Home / Reports / Mar 26, 2023

Sunday, March 26, 2023

144 commits had been pushed across 36 repos by 31 authors. There were 58,082 additions and 11,743 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:09:44 [ccabf666] flake.lock: Update (vit-testing)
00:12:07 [fa478119] flake.lock: Update (vit-servicing-station)
00:15:10 [1d53fea1] flake.lock: Update (catalyst-toolbox)
00:17:37 [17e4fea1] flake.lock: Update (jormungandr)
00:19:20 [b2d55a2d] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (uptime)
00:22:40 [20414591] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
00:23:31 [6085f09b] flake.lock: Update (ci-world)
00:25:08 [421b232c] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
00:30:03 [845b9c48] add Mempool (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 5e04afe2e6dcaeefac39f118c7d92afa848fec78 (ouroboros-consensus)
00:36:52 [e9cfe90a] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:48:40 [c7286639] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:51:12 [167d51d2] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
03:11:04 [3c3decc5] [CI] build ghc-js on aarch64 platforms as well. (#1902) (haskell.nix)
03:15:46 [97d912fa] Fetch the revised cabal files as part of elaborating hackage.nix (haskell.nix)
03:15:47 [8c110164] Update patches (haskell.nix)
03:34:08 [61aba5fc] bump haskell.nix (#34) (devx)
03:36:10 [f42dc2a1] Fix issue #26: [macOS] `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` env var needed for dev shell (#29) (devx)
03:40:54 [fb79ef63] Drop ghc pre-release now that we have 961 in there (devx)
03:40:54 [056d5918] Update supported GHC versions list (devx)
03:44:29 [921280c3] [WIP] Add cross-compilation shell support for `ghc-js` (cardano-haskell-action)
05:00:41 [959ef439] Add new TWT token (metadata-registry-testnet)
05:12:38 [1cce8c95] Add new TWT token (metadata-registry-testnet)
05:26:56 [2fe44587] Orig. marconi migration from plutus-apps (marconi)
07:47:04 [c0b20c85] nix: switch to ghc 9.2.7 (cardano-node)
07:53:21 [48c12511] Update supported GHC versions list (#32) (devx)
08:17:20 [6e3dfcb6] Split WarningDevelopmentNetworkProtocolVersions (cardano-node)
08:17:21 [b73b59d0] Reword where to get peers from in understanding-config-files.md (cardano-node)
08:17:21 [f6bc4f25] Removed P2PWarningDevelopmentNetworkProtocols (cardano-node)
08:17:21 [e15044ba] Modify P2PWarning message (cardano-node)
08:17:21 [26032df4] NodeToNodeVersion and NodeToClientVersion JSON instances (cardano-node)
08:17:21 [16805e66] Picked changelog from 1.35.6 release (cardano-node)
08:34:13 [1410a2d6] Add time module & 'PosixTime' type alias. (aiken_stdlib)
08:45:06 [825ac8d8] Cleanup most build failures. (cardano-haskell-action)
08:46:25 [0592629f] Merge pull request #4691 from input-output-hk/coot/json-network-version-repr (cardano-node)
09:31:23 [25372737] Cleanup most build failures. (#35) (devx)
09:39:59 [694ed701] make it work (devx)
09:39:59 [be9d2e11] [WIP] Add cross-compilation shell support for `ghc-js` (devx)
09:39:59 [f89f7806] Add 'from_ascending_list' (aiken_stdlib)
10:10:01 [95834a3f] Add cross-compilation shell support for `ghc-js` (#33) (devx)
10:12:12 [25e9eb71] Update README.md (CIPs)
10:13:52 [e88e99b4] Update README.md (CIPs)
10:16:00 [16dfcdd3] Update README.md (CIPs)
11:38:00 [62e82d06] Cleanup (devx)
12:18:56 [cc9acaa9] Revert version bump on tpraos (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:32:33 [79353630] SCP-5027 remove print statements (marlowe-cardano)
12:33:13 [235351a1] PLT-4186 - implement e2e tests for get transaction (marlowe-cardano)
14:10:09 [ac3ac122] feat: twitter account name validation (dapps-certification)
15:37:58 [49826379] Restore genCoherentBlock (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:37:58 [c4bffd93] Move EraIndepGenerators to TPraos.Arbitrary (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:37:58 [ab2944e2] Revert version bump on tpraos (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:37:58 [2249b098] Cleanup (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:37:58 [28cbc4ec] Keep EraIndepGenerators module for backward-comp (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:37:58 [acf80af6] Bump version cardano-protocol-tpraos (1.1) (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:41:00 [5de58704] SCP-5027 fix warnings (marlowe-cardano)
