Home / Reports / Aug 10, 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

350 commits had been pushed across 32 repos by 55 authors. There were 122,432 additions and 129,108 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:09:02 [f8969aed] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
00:33:32 [b173651c] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
00:43:22 [ac55491d] Refactoring the node server and client. (plutus)
00:50:49 [eafda6ac] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
00:59:02 [9793d3e7] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
01:02:42 [fbaac811] Automatic update for Mon Aug 10 01:02:42 UTC 2020 (stackage.nix)
01:16:05 [7b6f2786] Automatic update for Mon Aug 10 01:16:04 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:18:01 [04ea1bc3] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
02:01:54 [4b4f6ce0] feat: Add package.json version to footer (cardano-explorer-app)
02:05:11 [584df21a] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/add-version-to-footer (cardano-explorer-app)
02:20:22 [1c84bbd3] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
02:36:25 [53edec9f] db-sync: Add a TxId reference to the stake_address table (cardano-db-sync)
02:39:35 [07c93361] Merge pull request #240 from input-output-hk/erikd/fix-mir-reserve-ordring (cardano-db-sync)
02:43:28 [6e195ac3] Remove cruft (cardano-db-sync)
02:43:50 [0fecf1a8] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
02:53:29 [c0b9aed0] db-sync: Store the raw address as well as the Base58/Bech32 version (cardano-db-sync)
03:15:36 [a5b72760] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
03:19:00 [9ab0a321] Add materialization files (haskell.nix)
03:20:38 [608b93b9] ifdLevel 2 (haskell.nix)
03:29:40 [e34e7e4e] test: Revert test stack boot change within Jenkinsfile (cardano-graphql)
03:33:25 [84ab5c00] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
03:38:11 [737728e6] Add materialization files (haskell.nix)
03:58:34 [67731370] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
04:00:08 [f92ddfe6] Update hls test and fix for ghc 8.10.2 (haskell.nix)
04:03:49 [b35242fe] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
04:12:37 [689c762a] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
04:19:34 [fcb6d2d3] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
04:49:22 [82aa28d4] Remove keys that were meant to be generated (cardano-node)
05:10:40 [3c732a6e] chore: Bump cardano-node to master (cardano-graphql)
05:39:48 [5cc6e587] fixed tables (ouroboros-network)
05:57:29 [9988dabc] rename tab (plutus)
05:58:13 [e3739db2] Create keys and launch three node cluster. Remove keys that were meant to be generated (cardano-node)
06:00:39 [328d0473] rollback (plutus)
06:02:16 [6e6275af] Merge #44 (smash)
06:08:16 [b4edfeb7] db-sync: Render stake address hashes as Bech32 (cardano-db-sync)
06:09:33 [fe349efd] Merge #41 (smash)
06:14:38 [4cb38b1c] fix: remove numa support for armv6l (#808) (haskell.nix)
06:16:23 [e56cde00] fixup! fixed tables (ouroboros-network)
06:51:40 [b622e51f] Merge validator and alayser (ouroboros-network)
06:53:24 [919da44d] Add exception safety (cardano-node)
07:07:46 [cd9a1233] Merge validator and alayser (ouroboros-network)
07:17:40 [88854878] Merge validator and alayser (ouroboros-network)
07:21:03 [8d9a0e53] Add exception safety (cardano-node)
07:24:03 [fb0c8d68] Bump console from 0.11.3 to 0.12.0 (jormungandr)
07:24:27 [9d972b25] Bump os_info from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8 (jormungandr)
07:36:04 [72b622fe] Use handlers rather than queues. (plutus)
07:36:04 [00687739] Provide PoolId to the SMASH url builder (cardano-wallet)
07:36:40 [ea18518e] Merge #2008 (cardano-wallet)
07:54:36 [831521d9] Update setup_mon.sh (#411) (guild-operators)
07:56:46 [872cb5da] cli_coverage polishing (cardano-node-tests)
