Home / Reports / Jul 6, 2020

Monday, July 6, 2020

517 commits had been pushed across 42 repos by 67 authors. There were 78,237 additions and 35,452 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:25:18 [270bed73] Experiments with scoped args code (plutus)
00:34:51 [67a4a241] Better nix-shell (cardano-wallet)
00:34:52 [e492ca02] Fix HLint warning (cardano-wallet)
00:34:53 [fe2ec07b] Adrestia tool belt in nix-shell (cardano-wallet)
00:34:54 [3c3e184c] nix: Bundle tools in binary release tarballs (cardano-wallet)
00:34:55 [253e6fd7] nix: Improve hydra caching of eval deps (cardano-wallet)
00:34:56 [d9445b9e] nix: add option for building benchmarked libraries and exes (cardano-wallet)
00:34:57 [0cefe17e] nix: Add checks for release packages (cardano-wallet)
00:35:47 [74edb0e0] Only restart docker-compose hasura service on failure (cardano-graphql)
00:38:10 [d8af75bb] Lift and complete common scalars to util package, introduce DB class to handle internal queries and state caching, add additional meta (cardano-graphql)
00:44:25 [41ae3902] Update ff-peers.nix (cardano-ops)
01:01:29 [7a928167] set ssh config for rebuild (bitte-cli)
01:02:55 [2fc823c8] Automatic update for Mon Jul 6 01:02:55 UTC 2020 (stackage.nix)
01:15:12 [2845992e] Automatic update for Mon Jul 6 01:15:11 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:17:08 [2e7fd1f4] Remove Hash32HexString_comparison_exp in favour of text_comparison_exp (cardano-graphql)
01:17:09 [82ee8f17] Rename meta to specific API identifier (cardano-graphql)
01:17:09 [3fd25235] blockHeight to tip number (cardano-graphql)
01:17:25 [4dbc429b] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:24:22 [33b172ce] Replace missed refactor name (cardano-graphql)
01:37:09 [747bb502] temp for CI re-sync (cardano-graphql)
01:45:43 [14e27aa5] code review tweaks and other changes to bech32 work (cardano-node)
01:56:44 [0cb92eed] isFullySynced -> initialized, as fully-synced and 100% do not correlate (cardano-graphql)
01:58:03 [3bd31dd6] Update licensing information as per IOHK standard (cardano-db-sync)
02:04:42 [54e09793] wip (persistent)
02:07:26 [b802319a] Convert the address info command to the new API (cardano-node)
02:08:21 [ce2ef57c] CI re-sync (cardano-graphql)
02:31:52 [cb9957d4] cntools.sh: replace pool JSON hosting instructions, from stout to copying file, to avoid user errors (guild-operators)
02:41:24 [08943894] Reformat code to comply with coding standards. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:28 [aeefb8ec] Add `PoolRetirement` SQLite table. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:28 [0c0fae90] Simplify function `putPoolRegistration`. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:29 [30520f4d] Call `putPoolRetirement` on encountering a retirement certificate. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:29 [8e8dbbd4] Add {put,read}PoolRetirement DB operations. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:30 [80222628] Make `SlotInternalIndex` values persistable. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:30 [859f5294] Introduce type `SlotInternalIndex`. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:30 [3b36cbe9] Add `slot_internal_index` fields. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:31 [331c6bd7] Return the real retirement status in ApiStakePool. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:31 [bf862ac9] Introduce type `PoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:31 [3e8d498a] Record the order in which certificates appear. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:32 [97623908] Rename stake-pool-related record fields. (cardano-wallet)
02:41:32 [742c01d1] Rename stake-pool-related data types. (cardano-wallet)
02:44:25 [51fbc18e] Is this just a local problem? (cardano-shell)
03:17:47 [f6052173] Better warnings (haskell.nix)
03:18:02 [0b01e42b] Introduce `CertificatePublicationTime` type. (cardano-wallet)
03:18:02 [a75c879a] Use identifier names that are consistent with types. (cardano-wallet)
03:18:21 [46fd6283] Better warnings (haskell.nix)
03:23:36 [275e1626] Merge master into hkm/avoid-defaults (haskell.nix)
03:37:59 [54fa2bb2] Reformat code to comply with coding standards. (cardano-wallet)
03:37:59 [1064b229] Add `PoolRetirement` SQLite table. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:00 [31c391ef] Add {put,read}PoolRetirement DB operations. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:00 [21e5c0dd] Simplify function `putPoolRegistration`. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:01 [503cc7e8] Call `putPoolRetirement` on encountering a retirement certificate. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:01 [60a31274] Introduce type `SlotInternalIndex`. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:02 [e9160f0f] Add `slot_internal_index` fields. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:02 [7cb21ebd] Record the order in which certificates appear. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:02 [71c6a403] Make `SlotInternalIndex` values persistable. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:03 [28bc362f] Introduce type `PoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:04 [afdfdfd2] Rename stake-pool-related data types. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:04 [25dca377] Return the real retirement status in ApiStakePool. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:05 [dcd24945] Rename stake-pool-related record fields. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:06 [9180fd05] Introduce `CertificatePublicationTime` type. (cardano-wallet)
