Home / Reports / May 10, 2023

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

95 commits had been pushed across 25 repos by 28 authors. There were 7,244,247 additions and 2,892,884 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:16:46 [dcf07370] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (uptime)
00:17:09 [14e8f44d] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:17:09 [492a8321] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:50:36 [f73ddda7] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:28:18 [b63cf239] Upload configuration from: https://book.world.dev.cardano.org/environments (cardano-configurations)
02:00:08 [8229dc78] deploy: f98eec2fc4ed57d72f729f262f81ea461a825e6a (catalyst-core)
02:01:59 [ad9d4f42] deploy: 50491c56e9fec252ca25d8811dfff71565b2891e (catalyst-core)
02:04:20 [80c56590] deploy: 63e50ef7398f0dfdc2f0e69ca2760d28e4c24577 (catalyst-core)
03:27:54 [d1d3e4b1] Merge #4538 (ouroboros-network)
04:20:10 [a93ef349] Add exceptions and stm to nonReinstallablePkgs for ghc901 (#1941) (haskell.nix)
05:23:40 [8e155ef9] deploy: 5642332bef2085974cf6936a47b2a406caba45d9 (hydra-poc)
06:39:00 [7b8697ac] Merge pull request #2928 from nexo-ctoken/master (cardano-token-registry)
06:39:39 [c79fa4f8] Merge pull request #2930 from cardano-tools-nft/fc04bba2-e358-4f00-8140-e9618c5b9f54 (cardano-token-registry)
06:40:16 [3438d230] Merge pull request #2932 from djcyr/master (cardano-token-registry)
06:40:49 [c17cf9f9] Merge pull request #2933 from Canucks-Publishing/basho_wintokens (cardano-token-registry)
06:41:25 [1a14f81a] Merge pull request #2934 from nibarulabs/master (cardano-token-registry)
06:42:19 [7cbb465a] Merge pull request #2935 from Crypto2099/patch-2 (cardano-token-registry)
06:42:54 [3d904bc9] Merge pull request #2936 from SMEKoin/master (cardano-token-registry)
08:04:33 [62991561] deploy: 77adc49f2f1fc6db5223ed55da39762d2e2c817a (catalyst-core)
08:07:28 [9bdb9a5b] deploy: 9878b08a51b3e696cb8ffdb97e75a569964ab7a3 (catalyst-core)
08:20:28 [dae495de] deploy: 6a5f1f86974fa2ec9ee71b453319b7f240ab6d7b (catalyst-core)
08:21:21 [9718d346] Merge #4539 (ouroboros-network)
08:22:21 [b23915a9] deploy: f5ee4056cb3cb712eb05a132fe9fcfd148030025 (catalyst-core)
08:52:58 [8882a8bb] deploy: 5f447a3a0cd66adf3dded420d9f295fba389060c (catalyst-core)
08:55:14 [0c8377d4] deploy: 10fb2abee84de8d7ba6c289b7979bf5625dfea75 (catalyst-core)
09:08:25 [d3a46199] Merge pull request #636 from input-output-hk/erikd/ghc-9.6 (iohk-monitoring-framework)
09:13:34 [3d771afd] Merge pull request #5 from juliusfrost/master (cardano-configurations)
09:18:29 [0b670c6c] Fixes #6 (cardano-configurations)
09:19:20 [c6ad8462] Remove legacy test networks. (cardano-configurations)
09:19:59 [7c008a21] Upload configuration from: https://book.world.dev.cardano.org/environments (cardano-configurations)
09:21:50 [348d280f] Fix missing closing double-quote in download script. (cardano-configurations)
09:22:29 [64e48323] Upload configuration from: https://book.world.dev.cardano.org/environments (cardano-configurations)
09:40:50 [9169314e] deploy: b703fc790d4663fc89c454c189b2fc93710c1a07 (catalyst-core)
09:41:26 [610cf03e] Merge pull request #1789 from input-output-hk/fix_state_cluster_name (cardano-node-tests)
09:43:12 [b9b0ebbd] deploy: 95d0ff75f88ea3a66e9aad02b9f51f1a6d867e1a (catalyst-core)
10:26:27 [9cdceedb] Deployed haddocks (hedgehog-extras)
10:32:52 [0034fb42] Fix empty case for diffVsGoldenFile (hedgehog-extras)
10:33:50 [e7f3c9ff] New version (hedgehog-extras)
10:36:22 [3e968b7b] Deployed haddocks (hedgehog-extras)
10:41:42 [b54aa1ed] Deployed haddocks (hedgehog-extras)
10:46:11 [9f0e4fba] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 33275b5bdb1d2cb174b7b26ac8bda47c61b93f1b (plutus-ops)
10:51:14 [600f9800] deploy: b730cb6b88f3f52c5b1afe7a5a810eac2dafd9f7 (catalyst-core)
11:00:45 [1ecf710c] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus-apps@33275b5bdb1d2cb174b7b26ac8bda47c61b93f1b 🚀 (plutus-apps)
11:05:36 [0de0dc59] Removed Draft Docs for update-api (catalyst-core)
11:18:22 [7049ef16] deploy: 70cf0090553964dc810bea27758cd1b7ab80e18e (catalyst-core)
11:20:09 [9b477a26] deploy: ddf7cb4bb1e6b8a4b8624b48e3c9e6279a23a16d (catalyst-core)
11:24:57 [f15433ad] Merge pull request #1790 from input-output-hk/check_env_cleanup (cardano-node-tests)
11:52:29 [fa337c46] Removed Draft Docs for feature/cat-data-service-impl (catalyst-core)
12:03:27 [9af0beaa] deploy: 2c8af71f83721add54038de9a44c718cb6593e84 (catalyst-core)
12:06:53 [f500346e] unit test - no such thing as a reference datum (cardano-ledger)