07:57:02 [5bda4aad] cli coverage info in README (cardano-node-tests)
07:57:54 [0a9f1d5a] gitignore files in .cli_coverage (cardano-node-tests)
07:58:46 [3875d981] Merge #2500 (ouroboros-network)
08:00:25 [eef70e2d] Merge pull request #27 from mkoura/mkoura/cli_coverage_polish (cardano-node-tests)
08:12:54 [ee3041a4] Fix merge artifacts (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:22:32 [b0bf4930] Use handlers rather than queues. (plutus)
08:31:43 [e8703ab7] Generalize / prepare types for IOSim. (cardano-benchmarking)
08:37:00 [34b5aaf5] db-sync: Store raw as well as rendered stake address hashes (cardano-db-sync)
08:44:48 [34a923cd] Merge #2010 (cardano-wallet)
08:45:20 [7c906954] ea18518e68989e84a6243cba56bc8e5d11d3e0d2 (cardano-wallet)
08:45:20 [122717b2] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
08:48:49 [b307f23a] [CAD-1456] Implement blacklisting for pool ids. (smash)
08:50:23 [8fce5ed2] Merge #150 (cardano-benchmarking)
08:55:01 [3d1bbcd7] WIP (haskell.nix)
08:56:07 [204c343e] Merge pull request #2061 from effectfully/effectfully/plutus-ir/docs/type-checking (plutus)
08:57:28 [a5e9cfe4] Add HSTS headers (adalite)
09:11:16 [c9bafcf3] sprinkle some more observables down the line + disable creation of intermediate checkpoints (cardano-wallet)
09:13:10 [bb92ae83] Remove cardano-wallet-byron package (cardano-wallet)
09:14:50 [1ff42f08] sprinkle some more observables down the line + disable creation of intermediate checkpoints (cardano-wallet)
09:21:13 [75c7da13] CAD-1331: fix shell entry (cardano-ops)
09:21:39 [46a8e658] CAD-1331: fix shell entry (cardano-ops)
09:34:23 [6eb12291] CAD-1457: Improve stability by reducing raw strings. (cardano-benchmarking)
09:49:29 [a7c80d7f] Update haskell.nix and index-state (plutus)
09:52:38 [5d3bdb81] CAD-1457: Improve stability by reducing raw strings. Generated CSS. (cardano-benchmarking)
09:52:43 [735bc92a] CAD-1331 benchmarking: bump (cardano-ops)
09:52:43 [3f4c07a4] CAD-1331 benchmarking: adapt to node logging changes (cardano-ops)
09:52:43 [22b5c4fd] Add gitrev to cardanoNodePkgs (cardano-ops)
09:53:21 [a7670ed3] Merge #2012 (cardano-wallet)
09:53:51 [ddcb7dd4] 34a923cd78230ec522581675950b4e9e5cdfd4e3 (cardano-wallet)
09:53:51 [514223db] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
09:56:34 [856c4401] Merge pull request #241 from input-output-hk/erikd/address-raw (cardano-db-sync)
10:01:20 [f3cbd27e] Update changelog entries (cardano-db-sync)
10:08:15 [d5463b0a] mkShelleySigningKey (cardano-transactions)
10:10:17 [788da7f1] [CAD-1462] Clarify insert ticker command name and report error if ticker already exists. (smash)
10:12:08 [f3300f9f] Rename cardano-wallet-shelley to just cardano-wallet (cardano-wallet)
10:12:49 [00e192e1] Merge pull request #306 from input-output-hk/cad-1331-fix-shell (cardano-ops)
10:13:29 [f9ca3511] CAD-1331 benchmarking: bump (cardano-ops)
10:13:29 [e4b07d89] CAD-1331 benchmarking: adapt to node logging changes (cardano-ops)
10:13:29 [efb6ae52] Add gitrev to cardanoNodePkgs (cardano-ops)
10:14:07 [4712ac78] [CAD-1462] Clarify insert ticker command name and report error if ticker already exists. (smash)
10:19:36 [ea5747e8] Generalize / prepare types for IOSim. (cardano-benchmarking)
10:21:35 [cdf89a40] Merge #150 (cardano-benchmarking)
10:24:09 [8172b22c] Merge release/2.1.0 into develop (#2142) (daedalus)
10:26:21 [5b049376] Default hlint file (cardano-node)
10:26:22 [a78f8777] Add hlint ci check (cardano-node)
10:26:22 [5d600712] Only run hlint on linux on CI (cardano-node)
10:27:26 [44192439] Remove obsolete systemd version override (cardano-node)
10:29:12 [b4750c14] Merge pull request #1763 from input-output-hk/jc/refactor-examples-pt3 (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:31:18 [7a72b763] Generalize / prepare types for IOSim. (#150) (cardano-benchmarking)
10:41:53 [7d8de41b] labs icon (plutus)