03:38:36 [cf738c5c] Use identifier names that are consistent with types. (cardano-wallet)
03:53:06 [6ffc1958] Lint issue (cardano-graphql)
04:08:16 [caa940fe] Better warnings (haskell.nix)
04:11:59 [38e396de] Add error checking to `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
04:13:11 [cb7e240d] Add `Arbitrary` instance for `PoolRetirementCertificate`. (cardano-wallet)
04:36:23 [0d528300] Use overloaded labels to avoid ambiguity. (cardano-wallet)
04:53:17 [b260ede6] Basic scaffolding in preparation for a binary (cardano-graphql)
04:55:17 [979af1d0] nix: Bundle tools in binary release tarballs (cardano-wallet)
04:55:18 [9a35a490] nix: Improve hydra caching of eval deps (cardano-wallet)
04:55:19 [7300932f] nix: add option for building benchmarked libraries and exes (cardano-wallet)
04:55:22 [e5ae399d] nix: Add checks for release packages (cardano-wallet)
05:02:56 [31195123] fixup poolregistrationstatus (cardano-wallet)
05:03:27 [1c186c0d] Generalize the type of time in `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:08:00 [68f061ac] Add property `prop_determinePoolRegistrationStatus_orderCorrect`. (cardano-wallet)
05:10:36 [ba4e38ef] Remove redundant tests (haskell.nix)
05:15:54 [eece2eec] Introduce type `PoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:54 [946d2764] Return the real retirement status in ApiStakePool. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:55 [61b23f0f] Introduce `CertificatePublicationTime` type. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:55 [88f14b0b] Rename stake-pool-related record fields. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:55 [99e7bada] Rename stake-pool-related data types. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:56 [9af7eac2] Use identifier names that are consistent with types. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:56 [b9bd1eb2] Add error checking to `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:57 [974dc8b4] Add `Arbitrary` instance for `PoolRetirementCertificate`. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:57 [06c50fc2] Use overloaded labels to avoid ambiguity. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:57 [b7c471ad] Generalize the type of time in `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:58 [15965727] Add property `prop_determinePoolRegistrationStatus_neverRegistered`. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:58 [2be88791] Add property `prop_determinePoolRegistrationStatus_orderCorrect`. (cardano-wallet)
05:20:26 [11c55e28] Noop (cardano-shell)
05:25:16 [f755bda4] Add property `prop_determinePoolRegistrationStatus_differentPools`. (cardano-wallet)
05:27:18 [dd861744] Basic scaffolding in preparation for a binary (cardano-graphql)
05:31:17 [8986d6f5] Fix tests (cardano-graphql)
05:33:27 [7c73e736] Restore CI cleanup (cardano-graphql)
05:36:39 [0d8b7171] Remove redundant `$` operators. (cardano-wallet)
05:37:17 [1f3f854c] move network discriminant conversion to Compatibility module (cardano-wallet)
05:38:26 [c7ec14d3] Merge #1854 (cardano-wallet)
05:40:30 [785258f3] added new project vit-servicing-station-tests (vit-servicing-station)
05:40:50 [08bb6865] added request file template (vit-servicing-station)
05:41:11 [c8a76f19] test api methods (vit-servicing-station)
05:41:30 [1d6ca9a3] added few sanity tests (vit-servicing-station)
05:42:27 [355030a0] CI re-sync (cardano-graphql)
05:44:32 [71fc9855] wip (persistent)
05:47:25 [d41b1c8d] Add default for ./test/test.sh on buildkite (haskell.nix)
05:50:17 [aa3fd655] made api token header public (vit-servicing-station)
05:51:02 [4ee1d40a] wip (persistent)
05:51:16 [926766a7] Add cabal-nix-name default for buildkite tests (haskell.nix)
06:13:52 [1fd44da2] Merge branch 'master' into feature/db-sync-progress-awareness (cardano-graphql)
06:17:24 [f9325117] Change TextView rendered format to JSON for the typed api (cardano-node)
06:19:28 [7e7921e8] db: Update uniqueness constraint for pool table (cardano-db-sync)
06:19:51 [c4b21afc] WIP: Add Bech32 serialisation support to the typed API (cardano-node)
06:19:52 [7ab8b41b] WIP: Fix CLI tests (cardano-node)
06:19:52 [b5a25640] WIP: Support Bech32 serialisation in CLI (cardano-node)
06:19:53 [77169c91] Convert the address info command to the new API (cardano-node)
06:19:53 [fc8bb71f] code review tweaks and other changes to bech32 work (cardano-node)
06:20:04 [ec6256ec] updating paths (vit-servicing-station)
06:21:06 [b6dd66e5] Add Bech32 serialisation support to the typed API & support Bech32 serialisation in CLI (cardano-node)
06:28:49 [53e39402] IsoDateTime always as string (cardano-graphql)
06:33:17 [d4736bcf] Merge #1854 (cardano-wallet)
06:33:58 [638cf489] Feature/db sync progress awareness (#210) (cardano-graphql)
06:38:26 [a2271c09] noop (cardano-shell)
06:39:12 [b448b078] install a query flag for driving withdrawals creation on Shelley transactions (cardano-wallet)
