Home / Reports / Jul 31, 2020

Friday, July 31, 2020

278 commits had been pushed across 34 repos by 45 authors. There were 117,471 additions and 21,262 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:08:34 [3c08c341] Upgrade cabal file version (cardano-node)
00:09:37 [61c4f063] Update topologyupdater, and move pool startup details to the end post registering pool (guild-operators)
01:16:13 [2156ab44] Automatic update for Fri Jul 31 01:16:12 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:18:17 [ed2fc37c] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:19:42 [4d6baac5] api: Fix Test.Cardano.Api.MetaData test (cardano-node)
01:21:41 [d77c39f2] config: Update cardano mainnet configs (cardano-node)
01:26:47 [b209f309] Multi-owner support (guild-operators)
01:30:58 [23047657] SC2068 fix (guild-operators)
02:46:30 [b8a155ed] Merge pull request #10 from SebastienGllmt/patch-1 (adrestia)
02:54:30 [2d7e3093] Update README.md (adrestia)
02:58:26 [18c49dc3] api: Fix Test.Cardano.Api.MetaData test (cardano-node)
03:12:09 [604ab60a] Merge #1616 (cardano-node)
03:21:53 [cac66e36] Upgrade cabal file version (cardano-node)
03:26:59 [92ac5eef] config: Update cardano mainnet configs (cardano-node)
04:45:08 [1936eaee] Merge #1615 (cardano-node)
04:46:48 [013fe17a] Try this (cardano-ops)
05:29:25 [38b0877c] Spawn cardano-node in a test for 10 seconds. (cardano-node)
05:55:12 [3b72930b] Bump elliptic from 6.5.0 to 6.5.3 (react-grid)
06:10:37 [71d0bf45] config/mainnet-config.yaml: Update to latest config versions (cardano-db-sync)
06:11:28 [35e127f9] wip (cardano-db-sync)
06:11:28 [edc18a5c] Update dependency on cardano-node (cardano-db-sync)
06:11:33 [8a47cf0e] changelog (cardano-db-sync)
06:14:00 [fa080172] fixup (cardano-db-sync)
06:15:37 [cd1b2ca5] config/mainnet-config.yaml: Update to latest config versions (cardano-db-sync)
06:17:52 [ea0a3a4d] updated README.md (shopify)
06:19:47 [1b229028] Merge pull request #228 from input-output-hk/erikd/config (cardano-db-sync)
06:20:08 [4bd007c1] Update dependency on cardano-node (cardano-db-sync)
06:22:02 [3c85f5e5] db: Add a tx_meta_data table (cardano-db-sync)
06:22:30 [c459f7e7] readme tweaks (shopify)
06:28:30 [b663871c] quoting charles (shopify)
06:34:23 [4ee9d2df] Merge pull request #11 from input-output-hk/rhyslbw-readme-updates (adrestia)
06:38:38 [8b7094e4] change import (chain-libs)
06:45:04 [09d5f5aa] use signature (chain-libs)
06:47:48 [f7377e94] to be discussed: stylish Haskell (cardano-benchmarking)
06:51:16 [e4fc8f82] Update glossary.rst (docs-cardano-org)
06:55:33 [1969a0df] Allow cryptonite 0.26 and 0.27 too (ouroboros-network)
07:00:00 [8a703136] Merge #2477 (ouroboros-network)
07:11:52 [f9b54b74] WIP: Forecast tests (ouroboros-network)
07:15:46 [d20be54e] Remove the duplication between ProtocolMagicId and NetworkMagic (ouroboros-network)
07:15:46 [27f77567] Merge pull request #2427 from input-output-hk/mrBliss/remove-mock-protocols-from-protocolinfo (ouroboros-network)
07:15:47 [6a148575] Remove no longer used Trivial class (ouroboros-network)
07:15:47 [1792ee46] Merge pull request #2422 from input-output-hk/dcoutts/remove-protocol-magic-id (ouroboros-network)
07:15:47 [c400b328] Securely forget the signing key (ouroboros-network)
07:15:47 [8b6215a9] Refactor block forging (ouroboros-network)
07:15:48 [3731ae1a] Try #1985: (cardano-wallet)
07:15:48 [533f6a5f] Further refactor block forging (ouroboros-network)
07:15:48 [0317a6d7] Merge pull request #2418 from input-output-hk/mrBliss/forget-signing-key (ouroboros-network)
07:16:45 [f32d00c5] Split Qry into Qry and Expr (ouroboros-network)
07:26:02 [fe009f9d] db: Add a tx_metadata table (cardano-db-sync)
