Home / Reports / Mar 27, 2024

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

690 commits had been pushed across 74 repos by 125 authors. There were 43,314,986 additions and 713,846 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:04:07 [56601b0f] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:04:52 [ae154df2] base case for estimate complete. (GRANDPA-formal-verification)
00:09:02 [00e65ae8] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:10:47 [39437cad] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-explorer-status)
00:15:00 [c15ca41b] feat: version bump cardano-node to 8.9.1 (#132) (docker-cardano-node)
00:16:00 [b47c8c94] Use shrinking which doesn't discard ticks in densityDisconnectTriggersChainSel (ouroboros-consensus)
00:16:06 [53332f37] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:16:06 [9e68b6ba] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:21:17 [1482805c] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:21:17 [439ee157] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:28:55 [b02a1dff] feat: on cron event handles response from module (hermes)
00:28:55 [4e95a22e] feat: add unit tests for cron queue methods (hermes)
00:28:56 [89444c3d] fix(wip): disable cron state tests (hermes)
00:28:56 [399e6446] feat: cron state functions are tested from multiple threads (hermes)
00:28:56 [c2bf357a] feat: add unit tests for cron queue and cron state methods (hermes)
00:28:56 [e57b954e] fix: delayed crontab does not retrigger (hermes)
00:28:56 [f09b93c6] feat: add triggering mechanism for on-cron events (hermes)
00:28:56 [ad741865] fix: cron state unit test (hermes)
00:30:42 [6a4cd9d9] fix: merge (yoroi-mobile)
00:39:00 [639aa913] New mithril release version (guild-operators)
00:50:08 [ae525dbf] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:50:19 [724a1693] New release version (guild-operators)
01:05:31 [94d914f8] Update BBHMM port on topology-preview.json (koios-artifacts)
01:05:36 [fd675bc9] feat: trigger queue when removing crontab (hermes)
01:06:38 [1906ba02] Added BBHMM instance to topology-preprod.json (koios-artifacts)
01:19:09 [acffc7c6] fix: pop_app_queues_and_send returns when all items are sent (hermes)
01:19:48 [97fee3f8] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@fd675bc994017c14e2f62f7c20d009608670f863 🚀 (hermes)
01:29:05 [71c80a05] DecShareCBOR instance for NewEpochState (cardano-ledger)
01:31:05 [05ba3ed0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:32:36 [47590da2] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@acffc7c6a31d6ffbf496b61e1a4fbc2453479c01 🚀 (hermes)
01:47:08 [73831c47] fix(ui): update fallback image (cf-identity-wallet)
02:00:38 [54083d6c] Support cabal-install 3.10.3 (haskell.nix)
02:12:20 [355edeaf] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
02:21:29 [bf6c2a47] chore: update unit test and add anchorHash to response (cf-explorer-api)
02:30:30 [54e3395e] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
02:31:39 [f6792d9c] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
02:34:58 [f990d41f] Retrigger GDD when the selection changes (ouroboros-consensus)
02:37:17 [580902ca] chore: merge 1.1.0 (cf-explorer-api)
02:38:55 [b8796c62] chore: merge dev-test (cf-explorer-api)
02:58:36 [3b32884c] chore: merge dev-test (cf-explorer-api)
03:21:05 [0854160a] AGT (cardano-token-registry)
03:23:59 [af5404ab] Merge pull request #1088 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1963-drep-details-final (cf-explorer-api)
03:24:13 [60725344] Merge pull request #1089 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1963-drep-details-dev-test (cf-explorer-api)
03:24:28 [23beb955] Merge pull request #1074 from cardano-foundation/feature/MET-1963-gov-action-filter (cf-explorer-api)
03:32:42 [3414b43e] chore: convert stake registration table (#1082) (cf-explorer-api)
03:47:42 [840e046d] feat: integrate-api-pools (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:48:41 [4b9f2ebf] chore: add type governance (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:53:04 [7c5257a3] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
03:54:16 [0682517e] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
03:57:14 [f46f5398] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into static-nix-tools (haskell.nix)
03:57:28 [8cc94cf5] Support cabal-install 3.10.3 (haskell.nix)
03:58:24 [514f8156] Merge pull request #3192 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1957-pools-details-view (cf-explorer-frontend)
04:25:36 [5598faac] test: almost finished revocation - pending client from release (open-enterprise-agent)
04:25:36 [bffec03d] test: partial (open-enterprise-agent)
04:25:36 [e0c6397e] still pending new status from OAS (open-enterprise-agent)
04:25:37 [b0e1a112] test: creates adapter workaround for status (open-enterprise-agent)
04:27:43 [7830a5c7] fix: comment out reactor wait (hermes)
04:30:18 [937a82a2] deploy: 3832d9442dfbf7d13edaad77d6b1d08f63be523e (hydra)
04:36:41 [c3fa8d1f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:54:36 [1937decb] test: add coveralls integration (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
04:54:37 [88f130a9] fixes bash script exec (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
04:54:37 [8529fa72] adds xcodebuild print back (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
04:55:37 [be0d9134] [EC Api] - Added: Gimbalabs 👥Open Spaces. Every Wednesday and Tuesday, 14:30 UTC. (essential-cardano-content)
04:59:03 [5732bdaf] fix(ui): fix page footer secondary button style when click on android (cf-identity-wallet)
05:06:11 [45695210] fix: add default feat for derive more (hermes)
05:06:24 [2142aeda] fix: cleanup (hermes)
05:18:45 [393c728e] AGT (metadata-registry-testnet)
05:20:37 [079bbd28] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@2142aeda404f19a583f22633798b6d1dd167f0ac 🚀 (hermes)
05:41:07 [46e6663b] Add an endpoint for cli_protocol_params , and simply the cron job (koios-artifacts)
05:41:44 [ddc5539e] Naming consistency with other cron jobs (guild-operators)
05:50:47 [1f1d13e9] CI: Simlify Github Actions (cardano-node)
05:52:22 [aaa2ae3b] Implement an explicit convertConwayTx (hydra-poc)
05:52:24 [a6c74071] Update testnets/cardano-configurations for cardano-node 8.9 (hydra-poc)
05:52:24 [56d031ac] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
06:01:16 [7aec3ec4] Merge pull request #5728 from IntersectMBO/newhoggy/update-index-state (cardano-node)
06:02:38 [81ad28ba] Merge pull request #1373 from input-output-hk/fix-explorer (hydra)
06:21:08 [b25f8458] deploy: 81ad28ba2b35cc1c1237ede33713a49786758be0 (hydra)
06:24:52 [d6ce49a6] Adding BBHMM for preprod instance and updated existing preview instance (#270) (webartifacts)
06:42:28 [073d5f69] fix: refactor code pool governance (cf-explorer-frontend)
06:52:43 [381e8794] Merge pull request #3193 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1957-pools-details-view (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:01:50 [97011fda] Merge branch 'main' into v1.1.1rc (webartifacts)
07:03:22 [7440693d] Merge branch 'alpha' into node-8.9.0 (guild-operators)
07:03:29 [197ccc30] Merge branch 'alpha' into koios-1.1.1rc (guild-operators)
07:10:25 [3fd9a8fb] Merge pull request #5 from mlabs-haskell/farseen/002-extract-subgraph (wikipedia_parser)
07:18:43 [1ee75991] feat: MET-1957 pool detail view (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:20:29 [3e1d0ffc] fix spelling (catalyst-ci)
07:21:33 [e9c617d5] test(extension): fixes (lace)
