Home / Reports / Jul 8, 2020

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

521 commits had been pushed across 40 repos by 75 authors. There were 100,047 additions and 62,031 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:19:54 [79f67fcb] Fix Cardano CLI tests on MacOS: (cardano-node)
00:26:51 [2ec47780] Merge #1409 (cardano-node)
00:49:54 [631e191d] Add latency benchmark for shelley (cardano-wallet)
00:49:55 [d9812038] Include shelley latency benchmark in nightly run (cardano-wallet)
00:49:56 [bce6024b] Fix weeder (cardano-wallet)
00:49:57 [7c7899ba] Fix .buildkite/bench-latency.sh script (cardano-wallet)
00:49:58 [87fa6b33] Add listStakePools to latency benchmark for shelley (cardano-wallet)
01:02:21 [b5287c1b] Fix new warnings in HLint v3.1.6 (cardano-wallet)
01:02:48 [8a8e6d98] Automatic update for Wed Jul 8 01:02:48 UTC 2020 (stackage.nix)
01:03:45 [81617cb9] Better nix-shell (cardano-wallet)
01:03:46 [65c554ab] Adrestia tool belt in nix-shell (cardano-wallet)
01:03:47 [5ad071a7] nix: Bundle tools in binary release tarballs (cardano-wallet)
01:03:48 [9df6b566] nix: Improve hydra caching of eval deps (cardano-wallet)
01:03:48 [1e38ba7a] nix: add option for building benchmarked libraries and exes (cardano-wallet)
01:03:49 [3acf8fdd] nix: Add checks for release packages (cardano-wallet)
01:04:15 [fc690bef] Fix new warnings in HLint v3.1.6 (cardano-wallet)
01:09:48 [6641a598] fix (adrestia)
01:11:42 [803e0ab1] Automatic update for Wed Jul 8 01:11:41 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:13:45 [4be762df] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:36:40 [4df7dc62] Merge #1410 (cardano-node)
01:49:41 [c8ba9077] Add shx as local devDependency to each package, making it locally available to the npm script (cardano-graphql)
01:53:22 [1c2e6f14] Output verbosity, fixes and cleanup (guild-operators)
01:53:23 [24d57f31] Extend cli address commands to handle multiple key types (cardano-node)
01:53:23 [9acba4a1] Add API support for Shelley era extended ed25519 keys (cardano-node)
01:53:23 [47d1037c] Allow converting from Byron vkey to Shelley vkey (cardano-node)
01:53:23 [94bda4d9] Make the makeByronAddress arg order consistent with the Shelley one (cardano-node)
02:13:21 [63812f7c] Fix new warnings in HLint v3.1.6 (cardano-wallet)
02:13:43 [6867e292] Add completions to nix-shell (cardano-wallet)
02:14:31 [37fe6e14] CLI command to convert signing keys from Byron era. (cardano-node)
02:23:51 [29b76aaf] Make the makeByronAddress arg order consistent with the Shelley one (cardano-node)
02:23:51 [59caced3] Allow converting from Byron vkey to Shelley vkey (cardano-node)
02:23:51 [bd80020f] Extend cli address commands to handle multiple key types (cardano-node)
02:23:51 [9b6cd888] Add API support for Shelley era extended ed25519 keys (cardano-node)
02:23:51 [a4a61caa] CLI command to convert signing keys from Byron era. (cardano-node)
02:35:28 [134ea472] update benchmark (chain-libs)
02:39:02 [36239c7b] Merge pull request #220 from input-output-hk/fix/local-dev-deps-for-npm-script (cardano-graphql)
03:01:23 [ede6f92e] new environment: mainnet_candidate (iohk-nix)
03:03:44 [188f2094] new environment: mainnet_candidate (iohk-nix)
03:08:51 [c3fee690] Merge #1877 (cardano-wallet)
03:14:43 [042ef898] Reformat code to comply with coding standards. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:47 [74ec123a] Simplify function `putPoolRegistration`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:47 [24288dbb] Add `PoolRetirement` SQLite table. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:47 [2dadb963] Add {put,read}PoolRetirement DB operations. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:48 [21b573a5] Call `putPoolRetirement` on encountering a retirement certificate. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:48 [63c21c5e] Introduce type `SlotInternalIndex`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:49 [8c1ae915] Make `SlotInternalIndex` values persistable. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:49 [496358f4] Record the order in which certificates appear. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:49 [749aaff5] Add `slot_internal_index` fields. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:50 [8f56b5fc] Rename stake-pool-related data types. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:50 [b56d1bd4] Return the real retirement status in ApiStakePool. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:50 [4ec95c46] Introduce type `PoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:51 [7de4e2f5] Rename stake-pool-related record fields. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:51 [cdbfaf12] Introduce `CertificatePublicationTime` type. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:52 [9956ec56] Add `slot_internal_index` field to `PoolOwner` table. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:52 [2f23f69b] Use identifier names that are consistent with types. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:52 [040ebb7f] Add error checking to `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:53 [827372fe] Delete retirement certificates when cleaning the SQLite database. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:53 [62648f9c] Reinstate foreign key constraint for `PoolOwner` table. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:53 [8b561cf5] Remove retirement certificates during database rollback. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:54 [112a4b6e] Generalize the type of time in `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:54 [ab2a6f10] Add `Arbitrary` instance for `PoolRetirementCertificate`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:55 [599528e8] Extend `prop_poolRegistration` to verify certificate publication times. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:55 [7b7769b9] Use overloaded labels to avoid ambiguity. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:55 [299d57e2] Add `Arbitrary` instance for `PoolCertificate`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:56 [196b864d] Add property `prop_determinePoolRegistrationStatus_neverRegistered`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:56 [ca07bc32] Add property `prop_determinePoolRegistrationStatus_orderCorrect`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:56 [29abccdc] Add property `prop_determinePoolRegistrationStatus_differentPools`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:57 [3c03a6dd] Add property `prop_readPoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:57 [03e77d5c] Add property `prop_poolRetirement`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:58 [b0a1ec53] Add property `prop_rollbackRetirement`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:58 [e27d941e] Add property `prop_multiple_putPoolRetirement_single_readPoolRetirement`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:58 [a2172fa6] Add property `prop_multiple_putPoolRegistration_single_readPoolRegistration`. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:59 [e21cb194] Verify persistence of `SlotInternalIndex` values. (cardano-wallet)
03:14:59 [c2f5531f] Add further explanatory comments to properties. (cardano-wallet)
03:25:03 [1ab38cd9] Remove redundant comment. (cardano-wallet)
03:31:12 [c11624eb] Simplify `determinePoolRegistrationStatus` pattern matching. (cardano-wallet)
03:41:13 [52fb2c0b] Add bech32 to build-tools in the cabal file. If I run 'cabal test all' for the first time, the test fails because the bech32 executable is missing. Adding bech32 to build-tools will ensure it is built first and be in the PATH when the test runs (bech32)
03:42:26 [bb3d2cdb] Merge #128 (cardano-benchmarking)
03:47:12 [60c69736] Merge #1845 (cardano-wallet)
03:52:14 [3317beb1] nixos service: remove deprecated params (cardano-node)
03:53:33 [9efad1d7] Revise comment within `monitorStakePools`. (cardano-wallet)
03:53:50 [d70a3e6b] new environment: mainnet_candidate (iohk-nix)
03:56:33 [0af5b36c] nixos service: update for Cardano era (cardano-node)
04:11:41 [7b262c6e] Merge pull request #22 from input-output-hk/add-bech32-to-build-tools (bech32)
04:12:01 [c6d68c60] Document different cases in `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
04:15:24 [ec942e2f] deploy: 7b262c6e551af0f0f02e192b69d9ac5d1e3b5f88 (bech32)
04:19:40 [ed8d4e7f] Update bech32 dependency to a version where tests succeed without needing bech32 to already be installed (cardano-node)
04:25:10 [fcdfde6c] Document different cases in `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
04:28:16 [9b52883f] Bump version and `cardano-graphql` dep to `1.0.0`, specify production release in changelog, improve README and deploy utility (cardano-explorer-app)
04:30:14 [dfbe6a38] Update bech32 dependency to a version where tests succeed without needing bech32 to already be installed (cardano-node)
04:38:52 [a6bb8ea6] new environment: mainnet_candidate (iohk-nix)
04:50:04 [3c520911] Bump `cardano-graphql` dep to `1.0.0`, specify production release in changelog, improve README and deploy utility (cardano-explorer-app)
04:50:23 [f5e0e374] supervisord cluster (cardano-graphql)
05:15:03 [70027f1e] Merge pull request #320 from input-output-hk/docs-update (cardano-explorer-app)
05:15:06 [b04db26d] Add packages required to build with cabal (cardano-shell)
05:15:22 [b2e7c9f6] Add necessary coverage declarations to cabal project (cardano-shell)
05:17:56 [3e6ae291] Also update niv source for cardano-node (cardano-wallet)
05:18:01 [568aa9e1] Use from_bytes() instead of from_bytes_impl() in tests (cardano-serialization-lib)
05:19:56 [135533cd] Bump version (cardano-explorer-app)
05:23:45 [4738de27] Give MoveInstantaneousReward proper names (cardano-serialization-lib)
05:31:45 [abf84380] new environment: mainnet_candidate (iohk-nix)
05:38:15 [d8fac45b] HLint (cardano-wallet)
05:39:44 [b71e5701] Weeder (cardano-wallet)
05:42:31 [ce70cb9f] new environment: mainnet_candidate (iohk-nix)
05:57:50 [7e6adb14] Try #1873: (cardano-wallet)
05:59:53 [eff54ffd] Make Coin its own class (cardano-serialization-lib)
06:02:09 [672e0b76] update TransactionSpec shelley to new Cardano.Api changes (cardano-wallet)
06:02:10 [d8cc6535] adjust compatibility and network of byron of new developmnets (cardano-wallet)
06:02:11 [5e5b57be] change encoding when interacting with cardano-cli (cardano-wallet)
06:02:12 [4b801a2e] Also update niv source for cardano-node (cardano-wallet)
06:02:13 [27d42d92] HLint (cardano-wallet)
06:02:15 [3ed01310] Weeder (cardano-wallet)
06:02:26 [3aa600e4] mainnet-candidate -> 1.0.0 (iohk-nix)