07:26:30 [9c427c07] Spawn cardano-node in a test for 10 seconds. (cardano-node)
07:37:47 [2895c450] Bump error-chain from 0.12.2 to 0.12.3 (jormungandr)
07:43:56 [b582aa46] Disable process spawning to debug ci (cardano-node)
07:45:51 [4df86ff9] db: Add and populate a tx_metadata table (cardano-db-sync)
07:49:53 [eb006ed7] treasury unit tests (chain-libs)
07:53:20 [4f054dc8] Merge pull request #2465 from input-output-hk/edsko/showable-qry (ouroboros-network)
08:02:12 [664b7eca] Remove redundant constraints from TraceConstraints (cardano-node)
08:02:12 [b0f091ba] Remove usages of Condense HeaderHash from the project (cardano-node)
08:06:43 [c4500b54] db: Add and populate a tx_metadata table (cardano-db-sync)
08:10:19 [806c4cfe] Ignore me (cardano-node)
08:10:55 [5af6e35a] Merge pull request #1967 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/1965/itn-withdrawals (cardano-wallet)
08:11:38 [16f5fe7a] 5af6e35a4f70ca8e1cebe413b19a99439e04addb (cardano-wallet)
08:11:39 [709b704a] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
08:29:57 [eb9baccf] Move log into a proper module (vit-servicing-station)
08:30:11 [7d4a4f60] Implemented LogMessages as json (vit-servicing-station)
08:30:12 [35d8b99c] Move logging into an independent crate (vit-servicing-station)
08:30:12 [b37f88ad] Skip serialize tags is not present (vit-servicing-station)
08:30:13 [d36647e9] Implemented abstracted logging methods for requests elapsed time and for rejected api tokens (vit-servicing-station)
08:30:13 [728eefca] Include metadata into LogMessage. (vit-servicing-station)
08:30:13 [9a8dbeff] Include elapsed time metadata in log (vit-servicing-station)
08:30:14 [b894ac14] Added missing metadata calls to log functions (vit-servicing-station)
08:30:14 [c1c3cd2f] Added example script for log processing (vit-servicing-station)
08:30:15 [4a6836b0] Tiny renaming in script refactor (vit-servicing-station)
08:30:15 [bed81260] Use json value as default metadata for log messages (vit-servicing-station)
08:30:16 [8c492f3e] Removed unnecessary clones (vit-servicing-station)
08:36:59 [3ae799ba] cardano-node module restructuring (cardano-node)
08:43:05 [16f09619] Tidying up alternative CEK machine (plutus)
08:46:07 [aadf9072] Multi-owner delegation info (guild-operators)
08:59:50 [1d301ea5] Merge pull request #25 from piotr-iohk/hf-countdown (ikar)
09:12:13 [9325df80] Fix lenses problem (plutus)
09:26:26 [328aeab7] CAD-1422 applied stylish-haskell to bm-timeline source code (cardano-benchmarking)
09:26:46 [4bf5ab5a] Test that getNetworkInformation fails without err500 (cardano-wallet)
09:27:48 [29c040bd] Merge #1977 (cardano-wallet)
09:30:56 [299c9652] Create relevant-research-papers-and-specifications.md (docs-cardano-org)
09:36:25 [6188f486] update donation address (adalite)
09:36:37 [c516bd31] Update relevant-research-papers-and-specifications.md (docs-cardano-org)
09:36:54 [d381965d] option to delete private keys (guild-operators)
09:40:52 [840c6eb8] Merge #2483 (ouroboros-network)
09:44:06 [998863a0] Fix plutus-tx for new CEK machine (plutus)
09:45:35 [5684e161] SC2061 fix (guild-operators)
09:46:33 [9df2615a] Merge branch 'master' into cntools-5.3.0 (guild-operators)
09:56:44 [148a685d] Update relevant-research-papers-and-specifications.md (docs-cardano-org)
09:59:30 [07db1b13] Upper bound for CBOR-in-CBOR tag is 7 instead of 5 bytes (ouroboros-network)
10:05:12 [8232b1f8] update tests to run on testnet (after HF) (cardano-wallet-rb)
10:06:00 [97981a8a] redeem rewards (cardano-wallet-rb)
10:06:33 [67062219] Bump to 0.1.8 (cardano-wallet-rb)
10:08:03 [1b44f8d9] bench-restore: set CARDANO_NODE_CONFIGS in buildkite script (cardano-wallet)