06:41:29 [96d6c944] Add Bech32 serialisation support to the typed API & support Bech32 serialisation in CLI (cardano-node)
06:41:34 [13e5e30e] alter github workflow. build before test (vit-servicing-station)
06:45:02 [6b23bb27] move configuration from integration-tests to utils (jormungandr)
06:46:24 [bbf9ebe6] Propagate typed api in cardano-node and add BlockIssuer to typed api (cardano-node)
06:50:30 [d921da3e] update imports (jormungandr)
06:54:03 [4f8e2139] ProtocolLimitFailure: extended context (ouroboros-network)
06:54:03 [0787dbe3] updated ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-network)
06:54:03 [5161d91b] DecoderFailure: extended context (ouroboros-network)
06:54:03 [ea84fb5a] ProtocolLimitFailure: updated components (ouroboros-network)
06:54:03 [642b21ee] DecoderFailure: updated componets (ouroboros-network)
07:00:47 [e7c033b3] Try #1859: (cardano-wallet)
07:07:20 [da181b4a] Add compiler-nix-name to script functions (haskell.nix)
07:09:21 [5c2a3436] Updated NodeToNode and NodeToClient 'networkErrorPolicy' (ouroboros-network)
07:09:46 [e5c1b20d] d4736bcf51c6a87a87cb04e7eb8013e6172e8083 (cardano-wallet)
07:09:46 [ae9ec376] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
07:10:01 [1217298c] Add Bech32 serialisation support to the typed API & support Bech32 serialisation in CLI (cardano-node)
07:19:26 [b30a9a10] Fix extra-hackage buildkite test (haskell.nix)
07:21:11 [9b9a3de9] fix graphql request template (vit-servicing-station)
07:21:17 [b6e93a72] Merge Test.Util.Roundtrip and Test.Util.Serialisation (ouroboros-network)
07:21:48 [97d93060] update cargo (jormungandr)
07:22:57 [6d4bfda6] Extend `prop_poolRegistration` to verify certificate publication times. (cardano-wallet)
07:24:51 [af3364d8] Add KysenPool to ff-peers.nix (cardano-ops)
07:27:40 [48c5eda3] Add property `prop_poolRetirement`. (cardano-wallet)
07:32:15 [57d2ee82] replace end line for linux (vit-servicing-station)
07:36:18 [c2a68b98] Bump rustls from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 (jormungandr)
07:36:38 [4a9260db] Bump sysinfo from 0.14.8 to 0.14.9 (jormungandr)
07:37:03 [9b136cd4] Bump chrono from 0.4.12 to 0.4.13 (jormungandr)
07:37:30 [f551867a] Revert/Add basic minimal support for payment addr (guild-operators)
07:44:29 [bcdf6a4b] install a query flag for driving withdrawals creation on Shelley transactions (cardano-wallet)
07:44:54 [deed01f1] Add `Arbitrary` instance for `PoolCertificate`. (cardano-wallet)
07:51:40 [2babbc4b] wip (persistent)
07:58:41 [17363160] Merge #1859 (cardano-wallet)
08:01:19 [b1595e08] Cleanup after CI run (cardano-graphql)
08:03:13 [cb9e6d8b] Correct text on how pledge is enforced. (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:06:07 [c24cb804] Implement `TestGen.update` [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
08:08:00 [644ccc60] Minimise arguments needed for forgeRegularBlock/EBB (ouroboros-network)
08:16:44 [de8cbb70] Check the materialization (haskell.nix)
08:19:02 [bd7057a2] Update CLI docker-compose (cardano-graphql)
08:19:42 [9666ef0f] Bump version, update changelog (cardano-graphql)
08:23:14 [b31900fa] Bump version, update changelog (cardano-graphql)
08:25:01 [b856b5f0] Merge branch 'master' into release/1.0.0-rc.13 (cardano-graphql)
08:27:24 [ca3ecc97] add default migration for 'desired_pool_number' in protocol params table (cardano-wallet)
08:30:07 [18cdade3] fix (plutus)
08:32:13 [0421b4dc] Release/1.0.0 rc.13 (#211) (cardano-graphql)
08:39:47 [f60e051a] decapsulate data interface (vit-servicing-station)
08:40:46 [7b8c5bd9] introduced DbInserter (vit-servicing-station)
08:41:14 [4fdf2e09] Snocket.toBearer: pass sduTimout (ouroboros-network)
08:41:38 [0f760783] rename rest and graphql methods and clean up tests (vit-servicing-station)
08:41:46 [0a8dfaa7] ShowProxy class (ouroboros-network)
08:41:46 [405d3712] DecoderFailure: updated componets (ouroboros-network)
08:41:46 [45c742a6] updated ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-network)
08:41:46 [e0bed4b9] DecoderFailure: extended context (ouroboros-network)
08:41:46 [d8b954b7] ProtocolLimitFailure: extended context (ouroboros-network)
08:42:59 [9280e6d3] 173631602fa7ecd337b94b161384689835b5ccda (cardano-wallet)
08:43:00 [4b845b4e] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
08:43:23 [6c997004] Merge pull request #2435 from input-output-hk/move_config_to_utils (jormungandr)
08:45:05 [b95fe2e3] Bump sysinfo from 0.14.8 to 0.14.9 (jormungandr)
08:45:33 [5fb89e8f] Merge pull request #172 from input-output-hk/erikd/notce (cardano-db-sync)
08:49:17 [90c63da1] rename rest and graphql methods and clean up tests (vit-servicing-station)
08:49:22 [b798abc1] add default migration for 'desired_pool_number' in protocol params table (cardano-wallet)
08:50:08 [64bf9c07] ProtocolLimitFailure: updated components (ouroboros-network)
08:50:09 [63825973] Updated NodeToNode and NodeToClient 'networkErrorPolicy' (ouroboros-network)
09:02:49 [21fdbcbe] Minor changes after audit. (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:05:49 [2ffd1fb2] fix (plutus)
09:05:59 [f1c24902] Bupm cardano-wallet to revision 17363160 (daedalus)