07:24:21 [f3b1b768] feat: MET-1963 update Drep metadata (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:24:43 [3fd7e1df] chore: revert file test (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:29:13 [98df5882] fix: resolve conflict (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:30:08 [688c0d17] Merge pull request #3195 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1963-drep-details-view-dev-test (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:31:03 [b4ff115b] Merge pull request #3194 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1957-pools-detail-view (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:31:32 [6a7e024d] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-ci@3e1d0ffceae70b7e11be19710d8a05c4ab2d8084 🚀 (catalyst-ci)
07:39:35 [634f30dc] Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
07:43:10 [a41502e3] feat: MET-1963 resolve conflict (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:47:02 [6455d58b] docs: update code owners (#126) (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
07:47:10 [ee4d0ffd] prelim (broken) patches (haskell-nix-example)
07:47:17 [47730327] Fix up packaging. (haskell-nix-example)
07:51:14 [5698172b] fix: resolve conflict dev-test (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:52:10 [6b6d15f2] Merge pull request #3196 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1963-drep-details-view-dev-test (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:56:26 [31a4790e] chore: update package.json (cf-explorer-frontend)
08:01:19 [007b6fe6] feat: forgot password analytics (#973) (lace)
08:03:52 [4f1cf96f] Merge branch 'master' into sdk-ts-codeowners (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
08:12:26 [e061d518] Merge branch 'main' into szg251/tx-info (lambda-buffers)
08:28:19 [f1384a38] fix: merge (yoroi)
08:35:05 [a24717a3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:42:25 [7bccd3ff] Revert "Revert "Check that all exceptions in test cases are expected"" (ouroboros-consensus)
08:43:50 [3fdf308f] chore: bump crate version (mithril)
08:43:50 [4142e9f7] refactor: add bech32 encoding support in codec (mithril)
08:45:03 [a9276e64] Make GDD send `DensityTooLow` exception (ouroboros-consensus)
08:46:18 [7664b8b7] Just import all of IOLike (ouroboros-consensus)
08:47:02 [a4387acf] Thread safety (ouroboros-consensus)
08:48:39 [9319be6d] feat: transaction representation refactor (lace)
08:49:39 [c380794d] Merge branch 'main' into feat/lw-9145-tx-summary-refactor (lace)
08:51:21 [d2766557] test: refactor bulk unit tests (cf-identity-wallet)
08:52:21 [61bc53e2] eat(hardware-ledger): enable LedgerKeyAgent to accept a device to establish connection with (cardano-js-sdk)
08:52:46 [b5e975bb] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
08:55:39 [d053fd0f] Make tests and labels aware of new exception `DensityTooLow` (ouroboros-consensus)
08:55:58 [9594e0ea] test(extension): fixes 2 (lace)
08:56:20 [524429b9] Merge branch 'main' into LW-10137-onboarding-tech-debt (lace)
09:05:57 [9f1c8d52] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into chore/translation-refactoring (lace)
09:07:22 [950636b8] Merge pull request #1592 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/upgrade-bech32-crate (mithril)
09:07:40 [24aa9cca] Use pretty formatting for parsed sub-json (mithril)
09:07:40 [eba0728f] Adapt build script to new fake aggregator data structure (mithril)
09:07:40 [2933c2d9] Update fake aggregator data to new import script (mithril)
09:07:40 [770f726a] Adapt fake aggregator import script to join artifacts files (mithril)
09:08:51 [e9369358] Add new contributors (lambda-buffers)
09:09:05 [8c612c08] fix: syntax (hermes)
09:12:51 [53f39584] Delete package-lock.json (hydra-poc)
09:13:05 [be9aa75c] deploy: 950636b81c5060aba33061092996abd6da4eb4b0 (mithril)
09:13:20 [0a1af53b] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus into effectfully/builtins/both-MajorProtocolVersion-and-multiple-CostModels (plutus)
09:13:27 [bd220210] docs: add Grafana dashboard template reference for signer (mithril)
09:13:34 [5847277f] Update README.md (CIPs)
09:15:54 [c085a5e3] Change default fetch url to explorer.hydra.family (hydra-poc)
09:16:28 [6f88e62b] Make the heads table scrolleable (hydra-poc)
09:17:19 [5d6dcd7c] Adapt to Lovelace deletion. Use Ledger's Coin instead. (cardano-node)
09:17:20 [1cc1ee6f] testnet: adapt to changes in cardano-cli conway genesis create-testnet-data (cardano-node)
09:18:33 [e8a9096c] feat: transaction representation refactor (#883) (lace)
09:23:05 [75a4008a] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@8c612c087e9a21139b79df7d6b92585e270a4ab0 🚀 (hermes)
09:23:23 [251f632c] Update README.md (CIPs)
09:23:37 [9247b535] Replace `uncheckedNewTVarM` in leaky bucket by `newTVarIO` (ouroboros-consensus)
09:24:48 [71856045] PLT-8659 UPLC term order evaluator takes into account builtin argument saturation (#5850) (plutus)
09:26:51 [65866128] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/plutus@7185604532eaeada462fde60abe7e6546892f92c 🚀 (plutus)
09:28:43 [d5b219a1] Remove cabal-install materialized files (haskell.nix)
09:29:43 [34748005] Use nix-tools static cabal act-as-setup for default setup (haskell.nix)
09:29:59 [43304835] make binding site clear (cardano-ledger)
09:30:07 [39bcb0a5] ifdLevel 0 (haskell.nix)
09:31:02 [1f99764f] Minimal failing example of issue#31 (quickcheck-dynamic)
09:31:28 [0370e30c] comments (cardano-ledger)
09:32:02 [fe469adb] chore: update nix flake dependencies (mithril)
09:32:03 [b280fadb] Use nix-tools static cabal act-as-setup for default setup (haskell.nix)
09:32:26 [bd59a4c0] language extension (cardano-ledger)
09:33:36 [d6393da9] Use nix-tools static cabal act-as-setup for default setup (haskell.nix)
09:34:15 [178aac1d] more explicit binding sites (cardano-ledger)
09:36:09 [d5cc8b8b] chore: upgrade doc dependencies (mithril)
09:41:06 [45b8f9ba] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
09:45:53 [13e971e2] chore: upgrade mithril client wasm 'www-test' dependencies (mithril)
09:46:07 [2abccd9c] Merge branch 'main' into LW-10137-onboarding-tech-debt (lace)
09:47:25 [c359131a] feat(extension): add in app voltaire faqs (lace)
09:48:17 [f1e75081] Move the sticky class to teh to the thead instead (hydra)
09:48:26 [6d88796a] chore: fix hlint warnings (plutus)
09:52:14 [bb8e0cba] Merge pull request #5728 from IntersectMBO/newhoggy/update-index-state (cardano-node)
09:53:12 [bf276c58] Update the model to include list of Snapshots (hydra)
09:55:45 [9d094efd] fix: webpack config of client wasm 'www-test' (mithril)
09:56:15 [9ed551ac] chore: upgrade mithril client wasm 'www' dependencies (mithril)
09:56:35 [0e6f7313] fix: webpack config of client wasm 'www' (mithril)
09:57:49 [5b39772f] chore: bump crates versions (mithril)
10:02:26 [d1352100] Merge pull request #4326 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-126 (cardano-token-registry)
10:02:43 [51189b43] Experiment (plutus)
10:07:15 [7a6e85f3] update haskell.nix pin in nix-tools/flake.lock (haskell.nix)
10:07:47 [20ee2dbd] Merge pull request #4327 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-127 (cardano-token-registry)
10:08:34 [9e8273fa] feat: filter type by votertype and find by poolView (cf-explorer-api)
10:09:03 [f71daccd] Merge pull request #135 from IntersectMBO/crc32c-2 (lsm-tree)
10:09:12 [ded5a165] Merge pull request #136 from IntersectMBO/kmerge-bench (lsm-tree)
10:09:47 [4e5aebdb] Produce arbitrary snapshots (hydra-poc)