15:41:11 [eeea9281] PLT-4186 - implement e2e tests for get transaction (marlowe-cardano)
15:48:44 [a5c85fbf] PLT-3313: formatting, minor changes (marlowe)
16:29:05 [39fc5393] chore: update license copyright (ansible-cardano)
16:30:50 [5bbde083] chore: update license copyright (cardano-infrastructure)
16:33:57 [42f91370] chore: update license copyright (cargo)
16:36:35 [7ff5976c] chore: update license copyright (docker-cardano-db-sync)
16:41:59 [74d24d9a] chore: update license copyright (go-ouroboros-network)
16:46:44 [672353ee] chore: update license copyright (terraform-cloud-userdata-launcher)
16:56:09 [5684ffee] Merge pull request #11 from cloudstruct/chore/update-license (ansible-cardano)
16:56:33 [0fec93d0] Merge pull request #16 from blinklabs-io/chore/update-license-copyright (docker-cardano-db-sync)
16:57:30 [db8ba509] Merge pull request #216 from cloudstruct/chore/update-license-copyright (go-ouroboros-network)
16:57:51 [80c0f14b] Merge pull request #13 from cloudstruct/chore/update-license-copyright (terraform-cloud-userdata-launcher)
16:58:07 [09026863] Merge pull request #14 from blinklabs-io/chore/update-license-copyright (cargo)
17:03:44 [56361593] Merge pull request #3333 from input-output-hk/aniketd/shelley-eraindepgenerators (cardano-ledger)
17:07:36 [3ad0f90c] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 563615935a102d8323c6f05c5e3e93af681e4d66 (cardano-ledger)
17:41:54 [0c5e1bf9] SCP-5027 fix descriptions (marlowe-cardano)
17:46:03 [1d692546] PLT-4186 invalid tx id tests (marlowe-cardano)
17:58:03 [02bd5eb3] PLT-3324: Simpler (marlowe)
18:37:52 [8b0b93e9] Adding reduce (left). (aiken_stdlib)
18:43:38 [a0ee95ba] PLT-3313: Clean ups (marlowe)
18:50:42 [cb91ae60] Update list.ak (aiken_stdlib)
19:02:43 [6a5f1a12] Update list.ak (aiken_stdlib)
19:16:13 [f8643c20] Update list.ak (aiken_stdlib)
19:31:17 [114ba6d1] Make test for waitNSlots (cardano-browser-tx)
19:31:34 [24f26899] Cleanup (cardano-browser-tx)
19:38:29 [e68584a1] Make haddock comment for highestEndSlotInEraSummaries (cardano-browser-tx)
19:42:35 [34481d27] Make CHANGELOG entry (cardano-browser-tx)
21:02:56 [6fc76b79] Adjust delay for simulation to complete in IOSim (hydra-poc)
21:11:31 [a5f262b3] Langarnia (developer-portal)
21:20:17 [5a58f29f] Update showcases.js (developer-portal)
22:23:03 [4962d4bd] Minor Dev-guides improvements (milkomeda-documentation)
22:29:15 [b14963be] Merge pull request #26 from nhaga/pages/tutorials (milkomeda-documentation)
22:33:48 [c20b0f08] deploy: b14963be7c27f0a64bae0957dbae7e4cdcb81b33 (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:40 [30d3d7a3] New translations index.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:42 [dcbc7d06] New translations obtaining-test-algo.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:43 [fb1c588c] New translations intro.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:45 [c1f944ec] New translations index.md (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:46 [4fc0af23] New translations index.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:48 [8c5e4556] New translations obtaining-test-algo.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:49 [b92e6f0a] New translations intro.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:52 [797ff7ef] New translations index.md (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:53 [c1cb61b9] New translations index.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:55 [0a0fb2c6] New translations obtaining-test-algo.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:56 [0c458341] New translations intro.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:58 [5c63c06c] New translations index.md (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:34:59 [fa328669] New translations add_subgraph_to_milkomeda.