Home / Reports / Mar 24, 2023

Friday, March 24, 2023

559 commits had been pushed across 57 repos by 96 authors. There were 2,194,406 additions and 1,725,462 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:01:25 [3d650181] feature(mat): alpha (yoroi-mobile)
00:05:33 [cdf760ec] Make waitUntilSlot to wait for any high slot (cardano-browser-tx)
00:09:37 [5a6e4044] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:10:34 [c7e6d72a] Github actions (cardano-wallet)
00:13:20 [266e8d41] Remove `Fail` type in favor of `FailT` package (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:13:35 [aba5cb7c] chore: bumps + features (yoroi-mobile)
00:17:51 [5fffd18b] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (uptime)
00:20:24 [e180951c] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
00:20:24 [f206c619] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into nightly (cardano-js-sdk)
00:22:16 [ffc1c506] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
00:23:00 [3f05518e] imp: get aarch buildkite ci guest builder working (ci-world)
00:27:15 [c61c14ac] add Mempool (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 5e04afe2e6dcaeefac39f118c7d92afa848fec78 (ouroboros-consensus)
00:27:53 [54cd1f20] chore(version): bump 4.9.10-rc.1 (yoroi-mobile)
00:42:08 [bda0bbc6] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:45:37 [a2fda179] Merge pull request #4664 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/cardano-ping (cardano-node)
00:48:31 [f4d349a2] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:50:35 [835c1b56] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:57:12 [12381d86] Github actions (cardano-wallet)
01:12:56 [02a181ab] docs: Add execution steps to cip68 example (oura)
01:14:20 [67abb91d] feat: another round of functions using AirStack (aiken)
01:26:15 [78342ef7] Release v2.0.0-alpha.1 (oura)
01:30:10 [27d29ace] chore: Improve network tracing messages (#237) (pallas)
01:52:20 [d40d46d5] Merge branch 'cardano-foundation:staging' into staging (developer-portal)
01:57:43 [0b25c3c9] fix(upstream): Use sync read for chunk dequeue (pallas)
01:58:29 [2f1270f8] fix(upstream): Use sync read for chunk dequeue (#239) (pallas)
02:03:45 [9d76a27e] Merge #4468 (ouroboros-network)
02:03:50 [1ef7af82] Github actions (cardano-wallet)
02:14:15 [18aadcd1] added the latest algorand sections (milkomeda-documentation)
02:17:45 [bf0f64ec] missed updating the index (milkomeda-documentation)
02:17:57 [51108b17] Trial GHC 9.6.1-rc1 (cardano-node)
02:17:59 [d6de6fc1] allow newer base, template-haskell, ghc-prim, ghc, mtl, transformers, unix (cardano-node)
02:19:28 [851c0fa4] Apply suggestions from code review (milkomeda-documentation)
02:19:41 [135afa66] Build ghc-9.6.1 (cardano-node)
02:25:34 [e971628f] Commit builder tools DCOne Crypto Telegram, Discord (developer-portal)
02:36:08 [278ea6bf] fix links and remove unnecesary lib (milkomeda-documentation)
02:41:19 [cd752ec6] Merge pull request #27 from dcSpark/nico/add-more-content (milkomeda-documentation)
02:43:08 [86cc0ca1] Build ghc-9.6.1 (cardano-node)
02:45:04 [19ead5f3] deploy: cd752ec63347738e7b6d40aa6c8dee9195d01143 (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:10 [010f2e42] New translations current.json (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:22 [94c263e8] New translations index.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:24 [16f089b2] New translations get-help.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:33 [54c926b3] New translations data-availability.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:34 [1368aa10] New translations index.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:35 [19bbf804] New translations optimistic-rollup.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:36 [0cc3daa4] New translations research-safe-exit-alternatives.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:37 [66e8aa2f] New translations advantages.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:38 [e79e36ac] New translations architecture.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:39 [dc0ec91b] New translations c1-sidechain.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:40 [97c73f00] New translations index.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:40 [ad98d75c] New translations index.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:41 [ad6dbc7c] New translations sidechain-l2s.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:42 [6fe5e379] New translations validators-election.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:43 [c3c44dd6] New translations sequencer-election.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:44 [ffb7d6b2] New translations rollup-research-model.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:46 [6bd0e9ed] New translations current.json (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:57 [14be2090] New translations index.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:45:59 [2efdfa33] New translations get-help.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:08 [227a8de0] New translations data-availability.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:09 [aac960e8] New translations index.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:09 [5cde8bf6] New translations optimistic-rollup.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:10 [173c74ad] New translations research-safe-exit-alternatives.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:11 [527c9b85] New translations advantages.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:12 [7f4596b6] New translations architecture.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:13 [e149835c] New translations c1-sidechain.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:14 [8703f59b] New translations index.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:15 [7cb8d69c] New translations index.