10:42:15 [3b1cc298] add signWith impl for shelley witness (cardano-transactions)
10:43:11 [a4d980a6] Merge branch 'SCP-911' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into SCP-911 (plutus)
10:45:04 [00dd9fdc] a7670ed340427f3f86dba192325eb7abf67a4ca9 (cardano-wallet)
10:45:04 [1747b4cd] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
10:45:27 [348b486c] Rename cardano-wallet-shelley to just cardano-wallet (cardano-wallet)
10:45:45 [c0ba23f4] Rename cardano-wallet-shelley to just cardano-wallet (cardano-wallet)
10:49:43 [522e6fdc] test (react-native-haskell-shelley)
10:50:58 [c652d37d] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into benchValidation (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:51:20 [40ea49df] fix Dockerfile after multi-package repository split (cardano-addresses)
10:55:09 [60c9ee9c] drop hacky placeholder package.yaml. (cardano-addresses)
10:56:05 [01cab8c7] deploy: 40ea49dfa6af00eafb8fbeb58cafe6d53ffe7914 (cardano-addresses)
10:56:20 [37487642] remove now erroneous reference to package.yaml (cardano-addresses)
10:58:34 [59189724] checkpoint (yoroi-frontend)
11:00:16 [50366341] deploy: 60c9ee9ce469b7135fef3507f03b9cbabcd24efb (cardano-addresses)
11:00:45 [150a2493] deploy: 374876428c2ee1c92ed1866b0cca28732736ea54 (cardano-addresses)
11:06:46 [e5aa563f] Update stack.yaml (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:10:51 [c9509e37] Merge branch 'master' into SCP-911 (plutus)
11:16:53 [51cc41e9] Use hlint 3.1.6, built with haskell-nix (cardano-node)
11:21:55 [de68c844] Add linux hls plan sha256 (plutus)
11:25:36 [9a26d42f] fixup! Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into benchValidation (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:30:59 [00a7d4c8] fix (plutus)
11:34:18 [baaa1d29] Fix hlint warnings (cardano-node)
11:43:00 [b36f17ed] lighter stylish-haskell job in CI (cardano-benchmarking)
11:47:13 [fe16c0d9] error on itn withdrawal (yoroi-frontend)
11:47:14 [35bf91a3] Large restructuring of the MA spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:47:38 [3d295bd4] Try #2013: (cardano-wallet)
11:53:12 [692bd59e] stylised source code (cardano-benchmarking)
12:03:51 [051c19d4] fix storybook (yoroi-frontend)
12:14:56 [69332b44] chore: Bump cardano-db-sync to master (cardano-graphql)
12:14:56 [173cdf9d] CAD-1464: Plan. (cardano-benchmarking)
12:19:35 [850361d2] fixes (plutus)
12:23:49 [01771b1c] Run coin selection properties with non-zero withdrawal (cardano-wallet)
12:27:02 [db53be67] fix (plutus)
12:27:50 [db1d47d7] First EIP-0012 draft (Emurgo-Research)
12:29:06 [cbe09296] fix (react-native-haskell-shelley)
12:33:50 [d3233907] fix routing (plutus)
12:35:55 [c761100a] Fix reward address error message (yoroi-frontend)
12:42:11 [f7ef8dc5] fix (react-native-haskell-shelley)
12:42:59 [da30d07b] Run coin selection properties with non-zero withdrawal (cardano-wallet)
12:46:56 [60b8a7b9] Differentiate Ledger transport by platform (adalite)
12:48:05 [2150b589] Error on itn withdrawal (#1648) (yoroi-frontend)
12:49:11 [c246c1d7] updating readme (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:55:33 [fedb5f2a] lighter stylish-haskell job in CI (cardano-benchmarking)
12:57:41 [01e7e33f] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-269-handle-app-automatic-update (daedalus)
12:59:02 [2040cb4a] lighter stylish-haskell job in CI (cardano-benchmarking)
13:00:43 [96833de3] smashUrl: add for staging/testnet/MC4 (iohk-nix)
13:02:20 [1ad2d7a1] Merge pull request #2 from Emurgo/eip-0012 (Emurgo-Research)
13:07:07 [922b87ed] lighter stylish-haskell job in CI (cardano-benchmarking)
13:07:39 [cd031e75] Add console log to distinguish between cases (adalite)
13:11:46 [71bd30ed] add byron witnesses support to shelley tx (cardano-transactions)
13:12:55 [9652ca2e] Bump Agda to 2.6.1, stdlib to 1.3 (plutus)
13:17:33 [1fa7ab11] mock: add initial eta parameter to protocolInfoPraos (ouroboros-network)