06:29:08 [81899fbb] remove magic numbers from Address::from_bytes_impl() (cardano-serialization-lib)
06:29:20 [bac2a87d] Change all keyhashes to 28 bytes following shelley.cddl change (cardano-serialization-lib)
06:35:49 [d2789525] Disable tests in bech32 package to avoid unnecessary tests and also avoid invoking tests which in an earlier version of bech32 invokes the bech32 executable that may not exist (cardano-node)
06:48:33 [a45c9705] made proposals model cloneable (vit-servicing-station)
06:48:57 [6fe89096] added insert funds method (vit-servicing-station)
06:49:06 [0cd091ae] wip Add transaction expiry slot for pending transactions (cardano-wallet)
06:49:18 [20869e2b] implement bootstrap with initial funds (vit-servicing-station)
06:49:51 [4eee1650] introduced rest path builder (vit-servicing-station)
06:50:10 [31d946cc] used path builder in rest and graphql clients (vit-servicing-station)
06:50:31 [f7d46e91] new rest tests for all endpoints (vit-servicing-station)
07:03:04 [aa4ec387] Merge #1875 (cardano-wallet)
07:07:04 [f8a94cb1] New translations en-US.md (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
07:13:26 [73728e4f] cabal.project: Remove cruft (cardano-db-sync)
07:15:43 [7ebaf753] Update docs/reference/library.md (haskell.nix)
07:16:23 [c0623513] New translations en-US.md (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
07:18:04 [c46fb4fe] Bump libc from 0.2.71 to 0.2.72 (jormungandr)
07:21:05 [03873f2e] Merge #1412 (cardano-node)
07:22:22 [0f609d8d] Merge Test.Util.Roundtrip and Test.Util.Serialisation (ouroboros-network)
07:22:22 [4e551ddc] Rewrite the golden tests (ouroboros-network)
07:22:22 [4ac397d5] Minimise arguments needed for forgeRegularBlock/EBB (ouroboros-network)
07:22:22 [57c9c259] Golden test results (ouroboros-network)
07:23:16 [90638814] Merge #2362 (ouroboros-network)
07:31:11 [f9e282e2] Split LocalStateQuery module in cardano-api (cardano-node)
07:32:49 [0206076d] added new WalletListItem component (yoroi-mobile)
07:34:35 [98103759] Split LocalStateQuery module in cardano-api (cardano-node)
07:38:21 [f3b7b9eb] SCP-854: Add more severity levels (plutus)
07:38:21 [2ad3f6c5] SCP-854: WIP event types (plutus)
07:38:21 [4593fb46] SCP-854: Add iohk-monitoring dependencies (plutus)
07:41:33 [298e1c69] added VerifiyRestoredWallet empty component (yoroi-mobile)
07:44:48 [8d300ee2] Merge pull request #2447 from input-output-hk/dependabot/cargo/libc-0.2.72 (jormungandr)
07:51:40 [df07b5fa] Update slotsPerKESPeriod, tweak rho and nOpt (guild-operators)
08:09:35 [3dff2466] Change hash sizes (#15) (cardano-serialization-lib)
08:11:05 [f92f97c3] Replace errorStack string by causedBy error type (adalite)
08:11:53 [7692576f] made proposal model cloneable (vit-servicing-station)
08:12:30 [a650c557] added funds into db (vit-servicing-station)
08:12:36 [320191cc] Add Coin wrapper + Refactor MoveInstantaneousRewards (#14) (cardano-serialization-lib)
08:12:37 [6abcb63a] Merge #1407 (cardano-node)
08:12:52 [24e0ca75] introduced path builder to rest (vit-servicing-station)
08:13:01 [7ffc2d50] new rest tests (vit-servicing-station)
08:19:35 [acf5a552] Nothing in _static yet (plutus)
08:23:04 [083048ae] Specify block hash in documentation (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
08:24:49 [da2372ba] Assertions should now always be evaluated! (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:25:25 [0ac6f7f1] Wrong folder for genesis.json (guild-operators)
08:25:59 [6aea9442] Generators should respect assertions (and check them\!) (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:30:49 [555f2387] Tests should check assertions. (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:36:36 [4f6bd3ba] add Smaug's PHTN relay to topology (guild-operators)
08:37:37 [650e09d1] [DDW-283]: Initiate stake pools ranking based on slider value when loading screen (daedalus)
08:40:49 [bbda0cbb] release 0.1.1 (cardano-serialization-lib)
08:41:05 [e4de090e] add Smaug's PHTN relay to topology (#305) (guild-operators)
08:44:11 [eede3bad] Merge branch 'master' into genesis (guild-operators)
08:50:41 [4ec19daf] Documentation and explicit test compiler-nix-names (haskell.nix)
08:55:59 [c0b401b7] Add missing \ (haskell.nix)
08:57:18 [6b653633] Merge #1413 (cardano-node)
08:58:37 [405d2fa3] Bump haskell.nix (plutus)
08:58:38 [0598da70] Build sphinx site with Haddock intersphinx catalog (plutus)
08:59:39 [58a6c022] Mode LocalStateQuery module to cardano-cli (cardano-node)
09:01:26 [7c1453c4] Add compiler-nix-name for maintainer scripts test (haskell.nix)
09:02:03 [9933f995] Missed verbosity setting (guild-operators)
09:04:15 [5ce52c71] Output verbosity modification (guild-operators)
09:05:39 [cb3d1c09] Move compiler-nix-name to the right command (haskell.nix)
09:18:35 [8c26630f] Minor import pedantry (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:21:38 [362db3c3] Merge #1877 (cardano-wallet)
09:23:58 [d0062e8a] Shelley testnet topology: add new region + 1 new relay in each region (cardano-ops)
09:25:13 [01fc73d8] Promote `CertificatePublicationTime` into a concrete data type. (cardano-wallet)
09:25:24 [33445e4f] Add project, cabalProject, stackProject references (#753) (haskell.nix)
09:25:45 [e4d4a3fc] Update gh-pages for 33445e4 (haskell.nix)
09:26:16 [f2f256c5] Update cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Shelley/Parsers.hs (cardano-node)