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:16 [4f6379b2] New translations sidechain-l2s.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:17 [a744c101] New translations validators-election.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:18 [59da9e31] New translations sequencer-election.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:19 [7b602024] New translations rollup-research-model.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:21 [6f824ccd] New translations current.json (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:33 [8358f051] New translations index.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:35 [7169d95e] New translations get-help.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:44 [4d063c7b] New translations data-availability.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:44 [d34de531] New translations index.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:45 [4dbbb9e1] New translations optimistic-rollup.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:46 [36a41130] New translations research-safe-exit-alternatives.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:47 [83cdc9df] New translations advantages.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:48 [e39d0211] New translations architecture.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:49 [228d55dd] New translations c1-sidechain.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:50 [5fee2ec9] New translations index.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:50 [c2af77c0] New translations index.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:51 [2899fdfe] New translations sidechain-l2s.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:53 [49a30b8d] New translations validators-election.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:53 [9c3025e0] New translations sequencer-election.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:46:54 [501971a6] New translations rollup-research-model.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
02:48:52 [302140b2] no-unused-packages (plutus)
02:59:42 [57016677] Guard against overflows in Shelley TxIns (cardano-node)
03:06:02 [7b31d29e] feat: almost done (aiken)
03:18:38 [ee7b77f2] [EC Api] - Added: How to listen to the balance of the Stake Key address in using Telegram, Discord (essential-cardano-content)
03:19:42 [e20ac594] [EC Api] - Update: How to listen to the balance of the blockchain Stake Key address in real time on Cardano using DCOne Crypto Webhook (essential-cardano-content)
04:03:20 [e24bf304] Bump react-router-dom from 5.2.0 to 6.9.0 in /packages/yoroi-extension (yoroi-frontend)
04:14:47 [2b50bfcc] Update CIP-0030/README.md (CIPs)
04:17:58 [100e6722] feat: refactor handle_each_clause (aiken)
04:20:10 [a82f8beb] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/ghcjs-9.6.1 (haskell.nix)
04:21:29 [1d26aae1] Prepare for merge (haskell.nix)
05:01:58 [30bac5e9] feat: Add new project for catalyst 1.0 management ui (catalyst-core)
05:06:15 [2cc89937] Cardano Index (CRDIDX) (cardano-token-registry)
06:45:20 [f7afe596] hack: use hard-coded work directory /cluster (cardano-browser-tx)
06:48:42 [286e1b1e] New File type that tracks whether the file is an input or output file or both. (cardano-node)
07:09:44 [5d7ed341] Add JS cross compilation for GHC 9.6.1 (#1881) (haskell.nix)
07:21:56 [9041b12c] npm: bump inquirer from 7.3.3 to 9.1.5 (daedalus)
07:31:30 [ddbd8fb0] Fix mistake that switched to LLVM for aarch64 (haskell.nix)
07:52:45 [8cc227bd] Merge pull request #2778 from tqueri/master (cardano-token-registry)
07:53:14 [1dc46571] Tidy up and comment (haskell.nix)
07:56:42 [88de5cab] Merge pull request #2780 from huths0lo/master (cardano-token-registry)
07:57:26 [b5219f95] Merge pull request #2781 from WolfRayet4/master (cardano-token-registry)
08:04:02 [3e8adb04] Merge pull request #2771 from cardano-tools-nft/4c41df98-87af-4fbd-8b23-7cf79f2a7351 (cardano-token-registry)
08:11:16 [af73c523] Use /cluster/workdir for plutip (cardano-browser-tx)
08:12:52 [df5e8fb3] feat: Add basic project outline (catalyst-core)
08:25:21 [53bd376e] feat: metrics for sync status (cardano-js-sdk)
08:26:09 [808ab7fa] PLT-3313: Added golden contracts for testing (marlowe)
08:32:05 [cbe100a1] PLT-3313: Excluding payments of amount 0 (marlowe)
08:32:08 [3a1540aa] deploy: df5e8fb33833bd6eeab8c06e0551e7c7a2a13200 (catalyst-core)
08:34:59 [2856507f] non-p2p: Differentiate between connections based on dir (ouroboros-network)
08:34:59 [0c150946] Bump versions of ouroboros-network-framework & ouroboros-network (ouroboros-network)
08:34:59 [46e12674] Make it clear when we can accept incomming cons (ouroboros-network)
08:34:59 [6a8a3091] Lower the time we refuse incomming connections for suspended peers (ouroboros-network)
08:35:22 [0786cf79] Implement `api` benchmark (cardano-wallet)
08:35:22 [d8b86a2d] Add various `NFData` instances (cardano-wallet)
08:35:22 [1b5c4cf5] Add `networkDescription` with `Proxy` argument (cardano-wallet)
08:35:22 [6a63ba1f] Update nightly.yml (cardano-wallet)
08:35:38 [fddd0138] [EC Api] - Added: CIP-1694 Community Workshop (essential-cardano-content)
08:36:27 [1b6f99ee] Merge pull request #943 from input-output-hk/ivan-irakoze/contrib/cip-1694-community-workshop-1679646937594 (essential-cardano-content)
08:38:15 [94e8ac3f] Merge pull request #830 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/update-dependencies-2023-03-23 (mithril)
08:38:45 [f5978821] Merge pull request #2782 from blueshift-fi/master (cardano-token-registry)
08:41:43 [4733cb40] log trezor (yoroi-frontend)
08:42:11 [79244bd1] Merge pull request #10 from input-output-hk/jdral/unsafe-absolute-filepaths (fs-sim)
08:43:57 [8394f28f] wip (marlowe-ts-sdk)
08:44:48 [567940b3] Added ouroboros-network-framework- (cardano-haskell-packages)
08:44:48 [dd1264a3] Added ouroboros-network- (cardano-haskell-packages)