10:10:30 [fa0ee277] feat: integrate-api-modal-chart (cf-explorer-frontend)
10:14:54 [e2b93b54] feat: filter type by votertype and find by poolView (cf-explorer-api)
10:14:58 [2dd3e777] Merge branch 'dev-test' into feat/MET-1957-pools-details-view (cf-explorer-frontend)
10:18:20 [b7333bbf] Merge pull request #1091 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1963-gov-action-filter-dev-test (cf-explorer-api)
10:19:00 [a515895a] Expose `native-modules.zip` for Windows development & debugging (daedalus)
10:21:10 [c6190ca9] Expose `native-modules.zip` for Windows development & debugging (daedalus)
10:23:12 [dab1f41f] Include failing example as a test (quickcheck-dynamic)
10:27:06 [fdb6a737] Fix dockerfile dependencies (zeko)
10:28:15 [5e73a51b] test(extension): add tests for LW-10143, LW-10147, LW-10148, LW-10149 (lace)
10:30:00 [a52568b8] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
10:30:16 [bbbb5169] Mithril update 2024-03-27 (cardano-updates)
10:32:16 [7a8441b8] test: exclude stories files from unit tests coverage (lace)
10:32:29 [3d1ac00b] Generate Close with a snapshot (hydra)
10:33:00 [59ebb0fb] chore(wallet-mobile): locks/trans (yoroi-mobile)
10:36:23 [95e4a659] eslint fix (yoroi-frontend)
10:37:30 [33b3f532] merge: develop (yoroi-mobile)
10:57:01 [5ed96a8d] WIP: TO SQUASH: First attempt to get rid of missing ToObject instance (cardano-node)
10:57:03 [25f0905c] test(extension): make LW-2550 and LW-2561 more stable (lace)
10:57:18 [2268a3d1] Merge branch 'main' into test/new-tests-for-list-and-grid-view (lace)
11:01:30 [008628ca] chore(extension): fix default values formatting in staking mappers (lace)
11:04:56 [9418b679] chore(wallet-mobile): untracked changes in (yoroi-mobile)
11:07:05 [037d3e08] Adapt fake_aggregator shared state reading to new json structure (mithril)
11:10:21 [39983ea6] chore(wallet-mobile): updated status bar style for new wallet funnel (yoroi-mobile)
11:12:54 [7a4a0552] Revert "Change default fetch url to explorer.hydra.family" (hydra-poc)
11:13:14 [d671e573] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 7185604532eaeada462fde60abe7e6546892f92c (plutus)
11:13:56 [fbdbee0d] feat: MET-1683 refactor governance votes (cf-explorer-frontend)
11:15:22 [828e82f3] Merge pull request #3198 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1963-drep-details-view (cf-explorer-frontend)
11:16:37 [c063aada] Update dev-onboarding-quick-setup.md (#5858) (plutus)
11:19:35 [a131115e] Update blog/2024-03-27-mithril.md (cardano-updates)
11:19:52 [837c85ab] Update blog/2024-03-27-mithril.md (cardano-updates)
11:20:41 [9102ccc4] feat: MET-1963 udpate page (cf-explorer-frontend)
11:21:26 [664d3450] Merge pull request #3199 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1963-drep-details-view (cf-explorer-frontend)
11:23:20 [7e0eaf7f] Merge pull request #1173 from input-output-hk/live-deployments (cardano-js-sdk)
11:23:38 [84db1dd7] Revert to using deprecated `Shelley.evaluateTransactionFee` call (cardano-wallet)
11:24:36 [217d3e3c] Merge pull request #1599 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/upgrade-dependencies (mithril)
11:25:06 [afdb030c] Mithril update 2024-03-27 (#366) (cardano-updates)
11:25:24 [f222ed67] Add phonenumber -> libphonenumber mapping (#2175) (haskell.nix)
11:27:04 [367fa6a6] deploy: afdb030c1ebc30e00287db52d59f0018604d2af7 (cardano-updates)
11:27:32 [16d841fd] Merge pull request #1375 from input-output-hk/ffakenz/fix-explorer-tui-overflow (hydra)
11:28:06 [704f6bbb] deploy: 217d3e3c930a4af79757a8056cf987590b4b101c (mithril)
11:28:56 [9a26d220] Stylish: Use shrinking which doesn't discard ticks (ouroboros-consensus)
11:36:33 [c0d2d0df] Define `LogFormatting` instances required by newest Ledger. (cardano-node)
11:36:33 [e83ca9b1] WIP: TO SQUASH: First attempt to get rid of missing ToObject instance (cardano-node)
11:37:54 [8b8d29a4] fix(ui): update fallback icon for connection (cf-identity-wallet)
11:45:19 [ac08637d] flake.lock: Update (#712) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
11:50:16 [48117ba3] Update from ac08637d1e5e17efae9895f5b74549800c591e20 (cardano-haskell-packages)
11:50:40 [63ff5874] deploy: 16d841fd5229cc590fe1810baf3930853d126672 (hydra-poc)
11:51:47 [6a212ab0] Exported functions from Conway.Constrained.Instances (cardano-ledger)
11:53:11 [ab8d57cf] Merge pull request #4216 from IntersectMBO/PR-improve-gov-generator (cardano-ledger)
12:02:45 [f168bc12] [Release] (#5856) (plutus)
12:02:51 [e8ac3df9] chore: Update assets for coming soon page. (catalyst-voices)
12:03:19 [22b6cc49] chore: Update assets for coming soon page. (catalyst-voices)
12:06:00 [4d88a1b2] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for ab8d57cf43be912a336e872b68d1a2526c93dc6a (cardano-ledger)
12:07:09 [3518c21d] Limit on patience (LoP) and other improvements (#979) (ouroboros-consensus)
12:07:58 [44e76ed5] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
12:12:26 [f51c314f] feat: Add Coming Soon page with text animations. (catalyst-voices)
12:12:44 [1fecbdfc] test(extension): adjust timeout (lace)
12:13:00 [868120e9] chore: Adjust routes to display Coming Soon page. (catalyst-voices)
12:13:15 [8715b2f2] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into feat/coming-soon-page (catalyst-voices)
12:14:36 [7b830cef] chore: Remove guard from home route. (catalyst-voices)
12:17:39 [b091343a] feat(staking): add tests for default sorting order in BrowsePools (lace)
12:18:22 [30d9f510] Adapt fake aggregator import script to join artifacts files (mithril)
12:18:23 [6140b426] Update fake aggregator data to new import script (mithril)
12:18:23 [0d053e28] Adapt build script to new fake aggregator data structure (mithril)
12:18:24 [158730dd] Adapt fake_aggregator shared state reading to new json structure (mithril)
12:18:24 [1f4d3267] Use pretty formatting for parsed sub-json (mithril)
12:18:25 [61330515] Apply shellcheck recommandations to fake aggregator `import.sh` (mithril)
12:20:51 [15b031b6] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
12:24:22 [ff13fd41] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/plutus@f168bc125021356f39ee2b1b537cb69bbc39997b 🚀 (plutus)
12:24:55 [a41b9fd4] test: local-state-query client tests (gouroboros)
12:25:36 [3b8e5bd1] Upgrade crates versions (mithril)
12:27:28 [b685e52b] Added GOV rule to MAlonzo (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:33:33 [b9a2e15e] Split `Data.Delta` into child modules (cardano-wallet)
12:33:33 [5dcdf6cf] Rename `Delta.DeltaMap` to `Delta.Map` (cardano-wallet)
12:34:59 [4d406444] Added Mud Token (cardano-token-registry)
12:35:17 [79128e01] chore: Adjust spelling and linting. (catalyst-voices)
12:36:54 [f70939ac] Revert "Revert "Check that all exceptions in test cases are expected"" (ouroboros-consensus)
12:36:54 [4ac0bd3b] Make GDD send `DensityTooLow` exception (ouroboros-consensus)
12:36:55 [c6421265] Make tests and labels aware of new exception `DensityTooLow` (ouroboros-consensus)
12:38:22 [c8d40e4d] Set tasty timeout to 5 minutes, set GHA timeout to 60 minutes (lsm-tree)
12:39:20 [38790533] Get the benchmark comparison script to print out total times (plutus)
12:39:50 [bc88c8b2] [LW-9778, DDW-1228] Abstract `common.temporaryNodeModulesPatches` (daedalus)
12:41:08 [de8f73e8] Merge pull request #2345 from IntersectMBO/artur/fix-metadata-tests (cardano-node-tests)
12:42:43 [735d3acb] feat(core): support for OOBI aliases (#389) (cf-identity-wallet)
12:44:50 [8e021159] test: local-state-query client tests (go-ouroboros-network)