09:26:27 [1be5755e] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/avoid-defaults (haskell.nix)
09:26:28 [df568fcb] Update cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Shelley/Parsers.hs (cardano-node)
09:26:34 [a38e6715] Update cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Shelley/Parsers.hs (cardano-node)
09:27:31 [8fc65115] Update cardano-api/src/Cardano/Api/Typed.hs (cardano-node)
09:27:59 [57614142] Update cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Shelley/Run/Address.hs (cardano-node)
09:28:36 [9b2ce5a5] remove now obsolete integration tests (cardano-wallet)
09:32:41 [ff6aec8b] Allow converting from Byron vkey to Shelley vkey (cardano-node)
09:32:41 [54f9fedb] Add API support for Shelley era extended ed25519 keys (cardano-node)
09:32:41 [e1556361] CLI command to convert signing keys from Byron era. (cardano-node)
09:32:41 [221ea48e] Make the makeByronAddress arg order consistent with the Shelley one (cardano-node)
09:32:41 [862d5d27] Extend cli address commands to handle multiple key types (cardano-node)
09:38:23 [6066c9e8] added VerifyRestoredWallet component (yoroi-mobile)
09:39:53 [4b111545] bump bech32 version to 1.1.0 (bech32)
09:40:20 [1d860bf1] add some documentation about the bech32 command-line to README (bech32)
09:44:46 [1f52c3a7] deploy: 1d860bf18faa24bd903717b436003507e9a85071 (bech32)
09:45:59 [f67e7906] Merge pull request #1621 from input-output-hk/nc/upd-base (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:50:21 [d169d112] bump bech32 version to 1.1.0 (bech32)
09:50:21 [7ee81787] add some documentation about the bech32 command-line to README (bech32)
09:50:21 [e8d546c1] adjust github workflow for multi-package repository (bech32)
09:55:00 [a8d30214] deploy: e8d546c154b5b0502f80b76a02bc023b09778918 (bech32)
09:56:05 [4f8e91f4] more cleanup, envoy package (bitte)
09:56:35 [b9345d27] Fix test (haskell.nix)
09:56:51 [4cebce4e] Expand comment (haskell.nix)
09:57:04 [647f85a8] [DDW-283]: Block input while ranking stake pools (daedalus)
09:58:26 [b1e7a8fd] Merge #1865 (cardano-wallet)
10:00:10 [b9f6ea42] deploy: e8d546c154b5b0502f80b76a02bc023b09778918 (bech32)
10:01:44 [7352a9a2] added FlatList in VerifyRestoredWallet component (yoroi-mobile)
10:02:42 [22b34cf1] Bump version (cardano-explorer-app)
10:05:33 [dc11bb4d] Bump haskell.nix (plutus)
10:06:00 [e7622f22] Build sphinx site with Haddock intersphinx catalog (plutus)
10:06:15 [21fb5173] Fix docs for callCabalProjectToNix (haskell.nix)
10:15:40 [a9b87d9e] Move pool op-cert creation and remove enterprise wallet upgrade (guild-operators)
10:24:32 [eba7f1ed] Set date (haskell.nix)
10:35:15 [60848cb1] Update plutus-tx.rst (plutus)
10:37:06 [2b010d0e] added content from intl (yoroi-mobile)
10:49:02 [cf856dee] added onPress functionality (yoroi-mobile)
10:49:04 [0e8d3854] Update plutus-tx.rst (plutus)
10:50:53 [6f0f7fb5] Update plutus-tx.rst (plutus)
10:51:48 [b84b7442] Merge pull request #2144 from input-output-hk/imp/sphinx-haddock (plutus)
10:54:01 [4cac8bd0] Remove internal deps on default ghc and stackage (#738) (haskell.nix)
10:54:28 [0da70cc7] Update gh-pages for 4cac8bd (haskell.nix)
11:04:09 [65e57d97] Merge pull request #1623 from input-output-hk/jc/check-benchmark-bulid-in-ci (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:09:27 [5c660940] Fix dates in change log (haskell.nix)
11:10:06 [aef341f2] Fix dates in change log (#754) (haskell.nix)
11:10:54 [21e3cf5d] Update gh-pages for aef341f (haskell.nix)
11:11:06 [f9e19fa4] Assertions (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:16:39 [22510adb] Update information regarding testing deployments (cardano-explorer-app)
11:21:44 [579aa749] added Routes for VerifyRestoredWallet component (yoroi-mobile)
11:39:57 [1d1a937b] Add 'reapplyBlockTransition'. (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:47:43 [4cdec400] finally put the right R's in one place (plutus)
11:54:27 [c2376666] Update glossary.rst (technical-docs)
11:54:30 [758aaa43] Bump version, update README to reflect master branch build (cardano-explorer-app)
11:55:05 [4816d792] Update glossary.rst (technical-docs)
11:56:30 [24d6eac7] Introduce a serialisable Interpreter of queries (ouroboros-network)
11:56:33 [183b71aa] Add a Proxy xs argument to ProofNonEmpty (ouroboros-network)
12:01:32 [6b74e3e5] re-generate test credentials for the BFT-leader (cardano-wallet)
12:01:52 [febfe33d] add public key to operational certificate counter (cardano-wallet)
12:03:20 [a1b03dbc] Introduce QueryHardFork (ouroboros-network)
12:05:18 [0d11e933] Merge #1873 (cardano-wallet)
12:14:10 [1b9e77f2] modify container spacing (yoroi-mobile)
12:14:23 [4fce2aea] Make the log allocation larger for cardano-node (cardano-rest)
12:16:19 [cc993475] Propagate typed api through local state queries (cardano-node)
12:16:53 [69022b0c] Allow docker-compose service versions to be supplied at runtime (cardano-rest)
12:21:03 [1872ed9d] added extra comments (yoroi-mobile)
12:23:58 [ace7a118] Merge branch 'robcohen/docs' of github.com:input-output-hk/adrestia into robcohen/docs (adrestia)
12:26:55 [bab148b9] Added the type pos&neg tests (plutus)
12:32:34 [5b9161a9] quickly draft an 'id' command for extracting transaction id from a serialize Byron tx (cardano-transactions)
12:35:51 [5609bd96] fixed lint warning (yoroi-mobile)
