Home / Reports / Sep 10, 2021

Friday, September 10, 2021

116 commits had been pushed across 22 repos by 29 authors. There were 59,211 additions and 48,704 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:21:47 [091dadb2] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:47:53 [a206f9b9] Merge pull request #802 from input-output-hk/kderme/update-dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
01:13:30 [eeab4ba5] Automatic update for Fri Sep 10 01:13:30 UTC 2021 (stackage.nix)
01:14:25 [8a4e8c2d] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
02:08:09 [20e9f66b] Fix a small typo (#1233) (haskell.nix)
04:40:37 [e2f77a98] Fix evalPackages for flakes that are cross compiling (#1234) (haskell.nix)
05:13:02 [2f7ca7cc] Merge pull request #83 from input-output-hk/feature/utxo-rewards (cardano-js-sdk)
05:15:14 [014846ff] deploy: 2f7ca7cc1325da7dc2a945739d42c1a72e53e8e4 (cardano-js-sdk)
06:11:50 [562b6eb2] Merge branch 'develop' into release-with-develop (daedalus)
06:12:15 [d66a4bbb] Fix CHANGELOG (daedalus)
06:13:13 [47ee582d] Merge pull request #2668 from input-output-hk/release-with-develop (daedalus)
07:47:06 [92032324] Implemented functions for endpoints of 5 tags (blockfrost-rust)
07:50:12 [5879bbf8] Make compile (plutus)
07:50:12 [a3fffae8] chain-index: Convert directly to ChainIndexTx (plutus)
07:50:12 [3d387868] chain-index: Diagnostics endpoint (plutus)
07:50:12 [9faa2dc4] chain-index: Fix conversion from Cardano addresses / script types (plutus)
07:50:16 [42eccc00] Updating examples/ with all_requests.rs and api.rs (blockfrost-rust)
08:22:03 [7b73924d] Temporarily hide weeds. (cardano-wallet)
08:23:26 [8d050aac] Merge #2885 (cardano-wallet)
08:24:06 [b110e542] Merge pull request #3577 from input-output-hk/dependabot/cargo/async-trait-0.1.51 (jormungandr)
08:24:18 [4339ac0e] Merge pull request #3576 from input-output-hk/dependabot/cargo/semver-1.0.4 (jormungandr)
08:24:50 [84a562cd] Merge pull request #3580 from input-output-hk/circleci-tweaks (jormungandr)
08:26:20 [a648f075] Merge pull request #81 from input-output-hk/abailly-iohk/make-benchmark-concurrent (hydra-poc)
08:33:48 [cade145d] minor corrections (cardano-documentation)
08:40:54 [7afd2192] Derive TxId's IsString instance via LedgerBytes (fix #3888). (#3898) (plutus)
08:49:52 [5a294460] Open new connection for each spawned concurrent client (hydra-poc)
09:06:12 [644a1bc5] Merge pull request #176 from input-output-hk/nahern-plutus-(do-not-merge-yet) (cardano-documentation)
09:11:28 [93815337] deploy: 5a294460945814cb1017eb166929ba5714b8d565 (hydra-poc)
09:15:37 [a57b2714] Plutus transactions topic (cardano-documentation)
09:19:31 [ba8358bd] upload images (cardano-documentation)
09:24:27 [08106c1f] Merge #2885 (cardano-wallet)
09:30:58 [e333a7fa] datums and redeemers topic (cardano-documentation)
09:37:26 [9839104a] Merge pull request #3887 from input-output-hk/constraint-tests-by-platform (plutus)
09:53:35 [7b9b4722] Merge pull request #262 from Emurgo/yushi/tx-submit-error-info (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
09:57:04 [ff7b2f40] Benchmark can run an arbitrary number of nodes (hydra-poc)
10:04:50 [7c4ea69e] update artifacts for catalyst-signoff (vit-ops)
10:11:16 [9f3c8c1c] Use Set of Party to signal ReadyToCommit (hydra-poc)
10:11:28 [b8cee48f] Increase timeout waiting for Head finalisation (hydra-poc)
10:41:18 [41e6b3f8] Clean-up the TUI code (hydra-poc)
10:41:18 [f9993692] More cleanup in the TUI, removing redundant states and improving overall layout. (hydra-poc)
10:41:18 [47c284a0] Update Nix materialization plan (hydra-poc)
10:41:19 [2df25edc] Fix 'availableUtxo' calculation (use address instead of committed utxo...) (hydra-poc)
10:48:43 [26e1fd29] Merge pull request #638 from input-output-hk/fix-imhamt-box-lints (chain-libs)
11:21:30 [e74eaf0a] Allow user to select the amount (lovelace only at this stage) when sending through the TUI. (hydra-poc)
11:32:03 [558eed10] update artifacts for catalyst-signoff (vit-ops)
11:32:24 [2300b126] Fixup oversights after changing peers list to set. (hydra-poc)
11:35:29 [5691e5ab] Updates (plutus)
11:35:29 [5ed9e815] Updates (plutus)
11:35:29 [298946ce] plutus-ledger: Fix scriptHash function (plutus)
11:35:29 [fa92b9b6] Update tests (plutus)
11:36:05 [4eb13ed1] update artifacts for catalyst-signoff (vit-ops)
11:39:50 [99aaf5b7] Fix lens setter for UTXO radio field (hydra-poc)
11:45:20 [83a5551c] update artifacts for catalyst-dryrun (vit-ops)
11:53:51 [2d7dc313] deploy: 2300b126059fcd00c4377a1fb89d1f4683ab01ae (hydra-poc)
12:02:30 [5cf2c881] add evaluateFee to Transaction interface (cardano-wallet)
12:02:36 [ffea60ba] extend ProtocolParameters and add impl for Alonzo (cardano-wallet)
12:02:37 [ffb3dbcc] extend ApiNetworkParameters, swagger and adjust testing (cardano-wallet)
12:02:37 [053dac2f] add integration test for execution unit prices (cardano-wallet)