08:46:07 [27812a84] deploy: 94e8ac3fd7e8f538e1d54b43d4950f87570f01ff (mithril)
08:47:18 [77b5039f] Merge branch 'master' into PLT-3313 (marlowe)
08:54:25 [13a04cdf] fixup! fix: circular deps check in CI - remove `--summary` flag so exit codes are correct - resolve all circular refs within packages (cardano-js-sdk)
08:56:44 [ca962968] Mithril update 2023-03-23 (#135) (cardano-updates)
08:58:21 [d5d15e49] deploy: ca9629681055add7e4298d78ed3e1b2856fb31e3 (cardano-updates)
09:00:25 [6c96725f] Merge branch 'master' into hkm/fix-debug-ghc (haskell.nix)
09:02:54 [649827bb] Fix mistake that switched to LLVM for aarch64 (#1896) (haskell.nix)
09:03:05 [4dee58e9] PLT-3313: Removing wrongly added files (marlowe)
09:03:37 [97e0d5b3] Propagate UTxO-HD to ouroboros-consensus-test (#4363) (ouroboros-network)
09:07:30 [8d768fc4] Use MKs in `ouroboros-consensus-byron` (ouroboros-network)
09:11:02 [1c57e6de] Use MKs in `ouroboros-consensus-shelley` (ouroboros-network)
09:14:25 [e6562406] wip (marlowe-ts-sdk)
09:15:30 [3ceff21d] Remove haskell-language-server quirk (haskell.nix)
09:19:34 [f7c7a413] implement parsing of metadata file details (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [05bd3ea4] next subtask (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [d64bf803] initial api tests (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [dee5d284] ensuring quality of uri generator interim (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [e588e70d] plan out work ahead (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [af6ebde8] simplification (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [2c9297b6] implement json serialization for metadata details (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [d5ce1bdf] fix bug in compressed maybe arrays (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [b6c9fd69] fix conflicts (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [877c6f8c] finally done with testing CIP-25 (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [1e4d87dc] fix bug in FromJSON for CIP-25 v2 (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [49a80733] ensure uri generator quality (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [48f565c6] plan out testing (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [c2947a39] untested toJSON instance for CIP-25 metadata (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [11050a68] slight cleanup (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [50ac730a] optimize test performance (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [d62100bb] cip 25 metadata file details soundness (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [7b4455c2] generating valid uri interim (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [d9da7fbf] serializes policyid as raw byte string (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [6c5733a8] implement ToJSON for CIP-25 Metadata (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [8420fe54] ensure CIP-25 version 1 is not supported (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [87517de9] improve generator quality (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [45296e36] lets simplify this (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [a6b3a0d4] cleanup (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [77781449] fix test (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [aba7fca7] implement FromJSON instance (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [efd8440c] reproduce error (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [d19a9217] generator quality (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [8de1c75f] failing test that reproduces bug (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [9e644947] correct implementation of metadata file details (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [99425038] remove focus disabling marlowe-runtime-test suite and fix failing test (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [218d27e3] fix bug in compressed arrays (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [fc54b096] speed up this part of the test (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [09731a2c] policy id parsing for cip-25 v1 is correct (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [0ac76110] stash (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [bf33c5c7] start working on cip-25 compliant metadata type (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [1112c5da] fix ze boogs (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [bf1ed75d] test CIP-25 parsing of token names (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [efc69547] implement preliminary solution (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [29b500c2] generator is high quality (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [90a1f374] soundness generator implementation interim (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [139d17d9] CIP-25 version 1 is not supported (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [a4c20c92] Binary instance for cip-25 metadata (marlowe-cardano)
09:19:34 [a509d7aa] CIP-25 v2 parses PolicyId correctly (marlowe-cardano)
09:21:40 [7b75c3d3] Use MKs in `ouroboros-consensus-cardano` (ouroboros-network)
09:21:41 [785158f3] Resolve non-controversial PR comments (ouroboros-network)
09:21:41 [fa9db2fc] Rename zipLedgerTables2 to zipLedgerTables3 (ouroboros-network)
09:25:55 [1aa71a15] Update supported GHC versions list (devx)
09:28:35 [f7a14b6c] Use MKs in `ouroboros-consensus-byron-test` (ouroboros-network)
09:31:53 [53082041] Use MKs in `ouroboros-consensus-shelley-test` (ouroboros-network)
09:32:18 [1d94f835] coot/ouroboros network (#168) (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:36:48 [2f7f594d] Remove unused code from multi-signer (mithril)
09:36:48 [59b228cd] Remove initiated date from multi-signer state (mithril)