12:35:52 [4f53cbd5] Make clusterlib more pythonic (cardano-node)
12:40:47 [0ab16de3] removed uncesessary comment (yoroi-mobile)
12:41:10 [515b7378] hash fix (#1625) (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:44:31 [8aa627f4] Disable address introspection for Windows env while we await a fix upstream in `cardano-addresses` (daedalus)
12:44:52 [8ac1626c] VRF: Document getSeed (cardano-base)
12:45:21 [08508f1e] Slight modifications to coin (cardano-serialization-lib)
12:49:25 [ba1473ff] remove accidental pub (cardano-serialization-lib)
12:51:15 [24774d11] Introduce a serialisable Interpreter of queries (ouroboros-network)
12:51:17 [b0965cb7] Add a Proxy xs argument to ProofNonEmpty (ouroboros-network)
12:57:38 [ba4f1f54] increase the delta between small and big state when comparing them in test (cardano-wallet)
12:58:31 [8b72cd94] tip-sample: server (ouroboros-network)
12:58:31 [c8691c33] tip-sample: client (ouroboros-network)
13:00:03 [43a6ab96] Introduce QueryHardFork (ouroboros-network)
13:01:05 [7f3277d9] Merge #2370 (ouroboros-network)
13:01:23 [fe96082c] get instance IPs also from terraform output (bitte-cli)
13:02:16 [7d3901b9] SCP-844 - Remove default value for ChoiceValue (plutus)
13:05:20 [1a820b4d] tip-sample: direct (ouroboros-network)
13:05:57 [fc37fe4d] tip-sample: tests (ouroboros-network)
13:06:00 [18b0c9be] cardano-transactions: nix config (cardano-transactions)
13:10:24 [c923c236] Merge #1873 (cardano-wallet)
13:23:09 [fcce8967] cntools: identify owner stake and display in red if below pledge (guild-operators)
13:27:27 [389ecba2] Name/freshName (plutus)
13:31:09 [ea09508b] Move types to `Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types`. (cardano-wallet)
13:31:48 [05d560f7] nixos service: update for Cardano era (cardano-node)
13:33:23 [9423e41a] mainnet-candidate -> 1.0.0 (iohk-nix)
13:39:11 [1e1937c5] Updated dockerfiles (guild-operators)
13:41:21 [9c78500a] Changelog and Patch release addition (guild-operators)
13:43:51 [c123c75c] SC2109 fix (guild-operators)
13:45:10 [95a0d4cf] Roman's suggestion (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:49:28 [d2ab78c2] Merge pull request #323 from input-output-hk/release/v1.0.0 (cardano-explorer-app)
13:51:25 [b3c5f015] deploy -> provision (bitte-cli)
13:52:37 [63cbf233] explorer: update to released versions (cardano-ops)
13:57:47 [bbd3b7b9] Merge pull request #286 from input-output-hk/explorer-release (cardano-ops)
13:58:34 [2d65896a] [DDW-178] Fix display erro and add dummy wallets (daedalus)
13:59:58 [a19ca711] Merge #1873 (cardano-wallet)
14:00:51 [1f5c5358] Update Debian_CN_Dockerfile (guild-operators)
14:01:36 [11cfb9e7] change amd64-v8a to arm64-v8a (chain-wallet-libs)
14:07:50 [82e3ca69] cntools: identify owner stake and display in red if below pledge (guild-operators)
14:08:15 [5fb2df92] Merge #1411 (cardano-node)
14:10:46 [20b0f521] defaultUni, names, normalizeTypeFull, defOffChainConfig (plutus)
14:15:34 [f86353dd] Merge pull request #1630 from input-output-hk/nc/issue-1303 (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:20:59 [1159dadf] test updates (plutus)
14:23:54 [e0564afe] New file (technical-docs)
14:25:07 [0de39e24] Update (technical-docs)
14:29:18 [e3da8bb8] cntools: identify owner stake and display in red if below pledge (guild-operators)
14:33:18 [1f7bb5a3] PR feedback (plutus)
14:34:24 [7fbcd18b] cntools: identify owner stake and display in red if below pledge (guild-operators)
14:35:07 [5e3fdd72] [DDW-178] Dummy wallets (daedalus)
14:36:17 [38d4a95f] Update exchanges.md (technical-docs)
14:37:11 [2784651e] Update (technical-docs)
14:40:07 [9c36f180] Clarify UpdateNonceState in ledger spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:42:07 [5ab49b4c] Merge pull request #1873 from input-output-hk/paweljakubas/cardano-node-bump-1.15.0 (cardano-wallet)
14:42:52 [32aab2e8] 5ab49b4cefff889ccaaaa081fb5273a6d3732057 (cardano-wallet)
14:42:53 [f5b0df61] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
14:44:08 [aba46077] Update exchanges.md (technical-docs)
14:44:57 [051c2a9a] Update (technical-docs)
14:45:53 [374e5440] Commit forgotten golden test files (ouroboros-network)
14:46:43 [0f1896cf] Update exchanges.md (technical-docs)
14:47:05 [4a97d653] Fix typos and some links (technical-docs)
14:47:33 [629b8860] Update (technical-docs)
14:47:39 [2c6ec574] return serialize transaction body if serialized is called on empty witnesses (cardano-transactions)
14:48:19 [07565488] Update exchanges.md (technical-docs)
14:48:22 [25c6cd5e] cardano-transactions: nix config (cardano-transactions)
14:49:18 [d6f9b9dd] Update (technical-docs)
14:49:26 [f7208504] Fix typos and some links (technical-docs)
14:51:54 [e11675a2] Merge branch 'master' into reactormonk/budgeting-bench (plutus)
14:55:16 [c25ae4b2] unit-test the newly introduced 'proportionallyTo' (cardano-wallet)
14:55:16 [d29b9ff6] take withdrawals into account, one level earlier, during the coin selection (cardano-wallet)
14:55:16 [eeb90424] consume withdrawal gradually, instead of spliting them proportionally (cardano-wallet)
14:55:16 [52e689bd] add a few scenarios covering withdrawals for largest-first (cardano-wallet)
14:55:16 [745f5ee8] add unit tests showing how withdrawal impacts the random coin selection (cardano-wallet)