13:21:57 [65c48bc6] Run coin selection properties with non-zero withdrawal (cardano-wallet)
13:24:54 [ea42a4b8] shelley-test: vary initial eta parameter in RealTPraos (ouroboros-network)
13:25:47 [634f90ac] Implement ToJSON/FromJSON instances of MultiSigScript (cardano-node)
13:25:50 [b5b3e5a9] Implement roundtrip tests for MultiSigScript (cardano-node)
13:26:57 [e1a42038] Everything compiles (plutus)
13:30:14 [9ca99f35] Implement ToJSON/FromJSON instances of MultiSigScript (cardano-node)
13:30:23 [2b136acf] Update ouroboros-consensus/src/Ouroboros/Consensus/Network/NodeToNode.hs (ouroboros-network)
13:35:31 [9bfa04f0] Update ouroboros-consensus/src/Ouroboros/Consensus/Network/NodeToNode.hs (ouroboros-network)
13:36:49 [1de2de2c] mock: add initial eta parameter to protocolInfoPraos (ouroboros-network)
13:36:49 [d33ccb2c] shelley-test: vary initial eta parameter in RealTPraos (ouroboros-network)
13:40:36 [9786d796] Implement ToJSON/FromJSON instances of MultiSigScript (cardano-node)
13:41:16 [41931e6a] bugfix - complete tx history (inc withdrawal txs) given reward address (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:41:44 [e03d29f9] Use fewer type conversions (cardano-wallet)
13:43:15 [1b46a769] Update README.rst (docs-cardano-org)
13:48:12 [6ccb8a07] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-262-tooltip-promoting-password-managers (daedalus)
13:52:22 [23c73adf] Update building-running.md (cardano-db-sync)
13:54:47 [dfd8fc88] Bump Agda to 2.6.1, stdlib to 1.3 (plutus)
13:55:32 [6ad7d568] Update ouroboros-consensus/ouroboros-consensus-test-infra/src/Test/ThreadNet/Network.hs (ouroboros-network)
13:59:49 [70fa4e5a] Type names (plutus)
14:00:38 [fd4c3238] Stylish haskell (plutus)
14:01:39 [88be0b8f] Update cardano-ledger-specs dependency (ouroboros-network)
14:01:39 [1df6d9c3] test-infra: replace QC.discard workaround with new upstream feature (ouroboros-network)
14:02:03 [b1ee93b3] Merge #428 (iohk-nix)
14:02:27 [5f490920] update version (adalite)
14:07:26 [abe7916b] Use fewer type conversions (cardano-wallet)
14:10:15 [62e57b96] Merge #2490 (ouroboros-network)
14:12:30 [9cbff728] shelley-test: vary initial eta parameter in RealTPraos (ouroboros-network)
14:12:30 [526f2a37] mock: add initial eta parameter to protocolInfoPraos (ouroboros-network)
14:13:16 [c2088072] more fixes (react-native-haskell-shelley)
14:14:46 [bdf632fb] Update test cases. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:19:24 [205f0146] Removing some obsolete imports. (plutus)
14:19:24 [ff7111eb] SCB: Minor simplication of a traversal. (plutus)
14:19:24 [869396a8] SCB: Code review: Tidying up a pattern match. (plutus)
14:19:24 [926bc1b5] FE: Websockets now automatically reconnect if there's a network dropout. (plutus)
14:19:24 [7902a142] SCB: Code formatting tweak. (plutus)
14:19:24 [cc661bc5] SCB: Improving variable names. (plutus)
14:19:24 [25754b43] Lint. (plutus)
14:19:34 [9ee8b29f] shelley-test: introduce Byron-compatible mock crypto for cardano tests (ouroboros-network)
14:20:14 [432e9981] Merge #1649 (cardano-node)
14:20:55 [16bb954d] Fix hlint warnings (cardano-node)
14:20:56 [27bdec56] Default hlint file (cardano-node)
14:21:01 [33878b97] Add hlint ci check (cardano-node)
14:21:58 [b0a080a6] complete Byron-era tx support (#863) (yoroi-mobile)
14:22:19 [4e58c984] bugfix - complete tx history (inc withdrawal txs) given reward address (#29) (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:23:56 [9de80690] Try bumping haskell.nix, I don't know (plutus)