10:08:04 [a3072427] Remove byron latency bench (cardano-wallet)
10:09:40 [cbaf8162] Don't wait at the end (cardano-node)
10:13:27 [924ca8f4] Merge pull request #12 from piotr-iohk/redeem_rewards (cardano-wallet-rb)
10:16:48 [8a407ce2] update test workflow (ikar)
10:17:13 [0197f170] CAD-944 bench: multiple block sizes & intelligent redeploy (cardano-ops)
10:17:18 [beef9b25] CAD-944 bench: ensure that node logs don't rotate out too soon (cardano-ops)
10:17:18 [f52a830b] CAD-944 bench: change log storage scheme (cardano-ops)
10:17:18 [0755aaf8] CAD-1070 bench: re-enable log metrics (cardano-ops)
10:17:19 [c8e9a193] CAD-1073 bench: anomaly detection (cardano-ops)
10:17:19 [d6890f06] CAD-1073 bench: obtain db-sync logs (cardano-ops)
10:17:19 [fbb2ecba] CAD-1067 bench: compute the pbft threshold from cluster size (cardano-ops)
10:17:19 [4f720988] CAD-1073 bench | db-sync: run as cardano-node (cardano-ops)
10:17:19 [e2cb7b52] CAD-992 bench: minor fixes & improvements (cardano-ops)
10:17:19 [512ffc87] CAD-1073 benchmarking: bump for more analysis (cardano-ops)
10:17:20 [266ebccc] CAD-1340 bench | pins: update (cardano-ops)
10:17:20 [f585ca54] CAD-1073 bench | db-sync: more precise verbosity settings (cardano-ops)
10:17:20 [0aa74ae5] CAD-1073 bench | sanity checks: detect dbsync slot span divergence from nodes (cardano-ops)
10:17:20 [5a6c99bc] CAD-1340 bench: Shelley support, phase 1 (cardano-ops)
10:17:20 [7fe62625] CAD-967 bench: further documentation updates (cardano-ops)
10:17:20 [13c822cf] CAD-1340 bench: updates and fixes (cardano-ops)
10:18:20 [c4b76e7f] Upper bound for CBOR-in-CBOR tag is 7 instead of 5 bytes (ouroboros-network)
10:18:47 [99bc428f] CAD-1340: Shelley benchmarking lives! (cardano-ops)
10:19:43 [8ac40117] CAD-1331: topology choice, more Shelley profiles, eu-central-1 topology (cardano-ops)
10:19:47 [e49e2831] CAD-1402: pipeline fixes & improvementes (cardano-ops)
10:24:33 [e2e96755] Update relevant-research-papers-and-specifications.md (docs-cardano-org)
10:26:21 [d044fddc] Update index.rst (docs-cardano-org)
10:28:31 [3a558199] 29c040bd7fe4f2b19e969200ab5b23e3c8b7a2d9 (cardano-wallet)
10:28:31 [10c4257c] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
10:34:30 [512cad85] [DDW-269] Improve security when opening the installer file (daedalus)
10:39:42 [fb97099f] Implement round generation and add placeholders to prune a shrunk test setup. [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
10:42:14 [3a752b01] Make the overlay schedule abstract (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:52:04 [cfac742a] remaining work (yoroi-mobile)
10:56:20 [7d6efd82] Update to 0.1.8 cardano_wallet gem (ikar)
10:57:02 [b2196d70] redeem rewards (ikar)
10:57:16 [d1815b0a] bump version to 2020-07-28 (ikar)
11:00:14 [502b0379] More updates for shelley (cardano-launcher)
11:01:50 [051f9de5] Bump cardano-wallet to get configs for tests (cardano-launcher)
11:01:51 [7602e52d] Update tests now that byron is no longer current (cardano-launcher)
11:01:52 [e1192333] More updates for shelley (cardano-launcher)
11:06:27 [0c49c100] Remove byron from windows ci (cardano-launcher)
11:06:39 [e4df654c] Merge #2484 (ouroboros-network)
11:08:05 [0ab14b4f] bump version to 2020-07-28 (ikar)
11:08:17 [b99ed6c1] Fix lint (cardano-launcher)
11:12:50 [996ec863] Revert "bench-restore: set CARDANO_NODE_CONFIGS in buildkite script" (cardano-wallet)
11:13:54 [5d5c5051] nix: Move restore benchmark from byron to shelley package (cardano-wallet)
11:14:03 [730fba9b] re-enable ci testing (cardano-explorer-app)
11:15:47 [ebdd30f8] cardano-node module restructuring (cardano-node)