14:55:16 [512c87b7] adjust test scenarios to show how the coin selection now gradually use the withdrawal (cardano-wallet)
14:55:16 [a2596bcc] remove now obsolete integration tests (cardano-wallet)
14:55:16 [f8cb73ab] have largest-first treat outputs as a whole instead of one-by-one (cardano-wallet)
14:55:45 [3ac72573] fixup! WIP: SCB: Streaming websockets. (plutus)
14:56:09 [8bc9f18d] Merge #1865 (cardano-wallet)
14:58:07 [ba700a82] Update exchanges.md (technical-docs)
14:58:59 [8d2e52d5] Update (technical-docs)
14:59:32 [64ccae3f] Update async-grapql version (vit-servicing-station)
14:59:33 [6688f181] Merge pull request #87 from input-output-hk/change-amd64-v8a-for-arm64-v8a (chain-wallet-libs)
14:59:51 [c7205e54] Update exchanges.md (technical-docs)
15:00:49 [71a3e4d5] Move sync progress functionality to a new module (cardano-wallet)
15:00:49 [a26bc0ce] Tweak comments (cardano-wallet)
15:00:50 [3ce848a1] Also move sync progress tests to new module (cardano-wallet)
15:00:51 [045c9c84] Update (technical-docs)
15:05:12 [3ed7f38d] bump 0.4.0-pre3 to 0.4.0 (chain-wallet-libs)
15:21:26 [179cac97] unused matches (plutus)
15:22:57 [8b127470] Propagate typed api through local state queries (cardano-node)
15:25:01 [47e2075f] Merge pull request #1629 from input-output-hk/nc/assertions (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:27:25 [c0d6911f] Remove MonadRandom from consensus (ouroboros-network)
15:34:42 [9d949644] Propagate typed api through local state queries (cardano-node)
15:35:29 [362b09e9] mod - updating docs for build/run. (cardano-db-sync)
15:36:47 [00a11e18] SCP-730 - Improve monaco type-ahead (plutus)
15:37:08 [06d55b1d] eliminate dead code (cardano-benchmarking)
15:37:50 [b1302e0a] add - table mapping tx hashes to bodies. (cardano-db-sync)
15:38:26 [4b5be26a] wip - adding new haskell module for plugin. (cardano-db-sync)
15:38:26 [25fbc468] mod - idempotent migration file. (cardano-db-sync)
15:38:39 [b3cd87e7] add - Tx Body writing done in its own module. (cardano-db-sync)
15:39:30 [5d0384b5] Merge #1875 #1877 (cardano-wallet)
15:39:50 [45998954] add - topline executable for tx-body writer. (cardano-db-sync)
15:39:59 [eeb95bd0] mod - tx_body migration file from cabal, rather than handwritten. (cardano-db-sync)
15:39:59 [2b8e7835] mod - correcting typo. (cardano-db-sync)
15:39:59 [e8335038] mod - adding TxBody insertTxBody to Extended. (cardano-db-sync)
15:39:59 [c3e0f3fc] mod - shell.nix doesn't need to reference tx-bodies. (cardano-db-sync)
15:39:59 [322d7157] mod - getting nix to build cardano-tx-body. (cardano-db-sync)
15:39:59 [ab684bdc] mod - source formatting, attempting to much an unspecified standard. (cardano-db-sync)
15:39:59 [0bd70ff8] add - short doc on purpose and building instructions (cardano-db-sync)
15:39:59 [7454da4c] mod - removing TxBody logging, it was a bit much. (cardano-db-sync)
15:40:00 [332c4860] mod - fixing a typo in nix config. (cardano-db-sync)
15:46:23 [808f552c] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
15:47:41 [db2ebe99] WIP: Make Ticked a type family (ouroboros-network)
15:55:26 [a0e926a9] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
15:56:20 [7dfe6d5b] Added arg counting to the CEK machine (plutus)
16:00:01 [01b8f352] Securely forget the signing key (ouroboros-network)
16:02:26 [0f930a3b] [DDW-283]: Make ranking loader as a overlay (daedalus)
16:03:58 [1c13e2fb] SCP-845 - Add linting for undefined ChoiceValue usage (plutus)
16:04:46 [79d7e794] Assert that the version in changed in one of the activation test cases. [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
16:06:23 [2515667c] SCP-845 - Add linting for undefined ChoiceValue usage (plutus)
16:06:29 [590f8956] Cleaning and add current module bindings to lookup (tools)
16:08:10 [203c51da] stylish updates (plutus)
16:08:13 [3e307dbb] Update Debian_CN_Dockerfile (guild-operators)
16:08:52 [a00bd9f9] CAD-1347 cli shelley address info: also print the base16 form (cardano-node)
16:09:36 [6174441d] Update Oracle-Pools.md (Emurgo-Research)
16:11:45 [711fc8f7] ACTUS generator library (plutus)
16:12:09 [e094a15a] Remove MonadRandom from consensus (ouroboros-network)
16:12:12 [e44a77e9] Securely forget the signing key (ouroboros-network)
16:13:38 [9babe1aa] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
16:16:00 [e107ca9e] Added v2 recaptcha support on faucets (testnets-cardano-org)
16:17:02 [7f7d0757] Updating the fix-stylish instructions in CONTRIBUTING.adoc. (plutus)
16:20:11 [ea0f1554] Change branch in build instructions (tools)
16:33:40 [bcb0b968] Coolean + tabs (plutus)
16:34:14 [e34f640c] add tx witness tag (cardano-wallet)
16:34:19 [3fab2bdb] mkWitness -> mkShelleyWitness (cardano-wallet)
16:35:40 [3c5e6b90] introduce mkByronWitness (cardano-wallet)
16:35:44 [cdade6c9] specialize witness creation in mkTx depending on witness tag (cardano-wallet)
16:35:45 [a69fd03b] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
16:35:45 [3cf3defa] add test in TransactionSpec for byron witness (cardano-wallet)
16:35:46 [fdebd38c] sneaking witness tag into _minimumFee and _estimateMaximumNumberOfInputs (cardano-wallet)
16:35:46 [2f142109] dependant computeTxSize on witness size (cardano-wallet)
16:39:51 [2227bd8d] remove now obsolete integration tests (cardano-wallet)
