Home / Reports / Mar 14, 2023

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

57 commits had been pushed across 20 repos by 25 authors. There were 506,078 additions and 1,287,568 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:10:45 [b3888634] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:24:01 [726b78f7] add Mempool (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 0f1d4959b04baf317fde85727c869a9b97fdd1bb (ouroboros-consensus)
00:38:26 [4f72348e] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:50:32 [dc1f4d33] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:17:56 [55b27e3c] deploy: 955824035da094fbf9f10b0b3082b1dd7d5f5128 (cardano-node)
01:45:24 [65c0a93b] Merge #4852 (cardano-node)
02:59:03 [f0975bb3] Bump quote from 1.0.23 to 1.0.25 (cddl-codegen)
03:29:57 [e44229c4] Merge pull request #3326 from input-output-hk/lehins/reinstate-vote (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:34:28 [42ed0a93] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for e44229c4e2ffee04e3a8bc0c5351985b7878cde1 (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:42:45 [731e4db3] Add DCOne Webhook API to Builder Tools (#977) (developer-portal)
08:20:19 [c7e64d02] Merge pull request #637 from input-output-hk/fix/dockerfile-cardano-services-copy (cardano-js-sdk)
08:27:12 [a968fa94] Address PR review comments (hydra)
08:27:55 [ea207b95] Merge pull request #763 from input-output-hk/100-ada-hardcoded-limit (hydra)
09:10:04 [305a3ecc] Added metadata for MKM preprod (pool-info)
09:48:18 [2bc2dc12] Merge #4448 (ouroboros-network)
09:51:39 [05a02aeb] adding useful links (cardano-documentation)
09:52:08 [acce80b0] fix a typo (cardano-documentation)
09:52:52 [d37445b8] Remove PlutusIR link from Haddock (#5212) (plutus)
10:02:14 [acd86289] deploy: 31c4cf6dc3c9e09840112a6738ed45c305365f43 (hydra)
10:07:13 [a69bf93f] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@d37445b80d0dffae2c58b1301459f9693677ed70 🚀 (plutus)
10:09:22 [307df90f] Merge pull request #768 from input-output-hk/ch1bo/th-error-code (hydra)
10:10:07 [546a1b73] Merge #3783 (cardano-wallet)
10:24:58 [497ccb1e] Merge pull request #771 from input-output-hk/100-ada-hardcoded-limit (hydra)
10:56:39 [b78fc430] deploy: 497ccb1ec33009851f39e9c9726c1389e407b979 (hydra)
10:59:57 [d2667ee5] Merge #3783 (cardano-wallet)
11:17:01 [f7cf90bc] parse change address in wallet status as None if empty string; (ergo-node-interface)
11:33:33 [9fbb87c8] Merge pull request #14 from ergoplatform/wallet-status-change-none (ergo-node-interface)
11:36:25 [efe9bceb] Update README.md (hydra-voting-poc)
11:47:10 [08032d26] Merge branch 'release/v0.4.0' into develop (ergo-node-interface)
11:54:00 [035d642d] Merge #4852 (cardano-node)
12:47:36 [3367bf24] Merge #4852 (cardano-node)
13:09:04 [86c1a094] Update installing-cardano-node.md (#979) (developer-portal)
13:16:47 [c65c4b12] Merge #3758 (cardano-wallet)
13:38:44 [fbd89ff0] deploy: 952b4a7cb9558ce7ac02d5b176f0c2b0fb777ace (catalyst-core)
13:39:52 [09c04860] deploy: f381255f7c2f886e0131c5a1e2a4f610fa167001 (catalyst-core)
13:44:45 [2b790a0e] Removed Draft Docs for NPG-5590-make-vit-ss-voting-db-adjustments (catalyst-core)
13:51:31 [7357baaa] Merge #3783 (cardano-wallet)
13:55:32 [08a48d1c] docs: Merge #3758 3758: Take into account reference scripts from TxOut when reading from tx in Babbage r=paweljakubas a=paweljakubas <!-- Detail in a few bullet points the work accomplished in this PR. Before you submit, don't forget to: CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Make sure the GitHub PR fields are correct: ✓ Set a good Title for your PR. ✓ Assign yourself to the PR. ✓ Assign one or more reviewer(s). ✓ Link to a Jira issue, and/or other GitHub issues or PRs. ✓ In the PR description delete any empty sections and all text commented in <!--, so that this text does not appear in merge commit messages. CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Don't waste reviewers' time: ✓ If it's a draft, select the Create Draft PR option. ✓ Self-review your changes to make sure nothing unexpected slipped through. CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md bors.toml cabal.project default.nix docker-compose.yml docs flake.lock flake.nix floskell.json hie-direnv.yaml lib nix prototypes reports scripts shell.nix specifications test touch.me.CI weeder.dhall Try to make your intent clear: ✓ Write a good Description that explains what this PR is meant to do. ✓ Jira will detect and link to this PR once created, but you can also link this PR in the description of the corresponding Jira ticket. ✓ Highlight what Testing you have done. ✓ Acknowledge any changes required