Home / Reports / Sep 23, 2022

Friday, September 23, 2022

468 commits had been pushed across 51 repos by 86 authors. There were 1,140,241 additions and 35,280 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:09:14 [fde1f922] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into nightly (cardano-js-sdk)
00:12:15 [96c0bfc7] Add function `isProperSubsetOf` to module `UTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
00:12:15 [173bad79] Add function `labelInterval` to `QuickCheck.Extra`. (cardano-wallet)
00:12:15 [846babf2] Add function `isInjectiveOver` to `Data.Function.Utils`. (cardano-wallet)
00:12:16 [a2395677] Add function `intersection` to module `UTxO`. (cardano-wallet)
00:14:10 [74a9c8cf] ci: publish nightly [skip actions] (cardano-js-sdk)
00:16:08 [625982b9] Merge branch 'develop' into Luis-omega/update-odc (cardano-transaction-lib)
00:20:55 [6643d0aa] Add type `StateDeltaSeq`. (cardano-wallet)
00:38:57 [296b28ed] updated ODC hash (cardano-transaction-lib)
00:57:35 [154ae5f3] Add type `TxSeq`. (cardano-wallet)
00:57:44 [bee0aac2] Add type `BlockSeq`. (cardano-wallet)
00:57:45 [deebce38] Add property tests for `applyBlocks`. (cardano-wallet)
00:57:45 [619c9ff1] Add type `NoneOurs`. (cardano-wallet)
01:13:48 [ffd83edc] Move `TxSeq` into new transaction module hierarchy. (cardano-wallet)
01:14:06 [0c02c184] Miscellaneous formatting fixes. (cardano-wallet)
01:14:07 [78f924cb] Remove bang operators from definition of `StateDeltaSeq`. (cardano-wallet)
01:14:07 [f624c3d4] Inline usages of `nullifyFee` and remove this function. (cardano-wallet)
01:21:55 [5023642c] Automatic update for Fri Sep 23 01:21:55 AM UTC 2022 (stackage.nix)
01:23:06 [7a81744d] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:25:46 [a78e4215] Use parentheses instead of `$` within `ModelSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
01:35:43 [e78b9975] more ghc 9.2.4 fixes (cardano-node)
01:38:38 [7a6cfa18] tVASILine token metadata. (metadata-registry-testnet)
02:34:32 [3056b526] Support both ghc-8.10 and ghc-9.2 (cardano-base)
02:34:42 [6575b306] CI: Add ghc 9.2.4 (cardano-base)
03:07:35 [944ef8b9] Merge #3483 (cardano-wallet)
03:20:09 [33c895a6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:40:30 [7026e9eb] Revert "Make it build. Not necessarily correct." (ouroboros-network)
03:49:04 [154368ef] cabal.project : Updates for ghc-8.10 and ghc-9.2 (cardano-base)
04:24:53 [6906f1c8] stats: hydra 944ef8b9d63a25c05d32a4da6f7ebc25e333865c (cardano-wallet)
04:31:18 [9e12bfd7] docs: Merge #3483 (cardano-wallet)
04:35:45 [5d9c91b0] CI: Add ghc 9.2.4 (cardano-base)
04:35:45 [4d78460c] Support both ghc-8.10 and ghc-9.2 (cardano-base)
04:35:45 [b490e1b1] cabal.project : Updates for ghc-8.10 and ghc-9.2 (cardano-base)
04:38:26 [f1feeef5] CI: Add ghc 9.2.4 (cardano-base)
04:38:26 [a007ae34] cabal.project : Updates for ghc-8.10 and ghc-9.2 (cardano-base)
04:38:26 [1411a170] Support both ghc-8.10 and ghc-9.2 (cardano-base)
04:38:54 [473b5db0] make it build mk2 (ouroboros-network)
04:41:51 [f5239747] Added cardano-client- (ghc-next-packages)
04:41:52 [033f6f38] Added monoidal-synchronisation- (ghc-next-packages)
04:41:53 [e540cbfb] Added network-mux- (ghc-next-packages)
04:41:54 [7fa15f38] Added ntp-client- (ghc-next-packages)
04:41:55 [70f1c6af] Added ouroboros-consensus- (ghc-next-packages)
04:41:56 [b6126a98] Added ouroboros-consensus-byron- (ghc-next-packages)
04:41:57 [882b3b09] Added ouroboros-consensus-byronspec- (ghc-next-packages)
04:41:58 [99921100] Added ouroboros-consensus-byron-test- (ghc-next-packages)
04:41:58 [b0d1d00c] Added ouroboros-consensus-cardano- (ghc-next-packages)
04:41:59 [5a54e1f1] Added ouroboros-consensus-cardano-test- (ghc-next-packages)
04:42:00 [f96a16c3] Added ouroboros-consensus-cardano-tools- (ghc-next-packages)
04:42:00 [0a8ab505] Added unsoundswitch- (ghc-next-packages)
04:42:01 [4d288779] Added ouroboros-consensus-mock- (ghc-next-packages)
04:42:02 [5c0e9cd5] Added ouroboros-consensus-protocol- (ghc-next-packages)
04:42:02 [a9308a4e] Added ouroboros-consensus-mock-test- (ghc-next-packages)
04:42:03 [5bcba0a7] Added ouroboros-consensus-shelley- (ghc-next-packages)
04:42:03 [95eca840] Added ouroboros-consensus-shelley-test- (ghc-next-packages)
04:42:04 [2af49e27] Added ouroboros-consensus-test- (ghc-next-packages)
04:42:05 [6f915639] Added ouroboros-network- (ghc-next-packages)
04:42:06 [3d555f82] Added ouroboros-network-framework- (ghc-next-packages)
04:42:07 [b1764542] Added ouroboros-network-testing- (ghc-next-packages)
04:46:33 [bc804517] Update from b1764542aedd0d040d2c932d049d2875dab5fa25 (ghc-next-packages)
05:07:46 [c6ef8f8e] Adjust to ledger changes (cardano-node)
05:14:01 [a34cffa4] format (cardano-transaction-lib)