16:51:51 [6e021ae9] Clarify UpdateNonceState in ledger spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:55:07 [0ca97d12] cntools: identify owner stake and display in red if below pledge (guild-operators)
16:59:20 [ba2dc9e2] Merge pull request #306 from SmaugPool/genesis (guild-operators)
16:59:53 [df841591] Merge pull request #2148 from input-output-hk/SCP-730 (plutus)
17:01:03 [ca3e85e3] fix provisioning (bitte-cli)
17:02:05 [468fcc05] Merge #1865 (cardano-wallet)
17:09:31 [bdd30338] SCP-901 - Fix bottom panel bugs (plutus)
17:12:15 [ef39e61f] Merge #1875 (cardano-wallet)
17:12:38 [3d11735a] allow different ways of building metadata URL from metadata information (cardano-wallet)
17:12:39 [abdb8583] try fetching metadata from the next builder on HTTP exception (cardano-wallet)
17:17:20 [919f0961] make Byron witness rountrip in TransactionSpec working (cardano-wallet)
17:17:30 [8a93d1d6] remove now obsolete integration tests (cardano-wallet)
17:17:37 [96199dc5] Start changing generation and property testing strategy. The idea is to use (decentralized-software-updates)
17:25:43 [f69fd5e5] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
17:31:37 [22688c0e] Adding DIV(https://divpools.com) to the topology (cardano-ops)
17:35:41 [1018ab18] Fixes a prestart script bug (cardano-faucet)
17:43:08 [2d2ad178] Update graphs with figures for Romans' argument-counting machine (plutus)
17:49:44 [ee2dd3bb] Clarify UpdateNonceState in ledger spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:50:21 [4e64ebb4] Update graphs with figures for Romans' argument-counting machine (plutus)
18:00:08 [69bf1083] Updated nix stuff (plutus)
18:03:19 [883ad14f] Changes to the properties of the Goguen spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:04:00 [bd0774e1] Changed rng to range, made domain and range part of Basic, which materialize a set. (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:07:44 [25364a23] WIP: Flag for protocol. (cardano-node)
18:18:53 [bfff07b0] Merge #1865 #1877 (cardano-wallet)
18:19:26 [66854db1] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
18:19:26 [11e473ee] ef39e61f9b470451df0234aa9f453c88a3159e61 (cardano-wallet)
18:27:10 [d067aa46] add tx witness tag (cardano-wallet)
18:27:11 [d3063a26] mkWitness -> mkShelleyWitness (cardano-wallet)
18:27:11 [5e5d5826] introduce mkByronWitness (cardano-wallet)
18:27:11 [7a6b73bc] specialize witness creation in mkTx depending on witness tag (cardano-wallet)
18:27:12 [b2f8846d] add test in TransactionSpec for byron witness (cardano-wallet)
18:27:12 [7b1ca87d] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
18:27:13 [9e17d65f] dependant computeTxSize on witness size (cardano-wallet)
18:27:13 [35dcd4ba] sneaking witness tag into _minimumFee and _estimateMaximumNumberOfInputs (cardano-wallet)
18:27:13 [e12768d3] make Byron witness rountrip in TransactionSpec working (cardano-wallet)
18:27:14 [2d465620] make shelley integration main compile (cardano-wallet)
18:30:03 [64b3d436] Fixes a prestart script bug (cardano-faucet)
18:34:16 [ea1d35ec] Fixes a prestart script bug (cardano-faucet)
18:38:59 [9df6a83e] Added separation between the initial and the final environment of a builtin application (plutus)
18:47:23 [5a90a650] Faucet config, alerting and dashboard updates (cardano-ops)
18:47:27 [165641bb] Deploy to Ireland + byron-reboot dashboard update (cardano-ops)
18:47:27 [f1f0f713] Add smash role, deployed for FF. (cardano-ops)
18:47:28 [7b6d5ff9] Add new regions to TCP connections alerts (cardano-ops)
18:47:28 [5f585479] Bumps graphql, ops-lib niv pins (cardano-ops)
18:47:28 [328ea444] Bumps faucet to use enhanced error handling (cardano-ops)
18:47:28 [9d96bbd9] Adds ff explorer and updates explorer role (cardano-ops)
18:47:28 [55ffc690] Adds memPool panel to grafana v2 dashboard (cardano-ops)
18:47:28 [2a31d23a] fix cardano-db-sync permission on smash server (cardano-ops)
18:47:28 [17e1d63c] Fix relays dump query (cardano-ops)
18:47:28 [959bb05c] explorer: extract from db and expose relays as topology.json (cardano-ops)
18:47:28 [62f8caff] Add shelley-testnet config (cardano-ops)
18:47:29 [3fd9a13b] Publish shelley testnet iohk pools metadata. (cardano-ops)
18:47:29 [14d7238a] Bumps faucet niv pin for byron/shelley cluster compat (cardano-ops)
18:47:29 [0f74e640] Adds shelley_testnet /pool metadata (cardano-ops)
18:47:29 [4cb45103] Include Producers topo quantity in relay-update output (cardano-ops)
18:47:29 [19ff0e14] Bumps niv faucet pin for address and ip rate limiting (cardano-ops)
18:47:29 [d02d02df] Adds relay-update script for peer topology push (cardano-ops)
18:47:29 [9e8f27ef] Adds kes-rotation compat with shelley_testnet (cardano-ops)
18:47:29 [562d5a5e] Add nc -w 2 -z filtering of relays topology (cardano-ops)
18:47:29 [f8b69506] Purges old clusters and related config (cardano-ops)
18:47:30 [b0505fb3] Adds a minimum producer check for relay-update (cardano-ops)
18:47:30 [9fe06cb5] Fix dump-registered-relays-topology script for db-sync schema changes (cardano-ops)
18:47:30 [2368348b] relay dump script: use set -uo pipefail (cardano-ops)
18:47:30 [742ec7cc] Smash update. (cardano-ops)
18:47:30 [543833e8] Removes unused /pool metadata files (cardano-ops)
18:47:30 [66518176] Shelley testnet topology: add new region + 1 new relay in each region (cardano-ops)
18:50:37 [aab0e6aa] Removed 'ConstAppResult' (plutus)
18:51:18 [4a7f1af4] Fixes a prestart script bug (cardano-faucet)
