meh (plutus)
02:30:00 [e48ebc44] bump index state (plutus)
02:30:01 [fdb0d148] More cleanup. Make darwin build again. (plutus)
02:30:01 [f54b77f1] bump ci.nix (plutus)
02:30:01 [d4ce0940] Bump stylish-haskell sha (plutus)
02:30:01 [f24d811c] And even more clean ups (plutus)
02:30:01 [202bba22] Adds tred graphs (plutus)
02:30:01 [98554380] Update agda hash (plutus)
02:30:01 [95ebfd2c] Restring ghcjs packages to ghcjs (plutus)
02:30:01 [9b4934e9] Used stdenv to detect isGhcjs, not crossSystem. (plutus)
02:30:01 [7f944cce] I'm a muppet! (plutus)
02:38:26 [88a712f3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:20:23 [409cc263] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:01:46 [90edafcf] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:21:48 [251f390f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:19:04 [7d8bbd30] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:30:22 [0cc92bff] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 (yoroi-ergo-backend)
06:07:53 [ece0577b] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 (react-native-haskell-shelley)
06:12:21 [b2788522] Default hix to ghc 8.10.5 (haskell.nix)
06:20:55 [b8c42350] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:49:43 [56275496] chore: update to [email protected] and [email protected] (cardano-graphql)
07:18:31 [2c3daad8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:50:51 [c3cea0db] fix db-sync (vit-ops)
08:04:43 [11dc9863] io-sim-classes: consolidate CPP pragmas (ouroboros-network)
09:17:09 [c2808eae] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:07:38 [2a32ae13] Merge #2809 (cardano-node)
10:18:51 [e40f23bd] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:56:35 [c92ee584] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
11:03:58 [908b410b] update deps (vit-testing)
11:04:22 [31703eb8] adjust iapyx after jormungandr update (vit-testing)
11:05:07 [fa0bac55] adjust registration service client (vit-testing)
11:05:23 [7d307615] fix snapshot client api (vit-testing)
11:05:46 [3cbe027b] adjust vitup after jormungandr update (vit-testing)
11:07:27 [553726bf] change integration tests organization (vit-testing)
11:08:01 [26a64ceb] add persistent log automated test (ignored) (vit-testing)
11:08:39 [5c756ddb] refactor e2e testnet test (vit-testing)
11:14:27 [cdbec75b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:24:24 [0784d5b0] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/ddw-615-fix-automated-tests-setup (daedalus)
12:24:41 [96425dad] adjust iapyx data. needed for vitup diff command (vit-testing)
12:25:28 [4278060d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:21:01 [d06992e0] chore: remove trailing spaces as per editorconfig (cardano-ogmios)
13:26:16 [95f73e0b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:36:44 [8fe05bee] deploy: e0142d33a9701b369b0c631a0087d8ebc38c48bc (cardano-ogmios)
13:43:14 [55c510dc] feature: external Haskell node client interoperability with cardano-node-ogmios (cardano-ogmios)
14:15:40 [d96d4fa5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:59:21 [efe43b4b] Twin Towers 20 (cardano-token-registry)
15:19:37 [ba3d3668] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:27:04 [292a70e1] io-sim-classes: consolidate CPP pragmas (ouroboros-network)
16:28:28 [08e62435] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:16:57 [ab6969dd] Merge pull request #75 from CardanoSolutions/feature/improved-docker-images (cardano-ogmios)
17:17:37 [0bf7a3d5] deploy: ab6969dd494ef3aeadb9e6ffef5b3283abf3ced7 (cardano-ogmios)
17:22:40 [9950b987] New translations en-US.json (Slovak) (yoroi-mobile)
17:29:54 [45cf1350] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:38:39 [073aad7d] Add the ability to export serialised PLC programs with Cardano API envelopes (plutus)
17:57:24 [415ed4d5] Add the ability to export serialised PLC programs with Cardano API envelopes (plutus)
18:21:47 [8357a4f1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:22:18 [0f215a3a] New translations en-US.json (Slovak) (yoroi-mobile)
19:06:32 [ceb1e722] Fix playground-common (plutus)
19:06:32 [c5953cf4] * Fix use-cases (plutus)
19:06:32 [a6baa643] SCP-2018: Waiting vs non-waiting actions (plutus)
19:06:32 [70ab1f0c] Fix marlowe (plutus)
19:06:32 [43244cdd] Fix doc (plutus)
19:06:32 [59054fbc] Fix plutus-playground-server (plutus)
19:06:32 [07e1576a] Fix plutus-pab (plutus)
19:16:19 [61b72dec] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:19:07 [ec19b404] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 (#25) (react-native-haskell-shelley)
19:19:36 [0b5ff068] Fix uniswap example (plutus)
19:19:46 [d91f2da2] Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 (react-native-haskell-shelley)
19:19:50 [3f9ecc55] Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 in /example (react-native-haskell-shelley)
19:32:32 [16342ab6] Added new function `getTokenInfo` to i-fetcher and implemented for remote fetcher (yoroi-frontend)
19:37:54 [5ee999f7] Fix PSGenerator (plutus)
19:39:45 [9e14c9c1] Fix plutus-pab-client (plutus)
19:43:31 [de5c445c] Implemented `getTokenInfo` for batch-fetcher (yoroi-frontend)
20:17:28 [a6fe6c28] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:29:37 [ffe10d49] calculate-min-value not supported in Alonzo even with Mary Tx (cardano-node-tests)
20:37:17 [8f3be0a7] Merge pull request #567 from mkoura/alonzo_calculate_min_value (cardano-node-tests)
21:16:01 [f0cdd2c8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:16:38 [80877ff6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:17:18 [fe95088d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:27:15 [c81620d9] Create e33f4cd0fd49e474778595cbdb1c26f82810b735e5f52b9ffdb3bfce4e465474657374.json (metadata-registry-testnet)
23:53:41 [08d8d91c] Add ridotto (#1) (essential-cardano)