05:45:20 [6c9e3f64] feat(wallet)!: resubmit transactions that didn't have submission confirmed on load (cardano-js-sdk)
05:45:20 [3ddab256] feat(wallet)!: resubmit transactions that don't get confirmed for too long (cardano-js-sdk)
05:45:20 [d9ae1698] feat(wallet)!: enchance inFlight$ transactions by adding submittedAt (cardano-js-sdk)
05:50:39 [3d818dc0] stuff (cardano-node)
06:15:57 [28fe90df] stuff (cardano-node)
06:17:06 [d3306b03] Bump Koios version to 1.0.7 (#83) (webartifacts)
06:21:54 [c980ac45] Add `ViewFun` pattern synonym family to `QuickCheck.Extra`. (cardano-wallet)
06:23:14 [407bad99] Use `ViewFun` to remove usages of `ViewPatterns`. (cardano-wallet)
06:35:41 [6d4cf6c6] fix(cardano-services): total rewards is now being calculated correctly for current epoch (cardano-js-sdk)
06:35:47 [7befcd2f] docs(core): updated StakePool core type with additional documentation (cardano-js-sdk)
06:45:27 [3353e8f3] Add `ViewTxSeq` pattern synonym to `TxSeq.Gen`. (cardano-wallet)
06:46:38 [8d3ba66b] Use `ViewTxSeq` to remove usages of `ViewPatterns`. (cardano-wallet)
06:49:13 [28521a78] Remove last usages of `ViewPatterns` from `TxSeqSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
07:16:40 [522720e2] add `KnownEras` closed type world (cardano-wallet)
07:16:41 [730b95ab] add EraValue type (cardano-wallet)
07:20:55 [901de5f4] add `EraFun` type (cardano-wallet)
07:20:58 [bca6f979] add `InAnyCardanoEra` isomorphism with `EraValue` (cardano-wallet)
07:31:10 [fde3e817] add an `Era` rexporting module for `EraValue` modules (cardano-wallet)
07:40:07 [63c404a8] Merge pull request #47 from input-output-hk/dbsync-add-certs (cardano-world)
07:43:37 [a99f4600] fix type (cardano-serialization-lib)
07:44:58 [56f35ffb] fix typo (cardano-serialization-lib)
07:46:20 [9977a6d9] Make TxBodyContent an instance of Monoid (cardano-node)
07:48:28 [041c0b66] fix test (cardano-serialization-lib)
07:58:12 [2a670c89] Add tests for inline datum (plutus-apps)
07:59:20 [142b487a] Open graph images patch (#795) (developer-portal)
08:09:28 [c45643bb] empty bytestring should return 0 not 1 (aiken)
08:11:31 [fae1686c] Adding a link to the EUTXO handbook (cardano-documentation)
08:21:15 [ecba1894] remove `Types` from `Types.Read` module names (cardano-wallet)
08:27:25 [3b66440a] Try #3507: (cardano-wallet)
08:29:08 [2e045211] Merge pull request #514 from Emurgo/evgenii/ref_inputs_builder (cardano-serialization-lib)
08:31:59 [162c07ce] Optimize Silence -2- (cardano-node)
08:31:59 [80cd745a] Benchmarking instrumentation (cardano-node)
08:31:59 [5557cfcb] Optimize Silence (cardano-node)
08:32:57 [d9d10bd8] Missing non-exhaustive patter (mithril)
08:32:57 [b9d1269b] New STM registration procedure (mithril)
08:32:57 [a6467c79] New StmInitializer setup (mithril)
08:32:57 [2c5851aa] Use serde feature for KES (mithril)
08:32:58 [caad491e] Key reg test vector (mithril)
08:32:58 [ba37145e] PoolID has size 28 (mithril)
08:32:58 [1f8d2e6c] lints (mithril)
08:32:58 [fd8819fd] Serialisation and verification of OpCert (mithril)
08:32:58 [2281a840] Cargo sort (mithril)
08:32:59 [1a9d10d6] Some leftover from rebase (mithril)
08:32:59 [ea3655ed] Use serde for KES (mithril)
08:32:59 [51c44bcc] PoolID working with the node (mithril)
08:32:59 [7a58b9c6] Expose Register and Aggregation errors in mithril-common (mithril)
08:32:59 [51422194] Move new kes_compat to mithril-common (mithril)
08:32:59 [6bb80a53] Add wrap protocol signer and clerk (mithril)
08:33:00 [85082d46] Parse keys and certs from file in JSON format (mithril)
08:33:00 [674be6df] Harmonize ProtocolPartyId vs PoolId types (mithril)
08:33:00 [ede0dbeb] Check registration instead of unwrap() (mithril)
08:33:00 [0208e398] Move Cardano related code to submodule (mithril)
08:33:00 [00ff725d] Add 'skip_signer_certification' feature (mithril)
08:33:00 [e54cbf1c] remove cardano related errors from mithril-core (mithril)
08:33:01 [f1333b32] Update OpenAPI specification (mithril)
08:33:01 [e5b4d593] KesSig trait missing (mithril)
08:33:01 [a1cd78a5] Update Signer/SignerWithStakes entities (mithril)
08:33:01 [b9454e1a] Add type for encoded keys (mithril)
08:33:01 [d296b873] Remove new_epoch function (mithril)
08:33:01 [da700469] to_file for FromShelleyFile types (mithril)
08:33:02 [1d9a05c8] Update 'NotCertified' types in 'crypto_helper' (mithril)
08:33:02 [54375055] Wire ProtocolKeyRegistration in Signer/Aggregator (mithril)
08:33:02 [fd745086] Add test only ProtocolKeyRegistration (mithril)
08:33:02 [17642635] Custom Serialize and Deserialize for OpCert (mithril)
08:33:02 [925e5f79] Enhance Key Certification (mithril)
08:33:03 [85446c3b] Wire new ProtocolInitializer in Signer/Aggregator (mithril)
08:33:03 [b833d525] Real use of OpCert and KES Signature in Signer (mithril)
08:33:03 [0b5298d8] Make test lab use OpCert & KES secret key (mithril)