14:25:45 [87a8fc7a] Merge pull request #1769 from input-output-hk/jc/fix-readme (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:26:11 [06f50974] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:13 [3ca1ee07] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:15 [db7f4d3d] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:17 [eda34162] New translations en-US.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:18 [06589a34] New translations en-US.json (Czech) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:20 [9b43a20a] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:21 [c8a4e103] New translations en-US.json (Greek) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:23 [f44e52c0] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:25 [06ca7d4f] New translations en-US.json (Japanese) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:27 [a3276a99] New translations en-US.json (Korean) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:29 [eb77cbcc] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:31 [6ba48995] New translations en-US.json (Russian) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:33 [5df12378] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:34 [bbb0c5cc] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Traditional) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:36 [e4c85f95] New translations en-US.json (Indonesian) (yoroi-mobile)
14:26:38 [eb69185a] New translations en-US.json (Croatian) (yoroi-mobile)
14:29:37 [757d32f0] fixup! Update test cases. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:33:07 [a4af6b2a] Merge #152 (cardano-benchmarking)
14:35:39 [7ad3f2a4] something (adalite)
14:41:39 [f1f36ff6] Lint. (plutus)
14:42:54 [3604c16a] CAD-1407 stylish Haskell (iohk-monitoring-framework)
14:44:28 [36e733a0] Updates to builtin document (plutus)
14:44:29 [2cc367a7] CAD-1407 stylised source code (iohk-monitoring-framework)
14:47:30 [c28ac02e] Revert "Embargo the use of script addresses for now" (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:48:15 [607e34d7] Adjust how we define the script hash type, but keep it the same (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:48:18 [4e36c81d] Typos (plutus)
14:49:42 [24b5697f] Typos (plutus)
14:51:01 [a46c579b] Remove dead roots attr, remember to fix this before merging (plutus)
14:56:28 [217f93ec] Add Yoroi as default pool (yoroi-frontend)
14:57:37 [111eff6d] else (adalite)
15:00:23 [59b2df2c] Add Yoroi as default pool (#1649) (yoroi-frontend)
15:00:53 [c2c397f0] update hw wallet error messages (adalite)
15:05:36 [a23d031d] Refactoring the node server and client. (plutus)
15:09:12 [b5d50725] remove console from trezor and fix translation (adalite)
15:12:26 [37f3f73c] Maybe fix (plutus)
15:15:24 [af47f658] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
15:19:01 [8a28fe89] SCB: Code formatting tweak. (plutus)
15:19:07 [dae04c7d] Maybe fix (plutus)
15:21:13 [009613a0] ChainDB: write sync to VolDB, async chain selection (ouroboros-network)
15:24:46 [9226ff56] Use handlers rather than queues. (plutus)
15:27:27 [06156198] upgrade shelley libs (yoroi-mobile)
15:28:14 [8295ada0] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
15:28:16 [e4063f7f] New translations en-US.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
15:35:03 [31ec9a47] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
15:35:29 [0ebec0f4] New translations en-US.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
15:39:18 [43ddcad6] Typos (plutus)
15:40:07 [8f924804] Try using ormolu (plutus)
15:40:44 [d6230272] Minor update (plutus)
15:41:18 [8d0732e0] Minor update (plutus)
15:41:40 [e63cd595] Merge #1625 (cardano-node)
15:44:32 [d2e42d8b] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
15:47:47 [b6947072] Change ScriptHash to use ADDRHASH instead of HASH (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:47:47 [6557d1b0] Add a compile-time test ScriptHash and KeyHash matching (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:48:12 [fb72f46e] Fix autoscaling (cardano-ops)
15:49:23 [34ea4dd5] Merge #1638 (cardano-node)
15:55:57 [a16ceb0a] Merge pull request #2220 from raduom/raduom/SCP-885 (plutus)