11:22:06 [d76d7778] Allow cryptonite 0.26 and 0.27 too (ouroboros-network)
11:22:23 [9ff38e9a] Update dependency on cardano-ledger-specs (ouroboros-network)
11:23:09 [a3e61f95] Merge #2477 (ouroboros-network)
11:25:02 [c3183b18] CAD-1402: pipeline fixes & improvementes (cardano-ops)
11:30:21 [65d77a7b] CAD-1402 bench pins: bump the node to latest master (cardano-ops)
11:34:24 [04a02d91] Merge #2483 (ouroboros-network)
11:36:29 [c9a88220] Simplify cli errors (cardano-node)
11:38:07 [7d68626f] Merge #1609 (cardano-node)
11:38:18 [7d1fa916] Update what-is-a-hard-fork-combinator.md (docs-cardano-org)
11:47:02 [36424628] Fix main shell to work with use-cases and marlowe (plutus)
11:50:38 [248c4279] fix non_functional tests (vit-servicing-station)
12:07:02 [c8e554f8] Merge pull request #337 from input-output-hk/chore/re-enable-ci-testing (cardano-explorer-app)
12:14:22 [724b3910] [DDW-330] Temporary dummy wallets (daedalus)
12:20:14 [10dfc395] CAD-1285 adoption and diffusion times (cardano-benchmarking)
12:20:14 [b4badfa5] CAD-1285 refined (cardano-benchmarking)
12:25:41 [04306039] styling homepage hero, styling sidebar bg (testnets-cardano-org)
12:50:51 [0f396668] side-bar font size (testnets-cardano-org)
13:22:12 [545aadb9] Add script so that the correct rev is downloaded in windows CI (cardano-launcher)
13:24:32 [774c16a9] bump version to 2020-07-28 (ikar)
13:26:22 [081e6605] Add turkish and deprecation message (yoroi-frontend)
13:26:57 [723667d4] fix fee calculation bug and switch explorer for adascan (adalite)
13:30:41 [e053a484] additional tests for redeem rewards (cardano-wallet)
13:38:23 [4e9d9792] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:25 [6b972b8b] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hans) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:27 [8fb0d324] New translations en-US.json (fr-FR) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:28 [4c1765ff] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:30 [071622f6] New translations en-US.json (Czech) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:32 [0b21c3cd] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:34 [0d9966db] New translations en-US.json (Greek) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:36 [3dd144cc] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:38 [7100e83b] New translations en-US.json (ja-JP) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:39 [78af691c] New translations en-US.json (ko-KR) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:42 [0e0e7824] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:44 [f28f988a] New translations en-US.json (ru-RU) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:45 [9cb92a50] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hant) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:47 [1a7497db] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:49 [bb1c9e10] New translations en-US.json (id-ID) (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:51 [281537b4] New translations en-US.json (Croatian) (yoroi-frontend)
13:47:01 [b4917a9b] fix fee calculation bug and add adascan (adalite)
14:00:14 [0b4217aa] Update explore-cardano/glossary.rst (docs-cardano-org)
14:00:52 [6202a684] Update explore-cardano/glossary.rst (docs-cardano-org)
14:02:13 [3974199a] Merge pull request #25 from KtorZ/patch-1 (docs-cardano-org)
14:04:25 [6c9c4acd] Add script so that the correct rev is downloaded in windows CI (cardano-launcher)
14:07:41 [a7e5f1c8] Update glossary.rst (docs-cardano-org)
14:09:59 [4786ca12] WIP (yoroi-frontend)
14:10:01 [6e395baa] Added notes on encoding a boolean script language (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:13:21 [88aa8d35] Added mute stdout log argument (vit-servicing-station)