08:33:10 [e099bb61] Merge branch 'master' into przembot/pmatch-docs (plutarch-plutus)
08:33:20 [9b8b19ea] Optimization with metrics always available (cardano-node)
08:39:00 [57ec7152] refactor CommitteeData in thor in order to allow to specify external CommitteKeys (jormungandr)
08:39:15 [7ccc0328] Refactor hersir: pull out all keys generation and allow to define external wallets or committess and voteplans, this will allow external clients to create their own keys which will be used for tally operations. (jormungandr)
08:39:15 [8d7ec62f] update tests with hersir changes (jormungandr)
08:45:16 [22ed3f74] MonadSTM: default implementations (io-sim)
08:45:37 [ec12fdd7] MonadSTM.Strict: added TQueue & TBQueue (io-sim)
08:46:18 [59638464] MonadSTM: added unGetTQueue & unGetTBQueue (io-sim)
08:46:33 [1c935233] MonadAsync: added various interfaces (io-sim)
08:46:33 [62ac5c22] Introduce new test case that expects failure (hydra-poc)
08:46:35 [ddece940] MonadAsync: linking functions (io-sim)
08:46:43 [f111c7c2] MonadAsync: expanded haddocks of linkTo and linkToOnly (io-sim)
08:46:48 [7237053f] MonadMaskingState: added `interruptible` and `allowInterrupt` (io-sim)
08:47:00 [7909e607] rebased on master (jormungandr)
08:47:10 [25efe532] MonadSTM: added TArray (io-sim)
08:47:28 [0af9d6a6] fixup! fix(core): custom errors no longer hide inner error details (cardano-js-sdk)
08:47:29 [e833bb98] MonadSTM; added TSem (io-sim)
08:52:31 [669ccf38] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:52:41 [41a499a9] Update vNext in cardano-api (cardano-node)
08:52:58 [11b9c263] Merge #4446 (cardano-node)
08:55:14 [e7cfb0db] Refactor tests (hydra-poc)
09:00:36 [502f3f9d] Draft two generators for the two cases inside/past horizon (hydra-poc)
09:05:12 [26e16886] fix wrong system in cicero tasks (cardano-node)
09:05:43 [e6eabe9b] Mempool rewrite 2 of n (ouroboros-network)
09:07:12 [6f477717] github-action: stylish haskell (io-sim)
09:07:17 [b77d0957] Merge branch 'develop' into jy14898/module-org (cardano-transaction-lib)
09:09:26 [9b0b9857] Draft genTimeHandleWithSlotInsideHorizon (hydra-poc)
09:10:33 [c86bc868] Merge branch 'develop' into klntsky/preview-eternl (cardano-transaction-lib)
09:12:15 [03c964eb] Small things (cardano-transaction-lib)
09:16:37 [885ca6b4] Add modules: (cardano-node)
09:16:38 [221d6fa1] Remove SocketPath definition from cardano-node (cardano-node)
09:16:38 [4c591128] Propagate cardano-api's SocketPath definition in cardano-cli (cardano-node)
09:16:38 [a01ab6d3] Remove unused error constructors from ShelleyTxCmdError (cardano-node)
09:16:39 [7e799d8f] Remove all duplicate textShow implementations (cardano-node)
09:16:39 [296b5046] Update cardano-submit-api with SocketPath from cardano-api (cardano-node)
09:16:39 [b36b9263] Update vNext in cardano-api (cardano-node)
09:18:23 [24db8931] cardano-api txbody module (cardano-node)
09:18:37 [82af86b2] [EC Api] - Added: Weekly development report as of 2022-09-23 (essential-cardano-content)
09:20:34 [ed4e3758] Merge pull request #694 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/weekly-development-report-as-of-2022-09-23-1663924716561 (essential-cardano-content)
09:21:41 [437664e6] workbench | tracing: fix Forge.Loop severity (cardano-node)
09:28:41 [e844fd23] Add Slot param to construct eraHistory (hydra-poc)
09:29:17 [34d5edb1] Propagate createAndValidateTransactionBody throughout cardano-api (cardano-node)
09:29:34 [17ca05b7] Implement createTransactionBody and createAndValidateTransactionBody (cardano-node)
09:30:10 [680301be] Propagate createAndValidateTransactionBody throughout cardano-cli (cardano-node)
09:34:49 [b019dd22] Upload data and supporting code for the 2022's edition (state-of-the-developer-ecosystem)
09:36:45 [851b61f1] Update posts/2022-09-20-consensus.markdown (cardano-updates)
09:37:27 [d2bda14d] add smart constructors for inline datum (plutus-apps)
09:37:54 [7e7ab869] change the `Read.Tx` encoding to be `EraValue` instance and change 'TxCBOR' to use 'EraValue' encoding (cardano-wallet)
09:38:40 [d86e37c7] Re-instantiate eraParams as they are used in showing the exception (hydra-poc)
09:38:44 [767e1f35] Merge pull request #1034 from Plutonomicon/klntsky/preview-eternl (cardano-browser-tx)
09:38:54 [c384e4be] Consensus/update 2022 09 20 (#9) (cardano-updates)
09:40:38 [8f0f040d] Deploying to gh-pages from @ Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib@767e1f35b8b1f243f31ed3360d85a59ef695262b 🚀 (cardano-transaction-lib)
09:41:59 [b2058e5f] Merge pull request #306 from input-output-hk/erikd/ghc-9.2 (cardano-base)
09:42:40 [03de3215] Implement genTimeHandlWithSlotPastHorizon (hydra-poc)
09:46:45 [43cc6dda] Implement createTransactionBody and createAndValidateTransactionBody (cardano-node)