09:10:51 [a4410319] Explicitly state that all pool rewards are forfeited when pledge is not met. (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:11:18 [60d23026] wip (cardano-db-sync)
09:12:27 [ba72f718] Reverted previous scaffolding. (cardano-graphql)
09:12:46 [f4ba2799] wip (cardano-db-sync)
09:15:13 [e33c1404] Merge #1860 (cardano-wallet)
09:18:56 [31630026] Merge pull request #36 from danielSanchezQ/fix-#32-tls-field-required (vit-servicing-station)
09:19:14 [18de23af] Merge pull request #39 from danielSanchezQ/fix-#34-formatted-output-settings (vit-servicing-station)
09:21:00 [91372d59] Correct text on how pledge is enforced. (#1611) (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:22:41 [ccf6dc53] renamed Starter -> ServerBootstraper (vit-servicing-station)
09:23:14 [3ae44cb3] Minor changes after audit. (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:24:01 [84f17231] cntools: add live stake and delegators (guild-operators)
09:26:20 [e3e7fc21] Merge pull request #2130 from input-output-hk/imp/sphinx (plutus)
09:29:25 [1b8b721d] Merge #126 (cardano-benchmarking)
09:29:35 [20569a7e] wip (cardano-db-sync)
09:36:19 [b39a91ea] Added missing schema case when parsing cors origin (vit-servicing-station)
09:38:29 [42033f6b] Merge #1365 #1381 (cardano-node)
09:40:22 [5b1c654c] fixup (cardano-db-sync)
09:41:03 [9d452ad8] renamed Starter -> ServerBootstrapper (vit-servicing-station)
09:42:04 [432bf0d6] doc: fix query example (cardano-graphql)
09:43:37 [44f634ba] Merge pull request #2443 from input-output-hk/dependabot/cargo/chrono-0.4.13 (jormungandr)
09:43:56 [e21e84d1] Merge pull request #2442 from input-output-hk/dependabot/cargo/sysinfo-0.14.9 (jormungandr)
09:44:50 [50f0b0cf] wip (cardano-db-sync)
09:56:03 [38447b2f] Assertions in the STS rules. (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:56:18 [82b25dd0] Add Bech32 serialisation support to the API and CLI (cardano-node)
09:58:36 [5fc94bb3] Delete retirement certificates when cleaning the SQLite database. (cardano-wallet)
10:00:30 [411376f9] Add property `prop_readPoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
10:07:49 [c59e19c0] remove rewards from the available balance (cardano-wallet)
10:09:39 [478e7825] Merge pull request #40 from input-output-hk/testing (vit-servicing-station)
10:14:56 [d5919e47] Merge pull request #1860 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/desired-number-of-pools-migration (cardano-wallet)
10:15:37 [4471fa8c] d5919e47e3fa673927d9c005c315c8dced6c5e44 (cardano-wallet)
10:15:38 [6a474f72] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
10:22:15 [fe2f3ecd] Re-adding basic support for enterprise address (guild-operators)
10:29:05 [10055a13] Fix materialization (haskell.nix)
10:32:21 [681e791f] Merge pull request #212 from islishude/patch-1 (cardano-graphql)
10:32:28 [514d8971] Merge #127 (cardano-benchmarking)
10:37:37 [1f8933ab] Rename to PinnedSizedBytes (cardano-base)
10:43:26 [2e3e7b6d] Remove FiniteBytes (use PinnedSizedBytes) (cardano-base)
10:50:33 [29a6b600] Rename MLockedFinite to MLockedSized (cardano-base)
10:58:32 [4274bab7] More unsafePerformDupableIO (cardano-base)
10:59:11 [2e848218] WIP: SCB: Streaming websockets. (plutus)
10:59:31 [c27e1fb9] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
11:00:48 [2e75c2bd] Move small-steps-test to its own package. (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:00:57 [1f5030e3] Slightly more consistent naming (cardano-base)
11:02:48 [62665959] Merge #1862 (cardano-wallet)
11:08:41 [118fe0e0] Use the new typed api in more places in the cardano-node (cardano-node)
11:11:21 [9f5ae1ec] do some todos (cardano-base)
11:12:29 [d75db92d] Use string values for redirects (testnets-cardano-org)
11:12:33 [2afb9c31] Move small-steps-test to its own package. (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:15:25 [d7d5d875] Use correct type when setting up Netlify article redirects (testnets-cardano-org)
11:15:27 [8f79b868] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
11:21:35 [4527d56d] Sync cabal with stack and bump niv deps (smash)
11:22:11 [58675e30] Get rid of warnings (cardano-base)
11:22:55 [74935bcd] Fix eval time warnings (haskell.nix)
11:24:21 [21b82c72] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
11:26:13 [a7fba531] Add bors config. Cleanup buildkite config (smash)
11:27:06 [ee3a682e] Merge pull request #37 from danielSanchezQ/fix-#27-db-not-found-reporting (vit-servicing-station)
11:27:27 [e7d25fa4] Merge pull request #212 from cardano-foundation/fix-cms (testnets-cardano-org)
11:27:58 [fa2d38c6] Merge pull request #211 from cardano-foundation/staging (testnets-cardano-org)
11:31:41 [05462499] fix - bug/typo in package.json preventing app start. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
11:34:37 [710263c6] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
11:44:12 [5897b6df] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
11:44:18 [ab2c3116] [DDW-262] Tooltip promoting password managers (daedalus)
11:46:50 [7fedb2d8] fix (plutus)
11:53:29 [f6c3b432] Adjust the impl of initialFundsPseudoTxIn to be justifiable (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:00:53 [33391c75] Ormolise (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:04:32 [36c57d9f] introduce mkByronWitness (cardano-wallet)