15:59:17 [4019ff4b] Added fixed index (adrestia)
16:03:27 [75a9f695] Fix tables (adrestia)
16:06:24 [e528824e] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
16:06:26 [60012507] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
16:06:58 [85c99467] Fix script serialisation bug (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:12:26 [de3390e1] Embargo the use of script addresses for now (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:13:29 [d29a0287] added readme (adrestia)
16:13:31 [8a94c0c3] cardano: introduce active Shelley stake pools in the ThreadNet tests (ouroboros-network)
16:17:23 [5edacf47] Config grafana for mainnet topology (cardano-ops)
16:22:09 [d87eac06] refactoring examples (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:24:45 [8dcc6d4e] shelley-test: introduce Byron-compatible mock crypto for cardano tests (ouroboros-network)
16:25:33 [c1e5552d] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-mobile)
16:30:40 [9f32df99] and (adalite)
16:31:35 [fbd118ac] add wallet on shelley placeholder (yoroi-mobile)
16:33:09 [363d2c42] add withdrawals in tx summary (yoroi-frontend)
16:34:45 [ec92f29e] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
16:34:46 [e6e62e98] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hans) (yoroi-frontend)
16:34:48 [476b0071] New translations en-US.json (fr-FR) (yoroi-frontend)
16:34:50 [465f6f9d] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-frontend)
16:34:52 [cd9dde3e] New translations en-US.json (Czech) (yoroi-frontend)
16:34:54 [766d8549] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
16:34:56 [08392100] New translations en-US.json (Greek) (yoroi-frontend)
16:34:58 [00d194a8] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-frontend)
16:35:00 [7d2d7420] New translations en-US.json (ja-JP) (yoroi-frontend)
16:35:02 [99e2ad75] New translations en-US.json (ko-KR) (yoroi-frontend)
16:35:03 [23952ff1] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-frontend)
16:35:06 [181018f1] New translations en-US.json (ru-RU) (yoroi-frontend)
16:35:07 [05448309] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hant) (yoroi-frontend)
16:35:09 [2c7f3b7a] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-frontend)
16:35:11 [9f9bcbb6] New translations en-US.json (id-ID) (yoroi-frontend)
16:35:13 [9fc2bd24] New translations en-US.json (Croatian) (yoroi-frontend)
16:35:26 [0d9410d4] cardano: introduce active Shelley stake pools in the ThreadNet tests (ouroboros-network)
16:35:41 [62340e76] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-mobile)
16:40:04 [9f11c776] add wallet on shelley button (#864) (yoroi-mobile)
16:45:45 [b6f273e6] CAD-1219 txgen: implement funds usage from direct UTxO specification (cardano-benchmarking)
16:51:04 [ea88d98a] Tries to fix a bottle neck at epoch boundaries. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:53:35 [e1bf2ef4] Comment out a bunch of NoUnexpectedThunks instances (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:54:03 [7824fbf8] Removing some obsolete imports. (plutus)
16:54:03 [f04c201c] SCB: Improving variable names. (plutus)
16:54:03 [84d8c238] Lint. (plutus)
16:54:03 [7840ef5d] SCB: Code formatting tweak. (plutus)
16:54:03 [344de7c1] SCB: Code review: Tidying up a pattern match. (plutus)
16:54:03 [d2c19083] SCB: Minor simplication of a traversal. (plutus)
16:54:07 [9322c4bb] SCB: Code review suggestion for the `bracket` function. (plutus)
16:54:36 [ce080ef2] WIP: on fast direct deserialisation of addresses (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:55:12 [a3272ce2] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-frontend)
16:57:39 [74f89ed9] CAD-1219 txgen: implement funds usage from direct UTxO specification (cardano-benchmarking)
17:00:17 [e8cf708f] Embargo the use of script addresses for now (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:03:53 [45e2c301] Remove all legacy (cardano-sl) related code. (cardano-ops)