09:46:45 [fe72a8ba] Propagate createAndValidateTransactionBody throughout cardano-api (cardano-node)
09:46:51 [f907e09f] Propagate createAndValidateTransactionBody throughout cardano-cli (cardano-node)
09:48:37 [d01d33c1] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/chore/ddw-1140-update-ledgerjs-to-v5.1.0' into chore/ddw-1140-update-ledgerjs-to-v5.1.0 (daedalus)
09:52:37 [dcd0c35f] Update weekly-development-report-as-of-2022-09-23.md (essential-cardano-content)
09:54:57 [55415171] Add Robert to CODEOWNERS (cardano-node)
09:57:09 [97a0ce31] Merge #4446 (cardano-node)
09:58:22 [acf063a7] Update nix-tools flake (haskell.nix)
09:58:44 [d4b30de0] Merge #3507 (cardano-wallet)
10:02:32 [0702c43c] add text for the blog (developer-portal)
10:03:57 [4bcf9e8a] Update nix-tools flake.lock (haskell.nix)
10:07:52 [c1ce891c] Update nix-tools flake.nix (haskell.nix)
10:08:18 [93e66b9a] hGetSensitiveLine (cardano-addresses)
10:09:53 [014db8a3] Factor out the time params needed for tests (hydra-poc)
10:10:01 [c6503d76] Update nix-tools flake.lock (haskell.nix)
10:11:53 [7d7fbe56] Propagate createAndValidateTransactionBody to tx-generator (cardano-node)
10:12:58 [37b455ed] Merge branch 'develop' into jy14898/module-org (cardano-transaction-lib)
10:13:24 [a360c91f] github-action: stylish haskell (io-sim)
10:17:58 [de5daf12] github-action: stylish haskell (io-sim)
10:18:38 [318f6dbb] fixup! feat(wallet): add SmartTxSubmitProvider (cardano-js-sdk)
10:24:52 [ed02b814] Merge #4473 (cardano-node)
10:24:59 [fd4444c7] Merge pull request #503 from input-output-hk/ch1bo/document-managed-head-topology (hydra-poc)
10:26:45 [33ac185e] consensus updates (essential-cardano-content)
10:27:40 [d127f45e] Merge pull request #690 from input-output-hk/abd-als/contrib/cardano-upgrades-when-is-a-hard-fork-not-a-hard-fork-1663842320375 (essential-cardano-content)
10:29:22 [ce57c76f] Update pre-commit (cardano-node-tests)
10:29:44 [2f965216] Fix remaining markdown issues (cardano-node-tests)
10:30:14 [fa9badeb] Add linters for markdown and RST (cardano-node-tests)
10:35:23 [bee07dfc] Merge pull request #1381 from input-output-hk/doc_linting (cardano-node-tests)
10:41:00 [06b04e06] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:46:01 [e4b3fc39] deploy: fd4444c7dc2404461d3a3d01db8ac4884f2e843d (hydra-poc)
10:49:18 [289e2d99] Propagate createAndValidateTransactionBody to tx-generator (cardano-node)
10:55:11 [4c7827a2] Improve docs for running tests on local cluster (cardano-node-tests)
10:57:46 [39fc516c] Ensure scripts reference new names. Scaffold.Test -> Test.Scaffold (cardano-transaction-lib)
10:58:02 [604c5e63] add PassphraseMode (cardano-addresses)
10:58:35 [180e4e0a] Update CTL revision in template (cardano-transaction-lib)
11:04:49 [2ce80697] Switch to revamp only on nightly and dev build (yoroi-frontend)
11:07:00 [5240f7ee] fix(key-management): custom errors no longer hide inner error details (cardano-js-sdk)
11:07:37 [3697bd22] fixup! fix(core): custom errors no longer hide inner error details (cardano-js-sdk)
11:07:40 [1b2bf215] generate one tullia task for each hydra job (cardano-node)
11:07:42 [e847c2ba] [REMOVE ME] only react to my branch during testing (cardano-node)
11:10:48 [f8261edd] remove old min ada for output logic (cardano-serialization-lib)
11:11:56 [6ffe58d7] stats: hydra d4b30de073f2b5eddb25bf12c2453abb42e8b352 (cardano-wallet)
11:15:21 [2243bffe] refactor(web-extension): removes white space from source file name (cardano-js-sdk)
11:15:32 [59d9a6a1] deploy: ed02b8142fd8ed2593482122ed1f18726c36371a (cardano-node)
11:16:27 [5daae3c3] docs: Merge #3507 (cardano-wallet)
11:20:10 [0c3f96ea] MonadSTM: default implementations (io-sim)
11:20:14 [498a1e23] MonadSTM.Strict: added TQueue & TBQueue (io-sim)
11:20:31 [3efb144e] MonadSTM: added unGetTQueue & unGetTBQueue (io-sim)
11:20:34 [74dc2257] MonadAsync: added various interfaces (io-sim)
11:20:37 [6e86321c] MonadAsync: linking functions (io-sim)
11:20:42 [d6e6a6bc] MonadAsync: expanded haddocks of linkTo and linkToOnly (io-sim)
11:20:45 [41f72408] MonadMaskingState: added `interruptible` and `allowInterrupt` (io-sim)
11:20:49 [38a24f02] MonadSTM: added TArray (io-sim)
11:20:52 [b540ac8c] MonadSTM; added TSem (io-sim)
11:24:37 [6b3ddaff] Implement main logic of buildApplyInputsConstraints (marlowe-cardano)
11:28:09 [6bce0a6d] Merge branch 'master' into evgenii/remove_old_min_out_ada (cardano-serialization-lib)
11:28:37 [d2c2bb7b] Remove redundant constraints (cardano-wallet)
11:32:07 [399cfe73] Refactored MustMint tests to use minting policies and added tests for token burning (plutus-apps)
11:34:48 [dbec5c0e] chore(deps): bump serde from 1.0.144 to 1.0.145 (oura)
11:42:15 [2a12e92e] github-action: stylish-haskell (io-sim)