12:04:32 [04fcb561] add tx witness tag (cardano-wallet)
12:04:32 [159f2850] mkWitness -> mkShelleyWitness (cardano-wallet)
12:04:33 [b5a3a3e6] specialize witness creation in mkTx depending on witness tag (cardano-wallet)
12:04:33 [eb18bf5b] add test in TransactionSpec for byron witness (cardano-wallet)
12:06:17 [0866d474] Put nvm use on its own line in README (yoroi-frontend)
12:07:00 [ceff70eb] Node protocols: ChainSync and LocalTxSubmission (plutus)
12:14:12 [62712632] WIP: SCB: Streaming websockets. (plutus)
12:16:05 [d594d7e9] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
12:19:45 [dfce7a12] Add libsodium fixes to cabal and nix config (smash)
12:21:07 [ee9ea40a] Merge pull request #1612 from input-output-hk/kantp/audit-changes (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:25:46 [6fca0c07] improve the common derive methods for the derivation path (chain-wallet-libs)
12:28:07 [79537ff5] Example precondition (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:28:14 [e266b502] Add note about experiments on CEK machines (plutus)
12:30:21 [967fa7b1] Fix links (plutus)
12:31:12 [2c2c2ac2] fixup! Move small-steps-test to its own package. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:31:55 [e12abbeb] type in the description of the previous hash (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:32:24 [256224bd] Get rid of warnings (cardano-base)
12:33:52 [0c90e8b2] Fix link to be absolute (testnets-cardano-org)
12:34:50 [5e3f7184] Merge pull request #213 from cardano-foundation/staging (testnets-cardano-org)
12:35:05 [b5a80d29] Change TextView rendered format to JSON for the typed api (cardano-node)
12:35:13 [8c0bf636] Update pngs (plutus)
12:35:31 [f390ee3e] fixup! Example precondition (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:37:18 [f7430de0] Update .md file (plutus)
12:39:02 [dfd32b37] Merge pull request #1862 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/available-balance-rework (cardano-wallet)
12:39:45 [c05af4cf] dfd32b37ef1f5157bfdb2d3b3fb467156ddaa5e2 (cardano-wallet)
12:39:46 [043cae1c] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
12:40:09 [0a1668b5] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-178-redeem-incentivized-testnet-rewards (daedalus)
12:42:16 [75f9cbfe] At check that rewards are not spent when query param withdrawRewards is not used in tx (cardano-wallet)
12:42:17 [4462bead] Update pngs (plutus)
12:46:30 [f0026655] Update .md file (plutus)
12:47:45 [28cdb882] Update .md file (plutus)
12:47:55 [e1adaff1] At check that rewards are not spent when query param withdrawRewards is not used in tx (cardano-wallet)
12:49:52 [bc2e42c0] Fix hydra eval (maybe) (haskell.nix)
12:51:10 [6e01e0f1] Specify files to include in server, util, and util-dev packages, and add prepack scripts (cardano-graphql)
12:51:59 [091de924] Use apollo-server error (cardano-graphql)
12:52:00 [f8900e12] Node protocols: Client and Server (plutus)
12:57:25 [8fb80fd7] WIP: Make Ticked a type family (ouroboros-network)
12:58:12 [de1d0a0d] Bump cardano-wallet revision and use available wallet balance as main wallet balance (daedalus)
12:59:02 [acae6764] Update ff-peers.nix (cardano-ops)
13:01:33 [1a03f476] Merge pull request #213 from input-output-hk/fix/packages-definitions (cardano-graphql)
13:03:03 [c2c93b78] Get rid of warnings (cardano-base)
13:04:26 [3d47176e] Merge pull request #2 from input-output-hk/shelley_testnet (proposal-ui)
13:06:53 [c9a511b2] Setup offline dependency cache, and use in CI (cardano-graphql)
13:08:48 [5b319fb2] Merge pull request #36 from input-output-hk/smash-repo-ci (ci-ops)
13:12:28 [fd3af217] [DDW-178] Japanese error screen translation (daedalus)
13:17:43 [2319f632] add single UTxO signature (chain-wallet-libs)
13:17:43 [bd6809ca] add UtxoStore for optimal wallet store (chain-wallet-libs)
13:19:49 [e251e9da] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] (cardano-node)
13:19:52 [19aca72f] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] -bors-staging-tmp-1382 (cardano-node)
13:19:56 [952964d9] Merge #1382 #1384 (cardano-node)
13:22:58 [417b5921] At check that rewards are not spent when query param withdrawRewards is not used in tx (cardano-wallet)
13:23:58 [5323c358] Merge pull request #1615 from input-output-hk/jc/prev-hash-description-type (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:24:07 [1903f334] Materialization fixes (haskell.nix)
13:25:00 [6a735e82] [PLC] [Builtin] [Evaluation] Made 'makeKnown' return a 'EvaluationResult' (plutus)
13:26:43 [412ddfea] Remove node_modules copy from Docklerfile, as dependencies are now in upper scope (cardano-graphql)
13:30:14 [0d0cbdc8] Merge branch 'effectfully/builtin/evaluation/generalize-builtin-application-machinery' of https://github.com/effectfully/plutus-prototype into effectfully/builtin/evaluation/generalize-builtin-application-machinery (plutus)
13:34:44 [d0710bfb] SCP-843 - Address reviews from ISOLA 2020 (marlowe)
13:44:46 [ddb3807f] inaugural commit (bitte)
13:47:53 [8cd7ae70] Update Dockerfile to use offline cache (cardano-graphql)
13:47:58 [0a1d08a7] Fix for Stake pool large pledge quantity and delegation wallet amount improvement (daedalus)
13:48:34 [19f2d031] small style fixes (plutus)
13:49:06 [a570a08a] fix (plutus)