to the Documentation. --> This PR tackles bug which happens for minting with plutus script via reference inputs introduced in Babbage. We have lacked the support of this feature until know. This PR introduces read functionality of reference inputs. In general, rather than in the same transaction script is introduced in one transaction (as part of TxOut) and used (aka referenced) in another transaction (s). In that case the script is missing in witness, but present in the form of reference inputs `[(txId, txIx)]`. ``` data ScriptReference = ViaSpending | ViaReferenceInput ReferenceInput deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) deriving anyclass NFData data AnyScript = NativeScript !(Script KeyHash) !ScriptReference | PlutusScript !PlutusScriptInfo !ScriptReference | AnyScriptReference !ScriptHash ![ReferenceInput] deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) deriving anyclass NFData ``` So we can have two situations really. 1. Script is USED, or spent, and it means it is going to be used in the SAME tx (`ViaSpending` added to two first data constructors of `AnyScript`). This is the situation we already had supported in wallet. 2. Script is CREATED and only can be used in OTHER tx. So there is no minting/burning using this script in the first tx. In that case `ViaReferenceInput ReferenceInput` is added to script. One can detect those scripts when `decodeTransaction` in `WintessCount`. Now when ANOTHER tx is using already stored script in TxOut of the first tx then there is reference input in this tx pointing where script was defined (so tx id and index of the first tx). In that case we are missing script, hence `AnyScriptReference !ScriptHash ![ReferenceInput]` is introduced The functionality is present for both plutus and native script cases. swagger was updated to accommodate new definition of `AnyScript` which affected several types. ### Comments <!-- Additional comments, links, or screenshots to attach, if any. --> ### Issue Number adp-2666 <!-- Reference the Jira/GitHub issue that this PR relates to, and which requirements it tackles. Note: Jira issues of the form ADP- will be auto-linked. --> Co-authored-by: Pawel Jakubas <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Piotr Stachyra <[email protected]> Source commit: c65c4b12c3e2471fc2d38c2547d07aaf74858c2c (cardano-wallet)
14:02:37 [93aa2255] deploy: 635e2711420520e9e6a7b0c4b197da20bb46324d (mithril)
14:17:43 [6e67d1b8] docs: Merge #3783 3783: [ADP-2830] Comment out benchmarking read pending transactions. r=piotr-iohk a=paolino -- comment out timing out benchmark ADP-2830 Co-authored-by: paolino <[email protected]> Source commit: 7357baaa7fad4a01ad224b6f3d55f565a2357069 (cardano-wallet)
15:40:57 [928e2ddf] Merkle tree integration (#3) (hydra-voting-poc)
16:08:08 [88a9643f] deploy: 204c59ff2a0fee138861003dfbde976286daeb1c (catalyst-core)
16:18:32 [44e5404f] Tidy up benchmarks a bit (#5209) (plutus)
16:33:57 [88d4d4a0] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@44e5404f4f474896a937d940e7520c59ef029f11 🚀 (plutus)
17:45:43 [82202e19] Update README.md (hydra-voting-poc)
18:10:39 [76fe353f] Address a comment in PR 5160. (#5211) (plutus)
18:33:05 [a20a0e39] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@76fe353f3a7bcb6b4c69f8a0ff06aaaa83f76a21 🚀 (plutus)
19:14:13 [6d50c463] Restore polyfills (#2392) (yoroi-mobile)
19:55:35 [38e3016d] deploy: 91af3e8942b48a08294cff8f9f58b90f034690b5 (catalyst-core)
19:56:53 [e01052e9] deploy: f730dc51b33baf8618eb01e5a35e3e3ae558e961 (catalyst-core)
19:58:21 [bc83fbda] Merge #3782 (cardano-wallet)
20:07:17 [18dc8374] Merge #4452 (ouroboros-network)
20:42:22 [f00a8ed4] Merge #3781 (cardano-wallet)
20:43:25 [decf59ca] docs: Merge #3782 3782: [ADP-2826] Use decorateTxInsForReadTxFromLookupTxOut in mkDecorator r=paolino a=paolino - implement decorateTxInsForReadTxFromLookupTxOut - use decorateTxInsForReadTxFromLookupTxOut in mkDecorator - remove decorateTxInsForReadTx as unused ADP-2826 Co-authored-by: paolino <[email protected]> Source commit: bc83fbda7fc8e3e04727cf955a8706d7d5489958 (cardano-wallet)
21:29:46 [efa25f27] docs: Merge #3781 3781: [ADP-2824] Remove obsoleted verbs from tx meta API r=paolino a=paolino -- remove unused operations on transactions metas (now they only store in-ledger txs) -- compress operations on transactions metas (we do not need 2 levels) ADP-2824 Co-authored-by: paolino <[email protected]> Source commit: f00a8ed4f6bf236abd9a02f9f17226c881dfe58d (cardano-wallet)
23:39:00 [15d56a55] Removing nft refetch (#2393) (yoroi-mobile)
23:55:11 [8739fcaf] PLT-4182 Paginated index of contracts for Marlowe Explorer (#27) (marlowe-explorer)