09:36:48 [c4e32d64] Remove multi-signature from multi-signer state (mithril)
09:36:48 [187dbe15] Remove clerk from multi-signer state (mithril)
09:38:51 [c9755b5b] Update from 1d94f835508ff6a672e67604db7f5d885e70caea (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:39:30 [3655b4d1] docs: Add Code Reviews (catalyst-engineering)
09:40:55 [1b872a97] Merge branch 'master' into bls12-381 (cardano-base)
09:41:52 [38096282] docs: Add Code Reviews (#9) (catalyst-engineering)
09:42:42 [01bbec0b] first batch of dependencies (mithril)
09:42:44 [492ef7d5] Use MKs in `ouroboros-consensus-cardano-test` (ouroboros-network)
09:42:59 [38e9ba8e] Bound some to get a newer dependent-sum (plutus)
09:44:15 [270b957e] Create idea forms for issues/dicussions (hydra-poc)
09:44:42 [2dedc9cd] Bump hackage and CHaP (plutus)
09:45:00 [5b1ce1c1] Move EraIndepGenerators to TPraos.Arbitrary (cardano-ledger)
09:45:03 [48c038a5] Bump version cardano-protocol-tpraos (1.1) (cardano-ledger)
09:45:03 [de721ecb] Cleanup (cardano-ledger)
09:45:03 [2f10cffb] Restore genCoherentBlock (cardano-ledger)
09:45:03 [a6aa8b81] Keep EraIndepGenerators module for backward-comp (cardano-ledger)
09:47:08 [c8b64bf2] Add cross-compilation shell support for `ghc-js` (cardano-haskell-action)
09:48:15 [e933b417] Use MKs in `ouroboros-consensus-cardano-tools` (ouroboros-network)
09:48:42 [f6665117] Add lmdb to CI scripts (ouroboros-network)
09:50:28 [59b6237e] Fixed Missing `transactionId` in `ApplyInputsTxEnvelope` (marlowe-cardano)
09:51:07 [e1d1b572] Disable benchmark and update CHaP (ouroboros-network)
09:54:23 [445192a4] Add cross-compilation shell support for `ghc-js` (devx)
09:55:44 [1a97b267] chore: Fix lint warnings for all targets (pallas)
09:56:06 [f5ec5a0a] Revert "Commit builder tools DCOne Crypto Telegram, Discord" (developer-portal)
09:59:49 [381a46f2] chore: Fix lint warnings for all targets (#240) (pallas)
10:03:08 [22026b50] Use cbor to deserialize transactions when present. (cardano-wallet)
10:08:57 [55ae8103] Use cbor to deserialize transactions when present. (cardano-wallet)
10:10:13 [913477ab] deploy: 270b957ec70c720ab9c64cc7d25bc8674a57931f (hydra)
10:10:51 [44975e61] add certificate verifier service (mithril)
10:13:07 [a36b6718] Refactor register single signature (mithril)
10:16:25 [f03de4ba] fix: not using the profile gh token for getting the commit-hash (dapps-certification)
10:22:51 [bec9ef5f] trace-dispatcher: docu continued (cardano-node)
10:25:15 [864a84ae] Update hackage-quirks.nix (haskell.nix)
10:26:19 [ec4b54dc] clear Epoch cache on rollback (cardano-db-sync)
10:26:25 [8471799e] Add +debug to hadrian flavour (#1892) (haskell.nix)
10:31:46 [54c08e5b] cardano-api 1.36.0 (cardano-wallet)
10:31:50 [5c04497d] New revisions of ouroboros-consensus-shelley and cardano-ledger-shelley (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
10:33:07 [1e6251ae] add genesis verifier (mithril)
10:34:17 [014b266d] Revert "hide trezor wallet from connector" (yoroi-frontend)
10:36:44 [e3472ffb] Commit builder tools DCOne Crypto Telegram, Discord (developer-portal)
10:40:20 [bc399754] add signer registerer service (mithril)
10:44:28 [1618ef37] commit image rename (developer-portal)
10:47:29 [41ad5d14] Bump CHaP and remove most constraints from the cabal file (cardano-node)
10:50:19 [cc63d5bc] Refactor compute multi signature (mithril)
10:50:59 [89190dad] New revisions of ouroboros-consensus-shelley and cardano-ledger-shelley (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
10:53:35 [973854d7] ci: publish nightly [skip actions] (cardano-js-sdk)
10:57:34 [d63f8777] Update from 89190dadd67f73d7fdd15040b9a1b13186834f00 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
11:02:06 [0a3c039d] rename functions and update cache after Epoch calc (cardano-db-sync)
11:05:42 [d07799c4] Fix the definition of receivedD to avoid reliance on (<>) (cardano-wallet)
11:08:01 [79fd2d89] Implement epoch settings provider (mithril)
11:08:01 [e0d820c3] Create/Migrate 'epoch_setting' table (mithril)
11:08:52 [f5f4c2f8] Create 'signed_entity_type' table (mithril)
11:12:31 [278af533] Sematic newtype wrappers for marlowe-apps intervals (marlowe-cardano)
11:24:11 [4d865df1] Switch back to marlowe-cardano@main (dapps-world)
11:27:46 [40f99564] nix: switch to ghc 9.2.7 (cardano-node)
11:28:54 [ca47bb4e] hix: use project' for lazier flake and no hardcoding evalSystem (haskell.nix)
11:31:13 [efca9b8c] Escape EXTRA_KEYS newlines (dapps-world)
11:31:14 [4c6671b7] Test fees on outgoing/incoming transactions on Byron and Shelley wallets (cardano-wallet)
11:34:10 [0aa494c1] Clarify some things (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
11:36:54 [66662d49] Update haskell.yml (fix indentation) (cardano-base)
11:44:52 [a3c2df65] wip (marlowe-ts-sdk)
11:45:01 [864df51c] Create 'signed_entity_type' table (mithril)
11:45:05 [e8509422] Update network regexes (dapps-world)
11:47:05 [6500d622] Added missing revisions to meta.toml (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
11:48:03 [2b25ea44] Remove haskell-language-server quirk (#1897) (haskell.nix)
11:49:46 [287b852f] Restructure the README a bunch (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
11:50:09 [79a6a0b8] Update setup-dev-connection (marlowe-cardano)
11:52:37 [576a89ae] [EC Api] - Added: Weekly development report as of 2023-03-24 (essential-cardano-content)
11:53:29 [86c4b0d1] Restructure the README a bunch (cardano-haskell-packages)
12:04:31 [9d3cdf01] Merge branch 'feat/YOEXT-529/create-wallet-first-step' into feat/YOEXT-527/create-wallet-second-step (yoroi-frontend)
12:14:44 [1c733b8c] chore(deps): bump clap from 3.2.22 to 4.1.13 (oura)
12:19:58 [6d13f55c] Fix migration of Block collection: payload field didn't exist before (#148) (carp)
12:24:07 [93203ad9] fix: resolve broken changes due to recent merge (yoroi-frontend)
12:24:52 [2549ae09] Adapt full project docker to env var injection. Update readme. (catalyst-som)