17:15:32 [67c04814] Remove all legacy (cardano-sl) related code. (cardano-ops)
17:18:11 [8d92e852] bump ledger: performance fixes (cardano-node)
17:23:09 [30b700f4] cardano-ledger: performance fixes (cardano-node)
17:26:54 [7a5094c3] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-frontend)
17:28:29 [391dd255] bump ledger: performance fixes (cardano-node)
17:30:27 [894ccba3] add serialize impl (cardano-transactions)
17:43:01 [b604dbbf] CAD-1219 txgen: implement funds usage from direct UTxO specification (cardano-benchmarking)
17:45:29 [c1be96db] New translations en-US.json (fr-FR) (yoroi-frontend)
17:47:36 [3e6743a7] Update ouroboros-network/src/Ouroboros/Network/DeltaQ.hs (ouroboros-network)
17:50:54 [a4b6dae6] 1.18.1: update version and changelogs (cardano-node)
17:54:58 [8be17f9e] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
17:57:02 [50f22e35] add too low output error (cardano-transactions)
18:03:36 [02dd0017] CAD-1393 txgen: implement a node-to-node NetworkMagic override to deal with MC clusters (cardano-benchmarking)
18:36:55 [ee7069c8] CAD-1393 benchmarks/existing-cluster: targeting external clusters (cardano-benchmarking)
18:36:56 [d44c0c54] CAD-1219 txgen: implement funds usage from direct UTxO specification (cardano-benchmarking)
18:36:56 [98124d8d] CAD-1393 node pin: debump to 1.17 for mainnet-candidate-3 (cardano-benchmarking)
18:36:56 [89b9d690] CAD-1393 txgen: implement a node-to-node NetworkMagic override to deal with MC clusters (cardano-benchmarking)
18:36:56 [0438e856] CAD-1393 existing-cluster: bump to MC4 (cardano-benchmarking)
18:37:04 [bd134b20] Revert "CAD-1393 node pin: debump to 1.17 for mainnet-candidate-3" (cardano-benchmarking)
18:41:29 [94d446ee] propose a way to estimateFee using cardano-api primitives (cardano-transactions)
18:50:36 [7e216658] Update cntools.sh (guild-operators)
18:52:18 [0e16cbcc] cardano-ledger: performance fixes (cardano-node)
18:52:28 [ad658a44] 1.18.1: update version and changelogs (cardano-node)
18:56:31 [8b798fb1] Update prereqs.sh (guild-operators)
19:11:37 [9e8646a2] launcherConfig.network: add smashUrl (daedalus)
19:15:49 [846b6df0] Differentiate Ledger transport by platform (adalite)
19:17:10 [a602a443] CAD-1457: Improve stability by reducing raw strings. Generated CSS. (cardano-benchmarking)
19:32:09 [18376743] cardano: introduce active Shelley stake pools in the ThreadNet tests (ouroboros-network)
19:36:02 [22d41038] SCB: Code review suggestion for the `bracket` function. (plutus)
19:36:15 [ee8a89e9] debug startup (ouroboros-network)
19:37:50 [92c3c66d] shelley-test: vary initial eta parameter in RealTPraos (ouroboros-network)
19:40:06 [3a83c64c] Merge #2491 (ouroboros-network)
19:42:20 [da93f273] Fallback to U2F in case of failure (adalite)
20:18:04 [9202c4ac] fix (yoroi-mobile)
20:31:12 [2648ca47] node: 1.18.0 -> 1.18.1 (cardano-faucet)
20:31:34 [98173fd5] 1. replaced the map Value with a product type Value Coin (Map ...) 2. added vcoin, vinject and vsize to the type class Val 3. defined these for Value (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:42:47 [2841bcfa] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-mobile)
21:06:56 [49929c55] fix bug in walletManager.initialize() (#865) (yoroi-mobile)
21:36:52 [64227c68] Merge #1641 (cardano-node)
21:48:15 [d48955e5] v0.0.1 (react-native-haskell-shelley)
21:50:30 [56359211] [SRE-133] Fix release build artifacts (cardano-rest)
22:17:27 [b38c9c47] Merge #151 (cardano-benchmarking)
22:47:03 [faf1f636] [DDW-335]: Fix double loader on stake pools list page (daedalus)
23:08:38 [650cccfd] [DDW-335]: Update changelog (daedalus)
23:12:01 [bd519927] Merge #1625 (cardano-node)
23:37:35 [55a49bca] [SRE-133] bump nixpkgs (iohk-nix)
23:43:54 [e445c7d9] Test iohk-nix branch SRE-133_get_musl_backport (cardano-rest)