11:42:15 [1b6452e1] MonadSTM: added TChan (io-sim)
11:46:20 [e7f6ecd8] Update weekly-development-report-as-of-2022-09-23.md (essential-cardano-content)
11:46:35 [8467ec2d] Upload data and supporting code for the 2022's edition (state-of-the-developer-ecosystem)
11:49:03 [ec5b836a] remove should_panic as NPG-2899 has been fixed (jormungandr)
11:50:06 [844e83f5] Merge #4446 (cardano-node)
11:54:59 [2b31cf42] feat(wallet)!: attempt to re-fetch tokenMetadata/nftMetadata if provider returns it as 'undefined' (cardano-js-sdk)
11:59:39 [e00f9c44] fixup! fix(core): custom errors no longer hide inner error details (cardano-js-sdk)
12:01:41 [7a7581e6] Fixing a link (cardano-documentation)
12:01:58 [0dec47cc] run tullia tasks sequentially in CI actions (cardano-node)
12:11:59 [e5573cf0] Refactored MustMint tests to use minting policies and added tests for token burning (#719) (plutus-apps)
12:14:34 [94baab96] run tullia tasks sequentially in CI actions (cardano-node)
12:28:30 [377e02e8] feat: add mobile wallet support for flint (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
12:28:47 [c8b7c29d] 0.1.25 (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
12:29:58 [c472be3a] [EC Api] - Added: Address (essential-cardano-content)
12:30:19 [59d89591] introduce silent mode (cardano-addresses)
12:31:36 [45ccf8a8] Doc infrastructure changes (cardano-clusterlib-py)
12:32:11 [dbb194c1] pre-commit autoupdate (cardano-clusterlib-py)
12:32:40 [72c5a35c] Markdown fixes (cardano-clusterlib-py)
12:33:17 [06ae35f2] Try #3512: (cardano-wallet)
12:38:16 [16343c54] WIP (plutus)
12:38:19 [b36c0dbe] [EC Api] - Added: Adrestia (essential-cardano-content)
12:40:44 [bec906a9] Implement createTransactionBody and createAndValidateTransactionBody (cardano-node)
12:40:45 [c86e0e31] Propagate createAndValidateTransactionBody throughout cardano-cli (cardano-node)
12:40:45 [2ceeb604] Propagate createAndValidateTransactionBody throughout cardano-api (cardano-node)
12:40:46 [a71de155] Propagate createAndValidateTransactionBody to tx-generator (cardano-node)
12:41:09 [4021fab6] [EC Api] - Added: CFD (essential-cardano-content)
12:41:45 [91553027] deploy: 844e83f5215491e4a591709e915ce7b11688a884 (cardano-node)
12:42:43 [047c78be] [EC Api] - Added: Controlled stake (essential-cardano-content)
12:43:37 [dbd40928] [EC Api] - Added: Cost per epoch (essential-cardano-content)
12:43:52 [1527072d] Add GHCJS heap representation blog post (#13) (engineering)
12:45:03 [8c6a5592] [EC Api] - Added: Datum (essential-cardano-content)
12:45:06 [9083fc81] Update (engineering)
12:46:01 [70ea83a9] Upload data and supporting code for the 2022's edition (state-of-the-developer-ecosystem)
12:46:27 [cb306ec4] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/engineering@1527072da523ddfaa18d48380529ce35c42d31a8 🚀 (engineering)
12:46:30 [e51fa7cb] Update date (engineering)
12:47:15 [9db98dcc] Lint markdown and RST documents (cardano-clusterlib-py)
12:47:21 [eb8c6d65] [EC Api] - Added: Faucet (essential-cardano-content)
12:48:53 [06fb23ab] [EC Api] - Added: Incentive (essential-cardano-content)
12:50:05 [49c1a82d] [EC Api] - Added: Key pair (essential-cardano-content)
12:50:54 [0a115e48] Add new metadata json file: 1ecd152b24fc2634ab9830f6d8ef9101739550fc5494a58a6855870574657374 (cardano-token-registry)
12:52:24 [7a93566d] fixup! docs(core): updated StakePool core type with additional documentation (cardano-js-sdk)
12:52:44 [74c2e60c] wip (marlowe)
12:52:58 [38559051] [EC Api] - Added: Merkle tree (essential-cardano-content)
12:54:11 [fd85a35c] change the `Read.Tx` encoding to be `EraValue` instance and change 'TxCBOR' to use 'EraValue' encoding (cardano-wallet)
12:55:21 [d13c33ee] Merge pull request #141 from input-output-hk/doc_lint (cardano-clusterlib-py)
12:56:35 [486f0eb5] update reading passphrase from bytes (cardano-addresses)
12:57:37 [64b5da49] [EC Api] - Added: Performance (essential-cardano-content)
12:58:50 [c8cc56aa] add primitive script integrity to `Read` hierarchy (cardano-wallet)
12:58:50 [e887716e] add primitive mint and burn to `Read` hierarchy (cardano-wallet)
12:58:50 [1412a7da] add primitive extra sigs to `Read` hierarchy (cardano-wallet)
12:58:50 [0248c2de] publish certificates in ApiTransaction (cardano-wallet)
12:58:50 [0b02253a] add primitive validity interval to `Read` hierarchy (cardano-wallet)
12:58:50 [c9471c2c] add primitive certificates to `Read` hierarchy (cardano-wallet)
12:59:06 [5aa6ec68] [EC Api] - Added: Redeemer (essential-cardano-content)
12:59:10 [1a44a12b] Move files belonging to a specific ledger into there respective directories (formal-ledger-specifications)
13:00:03 [4e4737ba] [EC Api] - Added: Saturation (essential-cardano-content)
13:01:24 [946e8e50] [EC Api] - Added: Security token (essential-cardano-content)