18:51:18 [c1b60cc4] Adds faucet backend recaptcha support (cardano-faucet)
18:54:35 [85d56c18] Adds ops support for recaptcha faucet, testnet env (cardano-ops)
18:55:29 [45a93ba1] Update glossary.rst (technical-docs)
18:56:01 [d655a476] Update glossary.rst (technical-docs)
19:00:31 [d9634643] CAD-1340 shelley3pools: switch to genesis-specified pools (cardano-benchmarking)
19:03:52 [6f87dad3] Create many using explicit mnemonics (ikar)
19:04:20 [b538e92a] Color encoded delegation status (ikar)
19:04:32 [068817f5] Merge pull request #2151 from input-output-hk/SCP-901 (plutus)
19:06:54 [2a28a2bc] CAD-1340 deps: bump for latest node (cardano-benchmarking)
19:07:08 [7bc6f0e9] CAD-1340 shelley3pools: switch to genesis-specified pools (cardano-benchmarking)
19:07:29 [61ac3258] Move LocalStateQuery module to cardano-cli (cardano-node)
19:13:02 [79e7bc34] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into effectfully/test/vec (plutus)
19:13:27 [326e26dc] CAD-1347 deps: bump for latest node (cardano-benchmarking)
19:13:30 [c267d981] CAD-1347 shelley3pools: switch to genesis-specified pools (cardano-benchmarking)
19:21:13 [3bcc56fa] add command-line option for enabling a pool metadata proxy (cardano-wallet)
19:21:43 [0aec4e30] take better advantage of terraform output (bitte-cli)
19:21:50 [b478e718] test-infra: use Gen instead of MonadRandom in TxGen class (ouroboros-network)
19:23:19 [269c3d23] Merge #1877 (cardano-wallet)
19:23:34 [965458d7] back to 0.0.0 (iohk-nix)
19:32:11 [d39629c3] removed KindG (plutus)
19:33:42 [d0a8191f] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
19:34:26 [c5780247] respin (cardano-node)
19:43:33 [d5b80995] mainnet candidate: 0.0.0 -> 1.0.0 (iohk-nix)
19:44:10 [42bf31d8] Use `scaledValueSize` in the computation of the minimum output value (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:48:45 [4436e124] Removed a redundant import (plutus)
20:02:51 [55635db7] make list pools default stake bigger and cleanup (ikar)
20:03:00 [70af5eb3] Merge pull request #1865 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/1861/withdrawals-during-selection (cardano-wallet)
20:03:13 [5bf84b3d] Merge branch 'master' into rvl/hlint-v3.1.6 (cardano-wallet)
20:03:20 [368c0381] Merge pull request #1877 from input-output-hk/rvl/hlint-v3.1.6 (cardano-wallet)
20:03:41 [10635d88] 70af5eb3edc6c5bcdd3be2fb52e5e0302f328b0f (cardano-wallet)
20:03:42 [998f4598] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
20:04:01 [cbf91e64] 368c038107e457bfd2ad5298b396ccdd2dfbb422 (cardano-wallet)
20:04:02 [09b65b43] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
20:05:21 [f9972480] allow different ways of building metadata URL from metadata information (cardano-wallet)
20:05:22 [f1cf8f7c] try fetching metadata from the next builder on HTTP exception (cardano-wallet)
20:05:23 [7b9e38e3] revise logging around pool metadata fetching to have more insight _inside_ the fetcher (cardano-wallet)
20:05:23 [5b997225] add command-line option for enabling a pool metadata proxy (cardano-wallet)
20:13:25 [58cc76bd] Merge pull request #21 from piotr-iohk/create_many_from_many_mnemonics (ikar)
20:15:24 [84ba2a16] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
20:16:24 [1eb3be95] Further updates to figures (plutus)
20:16:56 [94561b16] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] (cardano-wallet)
20:18:29 [e1b5f393] fix internal links for *project reference (haskell.nix)
20:19:37 [b13b4fb1] Merge #1857 (cardano-wallet)
20:38:56 [dbe7f0cf] some comments + updateMaterialized (plutus)
21:04:16 [04f5855b] create a address recovering from the root key directly (chain-wallet-libs)
21:05:37 [22a2a7e5] add simplified multiverse to manage the different state of a wallet/store (chain-wallet-libs)
21:20:22 [95ee95d9] [DDW-178] Mispelling (daedalus)
21:35:09 [9a19a634] Rename our SlotNo to SlotInEpoch (cardano-wallet)
21:50:37 [875b0aab] Updated tests (plutus)
21:54:55 [acba42d0] "Not a registered wallet on chain" information removed from Wallet listing (guild-operators)
21:58:38 [dc5db0db] cabal.project: Comments (cardano-db-sync)
22:05:25 [d231de8e] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] (cardano-wallet)
22:10:33 [a45b1879] support dirty deploys (bitte-cli)
22:12:14 [3936270a] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] (cardano-wallet)
22:13:01 [5c237633] Merge pull request #176 from input-output-hk/erikd/cabal-project (cardano-db-sync)
22:13:14 [b4c1815a] skip deploy on provision (bitte-cli)
22:14:14 [935a1df1] [PLC] [Test] [TypeCheck] Added 'Examples.Data.Vec' (#2065) (plutus)
22:18:57 [5e16a155] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] (cardano-wallet)
22:33:41 [27e6015a] haddock module headers + removing some comments (plutus)
22:39:00 [4d7821f2] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] (cardano-wallet)
23:10:43 [f3c068d3] Fixed a bug in (compute (RExclude map set)), the compiled version ran fine. Tracked down the (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:42:56 [b948e67a] Update prereqs.sh (guild-operators)
23:44:57 [d069b533] Merge pull request #309 from cardano-community/oldcryptogeek-patch-1 (guild-operators)
23:48:22 [1d6ad76f] fix internal links for *project reference (#756) (haskell.nix)
23:49:00 [a5b1c666] Update gh-pages for 1d6ad76 (haskell.nix)