12:45:56 [f77ee17a] Added plutus-tx- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
12:45:56 [1acce41d] Added plutus-tx-plugin- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
12:45:56 [2f733791] Added plutus-core- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
12:45:56 [f84423a7] Added prettyprinter-configurable- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
12:45:56 [5bb07296] Added plutus-ledger-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
12:46:38 [29524d30] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:59:57 [d7478d22] Delete mappings/0d9830b76451561f5c6503b489aa9f29768a1501c30b6baefefb57ec4d656d65425443.json (cardano-token-registry)
13:03:12 [72083ce9] implement shelley stake address whitelist (cardano-db-sync)
13:03:20 [9d88cfc8] PLT-9600 #comment test:show wallet address (dapps-certification-web)
13:13:30 [2a53640b] docs(cips): Add c509 cddl with restrictions and enhancements for plutus usage (catalyst-voices)
13:15:23 [2ebb41b2] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
13:19:39 [0474ac95] Delete 0d9830b76451561f5c6503b489aa9f29768a1501c30b6baefefb57ec4d656d65425443.json (cardano-token-registry)
13:24:07 [2bbf5731] [LW-9778, DDW-1228] Add `-N` to the RTS opts of both node and wallet (daedalus)
13:25:22 [c5747c06] [ADP-2565] Rearrange `Data.Delta` module (#4509) (cardano-wallet)
13:27:29 [4d47449a] fix(staking): restore yarn.lock file (lace)
13:30:28 [f2557166] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:30:28 [e3b31696] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:30:45 [fdc8101a] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for ab8d57cf43be912a336e872b68d1a2526c93dc6a (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:30:46 [06587006] Updated from ab8d57cf43be912a336e872b68d1a2526c93dc6a via push (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:30:48 [f2ef630c] Merge branch 'cardano-foundation:master' into master (cardano-token-registry)
13:32:19 [50e6e573] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
13:33:19 [9701a570] Bundle resources allocated by `bracketChainSyncClient` (ouroboros-consensus)
13:35:09 [caa4c15a] feat(ui): add address tag ui component LW-10061 (lace)
13:35:11 [dba46d19] Draft e2e spec (hydra)
13:35:50 [695e8d91] Changes to DraftCommitTxRequest type (hydra)
13:38:23 [ec5fd038] Commit some TADA on full head life-cycle scenario (hydra-poc)
13:39:32 [9e0b9fc8] Added GOV rule to MAlonzo (formal-ledger-specifications)
13:40:38 [b9e78138] Merge pull request #1598 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/1559-update-blog-post-prometheus (mithril)
13:41:33 [81a26f2b] fix: improvements on the nextJS demo (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
13:44:51 [dff936d5] deploy: b9e78138559569b7b0a57ebd347c63d07d99da6c (mithril)
13:48:43 [8851da97] Revert to using deprecated `Shelley.evaluateTransactionFee` call (#4511) (cardano-wallet)
13:54:23 [e7231430] Extendend whitelist options (cardano-db-sync)
13:54:24 [3a623d4e] add more tests for multiAsset whitelist (cardano-db-sync)
13:54:24 [c14e3fa7] add more tests for metadata whitelist (cardano-db-sync)
13:54:24 [2fe03395] fourmolu and pr stuff (cardano-db-sync)
13:55:37 [25c0ac2c] WIP (lsm-tree)
13:56:06 [0b5530a0] Plutus (#716) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
13:56:57 [dd7cb8f7] Adapt fake aggregator import script to join artifacts files (mithril)
13:56:57 [2f42cb81] Adapt build script to new fake aggregator data structure (mithril)
13:56:57 [f79cf027] Update fake aggregator data to new import script (mithril)
13:56:58 [1e70791a] Apply shellcheck recommandations to fake aggregator `import.sh` (mithril)
13:56:58 [37bd8350] Use jq to join artificats files in import script (mithril)
13:56:58 [f4e9666e] Adapt fake_aggregator shared state reading to new json structure (mithril)
13:56:58 [7d4f30a9] Use pretty formatting for parsed sub-json (mithril)
13:56:58 [e55fc4ec] Upgrade crates versions (mithril)
13:58:17 [ea4514c5] implement shelley stake address whitelist (cardano-db-sync)
13:59:02 [50907f04] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
13:59:23 [6001f28e] make signed entity type of Cert message mandatory (mithril)
13:59:23 [b80e0599] Refactor Certificate to add the signed entity type (mithril)
13:59:23 [5f4bafcc] Add `TimePoint` type in common (mithril)
13:59:23 [1de07976] Add some observations & comments (mithril)
13:59:24 [63c90328] Adapt nodes code to new design to make the workspace build (mithril)
13:59:24 [49750163] Update hashes in aggregator certificate hash migrator tests (mithril)
13:59:24 [18430207] Add db migration to add signed entity type & network to certificate (mithril)
13:59:24 [78d5ea7f] Move signed entity type beacon read from db to a commun methods (mithril)
13:59:25 [a2e1c5fa] Add `global_logger_for_tests` to aggregator for debugging (mithril)
13:59:25 [1be85e7e] Adapt aggregator db certificate provider to the new record structure (mithril)
13:59:25 [28206ea1] Make aggregator state machine take a AggregatorConfig as param (mithril)
13:59:25 [28afe5df] Simplify aggregator state machines match in tests (mithril)
13:59:26 [3e8e0b85] Replace `CardanoDbBeacon` with `TimePoint` in aggregator state machine (mithril)
13:59:26 [0df05b62] Rename common `BeaconProvider` to `TimePointProvider` (mithril)
13:59:26 [9ed14df8] Define signed_entity_type to `/certificates` & `/certificate/{hash}` in openapi (mithril)
13:59:26 [34df86a0] Make Signer state machine use a `Timepoint` instead of a `CardanoDbBeacon` (mithril)
13:59:26 [921174e6] Add signed_entity_type to certificate list message (mithril)
13:59:27 [25513c45] Update observations to current state of work (mithril)
13:59:27 [57326739] Add epoch to `CertificatePendingMessage` and deprecate its beacon field (mithril)
13:59:27 [d675b9d3] Add epoch to Cert/CertList messages and deprecate their beacon field (mithril)
13:59:27 [9567d232] Simplify `CertificatePending` entity to use only an epoch (mithril)
13:59:28 [578b7cf4] Deprecate immutable file number of `CertificateMetadata` (mithril)
13:59:28 [40250663] Remove `compare_to_older` from `CardanoDbBeacon` as this responsibility switched to `TimePoint` (mithril)
13:59:28 [0f8530ed] Update observations to current state of work (mithril)
14:00:43 [f6b61b64] Update from 0b5530a044fcc960b9b4352c2386583cc4f0a893 (cardano-haskell-packages-old)
14:02:12 [77c4fb62] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@79128e01d57eba32757cba26e8d1e31de2c8c79a 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
14:02:21 [9dbc7d8f] Delete 0d9830b76451561f5c6503b489aa9f29768a1501c30b6baefefb57ec4d656d65425443.json (cardano-token-registry)
14:04:37 [88d21f9d] Enhance hydra-cluster --devnet to produce constantly snapshots (hydra-poc)
14:15:34 [94dce7ee] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
14:15:36 [7cc4b2ef] Bundle resources allocated by `bracketChainSyncClient` (ouroboros-consensus)
14:19:13 [a37d44c9] Set tasty timeout to 5 minutes, set GHA timeout to 60 minutes (lsm-tree)
14:22:44 [29068a05] Fix 'nofib' benchmarks? (plutus)
14:23:30 [3c66f7c8] test: local-state-query client tests (gouroboros)
14:28:10 [610ecf33] Update upload script (cardanow)
14:30:45 [0053eb0b] Stub blueprint tx everywhere (hydra)
14:33:24 [a6cda1d4] Merge pull request #142 from IntersectMBO/jdral/timeout (lsm-tree)
14:35:44 [0a730c87] Use the full memory available on perf-ssd (cardano-node)
14:38:08 [0745ef70] Upgrade fourmolu to 0.14.1 (hydra-poc)