12:14:56 [692b3a65] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for f500346e6d04f0d576afbd272b79e0afee7a1f32 (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:33:03 [1c80dd68] Merge pull request #1791 from input-output-hk/cabal_build_8.0.0 (cardano-node-tests)
12:47:38 [03586867] Merge pull request #485 from input-output-hk/nahern-patch-5 (cardano-documentation)
13:07:31 [f179e3aa] Merge #4545 (ouroboros-network)
13:19:15 [3155248d] Merge pull request #184 from input-output-hk/hrajchert/PLT-5502-isabelle-audit-response (marlowe)
13:24:01 [98ab0cf0] Put the golden-file filename in the failure message of diffVsGoldenFile (hedgehog-extras)
13:27:26 [4e34c054] Merge #3920 (cardano-wallet)
13:51:08 [a8c2a596] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@e4e0809c2334db4f222f22d4c17697400f1214de 🚀 (plutus)
13:56:11 [e50d445c] docs: Merge #3920 3920: Fix redundant constraints in cardano-wallet-test-utils. r=paolino a=paolino Make it possible to run `cabal -O1 -Wall -Wredundant-constraints` with no issues. `-Wredundant-constraints` requires -O1 to be effective Co-authored-by: paolino <[email protected]> Source commit: 4e34c054601509f57dd9de66677290d62a2bb258 (cardano-wallet)
13:58:27 [4dc9debd] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@e3c3b1787bef63ba8bfc80c7d971972e056bddce 🚀 (plutus)
14:10:42 [11a9ae05] Update the spec for SOPs (#5275) (plutus)
14:21:25 [14230952] Small fixes and unifications of cabal build tests (cardano-node-tests)
14:22:23 [77b332a9] Merge #4542 (ouroboros-network)
14:25:51 [6fa08b1f] Merge pull request #188 from input-output-hk/hrajchert/v3-rc-2 (marlowe)
14:29:39 [9b75a6e7] Merge pull request #1792 from input-output-hk/cabal_build_shell_uni (cardano-node-tests)
14:41:48 [405c944d] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for e4e0809c2334db4f222f22d4c17697400f1214de (plutus)
15:11:18 [bb91f2a9] Add tracking page for 8.0.0 testing (#1781) (cardano-node-tests)
15:16:56 [0c31eeb0] Fix bullet point in docstring (cardano-node-tests)
15:21:00 [ab942bb7] Merge pull request #1794 from input-output-hk/fix_bullet_point (cardano-node-tests)
15:39:56 [080096e0] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 11a9ae05ff0632ec96914c0950e6842cc946282a (plutus)
16:05:21 [d19acd1f] Merge pull request #1496 from Plutonomicon/karol/arion-project-name (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:09:07 [6583f488] Update 03-comp-matrix.mdx (cardano-documentation)
16:14:35 [fd06f968] Merge pull request #486 from input-output-hk/olgahryniuk-patch-60 (cardano-documentation)
17:12:54 [b97a91e8] bump cardano-ledger-shelley-test minor version (cardano-ledger)
18:12:13 [84c6843d] Updated (cardano-ledger)
20:05:51 [d618c62b] deploy: 7fdff83bc9391db4757dddd934dfc028d08d44e4 (catalyst-core)
20:07:48 [d34ec48c] deploy: 97d3552982924c2119c6bbae71a626216db99f1c (catalyst-core)
20:57:28 [38a23d18] Removed Draft Docs for feature/earthfiles (catalyst-core)
21:09:03 [86250794] deploy: b2619e2de076e0a042b24edd383717fdd10a5258 (catalyst-core)
21:36:10 [c2a429a3] Merge pull request #409 from input-output-hk/erikd/ci (cardano-base)
21:44:45 [daaed2c1] Merge `improvement/afp-sessions` of pull request #69 into `master` (equivalence-reasoner)
21:44:49 [3bde5526] Merge `improvement/afp-sessions` of pull request #29 into `master` (transition-systems)
21:44:56 [cf162dbc] Merge `improvement/afp-sessions` of pull request #34 into `master` (network-equivalences)
21:44:59 [d30b66ca] Merge `improvement/afp-sessions` of pull request #42 into `master` (ouroboros-high-assurance)
22:58:20 [e48f2ec5] Merge pull request #387 from teodanciu/td/haddock-gh-pages (cardano-base)
23:05:30 [62e728f5] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 74 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:30 [59289aeb] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 108 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:30 [65717591] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 151 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:31 [1899cfa9] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 547 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:32 [a5b7fa0e] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 451 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:33 [d5c04342] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 124 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:33 [7aff26ca] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 514 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:33 [bbc00918] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 145 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:54 [ee78fea3] Merge pull request #5215 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/cleanup-socket-file-path-code (cardano-node)
23:11:24 [e30f554f] Updated (cardano-base)