13:50:20 [4141a64f] Improve accuracy of diagram (marlowe)
13:53:11 [1ef36f34] Another materialization fix (haskell.nix)
13:59:27 [1fc63d08] [DDW-254] Integrate latest cardano js and update address validation logic - fixes (daedalus)
14:00:47 [279aaf94] fixup! Example precondition (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:02:27 [125550ae] At check that rewards are not spent when query param withdrawRewards is not used in tx (cardano-wallet)
14:04:00 [12b28f75] take withdrawals into account, one level earlier, during the coin selection (cardano-wallet)
14:09:01 [be55c58c] Change TextView rendered format to JSON for the typed api (cardano-node)
14:09:01 [1cdc411d] Fix cli tests (cardano-node)
14:18:33 [71638fcf] Update Dockerfile to use offline cache (cardano-graphql)
14:25:22 [e19de978] add comment (chain-wallet-libs)
14:28:10 [88de3f56] Added a health endpoint (vit-servicing-station)
14:29:35 [d1477567] New Crowdin updates (#1564) (yoroi-frontend)
14:35:23 [ba9171a8] Remove duplicate Docker builds in CI (cardano-graphql)
14:36:08 [0fa73ed9] Remove UNDELEGATE feature and reverting back full wallet balance to all delegation actions (daedalus)
14:44:18 [547b1301] unit-test the newly introduced 'proportionallyTo' (cardano-wallet)
14:44:33 [2bdb9c0f] Allow NamedError to keep parent stack (adalite)
14:48:05 [6b121b79] Node protocols: Client and Server (plutus)
14:52:04 [a818cd9d] more css fixes (plutus)
14:54:27 [9a910f3a] Merge #1863 (cardano-wallet)
14:55:22 [bf4c3b34] Adjust the impl of initialFundsPseudoTxIn to be justifiable. All uses of Crypto.hash should be presumed guilty until proven innocent. This one was not innocent. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:59:38 [15096436] Lower MsgFetchedNodePoolLsqData to DEBUG (cardano-wallet)
15:00:23 [f14a64ab] Update 2020-05-04_08-00-00_modelling-financial-products-in-marlowe-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:01:21 [00e38362] Merge pull request #1613 from input-output-hk/dcoutts/initialFundsPseudoTxIn (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:05:16 [f1fd354c] Delete Exchanges > Get Started > Listing ada (technical-docs)
15:06:04 [1437f9d0] Update 2020-05-04_08-00-00_using-the-marlowe-playground-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:08:46 [2a3115d6] Add MsgFetchedNodePoolLsqDataSummary INFO trace (cardano-wallet)
15:09:06 [bf78f62d] Update Dockerfile to use offline cache (cardano-graphql)
15:09:45 [cd528efa] Merge pull request #215 from cardano-foundation/fsancheziohk-patch-4 (testnets-cardano-org)
15:10:00 [aedd9210] Merge pull request #214 from cardano-foundation/fsancheziohk-patch-3 (testnets-cardano-org)
15:13:11 [1891bbfe] Do not prefix hrefs on link which begin with a query or hash fragment (front-end-core-components)
15:15:03 [f5fa8d6f] Update genesis create command with typed api (cardano-node)
15:16:54 [b9059443] Fixed accordion relative links (gatsby-starter-iohk-docs)
15:19:26 [68b42bbc] Test modification (technical-docs)
15:20:22 [3a28d546] Update (technical-docs)
15:21:42 [fb0dbaeb] Snocket.toBearer: pass sduTimout (ouroboros-network)
15:21:42 [73c532b2] DecoderFailure: extended context (ouroboros-network)
15:21:42 [f84155eb] ShowProxy class (ouroboros-network)
15:21:43 [a9bda18a] DecoderFailure: updated componets (ouroboros-network)
15:21:43 [0585d465] updated ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-network)
15:21:43 [d65b30ef] ProtocolLimitFailure: extended context (ouroboros-network)
15:21:43 [e5ee93c8] ProtocolLimitFailure: updated components (ouroboros-network)
15:21:43 [e6c4e541] Updated NodeToNode and NodeToClient 'networkErrorPolicy' (ouroboros-network)
15:21:53 [34b49d0a] [DDW-178] Include validations and Learn More link (daedalus)
15:22:08 [b2dfa4df] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-178-redeem-incentivized-testnet-rewards' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-178-redeem-incentivized-testnet-rewards (daedalus)
15:28:36 [8a60e1ed] Update Dockerfile to use offline cache (cardano-graphql)
15:30:52 [157d3953] Update Dockerfile to use offline cache (cardano-graphql)
15:33:37 [44889919] fox (technical-docs)
15:34:29 [4340e9b1] Update (technical-docs)
15:37:17 [cbece1bf] 9a910f3af3b9a22286cd8e106ab1e62f67a36264 (cardano-wallet)
15:37:18 [849d0088] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
15:38:34 [74610412] Switch checkMaterialization off (tests passed) (haskell.nix)
15:39:13 [975f7264] add unit tests showing how withdrawal impacts the random coin selection (cardano-wallet)
15:39:17 [4a0fef85] Merge pull request #216 from cardano-foundation/staging (testnets-cardano-org)
15:39:45 [f6928960] more contract examples (plutus)
15:39:46 [c285ed18] fix (plutus)
15:39:46 [e9f1523e] fix (plutus)
15:39:46 [b1b5744a] fix (plutus)
15:39:46 [74274ead] fix (plutus)
15:41:47 [16e2bf08] Update Dockerfile to use offline cache (cardano-graphql)
15:43:10 [ee0008a6] Rewrite the golden tests (ouroboros-network)
15:45:08 [557a5fc8] Node protocols: Client and Server (plutus)
15:52:17 [04ab657f] Update Node Version (daedalus)
15:59:44 [996eb20e] Restructuring, docs (plutus)
16:01:15 [82d06052] more css (plutus)
16:03:33 [6eedc521] Merge #2360 (ouroboros-network)