14:44:35 [467a7eeb] Drop snapshots from all SomeHasFS (ouroboros-consensus)
14:44:38 [0914da6c] nomad_perfssd_base: Adjust settings for UTxO scale runs (cardano-node)
14:44:48 [2667dc36] Update nightly.yml to fix build! (marlowe-cardano)
14:44:59 [faba6eb1] Add UTxO Scale experiment 2 tests (cardano-node)
14:45:10 [8f66cd79] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into ana/plt-7744-datalist (plutus)
14:45:46 [3636b671] Update marlowe-benchmark command in nightly.yml (#847) (marlowe-cardano)
14:51:32 [8c485b24] Add `ConvertRawTxId`, use it for comparing `OneEraGenTxId`s (#1017) (ouroboros-consensus)
14:52:10 [e4043398] [ci skip] deploy from (marlowe-cardano)
14:52:23 [eab63f57] Use SnapshotPolicyArgs in Node (ouroboros-consensus)
14:53:18 [50bde94b] Make compatible with GHC<=9.0.6 (ouroboros-consensus)
14:56:21 [f6b512a3] feat(cardano-services): add distinction between constitutional committee with or without script (cardano-js-sdk)
14:56:21 [30d926ce] chore: bump db-sync to sancho-4.1.0 (cardano-js-sdk)
14:57:10 [588919cd] Refactor finally expr to use do syntax (hydra-poc)
14:57:29 [73aec63c] Include alice-funds to hydra-cluster.cabal (hydra-poc)
14:59:46 [aabd9fc9] Merge pull request #1600 from input-output-hk/ensemble/1594/aggregate-fake-aggregator-json-data (mithril)
15:01:57 [83186dd9] test: local-state-query client tests (gouroboros)
15:03:42 [fa17a755] Add some observations & comments (mithril)
15:03:43 [7b96d16b] make signed entity type of Cert message mandatory (mithril)
15:03:43 [56f7a5c3] Add db migration to add signed entity type & network to certificate (mithril)
15:03:43 [8152159b] Refactor Certificate to add the signed entity type (mithril)
15:03:43 [50e51e30] Add `TimePoint` type in common (mithril)
15:03:43 [a485b92e] Adapt nodes code to new design to make the workspace build (mithril)
15:03:44 [5980dc78] Update hashes in aggregator certificate hash migrator tests (mithril)
15:03:44 [7efb16c1] Adapt aggregator db certificate provider to the new record structure (mithril)
15:03:44 [fb3da3fe] Move signed entity type beacon read from db to a commun methods (mithril)
15:03:44 [76f85c4f] Make aggregator state machine take a AggregatorConfig as param (mithril)
15:03:44 [f508a6ec] Add `global_logger_for_tests` to aggregator for debugging (mithril)
15:03:45 [c1c6cc66] Add signed_entity_type to certificate list message (mithril)
15:03:45 [0d2c546b] Simplify aggregator state machines match in tests (mithril)
15:03:45 [2c397e7c] Replace `CardanoDbBeacon` with `TimePoint` in aggregator state machine (mithril)
15:03:45 [58f7f989] Make Signer state machine use a `Timepoint` instead of a `CardanoDbBeacon` (mithril)
15:03:45 [8cd1103e] Define signed_entity_type to `/certificates` & `/certificate/{hash}` in openapi (mithril)
15:03:45 [8bc47b7e] Rename common `BeaconProvider` to `TimePointProvider` (mithril)
15:03:46 [4428d397] Add epoch to `CertificatePendingMessage` and deprecate its beacon field (mithril)
15:03:46 [ab944662] Deprecate immutable file number of `CertificateMetadata` (mithril)
15:03:46 [0c1d1bda] Update observations to current state of work (mithril)
15:03:46 [0b337ad9] Simplify `CertificatePending` entity to use only an epoch (mithril)
15:03:46 [2f4320ba] Add epoch to Cert/CertList messages and deprecate their beacon field (mithril)
15:03:47 [418d8e61] Remove `compare_to_older` from `CardanoDbBeacon` as this responsibility switched to `TimePoint` (mithril)
15:03:47 [321939f0] deploy: aabd9fc908eb86652bd8b8e2d4eae6060c61b2c7 (mithril)
15:03:47 [58f41ae2] Update observations to current state of work (mithril)
15:03:57 [df0bb5b8] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
15:03:57 [2546982b] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
15:03:57 [654028dc] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
15:06:47 [fa91b67d] Fix 'nofib' benchmarks? (plutus)
15:07:19 [433497c0] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus into effectfully/bench/fix-arbitrary-evaluation-nonsense (plutus)
15:08:10 [4b9f7a99] test: local-state-query client tests (#564) (gouroboros)
15:09:40 [18438238] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus into effectfully/builtins/both-MajorProtocolVersion-and-multiple-CostModels (plutus)
15:11:54 [bdb30653] Remove PartialOrd implementation from Certificate (mithril)
15:13:08 [a9521aa3] fix: layout & oobi (cf-identity-wallet)
15:13:17 [5acf7372] Add a todo to remove network from `CardanoDbBeacon` (mithril)
15:16:18 [d265f0d1] feat(delegate_server): improve config options (hydra-auction-offchain)
15:18:22 [34b3906e] Update fake aggregator default data (mithril)
15:19:25 [4586b16c] Replace SnapshotInterval with SnapshotPolicyArgs (cardano-node)
15:20:20 [3bdab5eb] Fix links, minor copy improvements (cardano-documentation)
15:22:55 [55bcd188] Create data-backed types: List, Pair, Map (plutus)
15:24:45 [b08e0e02] Merge branch 'main' into feat/coming-soon-page (catalyst-voices)
15:29:12 [a38d5705] Merge pull request #682 from IntersectMBO/comments-and-indentation (cardano-cli)
15:30:32 [9500a9f0] CR (yoroi)
15:33:18 [1743efe5] chore: version bump cardano-node to 8.9.1 (helm-charts)
15:35:15 [25c15370] Small optimization to: Retrigger GDD when the selection changes (ouroboros-consensus)
15:38:26 [0f17b562] feat: Add coming soon page (#346) (catalyst-voices)
15:39:17 [532722eb] Fix the arbitrary evaluation nonsense in 'nofib' (plutus)
15:39:33 [817bed4d] chore: update cardano-node, ogmios, and kupo (ansible-cardano)
15:42:43 [00a14e19] Draft a test to check the blueprint transaction (hydra-poc)
15:42:56 [4d06ce57] Update golden files to accomdate changes in latest Ledger. (ouroboros-consensus)
15:44:00 [c43adf92] Move external commit funds key to working dir (hydra-poc)
15:45:52 [cf253071] WIP: replace Map type in Marlowe asData State (plutus)
15:46:08 [eaf2fa70] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@0f17b562b7b7f9b8423974ebc9506a079781b321 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
15:46:43 [f68fdf77] fix: broken tests & cleanup (cf-identity-wallet)
15:50:01 [cba6ad13] Minor refactor (hydra-poc)
15:50:04 [97be683a] chore: cherry pick from conway-era (cardano-js-sdk)
15:52:09 [13944e56] chore: improve test files and cases name (cardano-js-sdk)
15:52:19 [510faee4] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/YOEXT-970/revamp-wallet-creation-screen (yoroi-frontend)
15:53:29 [26048329] Implement a GDD governor (ouroboros-consensus)
15:56:36 [4b846006] pellet basic tests. (asteria)
15:57:03 [d9655fc1] fix formatting and update workflow version (stdlib)
16:02:12 [e133a2d4] Update query_param_proposal to include Conway fields (cardano-node-tests)
16:04:44 [070acd24] Various improvements to the ChainSync client (ouroboros-consensus)
16:04:44 [26128b99] Various improvements to the peer simulator (ouroboros-consensus)
16:04:45 [7d4b4d9d] Improve tracing [to fixup with other tracing improvements] (ouroboros-consensus)
16:04:45 [8909bad6] Add GDD tests to Genesis tests (ouroboros-consensus)
16:04:45 [0d2bea58] Revert "Generate empty schedules in uniform generation" (ouroboros-consensus)
16:04:46 [00caa852] Don't allow to extend the selection by more than k blocks (ouroboros-consensus)
16:04:46 [31c92ef5] Implement the Extended Praos Chain Growth Assumption (ouroboros-consensus)
16:06:16 [3fe97cda] refactor storage (yoroi)
16:06:34 [41510c55] chore: unify cleanup command (lace)
16:12:25 [8b157c7a] test: adds schema validation for credential issuance (atala-prism-building-blocks)