13:03:51 [b696f686] [EC Api] - Added: Utility token (essential-cardano-content)
13:05:38 [bf5bd1e4] Merge pull request #709 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/utility-token-1663938230498 (essential-cardano-content)
13:05:54 [7eaa5792] Merge pull request #708 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/security-token-1663938082588 (essential-cardano-content)
13:06:15 [abf3bdf4] Merge pull request #707 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/saturation-1663938002590 (essential-cardano-content)
13:06:37 [b79153a1] Merge pull request #706 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/redeemer-1663937945964 (essential-cardano-content)
13:06:54 [638e06ea] Merge pull request #705 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/performance-1663937856496 (essential-cardano-content)
13:07:07 [90f9906e] Upload data and supporting code for the 2022's edition (state-of-the-developer-ecosystem)
13:07:12 [b28e6af3] Merge pull request #704 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/merkle-tree-1663937577806 (essential-cardano-content)
13:07:28 [d73b61c5] Merge pull request #703 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/key-pair-1663937405066 (essential-cardano-content)
13:07:46 [3541ab36] Merge pull request #702 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/incentive-1663937332366 (essential-cardano-content)
13:08:03 [35ccb757] Merge pull request #701 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/faucet-1663937241345 (essential-cardano-content)
13:08:22 [b5e12e80] Merge pull request #700 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/datum-1663937101669 (essential-cardano-content)
13:08:37 [da632138] Merge pull request #699 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/cost-per-epoch-1663937017286 (essential-cardano-content)
13:09:01 [7aedc23b] Merge pull request #698 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/controlled-stake-1663936963067 (essential-cardano-content)
13:09:23 [c25f863f] Merge pull request #697 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/cfd-1663936869130 (essential-cardano-content)
13:09:27 [9d0f51fe] fix(core): custom errors no longer hide inner error details (cardano-js-sdk)
13:09:27 [0b80e786] fix(key-management): custom errors no longer hide inner error details (cardano-js-sdk)
13:09:28 [5b557cfb] refactor(web-extension): removes white space from source file name (cardano-js-sdk)
13:09:48 [3f9d3157] Merge pull request #696 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/adrestia-1663936698517 (essential-cardano-content)
13:10:10 [f3e3b600] Merge pull request #695 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/address-1663936198203 (essential-cardano-content)
13:15:48 [53dd0be3] Add support for mustNotSpendUtxosWithOutRefs constraint (cardano-transaction-lib)
13:21:32 [f19ba2fb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:22:41 [b2b7c110] make from-utf8 default (cardano-addresses)
13:23:57 [396f1eaa] Fix invalid Haddock markup (ouroboros-network)
13:25:32 [35e906e9] Merge pull request #2984 from Emurgo/Ahmed/qa-1 (yoroi-frontend)
13:25:41 [c0ae7306] run tullia tasks sequentially in CI actions (cardano-node)
13:26:06 [244ad7cc] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into release/4.17 (yoroi-frontend)
13:28:32 [32ddf947] SCP-4465 implement simulation mode for marlowe cli dsl (marlowe-cardano)
13:31:13 [ac56ed6a] Added link to Haskell course and formatted a little bit. (education)
13:36:42 [8a8d51ab] Closing wallet when the wallet list screen is displayed (yoroi-mobile)
13:41:04 [b7d23800] Merge branch 'main' into SCP-4465/marlowe-cli-simulation-mode (marlowe-cardano)
13:43:35 [0509e04b] run tullia tasks sequentially in CI actions (cardano-node)
13:44:07 [a3a7909a] Merge 4.8.0-rc.3 (yoroi-mobile)
13:45:44 [adc24789] CR: update (yoroi-mobile)
13:45:56 [3100759c] Add address and assets to Payout and TransactionScriptOutput (marlowe-cardano)
13:45:56 [d0fed8a8] Implement loadMarloweContext (marlowe-cardano)
13:46:33 [7d744787] Make use of Cardano.Api translations where possible (marlowe-cardano)
13:46:33 [b2102b3f] Remove pointless type classes (marlowe-cardano)
13:46:33 [7cef082a] Add Cardano Feature Api (marlowe-cardano)
13:46:33 [fe203f1d] Complete Cardano.Api conversion module (marlowe-cardano)
13:46:33 [455cadcb] Add Cardano Api conversion module (marlowe-cardano)
13:46:33 [fc3c544c] update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
13:48:01 [a11a519b] SCP-4465 fix imports for execution mode functionality (marlowe-cardano)
13:53:25 [d9f07968] Remove unused error constructors from ShelleyTxCmdError (cardano-node)
13:53:27 [50f34aaa] Separate script witness reading and validation in cardano-cli (cardano-node)