12:29:29 [fcf184fc] Make GitHub actions build packages with `-Werror` (fs-sim)
12:34:41 [6130e833] Write extra keys to different env file (dapps-world)
12:34:56 [7bc06262] Fix interpolation of extra keys (dapps-world)
12:40:46 [9b628ae9] chore: fix flow types (yoroi-frontend)
12:42:37 [8e6f2184] Fix indentation when appending extra keys (dapps-world)
12:43:00 [1d0e9ad4] Merge pull request #1 from input-output-hk/jhbertra/extra_keys (dapps-world)
12:44:49 [e7473e59] Add option to terminate marlowe-finder at tip (marlowe-cardano)
12:44:49 [fcf0333f] WIP GHA (marlowe-cardano)
12:44:49 [c73847e6] Setup SSH key (marlowe-cardano)
12:46:16 [ef88b044] Run nightly tests on push to feature branch (marlowe-cardano)
12:46:46 [b0b8d864] fix: import observer from 'mobx-react' not 'mobx' (yoroi-frontend)
12:47:27 [46401f09] Implement `api` benchmark (cardano-wallet)
12:47:27 [c09a40fc] Update nightly.yml (cardano-wallet)
12:49:42 [0594e6ec] Merge branch 'feat/YOEXT-527/create-wallet-second-step' into feat/YOEXT-537/create-wallet-third-step (yoroi-frontend)
12:50:12 [832eb2cb] Rename branch (marlowe-cardano)
12:51:29 [919dc822] Restructure the README a bunch (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
13:02:58 [07a106be] chore: fix flow types (yoroi-frontend)
13:09:10 [5292de07] Remove unnecessary changelog directories from unversioned packages (plutus)
13:11:26 [708c154f] Add various `NFData` instances (cardano-wallet)
13:11:26 [d873a40c] Implement `api` benchmark (cardano-wallet)
13:11:26 [baf4b7c7] Add `networkDescription` with `Proxy` argument (cardano-wallet)
13:11:26 [86c973ca] Update nightly.yml (cardano-wallet)
13:13:44 [1380e7ef] Add hydra update (cardano-updates)
13:16:12 [cf110596] deploy: 1380e7ef61b1eb2f30e3cc7b9139504ffd07a6a8 (cardano-updates)
13:16:59 [36299073] rename 'optional datums' to 'supplemental' datums (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:20:18 [8a6ca456] Have a 'real' dependency on dependent-sum instead (plutus)
13:24:35 [20609855] Merge pull request #944 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/weekly-development-report-as-of-2023-03-24-1679658756860 (essential-cardano-content)
13:29:11 [4a249d29] rename directory to python_service_template (catalyst-core)
13:29:17 [74ae933e] Fix bounds in cardano-ledger-shelley revision (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
13:31:41 [9190433e] remove file with no obvious purpose (catalyst-core)
13:36:31 [58ad41f6] docs(python_service_template): Cleanup readme.md (catalyst-core)
13:42:39 [b7b988c0] [WIP] Add cross-compilation shell support for `ghc-js` (cardano-haskell-action)
13:42:57 [4edb0b57] CIP1856 | Extend metadata standard (translations) (CIPs)
13:44:42 [64148943] Accept Shelley Addresses in addition to stake reward addresses (voter-registration-tool)
13:45:48 [ada533c0] CIP1856 | Extend metadata standard (translations) (CIPs)
13:47:26 [ab79fcad] deploy: 58ad41f6fcc63aff2adb9bc400eb2d8d19eff0af (catalyst-core)
13:47:56 [2626c7d3] CIP1856 | Extend metadata standard (translations) (CIPs)
13:50:17 [eecac5ff] Add fee expectation for Shared wallets txs (cardano-wallet)
14:01:52 [bf4a4a33] Expand comment about problem with destructors (plutus)
14:03:59 [768a469e] Bound dependent-sum (plutus)
14:10:09 [c1be432e] Add expectations for fees when joining / quitting stake pools (cardano-wallet)
14:16:56 [c290c57f] fix test_lock_tx_big_datum (cardano-node-tests)
14:21:39 [07ddeb6f] Add more logs (voter-registration-tool)
14:23:06 [1f4d6823] feat(cardano-services): adds a not configurable 1 second cache to the ledger tip query (cardano-js-sdk)
14:23:44 [635b80c0] 80% of contract works (hydra-voting-poc)
14:27:30 [ceb20d94] node: added dp documentatioin (cardano-node)
14:33:47 [803738db] update docs (mesh)
14:36:16 [afbaf63e] Delete useMarketplaceV1.ts (mesh)
14:42:18 [4d8d9e46] Add UTxOHistory datatype as internal module. (cardano-wallet)
14:43:23 [b7932411] Rename UnconditionalInline.hs to Inline.hs because it includes callsite now. (plutus)
14:43:23 [5293f2a9] Add explanation for single test. (plutus)
14:43:23 [44356d95] Finish inlineSat. (plutus)
14:43:23 [be170625] Unbreak unconditional inline. (plutus)
14:43:23 [ac52e03d] Update benchmark list tests. (plutus)
14:43:23 [ec3b0bc2] Testing: var isn't going in the map. (plutus)
14:43:23 [ccb75d0c] Fix where inlineSat is called. (plutus)
14:43:23 [d02ce107] Fix IR tests. (plutus)
14:43:23 [ebe69c17] Rename enoughArg. (plutus)
14:43:23 [fe2f5c8d] Change all a to ann. (plutus)
14:43:23 [72d45f55] WIP add collectArgs and mkApps etc for inlining in place. (plutus)
14:43:23 [33c6cb4a] Fix some comments and bug. (plutus)
14:43:23 [600950d7] Clean up. (plutus)
14:43:23 [37bfe912] Fix computeArity. (plutus)
14:44:56 [e2f23f17] Add model for delta utxos store. (cardano-wallet)
14:44:59 [3b60b641] Merge branch 'staging' into add-real-world-marlowe (developer-portal)
14:45:02 [8a7677cd] Add test for DeltaUTxO model. (cardano-wallet)
14:45:04 [f299749a] Provide verbose logging option (voter-registration-tool)
14:45:51 [0e86d8b0] Add field persistence for Slot primitive type. (cardano-wallet)
14:45:51 [152b7063] Define DB schema for DeltaUTxO. (cardano-wallet)
14:45:51 [0ed0a73d] parsing helpers for Metadata (marlowe-cardano)
14:45:52 [a3f7f9a1] Add binary codec for TxOut. (cardano-wallet)
14:45:52 [357714fd] Add an undefined store for the UTxOHistory. (cardano-wallet)
14:45:52 [4cc44418] Add tests for TxOut serialization. (cardano-wallet)
14:46:14 [4b8e91bb] Utxo handler is tested and works (plutus-apps)
14:46:20 [cf3ecc14] Picked changelog from 1.35.6 release (cardano-node)
14:46:29 [a453edc3] remove unused modules and update kubevela module (sc-dev-platform)
14:47:56 [bef9ebd0] Implement load of DeltaUTxOStore. (cardano-wallet)
14:48:38 [3450ede5] implement parser for metadata to cip25 (marlowe-cardano)
14:49:44 [e08e4dac] Implement write for UTxOHistory. (cardano-wallet)