16:13:45 [c8b63b55] Fix tests (yoroi)
16:14:49 [3c30a4a5] Remove unused eslint disable (yoroi)
16:19:41 [4d77e00b] Enable round-trip tests for Conway's ledger states (ouroboros-consensus)
16:22:47 [d8408702] Include bob and carol fund keys to hydra-cluster.cabal (hydra-poc)
16:24:34 [64b8c2ed] Various improvements to the peer simulator (ouroboros-consensus)
16:24:36 [64208256] Implement a GDD governor (ouroboros-consensus)
16:24:36 [1e67c577] chore: unify cleanup command (lace)
16:25:36 [7b62b1e6] deploy: a38d5705d16565a2cb14736c521511ea59a4eb37 (cardano-cli)
16:25:45 [50f8cf33] Merge pull request #1090 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1963-gov-action-filter (cf-explorer-api)
16:26:18 [f02ffe78] Post-GDD improvements to the peer simulator (ouroboros-consensus)
16:26:24 [b95b177a] Various improvements to the ChainSync client (ouroboros-consensus)
16:26:25 [e64d67e2] Implement the Extended Praos Chain Growth Assumption (ouroboros-consensus)
16:26:25 [d3482a57] Add classifiers and sanity check to Genesis tests (ouroboros-consensus)
16:26:25 [5f1e3de7] Add GDD tests to Genesis tests (ouroboros-consensus)
16:26:26 [7466d367] Don't allow to extend the selection by more than k blocks (ouroboros-consensus)
16:29:05 [c6294322] Fully-Backed Bids - Plain Language (hydra-auction-offchain)
16:29:30 [30b4d689] chore: bump SDK version (lace)
16:29:31 [1de3ad6b] feat: add custom submit tx endpoint option (lace)
16:32:33 [05d33426] Draft a test to check the blueprint transaction (hydra-poc)
16:38:48 [9f0d4039] created tests directory. (asteria)
16:38:56 [8dc6d277] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:39:11 [28a47563] feat: add custom node ui (lace)
16:39:21 [b99f1244] Use import orphan `EpochNo` `Num` instance from `Test.Cardano.Slotting.Numeric` (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:21 [34aa6244] Change the types of `GetConstitution` and `GetCommitteeMembersState` (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:21 [ca11b3bb] Bump ledger versions (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:22 [26452b2a] Remove Ledger specific logic when injecting data into the ledger state (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:22 [54ee7fd9] Use `ppRewardAccount` instead of `ppRewardAcnt` (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:22 [8642f03a] Use `injectIntoTestState` in `protocolInfoTPraosShelleyBased` function (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:23 [24a24677] Generalize the `registerAny` function. (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:23 [5a6176ba] Use `Conway.ValidationTagMismatch` instead of `Alonzo.ValidationTagMismatch` (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:23 [a069ba0c] Use 'RewardAccount' in place of 'RewardAcnt' (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:23 [449d7cf5] Integrate [ouroboros-network #4795](https://github.com/IntersectMBO/ouroboros-network/pull/4795) (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:24 [9f6f6445] Adapt formatting scripts to work with Ubuntu installs of `fd`. (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:24 [1812bb14] Bump ouroboros network bounds (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:24 [0fd5545a] Updated changelog (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:24 [3c2ada5c] Use `Conway.ValidationTagMismatch` instead of `Alonzo.ValidationTagMismatch` (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:25 [e229b665] WIP: updating to latest ledger (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:25 [902cd5bf] Integrate latest ledger version. (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:25 [fcd601c8] Update golden files to accomdate changes in latest Ledger. (ouroboros-consensus)
16:39:26 [a6bf691f] Enable round-trip tests for Conway's ledger states (ouroboros-consensus)
16:40:04 [c8d4ae13] docs: fix typo in the Grafana dashboard block in SPO guide (mithril)
16:42:13 [6e7a9c25] Bundle resources allocated by `bracketChainSyncClient` (ouroboros-consensus)
16:42:20 [c04cc4f0] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:20 [943ddd26] Added cardano-ledger-allegra- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:21 [06748169] Added cardano-ledger-babbage-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:21 [d33d5f63] Added cardano-ledger-conway- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:21 [d6a2fce9] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:21 [d3c73f8e] Added cardano-ledger-babbage- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:21 [0e797159] Added cardano-ledger-mary- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:21 [d5a3091e] Added cardano-ledger-conway-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:22 [44cb4f95] Added cardano-ledger-core- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:22 [e16c0b2b] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:22 [a855acb8] Added cardano-ledger-shelley- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:22 [f4d0290f] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:22 [efcf51b8] Added cardano-ledger-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:23 [114ede35] Added cardano-ledger-byron- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:23 [aef5682c] Added small-steps- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:23 [f52339fa] Added cardano-data- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:23 [d6545d99] Added byron-spec-chain- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:23 [d1c73024] Added cardano-ledger-binary- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:23 [a9ed10da] Added byron-spec-ledger- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:42:24 [ccaf9d21] Added cardano-ledger-byron-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:44:11 [3bc8dfdf] Various improvements to the peer simulator (ouroboros-consensus)
16:44:22 [e54747a2] Implement a GDD governor (ouroboros-consensus)
16:44:38 [cfdd5d32] Post-GDD improvements to the peer simulator (ouroboros-consensus)
16:44:41 [64faa734] Fix imports (yoroi)
16:46:17 [cc14f0c5] Merge branch 'develop' into feat/dapp-explorer (yoroi)
16:48:40 [ab532782] Suggestion (cardano-api)
16:49:44 [0aeee6dd] Various improvements to the ChainSync client (ouroboros-consensus)
16:49:55 [b2e30020] Add GDD tests to Genesis tests (ouroboros-consensus)
16:50:13 [54a9604d] Don't allow to extend the selection by more than k blocks (ouroboros-consensus)
16:50:13 [2e98998f] Implement the Extended Praos Chain Growth Assumption (ouroboros-consensus)
16:50:13 [00ab7c53] Add classifiers and sanity check to Genesis tests (ouroboros-consensus)
16:51:29 [3ab95d79] Draft a test to check the blueprint transaction (hydra)
16:55:31 [7cd7b997] test: add coveralls integration (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
16:55:32 [0506c9cd] adds xcodebuild print back (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
16:55:32 [7f80caca] fixes bash script exec (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
16:55:41 [46c7b79b] Merge pull request #1602 from input-output-hk/jpraynaud/fix-doc-typo-grafana-setup-signer (mithril)
16:58:01 [544a720b] Generalize and unify `foldBlocksCheckProposalWasSubmitted` (cardano-node)
16:58:38 [49a10840] deploy: 46c7b79bfdc03d10957592937aada3cf62fbf8b7 (mithril)
17:00:43 [28bc8b49] Added GOV rule to MAlonzo (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:04:06 [ae88ae49] Suggestion (cardano-api)
17:04:37 [e7e1fb5f] Update fake aggregator default data (mithril)