13:53:46 [00f0ae78] Update docs/docs/getting-started/glossary.md (hydra-poc)
13:53:56 [8ed007ea] Update docs/docs/getting-started/glossary.md (hydra-poc)
13:54:12 [2a131cdc] Update docs/docs/getting-started/glossary.md (hydra-poc)
13:54:23 [8644c76d] Update docs/docs/getting-started/glossary.md (hydra-poc)
13:54:44 [707d2b20] Update docs/docs/getting-started/glossary.md (hydra-poc)
13:55:57 [866ecd9a] Apply suggestions from code review (hydra-poc)
13:57:46 [d721a8a6] Add glossary page (hydra-poc)
13:58:07 [30a6a550] Remove glossary via terminology plugin (hydra-poc)
13:58:41 [ab957e89] Mock testing env when building documentation (cardano-node-tests)
14:00:21 [985c77f1] submit to closed WS (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:01:16 [52ba5e04] SCP-4465 refactor attribute names for ScriptTest (marlowe-cardano)
14:01:17 [baee5fb9] Apply suggestions from code review (hydra-poc)
14:01:23 [dd017ac0] Removed legacy testnet, added preview and pre-production (CIPs)
14:01:46 [d538900a] Merge branch 'develop' into mitch/web-socket-error-message (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:04:42 [6b4bb39d] workbench | tracing: fix Forge.Loop severity (cardano-node)
14:06:45 [e7bf3130] Merge pull request #451 from input-output-hk/refactor/rename-cip2-package-to-input-selection (cardano-js-sdk)
14:08:26 [6d55a223] CR: update (yoroi-mobile)
14:12:50 [7b7e8501] fix PAB (plutus-apps)
14:19:29 [85020892] Fix follower tests (marlowe-cardano)
14:20:15 [3d86cef6] Merge pull request #277 from input-output-hk/jhbertra/load-marlowe-context (marlowe-cardano)
14:20:36 [599374db] MonadTraceSTM: simplify IO functions (io-sim)
14:20:50 [94f00913] Make use of Cardano.Api translations where possible (marlowe-cardano)
14:20:50 [07e52006] Remove pointless type classes (marlowe-cardano)
14:20:50 [28ab3ef2] Complete Cardano.Api conversion module (marlowe-cardano)
14:20:50 [f86b7e27] Add Cardano Feature Api (marlowe-cardano)
14:20:50 [8f7bce6d] update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
14:20:50 [17014644] Add Cardano Api conversion module (marlowe-cardano)
14:22:39 [ab680fe5] Merge #4025 #4026 #4027 #4041 (ouroboros-network)
14:22:44 [614a4f8f] staging: Bump marlowe to 3d86cef654b43fff5a44845735d1e0d64c71b12b (plutus-ops)
14:26:11 [26517407] SCP-4465 fix haskell stylish (marlowe-cardano)
14:26:20 [8477360b] Address two TODO items and refactor a bit (hydra-poc)
14:28:07 [d6aa5e35] fixing tx-constraints (plutus-apps)
14:33:02 [34d93de1] Checkboxes for nodes, wip (cardano-node)
14:33:27 [b0518524] Typo fix (ouroboros-network)
14:33:32 [a9692b66] Merge pull request #278 from input-output-hk/jhbertra/cardano-api (marlowe-cardano)
14:34:21 [25a24c63] Add doc comments for balancer constraints interface (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:35:46 [89d475cd] Merge pull request #1384 from input-output-hk/mock_testing_env_for_sphinx (cardano-node-tests)
14:37:01 [556b79a5] staging: Bump marlowe to a9692b66c288eb9695779a007638a38a309c96ab (plutus-ops)
14:41:28 [7a3c3c94] Merge branch 'master' into seungheonoh/extramap (plutarch-plutus)
14:42:32 [e9bd851e] remove duplicate function (cardano-node)
14:43:10 [4bd0bd42] Incremental change for datum (plutus-apps)
14:43:14 [abe45452] Work but no inlining (plutus-apps)
14:44:03 [06a3a2d9] introduce from-file (cardano-addresses)
14:44:41 [696e815c] fix(wallet): coldObservable retry backoff should recreate observable (cardano-js-sdk)
14:46:04 [e678087b] First working inline datum with V2 (plutus-apps)
14:46:06 [48f1d65f] Add tests for inline datum (plutus-apps)
14:47:00 [16fdc195] feat(button)!: add pre and post component, onClick handler for the stake address and an option to hide the action menu (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
14:47:38 [5948a88b] 0.1.26 (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
14:47:56 [835cd12a] add smart constructors for inline datum (plutus-apps)
14:48:00 [26c6b624] fix PAB (plutus-apps)
14:48:00 [c27af439] fixing tx-constraints (plutus-apps)
14:48:52 [57f6d766] Merge pull request #494 from input-output-hk/add_glossary_docs (hydra-poc)
14:49:50 [c2ef1535] fix(cardano-services): wrong source tx input id (cardano-js-sdk)
14:55:19 [6f30dd6d] Upload data and supporting code for the 2022's edition (state-of-the-developer-ecosystem)
14:57:04 [68db1810] SCP-4465 add flag to control simulation mode for marlowe cli dsl (marlowe-cardano)
15:01:06 [bcf4fc53] SCP-4465 update execution mode type (marlowe-cardano)
15:01:08 [18ee4397] SCP-4465 fixed helper method for compilation (marlowe-cardano)
15:01:08 [687a84da] SCP-4465 update execution mode type (marlowe-cardano)
15:01:08 [88d771e8] SCP-4465 reverse changes to ref publish - only publish in on chain mode (marlowe-cardano)