14:51:29 [53d3d995] Implement update for UTxOHistory. (cardano-wallet)
14:51:37 [4901b928] Add store laws for UTxOHistory store. (cardano-wallet)
14:55:38 [f9baefff] improved guides (milkomeda-documentation)
14:59:40 [aaa80210] Expand comment about problem with destructors (plutus)
15:01:01 [22df24ac] Wait for connection before running test (marlowe-cardano)
15:02:04 [2dbbd423] Added 23690795536ccf407ed6eeac57db98db9668b3a026991fb516ecd7ef0014df10534d4f4b4553 (cardano-token-registry)
15:05:51 [fde75df4] Repo fixup (fs-sim)
15:08:25 [31424c86] Log about number of legacy stake rewards addresses (voter-registration-tool)
15:12:47 [99ca5f7b] Fix bounds in cardano-ledger-shelley revision (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:12:47 [07307127] Added missing revisions to meta.toml (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:13:43 [f59e29bf] Implement `api` benchmark (cardano-wallet)
15:13:43 [da60743a] Update nightly.yml (cardano-wallet)
15:14:14 [a9ee6664] address reviews (cardano-node)
15:16:50 [cdaf4fc7] feat: jwt authentication on server (DAC-464) (dapps-certification)
15:16:52 [473e82ea] feat: add jwt auth on client (DAC-464) (dapps-certification)
15:20:55 [0313bd96] Update from 99ca5f7bc3065e1134f445f848ece08ce823c86a (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:24:15 [bf97569a] Initial version of merkleization theory (marlowe)
15:26:19 [27ff84f0] Use cbor to deserialize transactions when present. (cardano-wallet)
15:27:11 [aeb39367] Merge #3804 (cardano-wallet)
15:29:08 [f772fc54] We do not need to wait for a day here (hydra)
15:32:08 [8cd6181a] Add CIP-30 friendly flow to the withdrawal endpoint (marlowe-cardano)
15:37:34 [a993a7ad] PLT-3313: Addressing review feedback (marlowe)
15:40:19 [065365dc] Merge pull request #11 from input-output-hk/jdral/ci-werror (fs-sim)
15:51:36 [da9ff380] Merge branch 'main' into feature/voting-node-service-deploy-leaders (catalyst-core)
15:51:39 [fedba0f2] Repo fixup: various small to medium changes (fs-sim)
15:54:08 [b358f1d8] Add local cluster that has the same properties as mainnet (cardano-node-tests)
15:55:39 [6c720dc6] feat: Voting node service deploy leaders (#289) (catalyst-core)
15:56:45 [2613ea02] Removed Draft Docs for feature/voting-node-service-deploy-leaders (catalyst-core)
15:59:08 [1d3285e0] added prettier config files (dapp-example)
15:59:32 [b82a8941] prettify everything (dapp-example)
16:00:08 [49c09ecf] Include non-p2p interoperability fix. (cardano-node)
16:00:08 [3e783379] Bump version to 1.35.7 (cardano-node)
16:02:42 [4a662ccd] deploy: 6858c853ec5a38b671e730794eccc45e81a255bc (catalyst-core)
16:04:38 [8dc97ce5] refactor: cleaning and removing unnecessarily dependencies (DAC-464) (dapps-certification)
16:05:55 [78dc46d9] deploy: 6c720dc66e8d520e5ec172c0de24cb75c1508c62 (catalyst-core)
16:06:56 [194d5485] deploy: da9ff3809100dba40ac198a4e1fef6f650a93336 (catalyst-core)
16:13:09 [a2e10bf9] Rename enoughArg. (plutus)
16:13:09 [6c274e83] Add explanation for single test. (plutus)
16:13:09 [df930f3b] Fix inlining of TyAbs. (plutus)
16:13:09 [9ab651e4] Rename UnconditionalInline.hs to Inline.hs because it includes callsite now. (plutus)
16:13:09 [eb971659] Fix IR tests. (plutus)
16:13:09 [dec2ea9e] Finish inlineSat. (plutus)
16:13:09 [2c91e4a4] Update benchmark list tests. (plutus)
16:14:01 [4763fb00] Repo fixup: various small to medium changes (fs-sim)
16:15:36 [768142bf] feat: address whitelist support (DAC-485) (dapps-certification)
16:16:42 [304faba4] Made some withdrawals instant (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:16:45 [070f5e9f] fix: circular deps check in CI (cardano-js-sdk)
16:20:25 [8ed915d1] feat: jwt authentication on server (DAC-464) (dapps-certification)
16:20:25 [58c48eb8] refactor: cleaning and removing unnecessarily dependencies (DAC-464) (dapps-certification)
16:20:25 [5c0d1e97] feat: add jwt auth on client (DAC-464) (dapps-certification)
16:21:13 [2c51933d] feat: address whitelist support (DAC-485) (dapps-certification)
16:22:08 [6a4659d6] Merge #3804 (cardano-wallet)
16:24:24 [42e794b2] feat: add aborted status for a run (dapps-certification)
16:26:04 [0751b7ac] feat: add aborted status for a run (dapps-certification)
16:27:03 [4d4e17d9] Merge pull request #1725 from input-output-hk/mainnet_like_local_cluster (cardano-node-tests)
16:30:19 [0f2a3c2f] Merge #5018 (cardano-node)
16:36:16 [01e6e814] Remove multiple wallet restoration test. (cardano-wallet)
16:37:27 [934e0a48] Update benchmark tests. (plutus)
16:38:34 [43ea433b] fix: profile update fields (dapps-certification)
16:39:23 [a8e5c84b] Extract search logic from Nfts Part 2 (yoroi-mobile)
16:44:58 [144ff4f8] make builder async, add era_checker (mithril)
16:47:07 [56d59ac0] PLT-4256: Expand UPLC inliner comments slightly (#5227) (plutus)
16:47:44 [e1ea91c2] Merge pull request #1723 from saratomaz/fix_test_lock_tx_big_datum (cardano-node-tests)
16:52:21 [35d5a4d6] Cryptoverse update (cardano-token-registry)
16:52:30 [f5c289d0] Merge branch 'cardano-foundation:master' into master (cardano-token-registry)
16:55:37 [bb2ed7d7] cardano-api 1.36.0 (cardano-wallet)
16:58:17 [4a885893] Read values from genesis instead of hardcoding them (cardano-node-tests)
17:00:45 [33bde09c] Change all a to ann. (plutus)
17:00:45 [d8ce6367] Fix inlining of TyAbs. (plutus)
17:00:45 [c5a6d09b] Update benchmark tests. (plutus)
17:00:45 [f4286cdf] Finish inlineSat. (plutus)
17:00:45 [8614fe90] Fix IR tests. (plutus)
17:00:45 [606b12eb] WIP add collectArgs and mkApps etc for inlining in place. (plutus)
17:00:45 [db3e9413] Update benchmark list tests. (plutus)
17:00:45 [7a1e1531] Add explanation for single test. (plutus)
17:00:45 [0d64c1c1] Rename UnconditionalInline.hs to Inline.hs because it includes callsite now. (plutus)
17:00:45 [a38bec2b] Rename enoughArg. (plutus)
17:01:33 [83d14007] Fix tpy in meta (cardano-token-registry)