17:09:43 [d411e8d9] chore(e2e): start local-network with alternate db-sync configuration (cardano-js-sdk)
17:09:43 [6f865e1a] chore(e2e): env HF_CONWAY configures if local-network hardforks to conway or not (cardano-js-sdk)
17:11:44 [4aa1739e] test(core): add failing test for AssetName.toUTF8 throwing when it's non-encodable (cardano-js-sdk)
17:13:47 [a09c79f7] Fix storage and status bar (yoroi)
17:14:27 [f1e2467d] Fix version and CHANGELOG for cardano-protocol-tpraos to reflect breaking changes (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:14:40 [9bf1a92b] Bundle resources allocated by `bracketChainSyncClient` (ouroboros-consensus)
17:16:17 [9c7b7f70] major overhaul of assumptions and proof (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:17:56 [3b081988] Fix version and CHANGELOG for cardano-protocol-tpraos (cardano-ledger)
17:25:22 [84026f61] Bump Plutus to 1.24 (cardano-ledger)
17:29:16 [1fe300e1] Pass the reference scripts size as parameter. (cardano-api)
17:30:27 [baa24d3d] Merge pull request #4321 from MemeBTC21/master (cardano-token-registry)
17:32:01 [e85a884a] Merge pull request #4328 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-128 (cardano-token-registry)
17:33:22 [0aaa8483] Merge pull request #4330 from poolstakes/master (cardano-token-registry)
17:35:50 [73581cd4] Merge pull request #4329 from ClashAlex/master (cardano-token-registry)
17:37:46 [6bab313c] Add a note referencing the checkpoint support issue (cardano-api)
17:42:44 [ecff9e69] Add Ledger team update for 2024-03-27 (cardano-updates)
17:46:04 [a122446b] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:04 [281f1fdc] Added cardano-ledger-allegra- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:04 [248641ad] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:04 [382979f9] Added cardano-ledger-babbage-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:04 [98ad6518] Added cardano-ledger-babbage- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:05 [1ea8a086] Added cardano-ledger-conway- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:05 [89415275] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:05 [e3bc9d26] Added cardano-ledger-mary- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:05 [b9fcb863] Added cardano-ledger-conway-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:05 [d905b444] Added cardano-ledger-shelley- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:05 [5808c0e9] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:06 [fd14b46a] Added cardano-ledger-binary- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:06 [634c2b06] Added cardano-ledger-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:06 [0254bea8] Added cardano-protocol-tpraos- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:06 [acf5acf5] Added small-steps- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:06 [f07ca338] Added cardano-ledger-core- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:07 [5a4e8c99] Added byron-spec-ledger- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:07 [2f38fc0f] Added cardano-ledger-byron-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:07 [3522a513] Added byron-spec-chain- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:07 [c0241066] Added cardano-ledger-byron- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:46:07 [e0ecfb2c] Added cardano-data- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:48:51 [98240026] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for f168bc125021356f39ee2b1b537cb69bbc39997b (plutus)
17:48:55 [74dbc764] 2024-03-27 performance and tracing update (cardano-updates)
17:51:26 [30c950b4] chore: bumped pkgs (yoroi)
17:53:34 [a40b050d] 2024-03-27 performance and tracing update (#368) (cardano-updates)
17:54:47 [96056dc3] feat: add unit tests for cron queue triggering to the hermes queue (hermes)
17:58:10 [fd53a5b9] chore: bumped pkgs (#3173) (yoroi)
18:02:33 [be5524f1] Add Ledger team update for 2024-03-27 (cardano-updates)
18:03:19 [28405ddb] moved swap assets into swap store (yoroi-frontend)
18:03:54 [9406bcf6] pushing some files for others to take a look... (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
18:04:39 [55e7f13e] deploy: be5524f1eff6c4ff35bba49e376309934fe5a6f2 (cardano-updates)
18:09:58 [34a36895] Emit `TraceTerminatedByGDDGovernor` on `CSClient.DensityTooLow` (ouroboros-consensus)
18:09:59 [ae13b5fc] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@96056dc376ab9f4877f0a192493b9d0313aeaa8a 🚀 (hermes)
18:12:45 [dcd396f9] Add db-sync checks to param proposal tests (cardano-node-tests)
18:26:27 [5753d63f] imp: add perNode and per group addressType options (cardano-parts)
18:30:07 [4df73058] Use -fheck-prim-bounds on GHCs where it's not broken (lsm-tree)
18:30:16 [8f4c80cf] Repeated certs test (cardano-node)
18:30:55 [d99ad01e] imp: add a per group hostsList option (cardano-parts)
18:37:49 [812ad142] Update memory-benchmark.tgz with new conway-genesis.json (cardano-wallet)
18:38:38 [ba2eea08] chore: remove code coverage integration (lace)
18:53:19 [b8f1836b] flow fixes (yoroi-frontend)
18:56:41 [cff56d7e] Incorporating-feedback_dev-onboarding-quick-setup.md (plutus)
18:56:48 [1ddbb9e9] Update memory-benchmark.tgz with new conway-genesis.json (#4512) (cardano-wallet)
18:57:11 [68c97df5] refactor(create-restore-wallet): wallet list clean up (yoroi)
18:57:34 [b3956546] fix: Improve field validation. (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
19:01:20 [c23c1be8] refactor(links,wallet-mobile): links types (yoroi)
19:03:40 [107f7762] feat: clear waiting_for task if it has passed when triggering (hermes)
19:05:18 [b615c0e0] chore: refactor code for legibility, expose only needed functions (hermes)
19:07:35 [1dfe5d8d] nomad_perfssd_base: Adjust settings for UTxO scale runs (cardano-node)
19:10:37 [ecd7dc0e] GDD: tiny simplification to `hasBlockAfter` (ouroboros-consensus)
19:11:08 [ec6a97dd] Add UTxO Scale experiment 2 tests (cardano-node)
19:15:04 [42fe1893] PLT-9600 #comment test:refactor for cleaner code (dapps-certification-web)
19:15:19 [ed3a16f9] test: changes (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
19:15:22 [2171b053] tmpl: updates for update-ips recipe, enableDns option, colmena helpers (cardano-parts)
19:20:28 [40fae7ad] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@b615c0e0374d2d1ac118ae22d14e470a74986390 🚀 (hermes)
19:25:11 [6c70c2ea] refactor(links,wallet-mobile): links types (yoroi)
19:30:02 [7efbb9fc] Fix developer guide link (plutarch)
19:32:29 [4aec2a62] Test number of "yes" votes is correct (cardano-node)
19:43:50 [14ca84a1] added admin_token and value checks. (asteria)
19:43:59 [0e058d62] test: chainsync client tests (gouroboros)
19:52:23 [a5a07346] fix: casting a field type to Data with expect and traces on was assuming the raw Data was of type constr (aiken)
19:54:39 [6f820d95] test: initial (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
19:55:18 [b900a0cb] swap default sell (yoroi-frontend)
19:57:29 [a6003c3b] chore: push changes in blueprint snapshot test (aiken)
19:59:36 [03331604] pushing some files for others to take a look... (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
19:59:36 [cad28988] test: changes (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
20:00:46 [4602a55d] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
20:00:46 [8c96b2a9] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
20:00:46 [08ab303b] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