14:14:13 [e30c79a8] Merge pull request #26 from piotr-iohk/redeem-rewards (ikar)
14:25:57 [25da06d7] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
14:26:21 [ad34b7cc] Implement random action generation in for the test setup. [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
14:27:16 [e1c9b75e] WIP fix #2487 (ouroboros-network)
14:32:46 [fe2b969d] Bump elliptic from 6.5.0 to 6.5.3 (react-preloader)
14:35:50 [7c37668b] Exclude Windows (cardano-node)
14:37:55 [f9223205] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
14:43:17 [126782c8] Prismatic type Errors (plutus)
14:43:41 [a241a5f2] [issue-334] Dynamically calc Byron epochs length (cardano-explorer-app)
14:44:01 [e04db1f4] CAD-1393 txgen: implement Cardano mode (while temp disabling non-Cardano) (cardano-benchmarking)
14:44:01 [36f3f966] CAD-1393 shelley3pools: switch to Cardano mode (cardano-benchmarking)
14:44:01 [3ebf4dbc] CAD-1393 shelley3pools: partial support for Cardano mode (cardano-benchmarking)
14:47:26 [a02c1372] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-frontend)
14:48:23 [6c433c25] [issue-334] Remove cardano-graphql/client-ts (cardano-explorer-app)
14:56:02 [f246af83] Exclude Windows (cardano-node)
14:56:05 [5efa5768] add help with tooltip for pool info (adalite)
14:56:52 [bccce8af] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-frontend)
14:57:53 [8dcdbefd] Fixes prettier formatting (cardano-explorer-app)
15:02:52 [76f19e81] Spawn cardano-node in a test for 10 seconds. (cardano-node)
15:03:58 [6e746c61] Spawn cardano-node in a test for 10 seconds. (cardano-node)
15:05:24 [dc100626] New translations en-US.json (fr-FR) (yoroi-frontend)
15:05:27 [5cacb6c9] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-frontend)
15:07:20 [34f17f22] additional tests for redeem rewards (cardano-wallet)
15:07:22 [ef15832b] Add more reward wallets (cardano-wallet)
15:07:24 [85a07e70] Additional cases to cover not enough fee and not enough money on withdrawals (cardano-wallet)
15:07:32 [cafe5780] Revert unintended change (cardano-explorer-app)
15:09:34 [7bcb1703] Additional cases to cover not enough fee and not enough money on withdrawals (cardano-wallet)
15:13:39 [e6e87b09] Improve mkRelayTopology auto scaling estimates (cardano-ops)
15:15:18 [3978bcc2] improve allow-peer sg to only allows relays that actually connect (cardano-ops)
15:15:46 [e3572e93] New translations en-US.json (fr-FR) (yoroi-frontend)
15:18:57 [904986ae] CNTools update change (guild-operators)
15:19:14 [4c6ecc78] Merge pull request #1741 from input-output-hk/jc/refactor-examples-pt1 (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:19:38 [adf6610e] Merge branch 'cntools-5.3.0' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators into cntools-5.3.0 (guild-operators)
15:32:22 [6dac54fa] add tooltips for fees (adalite)
15:33:01 [e93c6e52] Downgrade cabal file version (cardano-node)
15:34:28 [dbc82964] improve allow-peer sg to only allows relays that actually connect (cardano-ops)
15:38:37 [6f46dc4c] CAD-1285 refined (cardano-benchmarking)
15:41:05 [b74365eb] add support for multiple networks (#859) (yoroi-mobile)
15:44:18 [6a4da467] improve allow-peer sg to prioritize relays that actually connect (cardano-ops)
15:46:02 [bb712d5b] cardano-explorer-api: fix cbeSlot (cardano-rest)
15:49:14 [29771ee1] Bump elliptic from 6.4.1 to 6.5.3 (symphony-2)
16:03:04 [59ff0fca] Improve mkRelayTopology auto scaling estimates (cardano-ops)
16:03:05 [33e1c963] improve allow-peer sg to prioritize relays that actually connect (cardano-ops)
16:06:13 [4a19d836] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