17:01:52 [7fa82b52] Fix test script syntax (marlowe-cardano)
17:02:06 [b50234b6] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/tqueri/cardano-token-registry (cardano-token-registry)
17:02:53 [d509874e] Fix withdrawal JSON schema spec (marlowe-cardano)
17:03:55 [38baf97a] wrong sequence (cardano-token-registry)
17:06:30 [b88da722] Fix changed signature (plutus-apps)
17:06:38 [edd8c8cb] wrong sequence on invada (cardano-token-registry)
17:08:47 [9d61668e] Nft storybook fix (yoroi-mobile)
17:27:55 [ec25ac84] Search header sorting fix (yoroi-mobile)
17:28:58 [fcf7a1ad] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@56d59ac0b79e9c675eba3db03405f815c4d31b0c 🚀 (plutus)
17:31:44 [2847da39] Temp - Remove beacon from multi-signer state (mithril)
17:33:24 [acca8433] Revamp stake pool course | Update Grafana Security Guide (developer-portal)
17:36:19 [411cf29b] Bound dependent-sum (#5233) (plutus)
17:40:24 [3e1e1661] update domain name (sc-dev-platform)
17:41:18 [b20ca6ef] Tidy up comments. (plutus)
17:45:03 [a23cc608] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 56d59ac0b79e9c675eba3db03405f815c4d31b0c (plutus)
17:48:54 [366b00fd] ouroboros-consensus- revision (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:51:26 [f12346de] tracing quickstart: new doc approach (WIP) (cardano-node)
17:51:36 [f51d8a09] Release v2.0.0-alpha.1 (oura)
17:52:58 [949e0065] Nft props renaming (yoroi-mobile)
18:07:05 [2038ca08] Update plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Parser/Builtin.hs (plutus)
18:09:03 [1d076ce5] PLT-214 Refactored the Epoch-StakePoolDelegation indexer to the Marconi interface. (#1018) (plutus-apps)
18:09:03 [538c1a56] PLT-214 Refactored the Epoch-StakePoolDelegation indexer to the Marconi interface. (#1018) (marconi)
18:09:03 [e4772d74] PLT-214 Refactored the Epoch-StakePoolDelegation indexer to the Marconi interface. (#1018) (marconi)
18:09:03 [dba9cb06] PLT-214 Refactored the Epoch-StakePoolDelegation indexer to the Marconi interface. (#1018) (marconi)
18:09:03 [b0fe5c50] PLT-214 Refactored the Epoch-StakePoolDelegation indexer to the Marconi interface. (#1018) (marconi)
18:09:23 [3cff9e89] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 1d076ce52c3dd0a51de41dc316d49cfd1c422d66 (plutus-ops)
18:09:27 [dcc20589] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@411cf29bfbffbab6a4e6a31ef783cd52362affdf 🚀 (plutus)
18:10:17 [24d8fdc0] Update directory structure to use proposed CIP #88 and add 867 metadatum label to the CIP-10 registry. (CIPs)
18:11:24 [899a179e] Add changelog. (plutus)
18:11:24 [980f354f] Tidy up comments. (plutus)
18:12:01 [6e4ca321] Merge branch 'token-registration' of https://github.com/Crypto2099/CIPs into token-registration (CIPs)
18:12:34 [aadb5821] Update CIP Title (CIPs)
18:13:30 [a18a5715] Merge branch 'cardano-foundation:master' into token-registration (CIPs)
18:13:35 [edc0e0a0] PLT-1311 Add JSON-RPC querying of the stake pool delegation (SPD) by epoch in `marconi-sidechain`. (plutus-apps)
18:13:48 [3ad5362b] cardano-api 1.36.0 (cardano-wallet)
18:21:02 [6e6d162d] Fix yaml for basic operations test scenarios (marlowe-cardano)
18:29:42 [a0f3897c] Update commit (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
18:31:19 [0ef18927] Merge branch 'main' into zliu41/ (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
18:32:35 [1ce4d768] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@411cf29bfbffbab6a4e6a31ef783cd52362affdf 🚀 (plutus)
18:40:55 [bc3b08be] Revamp stake pool course | Update Grafana Security Guide (#1001) (developer-portal)
18:43:57 [57c7f37b] Search header logic refactor (yoroi-mobile)
18:46:32 [31383a21] Search header logic refactor 2 (yoroi-mobile)
18:54:29 [90f1f081] Search header logic refactor 3 (yoroi-mobile)
18:56:53 [bf9f4b46] db-analyser: make tracer atomic (ouroboros-network)
18:57:14 [2da75cb8] Search header logic refactor 4 (yoroi-mobile)
18:58:44 [515f44fb] Search header logic refactor (yoroi-mobile)
18:59:00 [9b00dcc1] **CIP-0088: Token Policy Registration** (CIPs)
18:59:24 [36633e69] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/token-registration' into token-registration (CIPs)
19:01:22 [aa76134c] Merge #4691 (cardano-node)
19:02:44 [d6ee38c8] case study: begun klister chapter (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
19:03:16 [b4284591] Log time to wait (cardano-browser-tx)
19:07:48 [62bc048b] Create e71a541df41dd14269bc63d40fb02bc91a3c3d344605948d173d88145748414c45.json (cardano-token-registry)
19:13:29 [d1e96972] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 411cf29bfbffbab6a4e6a31ef783cd52362affdf (plutus)
19:15:48 [4ff070a3] PLT-3026 Recorded videos for lessons. (marlowe-starter-kit)
19:17:51 [fcc77dd1] Merge pull request #4 from input-output-hk/PLT-3026 (marlowe-starter-kit)
19:21:14 [8e157f9d] Fresh NOOD (cardano-token-registry)
19:35:14 [0f2ca265] feature: added the use case empty list (yoroi-mobile)
19:38:21 [207f514f] ouroboros-consensus- revision (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
19:38:27 [c009eb69] Merge pull request #1 from input-output-hk/PLT-5267 (real-world-marlowe)
19:45:23 [1d22394b] Update from 207f514f9aad8d490ab7ec8d629e0df22a2d2b74 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
19:48:29 [91c105ed] PLT-5267 Relocated obsolete examples to https://github.com/input-output-hk/real-world-marlowe/tree/main/archives (marlowe-cardano)
19:49:53 [9dfd43fb] Bump version to 1.35.7 (cardano-node)
19:49:53 [e389def2] Include non-p2p interoperability fix. (cardano-node)
19:57:58 [1c182dee] Address some PR comments (plutus)
20:18:46 [80b12882] feat: one more function to finish up (aiken)
20:21:53 [59ef5919] Release v2.0.0-alpha.1 (oura)
20:34:05 [368287aa] Removed all closed PRs under In Progress heading for the time period (cardano-updates)
20:41:21 [a1eb6b1f] FRACtion (cardano-token-registry)
20:41:32 [b0c8f7f6] Crypto -> PlutusCore.Crypto for stuff we've defined (plutus)