20:02:59 [2d8dfcef] Update scala3-library, ... to 3.4.1 in main (atala-prism-mediator)
20:05:02 [8a2d8495] Add Plutarch to "tools by the community" list (sanchonet)
20:17:09 [35177ebb] Updates to default cost models and documentation (plutus)
20:20:31 [f5d3c013] chore(transfer): receive the action instead of redirectTo only (yoroi-mobile)
20:32:40 [239bd918] chore: test staking chromatic (lace)
20:34:31 [f88dd8ae] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:36:29 [2ad7508e] final version of tests (walletsdk still unreachable) (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
20:37:07 [863a4543] test: chainsync client tests (gouroboros)
20:39:52 [21b1e29f] chore: clippy fix (aiken)
20:42:14 [b6996a6e] test: chainsync client tests (gouroboros)
20:43:21 [d6b897a0] chore: version bump cardano-node to 8.9.1 (#14) (helm-charts)
20:49:21 [4bd1163d] chore: update cardano-node, ogmios, and kupo (#73) (ansible-cardano)
20:52:43 [e774f456] Add number of DReps as a parameter (cardano-node)
20:56:11 [f2ef726e] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
20:58:45 [deec2884] test: localtxsubmission client tests (gouroboros)
20:59:39 [aed6b084] test: chainsync client tests (#565) (gouroboros)
21:08:57 [f54eb302] test: localtxsubmission client tests (#566) (gouroboros)
21:09:43 [7202ad40] chore(staking): fix chromatic deployment for staking (lace)
21:20:02 [9ebd1a19] swap datum fix (yoroi-frontend)
21:52:33 [f57e1129] Bump ghc git commits (haskell.nix)
21:55:01 [9056eea0] chore(staking): fix chromatic deployment for staking (lace)
21:58:03 [9fd26a7a] feat: zeko docs with nextra (zeko)
22:12:32 [406bf874] Bump ghc git commits (haskell.nix)
22:13:48 [2896f01e] ci: publish charts (helm-charts)
22:16:40 [313a9f7f] chore(wallet-mobile): updated transfer and hook links to use linkAction (yoroi-mobile)
22:19:01 [c77cf9eb] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
22:23:20 [18974303] feat: ledger support for Byron TX inputs/outputs (gouroboros)
22:23:48 [e4c9d161] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
22:31:03 [9ff0eafb] imp: add "all" and "group" enum opts to hostsList (cardano-parts)
22:33:37 [aa9210a8] Repeated certs test (cardano-node)
22:38:04 [a4ecc45b] imp: switch mithril colmena cfg to node names (cardano-playground)
22:43:31 [f03682cc] feat: ledger support for Byron TX inputs/outputs (gouroboros)
22:46:57 [414cf084] try to fix (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:47:45 [ae473cff] Added cardano-ledger-babbage-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:45 [0b867d56] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:45 [472613c0] Added cardano-ledger-allegra- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:45 [f82da3b3] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:45 [bd95b349] Added cardano-ledger-babbage- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:46 [ace12983] Added cardano-ledger-conway- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:46 [e6eb15ed] Added cardano-ledger-conway-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:46 [06d2f1e8] Added cardano-ledger-mary- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:46 [45020322] Added cardano-ledger-shelley- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:46 [a92eed8f] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:47 [583e4094] Added cardano-protocol-tpraos- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:47 [7397693a] Added cardano-ledger-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:47 [19ceeca9] Added cardano-ledger-core- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:47 [5eb9cc42] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:47 [7111509e] Added cardano-ledger-binary- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:48 [34443e11] Added cardano-ledger-byron-test- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:48 [68549a5e] Added byron-spec-chain- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:48 [7b6917ae] Added small-steps- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:48 [00076d7d] Added cardano-data- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:48 [936a55ef] Added byron-spec-ledger- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:48 [4c928246] Added cardano-ledger-byron- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
22:47:50 [a8143b10] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
22:51:52 [e40d7c1b] Adding CBOY (cardano-token-registry)
22:52:09 [67225264] [EC Api] - Added: Weekly development report as of 2024-01-12 (essential-cardano-content)
22:59:21 [8c781879] Generalize and test also "no" and "abstain" votes (cardano-node)
23:01:55 [5f6106e5] 🟩 preprod.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preprod frontend) is up (200 in 377 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:55 [8afeb710] 🟩 beta.explorer.cardano.org (mainnet frontend) is up (200 in 592 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:56 [f8ca9fda] 🟩 preview.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preview frontend) is up (200 in 448 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:57 [97880444] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 339 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:58 [deae8a30] 🟩 mainnet - Auth API is up (401 in 566 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:58 [3511e5cd] 🟩 preprod - API is up (200 in 364 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:59 [1f3f5e45] 🟩 preprod - Auth API is up (401 in 540 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:00 [0321fb22] 🟩 preview - API is up (200 in 445 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:00 [a82aa87b] 🟩 preview - Auth API is up (401 in 536 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:04:39 [1c624778] test: blockfetch client tests (gouroboros)
23:06:04 [8b0e7145] 🟥 1694ballot.cardano.org is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:05 [1f668f84] 🟥 event-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:06 [25577f56] 🟥 blockchain-follower-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:07 [2778b844] 🟥 login-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:08 [69453b91] 🟥 get-votes-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:08 [a90967d7] 🟥 cast-vote-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:09 [7aad29e2] 🟥 get-vote-receipt-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:07:46 [fe9876c4] Get the benchmark comparison script to print out total times (#5860) (plutus)
23:09:50 [579394fe] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/plutus@fe9876c4b72f331c19997904f5d2b1eded4274f6 🚀 (plutus)
23:11:56 [275bfaa7] Add number of DReps as a parameter (cardano-node)
23:11:57 [74dfb818] Generalize and test also "no" and "abstain" votes (cardano-node)
23:15:28 [f99aa9d6] test: localtxmonitor client tests (gouroboros)
23:20:55 [2b9e574c] test: localtxmonitor client tests (go-ouroboros-network)
23:23:42 [83db1810] Access plutip cluster params from tests (cardano-browser-tx)
23:25:59 [a99c1fe4] Update version (haskell.nix)
23:27:08 [86683bf7] ifdLevel 0 (haskell.nix)
23:29:13 [bb89b2bc] test: localtxmonitor client tests (gouroboros)
23:36:55 [922dc7f9] Ignore any tx evaluation errors if tx marked invalid (cardano-browser-tx)
23:41:42 [81deaa78] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
23:43:49 [63485e32] Fix warnings and formatting (cardano-browser-tx)
23:48:30 [8ebc69f9] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)