16:08:44 [ecda04bb] [issue-334] Generate merged GraphQL schema (cardano-explorer-app)
16:15:43 [6d61d4db] [issue-334] Try relative path (cardano-explorer-app)
16:17:46 [e1b9b61c] Fixes prettier formatting (#339) (cardano-explorer-app)
16:18:09 [320adf74] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/issue-334-calc-byron-slots-per-epoch (cardano-explorer-app)
16:23:13 [97fa489f] get rid of nearley hack (plutus)
16:26:55 [43351f48] WIP: Refactor type-level NetworkDiscriminant (cardano-wallet)
16:30:06 [282e69b2] CAD-1285 refined (cardano-benchmarking)
16:35:18 [da157483] cardano-explorer-api: fix cbeSlot (cardano-rest)
16:37:19 [7d10609b] cardano-explorer-api: fix cbeSlot (cardano-rest)
16:43:48 [cdc62cc4] get rid of nearley hack (plutus)
16:50:19 [664dcda1] WIP: implement more functions and fix some errors. [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
17:01:38 [cde3e5fe] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
17:13:04 [e97bfc3f] Prismatic type Errors (plutus)
17:49:30 [3474e0dd] Merge pull request #78 from input-output-hk/epoch-slot-no-fix (cardano-rest)
17:56:04 [3d9fe5d5] refactoring examples (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:07:29 [c5a897b5] Merge #139 (cardano-benchmarking)
18:28:59 [21e97817] Tries to fix a bottle neck at epoch boundaries. Two small changes. Replaces aggregateOuts (EpochBoundary.hs) and (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:33:12 [51d939df] CAD-1393 shelley3pools: support --cardano (cardano-benchmarking)
18:44:41 [a6a43f89] Merge pull request #2195 from input-output-hk/SCP-987 (plutus)
18:57:08 [8f9b2d14] metadatum text and bytes is _up to_ 64 bytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:09:31 [1e0627eb] docker for tests and server (vit-servicing-station)
19:27:39 [a012b1ee] CAD-1393 txgen: implement Cardano mode (cardano-benchmarking)
19:27:42 [6290568a] CAD-1393 shelley3pools: support --cardano (cardano-benchmarking)
19:35:51 [64ce6c0b] [DDW-331] Update API request breaking changes (daedalus)
19:53:20 [5b97e6a1] Added hashing of contract address in register (Emurgo-Research)
19:55:16 [963c801a] Merge pull request #1707 from input-output-hk/epochBoundaryFix (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:55:35 [19edce3f] Merge pull request #1743 from input-output-hk/metadatum_cddl_fix (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:14:28 [9ac19b57] Merge pull request #1 from whitevo/patch-1 (Emurgo-Research)
20:16:36 [ffa7512c] Re-add stake key encoding/decoding (cardano-wallet)
20:17:16 [258337b6] Revert "[DDW-269] Improve security when opening the installer file" (daedalus)
20:33:55 [a8529862] Update cardano-ledger-specs (ouroboros-network)
20:50:15 [bd914877] Update cardano-ledger-specs (ouroboros-network)
21:10:46 [9ac4acc6] mock: add initial eta parameter to protocolInfoPraos (ouroboros-network)
21:38:13 [12766296] Update cardano-ledger-specs (ouroboros-network)
21:45:03 [2fa76541] remove transaction2 module (chain-wallet-libs)
21:45:22 [9ffb36d6] TEMPORARY DEBUG Redirect BuildKite (ouroboros-network)
21:47:29 [fe968c02] move States module to the top (chain-wallet-libs)
21:47:52 [3f7153f4] use States in account wallet too (untested) (chain-wallet-libs)
22:16:48 [c351f249] fix for update change (guild-operators)
22:34:52 [a8752017] Bump elliptic from 6.5.1 to 6.5.3 in /explorer-frontend (jormungandr-nix)
22:59:18 [c5c51620] TEMPORARY (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:59:18 [f1fa4b0e] test CDDL fix (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:21:55 [1ed125be] Troubleshooting improvements (guild-operators)
23:51:32 [5aed13e4] checkpoint (yoroi-frontend)