12:02:37 [05faa35f] impl skeleton of calcScriptExecutionCost (cardano-wallet)
12:02:38 [64742b0d] impl of _calcScriptExecutionCost - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
12:02:38 [589c79b1] impl of _calcScriptExecutionCost - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
12:02:39 [83a6fbc9] impl of _calcScriptExecutionCost - part 3 (cardano-wallet)
12:02:39 [c4c5ba94] add more plutus example in tests (cardano-wallet)
12:02:39 [df94e3bd] test calScriptExecutionCost with real data (cardano-wallet)
12:02:40 [84087bd9] add more plutus example in tests - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
12:02:40 [8002b30a] add more plutus example in tests - part 3 (cardano-wallet)
12:17:39 [7f6cc31f] Fix build replacing more list of parties with set of parties (hydra-poc)
13:04:06 [83ff2a02] Merge #496 (iohk-nix)
13:06:23 [c6c7cde2] Additional minor layout revisions on the TUI. (hydra-poc)
13:25:25 [9e86373f] update TransactionCtx and TransactionSkeleton plus account execution costs (cardano-wallet)
13:32:55 [9e9381d1] Try #2866: (cardano-wallet)
13:36:50 [0dcc6d1e] Fix default p2p config. (iohk-nix)
13:38:00 [da37c2ec] Merge pull request #497 from input-output-hk/p2p-config-fix (iohk-nix)
13:42:23 [ce547de2] Merge pull request #632 from input-output-hk/bump-test-timeout (chain-libs)
13:51:20 [ab138130] Merge pull request #2451 from input-output-hk/nc/lobster (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:09:23 [7a8be8a8] update TransactionCtx and TransactionSkeleton plus account execution costs (cardano-wallet)
14:10:29 [4e170083] Try #2866: (cardano-wallet)
14:19:32 [e0adf5fb] mainnet commands (cardano-documentation)
14:22:49 [6d8998b4] Escape special characters in building a JSON (#77) (metronome)
14:25:14 [b9aac0cd] Create 08-Plutus-validator-scripts.mdx (cardano-documentation)
14:33:16 [22794f61] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop (metronome)
14:33:55 [6d56a8d9] Create 09-collateral-mechanism.mdx (cardano-documentation)
14:34:23 [122e61d3] Merge pull request #263 from Emurgo/ruslan/catalyst-fund6-dates-fix (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:34:56 [f6da3043] Create 10-concurrency.mdx (cardano-documentation)
14:41:27 [5a73b941] Added documentation to all endpoints (blockfrost-python)
14:41:55 [576f54d3] Added new IPFS pin endpoints (blockfrost-python)
14:42:07 [77d24b00] Added new Tests (blockfrost-python)
14:42:09 [016deee8] Create 11-sc-best-practices.mdx (cardano-documentation)
14:42:43 [b856b45b] Added new Tests (blockfrost-python)
14:45:00 [498311b4] Bump version to Beta (blockfrost-python)
15:05:29 [7fa31fc1] Merge pull request #2378 from SebastienGllmt/patch-1 (yoroi-frontend)
15:07:42 [17e5f1b0] Merge pull request #2888 from Nooaah/patch-2 (cardano-wallet)
15:08:01 [e4ab432e] docs: Merge pull request #2888 from Nooaah/patch-2 (cardano-wallet)
15:09:42 [852d16bf] Create 08-Plutus-validator-scripts.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:11:00 [66954d9d] Create 09-collateral-mechanism.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:11:27 [05b002fc] Create 10-concurrency.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:12:13 [ad009e6c] Create 11-sc-best-practices.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:14:00 [ddabfae5] Merge pull request #178 from input-output-hk/nahern-patch-24 (cardano-documentation)
15:20:19 [7988f557] Create 06-Plutus-transactions.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:21:30 [c83ba57b] Create 07-datums-redeemers.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:26:22 [0aec39e8] Merge pull request #179 from input-output-hk/nahern-patch-23 (cardano-documentation)
16:07:38 [cc30cf24] Merge #3314 (ouroboros-network)
17:16:18 [d34f69e7] fix for concurrency article (cardano-documentation)
17:25:22 [f7897429] Adjust startup wait time to the number of nodes (hydra-poc)
17:25:23 [6bbdbc1f] Provide benchmark progress report for all clients (hydra-poc)
17:25:24 [81d1d48b] Each client submit same number of transactions in benchmark (hydra-poc)
17:25:26 [bbbb678b] Increase timeout for finalisation (hydra-poc)
17:33:21 [e16afc93] More test have been added (blockfrost-python)
17:47:58 [a22f583a] deploy: bbbb678bb17acb8b01e82df3560f2e2321fad45d (hydra-poc)
19:23:02 [75f20962] Rename "calculate-min-value" to "calculate-min-required-utxo" while (cardano-node)
19:27:32 [d6c5f08d] Merge #3181 (cardano-node)
20:19:01 [debf6523] Merge pull request #498 from input-output-hk/p2p-config-fix (iohk-nix)
20:40:11 [83b919c7] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
20:44:06 [1144ac05] Merge pull request #3582 from input-output-hk/dependabot/cargo/tonic-0.5.2 (jormungandr)
20:44:17 [6b7ec518] Merge pull request #3583 from input-output-hk/dependabot/cargo/serde-1.0.130 (jormungandr)
22:02:04 [3503cea2] Merge pull request #234 from input-output-hk/jc/remove-hash-algo-constraint (cardano-base)