15:01:08 [8e3175f6] SCP-4465 reverse changes to ref publish - only publish in on chain mode (marlowe-cardano)
15:02:38 [48376da3] SCP-4465 implement simulation mode for marlowe cli dsl (marlowe-cardano)
15:03:31 [63915345] SCP-4465 fix imports for execution mode functionality (marlowe-cardano)
15:03:32 [750ccc40] SCP-4465 fix haskell stylish (marlowe-cardano)
15:03:32 [8501085e] SCP-4465 refactor attribute names for ScriptTest (marlowe-cardano)
15:12:58 [cbf7485a] chore: bump version (blockfrost-utils)
15:13:25 [516e1c42] SCP-4465 fix haskell stylish (marlowe-cardano)
15:13:53 [74c6fbaf] deploy: 57f6d766377b03150307f3a9b01199aabed8238b (hydra-poc)
15:14:57 [20729506] from-file - conclude (cardano-addresses)
15:17:13 [7b961f29] Add doc comments for equipartition functions (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:23:44 [511b92c8] Merge #3509 (cardano-wallet)
15:26:46 [6235f945] Test with script address UTxO with no datum (cardano-node-tests)
15:31:52 [a64d953e] Merge pull request #267 from input-output-hk/SCP-4465/marlowe-cli-simulation-mode (marlowe-cardano)
15:32:19 [2a1c0b06] Update doc to keep up with 1.2 (plutarch-plutus)
15:35:36 [39db0c70] staging: Bump marlowe to a64d953eef811081bb83c7055e7c5b8c7b902deb (plutus-ops)
15:49:35 [9cde5aa6] fixing unit tests (yoroi-frontend)
15:54:27 [430af3c6] Refacto 'allow_skip_signer_certification' feature (mithril)
15:54:27 [025c4c2d] Fix devnet computation of poolId (mithril)
15:54:27 [e442818c] Make devnet use OpCert & KES secret key (mithril)
15:54:27 [23a9f949] Real use of OpCert and KES Signature in Aggregator (mithril)
15:55:33 [0d82e820] fix ignored error, support larger evaluator output (cicero)
16:02:49 [979471de] Merge pull request #500 from przembot/przembot/pmatch-docs (plutarch)
16:11:45 [e617e741] ci: prevent nightly failing if no packages have changed (cardano-js-sdk)
16:21:38 [62db3b41] stats: hydra 511b92c815bd1f8e0be703f6916796b6a0c1f91e (cardano-wallet)
16:22:26 [2667e1fc] Temporarily hack to allow `mainnet`. (marlowe-cardano)
16:23:57 [2d59fefe] Do not merge CI modification (mithril)
16:27:26 [9846c4e4] docs: Merge #3509 (cardano-wallet)
16:29:25 [6309df83] Merge #4042 (ouroboros-network)
16:36:17 [58f2ac28] release: 1.0.0 (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
16:36:47 [3709087e] Enabled `mainnet` for `marlowe-cli`. (marlowe-cardano)
16:43:14 [a18fdc81] Merge pull request #22 from re-xyr/sop-assoc-families (plutarch-core-wip-draft)
16:44:19 [007f92f8] marconi CLI list index PLT-599 (plutus-apps)
16:48:23 [d640b02f] Close wallet when going to wallet list (#2160) (yoroi-mobile)
16:49:07 [b8470070] Remove last redux stuff from hooks (#2151) (yoroi-mobile)
16:54:09 [4eb28e08] tx-generator: purer PureExample.hs; new executable for API (cardano-node)
17:04:07 [a00136aa] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:47:03 [9b21e170] Copy `fromShelleyBasedScript` from cardano-api (cardano-wallet)
17:47:04 [29de1ca6] Add paymentPartialTx etc for Cardano.Api.Extra (cardano-wallet)
17:47:04 [3d8a6989] Rework JSON -> UTxO conversion with Write.Tx module (cardano-wallet)
17:47:04 [e9d8911e] Update integration test protocol version (cardano-wallet)
17:47:04 [efa0b768] Add PlutusV2 cost model to integration tests (cardano-wallet)
17:47:05 [4ec2f87b] Revert "Revert: ref input support" (cardano-wallet)
17:47:05 [c642244e] Leverage ledger `languages` and `scriptsNeeded` (cardano-wallet)
18:00:18 [0480b4ef] Merge pull request #231 from jsyme222/patch-1 (metadata-registry-testnet)
18:01:49 [4cb8a143] wip (marlowe)
18:28:56 [e240d329] MonadSTM: added TArray (io-sim)
18:28:57 [b82bfb65] MonadTraceSTM: simplify IO functions (io-sim)
18:28:57 [363f8a01] github-action: stylish-haskell (io-sim)
18:28:57 [3dcd6cba] MonadSTM: added TSem (io-sim)
18:28:57 [daca43ac] MonadSTM: added TChan (io-sim)
18:35:19 [72ad7d72] Added the test (yoroi-mobile)
18:35:52 [5ef05f39] Added the script (yoroi-mobile)
18:36:21 [73442903] Added the test file (yoroi-mobile)
18:59:11 [d367624d] merge: Sync develop (yoroi-mobile)
19:11:02 [969f15f6] Added name config to SQLite (plutus-apps)
19:12:46 [2942ce29] Merge branch 'main' into beam-postgres (plutus-apps)
20:36:20 [d2c45c1e] fix: solve css issues (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
21:51:14 [ac32ca2c] Add dates and slot numbers to the CIP-0059 table (CIPs)
21:57:38 [a8774828] chore: CR moved away from master, mut -> query (yoroi-mobile)
22:20:49 [3e128e46] chore: CR checking all device auth options (yoroi-mobile)
22:34:24 [3bb5826b] change how mint gets converted to plutus data (aiken)
22:39:01 [e95328b1] chore: tests (yoroi-mobile)
22:43:46 [99a27f6a] new tests (aiken)
22:44:42 [76908e4b] build(deps): bump protobuf from 3.12.2 to 3.18.3 in /pkgs/sentry (ops-lib)