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:00 [5d2fe079] New translations winners_draw.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:01 [aebccb68] New translations thirdweb.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:02 [ff7d3599] New translations thirdweb.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:03 [436e0fa5] New translations evm_based_dapp_algorand.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:04 [3bb6d4a8] New translations using_wagmi_with_milkomeda.mdx (Japanese) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:05 [8ec8f83e] New translations add_subgraph_to_milkomeda.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:06 [897db404] New translations winners_draw.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:07 [588e55d9] New translations thirdweb.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:08 [cc74212a] New translations evm_based_dapp_algorand.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:08 [035465e5] New translations thirdweb.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:09 [8f4d44ab] New translations using_wagmi_with_milkomeda.mdx (Korean) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:10 [65de2efa] New translations add_subgraph_to_milkomeda.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:11 [e67ef60f] New translations winners_draw.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:12 [8c6d2136] New translations thirdweb.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:13 [71260068] New translations thirdweb.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:15 [8d5ffd7c] New translations evm_based_dapp_algorand.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:35:16 [71d384aa] New translations using_wagmi_with_milkomeda.mdx (Chinese Simplified) (milkomeda-documentation)
22:46:00 [32a3aaff] chain validation and ledger replay startup statistics database (guild-operators)
22:48:23 [9e4e1861] wip (yoroi-mobile)
22:48:23 [9cc100a6] wip (yoroi-mobile)
22:48:23 [fea926d8] wip (yoroi-mobile)
22:48:23 [a9cca667] WIP (yoroi-mobile)
22:48:23 [63d7ed1c] Extract Navigator Screen Options From NFT search bar (#2407) (yoroi-mobile)
22:48:24 [5c9ec1cc] chore(version): bump 4.9.10-rc.1 (yoroi-mobile)
22:48:24 [c30b390c] feature: added the use case empty list (yoroi-mobile)
22:48:24 [711c7446] feature(mat): alpha (yoroi-mobile)
22:48:24 [165deeaf] wip (yoroi-mobile)
22:48:24 [de528be3] chore: bumps + features (yoroi-mobile)
22:48:24 [07410960] feature: added the use case remove when zero (yoroi-mobile)
22:48:44 [4df36c6e] New File type that tracks whether the file is an input or output file or both. (cardano-node)
23:05:11 [737e31d6] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 94 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:11 [9868b6d0] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 65 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:12 [3856773b] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 91 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:13 [d5e8d62c] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 487 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:14 [955d462d] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 444 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:14 [c7d5c0fc] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 505 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:15 [f8d5bd5a] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 97 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:15 [7f76a406] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 82 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:06:13 [89dada02] initial commit (milkomeda-guides)
23:09:11 [8daf2a35] chain validation and ledger replay startup statistics database (guild-operators)
23:17:35 [f22c57c8] beta tests ignore (catalyst-core)
23:33:11 [7ec25706] deploy: f22c57c8b94afe985d16bb7686ffbce76a5ba915 (catalyst-core)
23:48:06 [886ded2f] New Cardano.Api.IO module (cardano-node)
23:54:20 [26fe2f91] Move parseFilePath to Cardano.Api.Options module (cardano-node)