16:05:37 [c5adb5bb] SCP-433 - Resize bottom panel of Marlowe Simulation and Haskell Editor (plutus)
16:06:27 [806dbf48] Update Dockerfile to use offline cache (cardano-graphql)
16:08:25 [99c00508] Merge #1864 (cardano-wallet)
16:09:30 [3cdb21fc] 9a910f3af3b9a22286cd8e106ab1e62f67a36264 (cardano-wallet)
16:09:31 [59ae5dfa] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
16:11:35 [1a1f753d] 9a910f3af3b9a22286cd8e106ab1e62f67a36264 (cardano-wallet)
16:11:35 [e6a55af5] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
16:13:02 [20bcc71a] fix (plutus)
16:15:45 [0661b4e4] Update getting-started (haskell.nix)
16:17:17 [616a1c50] SCP-433 - Resize bottom panel of Marlowe Simulation and Haskell Editor (plutus)
16:18:30 [c91970d7] Setup offline dependency cache, and use in CI (#214) (cardano-graphql)
16:20:30 [06a1fae5] also generate client certs (bitte-cli)
16:24:55 [48d2c9a2] serve client certs, nixfmt (bitte)
16:28:12 [1543eaf9] Bump to cardano-node 1.14.2 (cardano-graphql)
16:31:41 [789d5c9b] SCP-433 - Resize bottom panel of Marlowe Simulation and Haskell Editor (plutus)
16:33:19 [172b30e0] Node protocols: Client and Server (plutus)
16:33:54 [0e4fd76f] fix (plutus)
16:36:54 [e565b7d8] Merge pull request #215 from input-output-hk/chore/bump-cardano-node-1.14.2 (cardano-graphql)
16:40:26 [c5a4045c] Merge pull request #1 from Emurgo/feature/endpoints (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:40:40 [23c7b7c1] Add tutorial-style documentation to the plugin (tools)
16:55:58 [eba924ba] fix (plutus)
16:58:23 [00449717] Add MYTH relay (cardano-ops)
17:07:59 [1f1219c8] Port genesis cli command to new api and delete old code (cardano-node)
17:17:13 [3d3fc5ef] add - status endpoint and v2/ prefix. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
17:19:03 [5232a6f6] More contract examples (#2136) (plutus)
17:23:10 [04cd9fca] Migrate ITN stake key conversion commands to typed API (cardano-node)
17:23:10 [5cdd8fba] Patch transaction submission command (cardano-node)
17:28:44 [74974a29] quick documentation (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
17:32:49 [44e91709] Merge pull request #2 from Emurgo/quick-documentation (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
17:35:21 [3d936fb6] fix some URLs in the documentation (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
17:39:38 [f2c9a8a7] add - status endpoint and v2/ prefix. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
17:44:55 [a20be1a1] Restructuring, docs (plutus)
17:48:33 [3275add0] remaining work (react-native-haskell-shelley)
17:50:23 [68307c75] Use useAsCStringLen (cardano-base)
17:50:33 [4c3bf98d] Fix Cardano.CLI.Shelley.Parsers.renderTxIn (cardano-node)
17:52:01 [1b3c552c] Remove local.commonGivesVim option from common.nix (DO NOT MERGE) (ops-lib)
17:56:23 [3559d52b] Migrate all mainnet core nodes to new code base (cardano-ops)
17:56:40 [d2919c62] Various fixes (guild-operators)
17:56:57 [7d1cbf98] Move to new rust api (#2) (react-native-haskell-shelley)
18:05:07 [62272f55] Fix cli tests (cardano-node)
18:05:07 [48d57462] Change TextView rendered format to JSON for the typed api (cardano-node)
18:05:08 [98bc5af9] Update genesis create command with typed api (cardano-node)
18:19:07 [40c80799] Add query param to create shelley transaction (cardano-wallet-rb)
18:19:32 [0dc2e93c] Bump version to 0.1.5 (cardano-wallet-rb)
18:22:10 [aa5d772d] Remove extraSystemBuilderCmds symbolic link creation (ops-lib)
18:28:42 [07f93179] Remove wait_for_shelley_wallet_to_sync id (cardano-wallet-rb)
18:31:40 [66f5ee44] Update 080_register_stakepool.md (cardano-tutorials)
18:34:06 [b1f30498] Update 080_register_stakepool.md (cardano-tutorials)
18:40:26 [1671c9e1] Merge #1396 (cardano-node)
18:49:43 [8223a63d] Tests for withdrawRewards param (cardano-wallet-rb)
18:59:00 [3451b4ab] remove Integral and Real instance for Coin (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:59:00 [66180983] bound coin by maxBound :: Word64 (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:01:08 [e917ea08] introduce mkByronWitness (cardano-wallet)
19:01:08 [ddd93c61] add tx witness tag (cardano-wallet)
19:01:08 [32f54cbe] mkWitness -> mkShelleyWitness (cardano-wallet)
19:01:09 [45b5d32d] specialize witness creation in mkTx depending on witness tag (cardano-wallet)
19:01:09 [2f2d00ec] add test in TransactionSpec for byron witness (cardano-wallet)
19:01:09 [80baa056] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
19:01:10 [cdba7110] sneaking witness tag into _minimumFee and _estimateMaximumNumberOfInputs (cardano-wallet)
19:24:51 [772b8adc] Fix cli tests (cardano-node)
19:24:51 [f90ef58f] Change TextView rendered format to JSON for the typed api (cardano-node)
19:27:39 [bf4528e5] Patch transaction submission command (cardano-node)
19:27:40 [f188d93f] Consolidate ShelleyGenesisCmdError constructors (cardano-node)
19:27:40 [ac511ed5] Migrate ITN stake key conversion commands to typed API (cardano-node)
19:27:40 [9d6892b6] Remove redundant ShelleyGenesisCmdError constructors (cardano-node)
19:27:41 [f1702f27] Delete Cardano.CLI.Shelley.KeyGen module (cardano-node)
19:32:09 [3a24d2af] Bump to cardano_wallet 0.1.5 (ikar)
19:32:31 [36df86c2] Merge #1397 (cardano-node)