20:42:53 [60792186] Introduce Incremental Lambda Calculus, tests, and benchmarks (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:50:58 [0dd8445e] 🟥 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is down (502 in 439 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
20:51:10 [91eeeb02] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
20:51:10 [b020a7bd] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
20:54:00 [6916df4b] Address some more PR comments (plutus)
20:55:33 [03f269cc] Merge pull request #103 from MeshJS/prebuilt-contracts (mesh)
20:57:15 [71ca4208] Fix marlowe-oracle (marlowe-cardano)
21:03:13 [c05248e5] WIP ledger events via foldBlocks (cardano-node)
21:03:30 [100f3013] Update metatheory for package name change (plutus)
21:06:27 [8c745931] Update metatheory for package name change (plutus)
21:08:08 [aa834a1b] plutus-scripts-bench: use Either for cfg.plutus.script (cardano-node)
21:22:40 [b9fe1424] Fix missing instance (plutus-apps)
21:30:47 [e955f12e] docs: Add vit-ss seed data documentation (catalyst-core)
21:35:57 [61297b8a] Orig. marconi migration from plutus-apps (marconi)
21:41:38 [12e33d38] deploy: e955f12e607d205c8405f10d0a7f1ba0285b77f2 (catalyst-core)
21:43:35 [8d111508] deploy: cc7466f5ab54136d1e543c328d24674b8ec92ef6 (catalyst-core)
21:47:45 [5ee2d216] PLT-1311 Add JSON-RPC querying of the stake pool delegation (SPD) by epoch in `marconi-sidechain`. (#1026) (plutus-apps)
21:47:45 [7e12d9a6] PLT-1311 Add JSON-RPC querying of the stake pool delegation (SPD) by epoch in `marconi-sidechain`. (#1026) (marconi)
21:47:45 [6dd43b71] PLT-1311 Add JSON-RPC querying of the stake pool delegation (SPD) by epoch in `marconi-sidechain`. (#1026) (marconi)
21:47:45 [18779654] PLT-1311 Add JSON-RPC querying of the stake pool delegation (SPD) by epoch in `marconi-sidechain`. (#1026) (marconi)
21:47:45 [a6b95b02] PLT-1311 Add JSON-RPC querying of the stake pool delegation (SPD) by epoch in `marconi-sidechain`. (#1026) (marconi)
21:48:03 [8dd41aa3] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 5ee2d216239f0595dded0fe31747544b8d5c9142 (plutus-ops)
21:53:38 [a2a16cf4] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 382 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
21:53:54 [d07da1ab] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
21:53:55 [d83580ed] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
22:02:17 [18c008a4] Merge #5018 (cardano-node)
22:32:18 [0c621912] Merge pull request #1726 from input-output-hk/read_values_from_genesis (cardano-node-tests)
22:44:44 [3d191e92] Publish for plutus core packages (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:54:05 [e6f1e1a4] feature: added the use case remove when zero (yoroi-mobile)
22:57:02 [e16c22cb] Syntactic improvemnts (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:59:52 [5bcfdac7] Fix MultiAsset trianslation in the Plutus Context (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:02:51 [a6b9d0ba] Added acca branding (developer-portal)
23:05:32 [4e58c194] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 382 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:32 [753b3a7c] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 611 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:33 [05acfac1] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 325 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:33 [589db658] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 263 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:34 [b3f51f0b] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 582 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:35 [f967f062] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 726 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:36 [bfb170c2] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 238 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:36 [416aab4f] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 323 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:06:16 [607feba0] Suggestion towards favourite. (developer-portal)
23:17:01 [9c05f597] Release v2.0.0-alpha.1 (oura)
23:17:05 [6c070c1d] Update builder-tools.js (developer-portal)
23:27:46 [f5898fd2] Publish for plutus core packages (#167) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
23:31:16 [b64b7ce2] Accumulate decoding failures during `debugPlutus` (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:31:16 [7de72e0e] Remove `Fail` type in favor of `FailT` package (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:31:17 [2df54535] Fix MultiAsset translation in the Plutus Context (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:31:17 [b3872e28] Syntactic improvemnts (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:33:34 [903e38f5] Gotchi (cardano-token-registry)
23:34:19 [9b4110ed] Update from f5898fd2ef82807252c24d4e328dcdbf526a0357 (cardano-haskell-packages)
23:54:31 [a697da5b] imp: add host support for signing guest and guest routing (ci-world)
23:54:51 [7e97b07d] Find for the highest end slot in era summaries (cardano-browser-tx)
23:55:56 [29eac1d3] Fix `Arbitrary` instance for `ConwayTxBody` (cardano-ledger)
23:55:56 [bbe3b350] Bring back `toCBORXPrv` and `fromCBORXPrv`` (cardano-ledger)
23:55:56 [6b5b6ad4] Serialization instances for `GovernanceState` and `ConwayTallyPredFailure`: (cardano-ledger)
23:55:56 [053403be] Add `Arbitrary` instances for: (cardano-ledger)
23:55:56 [2442858b] Rename `smMap` to `cmValues` (cardano-ledger)
23:55:57 [adcb3680] Syntactic improvemnts (cardano-ledger)
23:55:57 [b02af99d] Accumulate decoding failures during `debugPlutus` (cardano-ledger)
23:55:57 [775440ec] Fix MultiAsset translation in the Plutus Context (cardano-ledger)
23:55:57 [57b5a03b] Fix PlutusDebugInfo deserialization (cardano-ledger)
23:55:57 [76525442] Remove `Fail` type in favor of `FailT` package (cardano-ledger)