19:35:15 [e45031e0] Merge pull request #3 from Emurgo/feature/endpoints (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:35:37 [c42a0b9e] Add API pagination information (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:36:29 [25d6edde] fix errors on OCERT prose in formal spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:36:40 [6c90fcab] dependant computeTxSize on witness size (cardano-wallet)
19:37:52 [33707d42] Various changes and additions requested by Polina (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:55:40 [e45245d7] fix (docs-cardano-org)
19:56:07 [104bf5a0] fix (docs-cardano-org)
19:57:49 [7fb30ffa] fix (docs-cardano-org)
20:01:54 [2abbf9f3] fix (docs-cardano-org)
20:06:08 [d7b370b4] Use rewards in transaction (ikar)
20:10:43 [219db4e7] Merge pull request #20 from piotr-iohk/withdrawRewards (ikar)
20:11:32 [dc821faa] [DDW-269] init (daedalus)
20:15:15 [6d1906eb] [DDW-269] CHANGELOG (daedalus)
20:30:43 [d985fdd7] WIP: CLI command to convert signing keys from Byron era. (cardano-node)
20:37:07 [83211391] Add MsgFetchedNodePoolLsqDataSummary INFO trace (cardano-wallet)
20:37:48 [5a589e20] Merge #1864 (cardano-wallet)
20:49:19 [f69bed4e] [DDW-178] Autocomplete error adjustment (daedalus)
20:55:41 [e44b864d] add info command to list ASGs (bitte-cli)
20:59:43 [04944d47] Change TextView rendered format to JSON for the typed api (cardano-node)
20:59:44 [312ab6b9] Fix cli tests (cardano-node)
21:03:41 [c1d3fb14] fix (cardano-node)
21:03:56 [aa028d47] Merge branch 'robcohen/docs' of github.com:input-output-hk/cardano-node into robcohen/docs (cardano-node)
21:08:56 [fc020376] fix (cardano-node)
21:14:27 [1fbeb764] Change TextView rendered format to JSON for the typed api (cardano-node)
21:14:31 [4f4e5ba6] Fix cli tests (cardano-node)
21:15:48 [e6204aa8] fix (cardano-node)
21:19:29 [ad692f3f] add - sending 500 errors when we have an error. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:20:35 [2e65ab33] Update ff-peers.nix (cardano-ops)
21:21:41 [fb6343b6] fix (cardano-node)
21:22:39 [5cdf8b6b] Migrate all testnet core nodes to cardano-node (cardano-ops)
21:23:09 [e9bb80d4] fix - endpoint address for tests. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:23:44 [77c69b49] Shelley: Split the pool tabled into pool_hash and pool_update tables (cardano-db-sync)
21:29:00 [dfa599bc] prepare client secrets (bitte)
21:45:10 [6a28773c] wip (cardano-db-sync)
21:48:29 [38430f90] Stop importing the new api qualified "as Typed" (cardano-node)
21:48:29 [f1471325] Remove unused bits of Cardano.Api.Shelley.Genesis (cardano-node)
21:48:29 [837cbb4f] Remove Cardano.Api.Shelley.Address (cardano-node)
21:48:29 [1e636bef] Use qualified imports for more uses of the old api (cardano-node)
21:48:29 [02f638d1] Remove serialisation part of the old api (cardano-node)
21:48:29 [22cd3af2] Remove final imports of old API in several CLI modules (cardano-node)
21:48:29 [55700ca5] Remove Cardano.Api.Shelley.ColdKeys (cardano-node)
21:48:29 [8f90f08b] Remove Cardano.Api.MetaData and last uses of it (cardano-node)
21:48:29 [161d5d22] Remove unused TextView utils (cardano-node)
21:51:33 [5e344a7a] Add instructions on how to handle pagination (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:53:41 [badeff41] upgrade react-native to 0.60 (yoroi-mobile)
21:56:17 [0f219cc5] Migrate all testnet core nodes to cardano-node (cardano-ops)
21:59:55 [952111ae] Typo (plutus)
22:01:09 [c3ba28cd] Typo (plutus)
22:06:40 [5e81acac] Shelley: Split the pool tabled into pool_hash and pool_update tables (cardano-db-sync)
22:07:38 [ced3026c] Merge #1398 (cardano-node)
22:07:49 [a26cc7a6] add - middleware to log and handle errors. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
22:09:40 [79fcc0bb] mod - throwing errors instead of trying to log and handle them. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
22:12:02 [f950c2f0] Merge pull request #173 from input-output-hk/erikd/pool-fix (cardano-db-sync)
22:12:23 [070a4c84] wip (cardano-db-sync)
22:29:14 [d22563da] Remove isJormungandr environment variable (yoroi-frontend)
22:42:24 [62e814b4] Update message on startup (guild-operators)
22:51:37 [b7e5dda6] CNTools wallet redesign [breaking change] (#286) (guild-operators)
22:51:55 [c0a4e2fa] deploy: b7e5dda697785943177adbb48f3096840937d09e (guild-operators)
23:02:59 [ad59f9ee] cntools: add live stake and delegators (guild-operators)
23:13:55 [90e45581] Set script locale to fix format issue (guild-operators)
23:15:11 [f97d41b0] Merge pull request #294 from cardano-community/cntools-locale (guild-operators)
23:17:32 [2fd1849d] Merge branch 'master' into live-stake (guild-operators)
23:24:23 [b0657fdf] Fix nixos service to work without cardano-db-sync service (smash)
23:27:51 [7c6731fb] Update versions to 1.14.2 and update changelogs (cardano-node)
23:29:32 [02c86aad] Bump version to 1.15.0 and update changelogs (cardano-node)
23:32:06 [9cde4062] Shell Check fixes (guild-operators)
23:33:58 [550ade9f] Update Minor version for cntools (guild-operators)
23:37:18 [d235845b] Update CLI package name in README (cardano-graphql)
23:50:37 [6383d824] Correct nwmagic - was hardcoded to 42 (guild-operators)
23:52:58 [5ffbe325] Merge pull request #293 from SmaugPool/live-stake (guild-operators)
23:58:15 [34a3291a] wip (cardano-db-sync)